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cause_n grace_n young_a youth_n 22 3 7.6001 4 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
B12458 A plaine and familiar exposition of the eighteenth, nineteenth, and twentieth chapters of the Prouerbs of Salomon / by Iohn Dod and Robert Cleaver. Dod, John, 1549?-1645.; Cleaver, Robert, 1561 or 2-ca. 1625. 1610 (1610) STC 6965; ESTC S109745 131,853 182

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to the Lord such abhominable iniquity as the Lord will surely and sharpely reuenge and punish See cap. 11. ver 1. Verse 11. Euen a childe will make knowne by his conuersation whether he be pure and whether his worke be right NEither yong nor old can so lie hid but that they wil by one meanes or other at one time or other bewray what manner of persons they are and what manner of deedes they doe If any may be vnknowne and not made manifest in both those respects surely those of yonger yeares are most likely to be they who are not tryed in such dealings nor in so many matters as men of riper age and yet here it is taught that euen a childe a yongling being yet tender and not growne to mans estate will make himselfe knowne by his conuersation by his behauiour by his gestures by his speech by the course of his practises whether he be pure whether there be vprightnesse and plaine meaning in him without dissimulation or grosse and professed lewdnesse and whether his worke be right whether that which he presently doth be with an honest minde performed and whether hee be like to take a good course in the rest of his life to come For euen young Plants declare by their growing and budding what trees they will prooue to be and what fruite they will beare hereafter so little ones often shew betimes what expectation is to be had of them they minister matter of hope or feare to them that conuerse with them and desire to see grace and piety in them This is a duety laid vpon euery childe so soone as he is of any discretion and capable of instruction that he should enter forthwith into the good way and walke constantly therein howbeit we confesse that many faile therin eyther through want of good education and bringing vp or yeelding afterwards to the lusts of youth decline and fall away from this towardlinesse which at the first appeared in them ¶ It concerneth the young as well as the olde to be religious Doct. and to liue vertuously Pertinent to this purpose is the exhortation of the Prophet Psal 148. v. 12. calling vpon yong men and maidens also olde men and children that they should praise the name of the Lord. And so is that question and answere which is made for their direction in another Psalme after this manner Wherewith shall a young man redresse Psal 119. 9. his waies In taking heede thereto according to thy word First being godly they are sure as well as the auncient to bee Reas 1 rewarded with saluation in the life to come and honoured with praise and good estimation in this life Otherwise the holy Ghost would neuer haue giuen them so good encouragement as he doth by preferring a poore and wise childe before an old and foolish King beside the notable example of Ioseph Dauid Samuel Eccles 4. 13. Iosiah Iohn Baptist and others as Timothy by name whome the Apostle aduiseth by that meanes to preserue his reputation saying Let no man despise thy youth and be vnto them that beleeue an example in word in conuersation in loue in spirit in faith and in 1. Tim. 4. 12. purenesse Secondly the remembrance of that goodnesse which is exercised in youth will be a singular comfort in olde age and susteine the heart against the manifolde infirmities and tediousnes thereof Thirdly on the other side they which liue vitiously when they are young shall most certainly be plagued when or before they come to be old if the curse cut them not off or weed them not out like hurtfull bryers or nettles sooner And many yea most of them though they liue to be olde yet out-liue not their sinfulnesse with which they infected themselues whiles yet they were young that will continue in them and goe to the graue with them as Zophar truely testified His bones are full of the sinne of his youth and it shall lie downe with him in the dust Neyther Iob 20. 11. will it be buried and consumed there but accompany the soule also to hell and accuse it before Gods iudgement seate and there cause them to be condemned and destroyed for euer Instruction to domestical Gouernors Ministers and Schoolemasters Vse 1 that they giue wholesome precepts to boyes and girles committed to their charge and restraine them from loose and dissolute behauiour in hope of prosperous successe whereby they may become both fruitfull trees in the Church of God and happy inheriters of eternall saluation It was paines well bestowed by the Mother and Grand-mother of Timothy to season him so timely with the word of the Lord that by their industry he knew the holy Scriptures of a childe and therefore did so much good to many and most to himselfe when he was a man And if it lie vpon parents so carefully to educate their children and Gouernours must looke so narrowly to the wayes of their youth how much more ought they of the elder sort hauing mis-spent many yeares in the seruice of sinne and are not yet reclaymed from their wicked waies to bestirre themselues for reformation afore it be too late Their daunger should terrifie their hearts and driue them to take a better course least they perish ere they haue well thought that they are in perill and their sottishnes should make them ashamed of their sluggishnes which haue suffered boyes and wenches and children to goe before them in wisedome and honesty and withall there is cause that hope should helpe them forwards in godly endeauours for if grace be giuen to them that are so young and of lesse capacity beside the manifolde vanities that youth and childe-hoode are subiect vnto to purifie their hearts and rectifie their workes it will not be denied to them who are more apprehensiue of vnderstanding and may be better able to gouerne their affections and order their wayes if they faithfully seeke it Confutation of that pernitious errour which too many both men and women illude themselues with that youth yeeldeth a priuiledge to them that are young to bee impious proude ryotous and wanton with impunity It is thought that they be foolish and mopish and haue degenerated from their age which will giue themselues to the seruice of any but of sinne and lust till they be past that age Why then did not the youthfull Sodomites plead their priuiledge and preserue themselues from destruction when the rest perished They were taken with the manner aswell as others there was notice taken of them as well as of others for the text saith that the men of Sodome compassed Gen. 19. 4. Lots house round about from the young euen to the olde all the people from all quarters And they were burnt vp with fire and brimstone and destroyed aswell as others And how came it to passe that the children spedde so ill which mocked Elisha saying Ascend thou bald-head ascend thou bald-head Why did he curse them in the name of the