Selected quad for the lemma: cause_n

Word A Word B Word C Word D Occurrence Frequency Band MI MI Band Prominent
cause_n good_a young_a zeal_n 30 3 7.6170 4 false
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EEBO-TCP documents containing the quad

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Showing 1 to 12 of 12
ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A07968 Barley-breake, or, A vvarning for vvantons. Written by W.N. Gent W. N., Gent. 1607 (1607) STC 18336; ESTC S110078 8,618 22 View Text
A16196 Baculum familliare, catholicon siue generale A booke of the making and vse of a staffe, newly inuented by the author, called the familiar staffe. As well for that it may be made vsually and familiarlie to walke with, as for that it performeth the geometrical mensurations of all altituded, longitudes, latitudes, distances and profundities: as many myles of, as the eye may well see and discerne: most speedily, exactly and familiarly without any maner of arithmeticall calculation, easily to be learned and practised, euen by the vnlettered. Newlie compiled, and at this time published for the speciall helpe of shooting in great ordinance, and other millitarie seruices, and may as well be imployed by the ingenious, for measuring of land, and to a number of other good purposes, both geometricall and astronomicall: by Iohn Blagraue ... Blagrave, John, d. 1611. 1590 (1590) STC 3118; ESTC S102659 45,938 75 View Text
A60847 Some remarkable passages in the holy life and death of Gervase Disney, Esq. to which are added several letters and poems. Disney, Gervase, 1641-1691. 1692 (1692) Wing S4594; ESTC R33846 111,400 321 View Text
A17419 The light of faith: and, way of holinesse Shewing what to belieue, and for what to striue together, earnestly contend, and suffer for in this contending age. And how to liue in all estates, conditions, and degrees of relation, according to this faith. In both, deliuering (as neere as might be, in the life of Scripture phrase:) only things necessary, as we meane to be saued, and auoiding vtterly things arbitrary, that distract, rather then direct a Christian. Collected out of holy Scripture by an vnworthy labourer in Gods vineyard, Richard Bifield pastor in Long-Ditton, in Surrey. Byfield, Richard, 1598?-1664. 1630 (1630) STC 4239; ESTC S107158 133,233 536 View Text
A08875 Palmerin D'Oliua The mirrour of nobilitie, mappe of honor, anotamie [sic] of rare fortunes, heroycall president of Loue: VVonder for chiualrie, and most accomplished knight in all perfections. Presenting to noble mindes, theyr courtlie desire, to gentles, theyr choise expectations, and to the inferior sorte, bowe to imitate theyr vertues: handled vvith modestie to shun offense, yet all delightfull, for recreation. Written in the Spanish, Italian and French; and from them turned into English by A.M., one of the messengers of her Maiesties chamber.; Palmerín de Oliva. Part 1. English. Munday, Anthony, 1553-1633. aut 1588 (1588) STC 19157; ESTC S101486 474,709 756 View Text
A77979 An exposition with practical observations continued upon the fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh chapters of the prophesy of Hosea· Being first delivered in several lectures at Michaels Cornhil London. By Jeremiah Burroughs. Being the fifth book, published by Thomas Goodwyn, William Greenhil, Sydrach Simson William Bridge, John Yates, William Adderly. Burroughs, Jeremiah, 1599-1646.; Goodwin, Thomas, 1600-1680. 1650 (1650) Wing B6070; Thomason E588_1; ESTC R206293 515,009 635 View Text
A34689 A practicall commentary, or an exposition with observations, reasons, and vses upon the first Epistle generall of John by ... John Cotton ... Cotton, John, 1584-1652.; R. D. (Roger Drake), 1608-1669.; Scott, Chr. (Christopher), fl. 1655. 1658 (1658) Wing C6452; ESTC R5113 587,691 443 View Text
A08882 The [first-] second part of the no lesse rare, then excellent and stately historie, of the famous and fortunate prince Palmerin of England and Florian de Desart his brother. Containing their knightly deeds of chiualry, successe in their loues pursuite, and other admirable fortunes. Wherein gentlemen may finde choyse of sweete inuentions, and gentlewomen be satisfied in courtly expectations. Translated out of French, by A.M. one of the messengers of her Maiesties chamber.; Palmerin of England (Romance). Part 1-2. English. Hurtado, Luis, ca. 1510-ca. 1598, attributed name.; Munday, Anthony, 1553-1633.; Morias, Francisco de, ca. 1500-1572, attributed name. 1616 (1616) STC 19163; ESTC S112858 625,182 895 View Text
A68172 The parliament of Chryste auouching and declaring the enacted and receaued trueth of the presence of his bodie and bloode in the blessed Sacrament, and of other articles concerning the same, impugned in a wicked sermon by M. Iuell, collected and seth-furth by Thomas Heskyns Doctour of dyuinitie. Wherein the reader shall fynde all the scripturs co[m]monlie alleaged oute of the newe Testament, touching the B. Sacrament, and some of the olde Testament, plainlie and truely expownded by a nombre of holie learned fathers and doctors. Heskyns, Thomas. 1566 (1566) STC 13250; ESTC S119699 1,133,151 826 View Text
A45240 An exposition of the book of Job being the sum of CCCXVI lectures, preached in the city of Edenburgh / by George Hutcheson ... Hutcheson, George, 1615-1674. 1669 (1669) Wing H3825; ESTC R20540 1,364,734 644 View Text
A02178 The workes of the reuerend and faithfull seruant af Iesus Christ M. Richard Greenham, minister and preacher of the Word of God collected into one volume: reuised, corrected, and published, for the further building of all such as loue the truth, and desire to know the power of godlinesse. By H.H.; Works Greenham, Richard.; Holland, Henry, 1555 or 6-1603.; Hill, Robert, d. 1623. 1612 (1612) STC 12318; ESTC S120843 1,539,296 988 View Text
A12738 The history of Great Britaine under the conquests of ye Romans, Saxons, Danes and Normans Their originals, manners, warres, coines & seales: with ye successions, lives, acts & issues of the English monarchs from Iulius Cæsar, to our most gracious soueraigne King Iames. by Iohn Speed. Speed, John, 1552?-1629.; Schweitzer, Christoph, wood-engraver. 1611 (1611) STC 23045; ESTC S117937 1,552,755 623 View Text
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