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A15504 Some helpes to faith Shewing the necessitie, grounds, kinds, degrees, signes of it. Clearing diuerse doubts, answering obiections, made by the soule in temptation. By Iohn Wilson, preacher of Gods word in Gilford. Wilson, John, d. 1630. 1625 (1625) STC 25769; ESTC S103081 44,436 242

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vnbeleefe is destroyed he that was carelesse of or auerse from faith now wills loues desires labours to beleeue the grace giuen hath disposed him to follow after it according to the commandement Follow after faith 1. Tim. 6.11 The will is Gods worke Phil. 2.13 Vertues in will and act are the same in kinde differing onely in degree as in vice lusting after a woman in heart vnlawfully is adultery in him that lusts though it come not into act coueting an other mans goods inordinately is theft though he bee hindred from taking them Thirdly Lusting contrary to the flesh argueth the presence and working of Gods spirit Gal. 5.17 in that the will of the flesh is not fulfilled but hindered Desire of holy graces is an act of spirituall life act argues facultie and facultie being Fourthly Christ graciously receiues tenderly cherisheth the little ones Zach. 13.7 giuing charge against contempt and therby offence of them Math. 18.5.10 incouraging men to receiue them as counting that in so doing he is receiued when it is done in his name hee calls on men to beare with the weak to comfort the feeble minded 1. Thes. 5.14 he promiseth to binde vp the broken and to strengthen the weake Ezech. 34.16 to gather the lambes with his arme to carry them in his bosome with tender regard of their weaknesse he giueth vnto him that fainteth and vnto him that hath no strength he increaseth power Esa. 40.29 hee quencheth not the smoaking flaxe the bruised reed shall he not break but of weake and small beginnings shall he bring forward his kingdome victoriously Math. 12.20 How did he respect the shaken Disciples the two going Emmaus to whom hee ioyned himselfe not without reproofe of their slownesse of heart to beleeue yet to confirme their faith by opening the Scriptures vnto them Luk. 24.32 and the eleuen together reproching them for their vnbeleefe yet shewing his hands and his side to the gladnesse of their hearts Mar. 16.14 Ioh. 20.20 He crownes a gracious will where power want Prou. 10.24 Esa. 1.19 2 Cor. 8.12 Fiftly Though it bee giuen to some to know Gods loue to them with such sweete contentment as passeth pleasures of nature Psal. 4.7 and 63.5 Cant. 1.3 Yet it is not so with them at all times Some that haue gloried in good walking in the light of his countenance made their songs of him after haue oppressed with sorrow their soules sore troubled fainting within them Ion. 2.7 their heart failing them at the thought of the multitude of their sinnes Psal. 40.12 troubled in thought of God refusing comfort in great temptation to despaire vttering words sauouring of it as if they forgat their seperation from them that perish Esa. 6.5.7 Psal. 31.22 Lam. 3.18 yet get victory at length Obiection IIII. Beleeuers purged by the blood of Christ are without conscience of sinnes Heb. 10.2 know they are not guilty and are at rest in soule I am sensible of guiltinesse with painefull feare how dwelleth then the faith in God in me Answere First Faith is but in iourney yet and hath different degrees we reade or heare of weak strong little and great as it increaseth it giues vs to know that wee haue no guiltie conscience Secondly God doth not ease the beleeuers of al their paine and feare at once Dauid heard Nathan pronounce his absolution from his sinne in the name of God 2. Sam. 12.13 yet had not present freedome from conscience of sinne as appeares Psal. 51.7 Maries loue testified her faith forgiuenes of sins yet was she afflicted in conscience as appeares by her teares Christs absolution spoken to her face thy sinnes be forgiuen thee bidding her goe in peace Luk. 7.48.50 God accepts voluntary contrition for sinne as it is offensiue to him it is founded in loue which argues faith begun Psal. 34.18 Psal. 51.17 Esa. 57.15 They must wait for the Lord that hideth his face and looke for him Thirdly it pleaseth God to quiet mens hearts by euidence of sanctification somtimes when they want sense of faith and iustification by it 1. Ioh. 3.19 As the naturall spirit comes not to any member