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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A16904 An exposition of the Creede, the Lords Prayer, the Tenne Commandements, and the Sacraments. Catechetically composed by Iohn Bristovv, minister of the Word of God Bristow, John, minister of the word of God. 1627 (1627) STC 3798; ESTC S114177 90,695 265

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conceale secrets o Prov. 11.13 and to bee thankefull to men for benefits p ●om 16.4 and to aduise men to such vertuous waies as procure a good name q Phil. 4.8 lastly care of our owne good name by not attempting things too high r Psal 131.1 Luke 14. and by giuing true testimony of our selues as occasion may bee concerning good and euill said of vs s 1 Cor. 15.10 Ionah 1.10 Iames 5.15 and doing such vertuous actions as be of good report auoiding blame and the suspicion of it t 2 Cor. 8.20 21 Q. What be some sinnes forbidden in the ninth Commandement A. Concerning others first omissions as not clearing or defēding the afflicted when wee may u Gen. 40.23 Prov. 24.11 12. and ●orbearing company of men with●ut cause x Iob 19.3 and vnthankefulnesse to men y 2 Tim. 3.2 secondly commissions inter●●ll by suspicion and disdaine z Prov. 14.21 1 Tim. 6.4 and externall by mocking a Gen. 21.9 bewraying secrets b Prov. 11.13 wresting words c 1 Sam. 22.9.10 Psal 52.1 2 lying d Rev. 22.15 breaking promise e 2 Tim. 3.3 slandering f Psal 15.3 and receiuing slanders and by flattery g Prov. 24.24 and praysing or defending wickednesse and concerning himselfe by boasting h Prov. 27.2 and vnlawfull debasing himselfe and losing his good name by sinfull courses Q. What is the tenth Commandement A. Thou shalt not couet c. Q. What duties bee commanded in the tenth Commandement A. First holy thoughts concerning our neighbours and our selues secondly i 1 Tim. 1.5 Heb. 13.5 1 Pet. 1.22 1 Thes 5.23 earnestly and constantly to suppresse euill lusts and motions k Rom. 7.21 22 23 24 Q. What bee some of the sinnes forbidden in the tenth Commandement A. First want of desire of the good of our selues or others l Rom. 7.7 secondly euill concupiscence and motions in thoughts and affections against our neighbour with delight although without consent to performe them or to the delight m Iames 1.14 Q. Canst thou keepe all the Commandements A. No n Rom. 7.18 19 8.3 1 Iohn 1.10 yet the Law is some meanes to humble vs o Gal. 3.24 Rom. 3.19.20 and is a rule of good life and our imperfect obedience is accepted through Christ who hath freed vs from the rigour of it p Mal. 3.17 Q. Are not beleeuers saued for the worthinesse of their good workes A. No First because they cannot doe them by their own power q Phil. 2.13 secondly they are debt bound to doe them r Luke 17.10 thirdly there is no proportion betweene the workes and the reward s Rom. 8.18 fourthly beleeuers are saued freely t Rom. 6.23 Eph. 2.8 9 Q. Are beleeuers iustified by their workes A. No first because their works are not perfectly good in many things wee sinne all u Es 64.6 1 Kings 8 46 and our best workes are mixed with sinne secondly the faithful haue renounced iustification by workes x Psal 143.2 120.3 Iob 9.3 Phil. 3.7 8 thirdly the righteousnesse of Christ imputed to vs consisting of his suffering holinesse and actiue obedience is that whereby we are iustified y 2 Cor. 5.21 fourthly good workes are fruits following iustification Christ iustifieth effectiuely faith apprehensiuely workes declaratiuely and declare vs to bee iustified they be not causes of our iustification Q. To what ends then should wee doe good workes A. First concerning God to testifie our obedience and thankfulnesse to God and to bee like him z 1 Pet. 1.15 Eph. 5.1 secondly concerning our selues to testifie our faith to be true a Iames 2.17 and to make our calling and election sure b 2 Pet. 1.5 6 7 10. and to walke in the way to obtaine Gods promises c Prov. 3.17 thirdly concerning others to put to silence the ignorance of euill doers d 1 Pet. 2.15 and to winne them to Christ e 1 Pet. 3.1 and to strengthen them that are conuerted and to preserue the bodies of other men f Mat. 25 Q. By what meanes doth God ordinarily worke faith and other graces in his elect and chosen A. By the preaching of the Gospell g Rom. 10.14.17 Iames 1.18 1 Pet. 1.23 Gal. 3.2 Q. By what meanes doth God ordinarily increase faith and other graces A. First by the h 1 Pet. 2.2 Acts 20.32 Word preached and read