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cause_n ghost_n holy_a son_n 5,168 5 5.9174 4 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A12165 A verie godlie and necessary sermon preached before the yong countesse of Cumberland in the North, the 14 of Nouember, 1577. By Christopher Shutt. Shutte, Christopher, d. 1626. 1578 (1578) STC 22470; ESTC S103003 33,188 104

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in whom are all the treasures of wisedome vnderstanding to whom wee can not come but being fully perswaded that our saluation resteth in his free grace and mercy the obiecte of our faith which shee doth chiefly behold must of necessitie be the promises of the Gospel laying forth to vs Christe crucified for our sinnes by whose obedience our saluatiō is wrought in whom alone the Father is well pleased for in him our faith beholdeth the law of God fulfilled for vs who tooke the curse thereof vpon him self that he might make vs blessed In his blood our faith beholdeth perfect redemption and remission of our sinnes we which were farre of are now made neere reconciled to the father By his stripes we feele by faith that we are made whole clothed with his righteousnes by his onely sacrifice done once for euer our faith beholdeth eternall redemption purchased and them consecrat for euer that are sanctified so that where forgiuenesse of sinnes is there is no more oblatiō for sinne In him through him and for his sake faith boldly approcheth to the throne of grace to find mercy to helpe in time of need for he is our peace our aduocate and the propitiation for our sinnes Finally by faith in him wee are assured of Gods fauour and of eternal lyfe so that there is nowe no damnation to such as bee graffed in Christe Iesu which walke according to the spirit not according to that fleshe For it is Christ that doth iustifie vs and therefore none can cōdemne vs none cā lay any thing to our charge neyther separate vs from the loue of god And thus is Christ with his death and passion the onely obiect of our faith Also these two Christ crucified and our faith alwayes must goe together For as the sunne shining in the firmamēt auaileth him not that hath none eyes to see the same neyther him that wincketh with his eyes will not see but only him that doth behold the light thereof So doeth the death of Christe profit him nothing which lacketh true faith to lay holde vpon the same but onely such as by a liuely fruitfull faith applie the same vnto them selues Besides that Noe his faith was specially directed to the promise of the couenant yet was he made more watchful a great deale and kept in obedience by the terrours of the flood and so with feare and trembling wrought his saluation not that he wauered in the faith but that he feared in transgressing to be punished with the wicked For this effect the plagues powred vpon the wicked bring forth in the liues and conuersation of the godly that these are made more circūspect by much to stande in feare least they should fall When Moses counselled the Israelites to the obseruance of the law hee warned them to feare by the plagues powred vpon the Egyptians and vpon the Canaanites thereby to keepe them in obediēce When Ieremie threatned captiuitie vnto the land of Iuda hee vsed the captiuitie of the ten tribes then being in Assyria to make them trēble afrayed When the Apostle vnderstood the hautines of the Romaines he vsed the punishment of the Iewes in whose place they were graffed to bridle them and keepe them in obediēce When the Corinthians waxed proude of the graces of God the Apostle layed forth the plagues of God agaynst the Iewes in the wildernes that who so stood might take heede hee did not fal And this is the cause why the holy Ghost calleth vs to feare that we should not by our dissolute life shake of and lose our faith and make the last end worse thē the beginning The sonne honoureth his father and a seruāt his master If thē God be a father to vs we must honour him if he be a Lorde wee must feare his stripes O that we had the reuerent dread and feare which Noe had it would make vs readie to know and doo the will of God it would bring forth an vnfained loathing and hatred of sinne in vs it would budde forth the studie of true godlines it would set vs forwarde to the loue of God profyt of our brethrē But though we feel the scourge of God so sore that there is no whole part alreadie in the body yet are we not humbled nor afraid though we be strikē we do not sorowe though we be consumed we refuse to receyue correction For why we haue made our faces harder then a stone and will not returne though we be warned of the future woes In steade of keeping the commandementes of GOD we obserue the precepts of men wherewith we worship God in vaine In steade of feare true obedience we loose the bridle to the effusion of al ryot In steade of true religion nothing is to be found but either meere Atheisme or flat dissimulation In steade of holines of life we deck our selues with pride and in steade of iudgement righteousnes we bring forth oppression and crying of the poore and bloud toucheth bloud Where is now the reuerence and feare wherein wee liue or howe are we restrained frō offending by the remembrance of the sea of euils to come No no beloued we feare men more thē god And if in some things we submitte our obedience to the hearing of the scriptures and ordinarie administratiō of the Sacraments in Ecclesiasticall assemblies yet is such duetie in many of vs but constrayned and not of a good and zealous heart delighting in the Gospell But if we do neglect we feare the magistrates sword Wel let vs not play to long with our fleeing shadowe but sanctifie the Lorde that he may be our feare and betime beginne with Noe to feare the worst for if the wrath of God be kindled but a litle blessed are all they that put their trust in him And thus ye see that our faith is specially directed at the promises of God and yet must we not be careles and voyde of feare and so do what we list but alwayes we must stand in awe be afrayde to offende lest with the wicked we haue reward He prepared the Arke Whē Noe was in sundrie wise thus mooued he addressed himself without delay to the making of the Arke thereby to witnes his obedience of fayth For euen as water floweth frō the fountaine so doth this his obediēce spring from faith whereby he had apprehended the promise of saluation His obedience appeareth the more for that the making of this work was tedious and often hindred with the furiousnes of the wicked which vnneth hee could patiently haue abiden if that hee had not safely rested in the promise of the couenant But faith the mistres of obediēce brought forth such fruits as might expresse his willing mind to obey the Lords commandemēt This is that excellēt brāche of our religion that our faith be