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cause_n ghost_n holy_a sin_n 3,325 5 4.9847 4 true
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A56362 A farther discussion of that great point in divinity the sufferings of Christ and the questions about his righteousnesse ... and the imputation thereof : being a vindication of a dialogue intituled (The meritorious price of our redemption, justification, &c.) from the exceptions of Mr. Norton and others / by William Pynchon ...; Meritorious price of mans redemption Pynchon, William, 1590-1662. 1655 (1655) Wing P4308; ESTC R5125 392,662 508

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in_o rom._n 3._o 21._o but_o not_o so_o clear_o as_o here_o these_o meditation_n on_o rom._n 10._o 3._o be_v his_o last_o meditation_n on_o that_o phrase_n and_o therefore_o his_o best_a for_o by_o this_o time_n he_o have_v the_o advantage_n of_o more_o ●eading_n and_o meditation_n to_o clear_v up_o his_o full_a mind_n and_o meaning_n and_o see_v what_o he_o say_v further_a of_o god_n righteousness_n which_o i_o have_v cite_v in_o the_o exposition_n of_o rom._n 3._o 26._o second_o mr._n norton_n de_fw-fr reconc_fw-fr pec_fw-la par_fw-fr 2._o l._n 1._o c._n 20._o say_v at_o sect._n 4._o that_o 2_o cor._n 5_o 21_o do_v comprehend_v the_o same_o righteousness_n which_o the_o apostle_n may_v well_o say_v be_v the_o end_n or_o effect_v of_o the_o oblation_n of_o christ_n the_o righteousness_n of_o god_n and_o say_v he_o it_o comprehend_v the_o righteousness_n which_o may_v be_v require_v to_o the_o justification_n of_o a_o sinner_n and_o in_o sect._n 5._o say_v he_o in_o the_o second_o place_n i_o answer_v that_o the_o righteousness_n of_o god_n in_o the_o place_n allege_v may_v fit_o &_o right_o enough_o be_v expound_v of_o remission_n of_o sin_n for_o it_o be_v plain_a enough_o say_v he_o that_o in_o all_o these_o place_n be_v handle_v the_o formal_a cause_n of_o justification_n which_o say_v he_o i_o have_v teach_v be_v contain_v in_o remission_n of_o sin_n in_o par_fw-fr 1._o l._n 2._o c._n 17._o but_o remission_n of_o sin_n may_v well_o be_v call_v the_o righteousness_n of_o god_n because_o it_o be_v a_o righteousness_n approve_v by_o god_n and_o indeed_o calv._n i●sti_n l._n 3._o c._n 11._o n._n 9_o do_v so_o interpret_v the_o righteousness_n of_o god_n to_o be_v a_o righteousness_n that_o be_v approve_v of_o god_n three_o mr._n bale_n on_o the_o covenant_n in_o p._n 72._o call_v the_o righteousness_n of_o god_n in_o phil_n 3._o 9_o and_o in_o 1_o cor._n 5._o 21._o the_o remission_n of_o sin_n by_o the_o righteousness_n of_o god_n say_v he_o understand_v remission_n of_o sin_n and_o regeneration_n and_o consider_v what_o he_o say_v in_o the_o place_n immediate_o cite_v four_o sedulius_n in_o r●m_n 3._o 21._o call_v the_o righteousness_n of_o god_n there_o the_o remission_n of_o sin_n five_o tindal_n do_v thus_o open_a the_o righteousness_n of_o god_n in_o rom._n 10._o 3._o the_o jew_n say_v he_o be_v not_o obedient_a to_o the_o justice_n or_o righteousness_n that_o come_v of_o god_n which_o be_v the_o 381._o rom._n 10._o 3._o see_v tindal_n work_v p._n 381._o forgiveness_n of_o sin_n in_o christ_n blood_n to_o all_o that_o repent_v and_o believe_v and_o say_v he_o in_o p._n 30._o by_o reason_n of_o which_o false_a righteousness_n they_o be_v disobedent_n to_o the_o righteousness_n of_o god_n which_o say_v he_o be_v the_o forgiveness_n of_o sin_n in_o christ_n blood_n and_o tindal_n in_o his_o prologue_n to_o the_o roman_n show_v first_o how_o we_o be_v justify_v by_o the_o righteousness_n of_o god_n the_o father_n second_o how_o we_o be_v justify_v by_o the_o righteousness_n of_o christ_n three_o how_o we_o be_v justify_v by_o faith_n and_o in_o all_o these_o he_o speak_v just_a according_a to_o the_o sense_n express_v in_o the_o dialogue_n 1_o say_v he_o when_o i_o say_v god_n justifi_v we_o understand_v thereby_o that_o for_o christ_n his_o sake_n merit_n and_o deserve_n only_a he_o receive_v we_o unto_o his_o mercy_n favor_n and_o grace_n and_o forgive_v we_o our_o sin_n 2_o say_v he_o when_o i_o say_v christ_n justifi_v understand_v thereby_o that_o christ_n only_o have_v redeem_v we_o and_o bring_v and_o deliver_v we_o out_o of_o the_o wrath_n of_o god_n and_o damnation_n and_o with_o his_o work_n only_o have_v purchase_v we_o the_o favour_n of_o god_n and_o the_o forgiveness_n of_o sin_n 3_o when_o i_o say_v that_o faith_n justifi_v understand_v thereby_o that_o faith_n and_o trust_n in_o the_o truth_n of_o god_n and_o in_o the_o mercy_n promise_v we_o for_o christ_n sake_n and_o for_o his_o deserve_n only_a do_v quiet_a the_o conscience_n and_o certify_v she_o that_o our_o sin_n be_v forgive_v and_o we_o in_o full_a favour_n of_o god_n and_o in_o p._n 187._o he_o abreviate_v the_o speech_n thus_o 187._o in_o his_o work_n p._n 187._o the_o faith_n say_v he_o of_o true_a believer_n be_v first_o that_o god_n justifi_v or_o forgive_v second_o that_o christ_n deserve_v it_o three_o that_o faith_n and_o trust_n in_o christ_n blood_n receive_v it_o and_o certifi_v the_o conscience_n thereof_o and_o in_o p._n 225._o he_o do_v again_o repeat_v it_o thus_o god_n do_v justify_v active_o that_o be_v to_o say_v forgive_v we_o for_o full_a righteous_a 2._o christ_n love_n deserve_v it_o and_o 3._o faith_n in_o the_o promise_n receive_v it_o and_o certifi_v the_o conscience_n thereof_o thus_o you_o see_v that_o tindal_n do_v full_o express_v himself_o in_o the_o very_a sense_n of_o the_o dialogue_n and_o this_o doctrine_n have_v be_v general_o receive_v of_o the_o godly_a in_o the_o day_n of_o king_n henry_n the_o eight_o and_o in_o the_o day_n of_o king_n edward_n the_o six_o by_o the_o generality_n of_o the_o learned_a and_o it_o have_v be_v often_o print_v not_o only_o in_o his_o book_n but_o also_o in_o his_o bible_n in_o his_o prologue_n to_o the_o roman_n and_o it_o have_v be_v transcribe_v and_o print_v by_o marbock_n in_o his_o common_a place_n though_o now_o this_o ancient_a receive_v truth_n be_v by_o mr._n norton_n and_o some_o few_o other_o count_v both_o for_o novelty_n and_o heresy_n and_o thus_o have_v i_o show_v from_o five_o eminent_a orthodox_n divine_n that_o the_o righteousness_n of_o god_n the_o father_n to_o sinner_n it_o nothing_o else_o but_o his_o reconciliation_n as_o it_o be_v define_v by_o the_o apostle_n by_o not_o impute_v sin_n in_o v._o 19_o which_o be_v also_o call_v the_o righteousness_n of_o god_n in_o ver_fw-la 21._o and_o therefore_o it_o follow_v necessary_o that_o the_o true_a sense_n of_o the_o one_o and_o twenty_o verse_n according_a to_o the_o context_n be_v this_o 1_o that_o god_n the_o father_n from_o the_o voluntary_a cause_n and_o covenant_n make_v or_o constitute_v christ_n to_o be_v a_o sin_n sacrifice_n for_o we_o namely_o to_o procure_v god_n reconciliation_n for_o we_o 2_o that_o the_o performance_n of_o the_o say_a sin-sacrifice_n be_v in_o rom._n 5._o 18._o call_v dicaioma_n not_o dicaiosune_n the_o righteousness_n of_o 18._o rom._n 5._o 18._o christ_n because_o it_o be_v his_o obedience_n to_o god_n positive_a law_n and_o covenant_n and_o not_o because_o it_o be_v his_o moral_a obedience_n as_o mr._n norton_n do_v misinterpret_v it_o in_o p._n 230._o 3_o that_o god_n the_o father_n do_v covenant_n on_o his_o part_n to_z and_z with_o christ_n that_o for_o his_o sin-sacrifice_n sake_n he_o will_v be_v reconcile_v to_o sinner_n as_o soon_o as_o they_o be_v in_o christ_n by_o faith_n by_o not_o impute_v their_o sin_n to_o they_o and_o this_o perform_v on_o god_n the_o father_n part_n be_v by_o the_o apostle_n call_v the_o righteousness_n of_o god_n because_o he_o perform_v according_a to_o his_o positive_a law_n and_o covenant_n and_o by_o this_o righteousness_n of_o god_n he_o be_v reconcile_v to_o all_o believe_a sinner_n and_o so_o by_o this_o mean_v they_o be_v thereby_o make_v full_o righteous_a in_o his_o sight_n 4_o from_o the_o say_a righteousness_n of_o christ_n to_o god_n positive_a law_n in_o make_v his_o soul_n a_o sin-sacrifice_n it_o follow_v that_o as_o by_o one_o man_n disobedience_n to_o god_n mere_a positive_a law_n in_o eat_v 19_o rom._n 5._o 19_o the_o forbid_a fruit_n the_o many_o as_o well_o as_o the_o reprobate_n be_v make_v sinner_n by_o the_o meritorious_a cause_n of_o his_o disobedience_n so_o by_o the_o obedience_n of_o one_o namely_o of_o christ_n to_o a_o mere_a positive_a law_n in_o undertake_v to_o combat_v with_o satan_n and_o to_o continue_v obedient_a to_o the_o death_n of_o the_o cross_n and_o at_o last_o to_o make_v his_o soul_n a_o sacrifice_n the_o many_o be_v make_v righteous_a rom._n 5._o 19_o for_o by_o this_o obedience_n of_o he_o to_o the_o say_v positive_a law_n and_o covenant_n he_o have_v merit_v not_o only_o their_o conversion_n by_o the_o holy_a ghost_n but_o also_o the_o father_n reconciliation_n for_o their_o justification_n by_o not_o impute_v their_o sin_n to_o they_o so_o then_o the_o comparison_n that_o be_v make_v between_o the_o first_o adam_n and_o the_o second_o lie_v in_o the_o meritorious_a cause_n for_o as_o the_o first_o adam_n merit_v the_o death_n of_o sin_n to_o all_o his_o posterity_n by_o his_o disobedience_n to_o god_n positive_a law_n and_o covenant_n so_o the_o second_o adam_n merit_v the_o life_n of_o god_n spirit_n and_o of_o god_n forgiveness_n by_o his_o obedience_n to_o god_n positive_a law_n in_o
for_o to_o justify_v they_o but_o to_o describe_v and_o paint_v christ_n unto_o they_o mark_v that_o he_o make_v the_o word_n law_n and_o the_o righteousness_n thereof_o to_o relate_v to_o their_o ceremony_n ibidem_fw-la they_o go_v about_o to_o establish_v their_o own_o righteousness_n and_o be_v not_o obedient_a to_o the_o righteousness_n that_o come_v of_o god_n which_o be_v the_o forgiveness_n of_o sin_n in_o christ_n blood_n to_o all_o that_o repent_v and_o believe_v this_o be_v the_o coherence_n between_o the_o three_o verse_n and_o rom._n 9_o 31._o and_o from_o this_o coherence_n it_o follow_v in_o this_o four_o verse_n that_o christ_n be_v the_o end_n of_o the_o law_n for_o righteousness_n second_o p._n martyr_n on_o rom._n 9_o 31._o say_v of_o the_o former_a interpretation_n thus_o 580._o rom._n 9_o 31._o in_o his_o com._n pl_z par_fw-fr 2._o p._n 580._o indeed_o i_o dislike_v it_o not_o and_o in_o his_o common_a place_n he_o do_v expound_v the_o word_n law_n and_o the_o righteousness_n thereof_o not_o as_o mr._n norton_n do_v of_o the_o moral_a law_n but_o of_o the_o whole_a oeconomy_n of_o moses_n have_v respect_n chief_o to_o the_o ceremonial_a law_n and_o 19_o and_o see_v wotton_n de_fw-fr reconc_fw-fr peccat_fw-la par_fw-fr l._n 1._o c._n 19_o mr._n wotton_n tread_v in_o his_o step_n and_o vindiciae_fw-la fidei_fw-la cite_v several_a other_o orthodox_n to_o that_o opinion_n par_fw-fr 2._o p._n 160._o three_o grotius_n expound_v the_o law_n of_o work_n in_o rom._n 3._o 27._o 27._o grotius_n in_o his_o war_n and_o peace_n p_o 24._o rom._n 3._o 27._o of_o the_o law_n of_o the_o carnal_a commandment_n quite_o contrary_a to_o mr._n nortons_n exposition_n for_o mr._n norton_n do_v expound_v this_o word_n law_n in_o p._n 177._o and_o 189._o of_o the_o law_n of_o nature_n give_v to_o adam_n in_o his_o innocency_n but_o according_a to_o grotius_n and_o according_a to_o truth_n it_o must_v be_v expound_v of_o the_o law_n of_o work_n give_v to_o the_o jew_n for_o their_o legal_a justification_n from_o their_o ceremonial_a sin_n when_o they_o appear_v in_o god_n holy_a presence_n in_o his_o sanctuary_n for_o it_o be_v most_o evident_a that_o god_n make_v a_o covenant_n of_o work_n with_o the_o jew_n for_o their_o outward_a justification_n when_o they_o come_v into_o his_o holy_a sanctuary_n as_o well_o as_o a_o covenant_n of_o grace_n in_o christ_n for_o their_o moral_a justification_n in_o his_o presence_n both_o here_o and_o at_o the_o day_n of_o judgement_n but_o in_o time_n namely_o when_o the_o prophet_n cease_v the_o carnal_a jew_n abuse_v this_o covenant_n of_o work_n as_o they_o do_v the_o brazen_a serpent_n by_o trust_v to_o it_o as_o well_o for_o their_o moral_n as_o for_o their_o ceremonial_a justification_n in_o the_o sight_n of_o god_n and_o against_o this_o sort_n of_o justification_n by_o work_n do_v the_o apostle_n paul_n dispute_v in_o his_o epistle_n to_o the_o roman_n and_o to_o the_o galatian_n etc._n etc._n behold_v say_v the_o hebrew_n doctor_n it_o be_v say_v in_o the_o law_n you_o shall_v keep_v my_o statute_n and_o all_o my_o judgement_n and_o do_v they_o our_o wise_a man_n have_v say_v that_o keep_v and_o do_v must_v be_v apply_v to_o the_o statute_n 15._o see_v ain_n in_o leu._n 5._o 15._o as_o well_o as_o unto_o the_o judgement_n etc._n etc._n now_o the_o judgement_n they_o be_v commandment_n the_o reason_n or_o meaning_n whereof_o be_v manifest_a and_o the_o good_a that_o come_v by_o do_v of_o they_o be_v know_v in_o this_o world_n as_o the_o forbid_v to_o rob_v and_o to_o shed_v blood_n and_o the_o commandment_n to_o honour_v father_n and_o mother_n but_o the_o statute_n or_o ordinance_n be_v commandment_n the_o reason_n whereof_o be_v not_o know_v etc._n etc._n and_o all_o the_o sacrifice_n every_o one_o general_o be_v statute_n or_o ordinance_n and_o our_o wise_a man_n have_v say_v that_o for_o the_o service_n of_o the_o sacrifice_n the_o world_n do_v continue_v for_o by_o do_v the_o statute_n and_o the_o judgement_n righteous_a man_n be_v make_v worthy_a of_o life_n in_o the_o world_n to_o come_v and_o the_o law_n set_v the_o commandment_n of_o the_o statute_n first_o say_v and_o you_o shall_v keep_v my_o statute_n and_o my_o judgement_n which_o if_o a_o man_n do_v he_o shall_v live_v in_o they_o leu._n 18._o 5._o by_o this_o and_o such_o like_a testimony_n which_o may_v be_v cite_v from_o the_o hebrew_a doctor_n we_o may_v see_v as_o in_o a_o glass_n how_o the_o carnal_a jew_n understand_v the_o word_n law_n namely_o of_o all_o the_o oeconomy_n of_o moses_n but_o chief_o and_o principal_o of_o the_o ceremonial_a statute_n and_o ordinance_n and_o in_o that_o respect_n they_o put_v their_o trust_n in_o their_o outward_a observation_n of_o the_o say_a ordinance_n which_o be_v indeed_o give_v they_o for_o their_o outward_a justification_n and_o by_o this_o kind_n of_o righteousness_n paul_n be_v make_v alive_a until_o god_n open_v his_o eye_n to_o see_v his_o sinful_a condition_n by_o the_o spiritual_a application_n of_o the_o law_n to_o his_o conscience_n phil._n 3._o 9_o and_o then_o from_o the_o typical_a he_o see_v his_o inward_a justification_n and_o second_o this_o be_v worth_a mark_v as_o i_o mention_v before_o that_o in_o their_o legal_a justification_n no_o actual_a holiness_n be_v put_v upon_o they_o but_o only_o their_o ceremonial_a sin_n of_o uncleanness_n be_v purge_v from_o they_o and_o that_o be_v their_o justice_n or_o justification_n when_o they_o stand_v before_o he_o in_o his_o sanctuary_n for_o it_o be_v say_v that_o the_o blood_n of_o bull_n and_o goat_n and_o the_o ash_n of_o a_o heifer_n sprinkle_v the_o unclean_a do_v sanctify_v to_o the_o purify_n of_o the_o flesh_n but_o that_o kind_a of_o sanctification_n be_v obtain_v by_o their_o ceremonial_a purifying_n which_o do_v procure_v god_n atonement_n in_o forgive_a sin_n and_o no_o other_o sanctification_n be_v ordain_v for_o their_o legal_a justification_n natural_a philosopher_n say_v peter_n martyr_n can_v be_v persuade_v that_o the_o absolution_n of_o god_n procure_v by_o sacrifice_n do_v make_v man_n righteous_a and_o therefore_o they_o do_v not_o call_v it_o our_o righteousness_n meditation_n p._n martyr_n speak_v these_o word_n in_o his_o last_o explanation_n of_o justification_n and_o therefore_o though_o his_o former_a expression_n do_v somewhat_o differ_v it_o be_v not_o so_o much_o to_o be_v stand_v on_o as_o on_o what_o he_o say_v here_o in_o his_o last_o meditation_n but_o you_o may_v see_v that_o peter_n martyr_n hold_v according_a to_o the_o ceremonial_a type_n that_o the_o pacify_v of_o god_n and_o the_o procure_n of_o his_o atonement_n by_o the_o sacrifice_n of_o christ_n be_v a_o sinner_n righteousness_n i_o say_v this_o way_n of_o justification_n god_n be_v please_v to_o ordain_v by_o his_o voluntary_a positive_a law_n and_o covenant_n with_o christ_n which_o be_v also_o typify_v by_o his_o positive_a covenant_n of_o work_n with_o the_o jew_n 1_o it_o be_v his_o voluntary_a covenant_n with_o christ_n that_o upon_o his_o undertake_n to_o make_v his_o soul_n a_o sacrifice_n for_o sin_n he_o will_v be_v reconcile_v to_o believe_a sinner_n by_o not_o impute_v their_o sin_n to_o they_o that_o be_v to_o say_v he_o will_v justify_v they_o from_o their_o sin_n by_o his_o gracious_a forgiveness_n and_o therefore_o it_o be_v god_n righteousness_n according_a to_o his_o covenant_n with_o christ_n not_o to_o impute_v their_o sin_n but_o to_o justify_v they_o formal_o by_o his_o non-imputation_n i_o say_v it_o again_o to_o have_v it_o the_o better_o mark_v that_o this_o kind_n of_o righteousness_n god_n have_v constitute_v to_o be_v a_o sinner_n righteousness_n from_o his_o voluntary_a covenant_n with_o christ_n where_o the_o rule_n in_o all_o natural_a cause_n positâ_fw-la caulâ_fw-la sequitur_fw-la effectus_fw-la be_v not_o to_o be_v observe_v for_o all_o voluntary_a cause_n have_v voluntary_a effect_n according_a to_o the_o liberty_n of_o will_n that_o be_v in_o the_o covenanter_n they_o by_o their_o positive_a ordinance_n and_o covenant_n have_v constitute_v a_o righteousness_n for_o sinner_n by_o the_o meritorious_a cause_n of_o christ_n sacrifice_n and_o by_o the_o formal_a cause_n of_o god_n reconciliation_n as_o soon_o as_o the_o holy_a ghost_n have_v unite_v they_o to_o christ_n by_o faith_n but_o say_v mr._n norton_n in_o p._n 211._o etc._n etc._n pardon_v of_o sin_n can_v complete_a righteousness_n for_o righteousness_n do_v not_o consist_v in_o be_v sinless_a but_o also_o in_o be_v just_a the_o heaven_n be_v sinless_a yet_o they_o be_v not_o just_a the_o unreasonable_a creature_n be_v sinless_a say_v he_o in_o p._n 209._o but_o not_o righteous_a reply_v 5._o every_o mean_a person_n know_v that_o the_o heaven_n and_o such_o like_a unreasonable_a creature_n be_v a_o subject_n that_o be_v not_o capable_a of_o forgiveness_n because_o
as_o touch_v his_o godhead_n he_o obey_v as_o a_o friend_n towards_o a_o friend_n and_o not_o as_o a_o inferior_a unto_o death_n the_o lord_n of_o life_n submit_v himself_o to_o death_n and_o be_v immortal_a he_o die_v how_o contrary_a be_v this_o of_o p._n martyr_n to_o mr._n nortons_n kind_n of_o imputation_n sure_o by_o mr._n nortons_n imputation_n of_o sin_n to_o the_o mediator_n in_o both_o his_o nature_n the_o godhead_n of_o christ_n do_v not_o obey_v as_o a_o friend_n to_o his_o friend_n to_o the_o death_n as_o p._n martyr_n say_v but_o as_o a_o delinquent_n to_o the_o supreme_a judge_n to_o the_o death_n be_v not_o this_o kind_n of_o imputation_n good_a divinity_n now_o let_v the_o judicious_a reader_n judge_n whether_o some_o of_o these_o expression_n do_v not_o exceed_v the_o bound_n of_o his_o say_v three_o distinction_n for_o there_o he_o make_v the_o imputation_n of_o guilt_n to_o be_v the_o obligation_n to_o punishment_n but_o in_o sundry_a of_o those_o speech_n of_o he_o which_o i_o have_v repeat_v he_o go_v further_a than_o i_o believe_v most_o man_n can_v imagine_v by_o his_o say_a distinction_n and_o he_o do_v all_o along_o make_v christ_n suffering_n to_o be_v from_o the_o imputation_n of_o sin_n that_o so_o he_o may_v deserve_v hell_n torment_n and_o the_o second_o death_n according_a to_o the_o exact_a order_n of_o court_n of_o justice_n in_o their_o proceed_n in_o criminal_a cause_n some_o philosopher_n say_v mr._n traber●n_o do_v teach_v that_o all_o thing_n come_v to_o pass_v by_o the_o copulation_n of_o cause_n wrap_v up_o one_o in_o another_o ●ause_n in_o rev._n 4._o p_o 49._o christ_n suffering_n be_v not_o inflict_v on_o he_o according_a to_o the_o natural_a order_n of_o justice_n by_o imputation_n of_o sin_n but_o from_o the_o voluntary_a ●ause_n and_o so_o they_o make_v god_n subject_a to_o the_o order_n and_o row_v of_o cause_n depend_v upon_o each_o other_o but_o say_v he_o we_o say_v that_o all_o thing_n come_v to_o pass_v because_o god_n through_o his_o secret_a will_n and_o purpose_n have_v order_v they_o so_o to_o be_v do_v as_o they_o be_v do_v ibidem_fw-la say_v he_o the_o latter_a schoolman_n say_v true_o that_o all_o thing_n come_v to_o pass_v necessary_o not_o by_o the_o necessity_n of_o natural_a cause_n but_o by_o the_o necessity_n of_o god_n ordinance_n which_o they_o call_v necessitatem_fw-la consequentis_fw-la and_o say_v p._n martyr_n in_o rom._n 5._o p._n 124._o god_n be_v not_o to_o be_v compel_v to_o order_n neither_o aught_o he_o to_o be_v order_v by_o humane_a law_n but_o mr._n norton_n do_v all_o along_o put_v christ_n suffering_n into_o the_o order_n of_o justice_n according_a to_o the_o order_n of_o humane_a court_n and_o law_n namely_o by_o infliction_n of_o punishment_n from_o the_o imputation_n of_o sin_n and_o say_v p._n martyr_n in_o p._n 111._o it_o be_v much_o to_o be_v marvel_v at_o how_o the_o pelagian_o can_v deny_v that_o there_o be_v original_a sin_n in_o infant_n see_v they_o see_v that_o they_o daily_o die_v but_o say_v he_o here_o ought_v we_o to_o except_v christ_n only_o who_o although_o he_o know_v not_o sin_n yet_o die_v he_o for_o our_o sake_n but_o death_n have_v not_o dominion_n over_o he_o because_o that_o he_o of_o his_o own_o accord_n suffer_v it_o for_o our_o sake_n and_o the_o like_a speech_n of_o his_o i_o have_v cite_v in_o chap._n 10._o at_o reply_n 2._o by_o which_o speech_n it_o be_v evident_a that_o peter_n martyr_n can_v not_o hold_v the_o imputation_n of_o our_o sin_n to_o christ_n as_o mr._n norton_n do_v but_o he_o hold_v that_o christ_n bear_v our_o sin_n namely_o our_o punishment_n according_a to_o the_o ancient_a orthodox_n and_o no_o otherwise_o and_o that_o phrase_n and_o sense_n be_v according_a to_o the_o scripture_n 1_o pet._n 2._o 24._o but_o that_o sense_n be_v very_o far_o from_o the_o sense_n of_o mr._n nortons_n imputation_n for_o the_o first_o sort_n agree_v to_o the_o voluntary_a cause_n but_o mr._n nortons_n kind_n must_v be_v rank_v with_o the_o compulsory_a cause_n of_o christ_n suffering_n according_a to_o court_n of_o justice_n but_o i_o will_v fain_o know_v of_o mr._n norton_n what_o be_v the_o sin_n that_o god_n impute_v to_o isaak_n for_o which_o he_o command_v abraham_n to_o kill_v his_o son_n for_o a_o sacrifice_n do_v not_o god_n command_v it_o rather_o for_o the_o trial_n of_o isaaks_n obedience_n as_o well_o as_o of_o abraham_n for_o in_o that_o act_n of_o obedience_n abraham_n be_v the_o priest_n and_o isaac_n be_v the_o sacrifice_n and_o in_o that_o act_n both_o of_o they_o be_v a_o lively_a type_n of_o the_o obedience_n of_o christ_n who_o be_v both_o priest_n and_o sacrifice_n in_o his_o own_o death_n and_o sacrifice_n doubtless_o if_o abraham_n have_v kill_v isaac_n it_o have_v not_o be_v from_o the_o imputation_n of_o any_o sin_n to_o he_o but_o in_o obedience_n to_o a_o voluntary_a positive_a command_n of_o god_n and_o not_o to_o a_o moral_a command_n from_o sin_n impute_v for_o than_o it_o have_v be_v ground_v on_o the_o copulation_n of_o cause_n wrap_v one_o in_o another_o as_o mr._n norton_n will_v have_v christ_n death_n to_o be_v but_o the_o scripture_n impute_v no_o sin_n to_o christ_n but_o make_v he_o the_o holy_a one_o of_o god_n in_o all_o his_o suffering_n in_o our_o judge_n of_o the_o way_n of_o god_n say_v dr._n preston_n in_o his_o treatise_n of_o god_n without_o cause_n p._n 143._o we_o shall_v take_v heed_n of_o frame_v a_o model_n of_o our_o own_o as_o to_o think_v that_o because_o such_o a_o thing_n be_v just_a therefore_o the_o lord_n will_v it_o the_o reason_n of_o this_o conceit_n say_v he_o be_v because_o we_o think_v that_o god_n must_v go_v by_o our_o rule_n we_o forget_v this_o that_o every_o thing_n be_v therefore_o just_a because_o the_o lord_n do_v first_o will_n it_o and_o not_o that_o god_n do_v will_v it_o because_o it_o be_v first_o just_a but_o we_o must_v proceed_v in_o another_o manner_n we_o shall_v first_o find_v out_o what_o the_o will_n of_o god_n be_v for_o in_o that_o be_v the_o rule_n of_o justice_n and_o equity_n so_o far_o dr._n preston_n and_o it_o be_v now_o manifest_v that_o the_o rule_n of_o god_n from_o eternity_n be_v that_o christ_n shall_v be_v the_o seed_n of_o the_o woman_n to_o break_v the_o devil_n headplot_n by_o his_o bless_a sacrifice_n and_o that_o he_o shall_v be_v such_o a_o high_a priest_n as_o be_v holy_a and_o harmless_a and_o separate_v from_o sinner_n and_o that_o he_o shall_v be_v a_o lamb_n without_o spot_n and_o blemish_n and_o therefore_o without_o all_o imputation_n of_o sin_n in_o the_o sight_n of_o god_n and_o of_o his_o law_n and_o that_o he_o shall_v be_v consecrate_v through_o affliction_n heb._n 2._o 10._o and_o 5._o 9_o and_o 10._o 20._o and_o to_o this_o end_n shall_v a●_n a_o voluntary_a combater_n enter_v the_o list_n with_o satan_n etc._n etc._n as_o aforesaid_a and_o all_o this_o may_v be_v further_o clear_v if_o we_o consider_v what_o kind_n of_o cause_n christ_n death_n be_v to_o take_v away_o our_o sin_n it_o be_v say_v m._n burges_n a_o meritorious_a cause_n in_o his_o just_a p._n 190._o which_o be_v in_o the_o rank_n of_o moral_a cause_n of_o which_o the_o rule_n be_v not_o true_a posi●â_fw-la causâ_fw-la sequitur_fw-la effectus_fw-la this_o hold_v in_o natural_a cause_n which_o produce_v their_o effect_n but_o say_v he_o moral_a cause_n work_v according_a to_o the_o agreement_n and_o liberty_n of_o the_o person_n that_o be_v move_v thereby_o as_o for_o example_n god_n the_o father_n be_v move_v through_o the_o death_n of_o christ_n to_o pardon_v the_o sin_n of_o such_o person_n for_o who_o he_o die_v so_o this_o rule_n must_v be_v apply_v to_o the_o voluntary_a and_o eternal_a covenant_n and_o also_o to_o the_o event_n as_o from_o the_o voluntary_a cause_n chap._n vii_o his_o five_o distinction_n examine_v which_o be_v this_o distinguish_v between_o a_o penal_a hell_n and_o a_o local_a hell_n christ_n suffer_v a_o penal_a hell_n but_o not_o a_o local_a hell_n reply_v 1_o this_o distinction_n make_v two_o hell_n that_o have_v the_o same_o essential_a torment_n one_o temporary_a and_o the_o other_o eternal_a one_o for_o christ_n alone_o in_o this_o world_n and_o the_o other_o for_o reprobate_n in_o the_o world_n to_o come_v by_o the_o like_a reason_n there_o be_v two_o heaven_n that_o have_v the_o same_o essential_a blessedness_n the_o one_o temporary_a and_o the_o other_o eternal_a for_o if_o scripture_n may_v be_v judge_n there_o be_v as_o many_o heaven_n for_o essential_a blessedness_n as_o there_o be_v hell_n for_o essential_a torment_n i_o think_v the_o judicious_a reader_n may_v well_o smile_v at_o this_o odd_a distinction_n and_o yet_o i_o do_v not_o see_v how_o mr._n
they_o be_v not_o capable_a of_o sin_n in_o a_o proper_a sense_n and_o therefore_o also_o they_o be_v not_o capable_a of_o this_o kind_n of_o righteousness_n but_o the_o dialogue_n speak_v only_o of_o sinner_n that_o be_v reasonable_a creature_n yea_o and_o of_o such_o sinner_n as_o be_v in_o christ_n and_o therefore_o it_o speak_v of_o such_o creature_n as_o be_v capable_a of_o pardon_n and_o so_o they_o be_v fit_a subject_n of_o be_v make_v righteous_a by_o pardon_n but_o second_o why_o can_v pardon_v complete_a righteousness_n have_v not_o god_n a_o supreme_a power_n by_o his_o voluntary_a law_n and_o covenant_n to_o make_v it_o a_o sinner_n formal_a righteousness_n as_o well_o as_o he_o have_v to_o constitute_v a_o fruit_n tree_n which_o he_o call_v the_o tree_n of_o life_n to_o confirm_v adam_n in_o his_o create_a perfection_n if_o he_o have_v but_o once_o eat_v thereof_o we_o must_v not_o look_v to_o what_o be_v a_o perfect_a righteousness_n to_o our_o sense_n but_o we_o must_v look_v to_o god_n positive_a ordinance_n he_o can_v tell_v how_o to_o ordain_v such_o a_o righteousness_n as_o will_v best_o fit_a sinner_n three_o we_o see_v also_o that_o by_o his_o own_o voluntary_a ordinance_n he_o make_v unreasonable_a creature_n that_o be_v not_o guilty_a of_o moral_a sin_n to_o be_v guilty_a of_o ceremonial_a sin_n and_o to_o be_v capable_a also_o of_o ceremonial_a justification_n as_o i_o instance_a afore_o of_o the_o temple_n it_o be_v first_o pollute_v by_o antiochus_n and_o it_o be_v afterward_o justify_v by_o sanctify_a priest_n in_o carry_v out_o the_o filth_n thereof_o dan._n 8._o 14._o the_o like_a may_v be_v say_v of_o the_o defile_a leprous_a house_n and_o of_o the_o cleanse_n of_o it_o in_o levit._n 14._o and_o see_v more_o for_o this_o in_o ainsw_n in_o exod._n 29._o 36._o but_o say_v mr._n norton_n in_o p._n 212._o if_o you_o inquire_v after_o the_o essential_a matter_n of_o justification_n among_o the_o justification_n the_o material_a cause_n of_o justification_n cause_n enumerate_v by_o the_o author_n behold_v the_o dialogue_n be_v speechless_a and_o present_v you_o with_o a_o form_n without_o matter_n such_o a_o be_v as_o be_v neither_o create_v nor_o increated_a and_o he_o take_v delight_n in_o this_o irony_n because_o he_o do_v so_o often_o repeat_v it_o as_o in_o p._n 212_o 217_o 225_o 237_o etc._n etc._n reply_v 6_o herein_o mr._n norton_n do_v mock_v at_o god_n wisdom_n and_o work_n in_o give_v a_o form_n to_o the_o angel_n without_o matter_n mr._n ainsworth_n say_v that_o the_o angel_n have_v a_o form_n without_o matter_n and_o he_o cite_v maymony_n to_o concur_v in_o that_o in_o gen._n 1._o 1._o yea_o the_o matter_n of_o man_n body_n and_o the_o form_n of_o angel_n may_v be_v unite_v to_o do_v service_n to_o man_n and_o yet_o not_o be_v but_o one_o person_n but_o may_v continue_v still_o to_o be_v both_o distinct_a matter_n without_o form_n and_o form_n without_o matter_n as_o for_o example_n when_o the_o angel_n assume_v body_n it_o be_v no●_n to_o give_v that_o matter_n any_o natural_a form_n but_o it_o be_v a_o miraculous_a union_n only_o for_o their_o present_a ministry_n to_o man_n and_o hence_o you_o see_v that_o the_o matter_n of_o man_n body_n and_o the_o form_n of_o angel_n may_v be_v unite_v and_o yet_o remain_v two_o distinct_a thing_n second_o mr._n norton_n do_v not_o only_o mock_v at_o the_o dialogue_n but_o at_o sundry_a other_o eminent_a divine_n who_o make_v no_o other_o material_a cause_n than_o the_o dialogue_n do_v 1_o the_o dialogue_n say_v that_o the_o subject_a matter_n of_o justification_n be_v believe_a sinner_n and_o in_o this_o the_o dialogue_n follow_v learned_a mr._n wotton_n and_o 2._o mr._n wotton_n do_v follow_v peter_n martyr_n who_o make_v 26._o see_v p._n martyr_n in_o rom._n 3._o 26._o no_o other_o material_a cause_n in_o justification_n but_o believe_a sinner_n and_o 3._o say_v m._n ball_n it_o be_v to_o be_v observe_v that_o the_o apostle_n say_v 219._o and_o ball_n on_o the_o coven_n p._n 219._o god_n be_v in_o christ_n reconcile_n the_o world_n to_o himself_o where_o say_v he_o the_o world_n be_v the_o subject_n or_o matter_n of_o reconciliation_n and_o by_o the_o same_o reason_n he_o make_v it_o the_o matter_n of_o justification_n for_o he_o make_v justification_n to_o be_v a_o branch_n at_o least_o of_o reconciliation_n if_o not_o the_o whole_a as_o i_o note_v before_o 4._o mr._n john_n goodwin_n do_v learned_o dispute_v against_o that_o kind_n of_o material_a cause_n that_o mr._n norton_n contend_v for_o and_o he_o also_o 2._o see_v vindiciae_fw-la fidei_fw-la par_fw-fr 2._o follow_v mr._n wotton_n for_o the_o subject_a matter_n 5._o mr._n baxter_n in_o his_o aphorism_n p._n 213._o enumerate_v the_o cause_n say_v that_o a_o material_a cause_n proper_o it_o have_v none_o if_o say_v he_o you_o will_v improper_o call_v christ_n satisfaction_n the_o remote_a matter_n i_o contend_v not_o and_o in_o p._n 217._o he_o say_v thus_o christ_n righteousness_n can_v be_v the_o material_a cause_n of_o a_o act_n which_o have_v no_o matter_n and_o in_o his_o reply_n to_o mr._n air_n p._n 20._o sect._n 4._o he_o say_v thus_o first_o as_o matter_n be_v proper_a to_o substance_n so_o justification_n be_v a_o accident_n have_v no_o matter_n be_v not_o you_o of_o the_o same_o mind_n second_o as_o accident_n do_v inhere_o in_o the_o subject_n so_o the_o subject_n be_v common_o call_v their_o matter_n in_o this_o sense_n also_o our_o righteousness_n or_o justification_n passive_a be_v not_o in_o christ_n righteousness_n but_o in_o ourselves_o and_o so_o ourselves_o be_v the_o matter_n for_o i_o think_v it_o be_v we_o that_o be_v justify_v and_o say_v he_o in_o another_o place_n if_o any_o please_v to_o make_v the_o blood_n of_o christ_n the_o matter_n improper_o i_o contend_v not_o and_o to_o this_o i_o do_v also_o give_v my_o consent_n but_o mr._n norton_n make_v christ_n suffering_n of_o hell_n torment_n and_o the_o second_o death_n to_o be_v the_o matter_n and_o this_o matter_n i_o can_v consent_v to_o but_o say_v mr._n norton_n in_o p._n 222._o to_o speak_v after_o the_o stile_n of_o the_o dialogue_n if_o righteousness_n for_o sinner_n be_v purchase_v and_o procure_v by_o christ_n sacrifice_n of_o atonement_n neither_o then_o can_v atonement_n be_v a_o sinner_n righteousness_n that_o which_o procure_v or_o purchase_v be_v the_o cause_n that_o which_o be_v procure_v be_v the_o effect_n the_o cause_n can_v be_v the_o effect_n reply_v 7._o 1_o the_o stile_n of_o the_o dialogue_n be_v borrow_v very_o much_o from_o the_o type_n of_o the_o ceremonial_a law_n which_o be_v ordain_v to_o be_v our_o schoolmaster_n to_o christ_n and_o i_o believe_v if_o more_o pain_n be_v take_v to_o express_v the_o point_n of_o satisfaction_n and_o the_o point_n of_o justification_n in_o that_o stile_n it_o will_v be_v much_o for_o the_o clear_n of_o the_o truth_n 2_o it_o seem_v that_o mr._n norton_n will_v have_v no_o other_o righteousness_n for_o a_o sinner_n formal_a righteousness_n but_o christ_n moral_a righteousness_n impute_v for_o he_o make_v the_o father_n righteousness_n in_o be_v atone_v to_o sinner_n of_o no_o account_n in_o the_o formal_a cause_n but_o say_v mr._n baxter_n in_o his_o apology_n to_o mr._n blake_n p._n 24._o it_o must_v be_v know_v that_o the_o righteousness_n give_v we_o be_v not_o the_o righteousness_n whereby_o christ_n person_n be_v righteous_a for_o accident_n perish_v be_v remove_v from_o their_o subject_n but_o it_o be_v a_o righteousness_n merit_v by_o christ_n satisfaction_n and_o obedience_n for_o we_o and_o that_o can_v be_v no_o other_o say_v i_o but_o a_o passive_a righteousness_n by_o god_n merciful_a atonement_n in_o not_o impute_v sin_n as_o i_o have_v exemplify_v it_o from_o the_o type_n of_o god_n positive_a statute_n and_o ordinance_n 3._o i_o have_v already_o show_v and_o i_o think_v it_o needful_a to_o repeat_v it_o again_o first_o that_o it_o be_v christ_n satisfactory_a righteousness_n to_o perform_v the_o covenant_n on_o his_o part_n by_o his_o death_n and_o sacrifice_n and_o second_o that_o it_o be_v god_n righteousness_n to_o perform_v the_o covenant_n on_o his_o part_n which_o be_v to_o be_v reconcile_v to_o sinner_n by_o not_o impute_v their_o sin_n to_o they_o as_o soon_o as_o they_o be_v in_o christ_n by_o faith_n the_o meritorious_a righteousness_n of_o the_o death_n and_o suffering_n of_o christ_n combat_n with_o satan_n perform_v on_o his_o part_n do_v bind_v god_n to_o perform_v his_o say_a reconciliation_n on_o his_o part_n and_o both_o these_o righteousness_n together_o with_o the_o performance_n of_o the_o covenant_n on_o the_o part_n of_o the_o holy_a ghost_n which_o be_v to_o proceed_v from_o the_o father_n and_o the_o son_n to_o convert_v sinner_n and_o ●o_o unite_v they_o to_o christ_n that_o so_o they_o may_v be_v fit_a subject_n for_o the_o say_a righteousness_n i_o say_v this_o voluntary_a and_o reciprocial_a covenant_n between_o the_o trinity_n do_v constitute_v all_o the_o cause_n of_o
and_o in_o cha_z 16._o at_o reply_n 22._o ult_n if_o it_o be_v grant_v that_o god_n denounce_v a_o bodily_a death_n as_o the_o immediate_a effect_n of_o adam_n first_o sin_n in_o eat_v the_o forbid_a fruit_n than_o the_o pelagian_n can_v be_v convince_v that_o original_a sin_n be_v the_o cause_n of_o the_o death_n of_o infant_n for_o then_o the_o pelagian_o may_v reply_v that_o see_v it_o be_v grant_v that_o bodily_a death_n be_v the_o immediate_a effect_n of_o adam_n first_o sin_n it_o can_v be_v the_o immediate_a effect_n of_o original_a sin_n but_o see_v it_o be_v evident_a by_o rom._n 5._o 12._o that_o it_o be_v the_o punishment_n of_o original_a sin_n in_o infant_n therefore_o no_o other_o death_n but_o a_o spiritual_a death_n in_o sin_n be_v at_o the_o first_o threaten_v in_o gen._n 2._o 17._o original_a sin_n be_v the_o essential_a death_n that_o god_n threaten_v in_o gen._n 2._o 17._o as_o the_o proper_a passion_n of_o adam_n first_o sin_n though_o in_o the_o issue_n the_o elect_n be_v redeem_v from_o it_o by_o christ_n undertake_v to_o be_v the_o seed_n of_o the_o conquer_a woman_n and_o in_o that_o nature_n as_o it_o be_v accompany_v with_o our_o true_a infirmity_n to_o conquer_v satan_n by_o his_o constant_a obedience_n to_o the_o law_n of_o the_o combat_n notwithstanding_o satan_n unlimited_a power_n to_o provoke_v and_o disturb_v his_o passion_n and_o because_o at_o last_o in_o the_o perfection_n of_o his_o say_a obedience_n he_o make_v his_o soul_n a_o sacrifice_n of_o reconciliation_n by_o breathe_v out_o his_o immortal_a spirit_n by_o his_o own_o priestly_a power_n p._n 34_o 63_o 65_o eternal_a death_n in_o hell_n be_v but_o a_o accidental_a punishment_n to_o the_o first_o spiritual_a death_n in_o sin_n p._n 36_o god_n first_o covenant_n with_o adam_n be_v not_o make_v with_o adam_n as_o a_o single_a person_n but_o it_o be_v make_v with_o he_o as_o he_o be_v the_o head_n of_o man_n nature_n in_o general_n p._n 25_o the_o kind_n of_o life_n promise_v to_o adam_n and_o so_o to_o all_o his_o natural_a posterity_n be_v the_o perpetuity_n of_o his_o life_n in_o this_o world_n in_o his_o create_a perfection_n p._n 27_o all_o the_o glory_n of_o god_n creation_n have_v be_v confound_v at_o the_o very_a instant_n of_o adam_n fall_n if_o god_n in_o his_o eternal_a counsel_n and_o providence_n have_v not_o ordain_v christ_n to_o be_v ready_a at_o that_o instant_n to_o take_v on_o he_o the_o government_n of_o the_o whole_a creation_n p._n 28_o god_n secret_a and_o not_o his_o reveal_v will_n be_v the_o inviolable_a rule_n of_o god_n relative_a justice_n p._n 37_o 35_o and_o ch_n 15._o chap._n iii_o the_o quality_n or_o kind_n of_o christ_n obedience_n ex_fw-la officio_fw-la as_o mediator_n be_v not_o to_o the_o moral_a law_n of_o nature_n as_o mr._n norton_n affirm_v but_o it_o be_v to_o the_o voluntary_a positive_a law_n of_o a_o peculiar_a voluntary_a and_o reciprocal_a covenant_n that_o be_v make_v between_o the_o person_n in_o trinity_n from_o eternity_n second_o though_o mr._n norton_n do_v one_o while_o affirm_v that_o the_o quality_n or_o kind_n of_o christ_n obedience_n be_v legal_a the_o same_o in_o nature_n and_o measure_n which_o we_o by_o the_o first_o covenant_n stand_v bind_v unto_o yet_o another_o while_n he_o do_v contradict_v that_o and_o say_v it_o be_v more_o also_o p_o 42_o christ_n obedience_n to_o the_o moral_a law_n be_v by_o eminent_a divine_v right_o call_v justitiâ_fw-la personae_fw-la but_o his_o obedience_n in_o his_o death_n and_o suffering_n they_o do_v right_o call_v justitiâ_fw-la meriti_fw-la p._n 44_o christ_n obedience_n in_o his_o incarnation_n and_o in_o his_o death_n be_v not_o his_o obedience_n to_o the_o moral_a law_n as_o mr._n norton_n affirm_v but_o it_o be_v a_o special_a kind_n of_o obedience_n to_o the_o voluntary_a positive_a law_n of_o his_o mediatorship_n only_o p._n 45_o *_o add_v this_o note_n to_o p._n 45._o dr._n willet_n in_o dan._n 9_o p._n 291._o say_v that_o christ_n descension_n conception_n incarnation_n and_o his_o miracle_n be_v not_o impute_v to_o we_o because_o they_o be_v no_o part_n of_o fulfil_v the_o law_n in_o these_o word_n he_o do_v plain_o contradict_v mr._n norton_n for_o he_o deny_v that_o christ_n incarnation_n be_v any_o part_n of_o christ_n obedience_n to_o the_o moral_a law_n if_o the_o incarnation_n of_o christ_n which_o be_v a_o act_n of_o his_o godhead_n have_v be_v a_o act_n of_o obedience_n to_o the_o moral_a law_n as_o mr._n norton_n affirm_v than_o his_o godhead_n have_v be_v in_o a_o absolute_a inferiority_n to_o his_o father_n because_o the_o moral_a law_n be_v give_v by_o god_n as_o a_o supreme_a which_o tenent_n do_v full_o maintain_v the_o arrian_n heresy_n p._n 47_o *_o add_v this_o note_n to_o p._n 99_o and_o to_o p._n 101._o mr._n norton_n say_v in_o p._n 123._o that_o the_o divine_a nature_n be_v angry_a not_o only_o with_o the_o humane_a nature_n but_o with_o the_o person_n of_o the_o mediator_n because_o of_o sin_n impute_v to_o he_o and_o in_o p._n 55._o he_o say_v that_o god_n charge_v christ_n with_o sin_n as_o the_o supreme_a lawgiver_n and_o judge_n etc._n etc._n in_o these_o word_n he_o make_v the_o godhead_n of_o the_o mediator_n to_o be_v in_o a_o absolute_a inferiority_n to_o his_o father_n which_o do_v also_o maintain_v the_o atrian_a heresy_n *_o add_v this_o note_n to_o p._n 47._o and_o to_o p._n 51._o at_o 5._o christ_n as_o he_o be_v true_a man_n be_v under_o the_o obligation_n of_o the_o moral_a law_n and_o as_o he_o be_v a_o jew_n he_o be_v under_o the_o obligation_n of_o the_o ceremonial_a and_o judicial_a law_n but_o as_o he_o be_v mediator_n and_o as_o he_o act_v as_o mediator_n ex_fw-la officio_fw-la he_o be_v above_o the_o moral_a law_n for_o he_o say_v he_o be_v the_o lord_n of_o the_o sabbath_n even_o as_o he_o be_v the_o son_n of_o man_n and_o second_o he_o show_v himself_o to_o be_v above_o the_o ceremonial_a law_n in_o that_o he_o say_v a_o great_a than_o the_o temple_n be_v here_o matth._n 12._o 6_o 8._o the_o jew_n legal_a justification_n under_o the_o first_o covenant_n by_o their_o outward_a observation_n of_o the_o work_n of_o the_o ceremonial_a law_n be_v a_o true_a type_n of_o our_o moral_a justification_n by_o the_o blood_n of_o christ_n p._n 49_o 51_o 235_o and_o p._n 259_o chap._n iu_o the_o order_n of_o man_n legal_a proceed_n in_o court_n of_o judicature_n be_v no_o way_n suitable_a to_o be_v allege_v for_o a_o exemplification_n of_o the_o order_n of_o god_n proceed_n in_o christ_n suffering_n as_o mr._n nortons_n way_n be_v because_o it_o appear_v by_o god_n declaration_n of_o the_o combat_n in_o gen_n 3_o 15._o that_o his_o suffering_n as_o he_o be_v declare_v to_o be_v the_o seed_n of_o the_o woman_n be_v to_o be_v from_o the_o voluntary_a cause_n in_o the_o trial_n of_o mastery_n with_o his_o proclaim_a enemy_n satan_n and_o his_o instrument_n in_o which_o combat_n in_o case_n satan_n can_v have_v prevail_v to_o disturb_v his_o patience_n than_o satan_n have_v get_v the_o victory_n but_o in_o case_n he_o can_v not_o by_o all_o his_o ill_a usage_n disturb_v his_o patience_n nor_o any_o way_n subvert_v he_o in_o his_o obedience_n than_o the_o victory_n and_o the_o rich_a prize_n of_o man_n redemption_n be_v to_o go_v on_o christ_n side_n p._n 55_o 82_o 9●_n 22_o &_o chap._n 13_o &_o 14_o eternity_n be_v essential_a to_o the_o torment_n of_o hell_n p._n 56_o the_o distinction_n of_o essential_a and_o circumstantial_a hell_n torment_v thereby_o to_o make_v eternity_n no_o more_o but_o a_o circumstance_n have_v four_o inconvenience_n attend_v it_o p._n 56_o sometime_o mr_n norton_n do_v affirm_v that_o christ_n suffer_v the_o pain_n of_o loss_n in_o respect_n of_o the_o fruition_n of_o the_o good_a of_o the_o promise_n but_o otherwhiles_o he_o say_v it_o be_v but_o in_o respect_n of_o the_o sense_n of_o the_o good_a of_o the_o promise_n by_o which_o wide_o differ_v expression_n be_v leaf_n the_o reader_n in_o the_o dark_a to_o grope_v out_o his_o meaning_n p._n 58_o mr._n norton_n in_o his_o book_n p._n 123._o hold_n that_o christ_n be_v separate_v both_o in_o body_n and_o soul_n from_o all_o participation_n of_o the_o good_a of_o the_o promise_n for_o a_o time_n and_o so_o he_o come_v up_o to_o christ_n total_a separation_n from_o god_n for_o a_o time_n p_o 60_o sometime_o again_o he_o make_v the_o pain_n of_o loss_n to_o be_v no_o more_o but_o the_o want_n of_o the_o sense_n of_o the_o favour_n of_o god_n for_o a_o time_n p._n 61_o mr._n norton_n be_v put_v to_o his_o shift_n to_o maintain_v his_o penal_a hell_n in_o this_o life_n for_o he_o be_v fain_o to_o fly_v to_o god_n extraordinary_a dispensation_n to_o