secondly by prayer i Iude 20. thirdly by receiuing the Sacraments k Rom. 4.11 fourthly by experience l Iohn 7.17 1 Iohn 3.19 Q. What is the Lords Prayer which he taught his Disciples A. Our Father which art in heauen c. Q. How many Petitions doth the Lords Prayer containe A. Sixe whereof the three first concerne the glory of God and the three last the necessities of our own soules and bodies Q. What is the Preface A. Our Father which art in heauen Q. What learne we out of the Preface A. First that wee should pray onely to God m Psal 50.15 Rom. 10.14 secondly not onely for our selues but for others n Iames 5.16 thirdly with affiance to be heard o 1 Ioh. 5 14.15 fourthly with reuerence to Gods Maiesty Q. What is the first Petition A. Hallowed be thy name Q. What doe we pray for therein A. That Gods name may bee acknowledged most holy and bee glorified by vs and others i● thought q Rom. 4.20 Esay 8.13 word r 1 Pet. 3.15 and deede s 1 Cor. 10.31 Q. What is the second Petition A. Thy Kingdome come Q. What doe we pray for therein A. That the dominion of sinn● being abolished t Rom. 6.14.17 God may sanctifie vs and so rule in vs by his wor● and Spirit in the Kingdome o● grace here u Col. 1.13 Rom. 14.17 and that wee may be● perfectly obedient subiects in th● life to come x Iob 17.24 Rev. 22.20 Q. What is the third Petition A. Thy will be done in earth a● it is in heauen Q. What should we pray for herein A. That wee may obey the wi●● of God in truth and sincerity of affection y Iohn 6.40 1 Iohn 3.23 as the Angels and Saints i● heauen doe although we cannot i● like degree of perfection z 2 Sam. 14.17 Mat. 18.10 Psal 119.60 Q. What is the fourth Petition A. Giue vs this day our dail● bread Q. What should we pray for in th● fourth Petition A. For all things necessary for the maintenance of this life a Psal 132.15 107.36 Zach. 10.1 Psal 127.2 144.14 Phil. 4.11 12 13 as food apparell health commodious dwelling Gods blessing vpon the means of our preseruation and contentation with our estates c. Q. What is the fifth Petition A. And forgiue vs our trespasses as we forgiue them that trespasse against vs. Q. What doe we pray for herein A. For assurance
●xcrements Gen. 23.12 1 Sam. 24.4 The sins are first wantō gestures Pro. ● 13 wanton lookes treading on the ●●e c. carnall kissing an impudent ●●ce strengthned against modesty Pro. ● 13 which is called a whores forehead ●econdly haunting suspected places ●hirdly nightwalking Prov. 5.8 ●●d 7.8 9. Gadding out to places vnfit ●●ov 7.11.12 Tit. 2.5 Fourthly ●●ence of words and ribald talke Prov. ● Fiftly wanton apparell curious dres●●g 1 Pet. 3. Q. Concerning the eight Commande●ent Thou shalt not steale what is the scope ●it and what duties be commanded and ●hat sinnes forbidden therein A. First in generall it commandeth preserue our neighbours goods and ●r owne In particular concerning our neighbours there is commanded first in the minde a right conceiuing o● distinction of estates and possession among men Deut. 32.8 Ier. 27.5 6. The sinne is to hold all things common as the Anabaptists doe Secondly contentation with our ●state Phil. 4.11 1 Tim. 6.8 The sinne is couetousnesse a desi●● to be rich with discontent in prese●● estate Heb. 13.5 1 Tim. 6.9.10 Thirdly an inward affection to righteous dealing and to all such vertuo● actions as be here inioyned for the l●● is spirituall Rom. 7. Mat. 7.12 The sinnes be first the outward act●on without affection to the vertue Secondly consenting to or fauourin● theft Psal 50. Prov. 1. and 29.24 Fourthly to walke in some hon●● vocation whereby hee may deriue 〈◊〉 himselfe iust possession and maintenance without wronging the Comm●●-wealth Prov. 7. Ephes 4.28 The sin is an inordinate life in idl●nesse or without a vocation 2 Thes ● 11. Fiftly frugality an honest and car●full preseruing of the riches wee haue ●hat they may not bee vnthriftily laid ●ut on vnnecessary things that so wee ●ay the better doe good to others ●ith them as occasion may be Prov. 5. ●7 and 12.26 The sinne is a needlesse and wastfull ●isspending of goods Prov. 21.17 ei●●er in gaming feasting whoring or considerate entring into suretiship ●rov 11.15 and 17.18 and 22.26 or ●ing taken not seeking by friends to 〈◊〉 free Prov. 6.4.5 Sixtly an honest plainnesse and sim●●city in all our dealings speaking and ●eaning plainly without guile or de●●t not as Absolon did steale the heart 〈◊〉 the people from his father or as false ●●chers from God Rom. 16. they