but in connection to the head so the spirit of sanctification is giuen to none but in their vnion to Christ. By that spirit we know he is in vs and we in him 1 Ioh. 3.24 it is Gods seale and earnest to assure his promise something aboue a pledge in common vse because the pledge is restored when the promise is fullfilled an earnest is not restored but is made full according to the promise Obiection V. There is a righteousnesse not allowed in heauen which had loue from Christ Mark 10.21 and something called sanctification which is no signe of true faith because men fall away from it to greater sinfulnesse then euer they had before and their latter end is worse then their beginning how may I then know that sanctification that infallibly testifieth of true faith Ans. 1. True holinesse is an effect of vnion with Christ Heb. 2.11 the vertue of his death and resurrection Rom. 6.4 Phil. 3.10 Col. 2.11.12 proceeds from election Eph. 1.4 and is an euidence to assure it vnto vs 2. Thes. 2.13.2 Pet. 1.10 a beginning of glorification which is brought forward vnto perfection of glory Rom. 8.30 2. Cor. 3.18 Therefore that from which men fall and that morality which Christs example teacheth vs to loue as a worke of Gods good prouidence to the preseruatiō of society cannot be true sanctification though sometime in a large sense so called for some materialls or because they seemed so to themselues deceiued in their imagination Prou. 30.12 Gal. 6.3 They haue some kinde of dispositions towards grace but it is not brought forward to sanctification they onely seeme to haue The world cannot receiue the spirit Ioh. 14.17 An honest heart whereby fruit is brought forth with patience is the note of a true beleeuer resembled by the ground Secondly True righteousnesse in life is such proofe of a man borne of God and indeede righteous as we are to rest in 1 Ioh. 2.29 3.7 It differs from ciuill righteousnesse and seeming sanctification diuersly though they haue much of the matter in them 1. in cause extent and end 1. The next and immediate cause of a good worke is inherent righteousnesse infused from Christ of whose fulnesse we all receiue grace for grace it is not onely done in grace but by grace 1 Cor. 15.10 By the grace of God I am that I am and his grace which is in mee was not in vaine but I laboured c. not I but the grace of God which is with me called liuing and walking in the spirit They be actions of a supernaturall life begun which wee haue in Christ by faith Gal. 2.20 That righteousnes which is not allowed in heauen is produced by the flesh of fleshly wisedome which the Apostle opposes to the grace of God in guidance of conuersation 2.
for no feare of any creature to sin against him which is either full and occupieth the heart wholly which kinde of fearefull ones haue a fearefull place appointed if they doe not repent Reu. 21.8 Or it is of infirmity with loue to God and his commandement strife against it to glorifie God in resting on him which in the weaknesse of faith may preuaile yet not reigne Thus many godly men haue beene guilty and out of this passion done reprochfull things Confirme your heart against this feare 1. by Gods commandement in nothing feare your aduersaries Phil. 1.28 and call vpon the fearfull to be strong Esay 35.4 Secondly By promises considered and applyed by faith in Christ Esa. 51.12.13 Heb. 13.7 Ioh. 10.28 of Gods presence Psal. 91.15 of his protection against hurt or deliuerance or strength to beare the temptation 1. Cor. 10.13 of certain profit by affliction excellency of glory following sufferings for God for Christ both for matter and intention And with the promises consider them that by faith and patience now inherit them and specially look vpon Iesus the author and finisher of our faith consider him in his sufferings being such a person not onely innocent but the Sonne of God and the glory that he liues in and will bring them into that are faithfull in him Thirdly By weighing the prouidence of God in three degrees 1. In vnreasonable creatures sparrowes of meane price but haue the course of their life defined by it swine were not free to the deuills will but by diuine permission 2. In reasonable men vnbelieuing haue him their Sauiour he is the Sauiour of all men 3. His prouidence speciall towards beleeuers hauing their haiers in number custody Mat. 10.30 those three in the ho●● fierie furnace had not a haire of their