consequent_o say_v he_o he_o will_v have_v be_v in_o a_o perpetual_a fear_n before_o his_o fall_n but_o say_v he_o in_o p._n 220._o the_o first_o adam_n have_v not_o any_o natural_a fear_n as_o the_o second_o adam_n have_v because_o there_o be_v no_o hurtful_a object_n before_o his_o eye_n as_o there_o be_v before_o the_o eye_n of_o christ_n and_o say_v vinditiae_fw-la legis_fw-la in_o p._n 129._o he_o need_v no_o mediator_n nor_o comfort_n because_o his_o soul_n can_v not_o be_v terrify_v with_o any_o sin_n and_o so_o say_v austin_n in_o his_o enchyrid_a to_z lawrence_z chap._n 32._o when_o adam_n be_v make_v a_o right_a man_n he_o need_v no_o mediator_n but_o when_o sin_n do_v separate_v ●io●_n from_o god_n than_o he_o must_v be_v bring_v into_o favour_n again_o by_o a_o mediator_n etc._n etc._n god_n do_v often_o dispense_v with_o his_o peremptory_a threaten_n p._n 157_o god_n voluntary_a positive_a law_n be_v not_o engrave_v in_o adam_n nature_n as_o his_o moral_a law_n be_v no_o more_o than_o the_o time_n of_o the_o last_o judgement_n be_v engrave_v in_o the_o humane_a nature_n of_o christ_n mark_n 13._o 32._o p._n 159._o 11_o god_n do_v sometime_o alter_v from_o the_o rule_n of_o his_o moral_a command_n to_o the_o rule_n of_o his_o secret_a decree_n p._n 160_o 225_o chap._n xi_o christ_n bear_v our_o sickness_n and_o carry_v our_o sorrow_n from_o we_o not_o by_o bear_v they_o upon_o his_o own_o body_n as_o a_o porter_n bear_v a_o burden_n but_o he_o be_v say_v to_o bear_v they_o because_o he_o bear_v they_o from_o we_o by_o the_o power_n of_o his_o divine_a command_n p._n 163_o chap._n xii_o mr._n norton_n do_v most_o dangerous_o make_v all_o the_o bodily_a suffering_n of_o christ_n to_o be_v hell_n pain_n p._n 165_o 169_o mr._n norton_n do_v often_o wrong_a the_o sense_n of_o the_o dialogue_n p._n 167_o 296_o the_o true_a nature_n of_o all_o christ_n great_a bodily_a suffering_n be_v describe_v to_o be_v chastisement_n in_o isa_n 53._o 5._o therefore_o they_o can_v be_v call_v the_o essential_a torment_n of_o hell_n inflict_v on_o he_o from_o god_n vindicative_a wrath_n as_o mr._n norton_n call_v they_o p._n 169_o 178_o 266_o 311_o 344_o christ_n suffering_n may_v just_o be_v call_v punishment_n such_o as_o the_o godly_a suffer_v and_o yet_o not_o proceed_v from_o god_n wrath_n as_o their_o punishment_n do_v very_o often_o p._n 171_o none_o of_o christ_n suffering_n be_v inflict_v on_o he_o from_o god_n immediate_a wrath_n as_o mr._n norton_n hold_v most_o dangerous_o p._n 172_o christ_n humane_a nature_n be_v often_o purposely_o leave_v of_o the_o divine_a nature_n not_o only_o in_o his_o natural_a and_o moral_a action_n that_o so_o it_o may_v act_v according_a to_o physical_a cause_n but_o also_o in_o his_o office_n because_o be_v be_v appoint_v to_o combat_v with_o satan_n in_o his_o humane_a nature_n that_o so_o he_o may_v be_v the_o more_o deep_o touch_v with_o the_o sense_n of_o our_o infirmity_n p._n 174._o &_o 383_o the_o true_a nature_n of_o merit_n describe_v namely_o how_o christ_n do_v merit_v our_o redemption_n p._n 176_o 130_o 146_o 308_o 256_o the_o judge_n imputation_n of_o any_o sin_n in_o the_o voluntary_a combat_n do_v cause_n such_o a_o combate_a to_o loose_v the_o prize_n p._n 178_o punishment_n in_o the_o voluntary_a combat_n may_v be_v suffer_v from_o the_o opposite_a champion_n without_o any_o imputation_n of_o sin_n from_o god_n vindicative_a wrath_n p._n 178_o god_n do_v wound_n and_o bruise_v christ_n no_o otherwise_o but_o as_o he_o give_v satan_n leave_v to_o wound_v he_o and_o to_o do_v his_o worst_a unto_o he_o p._n 178_o 311_o all_n christ_n great_a punishment_n be_v suffer_v without_o any_o imputation_n of_o sin_n from_o god_n or_o else_o god_n can_v not_o have_v accept_v his_o death_n as_o a_o propitiatory_a sacrifice_n to_o bring_v we_o to_o god_n p._n 182_o christ_n be_v eminent_o voluntary_a and_o active_a in_o comply_v with_o all_o his_o suffering_n from_o his_o combater_n satan_n or_o else_o they_o have_v not_o be_v meritorious_a p._n 183_o chap._n xiii_o the_o word_n sin_n be_v often_o use_v in_o a_o metaphorical_a sense_n for_o a_o sin-sacrifice_n because_o it_o be_v offer_v to_o procure_v god_n atonement_n for_o sin_n p._n 190_o christ_n atone_v his_o father_n wrath_n with_o the_o sacrifice_n of_o his_o body_n and_o blood_n p_o 191_o it_o be_v evident_a by_o isa_n 53._o 6._o and_o by_o jer._n 30._o 21._o that_o there_o pass_v a_o covenant_n between_o the_o trinity_n from_o eternity_n for_o man_n redemption_n p_o 193_o christ_n put_v away_o sin_n as_o the_o phrase_n be_v in_o heb._n 9_o 26._o or_o condemn_v sin_n as_o the_o phrase_n be_v in_o rom_n 8._o 3._o when_o he_o abolish_v the_o use_n of_o all_o sin_n offering_n by_o his_o only_a true_a sacrifice_n for_o our_o sin_n p._n 196_o the_o imposition_n of_o hand_n upon_o the_o head_n of_o the_o condemn_a person_n by_o the_o witness_n be_v to_o testify_v their_o faith_n to_o the_o thrower_n of_o stone_n that_o the_o evidence_n they_o have_v give_v in_o against_o he_o be_v true_a p._n 198_o christ_n do_v still_o bear_v our_o sin_n in_o heaven_n as_o much_o by_o god_n imputation_n as_o ever_o he_o bear_v they_o when_o he_o live_v here_o upon_o earth_n p._n 204_o *_o add_v this_o note_n to_o p._n 205._o l._n 20._o all_o such_o as_o hold_v that_o christ_n be_v our_o bind_a surety_n in_o the_o same_o obligation_n with_o adam_n must_v hold_v as_o mr._n norton_n do_v in_o p._n 239._o that_o christ_n be_v deliver_v from_o his_o act_n of_o surety-ship_n at_o his_o death_n but_o all_o such_o as_o hold_v he_o to_o be_v no_o other_o surety_n but_o as_o he_o be_v our_o voluntary_a priest_n to_o intercede_v for_o the_o pardon_n of_o sin_n must_v hold_v he_o to_o be_v a_o eternal_a surety_n as_o they_o hold_v he_o to_o be_v a_o eternal_a priest_n and_o that_o he_o be_v not_o discharge_v of_o his_o suretyship_n at_o his_o death_n but_o that_o he_o do_v still_o continue_v to_o be_v our_o mediatorial_n surety_n for_o the_o procure_n of_o god_n daily_a pardon_n as_o long_o as_o we_o live_v in_o this_o world_n p._n 205_o 89._o chap._n fourteen_o mr._n nortons_n palpable_a mistake_n of_o the_o righteousness_n of_o god_n to_o mean_v nothing_o else_o but_o the_o righteousness_n of_o christ_n in_o 2_o cor._n 5._o 21._o be_v one_o main_a cause_n of_o his_o erroneous_a interpretation_n p._n 208_o it_o be_v the_o righteousness_n of_o each_o person_n in_o trinity_n to_o perform_v their_o covenant_n to_o each_o other_o for_o the_o orderly_a work_n out_o of_o a_o sinner_n reconciliation_n and_o justification_n p._n 211_o no_o scripture_n right_o interpret_v do_v make_v our_o sin_n to_o be_v formal_o impute_v to_o christ_n namely_o not_o by_o god_n legal_a imputation_n as_o mr._n norton_n hold_v p._n 212_o man_n law_n do_v not_o allow_v surety_n for_o capital_a crime_n p._n 216_o the_o imputation_n of_o our_o sin_n to_o christ_n as_o it_o be_v assert_v by_o mr._n norton_n be_v a_o doctrine_n but_o of_o late_a day_n p._n 222_o christ_n do_v impute_v our_o sin_n to_o himself_o to_o make_v himself_o a_o guilty_a sinner_n as_o much_o as_o ever_o his_o father_n do_v ibid._n sect_n 4._o god_n forgiveness_n be_v the_o formal_a cause_n of_o a_o sinner_n righteousness_n p._n 228_o *_o add_v this_o note_n to_o p._n 231._o at_o rom._n 3._o 26._o in_o line_n 15._o and_o further_o say_v p._n martyr_n on_o the_o romant_n p._n 318._o as_o differentia_fw-la make_v the_o nature_n or_o kind_n so_o the_o righteousness_n of_o god_n make_v our_o justification_n for_o when_o we_o be_v by_o he_o absolve_v from_o sin_n we_o be_v justify_v and_o say_v he_o in_o p._n 367._o b._n god_n justifi_v in_o absolve_v we_o from_o our_o sin_n and_o ascribe_v and_o impute_v to_o we_o righteousness_n and_o say_v he_o this_o word_n hitsadik_n be_v a_o word_n take_v of_o the_o law_n and_o appertain_v to_o judgement_n and_o so_o to_o justify_v be_v by_o judgement_n and_o say_v he_o forasmuch_o as_o there_o be_v two_o signification_n of_o this_o word_n justify_v namely_o either_o indeed_o or_o in_o account_n and_o estimation_n for_o god_n be_v the_o author_n of_o either_o of_o they_o whether_o of_o these_o two_o shall_v we_o follow_v in_o the_o point_n of_o justification_n propose_v forsooth_o say_v he_o the_o latter_a namely_o that_o god_n do_v justify_v by_o account_n and_o estimation_n and_o this_o i_o suppose_v say_v he_o be_v sufficient_a touch_v the_o declaration_n of_o this_o word_n justification_n and_o say_v he_o in_o answer_n to_o the_o council_n of_o trent_n in_o p._n 388._o b._n the_o formal_a cause_n be_v the_o justice_n of_o god_n not_o that_o justice_n whereby_o himself_o be_v just_a but_o that_o which_o he_o communicate_v
to_o we_o whereby_o we_o be_v true_o both_o count_v just_a and_o also_o be_v so_o indeed_o for_o paul_n affirm_v that_o justification_n do_v consist_v herein_o that_o our_o sin_n be_v forgive_v u●_n and_o that_o they_o be_v no_o more_o impute_v to_o we_o and_o say_v he_o in_o p._n 410_o the_o disputation_n be_v not_o about_o any_o righteousness_n that_o cleave_v unto_o we_o but_o about_o justification_n which_o be_v the_o forgiveness_n of_o sin_n but_o this_o righteousness_n say_v he_o have_v no_o place_n or_o seat_n in_o our_o mind_n but_o in_o god_n only_o by_o who_o will_n only_o our_o sin_n be_v forgive_v we_o these_o speech_n take_v from_o he_o on_o the_o 10_o and_o 11_o chap._n of_o the_o roman_n must_v needs_o be_v his_o last_o and_o most_o refine_a expression_n of_o the_o formal_a cause_n and_o he_o do_v also_o apply_v the_o imputation_n of_o christ_n righteousness_n to_o the_o meritorious_a cause_n as_o i_o apprehend_v by_o compare_v his_o whole_a drift_n together_o or_o else_o he_o shall_v cross_v his_o say_a definition_n of_o the_o righteousness_n of_o god_n reconciliation_n have_v two_o part_n namely_o justification_n and_o adoption_n or_o thus_o god_n gracious_a pardon_n be_v the_o whole_a of_o reconciliation_n p._n 233_o in_o p._n hhat_o 3._o and_o in_o p._n 253_o sacrifice_n of_o atonement_n and_o wash_n from_o legal_a uncleanness_n be_v ordain_v for_o their_o outward_a ceremonial_a justification_n from_o their_o ceremonial_a sin_n under_o the_o first_o covenant_n and_o so_o it_o be_v a_o lively_a type_n of_o our_o true_a justification_n in_o god_n sight_n under_o the_o new_a covenant_n p_o 235_o *_o add_v this_o note_n to_o p._n 239._o at_o 5._o dicaioma_fw-mi be_v use_v by_o the_o seventy_o for_o the_o jew_n outward_a justification_n in_o observe_v their_o judicial_a law_n as_o well_o as_o of_o their_o ceremonial_a rite_n and_o so_o also_o this_o word_n dicaioma_n be_v apply_v to_o the_o heathen_a judicial_n in_o rom._n 1._o 32._o and_o say_v dr._n willet_n on_o that_o verse_n this_o word_n dicaioma_n be_v not_o there_o mean_v of_o the_o moral_a law_n as_o some_o interpreter_n do_v expound_v it_o but_o of_o the_o judicial_a law_n of_o the_o heathen_n and_o again_o it_o be_v sometime_o apply_v as_o a_o proper_a word_n to_o denote_v either_o their_o judicial_a law_n or_o their_o religious_a though_o idolatrous_a rite_n as_o in_o 1_o mac._n 1._o 14_o 51_o and_o 2_o mac._n 2._o 21._o the_o jew_n after_o their_o prophet_n cease_v abuse_v the_o use_n of_o their_o typical_a and_o ceremonial_a justification_n by_o the_o work_n of_o the_o first_o covenant_n to_o claim_v thereby_o a_o eternal_a justification_n in_o god_n sight_n p._n 245_o the_o material_a cause_n of_o justification_n dispute_v and_o explain_v p._n 248_o reconciliation_n or_o atonement_n describe_v both_o in_o the_o meritorious_a and_o formal_a cause_n p._n 251_o 252_o 255_o 137_o 191_o *_o add_v this_o note_n to_o p._n 252._o mr._n ainsworth_n in_o leu._n 8._o 30._o and_o in_o other_o place_n also_o do_v agree_v with_o the_o dialogue_n in_o make_v atonement_n to_o be_v a_o term_n synonimon_n to_o justification_n in_o the_o formal_a cause_n of_o it_o and_o so_o do_v peter_n martyr_n often_o as_o in_o rom._n p._n 228._o herein_o say_v he_o consist_v our_o justification_n to_o have_v our_o sin_n forgive_v we_o and_o to_o be_v reconcile_v to_o god_n and_o so_o calvin_n speak_v often_o as_o in_o inst_z b._n 3._o c._n 11._o sect_n 11._o they_o say_v he_o be_v judge_v righteous_a that_o be_v reconcile_v to_o god_n the_o manner_n how_o be_v declare_v for_o that_o god_n justifi_v by_o forgive_n and_o say_v he_o in_o c._n 14._o sect_n 17._o to_o touch_v it_o by_o the_o way_n this_o righteousness_n stand_v of_o reconciliation_n and_o say_v tindal_n in_o his_o prologue_n to_o rom._n ult_n by_o justify_v say_v he_o understand_v no_o other_o thing_n then_o to_o be_v reconcile_v to_o god_n and_o to_o be_v restore_v into_o his_o favour_n and_o to_o have_v thy_o sin_n forgive_v thou_o etc._n etc._n these_o and_o sundry_a other_o do_v accord_n with_o the_o dialogue_n that_o reconciliation_n which_o be_v the_o same_o with_o atonement_n be_v the_o formal_a part_n of_o justification_n price_n that_o only_o ought_v to_o be_v call_v the_o full_a price_n of_o man_n redemption_n that_o be_v constitute_v to_o be_v accept_v of_o grace_n as_o the_o full_a and_o formal_a price_n by_o god_n voluntary_a positive_a covenaxt_n p._n 256_o 221_o 267_o 77._o 202_o *_o add_v this_o note_n to_o p._n 259._o at_o the_o word_n caphar_n and_o also_o to_o p._n 235._o god_n atonement_n procure_v be_v say_v to_o sanctify_v the_o sinner_n because_o it_o do_v justify_v he_o from_o the_o guilt_n of_o all_o his_o sin_n and_o so_o the_o word_n sanctify_v must_v be_v understand_v in_o act._n 26._o 18._o of_o be_v make_v extrinsecal_o sanctify_v as_o it_o be_v in_o heb._n 10._o 10_o 14._o and_o so_o the_o word_n purify_v in_o act._n 15_o 9_o must_v be_v understand_v of_o their_o be_v purify_v from_o the_o guilt_n of_o their_o sin_n or_o of_o their_o be_v make_v righteous_a by_o justification_n as_o peter_n martyr_n on_o the_o rom._n p._n 392._o and_o other_o do_v explain_v it_o for_o this_o text_n be_v a_o answer_n to_o the_o question_n touch_v the_o necessity_n of_o circumcision_n and_o of_o their_o other_o legal_a purifying_n for_o the_o false_a apostle_n esteem_v the_o believe_a gentile_n to_o be_v unclean_a unless_o they_o do_v observe_v their_o legal_a purifying_n act._n 10._o 14._o 15._o 24_o 28._o so_o likewise_o the_o word_n cleanse_v in_o 1_o joh._n 1._o 7._o and_o in_o tit._n 2._o 14._o be_v put_v for_o their_o be_v cleanse_v from_o the_o guilt_n of_o their_o sin_n by_o god_n atonement_n or_o for_o their_o be_v justify_v and_o not_o for_o their_o inherent_a sanctity_n though_o it_o be_v also_o true_a that_o none_o be_v justify_v or_o make_v extrinsecal_o righteous_a and_o holy_a by_o god_n atonement_n until_o they_o be_v first_o inherent_o sanctify_v peter_n martyr_n in_o rom._n 1._o 6_o 7._o on_o these_o word_n call_v to_o be_v saint_n say_v if_o we_o will_v search_v out_o the_o strength_n of_o the_o signification_n of_o the_o word_n sancti_fw-la that_o be_v saint_n or_o holy_a it_o come_v say_v he_o as_o austin_n teach_v of_o this_o word_n sanctio_n to_o constitute_v for_o that_o say_v he_o be_v call_v holy_a which_o be_v constant_a and_o firm_a and_o appoint_v to_o abide_v but_o nothing_o say_v he_o do_v more_o let_v we_o to_o abide_v for_o ever_o than_o do_v sin_n therefore_o it_o come_v to_o pass_v that_o holiness_n consist_v chief_o in_o the_o forgiveness_n and_o remission_n of_o sin_n and_o this_o exposition_n in_o the_o same_o page_n he_o do_v also_o apply_v to_o our_o be_v sanctify_v by_o justification_n in_o 1_o cor._n 6._o 11._o but_o this_o kind_n of_o justify_v holiness_n by_o god_n atonement_n and_o forgiveness_n which_o make_v a_o sinner_n to_o abide_v for_o ever_o righteous_a just_a and_o holy_a in_o god_n sight_n mr._n norton_n do_v damn_v for_o heresy_n and_o in_o p._n 228._o he_o call_v this_o atonement_n and_o forgiveness_n a_o pestilent_a fiction_n and_o abomination_n o_o blindness_n and_o blasphemy_n extreme_a in_o the_o typical_a sense_n and_o use_v of_o the_o legal_a word_n sanctify_v purge_v cleanse_v purify_a make_v righteous_a and_o justify_v be_v the_o jew_n a_o holy_a nation_n by_o inherent_a righteousness_n or_o rather_o be_v it_o not_o because_o of_o their_o constant_a practice_n to_o make_v themselves_o holy_a according_a to_o the_o first_o covenant_n by_o their_o typical_a holiness_n chap._n xv._o the_o outward_a manner_n of_o christ_n death_n in_o be_v crucify_v on_o a_o tree_n be_v first_o declare_v in_o gen._n 3._o 15._o by_o this_o phrase_n thou_o shall_v pierce_v he_o in_o the_o footsoals_a p._n 263_o stoning_n to_o death_n and_o hang_v up_o of_o the_o dead_a body_n on_o a_o tree_n to_o be_v gaze_v on_o for_o a_o further_a infamy_n after_o his_o ston_a to_o death_n be_v account_v to_o be_v the_o most_o accurse_a of_o all_o kind_n of_o death_n because_o of_o the_o infamy_n that_o be_v contract_v by_o hang_v after_o he_o be_v stone_v to_o death_n p._n 268_o *_o add_v this_o note_n to_o p._n 268._o when_o the_o jew_n have_v kill_v the_o ten_o son_n of_o haman_n on_o the_o thirteen_o day_n of_o adar_n than_o ester_n request_v the_o king_n that_o their_o dead_a body_n may_v be_v hang_v on_o a_o gallow_n all_o the_o fourteen_o day_n for_o their_o great_a infamy_n reproach_n and_o curse_v in_o relation_n both_o to_o hamans_n execrable_a plot_n and_o also_o to_o god_n ancient_a curse_n upon_o the_o amalekite_n for_o they_o come_v of_o the_o stock_n of_o the_o amalekite_n that_o god_n have_v eminent_o curse_v ester_n 9_o 12_o 13_o 14._o exod._n 17._o 16._o 1_o
sam._n 15._o the_o time_n of_o the_o burial_n of_o the_o person_n hang_v may_v be_v do_v after_o sunset_n provide_v it_o be_v do_v within_o the_o compass_n of_o the_o same_o natural_a day_n which_o last_v till_o midnight_n p._n 272_o the_o latter_a edition_n of_o king_n james_n be_v translation_n on_o deut._n 21._o 23._o be_v corrupt_v from_o the_o integrity_n of_o the_o first_o edition_n p._n 273_o the_o true_a reason_n why_o he_o that_o be_v hang_v must_v be_v bury_v the_o same_o day_n in_o which_o he_o be_v stone_v to_o death_n be_v because_o his_o curse_n of_o infamy_n by_o hang_v so_o long_o on_o a_o tree_n by_o exemplary_a justice_n have_v appease_v god_n anger_n and_o so_o consequent_o because_o it_o have_v now_o remove_v the_o curse_n that_o else_o will_v have_v fall_v on_o the_o land_n p._n 275_o the_o whole_a land_n may_v be_v defile_v by_o the_o judge_n negligence_n in_o suffer_v notorious_a sinner_n to_o go_v unpunished_a p._n 277_o the_o whole_a land_n be_v never_o defile_v by_o any_o one_o ceremonial_a sin_n p._n 279_o the_o rule_n of_o god_n relative_a justice_n be_v his_o secret_a will_n which_o be_v sometime_o contrary_a to_o he_o reveal_v will_n p._n 281_o 37_o 100_o 183_o the_o second_o death_n be_v define_v by_o the_o hebrew_n doctor_n from_o who_o that_o term_n be_v borrow_v to_o be_v a_o misery_n to_o the_o soul_n in_o the_o perpetual_a hatred_n of_o god_n p._n 286_o all_o sort_n of_o death_n that_o man_n do_v suffer_v in_o this_o world_n that_o be_v to_o say_v both_o our_o spiritual_a death_n in_o original_a sin_n and_o our_o bodily_a death_n be_v altogether_o call_v and_o account_v both_o by_o ancient_a and_o late_a divine_n the_o first_o death_n in_o relation_n to_o the_o term_n second_o death_n because_o that_o be_v only_o suffer_v in_o the_o world_n to_o come_v p._n 287_o mr._n norton_n do_v sometime_o hold_v satisfaction_n to_o be_v make_v by_o christ_n suffering_n the_o essential_a curse_n of_o hell-torment_n in_o kind_n but_o at_o other_o time_n he_o do_v hold_v a_o alteration_n to_o equivalency_n p._n 291_o 72_o 107_o 113_o chap._n xvi_o christ_n do_v fear_v death_n regular_o more_o than_o other_o man_n can_v do_v because_o his_o pure_a nature_n be_v not_o make_v subject_a to_o death_n by_o that_o curse_n in_o gen._n 3._o 19_o as_o the_o nature_n of_o all_o other_o man_n be_v p._n 293_o christ_n do_v first_o effect_v his_o combat_n with_o satan_n in_o his_o human_a nature_n and_o then_o he_o do_v effect_v his_o sacrifice_n by_o his_o priestly_a power_n in_o both_o his_o nature_n and_o all_o this_o according_a to_o his_o covenant_n and_o therefore_o he_o be_v not_o make_v subject_a to_o death_n by_o god_n curse_n as_o we_o be_v p._n 293_o 297_o 308_o and_o p._n 9_o the_o excellent_a temper_n and_o tender_a constitution_n of_o christ_n humane_a nature_n make_v he_o more_o sensible_a of_o shame_n fear_v and_o pain_n than_o other_o man_n can_v be_v p._n 294_o christ_n fear_v his_o ignominious_a death_n after_o the_o rule_n of_o fear_n and_o not_o after_o the_o example_n of_o this_o or_o that_o man_n p._n 295_o christ_n doath_z be_v not_o a_o natural_a but_o a_o supernatural_a death_n p._n 296_o 333_o *_o add_v this_o note_n to_o p._n 297_o at_o line_n 1._o and_o also_o to_o p._n 9_o and_o p._n 293._o the_o death_n of_o christ_n be_v effect_v according_a to_o the_o article_n of_o the_o covenant_n between_o the_o father_n and_o the_o son_n *_o add_v this_o marginal_a note_n to_o p._n 298._o christ_n do_v not_o pray_v to_o escape_v death_n but_o only_o that_o his_o humane_a nature_n may_v be_v confirm_v against_o his_o natural_a fear_n of_o death_n and_o so_o say_v trap_n heb._n 5._o 7._o he_o be_v hear_v in_o that_o he_o fear_v that_o be_v say_v he_o he_o be_v deliver_v from_o his_o fear_n for_o no_o soon_o have_v he_o pray_v but_o he_o meet_v his_o enemy_n and_o say_v who_o seek_v you_o i_o be_o he_o p._n 298._o christ_n do_v voluntary_o take_v our_o passion_n to_o he_o as_o they_o be_v a_o punishment_n inflict_v on_o mankind_n for_o adam_n sin_n p._n 300_o christ_n have_v natural_a fear_n actual_o which_o the_o first_o adam_n have_v not_o because_o there_o be_v no_o hurtful_a object_n before_o his_o eye_n as_o there_o be_v before_o the_o eye_n of_o christ_n p._n 300_o 152_o if_o there_o be_v any_o martyr_n to_o who_o it_o be_v pleasant_a to_o die_v that_o they_o have_v from_o otherwhere_o and_o not_o from_o the_o nature_n of_o death_n p._n 301_o when_o the_o pain_n of_o death_n have_v astonish_v sanctify_a reason_n than_o no_o man_n can_v express_v what_o conflict_n there_o be_v between_o their_o nature_n and_o death_n the_o destroyer_n thereof_o which_o conflict_n be_v not_o in_o christ_n p._n 302_o mr._n norton_n do_v in_o p._n 153._o most_o dangerous_o affirm_v that_o christ_n suffer_v a_o twofold_a death_n namely_o not_o only_o a_o bodily_a death_n but_o also_o that_o god_n inflict_v a_o spiritual_a death_n upon_o his_o immortal_a soul_n which_o he_o do_v also_o affirm_v to_o be_v the_o second_o death_n p._n 307_o 315_o the_o only_a reason_n why_o the_o death_n of_o christ_n be_v a_o death_n of_o satisfaction_n distinct_a from_o martyrdom_n be_v the_o covenant_n between_o the_o trinity_n p._n 308_o 9_o 122_o 130_o all_o the_o suffering_n of_o christ_n be_v as_o necessary_a to_o his_o sacrifice_n as_o the_o consecration_n of_o the_o priest_n be_v to_o his_o sacrifice_n p._n 309_o the_o sacrifice_n of_o christ_n do_v proper_o lie_v in_o the_o formality_n of_o his_o death_n which_o himself_o effect_v by_o his_o own_o priestly_a power_n namely_o by_o the_o actual_a power_n and_o joint_a concurrence_n of_o both_o his_o nature_n p._n 309_o 315_o 145_o god_n do_v all_o the_o external_a suffering_n of_o christ_n by_o give_v licence_n to_o satan_n and_o his_o instrument_n to_o do_v they_o and_o god_n do_v all_o christ_n internal_a soul-suffering_n by_o appoint_v christ_n to_o assume_v our_o true_a humane_a nature_n and_o affection_n and_o to_o use_v they_o at_o his_o own_o will_n and_o pleasure_n more_o or_o less_o as_o object_n do_v present_a p._n 311_o 178_o &_o ch._n 17_o there_o be_v a_o sympathy_n between_o soul_n and_o body_n in_o suffering_n p._n 313_o the_o suffering_n of_o christ_n soul_n in_o matth._n 26._o 38._o and_o in_o isaiah_n 53._o 10._o must_v be_v understand_v chief_o of_o christ_n vital_a soul_n and_o not_o of_o his_o immortal_a soul_n p._n 314_o satisfaction_n be_v make_v by_o the_o true_a bodily_a death_n of_o christ_n and_o not_o by_o his_o spiritual_a death_n as_o mr._n norton_n do_v affirm_v most_o dangerous_o p._n 315_o 307_o a_o true_a description_n of_o the_o vital_a soul_n and_o so_o consequent_o of_o the_o death_n of_o christ_n vital_a soul_n but_o not_o of_o his_o immortal_a soul_n for_o our_o redemption_n p._n 320_o a_o true_a description_n of_o our_o natural_a fear_n of_o death_n p._n 321_o christ_n soul-sorrow_n can_v not_o be_v lethal_a and_o deadly_a as_o mr._n norton_n do_v affirm_v most_o dangerous_o because_o they_o be_v govern_v by_o right_a reason_n p._n 322_o add_v this_o note_n to_o p._n 322._o disorderly_o and_o irregular_a fear_n and_o grief_n do_v sometime_o prove_v lethal_a and_o deadly_a but_o it_o be_v dangerous_a to_o affirm_v the_o same_o of_o christ_n regular_a fear_n and_o grief_n i_o find_v it_o record_v in_o the_o french_a academy_n p._n 34._o that_o here●nus_n the_o sicilian_a die_v with_o fear_n for_o he_o be_v find_v to_o be_v a_o copartner_n in_o the_o conspiracy_n of_o caius_n gracchus_n be_v so_o astonish_v and_o oppress_v with_o fear_n in_o consideration_n of_o his_o judgement_n ye●_n to_o come_v that_o he_o fall_v down_o stark_o dead_a at_o the_o entry_n of_o the_o prison_n and_o it_o be_v also_o record_v that_o plautinus_n die_v of_o grief_n for_o upon_o the_o sight_n of_o his_o dead_a wife_n he_o take_v it_o so_o to_o heart_n that_o he_o cast_v himself_o upon_o her_o dead_a body_n and_o be_v there_o stifle_v with_o sorrow_n and_o grief_n but_o it_o be_v most_o dangerous_a to_o make_v christ_n soul-sorrow_n to_o be_v lethal_a and_o deadly_a after_o this_o manner_n for_o say_v damasen_a his_o passion_n never_o prevent_v his_o regular_a will_n neither_o may_v his_o death_n be_v effect_v by_o natural_a cause_n but_o by_o his_o own_o priestly_a power_n or_o else_o it_o can_v not_o be_v a_o sacrifice_n christ_n be_v not_o full_o amaze_v in_o his_o agony_n p._n 323_o by_o consequence_n mr._n norton_n do_v impute_v the_o sin_n of_o unmindfulness_n to_o christ_n even_o in_o the_o very_a point_n of_o time_n when_o he_o be_v in_o the_o execution_n of_o his_o priestly_a office_n p._n 327_o 76_o mr._n norton_n stretch_v the_o word_n very_o heavy_a in_o mark_n 14._o 33._o beyond_o the_o context_n
p._n 328_o luke_n 22._o 44._o and_o christ_n agony_n explain_v p._n 331_o natural_a death_n be_v the_o punishment_n of_o original_a sin_n but_o christ_n humane_a nature_n be_v not_o by_o that_o justice_n subject_v to_o death_n p._n 333_o 296_o ainsworth_n and_o other_o do_v make_v the_o earnest_a prayer_n of_o christ_n in_o the_o garden_n to_o be_v a_o cause_n in_o part_n of_o his_o agony_n p._n 334_o *_o fervency_n of_o spirit_n in_o prayer_n to_o be_v deliver_v from_o a_o natural_a fear_n and_o dread_n of_o a_o ignominious_a death_n may_v force_v out_o a_o bloody_a sweat_n p._n 335._o a_o true_a description_n of_o christ_n agony_n p._n 336_o *_o he_o declaration_n of_o the_o plot_n of_o the_o bless_a trinity_n for_o man_n redemption_n p._n 341_o at_o line_n 18._o all_o christ_n great_a outward_a suffering_n be_v by_o god_n appointment_n to_o be_v from_o his_o combater_n satan_n p._n 344_o 169_o 178_o 266_o 311_o 387_o satan_n do_v first_o enter_v the_o list_n with_o christ_n at_o his_o baptism_n when_o he_o be_v first_o extrinsecal_o install_v into_o the_o mediator_n office_n though_o more_o especial_o in_o the_o garden_n and_o on_o the_o cros_n p._n 346_o christ_n do_v not_o enter_v the_o list_n with_o satan_n in_o the_o glorious_a power_n of_o his_o divine_a nature_n but_o in_o his_o humane_a nature_n as_o it_o be_v accompany_v with_o our_o true_a natural_a infirmity_n of_o sorrow_n and_o fear_n at_o his_o appoach_a ignominious_a death_n p._n 353_o some_o expression_n of_o the_o ancient_a divine_n do_v clear_o evidence_n that_o they_o can_v not_o hold_v any_o such_o imputation_n of_o sin_n to_o christ_n as_o mr._n norton_n do_v p._n 356_o *_o some_o few_o of_o the_o hebrew_n doctor_n writing_n yet_o extant_a do_v speak_v of_o the_o suffering_n of_o christ_n from_o satan_n enmity_n p._n 357_o at_o line_n 16._o adam_n first_o sin_n in_o eat_v the_o forbid_a fruit_n be_v the_o meritorious_a cause_n of_o our_o spiritual_a death_n in_o sin_n and_o then_o our_o spiritual_a death_n in_o sin_n be_v the_o meritorious_a cause_n of_o god_n justice_n first_o in_o denounce_v our_o bodily_a death_n and_o second_o in_o denounce_v a_o judgement_n to_o follow_v to_o each_o depart_a soul_n p._n 357_o the_o pelagian_n can_v be_v convince_v that_o original_a sin_n be_v the_o cause_n of_o the_o death_n of_o infant_n if_o it_o be_v grant_v that_o god_n threaten_v a_o bodily_a death_n in_o gen_n 2._o 17._o as_o the_o immediate_a effect_n of_o adam_n first_o sin_n p._n 358_o christ_n as_o man_n be_v not_o able_a to_o conflict_n with_o his_o father_n wrath_n though_o in_o that_o nature_n he_o be_v able_a to_o conflict_n with_o satan_n and_o his_o instrument_n p._n 359_o if_o it_o be_v true_a that_o christ_n sweat_v clod_n of_o blood_n as_o mr._n norton_n do_v affirm_v than_o it_o must_v needs_o be_v a_o miraculous_a sweat_n and_o then_o no_o natural_a reason_n can_v be_v give_v as_o the_o cause_n of_o it_o p._n 361_o chap._n xvii_o the_o hebrew_n word_n azab_n have_v not_o two_o contrary_a signification_n as_o mr._n norton_n do_v affirm_v to_o amuse_v his_o reader_n about_o the_o manner_n of_o god_n forsake_v christ_n upon_o the_o cross_n p._n 371_o all_n christ_n great_a suffering_n be_v comprise_v under_o the_o word_n chastifement_n p._n 375_o 169_o our_o large_a annotation_n on_o psal_n 22._o 1._o do_v account_n mr._n nortons_n way_n of_o satisfaction_n to_o be_v but_o bare_a humane_a ratiocination_n which_o say_v the_o annotation_n be_v but_o mere_a folly_n and_o madness_n p._n 377_o god_n forsake_v christ_n on_o the_o cross_n because_o he_o do_v not_o then_o protect_v he_o against_o the_o power_n of_o darkness_n as_o he_o have_v do_v very_o often_o in_o former_a time_n p._n 379_o one_o main_a reason_n why_o god_n forsake_v the_o humane_a nature_n of_o christ_n upon_o the_o cross_n be_v that_o so_o his_o humane_a nature_n may_v be_v the_o more_o tender_o touch_v with_o the_o feel_n of_o our_o infirmity_n in_o all_o the_o affliction_n that_o be_v write_v of_o he_o p._n 383_o 174_o the_o humane_a nature_n be_v no_o true_a part_n of_o the_o divine_a person_n but_o a_o appendix_n only_o p._n 387_o *_o add_v this_o note_n to_o the_o marginal_a note_n in_o p._n 387._o zanchy_a in_o his_o six_o and_o seven_o aphorism_n to_o the_o confession_n of_o his_o faith_n p._n 280._o say_v that_o the_o humane_a nature_n be_v no_o true_a part_n of_o the_o person_n of_o christ_n and_o say_v he_o in_o his_o twelve_o aphorism_n at_o 4._o though_o the_o nature_n take_v to_o speak_v proper_o be_v not_o a_o part_n of_o his_o person_n yet_o at_o 5._o he_o say_v it_o be_v acknowledge_v to_o be_v as_o it_o be_v a_o part_n of_o the_o person_n of_o christ_n because_o without_o it_o we_o can_v define_v what_o christ_n be_v and_o because_o of_o they_o both_o there_o be_v but_o one_o and_o the_o same_o hypostasie_n though_o the_o humane_a nature_n of_o christ_n ever_o have_v its_o dependence_n and_o subsistence_n in_o the_o divine_a after_o the_o union_n yet_o such_o be_v the_o singleness_n and_o the_o unmixedness_n of_o the_o divine_a nature_n in_o this_o union_n that_o it_o can_v leave_v the_o humane_a nature_n to_o act_v of_o itself_o according_a to_o its_o own_o natural_a principle_n p_o 388_o *_o add_v this_o note_n to_o p._n 389._o at_o line_n 6._o in_o two_o thing_n say_v pareus_n this_o similitude_n of_o athanasius_n do_v not_o agree_v and_o before_o he_o zanchy_a say_v as_o much_o for_o in_o his_o six_o aphorism_n he_o say_v it_o be_v free_o confess_v by_o justinus_n and_o by_o other_o father_n that_o this_o similitude_n do_v not_o agree_v in_o all_o thing_n to_o this_o great_a mystery_n *_o the_o geneva_n annotation_n on_o psal_n 22._o 1._o do_v say_v that_o christ_n be_v in_o a_o horrible_a conflict_n between_o faith_n and_o desperation_n and_o so_o by_o necessary_a consequence_n it_o make_v christ_n to_o be_v a_o true_a inherent_a sinner_n and_o this_o blasphemous_a note_n have_v be_v print_v and_o disperse_v in_o many_o thousand_o copy_n and_o yet_o where_o be_v the_o boa●erges_n to_o be_v find_v that_o have_v vindicate_v christ_n from_o this_o dangerous_a tenent_n p._n 393._o god_n do_v not_o so_o forsake_v the_o soul_n of_o christ_n on_o the_o cross_n as_o to_o deprive_v he_o of_o the_o sweet_a sense_n of_o the_o good_a of_o the_o promise_n as_o mr._n norton_n bold_v most_o dangerous_o p._n 394_o christ_n be_v often_o his_o own_o voluntary_a afflict_a with_o soul-sorrow_n p._n 404_o 178_o christ_n be_v the_o only_a priest_n in_o the_o formality_n of_o his_o own_o death_n and_o sacrifice_n but_o yet_o it_o do_v not_o thence_o follow_v that_o he_o be_v his_o own_o executioner_n or_o self_n murderer_n as_o mr._n norton_n do_v most_o unadvised_o thence_o infer_v p._n 405_o no_o full_a satisfaction_n can_v be_v make_v by_o any_o thing_n that_o christ_n suffer_v before_o his_o bodily_a death_n be_v complete_v because_o therein_o only_o lay_v the_o formality_n of_o his_o sacrifice_n without_o which_o no_o full_a satisfaction_n can_v be_v make_v p._n 415_o 309_o 79._o 145_o 315_o sometime_o mr._n norton_n do_v make_v christ_n to_o die_v formal_o under_o the_o sense_n of_o the_o wrath_n of_o god_n for_o full_a satisfaction_n but_o at_o other_o time_n he_o do_v cross_a that_o and_o make_v satisfaction_n to_o be_v full_o complete_v before_o he_o suffer_v his_o natural_a death_n so_o uncertain_a he_o be_v in_o his_o foundation-principle_n touch_v christ_n satisfaction_n p._n 416_o there_o be_v a_o transcendent_a difference_n between_o the_o manner_n of_o peter_n lay_v down_o his_o life_n for_o christ_n and_o the_o manner_n of_o christ_n lay_v down_o his_o life_n as_o a_o sacrifice_n for_o the_o redemption_n of_o the_o elect_n p._n 417_o *_o add_v this_o note_n to_o p._n 417._o mr._n weams_n on_o the_o judicial_a law_n p._n 78._o do_v observe_v that_o though_o peter_n say_v to_o christ_n in_o joh._n 13._o 37._o lord_n i_o will_v lay_v down_o my_o life_n for_o thy_o sake_n yet_o christ_n that_o know_v his_o natural_a unwillingness_n better_o than_o himself_o tell_v he_o afterward_o that_o another_o shall_v carry_v thou_o whither_o thou_o will_v not_o so_o that_o in_o the_o conclusion_n when_o peter_n come_v indeed_o to_o die_v for_o christ_n he_o be_v partly_o willing_a and_o partly_o unwilling_a joh._n 21._o 18._o which_o kind_n of_o unwillingness_n be_v not_o in_o christ_n at_o his_o death_n because_o he_o have_v by_o his_o prayer_n in_o the_o garden_n obtain_v a_o confirmation_n against_o his_o natural_a fear_n of_o death_n when_o he_o come_v to_o die_v on_o the_o cross_n therefore_o mr._n norton_n do_v deal_v very_o unadvised_o to_o compare_v the_o manner_n of_o peter_n lay_v down_o his_o life_n with_o the_o manner_n of_o christ_n lay_v down_o his_o life_n for_o
query_n whether_o adam_n cast_v away_o god_n image_n or_o whether_o god_n take_v it_o away_o from_o he_o in_o his_o aphorism_n page_n 75._o but_o in_o page_n 34._o he_o seem_v to_o hold_v that_o after_o adam_n have_v eat_v of_o the_o forbid_a fruit_n he_o die_v spiritual_o by_o be_v forsake_v of_o god_n in_o regard_n of_o holiness_n as_o well_o as_o in_o regard_n of_o comfort_n and_o so_o he_o be_v deprive_v of_o the_o chief_a part_n of_o god_n image_n but_o so_o be_v not_o christ_n say_v he_o and_o i_o be_v the_o more_o enlighten_v and_o support_v in_o my_o exposition_n of_o gen._n 2._o 17._o by_o p._n martyr_n answer_v to_o pigghius_n christ_n see_v p._n martyr_n in_o rom._n 5._o 18._o original_a sin_n be_v the_o essential_a punishment_n of_o adam_n first_o sin_n though_o in_o the_o issue_n the_o elect_a according_a to_o god_n eternal_a counsel_n be_v redeem_v from_o it_o by_o christ_n pigghius_n make_v the_o corruption_n of_o our_o nature_n to_o be_v the_o natural_a effect_n of_o adam_n sin_n p._n martyr_n do_v answer_v thus_o the_o ground_n and_o reason_n thereof_o be_v rather_o take_v from_o the_o justice_n of_o god_n whereby_o the_o grace_n of_o the_o spirit_n and_o heavenly_a gift_n wherewith_o man_n be_v endow_v before_o his_o fall_n be_v remove_v from_o he_o when_o he_o have_v sin_v and_o this_o withdraw_n of_o grace_n come_v of_o the_o justice_n of_o god_n although_o the_o blame_n say_v he_o be_v ascribe_v to_o the_o transgression_n of_o the_o first_o man_n lest_o a_o man_n shall_v straightway_o say_n that_o god_n be_v the_o cause_n of_o sin_n for_o when_o he_o have_v once_o withdraw_v his_o gift_n wherewith_o adam_n be_v adorn_v straightway_o vic●s_o and_o corruption_n follow_v of_o their_o own_o accord_n tindal_n also_o say_v in_o page_n 382._o the_o spirit_n be_v take_v away_o in_o the_o fall_n of_o adam_n this_o of_o peter_n martyr_n and_o sundry_a other_o to_o the_o same_o purpose_n do_v much_o sway_n with_o i_o then_o also_o i_o consider_v that_o adam_n perfection_n be_v create_v to_o be_v but_o mutable_a until_o he_o shall_v take_v a_o course_n for_o the_o confirmation_n of_o they_o by_o eat_v of_o the_o tree_n of_o life_n and_o therefore_o they_o be_v but_o lend_v he_o for_o a_o trial_n for_o in_o case_n he_o shall_v first_o eat_v of_o the_o tree_n of_o knowledge_n of_o good_a and_o evil_a he_o shall_v die_v the_o death_n and_o so_o lose_v his_o create_a perfection_n and_o therefore_o as_o soon_o as_o he_o have_v sin_v by_o eat_v that_o forbid_a fruit_n god_n in_o justice_n take_v they_o away_o but_o it_o have_v please_v god_n by_o his_o free_a promise_n to_o make_v himself_o a_o debtor_n to_o the_o elect_n for_o the_o confirmation_n and_o continuance_n of_o their_o faith_n and_o grace_n because_o it_o be_v purchase_v for_o they_o by_o the_o blood_n of_o christ_n to_o be_v of_o a_o last_a and_o permanent_a nature_n but_o god_n make_v no_o such_o promise_n to_o adam_n when_o he_o create_v he_o after_o his_o own_o image●_n for_o he_o create_v he_o to_o be_v but_o of_o a_o m●rtable_a condition_n and_o therefore_o his_o grace_n be_v to_o be_v continue_v no_o otherwise_o but_o upon_o condition_n only_o of_o his_o obedience_n in_o eat_v of_o the_o tree_n of_o life_n in_o the_o first_o place_n so_o that_o when_o the_o condition_n be_v break_v on_o his_o part_n by_o eat_v the_o forbid_a fruit_n it_o be_v just_a with_o god_n to_o take_v away_o those_o gift_n and_o grace_n wherewith_o he_o have_v endow_v his_o nature_n at_o first_o in_o like_a sort_n at_o the_o first_o god_n give_v unto_o saul_n the_o spirit_n of_o government_n as_o a_o new_a qualification_n add_v to_o his_o former_a education_n 1_o sam._n 10._o 6._o 9_o but_o afterward_o it_o please_v god_n to_o take_v away_o this_o spirit_n of_o government_n from_o he_o because_o he_o give_v it_o not_o otherwise_o but_o upon_o condition_n that_o he_o shall_v use_v it_o for_o the_o do_v of_o his_o will_n and_o command_v and_o have_v he_o continue_v to_o use_v it_o for_o that_o end_n and_o purpose_n he_o shall_v still_o have_v enjoy_v it_o but_o when_o he_o abuse_v the_o same_o to_o the_o fulfil_n of_o his_o own_o will_n in_o spare_v of_o agag_n than_o god_n take_v away_o this_o spirit_n of_o government_n from_o he_o and_o then_o saul_n grow_v wicked_a 1_o sam._n 16._o 14._o and_o why_o may_v not_o god_n as_o well_o take_v away_o his_o create_a qualification_n from_o adam_n nature_n for_o his_o disobedience_n against_o his_o positive_a command_n as_o well_o as_o from_o saul_n for_o disobedience_n to_o his_o positive_a command_n conclusion_n 1_o hence_o it_o follow_v that_o in_o case_n this_o exposition_n of_o the_o word_n death_n in_o gen._n 2._o 17._o be_v sound_n and_o good_a as_o i_o conceive_v it_o be_v then_o mr._n nortons_n second_o proposition_n and_o all_o his_o other_o proposition_n that_o affirm_v that_o the_o death_n threaten_v in_o gen._n 2._o 17._o be_v the_o inviolable_a rule_n of_o god_n relative_n justice_n do_v fall_n to_o the_o ground_n 2_o hence_o it_o follow_v that_o the_o bodily_a death_n of_o the_o elect_n and_o death_n eternal_a death_n i●_n hell_n be_v but_o a_o accidental_a punishment_n to_o the_o first_o spiritual_a death_n both_o the_o bodily_a and_o eternal_a death_n of_o the_o reprobate_n be_v but_o accidental_a punishment_n to_o the_o first_o spiritual_a death_n of_o man_n nature_n in_o sin_n and_o therefore_o that_o the_o first_o spiritual_a death_n in_o sin_n be_v the_o essential_a and_o substantial_a curse_n that_o be_v first_o threaten_v in_o gen._n 2._o 17._o or_o thus_o adam_n disobedience_n be_v the_o meritorious_a cause_n of_o the_o death_n of_o man_n nature_n in_o sin_n &_o the_o spiritual_a death_n of_o man_n nature_n in_o sin_n be_v afterward_o the_o meritorious_a cause_n of_o bodily_a death_n though_o god_n be_v please_v to_o sanctify_v that_o punishment_n to_o all_o that_o do_v believe_v in_o the_o promise_a seed_n and_o now_o through_o faith_n they_o have_v hope_n in_o their_o death_n to_o change_v for_o the_o better_a but_o the_o say_v bodily_a death_n be_v ordain_v for_o a_o further_a degree_n of_o misery_n to_o all_o that_o believe_v not_o in_o the_o promise_a seed_n for_o when_o god_n ordain_v death_n he_o ordain_v judgement_n to_o succeed_v it_o heb._n 9_o 27._o and_o this_o be_v the_o distribution_n of_o his_o judgement_n he_o that_o believe_v on_o the_o son_n have_v everlasting_a life_n and_o he_o that_o believe_v not_o the_o son_n shall_v not_o see_v life_n but_o the_o wrath_n of_o god_n abide_v on_o he_o joh._n 3_o 36._o 3_o hence_o it_o follow_v that_o the_o inviolable_a rule_n of_o god_n relative_a justice_n for_o man_n redemption_n be_v not_o to_o be_v fetch_v from_o gen._n 2._o 17._o but_o from_o the_o voluntary_a cause_n of_o god_n secret_a will_v not_o yet_o reveal_v to_o adam_n till_o after_o his_o fall_n and_o that_o secret_a will_v but_o now_o reveal_v be_v that_o the_o formality_n of_o christ_n death_n in_o separate_a his_o soul_n from_o his_o body_n by_o his_o own_o priestly_a power_n shall_v be_v a_o sacrifice_n and_o the_o formality_n of_o all_o satisfaction_n as_o it_o be_v explain_v in_o heb._n 9_o 15_o 16._o and_o heb._n 10._o 4_o i_o desire_v the_o reader_n to_o take_v notice_n that_o i_o defer_v my_o examination_n of_o mr._n nortons_n exposition_n of_o gen._n 2._o 17._o to_o chap._n 10._o his_o five_o proposition_n be_v this_o merit_n be_v either_o absolute_a so_o god_n can_v be_v a_o debtor_n to_o the_o creature_n no_o not_o to_o christ_n himself_o or_o by_o way_n of_o free_a covenant_n so_o god_n in_o case_n have_v make_v himself_o a_o debtor_n to_o man_n justice_n then_o consist_v in_o render_v to_o every_o one_o their_o due_a and_o god_n will_v be_v the_o rule_n of_o justice_n it_o follow_v that_o and_o only_o that_o to_o be_v the_o due_a desert_n merit_n or_o demerit_n of_o man_n which_o god_n have_v will_v concern_v he_o reply_n he_o say_v god_n will_v be_v the_o rule_n of_o justice_n this_o be_v true_a if_o it_o be_v take_v for_o his_o secret_a will_n for_o it_o be_v his_o secret_n and_o not_o his_o reveal_v will_v that_o be_v the_o inviolable_a rule_n of_o his_o relative_a justice_n god_n may_v and_o often_o do_v free_a a_o sinner_n from_o his_o reveal_v threaten_a punishment_n upon_o such_o account_n as_o himself_o please_v to_o decree_n in_o the_o counsel_n of_o his_o own_o will_n and_o yet_o he_o be_v just_a in_o so_o do_v though_o his_o reveal_v will_v be_v contrary_a and_o the_o reason_n be_v plain_a because_o he_o have_v ordain_v his_o secret_a will_n to_o be_v the_o absolute_a rule_n of_o his_o inviolable_a relative_a justice_n for_o god_n be_v often_o say_v to_o repent_v of_o his_o reveal_v threaten_a plague_n as_o i_o have_v
