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cause_n great_a know_v see_v 5,670 5 3.0830 3 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A01197 The protestation of the most high and mightie Prince Frauncis, bothe sonne and brother of King, Duke of Allenson and of Eureux, Earle of Droux, & of Perche &c. Liuetenant General for the King in all his countries and dominions, protector of the libertie of the crowne of Fraunce, oppressed by the straungers. Translated out of frenche into English, and newely imprinted.; Protestation de treshaut et trespuissant prince François duc dÁlençon. English Anjou, François, duc d', 1554-1584. 1575 (1575) STC 11311; ESTC S118480 2,811 14

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THE PROTESTATION OF THE MOST HIGH AND MIGHTIE PRINCE FRAVNCIS bothe Sonne and Brother of King Duke of Allenson and of Eureux Earle of Dreux of Perche c. LIVETENANT GENERAL FOR THE KING IN ALL HIS COVNtreis and dominions Protector of the libertie of the Crowne of Fraunce oppressed by the straungers Translated out of frenche into English and newely imprinted 1575. THE PROTFSTATION OF THE MOST HIGHE and mightie Prince Frauncis bothe Sonne and Brother of King Duke of Allenson c. FRAVNCIS both sonne brother of a King Duke of Allenson first Peere of Fraunce c. To all men whome it shall appertaine Greeting Knoweye that we being truely aduertised and informed that of the obseruation of lawes dependeth the conseruation of all Realmes and Lordshipps and by that meanes peace groweth and is intertained among the subiectes So whē they are not kept in the puritie that our ancestorshaue leaft thē vnto vs and that they seeme to weaken and decaye and be as it were dead and buried The subiectes being imholdened do licence dispence and easely giue them selues to all dissolutnes vvhich doeth cause oftentimes ciuil vvarres And finally the destruction ouerthrowe of great realmes and common vvelthes if in time it be not remedied by the diuine goodnes of God vvhich doth raise whē it pleaseth him excellent and mightie personnes to vvithstād the tyrānie of those vvhich seeke not but to bring all things to confusion onely to make them selues riche at vvhose cost soeuer it be of the blood and svveate of the poore or els to sease them selues of the said realmes Lordships as we may easely leame by the ruynes and decayes of infinit florishīg kingdomes that by these like meanes haue ended vvhich ought to be an exāple to al true frenchemē for to prick them forevvard to set vp againe the ancient lavves and to let and vvithstande euerie one according to the abilitie vvhich God hath giuen vnto him that it may not fall into the hands of those vvhich of long time haue sought for it And for to bringe their purpose to passe doe nourishe and maintaine the dissentions vvhich vve see at this instāt coulouring their dealings with the cōtrouersie that is in religiō which they vvoulde be right sorie to see it pacified as it is euidently seene and vvell knovven by the things passed to the intent they may colour the better the taxes imposts and subsidies vvhich they doe daily inuent and gather in the Kinges name vpon the poore people the Nobilitie and the Clergie vnder pretence to pay his debtes tending onely to the vvealthe of fevve personnes almost all straungers vvhich rule the King and occupie the chiefe places offices of this realme against the lawes of the same All the which enterprises vve coulde not vvell lyke of and therfore haue bene calumniated and euill reported to the Kingour most deare Lord and Brother and for this cause in great daunger of our life and kept as euery one knoweth which thīgs we haue suffered hoping that the King vvoulde remedy such miseries suffer no lōger to be abused of so many men and that he should knovve our innocencie But seīg the vvounde to vvaxe daily vvorse and vvorse and no person to be more vnvvorthily vsed then vve And that so many Princes Lordes Gentelmen and Ecclesiasticall persones Citizens and burgesses had their eyes fixed on vs stretching forth their hands and imploring our aide We being ouercome vvith their prayers and partaker of their miseries resolued all feare of death set a side vvhich vvas neare to ensue to attēpt to get out of the captiuitie that vve vvere in to take the publicke cause in hande and to withstande the vvicked pernitious coūsells of the perturbators of this Realme in vvhich attēpt God hathe so fauored vs that the xvi day of Septēber vve arriued in this our tovvn of Dreux vvhere many lords Gentelmē others asvvel of the Clergie as of the cōmōs of this realme haue repaired vnto vs to whome we haue declared that our vvil intentiō was not to take vpon vs or to attēpt in any vvise vpō the authoritie of the King our said Lord and Brother the vvhich vve desire to preserue increase vvith all our povver But onely to employ vs vvith all our forces yea not to spare our life and goodes for to put out and driue avvay all the perturbators of the publicke rest to pursue by lavve and iustice all suche spoyles theftes murthers and slaughters so abominably and against all right and reason cōmitted in the oppen sight and knovvledge of all men to deliuer so many Lordes Gentelmen and others cōmitted prisoners or wrongfully banished vvithout cause to restore them againe and all other honest men to their goodes and liuings estates and honours to abolish all taxes subsidies imposts set vpon the poore people by the malice and suggestion of strangers against the auncient Lavves statutes of this Realme To maintaīe the Nobilitie and Cleargie in their auncient priuiledges freedoms liberties And so to stablish in Fraunce a good firme stable peace And to bring these things to passe vve doe not meane to vse any other meanes but suche as our predicessors haue done that haue bene acustomed at all times in this Realme vvhen it hathe bene question of reformation of religiō and iustice vvhich are the tvvo prīcipall stayes of all Monarchies to restore againe the Realme to his former florishing state dignity libertie that is by a generall and free assemblie of the three estates of this Realme being called appointed to be kepte in a sure free place from the vvhich all straūgers shal be excluded Protestinge before God vvhome vve call to our aide helpe and vvho vve be assured vvill guide our enterprises that vve are not herein moued nor leadde throughe desire of priuate reuenge althoughe vve haue iust occasion so to doe for the greate vvronges done vnto vs nor yet of highnes or desire to commaund more then vve doe or then to vs appertaineth Being pleased and contented as we haue good occasiō vvith the goodes auctoritie and greatnes that we haue of Godds grace of his benignity hauing apoynted vs to be borne the son of a Kinge and ordained vs the seconde person of this Realme That if it happen as God forbid to call vs before suche time as we may see the ende and execution of this so holy an enterprise we shall thinke vs most happy to haue for the same bestovved our life which doth concerne the seruice of God and of the Kinge the freedome and libertie of the Nobilitie and of the Cleargie the rest vnburdening of the people and the libertie of the country And for to take away all lettes and to reconcyle the heartes of naturall Frenchemen vve haue taken do take thē in to our protection and safe keping asvvell of the one religion as of the other Praying exhorting thē in the name of God to behaue them together one with an other as brethrē frendes and fellowe Citezens and not to prouoke one an other by iniuries or otherwise Vntill that by the generall estates and assembly of counsil order be taken for religion and to permitte and let euery one enioye the exercise of the same Praying all Kinges Quenes Princes and Potentates comon wealthes all other neighbours alies and confederates of this Realme Crovvne to fauour ayde helpe vs in this so holy and laudable enterprise and to haue none other opinion of vs then that vvhich we declare and testifie by this present Protestation Praying also all Princes Lordes Gentlemen Citizens Townesmen all other subiects of the crovvne to repaire to vs to accompanie helpe vs vvith victualles armour money and others their abilities cōmodities that through their faulte and negligence the executiō of so highe an enterprise be not differred the peace letted Declaring only those to be our ennemies vvhich by force shall resiste and seeke to vvithstande our enterprise And our frendes those which shall runne vpon them Giuen at Dreux the xvij day of September 1575. Subscribed Francis.