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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A06138 Hilaria: or The triumphant feast for the fift of August Lloyd, Lodowick, fl. 1573-1610. 1607 (1607) STC 16622; ESTC S109565 5,679 22

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HILARIA OR THE TRIVMPHANT Feast for the fift of August Imprinted at London by Simon Stafford dwelling neere the Red Lyon in the Cloth-Fayre 1607. TO THE KINGS MOST EXCELLENT MAIESTIE THE great Kings of Persia most noble Prince before they would sit at any Feast they would talke of Temperance before they would doe any sacrific to their Gods they would speake of Iustice and before they would commence any warre with the enemies they would discourse of Fortitude three principall great vertues proceeding all frō Prudence without which Temperance is slothfulnesse Fortitude is rashnesse and Iustice meere iniury for Vnica sola virtus Principis prudentia I haue presumed therefore vnder your Maiesties fauour to write these fewe Verses to honour this our Tryumphant and sacred Feast Hilaria the fift of August not as the Greekes in their Feast Taurilia nor as the Romanes in their Feast Hecatombaeon but as Israel with Musike mirth and Feastes and to sing Hymnes Psalmes for our Triumphs Feasts and often victories so did Israel for the victories of Moses ouer the Egyptians of Saul ouer the Philistims and of Dauid ouer the Chananites with their feast Phase at Ierusalem and their Feast Phurim in Persia. And sith Angels feasted with men ministred vnto men and commanded Feastes to be kept of men to put vs in remembrance of Gods benefits to men we should not omit to giue thanks for it For the old Lacedemonians in their Feast Phiditia where was more musicke and mirth then meat or drinke had their militarie dancing and their Songs Scholia to commend the renowmed worthines of such famous men as defended and saued their Cities and Countrey from the Persians and Macedonians So the Athenians in their Feast Sisisia where they obserued such Temperance that they would not exceed fiue Dishes by Platoes lawes in priuate Feastes called Bellaria Attica with such care that they allowed but fiue Ghests Yet Homer allowed the whole number of Pithagoras which was ten but in publike victorious Feasts Plato allowed 28. which was called Symposium Platonis but when Greece began their first draught to Iupiter and their last draught to Mercurius then their lawe was Aut biberent aut abirent Among the ancient Romans in priuate Feasts it was decreed there should not be aboue seuen for it was a common speach with the Romans Septem conuiuium nouem conuicium facere then Rome by Temperance being inferior to Spaine in number to the Africanes in subtiltie to the Grecians in wit and Stratagems yet the Victrix Domina gentium But when the late Emperours contended who should excel in ryotous Feastes Geta would haue as many dishes in his Feasts as could be found vpon the name of euery Letter in the Alphabet Lucullus would haue so many dishes in his Feast as were Gods in Rome worshipped Heliogabulus so many dishes in his Feast as could bee found in Summer colours out of the earth and vpon the earth that they sought to exceed Vitellius feast which was such for the number of his dishes that his became a By-word for a long time in Rome Vitellianae patinae This Feast Vitellius himself named Clypeum Mineruae which might haue bin better called Praeludium Veneris But God grant vs that wee in great Britaine may in perpetuall memorie of so great a blessing giue thankes to God for this our Tryumphant Regall and Crowned Feast Your Maiesties most humble and dutifull Seruant Lod Lloyd THE TRYVMPHANT FEAST for the fift of August I. Temperancia NO Gemme no Iewell no gold I giue No pearles from Pactolus so No Persian Gaze no Indian Nor Tagus sands I show Farre greater gifts I giue O King if Poets may credite beare Foure Vertues great all link'd in chaine a chaine for Kings to weare If Poets of force or feare be dumbe Dodoaean trees must speake If Angerona still be mute then stones will silence breake If men may vertue not aduance Memnos Image shall And the Oliue on Corebus graue these Halcyon dayes shall call Let Thracians bragge of Mars his sword let Greece of Phaebus shield Let Romans boast Quirinus speare to Ione great thankes we yeeld For Trophees iust and Triumphs due for Feast to King of Kings Osanna in skie Alleluiabs on earth both men and Angels sings In Mambre Abrahams Feast was best where Angels three were Ghests The like did Lot in Sodom keepe where Angels two did feast With Musicke mirth with Hebrue songs the Iewes kept Phases Feast And Iewes in Persia Phurim kept but not for Persian ghests The Indians feast at Ganges crown'd the Greekes with Crownets on In Persian feast with Tyra on Their kings to tend vpon Of all such crownes as Kings were crownd who best should crowned be They that conquered Kingdomes sixe or saued Kingdomes three Whose names and fame ought famous be e'ne from the Iles of Orchades Through lands through seas and Kingdomes great to the furthest part of Gades The cause why Curtius should be in steele or Decius wrought in brasse Or both Phileny in Iuorie set to saue their countrey it was Were Dion Hermodius in siluer set who sau'd two Cities free Their names should sure be in siluer set that saued Kingdoms three For Iustice yelds and Countreys claime a Lawrell Crowne for such Before such bloody Conquerours Crownes like Scythian Tamberlaine much Shake Morpheus off take Moroes pen in Homers verse indite Of Fame of Vertue and vertuous men a second Illiad write Not of Antonius lust in Rome Cleopatras loue to please Nor Tarquins fame with fancies fond on Lucres haste to seaze Though valiant Greekes for Priams Towne haue fil'd the world with fame Yet Helens rape by Priams sonne did Priams Towne defame The fault vnchaste Aeneas did made Didoes brood rebell That Hanibals more for Dido dide then Rome could Scipios tell The bowre which stoute Bellona holds the Fort where Vesta breeds Mars could neuer shake that Fort where Temperance chaste doth feede Xerxes that could eat vp Greece and drinke the Grecian seas E'ne Xerxes that would be Tytan cal'd could not Dame Temperance please Had strong Alcides conquered lust that conquered what he would By conquering lust he had conquer'd more then strong Alcides could Could be that gain'd the world with fame gaine greater fame in life Then Sysigambis honor saue great King Darius wife For Champions chaste more guerdon gain'd than gain'd Achilles force By slaughter great of Phrigian Knights of spoile of Hectors corse One Phineas chaste staid Iudas plague one Ioseph to Aegypt sold By Temperance chaste in Aegypt did what he in Aegypt would Let Scipio serue Saturnus Tombe let Silla Apollo tend Let Numa waite the Egerian Nimph. To Ioue our knees we bend Shall Temperance drinke of Cyrses Cup by Syrens thereto train'd Shall Mars in Phaebus Chariot sit through Vulcanes Forge being stain'd Vertues then thus coupled fast and link't like Homers chaine On Iacobs Ladder scale the Skies and Crownes of