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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A18767 A warning for the wise, a feare to the fond, a bridle to the lewde, and a glasse to the good Written of the late earthquake chanced in London and other places, the. 6. of April 1580. for the glorie of God, and benefite of men that warely can walke, and wisely can iudge. Set forth in verse and prose, by Thomas Churchyard Gentleman. Seen and allowed. Churchyard, Thomas, 1520?-1604. 1580 (1580) STC 5259; ESTC S105093 9,563 30

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¶ A warning for the wise a feare to the fond a ●…idle to the lewde and a glass●… to the good Written of the late Earthquake chanced in London and other places the. 6. of April 1580. for the glorie of God and benefite of men that warely can walke and wisely can iudge Set forth in verse and prose by Thomas Churchyard Gentleman Seen and allowed ¶ Imprinted at London by Iohn Allde and Nicholas Lyng and are to be solde at the weast dore of Paules Church Anno 1580. April 8. To the Right worshipfull his verie good friend M. Alexan●… Nowel Deane of Paules THe fatherlye and faithfull maner of your diuine Doctrine M. Deane with the blotlesse life you lead soūded by the vniuersal report of good people made mee often desirous to dedicate some labour of mine to the protectiō of your sound iudgement And now pricked forward by Gods mightie motion and maruellous workes of late to bestowe a fewe verses to a vertuous personage in a vitious world dangerous season I haue chosen you among a multitude to sounde out the trumpet of Gods glorie and to giue passage to the playnesse of my pen and willing paines I haue taken Not as though my wordes or inuention voide of depe profundity might aduance any waye the high maiestie of God or further the good Fame you haue gotten But being in humility of minde loking to the basenesse of this world and meannes of my calling vnfurnished both of heauenly gifts worldly good fortunes I presumed thorow my pen and studie to purchase you a friend and reclaime the enimies of God to come home to their consciences and looke on the wonders of the Lorde that dayly is working amōg his louing people So neyther meaning to flatter where tender eares can abyde no doublenesse nor stretche out a bare Epistle with a long discourse of borrowed wordes I betake you to the almightie committing that followes this simple short Scedule to the great and good consideration of your Wisdome From my lodging this eight of April Your wel willer alwayes at commaundement Thomas Churchyard●… ¶ Churchyardes admonition to the Reader I Trust good Reader that the fresh memorie of this late woonder shall make thée to looke backe-warde vnto thy former faultes and make thée a new man i●… cleannesse of life For the straunger the things are that our eyes behold the more the impression of the minde is carnestly occupied about the vnderstanding of a wonder And y e oftener we sée maruelles the more is Gods might made manifest we the more affrayed to offend But perhaps some fine headed fellowes will wrest by naturall argumentes Gods doing and works to a worldly or earthly operation procéeding from a hidden cause in the body and bowels of y e earth As in déede of many other earthquakes before hath bene written and throughly disputed A reason that man maketh and a matter to be spokē of but not much to be cōmended Let such fine wittes search out secretes and sift what they can from the bottome of their senses Yet those that feare God and féele in their consciences a diuine motion frō the consideration of worldly wonders will take the Earthquake to be of a nother kinde of Nature And beholding y ● myraculous manner of the same with open armes and humble heart will embrace Gods visitation worthily welcome the messanger he sendeth Which assuredly cannot come without his prouidence nor be séen without his heauenly will and pleasure And this is much to be noted If naturall causes onely compelled such Earthquaks and procured such tremblings then aswell in the wilde fieldes as in the ciuill Townes these alterations were often to be foūd In déede many graue Auctors write how mightie mountaines haue bene remoued whole Countreys haue bene drowned by y ● occasion of Earthquaks But in those kingdomes the Lorde of al Kinges for some hidden iudgement to himselfe bore a greater sway in those causes and places than any other natural properties And though that in many territories open fieldes as good bookes make report Earthquakes haue bene séene and great hurt hath bene done yet the harmes that