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A68064 Bacchus bountie describing the debonaire dietie of his bountifull godhead, in the royall obseruance of his great feast of Pentecost. Necessarie to be read and marked of all, for the eschuing of like enormities. By Philip Foulface of Ale-foord, student in good felloship. Foulface, Philip. 1593 (1593) STC 11208; ESTC S105623 12,419 24

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at the bellewing of the bonnie white Bul the ardent heates of Pasiphaë were more more increased in so much that one horne of his head was more precious in her precise imagination then all her former sacrifices dedicated as dainties to delectable Diana euen so as soone as the bruite of most bountifull Bacchus was blazed abroad Tom Typsay an english tapster wel-nere choaked with a marueilous drie heat which he of late had got by lifting ouerlong at old mother Redcaps this Tom Typsay I say with a wel tried tankard trailing at his taile the more he thought of Bacchus bountie the more he desired to trie the experience and the further hée laboured after his liking the longer he lusted after his liquor wishing at euery foote the worthie presence of so gracious a God Thus Tom Typsay not only in hope to tipple with the best but trusting to merite a further rewarde fell flat downe on both his maribones holding vp his hands on hie towardes the heauens and made his Orison to the renoumed god Bacchus as hereafter followeth BOnny Bacchus God of wines Cheefe maintainer of our vines Sucker the soule in greefe which pines Water to drinke I hold not good Thy iuice oh Bacchus breeds best blood Nectar good Bacchus Nectar send Braue Bacchus doe thy bounty lend Vnto Tom Typsay stand a frend And so thy fame shall neuer ende Nectar sweet Nectar is my wish Behold my tankard and my dish As for my plate I haue it solde And for pure broath my money tolde Yet once againe let me beholde Euery morning warme or colde Nappie liquor stout and bolde Commended and boasted In a pot trimly toasted The pots feet finely roasted In a worthie fire And first of all for my part To besiege and sacke the quarte Till it warme me well at hart And then doe it feele Sincke downe into my heele And so next to take the paines To passe vpward through the vaines And soake withall into these braines Which witles now alas remaines For want of good liquor Scarse had he ended this his petitory prattle but Bacchus as willing to lend him a long eare to heare as hée to open a wide mouth to aske and as desirous to fetch him in for a foot man as to turne him off his trusse as ready to féed him as fat as a foole as to teach him the tricke to shue the go●se presently he roused vp his moysty head and from a muddie mufe so cléered vp his cherilike countenance that the maiestie of his nose séemed as the beames of the sunne shining along throughout the coastes of Archadie But missing the sight of him whom he lately heard forthwith he tumbled vpon his tunne and standing bolt vpright through the merueilous influence which to him was imparted by Euriopazeus he saw Tom Tipsay in an excéeding quandary in so much that Bacchus for very pittie through the might of his deitie so curiously soared through the airie region that in a moment he descried this perplexed Tapster and drawing nere him he hailstd him after this maner Whereas my friend thy groanes are so great and grieuous that they haue ascended the hiest cloudes which cry out in thy behalfe for my accustomed clemency and pierced withall into my bountifull tunne which now troubled with the sharpnes of thy spéech threates out a danger to her former swauitie behold Bacchus Bacchus I say thy best beloued god ready prest to performe what thou art willing to demaunde Say on therefore boldly and feare not and withall know this that Bacchus hath not only a care to kéepe his clients in safety but great cause no doubt to preserue them in felicity for who is he that hath euer heard much lesse séene that any of the gods at any time so tendred the welfare of their suppliants as from age to age both dayly and hourely béen séene in me The tyrannie of Iupiter is testified by his threatning thunderbolte the malice of Mars is expressed by his bloody blade The outrage of Pallas is dissembled by the booke but euidently perceiued by the piercing launce The broyles of Pan are performed by the crooke The furie of Syluanus is knowne by the Clubbe the dismall decrées of Diana are noted by her dartes and to be briefe all the other gods and goddesses Hercules like are cloyed with such cholericke clubbs that their mouthes taste nothing sauing wordes of wrath and their