the_o first_o adam_n non_fw-la comedendi_fw-la over_o and_o above_o the_o moral_a law_n not_o to_o eat_v of_o the_o forbid_a fruit_n such_o a_o law_n be_v this_o which_o be_v give_v to_o the_o mediator_n it_o be_v the_o law_n of_o his_o be_v a_o mediator_n and_o a_o sacrifice_n over_o and_o beside_o the_o moral_a law_n which_o be_v common_a to_o he_o with_o we_o and_o say_v he_o as_o that_o special_a law_n of_o not_o eat_v the_o forbid_a fruit_n be_v unto_o adam_n praeceptum_fw-la symbolicum_fw-la as_o divine_v call_v it_o give_v over_o and_o beside_o all_o the_o ten_o commandment_n to_o be_v a_o trial_n or_o symbol_n of_o his_o obedience_n to_o all_o the_o rest_n such_o be_v this_o law_n give_v to_o christ_n the_o second_o adam_n and_o thus_o he_o expound_v the_o word_n law_n in_o psal_n 40._o 8._o of_o the_o peculiar_a law_n of_o mediatorship_n just_a as_o the_o dialogue_n do_v and_o not_o of_o the_o moral_a law_n as_o mr._n norton_n do_v 4_o mr._n rutherfurd_n say_v that_o christ_n obedience_n in_o lay_v down_o his_o life_n be_v in_o obedience_n to_o a_o positive_a law_n and_o not_o to_o the_o moral_a law_n as_o i_o have_v cite_v he_o more_o at_o large_a in_o chap._n 2._o sect._n 1_o 5_o mr._n joh._n goodwin_n do_v cite_v divers_a eminent_a divine_n that_o do_v distinguish_v the_o obedience_n of_o christ_n into_o two_o kind_n the_o one_o they_o call_v justitia_fw-la personae_fw-la the_o righteousness_n of_o his_o person_n the_o other_o justitia_fw-la meriti_fw-la the_o righteousness_n of_o merit_n and_o for_o this_o distinction_n meriti_fw-la christ_n obedience_n to_o the_o moral_a law_n be_v call_v by_o divine_n justitia_fw-la personae_fw-la but_o his_o obedience_n in_o his_o death_n and_o suffering_n they_o call_v justitia_fw-la meriti_fw-la he_o cite_v pareus_n dr._n prideaux_n mr._n bradshaw_n mr._n forbs_n and_o mr._n gataker_n and_o justitia_fw-la personae_fw-la they_o place_n in_o causa_fw-la sine_fw-la qua_fw-la non_fw-la 6_o say_v mr._n baxter_n many_o learned_a and_o godly_a divine_n of_o singular_a esteem_n in_o the_o church_n of_o god_n be_v of_o this_o judgement_n in_o his_o pos_n of_o just_a p._n 53._o and_o there_o he_o name_v many_o and_z say_v he_o in_o his_o late_a apology_n to_o mr._n blake_n p._n 115._o i_o deny_v not_o but_o that_o christ_n as_o man_n be_v under_o a_o law_n yea_o and_o a_o law_n peculiar_a to_o himself_o whereto_o no_o other_o creature_n be_v subject_a even_o the_o law_n of_o mediation_n which_o deserve_v in_o the_o body_n of_o theologie_n a_o peculiar_a place_n and_o the_o handle_n of_o it_o as_o distinct_a from_o all_o the_o law_n make_v with_o we_o man_n be_v of_o special_a use_n etc._n etc._n sect_n 3._o but_o say_v mr._n norton_n in_o page_n 192._o the_o death_n of_o the_o mediator_n be_v in_o a_o way_n of_o justice_n and_o be_v legal_a obedience_n and_o in_o the_o same_o page_n he_o make_v the_o incarnation_n of_o christ_n also_o to_o be_v legal_a obedience_n reply_v 1_o it_o seem_v that_o mr._n norton_n hold_v that_o god_n have_v ordain_v mediatorship_n christ_n obedience_n in_o his_o incarnation_n and_o death_n be_v not_o moral_a obedience_n but_o mediatorial_n obedience_n to_o the_o special_a law_n of_o mediatorship_n no_o other_o way_n to_o take_v satisfaction_n but_o first_o by_o our_o saviour_n perform_v of_o legal_a obedience_n for_o we_o and_o suffer_v the_o essential_a punishment_n of_o hell_n torment_n for_o this_o way_n only_o he_o call_v the_o way_n of_o justice_n but_o in_o the_o former_a section_n i_o have_v show_v that_o sundry_a orthodox_n whereof_o some_o of_o they_o do_v hold_v as_o mr._n norton_n do_v that_o christ_n make_v satisfaction_n by_o suffer_a hell_n torment_n as_o pareus_n and_o mr._n rutherfurd_n and_o yet_o they_o deny_v that_o christ_n obedience_n in_o his_o death_n be_v legal_a obedience_n contrary_a to_o mr._n norton_n 2_o i_o will_v add_v mr._n ball_n to_o they_o for_o he_o hold_v that_o christ_n make_v 281._o ball_n on_o the_o covenant_n p._n 281._o satisfaction_n by_o suffer_v the_o wrath_n of_o god_n though_o in_o page_n 290._o he_o seem_v not_o to_o hold_v that_o he_o suffer_v hell_n torment_n and_o yet_o he_o also_o do_v exempt_v the_o death_n of_o christ_n from_o be_v any_o part_n of_o legal_a obedience_n the_o law_n say_v he_o do_v not_o require_v that_o god_n shall_v die_v nor_o that_o any_o shall_v die_v that_o have_v not_o sin_v nor_o such_o a_o death_n and_o of_o such_o efficacy_n as_o not_o only_o to_o abolish_v death_n but_o to_o bring_v in_o life_n by_o many_o degree_n more_o excellent_a than_o that_o which_o adam_n lose_v and_o say_v mr._n ball_n christ_n upon_o the_o cross_n pray_v for_o they_o 259._o see_v ball_n on_o the_o covenant_n p._n 259._o that_o crucify_v he_o luke_n 23._o 34._o but_o say_v he_o that_o may_v be_v of_o private_a duty_n as_o man_n who_o subject_v himself_o to_o the_o law_n of_o god_n which_o require_v that_o we_o forgive_v our_o enemy_n and_o pray_v for_o they_o that_o persecute_v we_o not_o of_o the_o proper_a office_n of_o a_o mediator_n which_o be_v to_o offer_v up_o himself_o a_o sacrifice_n who_o be_v to_o interecede_v for_o his_o people_n by_o suffer_a death_n it_o behove_v christ_n as_o he_o subject_v himself_o to_o the_o law_n to_o fulfil_v all_o righteousness_n and_o to_o pray_v for_o his_o enemy_n but_o that_o be_v not_o out_o of_o his_o proper_a office_n as_o mediator_n hence_o the_o reader_n may_v observe_v that_o mr._n ball_n make_v christ_n obedience_n to_o the_o moral_a law_n to_o be_v out_o of_o private_a duty_n as_o a_o man_n and_o not_o ex_fw-la officio_fw-la out_o of_o the_o proper_a office_n of_o a_o mediator_n as_o mr._n norton_n do_v make_v all_o his_o legal_a obedience_n to_o be_v and_o say_v he_o in_o page_n 287._o christ_n be_v lord_n of_o his_o own_o life_n and_o therefore_o have_v power_n to_o lay_v it_o down_o and_o take_v it_o up_o and_o this_o power_n he_o have_v though_o he_o be_v in_o all_o point_v subject_a to_o the_o law_n as_o we_o be_v not_o sole_o by_o virtue_n of_o the_o hypostatical_a union_n which_o do_v not_o exempt_v he_o from_o any_o obligation_n of_o the_o law_n but_o by_o virtue_n of_o a_o particular_a command_n constitution_n and_o designation_n to_o that_o service_n of_o lay_v down_o his_o life_n this_o commandment_n have_v i_o receive_v of_o my_o father_n joh._n 10._o 18._o 3_o say_v baxter_n the_o law_n of_o the_o creature_n and_o the_o law_n of_o 128._o in_o appendix_n to_o his_o pos_n p._n 128._o the_o mediator_n be_v in_o several_a thing_n different_a the_o will_n of_o his_o father_n which_o he_o come_v to_o do_v consist_v in_o many_o thing_n which_o be_v never_o require_v of_o we_o and_o such_o say_v he_o be_v all_o the_o work_n that_o be_v proper_a to_o the_o office_n of_o mediatorship_n 4_o mr._n gataker_n in_o his_o elenchtick_a animad_fw-la upon_o gomarus_n do_v thus_o 10._o upon_o gomarus_n p_o 25._o heb._n 10._o 10._o expound_v heb._n 10._o 10._o i_o come_v to_o do_v thy_o will_n by_o which_o will_v we_o be_v sanctify_v through_o the_o oblation_n of_o his_o body_n etc._n etc._n that_o will_v say_v he_o be_v the_o stipulation_n or_o covenant_n of_o the_o father_n about_o christ_n undertake_n our_o cause_n upon_o himself_o and_o perform_v those_o thing_n that_o be_v requisite_a for_o the_o expiation_n of_o our_o sin_n therefore_o it_o comprehend_v all_o the_o obedience_n of_o christ_n which_o he_o perform_v to_o the_o peculiar_a law_n of_o mediation_n for_o this_o law_n set_v apart_o he_o be_v not_o bind_v by_o any_o other_o law_n to_o the_o oblation_n of_o himself_o and_o hence_o it_o follow_v that_o if_o christ_n make_v satisfaction_n by_o his_o obedience_n to_o another_o covenant_n than_o not_o by_o his_o obedience_n to_o the_o moral_a law_n 5_o if_o god_n have_v command_v christ_n to_o die_v by_o the_o justice_n of_o the_o moral_a law_n than_o his_o desire_n that_o the_o cup_n may_v pass_v from_o he_o in_o matth._n 26._o 39_o have_v be_v a_o sinful_a desire_n but_o say_v mr._n rutherford_n because_o it_o be_v a_o positive_a law_n only_o by_o which_o god_n command_v he_o to_o die_v therefore_o that_o desire_n be_v no_o sin_n as_o i_o have_v note_v his_o word_n more_o at_o large_a in_o chap._n 2._o sect._n 1_o 6_o say_v mr._n thomas_n goodwin_n the_o death_n of_o christ_n be_v not_o mand_v by_o the_o moral_a law_n but_o i●_n be_v command_v over_o and_o beside_o the_o moral_a law_n as_o i_o cite_v he_o in_o the_o former_a section_n 7_o it_o seem_v that_o mr._n norton_n have_v a_o art_n beyond_o other_o by_o which_o he_o can_v make_v the_o miraculous_a work_n of_o christ_n incarnation_n to_o be_v moral_a obedience_n or_o else_o he_o will_v never_o say_v as_o he_o command_n if_o the_o incarnation_n of_o christ_n have_v be_v
respect_n the_o temple_n be_v also_o call_v the_o habitation_n of_o justice_n jer._n 50._o 7._o for_o such_o purify_a person_n as_o come_v thither_o be_v justify_v person_n as_o to_o the_o outward_a man_n yea_o all_o the_o nation_n in_o this_o respect_n be_v holy_a exod._n 19_o and_o therefore_o any_o of_o israel_n though_o never_o so_o vild_a by_o moral_a sin_n yet_o if_o they_o be_v but_o legal_o cleanse_v from_o their_o ceremonial_a sin_n they_o may_v lawful_o appear_v before_o god_n in_o his_o sanctuary_n as_o justify_v person_n in_o regard_n of_o that_o place_n but_o on_o the_o contrary_a if_o any_o man_n though_o never_o so_o godly_a and_o therefore_o moral_o justify_v do_v but_o want_v this_o ceremonial_a cleanse_n they_o be_v unjustified_a person_n in_o respect_n of_o their_o bodily_a appearance_n in_o god_n sanctuary_n and_o be_v guilty_a of_o cut_v off_o by_o death_n leu._n 15._o 31._o num._n 19_o 13._o so_o then_o their_o outward_a legal_a cleanse_n from_o their_o ceremonial_a sin_n the_o ordinance_n of_o the_o ceremonial_a law_n be_v but_o to_o typify_v their_o true_a justification_n by_o the_o death_n of_o christ_n in_o the_o fullness_n of_o time_n as_o the_o procure_a cause_n of_o god_n cleanse_v by_o his_o free_a pardon_n and_o forgiveness_n as_o in_o jer._n 33._o 8._o i_o will_v cleanse_v they_o from_o all_o their_o iniquity_n whereby_o they_o have_v 8._o jer._n 33_o 8._o sin_v against_o i_o and_o i_o will_v pardon_v all_o their_o iniquity_n whereby_o they_o have_v sin_v and_o whereby_o they_o have_v transgress_v against_o i_o here_o cleanse_v be_v put_v for_o justification_n by_o forgiveness_n and_o so_o in_o ezek._n 36._o 25._o then_o will_v i_o sprinkle_v clean_a water_n upon_o you_o and_o you_o shall_v be_v clean_o from_o all_o your_o filthiness_n and_o from_o all_o your_o idol_n will_v i_o cleanse_v you_o and_o in_o vers_n 29._o i_o will_v save_v you_o from_o all_o your_o uncleaness_n these_o place_n do_v allude_v to_o the_o ceremonial_a purgation_n afore_o cite_v from_o heb._n 9_o 13._o and_o in_o this_o sense_n the_o bloody_a death_n of_o christ_n which_o he_o offer_v in_o the_o fullness_n of_o time_n do_v purge_v we_o heb._n 1._o 3-and_a cleanse_v we_o tit._n 2._o 14._o 1_o joh._n 1._o 7._o and_o wash_v we_o from_o our_o sin_n rev._n 1._o 5._o because_o it_o procure_v god_n the_o father_n atonement_n which_o do_v formal_o expiate_v sin_n cleanse_v it_o purge_v it_o and_o wash_v it_o away_o see_v ain_n in_o exod._n 30._o 10._o leu._n 16._o 30_o 33._o numb_a 8._o 7_o 21._o numb_a 19_o 9_o psal_n 51._o 7._o so_o that_o to_o they_o that_o be_v in_o charist_n there_o be_v no_o condemnation_n rom._n 8._o 1._o 2_o the_o second_o sentence_n of_o this_o vers_n of_o gal._n 4._o 4._o be_v this_o god_n send_v forth_o his_o son_n this_o word_n send_v imply_v that_o there_o have_v a_o mutual_a covenant_n pass_v between_o the_o trinity_n or_o else_o the_o father_n can_v not_o have_v send_v he_o forth_o for_o the_o father_n have_v no_o supreme_a authority_n over_o his_o son_n because_o they_o be_v in_o nature_n equal_a joh._n 10._o 30._o and_o therefore_o can_v have_v but_o one_o will_v and_o consent_n which_o may_v be_v call_v a_o covenant_n i_o come_v down_o from_o heaven_n say_v christ_n not_o to_o do_v my_o own_o humane_a will_v but_o the_o will_n of_o he_o that_o send_v i_o joh._n 6._o 38._o 3_o make_v of_o a_o woman_n for_o according_a to_o gen._n 3_o 15._o he_o be_v make_v of_o the_o seed_n of_o the_o woman_n by_o the_o mighty_a power_n of_o the_o holy_a ghost_n luke_n 1._o 35._o 4_o make_v under_o the_o law_n be_v make_v of_o a_o woman_n that_o be_v a_o jew_n he_o be_v make_v under_o the_o law_n of_o type_n 5_o that_o he_o may_v redeem_v they_o that_o be_v under_o the_o law_n but_o he_o can_v not_o redeem_v any_o from_o the_o bondage_n of_o moses_n rite_n until_o he_o have_v fulfil_v all_o the_o type_n by_o his_o own_o bless_a death_n and_o sacrifice_n in_o the_o fullness_n of_o the_o time_n that_o be_v fore-appointed_n of_o the_o father_n and_o by_o that_o act_n he_o have_v both_o redeem_v we_o from_o the_o bondage_n of_o moses_n rite_n and_o also_o have_v redeem_v we_o moral_o from_o the_o displeasure_n of_o god_n and_o from_o satan_n headplot_n it_o be_v true_a also_o that_o he_o fulfil_v the_o moral_a law_n as_o he_o be_v true_a man_n and_o also_o that_o he_o fulfil_v the_o preceptive_a part_n of_o moses_n rite_n in_o his_o own_o practice_n but_o that_o he_o do_v as_o he_o be_v a_o jew_n only_o but_o he_o fulfil_v the_o type_n as_o he_o be_v a_o mediator_n only_o by_o his_o death_n and_o sacrifice_n and_o by_o that_o fulfil_n he_o have_v redeem_v we_o both_o from_o the_o bondage_n of_o moses_n rite_n and_o also_o from_o satan_n headplot_n and_o thus_o we_o may_v see_v that_o the_o type_n of_o the_o ceremonial_a law_n 13._o the_o ceremonial_a type_n of_o cleanse_v especial_o of_o priest_n and_o sacrifice_n do_v typify_v our_o moral_a justification_n or_o cleanse_v from_o all_o sin_n by_o christ_n sacrifice_n in_o procure_v god_n atonement_n heb_fw-mi 9_o 13._o especial_o those_o law_n of_o priest_n and_o sacrifice_n be_v ordain_v to_o typify_v the_o law_n of_o mediatorship_n and_o our_o moral_a justification_n by_o he_o therefore_o all_o such_o as_o be_v desirous_a to_o see_v more_o full_o into_o the_o true_a matter_n and_o form_n of_o that_o covenant_n between_o the_o trinity_n for_o man_n redemption_n let_v they_o study_v the_o mystery_n of_o moses_n ceremony_n for_o in_o they_o as_o in_o a_o glass_n they_o may_v behold_v the_o several_a article_n of_o the_o eternal_a covenant_n for_o man_n redemption_n and_o therefore_o when_o christ_n come_v into_o the_o world_n he_o say_v sacrifice_n and_o offering_n thou_o will_v not_o but_o a_o body_n have_v thou_o prepare_v i_o in_o place_n of_o type_n then_o say_v i_o lo_o i_o come_v to_o do_v thy_o will_n o_o god_n by_o the_o do_n of_o which_o will_v we_o be_v sanctify_v namely_o purge_v purify_a or_o cleanse_v from_o sin_n as_o the_o legal_a phrase_n be_v explain_v in_o heb._n 9_o 13._o of_o which_o ceremonial_a purify_n see_v ain_n in_o exod._n 29._o 36._o but_o metaphorical_o it_o signify_v the_o expiation_n of_o all_o sin_n through_o the_o offering_n of_o the_o body_n of_o jesus_n christ_n once_o for_o all_o to_o cleanse_v man_n from_o sin_n mere_o ceremonial_a the_o bloody_a sacrifice_n of_o brute_n beast_n be_v sufficient_a by_o god_n own_o ordinance_n heb._n 9_o 13._o and_o hence_o the_o apostle_n infer_v in_o vers_fw-la 14._o how_o much_o more_o shall_v the_o blood_n of_o christ_n this_o inference_n of_o the_o apostle_n do_v not_o consist_v simple_o in_o this_o namely_o in_o the_o super-excellency_n of_o this_o highpriest_n above_o the_o legal-priest_n in_o vers_fw-la 11._o nor_o in_o the_o super-excellency_n of_o his_o blood_n as_o vers_n 12._o but_o in_o the_o super-●xcellency_a of_o this_o highpriest_n and_o his_o sacrifice_n unite_v personal_o as_o vers_n 14._o how_o much_o more_o etc._n etc._n suppose_v a_o priest_n a●_n excellent_a have_v be_v find_v and_o also_o a_o sacrifice_n as_o excellent_a in_o two_o distinct_a person_n yet_o that_o have_v not_o be_v effectual_a for_o satisfaction_n because_o it_o can_v not_o comprise_v the_o act_n of_o one_o mediator_n but_o the_o admirable_a personal_a union_n of_o this_o highpriest_n and_o sacrifice_n do_v comprise_v the_o act_n of_o one_o mediator_n for_o so_o say_v the_o text_n he_o offer_v himself_o by_o his_o eternal_a spirit_n namely_o by_o his_o godhead_n and_o for_o this_o cause_n he_o be_v the_o mediator_n of_o the_o new_a testament_n vers_fw-la 15._o and_o hence_o it_o have_v its_o virtue_n to_o cleanse_v you_o from_o the_o guilt_n of_o all_o manner_n of_o sin_n and_o second_o hence_o it_o have_v virtue_n to_o confirm_v the_o testament_n for_o the_o many_o as_o it_o be_v express_v in_o vers_fw-la 15_o 16_o 17._o three_o i_o have_v almost_o forget_v to_o parallel_v that_o speech_n in_o dan._n 9_o 27._o with_o gal._n 4._o 4_o 5._o which_o lie_v thus_o he_o shall_v confirm_v the_o testament_n for_o the_o many_o the_o last_o seven_o that_o be_v to_o say_v in_o the_o very_a end_n of_o the_o last_o seven_o which_o be_v most_o precise_o call_v the_o fullness_n of_o time_n in_o gal._n 4._o 4._o now_o where_o a_o testament_n be_v confirm_v there_o must_v of_o necessity_n be_v the_o death_n of_o the_o testator_n for_o a_o testament_n be_v confirm_v and_o of_o force_n after_o man_n be_v dead_a it_o be_v of_o no_o strength_n at_o all_o whilst_o the_o testator_n live_v heb._n 9_o 16_o 17._o the_o next_o clause_n in_o daniel_n be_v this_o and_o in_o the_o half_a of_o that_o seven_o which_o be_v three_o year_n and_o a_o half_a namely_o in_o the_o end_n of_o this_o
eternity_n be_v prevent_v this_o reason_n which_o mr._n norton_n have_v here_o give_v make_v eternity_n essential_a to_o hell-torment_n it_o the_o distinction_n of_o essential_a and_o circumstantial_a hell-torment_n thereby_o to_o make_v eternity_n no_o more_o but_o a_o circumstance_n have_v four_o inconvenience_n attend_v it_o this_o distinction_n of_o essential_a and_o circumstantial_a hell-torment_n whereby_o he_o labour_v to_o make_v eternity_n to_o be_v no_o more_o but_o a_o circumstance_n have_v these_o four_o inconvenience_n attend_v it_o 1_o it_o suppose_v that_o divine_a justice_n in_o the_o execution_n of_o the_o legal_a curse_n admit_v of_o a_o satisfaction_n contrary_a to_o psal_n 49._o 7_o 8_o 9_o job_n 36_o 18_o 19_o 2_o that_o eternity_n of_o hell-torment_n be_v not_o absolute_a without_o some_o if_n or_o and_o be_v but_o only_o conditional_a in_o case_n the_o damn_v can_v give_v satisfaction_n soon_o 3_o to_o say_v that_o eternity_n be_v not_o a_o essential_a part_n of_o hell_n be_v to_o say_v that_o hell_n may_v be_v hell_n and_o yet_o not_o be_v eternal_a 4_o if_o this_o part_n of_o the_o curse_n viz._n eternity_n may_v be_v take_v away_o from_o hell-torment_n than_o mr._n norton_n may_v as_o well_o take_v away_o any_o other_o part_n from_o it_o it_o be_v safe_a therefore_o as_o i_o conceive_v to_o say_v and_o hold_v that_o eternity_n of_o punishment_n flow_v from_o the_o curse_n be_v from_o the_o voluntary_a cause_n or_o from_o the_o free_a constitution_n of_o god_n good_a pleasure_n as_o the_o due_a reward_n of_o sin_n mr._n sam._n hieron_n say_v that_o the_o extremity_n of_o hell-terments_a be_v make_v know_v to_o we_o two_o way_n 294._o see_v hierous_a work_n p._n 294._o 1_o by_o the_o universality_n of_o they_o in_o every_o part_n 2_o in_o that_o they_o continue_v without_o intermission_n after_o they_o be_v once_o begin_v but_o mr._n norton_n oppose_v both_o these_o 1_o he_o dispense_v with_o the_o universality_n of_o the_o extremity_n of_o they_o in_o every_o part_n he_o say_v that_o christ_n suffer_v the_o torment_n of_o hell_n in_o his_o body_n but_o not_o in_o full_a extremity_n and_o therefore_o he_o say_v what_o he_o want_v in_o his_o body_n he_o make_v it_o up_o in_o his_o soul-torment_n in_o page_n 121._o 2_o he_o dispense_v with_o the_o eternity_n of_o continuance_n and_o grant_v a_o intermission_n contrary_a to_o the_o scripture_n that_o tell_v we_o that_o the_o worm_n die_v not_o and_o that_o the_o fire_n never_o go_v out_o the_o torment_n of_o hell_n say_v austin_n de_fw-fr spiritu_fw-la &_o anima_fw-la lib._n 3._o c._n 56._o as_o i_o find_v he_o cite_v in_o carlisle_n be_v perpetual_a terrible_a terror_n fear_v without_o faith_n pain_n without_o remission_n the_o hangman_n strangle_v the_o hellhound_n scourge_v the_o worm_n gnaw_v the_o conscience_n accuse_v and_o the_o fire_n consume_v or_o rather_o continue_v without_o mercy_n end_n relaxation_n or_o ease_v see_v also_o at_o reply_n 5._o these_o and_o such_o like_a thing_n propound_v in_o the_o dialogue_n mr._n norton_n answer_v not_o but_o puff_v they_o away_o with_o this_o breath_n they_o be_v circumstantial_a and_o not_o of_o the_o essence_n of_o punishment_n sect_n 3._o the_o essential_a punishment_n of_o the_o curse_n say_v he_o in_o page_n 7._o be_v the_o total_a temporal_a privation_n of_o all_o the_o sense_n of_o the_o good_a of_o the_o promise_n call_v by_o some_o the_o pain_n of_o loss_n reply_v 3_o in_o this_o point_n of_o the_o pain_n of_o loss_n mr._n norton_n be_v like_a to_o lose_v himself_o for_o he_o deliver_v himself_o various_o and_o contrarious_o as_o may_v be_v see_v by_o compare_v his_o expression_n in_o this_o place_n with_o his_o various_a expression_n in_o other_o place_n in_o page_n 31._o line_n 5._o he_o call_v it_o the_o privation_n of_o the_o present_a fruition_n of_o the_o good_a of_o the_o promise_n here_o the_o word_n sense_n be_v leave_v 4._o mr._n norton_n affirm_v that_o christ_n suffer_v the_o pain_n of_o loss_n in_o respect_n of_o the_o fruition_n of_o the_o good_a of_o the_o promise_n but_o otherwhiles_o he_o say_v it_o be_v in_o respect_n of_o the_o sense_n of_o the_o good_a of_o the_o promise_n by_o which_o wide_a differ_a expression_n he_o leave_v the_o reader_n in_o the_o dark_a to_o grope_v out_o his_o meaning_n see_v dr._n ames_n in_o psal_n 22._o cite_v also_o in_o sect_n 4._o out_o in_o page_n 68_o he_o say_v that_o christ_n have_v a_o taste_n of_o consolation_n at_o present_a in_o the_o garden_n but_o say_v he_o his_o desertion_n be_v total_a in_o respect_n of_o sense_n upon_o the_o cross_n in_o page_n 111._o he_o say_v that_o the_o pain_n of_o loss_n be_v the_o not_o enjoy_v of_o aught_o of_o the_o good_a of_o the_o promise_n and_o in_o page_n 112._o he_o call_v it_o the_o privation_n of_o the_o good_a of_o the_o promise_n in_o both_o these_o place_n the_o word_n sense_n be_v leave_v out_o now_o see_v mr._n norton_n deliver_v himself_o thus_o various_o it_o may_v just_o stumble_v any_o judicious_a reader_n how_o to_o understand_v he_o whether_o he_o be_v to_o be_v understand_v as_o leave_v out_o the_o word_n sense_n or_o take_v it_o in_o for_o that_o word_n leave_v out_o or_o take_v in_o do_v much_o alter_v the_o sense_n in_o page_n 118._o he_o tell_v we_o in_o the_o margin_n of_o separatio_fw-la quo_fw-la ad_fw-la substantiam_fw-la in_o respect_n of_o substance_n &_o quo_fw-la ad_fw-la sensum_fw-la in_o respect_n of_o sense_n and_o feeling_n dr._n ames_n in_o psal_n 22._o say_v we_o be_v not_o to_o understand_v that_o the_o desertion_n of_o christ_n be_v real_a but_o only_o in_o respect_n of_o sense_n and_o feeling_n and_o so_o must_v the_o privation_n of_o the_o good_a of_o the_o promise_n be_v understand_v either_o that_o mr._n norton_n do_v mean_v it_o be_v real_a or_o in_o respect_n of_o sense_n and_o feeling_n only_o the_o former_a be_v a_o total_a privation_n the_o latter_a be_v only_o partial_a the_o former_a be_v judgement_n without_o mercy_n jam._n 2._o 13._o the_o latter_a remember_v mercy_n in_o judgement_n though_o it_o may_v not_o be_v discern_v at_o the_o present_a now_o if_o mr._n nortons_n meaning_n be_v that_o christ_n suffer_v such_o a_o privation_n of_o the_o good_a of_o the_o promise_n as_o be_v real_a namely_o as_o it_o be_v vvn_n from_o privation_n in_o sense_n and_o feeling_n than_o the_o word_n sense_n may_v well_o have_v be_v leave_v out_o because_o it_o be_v put_v in_o do_v cast_v a_o mist_n before_o the_o eye_n of_o the_o reader_n but_o if_o he_o mean_v no_o more_o but_o such_o a_o privation_n of_o the_o good_a of_o the_o promise_n as_o consist_v only_o in_o sense_n and_o feeling_n and_o as_o it_o be_v distinguish_v from_o the_o say_v real_a privation_n th●n_v it_o be_v very_o improper_o call_v a_o total_a privation_n and_o then_o the_o pain_n of_o loss_n do_v contain_v much_o more_o in_o it_o than_o this_o for_o a_o godly_a man_n may_v meet_v with_o as_o much_o as_o this_o in_o his_o life_n time_n as_o spira_n do_v if_o we_o suppose_v he_o to_o be_v godly_a this_o essential_a punishment_n say_v he_o in_o page_n 8_o be_v that_o and_o only_o that_o which_o christ_n suffer_v reply_v 4._o i_o can_v but_o wonder_v at_o his_o various_a delivery_n of_o himself_o for_o in_o his_o 5_o dist_n page_n 10._o he_o say_v that_o christ_n suffer_v the_o pain_n of_o hell_n due_a to_o the_o elect_n who_o for_o their_o sin_n deserve_v to_o be_v damn_v and_o in_o page_n 22._o he_o make_v it_o one_o branch_n of_o the_o death_n threaten_v 17._o gen_n 2._o 17._o in_o gen._n 2._o 17._o to_o be_v separate_v from_o the_o sense_n of_o the_o good_a thing_n of_o the_o promise_n and_o call_v it_o total_a in_o christ_n and_o total_a in_o the_o reprobate_n and_o all_o this_o flow_a from_o the_o same_o curse_n and_o in_o page_n 68_o he_o call_v it_o his_o total_a desertion_n in_o respect_n of_o sense_n upon_o the_o cross_n and_o present_o after_o he_o say_v the_o pain_n of_o loss_n and_o the_o pain_n of_o sense_n make_v up_o the_o full_a measure_n of_o the_o essential_a wrath_n of_o god_n and_o they_o both_o meet_v together_o in_o full_a measure_n upon_o he_o on_o the_o cross_n mark_v this_o he_o do_v in_o both_o these_o place_n hold_v that_o christ_n suffer_v the_o full_a measure_n of_o the_o pain_n of_o loss_n and_o in_o page_n 79._o he_o say_v that_o forsake_v be_v either_o total_a and_o 46._o psal_n 22._o 1._o mat._n 27._o 46._o final_a so_o god_n forsake_v the_o reprobate_n or_o partial_a and_o temporal_a as_o concern_v the_o fruition_n and_o sense_n of_o the_o good_a of_o the_o promise_n so_o god_n forsake_v christ_n of_o this_o forsake_v christ_n complain_v in_o this_o place_n be_v a_o principal_a part_n of_o that_o punishment_n which_o christ_n as_o the_o surety_n
the_o facto_fw-la be_v execute_v or_o not_o execute_v on_o the_o elect_n see_v betwixt_o they_o and_o the_o curse_n the_o covenant_n of_o grace_n do_v and_o from_o eternity_n do_v virtual_o interpose_v by_o christ_n and_o his_o ransom_n it_o be_v more_o proper_a to_o judge_v what_o de_fw-fr jure_fw-la do_v essential_o flow_v from_o the_o curse_n to_o such_o as_o be_v the_o proper_a subject_n of_o the_o curse_n remain_v under_o it_o without_o any_o interposition_n of_o christ_n and_o his_o ransom_n by_o the_o covenant_n of_o grace_n 3_o i_o propound_v this_o to_o consideration_n from_o a_o passage_n of_o mr._n nortons_n in_o page_n 117._o god_n rejection_n say_v he_o as_o it_o be_v the_o antecedent_n not_o the_o cause_n of_o sin_n so_o it_o be_v also_o the_o antecedent_n and_o not_o the_o cause_n of_o condemnation_n reprobation_n say_v he_o be_v a_o act_n of_o absolute_a lordship_n and_o sovereignty_n not_o of_o justice_n condemnation_n that_o be_v the_o judicial_a sentence_n to_o punishment_n for_o sin_n be_v a_o act_n of_o justice_n not_o of_o lordship_n no_o reprobate_n suffer_v the_o smart_n of_o his_o finger_n because_o a_o reprobate_n but_o because_o a_o sinner_n here_o i_o may_v by_o way_n of_o parenthesis_n insert_v this_o query_n be_v adam_n reject_v and_o be_v that_o the_o antecedent_n to_o adam_n sin_n and_o be_v not_o all_o mankind_n once_o in_o covenant_n with_o god_n in_o adam_n innocency_n 4._o i_o say_v that_o absolute_a separation_n dis-union_n or_o discovenanting_a with_o god_n be_v a_o part_n of_o that_o condemnation_n and_o judicial_a sentence_n unto_o punishment_n for_o sin_n matth._n 22._o 13._o matth._n 25._o 41._o matth._n 7._o 23._o 2_o thes_n 1._o 9_o see_v further_o also_o in_o dr._n ames_n his_o marrow_n of_o divinity_n l._n 1●_n 16._o n._n 7._o 5_o if_o total_a and_o absolute_a separation_n and_o dis-union_n with_o god_n etc._n etc._n be_v a_o consequent_a only_o of_o reprobation_n than_o it_o proceed_v only_o from_o god_n lordship_n and_o sovereignty_n as_o mr._n nortons_n word_n speak_v but_o in_o rev._n 20._o 12._o it_o proceed_v from_o justice_n the_o dead_a be_v judge_v according_a to_o their_o work_n not_o according_a to_o god_n lordship_n nor_o reprobation_n and_o say_v dr._n ames_n the_o hatred_n of_o reprobation_n do_v not_o inflict_v evil_a but_o the_o desert_n of_o the_o creature_n 38._o in_o his_o marrow_n l._n 1._o c._n 25._o n._n 38._o come_v between_o 6_o the_o same_o thing_n may_v be_v both_o a_o consequent_a of_o reprobation_n and_o a_o proper_a effect_n of_o justice_n as_o mr._n norton_n himself_o also_o acknowledge_v in_o page_n 111._o the_o legal_a discovenanting_a say_v he_o of_o the_o reprobate_n for_o their_o sin_n which_o they_o have_v commit_v be_v the_o effect_n of_o justice_n that_o be_v discovenanted_n they_o fall_v into_o the_o bottomless_a pit_n be_v also_o a_o effect_n of_o justice_n but_o totality_n and_o finality_n of_o their_o dis-union_n with_o god_n without_o recovery_n by_o the_o covenant_n of_o grace_n be_v a_o consequent_a of_o reprobation_n and_o why_o may_v it_o not_o be_v as_o true_o say_v that_o the_o legal_a discovenant_v of_o the_o reprobate_n and_o their_o fall_n into_o the_o bottomless_a pit_n be_v consequent_n of_o reprobation_n as_o say_v that_o totality_n and_o finality_n of_o dis-union_n with_o god_n be_v a_o consequent_a of_o reprobation_n they_o be_v alike_o consequent_n of_o reprobation_n not_o proper_a effect_n of_o it_o but_o rather_o effect_n of_o sin_n intervening_a and_o consequent_o proper_a effect_n of_o vindicative_a justice_n sect_n 6._o but_o mr._n norton_n do_v still_o explain_v his_o first_o distinction_n in_o these_o word_n in_o page_n 8._o sin_n be_v not_o of_o the_o essence_n of_o punishment_n because_o essential_a punishment_n be_v a_o satisfaction_n unto_o justice_n for_o injury_n do_v but_o sin_n be_v a_o continue_v of_o the_o injury_n and_o a_o provocation_n of_o not_o a_o satisfaction_n unto_o justice_n 2_o say_v he_o essential_a punishment_n be_v a_o effect_n of_o justice_n of_o which_o god_n be_v the_o author_n but_o it_o be_v blasphemy_n to_o say_v that_o god_n be_v the_o author_n of_o sin_n 3_o say_v he_o the_o elect_n suffer_v no_o part_n of_o penal_a punishment_n yet_o be_v leave_v unto_o sin_n for_o a_o time_n this_o in_o the_o parenthesis_n be_v in_o his_o manuscript_n 4_o say_v he_o in_o page_n 118._o the_o sinful_a quality_n of_o the_o damn_a proceed_v not_o from_o hell-torment_n as_o a_o effect_n from_o the_o cause_n the_o torment_n of_o hell_n be_v a_o effect_n and_o execution_n of_o justice_n whereof_o god_n be_v the_o author_n sinful_a quality_n be_v a_o defect_n not_o a_o effect_n therefore_o they_o have_v a_o deficient_a not_o a_o efficient_a cause_n therefore_o of_o they_o god_n can_v be_v the_o author_n 5_o say_v he_o in_o page_n 118._o christ_n suffer_v the_o essential_a punishment_n but_o be_v without_o sin_n these_o five_o reason_n mr._n norton_n have_v give_v to_o prove_v that_o sin_n in_o fall_v man_n and_o sinful_a quality_n be_v not_o essential_a but_o accidental_a to_o the_o curse_n his_o first_o reason_n examine_v mr._n norton_n say_v that_o sin_n be_v not_o of_o the_o essence_n of_o punishment_n because_o sin_n be_v not_o a_o satisfaction_n to_o justice_n but_o rather_o a_o provocation_n of_o it_o for_o injury_n do_v reply_v 1_o but_o say_v dr._n ames_n punishment_n be_v a_o evil_n inflict_v on_o the_o sinner_n for_o sin_n in_o his_o marrow_n l._n 1._o c._n 12._o n._n 10_o 11._o this_o be_v a_o more_o proper_a definition_n of_o punishment_n than_o mr._n norton_n grace_n death_n in_o sin_n be_v a_o evil_n inflict_v by_o god_n as_o the_o essential_a punishment_n of_o adam_n sin_n and_o be_v a_o satisfaction_n to_o justice_n till_o it_o please_v god_n to_o make_v a_o alteration_n by_o the_o covenant_n of_o grace_n original_a sin_n as_o it_o be_v from_o god_n justice_n be_v a_o evil_a inflict_v of_o god_n on_o man_n nature_n in_o general_n as_o a_o satisfaction_n to_o justice_n and_o so_o it_o be_v a_o vindicative_a punishment_n till_o christ_n be_v reveal_v to_o difference_n the_o elect_a from_o the_o reprobate_n by_o the_o covenant_n of_o grace_n sect._n 1_o sect._n 3_o 2_o beside_o the_o punishment_n of_o original_a sin_n god_n do_v often_o punish_v man_n personal_a sin_n with_o sin_n which_o in_o some_o sort_n may_v also_o be_v say_v to_o be_v a_o satisfaction_n unto_o justice_n but_o as_o that_o sin_n do_v proceed_v from_o man_n disobedience_n to_o god_n command_n so_o it_o be_v a_o new_a and_o further_a provocation_n his_o second_o reason_n examine_v mr._n norton_n say_v that_o essential_a punishment_n be_v a_o effect_n of_o justice_n of_o which_o god_n be_v the_o author_n but_o say_v he_o it_o be_v blasphemy_n to_o say_v that_o god_n be_v the_o author_n of_o sin_n reply_v 2._o it_o be_v grant_v that_o sin_n as_o it_o be_v sin_n namely_o as_o it_o be_v a_o transgression_n of_o god_n law_n be_v not_o from_o god_n as_o the_o author_n of_o it_o but_o yet_o when_o man_n do_v act_v voluntary_o without_o any_o compulsion_n from_o god_n and_o to_o hold_v otherwise_o be_v blasphemy_n that_o sin_n as_o it_o be_v vindicative_a from_o god_n be_v a_o fruit_n and_o curse_v of_o former_a sin_n carry_v with_o it_o the_o respect_n of_o punishment_n so_o take_v it_o be_v neither_o blasphemy_n nor_o unsound_a divinity_n to_o say_v that_o god_n be_v the_o author_n of_o it_o and_o thus_o original_a sin_n be_v from_o god_n justice_n inflict_v on_o all_o mankind_n for_o adam_n covenant-sin_n and_o mr._n norton_n himself_o say_v thus_o in_o page_n 118._o in_o that_o proposition_n god_n punish_v sin_n with_o sin_n the_o futurition_n of_o sin_n be_v to_o be_v distinguish_v from_o sin_n itself_o the_o infallible_a and_o penal_a futurition_n of_o sin_n be_v ●n_v effect_n of_o justice_n the_o reader_n will_v see_v cause_n to_o take_v his_o meaning_n to_o be_v a_o essential_a effect_n of_o justice_n and_o for_o this_o see_v also_o dr._n ames_n in_o his_o marrow_n l._n 1_o c._n 12._o n._n 45_o 46_o 47._o and_o sundry_a other_o of_o the_o learned_a do_v say_v that_o god_n be_v not_o permissive_a but_o active_a also_o as_o a_o just_a judge_n in_o some_o sin_n of_o man_n from_o these_o and_o the_o like_a scripture_n 2_o sam._n 16._o 10._o 2_o king_n 22._o 22_o 23._o rom._n 1._o 26._o ezek._n 14._o 9_o his_o three_o reason_n examine_v mr._n norton_n say_v that_o the_o elect_n though_o they_o suffer_v no_o part_n of_o penal_a justice_n yet_o they_o be_v leave_v unto_o sin_n for_o a_o time_n not_o the_o punishment_n that_o the_o elect_v suffer_v be_v de_fw-fr jure_fw-la penal_a justice_n but_o in_o the_o issue_n de_fw-fr facto_fw-la be_v not_o reply_v 3_o i_o have_v say_v oft_o that_o original_a sin_n be_v penal_a justice_n in_o adam_n till_o it_o please_v god_n to_o make_v
a_o alteration_n by_o reveal_v the_o covenant_n of_o grace_n and_o so_o also_o the_o punishment_n that_o the_o elect_n do_v suffer_v since_o the_o covenant_n of_o grace_n be_v reveal_v be_v de_fw-fr jure_fw-la penal_a justice_n though_o in_o the_o issue_n de_fw-fr facto_fw-la they_o be_v not_o to_o be_v under_o the_o power_n of_o sin_n though_o but_o in_o part_n and_o so_o likewise_o to_o be_v under_o temptation_n affliction_n bodily_a death_n etc._n etc._n be_v the_o due_a wage_n of_o sin_n effect_n of_o the_o curse_n flow_v from_o it_o as_o such_o in_o themselves_o and_o by_o their_o own_o nature_n though_o god_n be_v please_v by_o the_o covenant_n of_o grace_n to_o alter_v the_o nature_n of_o they_o to_o the_o elect_n and_o mr._n nortons_n own_o word_n do_v testify_v that_o the_o elect_n do_v suffer_v that_o de_fw-fr jure_fw-la which_o be_v penal_a justice_n for_o in_o page_n 10._o argument_n 1._o he_o say_v thus_o this_o sentence_n namely_o gen._n 2._o 17._o be_v universal_a give_v to_o adam_n as_o a_o 17._o gen._n 2._o 17._o public_a person_n and_o hold_v all_o his_o posterity_n whether_o elect_a or_o reprobate_n in_o case_n of_o sin_n guilty_a of_o death_n his_o four_o reason_n examine_v mr._n norton_n say_v that_o sinful_a quality_n be_v a_o defect_n not_o a_o effect_n they_o have_v a_o deficient_a not_o a_o efficient_a cause_n and_o therefore_o of_o they_o god_n can_v be_v the_o author_n reply_v 4._o i_o may_v say_v the_o same_o of_o natural_a death_n it_o be_v a_o defect_n therefore_o it_o have_v a_o deficient_a and_o not_o a_o efficient_a cause_n and_o darkness_n also_o be_v a_o defect_n therefore_o it_o have_v a_o deficient_a and_o not_o a_o efficient_a cause_n now_o let_v mr._n norton_n show_v how_o either_o of_o these_o have_v god_n for_o their_o author_n and_o when_o that_o be_v do_v he_o may_v see_v the_o weakness_n of_o his_o reason_n if_o he_o be_v unwilling_a to_o answer_v than_o dr._n ames_n do_v answer_v the_o former_a in_o these_o word_n death_n be_v not_o from_o god_n as_o he_o do_v ordain_v nature_n but_o it_o be_v from_o god_n as_o take_v vengeance_n on_o sin_n and_o dr._n willet_n do_v answer_v the_o latter_a he_o first_o 190._o death_n be_v not_o from_o god_n as_o he_o do_v ordain_v nature_n but_o it_o be_v from_o god_n justice_n as_o a_o punishment_n for_o original_a sin_n the_o like_a may_v be_v say_v of_o eternal_a de●th_n it_o be_v from_o g●ds_n justice_n as_o a_o punishment_n of_o original_a sin_n to_o such_o as_o do_v not_o repent_v and_o believe_v in_o the_o promise_a seed_n see_v dr._n ames_n mar._n l._n 1_o c_o 12._o n._n 31._o dr._n willet_n in_o ro._n 5_o qui_fw-fr 22._o in_o ans_fw-fr to_o obj_fw-la 2._o bar._n traheron_o on_o rev_n 4._o p._n mar._n in_o com_n pl._n part_v 1._o p._n 190._o make_v this_o objection_n if_o death_n be_v the_o punishment_n of_o sin_n than_o god_n shall_v be_v the_o author_n of_o death_n because_o he_o be_v the_o author_n of_o punishment_n he_o answer_v thus_o as_o god_n create_v light_n darkness_n he_o create_v not_o but_o dispose_v of_o it_o so_o he_o make_v not_o death_n but_o as_o it_o be_v a_o punishment_n g●d_v as_o a_o disposer_n rather_o and_o a_o just_a judge_n than_o a_o author_n inflict_v it_o and_o bar._n traheron_n answer_v his_o objecter_n thus_o will_v you_o say_v that_o death_n come_v into_o the_o world_n by_o the_o envy_n of_o the_o devil_n ergo_fw-la it_o be_v not_o ordain_v of_o god_n do_v god_n as_o isaiah_n teach_v chap._n 30._o 33._o ordain_v gehenna_n from_o yesterday_o that_o be_v to_o say_v from_o eternity_n and_o not_o death_n and_o so_o say_v he_o sin_n come_v not_o into_o the_o world_n beside_o god_n ordinance_n and_o to_o this_o purpose_n speak_v peter_n martyr_n of_o the_o privation_n of_o god_n image_n in_o adam_n and_o of_o original_a sin_n as_o i_o have_v cite_v he_o in_o chap._n 2._o sect._n 3_o ult_n so_o then_o sin_n as_o it_o be_v a_o punishment_n have_v a_o efficient_a as_o well_o as_o a_o deficient_a cause_n his_o five_o reason_n examine_v mr._n norton_n say_v that_o christ_n suffer_v the_o essential_a punishment_n and_o yet_o be_v without_o sin_n reply_v 5._o christ_n suffering_n do_v all_o arise_v from_o the_o voluntary_a cause_n and_o not_o from_o natural_a cause_n as_o we_o do_v namely_o from_o a_o voluntary_a positive_a law_n and_o not_o from_o the_o moral_a law_n but_o whether_o christ_n suffer_v the_o essential_a punishment_n or_o no_o be_v the_o great_a business_n of_o this_o dispute_n the_o dialogue_n deny_v it_o all_o along_o let_v the_o judicious_a reader_n judge_n whether_o this_o be_v fair_a dispute_v to_o bring_v in_o such_o a_o proposition_n as_o be_v in_o controversy_n and_o which_o he_o know_v beforehand_o will_v be_v deny_v as_o a_o reason_n to_o confirm_v another_o doubtful_a point_n this_o be_v no_o better_a than_o a_o beg_n of_o the_o question_n and_o now_o i_o leave_v it_o to_o the_o judicious_a reader_n to_o judge_v whether_o his_o five_o reason_n have_v weight_n sufficient_a in_o they_o to_o prove_v that_o sin_n as_o it_o be_v vindicative_a from_o god_n flow_v not_o from_o the_o curse_n essential_o and_o his_o own_o word_n on_o gen._n 2._o 17._o which_o i_o have_v cite_v in_o my_o former_a reply_n to_o his_o three_o reason_n do_v affirm_v as_o much_o and_o his_o word_n also_o in_o page_n 37._o judicial_a punishment_n say_v he_o of_o sin_n with_o sin_n but_o in_o his_o manuscript_n copy_n it_o be_v penal_a punishment_n of_o sin_n with_o sin_n be_v a_o act_n of_o vindicative_a justice_n the_o reader_n may_v understand_v he_o to_o mean_v it_o of_o the_o essential_a part_n of_o justice_n 6_o i_o will_v examine_v that_o passage_n in_o page_n 118._o the_o sinful_a quality_n of_o the_o damn_a say_v he_o proceed_v not_o from_o hell-torment_n as_o a_o effect_n from_o the_o cause_n reply_v 6._o it_o be_v worth_a examination_n what_o he_o mean_v by_o the_o sinful_a quality_n of_o the_o damn_a whether_o such_o as_o they_o carry_v with_o they_o to_o hell_n or_o the_o multiplication_n of_o sin_n when_o they_o come_v there_o flow_v from_o that_o sinful_a habit_n which_o they_o bring_v with_o they_o thither_o the_o former_a may_v proper_o be_v call_v sinful_a quality_n the_o latter_a sinful_a act_n proceed_v from_o that_o sinful_a habit_n of_o original_a sin_n and_o of_o these_o latter_a dr._n ames_n do_v tell_v we_o that_o they_o have_v more_o respect_n of_o punishment_n than_o sin_n in_o like_a sort_n the_o sum_n of_o divinity_n 11._o in_o his_o mar._n l._n 1._o c._n 16._o n._n 10_o 11._o set_v forth_o by_o john_n downame_n page_n 254._o make_v hatred_n against_o god_n in_o the_o damn_a and_o final_a desperation_n to_o be_v a_o great_a part_n of_o their_o punishment_n as_o the_o dialogue_n do_v see_v also_o peter_n martyr_n answer_v to_o pigghius_n in_o chap._n 2._o prope_fw-la finem_fw-la sect_n 7._o still_o mr._n norton_n explain_v his_o first_o distinction_n in_o these_o word_n duration_n for_o ever_o and_o the_o place_n of_o punishment_n be_v adjunct_n as_o the_o nature_n of_o they_o sufficient_o show_v reply_v it_o be_v beyond_o my_o capacity_n i_o confess_v to_o judge_v whether_o the_o eternal_a estate_n both_o of_o elect_a and_o reprobate_n after_o this_o life_n do_v come_v within_o the_o compass_n of_o a_o physical_a adjunct_n of_o time_n all_o thing_n be_v call_v eternal_a that_o be_v before_o the_o creation_n of_o the_o world_n because_o there_o be_v no_o set_n of_o they_o out_o by_o any_o measure_n of_o time_n and_o why_o shall_v we_o think_v of_o any_o physical_a adjunct_n of_o time_n after_o this_o world_n be_v end_v shall_v there_o be_v physical_a body_n and_o time_n then_o as_o there_o be_v now_o i_o wish_v the_o learned_a to_o resolve_v this_o point_n eternity_n say_v rutherfurd_n in_o christ_n die_v be_v not_o such_o a_o particular_a duration_n as_o time_n be_v that_o have_v a_o poor_a point_n to_o begin_v with_o and_o end_n at_o mr._n norton_n make_v this_o point_n of_o duration_n to_o be_v a_o adjunct_n only_o to_o hell-torment_n by_o a_o comparison_n take_v from_o the_o inability_n of_o the_o debtor_n to_o pay_v and_o therefore_o he_o continue_v in_o prison_n but_o to_o this_o i_o have_v already_o answer_v in_o the_o second_o section_n of_o this_o chapter_n sect_n 8._o give_v some_o reason_n why_o mr._n nortons_n judgement_n can_v be_v sound_a in_o this_o point_n of_o christ_n suffering_n of_o the_o essential_a curse_n reason_n i._n because_o he_o do_v often_o confute_v and_o contradict_v his_o foundation-principle_n for_o 1._o whereas_o the_o dialogue_n do_v propound_v this_o quere_z do_v christ_n suffer_v the_o torment_n of_o hell_n in_o his_o body_n as_o well_o as_o in_o his_o soul_n to_o redeem_v our_o body_n as_o well_o as_o our_o soul_n from_o hell_n torment_n his_o
cause_n and_o according_a to_o the_o way_n impute_v all_o christ_n suffering_n be_v from_o the_o voluntary_a cause_n and_o covenant_n and_o not_o from_o the_o legal_a court-order_n of_o the_o guilt_n of_o our_o sin_n impute_v and_o order_n of_o those_o cause_v the_o suffering_n of_o punishment_n be_v not_o a_o relate_v to_o the_o imputation_n of_o sin_n precede_v as_o for_o example_n in_o the_o point_n of_o trial_n of_o mastery_n there_o the_o suffering_n of_o punishment_n be_v mere_o and_o only_o from_o the_o voluntary_a cause_n and_o covenant_n both_o in_o the_o lawmaker_n and_o in_o the_o undertaker_n and_o such_o be_v all_o the_o suffering_n of_o christ_n they_o be_v all_o from_o the_o voluntary_a cause_n and_o covenant_n and_o all_o his_o outward_a suffering_n be_v from_o his_o voluntary_a undertake_n to_o enter_v the_o list_n with_o satan_n according_a to_o god_n declaration_n in_o gen._n 3._o 15._o and_o not_o from_o the_o imputation_n of_o the_o guilt_n of_o our_o sin_n according_a to_o the_o order_n of_o court-justice_n i_o grant_v also_o that_o when_o ever_o god_n do_v punish_v any_o one_o in_o 27._o see_v burges_n on_o justif_a p._n 27._o anger_n it_o be_v always_o from_o the_o imputation_n of_o sin_n in_o the_o subject_n and_o so_o say_v mr._n burges_n god_n afflict_v none_o namely_o in_o anger_n but_o where_o there_o be_v sin_n in_o the_o subject_n and_o in_o that_o sense_n guilt_n and_o punishment_n be_v relate_v but_o yet_o from_o the_o voluntary_a cause_n and_o covenant_n punishment_n may_v be_v suffer_v without_o judicial_a imputation_n and_o so_o consequent_o without_o judicial_a anger_n but_o of_o this_o see_v more_o in_o my_o reply_n to_o 2_o cor._n 5._o 21._o the_o guilt_n of_o adam_n sin_n say_v dr._n reynolds_n be_v inseparable_a from_o 35._o in_o his_o sinfulness_n of_o sin_n p._n 35._o the_o sin_n itself_o be_v the_o proper_a passion_n of_o it_o lo_o in_o this_o short_a sentence_n how_o he_o do_v connex_v guilt_n and_o punishment_n inseparable_o to_o adam_n first_o sin_n he_o make_v his_o guilt_n to_o be_v the_o proper_a passion_n of_o his_o first_o sin_n and_o hence_o it_o follow_v necessary_o according_a to_o mr._n norton_n that_o the_o guilt_n of_o adam_n sin_n be_v impute_v to_o christ_n he_o must_v be_v spiritual_o dead_a in_o sin_n for_o spiritual_a death_n in_o sin_n be_v the_o proper_a guilt_n and_o proper_a passion_n of_o adam_n first_o sin_n this_o i_o hint_v at_o in_o the_o dialogue_n and_o of_o this_o see_v more_o in_o chap._n 2._o in_o r._n 2._o ult_n if_o original_a sin_n have_v not_o be_v ordain_v in_o god_n justice_n to_o be_v the_o proper_a guilt_n and_o punishment_n of_o adam_n first_o sin_n than_o it_o will_v follow_v that_o adam_n cate_v of_o the_o forbid_a fruit_n have_v be_v no_o sin_n and_o now_o compare_v mr._n nortons_n distinction_n to_o the_o guilt_n of_o adam_n sin_n imputation_n of_o guilt_n say_v he_o be_v the_o obligation_n to_o punishment_n by_o this_o doctrine_n it_o follow_v that_o christ_n do_v suffer_v the_o guilt_n and_o punishment_n of_o adam_n first_o sin_n namely_o a_o spiritual_a death_n in_o sin_n general_n god_n impute_v the_o guilt_n of_o adam_n first_o sin_n to_o all_o man_n because_o all_o mankind_n be_v true_a sinner_n in_o adam_n by_o virtue_n of_o god_n covenant_n touch_v man_n nature_n in_o general_n true_o it_o make_v my_o heart_n tremble_v at_o this_o inference_n god_n indeed_o impute_v the_o guilt_n of_o adam_n first_o sin_n to_o all_o the_o natural_a posterity_n of_o adam_n because_o god_n covenant_n be_v make_v with_o adam_n and_o the_o nature_n of_o all_o mankind_n in_o general_n as_o i_o have_v show_v in_o chap._n 2._o and_o in_o this_o respect_n all_o man_n be_v true_a sinner_n in_o adam_n and_o therefore_o true_o guilty_a of_o the_o punishment_n threaten_v but_o so_o be_v not_o christ_n he_o be_v not_o of_o adam_n by_o ordinary_a generation_n our_o guilt_n say_v mr._n baxter_n in_o his_o preface_n to_o mr._n ayr_n page_n 7._o be_v reat_n we_o culpae_fw-la &_o poenae_fw-la propter_fw-la culpam_fw-la ex_fw-la obligatione_fw-la legis_fw-la christ_n guilt_n be_v but_o reatus_fw-la poenae_fw-la propter_fw-la culpam_fw-la nostram_fw-la ex_fw-la voluntaria_fw-la susceptione_n christ_n be_v obligatus_fw-la ad_fw-la eandem_fw-la the_o same_o in_o value_n but_o not_o eadem_fw-la obligatione_fw-la and_o in_o his_o late_a reply_n to_o molinaeus_n page_n 224._o he_o do_v just_o tax_v this_o kind_n of_o imputation_n to_o be_v the_o very_a root_n and_o master_n veyn_n of_o all_o antinomianism_n and_o in_o page_n 225._o say_v he_o be_v it_o know_v to_o you_o therefore_o that_o christ_n do_v obey_v and_o suffer_v in_o the_o person_n of_o a_o mediator_n and_o not_o in_o persona_fw-la delinquentis_fw-la though_o for_o the_o sin_n of_o the_o delinquent_n be_v oblige_v to_o suffer_v by_o his_o voluntary_a undertake_n and_o therefore_o his_o suffering_n or_o obedience_n be_v none_o of_o we_o as_o perform_v by_o he_o but_o mr._n norton_n in_o the_o point_n of_o impute_v our_o sin_n to_o christ_n do_v go_v beyond_o his_o say_a distinction_n as_o i_o apprehend_v for_o in_o page_n 79._o ult_n he_o say_v that_o christ_n be_v a_o notorious_a malefactor_n have_v upon_o he_o the_o guilt_n of_o the_o sin_n of_o the_o elect_a by_o imputation_n and_o that_o just_o before_o god_n in_o page_n 98._o who_o we_o have_v already_o prove_v to_o be_v the_o great_a offender_n as_o be_v imputative_o guilty_a of_o all_o the_o sin_n of_o the_o elect_n both_o hang_v upon_o the_o cross_n and_o other_o in_o page_n 103._o he_o be_v the_o great_a malefactor_n imputative_o in_o god_n account_n reply_v 3_o in_o these_o and_o other_o like_a place_n he_o make_v our_o sin_n as_o well_o as_o our_o guilt_n to_o be_v impute_v to_o christ_n but_o say_v peter_n martyr_n it_o b._n in_o rom_n 5._o p._n 121._o b._n can_v be_v show_v out_o of_o the_o scripture_n that_o any_o man_n be_v call_v a_o sinner_n but_o either_o he_o have_v sin_n in_o himself_o or_o else_o undoubted_o he_o have_v before_o commit_v sin_n unless_o we_o will_v say_v that_o god_n make_v man_n guilty_a without_o any_o sin_n commit_v by_o they_o p._n martyr_n i_o confess_v speak_v this_o of_o infant_n that_o die_v before_o they_o have_v commit_v any_o actual_a sin_n but_o yet_o it_o be_v a_o four_o square_a truth_n in_o general_a turn_v it_o on_o which_o side_n you_o will_v and_o it_o will_v lie_v fast_o he_o tell_v pigghius_n that_o god_n can_v not_o impute_v the_o guilt_n of_o adam_n sin_n to_o infant_n unless_o infant_n have_v be_v first_o true_o guilty_a of_o adam_n sin_n and_o it_o be_v evident_a that_o all_o infant_n and_o all_o the_o world_n be_v true_o guilty_a of_o adam_n sin_n because_o all_o mankind_n be_v in_o adam_n not_o only_o natural_o but_o also_o legal_o in_o regard_n of_o the_o stipulation_n and_o covenant_n between_o god_n and_o he_o as_o the_o head_n of_o man_n nature_n in_o general_a so_o that_o by_o the_o force_n of_o that_o covenant_n concern_v man_n nature_n in_o general_n all_o mankind_n have_v a_o interest_n in_o the_o good_a of_o the_o promise_n of_o that_o covenant_n in_o case_n of_o adam_n obedience_n and_o in_o the_o evil_a of_o the_o curse_n of_o that_o covenant_n in_o case_n of_o his_o disobedience_n and_o therefore_o see_v all_o have_v this_o equal_a interest_n in_o the_o covenant_n of_o nature_n it_o follow_v that_o we_o have_v a_o interest_n in_o his_o sin_n as_o well_o as_o in_o his_o guilt_n and_o therefore_o the_o guilt_n of_o his_o sin_n be_v just_o impute_v to_o infant_n as_o well_o as_o unto_o other_o and_o this_o example_n do_v show_v we_o that_o sin_n and_o guilt_n be_v relate_v in_o the_o same_o subject_n and_o not_o in_o two_o distinct_a subject_n and_o this_o david_n do_v acknowledge_v in_o ps_n 32._o 5._o i_o say_v i_o will_v confess_v my_o transgression_n to_o the_o lord_n and_o thou_o forgave_v the_o iniquity_n of_o my_o sin_n mark_v this_o he_o do_v acknowledge_v that_o god_n do_v not_o only_o forgive_v his_o sin_n but_o the_o iniquity_n guilt_n or_o punishment_n of_o his_o sin_n namely_o condemnation_n but_o not_o all_o outward_a punishment_n in_o these_o word_n i_o say_v it_o be_v evident_a that_o david_n do_v acknowledge_v that_o sin_n and_o guilt_n do_v cleave_v as_o close_v together_o as_o the_o skin_n and_o flesh_n do_v to_o the_o bone_n and_o the_o like_a he_o do_v acknowledge_v in_o psal_n 41._o 5._o and_o therefore_o if_o the_o guilt_n of_o our_o sin_n be_v impute_v to_o christ_n then_o out_o of_o doubt_n sin_n itself_o be_v impute_v to_o christ_n also_o and_o so_o mr._n norton_n do_v dangerous_o affirm_v just_a as_o the_o antinomian_o do_v second_o touch_v the_o point_n of_o god_n imputation_n i_o believe_v it_o can_v be_v show_v out_o of_o the_o scripture_n that_o god_n do_v impute_v