come by Earthquakes in a ciuill towne where God is honored and taketh care of his people argues a maruellous mysterie and perswades a further matter than weake witted men may meddle withall For sundry Cities haue soonk millions of Houses Churches Towres and walles haue bene by Earthquake vtterly ouerthrowen But commonly such wonders are séen where all the world may be a witnesse of Gods great glory and mans vnsuretie of life may be thorowly vnderstoode Now if for all things that sodenly happen a reason may be made and naturall argumentes leade mans beléefe from the hope feare confidence in God then though thousandes of wonders happened in a day not one among ten thousād would thinke that God doth any thing at al but as natural causes do fal out ●…h thing to haue both beginning and their end God kéepe his chosen from such a conceit of chance and beléefe of blindnesse But now to be plaine no threatning serueth a naughtie seruaunt No whippe nor rod amendeth a loytering scholler nor no example may reforme a filthie liuer For whē y e plague is past the people fall to pleasure And euen as a horse forgets the spurre falles to a i●…nbeling pace immediatly after his gentle remembrance so man thinkes no longer on a wonder than a dreame and makes no more accompt of a meruaile than if a trifle had bene tolde him Yet my hope is good Reader that the wise will be warned and the well disposed person will be the better while he liueth as oft as this late Earthquake shal come to his minde and memorie For it was maruelous in the sight of man a great thing no doubt before the face of the Almightie to whom be praise and glory for euer ¶ The reporte of the saide Earthquake howe it beganne ON Wednesdaye in the Easter wéeke beyng the sixt day of April 1580. betwene the houres of fiue and sixe in the euening hapned generally through all the City of London the Suburbes of the same as it were in a moment and vppon the sodaine a wonderful motion and trembling of the earth in somuch as Churches Pallaces Houses and other buildings did so quiuer and shake that such as were then present in the same were tossed too and fro as they stoode and others as they sate on seates driuen off from their places some leaning backewardes were readye to fall and manye besides so shaken standing that it broughte suche terror to those that were in the same houses that the most part feared their houses woulde come downe vpon them and therevppon ranne oute of their doores in greate pe●…plexitie to sée whether their houses were stil standing in their wonted place or no. And some houses did so crackle that the tables and stooles with other furniture as Bra●…e and Pewter so tottered
seconde Earthquake when it commes will stryke before it threat This came to trie how you can take a threatning at his hande That rydes vpon the Starrie cloudes and hath a whysking wande Will make the worlde to yarke and fling when he sées tyme therfore Well for this season gentle friends I dare now speake no more The Iudgements of the Lord are great God graunt that well in grée From him you do good warning take and weigh these wordes of mée FINIS ꝙ Churchyarde A true Reporte vpō the great Earthquake SInce forrain Reportes right christian Reader may not suffice to call in question our frailty nor the hearing of Children monsterously borne prouoke vs to bridle our vntamed flesh nor the warres and cruel bloodsheds of other Cuntries with their great pes●…ilences sorowes and vnquiet state can make vs to be thankful for the Gospel which wée haue quietly maintaned by so gratious a Prince that the vniuersall world hath in admiratiō yet must this present cause this fearful w●…nder this gentle token and swéet correction mortifie our cankred conceits and break in peeces our hardned ●…arts Dul sighted is that man that séeth no●… through this perfect spectacle the heauy burden of his grée●…ous offences when Heauen and Earth Fish and Fowle Beasts and Woormes quake for our sin Now dooth the ancient Enemie séek after starting holes and with vain encouragements would perswade men to esteeme these rare tokens as common trifles therefore it behooues vs to put on the helmet of Saluation the swoord of the Spirit y ● Armour of life kéep the Castle of a cléer Conscience to with stand the gréeuous assaults of those thrée Rebels the world the flesh and the deuil If wée haue with Péeter the Apostle broken promise with our Maister and denyed him let vs also with Péeter the Apostle s●…ed sorowful teares and with hartie repentaūce win him to be our good Father again If wée haue with cruel hands committed murder or bondes of holy