Selected quad for the lemma: cause_n

Word A Word B Word C Word D Occurrence Frequency Band MI MI Band Prominent
cause_n heart_n young_a youth_n 72 3 8.4600 4 false
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EEBO-TCP documents containing the quad

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Showing 1 to 18 of 18
ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A01125 A most breefe manner of instruction, to the principles of Christian religion. By J.F. J. F., fl. 1587.; Foxe, John, 1516-1587, attributed name.; Fielde, John, d. 1588, attributed name. 1587 (1587) STC 11238; ESTC S113436 4,491 18 View Text
A42705 A faithfull testimony for the Lord wherein is proclaimed the mighty day of his power. Also, an exhortation of love unto all young children, with young men and maidens, whose hearts are tender towards the Lord. By one whom it pleased the Lord to manifest himself unto now in the dayes of my youth, and hath given me cause never to forget him, whom it pleased to call me from amongst my relations, to bear testimony unto his name, when I was about eleven years of age. J. G. (John Gibson) 1663 (1663) Wing G670; ESTC R213344 5,413 10 View Text
A66355 The vanity of childhood & youth wherein the depraved nature of young people is represented and means for their reformation proposed : being some sermons preached in Hand-Alley at the request of several young men, to which is added a catechism for youth / by Daniel Williams. Williams, Daniel, 1643?-1716. 1691 (1691) Wing W2657; ESTC R31018 71,103 147 View Text
A87913 The amours of Charles Duke of Mantua and Margaret Countess of Rovera· A novel. Translated out of Itallian.; Amore di Carlo Gonzaga, duca di Mantova, e della contessa Margarita della Rovere. English Leti, Gregorio, 1630-1701. 1685 (1685) Wing L1329A; ESTC R230704 74,585 214 View Text
A49302 The loves of Charles, Duke of Mantua, and of Margaret, Countess of Rovera translated out of Italian.; Amore di Carlo Gonzaga, duca di Mantova, e della contessa Margarita della Rovere. English Leti, Gregorio, 1630-1701. 1669 (1669) Wing L3274; ESTC R2877 74,616 204 View Text
A41668 The young man's guide through the wilderness of this world to the heavenly Canaan shewing him how to carry himself Christian-like in the whole course of his life / by Tho. Gouge ... Gouge, Thomas, 1605-1681. 1676 (1676) Wing G1387; ESTC R32454 122,357 176 View Text
B12458 A plaine and familiar exposition of the eighteenth, nineteenth, and twentieth chapters of the Prouerbs of Salomon / by Iohn Dod and Robert Cleaver. Dod, John, 1549?-1645.; Cleaver, Robert, 1561 or 2-ca. 1625. 1610 (1610) STC 6965; ESTC S109745 131,853 182 View Text
A05311 The sanctuarie of saluation, helmet of health, and mirrour of modestie and good maners wherein is contained an exhortation vnto the institution of Christian, vertuous, honest, and laudable life, very behoouefull, holsome and fruitfull both to highest and lowest degrees of men ... / written in Latin verie learnedly and elegantlie by Leuinus Lemnius of Zirizaa, physitian, and Englished by H.K. for the common commoditie and comfort of them which understand not the Latine tongue ... Lemnius, Levinus, 1505-1568.; Kinder, Hugh. 1592 (1592) STC 15454.5; ESTC S3877 132,793 266 View Text
A68653 [Riche his farewell to militarie profession] [conteinyng verie pleasaunt discourses fit for a peaceable tyme: gathered together for the onely delight of the courteous gentlewomen, bothe of Englande and Irelande, for whose onely pleasure thei were collected together, and vnto whom thei are directed and dedicated / by Barnabe Riche gentleman.] Rich, Barnabe, 1540?-1617. 1581 (1581) STC 20996; ESTC S94895 141,129 192 View Text
A18017 Schelomonocham, or King Solomon his solace Containing (among many thinges of right worthy request) King Solomon his politie, his true repentance, and finally his salvation, first presented to the Kinges most excellent Maiestie, and afterward published. Carpenter, John, d. 1621. 1606 (1606) STC 4666; ESTC S107560 299,642 386 View Text
