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cause_n fruit_n good_a tree_n 4,830 5 9.4106 5 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A17590 A sermon preached before the right honorable Earle of Darbie, and diuers others assembled in his honors chappell at Newparke in Lankashire, the second of Ianuarie. Anno humanæ salut, 1577 Caldwell, John, parson of Winwick. 1577 (1577) STC 4367; ESTC S107405 29,430 86

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his deare and welbeloued sōne neither had we learned how swéete the Lorde is Our eares were so stopped y we could not harken vnto the swéete voyce of God and glad tidinges of saluatiō we perceaued nothing at all of the goodnes of God towards vs neither yet were we moued to any worke of charitye towards our neighbour but were vtterlye vnapt altogether vnable to doo any good worke yea not so much so much as to thinke a good thought But now seinge it hath pleased the lord to pittye our misery to awake vs out of this deadlye daungerous sleepe of sinne to send his worde amongest vs and by it through the working of his spirit to create fayth in vs it is very méete and also right nedefull that we sléepe no more in sine but rise vp with al spéed vnto newnes of life For seing we haue nowe the light of the Gospell amōgst vs it is now no time for vs to ●lugge and sléepe any more and to folowe the lustes pleasures of the fleshe as though Christ had neuer bene preched vnto vs and we neuer called by the voyce of God to repentance and amendment of lyfe Let vs therefore not neclect this good occasion considering y the apostle doth héere fel vs that it is nowe high tyme for vs to awake out of sléepe but let euery man be redy to do his duty séeing that good opportunitye serueth therevnto we ought in no wise to deferre the reformation of things that be amisse from daye to daye and yere to yere and to be idle at such a time as this is bicause god perchaunce will not alwaies graunt vs the like occasion to do good And therfore it behoueth vs to strayne our selus the more whilest occasion ●●steth while god graūteth vs leaue to do wel The Smith stricketh his yron 〈…〉 it is hot The husband ma● 〈◊〉 his corne to be already ripe prouideth in d●● sea●on reaper● and sicles to cut it do●●● and in the har●est time you shall heare him say to his seruauntes whē the weather is faire plie it ●●irs plye it for we cannot tell whether it will raine or no and howe longe this faire weather will last Likewise the Marchantman if he haue a voiage to make he will take shippe while tide an● w●●de serueth For hée knoweth that time and tide will ●arye for no man The prophet Esay therfore giueth good counsel and willeth all men to receyue Christ when as he offereth himselfe into them by the preaching of his worde Sayinge Qu●●●te dominum dum inue●●● potest inuocate eum dum prope est sieke the Lorde whilest he may be found cal you vpon him whilest he is neare Christ in the gospell doth shewe that manye through their owne slownes and negligence shall be that out of the kingdome of heauen he depriued of eternal life Here vpō he saith Contendite intrare per angu●●am portā quia dico vobis multi quaerent intrare et non poterunt St●●ue to enter in at the strait gate for many I say wil seeke to enter in and shall not be able When the good man of the house is risen vp and hath shut to y dore ye begin to stād without and knock at the dore sayinge Lorde Lord open vnto vs he shall answer and say vnto you I knowe you not whence you are In the xxv of Math. we read y the siue wise virgins which wer ready went in with the Bridegrom vnto the weddinge but the fiue folishe virgins bicause they were not ready in time had the gate of heauen shut against them For whilest they went to bye oyle for their la●ps y bridegrome came the ga●● was shut Paule therfore in the Gal. willeth vs to do good to all men while we haue time And here in this place he telleth vs y it is now time for vs to awake out of slepe Wherefore seeinge y good occasion of well doinge beings 〈◊〉 ●et ●lipe cannot be called back agane f●r●●much as it hath plesed god of his infinit mercy to sēd his word amōgst vs to giue vs vnderstādīg of his good will plesure to awakē vs which were afore fast a sleepe in Idolatry and vtterly vnable to do any good worke let vs I say not neclect this good occasion but with an earnest desire endeuour to do our duties whilest god graunteth vs leasure and whilest good opportunity serueth thervnto An other reason which ought to perswade vs to doo our dutye without delay is because our lyfe is short and passeth away swyftly and good occasions of well dooing slippe away apace and therefore greate cause haue we to do good whilest God giueth vs respite whilest opportunity serueth For we are taught by the prophet the we cannot be coūted for good fruitful trées vnlesse we bringe footh fruite in dwe season A good trée doth not only bringe forth good fruit but also it bringeth it foorth in due cōueniēt time So if we wil be counted good Christiās we must do good whilest opportunitye serueth The good Samaritane mētioned of in the Gospel did good while opportunity did serue and when occasion was offered For so sone as he sawe the man that was fallē into the hands of theues lying by the way side sore beaten and wounded he was straight way moued with cōpassion on him in somuch that he went vnto him boūde vp his wounds powred wine oyle into them layde hym vpō his beast caried him to his Inne and made prousion for him But the Preist and the Leuite had the same occasiō offered them to do good and to exercise theire charity towards theire neighbour but they passed by would not do good when occasiō serued thervnto So likewise whē poore Lazarus laie at the gate of Diues with a naked body an empty belly crauinge to be refreshed with the smal crūmes that fell from his table there was occasion offered vnto him to do good but he would not do good when he might bringe forth fruite in dwe season therefore he was cut downe as an vnfruitful trée and cast into the fyre and his ende was euerlastynge myserye withoute all hope of mercy Therfore let vs learne to do good whilest we haue tyme and when we may But alas although we are here told that it is time to awake out of sléepe to arise out of the bedde of carnal securitie and to goe about our busines yet for al this we lye still wée are none of the hastinges yea wée deferre our doinge well from one day to another yea from one yere to another that is to say from henceforth for euer more Such is our negligence and slownes in this behalfe For we are in such a deade sléepe that wee awake not for all the noyse and callinges that is made and vsed euery daye The preachers crye out cease not they exalt their voyces like trumpetes and call