mariage let vs with Dauid be waile the death of Urias lament the raye of Bet●…sabe for hée is a gratioꝰ God and hath no plesure to giue vnto his Enemy the olde ser pent the creature that hée hath made and fashioned for him self to make vp his nūber of Saints If thou hast béen a persecuter with Saul thy remedy is to become a Preacher with Paul for hée hath no pleasure in the death of a Sinner but rather that hée may liue and amend If thou hast with Mary Magdalen broken the boundes of modestie and folowed the vain whistle of wantonnes forgetting from whence thou camst whers thou art and whither thou must throwe from thée the goldē ball of pleasure which is secretly linde with poyson humbly with Mary Magdalenanoint the feet of thy Sauiour with the teares of thy hart and wipe them with y ● heares of thy hed Doo not with the vnwise man fall in argument with thy maker why thou art made of this fashion or framed of y e mettel for it is no reason the pot should say to the Potter why haste thou made mée of this fashion If thou finde in thy self any imperfections by Nature thy remedie is to make it perfect by Nurture Set not thy glory vpon sumptuous and stately buildings which are subiect to the winde that is due vnto thy God which bothe winde and wethers doo obey for so dooing thy wilful pleasure wil in the end return thy woful disproffit Striue not with Pharo to be a roring Lyon but labour with the Apostles tob●… a méek Lamb. Consider what a familiēr name the Lord was content to take vpon him hauing the choise of all names in his owne hands Had hée called him self Emperour to that name had belonged great maiestie Had hée called him self King great is the feare of a Subiect toward that name Had hée called him self Iustice to decide controuersies there had belongd a woorshipful reuerence to that degrée but hée to showe the kindenes of a merciful God took the name of our Father vpon him and did not disoain to cal vs his Children Then must wée by naturall reason think which by bodily Fathers when wée sée our owne Children go astray fall into themiseries of y e world run after the slesh and become carelesse of their Elders counsel if it make our ●…eds gray our harts heauy must it not néeds offend our heauenly Father to sée his swéet promises refused his deuine ex cellencie so slightly credited and his Ministers so slowly followed That woūded man deserues to haue his sore rancle his flesh rot his bones putrifie y ● knowes a ●…alue and wil not be his owne Surgiō Euen so since it hath pleased him to say Come vnto me all you that are heuy loden and I wil ease you if wée come not our sloth is the cause of our sorrow and wée found guiltie of our owne blood If thou hast béen prodigall or vainly spēt thy life or liuing vpon surfeting dishes y ● worldly pleasure had prouided for thée or if thou hast doted vpon y ● painted bea●… tie of Harlots whose secret winks and priuy smiles are like drawing Adamāts If thou hast béen ●…ld in the Cradle of delight and ●…ng a ●…léep with the Sirens labor ernestly in y ● Uiniard of thy minde and with the prodigall Sonne return to to thy Father and say Father I haue sinned against heauen and against thee I am no more woorthy to be called thy sonne Then he according to his fatherly mercy wil cause the fatted Calf to be kild put a ring on thy hand and a faire garment on thy back That wée may be all so accepted after our time of prodigalitie vain expence of life let vs w t harty repentaunce humble harts lowe knées pray vnto y ● Lord to whōe be all honor glory Amē A true Reporte of the Earth quake in London Two or thrée honest men that walked for their pleasure into Moorféeld sitting vpon a hil were vpon a suddain tūbled down with such violence that when they recouered them selues they were so amazed that for a good space they could not one speake to the other ¶ Two honest Men more sitting on a Cannon vpon Tower hil were on a sudden throwen of and the Cannons rolled and hop●… vp and down very straunge The very waters and diches shooke and frothed wunderfully There were diuers Chimneies in many places about the Citie the vpper part throwen down The Beasts in the féeld ●…orde meruelously In Christes Church with a stone that fel there was one kild and many hurt in stri●…ing to get foorth of the Church ¶ They were so terrified in the Royall Exchaunge that many wept with feare with asmuch spéed as they might many shut vp their windowes béeing very fearfully amazed Through the whole Citie this suddain token was suddainly feard and I stand in do●…t wil as suddainly be forgotten A number of other things which are so cōmonly