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cause_n great_a matter_n see_v 3,060 5 3.1155 3 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A03632 A godly confession and protestacion of the christian fayth, made and set furth by Ihon Hooper, wherin is declared what a christia[n] manne is bound to beleue of God, hys Kyng, his neibour, and hymselfe Hooper, John, d. 1555. 1550 (1550) STC 13757; ESTC S117853 21,202 64

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A godly Confession and Protestacion of the christian fayth made and set furth by Ihon Hooper wherin is declared what a christiā manne is bound to beleue of God hys King his neibour and hymselfe The herte beleueth to iustice confession by the mouth is to saluation Roma .x. To the Most vertuous and myghtie Prynce Edward the sixt our mooste redoubted soueraygne Lorde Kynge of England Fraunce and Ierland defendour of the fayth and in yearth nexte and immediately vnder God the supreme heade of the churches of Englande and Ierland And also vnto the most wyse godly and honourable Lordes of his hyghnes priuye Counsell and vnto the rest of the most wyse godly and lerned assembled of all the honourables and other appoynted to be of hys Maiesties most hygh and godlye Court of Parliamēt Iohn Hooper hys most humble louing and obedient Subiect wysheth all grace and peace frō God wyth long godly and most prosperous raygne ouer vs in al godly knowledge honour helth and perpetual felicitie THe wyse manne Cicero most gracious and myghtie Prynce sayth that he doth not onely wronge y t by violēce oppresseth wrōgfully an other mā but also he that defendeth not if it lye in his power the wronges offered is in no lesse faultye then though he hadde forsaken parentes fryndes or countrye The same doctrine practised he in the defence and propulsyng the iniuries and wronges at tempted wrōgfully against Milo by the fryndes of Clodius as it appeareth by hys eloquente and ●acundious oration made for that purpose in the senate of Rome The same kynde of iniuries other godly men in the scryptures of God haue alwayes accordyng to the lawe eschued for it is wrytten if a manne se hys neyghbours Asse fal vnder hyr but then or hys Oxe to go astraye hys neighboure is bounde to helpe them bothe The Asse from burthen and the Oxe from hys straying The same practised Abraham when he perceiued hys neuewe Loth oppressed with the warres of the Infidelles propulsed and reuenged the iniuries and set hys neuewe at large and lybertie Euen so bee there two sortes of people that two sundry wayes do iniuries and wronges vnto the soule and conscience of men The one of thē by force or subtiltie defraudeth thē from the truth and perfection of Goddes worde as hereticall and supersticious mynisters The other at such tyme as they should wyth prayer diligence and preachynge defende the people of GOD from such iniuries and wronges are negligent or dūme The whyche kynde of iniury doubtles the Lorde God almyghtie wyll at length greuously reuenge Therefore against this kynde of iniurye he spake vnto the Prophete Ezechyel It I purpose to sende a Plague vppon the people and thou gyue theym not warnynge thereof I wyll requyre theyr blo●de at thy hande The same sayde he vnto Saynt Peter Feede my lambes fedemy sheepe And vnto all the Apostles he sayde make ye all Gentyles my disciples And saynt Paule fearyng to fall in the daunger of the second kynde of doyng wrouge in sauing the wronges of false religion from the churche of Christ layde woo be vnto me if I preach not Vpon the consideration of these premisses seyng al thīge be writtē for our doctrin haue thought it good to wryte and set furth this Confession and protestation of my fayth submyttyng my selfe and my fayth also mooste humbly to be iudged by your Maiestie your most honourable Counsel with the godly assemblaunce of your maiesties most hyghe Court of Parliamēt according to the word of god That by this meanes I may auoyde the payn and daunger dewe vnto all them that neglect or omyt the iniuries and wrōges that may happen chaūce by sinister report and false slaunder of Gods word to the conscience of any of your maiesties subiectes For I am credibly infourmed that many false and erronious opiniōs is entred into their hedes of me god forgeue thē that hath bene y ● occasiō therof If any way these iniuries and daungerous slaunders may be holpe I thynke this to be the waye to offer mooste humbly my selfe and my faith to be knowne and iudged bi your maiestie after the worde of god I protest before god and your maiestie I wryt not this cōfession for any Apollogie or defence to contend or striue with any man in any matter nor for any priuate affeccion or displeasure I beare vnto any man liuyng or for any inordinate or percial loue vnto my self but for the cause to the same ende before rehersed Lykewyse for three other great causes that shal folow The one toucheth God the other your maiestie the thyrd your louyng subiects As cōcerning God seing both his maiestie myne own conscience my audytory knowe that I haue nether in doctryne nether in maners taught no other thynge then I receyued of the Patryarches Prophetes the Apostles it were not onely synne but also the very parte of a myscreant to deny or betraye the innocencye of that doctrine or to be ashamed to stande to the defence therof seing all godly men haue estemed more the true worde of God then theyr owne mortall liues The seconde cause that toucheth youre Magestie and your mooste honorable Counsell is because vpon credyte and good opinion and partly by experience that your maiestie had both of my true fayth and godly zeale appoynted me amōg other of your preachers though moost vnworthy to teache your subiectes their dutie to God and man What true subiect can hear and vnderstād such vntrue bruites of those that a Kynges maiestie shall appoynte to preach and would not be glad both for Gods sake and his kyngs to remoue such vngodly bruites yf he can for the peace and quietnes of their subiects As for the cause y e toucheth the people it is no lesse worthy then eternal dānation In case he be worthy of iudgement in daunger of hel fyre y t is angry w t his brother calleth him fole how much more if he cal hys brother heriticke ▪ a denyer of God If the fyrst ●e worthy hel fyre much more the last ▪ Therefore least my brother shoulde dye and then receyue condigne reward dew for a slaunderer what it lieth in me I do by this Protestatiō of my fayth cal him to repentaunce And incase any man stand in doubt of myne opinion and meanyng in religion Let hym not damne me before time but vse the meanes with me that the .x. Tribes of Israel vsed wyth the Tribe of Ruben Gad halfe the tribe of Manasses that buy it at their returne to their possessions an aulter vpon the borders of Iordane the whych fact was lyke to haue ingendered great warres But it was stayed by the meanes of consultation and communication had with those that buylded it and theyr myndes knowne the dissention was ended and appeased Euen so I wold desyre my christe coūtremē to vse me for I