so_o in_o a_o unproper_a sense_n he_o may_v be_v call_v our_o surety_n but_o not_o in_o a_o proper_a legal_a sense_n according_a to_o mr._n nortons_n court-language_n this_o way_n of_o satisfaction_n first_o declare_v in_o gen._n 3._o 15._o be_v the_o foundation_n upon_o which_o all_o after_o prophecy_n touch_v satisfaction_n by_o christ_n death_n and_o suffering_n must_v have_v dependence_n and_o as_o it_o be_v first_o exemplify_v to_o adam_n in_o the_o sacrifice_n of_o a_o lamb_n as_o i_o have_v show_v in_o the_o institution_n of_o the_o sabbath_n and_o therefore_o all_o those_o positive_a law_n touch_v priest_n and_o sacrifice_n declare_v afterward_o to_o moses_n be_v but_o the_o further_a open_v of_o the_o manner_n of_o christ_n satisfaction_n and_o indeed_o those_o type_n be_v but_o the_o picture_n of_o what_o be_v agree_v on_o in_o the_o eternal_a covenant_n to_o be_v perform_v in_o due_a time_n by_o the_o seed_n of_o the_o woman_n 4_o it_o may_v hence_o be_v gather_v that_o god_n ordain_v no_o other_o affliction_n for_o christ_n to_o suffer_v but_o either_o from_o satan_n enmity_n in_o pierce_v he_o in_o the_o footsoals_a mean_v thereby_o his_o outward_a affliction_n or_o else_o second_o they_o be_v from_o himself_o in_o the_o inward_a man_n for_o as_o he_o be_v true_a man_n of_o the_o seed_n of_o the_o woman_n so_o he_o must_v be_v inward_o touch_v with_o the_o feel_n of_o our_o infirmity_n and_o therefore_o as_o often_o as_o object_n of_o fear_n or_o sorrow_n etc._n etc._n do_v present_a he_o be_v to_o be_v touch_v as_o our_o merciful_a highpriest_n with_o a_o great_a measure_n of_o these_o infirmity_n than_o any_o other_o man_n can_v be_v but_o no_o scripture_n do_v speak_v a_o word_n in_o mr._n nortons_n dialect_n that_o his_o soul_n be_v press_v under_o the_o sense_n of_o god_n immediate_a wrath_n for_o in_o case_n his_o father_n immediate_a wrath_n have_v press_v those_o sorrow_n from_o his_o soul_n as_o mr._n nortons_n term_n be_v than_o those_o suffering_n have_v not_o be_v voluntary_a from_o his_o own_o will_n but_o constrain_v but_o say_v all_o sound_a divine_n nothing_o be_v constrain_v in_o christ_n by_o any_o supreme_a power_n and_o therefore_o not_o by_o god_n immediate_a wrath_n though_o the_o devil_n have_v liberry_n to_o use_v what_o force_n he_o can_v to_o his_o outward_a man_n yet_o he_o have_v no_o liberty_n to_o force_v his_o soul_n but_o himself_o be_v the_o only_a voluntary_a agent_n in_o all_o the_o affection_n of_o his_o soul_n he_o fear_v he_o sorrow_v etc._n etc._n when_o he_o will_v and_o as_o much_o as_o he_o will_v and_o therefore_o be_v often_o touch_v with_o the_o feel_n of_o our_o infirmity_n in_o a_o large_a measure_n than_o any_o other_o man_n soul_n can_v be_v and_o thus_o he_o be_v our_o voluntary_a mediator_n and_o surety_n mr._n norton_n still_o make_v christ_n to_o be_v our_o legal_a surety_n in_o the_o same_o obligation_n with_o adam_n on_o the_o contrary_a i_o do_v still_o affirm_v that_o christ_n suffer_v our_o punishment_n not_o from_o god_n judicial_a imputation_n of_o sin_n for_o then_o indeed_o he_o have_v suffer_v from_o god_n wrath_n but_o that_o he_o suffer_v our_o punishment_n only_o from_o the_o voluntary_a cause_n and_o covenant_n and_o such_o suffering_n may_v be_v and_o be_v undertake_v by_o christ_n both_o without_o any_o judicial_a imputation_n of_o sin_n and_o also_o without_o wrath_n as_o in_o the_o trial_n of_o mastery_n with_o satan_n enmity_n upon_o adam_n fall_n be_v proclaim_v and_o the_o seed_n of_o the_o woman_n be_v command_v but_o not_o in_o wrath_n to_o enter_v the_o list_n with_o satan_n and_o try_v mastery_n with_o he_o and_o the_o devil_n must_v do_v his_o worst_a to_o disturb_v his_o patience_n and_o so_o to_o pervert_v his_o obedience_n and_o christ_n must_v exemplify_v the_o perfection_n of_o his_o obedience_n by_o the_o perfection_n of_o his_o patience_n even_o in_o that_o ignominious_a and_o painful_a death_n of_o the_o cross_n until_o he_o have_v finish_v all_o his_o suffering_n for_o his_o consecration_n to_o his_o priestly_a office_n and_o then_o at_o last_o make_v his_o soul_n a_o sacrifice_n for_o sin_n but_o this_o way_n of_o satisfaction_n mr._n norton_n dam_n for_o heresy_n the_o lord_n open_v his_o eye_n to_o see_v better_a and_o the_o eye_n of_o those_o that_o be_v mislead_v by_o he_o 5_o it_o be_v ordain_v in_o the_o eternal_a decree_n and_o covenant_n that_o christ_n shall_v be_v consecrate_v to_o his_o priestly_a office_n for_o the_o better_a make_v his_o death_n a_o sacrifice_n by_o affliction_n heb._n 2._o 10._o heb._n 5._o 9_o sacrifice_n heb._n 2._o 10._o god_n ordain_v all_o christ_n great_a suffering_n in_o his_o passion_n to_o be_v for_o his_o consecration_n to_o his_o sacrifice_n to_o consecrate_v be_v interpret_v by_o the_o seventy_o to_o make_v perfect_a as_o for_o example_n when_o the_o people_n have_v worship_v the_o golden_a calf_n moses_n by_o god_n special_a positive_a command_n in_o exod._n 32._o 27._o 29._o command_v the_o levite_n to_o consecrate_v their_o hand_n by_o do_v perfect_a and_o exact_a justice_n upon_o the_o idolater_n without_o respect_n of_o person_n not_o spare_v their_o own_o son_n or_o near_a kindred_n and_o this_o act_n of_o they_o be_v record_v to_o their_o praise_n in_o deut._n 33._o 9_o and_o by_o this_o impartial_a act_n of_o perfect_a justice_n their_o hand_n be_v consecrate_v to_o god_n 2_o the_o consecration_n of_o aaron_n and_o his_o son_n to_o the_o priestly_a office_n be_v to_o be_v effect_v by_o continue_v seven_o day_n under_o the_o observation_n of_o certain_a particular_a rite_n before_o their_o consecration_n can_v be_v finish_v exod._n 29._o 9_o and_o leu._n 8._o 22._o and_o then_o the_o very_a next_o day_n after_o their_o consecration_n be_v finish_v moses_n bid_v they_o draw_v near_o to_o the_o altar_n to_o execute_v the_o priest_n office_n by_o offer_v a_o sacrifice_n both_o for_o themselves_o and_o for_o the_o people_n leu._n 9_o 7._o but_o christ_n need_v not_o to_o offer_v any_o sacrifice_n for_o himself_o and_o therefore_o it_o be_v only_o for_o his_o people_n 3_o as_o moses_n be_v say_v to_o consecrate_v aaron_n and_o his_o son_n through_o many_o particular_a rite_n exact_o observe_v whereof_o one_o be_v not_o small_a affliction_n though_o willing_o bear_v by_o they_o at_o the_o lord_n appointment_n namely_o you_o shall_v abide_v at_o the_o do●r_n of_o the_o tent_n of_o the_o congregation_n day_n and_o night_n seven_o day_n and_o shall_v keep_v the_o charge_n of_o jehovah_n that_o you_o die_v not_o leu._n 8._o 33._o this_o exact_a watch_n for_o that_o space_n of_o time_n be_v separate_v from_o their_o wife_n and_o family_n under_o the_o penalty_n of_o death_n be_v doubtless_o a_o time_n of_o affliction_n to_o they_o though_o as_o i_o say_v before_o willing_o bear_v at_o the_o lord_n appointment_n 4_o it_o be_v say_v in_o heb._n 2._o 10._o it_o become_v he_o namely_o it_o become_v god_n the_o father_n that_o he_o shall_v consecrate_v the_o prince_n of_o our_o salvation_n through_o affliction_n and_o it_o be_v also_o say_v in_o verse_n 17._o that_o it_o behove_v christ_n to_o be_v make_v like_o unto_o his_o brethren_n that_o he_o may_v be_v a_o merciful_a and_o a_o faithful_a high_a sacrificer_n in_o thing_n concern_v god_n and_o that_o he_o may_v make_v reconciliation_n for_o the_o sin_n of_o the_o people_n 5_o in_o these_o two_o verse_n we_o may_v observe_v the_o execution_n of_o some_o of_o the_o article_n of_o the_o eternal_a covenant_n touch_v christ_n priesthood_n both_o on_o the_o father_n part_n and_o on_o christ_n part_n 1_o it_o be_v say_v of_o the_o father_n that_o it_o be_v come_v he_o to_o consecrate_v the_o prince_n of_o our_o salvation_n through_o affliction_n that_o be_v to_o make_v his_o obedience_n perfect_a through_o affliction_n or_o else_o if_o the_o devil_n have_v not_o have_v full_a liberty_n to_o try_v his_o obedience_n by_o affliction_n he_o will_v have_v object_v thus_o against_o christ_n in_o case_n i_o may_v have_v have_v full_a liberty_n to_o try_v his_o obedience_n as_o i_o have_v to_o try_v adam_n obedience_n this_o seed_n of_o the_o woman_n will_v have_v be_v disobedient_a to_o god_n as_o adam_n be_v therefore_o it_o become_v so_o perfect_a a_o workman_n as_o god_n be_v to_o declare_v that_o satan_n have_v full_a liberty_n to_o enter_v the_o list_n with_o the_o seed_n of_o the_o woman_n and_o to_o do_v his_o worst_a to_o pervert_v his_o obedience_n gen._n 3._o 15._o and_o second_o it_o behove_v christ_n to_o be_v make_v like_o unto_o his_o brethren_n and_o to_o enter_v the_o list_n with_o satan_n not_o in_o his_o divine_a nature_n but_o in_o our_o nature_n and_o to_o be_v touch_v with_o the_o feel_n of_o our_o infirmity_n and_o therefore_o it_o be_v also_o say_v that_o it_o behove_v
christ_n to_o suffer_v luke_n 24._o 46._o according_a to_o the_o decree_n and_o covenant_n declare_v in_o gen._n 3._o 15._o that_o so_o his_o obedience_n be_v make_v perfect_a he_o may_v be_v full_o consecrate_v to_o the_o execution_n of_o his_o priestly_a office_n in_o make_v his_o soul_n a_o acceptable_a sacrifice_n to_o make_v reconciliation_n for_o the_o sin_n of_o god_n people_n and_o thus_o he_o become_v obedient_a to_o the_o death_n phi._n 2._o 8._o and_o thus_o it_o become_v god_n to_o consecrate_v and_o christ_n to_o be_v consecrate_v through_o affliction_n and_o therefore_o present_o after_o the_o fall_n god_n say_v to_o satan_n thou_o shall_v pierce_v he_o in_o the_o footsoals_a and_o according_o god_n be_v say_v not_o to_o spare_v his_o own_o son_n but_o to_o deliver_v he_o up_o into_o the_o hand_n of_o satan_n for_o we_o all_o to_o try_v the_o combat_n rom._n 8._o 32._o so_o david_n say_v the_o lord_n bid_v shemei_n to_o curse_n david_n for_o say_v dr_n preston_n in_o god_n all-sufficiency_n there_o be_v no_o creature_n in_o heaven_n or_o earth_n that_o stir_v without_o a_o command_n and_o without_o a_o warrant_n from_o the_o master_n of_o the_o house_n god_n send_v satan_n to_o be_v a_o lie_a spirit_n in_o the_o mouth_n of_o ahab_n false_a prophet_n god_n be_v without_o all_o cause_n and_o the_o cause_n of_o all_o thing_n no_o creature_n stir_v but_o at_o his_o command_n and_o by_o his_o providence_n eccles_n 3._o 14._o and_o thus_o herod_n and_o pontius_n pilate_n the_o devil_n agent_n do_v unto_o christ_n whatsoever_o god_n have_v before_o determine_v to_o be_v do_v act._n 4._o and_o thus_o god_n declare_v his_o will_n to_o satan_n thou_o shall_v pierce_v the_o seed_n of_o the_o deceive_a woman_n in_o the_o footsoals_a as_o a_o wicked_a malefactor_n but_o yet_o for_o all_o this_o he_o shall_v continue_v obedient_a and_o at_o last_o break_v thy_o headplot_n by_o his_o sacrifice_n of_o reconciliation_n flesh_n and_o blood_n can_v not_o effect_v this_o way_n of_o consecration_n the_o father_n deliver_v christ_n to_o death_n say_v p._n mart._n not_o that_o the_o father_n be_v bitter_a or_o cruel_a he_o delight_v not_o in_o evil_a as_o it_o be_v evil_a but_o i_o may_v add_v he_o delight_v to_o see_v he_o combat_v with_o satan_n not_o for_o the_o evil_a sake_n that_o fall_v upon_o christ_n but_o for_o the_o good_a of_o his_o obedience_n in_o his_o consecration_n to_o his_o death_n and_o sacrifice_n and_o all_o this_o be_v do_v not_o from_o the_o row_n of_o cause_n as_o in_o court_n of_o justice_n from_o the_o imputation_n of_o the_o guilt_n of_o our_o sin_n but_o from_o the_o voluntary_a cause_n and_o covenant_n only_o but_o say_v mr._n norton_n in_o page_n 130._o the_o soul_n that_o sin_v shall_v die_v ezek._n 18._o 20._o good_a say_v he_o man_n sin_v ergo_fw-la man_n die_v christ_n be_v a_o sinner_n imputative_o though_o not_o inherent_o and_o the_o soul_n that_o sin_v whether_o inherent_o or_o imputative_o shall_v die_v reply_v 7._o it_o be_v a_o plain_a evidence_n that_o the_o doctrine_n of_o impute_v our_o sin_n to_o christ_n as_o our_o legal_a surety_n be_v a_o very_a unsound_a doctrine_n because_o it_o have_v no_o better_a support_n hitherto_o than_o scripture_n misinterpret_v the_o sense_n of_o this_o text_n be_v this_o the_o soul_n that_o sin_n i._n e._n the_o very_a soul_n that_o sin_n namely_o the_o very_a same_o numerical_a and_o individual_a person_n that_o sin_n formal_o and_o inherent_o shall_v die_v for_o the_o text_n speak_v plain_o of_o sin_n commit_v and_o it_o argue_v that_o mr._n norton_n take_v little_a heed_n to_o the_o circumstance_n of_o the_o text_n that_o do_v not_o mark_v that_o and_o the_o text_n show_v the_o effect_n that_o sin_n have_v upon_o a_o sinner_n that_o repent_v no●_n namely_o he_o shall_v die_v now_o to_o this_o exposition_n compare_v mr._n nortons_n answer_n man_n sin_v say_v he_o mark_v his_o evasion_n for_o he_o do_v not_o speak_v this_o of_o man_n numerical_o take_v as_o the_o text_n do_v but_o he_o speak_v it_o of_o man_n general_o or_o of_o all_o mankind_n in_o adam_n ergo_fw-la man_n die_v say_v he_o here_o he_o take_v the_o word_n man_n not_o for_o the_o particular_a individual_a sinner_n as_o the_o text_n do_v but_o for_o the_o individual_a person_n of_o christ_n and_o so_o his_o meaning_n amount_v to_o this_o mankind_n sin_v and_o christ_n die_v by_o this_o the_o reader_n may_v see_v that_o his_o exposition_n agree_v with_o the_o text_n no_o better_a than_o harp_n and_o harrow_n therefore_o unless_o mr._n norton_n do_v affirm_v that_o christ_n be_v a_o sinner_n formal_o and_o inherent_o he_o can_v from_o this_o place_n of_o ezekiel_n gather_v that_o christ_n be_v to_o suffer_v the_o second_o death_n neither_o can_v he_o gather_v it_o from_o gen._n 2._o 17._o because_o both_o these_o place_n speak_v of_o sin_n as_o it_o be_v formal_o commit_v and_o not_o alone_o of_o the_o effect_n of_o sin_n as_o guilt_n neither_o of_o these_o scripture_n do_v admit_v of_o die_v by_o a_o surety_n neither_o do_v the_o law_n any_o where_o else_o admit_v of_o die_v such_o a_o death_n as_o the_o second_o death_n be_v by_o a_o surety_n to_o deliver_v other_o sinner_n from_o that_o death_n as_o these_o scripture_n do_v testify_v ps_n 49._o 7_o 8_o 9_o job_n 36._o 18_o 19_o the_o apostle_n say_v the_o sting_n of_o death_n be_v sin_n but_o his_o meaning_n be_v plain_o of_o sin_n inherent_a and_o not_o of_o such_o a_o imputation_n of_o sin_n as_o mr._n norton_n make_v to_o be_v the_o ground_n of_o christ_n suffering_n the_o second_o death_n adam_n first_o sin_n say_v bucanus_n be_v common_a to_o all_o man_n nature_n but_o his_o other_o sin_n say_v he_o be_v true_o personal_a of_o which_o ezek._n 18._o 20._o the_o soul_n that_o sin_v shall_v die_v but_o i_o wonder_v that_o mr._n norton_n do_v cite_v austin_n for_o the_o spiritual_a death_n of_o christ_n soul_n from_o god_n impute_v our_o sin_n to_o he_o austin_n say_v he_o in_o p._n 130._o call_v it_o a_o death_n not_o of_o condition_n but_o of_o crime_n it_o be_v as_o evident_a as_o the_o sun_n that_o augustine_n meaning_n be_v this_o christ_n be_v not_o necessitate_v to_o die_v through_o any_o sinful_a condition_n of_o nature_n as_o fall_v man_n be_v but_o that_o he_o be_v put_v to_o death_n as_o a_o criminal_a person_n by_o the_o jew_n sinful_a imputation_n and_o that_o austin_n in_o fer_n it_o be_v therefore_o just_a that_o see_v the_o devil_n have_v slay_v he_o who_o owe_v nothing_o the_o debtor_n who_o he_o hold_v in_o durance_n believe_v in_o he_o that_o be_v slay_v without_o cause_n shall_v be_v set_v at_o liberty_n see_v augustine_n sense_n more_o at_o large_a in_o wotton_n de_fw-mi recon_fw-mi cpec_fw-la par_fw-fr 2._o l._n 1._o c._n 21._o augustine_n sense_n be_v no_o more_o like_o mr._n nortons_n sense_n than_o a_o apple_n be_v like_o a_o oyster_n but_o say_v mr._n norton_n in_o pag._n 41._o if_o christ_n have_v suffer_v death_n without_o guilt_n impute_v his_o death_n can_v not_o have_v be_v call_v a_o punishment_n reply_v 8._o if_o mr._n norton_n from_o the_o voluntary_a cause_n and_o covenant_n shall_v undertake_v to_o strive_v with_o his_o opposite_a champion_n for_o the_o he_o all_o christ_n suffering_n be_v from_o the_o voluntary_a covenant_n and_o not_o from_o god_n judicial_a imputation_n of_o our_o sin_n to_o he_o mastery_n according_a to_o the_o rule_n of_o the_o say_v voluntary_a law_n i_o believe_v that_o he_o shall_v by_o experience_n find_v that_o he_o must_v bear_v many_o a_o four_o stroke_n and_o brush_n and_o it_o may_v be_v shed_v much_o blood_n which_o i_o think_v will_v be_v account_v a_o true_a punishment_n though_o it_o be_v not_o a_o vindictive_a punishment_n from_o the_o sense_n of_o a_o angry_a judge_n and_o yet_o all_o this_o without_o any_o imputation_n of_o sin_n from_o the_o superior_n in_o the_o voluntary_a covenant_n unless_o he_o shall_v disobey_v their_o law_n in_o the_o manner_n of_o trial_n in_o like_a sort_n god_n tell_v the_o decree_n in_o gen._n 3._o 15._o that_o he_o will_v put_v enmity_n between_o christ_n 1._o gen_n 3._o 1._o and_o the_o devil_n and_o that_o the_o devil_n shall_v drive_v hard_a at_o he_o all_o the_o time_n that_o he_o execute_v his_o office_n and_o that_o at_o last_o the_o devil_n shall_v prevail_v so_o far_o as_o to_o pierce_v he_o in_o the_o footsoals_a as_o a_o sinful_a malefactor_n and_o it_o please_v the_o lord_n thus_o to_o bruise_v he_o and_o put_v he_o to_o grief_n be_v 53._o 10._o even_o at_o the_o same_o time_n when_o he_o shall_v make_v his_o soul_n a_o sin_n the_o lord_n take_v much_o delight_n and_o pleasure_n to_o behold_v the_o knowledge_n and_o skill_n the_o valour_n and_o wisdom_n of_o this_o his_o
righteous_a servant_n in_o this_o conflict_n continue_v obedient_a to_o the_o death_n according_a to_o all_o the_o article_n of_o the_o covenant_n until_o he_o have_v triumph_v over_o all_o principality_n and_o power_n on_o his_o cross_n and_o so_o he_o win_v the_o prize_n namely_o the_o salvation_n of_o all_o the_o elect._n according_a to_o this_o way_n of_o punishment_n christ_n suffer_v our_o punishment_n no_o punishment_n be_v due_a to_o he_o from_o the_o imputation_n of_o sin_n and_o therefore_o no_o punishment_n be_v inflict_v on_o he_o from_o god_n anger_n as_o our_o punishment_n be_v we_o indeed_o do_v just_o suffer_v according_a to_o that_o court-language_n which_o mr._n norton_n have_v express_v but_o christ_n punishment_n though_o they_o be_v as_o true_a punishment_n in_o sense_n and_o feel_n as_o we_o be_v and_o more_o sensible_a to_o his_o nature_n than_o to_o we_o yet_o they_o be_v not_o inflict_v on_o he_o from_o the_o same_o compulsory_a ground_n and_o law_n as_o we_o be_v on_o we_o but_o all_o his_o be_v from_o the_o voluntary_a law_n and_o covenant_n as_o i_o have_v before_o declare_v and_o in_o chap._n 12._o at_o conclus_fw-la 1._o i_o have_v show_v that_o any_o imputation_n of_o sin_n in_o the_o voluntary_a combat_n do_v lose_v the_o prize_n but_o say_v mr._n norton_n in_o pag._n 96._o christ_n be_v express_o say_v to_o be_v make_v a_o curse_n gal._n 3._o 12._o it_o will_v thence_o avoidable_o follow_v say_v he_o that_o sin_n be_v some_o way_n judicial_o upon_o christ_n for_o we_o read_v of_o no_o curse_n inflict_v according_a to_o the_o determinate_a and_o reveal_v way_n of_o proceed_v with_o the_o reasonable_a creature_n but_o it_o presuppose_v sin_n wherefore_o he_o can_v neither_o have_v be_v make_v a_o curse_n nor_o die_v since_o the_o only_a cause_n of_o the_o curse_n and_o death_n be_v sin_n from_o which_o he_o be_v free_a but_o because_o he_o have_v take_v upon_o he_o our_o sin_n reply_v 9_o sin_n say_v mr._n norton_n be_v some_o way_n judicial_o upon_o christ_n why_o then_o be_v it_o not_o prove_v and_o make_v manifest_a by_o scripture_n i_o find_v no_o other_o proof_n of_o it_o but_o scripture_n misinterpret_v as_o i_o have_v show_v already_o and_o as_o for_o gal._n 3._o 13._o it_o do_v clear_o fail_v he_o as_o the_o reader_n may_v see_v in_o my_o examination_n of_o his_o conclusion_n from_o the_o text._n but_o say_v mr._n norton_n in_o pag._n 55._o god_n charge_v christ_n with_o sin_n as_o the_o supreme_a lawgiver_n and_o judge_n christ_n accept_v the_o charge_n as_o a_o surety_n and_o so_o subject_n himself_o to_o the_o satisfaction_n of_o justice_n which_o be_v the_o part_n of_o a_o surety_n and_o in_o the_o say_a page_n god_n can_v be_v just_a without_o a_o judicial_a imputation_n of_o the_o guilt_n and_o punishment_n of_o sin_n unto_o the_o surety_n and_o in_o pag._n 34_o 28_o and_o 136._o he_o say_v it_o be_v requisite_a that_o christ_n shall_v be_v make_v sin_n i._n e._n that_o the_o guilt_n of_o sin_n shall_v be_v legal_o impute_v to_o he_o 2_o cor._n 5._o 21._o reply_v 10._o these_o speech_n and_o other_o do_v imply_v that_o god_n can_v not_o impute_v our_o sin_n to_o christ_n unless_o he_o have_v be_v first_o a_o legal_a surety_n in_o the_o same_o obligation_n with_o adam_n but_o that_o have_v be_v all_o along_o deny_v and_o disprove_v and_o therefore_o now_o except_o mr._n norton_n can_v more_o clear_o prove_v than_o hitherto_o that_o christ_n be_v a_o true_a legal_a surety_n in_o the_o same_o obligation_n with_o adam_n all_z that_o he_o have_v say_v hitherto_o about_o god_n impute_v our_o sin_n to_o christ_n will_v come_v to_o nothing_o as_o for_o his_o great_a proof_n that_o christ_n be_v such_o a_o legal_a surety_n from_o heb._n 7._o 22._o it_o shall_v have_v a_o full_a examination_n and_o reply_n in_o my_o reply_n to_o his_o three_o argument_n and_o touch_v his_o many_o proof_n of_o imputation_n from_o 2_o cor._n 5._o 21._o see_v more_o there_o but_o say_v mr._n norton_n pag._n 70._o through_o anguish_n of_o soul_n he_o have_v clod_n rather_o than_o drop_v of_o blood_n stream_v down_o his_o bless_a body_n a_o thing_n which_o be_v neither_o see_v nor_o hear_v before_o nor_o since_o the_o true_a reason_n thereof_o be_v christ_n die_v as_o a_o sinner_n imputative_o press_v under_o the_o sense_n of_o the_o wrath_n of_o god_n and_o conflict_v with_o eternal_a death_n reply_v 11._o touch_v his_o sweat_a clod_n of_o blood_n i_o have_v reply_v in_o luk._n 22._o 44._o if_o it_o be_v clod_n of_o blood_n doubtless_o it_o be_v miraculous_a and_o if_o it_o be_v miraculous_a how_o be_v that_o a_o proof_n that_o it_o be_v cause_v from_o the_o pressure_n of_o the_o sense_n of_o god_n wrath_n but_o i_o believe_v his_o agony_n be_v from_o natural_a cause_n namely_o because_o his_o pure_a nature_n do_v so_o much_o abhor_v that_o ignominious_a and_o painful_a death_n which_o he_o do_v grapple_v withal_o in_o the_o garden_n and_o i_o believe_v if_o mr._n norton_n have_v make_v his_o agony_n to_o proceed_v from_o the_o voluntary_a cause_n conflict_v in_o his_o earnest_a prayer_n with_o satan_n temptation_n and_o with_o the_o natural_a fear_n of_o death_n until_o he_o have_v overcome_v that_o natural_a fear_n that_o so_o he_o may_v perform_v his_o oblation_n in_o all_o exact_a obedience_n according_a to_o god_n positive_a covenant_n he_o have_v come_v far_o near_o to_o the_o true_a cause_n of_o christ_n agony_n than_o by_o make_v his_o agony_n to_o proceed_v from_o the_o compulsory_a cause_n be_v press_v under_o the_o wrath_n of_o god_n it_o seem_v his_o word_n press_v do_v allude_v to_o that_o violent_a constraint_n that_o be_v use_v to_o press_v out_o the_o blood_n of_o grape_n but_o yet_o it_o be_v also_o beyond_o it_o because_o he_o make_v the_o wrath_n of_o god_n to_o press_v out_o clod_n of_o blood_n in_o christ_n it_o make_v i_o tremble_v at_o such_o expression_n of_o violence_n from_o god_n immediate_a wrath_n against_o christ_n but_o say_v mr._n norton_n in_o pag._n 219._o as_o christ_n be_v guilty_a of_o our_o sin_n so_o also_o he_o be_v sensible_a of_o a_o accuse_a conscience_n and_o a_o little_a after_o say_v he_o the_o question_n be_v not_o whether_o christ_n be_v pollute_v with_o our_o sin_n inherent_o but_o whether_o he_o may_v not_o be_v say_v to_o be_v pollute_v with_o our_o sin_n imputative_o reply_v 12._o in_o word_n mr._n norton_n say_v christ_n be_v not_o guilty_a of_o our_o sin_n inherent_o but_o his_o argue_v do_v prove_v he_o a_o sinner_n inherent_o for_o his_o whole_a drift_n be_v to_o prove_v that_o christ_n suffer_v the_o essential_a torment_n of_o hell_n and_o the_o second_o death_n and_o none_o can_v possible_o suffer_v the_o second_o death_n until_o they_o be_v first_o inherent_o guilty_a of_o the_o first_o death_n of_o sin_n 2_o if_o he_o be_v pollute_v with_o our_o sin_n by_o god_n imputation_n as_o mr._n norton_n hold_v than_o his_o death_n and_o sacrifice_n must_v needs_o be_v abominable_a in_o the_o sight_n of_o god_n but_o say_v mr._n norton_n in_o pag._n 123._o the_o divine_a nature_n be_v angry_a not_o only_o with_o the_o humane_a nature_n but_o with_o the_o person_n of_o the_o mediator_n because_o ●of_o sin_n impute_v to_o he_o reply_v 13._o mark_v the_o dangerousness_n of_o this_o doctrine_n of_o impute_v our_o sin_n to_o christ_n for_o here_o mr._n norton_n make_v god_n to_o be_v angry_a with_o christ_n because_o of_o sin_n impute_v to_o he_o as_o to_o our_o mediator_n in_o both_o his_o nature_n and_o so_o all_o along_o he_o make_v christ_n as_o god_n man_n to_o be_v our_o surety_n and_o so_o sin_n to_o be_v impute_v to_o he_o in_o both_o his_o nature_n but_o mr._n burges_n on_o justific_n p._n 176._o say_v that_o christ_n as_o god_n man_n be_v not_o bind_v by_o any_o imputation_n of_o our_o guilt_n and_o he_o cite_v zanchy_a for_o this_o the_o forequote_v author_n say_v he_o make_v this_o objection_n to_o himself_o how_o christ_n can_v be_v say_v to_o be_v free_v from_o the_o guilt_n of_o sin_n who_o have_v no_o sin_n he_o answer_v the_o person_n of_o christ_n be_v consider_v two_o way_n 1._o in_o itself_o as_o god_n man_n and_o so_o christ_n be_v not_o bind_v by_o any_o guilt_n 2._o as_o appoint_a head_n and_o so_o represent_v our_o person_n in_o this_o respect_n god_n lay_v our_o iniquity_n upon_o he_o isa_n 53._o my_o drift_n in_o cite_v this_o be_v to_o show_v that_o such_o learned_a divine_n as_o zanchy_a and_o mr._n burges_n be_v do_v deny_v that_o the_o guilt_n of_o our_o sin_n be_v impute_v to_o christ_n as_o god_n man_n contradict_v mr._n norton_n therein_o christ_n in_o his_o obey_n say_v p._n martyr_n in_o his_o ser._n on_o phi._n 2._o become_v not_o less_o than_o his_o father_n
by_o a_o valuable_a sum_n of_o money_n or_o the_o like_a but_o it_o be_v evident_a that_o the_o law_n may_v be_v satisfy_v two_o way_n 1._o either_o according_a to_o the_o exact_a letter_n of_o the_o law_n which_o require_v eye_n for_o eye_n tooth_n for_o tooth_n exod._n 21._o 24._o and_o so_o for_o he_o that_o steal_v one_o ox_n five_o 24._o exod._n 21._o 24._o ox_n in_o kind_n exod._n 22._o 1._o or_o 2._o the_o law_n may_v be_v satisfy_v by_o suffering_n or_o by_o pay_v that_o which_o be_v equivalent_a to_o the_o damage_n of_o the_o eye_n lose_v and_o so_o in_o case_n a_o poor_a man_n steal_v a_o ox_n and_o not_o able_a to_o pay_v five_o ox_n for_o one_o yet_o if_o his_o rich_a friend_n will_v pay_v that_o which_o the_o owner_n shall_v accept_v for_o five_o ox_n the_o law_n in_o the_o true_a intent_n of_o it_o be_v satisfy_v and_o so_o the_o first_o bear_v of_o man_n and_o of_o beast_n be_v redeem_v with_o money_n numb_a 18._o 15_o 16._o in_o like_a sort_n i_o find_v this_o sentence_n in_o the_o learned_a that_o that_o be_v to_o be_v hold_v for_o satisfaction_n which_o be_v mutual_o agree_v on_o between_o the_o father_n and_o he_o mediator_n from_o eternity_n and_o to_o this_o very_a purpose_n do_v mr._n gataker_n cite_v that_o proverb_n money_n be_v recompense_v by_o the_o foot_n and_o thus_o christ_n make_v satisfaction_n for_o the_o elect_n and_o this_o be_v acknowledge_v even_o by_o such_o as_o hold_v that_o christ_n make_v satisfaction_n by_o suffer_v the_o wrath_n of_o god_n there_o be_v a_o twofold_a payment_n of_o debt_n say_v mr._n ball_n one_o of_o the_o thing_n altogether_o the_o same_o in_o the_o obligation_n and_o this_o ipse_fw-la facto_fw-la free_v from_o punishment_n whether_o it_o be_v pay_v by_o the_o debtor_n himself_o or_o by_o the_o surety_n another_o of_o a_o thing_n which_o be_v not_o altogether_o the_o same_o in_o the_o obligation_n so_o that_o some_o act_n of_o the_o creditor_n or_o governor_n must_v come_v unto_o it_o which_o be_v call_v remission_n in_o which_o case_n deliverance_n do_v not_o follow_v ipso_fw-la facto_fw-la upon_o the_o satisfaction_n and_o of_o this_o kind_n say_v he_o be_v the_o satisfaction_n of_o christ_n now_o if_o mr._n nortons_n meaning_n be_v that_o except_o christ_n do_v satisfy_v the_o punishment_n due_a to_o the_o elect_a in_o kind_n the_o law_n do_v for_o ever_o remain_v unsatisfied_a than_o i_o deny_v the_o major_a for_o the_o law_n may_v be_v satisfy_v though_o christ_n do_v never_o suffer_v the_o curse_n in_o kind_n 1_o it_o can_v be_v in_o kind_n according_a to_o the_o first_o covenant_n make_v with_o adam_n as_o i_o have_v show_v often_o 2_o it_o be_v evident_a that_o it_o be_v from_o another_o covenant_n make_v between_o the_o trinity_n according_a to_o the_o council_n of_o their_o own_o will_n which_o covenant_n be_v reveal_v to_o adam_n present_o after_o the_o fall_n as_o i_o have_v open_v it_o in_o some_o measure_n 10._o upon_o goviarus_n p._n 25._o heb._n 10._o 10._o mr._n gataker_n in_o his_o elenchtick_a a●imad_a give_v this_o exposition_n of_o heb._n 10._o 10._o i_o come_v to_o do_v thy_o will_n by_o which_o will_v we_o be_v sanctify_v through_o the_o oblation_n of_o his_o body_n etc._n etc._n that_o will_v say_v he_o be_v the_o stipulation_n or_o covenant_n of_o the_o father_n about_o christ_n undertake_n our_o cause_n upon_o himself_o and_o perform_v those_o thing_n that_o be_v requisite_a for_o the_o expiation_n of_o our_o sin_n therefore_o it_o comprehend_v all_o the_o obedience_n of_o christ_n which_o he_o perform_v to_o the_o peculiar_a law_n of_o mediation_n for_o this_o trinity_n christ_n do_v not_o make_v satisfaction_n by_o fulfil_v the_o first_o covenant_n but_o by_o fulfil_v another_o voluntary_a covenant_n that_o be_v make_v between_o the_o trinity_n law_n set_v apart_o he_o be_v not_o bind_v say_v he_o by_o any_o other_o law_n to_o the_o oblation_n of_o himself_o hence_o it_o follow_v that_o if_o christ_n make_v satisfaction_n by_o another_o voluntary_a covenant_n between_o the_o trinity_n than_o not_o by_o the_o first_o supreme_a covenant_n make_v with_o adam_n and_o to_o this_o very_a purpose_n also_o do_v mr._n ball_n and_o mr._n baxter_n speak_v as_o i_o have_v note_v in_o chap._n 3._o sect._n 3_o his_o five_o argument_n examine_v which_o be_v this_o if_o the_o gospel_n save_v without_o satisfaction_n give_v to_o the_o law_n then_o the_o law_n be_v make_v void_a by_o the_o gospel_n and_o the_o law_n and_o the_o promise_n be_v contrary_a but_o neither_o of_o these_o be_v so_o rom._n 3._o 31._o gal._n 3._o 21._o therefore_o etc._n etc._n reply_v if_o by_o satisfaction_n mr._n norton_n mean_v such_o a_o satisfaction_n as_o he_o have_v former_o lay_v down_o namely_o by_o suffer_v the_o essential_a torment_n of_o hell_n in_o kind_n then_o i_o deny_v the_o consequence_n for_o first_o the_o gospel_n do_v save_v without_o satisfaction_n in_o kind_n and_o second_o without_o any_o prejudice_n to_o the_o law_n as_o i_o have_v show_v in_o my_o reply_n to_o the_o former_a argument_n and_o shall_v reply_v further_o to_o rom._n 3._o 31._o at_o the_o examination_n of_o his_o eight_o argument_n his_o sixth_o argument_n examine_v which_o be_v this_o if_o christ_n suffer_v not_o the_o punishment_n due_a to_o the_o elect_n then_o the_o elect_n must_v suffer_v it_o in_o their_o own_o person_n reply_v niether_o of_o these_o be_v necessary_a for_o the_o gospel_n do_v tell_v we_o of_o another_o price_n pay_v and_o so_o consequent_o of_o satisfaction_n by_o that_o price_n and_o therefore_o not_o by_o suffer_v hell_n torment_v in_o kind_n as_o in_o isa_n 53._o 10._o when_o he_o shall_v make_v or_o set_v his_o soul_n a_o trespass_n i._n e._n a_o trespass_n offer_v as_o ephes_n 5._o 2._o mat._n 20._o 28._o and_o by_o his_o soul_n must_v be_v understand_v his_o vital_a soul_n as_o i_o have_v expound_v it_o in_o chap._n 7._o sect._n 3._o p._n 68_o his_o seven_o argument_n examine_v which_o be_v this_o if_o christ_n do_v not_o suffer_v the_o punishment_n due_a to_o the_o elect_a for_o sin_n then_o there_o can_v be_v no_o justification_n of_o a_o sinner_n without_o his_o suffering_n the_o punishment_n due_a to_o sin_n i._n e._n his_o passive_a obedience_n there_o be_v no_o reason_n to_o acknowledge_v his_o active_a obedience_n whence_o we_o be_v accept_v as_o righteous_a this_o be_v in_o vain_a without_o that_o if_o there_o be_v neither_o passive_a obedience_n nor_o active_a then_o there_o be_v no_o remission_n of_o sin_n nor_o acceptation_n as_o righteous_a and_o consequent_o no_o justification_n reply_n the_o consequence_n of_o this_o argument_n be_v build_v upon_o a_o very_a weak_a foundation_n neither_o do_v the_o reason_n annex_v sufficient_o strengthen_v it_o first_o say_v he_o if_o christ_n do_v not_o suffer_v the_o punishment_n due_a to_o the_o elect_a for_o sin_n than_o there_o can_v be_v no_o remission_n this_o be_v but_o humane_a language_n the_o scripture_n do_v not_o say_v so_o but_o that_o which_o the_o scripture_n say_v be_v this_o namely_o that_o without_o shed_v of_o blood_n there_o be_v no_o remission_n of_o sin_n heb._n 9_o 22._o god_n tell_v the_o result_n of_o the_o eternal_a decree_n to_o adam_n that_o the_o devil_n must_v persecute_v christ_n and_o shed_v his_o blood_n by_o pierce_v 8._o heb._n 9_o 22._o esa_n 53._o 10._o gen._n 3._o 15._o phi._n 2._o 8._o he_o in_o the_o foot-soal_n and_o yet_o that_o the_o seed_n of_o the_o woman_n at_o the_o selfsame_a time_n shall_v break_v the_o devil_n headplot_n by_o continue_v obedient_a to_o the_o death_n through_o all_o his_o temptation_n and_o trial_n and_o then_o have_v finish_v all_o that_o be_v write_v of_o he_o he_o shall_v set_v his_o soul_n a_o trespass-offering_a which_o he_o do_v when_o he_o say_v father_n into_o thy_o hand_n i_o commend_v my_o spirit_n and_o at_o that_o time_n he_o bow_v his_o head_n and_o give_v up_o the_o ghost_n by_o his_o own_o priestly_a power_n and_o not_o by_o satan_n power_n and_o without_o this_o combat_n with_o satan_n and_o without_o this_o shed_n of_o blood_n there_o be_v no_o satisfaction_n and_o so_o no_o remission_n but_o this_o death_n and_o sacrifice_n of_o christ_n may_v be_v and_o be_v without_o any_o suffering_n from_o the_o immediate_a wrath_n of_o god_n though_o not_o without_o god_n appointment_n and_o permission_n to_o satan_n to_o do_v his_o utmost_a against_o this_o seed_n of_o the_o woman_n to_o spoil_v his_o obedience_n if_o he_o can_v in_o which_o conflict_n christ_n have_v his_o 15._o col._n 2._o 14_o 15._o foot-soal_n pierce_v but_o the_o devil_n have_v his_o headplot_n break_v gen._n 3._o 15._o because_o he_o can_v not_o provoke_v christ_n to_o any_o impatience_n or_o turn_v away_o back_o till_o he_o have_v spoil_v the_o headplot_n of_o principality_n and_o power_n by_o
27_o 28._o he_o answer_v thus_o the_o word_n all_o in_o this_o text_n say_v he_o be_v to_o be_v take_v in_o a_o limit_a sense_n for_o all_o thing_n that_o be_v write_v of_o he_o to_o be_v fulfil_v by_o the_o roman_n and_o the_o jew_n as_o the_o instrument_n thereof_o reply_v 4._o in_o this_o answer_n he_o do_v but_o repeat_v the_o full_a and_o true_a sense_n of_o the_o dialogue_n and_o in_o so_o do_v he_o justify_v the_o sense_n of_o the_o dialogue_n now_o let_v the_o reader_n judge_v how_o well_o he_o have_v confute_v the_o dialogue_n proof_n for_o the_o state_v of_o the_o case_n and_o whether_o this_o answer_n of_o his_o be_v not_o rather_o a_o confuse_a shuffle_n of_o a_o answer_n than_o a_o answer_n to_o satisfy_v any_o judicious_a reader_n chap._n x._o the_o examination_n of_o mr._n nortons_n exposition_n of_o gen._n 2._o 17._o in_o page_n 21._o for_o the_o true_a understanding_n whereof_o say_v mr._n norton_n consider_v these_o three_o thing_n 1_o what_o be_v here_o intend_a by_o death_n 2_o the_o distribution_n of_o death_n 3_o the_o application_n of_o that_o distribution_n sect_n i._o 1_o say_v he_o the_o commination_n thou_o shall_v sure_o die_v be_v not_o particular_a concern_v some_o kind_n of_o death_n but_o indefinite_a therefore_o equivalent_a to_o a_o universal_a comprehend_v all_o kind_n of_o death_n reply_v 1_o i_o have_v show_v in_o chap._n 2._o sect._n 3._o from_o two_o circumstance_n in_o this_o text_n of_o gen._n 2._o 17._o that_o the_o death_n there_o threaten_v be_v limit_v to_o a_o spiritual_a death_n in_o sin_n only_o 2_o in_o his_o distribution_n and_o 3_o in_o his_o application_n of_o this_o death_n he_o bring_v christ_n within_o the_o compass_n of_o it_o two_o way_n 1_o by_o separation_n of_o his_o soul_n from_o his_o body_n which_o he_o make_v to_o be_v a_o temporal_a and_o penal_a death_n in_o christ_n 2_o by_o the_o separation_n of_o his_o soul_n from_o the_o sense_n of_o the_o good_a thing_n of_o the_o promise_n and_o the_o presence_n of_o the_o evil_a thing_n in_o the_o commination_n which_o he_o call_v total_a temporal_a and_o proper_o penal_a in_o christ_n reply_v 2._o i_o deny_v that_o the_o death_n of_o christ_n namely_o the_o separation_n 244._o the_o death_n of_o christ_n can_v not_o be_v a_o penal_a death_n because_o god_n law_n threaten_v none_o with_o a_o penal_a death_n but_o sinner_n themselves_o in_o his_o common_a place_n part_v 2._o p._n 244._o of_o his_o soul_n from_o his_o body_n be_v a_o proper_a penal_a death_n for_o the_o law_n of_o god_n threaten_v no_o man_n with_o a_o penal_a death_n nor_o yet_o with_o any_o other_o true_a curse_n but_o sinner_n themselves_o sin_n and_o death_n say_v peter_n martyr_n be_v compare_v as_o cause_n and_o effect_n but_o say_v he_o here_o we_o must_v exempt_v christ_n only_o who_o notwithstanding_o he_o know_v no_o sin_n yet_o for_o our_o sake_n he_o die_v but_o say_v he_o death_n have_v no_o dominion_n over_o he_o because_o he_o of_o his_o own_o accord_n do_v suffer_v it_o for_o our_o salvation_n the_o like_a speech_n of_o he_o i_o have_v cite_v in_o page_n 54._o have_v not_o christ_n die_v voluntary_o say_v bernard_n ad_fw-la milites_fw-la templi_fw-la cap._n 11._o that_o death_n have_v not_o be_v meritorious_a how_o much_o more_o unworthy_o he_o die_v who_o deserve_v not_o death_n so_o much_o more_o just_o man_n live_v for_o who_o he_o die_v what_o justice_n thou_o will_v ask_v be_v this_o that_o a_o innocent_a shall_v die_v for_o a_o malefactor_n it_o be_v no_o justice_n it_o be_v mercy_n if_o it_o be_v justice_n than_o shall_v he_o not_o die_v free_o but_o indebt_v thereto_o and_o if_o indebt_v then_o indeed_o he_o shall_v die_v but_o the_o other_o for_o who_o he_o die_v shall_v not_o live_v yet_o though_o it_o be_v not_o justice_n it_o be_v not_o against_o justice_n otherwise_o he_o can_v not_o be_v both_o just_a and_o merciful_a these_o testimony_n of_o the_o orthodox_n and_o more_o to_o this_o purpose_n i_o may_v bring_v do_v pointblank_o oppose_v mr._n norton_n tenent_n that_o christ_n death_n be_v inflict_v on_o he_o from_o god_n penal_a justice_n through_o the_o meritorious_a cause_n of_o sin_n as_o our_o death_n be_v on_o we_o but_o it_o be_v no_o such_o matter_n christ_n death_n be_v of_o another_o nature_n sacrifice_n the_o true_a nature_n of_o christ_n death_n be_v to_o be_v a_o sacrifice_n because_o he_o undertake_v it_o from_o the_o voluntary_a cause_n and_o covenant_n only_o upon_o condition_n of_o merit_v the_o destruction_n of_o satan_n headplot_n and_o the_o redeem_n of_o all_o the_o elect_a thereby_o and_o in_o this_o respect_n his_o obedience_n in_o give_v his_o life_n be_v covenant_v to_o be_v accept_v by_o the_o father_n as_o a_o free_a gift_n and_o as_o the_o rich_a present_n that_o the_o world_n can_v afford_v namely_o as_o a_o sacrifice_n of_o atonement_n or_o reconciliation_n smell_v like_o a_o most_o sweet_a savour_n in_o the_o nostril_n of_o god_n and_o in_o this_o respect_n his_o death_n be_v the_o ground_n of_o merit_n but_o have_v it_o be_v inflict_v on_o he_o from_o god_n penal_a wrath_n as_o deserve_v through_o the_o imputation_n of_o sin_n it_o have_v merit_v nothing_o as_o bernard_n speak_v above_o when_o condition_n be_v make_v by_o a_o voluntary_a covenant_n for_o the_o win_n or_o merit_v of_o a_o rich_a prize_n he_o that_o will_v strive_v for_o the_o mastery_n with_o his_o opposite_a champion_n for_o the_o win_n of_o the_o say_a prize_n must_v strive_v lawful_o that_o be_v to_o say_v in_o obedience_n to_o those_o law_n and_o he_o must_v be_v willing_a to_o undergo_v all_o the_o hardship_n that_o he_o must_v meet_v withal_o from_o his_o opposite_a champion_n it_o may_v be_v to_o the_o force_n of_o his_o body_n into_o a_o agony_n it_o may_v be_v to_o the_o break_n of_o his_o body_n and_o to_o the_o shed_n of_o much_o blood_n all_o this_o he_o must_v do_v from_o the_o voluntary_a cause_n &_o from_o the_o voluntary_a covenant_n for_o the_o master_n of_o the_o game_n do_v not_o compel_v any_o man_n to_o undertake_v these_o difficult_a service_n neither_o do_v they_o out_o of_o anger_n and_o wrath_n inflict_v any_o of_o the_o say_a punishment_n though_o the_o opposite_a party_n may_v happy_o do_v what_o he_o can_v in_o anger_n to_o pervert_v the_o combater_n obedience_n and_o to_o provoke_v he_o to_o some_o miscarriage_n against_o the_o law_n of_o the_o prize_n that_o so_o he_o may_v not_o win_v the_o prize_n from_o he_o even_o so_o jesus_n christ_n the_o author_n and_o finisher_n of_o our_o faith_n for_o the_o joy_n that_o be_v set_v before_o he_o endure_v the_o cross_n despise_v the_o shame_n and_o be_v now_o set_v down_o as_o a_o victor_n over_o satan_n and_o all_o his_o potent_a instrument_n at_o the_o right_a hand_n of_o god_n have_v first_o endure_v the_o cross_n and_o the_o contradiction_n of_o sinner_n and_o have_v spoil_v principality_n and_o power_n in_o it_o namely_o in_o his_o death_n on_o the_o cross_n which_o by_o god_n appointment_n do_v strive_v for_o the_o mastery_n with_o he_o and_o the_o devil_n do_v in_o anger_n provoke_v he_o what_o he_o can_v to_o spoil_v his_o obedience_n and_o so_o to_o hinder_v he_o from_o destroy_v his_o headplot_n and_o so_o from_o win_v the_o prize_n namely_o from_o the_o salvation_n of_o the_o elect_n and_o the_o devil_n proceed_v so_o far_o in_o his_o rage_n that_o he_o pierce_v he_o in_o the_o footsoals_a for_o a_o wicked_a malefactor_n these_o thing_n i_o bring_v to_o exemplify_v my_o meaning_n that_o the_o death_n of_o christ_n be_v not_o a_o proper_a penal_a death_n inflict_v from_o the_o wrath_n of_o god_n as_o mr._n norton_n do_v make_v it_o to_o be_v in_o his_o distribution_n but_o it_o be_v a_o death_n agree_v on_o by_o the_o voluntary_a covenant_n have_v merit_n a_o description_n of_o christ_n merit_n respect_n unto_o the_o curse_n accidental_o because_o his_o combater_n satan_n have_v a_o commission_n from_o god_n to_o do_v his_o worst_a to_o make_v he_o a_o sinner_n and_o so_o to_o use_v he_o as_o a_o malefactor_n by_o put_v he_o to_o a_o ignominious_a and_o curse_a death_n and_o so_o to_o disturb_v his_o patience_n if_o he_o can_v but_o because_o christ_n continue_v constant_a in_o his_o obedience_n therefore_o he_o merit_v the_o redemption_n of_o all_o the_o elect_n from_o the_o curse_n of_o the_o law_n and_o this_o be_v a_o true_a description_n of_o merit_n whereby_o god_n make_v himself_o a_o debtor_n to_o christ_n but_o to_o affirm_v that_o the_o death_n of_o christ_n do_v proceed_v from_o god_n penal_a curse_n as_o a_o effect_n from_o the_o cause_n as_o mr._n norton_n affirm_v do_v utter_o destroy_v the_o merit_n of_o his_o death_n and_o sacrifice_n as_o bernard_n say_v above_o and_o as_o you_o may_v
