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A00299 Enormytees vsyd by the clergy here floweth dyuers enormytees vsyd by the clergy, and by some wryters theyr adherentis, and specyally agaynst the heresy of symony vsyd by the clergy : how some of the clergy and theyr adherentis causeles haue skla[n]derously spoken agayns this noble realme of Englande and agayns dyuers of the kynges lay subiectes, and haue prechyd & wrytyn agaynst small offe[n]sys, leuyng ye greter offensys in the law of God vntouhcyd [sic]. 1532 (1532) STC 10421.5; ESTC S2110 14,743 50

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the gretest and moste abhomynable heresye or ells tyll they can proue by good auctoryte that symony is none heresye / for it semyth to be agreat abuse that where a prelates dewtye is to fede Chrystes flocke that is put to his kepyng with holsom doctryne / yea and to anoynte and to he le them that be infected or scabbed / louyngly with softe salnys / and nat to bete them / nether to shere or poll them / nether to slee theym in there good name / ne other wyse / but louyngly and secretely to reforme them that be in errours / lyke a good shepherd and nat to be amonge them lyke awolfe or lyke a bere / that all weyes fedyth hymselfe on the flocke / and neuer cheressheth them / for to suche one it may wel be sayde ye Ipocryte and archeherytyke / yf ye lust to pyke a strawe or mote out of myne eye / furste it wylbe myche necessary / that ye drawe out the greate poste or beame from your owne eye / and so shall ye the better see to pyke the strawe or more out of myne eye ¶ And yf the Clergye wyll nat be therew t contented / then it is to be thought that the kynges hyghnes hathe good cause to say to them / as Chryst sayd to the scrybys and pharyseys Ipocrytes as is before sayd Math. .xxiii. ye be wyttenessys to your owne selfys for ye haue wryten in your byll of answere / to the byll of complaynte that my lay subiectes hath put to me in theyr supplycacyon agaynst you the spūall ordynaryes of this my realme / called the byll ex officio / that ye were neuer greuous to your bretherne / and gostly chylderne but onely to suche as were infected with the pestelent poyson of heresye / with whom ye saye that ye are cōmaunded by Chrystes gospell to haue no peace sayenge Math. x. Non veni mittere pacem sed gladiū / And although yet as it semyth by the prosese of that chapyter / it is nat in tended nether mente as ye haue applyed yt / for in foure or fyue hundered placys of scrypture / god hath comaunded loue peace / and nat stryfe warre / nether blod shedȳg / And therfor it aperyth that it may be Iustely sayd to you as Chryst sayd to the pharyseis Ipocrytes in the foresayd gospell Math. xxiii ye be the sonnes of them that slewe the prophetys / ye wyll say seyth Chryst that yf ye hadd byn offycers in that tyme whē your fathers slew the prohetꝭ that ye wolde nat haue byn theyr felowes in blode shedyng / but it is nat so / for at this day ye say ye loue your brothers / and yet ye wyll kyll them / but ye cā nat do both / and therfore Chryst calleth you in that sayde gospell / the spawne or seede of venemous Adders and ye wolde blynde the people and say that therin ye esteme that ye do acceptable seruyce to god in all suche your craftye cruelte / but ye know the contrarye / though ye lust to applye and to expounde holye scrypture at your pleasure and to your wretched and synfull appetytis / to colour and to hyde your cruelty and your Ipocrysye / And yf any of my lay subietꝭ shew to you holy scrypture suffycyent to confoūde your wrong applynge of scrypture / and your Iwysh fables / Anon ye say that no lay man shulde medell with holy scrypture / but therin Chryst cōfoundeth you / Luc. .xi. sayeng to you of the clergy wo be to you that be lerned in the lawe / that haue taken or borne away the kaye of cūnynge / your selfe haue nat ētred or gone ī / ye haue forboden those that ētred / hereby ye thynke to coloure to hyde your greate cruell Ipocrysy / but it is wrytē by a famous doctor in a boke called Destructoriū victorū / That by dyuers wayes a mā may know an Ipocrite / wherof one now folowyth / ¶ Ccognoseuntur ipocrite ex opp̄ssione bonorum / Opprimunt enim bonos ꝑsequē do factis / detrahēdo verbis / cuiusmodi uidētur esse hoēs multi suꝑiores eccle tāseclares quam regulares / qui fideles humiles seruos xp̄i perseqūtur / id est eos incarcerādo aliquādo comburēdo occidūt / sed quare hoc faciunt / Certe experientia do cente / pro eo ꝙ eorum vitam reꝓbant voluptuosam / negligenciam reprehendunt / SꝪ o miser qui taliter agis / quare respiciendo scripturas sacras / specialiter euangelia / non consideras / ꝙ ī aug mentacionem sue proprie dampnacionis ita fecerunt predecessores tui pontifices falsi / scribe pharesei / qui de bonis ecclesie voluptuose vixerūt / sicut tu nunc Nonne ep̄i occiderunt rp̄m / aplos scōs martires / reputando eos hereticos ꝓeo ꝙ eorum peccā reꝓbauerunt / sic tu reputas eos hereticos qui tuam vitam reprobant