head burnt A Christian aboue other men neither liues nor dies at aduenture but to a Lord that will owne him in life and death If he giue quietnesse who can make trouble whether vpon nations or a man onely Iob. 34.29 Fourthly Thinking on the spirit you haue receiued not of the world not of feare but of power and a sound minde 2. Tim. 1.7 Fiftly Of the good that comes by such sufferings to others many glorifie God in seeing such grace shine forth in such as the spirit of glory rests vpon Elect not called are prepared to conuersion they that are called are confirmed becomming more hold in Gods cause Phil. 1.13.14 and for reprobates a testimony is left on Gods side against them whose iudges the beleeuers shall be with Christ at the day of iudgement You haue not yet resisted vnto blood in striuing against sinne you must resolue and prepare for it whether God will call you to it or not it is a fellowship with Christ greatly argueth faithfullnesse Act. 15.26 Lesser sufferings are the markes that are vpon Christs faithful seruants a great worke of our loue to God and our brethren Ioh. 14.31 Ioh. 15.13 a glorious victorie ouer the world flesh and deuill Reu. 12.11 leauing glory on the names of such and making their example perswasiue Ephes. 3.1 Fourthly To be with Christ whether by death or by change is best of all we desire by chang if that might be not to put off the substance of our bodyes but the qualities 2. Cor. 5.4 but that not granted to vs but to such as shall be aliue remaine at Christs comming 1. Thes. 4.15.17 It is a holy choise with suctiection to God to desire rather to be out of the body with Christ then in the body absent from him 2. Cor. 5.8 Secondly Yet for the vse of a good mans life to others it may make a stop in this choise Phil. 1.23.24 Thirdly Good men are not alwaies in such case as to dare to dy their soule is troubled Psal. 6.3 2. They would doe God more service Psal. 119.17 they desire to mourne more for their sinnes which heauen admits not there is no sorrow Fourthly The godly haue their graces mixt with their contraries in remisse degrees the loue of Christ and the loue of being in this world may bee together no man here followeth the guidance of the spirit without sensible hinderance of the flesh the comfort is that we giue not the reignes to the flesh you do not make present things your treasure desiring to liue in the body onely to enioy them as if you thought your felicity ended with your life Doth it not afflict you that your loue to Christs presence is no more full and flaming feare not What gather you of Lots lingering in Sodom till God being merciful to him the Angel led him out by the hand that he had no spirituall life or that some earthly thoughts and affections striuing against his grace held him Kindle your loue to Christ and coole it to the world compare them and the gaine by them together Cant. 8.7 Phil. 3.8 and come vp more out of this wildernesse to cleaue to your welbeloued who makes his to be the glory aboue all societies in the world to their admiration that swim in earthly pleasures pray to see the felicity of the chosen the worth of your hope in immediate communion with Christ that he may be all in all to you you may keepe you chast in loue to him from adultery with this world and greatly desire the sweetnesse of his familiaritie Consider what account he makes of the loue of his set vpon him Cant. 4.10 and be prouoked to get more of it into your heart that is so precious with him Go forth in contemplation of his incomparable excellency glory and honour wherewith he is crowned Cant. 3.11 you shall find him wholly desireable Cant. 5.10.16 Labour to know his loue that passeth knowledge and be drawen to it as souldiers to their banners all the world cannot giue an example of such loue Rom. 5.8 He is tied in his desire to the presence of his Church his loue in pleasures Cant. 7.5.6 his prayer to his father a little before his death was that they which beleeued in him might be where he is he gaue his promise for their comfort that hee would come againe and take them to 〈…〉 be where he is Let this further your desire to be with him In the meane time continue in his loue in keeping his commandements Ioh. 15.10 stand on his side against Antichrist in his battailes with him Reu. 17.14 He iudgeth and fighteth righteously and the victory is certaine on his side Reu. Be diligent in making him knowen in opening his excellencies that his name being as an oyntment powred out others may loue and seeke him speake forth his praise declare his will confesse him before the world It is not without fruit Cant. 8.13 The companions harken to thy voice Now the God of hope fill you with all ioy and peace in beleeuing and the Lord guide our hearts into the loue of God and patient waiting for of his Sonne Vnto God the Father Sonne and holy Ghost be honour Thanksgiuing obedience and subiection Whose is the kingdome power and glory for euer and euer Amen FINIS Numb 20.21.24 Psal. 56 10. Act. 27.25.36 Esa. 45.19 Esa. 49.23 2. Thess. 