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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A06821 Newes from Spaine A relation of the death of Don Rodrigo Calderon, marques of seven churches, &c. Faithfully translated according to the Spanish copy printed at Madrid. By Fernando Manojo. From the court. Manojo de la Corte, Fernando. 1622 (1622) STC 17258; ESTC S105407 10,146 22

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Spiritum meum hee added Vitam honorem meum The Masse being ended where he Rcceiued hee heard other foure with such tranquilitie and deuotion that he neuer sighed nor lamented being thereat out of modestie ashamed lest his deuotion should bee therefore accounted rather vaine-glorious then vertuous in this hee excelled as his priuate Almes giuen in the time of his better fortune beare witnesse and the Religious by whose hands they passed can affirme The Chappell in which lyeth the body of the holy Mother Teresa of IESVS in the Church of the Discalced Carmelites at Madrid was part of his Almes which hee desired to make more sumptuous if his Order had permitted Hee also built the Heremitage in the Desert de Batuccas and caused two Masses to bee daily said in that which is neare to Pestrana Hee said the Office of our Lady and for the Soules departed hauing continued it many yeeres He was Confessed and receiued in the Pascall Feasts our Ladies and the Apostles and examined daily his conscience which he vsed for these foure or fiue yeeres last past to doe twice a day Hee had thrice made his generall Confession before this last which he ended on Saint Matthewes Eue and Receiued the next day In the prison he was confessed twice or thrice a weeke after he might with leaue doe it Hee passed the euening with his Confessor and with Friar Gregorie de Pedrosa in spirituall questions so high that it appeared God was his Tutor and the Schoole the Prison as he said In his Spirituall conference these words escaped him I wish I could giue a thousand liues for mine Enemies His Confessor checked him for calling them Enemies whereat recalling himselfe hee humbly demanded how hee should name them His Confessor told him hee should make that Recognition for those which sought to hurt him if any such were He much esteemed this aduise and fulfilled it This night Father Iohn de la Madre de Dios companion to his Confessor brought him a Memoriall of Bequests from the Religious of his Order which were Prayers and Fastings Hee was greatly comforted therewith and humbly answered that he hoped to see himselfe with God and to beseech his diuine Maiestie to reward their great charitie Giuing discreet satisfaction vnto all and not leauing any thing by his neare approach to death vnperformed that belonged to curtesie and vrbanitie or vertuous policy So that when some came to demand of him debts no iust cause moouing them he answered If his estate were in himselfe hee could dispose thereof as hee liked but being now in his Maiestie he stood obliged to defend it and make no declaration in preiudice of the true Owner for those that vniustly sought to haue it Talking with Father Iohn de la Madre de Dios he said My Father Wife Children Estate and Honour is taken from me as to morrow shall bee my Life but that which onely grieueth mee is that I haue no more to lose for Gods sake the memory of the losse of these things did not trouble him but the desire that his death might giue example to others so to liue as to saue their Soules O generous condition of a zealous Soule All loue seemed too little compared with the greatnesse of the Obiect and light encreasing according to loue discerned more clearely the vnlimited distance betweene humane power and diuine Omnipotency Being late in the night hee was importuned by the Religious there present to lye downe on his Pallet which he did holding a Crucifixe and by him the Picture of the holy Mother Teresa of IESVS there he reposed a while ouercome rather with contemplation then sleepe Hee demanded of Friar Pedro de la Concepcion if hee should receiue Extreame Vnction who answered That the Church vsed not to giue it to those that dyed so Them said he since I cannot receiue this Sacrament doe me the curtesie to teach mee the Ceremonies thereof to know them before I dye The Friar tooke a Manual and said the Prayers Letanies and Ceremonies omitting the substance of the Sacrament He gaue eare to all with humble attention and deuotion not shunning but seeking earnestly to prepare himselfe to dye in the well performing whereof he placed his greatest happinesse Then hee continued in mentall Prayer from fiue a clocke vntill sixe in the morning with admirable recollection for the which afterward hee infinitely thanked God Here let Contemplatiues practized in prayer consider the diuine Fauours shewed by this Repose to a man that had the sword laid to his throat whose threed of Life was euen spunne the representation of Death securing the attention of his Spirit who being vnloaded from the weight of this mortality was vnited to its euerlasting Beginning a thing so desired by those that treate with God and onely effected by Death and wished of him as the meane to obtayne so glorious an End That morning hee put off his haire shirt before his Confessor modestly preuenting the publique inconuenience which might ensue by what hee desired to haue secret Then kneeling downe before diuers graue Religious persons he read a protestation of Faith which himselfe had made In it was contayned a quintessence of inward zeale vttered in wordes so feeling and significant that it caused both admiration and confusion Don Pedro Fernandez de Mansilla an Alcayde of the Court came to take his leaue of him whom he met halfe way with a behauiour and countenance of such serenitie that it paralleld not with his present estate Don Pedro desired him to commaund him some seruice to which hee answered That since hee gaue him leaue so to doe hee besought him for a quick dispatch in his Wife and Childrens businesse which was a s●…te for Land with his Maiestie that depended before Don Pedro de Mansilla to this hee gaue him a courteous answere Those that then were present began to shead teares and sigh seeing a courage so vndaunted and a presence so venerable Hee seeing himselfe to bee the Cause of their woe comforted them saying Sirs it is no time to lament but to reioyce since I am going to doe the Will of God These wordes gaue cause of comfort to pious minds by discouering the good estate of his Soule and great Christianitie Then he went into the Chappell in a Cloke and vpon it the habite of Saint Iames where he heard many Masses He intreated the Carmelite that said it to put his Soule together with the Host into the Challice This was to follow the example of the holy Mother Teresa of IESVS who on a Palme Sunday said the like This wrought so good effect that hee was comforted both in Soule and Body and incouraged to suffer He gaue his Rosarie to a religious man of the Order of Saint Hierome for accounting himselfe as dead he prepared for his owne Dirge Thus hee continued performing many acts of Contrition in feruent prayer vntill the time of execution At eleuen Friar Gregorie de Pedrosa came vnto