voluptuosam .c. ¶ Now sythens it is suffycyently layde and prouyd to you by dyuerse greate auctorytees of the holy lawe canon / that clerkes symonytes be grettest heretykes / yea and archeheretykes in cōparyson of a lay man that is an heretyke / and sythens also that the same holy law canon affermyth and declareth euery man of auctoryte that is nat vehemently chafyd and dysplesed with you for that same your symony / and heresye / to be cursed with Symon Magus which all ye wyll grāte and afferme to be dampned in to hell perpetually / And also sythens it is sufficiētly prouyd by holy scrypture and also it is decreed by dyuers of the sayd holy canons before alleged / that the punysshmēt therof belongyth to me that am your kynge gouernour / as to our seculer power / what cā ye now say but that of very Iustice in goddys cause and in eschewyng / and avoydyng of that terryble curse that fell on Symon magus / from which almyghtye god of his great mercy saue and defende vs / wee muste be vehementley sterede and chaufed agaynste you / and accordyng to your demeritis / and to your for sayd aunswere to the sayd byll ex officio / to haue no peace with you / and to say to you with criste / Math. x. Non venimittere pacem sed Gladium / for heryn ye be wyttenessis to your owne selfis / And so of necessite we must se you punysshed with the sworde of sharpe execuciō / as ye haue caused other small heretykys beyng but small in cōparyson of them that be gretter heretykes of late tyme to be punysshed / as with cruell arestyng you / harde impresonyng opynlye abiuryng you / and greuously amersyng you with great fynys / and with takyng from you / all that ye haue here / before symonytely and heretycally goten / and longe receyued / or elles with fyer consume you / yf ye luste nat to abiure / for in this case ye be wyttnessys to your self ys as before is sayd ¶ And it is congruent / and well consonant and agreable to good reasō / and to all lawes of god and of man / furst to punysshe / and to confownde the greatter offenders / and archeretykys / and afterwarde the lesse / for euery bysshop and preest heretyk maye trewly be called an Archeherytyke in comparyson of a laye heretyke / aswell for the qualytees and dyfference of theyr spūall dygnyte / as of theyr offensys / and therfore it ought aswell to be furst punysshed / as also most greuously / and most openly punysshed / wytnes of saynt Bar. sayyng / Non enim par debet esse pena / vbi disparest causa ¶ Nowe yf any clerke lust to make answer here to / then for the loue of god lett theyr aunswere be put in wrytyng charytably / that it may be Replyed to / yf nede be / Or elles lett theym yelde theym selfys gyltye therin / and put theym self ys holye to the mercye grace of the Kynges hyghnes / whiche is / and hath alweys ben / mercyfull and gracyous / ¶ Viuat Rex Gaudeat grex Luceat lex In Regno maiestatis ¶ Salus senioribus Concors coībus Et pax hoībus Bone volūtatis ¶ Amen amen sey euery man ¶ Impressum / Cum priuilegio regali ¶ Tabula ¶ How some of the Clergy and theyr adherentis causeles haue sklāderousely spoken agayns this noble realme of Englande and agayns dyuers of the Kynges lay subiectes / and haue prechyd wryten agaynst small offēsys / leuȳg the greter offensys agaynst the law of god vntouched Ca. .i. ¶ Of the kynges grete benyngnyte and fauor vsyd alwy to ward the clergy And of theyr grete presumpcyon and cruelte shewed agaynst his grace and his lay subiectys Ca. .ij. ¶ Of the most detestable heresy of symony vsyd customably by them of the clergy and the most cōuenyēt order for the punyshment of the same Ca. iij. ¶ Finis ALAVENTVRE · TOVT VIENT APONIT QVI PEVT · ATENORE IOHN SKOT · I S S K
¶ But yet percase it may be sayd to suche wryters of those thynges which be but tryfles in comparyson of other great matters that they neuer lust to speke ne to wryte of / yet they be greate errours comōly vsed / as Chryst sayd to the pharyseys Ipocrytys / Math. xxiij Luc. xi Woo be to you scrybys and pharyseys Ipocrytys / that teche to pay tythȳges of Myntys / Rwe / Annes / Cūmyn / suche other potteherbys / and ye leue vntaught gretter thynges of more grauyte in the lawe Iugment / mercy / charyte / and feyth / These thynges sayth Chryst must be done / and the other nat lefte vndone / suche blynde guydes spytt out a flee or gnatt / and swalow the greate Camell / and outwardely shew them self ys lyke to be Iust men / but inwardly they be full of Ipocryse and of inyquyte / Trewly ye be witnessys to your self ys seyth Chryst for ye be the sonnys of them that haue kylled the prophettys / and ye be sayth Chryst serpentes and the broode or spawne of venemous adders / ¶ And These wordes be now here spoken and also rehersed for causes folowyng / for there be farre greater vycys and more detestable synnys / customably vsed / contrarye to the law of god / than these thynges before rehersyd / which of necessite ought to be wryten and prechyd of / And as yet belefte vnspoken / vnprechyd / and vnwryten of / as of late season / As of Irregularyte of dyuerse of the clergy / sacrylege by them vsually comytted in mysependynge the tythynges oblacions of Chrystes churche / on fresshe apparell on them selfes / theyr seruantes / theyr horsys / mulys / and wenches / And in theyr costely byldynges and repayryng of theyr housys and the superfluous apparell of the same / with Arras and other thynges theyr wyne pompous plate / The great expencys and coste in dayntye vytells / The vnlaufull coniuracyons vsed by frerys and other clerkes / The vsuall bre-Kyng of the .iij. essencyall vowes of relygyon The dylygent study of dyuerse of the clergye in the sleyght of craftye handlyng and settynge of dyse and cardes to theintent to begyle all men that playeth with them as doctor dewys ase / byshope prymero / and such other The felonyes and murders oftyntymes conmytted by clerkys Theyr conuicciō therof / and theyr acquitall from the conuycte prysone by wylfull periury of .xii. forsworne clerkys / The hauyng mysusyng of tēporall possessions of the clergy / contrary to the comaundement of god in the olde lawe / and contrarye to the example and techyng of Chryst in the newe lawe of his gospell / and cōtrary to the ordynaūce of many holy canōs ī the decrees / cōtrary to the wrytȳgꝭ of diuers holy doctors now saȳtes ī heuē / ¶ The vsuall symonye of dyuerse of the clergy / which is moost greate and moost detestable heresy / as partly shal be sayde hereafter / These and suche other be the greate offensys agaynst the law of god / and yet fewe or none of the comoun prechers / do speke agaynst any of them / nether yet he nor any of them which hath taken vpon thē to wryte agaynst the sayde tryfels beyng worthy to be called but trysyls in comparyson of the sayd more greuos offencys wryte no thyng of the foresayd greate and greuous offencys in the lawe / nether on s sterr theyr pennes therto ¶ Wherfore it semyth that it maybe sayd to dyuerse of the prechers and to other of the clergy to such wryters of such lesse offencys / as Chryst sayd to the pharyseys Ipocrytys Mat. xxiii woo be to you scrybys pharyseys Ipocrytys which theche / preche or wryte / of / or agaynst the smaller offēcys in goddes lawe / vse your selfes to cōmytt the greater offēcys / ye neyther vse to teche / to preche neyther to wryte agaynst them / which if the great mercye of god / were nat ouer vs / were myche lyke to be the cause of subuersion of this noble Realme / and of all other Regiōs where they be vsed / without correccyon God and oure noble Kyng defēsor of the fayth a mende it amen ¶ Of the kynges grete benyngnyte and fauor vsyd alwey toward the clergy And of theyr grete presumpcyon and cruelte shewed agaynst his grace and his lay subiectys Ca. ij ¶ It is wryten in the holy decrees that yf any man at any tyme after his baptysme / happen to slee a pagaue / although it were in his defence / he shall neuer be Receyued into holy orders / yf he happē to take any holye orders / he shal be put from them as it aperyth Distinci .l. de hiis clericis / yet that natwithstādyng / it hath oftyntymes beseen that one prest hath Robbed / and wylfully murdered a good cristen man / yea and somtime one preste hath wylfully Robbed and murdered an other preste / and theruppon he hath byn attached / indyted / arayned / and conuicted / wheruppō / his ordynary hath byn redye at the barre and there hath alowed and Receyuyed him for his clerke / contrary to the sayd canons / and thereuppon / he hath byn cōueyed to the conuycte preson / and in short tyme therafter / he hath byn acquytt by a quest of xij Forsworne clerkes / and after that he hath song and sayde masse at his pleasure and hathe seruyd a cure / and hathe songe trentalles for soulis / contrary to the ordyuauncis of the sayd canons / And also in the sayd / .l. Dystincion / Cap. i. expremissis secūdo / Si lapsus / and other canons there / as Qui igitur / and Si quis Ep̄us / And si post ordinacionē / and other / ¶ It is also there ordeyned that if any clerke at any tyme after the Receyuyng of holye orders happen to fall in synne of the flesshe / thā he shal be put frome all holy orders / and from mynystryng at the Aulter / that same is affermed by saynt Gregory xi q̄ iii. Ip̄e ligādi / there p̄uilegni oino / ther by saynt Austyn Rediclin est / And suche a clerke ons deposed or disgradyd shall neuer be admytted ageyne to any holye orders / as it aperith Dist l. Si / quis / and / qui semell / and presbiterū de quo / Suche prestis haue hadde to myche fauoure here / in this lande / of the Kyng / of his lordys tēporall / and of all his laye subiectis / for godis sake / and yet they be none of goddis seruaūtes / as it aperyth in dyuers holy canons Dist l. As is beforesaid / And also it aperyth by / christꝭ gospell Math. vij that god vtterly Refusyth all suche clerkys / To be any of his seruauntis / where it aperyth that suche clerkys presomtuously shall saye to god / Lorde Lorde haue nat we prophesied preched in thy name