1.8 Ioh. 3.23 1. Ioh. 5.10 Ioh. 3.33 2. Cor. 5.20 2. Cor. 6.1 Psal. 112.7 Iob. 5.22 Ioh. 5 42 Deut. 30.6 2. Thess. 3.5 2. Chr. 19.9 Psal. 144.15 Hos. 2.15 1. Pet. 2.5 Luk. 17.16 17. Math. 7.18 Rom. 2.9 Math. 21.44 Math. 10.23 Reu. 5.2 3 5. Rom. 5.6 Reu. 3.4 Ezech. 36.31 1. Tim. 1.16 Rom. 3.22 23. 10 12. Hos. 14.15 Mark 3.28 Esra 10.2 Math. 22.9 10. Luk. 14.23 Ioh. 17.9 Gal. 2.20 Ioh. 3.5 Rom. 8.13 Eph. 5.5 6. Math. 9.21 22. Psal. 119.106 Ioh. 5.40 Ioh. 4.48 Mark 4.40 Ioh. 20.29 Ioh. 8.31.66 Act. 15.8.1 Ioh. 1.12 2. Cor. 5.17 Rom. 5.1 Rom. 7.25 2. Cor. 4.13 Act. 4.32 Eph. 4.16 Ioh. 6.64 Cant. 2.2 1. Pet. 2.2 Ioh. 14.5 Neh. 1.11 Esa. 40.11 Psal. ●7 9 10. Esa. 8.17 1. Ioh. 1.7 1 Pet. 1.2 Rom. 7.6 1. Pet. 4.11 Rom. 13.8 Phil. 1.21 Heb. 6.4 5 6 9. Math. 6.23 Col. 2.20 Mark 8.24 Iob 9.3.20 Iam. 3.13 Zeph. 2.3 Ioh. 1.12 Deut. 29.19 Ier. 7.8 Rom. 7.9.11 2. King 10.16 Luk. 18.21 Dan. 5.6 Rom. 5.9 10. Rom. 8.33 34 35. Act. 24.16 Psal. 18.22 1. Ioh. 3.9 Act. 8.23 Rom. 7.14 1 Ioh. 5 19 2. Tim. 7.2 Math. 4.11 Psal. 119.29 c. Vers. 32. Psal. 119.161 Iob 17.9 1. Sam. 25.34 Rom. 8.14 Psal. 40.12 Psal. 119.157 Cant. 4 13 14 16. Hosh. 14.6 7. Ioh. 14.28 Cant. 5.2 1. Tim. 6.11 Heb. 10.25 1. Pet. 2.3 Pro. 10.24 Numb 12.13 14. Gal. 6.18 2 Tim. 4.22 Iob 16.17 Rom. 7. ●1 Ioh. 3.8 Col. 3.16 2 Cor. 12.14 Psal. 112.5 Pro. 13.23 2 Thess. 3.8 Eph. 4.28 Prou. 3.9 Eccles. 17.13 Psal. 26.3 1 Cor. 7.30 Rom. 12.15 Amos 6.6 Esa. 8.13 Esa. 43.2 3. Heb. 12.20 2. Cor. 4.18 Heb. 6.12 Heb. 12.2 Mat. 10.29 Mark 5.12 1 Tim. 4.10 Rom. 14.8 1 Thess 5.10 Gal. 6.17 1 Cor. 15.51 52. Esa 38.18 19. Gen. 19.16 Cant. 6.8 9. Ioh. 17 2● Ioh. 14.3 Cant. 1 2. Rom. 15.13 2. Thess. 3.5
it comes to challenge the aduersaries of our happinesse with a holy insultation either as it were at the barre for accusation or condemnation or in the field for force to separate vs from the loue of God in Christ Iesus Rom. 8.33 34 35. cannot be without faith in Christ. We haue by him entrance vnto God with boldnesse and confidence through faith in his name Ephes. 3.12 Him God raised from the dead and gaue him glory that our faith and hope might bee in God 1. Pet. 1.21 That a man may stay vpon God hee must know that hee is his God committing the care of his safetie and the charge of his happines to belong to him being both able and willing to helpe him which necessarily requires faith in Christ that hee may haue right to that couenant I will bee thy God So knowing whom hee hath beleeued he with quietnesse and confidence commits himselfe to him as Paul 2. Tim. 1.12 Diffidence and thereby feare are found in godly men and that in good causes by defect of faith much more in them that haue no faith whose hearts by the sound of feare are mooued as the trees of the forrest by the winde Esay 7.2 or are hardned against threatnings by flatterie trust in lying words making falsehood their refuge Secondly Loue of God whereby we are mooued towards him and cleaue to him as soueraignely good in himselfe 2. the authour and maintainer of all our good had or hoped for 3. and for him doe loue such persons and things as hee hath commended to our loue 4. giue our selues to him to bee at his will seeking his glory and hating our selues as wee are against him 5. cannot be satisfied but in fruition of him and therein rest with delightfull contentment cannot bee in an vnbeleeuer 1. In such the loue of God is not 2. Gods loue preuents vs and mooues ours 1. Iohn 4.19 3. Hee circumciseth our hearts to loue him his spirit is called the spirit of loue because it works it in vs and guides our hearts into it 2. Tim. 1.7 4. It is one speciall note by which the heires of the grace of life are described 1. Cor. 2.9 8.3 Eph. 6.24 Rom. 8.28 Iam. 1.12 The vnbeleeuer is an enemy to God Coloss. 