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cause_n good_a grace_n work_n 7,426 5 6.4759 4 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A05039 Of predestination [and] election made by Joh[a]n Lamberd minister of the church of Elham. Anno M.D.L. Lambert, John, Minister of Elham. 1550 (1550) STC 15181; ESTC S103827 4,846 22

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Of predestinacion election made by Iohn̄ Lamberd minister of the church of Elham Anno M.D.L. ✚ Non mortui laudabunt te domine Sed nos qui viuimꝰ benedicimus domino I wryte vnto you babes howe that youre synnes are forgeuen you for Christes sake And nowe babes abyde in hym that when he shal appere we may be bolde not be made ashamed of hym at his commynge To the reader O Most dere reader myne entent is not to Iudge any man but that when he hath red this lytle treatyse he may consulte or counsell with his owne conscience and so examyne the same whether he do lyue lyke a reprobate or one that is electe of God to saluacion for the dedes of a reprobate are manyfest Also lykewyse the dedes of the electe are not hydde Therfore my councell is that no man dyspute with God why he hath ordeyned the vesselles of wrath to dāpnacion yf he do S. Paule dothe make hym an answere Because sayth he that he myght declare the ryches of his glory on the vessels of mercy whiche he had preparyd vnto glory for the reprobates are mynysters vnto the saluacyon of the electe which are Goddes workemanshyp created in Christe Iesus vnto good workes vnto the whiche saythe saynt Paule God ordeyned vs before that we shuld walke in them He saythe more ouer by grace ye are made saue thorough fayth that worketh by loue the whiche faythe is the gyfte of God and as many as haue the same gyfte of God haue cause to prayse the father and the sone the holy ghost to whome be all honor and glory Amen Of predestinacion GOd hathe no begynnynge nor neuer shall haue endynge Gene. 7. he maye do what he wyll and none but he The bryghtest aungell that euer was was euer in Goddes syght before he was The foulest deuyll that euer was was euer in Goddes syght before he was To conclude all thynges good and bad were euer presently in the syghte of God or euer they were For God dyd see th end or he dyd begyn any thynge Also he dyd know by his presciēce who shulde goo the brode way that leadeth to perdicion And who shoulde goo the strayte waye that leadeth to eternall lyfe Math. 7. The Blessed and electe people of God Ephe. 1. be and euer were in the syghte of God before the world was layd and predestinate thoroughe Iesus Christe to be heyres vnto him selfe Also the reprobates suche as shoulde be despisers of goddes liuely worde were in his sight or euer they were borne and or euer the worlde was layde which are called the vessels of wrath ordeined to dampnatiō Roma 9. The elect doeth humble him selfe lyke vnto the puplicane referring all thynges to the mercy of God Sayinge these wordes I poore sinner do beleue iustly that Christ dyed for me and for as many as with aliuely fayth do confesse him to be the sonne of God and none that beleue in him perish but haue eternall lyfe Is it possyble that the reprobate maye haue thys lyuely fayth No but only ashew thereof as Esau flattered wyth Iacob to hys face but sekynge meanes to destroy him ī his hart Gene. 27. Lykewyse Iudas kyssed Christe with his mouthe Abdy 1. yet he bare hym a false harte For such is the maner of traytors and reprobates The Pharyseys in lyke manner asked Christe yf they were blynd speakynge to him yroniusly mockyngly But Christe sayde vnto them yf ye were blynde ye shoulde haue no synne That is ye see the workes of God wrought by me yet ye beleue me not and wyll not see the cause is why Ihon. 1●… ye do not beleue you be none of my shepe So the reprobates maye see carnally and not liuely because they be the chyldren of perdiciō and destitute of Goddes grace 2. Cor. 2. for Goddes worde hindreth and hurteth them for it is vnto theim an odoure of deathe But the electe are sure to haue thys lyuely faythe for they hope to be saued by the passion of Christe only and bryngeth fourth the fruytes of faythe as they haue bynne taught by Christe and hys worde For Goddes worde vnto them is a odoure of lyfe 2. Cor. 2. For vnto them was Christ sente in to the worlde to be their Sauiour For the passion of Christe can not saue a reprobate that is he that refusteth the trueth and alwayes doeth stryue agaynste the holy Ghoste whose dampnacion is iust true For suche are dāpnable creatures knowne of God before the worlde was layde and are called the vessels of wrathe to declare Goddes glory on the vessels of mercy For these dampnable creatures that do perseuer cōtinually do stryue agaynst the trueth turne Goddest trueth in to a lye whych is blessed for euer Amen Roma 1. Deus creauit Angelos quos sciebat ruituros Augusti Quare deus creauit illos quos sciebat esse dampnandos Respondeo Bonauē quia si nullus creatus fuisset nisi saluandus credidissent homines se saluari ex necessitate non ex diuina gratia Inquit Aug. de ciuita 22. melius iudicauit deus de malis ●i●ere bona quam mala non sinere The electe also was predestinate of God to be saued but yet was not Christe promised to be their Sauioure vnto suche tyme as Adam and Eue had offended god by disobedience for after they had transgressed goddes cōmaundemente god sayd to the Serpēt Gene. 3. Inimiticias ponam inter te et mulierem et semen tuum et semen illius ipsa conteret caput tuum et tu insidiaberis caltaneo eius That is I wyll put enmytye betwene the and the womam betwene thy seed her seede the same shall breake thy heade and thou shalte treade on his heele Here Christe was promysed to breake the Serpentes heade for he was the very seed Therfore yf Adam and Eue had not teāsgressed Christe should not haue dyed nowe seinge they did offende they and all their posteryte were infected with that contagyouse poysin of synne There was no remedy but Christe muste nedes dye or els we should haue byn dampned perpetually Here maye we se● that Adams disobediēce dampned vs all Roma 5. yet we our selues wrought euyll Therfore seynge we were the causers of Christes death god myght haue dampned vs Iustly although he elected vs before the worlde was made Gene. 2. But god will be founde true and all men liars For Christes obedience saueth vs all Roma 5. yet we oure selues worke any good Therfore nowe are we bounde and doubble bounde to geue God all honour and prayse and to loue hym aboue measure because God fyrst predestinate vs elected vs in hī before the worlde was made that we shulde be sayntes Ephe. 1. for Christe was predestinate to be the Sonne of God Peter 1. And than beynge lost thorough synne yet god knowynge by his prescience suche thinges would