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cause_n great_a king_n lord_n 6,936 5 3.8165 3 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A17025 A briefe discourse of the lyfe and death of the late right high and honorable Sir VVilliam Pawlet Knight Lord Seint Iohn, Erle of Wilshire, Marques of Winchester, knight of the honorable order of the garter, one of the Queenes Maiesties priuie counsel, and Lorde highe treasourer of Englande. VVhich deceased the tenth day of Marche. Anno. 1571. and was buried at Basing the. 28. day of Aprill. Anno. M. D. LXXII. Broughton, Rowlande. 1572 (1572) STC 3901; ESTC S116573 8,070 34

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that mightie IOVE could yeld Discended from the Heauens aboue his person for to shield And downe vpon their flected knées the vertues all do bende Wtih eleuated eyes and hart their praiers they extende To hym that hath the power of all from whence commes that we haue That he their humble hestes wold graunte and thus they gan to craue Thou mighty God that guidest the Globe with Scepter in thy hande That makest a footestole of the earth by whom all thoughtes are scande Euen thou that doest the Chariot guyde that ronnes the worlde alonge Thou thou that doest vphold the right and doest defende the wrong Graunt that we may in eche respect our powers so applie Within this soule that long he lyue and styll may worshyp thée Graunt that he may a member make anixed with so me might To beare a subiect trustie place in furtheryng styll the right To whom the mightie Monarche he that all the worlde did frame Said this was done before his birth and PAVVLET was his name And you that are my blessyngs too I geue you charge to sée Vnto the soule that by the fruite the world may iudge the trée Then straight in spight of all that could fowle Sathan well deuise Gods blessyngs styll erected hym to honour highe to rise When Ignorance with wilful minde his vertue would disgrace Nay nay quoth Prudence pack thou hence that lodgyng is my place When lothsom lurkyng treason sought a harbor in his hart Nay nay quoth due obedience then that parcell is my parte And when VVLCANVS he that frames the Thunder Bowlts of fyre Came to infecte his modest mynde with rashe reuenging yre Forgetfullnes supplyed the roome as this my selfe can show Besids a number of the léeke that many mo doo know Mysused much in such a case as few haue heard the lyke When proofe was made to others shame reuendgment this dyd séeke A néedfull cause the accuser forst his frindship to require He graunted straight to his request and more then his desire My Lorde quoth one I muze to sée you entreate your enemies so It mée sufficeth my frende quoth he he hath the ouerthrow O worthy mynde that neuer lodgde reuendgement in his brest Nor in a wrathfull radge dyd let the same to go to rest PAVVLET quoth ha within one man IOVE could no more contryue For his vprighteous dealyng I thought Pawl yet styll alyue But what of these as many lyke that would hym wring and wrest Iudge of the fruite what was the trée whiche God no doubt hath blest And now to thée that haste no power to speake as séemes to mée Euen EX EPHEBIS sure thou shalt his education see From Scoole to Thaues Inne he came where so he plied his tyme That shortly to the Temple thence his forwarde youth dyd clyme Where he applied himselfe so well inclind to learned skyll Tyll vtter Barrester he was he there continued styll And in Kyng Henrie his tyme the seuenth in worship did increace Beloued of his Prince he was made Iustice of the peace And then highe Shirife of the Shire within the Countie of South And in Commissions for the Kyng commaunded by his mouth And when that sapient Sire was dead whose wisdome rulde the Realme And left behinde that valiant Kynge and most victorious Gemme Henrie the eight whose thunderyng voyce all Christendome dyd dreade Who feared not the forrayne power Gods Churche in trueth to lead Who tumbled downe Idolatryes and Pope ne Cardinall dyd Estéeme that varied from the trueth but their Decrées forbyd By hym dyd PAVVLET worshyp gayne as thou shalt briefely héere Euen as it pleased God to blesse so shall I tutch it néere First was he Mayster of the woods and next was Maister than Of Wardes and of the Lyueries styll thought a worthy man. And then his worship to increase the Kyng dyd make him Knight And then Controller of his House whiche séene so fit a wight He made was Treasourer of the House where so he likte the kynge That straight his highnes thought it good to Honour hym to bryng And of his priuy Counsell dyd Sir William Pawlet make Then Baron S. Iohn PAVLO POST he dyd hym eake create And after that Embassadour he sent was into Fraunce Where he behaued hym selfe so well and had suche happie chaunce That so the kyng his wisdome wayde and lykte his noble mynde He made him of the Garter Knight as in recorde we fynde Whose great regarde for countryes cause and fafety of the Prince Whose plyant hart so redy bent yll order to conuince That King of famous memorie to hym had such regarde As to the lyke so deutifull he highly gaue rewarde He made hym then Lorde Chamberlayne where so he serued the place That Lorde great master was he made within a lyttle space Then of the noble and poleteique the wise and graue consent Of all the worthy counsell he was made Lorde President The king of liberalitie bit lyked well his grace To geue to hym a Royalty of Forest Parck and Chase For iustice of an Eyer he was whereby the graunt is ment On Chasses Parks and Forests all on the hether side of Trent Thus dyd this noble subiect liue in iust obedience due And whoso euer liu'd amisse yet he was proued true And from the fyrst vnto the last of all his worthy raygne Whose noble Graces losse alack full long we dyd complayne Styll PAVVLET vnder law in loue in Princes fauour stayde Which proued well at last when tyme that ATHRAPOS denayde Aye longer tyme her hatefull hand from sharped sheres to saue In clypping of the lyne of lyfe that brought the Kyng to graue Of his last wyll and Testament for that he had found hym iust He made hym one Executor of that his latest trust Yf this suffiseth not thy mynde therto to bende thy style More of the hautie honor shall I tell thée in a while That well the worlde may safely iudge as tyme and trueth did hie Right by his vertuous noble fruict what sap was in the trée That péerelesse Pearle right excellent that moste triumphant kynge His Funeralles solemnized and finisht euery thyng By right dissent succéeded than that yonge and actiue Prince By whome the christian Churche of God increaste his highly sence EDVVARDE the sixte of chyualrie in his yeares none the léeke And surely in Diuynitie he was not for to séeke Whose holsome good and godly lawes reuiued floorysh yet With whom was Baron S. Iohn thought a Counsellor most fit Then dyd that Sapient Christen kynge Baron sainct Iohns honour haunce To the Earldom straight of Wiltshire did his Highnesse hym aduaunce And Marques eake of Winchester the kynge dyd hym creat Lorde kéeper of the priuie Seale he made hym after that And of the great Seale was he made ▪ Lorde kéeper eake lykewise And thus in hautie honor dyd this subiect true arise And of the counsell was he made Lorde President agayne Thus trustie Subiectes honour wyn that iustly