see_v further_o in_o ch._n 12._o at_o reply_n 1●_n it_o be_v appoint_v say_v the_o apostle_n unto_o man_n once_o to_o die_v heb._n 9_o 27_o 28_o heb._n 9_o 27_o 28_o 28._o this_o bodily_a death_n be_v not_o appoint_v till_o after_o adam_n conversion_n for_o his_o conversion_n be_v set_v out_o in_o gen._n 3._o 15._o and_o his_o bodily_a death_n be_v not_o threaten_v till_o four_o verse_n after_o namely_o in_o verse_n 19_o this_o appointment_n be_v for_o mankind_n that_o be_v guilty_a of_o original_a sin_n and_o therefore_o the_o apostle_n say_v it_o be_v appoint_v unto_o man_n once_o to_o die_v namely_o to_o man_n that_o be_v guilty_a of_o original_a sin_n but_o the_o apostle_n do_v not_o say_v in_o heb._n 9_o 27._o that_o it_o be_v appoint_v for_o christ_n to_o die_v by_o that_o sentence_n but_o he_o vary_v that_o phrase_n when_o he_o come_v to_o speak_v of_o the_o death_n of_o christ_n and_o say_v so_o christ_n be_v offer_v to_o bear_v the_o sin_n of_o the_o many_o thereby_o show_v that_o the_o nature_n of_o his_o death_n be_v to_o be_v a_o sacrifice_n and_o so_o to_o be_v of_o a_o differ_a nature_n from_o our_o compulsory_a death_n and_o that_o the_o end_n of_o it_o be_v to_o bear_v away_o the_o sin_n of_o the_o many_o in_o procure_v god_n free_a pardon_n and_o forgiveness_n by_o his_o death_n and_o sacrifice_n so_o then_o i_o may_v well_o conclude_v that_o as_o christ_n beget_n be_v not_o like_o our_o beget_n so_o his_o death_n in_o the_o formality_n of_o it_o be_v not_o like_o our_o death_n for_o though_o he_o suffer_v as_o a_o malefactor_n in_o his_o combat_v with_o satan_n and_o his_o instrument_n from_o the_o voluntary_a cause_n and_o covenant_n so_o also_o in_o the_o point_n of_o separate_v his_o soul_n from_o his_o body_n he_o do_v it_o as_o a_o mediator_n by_o his_o own_o priestly_a power_n and_o not_o by_o satan_n power_n as_o i_o shall_v show_v god_n willing_a more_o at_o large_a hereafter_o in_o my_o reply_n to_o psal_n 22._o 1._o and_o to_o matth._n 27._o 46._o 2_o i_o come_v now_o to_o speak_v to_o the_o second_o part_n of_o his_o distribution_n of_o death_n to_o the_o soul_n of_o christ_n by_o separate_v it_o from_o the_o sense_n of_o the_o good_a thing_n in_o the_o promise_n and_o by_o inflict_v the_o evil_a thing_n in_o the_o commination_n but_o this_o i_o have_v already_o deny_v and_o give_v my_o reason_n in_o chap._n 2._o sect._n 3._o and_o in_o chap._n 4._o and_o therefore_o now_o i_o will_v only_o propound_v three_o question_n to_o the_o consideration_n of_o the_o learned_a for_o the_o further_o clear_v of_o this_o point_n q._n 1._o whereas_o mr._n norton_n in_o p._n 21_o make_v death_n in_o sin_n and_o death_n for_o sin_n in_o their_o several_a branch_n together_o with_o the_o evil_n of_o affliction_n to_o flow_v from_o the_o commination_n in_o gen._n 2._o 17._o as_o a_o effect_n from_o the_o cause_n as_o the_o proper_a wage_n of_o adam_n first_o sin_n rom._n 5._o 21._o and_o 6._o 23._o my_o first_o question_n from_o hence_o be_v this_o whether_o mr._n norton_n be_v not_o all_o this_o while_n to_o be_v understand_v as_o speak_v of_o sin_n and_o the_o curse_n thereof_o as_o it_o be_v to_o be_v consider_v de_fw-la jure_fw-la namely_o of_o the_o due_a desert_n of_o sin_n second_o whereas_o he_o do_v apply_v the_o several_a branch_n of_o his_o death_n to_o several_a sort_n of_o person_n some_o to_o the_o reprobate_n and_o some_o to_o the_o elect_n in_o differ_v respect_n whether_o he_o be_v not_o to_o be_v understand_v as_o speak_v of_o sin_n and_o the_o curse_n thereof_o as_o it_o be_v to_o be_v consider_v de_fw-la facto_fw-la namely_o in_o the_o event_n and_o as_o it_o fall_v out_o to_o be_v execute_v and_o that_o in_o a_o various_a manner_n namely_o one_o way_n on_o the_o elect_n and_o another_o way_n on_o the_o reprobate_n quest_n 2._o in_o judge_v what_o kind_n of_o death_n be_v essential_a to_o adam_n sin_n as_o natural_o flow_v from_o the_o curse_n as_o a_o effect_n from_o the_o cause_n whether_o be_v it_o more_o suitable_a to_o look_v at_o sin_n and_o the_o curse_n thereof_o as_o it_o be_v to_o be_v consider_v de_fw-la jure_fw-la or_o as_o it_o be_v to_o be_v consider_v de_fw-la facto_fw-la or_o as_o it_o be_v both_o way_n to_o be_v consider_v see_v the_o curse_n de_fw-fr facto_fw-la in_o relation_n to_o the_o elect_n be_v alter_v by_o the_o gospel_n intercede_v quest_n 3._o in_o consider_v the_o several_a branch_n of_o death_n which_o of_o they_o be_v essential_a and_o flow_v natural_o either_o from_o adam_n first_o sin_n or_o from_o our_o original_a sin_n as_o a_o proper_a effect_n from_o the_o cause_n and_o which_o of_o they_o be_v accidental_a not_o flow_v from_o sin_n as_o sin_n as_o mr._n nortons_n distribution_n speak_v but_o rather_o accidental_o by_o mean_n of_o some_o other_o thing_n if_o these_o question_n be_v right_o resolve_v and_o right_o apply_v to_o the_o point_n in_o agitation_n the_o difficulty_n of_o this_o controversy_n will_v be_v much_o easy_a and_o i_o conceive_v my_o exposition_n of_o the_o nature_n of_o the_o death_n threaten_v in_o gen._n 2._o 17._o as_o i_o have_v explain_v it_o in_o chap._n 2._o sect._n 3_o will_v give_v great_a light_n to_o the_o clear_n of_o these_o three_o question_n sect_n 2._o now_o i_o come_v to_o examine_v his_o exposition_n of_o gen._n 2._o 17._o more_o particular_o in_o p._n 23._o say_v mr._n norton_n the_o meaning_n of_o these_o word_n in_o the_o day_n thou_o eat_v thereof_o thou_o shall_v die_v be_v this_o if_o man_n sin_n man_n shall_v die_v either_o in_o his_o own_o person_n as_o the_o reprobate_n or_o in_o the_o person_n of_o the_o man_n christ_n jesus_n the_o surety_n of_o the_o elect_n according_a to_o the_o distribution_n above_o so_o be_v the_o text_n a_o full_a and_o universal_a truth_n man_n sin_n and_o man_n die_v reply_v 3_o the_o plain_a letter_n of_o the_o text_n say_v if_o thou_o sin_v thou_o shall_v die_v and_o so_o the_o text_n be_v a_o full_a and_o universal_a truth_n 20._o ezek_n 18._o 4_o 20._o for_o this_o law_n be_v give_v as_o a_o universal_a law_n to_o adam_n namely_o as_o he_o be_v the_o head_n of_o all_o mankind_n in_o the_o first_o covenant_n which_o be_v make_v with_o he_o touch_v man_n nature_n in_o general_n and_o therefore_o it_o hold_v all_o his_o natural_a posterity_n whether_o elect_a or_o reprobate_n alike_o guilty_a of_o death_n namely_o of_o a_o spiritual_a death_n in_o sin_n though_o it_o please_v god_n afterward_o to_o make_v a_o difference_n by_o the_o promise_a seed_n but_o this_o difference_n be_v not_o make_v in_o the_o first_o covenant_n but_o in_o the_o second_o in_o gen._n 3._o 15._o second_o therefore_o i_o deny_v that_o this_o text_n do_v intend_v die_v in_o the_o person_n of_o the_o man_n christ_n jesus_n our_o surety_n for_o than_o he_o must_v have_v die_v our_o death_n in_o sin_n but_o his_o death_n be_v whole_o found_v in_o another_o covenant_n namely_o in_o the_o voluntary_a covenant_n as_o i_o have_v often_o say_v before_o but_o say_v mr._n norton_n in_o the_o close_a of_o his_o speech_n this_o text_n be_v a_o universal_a and_o full_a truth_n man_n sin_n and_o man_n die_v reply_v 4._o in_o this_o speech_n he_o confound_v himself_o for_o he_o take_v the_o word_n man_n ambiguous_o 1_o say_v he_o man_n sin_n here_o man_n be_v take_v specifice_n for_o mankind_n 2_o say_v he_o man_z dies_z here_o the_o word_n man_n as_o it_o relate_v to_o the_o elect_n be_v take_v numeriee_n and_o as_o it_o relate_v to_o christ_n so_o it_o must_v be_v take_v for_o a_o individual_a person_n as_o i_o have_v note_v former_o in_o answer_n to_o ezek._n 18._o 4._o in_o chap._n 6._o and_o so_o this_o elegant_a speech_n man_n sin_n and_o man_n die_v be_v not_o ad_fw-la idem_fw-la it_o be_v but_o a_o paralogism_n namely_o a_o deceitful_a sylogism_n paralogism_n this_o speech_n man_n sin_n and_o man_n die_v be_v but_o a_o paralogism_n which_o seem_v true_a when_o it_o be_v not_o but_o say_v mr._n norton_n in_o p._n 24._o this_o text_n of_o gen._n 2._o 17._o be_v god_n judicial_a denunciation_n of_o the_o punishment_n of_o sin_n with_o a_o reservation_n of_o his_o purpose_n concern_v the_o execution_n of_o the_o execution_n of_o it_o or_o as_o it_o be_v in_o his_o manuscript_n concern_v the_o manner_n of_o the_o execution_n of_o it_o and_o true_o i_o can_v but_o wonder_v at_o his_o alteration_n from_o his_o manuscript_n to_o such_o a_o uncouth_a expression_n except_o it_o be_v to_o puzzle_v his_o reader_n reply_v 5._o i_o will_v say_v know_v why_o this_o reservation_n of_o god_n purpose_n be_v mention_v it_o seem_v it_o be_v for_o this_o purpose_n to_o hook_n in_o covenant_n christ_n be_v not_o
it_o be_v a_o vindicative_a punishment_n to_o christ_n but_o i_o will_v fain_o know_v a_o little_a more_o of_o mr._n nortons_n skill_n how_o he_o can_v call_v the_o affliction_n and_o punishment_n which_o christ_n suffer_v hell_n torment_v from_o god_n vindicative_a wrath_n see_v the_o holy_a ghost_n do_v comprehend_v they_o all_o under_o the_o word_n chastisement_n in_o this_o very_o five_o verse_n for_o the_o prophet_n speak_v here_o of_o all_o the_o great_a suffering_n of_o christ_n which_o he_o endure_v in_o that_o long_a action_n of_o his_o passion_n from_o his_o apprehension_n to_o his_o death_n i_o say_v all_o these_o suffering_n he_o comprehend_v under_o the_o word_n chastisement_n but_o it_o seem_v that_o mr._n norton_n have_v a_o art_n beyond_o the_o holy_a ghost_n to_o distinguish_v they_o from_o chastisement_n and_o to_o rank_v they_o under_o god_n vindicative_a justice_n let_v the_o reader_n judge_n if_o he_o do_v not_o undertake_v to_o be_v learn_v above_o the_o holy_a ghost_n in_o the_o sense_n of_o the_o word_n chastisement_n the_o learned_a observe_v that_o the_o hebrew_n word_n musar_n derive_v from_o jasar_n do_v proper_o signify_v the_o correction_n of_o a_o father_n towards_o his_o son_n as_o all_o these_o place_n do_v testify_v prov._n 3._o 11_o 12._o prov._n 19_o 18._o deut._n 8._o 5._o psal_n 94._o 12._o jer._n 31._o 18._o and_o in_o heb._n 5._o 6._o 6_o heb._n 5._o 6_o the_o apostle_n do_v concur_v with_o the_o prophet_n isaiah_n that_o the_o true_a nature_n of_o all_o christ_n suffering_n be_v but_o chastisement_n for_o he_o say_v thus_o though_o he_o be_v the_o son_n yet_o learn_v he_o obedience_n by_o the_o thing_n he_o suffer_v his_o learning_n of_o obedience_n be_v the_o subjection_n of_o a_o son_n to_o his_o father_n chastisement_n and_o therefore_o it_o follow_v necessary_o that_o see_v all_o his_o suffering_n be_v but_o chastisement_n they_o be_v not_o infl●cted_v on_o he_o from_o god_n vindicative_a wrath_n and_o i_o believe_v that_o this_o be_v a_o sound_a truth_n that_o will_v hold_v water_n if_o the_o scripture_n hold_v second_o it_o be_v further_a evident_a that_o the_o suffering_n of_o christ_n be_v far_o from_o be_v inflict_v on_o he_o from_o god_n vindicative_a wrath_n because_o all_o his_o suffering_n and_o all_o the_o suffering_n of_o the_o saint_n be_v found_v alike_o in_o god_n fatherly_a love_n and_o in_o that_o respect_n there_o be_v a_o reciprocal_a communion_n between_o christ_n the_o head_n and_o all_o his_o member_n in_o all_o their_o suffering_n 1_o the_o elect_n do_v partake_v with_o christ_n in_o all_o his_o suffering_n i_o mean_v in_o respect_n of_o the_o kind_n of_o they_o as_o these_o scripture_n do_v testify_v phil._n 3._o 10_o 11._o 2_o tim._n 2._o 11._o col._n 1._o 24._o 1_o pet._n 4._o 13._o 1_o pet._n 2._o 21._o rom._n 6._o 2_o cor._n 1._o 5._o mar._n 10._o 39_o luk._n 22._o 28._o and_o therefore_o hence_o it_o follow_v necessary_o that_o if_o the_o suffering_n of_o christ_n be_v from_o god_n vindicative_a wrath_n that_o then_o all_o the_o suffering_n of_o the_o elect_n must_v likewise_o be_v from_o god_n vindicative_a wrath_n see_v they_o do_v communicate_v with_o christ_n in_o the_o kind_n of_o his_o suffering_n second_o these_o scripture_n do_v testify_v that_o christ_n the_o head_n do_v communicate_v with_o all_o his_o member_n in_o all_o their_o suffering_n heb._n 2._o 18._o heb._n 4._o 15._o es_fw-ge 63._o 1_o 2._o and_o hence_o it_o do_v necessary_o follow_v that_o if_o all_o the_o suffering_n of_o the_o member_n of_o christ_n be_v but_o chastisement_n than_o the_o suffering_n of_o christ_n must_v not_o be_v rank_v in_o any_o other_o form_n of_o justice_n but_o where_o god_n chastisement_n be_v three_o it_o be_v evident_a that_o all_o the_o suffering_n of_o christ_n be_v call_v but_o temptation_n of_o trial_n heb._n 2._o 18._o heb._n 4._o 15._o and_o christ_n himself_o at_o the_o upshot_n of_o his_o life_n do_v call_v all_o his_o former_a affliction_n but_o such_o temptation_n of_o trial_n wherein_o his_o apostle_n have_v be_v sharer_n with_o he_o luk._n 22._o 28._o and_o therefore_o it_o do_v hence_o follow_v that_o they_o be_v not_o inflict_v on_o he_o from_o god_n vindicative_a wrath_n unless_o m._n norton_n will_v prove_v that_o the_o apostle_n also_o do_v suffer_v god_n vindicative_a wrath_n which_o in_o another_o place_n he_o seem_v to_o deny_v sect_n iii_o but_o it_o may_v be_v some_o will_v here_o object_v that_o though_o christ_n suffering_n be_v but_o chastisement_n yet_o they_o be_v inflict_v on_o he_o from_o god_n wrath_n for_o even_a god_n fatherly_a chastisement_n be_v inflict_v from_o his_o wrath_n 2_o sam._n 24._o 1._o therefore_o if_o christ_n do_v partake_v with_o his_o people_n but_o in_o their_o kind_n of_o punishment_n his_o suffering_n must_v also_o be_v from_o god_n wrath_n reply_v 5._o it_o do_v not_o follow_v for_o christ_n may_v true_o partake_v i●_n christ_n suffering_n may_v just_o be_v call_v punishment_n such_o as_o the_o godly_a suffer_v and_o yet_o not_o from_o god●_n wrath_n as_o they_o i●_n with_o they_o in_o their_o punishment_n in_o respect_n of_o sense_n and_o feeling_n and_o yet_o from_o a_o differ_a cause_n and_o for_o a_o differ_a end_n as_o for_o example_n the_o godly_a may_v suffer_v wound_n in_o their_o body_n for_o sin_n inherent_a in_o a_o judicial_a way_n both_o from_o god_n and_o superior_n and_o christ_n also_o may_v suffer_v such_o like_a wound_n and_o yet_o not_o in_o a_o judicial_a way_n from_o sin_n impute_v but_o as_o a_o voluntary_a combater_n with_o satan_n and_o his_o instrument_n for_o the_o win_n of_o the_o prize_n even_o for_o the_o redemption_n of_o the_o elect_a and_o all_o this_o without_o any_o wrath_n from_o the_o voluntary_a covenanter_n and_o master_n of_o the_o prize_n and_o in_o this_o sense_n only_a christ_n do_v suffer_v wound_n and_o bruise_n namely_o as_o a_o voluntary_a combater_n for_o in_o gen._n 3._o 15._o god_n declare_v his_o decree_n that_o he_o will_v put_v a_o utter_a enmity_n between_o satan_n and_o the_o seed_n of_o the_o deceive_a woman_n and_o that_o the_o devil_n shall_v have_v full_a liberty_n to_o wound_n christ_n and_o to_o bruise_v he_o and_o to_o pierce_v he_o as_o a_o malefactor_n in_o the_o footsoals_a and_o to_o do_v what_o he_o can_v to_o disturb_v his_o patience_n and_o so_o to_o hinder_v his_o death_n from_o be_v a_o sacrifice_n but_o because_o christ_n continue_v obedient_a to_o the_o death_n even_o to_o the_o ignominious_a and_o painful_a death_n of_o the_o cross_n and_o at_o last_o make_v his_o soul_n a_o sacrifice_n he_o overcome_v principality_n and_o power_n in_o it_o namely_o in_o the_o manner_n of_o his_o death_n on_o the_o cross_n so_o that_o the_o cause_n of_o christ_n wound_n be_v not_o from_o god_n judicial_a imputation_n of_o our_o sin_n and_o guilt_n nor_o from_o god_n judicial_a wrath_n but_o from_o his_o undertake_n to_o be_v a_o voluntary_a combater_n with_o satan_n for_o the_o break_n of_o his_o headplot_n by_o his_o constant_a obedience_n even_o to_o the_o death_n of_o the_o cross_n for_o man_n redemption_n so_o that_o the_o suffering_n of_o christ_n do_v arise_v from_o a_o differ_a caus●_n and_o be_v for_o a_o differ_a end_n from_o ●he_n suffering_n of_o the_o sa●●●●_n and_o so_o consequent_o not_o from_o god_n wrath_n as_o they_o be_v but_o i_o shall_v enlarge_v this_o point_n in_o the_o end_n of_o this_o chapter_n and_o often_o elsewhere_o because_o it_o have_v a_o undeniable_a foundation_n of_o truth_n in_o gen._n 3._o 15._o and_o all_o the_o prophet_n do_v but_o comment_v upon_o that_o declare_a decree_n of_o god_n sect_n iv_o but_o say_v mr._n norton_n pag._n 38._o the_o suffering_n of_o christ_n include_v in_o this_o text_n be_v not_o only_o such_o wherein_n satan_n and_o man_n be_v instrument_n but_o some_o of_o they_o say_v he_o be_v immediate_o inflict_v of_o god_n without_o any_o second_o mean_n as_o instrument_n thereof_o hence_o we_o read_v of_o a_o wound_a spirit_n prov._n 18._o 4._o a_o wound_a conscience_n 1_o cor._n 8._o 12._o a_o break_a and_o a_o bruise_a heart_n luke_n 4._o 18._o the_o plague_n of_o the_o heart_n 1_o king_n 8._o 38._o reply_v 6._o a_o judicious_a reader_n may_v well_o smile_v at_o the_o unsuitableness_n of_o these_o proof_n to_o his_o proposition_n in_o his_o proposition_n he_o say_v that_o some_o of_o christ_n suffering_n be_v inflict_v wrath_n none_o of_o christ_n suffering_n be_v inflict_v on_o he_o from_o god_n immediate_a wrath_n immediate_o of_o god_n without_o any_o second_o mean_n as_o instrument_n thereof_o but_o any_o judicious_a reader_n may_v soon_o see_v that_o a_o wound_a spirit_n a_o wound_a conscience_n etc._n etc._n do_v come_v to_o be_v so_o wound_v by_o second_o mean_n namely_o by_o the_o sight_n of_o sin_n and_o the_o
a_o just_a punishment_n for_o adam_n death_n in_o sin_n and_o hence_o i_o reason_v thus_o that_o see_v christ_n have_v deliver_v we_o from_o our_o first_o spiritual_a death_n in_o sin_n without_o bear_v it_o in_o kind_n and_o from_o our_o bodily_a disease_n in_o mat._n 8._o without_o bear_v they_o in_o kind_n he_o may_v as_o well_o deliver_v we_o from_o our_o spiritual_a and_o eternal_a death_n in_o hell_n without_o bear_v it_o in_o kind_n but_o say_v mr._n norton_n in_o page_n 40._o whilst_o you_o so_o often_o affirm_v that_o obedience_n of_o christ_n to_o be_v meritorious_a and_o yet_o all_o along_o deny_v it_o to_o be_v perform_v in_o a_o way_n of_o justice_n you_o so_o often_o affirm_v a_o contradiction_n the_o very_a nature_n of_o merit_n include_v justice_n for_o merit_n be_v a_o just_a desert_n or_o a_o desert_n in_o way_n of_o justice_n reply_v 12._o the_o way_n of_o justice_n be_v either_o the_o way_n of_o vindicative_a justice_n or_o else_o it_o be_v the_o way_n of_o justice_n according_a to_o the_o voluntary_a covenant_n the_o dialogue_n indeed_o do_v oppose_v the_o way_n of_o redemption_n the_o true_a nature_n of_o merit_n and_o how_o christ_n do_v merit_v our_o redemption_n vindicative_a justice_n but_o yet_o it_o make_v all_o christ_n suffering_n to_o be_v perform_v in_o a_o way_n of_o justice_n according_a to_o the_o order_n of_o justice_n in_o the_o voluntary_a cause_n and_o covenant_n but_o it_o be_v no_o marvel_n that_o mr._n norton_n can_v see_v into_o this_o ground-word_n of_o merit_n because_o he_o be_v so_o much_o prejudice_v against_o the_o dialogue_n scope_n or_o else_o he_o can_v not_o have_v say_v that_o it_o affirm_v a_o contradiction_n indeed_o i_o shall_v have_v affirm_v a_o contradictioni_fw-la f_o i_o have_v at_o any_o time_n affirm_v as_o mr._n norton_n do_v that_o the_o meritorious_a cause_n of_o all_o christ_n suffering_n and_o death_n be_v from_o god_n judicial_a impute_v our_o sin_n to_o christ_n but_o the_o dialogue_n go_v another_o way_n to_o work_v it_o show_v from_o god_n declaration_n in_o gen._n 3._o 15._o that_o the_o devil_n must_v combat_v against_o the_o seed_n of_o the_o deceive_a woman_n and_o that_o christ_n in_o his_o humane_a nature_n must_v combat_v against_o he_o and_o break_v his_o headplot_n by_o continue_v obedient_a to_o the_o death_n and_o that_o therefore_o his_o suffering_n and_o death_n be_v meritorious_a because_o it_o be_v all_o perform_v in_o a_o way_n of_o justice_n namely_o in_o exact_a obedience_n to_o all_o the_o article_n of_o the_o voluntary_a covenant_n as_o i_o have_v show_v also_o in_o chap._n 10._o and_o it_o be_v out_o of_o all_o doubt_n that_o the_o article_n of_o the_o eternal_a covenant_n for_o man_n redemption_n be_v comprise_v in_o that_o declaration_n of_o our_o redemption_n in_o gen._n 3._o 15._o 1_o god_n do_v there_o declare_v by_o way_n of_o threaten_v to_o satan_n doubtless_o in_o the_o hear_n of_o adam_n and_o for_o his_o instruction_n that_o he_o will_v put_v a_o enmity_n between_o he_o and_o the_o woman_n and_o between_o the_o devil_n seed_n and_o her_o seed_n he_o shall_v enter_v the_o list_n and_o try_v mastery_n with_o thou_o and_o he_o shall_v break_v thy_o headplot_n and_o to_o this_o conflict_n do_v the_o word_n agony_n agree_v in_o luke_n 22._o 44._o and_o thou_o satan_n shall_v bear_v a_o utter_a enmity_n against_o he_o and_o thou_o shall_v have_v liberty_n to_o enter_v the_o list_n with_o this_o seed_n of_o the_o deceive_a woman_n and_o have_v liberty_n to_o do_v what_o thou_o can_v to_o pervert_v his_o obedience_n as_o thou_o have_v to_o pervert_v the_o obedience_n of_o adam_n and_o in_o case_n thou_o can_v disturb_v his_o patience_n by_o ignominious_a contumely_n or_o by_o the_o torture_n of_o a_o painful_a death_n and_o so_o pervert_v he_o in_o his_o obedience_n than_o thou_o shall_v by_o that_o mean_n hinder_v this_o seed_n of_o the_o woman_n from_o make_v his_o soul_n a_o sacrifice_n and_o so_o from_o the_o break_n of_o thy_o headplot_n and_o so_o from_o win_v the_o prize_n and_o therefore_o thou_o shall_v have_v free_a liberty_n to_o tempt_v he_o to_o sin_n as_o much_o as_o thou_o can_v and_o thou_o shall_v have_v liberty_n to_o impute_v as_o many_o sinful_a crime_n against_o he_o as_o thou_o can_v devise_v and_o so_o to_o put_v he_o to_o a_o ignominious_a and_o painful_a death_n like_v to_o wicked_a malefactor_n but_o in_o case_n he_o shall_v continue_v patient_a without_o disturbance_n and_o continue_v obedient_a to_o the_o death_n without_o any_o diversion_n and_o at_o last_o make_v his_o death_n a_o obedient_a sacrifice_n by_o his_o own_o priestly_a power_n than_o i_o will_v accept_v his_o death_n and_o sacrifice_n as_o full_a satisfaction_n for_o the_o sin_n of_o the_o elect_n and_o so_o he_o shall_v break_v thy_o headplot_n and_o win_v the_o prize_n which_o be_v the_o salvation_n of_o all_o the_o elect_n and_o doubtless_o this_o death_n and_o sacrifice_n of_o christ_n be_v exemplify_v to_o adam_n by_o the_o sacrifice_n of_o some_o lamb_n present_o after_o his_o fall_n lo_o here_o be_v a_o true_a description_n of_o christ_n merit_n according_a to_o the_o order_n of_o justice_n as_o it_o be_v agree_v on_o in_o the_o voluntary_a covenant_n for_o we_o may_v gather_v from_o the_o threaten_a first_o that_o there_o be_v such_o a_o voluntary_a covenant_n second_o that_o christ_n do_v covenant_n to_o continue_v constant_a in_o his_o obedience_n through_o all_o his_o temptation_n and_o trial_n and_o three_o that_o upon_o the_o performance_n thereof_o god_n will_v reward_v he_o with_o the_o salvation_n of_o all_o the_o elect_n phi._n 2._o 9_o 10_o 11._o es_fw-ge 5_o 3_o 10_o etc._n etc._n mr._n wotton_n de_fw-fr reconciliatione_fw-la peccatoris_fw-la part_n 1._o cap._n 4._o do_v thus_o explain_v the_o meritorious_a cause_n that_o the_o meritorious_a cause_n of_o reconciliation_n say_v he_o be_v a_o kind_n of_o efficient_a there_o need_v no_o other_o proof_n then_o that_o it_o bind_v as_o it_o be_v the_o principal_a efficient_a to_o perform_v that_o which_o upon_o the_o merit_n be_v due_a as_o if_o a_o man_n in_o run_v a_o race_n or_o the_o like_a so_o run_v as_o the_o order_n of_o the_o game_n require_v by_o so_o do_v he_o merit_v the_o prize_n or_o reward_n and_o thereby_o also_o he_o bind_v the_o master_n of_o the_o game_n to_o pay_v he_o that_o which_o he_o have_v deserve_v this_o be_v a_o true_a description_n of_o the_o true_a nature_n of_o christ_n merit_n according_a to_o the_o order_n of_o justice_n in_o the_o voluntary_a covenant_n better_a and_o more_o agreeable_a to_o the_o scripture_n than_o mr._n norton_n be_v from_o the_o legal_a order_n of_o court-justice_n by_o a_o legal_a imputation_n of_o sin_n for_o the_o scripture_n be_v silent_a in_o this_o way_n and_o plain_a in_o the_o other_o way_n and_o from_o this_o description_n of_o merit_n from_o the_o voluntary_a cause_n and_o covenant_n these_o conclusion_n do_v follow_v 1_o that_o the_o wound_n bruise_n and_o bloodshed_n of_o such_o as_o do_v win_v the_o prize_n can_v be_v say_v to_o be_v inflict_v upon_o they_o from_o the_o vindicative_a wrath_n of_o the_o master_n of_o the_o game_n cause_v through_o the_o imputation_n of_o sin_n and_o guilt_n against_o their_o law_n for_o none_o can_v win_v the_o prize_n that_o be_v guilty_a of_o any_o such_o transgression_n against_o their_o law_n as_o the_o apostle_n do_v witness_n in_o 2_o tim._n 2._o 5._o and_o peruse_v also_o dr._n hammonds_n annotation_n on_o 1_o cor._n 9_o 24._o and_o on_o heb._n 12._o 1_o 2._o prize_n imputation_n of_o sin_n in_o the_o voluntary_a combat_n do_v lose_v the_o prize_n and_o on_o 2_o tim._n 4._o 8._o and_o take_v notice_n that_o the_o greek_a in_o 2_o tim._n 4._o 7._o be_v the_o same_o by_o which_o the_o seventy_o translate_v gen._n 30._o 8._o with_o excellent_a wrastling_n have_v i_o wrestle_v namely_o for_o the_o mastery_n and_o victory_n and_o so_o also_o our_o large_a annotation_n on_o 2_o tim._n 4._o 8._o 2_o hence_o it_o follow_v that_o the_o say_a wound_n bruise_n and_o bloodshed_n ought_v not_o to_o be_v account_v as_o any_o vindicative_a sin_n punishment_n may_v be_v suffer_v without_o the_o imputation_n of_o sin_n punishment_n from_o the_o master_n of_o the_o prize_n but_o as_o voluntary_a trial_n of_o their_o manhood_n of_o their_o patience_n and_o obedience_n to_o their_o law_n 3_o hence_o it_o follow_v that_o the_o wound_n and_o bruise_n mention_v in_o isa_n 53._o 5._o 10._o etc._n etc._n which_o christ_n suffer_v be_v no_o other_o but_o the_o very_a same_o that_o god_n have_v declare_v he_o shall_v suffer_v from_o satan_n christ_n god_n do_v wound_n and_o bruise_v christ_n no_o otherwise_o but_o as_o he_o give_v satan_n leave_v to_o do_v his_o worst_a unto_o christ_n in_o gen._n 3._o 15._o i_o confess_v that_o
the_o exchange_n in_o zach._n 13._o 1._o and_o that_o most_o fit_o because_o the_o sin_n namely_o the_o sin-offering_a do_v cause_v a_o true_a change_n in_o the_o sinner_n from_o unclean_a to_o clean_a and_o from_o enmity_n to_o reconciliation_n these_o and_o such_o like_a phrase_n give_v to_o sin_n by_o the_o figure_n metonymy_fw-la show_v the_o word_n to_o have_v a_o differ_a sense_n but_o not_o a_o contrary_a sense_n as_o mr._n norton_n affirm_v to_o amuse_v his_o reader_n the_o like_a happy_o may_v be_v say_v to_o his_o other_o instance_n but_o for_o further_a light_n see_v what_o i_o have_v reply_v to_o the_o signification_n of_o azab_n in_o psal_n 22._o 1._o 4_o i_o will_v now_o return_v to_o speak_v further_o of_o the_o hebrew_n word_n pagah_n take_v it_o without_o the_o conjugation_n hiphil_n and_o then_o it_o signify_v only_o to_o meet_v but_o the_o particular_a occasion_n of_o every_o meeting_n must_v be_v seek_v out_o by_o the_o circumstance_n of_o each_o place_n where_o the_o word_n be_v use_v as_o for_o example_n 1_o it_o signify_v the_o meeting_n of_o the_o bound_n of_o the_o tribe_n in_o this_o or_o that_o place_n 2_o it_o may_v signify_v the_o meeting_n of_o time_n as_o when_o the_o forenoon_n do_v meet_v with_o the_o afternoon_n or_o the_o meeting_n of_o word_n or_o the_o meeting_n of_o person_n for_o this_o or_o that_o end_n either_o in_o mercy_n or_o in_o wrath_n 3_o pagah_n to_o meet_v be_v apply_v to_o god_n meeting_n with_o man_n or_o to_o man_n meeting_n with_o god_n in_o his_o worship_n moses_n and_o aaron_n say_v unto_o pharaoh_n the_o lord_n god_n of_o the_o hebrew_n have_v meet_v with_o we_o and_o command_v we_o to_o go_v into_o the_o wilderness_n to_o offer_v sacrifice_n to_o he_o therefore_o we_o pray_v thou_o let_v we_o go_v three_o day_n journey_n to_o sacrifice_v to_o the_o lord_n our_o god_n lest_o he_o meet_v we_o with_o pestilence_n etc._n etc._n exod._n 3._o 18._o and_o exod._n 5._o 3._o so_o also_o in_o numb_a 23._o 3_o 4_o 5_o 15._o 16._o balaam_n do_v meet_v the_o lord_n with_o sacrifice_n and_o the_o lord_n be_v please_v to_o meet_v he_o with_o word_n of_o advice_n what_o he_o shall_v say_v to_o balack_n in_o these_o place_n pagah_n be_v put_v for_o god_n meeting_n with_o man_n and_o man_n meeting_n with_o god_n and_o in_o gen._n 23._o 8._o abraham_n say_v to_o the_o people_n of_o the_o land_n if_o it_o be_v your_o mind_n that_o i_o shall_v bury_v my_o dead_a meet_v with_o ephron_n for_o i_o namely_o meet_v he_o by_o way_n of_o entreaty_n the_o seventy_o say_v speak_v for_o i_o and_o so_o ruth_n say_v to_o naomi_n meet_v i_o not_o to_o leave_v thou_o that_o be_v to_o say_v meet_v i_o not_o by_o thy_o earnest_a entreaty_n to_o leave_v thou_o ruth_n 1._o 16._o so_o jacob_n meet_v esau_n namely_o with_o a_o acceptable_a present_n to_o cover_v his_o face_n that_o be_v to_o appease_v his_o anger_n gen._n 32._o 20._o as_o we_o see_v it_o do_v in_o gen._n 33._o 8_o 10._o these_o instance_n show_v that_o pagah_n be_v use_v for_o a_o meeting_n in_o divers_a respect_n and_o after_o this_o manner_n god_n ordain_v christ_n to_o be_v our_o high_a priest_n to_o meet_v the_o lord_n with_o that_o most_o acceptable_a gift_n of_o himself_o blood_n christ_n atone_v his_o father_n wrath_n with_o the_o sacrifice_n of_o his_o body_n &_o blood_n in_o a_o sacrifice_n for_o it_o be_v of_o necessity_n that_o every_o priest_n that_o meet_v with_o god_n to_o mediate_v his_o reconciliation_n to_o sinner_n must_v have_v such_o a_o excellent_a thing_n to_o offer_v unto_o god_n as_o he_o will_v accept_v and_o therefore_o it_o must_v be_v that_o which_o be_v constitute_v by_o a_o mutual_a covenant_n heb._n 8._o 3._o and_o the_o thing_n appoint_v be_v the_o best_a thing_n that_o christ_n have_v to_o meet_v god_n withal_o and_o that_o be_v his_o vital_a soul_n with_o his_o body_n and_o blood_n offer_v in_o perfect_a obedience_n to_o god_n will_v notwithstanding_o satan_n endeavour_v to_o disturb_v his_o obedience_n with_o this_o present_a christ_n do_v meet_v his_o offend_a father_n that_o be_v most_o just_o provoke_v by_o adam_n sin_n and_o by_o our_o sin_n and_o so_o according_a to_o covenant_n god_n accept_v this_o priest_n and_o sacrifice_n for_o the_o atone_a and_o the_o appease_n of_o his_o wrath_n as_o the_o word_n atonement_n do_v signify_v of_o which_o word_n see_v more_o in_o chap._n 14._o pag._n 142_o 143._o in_o this_o sense_n i_o say_v the_o father_n make_v or_o cause_v the_o mediator_n to_o meet_v he_o for_o the_o iniquity_n of_o we_o all_o 1_o he_o meet_v his_o father_n in_o his_o eternal_a council_n and_o contract_n and_o 2_o in_o the_o execution_n of_o it_o pagnin_n render_v this_o verse_n two_o way_n indifferent_o 1_o occurrere_fw-la fecit_fw-la ei_fw-la poenam_fw-la 2_o velure_n rogere_fw-la fecit_fw-la eum_fw-la pro_fw-la iniquitate_fw-la and_o both_o these_o reading_n may_v well_o agree_v to_o the_o same_o sense_n 1_o he_o make_v the_o iniquity_n of_o we_o all_o to_o meet_v upon_o he_o namely_o he_o make_v he_o to_o undertake_v our_o sin_n as_o our_o priest_n and_o sacrifice_n to_o make_v atonement_n for_o they_o and_o in_o this_o sense_n the_o dialogue_n have_v expound_v this_o verse_n 2_o the_o lord_n make_v he_o to_o meet_v for_o the_o iniquity_n of_o we_o all_o or_o cause_v he_o to_o meet_v he_o as_o our_o priestly_a mediator_n with_o the_o sacrifice_n of_o his_o body_n for_o the_o iniquity_n of_o we_o all_o and_o thus_o both_o reading_n do_v agree_v to_o the_o same_o sense_n but_o because_o the_o last_o be_v more_o exact_a according_a to_o the_o hebrew_n therefore_o now_o i_o follow_v that_o the_o chaldy_n paraphrase_n of_o this_o verse_n speak_v thus_o and_o the_o 11._o so_o mr._n clendou_n in_o justification_n justify_v p._n 11._o eternal_a be_v well_o please_v to_o remit_v the_o sin_n of_o we_o all_o for_o his_o sake_n and_o tindal_n translate_v it_o thus_o but_o through_o he_o the_o lord_n pardon_v all_o our_o sin_n from_o these_o translation_n and_o exposition_n it_o follow_v 1_o that_o the_o doctrine_n of_o god_n impute_v our_o sin_n to_o christ_n in_o mr._n nortons_n sense_n be_v not_o hold_v forth_o by_o these_o translator_n neither_o can_v it_o be_v prove_v from_o this_o verse_n nor_o from_o any_o other_o when_o the_o right_a interpretation_n be_v give_v and_o mr._n norton_n himself_o confess_v thus_o much_o in_o general_n that_o the_o guilt_n of_o our_o sin_n can_v not_o be_v impute_v to_o christ_n unless_o he_o do_v first_o become_v our_o legal_a surety_n in_o the_o same_o obligation_n with_o adam_n in_o gen._n 2._o 17._o but_o i_o have_v show_v in_o chap._n 2._o and_o elsewhere_o with_o the_o concurrence_n of_o sundry_a eminent_a divine_n that_o christ_n be_v not_o our_o legal_a surety_n in_o the_o same_o obligation_n with_o adam_n and_o therefore_o by_o his_o own_o confession_n until_o he_o prove_v that_o christ_n be_v adam_n surety_n gen._n 2._o 17._o his_o doctrine_n of_o imputation_n be_v without_o a_o foundation_n and_o thence_o it_o follow_v that_o it_o must_v needs_o be_v a_o unsound_a assertion_n to_o hold_v that_o god_n impute_v our_o sin_n to_o christ_n as_o the_o meritorious_a cause_n of_o his_o death_n and_o suffering_n but_o yet_o though_o i_o deny_v christ_n to_o be_v our_o legal_a surety_n i_o do_v notwithstanding_o free_o grant_v that_o he_o undertake_v our_o cause_n as_o our_o voluntary_a surety_n according_a to_o the_o voluntary_a covenant_n and_o that_o he_o take_v our_o sin_n on_o he_o thus_o far_o namely_o to_o make_v expiation_n for_o they_o and_o to_o enter_v the_o list_n with_o satan_n and_o to_o suffer_v the_o punishment_n of_o our_o sin_n before_o he_o make_v his_o sacrifice_n as_o i_o have_v instance_a in_o the_o punishment_n that_o man_n do_v voluntary_o undergo_v when_o they_o strive_v for_o the_o mastery_n with_o their_o opposite_a champion_n 2_o hence_o it_o follow_v by_o the_o right_a translation_n and_o exposition_n of_o isa_n 53._o 6._o and_o jer._n 30._o 21._o that_o there_o pass_v a_o covenant_n make_v between_o the_o trinity_n for_o man_n redemption_n by_o the_o suffering_n redemption_n it_o be_v evident_a by_o isa_n 53._o 6._o &_o by_o jer._n 30._o 21._o that_o there_o pass_v a_o covenant_n between_o the_o trinity_n from_o eternity_n for_o man_n redemption_n and_o by_o the_o death_n and_o sacrifice_n of_o christ_n mr._n rutherford_n of_o the_o covenant_n prove_v by_o eleven_o argument_n in_o page_n 290._o and_o by_o a_o twelve_o argument_n in_o page_n 307._o and_o by_o a_o thirteen_o argument_n in_o page_n 316._o that_o there_o pass_v a_o covenant_n between_o the_o trinity_n from_o eternity_n the_o dialogue_n say_v thus_o in_o page_n 28._o the_o true_a manner_n how_o the_o lord_n lay_v all_o our_o sin_n upon_o christ_n in_o isa_n
53._o 6._o be_v after_o the_o same_o manner_n as_o the_o lord_n lay_v the_o sin_n of_o israel_n upon_o the_o priest_n and_o sacrifice_n and_o no_o otherwise_o as_o in_o exod._n 28._o 38._o and_o in_o leu._n 10._o 17._o mr._n norton_n do_v answer_v in_o page_n 43._o whatsoever_o your_o word_n be_v we_o presume_v your_o meaning_n be_v that_o the_o type_n instance_a in_o do_v not_o typical_o hold_v forth_o any_o imputation_n of_o sin_n to_o christ_n the_o antitype_n reply_v 1_o the_o meaning_n of_o the_o dialogue_n be_v plain_a namely_o that_o christ_n bear_v our_o sin_n as_o the_o typical_a priest_n and_o sacrifice_n do_v bear_v the_o sin_n of_o israel_n and_o the_o priest_n be_v say_v to_o bear_v all_o their_o sin_n because_o they_o offer_v public_a sacrifice_n to_o procure_v a_o legal_a atonement_n for_o the_o sin_n of_o all_o israel_n and_o so_o christ_n bear_v our_o sin_n because_o he_o make_v his_o soul_n a_o sacrifice_n by_o his_o priestly_a power_n by_o which_o he_o procure_v his_o father_n atonement_n for_o all_o our_o sin_n formal_o 2_o in_o the_o dialogue_n in_o page_n 25._o i_o have_v show_v how_o christ_n may_v be_v say_v to_o bear_v our_o sin_n several_a other_o way_n and_o yet_o not_o as_o a_o guilty_a sinner_n by_o a_o formal_a legal_a imputation_n as_o mr._n norton_n hold_v but_o say_v mr._n norton_n in_o page_n 44._o put_v case_n you_o produce_v a_o type_n which_o hold_v not_o forth_o bear_v of_o sin_n by_o imputation_n in_o the_o antitype_n except_o it_o may_v appear_v that_o the_o manner_n of_o christ_n bear_v sin_n be_v thereby_o full_o intend_v you_o conclude_v nothing_o reply_v 2._o the_o dialogue_n instance_n do_v make_v it_o appear_v plain_a enough_o to_o the_o willing_a to_o be_v inform_v that_o the_o manner_n of_o christ_n bear_v sin_n be_v thereby_o full_o intend_v but_o to_o a_o biased_a spirit_n it_o be_v not_o easy_a to_o be_v do_v let_v the_o reader_n peruse_v the_o dialogue_n and_o then_o judge_v but_o say_v mr._n norton_n in_o page_n 44._o it_o be_v very_o true_a god_n lay_v our_o sin_n upon_o christ_n as_o upon_o our_o sacrifice_n isa_n 53._o 12._o therefore_o say_v we_o by_o imputation_n reply_v 3_o he_o do_v acknowledge_v it_o to_o be_v a_o truth_n that_o god_n lay_v our_o sin_n upon_o christ_n as_o upon_o our_o sacrifice_n therefore_o say_v we_o not_o by_o mr._n nortons_n kind_n of_o imputation_n for_o his_o kind_n of_o imputation_n be_v not_o to_o be_v find_v in_o the_o typical_a sacrifice_n but_o the_o true_a manner_n of_o christ_n bear_n our_o sin_n as_o our_o priestly_a mediator_n may_v be_v find_v because_o it_o be_v typify_v by_o the_o priest_n eat_v of_o the_o people_n sin-offering_a as_o mediator_n in_o the_o holy_a place_n as_o the_o dialogue_n have_v true_o expound_v leu._n 10._o 17._o for_o their_o eat_n signify_v such_o a_o communion_n as_o mediator_n must_v have_v between_o both_o party_n in_o the_o work_n of_o atonement_n and_o second_o the_o lord_n lay_v all_o our_o sin_n upon_o christ_n as_o upon_o our_o sacrifice_n and_o this_o be_v elegant_o express_v by_o isaiah_n he_o pour_v out_o his_o soul_n to_o death_n and_o bear_v the_o sin_n of_o many_o and_o make_v intercession_n for_o transgressor_n isa_n 53._o 12._o all_o these_o three_o term_n say_v the_o dialogue_n be_v synonima_n but_o say_v mr._n norton_n in_o page_n 45._o synonima_n be_v divers_a word_n signify_v the_o same_o thing_n but_o death_n bear_v sin_n and_o intercession_n be_v doubtless_o divers_a thing_n though_o they_o concur_v as_o ingredient_n to_o the_o same_o mediatorship_n reply_v 4._o i_o can_v find_v any_o thing_n in_o this_o answer_n to_o confute_v the_o synonimas_fw-la express_v by_o the_o dialogue_n i_o think_v this_o answer_n be_v mere_o intend_v to_o amuse_v the_o reader_n the_o dialogue_n show_v plain_o that_o all_o these_o three_o term_n be_v metaphorical_a synonimas_fw-la be_v all_o join_v together_o in_o this_o text_n to_o declare_v unto_o we_o the_o true_a manner_n how_o the_o lord_n make_v christ_n to_o bear_v all_o our_o sin_n as_o our_o sacrifice_n 1_o his_o death_n be_v put_v for_o his_o sacrifice_n 2_o his_o sacrifice_n bear_v all_o our_o sin_n from_o we_o because_o it_o procure_v god_n atonement_n 3_o by_o the_o eternal_a efficacy_n of_o his_o death_n and_o sacrifice_n he_o make_v continual_a intercession_n for_o we_o and_o so_o he_o do_v still_o bear_v our_o sin_n by_o his_o continual_a intercede_v god_n atonement_n and_o thus_o all_o these_o term_n be_v synonimas_fw-la and_o to_o this_o i_o shall_v speak_v more_o full_o in_o reply_n 18._o but_o say_v mr._n norton_n in_o page_n 45._o the_o force_n of_o this_o reason_n be_v that_o christ_n sacrifice_n be_v effectual_a to_o procure_v atonement_n therefore_o sin_n be_v not_o impute_v to_o he_o a_o mere_a non_fw-la sequitur_fw-la nay_o the_o contrary_a consequence_n be_v true_a christ_n say_v he_o appear_v that_o be_v be_v manifest_v in_o the_o flesh_n to_o put_v away_o sin_n heb._n 9_o 26._o be_v once_o offer_v to_o bear_v the_o sin_n of_o the_o many_o verse_n 28._o the_o greek_a word_n here_o use_v by_o paul_n and_o elsewhere_o by_o peter_n 1_o pet._n 2._o 24._o signify_v to_o take_v carry_v or_o bear_v up_o on_o high_a and_o that_o so_o as_o to_o bear_v away_o and_o this_o be_v a_o allusion_n to_o the_o rite_n of_o the_o whole_a burnt-offering_a reply_v 5._o in_o this_o answer_n mr._n norton_n labour_v to_o prove_v that_o christ_n bear_v our_o sin_n by_o god_n imputation_n by_o heb._n 9_o 26._o 28._o 28_o heb._n 9_o 26._o 28_o christ_n appear_v that_o be_v say_v he_o be_v manifest_v in_o the_o flesh_n he_o little_o mind_v the_o context_n in_o say_v that_o his_o appear_v here_o do_v signify_v his_o manifest_v in_o the_o flesh_n for_o it_o be_v easy_a to_o be_v discern_v that_o his_o appear_v here_o do_v signify_v his_o appear_v before_o 24._o dan._n 9_o 24._o god_n with_o his_o sacrifice_n for_o sin_n and_o that_o be_v three_o and_o thirty_o year_n after_o his_o first_o appear_v in_o the_o flesh_n as_o i_o note_v sin_n christ_n put_v away_o sin_n namely_o all_o sin_n offering_n by_o his_o be_v make_v the_o only_a true_a sacrifice_n for_o sin_n from_o his_o approach_n unto_o god_n in_o the_o begin_n of_o this_o chapter_n by_o which_o he_o put_v away_o sin_n namely_o all_o sin-offering_n according_a to_o that_o in_o dan._n 9_o 24._o seventy_o week_n be_v determine_v upon_o thy_o people_n and_o upon_o thy_o holy_a city_n to_o finish_v trespass_n offering_n and_o to_o end_v sin_n offering_n and_o to_o make_v reconciliation_n for_o iniquity_n as_o the_o meritorious_a cause_n and_o so_o to_o bring_v in_o a_o everlasting_a righteousness_n instead_o of_o the_o ceremonial_a as_o our_o money_n bring_v in_o our_o clothing_n and_o than_o it_o follow_v in_o paul_n next_o word_n that_o christ_n be_v once_o offer_v to_o bear_v the_o sin_n of_o many_o this_o greek_a word_n to_o bear_v here_o use_v by_o paul_n and_o elsewhere_o by_o peter_n say_v mr._n norton_n signify_v to_o take_v carry_v or_o bear_v up_o on_o high_a and_o that_o so_o as_o to_o bear_v away_o now_o apply_v his_o rule_n in_o page_n 44._o to_o what_o he_o say_v here_o and_o there_o he_o answer_v himself_o to_o what_o he_o reason_n here_o put_v case_n say_v he_o you_o produce_v a_o type_n which_o hold_v not_o forth_o bear_v of_o sin_n by_o imputation_n in_o the_o antitype_n except_o it_o may_v appear_v that_o the_o manner_n of_o christ_n bear_v sin_n be_v thereby_o full_o intend_v you_o conclude_v nothing_o so_o say_v i_o of_o this_o text_n of_o heb._n 9_o 28._o except_o mr._n norton_n can_v make_v it_o appear_v that_o the_o manner_n of_o christ_n bear_n our_o sin_n be_v full_o intend_v by_o this_o text_n to_o be_v by_o god_n legal_a imputation_n he_o conclude_v nothing_o he_o say_v that_o the_o greek_a word_n here_o for_o bear_v and_o in_o 1_o pet._n 2_o 24._o be_v the_o same_o i_o grant_v it_o but_o yet_o it_o have_v a_o several_a sense_n in_o those_o two_o place_n as_o i_o have_v show_v in_o the_o dialogue_n 1_o i_o have_v show_v that_o christ_n in_o his_o conflict_n with_o satan_n bear_v our_o sin_n as_o a_o porter_n bear_v a_o burden_n as_o it_o be_v in_o 1_o pet._n 2._o 24._o according_a to_o gen._n 3._o 15._o but_o second_o in_o heb._n 9_o 24._o he_o bear_v our_o sin_n as_o our_o priest_n and_o sacrifice_n when_o he_o die_v formal_o by_o his_o own_o priestly_a power_n by_o this_o sacrifice_n he_o procure_v god_n atonement_n by_o which_o our_o sin_n be_v formal_o bear_v away_o from_o we_o and_o say_v the_o apostle_n unto_o they_o that_o look_v for_o he_o shall_v he_o appear_v the_o second_o time_n without_o sin_n unto_o salvation_n namely_o he_o shall_v appear_v the_o second_o time_n without_o be_v make_v