whose ●●uth is a snare and whose hands as ●rs and bands Eccl. 7. Seuenthly faithfulnesse and constan●● in words and promises Psalm 15.4 ●ov 25.14 The sinne is breaking couenant ei●●r simply by which we bring damage ●our neighbor Amos 1.9 or in some ●●ect of time as they that hauing promised faithfully and are put in trust defraud widowes or orphans Prov. 3.27 denying to pay debts or deferring to their losse that gaue them day for payment keeping backe the wages of seruants or changing it as Laban did I●cobs Deut. 24.15 Iam. 5.4 denying o● deferring to restore that which is r●ceiued to be kept Exod. 22. with-holding the pledge or vsing it to the lo●● of our neighbour Amos 2.8 Eightly iustice and righteousn●● in bargaining 1 Thes 4.6 Phil. 2.4 C●● 5.13 The sinne is not to keepe proporti● betweene the worth of the thing w● sell and the price Levit. 25.15 〈◊〉 2 Cor. 8.13 as taking dearer for ti●● Secondly to sell that which is not to 〈◊〉 sold as iustice the goods of the Chu●● Prov. 20.25 soules Rev. 18.13 Thir● when corrupt wares are sold for g● and pure Amos 8.6 Fourthly to 〈◊〉 diue●s weights a greater to buy w● and a lesser to sell with so of measu●● Deut. 25.13.14 Lev. 19.35 Fiftly conceale the fault and colour it 〈◊〉 deceit Mat. 7.12 Pro. 20.14 to 〈◊〉 ●o lower price by his necessity that must ●ell Ninthly restoring things found la●ouring to finde out the owner Deut. ●2 1 2 3. The sin is to detaine the goods from ●●e owner Prov. 3.27 as they that find ●he purse the beast or any thing else of ●nother mans and conceale it Tenthly to vse onely honest good ●eanes of getting Ephes 4.28 The sinnes be to gather treasures of ●ickednesse as by open and violent ●heft Zach. 5. by oppression Eccl. 7.8 ●y vnlawfull pyracie by play for gaine ●y vsury Prov. 28.8 which is a certaine ●aine by couenant for the bare act of ●●nding The duties concerning our selues are ●rst to labour in a lawfull calling for ●ur owne maintenance 2 Thes 3.12 ●●condly to order expenses according ●o our ability Pro. 27.25 26. Thirdly ●o avoid rash suretiship Pro. 6.1 2. and ●ot lightly to giue credit to the hazar●ing of what is gotten by lawful means ●ourthly to suffer nothing to perish ●●rough slothfulnesse Ioh. 6.12 Fiftly in giuing and lending to haue respe● to our ability Psal 112.5 2 Cor. 16.2 The sinnes be idlenes niggardline● to himselfe prodigality rash and vna●uised suretiship Q. Concerning the Ninth Commandment Thou shalt not beare false witnesse ●gainst thy neighbour what is command●● and forbidden herein A. In generall to defend the goo● name of our neighbor and of our selue● and therefore to speake the truth and ●uoid lying Inward duties In particular there is commande● first inwardly in the mind to know t●● excellency of a good name Prov. 22. ● Eccl. 7.1 and of the truth Ephes 4 1● Secondly in thoughts taking thin● doubtfull in the best part as far as m● be 1. Cor 13.5 Gen. 37.31 Mat. 10 1● Prov. 14.5 and 25.2 Thirdly in 〈◊〉 fection a gladnesse to heare good rep● of others and euill with griefe Rom. 8. Ezra 9. Fourthly loue of the tru●● Psal 15.2 Prov 13.5 Sins forbidden here be first desp●sing others Prov. 14.21 Secondl● disdaining and enuying at the credit 〈◊〉 others 1 Cor. 13.4 Thirdly vniust suspition 1 Tim. 6.4 Fourthly thinking lying to be no sinne or very small not hating lying nor louing the truth Outward duties be either in publike course of iudgement Outward duties Publike or in priuate conuersation In publike course of iudgement first Iudges not to be too credulous in beleeuing accusations Psa 101.5 Deut. 19.16 17 18 19. and therefore not to proceed without sufficient witnesses Deut. 19.15 Mat. 18.16 17. 1 Tim. 5.19 The sinne is to entertaine false accusations Proverb 27.12 2 Sam. 16.2.3 1 Sam. 22.9 10 c. Secondly witnesses ought to auouch nothing but truth knowne and that certainly The sinne is when witnesses testifie false things Deut. 19.16 17 18 19. 1 Kings 21.13 Matt. 26.61 1 Sam. 22.9 10. Concerning priuate conuersation Priuate first by word or writing to testifie the good knowne of any as occasion may be 1 Sam. 20.24 1 Cor. 16.10 2 Cor. 8.22 23. 3 Iohn 12. The sinne is first to omit the defence of the good name of our neighbor Pro. 12. not to cleare the afflicted Secondly to forbeare his company without cause Psal 38. Iob 19. Thirdly to mock 2 In ordinary speeches of others we must neither vtter nor receiue the reports of the faults of others false or doubtfull Exod. 23.1 Psal 15. 1 Cor.