1.21 Thirdly Feare of God whereby we sanctifie him in our hearts stand in awe of him his word hate to sin against him euen where no eye but his can take notice of vs giue our selues to good duties with strife to doe them so as pleaseth him aspire to full sanctification 2. Cor. 7.1 cannot be in an vnbelieuer For it is wrought in regeneration by vertue of Gods Couenant with such as haue their sinnes forgiuen Ier. 32.40 by the spirit of God that rests vpon Christ for his members Esa. 11.2 is prouoked by Gods mercy Psal. 130. vers 4. and holds a man with a perpetuall will to God The vnbeleeuer either contemnes God and declares it by lewdnesse in his waies Prou. 14.2 Or if he feare it is either penall Esa. 33.14 like the diuells trembling or meere seruile to be a bridle to work some ciuility the chiefe obiect of it is euill of punishment The feare of the belieuer is ingenuous voluntary with confidence and ioy the chiefe obiect of it is euill of sinne not his owne distresse but Gods offence Fourthly Obedience a voluntary subiection of minde and heart to God to hearken to and to doe his will after that manner and to that end which hee appoints is not in an vnbeleeuer whose wisedome is enmitie against God Rom. 8.7 He is a seruant of sinne addicted to the wils of the flesh and minde to fulfill them not subiect to God nor can be Faith is the Mother of obedience by it wee receiue the spirit renewing our nature vnto delightsome agreement with Gods Law Ioh. 5.3.4 mouing vs by Gods mercies impelling vs by the loue of Christ to die to our selues to liue to him Fiftly Patience whereby vnder euills wee adide in Gods waies possesse our soules waite for God and giue him glory acknowledging his hand authoritie ouer vs and ours his wisedome righteousnes and goodnes is not in an vnbeleeuer for it is the daughter of faith and hope 1. Thes. 1.3 a fruit of the spirit Gal. 5.22 and is wrought in meditation and application of Gods promises of the gift of his sonne the pledge of all promises Rom. 8.31.32 and his presence with vs in trouble Psal. 91.15 moderating the temptation to the strength he giues that we may be able to beare it working our present good and promoting our future glory 2 Cor. 4. Vnbeleefe hath either senselesse stupiditie Ier. 5.3 or hardening and making the courage stout to indure the vttermost or a counterfeit humiliation whereby men flatter God to get out of his hands which if it succeed not their pride opens their mouth against God vnto stout words and their heart frets against the Lord. Esa. 58.3 Mal. 3.13.14 Sixtly Prayer an action of the heart wherein acknowledging the author of all goodnesse we inforce the powers of our soules to doe an immediate seruice to him to bring forward his decrees into execution no vnbeleeuer can rightly performe for it requires faith not onely of Gods essence and power but of his loue and good will to vs accepting our person and receiuing our prayer Mar. 11.24 Rom. 10.14 Heb. 11.6 Iam. 1.6 and it must be by the holy Ghost Iud. 2.20 It requires an vpright person Prou. 15.8 the oder of Christs sacrifice Reue. 8.4 And so is a note of saluatition Ioel. 2.38 Which is farre from an vnbeleeuer Seuenthly thanksgiuing or sacrificing praise to God cannot be rightly performed without faith for it requires a heart affected with this aboue all benefits that the Lord is our God which was declared by giuing thanks before the Ark the testimonie of Gods presence with his people it goeth thus thou art my God and I will thanke thee Psal. 118.28 With tast of his loue in the benefits as pledges of more to come as the valley of Achor for a dore of hope with pleasure in the commandement consecration of our selues and that we haue to God offered in the mediation of Christ for acception Vnbeleeuers though formally they may giue thanks conuinced that all good is from God carried by pride in preferment of their gifts before other men as the Pharisee Luk. 18.11 yet they bee more in prayers then in praises As they cannot giue thanks for spiritual benefits which are giuen onely in Christ to such as beleeue on him so neither for temporall freely feelingly with loue of the duty with tast of Gods loue and delight in him As a iudge that feasts a malefactor by the way who feares his hanging at a place appointed gets but heartlesse thanks of him so God for his bounty to an vnbeleeuer who still feares that he will destroy him after he hath done him good Vnbeleefe disables