a_o sacrifice_n for_o sin_n unto_o salvation_n which_o be_v thus_o open_v by_o the_o coherence_n of_o the_o chapter_n in_o vers_fw-la 12._o neither_o by_o the_o blood_n of_o goat_n buck_n and_o bull_n but_o by_o his_o own_o blood_n he_o go_v once_o for_o all_o into_o the_o holy_a place_n have_v find_v eternal_a redemption_n for_o we_o and_o therefore_o he_o come_v not_o the_o second_o time_n to_o be_v offer_v in_o sacrifice_n for_o sin_n but_o he_o shall_v come_v without_o 〈◊〉_d sin-sacrifice_n unto_o eternal_a salvation_n as_o i_o have_v show_v in_o ch._n 3._o in_o expound_v gal._n 4._o 4._o but_o say_v mr._n norton_n in_o page_n 45._o the_o person_n that_o bring_v his_o sacrifice_n be_v to_o put_v his_o hand_n upon_o the_o head_n thereof_o yet_o live_v leu._n 1._o 4._o as_o confess_v his_o guilt_n and_o put_v or_o impute_v it_o upon_o the_o beast_n to_o be_v sacrifice_v compare_v exod._n 29._o 10._o leu._n 4._o 4_o 29._o and_o 5._o 5_o 6._o and_o 16._o 21._o by_o the_o like_a ceremony_n of_o imposition_n of_o hand_n sin_n be_v charge_v both_o for_o the_o testify_a of_o the_o accusation_n and_o the_o ston_a of_o the_o offender_n deut._n 17._o 7._o gild_n thus_o typical_o impute_v to_o the_o beast_n it_o be_v slay_v and_o lay_v upon_o the_o altar_n reply_v 6._o the_o dialogue_n have_v clear_o show_v in_o page_n 33._o that_o the_o act_n of_o impose_v hand_n on_o the_o head_n of_o the_o sacrifice_n do_v typify_v 13._o prov_n 2d_o 13._o the_o owner_n faith_n of_o dependence_n on_o the_o true_a sacrifice_n that_o he_o confess_v and_o forsake_v his_o sin_n shall_v have_v god_n mercy_n namely_o through_o the_o true_a sacrifice_n he_o shall_v have_v god_n merciful_a atonement_n and_o reconciliation_n but_o say_v mr._n norton_n in_o page_n 234._o it_o be_v disprove_v that_o their_o lay_v on_o of_o hand_n do_v typify_v their_o rely_v upon_o the_o sacrifice_n of_o christ_n for_o such_o atonement_n reply_v 7._o i_o can_v as_o yet_o find_v it_o disprove_v and_o i_o have_v show_v in_o the_o dialogue_n that_o the_o lay_v on_o of_o hand_n do_v typify_v their_o faith_n of_o dependence_n in_o rely_v on_o the_o sacrifice_n of_o christ_n as_o the_o meritorious_a procure_a cause_n of_o god_n atonement_n if_o so_o than_o it_o do_v not_o signify_v god_n impute_v our_o sin_n to_o christ_n and_o therefore_o that_o inference_n be_v a_o false_a inference_n and_o no_o disprove_v of_o the_o dialogue_n but_o say_v mr._n norton_n in_o page_n 45._o by_o the_o like_a ceremony_n of_o imposition_n of_o hand_n sin_n be_v charge_v both_o for_o the_o testify_a of_o the_o accusation_n and_o the_o ston_a of_o the_o offender_n deut._n 17._o 7._o reply_v 8._o this_o be_v another_o false_a inference_n for_o the_o accusation_n 7._o the_o imposition_n of_o hand_n upon_o the_o head_n of_o the_o condemn_a person_n by_o the_o witness_n be_v to_o testify_v their_o say_v that_o the_o evidence_n they_o have_v give_v in_o against_o he_o be_v true_a deut._n 17._o 7._o be_v testify_v before_o his_o condemnation_n or_o else_o he_o can_v not_o have_v be_v condemn_v and_o that_o be_v do_v without_o any_o imposition_n of_o hand_n therefore_o this_o act_n of_o the_o witness_n in_o lay_v on_o their_o hand_n on_o the_o head_n of_o the_o condemn_a person_n be_v rather_o to_o testify_v their_o own_o personal_a faith_n and_o confidence_n to_o the_o thrower_n of_o stone_n that_o the_o testimony_n they_o have_v former_o give_v be_v true_a and_o thus_o mr._n nortons_n instance_n be_v a_o strong_a confutation_n of_o his_o kind_n of_o legal_a imputation_n as_o to_o the_o point_n of_o condemnation_n for_o this_o imposition_n be_v not_o ordain_v to_o signify_v the_o imputation_n of_o his_o sin_n before_o his_o sentence_n of_o condemnation_n 2_o as_o for_o the_o imposition_n of_o hand●_n upon_o the_o beast_n to_o be_v slay_v in_o sacrifice_n together_o with_o confession_n of_o sin_n it_o be_v clear_a by_o that_o confession_n that_o sin_n be_v impute_v to_o he_o that_o confess_v it_o and_o not_o to_o the_o beast_n and_o in_o that_o respect_n he_o present_v his_o clean_a beast_n to_o be_v sacrifice_v to_o reconcile_v god_n to_o he_o for_o his_o sin_n which_o he_o have_v confess_v and_o his_o imposition_n of_o hand_n testify_v his_o faith_n of_o dependence_n on_o his_o typical_a sacrifice_n for_o the_o procure_n of_o god_n atonement_n for_o his_o ceremonial_a sin_n and_o typify_v his_o faith_n of_o dependence_n on_o christ_n the_o true_a sacrifice_n for_o the_o procure_n of_o god_n atonement_n for_o his_o moral_a sin_n but_o i_o will_v not_o enlarge_v further_o here_o because_o the_o dialogue_n be_v full_a in_o this_o point_n where_o the_o impartial_a reader_n may_v find_v satisfaction_n the_o dialogue_n say_v thus_o if_o you_o will_v build_v the_o common_a doctrine_n of_o imputation_n upon_o this_o phrase_n the_o lord_n have_v lay_v all_o our_o iniquity_n upon_o christ_n then_o by_o the_o same_o phrase_n you_o must_v affirm_v that_o the_o father_n lay_v all_o our_o sin_n upon_o himself_o by_o impute_v all_o our_o sin_n to_o himself_o because_o the_o father_n be_v say_v to_o bear_v our_o sin_n as_o well_o as_o christ_n in_o psal_n 32._o 1._o and_o psal_n 25._o 18._o mr._n norton_n do_v thus_o answer_v in_o page_n 46._o this_o be_v but_o one_o place_n of_o very_a many_o whereupon_o the_o doctrine_n of_o imputation_n be_v build_v reply_v 9_o the_o reader_n may_v please_v to_o take_v notice_n of_o this_o confession_n but_o why_o then_o do_v himself_o make_v so_o much_o use_v of_o this_o scripture_n to_o prove_v his_o kind_n of_o imputation_n see_v now_o at_o last_o he_o grant_v it_o to_o be_v no_o sure_a proof_n for_o say_v he_o this_o be_v but_o one_o place_n of_o very_a many_o whereon_o the_o doctrine_n of_o imputation_n be_v build_v and_o yet_o i_o find_v it_o as_o much_o use_v for_o that_o purpose_n as_o any_o scripture_n except_o 2_o cor._n 5._o 21._o 2_o the_o dialogue_n do_v not_o deny_v but_o affirm_v that_o christ_n bear_v our_o sin_n both_o as_o a_o porter_n bear_v a_o burden_n in_o his_o conflict_n with_o satan_n according_a to_o god_n declare_v will_n in_o gen._n 3._o 15._o and_o also_o as_o our_o priestly_a mediator_n in_o procure_v god_n atonement_n for_o our_o sin_n by_o his_o propitiatory_a sacrifice_n the_o dialogue_n also_o affirm_v that_o god_n the_o father_n bear_v or_o bear_v away_o our_o sin_n as_o a_o reconcile_a supreme_a by_o acquit_v we_o of_o our_o sin_n upon_o satisfaction_n receive_v by_o the_o say_v propitiatory_a sacrifice_n of_o christ_n but_o mr._n norton_n make_v a_o wrong_a sense_n of_o the_o dialogue_n in_o this_o point_n as_o if_o the_o dialogue_n hold_v that_o the_o creditor_n pay_v the_o debt_n because_o he_o be_v say_v to_o discharge_v the_o debtor_n but_o i_o refer_v the_o reader_n for_o satisfaction_n to_o my_o reply_n to_o what_o reconciliation_n be_v in_o chap._n 14._o etc._n etc._n but_o say_v mr._n norton_n in_o page_n 46._o sure_o you_o mistake_v yourself_o in_o argue_v out_o of_o this_o text_n from_o the_o word_n nasa_n for_o nasa_n i●_n not_o in_o the_o text._n reply_v 10._o i_o never_o say_v that_o nasa_n be_v in_o this_o text_n of_o isa_n 53._o 6._o i_o cite_v nasa_n only_o from_o psal_n 32._o 1._o and_o from_o psal_n 25._o 18._o where_o the_o father_n be_v say_v to_o bear_v our_o sin_n and_o from_o thence_o the_o dialogue_n do_v reason_n to_o our_o translate_a term_n in_o isa_n 53._o 6._o the_o lord_n have_v lay_v upon_o he_o the_o iniquity_n of_o we_o all_o and_o hence_o the_o dialogue_n do_v reason_n thus_o if_o this_o phrase_n of_o lay_v up●●_n and_o so_o consequent_o of_o bear_v in_o isa_n 53._o 6._o do_v imply_v that_o christ_n do_v bear_v the_o guilt_n of_o our_o sin_n by_o god_n imputation_n then_o by_o that_o phrase_n the_o father_n must_v bear_v the_o guilt_n of_o our_o sin_n also_o for_o he_o be_v say_v to_o bear_v our_o sin_n in_o ps_n 32._o 1._o and_o in_o ps_n 25._o 18._o this_o argument_n be_v unavoidable_o true_a by_o build_v the_o doctrine_n of_o imputation_n upon_o that_o phrase_n 2_o by_o this_o nimble_a catch_n of_o mr._n nortons_n he_o will_v ●ave_n th●●_n reader_n to_o believe_v that_o the_o dialogue_n hold_v that_o which_o it_o hold_v not_o but_o i_o have_v more_o full_o answer_v to_o this_o cavil_n in_o chap._n 12._o sect._n 1._o and_o there_o i_o have_v show_v how_o mr._n norton_n have_v wrong_v the_o sense_n of_o the_o dialogue_n in_o other_o place_n also_o but_o say_v mr._n norton_n in_o page_n 49._o there_o be_v a_o difference_n between_o a_o act_n typify_a god_n imputation_n of_o sin_n unto_o christ_n and_o a_o act_n testify_v our_o faith_n concern_v god_n imputation_n of_o sin_n unto_o christ_n and_o say_v he_o you_o shall_v have_v produce_v your_o expositor_n
scape-goat_n it_o be_v sure_a enough_o that_o it_o must_v be_v do_v before_o its_o escape_n for_o after_o it_o be_v escape_v it_o be_v too_o late_o to_o lay_v on_o hand_n upon_o the_o head_n of_o it_o but_o say_v the_o dialogue_n it_o escape_v with_o that_o act_n of_o imposition_n upon_o the_o head_n of_o it_o and_o therefore_o that_o act_n of_o imposition_n do_v typify_v that_o christ_n do_v still_o bear_v our_o sin_n by_o god_n imputation_n in_o heaven_n as_o much_o as_o on_o earth_n but_o say_v the_o dialogue_n the_o hebrew_n doctor_n do_v not_o understand_v this_o imposition_n to_o typify_v god_n impute_v our_o sin_n to_o christ_n but_o on_o the_o contrary_a they_o understand_v it_o to_o be_v a_o typical_a sign_n of_o their_o faith_n of_o dependence_n depend_v upon_o christ_n sacrifice_n for_o the_o procure_n of_o god_n atonement_n for_o the_o sin_n they_o have_v confess_v over_o the_o head_n of_o it_o and_o so_o much_o the_o prayer_n of_o the_o high_a priest_n do_v import_n for_o when_o he_o impose_v his_o hand_n upon_o the_o live_a scape-goat_n he_o say_v thus_o o_o lord_n make_v atonement_n now_o for_o the_o sin_n and_o for_o the_o iniquity_n and_o for_o the_o trespass_n of_o thy_o people_n israel_n see_v ain_n in_o leu._n 16._o 21._o and_o in_o this_o sense_n the_o lord_n make_v the_o iniquity_n of_o we_o all_o to_o meet_v upon_o he_o because_o his_o once_a offering_n be_v sufficient_a to_o procure_v god_n atonement_n for_o all_o our_o iniquity_n mr._n norton_n answer_v thus_o in_o page_n 52._o mr._n ainsworth_n on_o this_o very_a place_n say_v that_o this_o act_n show_v how_o our_o sin_n shall_v be_v impute_v to_o christ_n it_o be_v not_o likely_a therefore_o that_o he_o so_o understand_v the_o hebrew_n doctor_n otherwise_o we_o may_v well_o think_v he_o will_v have_v forbear_v a_o needless_a citation_n reply_v 17._o the_o studious_a in_o mr._n ainsworth_n can_v but_o take_v notice_n that_o mr._n ainsworth_n do_v often_o cite_v the_o hebrew_n doctor_n in_o a_o differ_a sense_n from_o himself_o and_o so_o leave_v the_o reader_n to_o his_o choice_n 2_o the_o dialogue_n do_v not_o cite_v ainsworth_n in_o leu._n 16._o 21._o for_o his_o own_o judgement_n but_o for_o the_o judgement_n of_o the_o hebrew_n doctor_n cite_v by_o he_o as_o i_o show_v in_o the_o dialogue_n page_n 39_o and_o in_o the_o epistle_n to_o the_o reader_n page_n 3_o i_o have_v show_v that_o mr._n broughton_n who_o be_v well_o read_v in_o the_o hebrew_n doctor_n do_v often_o affirm_v that_o the_o jew_n general_o do_v stumble_v at_o these_o two_o position_n of_o we_o 1_o because_o we_o make_v christ_n to_o stand_v before_o god_n as_o a_o guilty_a sinner_n by_o his_o impute_v our_o sin_n to_o he_o and_o second_o because_o we_o make_v the_o messiah_n to_o suffer_v the_o vindicative_a curse_n of_o the_o law_n for_o our_o redemption_n but_o if_o the_o hebrew_n doctor_n have_v hold_v that_o imposition_n of_o hand_n with_o confession_n of_o sin_n upon_o the_o head_n of_o the_o sacrifice_n have_v typify_v god_n impute_v our_o sin_n to_o the_o sacrifice_n they_o can_v not_o have_v so_o stumble_v at_o our_o say_a tenant_n as_o they_o do_v they_o despise_v the_o impute_a righteousness_n of_o christ_n say_v mr._n weams_n in_o his_o four_o regeneration_n page_n 318._o and_o they_o jest_v at_o this_o that_o one_o shall_v be_v punish_v in_o a_o legal_a way_n for_o another_o fault_n 3_o it_o may_v be_v worth_a the_o while_n for_o such_o as_o be_v able_a to_o search_v into_o the_o hebrew_a doctor_n to_o see_v how_o they_o do_v understand_v the_o signification_n of_o this_o imposition_n with_o confession_n of_o sin_n 4_o say_v the_o dialogue_n if_o god_n impute_v the_o sin_n of_o the_o earth_n christ_n do_v still_o bear_v our_o sin_n in_o heaven_n as_o much_o by_o god_n imputation_n as_o ever_o he_o bear_v they_o upon_o earth_n elect_a to_o christ_n be_v the_o meritorious_a cause_n of_o god_n extreme_a wrath_n upon_o he_o then_o by_o the_o same_o reason_n christ_n do_v still_o bear_v the_o say_a wrath_n of_o god_n for_o christ_n do_v still_o bear_v our_o sin_n in_o heaven_n as_o much_o as_o ever_o he_o bear_v they_o here_o upon_o earth_n according_a to_o the_o type_n of_o the_o scape-goat_n mr._n norton_n answer_v thus_o in_o page_n 52._o christ_n on_o earth_n suffer_v the_o wrath_n of_o god_n that_o be_v the_o execution_n of_o divine_a justice_n because_o he_o then_o stand_v as_o a_o surety_n to_o satisfy_v the_o curse_n due_a for_o sin_n isa_n 5._o 3._o 10._o but_o have_v satisfy_v it_o joh._n 19_o 30._o col._n 2._o 14._o the_o same_o justice_n that_o before_o punish_v he_o now_o acquit_v he_o rom._n 8._o 34._o if_o the_o debtor_n be_v discharge_v and_o the_o bill_n cancel_v doubtless_o the_o surety_n be_v free_a reply_v 18._o i_o shall_v not_o need_v to_o examine_v the_o particular_n of_o this_o answer_n at_o this_o time_n because_o it_o be_v no_o answer_n but_o a_o plain_a evasion_n to_o the_o dialogue_n argument_n which_o be_v this_o christ_n by_o his_o intercession_n be_v still_o satisfy_v the_o justice_n of_o god_n for_o the_o sin_n of_o the_o elect_n even_o as_o long_o as_o the_o elect_n be_v under_o sin_n in_o this_o world_n and_o thence_o the_o dialogue_n infer_v that_o in_o case_n christ_n bear_v our_o sin_n here_o on_o earth_n by_o god_n imputation_n than_o he_o do_v still_o bear_v our_o sin_n in_o heaven_n by_o god_n imputation_n for_o he_o do_v still_o bear_v away_o our_o sin_n by_o his_o intercession_n in_o heaven_n according_a to_o the_o type_n of_o the_o scape-goat_n this_o argument_n mr._n norton_n have_v not_o answer_v but_o evade_v with_o a_o by-answ_a but_o say_v mr._n norton_n if_o the_o debtor_n be_v discharge_v and_o the_o bill_n cancel_v doubtless_o the_o surety_n be_v free_a i_o have_v oft_o reply_v that_o see_v mr._n norton_n do_v hold_v that_o christ_n as_o our_o legal_a surety_n have_v make_v full_a satisfaction_n in_o kind_n both_o by_o fulfil_v the_o law_n of_o work_n and_o suffer_v the_o eternal_a curse_n thence_o it_o follow_v according_a to_o his_o own_o conclusion_n that_o the_o surety_n have_v pay_v the_o full_a debt_n and_o cancel_v the_o bill_n the_o sinner_n be_v free_a from_o all_o sin_n ipso_fw-la facto_fw-la and_o so_o not_o liable_a to_o ask_v any_o pardon_n for_o sin_n at_o god_n hand_n nor_o liable_a to_o any_o temporal_a plague_n no_o more_o than_o adam_n in_o his_o innocency_n but_o say_v i_o because_o his_o satisfaction_n be_v but_o the_o tantidem_fw-la therefore_o it_o be_v otherwise_o even_o as_o i_o have_v show_v in_o chap._n 4._o 2_o this_o conclusion_n of_o mr._n nortons_n if_o the_o debtor_n be_v discharge_v and_o the_o bill_n cancel_v then_o doubtless_o the_o surety_n ●s_v free_a seem_v to_o be_v draw_v from_o col._n 2._o 14._o as_o he_o have_v cite_v it_o above_o blot_v out_o the_o hand-writing_n of_o ordinance_n that_o be_v against_o we_o which_o be_v contrary_a to_o we_o he_o take_v it_o out_o of_o the_o way_n nail_v it_o to_o the_o cross_n i_o say_v his_o conclusion_n from_o this_o scripture_n be_v a_o gross_a abuse_n of_o this_o scripture_n for_o though_o christ_n have_v blot_v out_o the_o hand-writing_n of_o the_o ceremoaial_a law_n that_o be_v against_o we_o yet_o for_o all_o that_o the_o moral_a law_n do_v still_o continue_v against_o we_o and_o do_v continual_o charge_v we_o with_o the_o breach_n thereof_o and_o therefore_o the_o debt_n of_o punishment_n due_a to_o we_o for_o sin_n be_v not_o discharge_v in_o full_a in_o respect_n of_o temporal_a plague_n though_o it_o be_v discharge_v in_o full_a in_o respect_n of_o eternal_a condemnation_n to_o all_o that_o believe_v in_o the_o promise_a seed_n i_o say_v that_o till_o the_o resurrection_n all_o the_o godly_a do_v still_o suffer_v for_o sin_n both_o in_o their_o life_n in_o their_o death_n and_o in_o their_o putrefaction_n in_o their_o grave_n and_o therefore_o they_o do_v still_o stand_v in_o need_n of_o the_o daily_a intercession_n of_o christ_n for_o the_o pardon_n of_o their_o sin_n by_o the_o satisfaction_n of_o christ_n continual_o present_v unto_o god_n and_o in_o this_o respect_n christ_n do_v still_o bear_v away_o our_o sin_n in_o heaven_n by_o his_o priestly_a intercession_n as_o much_o as_o ever_o he_o do_v when_o he_o be_v here_o upon_o earth_n as_o i_o note_v afore_o in_o reply_n 4._o and_o this_o do_v plain_o show_v that_o the_o satisfaction_n of_o christ_n be_v not_o ejusdem_fw-la but_o tantidem_fw-la if_o christ_n have_v be_v our_o legal_a surety_n to_o pay_v the_o uttermost_a farthing_n in_o kind_n at_o his_o death_n than_o our_o redemption_n have_v be_v perfect_a at_o once_o but_o because_o his_o satisfaction_n be_v but_o the_o tantidem_fw-la therefore_o it_o be_v agree_v that_o we_o shall_v have_v our_o redemption_n but_o
say_v to_o be_v a_o sin_n sacrifice_n for_o we_o as_o it_o be_v right_o and_o full_o open_v in_o the_o dialogue_n this_o phrase_n he_o be_v to_o be_v make_v sin_n for_o we_o say_v the_o dialogue_n must_v not_o be_v take_v in_o a_o proper_a literal_a sense_n but_o in_o a_o metaphorical_a sense_n be_v borrow_v from_o the_o levitical_a law_n where_o the_o sacrifice_n for_o sin_n be_v often_o call_v sin_n in_o the_o hebrew_n text_n though_o our_o english_a translation_n have_v add_v the_o word_n sacrifice_n by_o way_n of_o exposition_n as_o for_o example_n in_o exod._n 29._o 14_o 36._o the_o hebrew_n say_v thus_o it_o be_v a_o sin_n but_o we_o translate_v it_o thus_o it_o be_v a_o sin-offering_a we_o add_v the_o word_n offer_v to_o the_o word_n sin_n as_o the_o hebrew_n text_n also_o sometime_o do_v though_o very_o rare_o as_o in_o leu._n 6._o 26._o and_o leu._n 9_o 15._o the_o priest_n that_o offer_v it_o for_o sin_n this_o be_v very_a near_o the_o word_n sin-offering_a but_o almost_o every_o where_o the_o hebrew_n do_v call_v it_o a_o sin_n without_o any_o addition_n as_o in_o ex._n 29._o 14_o 36._o ex._n 30._o 10._o leu._n 4._o 3._o 8_o 14_o 20_o 21_o 24_o 25_o 26_o 29_o 32_o 33._o leu._n 5._o 6_o 7_o 8_o 9_o 11_o 12_o leu._n 6._o 17_o 25_o 30._o leu._n 7._o 7_o 27._o le._n 8._o 2_o 14._o leu._n 9_o 2_o 3_o 7_o 8_o 10_o 15_o 22_o leu._n 10._o 16_o 17_o 19_o leu._n 12._o 6_o 8._o leu._n 14._o 13_o 19_o 22_o 31._o leu._n 15._o 15_o 30._o leu._n 16_o 3_o 5_o 6_o 9_o 11_o 15_o 25_o 27._o leu._n 23._o 19_o num._n 6._o 11_o 14_o 16._o num._n 7._o 16_o 22_o 28_o 34_o 40_o 46_o 52_o 58_o 64_o 70_o 76_o 82_o 87._o num._n 8._o 8_o 12._o num._n 18._o 9_o num._n 28._o 15_o 22._o num._n 29._o 11_o 16_o 19_o 22_o 25_o 34_o 38._o 2_o chron._n 29._o 21_o 23_o 24._o ezra_n 8._o 35_o ezra_n 10._o 33._o ezek_n 40._o 39_o ezek._n 42._o 13._o ezek._n 43._o 21_o 22_o 25._o ezek._n 44._o 29._o ezek._n 46._o 20._o hos_fw-la 4._o 8._o hos_fw-la 8._o 11._o in_o all_o these_o place_n the_o sin-offering_a be_v call_v sin_n in_o the_o hebrew_n text_n and_o this_o hebraism_n the_o septuagint_n do_v follow_v and_o the_o chaldy_n paraphrase_n and_o the_o apostle_n paul_n in_o 2_o cor._n 5._o 21._o and_o in_o rom._n 8._o 3._o and_o heb._n 10._o 26._o and_o the_o use_n be_v to_o expiate_v moral_a sin_n do_v in_o ignorance_n but_o chief_o it_o be_v to_o expiate_v their_o ceremonial_a sin_n as_o the_o place_n cite_v do_v witness_n these_o scripture_n do_v stare_v in_o the_o face_n of_o such_o as_o make_v christ_n to_o be_v sin_n for_o we_o by_o a_o judicial_a imputation_n as_o judge_n do_v when_o they_o impute_v sin_n to_o malefactor_n as_o the_o meritorious_a cause_n of_o inflict_v legal_a punishment_n upon_o they_o 6_o it_o be_v add_v which_o know_v no_o sin_n namely_o no_o sin_n formal_o neither_o by_o inherent_a corruption_n nor_o by_o god_n legal_a imputation_n and_o yet_o notwithstanding_o though_o he_o be_v every_o way_n free_a god_n do_v let_v satan_n loose_v upon_o he_o as_o upon_o a_o malefactor_n to_o combat_v with_o his_o humane_a nature_n to_o ensnare_v he_o in_o some_o sin_n or_o other_o and_o to_o impute_v sin_n to_o he_o and_o so_o to_o pierce_v he_o in_o the_o footsoals_a as_o a_o wicked_a malefactor_n on_o the_o tree_n and_o in_o this_o sense_n it_o be_v say_v by_o peter_n that_o god_n make_v he_o to_o bear_v our_o sin_n in_o his_o body_n on_o the_o tree_n these_o punishment_n of_o sin_n christ_n suffer_v not_o necessary_o as_o we_o guilty_a sinner_n do_v from_o god_n formal_a imputation_n of_o sin_n but_o voluntary_o as_o a_o combater_n with_o satan_n without_o any_o formal_a guilt_n or_o desert_n on_o his_o part_n and_o second_o he_o bear_v our_o sin_n as_o our_o priest_n and_o sacrifice_n by_o procure_v reconciliation_n and_o therefore_o he_o be_v say_v in_o isa_n 53._o 10._o to_o make_v himself_o asham_n a_o trespass_n or_o sin_n as_o the_o septuagint_n translate_v it_o and_o thus_o you_o see_v that_o christ_n make_v himself_o to_o be_v sin_n as_o much_o as_o god_n make_v he_o to_o be_v sin_n namely_o to_o be_v a_o sacrifice_n for_o sin_n and_o no_o otherwise_o as_o i_o have_v show_v in_o the_o dialogue_n in_o page_n 42._o 7_o the_o reason_n or_o the_o end_n why_o god_n make_v he_o to_o be_v sin_n be_v 18._o it_o be_v the_o righteousness_n of_o each_o person_n i●_n trinity_n to_o perform_v their_o covenant_n to_o each_o other_o for_o the_o orderly_a reconcile_n and_o justify_v of_o the_o elect._n rom._n 5._o 18._o add_v in_o the_o next_o clause_n that_o we_o may_v be_v make_v the_o righteousness_n of_o god_n and_o this_o do_v call_v to_o our_o consideration_n the_o covenant_n between_o the_o trinity_n for_o man_n redemption_n for_o the_o text_n say_v that_o god_n be_v in_o christ_n reconcile_n the_o world_n to_o himself_o vers_fw-la 19_o 1_o consider_v that_o christ_n covenant_v with_o his_o father_n to_o combat_v with_o satan_n and_o at_o last_o to_o be_v make_v a_o sacrifice_n for_o sin_n as_o the_o meritorious_a cause_n for_o our_o reconciliation_n and_o justification_n and_o hence_o it_o follow_v that_o as_o soon_o as_o he_o have_v perform_v the_o say_a sin-sacrifice_n it_o be_v true_o call_v his_o righteousness_n in_o rom._n 5._o 18._o and_o this_o be_v the_o true_a and_o full_a interpretation_n of_o the_o word_n righteousness_n in_o that_o text._n 2_o on_o the_o other_o hand_n the_o stipulation_n or_o covenant_n of_o the_o father_n be_v that_o upon_o the_o performance_n of_o christ_n sacrifice_n he_o will_v be_v reconcile_v to_o believe_a sinner_n and_o the_o performance_n of_o this_o reconciliation_n on_o god_n the_o father_n part_n be_v call_v the_o righteousness_n of_o god_n in_o this_o text_n and_o in_o this_o sense_n the_o argument_n of_o the_o apostle_n do_v run_v from_o verse_n 19_o to_o the_o end_n of_o this_o 21._o vers_fw-la 8_o in_o he_o that_o be_v to_o say_v in_o christ_n for_o as_o soon_o as_o sinner_n be_v in_o christ_n by_o the_o work_n of_o the_o holy_a ghost_n they_o be_v make_v partaker_n of_o god_n righteousness_n for_o according_a to_o his_o covenant_n with_o christ_n it_o be_v his_o righteousness_n to_o be_v full_o reconcile_v to_o sinner_n as_o soon_o as_o they_o be_v in_o christ_n by_o faith_n by_o which_o mean_v their_o sin_n be_v pardon_v and_o so_o they_o be_v justify_v from_o sin_n or_o make_v formal_o righteous_a by_o this_o righteousness_n of_o god_n the_o father_n and_o thus_o have_v i_o open_v the_o true_a sense_n of_o this_o verse_n by_o which_o it_o do_v appear_v that_o mr._n nortons_n first_o comparative_a argument_n be_v not_o frame_v neither_o to_o the_o word_n nor_o to_o the_o true_a sense_n of_o this_o verse_n sect_n iii_o in_o chapter_n 6._o i_o have_v make_v a_o examination_n of_o mr._n nortons_n several_a expression_n about_o god_n judicial_a impute_v our_o sin_n to_o christ_n and_o i_o little_a question_n but_o what_o i_o have_v say_v in_o that_o hold_v no_o scripture_n right_o interpret_v make_v our_o sin_n to_o be_v formal_o impute_v to_o christ_n by_o god_n legal_a imputation_n as_o mr._n norton_n hold_v chapter_n and_o in_o chap._n 13._o and_o what_o i_o say_v in_o this_o 14._o chapter_n will_v satisfy_v the_o judicious_a and_o unpartial_a reader_n 2_o consider_v the_o frame_n of_o mr._n nortons_n argument_n and_o i_o think_v the_o very_a name_n of_o it_o shall_v sufficient_o show_v the_o dangerousnesse_n of_o it_o christ_n say_v he_o be_v make_v sin_n for_o we_o as_o we_o be_v make_v righteous_a by_o the_o righteousness_n of_o christ_n that_o be_v say_v he_o he_o be_v make_v sin_n by_o god_n judicial_a imputation_n namely_o a_o true_a sinner_n formal_o and_o so_o in_o like_a sort_n he_o hold_v that_o christ_n righteousness_n be_v impute_v unto_o we_o to_o make_v a_o real_a change_n in_o our_o condition_n by_o make_v we_o formal_o righteous_a and_o thus_o by_o his_o comparative_a argument_n our_o sin_n be_v real_o impute_v to_o christ_n to_o make_v a_o real_a change_n in_o his_o condition_n namely_o to_o make_v he_o a_o sinner_n formal_o by_o god_n judicial_a imputation_n that_o so_o god_n may_v in_o justice_n inflict_v upon_o he_o the_o essential_a punishment_n of_o hell-torment_n do_v not_o the_o very_a repetition_n of_o this_o argument_n plain_o enough_o show_v the_o dangerousnesse_n of_o it_o 3_o mr._n anthony_n wotton_n show_v that_o it_o be_v a_o palpable_a mistake_n to_o assert_v the_o imputation_n of_o our_o sin_n to_o christ_n in_o the_o sense_n of_o mr._n norton_n in_o reconcil_n peccatoris_fw-la part_n 2._o lib._n 1._o cap._n 18._o sect._n 4._o and_o to_o the_o end_n of_o the_o chapter_n of_o which_o i_o shall_v speak_v more_a by_o
augustine_n word_n as_o some_o do_v in_o relation_n to_o mr._n norton_n tenent_n but_o in_o relation_n to_o the_o sense_n of_o the_o ancient_a divine_n 5_o jerom_n in_o 2_o cor._n 5._o say_v the_o father_n make_v christ_n who_o know_v no_o sin_n to_o be_v sin_n for_o we_o that_o be_v as_o the_o sacrifice_n for_o sin_n be_v call_v sin_n in_o the_o law_n as_o it_o be_v write_v in_o leviticus_n he_o shall_v lay_v his_o hand_n upon_o the_o head_n of_o his_o sin_n so_o christ_n be_v offer_v for_o our_o sin_n take_v the_o name_n of_o sin_n 6_o primasius_n give_v the_o same_o exposition_n on_o 2_o cor._n 5._o 21._o that_o jerom_n and_o divers_a other_o of_o the_o father_n do_v and_o that_o exposition_n be_v the_o right_a exposition_n of_o 2_o cor._n 5._o 21._o but_o other_o both_o of_o the_o ancient_a and_o latter_a divine_n say_v he_o be_v make_v sin_n by_o suffer_v our_o punishment_n as_o chrysostome_n and_o theophilact_v before_o cite_v by_o mr._n wotton_n on_o 2_o cor._n 5._o 21._o but_o if_o this_o exposition_n have_v be_v place_v to_o 1_o pet._n 2._o 24._o it_o have_v be_v fit_a there_o yet_o there_o be_v the_o less_o fault_n to_o be_v find_v in_o place_v it_o to_o 2_o cor._n 5._o 21._o because_o the_o doctrine_n be_v sound_a and_o good_a these_o two_o way_n do_v the_o ancient_a divine_n say_v that_o christ_n be_v make_v sin_n first_o as_o he_o be_v make_v a_o sacrifice_n for_o sin_n and_o second_o as_o he_o suffer_v our_o punishment_n in_o his_o body_n on_o the_o tree_n but_o they_o do_v no_o where_n make_v he_o guilty_a of_o our_o sin_n by_o god_n judicial_a imputation_n but_o by_o the_o devil_n cunning_a sin_n be_v impute_v to_o he_o for_o he_o be_v count_v among_o transgressor_n mar._n 15._o 28._o 14._o de_fw-fr verbis_fw-la ap●_n ser._n 14._o 7_o say_v austin_n christ_n have_v the_o similitude_n of_o sinful_a flesh_n because_o his_o flesh_n be_v mortal_a but_o utter_o without_o any_o sin_n that_o by_o sin_n for_o similitude_n he_o may_v condemn_v the_o sin_n which_o be_v in_o our_o flesh_n through_o our_o iniquity_n true_a iniquity_n in_o christ_n there_o be_v none_o mortality_n there_o be_v christ_n take_v not_o our_o sin_n unto_o he_o he_o take_v the_o punishment_n of_o our_o sin_n and_o take_v the_o punishment_n without_o our_o fault_n or_o guilt_n he_o heal_v both_o the_o punishment_n and_o the_o fault_n see_v also_o in_o austin_n cite_v in_o chap._n 15._o 8_o say_v cyril_n he_o that_o know_v no_o sin_n god_n the_o father_n make_v to_o emisario_n in_o his_o epist_n ad_fw-la acatium_fw-la de_fw-la capro_fw-la emisario_n be_v sin_n for_o we_o we_o do_v not_o say_v say_v he_o that_o christ_n be_v make_v a_o sinner_n god_n forbid_v mark_v that_o he_o put_v a_o god_n forbid_v upon_o such_o a_o speech_n 35●_n in_o his_o seven_o candlestick_n p._n 35●_n 9_o say_v dr._n williams_n christ_n take_v all_o our_o blameless_a infirmity_n and_o not_o our_o sinful_a infirmity_n but_o luther_n say_v he_o make_v he_o the_o great_a thief_n etc._n etc._n it_o be_v better_a say_v he_o to_o cover_v his_o nakedness_n as_o sem_fw-mi and_z japhet_n do_v noah_n then_o disclose_v it_o in_o gath_n etc._n etc._n but_o mr._n norton_n be_v of_o a_o contrary_a judgement_n for_o in_o page_n 92._o he_o do_v publish_v luther_n broad_a expression_n of_o impute_v our_o personal_a sin_n to_o christ_n with_o high_a commendation_n because_o it_o suit_v so_o well_o to_o his_o tenent_n and_o so_o do_v dr._n crispses_n sermon_n on_o 2_o cor._n 5._o 21._o agree_v well_o to_o mr._n nortons_n imputation_n for_o say_v he_o the_o apostle_n meaning_n be_v that_o no_o transgressor_n in_o the_o world_n be_v such_o a_o transgressor_n as_o christ_n be_v have_v thou_o be_v say_v he_o a_o idolater_n a_o blasphemer_n a_o murderer_n a_o adulterer_n a_o thief_n a_o liar_n a_o drunkard_n etc._n etc._n if_o thou_o have_v part_n in_o christ_n all_o these_o transgression_n of_o thou_o be_v become_v actual_o the_o transgression_n of_o christ_n and_o so_o cease_v to_o be_v thou_o also_o another_o book_n of_o great_a esteem_n call_v the_o sum_n of_o divinity_n set_v forth_o by_o john_n downame_n in_o page_n 317._o do_v distinguish_v between_o sin_n and_o guilt_n and_o yet_o at_o last_o he_o conclude_v as_o mr._n norton_n do_v that_o god_n do_v impute_v both_o these_o to_o christ_n first_o our_o sin●_n and_o second_o our_o guilt_n and_o for_o the_o proof_n of_o this_o he_o cite_v 2_o cor._n 5._o 21._o do_v not_o these_o thing_n speak_v aloud_o to_o all_o that_o love_v the_o truth_n in_o sincerity_n to_o look_v better_o to_o the_o exposition_n of_o this_o and_o other_o scripture_n it_o be_v record_v that_o one_o augustinus_n de_fw-fr roma_n archbishop_n of_o nazaret_n be_v censure_v in_o the_o council_n of_o basil_n and_o that_o just_o as_o i_o conceive_v for_o affirm_v that_o christ_n be_v peccatorum_fw-la maximus_fw-la the_o great_a of_o sinner_n 10_o let_v peter_n martyr_n show_v his_o judgement_n how_o christ_n be_v in_o the_o similitude_n of_o sinful_a flesh_n in_o rom._n 8._o 3._o it_o mean_v nothing_o else_o say_v he_o but_o that_o he_o be_v subject_a unto_o heat_n cold_a hunger_n thirst_n contumely_n and_o death_n for_o these_o say_v he_o be_v the_o effect_n of_o sin_n and_o therefore_o say_v he_o the_o flesh_n of_o christ_n may_v well_o be_v call_v the_o flesh_n of_o sin_n and_o the_o next_o sentence_n run_v thus_o christ_n condemn_v sin_n in_o the_o flesh_n of_o sin_n that_o be_v say_v he_o by_o that_o oblation_n which_o be_v for_o sin_n vatablus_n sin_n sin_n in_o rom._n 8._o 3._o be_v expound_v a_o sacrifice_n for_o sin_n by_o o●gen_n melanctho●_n bucer_n calven_n percrius_fw-la and_o vatablus_n sin_n say_v he_o after_o the_o hebrew_n manner_n of_o speak_v be_v a_o sacrifice_n fot_o sin_n and_o say_v he_o that_o exposition_n which_o we_o bring_v of_o the_o sacrifice_n for_o sin_n be_v agreeable_a to_o other_o testimony_n of_o scripture_n for_o isaiah_n write_v of_o christ_n say_v if_o he_o shall_v put_v his_o soul_n sin_n that_o be_v for_o sin_n isa_n 53._o 10._o and_o so_o he_o which_o know_v no_o sin_n be_v make_v sin_n for_o we_o 2_o cor._n 5._o 21._o thus_o far_o peter_n martyr_n and_o as_o yet_o i_o can_v find_v no_o other_o imputation_n in_o peter_n martyr_n but_o such_o as_o the_o ancient_a father_n hold_v namely_o that_o christ_n take_v our_o sin_n upon_o he_o mean_v our_o punishment_n in_o his_o body_n on_o the_o tree_n according_a to_o 1_o pet._n 2._o 24._o 11_o gregory_n say_v the_o lord_n come_v in_o flesh_n neither_o take_v on_o 2._o in_o moralium_fw-la l._n 24._o c._n 2._o he_o our_o fault_n by_o any_o infection_n nor_o our_o punishment_n by_o any_o coaction_n for_o be_v defile_v with_o no_o stain_n of_o sin_n he_o can_v not_o be_v hold_v by_o any_o condition_n of_o our_o guiltiness_n therefore_o tread_v all_o necessity_n under_o his_o foot_n of_o his_o own_o accord_n when_o he_o will_v he_o admit_v our_o death_n in_o these_o word_n he_o say_v plain_o that_o christ_n be_v no_o way_n guilty_a of_o our_o sin_n as_o the_o obligation_n to_o his_o death_n and_o suffering_n but_o that_o he_o admit_v death_n from_o the_o voluntary_a cause_n only_o he_o do_v point_n blank_a oppose_v mr._n norton_n tenent_n ibidem_fw-la we_o all_o die_v against_o our_o will_n because_o we_o be_v tie_v to_o the_o debt_n of_o endure_a punishment_n by_o the_o condition_n of_o our_o sin_n but_o he_o that_o be_v entangle_v with_o no_o fault_n can_v not_o be_v bind_v to_o any_o penalty_n by_o necessity_n yet_o because_o he_o subdue_v our_o sin_n by_o reign_v over_o it_o in_o mercy_n and_o pity_n to_o we_o he_o undertake_v our_o punishment_n as_o himself_o say_v i_o have_v power_n to_o lay_v down_o my_o soul_n no_o man_n take_v it_o from_o i_o i_o have_v power_n to_o lay_v it_o down_o of_o myself_o in_o these_o word_n he_o contradict_v mr._n nortons_n kind_n of_o imputation_n as_o if_o he_o have_v purposely_o direct_v his_o speech_n against_o he_o 12_o of_o our_o two_o death_n say_v bernard_n whereof_o one_o be_v the_o 11._o ad_fw-la milites_fw-la templi_fw-la c._n 11._o desert_n of_o sin_n namely_o our_o spiritual_a death_n in_o sin_n the_o other_o the_o due_a punishment_n namely_o bodily_a death_n as_o the_o punishment_n of_o original_a sin_n christ_n take_v our_o punishment_n but_o clear_a from_o sin_n while_o he_o die_v willing_o and_o only_o in_o body_n he_o merit_v for_o we_o life_n and_o righteousness_n he_o write_v against_o mr._n nortons_n imputation_n of_o guilt_n as_o the_o obligation_n to_o christ_n suffer_a hell-torment_n as_o if_o he_o have_v see_v his_o book_n ibidem_fw-la have_v not_o christ_n die_v voluntary_o his_o death_n say_v he_o have_v not_o be_v meritorious_a how_o much_o more_o unworthy_o he_o
die_v that_o have_v not_o deserve_v death_n so_o much_o more_o just_o man_n live_v for_o who_o he_o die_v what_o justice_n thou_o will_v ask_v be_v this_o that_o a_o innocent_a shall_v die_v for_o a_o malefactor_n it_o be_v no_o justice_n it_o be_v mercy_n if_o it_o be_v justice_n than_o shall_v he_o not_o die_v free_o but_o indebt_v thereto_o and_o if_o indebt_v then_o indeed_o he_o shall_v die_v but_o the_o other_o for_o who_o he_o die_v shall_v not_o live_v yet_o though_o it_o be_v not_o justice_n it_o be_v not_o against_o justice_n otherwise_o he_o can_v not_o be_v both_o just_a and_o merciful_a if_o the_o reader_n please_v but_o to_o review_v the_o several_a speech_n of_o mr._n norton_n about_o the_o imputation_n of_o our_o sin_n to_o christ_n as_o i_o have_v set_v they_o down_o in_o the_o six_o chapter_n and_o compare_v they_o with_o these_o word_n of_o bernard_n he_o may_v see_v as_o direct_v a_o opposition_n as_o be_v possible_a hence_o i_o conclude_v that_o the_o ancient_a divine_n from_o irenaeus_n to_o bernard_n which_o be_v near_o a_o thousand_o year_n space_n be_v unacquainted_a with_o mr._n nortons_n kind_n of_o impute_v our_o sin_n to_o christ_n to_o make_v he_o guilty_a of_o his_o death_n and_o suffering_n and_o therefore_o his_o kind_n of_o imputation_n be_v a_o doctrine_n but_o of_o late_a day_n sect_n v._o the_o second_o thing_n to_o be_v examine_v in_o 2_o cor._n 5_o 21._o be_v touch_v the_o word_n righteousness_n which_o mr._n norton_n in_o his_o comparative_a argument_n do_v make_v to_o be_v the_o righteousness_n of_o christ_n but_o i_o have_v already_o show_v that_o this_o word_n righteousness_n be_v not_o mean_v of_o christ_n righteousness_n but_o of_o god_n the_o father_n righteousness_n for_o god_n the_o father_n be_v righteous_a in_o keep_v covenant_n with_o christ_n the_o mediator_n for_o the_o reconciliation_n of_o sinner_n as_o well_o as_o christ_n be_v righteous_a in_o perform_v the_o covenant_n on_o his_o part_n which_o be_v to_o make_v his_o soul_n a_o sacrifice_n for_o their_o reconciliation_n the_o covenant_n between_o the_o trinity_n be_v to_o redeem_v the_o elect_a from_o satan_n headplot_n christ_n undertake_v the_o office_n of_o a_o mediatorial_n priest_n first_o to_o combat_v with_o satan_n righteousness_n god_n forgiveness_n be_v the_o formal_a cause_n of_o a_o sinners_n righteousness_n and_o second_o to_o make_v his_o soul_n a_o sacrifice_n of_o reconciliation_n and_o the_o performance_n of_o this_o be_v call_v his_o righteousness_n in_o rom._n 5._o 18._o and_o second_o god_n the_o father_n covenant_v to_o be_v reconcile_v and_o so_o to_o pardon_v the_o sin_n of_o the_o elect_n as_o soon_o as_o they_o be_v in_o christ_n and_o his_o performance_n of_o this_o be_v here_o call_v the_o righteousness_n of_o god_n the_o father_n and_o three_o the_o holy_a ghost_n covenant_v to_o unite_v the_o elect_a unto_o christ_n that_o so_o they_o may_v be_v the_o fit_a subject_n of_o the_o say_a righteousness_n 2_o i_o grant_v that_o the_o righteousness_n of_o god_n may_v be_v distinguish_v into_o many_o other_o sense_n as_o mr._n wotton_n have_v show_v the_o reconcil_n pec_fw-la part_n 2._o l._n 1._o c._n 20._o n._n 3._o which_o several_a sense_n must_v be_v consider_v according_a to_o the_o context_n in_o each_o place_n where_o it_o be_v use_v but_o in_o this_o place_n god_n reconcile_a the_o world_n to_o himself_o by_o not_o impute_v their_o sin_n to_o they_o as_o it_o be_v express_v in_o verse_n 19_o i●_n call_v the_o righteousness_n of_o god_n in_o this_o 21._o verse_n because_o it_o be_v the_o performance_n of_o his_o condition_n with_o the_o mediator_n for_o the_o complete_n of_o a_o sinner_n righteousness_n that_o be_v in_o christ_n the_o reconciliation_n mention_v say_v mr._n ball_n in_o 2_o cor._n 5._o 19_o 219._o ball_n on_o the_o covenant_n p._n 219._o be_v explain_v by_o the_o non-imputation_n or_o remission_n of_o sin_n a●_n lest_o say_v he_o it_o be_v one_o part_n or_o branch_n of_o reconciliation_n which_o be_v a_o transient_a act_n confer_v in_o time_n and_o infer_v a_o change_n of_o state_n and_o condition_n in_o the_o party_n justify_v or_o reconcile_v and_o of_o other_o reconciliation_n betwixt_o god_n and_o man_n the_o scripture_n speak_v not_o in_o these_o word_n the_o reader_n may_v please_v to_o take_v notice_n that_o mr._n ball_n do_v make_v the_o non-imputation_n of_o sin_n to_o be_v all_o one_o with_o justification_n in_o the_o party_n justify_v or_o reconcile_v and_o so_o he_o make_v justification_n to_o be_v the_o first_o part_n or_o branch_n of_o reconciliation_n as_o mr._n wotton_n do_v and_o say_v mr._n ball_n in_o page_n 219._o the_o apostle_n in_o rom._n 5._o 9_o 10._o 10._o rom._n 5._o 9_o 10._o put_v reconciliation_n by_o the_o death_n of_o the_o son_n of_o god_n and_o justification_n by_o christ_n blood_n for_o the_o same_o thing_n merit_v by_o christ_n sacrifice_n these_o observation_n out_o of_o mr._n ball_n may_v advise_v we_o that_o god_n righteousness_n procure_v by_o the_o sin-sacrifice_n of_o christ_n in_o v._o 21._o be_v the_o same_o or_o at_o least_o a_o branch_n of_o the_o same_o reconciliation_n of_o god_n which_o the_o apostle_n have_v define_v in_o verse_n 19_o by_o his_o not_o impute_v sin_n and_o the_o performance_n of_o that_o reconciliation_n or_o non-imputation_n of_o sin_n on_o god_n part_n for_o the_o sake_n of_o christ_n sin-sacrifice_n be_v call_v the_o righteousness_n of_o god_n the_o father_n in_o this_o 21._o verse_n and_o this_o exposition_n of_o the_o righteousness_n of_o god_n any_o indifferent_a reader_n may_v see_v to_o be_v clear_o mean_v by_o the_o context_n though_o i_o shall_v say_v no_o more_o but_o i_o will_v yet_o further_o evidence_n that_o this_o exposition_n of_o god_n righteousness_n be_v no_o new_a upstart_n exposition_n but_o that_o it_o have_v the_o concurrence_n and_o countenance_n of_o other_o eminent_a orthodox_n divine_n 1_o peter_n martyr_n in_o rom._n 10._o 3._o say_v thus_o now_o rest_v to_o see_v what_o be_v the_o righteousness_n of_o god_n and_o it_o may_v thus_o be_v define_v it_o be_v a_o absolution_n from_o sin_n by_o faith_n through_o christ_n and_o say_v he_o that_o we_o may_v the_o better_o understand_v the_o nature_n of_o this_o absolution_n we_o must_v on_o the_o other_o side_n weigh_v the_o nature_n of_o sin_n sin_n be_v a_o defect_n or_o fall_v away_o from_o the_o law_n and_o will_n of_o god_n and_o to_o this_o defect_n be_v necessary_o annex_v a_o obligation_n to_o eternal_a death_n and_o damnation_n wherefore_o when_o by_o the_o mercy_n of_o god_n this_o obligation_n and_o guiltiness_n be_v take_v away_o a_o man_n be_v absolve_v from_o his_o sin_n ibidem_fw-la now_o by_o these_o thing_n say_v he_o it_o be_v manifest_v what_o absolution_n be_v it_o be_v a_o action_n of_o god_n the_o father_n whereby_o he_o deliver_v and_o acquit_v we_o from_o sin_n that_o be_v from_o guiltiness_n and_o obligation_n to_o eternal_a death_n but_o say_v he_o in_o the_o second_o place_n that_o we_o shall_v not_o think_v that_o so_o great_a benefit_n come_v through_o our_o desert_n therefore_o it_o be_v add_v through_o christ_n and_o say_v he_o in_o the_o three_o place_n that_o we_o shall_v not_o be_v ignorant_a how_o the_o sacrifice_n and_o redemption_n of_o christ_n be_v apply_v to_o every_o one_o of_o we_o it_o be_v add_v by_o faith_n this_o definition_n say_v he_o be_v a_o great_a help_n to_o the_o right_a understanding_n of_o justification_n and_o this_o righteousness_n paul_n say_v be_v the_o righteousness_n of_o god_n ibidem_fw-la and_o say_v he_o the_o commentary_n which_o be_v ascribe_v unto_o jer●m_n do_v herein_o very_a well_o agree_v they_o be_v not_o subject_a to_o the_o righteousness_n of_o god_n that_o be_v say_v he_o the_o absolution_n of_o sin_n and_o le●t_o we_o shall_v in_o our_o thought_n mistake_v the_o true_a nature_n of_o this_o righteousness_n of_o god_n whereby_o he_o make_v sinner_n that_o be_v in_o christ_n righteous_a he_o give_v this_o special_a caution_n to_o be_v mark_v ibidem_fw-la by_o these_o thing_n say_v he_o let_v we_o gather_v that_o this_o righteousness_n of_o god_n be_v far_o distant_a from_o the_o righteousness_n that_o be_v know_v by_o nature_n for_o neither_o reason_n nor_o philosophy_n know_v any_o other_o righteousness_n but_o that_o which_o have_v its_o abide_n in_o the_o mind_n not_o that_o they_o be_v ignorant_a of_o absolution_n or_o of_o the_o pacify_v of_o god_n for_o that_o thing_n do_v their_o sacrifice_n ●estifie_v but_o this_o pacify_v of_o god_n they_o do_v not_o call_v our_o righteousness_n neither_o ever_o understand_v they_o the_o true_a pacify_v of_o god_n nor_o wherein_o it_o consist_v thus_o far_o p._n martyr_n in_o rom._n 10._o 3._o he_o have_v speak_v of_o the_o righteousness_n of_o god_n afore_o this_o in_o rom._n 1._o 17._o and_o