déeds séeme vndecent vnlesse they smel of reuenge But Bacchus that braue god whom thou séest here present abhorreth that his wightes should bee wearied with the waight of such vnweildie weapons No no I beare as thou maiest sée a beautifull braunch of goodly grapes in token of ioy gladnes whereas the terrour of other gods to the griefe of many doth prognosticate sorrow and sadnes Now therefore Tapster if thou wilt be as readie to make trial of my bountie as I willing to inuite thée to my banquet beholde Whilson-wéeke is néere at hand then are my feasts called Bacchanalia then resort together the whole band of Bacchus in their chiefest brauerie amongst whome if it so please thée thou shalt be entertained as a guest most welcom to Bacchus Tom Typsay hearing so courteous a discourse as a man marueilously amazed for ioy stood a long time staring in Bacchus face not able poore soule as then to make a reply But Bacchus a perfect phisitian willing to preserue his patient in so pitifull a plight reuiued his spirites with the swéet moysture of his tunne and refreshed his braines with the iuice of his grapes Hereat Tom Typsay awaking as it were from a drousie slumber yéelded to his god Bacchus a tub full of thankes and promised at the time appointed to bée there with the first Yet because hée knew not the place hée demanded of him thus Sith your worships godhead hath vouchsafed to commaund my companie to so famous a feast let it not displease your maiestie to put mee in memorie of the place else by the masse I promise you I feare mée I shall neuer finde out your honours house I pray you sir how do you call it To resolue this doubt quoth Bacchus vnderstand therefore that my mansion house is called Alepotto scituate on the south side of Quaffington enquire for mée at the signe of the scarlet nose and from thence shalt thou bée set aright into Beerebury lane so that being there thou canst not misse to finde out my palace for thou shalt plainely sée it before thine eyes Hereat Tom Typsay made a long legge vowing to bée there without faile and Bacchus willing to dismisse him blessed the Tapsters tankard with part of his bountie and thereupon departed Thus the Tapster in great haste hies him home as mery as any hare in the moneth of March. For whereas before this so comfortable a conference hée was so lazie that euery foote séemed to haue a leaden héele euerie legge in such a quandarie as though they had tooke some new acquaintance
BACCHVS BOVNTIE Describing the debonaire dietie of his bountifull godhead in the royall obseruance of his great feast of Pentecost Necessarie to be read and marked of all for the eschuing of like enormities Faecundi calices quem non fecere disertum By Philip Foulface of Ale-foord student in good felloship AT LONDON Printed for Henry Kyrkham and are to be solde at his shop at the little north dore of Paules Church at the signe of the black Boy 1593. To the right worthie and renowmed Roister Sir Richard Swash Lorde and Master on mount Maluorn cheefe controller on Salisburie plaine keeper of Accounts-in the Cart-way chiefe Foster in the forest of Dalamere high Generall of the Downes Baron of Birlip hill Sergeant of the Shoares and Sea side and Vicar of the Vallies your dayly Orator Philip Foulface wisheth all health wealth might long life and prosperous successe in all your affaires and enterprises where so euer WHen Iupiters head was great with childe and the time of trauaile nere at hand he skorning to complaine yet put to his shiftes was faine to send for Vulcan the Smith to crase his crowne with a downedriuing blow not only to cause the swelling to cease but also to prouide passage for the birth of his babe Which thing when Vulcan had performed in giuing him a sound pat on the pate out start Pallas at the opening of his head and danced before him so maiden-like that the present sight so pleasant expelled all former paines in the birth Euen so most worthie sir when the confused Chaos of this matter following was first inhabitant in my witlesse head then feared I no such swellings as since I did feele nor regarded those throwes which now are ouerpast Neuerthelesse when my braines fell to their busines and began to beate as tho my head had been ready to burst disdaining withall the help of mother Crackfart the Midwife Iuno Lucina was as deafe as a dishclout so that Volens nolens I betooke my selfe to the hearbe Hellebore whose pleasant operation produced so present a purgation that forthwith there followed a most speedie deliuerance excluding cares renuing ioy This young impe thus borne being brought to the font was named Bacchus Bounty Which Bounty I