A42886 The instruction of youth in Christian piety taken out of the sacred Scriptures, and Holy Fathers; divided into five parts. With a very profitable instruction for meditation, or mental prayer. By Charles Gobinet, Doctor of Divinity, of the House and Society of Sorbon, principal of the College of Plessis-Sorbon. The last edition in French, now render'd into English.; Instruction de la jeunesse en la piété chrétienne. English. Gobinet, Charles, 1614-1690. 1687 (1687) Wing G904D; ESTC R217420 333,500 593 View Text
A91944 The figg-less figg-tree: or, The doome of a barren and unfruitful profession lay'd open. In an exposition upon that parable: a certain man had a figg-tree planted in his vineyard, &c. Luke 13. 6,7,8,9,10. / By Nehemiah Rogers, a minister of the Gospel of Christ. Rogers, Nehemiah, 1593-1660. 1659 (1659) Wing R1823; Thomason E973_1; ESTC R203371 458,183 541 View Text
A53060 Playes written by the thrice noble, illustrious and excellent princess, the Lady Marchioness of Newcastle. Newcastle, Margaret Cavendish, Duchess of, 1624?-1674.; Newcastle, William Cavendish, Duke of, 1592-1676. 1662 (1662) Wing N868; ESTC R17289 566,204 712 View Text
A13752 Thrēnoikos The house of mourning; furnished with directions for preparations to meditations of consolations at the houre of death. Delivered in XLVII. sermons, preached at the funeralls of divers faithfull servants of Christ. By Daniel Featly, Martin Day Richard Sibbs Thomas Taylor Doctors in Divinitie. And other reverend divines. H. W., fl. 1640.; Featley, Daniel, 1582-1645. 1640 (1640) STC 24049; ESTC S114382 805,020 906 View Text
A41017 Thrēnoikos the house of mourning furnished with directions for the hour of death ... delivered in LIII sermons preached at the funerals of divers faithfull servants of Christ / by Daniel Featly, Martin Day, John Preston, Ri. Houldsworth, Richard Sibbs, Thomas Taylor, doctors in divinity, Thomas Fuller and other reverend divines. Featley, Daniel, 1582-1645. 1660 (1660) Wing F595; ESTC R30449 896,768 624 View Text
A02296 The dial of princes, compiled by the reuerend father in God, Don Antony of Gueuara, Byshop of Guadix, preacher, and chronicler to Charles the fifte, late of that name Emperour. Englished out of the Frenche by T. North, sonne of Sir Edvvard North knight, L. North of Kyrtheling; Relox de príncipes. English Guevara, Antonio de, Bp., d. 1545?; North, Thomas, Sir, 1535-1601?; Guevara, Antonio de, Bp., d. 1545? Aviso de privados. English.; Marcus Aurelius, Emperor of Rome, 121-180. 1568 (1568) STC 12428; ESTC S120709 960,446 762 View Text
A02299 Archontorologion, or The diall of princes containing the golden and famous booke of Marcus Aurelius, sometime Emperour of Rome. Declaring what excellcncy [sic] consisteth in a prince that is a good Christian: and what euils attend on him that is a cruell tirant. Written by the Reuerend Father in God, Don Antonio of Gueuara, Lord Bishop of Guadix; preacher and chronicler to the late mighty Emperour Charles the fift. First translated out of French by Thomas North, sonne to Sir Edward North, Lord North of Kirthling: and lately reperused, and corrected from many grosse imperfections. With addition of a fourth booke, stiled by the name of The fauoured courtier.; Relox de príncipes. English Guevara, Antonio de, Bp., d. 1545?; Munday, Anthony, 1553-1633.; North, Thomas, Sir, 1535-1601?; Guevara, Antonio de, Bp., d. 1545? Aviso de privados. English. 1619 (1619) STC 12430; ESTC S120712 985,362 801 View Text
A10933 A commentary vpon the vvhole booke of Iudges Preached first and deliuered in sundrie lectures; since collected, and diligently perused, and now published. For the benefit generally of all such as desire to grow in faith and repentance, and especially of them, who would more cleerely vnderstand and make vse of the worthie examples of the saints, recorded in diuine history. Penned by Richard Rogers preacher of Gods word at Wethersfield in Essex. Rogers, Richard, 1550?-1618. 1615 (1615) STC 21204; ESTC S116353 1,044,012 830 View Text
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