merciful_a be_v as_o much_o as_o i_o will_v be_v reconcile_v or_o atone_v to_o their_o unrighteousness_n for_o the_o greek_a word_n 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d be_v use_v by_o the_o septuagint_n to_o express_v the_o force_n of_o the_o hebrew_n word_n caphar_n in_o deu._n 21._o 8._o and_o it_o be_v there_o use_v for_o 8._o deut._n 21._o 8._o god_n atonement_n or_o expiation_n and_o therefore_o this_o expression_n i_o will_v be_v merciful_a may_v as_o well_o be_v translate_v i_o will_v be_v pacify_v or_o i_o will_v be_v reconcile_v or_o i_o will_v be_v atone_v to_o their_o unrighteousness_n and_o will_v remember_v their_o sin_n no_o more_o and_o say_v nehemiah_n 9_o 17._o thou_o be_v a_o god_n of_o pardon_n gracious_a and_o merciful_a and_o hence_o it_o be_v plain_a that_o god_n forgiveness_n be_v not_o a_o antecedent_n or_o a_o mean_n of_o god_n atonement_n but_o it_o be_v plain_o a_o true_a part_n thereof_o if_o it_o be_v not_o the_o whole_a 4_o this_o be_v yet_o further_o evident_a because_o the_o septuagint_n do_v also_o use_v this_o greek_a word_n for_o the_o hebrew_n word_n nasa_n in_o num._n 19_o num._n 14._o 19_o 14._o 19_o where_o it_o be_v use_v to_o express_v god_n forgiveness_n by_o his_o bear_n of_o sin_n away_o but_o the_o septuagint_n express_v it_o by_o his_o be_v merciful_a or_o pacify_v or_o reconcile_v but_o yet_o in_o vers_n 18._o there_o the_o septuagint_n translate_v nasa_n by_o bear_v away_o 5_o the_o septuagint_n do_v also_o use_v this_o greek_a word_n 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d to_o express_v god_n repentance_n towards_o sinner_n by_o forgive_a and_o not_o punish_v their_o sin_n as_o in_o exod._n 32._o 12._o moses_n say_v thus_o to_o god_n repent_v of_o the_o evil_a to_o thy_o people_n but_o the_o septuagint_n translate_v it_o be_v merciful_a or_o be_v pacify_v or_o be_v reconcile_v or_o be_v propitious_a to_o the_o evil_a of_o thy_o people_n allude_v in_o this_o expression_n to_o god_n propitiatory_a or_o mercy-seat_n where_o in_o type_n god_n be_v in_o christ_n reconcile_n the_o world_n to_o himself_o by_o not_o impute_v their_o sin_n to_o they_o as_o i_o have_v open_v the_o hebrew_n word_n caphar_n more_o at_o large_a in_o reply_n 9_o 6_o this_o kind_n of_o forgiveness_n for_o the_o sake_n of_o christ_n sacrifice_n do_v con-note_n a_o state_n of_o favour_n that_o the_o subject_n be_v put_v into_o by_o mean_n thereof_o psal_n 32._o 1._o as_o reconciliation_n and_o justification_n do_v in_o 2_o cor._n 5._o 19_o 21._o and_o therefore_o god_n forgiveness_n may_v well_o be_v call_v his_o merciful_a forgiveness_n or_o his_o reconcile_a forgiveness_n as_o mr._n ainsworth_n do_v open_a god_n forgiveness_n in_o psal_n 25._o 11._o and_o therefore_o it_o be_v not_o a_o antecedent_n but_o a_o concurrent_a part_n of_o god_n reconciliation_n or_o of_o god_n righteousness_n for_o 11._o psal_n 25._o 11._o they_o have_v but_o one_o and_o the_o same_o sense_n by_o the_o context_n in_o 2_o cor._n 5._o 19_o 21._o though_o the_o term_n be_v divers_a for_o i_o demand_v how_o else_o be_v we_o make_v righteous_a by_o the_o righteousness_n of_o god_n the_o father_n but_o by_o his_o righteousness_n in_o keep_v covenant_n with_o christ_n which_o be_v to_o be_v reconcile_v to_o believe_a sinner_n for_o the_o sake_n of_o his_o sin-sacrifice_n in_o not_o impute_v their_o sin_n to_o they_o and_o thus_o you_o see_v that_o these_o three_o term_n god_n merciful_a forgiveness_n and_o his_o reconciliation_n and_o his_o righteousness_n in_o make_v sinner_n righteous_a by_o his_o say_a forgiveness_n do_v all_o con-note_n the_o same_o state_n of_o favour_n that_o the_o subject_n be_v put_v into_o by_o mean_n thereof_o and_o so_o forgiveness_n be_v not_o antecedent_n but_o concurrent_a to_o reconciliation_n and_o justification_n 7_o it_o be_v yet_o further_o evident_a that_o christ_n be_v make_v sin_n to_o reconcile_v god_n withal_o and_o so_o to_o procure_v his_o forgiveness_n for_o a_o sinner_n justification_n by_o the_o levitical_a term_n give_v to_o the_o sin-offering_a as_o the_o procure_a cause_n of_o god_n reconciliation_n for_o it_o be_v often_o say_v in_o the_o law_n that_o god_n ordain_v the_o sin-offering_a to_o 30._o leu._n 6._o 30._o reconcile_v withal_o as_o in_o leu._n 6._o 30._o 2_o chr._n 29._o 24._o exod._n 29._o 36._o exod._n 30._o 10._o ezek._n 45._o 15_o 17._o num._n 15._o 30._o 8_o god_n ordain_v all_o sort_n of_o sacrifice_n as_o well_o as_o the_o sin-offering_a to_o procure_v god_n reconciliation_n by_o not_o impute_v sin_n and_o therefore_o in_o this_o respect_n they_o be_v call_v sometime_o sacrifice_n of_o atonement_n as_o in_o exod._n 30._o 10._o and_o sometime_o sacrifice_n of_o righteousness_n as_o in_o deut._n 33._o 19_o psal_n 4._o 5._o psal_n 51._o 19_o 19_o deut._n 33._o 19_o psal_n 51._o 19_o as_o i_o have_v show_v in_o reply_n 7._o and_o why_o else_o be_v sacrifice_n of_o atonement_n call_v sacrifice_n of_o righteousness_n but_o because_o in_o their_o legal_a use_n they_o do_v ex_fw-la opere_fw-la operato_fw-la procure_v god_n reconciliation_n in_o not_o impute_v their_o legal_a sin_n to_o they_o and_o that_o be_v their_o legal_a righteousness_n for_o the_o blood_n of_o bull_n and_o goat_n and_o the_o ash_n of_o a_o heifer_n do_v sanctify_v to_o the_o purify_n of_o the_o flesh_n and_o hence_o the_o apostle_n do_v argue_v how_o much_o more_o shall_v the_o blood_n of_o christ_n be_v of_o force_n to_o procure_v god_n reconciliation_n in_o not_o impute_v sin_n and_o so_o to_o cleanse_v the_o conscience_n from_o moral_a sin_n for_o our_o eternal_a righteousness_n and_o therefore_o answerable_a to_o the_o type_n god_n ordain_v christ_n by_o his_o positive_a law_n and_o covenant_n to_o be_v our_o burnt-offering_a our_o peace-offering_a our_o trespass-offering_a our_o meat-offering_a and_o our_o sin-offering_a as_o the_o perfection_n of_o all_o the_o rest_n for_o by_o his_o one_o offering_n once_o offer_v he_o end_v the_o use_n of_o all_o trespass_n offering_n and_o finish_v sin_n offering_n and_o make_v reconciliation_n for_o iniquity_n and_o so_o bring_v in_o or_o procure_v a_o everlasting_a righteousness_n dan._n 9_o 24._o instead_o of_o their_o 24._o dan._n 9_o 24._o ceremonial_a reconciliation_n which_o be_v their_o ceremonial_a righteousness_n for_o god_n holy_a presence_n in_o his_o sanctuary_n and_o to_o this_o full_a sense_n do_v daniel_n speak_v in_o his_o prayer_n dan._n 9_o 7._o o_o lord_n righteousness_n belong_v unto_o thou_o that_o be_v to_o say_v merciful_a forgiveness_n 16._o dan._n 9_o 7_o 16._o or_o reconciliation_n and_o in_o vers_n 16._o o_o lord_n according_a to_o all_o thy_o righteousness_n let_v thy_o anger_n be_v turn_v away_o but_o the_o septuagint_n render_v it_o o_o lord_n according_a to_o thy_o mercy_n let_v thy_o anger_n be_v turn_v away_o namely_o according_a to_o all_o thy_o accustom_a type_n of_o make_v humble_v and_o believe_a sinner_n righteous_a by_o thy_o merciful_a forgiveness_n and_o atonement_n let_v thy_o anger_n be_v turn_v away_o and_o justify_v we_o to_o be_v thy_o people_n by_o not_o impute_v our_o sin_n to_o we_o and_o in_o this_o sense_n the_o penitent_a publican_n say_v o_o lord_n be_v merciful_a to_o i_o a_o sinner_n and_o so_o he_o go_v away_o justify_v by_o god_n merciful_a atonement_n and_o forgiveness_n which_o be_v the_o very_a thing_n he_o pray_v for_o 9_o sin_n till_o it_o be_v forgive_v do_v cause_n a_o enmity_n between_o god_n and_o the_o sinner_n and_o till_o god_n be_v reconcile_v by_o the_o sacrifice_n of_o christ_n it_o continue_v the_o enmity_n but_o then_o and_o not_o till_o then_o sin_n be_v forgive_v and_o then_o and_o not_o till_o then_o god_n be_v at_o rest_n and_o be_v pacify_v and_o quiet_v and_o for_o this_o cause_n all_o sacrifice_n of_o atonement_n be_v ordain_v to_o procure_v a_o savour_n of_o a_o rest_n unto_o jehovah_n exod._n 22._o 18_o 25_o 41._o levit._fw-la 1._o 9_o numb_a 28._o 6_o 8._o levit._fw-la 4._o 31._o levit._fw-la 17._o 6._o numb_a 15._o 3._o ezek._n 20._o 40_o 41._o but_o the_o septuagint_n translate_v it_o a_o sweet_a savour_n of_o rest_n and_o their_o phrase_n the_o apostle_n follow_v say_v christ_n have_v give_v himself_o for_o we_o a_o offering_n and_o a_o sacrifice_n to_o god_n for_o a_o smell_n of_o sweet_a savour_n eph._n 5._o 2._o but_o the_o smell_n of_o sacrifice_n broil_v in_o the_o fire_n material_o consider_v be_v no_o sweet_a smell_n but_o formal_o consider_v as_o they_o be_v ordain_v by_o god_n positive_a covenant_n to_o procure_v his_o atonement_n and_o as_o they_o be_v type_n of_o christ_n sacrifice_n so_o only_o be_v they_o say_v to_o be_v of_o a_o sweet-smelling_a savour_n because_o they_o procure_v his_o pardon_n and_o so_o they_o quiet_a god_n spirit_n as_o sweet_a smell_n do_v quiet_a and_o rejoice_v our_o sense_n therefore_o god_n forgiveness_n be_v not_o a_o
be_v worthy_a of_o all_o due_a observation_n that_o the_o platform_n of_o our_o moral_a justification_n in_o the_o meritorious_a and_o formal_a cause_n be_v exemplify_v by_o god_n positive_a statute_n and_o ordinance_n and_o therefore_o the_o holy_a ghost_n do_v most_o fit_o express_v it_o by_o this_o peculiar_a term_n dicaioma_n and_o 9_o daniel_n do_v in_o this_o order_n compare_v the_o true_a justification_n with_o the_o ceremonial_a in_o chap._n 9_o 24._o seventy_o week_n 24._o dan._n 9_o 24._o say_v he_o be_v determine_v for_o the_o death_n of_o the_o messiah_n to_o finish_v trespass_n offering_n and_o to_o end_v sin_n offering_n and_o to_o make_v reconciliation_n for_o iniquity_n and_o to_o bring_v in_o or_o procure_v a_o everlasting_a righteousness_n instead_o of_o the_o ceremonial_a here_o you_o see_v that_o the_o death_n of_o christ_n be_v put_v for_o the_o end_n and_o perfection_n of_o all_o trespass_n and_o sin-offering_n to_o make_v a_o eternal_a reconciliation_n for_o iniquity_n instead_o of_o the_o legal_a and_o so_o to_o bring_v in_o or_o procure_v a_o eternal_a righteousness_n by_o god_n eternal_a reconciliation_n instead_o of_o the_o legal_a and_o in_o this_o very_a order_n of_o cause_n do_v paul_n argue_v in_o 2_o cor._n 5._o 21._o 10_o this_o word_n dicaiomata_n be_v by_o our_o translator_n render_v the_o 26._o rom._n 2._o 26._o righteousness_n of_o the_o law_n in_o rom._n 2._o 26._o namely_o the_o righteousness_n of_o the_o ceremonial_a law_n if_o say_v he_o the_o uncircumcised_a keep_v the_o dicaiomata_n the_o righteousness_n of_o the_o law_n in_o the_o plural_a number_n namely_o if_o the_o uncircumcision_n do_v instead_o of_o the_o outward_a observation_n of_o the_o righteousness_n of_o the_o ceremonial_a law_n by_o the_o blood_n of_o bull_n and_o goat_n and_o the_o ash_n of_o a_o heifer_n sprinkle_v the_o unclean_a which_o procure_v god_n atonement_n for_o their_o legal_a sin_n do_v by_o faith_n look_v to_o the_o end_n of_o these_o thing_n namely_o to_o the_o death_n of_o christ_n as_o the_o true_a procure_a cause_n of_o god_n eternal_a atonement_n and_o absolution_n for_o the_o purge_n of_o their_o conscience_n from_o the_o condemn_a power_n of_o their_o moral_a sin_n shall_v not_o their_o uncircumcision_n in_o this_o case_n be_v count_v or_o impute_v to_o they_o for_o true_a circumcision_n and_o so_o consequent_o for_o true_a justification_n for_o he_o that_o do_v thus_o keep_v the_o law_n shall_v live_v thereby_o as_o i_o have_v expound_v leu._n 18_o 5._o but_o the_o heathen_a spiritual_a christian_n do_v thus_o keep_v the_o law_n by_o faith_n for_o it_o be_v prophesy_v of_o they_o that_o in_o the_o day_n of_o the_o messiah_n they_o shall_v offer_v sacrifice_n of_o a_o great_a quantity_n than_o those_o that_o be_v offer_v by_o the_o jew_n under_o the_o law_n of_o moses_n ezek._n 46._o 5_o 11._o and_o this_o they_o must_v do_v by_o faith_n by_o look_v from_o the_o carnal_a type_n to_o the_o spiritual_a thing_n that_o be_v typify_v thereby_o and_o in_o this_o respect_n it_o be_v the_o prayer_n of_o all_o the_o godly_a in_o all_o nation_n that_o they_o may_v be_v sound_a in_o god_n statute_n psal_n 119._o 80_o 112._o which_o can_v be_v till_o they_o have_v faith_n to_o look_v to_o the_o end_n of_o those_o thing_n which_o be_v typify_v by_o the_o righteousness_n of_o those_o ordinance_n and_o statute_n 11_o dr._n hammond_n do_v also_o full_o concur_v with_o mr._n ainsworths_n exposition_n in_o rom._n 8._o 4._o as_o i_o have_v former_o note_v it_o in_o chap._n 8_o though_o it_o be_v fit_a also_o to_o be_v here_o again_o remember_v 12_o as_o the_o word_n righteousness_n so_o the_o word_n law_n in_o rom._n 8._o 4._o and_o the_o word_n law_n in_o rom._n 10._o 4._o which_o i_o have_v expound_v chief_o of_o the_o law_n of_o rite_n be_v make_v good_a and_o strenthen_v by_o 4._o rom._n 10_o 4._o these_o consideration_n and_o by_o these_o learned_a expositor_n namely_o that_o christ_n be_v the_o end_n of_o the_o law_n for_o righteousness_n 1_o i_o believe_v that_o i_o have_v already_o sufficient_o put_v the_o matter_n out_o of_o controversy_n that_o the_o jew_n legal_a justification_n by_o their_o wash_n and_o sacrifice_n do_v relate_v to_o his_o death_n and_o sacrifice_n as_o the_o end_n of_o they_o all_o as_o i_o show_v from_o dan._n 9_o 24._o and_o it_o be_v further_a evident_a by_o tit._n 2._o 14_o there_o redeem_v we_o from_o iniquity_n and_o purify_n by_o god_n atonement_n be_v put_v together_o as_o cause_n and_o effect_n and_o thus_o christ_n be_v the_o end_n of_o the_o law_n for_o righteousness_n and_o i_o find_v that_o the_o word_n law_n in_o the_o new_a testament_n as_o well_o as_o the_o old_a be_v to_o be_v understand_v chief_o of_o the_o ceremonial_a law_n it_o be_v use_v thirteen_o time_n in_o the_o epistle_n to_o the_o hebrew_n and_o in_o all_o those_o place_n except_o once_o it_o must_v be_v understand_v of_o the_o ceremonial_a law_n and_o so_o it_o be_v often_o use_v in_o the_o epistle_n to_o the_o galathian_o and_o most_o for_o the_o law_n of_o rite_n or_o for_o the_o whole_a oeconomy_n of_o moses_n have_v respect_n whole_o to_o the_o law_n of_o rite_n 13_o it_o be_v also_o worthy_a of_o all_o due_a observation_n that_o none_o of_o their_o legal_a justification_n do_v justify_v they_o by_o any_o actual_a kind_n of_o purity_n put_v upon_o their_o flesh_n that_o so_o it_o may_v be_v impute_v to_o they_o for_o their_o justification_n but_o their_o righteousness_n be_v convey_v to_o they_o by_o god_n positive_a ordinance_n even_o by_o a_o passive_a purity_n only_o by_o wash_v and_o purge_v away_o their_o ceremonial_a sin_n and_o so_o by_o the_o blood_n of_o bull_n procure_v god_n atonement_n thereby_o for_o their_o ceremonial_a sin_n for_o blood_n do_v not_o cleanse_v otherwise_o but_o by_o procure_v god_n atonement_n and_o forgiveness_n blood_n material_o consider_v do_v not_o wash_v but_o defile_v the_o flesh_n but_o formal_o consider_v as_o it_o be_v ordain_v by_o god_n positive_a law_n to_o be_v a_o sacrifice_n for_o the_o procure_n of_o god_n reconciliation_n so_o only_o it_o have_v a_o cleanse_a quality_n and_o according_o it_o please_v god_n by_o his_o voluntary_a positive_a law_n and_o covenant_n to_o ordain_v that_o the_o blood_n of_o christ_n shall_v much_o more_o cleanse_v our_o conscience_n from_o dead_a work_n because_o it_o be_v ordain_v to_o be_v the_o meritorious_a procure_a cause_n of_o god_n atonement_n and_o absolution_n for_o it_o be_v god_n atonement_n as_o i_o have_v often_o say_v to_o have_v it_o the_o better_o mark_v that_o do_v formal_o cleanse_v purge_v and_o purify_v our_o conscience_n from_o dead_a work_n and_o this_o be_v that_o righteousness_n of_o sinner_n that_o be_v so_o much_o speak_v of_o and_o typify_v in_o the_o law_n and_o therefore_o this_o kind_n of_o language_n touch_v a_o sinner_n righteousness_n though_o it_o may_v seem_v strange_a to_o some_o yet_o it_o need_v not_o seem_v strange_a to_o any_o that_o be_v but_o mean_o acquaint_v with_o the_o language_n of_o the_o ceremonial_a type_n which_o be_v our_o schoolmaster_n to_o christ_n but_o say_v mr._n norton_n in_o page_n 225._o most_o vain_a be_v the_o shift_n of_o the_o dialogue_n endeavour_v to_o avoid_v the_o strength_n of_o this_o place_n of_o rom._n 10._o 4._o by_o interpret_n against_o text_n context_n and_o scripture_n these_o word_n the_o righteousness_n of_o the_o law_n only_o of_o the_o righeousness_n typify_v by_o the_o ceremonial_a law_n reply_v 4._o most_o vain_a be_v the_o shift_n of_o mr._n norton_n endeavour_v to_o avoid_v the_o strength_n of_o this_o place_n by_o interpret_n the_o word_n law_n and_o the_o righteousness_n thereof_o of_o the_o righteousness_n of_o the_o moral_a law_n both_o against_o the_o text_n context_n and_o scripture_n as_o it_o be_v evident_a by_o what_o i_o have_v already_o say_v and_o as_o it_o be_v further_a evident_a by_o the_o context_n for_o the_o three_o verse_n have_v a_o close_a dependence_n on_o rom._n 9_o 31_o 32._o where_o the_o apostle_n do_v blame_v the_o jew_n for_o trust_v to_o their_o outward_a ceremonial_a work_n chief_o though_o they_o trust_v also_o to_o their_o outward_a observation_n of_o the_o whole_a oeconomy_n of_o moses_n israel_n which_o follow_v after_o the_o law_n of_o righteousness_n have_v not_o attain_v to_o the_o law_n of_o righteousness_n namely_o they_o have_v not_o attain_v to_o the_o true_a righteousness_n that_o be_v typify_v by_o their_o legal_a righteousness_n because_o with_o the_o work_n of_o the_o law_n they_o do_v not_o couple_v faith_n to_o the_o sacrifice_n of_o christ_n as_o be_v the_o end_n of_o the_o law_n tindal_n on_o the_o word_n righteousness_n in_o rom._n 10._o 3._o say_v thus_o in_o pag._n 381._o the_o jew_n seek_v righteousness_n in_o their_o ceremony_n which_o god_n give_v unto_o they_o not_o
a_o sinner_n righteousness_n and_o in_o particular_a the_o covenant_n on_o the_o father_n part_n do_v constitute_v the_o formal_a part_n of_o it_o this_o positive_a create_a righteousness_n be_v unknown_a to_o natural_a philosopher_n it_o be_v not_o frame_v from_o the_o moral_a law_n of_o nature_n but_o it_o be_v a_o righteousness_n for_o sinner_n create_v on_o purpose_n by_o the_o voluntary_a positive_a law_n and_o covenant_n of_o the_o trinity_n 4._o i_o can_v but_o wonder_v that_o mr._n norton_n shall_v so_o much_o plead_v for_o the_o moral_a righteousness_n of_o christ_n to_o be_v the_o matter_n and_o the_o imputation_n of_o it_o to_o be_v the_o form_n of_o our_o righteousness_n see_v it_o do_v not_o formal_o constitute_v adam_n righteousness_n as_o mr._n norton_n himself_o do_v also_o acknowledge_v in_o p._n 261._o and_o mr._n burges_n on_o justification_n p._n 8._o and_o indeed_o the_o reason_n thereof_o be_v very_o plain_a because_o god_n require_v that_o adam_n shall_v first_o eat_v of_o the_o tree_n of_o life_n as_o the_o meritorious_a cause_n for_o procure_v the_o formality_n of_o his_o moral_a perfection_n and_o this_o tree_n have_v this_o efficacy_n from_o god_n voluntary_a positive_a covenant_n with_o adam_n as_o i_o have_v show_v more_o large_a already_o chap._n 2._o the_o dialogue_n say_v that_o sinner_n in_o themselves_o namely_o as_o long_o as_o they_o continue_v to_o be_v sinner_n which_o be_v as_o long_o as_o they_o live_v in_o this_o body_n of_o sin_n can_v have_v no_o other_o righteousness_n than_o a_o passive_a righteousness_n proceed_v from_o god_n merciful_a atonement_n pardon_n and_o forgiveness_n but_o mr._n norton_n in_o p._n 231._o leaf_n out_o these_o word_n in_o themselves_o and_o then_o make_v a_o false_a argument_n of_o the_o dialogue_n sense_n but_o i_o dare_v say_v no_o judicious_a christian_n that_o will_v but_o make_v through_o search_n into_o all_o the_o type_n of_o legal_a justification_n shall_v find_v any_o other_o way_n of_o make_v sinner_n righteous_a but_o by_o atonement_n or_o reconciliation_n in_o not_o impute_v sin_n reckon_v up_o the_o legal_a term_n by_o which_o atonement_n be_v express_v and_o that_o will_v justify_v what_o i_o say_v as_o by_o expiate_a sin_n not_o impute_v sin_n merciful_o forgive_a sin_n purge_v sin_n purify_n wash_v cleanse_a sin_n to_o the_o sanctify_a the_o flesh_n these_o and_o such_o like_a be_v abundant_o use_v in_o the_o law_n but_o never_o any_o for_o make_v righteous_a by_o impute_v moral_a righteousness_n which_o doubtless_o will_v have_v be_v ordain_v to_o typify_v the_o imputation_n of_o christ_n moral_a righteousness_n in_o the_o formal_a cause_n of_o justification_n if_o any_o such_o thing_n have_v be_v intend_v for_o the_o only_a formal_a cause_n 5._o it_o seem_v to_o i_o that_o mr._n norton_n do_v wilful_o stumble_v at_o the_o stile_n of_o the_o dialogue_n because_o it_o make_v a_o sinner_n righteousness_n to_o be_v procure_v by_o christ_n sacrifice_n of_o atonement_n but_o any_o one_o may_v see_v that_o this_o phrase_n the_o sacrifice_n of_o atonement_n at_o which_o he_o stumble_v be_v a_o usual_a scripture_n phrase_n for_o the_o public_a yearly_a sin-offering_a be_v call_v the_o sin_n of_o atonement_n ezod_n 30._o 10._o and_o the_o ram_n of_o atonement_n numb_a 5._o 8._o and_o all_o sacrifice_n be_v ordain_v by_o god_n voluntary_a covenant_n to_o procure_v god_n atonement_n and_o justification_n from_o all_o their_o legal_a sin_n even_o peace-offering_n be_v sometime_o offer_v to_o procure_v peace_n by_o god_n atonement_n and_o in_o relation_n to_o their_o typical_a use_n the_o sacrifice_n of_o christ_n may_v well_o be_v call_v a_o sacrifice_n of_o atonement_n cause_n reconciliation_n or_o atonement_n describe_v both_o in_o the_o meritorious_a &_o formal_a cause_n for_o the_o procure_n of_o god_n atonement_n for_o all_o our_o moral_a sin_n and_o so_o consequent_o for_o our_o moral_a justification_n and_o this_o be_v most_o clear_a because_o the_o apostle_n do_v define_v god_n reconciliation_n to_o sinner_n by_o his_o not_o impute_v their_o sin_n to_o they_o 2_o cor._n 5._o 19_o for_o as_o long_o as_o sin_n be_v impute_v it_o make_v a_o jar_n between_o god_n and_o the_o sinner_n but_o when_o god_n do_v not_o impute_v sin_n than_o there_o be_v no_o more_o jar_n but_o reconciliation_n with_o god_n and_o therefore_o the_o sin_n of_o atonement_n which_o be_v offer_v on_o reconciliation-day_n be_v call_v by_o the_o septuagint_n the_o purgation_n of_o sin_n because_o it_o procure_v god_n atonement_n by_o which_o only_a sin_n be_v purge_v away_o exod._n 30._o 10._o and_o this_o place_n the_o apostle_n apply_v to_o the_o sacrifice_n of_o christ_n heb._n 1._o 3._o namely_o as_o it_o be_v the_o meritorious_a cause_n of_o god_n reconciliation_n whereby_o our_o sin_n be_v full_o purge_v the_o hebrew_n word_n for_o reconciliation_n do_v signify_v to_o cover_v pacify_v or_o appease_v note_v thereby_o the_o meritorious_a cause_n gen._n 20._o gen._n 32._o 20._o 32._o 20._o prov._n 16._o 14._o and_o to_o be_v pacify_v do_v note_v the_o formal_a cause_n it_o do_v also_o signify_v to_o satisfy_v or_o recompense_n note_v thereby_o the_o meritorious_a cause_n 2_o sam._n 21._o 3._o exod._n 21._o 30._o psal_n 49._o 8._o gen._n 31._o 29._o and_o to_o be_v satisfy_v do_v note_v the_o formal_a cause_n of_o reconciliation_n as_o in_o mat._n 3._o 17._o this_o be_v my_o belove_a son_n in_o who_o i_o be_o well_o please_v satisfy_v or_o reconcile_v and_o so_o in_o psal_n 85._o 1_o 2._o lord_n thou_o have_v be_v favourable_a or_o well-pleased_a with_o thy_o land_n thou_o have_v forgive_v the_o iniquity_n of_o thy_o people_n and_o cover_v all_o their_o sin_n these_o three_o several_a phrase_n be_v synonimas_fw-la and_o do_v set_v out_o the_o formal_a cause_n of_o reconciliation_n or_o justification_n but_o whether_o the_o psalmist_n be_v to_o be_v understand_v of_o outward_a or_o inward_a reconciliation_n need_v not_o now_o to_o be_v dispute_v because_o the_o outward_a be_v but_o a_o exemplification_n of_o the_o inward_a and_o hence_o it_o follow_v that_o christ_n sacrifice_n may_v well_o be_v call_v a_o sacrifice_n of_o atonement_n because_o it_o be_v exemplify_v by_o the_o legal_a sacrifice_n of_o atonement_n and_o because_o it_o be_v ordain_v to_o procure_v god_n atonement_n and_o in_o this_o respect_n also_o all_o sacrifice_n of_o atonement_n be_v call_v sacrifice_n of_o righteousness_n 19_o deut._n 33._o 19_o psal_n 51._o 19_o deut._n 33._o 19_o psal_n 4._o 5._o psal_n 51._o 19_o not_o only_o because_o they_o be_v offer_v in_o faith_n as_o mr._n norton_n do_v too_o unadvised_o restrain_v the_o sense_n of_o the_o word_n righteousness_n in_o p._n 208._o but_o they_o be_v also_o call_v sacrifice_n of_o righteousness_n because_o they_o do_v legal_o complete_a a_o sinner_n righteousness_n in_o respect_n of_o his_o ceremonial_a sin_n and_o so_o also_o they_o do_v exemplify_v how_o a_o sinner_n righteousness_n shall_v be_v complete_v by_o the_o meritorious_a and_o formal_a cause_n in_o respect_n of_o his_o moral_a sin_n sacrifice_n must_v be_v perform_v in_o righteousness_n that_o be_v to_o say_v without_o spot_n or_o wrinkle_n for_o than_o they_o be_v offer_v in_o righteousness_n according_a to_o god_n law_n and_o then_o god_n accept_v they_o and_o grant_v his_o atonement_n according_a to_o his_o covenant_n and_o that_o be_v his_o righteousness_n and_o then_o when_o he_o be_v atone_v to_o sinner_n it_o be_v their_o righteousness_n this_o be_v suitable_a to_o legal_a righteousness_n by_o which_o god_n do_v exemplify_v our_o moral_a righteousness_n conclusion_n god_n atonement_n or_o reconciliation_n have_v these_o two_o part_n 1_o his_o not_o impute_v sin_n 2_o his_o receive_n into_o favour_n or_o both_o these_o may_v be_v join_v into_o one_o namely_o god_n gracious_a pardon_n and_o all_o this_o be_v the_o effect_n of_o christ_n sacrifice_n for_o it_o be_v for_o his_o sacrifice_n sake_n that_o god_n the_o father_n do_v absolve_v or_o acquit_v a_o believe_a sinner_n that_o be_v in_o christ_n from_o the_o guilt_n of_o all_o his_o sin_n and_o so_o receive_v he_o into_o favour_n by_o adoption_n or_o thus_o god_n atonement_n for_o the_o sake_n of_o christ_n sacrifice_n be_v not_o a_o bare_a legal_a forgiveness_n as_o when_o a_o judge_n acquit_v a_o malefactor_n and_o so_o leave_v he_o but_o it_o be_v a_o gracious_a acquital_n as_o when_o a_o father_n forgive_v his_o son_n and_o receive_v he_o into_o favour_n and_o this_o truth_n the_o dialogue_n do_v full_o express_v and_o therefore_o mr._n norton_n do_v argue_v sophistical_o and_o absurd_o against_o the_o rule_n of_o logic_n and_o his_o own_o conscience_n for_o he_o know_v that_o in_o his_o antecedent_n
type_n of_o our_o moral_a justification_n both_o by_o the_o meritorious_a cause_n of_o christ_n sacrifice_n and_o by_o the_o formal_a cause_n of_o god_n atonement_n 2._o the_o seventy_o do_v render_v caphar_n to_o cleanse_v as_o in_o exod._n 29._o 37._o and_o in_o exod._n 30._o 10._o 3._o they_o render_v it_o to_o purge_v in_o deut._n 32._o 43._o exod._n 30._o 10._o isa_n 60._o 7._o and_o these_o three_o differ_v expression_n do_v but_o explain_v the_o former_a word_n atonement_n in_o our_o translation_n for_o in_o exod._n 29._o 33_o 36._o it_o be_v in_o the_o same_o verse_n it_o be_v also_o explain_v by_o the_o word_n sanctify_v as_o synonimas_fw-la to_o caphar_n by_o these_o and_o such_o like_a term_n give_v by_o the_o seventy_o to_o caphar_n it_o be_v evident_a that_o they_o understand_v that_o when_o god_n angry_a face_n be_v atone_v by_o sacrifice_n in_o relation_n to_o their_o ceremonial_a sin_n that_o they_o be_v thereby_o sanctify_v to_o the_o purify_n of_o their_o flesh_n heb._n 9_o 13._o and_o that_o thereby_o their_o person_n be_v justify_v in_o respect_n of_o their_o appear_v before_o god_n presence_n in_o his_o sanctuary_n or_o in_o regard_n of_o feast_v with_o he_o on_o the_o holy_a flesh_n of_o the_o passeover_n or_o peace-offering_n and_o in_o this_o respect_n they_o call_v such_o cleansing_n 10._o heb._n 9_o 1_o 10._o justification_n of_o divine_a service_n heb._n 9_o 1._o and_o carnal_a justification_n in_o v._o 10._o viz._n ceremonial_a ritual_a and_o typical_a as_o mr._n trap_n expound_v it_o or_o the_o righteousness_n of_o the_o flesh_n as_o i_o have_v more_o large_o open_v the_o matter_n a_o little_a before_o and_o so_o also_o when_o the_o temple_n be_v ceremonial_o purge_v from_o the_o pollution_n of_o antiochus_n it_o be_v say_v in_o the_o seventy_o to_o be_v cleanse_v but_o in_o the_o hebrew_n text_n it_o be_v say_v to_o be_v justify_v dan._n 8._o 14._o hence_o it_o follow_v by_o a_o unavoidable_a consequence_n that_o their_o 14._o dan._n 8._o 14._o legal_a ordinance_n by_o which_o they_o obtain_v god_n atonement_n for_o their_o legal_a cleansing_n sanctifying_n and_o justifying_n and_o for_o their_o legal_a righteousness_n do_v typify_v and_o exemplify_v how_o sinner_n be_v cleanse_v wash_v sanctify_a and_o justify_v as_o it_o be_v express_v by_o these_o term_n in_o 1_o corinth_n 6._o 11._o and_o how_o they_o be_v make_v righteous_a by_o the_o righteousness_n of_o the_o law_n as_o it_o be_v in_o rom._n 2._o 26._o and_o in_o rom._n 8._o 4._o namely_o because_o the_o sacrifice_n of_o christ_n be_v the_o fulfil_n and_o end_n of_o all_o sacrifice_n and_o of_o all_o other_o legal_a cleansing_n and_o therefore_o it_o be_v the_o only_a meritorious_a and_o procure_a cause_n of_o god_n atonement_n and_o forgiveness_n for_o the_o formal_a cleanse_n wash_a sanctify_a and_o justify_v the_o conscience_n from_o the_o accuse_v and_o condemn_v power_n of_o all_o moral_a sin_n by_o which_o mean_n we_o may_v stand_v before_o god_n as_o justify_v person_n in_o his_o sight_n when_o we_o come_v to_o put_v up_o our_o request_n unto_o he_o or_o to_o feast_v with_o he_o at_o the_o lord_n table_n for_o when_o we_o come_v to_o the_o lord_n table_n god_n forgiveness_n be_v the_o great_a and_o most_o precious_a dainty_a for_o which_o christ_n shed_v his_o blood_n and_o therefore_o at_o his_o last_o supper_n he_o say_v thus_o to_o his_o disciple_n this_o be_v my_o blood_n of_o the_o new_a testament_n which_o be_v shed_v for_o the_o many_o for_o the_o remission_n of_o sin_n mat._n 26._o 28._o according_a as_o it_o be_v promise_v in_o dan._n 9_o 24._o this_o dainty_a of_o god_n forgiveness_n be_v the_o great_a purchase_n of_o christ_n blood_n which_o make_v they_o bless_v that_o have_v it_o psa_n 32._o 1._o and_o make_v they_o eternal_o righteous_a in_o god_n sight_n that_o have_v it_o dan._n 9_o 24._o this_o and_o a_o n●w_a heart_n be_v the_o two_o great_a legacy_n of_o the_o new_a covenant_n jer._n 31._o heb._n 8._o these_o thing_n thus_o open_v i_o think_v shall_v so_o enlighten_v the_o eye_n of_o our_o understanding_n to_o see_v what_o the_o righteousness_n of_o god_n be_v and_o to_o embrace_v it_o as_o a_o most_o bless_a truth_n or_o at_o least_o not_o to_o resist_v it_o but_o to_o strive_v to_o understand_v be_v better_a but_o when_o god_n will_v be_v to_o darken_v the_o understanding_n of_o man_n with_o erroneous_a conception_n than_o the_o tongue_n of_o angel_n can_v prevail_v with_o they_o to_o hold_v the_o contrary_n and_o thus_o have_v i_o in_o some_o measure_n open_v this_o phrase_n the_o righteousness_n of_o god_n by_o his_o reconciliation_n or_o atonement_n and_o i_o have_v open_v the_o word_n atonement_n both_o in_o the_o meritorious_a and_o in_o the_o formal_a cause_n namely_o that_o sacrifice_n for_o sin_n do_v meritorious_o cover_v god_n angry_a face_n atone_v pacify_v reconcile_v expiate_v propitiate_v purge_v sanctify_v cleanse_v and_o purify_v or_o make_v righteous_a a_o sinner_n by_o procure_v god_n atonement_n for_o his_o formal_a reconciliation_n righteousness_n and_o justification_n and_o now_o methinks_v mr._n norton_n may_v do_v well_o to_o consider_v his_o unadvisedness_n in_o villify_a this_o kind_n of_o atonement_n and_o 2._o in_o restrain_v it_o only_o to_o a_o cover_n of_o pitch_n and_o such_o like_a tenaclou●_n matter_n whereby_o he_o confound_v both_o his_o own_o understanding_n and_o his_o reader_n also_o the_o second_o part_n of_o mr._n nortons_n comparative_a argument_n in_o pag._n 53._o be_v this_o christ_n be_v make_v sin_n as_o he_o be_v make_v a_o curse_n but_o he_o be_v make_v a_o curse_n by_o judicial_a imputation_n therefore_o he_o be_v make_v sin_n by_o a_o real_a imputation_n reply_v 10._o in_o my_o examination_n of_o gal._n 3._o 13._o i_o have_v show_v how_o christ_n be_v make_v a_o curse_n and_o in_o the_o begin_n of_o this_o chapter_n i_o have_v show_v how_o he_o be_v make_v sin_n therefore_o i_o shall_v not_o need_v to_o make_v any_o further_a reply_n here_o to_o these_o thing_n but_o refer_v the_o reader_n to_o those_o place_n 2_o the_o rest_n that_o he_o allege_v in_o p._n 55._o wherein_o he_o make_v god_n to_o charge_n christ_n with_o sin_n as_o a_o supreme_a judge_n according_a to_o the_o judicial_a way_n of_o court_n proceed_n because_o it_o be_v no_o scripture_n language_n in_o the_o point_n of_o christ_n satisfaction_n but_o devise_v term_n to_o express_v his_o own_o erroneous_a conception_n therefore_o i_o shall_v not_o need_v to_o give_v any_o other_o answer_n to_o it_o here_o chap._n xv._o the_o examination_n of_o gal._n 3._o 13._o with_o deut._n 21._o 23._o christ_n have_v redeem_v we_o from_o the_o curse_n of_o the_o law_n when_o he_o be_v make_v a_o curse_n for_o we_o for_o it_o be_v write_v in_o deut._n 21._o 23._o curse_a be_v every_o one_o that_o hang_v upon_o a_o tree_n the_o cusre_n of_o hang_v upon_o a_o tree_n which_o christ_n suffer_v the_o dialogue_n do_v expound_v of_o the_o outward_a curse_n which_o he_o suffer_v in_o respect_n of_o the_o outward_a manner_n of_o his_o death_n by_o hang_v on_o a_o tree_n but_o mr._n norton_n in_o page_n 93._o do_v expound_v it_o of_o the_o inward_a and_o eternal_a curse_n which_o he_o suffer_v from_o god_n immediate_a wrath_n when_o he_o hang_v upon_o the_o tree_n sect_n i._o mr._n norton_n frame_v his_o argument_n thus_o if_o not_o only_o the_o malediction_n of_o every_o one_o that_o be_v hang_v on_o a_o tree_n be_v hold_v forth_o but_o also_o christ_n redemption_n of_o we_o from_o the_o curse_n of_o the_o law_n by_o be_v make_v a_o curse_n for_o we_o be_v both_o hold_v forth_o and_o foretell_v in_o deut._n 21._o 23._o then_o the_o text_n in_o deut._n 21._o 23._o have_v not_o only_o a_o proper_a but_o a_o typical_a signification_n but_o not_o only_o the_o malediction_n of_o every_o one_o that_o be_v hang_v on_o a_o tree_n be_v hold_v forth_o but_o also_o christ_n redemption_n of_o we_o from_o the_o curse_n of_o the_o law_n by_o be_v make_v a_o curse_n for_o we_o be_v both_o hold_v forth_o and_o foretell_v in_o deut._n 21._o 23._o therefore_o the_o text_n in_o deut._n 21._o 23._o have_v not_o only_o a_o proper_a but_o ●_o typical_a signification_n the_o minor_a say_v mr._n norton_n be_v the_o apostle_n reply_v 1_o mr._n norton_n do_v exceed_o abuse_v the_o apostle_n meaning_n to_o say_v that_o his_o minor_a be_v the_o apostle_n and_o also_o in_o say_v that_o the_o apostle_n do_v cite_v deut._n 21._o 23._o to_o prove_v that_o our_o redemption_n by_o christ_n be_v both_o hold_v forth_o and_o foretell_v there_o but_o for_o the_o better_a find_v out_o of_o the_o apostle_n meaning_n in_o gal._n 3._o 13._o there_o be_v two_o distinct_a clause_n in_o the_o fome_a part_n of_o the_o verse_n that_o be_v of_o necessity_n to_o be_v
god_n anger_n and_o so_o remove_v the_o curse_n from_o the_o land_n after_o that_o god_n justice_n be_v satisfy_v by_o the_o figure_n metonymy_fw-la as_o the_o sacrifice_n that_o be_v ordain_v to_o atone_v god_n for_o sin_n be_v call_v sin_n so_o then_o the_o true_a reason_n why_o the_o judge_n be_v admonish_v not_o to_o let_v his_o carcase_n that_o be_v hang_v continue_v hang_v all_o night_n but_o to_o bury_v he_o the_o same_o day_n to_o cover_v and_o hide_v his_o carcase_n in_o the_o earth_n from_o further_a public_a shame_n and_o ignominy_n because_o he_o have_v already_o satisfy_v justice_n by_o hang_v on_o a_o tree_n to_o be_v gaze_v on_o as_o long_o as_o the_o day_n light_v make_v he_o a_o spectacle_n which_o at_o some_o time_n of_o the_o year_n may_v be_v till_o it_o be_v near_o midnight_n where_o the_o natural_a day_n end_v so_o than_o the_o defect_n or_o want_n in_o the_o hebrew_n text_n may_v be_v supply_v by_o any_o word_n or_o word_n that_o do_v explain_v the_o true_a sense_n as_o well_o as_o by_o be_v as_o thus_o thou_o shall_v in_o any_o wise_a bury_v he_o the_o same_o day_n for_o he_o that_o be_v hang_v to_o be_v gaze_v on_o as_o long_o as_o the_o day_n give_v light_a to_o be_v gaze_v on_o have_v appease_v god_n and_o bear_v the_o curse_n from_o the_o land_n and_o thereby_o he_o have_v make_v atonement_n for_o the_o curse_n and_o so_o procure_v god_n favour_n to_o the_o land_n and_o it_o be_v most_o evident_a by_o three_o remarkable_a example_n that_o the_o execution_n of_o the_o visible_a curse_n upon_o such_o malefactor_n do_v procure_v atonement_n to_o the_o land_n first_o the_o lord_n himself_o command_v moses_n to_o take_v the_o chief_a ringleader_n of_o they_o that_o have_v couple_v they_o to_o baal_n peor_n and_o to_o hang_v they_o up_o before_o the_o lord_n against_o the_o sun_n numb_a 25._o 4._o 4._o numb_a 25._o 4._o 1_o it_o must_v be_v do_v before_o the_o lord_n namely_o open_o by_o the_o public_a judge_n for_o god_n be_v still_o with_o they_o in_o the_o cause_n and_o judgement_n 2_o chron._n 19_o 6._o deut._n 17._o 1._o psa_fw-la 82._o 1._o 2_o it_o must_v be_v do_v against_o the_o sun_n namely_o in_o the_o open_a view_n of_o all_o person_n as_o long_o as_o the_o sun_n do_v give_v any_o light_n upon_o the_o face_n of_o the_o earth_n and_o because_o phineas_n do_v execute_v judgement_n upon_o some_o of_o the_o chief_a of_o these_o sinner_n therefore_o in_o ver_fw-la 13._o he_o be_v say_v to_o make_v atonement_n for_o israel_n second_o david_n command_v the_o seven_o son_n of_o saul_n to_o be_v hang_v up_o before_o the_o lord_n 2_o sam._n 21._o 9_o namely_o by_o the_o sentence_n of_o justice_n 9_o 2_o sam._n 21._o 9_o but_o the_o gibeonite_n say_v to_o david_n in_o v._o 6._o we_o will_v hang_v they_o up_o to_o the_o lord_n namely_o to_o appease_v his_o fierce_a anger_n against_o the_o land_n and_o in_o that_o respect_n their_o hang_n be_v say_v in_o ver_fw-la 3._o to_o make_v atonement_n and_o to_o this_o sense_n the_o chalde_a paraphrase_n do_v render_v the_o sense_n of_o deu._n 21._o 23._o for_o because_o he_o sin_v before_o the_o lord_n he_o be_v hang_v namely_o to_o appease_v his_o wrath_n and_o all_o that_o be_v hang_v before_o the_o lord_n that_o be_v to_o say_v open_o by_o the_o sentence_n of_o these_o judge_n be_v say_v also_o to_o be_v hang_v up_o to_o the_o lord_n to_o appease_v his_o wrath_n and_o so_o both_o phrase_n do_v demonstrate_v the_o same_o thing_n and_o thus_o to_o do_v justice_n and_o judgement_n upon_o sinner_n be_v more_o acceptable_a to_o the_o lord_n to_o atone_v his_o wrath_n than_o sacrifice_n pro._n 21._o 3._o three_o achan_n be_v a_o curse_a person_n in_o his_o death_n though_o his_o dead_a body_n be_v not_o hang_v but_o burn_v with_o fire_n because_o he_o have_v sin_v in_o the_o curse_a thing_n namely_o in_o the_o consecrate_a gold_n which_o god_n have_v curse_v to_o any_o that_o do_v purloin_v it_o and_o therefore_o god_n say_v unto_o joshua_n i_o will_v be_v with_o you_o no_o more_o except_o you_o destroy_v that_o curse_a person_n josh_n 7._o 12._o for_o israel_n have_v transgress_v the_o covenant_n which_o i_o command_v they_o ver_fw-la 11._o but_o why_o do_v he_o say_v that_o israel_n transgress_v see_v achan_n alone_o sin_v in_o a_o secret_a manner_n the_o answer_n be_v because_o it_o be_v god_n will_v to_o make_v such_o a_o supreme_a voluntary_a law_n and_o covenant_n with_o all_o israel_n that_o if_o but_o one_o man_n sin_v in_o the_o excommunicate_a thing_n it_o shall_v involve_v all_o israel_n under_o the_o curse_n josh_n 6._o 18._o until_o they_o have_v purge_v themselves_o by_o the_o use_n of_o mean_n to_o find_v out_o the_o transgressor_n but_o as_o soon_o as_o they_o have_v find_v out_o the_o transgressor_n and_o have_v execute_v justice_n and_o bury_v his_o burn_a body_n under_o a_o heap_n of_o stone_n the_o lord_n be_v appease_v to_o the_o people_n and_o turn_v from_o his_o fierce_a wrath_n josh_n 7._o 25_o 26._o and_o so_o the_o camp_n be_v cleanse_v hence_o i_o do_v once_o more_o conclude_v that_o the_o only_a true_a reason_n why_o he_o that_o be_v hang_v must_v be_v bury_v the_o same_o day_n be_v not_o because_o else_o the_o land_n will_v be_v ceremonial_o defile_v as_o mr._n norton_n do_v argue_v but_o because_o one_o day_n open_a hang_v on_o a_o tree_n as_o long_o as_o the_o light_n do_v last_o to_o be_v gaze_v on_o do_v satisfy_v god_n justice_n and_o pacify_v his_o wrath_n and_o therefore_o the_o judge_n be_v admonish_v not_o to_o let_v his_o body_n hang_v all_o night_n but_o in_o any_o case_n to_o bury_v he_o the_o same_o day_n because_o he_o that_o be_v thus_o hang_v have_v bear_v the_o curse_n that_o else_o will_v have_v fall_v on_o the_o land_n and_o the_o jew_n say_v that_o as_o soon_o as_o a_o malefactor_n have_v satisfy_v justice_n by_o his_o 13._o see_v trap_n on_o gal._n 3._o 13._o death_n than_o the_o tree_n whereon_o he_o be_v hang_v the_o sword_n stone_n or_o napkin_n wherewith_o such_o a_o one_o be_v execute_v must_v be_v bury_v with_o they_o that_o no_o evil_a memorial_n of_o they_o may_v remain_v to_o say_v this_o be_v the_o tree_n sword_z stone_n or_o napkin_n wherewith_o such_o a_o one_o be_v execute_v but_o still_o this_o must_v be_v remember_v that_o in_o some_o extraordinary_a case_n god_n permit_v the_o magistrate_n to_o let_v some_o notorious_a malefactor_n to_o hang_v on_o a_o tree_n not_o only_o for_o one_o day_n but_o also_o for_o many_o day_n together_o and_o yet_o the_o land_n be_v not_o defile_v but_o cleanse_v thereby_o of_o which_o see_v more_o in_o n._n 8._o 6_o have_v now_o finish_v the_o former_a reason_n why_o the_o person_n hang_v must_v be_v bury_v the_o same_o day_n namely_o because_o in_o the_o ordinary_a course_n of_o justice_n one_o day_n hang_v on_o a_o tree_n do_v satisfy_v god_n justice_n and_o so_o remove_v the_o curse_n from_o the_o land_n as_o it_o be_v express_v in_o this_o sentence_n he_o that_o be_v hang_v have_v bear_v the_o curse_n of_o god_n and_o at_o the_o end_n of_o this_o sentence_n the_o geneva_n and_o tindal_n have_v make_v a_o full_a stop_n and_o the_o other_o translation_n have_v make_v a_o colon_n or_o a_o half_a stop_n for_o the_o time_n of_o his_o burial_n then_o moses_n proceed_v in_o the_o next_o sentence_n to_o finish_v his_o former_a exhortation_n to_o the_o judge_n in_o verse_n 22._o that_o thy_o land_n be_v not_o defile_v which_o the_o lord_n thy_o god_n give_v thou_o to_o inherit_v the_o context_n verse_n 22._o lie_n thus_o if_o there_o be_v in_o thou_o a_o man_n namely_o any_o other_o man_n beside_o the_o rebellious_a son_n in_o verse_n 18_o that_o have_v commit_v a_o sin_n worthy_a of_o death_n namely_o by_o ston_a thou_o shall_v stone_n he_o to_o death_n and_o then_o if_o thou_o see_v cause_n thou_o shall_v hang_v up_o his_o dead_a body_n on_o a_o tree_n that_o thy_o land_n be_v not_o defile_v by_o suffer_v such_o notorious_a moral_a sin_n and_o sinner_n to_o go_v unpunished_a this_o be_v the_o only_a true_a reason_n according_a to_o the_o context_n why_o the_o judge_n be_v exhort_v to_o execute_v exemplary_a justice_n on_o such_o unpunished_a the_o whole_a land_n may_v be_v defile_v by_o the_o judge_n neglect_v in_o suffer_v notorious_a malefactor_n to_o go_v unpunished_a notorious_a moral_a sinner_n namely_o that_o the_o land_n by_o their_o neglect_n of_o justice_n be_v not_o defile_v for_o the_o judge_n be_v the_o whole_a land_n representative_o as_o i_o have_v show_v more_o at_o large_a in_o the_o jew_n synagogue_n discipline_n and_o it_o be_v evident_a not_o only_o by_o the_o context_n that_o this_o be_v the_o true_a mind_n and_o meaning_n of_o
cite_v he_o in_o chap._n 16._o reply_v 20._o come_v all_o sort_n of_o death_n that_o man_n do_v suffer_v in_o this_o world_n be_v count_v but_o the_o first_o in_o relation_n to_o the_o second_o death_n in_o the_o world_n to_o come_v that_o the_o spiritual_a death_n of_o sin_n and_o the_o death_n of_o the_o body_n be_v the_o first-death_n because_o it_o belong_v to_o all_o man_n in_o this_o world_n and_o so_o do_v zanchy_a in_o his_o sermon_n page_n 162._o and_o that_o the_o second-death_n belong_v only_o to_o the_o wicked_a after_o this_o life_n be_v end_v but_o mr._n norton_n oppose_v this_o division_n of_o death_n in_o page_n 115._o and_o page_n 120._o and_o make_v a_o threefold_a death_n to_o confound_v the_o reader_n about_o the_o term_n second-death_n in_o rev._n 14._o and_o so_o he_o evade_v his_o answer_n to_o the_o main_a scope_n of_o the_o dialogue_n argument_n against_o christ_n suffering_n of_o the_o second-death_n which_o be_v this_o namely_o that_o the_o second-death_n can_v be_v suffer_v in_o this_o life_n where_o the_o first-death_n only_o be_v suffer_v by_o god_n appointment_n but_o on_o the_o contrary_a he_o labour_v to_o maintain_v that_o christ_n suffer_v the_o second-death_n in_o this_o world_n by_o god_n extraordinary_a dispensation_n but_o i_o have_v former_o answer_v that_o the_o papist_n may_v in_o like_a sort_n maintain_v the_o miracle_n that_o they_o ascribe_v to_o their_o legion_n of_o saint_n if_o they_o may_v but_o fly_v to_o god_n extraordinary_a dispensation_n 8_o mr._n anthony_n wotton_n deny_v mr._n norton_n tenent_n though_o for_o 12._o de_fw-fr recon_fw-mi pec_fw-la par_fw-fr 2._o l._n 1._o c._n 11._o n._n 8._o and_o more_o clear_o in_o c._n 18._o n._n 6_o 7_o 8_o 9_o 10_o 11_o 12._o some_o respect_n best_o know_v to_o himself_o he_o be_v spare_v to_o publish_v his_o judgement_n and_o yet_o he_o have_v leave_v enough_o in_o print_n to_o witness_v what_o i_o say_v and_o it_o be_v also_o further_o evident_a in_o this_o that_o he_o deny_v that_o god_n impute_v our_o sin_n to_o christ_n as_o the_o meritorious_a cause_n of_o his_o suffering_n as_o i_o have_v show_v in_o the_o former_a chapter_n 9_o i_o find_v by_o conference_n with_o such_o as_o have_v be_v well_o read_v in_o the_o ancient_a divine_n that_o nothing_o in_o they_o without_o wrest_v their_o sense_n can_v be_v find_v that_o do_v evidence_n that_o they_o hold_v that_o god_n do_v legal_o impute_v our_o sin_n to_o christ_n as_o the_o meritorious_a cause_n of_o inflict_a hell-torment_n on_o he_o 10_o the_o dialogue_n have_v cite_v some_o eminent_a divine_n both_o for_o learning_n and_o piety_n that_o have_v deny_v that_o christ_n suffer_v hell-torment_n like_o the_o two_o witness_n of_o god_n truth_n even_o when_o that_o doctrine_n bear_v the_o great_a sway_n as_o mr._n robert_n smith_n that_o suffer_v much_o for_o the_o truth_n be_v silence_v through_o the_o iniquity_n of_o the_o time_n and_o mr._n robert_n wilmot_n a_o man_n eminent_a for_o learning_n and_o the_o power_n of_o godliness_n and_o mr._n christopher_n carlisle_n a_o judicious_a expositor_n and_o mr._n nichols_n a_o student_n of_o the_o inner-temple_n all_o which_o be_v far_o from_o side_v with_o popish_a tenant_n as_o some_o to_o blast_v the_o truth_n be_v apt_a to_o say_v that_o scarce_o any_o deny_v christ_n suffering_n of_o god_n vindicative_a wrath_n but_o papist_n 11_o i_o have_v on_o psal_n 22._o 1._o cite_v our_o large_a annotation_n that_o go_v quite_o contrary_a to_o mr._n nortons_n strain_n 12_o i_o have_v cite_v other_o eminent_a divine_n in_o chap._n 2._o sect._n 2._o that_o do_v hold_v much_o differ_v from_o mr._n norton_n and_o it_o be_v a_o know_a thing_n among_o the_o learned_a that_o sub_fw-la judice_fw-la lie_fw-la est_fw-la it_o be_v a_o controversy_n not_o yet_o unanimous_o resolve_v and_o therefore_o i_o presume_v i_o shall_v meet_v with_o some_o judicious_a reader_n that_o will_v be_v able_a to_o judge_v whether_o the_o dialogue_n and_o the_o truth_n therein_o contain_v have_v be_v right_o censure_v by_o mr._n norton_n and_o by_o those_o that_o set_v he_o on_o work_n this_o proposition_n say_v mr._n norton_n in_o page_n 96._o curse_a be_v every_o one_o that_o hang_v on_o a_o tree_n be_v a_o typical_a proposition_n and_o contain_v in_o it_o these_o two_o truth_n 1_o that_o every_o one_o that_o hang_v upon_o a_o tree_n in_o judea_n from_o the_o promulgation_n of_o that_o curse_n to_o the_o passion_n of_o christ_n inclusive_o be_v ceremonial_o accurse_v i._n e._n all_o that_o be_v hang_v be_v see_v infamed_a that_o the_o carcase_n of_o such_o in_o case_n they_o be_v not_o bury_v before_o sunset_n shall_v the_o file_v the_o land_n 2_o that_o christ_n in_o testimony_n that_o he_o redeem_v we_o by_o bear_v the_o moral_a curse_n shall_v be_v hang_v on_o a_o tree_n reply_v 10._o neither_o of_o the_o two_o proposition_n be_v true_a in_o themselves_o much_o less_o be_v they_o deducible_a from_o the_o text_n in_o deut._n 21._o 23._o 1_o i_o have_v sufficient_o show_v already_o that_o this_o exhortation_n defile_v not_o the_o land_n be_v not_o connex_v but_o separate_v from_o the_o former_a sentence_n by_o a_o colon_n or_o by_o a_o full_a prick_n as_o the_o geneva_n and_o tindal_n make_v it_o and_o that_o it_o have_v reference_n to_o the_o execution_n and_o exact_a justice_n upon_o malefactor_n as_o in_o verse_n 21._o 22._o 2_o that_o no_o ceremonial_a sin_n do_v defile_v the_o whole_a land_n 3_o that_o hang_v on_o a_o tree_n long_o than_o sunset_n do_v not_o defile_v the_o land_n and_o that_o sometime_o hang_v many_o day_n together_o do_v not_o defile_v but_o cleanse_v the_o land_n from_o moral_a sin_n 4_o therefore_o see_v all_o mr._n nortons_n argument_n lay_v together_o have_v not_o strength_n enough_o to_o prove_v his_o first_o typical_a exposition_n of_o deut._n 21._o 23._o much_o less_o have_v they_o strength_n sufficient_a to_o prove_v his_o second_o proposition_n which_o can_v be_v true_a unless_o the_o first_o be_v true_a but_o yet_o mr._n norton_n make_v a_o great_a show_n for_o his_o exposition_n by_o cite_v junius_n piscator_fw-la parker_n and_o mr._n ainsworth_n as_o concur_v with_o his_o sense_n therefore_o i_o will_v make_v a_o short_a reply_n reply_v 11._o the_o two_o first_o i_o perceive_v by_o conference_n with_o such_o as_o have_v peruse_v they_o speak_v very_o moderate_o and_o spare_o and_o not_o so_o full_a as_o mr._n norton_n do_v but_o suppose_v they_o be_v full_o of_o his_o mind_n yet_o that_o can_v not_o prove_v no_o more_o but_o this_o that_o mr._n norton_n be_v not_o alone_o in_o his_o exposition_n and_o collection_n and_o so_o much_o may_v the_o dialogue_n say_v but_o all_o that_o be_v judicious_a do_v know_v that_o it_o be_v not_o man_n consent_n but_o scripture_n right_o interpret_v and_o argument_n draw_v from_o a_o right_a interpretation_n that_o must_v determine_v the_o point_n 3_o i_o have_v not_o yet_o examine_v what_o mr._n parker_n say_v 4_o as_o for_o mr._n ainsworth_n he_o be_v a_o little_a too_o bold_a to_o make_v he_o full_a of_o his_o judgement_n let_v his_o mind_n and_o meaning_n be_v examine_v by_o confer_v with_o his_o own_o word_n in_o his_o annotation_n in_o gen._n 3._o 15._o in_o num._n 21._o 9_o in_o exod._n 32._o 32._o in_o leu._n 6._o 21._o in_o psal_n 69._o 4._o beside_o i_o receive_v some_o letter_n from_o he_o in_o his_o life-time_n about_o this_o controversy_n whereby_o i_o know_v that_o his_o judgement_n be_v not_o thorough_o establish_v one_o way_n or_o other_o and_o i_o know_v by_o some_o expression_n of_o he_o that_o he_o can_v not_o hold_v that_o christ_n suffer_v hell-torment_n though_o he_o do_v hold_v that_o christ_n suffer_v the_o wrath_n of_o god_n in_o some_o degree_n and_o i_o find_v that_o other_o learned_a divine_n do_v hold_v as_o he_o do_v namely_o that_o christ_n suffer_v the_o wrath_n of_o god_n in_o some_o degree_n and_o yet_o they_o deny_v that_o he_o suffer_v hell-torment_n and_o the_o second-death_n which_o be_v also_o direct_o contrary_a to_o mr._n nortons_n fundamental_o for_o he_o hold_v just_a satisfaction_n by_o a_o just_a suffering_n of_o the_o essential_a curse_n of_o hell-torment_n dr._n preston_n say_v that_o the_o curse_n of_o god_n do_v consist_v in_o four_o thing_n 1_o when_o god_n do_v separate_v a_o man_n from_o grace_n goodness_n and_o 176._o in_o his_o treitise_n of_o love_n p._n 176._o holiness_n 2_o when_o he_o be_v separate_v from_o the_o presence_n of_o the_o lord_n from_o the_o joy_n from_o the_o influence_n and_o from_o the_o protection_n of_o god_n 3_o when_o he_o be_v curse_v in_o outward_a thing_n 4_o when_o he_o shall_v suffer_v the_o eternal_a curse_n at_o the_o day_n of_o judgement_n but_o now_o be_v christ_n thus_o curse_v of_o god_n methinks_v it_o shall_v make_v a_o godly_a man_n