willingly offer vnto your worthines doubting not at all but that you will highly accept of him not only because he is a bonny boy and the gift of a welwiller but also because hee was begot by Bacchus your welbeloued friend conceaued by me nourished euer since with the iuice of the grape From Ale-foorde this 9. of December Anno Dom. 1592. Bounden to your bignes Philip Foulface Philip Foulface to the courteous Reader SO many men some say so many mindes The brauest Gnatho cannot but offend Mens mindes doe wauer like vnconstant windes Hard then sometimes to please our dearest friend Some hungrie curre may bark aboue the rest But please or displease I haue done my best He that delights to heare of mortall warres Is too austere to reade this little booke But he that ioyes to heare of good ale iarres I licence him with leaue herein to looke Here gentle reader maiest thou finde great sport To ease thy cares if hither thou resort And welcome all which reade and meane none ill No further ill than I and welcome all A mery minde to mirth enclineth still If waightie causes doe not backward call Be mery then reade here and doe not spare And welcome still here is no better fare FINIS Philip Foulface BACCHVS BOVNTIE Describing the debonaire dietie of his bountifull godhead in the royall obseruance of his great feast of Pentecost Quint. Allicit externas praesuaui nectare gentes Polit. non mollia pleno Desunt vina cado THe groutheaded Graecians especiallie the annointed Achiues I meane the Beziladistes those deuout doctors of Lob libers canne these I say with their knightlike crue thought it an high assumption to be as fathers in a frolicke feaste or as base borne brothers in bickering with the broth of bountifull Bacchus Which coppernosed crue the Knuckledebunions of Rome so assaulted with a fresh Canuazado the citie of Vinosa that the alarum of the Romans brake Nectars necke head and shoulders in so much that Vesta in great outrage rushed out of a rocke and dedicated to swéet father Bacchus as Crimson a colour as was then séene in her péereles peticote most fragrantlie fuming vp vnto Bacchus and likewise into the nostrills of all his nosled nouises wheresoeuer This newfound Sacrifice in this sort offered to this bursten-bellied God lent such a swéet sent to the rest of the gods and goddesses especially to platter-faced Iupiter that presently he appeased their furie mitigated the afore offered iniurie renued Nectar to former iollitie sent out Mercurie as Ambassadour to parle with Neptune rector of the Seas that Triton his trustie trumpeter should sound along from shoare to shoare throughout the whole worlde the blessed bountie of Bacchus Mercury discharging himselfe and Triton by commaundement of his king tied to the aforesaid chardge with clattering clang he thundred out such ioyfull newes that not only mount AEtna yeelded forth fierie flames in signification of sodaine ioyes but also Olympus merily mounted in hope that Permessus that pleasant spring should bée somewhat tainted with the swéet taste of so louely a liquor The decréed tidings of Iupiter are worde by worde in effect as followe PAsse Mercury to Neptunes brinish bowers My wish my will in hast to him vnfolde Let Tryton scale those hiest fleeting towers In Bacchus praise let all his tale be tolde Let him commaund the Curists change their liues In vaine striues he with Bacchus brood which striues The Bacchanals hence forth shall beare the sway With help of Hypocrites they shall doe well This gift I giue it shall be as I say Their forwardnes in fraies shall beare the bell I giue them right to sweare it out with wordes I giue them might to swash it out with swordes I will that these the auncient order holde Th'order of knighthood neuer to decay The greatest soakers shalbe least controulde Each Tyro shall of Nectar make his pray And whose conceipts God Bacchus deemes the best Shall haue a rich reward aboue the rest Come Ganimedes come with christall cups Some nappie Nectar bring me here in place Accurst be he which Nectar only sups And turns not ouer pot by pot apace Accurst be he which after Ceres gapes And shunnes to sucke the sugred sappe of grapes In griefe liue they with carkes of cares opprest Which leaue their liquor and away depart Till Bacchus haue them crowned with his crest Whose force expelles all sorrowes from the hart With Viuat Bacchus let the Ocean ring The same let Africk Asia and Europe sing Now Eccho the babbling nymph at the sound of Tritō hauing intelligence hereof resounded this decrée so mightilie towards the maine that it easily entred into the hearing of all the inhabitants in euery hauen And euen as