and_o all_o his_o instrument_n by_o his_o righteousness_n in_o manage_v the_o combat_n according_a to_o the_o just_a law_n of_o the_o combat_n for_o the_o devil_n can_v not_o by_o all_o his_o stratagem_n prevail_v to_o make_v he_o a_o transgressor_n and_o therefore_o he_o can_v not_o prevail_v to_o put_v he_o to_o death_n formal_o by_o force_v his_o vital_a soul_n out_o of_o his_o body_n by_o all_o his_o torment_n and_o this_o be_v evident_a because_o god_n justice_n have_v not_o ordain_v any_o thing_n else_o but_o sin_n only_o to_o be_v the_o sting_n of_o death_n and_o therefore_o unless_o satan_n can_v have_v so_o far_o prevail_v as_o to_o make_v he_o a_o guilty_a sinner_n he_o can_v not_o sting_v he_o to_o death_n formal_o but_o himself_o be_v the_o only_a priest_n in_o the_o formality_n of_o his_o death_n and_o therefore_o when_o he_o be_v in_o strength_n of_o nature_n he_o do_v but_o say_v father_n into_o thy_o hand_n i_o commend_v my_o spirit_n and_o then_o at_o that_o instant_n he_o give_v up_o the_o ghost_n and_o that_o last_o act_n be_v do_v according_a to_o covenant_n give_v the_o formality_n 1._o to_o his_o obedience_n 2._o to_o his_o death_n 3._o to_o his_o sacrifice_n and_o 4._o to_o the_o full_a price_n of_o satisfaction_n to_o god_n justice_n for_o man_n redemption_n and_o thus_o the_o seed_n of_o the_o woman_n conquer_v satan_n break_v his_o first_o grand_a headplot_n by_o his_o weapon_n of_o righteousness_n and_o win_v the_o prize_n 5_o this_o be_v no_o new_a upstart_n doctrine_n that_o christ_n conquer_v satan_n by_o righteousness_n in_o observe_v the_o law_n of_o the_o combat_n and_o by_o enter_v the_o list_n with_o the_o infirmity_n of_o his_o humane_a nature_n which_o be_v most_o eminent_o show_v both_o in_o his_o internal_a and_o external_a agony_n but_o this_o doctrine_n have_v be_v teach_v by_o the_o ancient_a divine_n for_o 1_o christ_n be_v make_v man_n say_v damasen_a that_o so_o that_o which_o 18._o ortho._n fidei_fw-la l._n 3._o c._n 18._o be_v conquer_v may_v conquer_v god_n be_v not_o unable_a say_v he_o by_o his_o mighty_a force_n and_o power_n to_o take_v man_n from_o the_o tyrant_n but_o then_o that_o will_v have_v be_v a_o cause_n of_o complaint_n to_o the_o tyrant_n that_o have_v conquer_v man_n if_o he_o have_v be_v force_v by_o the_o power_n of_o god_n therefore_o god_n who_o pity_v and_o love_v we_o willing_a to_o make_v man_n that_o be_v fall_v the_o conqueror_n of_o satan_n become_v man_n restore_v the_o like_a by_o the_o like_a 2_o gregory_n say_v when_o satan_n take_v christ_n body_n to_o 11._o in_o mora●iam_fw-la l._n 3._o c._n 11._o crucify_v it_o he_o lose_v christ_n elect_n from_o the_o right_n of_o his_o power_n ibidem_fw-la from_o god_n speech_n to_o satan_n concern_v job_n he_o be_v in_o thy_o hand_n but_o save_v his_o life_n he_o do_v thus_o declare_v god_n commission_n to_o satan_n touch_v christ_n take_v thou_o power_n against_o his_o body_n and_o loose_v the_o right_n of_o thy_o dominion_n over_o his_o elect_n 3_o say_v ireneus_fw-la christ_n couple_v and_o unite_a man_n to_o god_n for_o 20._o iren._n l._n 3._o c._n 20._o if_o man_n have_v not_o vanquish_v the_o enemy_n of_o man_n the_o enemy_n have_v not_o be_v just_o vanquish_v 4_o leo_n say_v if_o the_o godhead_n only_o shall_v have_v oppose_v it_o 5._o de_fw-fr passi_fw-la dom._n ser._n 5._o self_n for_o sinner_n not_o so_o much_o reason_n a●_n power_n shall_v have_v conquer_v the_o devil_n ibidem_fw-la the_o son_n of_o god_n therefore_o admit_v wicked_a hand_n to_o be_v lay_v upon_o he_o and_o what_o the_o rage_n of_o persecutor_n offer_v he_o with_o patient_a power_n suffer_v this_o say_v he_o be_v the_o great_a mystery_n of_o godliness_n that_o christ_n be_v even_o load_v with_o injury_n which_o if_o he_o shall_v have_v repel_v with_o open_a power_n he_o shall_v have_v only_o exercise_v his_o divine_a strength_n but_o not_o regard_v our_o cause_n that_o be_v man_n for_o in_o all_o thing_n which_o the_o madness_n of_o the_o people_n and_o priest_n do_v reproachful_o unto_o he_o our_o sin_n be_v wipe_v away_o and_o our_o offence_n purge_v as_o isa_n 53._o 5._o the_o devil_n himself_o say_v he_o do_v not_o understand_v that_o his_o cruelty_n against_o christ_n shall_v overthrow_v his_o kingdom_n he_o shall_v not_o say_v he_o have_v lose_v the_o right_a of_o his_o fraud_n if_o he_o can_v but_o have_v abstain_v from_o the_o lord_n blood_n but_o greedy_a with_o malice_n to_o hurt_v while_o he_o rush_v on_o christ_n himself_o fall_v whilst_o he_o take_v he_o be_v take_v and_o pursue_v he_o that_o be_v mortal_a he_o light_v on_o the_o saviour_n of_o the_o world_n and_o say_v he_o in_o ser._n 10._o jesus_n christ_n be_v lift_v on_o the_o tree_n return_v death_n on_o the_o author_n of_o death_n heb._n 2_o 14._o and_o strangle_v all_o the_o principality_n and_o power_n that_o be_v against_o he_o by_o object_v his_o flesh_n that_o be_v passable_a and_o give_v place_n in_o himself_o to_o the_o presumption_n of_o our_o ancient_a enemy_n who_o rage_v against_o man_n nature_n that_o be_v subject_a unto_o he_o dare_v there_o exact_a his_o debt_n where_o he_o can_v find_v no_o hold_v no_o these_o letter_n a_o b_o c_o d_o do_v show_v that_o the_o ancient_a divine_n hold_v no_o such_o imputation_n of_o sin_n to_o christ_n as_o mr._n norton_n hold_v sign_n of_o sin_n therefore_o the_o general_a and_o mortal_a hand-writing_n by_o which_o we_o be_v sell_v be_v tear_v and_o the_o contract_n of_o our_o captivity_n come_v into_o the_o power_n of_o the_o redeemer_n and_o say_v he_o in_o serm._n 12._o to_o destroy_v the_o kingdom_n of_o the_o devil_n he_o rather_o use_v the_o righteousness_n of_o reason_n than_o the_o power_n of_o he_o may_v for_o whilst_o the_o devil_n rage_v on_o he_o who_o he_o hold_v by_o no_o hold_v no_o these_o letter_n a_o b_o c_o d_o do_v show_v that_o the_o ancient_a divine_n hold_v no_o such_o imputation_n of_o sin_n to_o christ_n as_o mr._n norton_n hold_v law_n of_o sin_n he_o lose_v the_o right_n of_o his_o wicked_a dominion_n hence_o i_o infer_v if_o the_o devil_n do_v afflict_v he_o by_o no_o law_n of_o sin_n than_o he_o be_v not_o a_o sinner_n by_o god_n legal_a imputation_n 5._o theodoret_n say_v because_o thou_o who_o receive_v power_n against_o 10._o de_fw-fr providen_n ser._n 10._o sinner_n have_v touch_v my_o body_n that_o be_o hold_v be_o these_o letter_n a_o b_o c_o d_o do_v show_v that_o the_o ancient_a divine_n hold_v no_o such_o imputation_n of_o sin_n to_o christ_n as_o mr._n norton_n hold_v guilty_a of_o no_o sin_n forfeit_v thy_o power_n and_o cease_v thy_o tyranny_n i_o will_v free_v i_o from_o death_n not_o use_v simple_o the_o power_n of_o a_o lord_n but_o a_o righteous_a power_n i_o have_v pay_v the_o debt_n of_o mankind_n owe_v no_o death_n i_o have_v suffer_v death_n and_o not_o subject_a to_o death_n and_o do_v admit_v death_n no_o way_n hold_v way_n these_o letter_n a_o b_o c_o d_o do_v show_v that_o the_o ancient_a divine_n hold_v no_o such_o imputation_n of_o sin_n to_o christ_n as_o mr._n norton_n hold_v guilty_a i_o be_v reckon_v with_o the_o guilty_a and_o be_v free_a from_o debt_n i_o be_v number_v among_o the_o debtor_n sustain_v therefore_o a_o unjust_a death_n i_o dissolve_v the_o death_n that_o be_v deserve_v and_o imprison_v wrongful_o i_o free_v they_o from_o prison_n that_o be_v just_o detain_v ibidem_fw-la say_v he_o let_v no_o man_n think_v that_o herein_o we_o dally_v for_o by_o the_o sacred_a gospel_n and_o doctrine_n of_o the_o apostle_n we_o be_v teach_v that_o these_o thing_n be_v so_o and_o say_v le●_n de_fw-fr passi_fw-la dom._n ser._n 17._o he_o that_o come_v to_o destroy_v death_n and_o the_o author_n of_o death_n how_o shall_v he_o have_v save_v sinner_n if_o he_o will_v have_v resist_v his_o pursuer_n 6_o austin_n speak_v very_o much_o to_o this_o sense_n that_o christ_n overcome_v the_o devil_n by_o justice_n namely_o by_o combat_v just_o according_a to_o the_o law_n of_o the_o voluntary_a covenant_n declare_v in_o gen._n 3._o 15._o and_o not_o by_o force_n namely_o not_o by_o the_o power_n of_o his_o godhead_n any_o man_n may_v see_v that_o his_o discourse_n sound_v to_o this_o sense_n his_o discourse_n be_v long_o but_o mr._n wotton_n have_v abbreviate_v his_o method_n de_fw-fr reconciliatione_fw-la peccatoris_fw-la part_n 2._o lib._n 1._o c._n 21._o and_o there_o he_o cite_v bernard_n also_o to_o the_o same_o sense_n and_o thither_o i_o refer_v the_o reader_n 7_o say_v dr._n willet_n on_o dan._n 9_o 26._o the_o justice_n of_o christ_n be_v meritorious_a of_o eternal_a life_n for_o we_o because_o by_o it_o he_o overcome_v death_n and_o subdue_v the_o devil_n none_o of_o all_o
which_o adam_n righteousness_n can_v do_v and_o it_o be_v one_o great_a part_n of_o the_o righteousness_n of_o christ_n to_o agonize_v himself_o with_o the_o dread_n of_o that_o ignominious_a usage_n which_o his_o combater_n be_v to_o inflict_v upon_o he_o and_o thus_o you_o see_v that_o the_o ancient_a divine_n do_v agree_v that_o christ_n great_a suffering_n be_v from_o satan_n malice_n by_o god_n permission_n and_o i_o perceive_v by_o conference_n with_o such_o as_o have_v be_v well_o read_v in_o the_o ancient_a divine_n that_o they_o do_v not_o hold_v as_o mr._n norton_n do_v that_o christ_n be_v a_o guilty_a sinner_n by_o god_n legal_a imputation_n nor_o that_o he_o be_v press_v under_o the_o wrath_n of_o god_n but_o on_o the_o contrary_a they_o affirm_v that_o there_o be_v no_o sign_n of_o sin_n in_o he_o and_o that_o the_o devil_n hold_v he_o by_o no_o law_n of_o sin_n and_o that_o he_o be_v no_o way_n guilty_a of_o sin_n 8_o those_o few_o hebrew_a doctor_n that_o speak_v of_o the_o death_n of_o the_o messiah_n do_v speak_v of_o his_o suffering_n with_o his_o combater_n satan_n as_o i_o have_v note_v their_o speech_n in_o the_o epistle_n to_o the_o reader_n 9_o the_o apostle_n make_v a_o like_a kind_n of_o reason_v in_o heb._n 2._o 14._o for_o as_o much_o then_o as_o the_o child_n be_v partaker_n of_o flesh_n and_o blood_n he_o 14._o heb._n 2._o 14._o also_o himself_o take_v part_n of_o the_o same_o that_o through_o death_n he_o may_v destroy_v he_o that_o have_v the_o power_n of_o death_n that_o be_v the_o devil_n here_o two_o question_n may_v be_v propound_v and_o answer_v 1_o how_o come_v the_o devil_n to_o get_v the_o power_n of_o death_n 2_o how_o come_v his_o power_n to_o be_v destroy_v judge●●●●_n adam_n first_o sin_n cause_v by_o the_o devil_n be_v the_o meritorious_a cause_n of_o our_o spiritual_a death_n by_o original_a sin_n and_o that_o be_v the_o meritorious_a cause_n of_o god_n justice_n in_o appoint_v a_o bodily_a death_n and_o judge●●●●_n to_o the_o first_o question_n the_o geneva_n note_n do_v answer_v because_o he_o be_v the_o author_n of_o sin_n none_o but_o the_o devil_n be_v the_o author_n of_o adam_n first_o sin_n in_o cause_v he_o by_o his_o deceitful_a reason_n to_o eat_v the_o forbid_v fruit_n which_o sin_n bring_v in_o the_o spiritual_a death_n of_o original_a sin_n and_o then_o second_o the_o spiritual_a death_n of_o original_a sin_n be_v the_o merit_a cause_n of_o god_n justice_n in_o denounce_v a_o bodily_a death_n in_o gen._n 3._o 19_o bodily_a death_n therefore_o be_v not_o the_o immediate_a effect_n of_o adam_n first_o sin_n as_o most_o expositor_n do_v carry_v it_o though_o i_o think_v they_o mis●_n it_o for_o if_o bodily_a death_n have_v be_v the_o immediate_a effect_n of_o adam_n first_o sin_n than_o the_o pelagian_n can_v sin_n the_o pelagian_n can_v be_v convince_v that_o original_a sin_n be_v the_o cause_n of_o the_o death_n of_o infant_n if_o it_o be_v grant_v that_o bodily_a death_n be_v the_o immediate_a effect_n of_o adam_n first_o sin_n be_v convince_v that_o original_a sin_n be_v the_o cause_n of_o the_o death_n of_o infant_n for_o they_o may_v say_v as_o most_o expositor_n say_v that_o bodily_a death_n be_v the_o immediate_a effect_n of_o adam_n first_o sin_n and_o then_o the_o pelagian_o may_v still_o hold_v that_o the_o death_n of_o infant_n be_v not_o the_o punishment_n of_o original_a sin_n traduce_v from_o their_o parent_n but_o the_o apostle_n do_v make_v the_o death_n of_o infant_n to_o be_v the_o immediate_a effect_n of_o original_a sin_n in_o rom._n 5._o 12._o and_o the_o devil_n be_v the_o author_n of_o original_a sin_n because_o it_o be_v the_o immediate_a punishment_n of_o adam_n first_o sin_n whereof_o the_o devil_n be_v the_o author_n and_o so_o consequent_o it_o occasion_v god_n in_o justice_n to_o denounce_v not_o only_o a_o bodily_a death_n to_o all_o the_o fall_v son_n of_o adam_n but_o also_o to_o denounce_v eternal_a death_n by_o necessary_a consequence_n to_o so_o many_o of_o the_o fall_v son_n of_o adam_n as_o do_v not_o believe_v their_o redemption_n by_o the_o promise_a seed_n for_o when_o god_n do_v first_o denounce_v a_o bodily_a death_n he_o do_v at_o the_o same_o time_n implicit_o denounce_v a_o judgement_n as_o the_o apostle_n show_v in_o heb._n 9_o 27._o and_o 129._o heb._n 9_o 27._o see_v austin_n in_o ser._n 129._o to_o this_o sense_n of_o death_n do_v austin_n speak_v there_o be_v a_o first_o death_n and_o a_o second_o death_n of_o the_o first_o death_n say_v he_o there_o be_v two_o part_n one_o when_o the_o sinful_a soul_n by_o offend_v depart_v from_o her_o creator_n the_o other_o whereby_o the_o soul_n for_o her_o punishment_n be_v exclude_v from_o the_o body_n by_o god_n justice_n and_o the_o second_o death_n say_v he_o be_v the_o everlasting_a torment_n of_o body_n and_o soul_n and_o thus_o the_o devil_n get_v the_o power_n of_o death_n the_o second_o question_n be_v this_o how_o come_v this_o power_n of_o the_o devil_n to_o be_v destroy_v the_o answer_n be_v by_o the_o second_o person_n in_o take_v upon_o he_o the_o seed_n of_o the_o woman_n in_o the_o fullness_n of_o time_n and_o by_o enter_v the_o list_n according_a to_o his_o covenant_n in_o that_o nature_n as_o it_o be_v accompany_v with_o our_o natural_a infirmity_n of_o fear_n sorrow_n etc._n etc._n and_o so_o by_o his_o constancy_n in_o obedience_n through_o all_o satan_n conflict_n he_o complete_v his_o victory_n and_o at_o last_o he_o make_v his_o vital_a soul_n a_o propitiatory_a sacrifice_n which_o be_v agree_v and_o covenant_v between_o the_o trinity_n to_o be_v account_v for_o full_a satisfaction_n for_o the_o redemption_n of_o all_o the_o elect_a and_o thus_o he_o destroy_v he_o that_o have_v the_o power_n of_o death_n the_o devil_n plot_n be_v by_o some_o stratagem_n or_o other_o to_o make_v christ_n a_o transgressor_n as_o he_o have_v make_v adam_n but_o because_o this_o seed_n of_o the_o deceive_v sinful_a woman_n continue_v obedient_a to_o the_o death_n through_o all_o satan_n malicious_a stratagem_n even_o to_o the_o death_n of_o the_o cross_n and_o at_o last_o make_v his_o soul_n a_o sacrifice_n therefore_o he_o get_v the_o victory_n and_o win_v the_o prize_n even_o the_o salvation_n of_o all_o the_o elect._n and_o thus_o through_o this_o kind_n of_o death_n he_o have_v destroy_v he_o that_o have_v the_o power_n of_o death_n that_o be_v the_o devil_n but_o say_v mr._n norton_n in_o page_n 70._o christ_n in_o his_o agony_n be_v press_v under_o the_o sense_n of_o the_o wrath_n of_o god_n and_o conflict_v with_o eternal_a death_n reply_v 23._o this_o compulsary_a term_n of_o be_v press_v under_o the_o wrath_n of_o god_n be_v no_o way_n suitable_a to_o the_o voluntary_a obedience_n of_o a_o voluntary_a covenanter_n i_o have_v show_v in_o chap._n 9_o that_o the_o voluntary_a cause_n be_v never_o overrule_v by_o a_o supreme_a compulsary_a power_n when_o grape_n or_o any_o other_o thing_n be_v press_v it_o be_v therefore_o press_v to_o force_v some_o thing_n from_o it_o be_v this_o a_o fit_a speech_n to_o be_v apply_v to_o the_o voluntary_a covenanter_n and_o to_o the_o voluntary_a undertaker_n of_o obedience_n to_o the_o article_n of_o the_o voluntary_a covenanter_n satan_n indeed_o do_v labour_n to_o oppress_v he_o to_o force_v he_o to_o impatiency_n but_o not_o god_n by_o his_o immediate_a wrath_n and_o the_o like_a strange_a expression_n i_o find_v also_o in_o the_o sum_n of_o divinity_n set_v forth_o by_o john_n downame_n in_o page_n 317._o by_o reason_n of_o the_o wrath_n christ_n as_o man_n be_v not_o able_a to_o conflict_n with_o his_o father_n wrath_n guilt_n of_o our_o sin_n say_v he_o there_o fall_v upon_o he_o sorrow_n trouble_v of_o mind_n astonishment_n and_o heaviness_n to_o death_n matth._n 26._o 38._o when_o he_o be_v to_o enter_v the_o list_n and_o to_o fight_v the_o great_a combat_n hand_n to_o hand_n with_o his_o angry_a father_n ibidem_fw-la in_o page_n 320._o he_o call_v the_o say_a combat_n handy_n gripe_v with_o his_o father_n and_o his_o suffering_n on_o the_o cross_n he_o call_v the_o main_a battle_n fight_v three_o whole_a hour_n with_o his_o father_n all_o which_o time_n tug_v in_o the_o fearful_a dark_a with_o he_o that_o have_v the_o power_n of_o darkness_n to_o hide_v from_o the_o eye_n of_o the_o world_n the_o fire_n of_o his_o father_n wrath_n which_o in_o that_o hot_a skirmish_n burn_v up_o every_o part_n of_o he_o and_o say_v calvin_n we_o see_v that_o christ_n be_v throw_v down_o so_o far_o that_o by_o enforcement_n of_o distress_n he_o be_v compel_v to_o cry_v out_o my_o god_n my_o god_n why_o have_v thou_o forsake_v i_o 11._o just_a l._n 2_o c._n 16._o sect._n 11._o and_o thus_o instead_o of_o enter_v
reconciliation_n or_o his_o forgiveness_n by_o his_o reconciliation_n do_v make_v a_o believe_a sinner_n not_o only_o without_o blemish_n and_o spotless_a but_o holy_a also_o and_o so_o the_o word_n sanctify_v and_o cleanse_v in_o ephes_n 5._o 27._o be_v synonimos_fw-la with_o the_o word_n holy_a and_o without_o blemish_n in_o the_o same_o verse_n six_o i_o pray_v note_v this_o also_o that_o the_o holiness_n of_o christ_n person_n can_v be_v impute_v to_o we_o for_o our_o formal_a holiness_n as_o it_o be_v affirm_v by_o some_o unless_o it_o can_v be_v prove_v that_o god_n do_v first_o make_v we_o one_o with_o christ_n in_o the_o personal_a unity_n of_o both_o his_o nature_n as_o the_o dialogue_n do_v reason_n the_o case_n in_o p._n 146._o and_o so_o mr._n baxter_n do_v reason_n with_o molinaeus_n in_o p._n 183._o christ_n righteousness_n formal_o say_v he_o be_v incommunicable_a to_o any_o other_o our_o union_n with_o christ_n say_v he_o make_v u●_n not_o the_o same_o person_n with_o he_o to_o be_v the_o same_o subject_n of_o the_o same_o accident_n righteousness_n this_o section_n i_o have_v add_v only_o by_o way_n of_o parenthesis_n seven_o see_v it_o be_v acknowledge_v that_o perfection_n do_v consist_v in_o action_n and_o see_v it_o be_v also_o acknowledge_v that_o the_o perfection_n of_o all_o christ_n obedience_n be_v to_o be_v evidence_v not_o only_o by_o his_o perfect_a patience_n in_o all_o his_o suffering_n from_o his_o combater_n satan_n but_o especial_o in_o the_o formality_n of_o his_o death_n and_o sacrifice_n why_o shall_v it_o not_o be_v formal_o do_v by_o his_o own_o priestly_a action_n and_o why_o then_o do_v mr._n norton_n detract_v so_o much_o from_o the_o perfection_n of_o his_o priestly_a action_n in_o the_o formality_n of_o his_o death_n and_o sacrifice_n by_o ascribe_v the_o formality_n of_o it_o to_o physical_a cause_n only_o as_o his_o word_n repeat_v a_o little_a before_o do_v testify_v but_o say_v mr._n norton_n in_o p._n 83._o the_o scripture_n mention_v no_o other_o death_n than_o what_o i●_n inflict_v just_o for_o sin_n etc._n etc._n reply_v 28._o i_o can_v but_o wonder_v that_o mr._n norton_n shall_v detract_v so_o much_o from_o the_o perfection_n of_o christ_n priestly_a action_n in_o make_v his_o death_n to_o be_v a_o sacrifice_n as_o to_o make_v it_o to_o be_v nothing_o else_o but_o a_o coacted_n death_n according_a to_o god_n sentence_n denounce_v on_o fall_v adam_n as_o the_o punishment_n of_o his_o original_a sin_n in_o gen._n 3._o 19_o for_o as_o lupset_o say_v well_o in_o our_o death_n the_o body_n do_v in_o a_o manner_n leave_v the_o soul_n before_o the_o soul_n leave_v the_o body_n for_o say_v he_o it_o be_v the_o body_n by_o itself_o forsake_v life_n that_o cause_v the_o soul_n to_o depart_v hence_o i_o infer_v what_o perfection_n of_o christ_n priestly_a active_a obedience_n can_v there_o be_v in_o such_o a_o kind_n of_o force_a death_n as_o this_o be_v but_o on_o the_o other_o hand_n look_v upon_o the_o death_n of_o christ_n as_o it_o be_v to_o be_v make_v a_o sacrifice_n in_o the_o formality_n of_o it_o by_o his_o own_o priestly_a power_n and_o then_o we_o may_v see_v it_o to_o be_v a_o death_n of_o covenant_n only_o and_o so_o consequent_o to_o be_v a_o active_a mediatorial_n death_n and_o sacrifice_n because_o he_o must_v be_v our_o mediator_n in_o his_o death_n but_o in_o reply_n 16._o i_o have_v speak_v more_o full_o to_o this_o objection_n therefore_o for_o a_o conclusion_n i_o will_v yet_o once_o more_o distinguish_v upon_o the_o death_n of_o christ_n 1_o the_o long_a action_n of_o his_o bloody_a combat_n with_o satan_n and_o his_o instrument_n give_v the_o name_n to_o his_o be_v kill_v and_o slay_v 2_o his_o last_o short_a act_n in_o breathe_v out_o send_v out_o or_o put_v out_o his_o immortal_a spirit_n when_o he_o cry_v with_o a_o loud_a voice_n father_n into_o thy_o hand_n i_o commend_v my_o spirit_n give_v the_o name_n of_o formality_n to_o his_o death_n and_o sacrifice_n by_o his_o own_o priestly_a power_n when_o christ_n say_v father_n into_o thy_o hand_n i_o commend_v my_o spirit_n 46._o luk._n 23._o 46._o he_o do_v not_o breath_n out_o his_o soul_n through_o the_o decay_n of_o his_o natural_a spirit_n as_o the_o saint_n do_v when_o they_o say_v the_o same_o word_n as_o in_o psal_n 31._o 5._o nor_o as_o stephen_n do_v when_o he_o say_v lord_n jesus_n receive_v 5._o psa_fw-la 31._o 5._o my_o spirit_n act._n 7._o 59_o for_o their_o death_n be_v coacted_n by_o god_n justice_n on_o original_a sin_n gen._n 3._o 19_o but_o christ_n make_v it_o evident_a that_o his_o death_n be_v not_o coacted_n by_o weakness_n of_o nature_n by_o his_o cry_v out_o with_o a_o loud_a voice_n when_o he_o say_v father_n into_o thy_o hand_n i_o commend_v my_o spirit_n and_o at_o that_o instant_n give_v up_o the_o ghost_n by_o which_o loud_a outcry_n he_o make_v it_o evident_a that_o he_o be_v in_o full_a strength_n of_o nature_n when_o he_o die_v as_o it_o be_v note_v before_o by_o mr._n white_a of_o dorchester_n and_o by_o mr._n trap_n and_o other_o and_o this_o last_o act_n give_v the_o formality_n 1_o to_o his_o obedience_n 2_o to_o his_o death_n and_o sacrifice_n 3_o to_o the_o price_n of_o full_a satisfaction_n for_o as_o i_o have_v former_o show_v from_o exod._n 30._o 12._o it_o be_v god_n voluntary_a covenant_n that_o redemption_n exod._n 30._o 12_o 15_o 16._o the_o death_n of_o christ_n as_o it_o be_v make_v a_o sacrifice_n of_o reconciliation_n by_o the_o voluntary_a covenant_n between_o the_o trinity_n be_v the_o full_a price_n of_o man_n redemption_n make_v the_o half_a shekel_n to_o be_v the_o full_a price_n for_o the_o redemption_n of_o the_o life_n of_o the_o israelite_n and_o this_o price_n be_v employ_v or_o part_n of_o it_o at_o least_o to_o buy_v public_a sacrifice_n which_o be_v ordain_v to_o make_v a_o atonement_n for_o their_o life_n as_o i_o have_v open_v it_o in_o the_o dialogue_n p._n 86._o namely_o this_o price_n be_v account_v by_o god_n to_o be_v in_o the_o place_n and_o in_o the_o stead_n of_o their_o life_n as_o vers_n 15_o and_o 16._o do_v declare_v and_o thus_o their_o life_n be_v redeem_v with_o a_o price_n and_o yet_o material_o it_o be_v not_o the_o full_a price_n of_o their_o life_n but_o formal_o it_o be_v the_o full_a price_n of_o their_o life_n by_o virtue_n of_o god_n free_a covenant_n in_o like_a sort_n god_n voluntary_a covenant_n and_o decree_n make_v the_o obedience_n of_o christ_n in_o his_o combat_n of_o suffering_n and_o in_o the_o formality_n of_o his_o death_n and_o sacrifice_n to_o be_v the_o full_a price_n of_o the_o redemption_n of_o all_o the_o elect_a israel_n of_o god_n namely_o in_o their_o place_n and_o stead_n but_o say_v mr._n norton_n in_o page_n 143._o no_o price_n can_v dispense_v in_o case_n of_o the_o antitype_n reply_v 29._o and_o why_o not_o be_v god_n by_o necessity_n of_o nature_n bind_v to_o punish_v sin_n to_o the_o utmost_a extent_n of_o his_o justice_n be_v not_o he_o a_o supreme_a to_o do_v with_o his_o own_o what_o he_o please_v the_o lord_n in_o mercy_n open_v his_o eye_n and_o all_o our_o eye_n to_o see_v better_o into_o the_o force_n of_o god_n voluntary_a covenant_n for_o it_o be_v his_o voluntary_a positive_a law_n and_o covenant_n that_o do_v make_v any_o thing_n to_o be_v a_o full_a formal_a price_n in_o his_o own_o sight_n and_o on_o the_o contrary_a that_o nothing_o that_o be_v never_o so_o valuable_a in_o our_o eye_n can_v be_v make_v a_o full_a price_n formal_o in_o his_o esteem_n without_o his_o voluntary_a positive_a law_n and_o covenant_n do_v concur_v thereto_o conclusion_n from_o my_o several_a reply_v to_o the_o say_v three_o question_n 1_o hence_o it_o follow_v that_o god_n do_v not_o forsake_v christ_n in_o the_o formality_n of_o his_o death_n on_o the_o cross_n namely_o he_o do_v not_o so_o forsake_v he_o as_o to_o suffer_v his_o humane_a nature_n to_o be_v put_v to_o death_n formal_o by_o the_o power_n of_o satan_n torture_a pain_n neither_o do_v he_o appoint_v his_o death_n to_o be_v make_v a_o sacrifice_n by_o his_o own_o immediate_a wrath_n but_o only_o by_o christ_n own_o priestly_a power_n 2_o hence_o it_o follow_v that_o the_o death_n of_o christ_n in_o the_o formality_n of_o it_o be_v accept_v of_o god_n as_o a_o mediatorial_n sacrifice_n of_o reconciliation_n by_o which_o his_o wrath_n be_v appease_v and_o his_o favour_n procure_v to_o all_o poor_a humble_a and_o believe_a sinner_n he_o be_v the_o mediator_n of_o the_o new_a testament_n through_o his_o death_n because_o he_o complete_v the_o same_o as_o our_o mediatorial_n priest_n by_o the_o joint_a concurrence_n of_o both_o his_o nature_n in_o personal_a union_n and_o in_o that_o
and_o the_o band_n have_v seize_v on_o he_o yet_o then_o also_o he_o utter_v word_n of_o sure_a comfort_n and_o confidence_n mat._n 26._o 53._o think_v thou_o say_v he_o to_o peter_n that_o i_o can_v pray_v to_o my_o father_n and_o he_o shall_v set_v before_o i_o more_o than_o twelve_o legion_n of_o angel_n 5_o when_o he_o be_v upon_o the_o cross_n and_o cry_v my_o god_n my_o god_n why_o have_v thou_o forsake_v i_o do_v not_o the_o very_a forefront_n of_o that_o speech_n ascertain_v we_o that_o he_o have_v even_o then_o comfort_n in_o his_o god_n mat._n ●7_n 46._o 6_o have_v he_o not_o strong_a comfort_n in_o god_n his_o father_n at_o the_o give_v up_o of_o the_o ghost_n when_o he_o say_v father_n into_o thy_o hand_n i_o commend_v my_o spirit_n luk._n 23._o 46._o if_o then_o through_o all_o his_o suffering_n he_o can_v pray_v to_o his_o father_n as_o we_o see_v and_o know_v his_o father_n hear_v he_o ever_o then_o sure_o he_o have_v comfort_n in_o his_o father_n ever_o yea_o if_o through_o all_o his_o suffering_n he_o call_v he_o by_o the_o fiducial_a and_o cordial_a name_n father_n we_o can_v imagine_v but_o that_o he_o conceive_v and_o apply_v the_o comfort_n contain_v in_o the_o name_n when_o ever_o he_o do_v mention_v the_o name_n else_o how_o conceive_v we_o that_o his_o heart_n and_o mouth_n do_v go_v together_o these_o observation_n of_o mr._n wilmot_n do_v evidence_n that_o christ_n mind_n be_v not_o whole_o take_v up_o with_o the_o dreadful_a sense_n of_o the_o righteous_a wrath_n of_o god_n when_o he_o begin_v to_o be_v amaze_v and_o to_o be_v very_o heavy_a as_o mr._n norton_n do_v affirm_v sect_n 5._o christ_n agony_n and_o luk._n 22._o 44._o examine_v mr._n norton_n in_o pag._n 63._o do_v thus_o abbreviate_v the_o dialogue_n word_n if_o the_o circumstance_n of_o this_o agony_n be_v well_o weigh_v say_v the_o dialogue_n it_o will_v appear_v that_o it_o do_v not_o proceed_v from_o his_o father_n wrath_n but_o from_o his_o natural_a fear_n of_o death_n only_o because_o he_o must_v be_v strike_v with_o the_o fear_n of_o death_n as_o much_o as_o his_o true_a humane_a nature_n can_v bear_v he_o must_v be_v touch_v with_o the_o fear_n of_o death_n in_o a_o very_a great_a measure_n as_o the_o prophet_n do_v foretell_v add_v to_o these_o pain_n of_o his_o mind_n his_o earnest_a prayer_n to_o be_v deliver_v from_o his_o natural_a fear_n of_o death_n the_o fear_n of_o death_n do_v often_o cause_n man_n to_o sweat_v and_o earnest_a prayer_n do_v often_o cause_n man_n to_o sweat_v as_o he_o be_v man_n he_o must_v be_v touch_v with_o the_o fear_n of_o death_n for_o a_o time_n and_o as_o he_o be_v mediator_n he_o must_v full_o and_o whole_o overcome_v his_o natural_a fear_n of_o death_n by_o his_o prayer_n therefore_o there_o be_v a_o necessity_n for_o he_o to_o strive_v in_o prayer_n until_o he_o have_v overcome_v it_o mr._n norton_n do_v thus_o answer_v in_o p._n 64._o there_o can_v no_o reason_n be_v give_v why_o the_o fear_n of_o death_n shall_v be_v as_o much_o as_o the_o humane_a nature_n of_o christ_n can_v bear_v without_o sin_n because_o the_o object_n of_o that_o fear_n may_v be_v and_o be_v exceed_v penal_a spiritual_a death_n be_v a_o great_a object_n of_o fear_n incomparable_o reply_v 19_o i_o have_v already_o reply_v to_o this_o very_a answer_n in_o substance_n in_o the_o first_o section_n of_o this_o chapter_n but_o yet_o i_o reply_v further_o with_o the_o dialogue_n that_o the_o law_n of_o mediatorship_n do_v require_v that_o he_o shall_v take_v our_o nature_n together_o with_o our_o true_a natural_a but_o yet_o sinless_a infirmity_n gen._n 3._o 15._o heb._n 4._o 15._o and_o see_v he_o be_v conceive_v of_o the_o seed_n of_o the_o woman_n by_o the_o power_n of_o the_o holy_a ghost_n our_o nature_n and_o natural_a affection_n be_v transcendent_a in_o he_o and_o therefore_o according_a to_o those_o transscendent_a natural_a passion_n he_o can_v not_o choose_v but_o abhor_v death_n more_o than_o any_o sinful_a man_n and_o therefore_o he_o do_v often_o trouble_v himself_o with_o the_o thought_n of_o it_o as_o he_o make_v it_o evident_a by_o his_o speech_n often_o itterate_v to_o his_o disciple_n about_o his_o ignominious_a death_n and_o suffering_n at_o jerusalem_n but_o at_o his_o last_o supper_n and_o in_o the_o garden_n when_o his_o death_n be_v nigh_o at_o hand_n he_o do_v more_o pathetical_o express_v his_o natural_a dread_n and_o abhorrence_n of_o it_o first_o to_o his_o disciple_n and_o then_o to_o god_n in_o his_o prayer_n matth._n 26._o 37_o 38._o for_o he_o know_v by_o god_n declare_v will_n in_o gen._n 3._o 15._o that_o god_n have_v arm_v the_o devil_n with_o power_n to_o apprehend_v he_o to_o condemn_v he_o and_o to_o put_v he_o to_o that_o ignominious_a torture_a death_n of_o the_o cross_n as_o a_o sinful_a malefactor_n i_o say_v the_o consideration_n of_o this_o usage_n can_v not_o choose_v but_o work_v a_o great_a dread_n and_o abhor_v in_o the_o humane_a nature_n of_o christ_n than_o the_o like_a can_v do_v to_o we_o because_o of_o the_o pure_a constitution_n of_o his_o nature_n as_o i_o have_v note_v it_o in_o sect._n 1_o our_o nature_n by_o reason_n of_o original_a sin_n be_v become_v the_o slave_n of_o death_n heb._n 2._o 14._o and_o therefore_o we_o can_v abhor_v it_o with_o so_o much_o true_a natural_a detestation_n as_o the_o pure_a nature_n of_o christ_n may_v do_v and_o do_v and_o therefore_o his_o natural_a fear_n of_o death_n be_v transcendent_a to_o we_o but_o say_v he_o penal_a spiritual_a death_n be_v a_o great_a object_n incomparable_o he_o take_v it_o for_o grant_v that_o christ_n suffer_v a_o penal_a spiritual_a death_n which_o be_v deny_v but_o in_o case_n such_o a_o tenent_n be_v indeed_o hold_v forth_o in_o the_o book_n of_o god_n then_o methinks_v the_o bless_a scripture_n shall_v insist_v most_o upon_o i●_n see_v it_o be_v hold_v to_o be_v the_o main_a matter_n of_o full_a and_o just_a satisfaction_n but_o the_o contrary_n be_v evident_a to_o i_o namely_o that_o the_o scripture_n do_v insist_v most_o upon_o his_o ignominious_a torture_a bodily_a death_n from_o satan_n and_o upon_o his_o sacrifice_n as_o soon_o as_o ever_o he_o have_v finish_v all_o his_o suffering_n and_o have_v evidence_v his_o obedience_n to_o be_v perfect_a through_o suffering_n the_o dialogue_n say_v thus_o in_o p._n 49._o it_o be_v no_o marvel_n then_o that_o our_o saviour_n fall_v into_o such_o a_o agony_n the_o night_n before_o his_o death_n see_v it_o be_v not_o a_o easy_a thing_n to_o alter_v the_o property_n of_o nature_n from_o a_o desire_n to_o live_v to_o a_o desire_n to_o die_v and_o that_o not_o for_o his_o own_o end_n and_o benefit_n but_o for_o the_o sake_n of_o the_o elect_a only_o and_o all_o this_o must_v he_o perform_v in_o exact_a obedience_n to_o his_o father_n will_n he_o must_v observe_v the_o due_a time_n of_o every_o action_n and_o so_o on_o as_o it_o follow_v in_o mr._n nortons_n citation_n in_o page_n 64._o 65._o mr._n norton_n do_v answer_v thus_o in_o page_n 63._o your_o mention_v other_o cause_n though_o false_a of_o christ_n fear_n beside_o his_o natural_a death_n only_o be_v a_o secret_a acknowledgement_n that_o his_o fear_n of_o a_o natural_a death_n only_o be_v not_o a_o sufficient_a cause_n of_o his_o exceed_a sorrow_n before_o his_o death_n reply_v 20._o the_o dialogue_n show_v plain_o that_o the_o approach_n of_o his_o ignominious_a and_o painful_a death_n by_o his_o combater_n satan_n be_v the_o main_a cause_n of_o his_o exceed_a natural_a fear_n and_o so_o consequent_o of_o his_o agony_n but_o second_o in_o order_n to_o overcome_v that_o fear_n the_o dialogue_n do_v make_v his_o godly_a fear_n in_o his_o rational_a soul_n by_o put_v up_o strong_a prayer_n with_o cry_n and_o tear_n for_o the_o overcome_a of_o his_o natural_a fear_n to_o be_v another_o ground_n that_o do_v increase_v his_o violent_a sweat_n in_o his_o agony_n and_o three_o it_o make_v his_o pious_a care_n to_o perform_v all_o the_o suffering_n that_o be_v write_v of_o he_o in_o exact_a obedience_n in_o all_o circumstance_n to_o the_o law_n of_o the_o combat_n without_o any_o diversion_n by_o satan_n provocation_n to_o be_v another_o circumstance_n that_o do_v aggravate_v his_o zeal_n in_o his_o prayer_n and_o so_o it_o be_v a_o help_a cause_n to_o increase_v his_o sweat_n in_o his_o agony_n but_o mark_v this_o the_o dialogue_n do_v still_o make_v his_o natural_a fear_n of_o death_n to_o be_v the_o foundation_n of_o all_o this_o and_o therefore_o i_o know_v no_o just_a cause_n give_v why_o mr._n norton_n shall_v say_v that_o my_o word_n be_v a_o secret_a acknowledgement_n that_o his_o fear_n of_o a_o natural_a death_n be_v not_o a_o sufficient_a cause_n
of_o his_o exceed_a sorrow_n before_o his_o death_n natural_a death_n be_v the_o punishment_n of_o original_a sin_n but_o christ_n humane_a nature_n be_v not_o by_o that_o justice_n subject_v to_o death_n death_n 2_o i_o can_v choose_v but_o wonder_v that_o mr._n norton_n do_v so_o often_o charge_v the_o dialogue_n to_o speak_v of_o christ_n natural_a death_n only_o see_v the_o dialogue_n do_v shun_v that_o word_n as_o altogether_o unfit_a to_o express_v the_o formality_n of_o his_o death_n as_o i_o have_v show_v at_o reply_n 5._o this_o be_v a_o plain_a evidence_n that_o mr._n norton_n do_v not_o understand_v the_o drift_n of_o the_o dialogue_n about_o the_o true_a nature_n of_o christ_n death_n natural_a death_n be_v that_o bodily_a death_n which_o be_v by_o god_n positive_a justice_n inflict_v on_o fall_v adam_n as_o the_o punishment_n of_o original_a sin_n in_o gen._n 3._o 19_o which_o be_v now_o natural_a to_o we_o this_o be_v a_o true_a description_n of_o natural_a death_n but_o christ_n humane_a nature_n be_v not_o make_v subject_a to_o death_n by_o the_o curse_n of_o that_o supreme_a positive_a law_n because_o he_o be_v free_a from_o orginal_a sin_n and_o so_o free_a from_o the_o curse_n of_o that_o law_n for_o sin_n be_v not_o impute_v where_o there_o be_v no_o law_n rom._n 5._o 13._o but_o by_o another_o positive_a law_n and_o covenant_n wherein_o he_o be_v a_o equal_a and_o reciprocal_a covenanter_n mr._n norton_n have_v go_v astray_o in_o his_o first_o foundation-proposition_n he_o stray_v further_a and_o further_o from_o the_o true_a nature_n of_o christ_n death_n and_o sacrifice_n first_o he_o say_v that_o all_o the_o curse_n of_o the_o law_n be_v heap_v together_o and_o lay_v upon_o christ_n and_o then_o in_o page_n 83._o and_o in_o divers_a other_o place_n he_o stray_v further_a and_o further_o till_o he_o make_v the_o death_n of_o christ_n in_o the_o formality_n of_o it_o to_o be_v his_o subjection_n to_o that_o curse_a bodily_a death_n that_o be_v inflict_v on_o fall_v adam_n for_o their_o original_a sin_n in_o gen._n 3._o 19_o but_o i_o hope_v i_o have_v sufficient_o show_v in_o reply_n 3._o and_o 5._o a_o little_a before_o and_o elsewhere_o that_o the_o death_n of_o christ_n be_v not_o a_o natural_a death_n but_o a_o death_n of_o covenant_n only_o or_o else_o it_o can_v not_o have_v be_v a_o sacrifice_n for_o the_o procure_n of_o god_n atonement_n to_o the_o elect_n which_o no_o other_o man_n natural_a death_n in_o the_o world_n be_v beside_o and_o therefore_o the_o dialogue_n do_v right_o argue_v in_o page_n 6._o that_o the_o death_n of_o christ_n be_v not_o include_v in_o that_o curse_a death_n that_o be_v threaten_v to_o fall_v adam_n in_o gen._n 3._o 19_o but_o it_o be_v declare_v to_o be_v of_o another_o nature_n and_o exemplify_v to_o adam_n by_o the_o death_n of_o some_o lamb_n offer_v in_o sacrifice_n for_o the_o break_n of_o the_o devil_n headplot_n four_o verse_n before_o namely_o in_o gen._n 3._o 15._o 3_o it_o be_v evident_a to_o all_o man_n that_o his_o earnest_a prayer_n do_v increase_v agony_n ain_n do_v make_v the_o earnest_a prayer_n of_o christ_n to_o be_v a_o part_n of_o his_o agony_n his_o sweat_n in_o his_o agony_n by_o the_o very_a word_n of_o the_o text_n in_o luke_n 22._o 44._o and_o say_v ainsworth_n upon_o the_o word_n incense_n beat_n small_a in_o leu._n 16._o 12._o it_o figure_v the_o agony_n of_o christ_n in_o his_o prayer_n before_o his_o death_n which_o he_o offer_v up_o with_o strong_a cry_v and_o tear_n luke_n 22._o 44_o heb._n 5._o 7._o and_o say_v trap_n in_o mat._n 26._o 36._o our_o saviour_n pray_v himself_o into_o a_o agony_n to_o teach_v we_o to_o strive_v in_o prayer_n even_o to_o a_o agony_n as_o the_o word_n signify_v in_o col._n 4._o 12._o for_o earnest_a prayer_n be_v a_o earnest_n strive_v or_o wrestle_v it_o out_o with_o god_n rom._n 15._o 30._o and_o so_o jacob_n wrestle_v both_o bodily_a and_o spiritual_o with_o christ_n for_o a_o blessing_n gen._n 32._o 24._o heb._n 12._o 3_o 4._o 10._o rom._n 15._o 30._o deut._n 9_o 14._o exit_fw-la 32._o 10._o and_o say_v ain_n in_o gen._n 32._o 24._o jacob_n wrestle_v or_o combat_v with_o christ_n and_o so_o rachel_n wrestle_v or_o combat_v with_o leah_n gen._n 30._o 8._o and_o so_o christ_n with_o excellent_a wrestle_v wrestle_v it_o out_o with_o satan_n he_o fight_v the_o good_a fight_n and_o keep_v to_o the_o rule_n of_o obedience_n in_o his_o fear_n and_o prayer_n and_o such_o kind_n of_o prayer_n do_v often_o cause_v man_n to_o sweat_v though_o they_o have_v the_o spirit_n but_o by_o measure_n how_o much_o more_o fervent_a than_o be_v christ_n in_o his_o prayer_n in_o his_o agony_n in_o the_o garden_n which_o have_v the_o spirit_n above_o measure_n as_o the_o dialogue_n do_v argue_v it_o be_v no_o marvel_n then_o that_o his_o prayer_n which_o be_v utter_v with_o strong_a cry_n and_o tear_n do_v increase_v his_o sweat_n in_o his_o agony_n until_o it_o trickle_v down_o like_a as_o it_o be_v great_a drop_n of_o blood_n nature_n itself_o without_o the_o gracious_a act_n of_o god_n spirit_n may_v strive_v itself_o into_o a_o sweaty_a agony_n as_o the_o physician_n that_o write_v the_o book_n de_fw-fr utilitate_fw-la respirationis_fw-la among_o gallen_n work_v attribute_n tom._n 7._o say_v it_o sometime_o happen_v that_o fervent_a spirit_n do_v so_o dilate_v the_o pore_n of_o the_o body_n that_o blood_n pass_v by_o they_o and_o so_o the_o sweat_n may_v be_v bloody_a hence_o i_o reason_v thus_o if_o a_o natural_a man_n may_v be_v thus_o fervent_a in_o spirit_n till_o his_o sweat_n may_v be_v bloody_a then_o why_o may_v not_o christ_n that_o have_v his_o natural_a fervency_n increase_v death_n also_o in_o reply_n 24._o you_o may_v see_v a_o example_n of_o a_o bloody_a sweat_n cause_v through_o the_o sudden_a fear_n of_o a_o ignominious_a death_n in_o his_o prayer_n by_o the_o spirit_n above_o measure_n provoke_v a_o bloody_a sweat_n from_o his_o body_n and_o therefore_o the_o reason_n of_o the_o dialogue_n be_v sound_a and_o good_a which_o run_v if_o the_o natural_a fear_n of_o death_n and_o the_o strive_v of_o the_o spirit_n in_o prayer_n may_v cause_v man_n to_o sweat_v than_o it_o may_v cause_v our_o saviour_n pure_a humane_a nature_n to_o sweat_v much_o more_o etc._n etc._n as_o it_o follow_v in_o the_o dialogue_n 4_o consider_v how_o terrible_a to_o nature_n death_n be_v at_o sometime_o but_o at_o sometime_o again_o not_o terrible_a after_o our_o saviour_n have_v finish_v his_o prayer_n in_o the_o garden_n he_o say_v to_o his_o disciple_n in_o matth._n 46._o mat._n 26._o 46._o 26._o 46._o arise_v let_v we_o be_v go_v namely_o to_o meet_v that_o ignominious_a death_n that_o a_o little_a before_o be_v so_o dreadful_a to_o my_o humane_a nature_n that_o it_o put_v i_o into_o a_o agony_n but_o now_o i_o have_v obtain_v a_o confirmation_n to_o my_o nature_n against_o those_o fear_n and_o therefore_o 139._o see_v dr._n hall_n in_o his_o select_a thought_n p._n 139._o now_o i_o say_v unto_o you_o arise_v let_v we_o go_v meet_v it_o which_o till_o he_o have_v pray_v say_v trap_n he_o great_o fear_v and_o faith_n dr._n hall_n the_o fear_n of_o death_n be_v natural_a and_o so_o far_o from_o be_v evil_a that_o it_o be_v incident_a to_o the_o son_n of_o god_n who_o be_v hear_v in_o that_o which_o he_o fear_v observe_v i_o pray_v that_o dr._n hall_n do_v speak_v this_o of_o christ_n natural_a fear_n of_o his_o bodily_a death_n and_o second_o this_o also_o be_v worthy_a of_o due_a observation_n that_o christ_n must_v overcome_v his_o natural_a fear_n of_o death_n before_o he_o can_v make_v his_o vital_a soul_n a_o sacrifice_n according_a to_o god_n command_n for_o it_o be_v god_n command_v and_o his_o own_o covenant_n also_o that_o he_o shall_v not_o suffer_v any_o to_o take_v away_o his_o vital_a soul_n from_o he_o but_o second_o to_o lay_v it_o down_o of_o himself_o namely_o as_o a_o sacrifice_n by_o his_o own_o will_n desire_n and_o power_n but_o this_o his_o humane_a nature_n can_v not_o do_v until_o he_o have_v overcome_v his_o natural_a fear_n and_o he_o have_v no_o better_a way_n to_o overcome_v his_o natural_a fear_n than_o by_o his_o fervent_a wrestle_a prayer_n as_o it_o be_v express_v in_o luke_n 22._o 44._o and_o heb._n 5._o 7._o he_o may_v not_o in_o this_o case_n use_v the_o power_n of_o his_o godhead_n to_o make_v his_o nature_n impassable_a because_o he_o have_v covenant_v to_o enter_v the_o list_n with_o his_o combater_n satan_n in_o the_o infirmity_n of_o our_o humane_a nature_n and_o he_o have_v no_o better_a way_n to_o get_v a_o confirmation_n like_o armour_n of_o proof_n to_o his_o humane_a nature_n against_o this_o fear_n of_o his_o unnatural_a