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cause_n fruit_n good_a tree_n 4,830 5 9.4106 5 true
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A13857 The profe and declaration of thys proposition: fayth only iustifieth: gathered [and] set forth by Richarde Tracy; Profe and declaration of thys proposition: fayth only justifieth. Tracy, Richard, d. 1569. 1543 (1543) STC 24164; ESTC S104938 17,685 66

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cōmaūded by god wyll they not do trustyng onelye to theyr fayned fayth false confydence that it wyl saue them and couer all theyr wycked lustes at the general iudgemēt These delicate and pleasaūt christians Iames. ii saynt Iames reproueth sayenge what auayleth it my brethren thoughe a man saye he hath faythe when he hathe no dedes wylt thou vnderstande o thou vayne mā that fayth wythout dedes is deade But suche wanton christians had nede of a fayth to iustifye them whyche may not be shewed tryed by theyr workes for theyr workes be suche that they be ashamed of them that they shuld be other sene or knowen or els they wyl do no good workes ne lest they shuld haue confidence to be saued by thē And lyke as to haue confidence in good workes to be iustifyed by them is erronious so in lyke wyse to beleue that good workes shall not be rewarded of god is deuylyshe and dampnable But yet the scriptures seme oftentymes to attribute gyue eternal lyfe to workers of good workes as a rewarde and sometyme to workes But well consydered it is not for the workes sake as deserued thereby But eternall lyfe is a reward frelygyuen by God to al the faythful for Christes sake only which benefyte well perceaued tasted feled in our hertes wyll cause vs to worke wyth loue ernestly bycause we haue receyued frely through Christes deseruyng eternall lyfe And not bycause we shall receyue eternal lyfe for the deseruyng of our workes For so workes shulde be iniuriouse to Christes bloode and death whych onlye is the price of eternall lyfe Also the scriptures apere to attribute eternal life to good workes to moue to steare other diligentlye to worke good workes And bycause the workes of the faythfull be sene of men and the inwarde faith canne not be outwardly sene perceaued therefore the scripture applieth eternall lyfe to workes as to the cause whyche truely examyned be but the effecte of faith which is the very true cause And although no dowte to good workes manye greate rewardes be due as wel tēporall as spirituall Yet all the places whyche sound to gyue eternal lyfe as a reward other to good workers or to good workes must be vnderstande as I haue before shewed or elles they shal cause workes to be estemed better than they in trueth be or can be proued and also shal cause Christes bloode to be of lytle reputacion Wherfore that euerye good Christian maye walke the true waye nothynge trustynge to haue remission of his synnes for his good workes which only perteyneth to God is hys only gyfte nor to thynke the good workes shal be vnrewarded by God whose reward excedeth al mās vnderstandynge knowlege I wyll declare therefore some causes why good kes shuld be done First ii Pet. i. that they maye wytnesse to vs certaynly that oure fayth is lyuynge and not deade For a lyuyng tree wyll bryng forth frute in tyme and season Math. v. Secondelye that other seyng our good workes may be ꝓuoked to do also good workes Thyrdlye Luke .xvi. we must do good workes to rendre gyue accōptes of the talent to vs from God cōmytted Fourthly i. Petri. ii that through oure good workes our heuenly father may be glorified Fyftely Esay lvii Rom. xiiii i. Cor. x. lest through our euil workes we be offence to other Syxtely Ephes ii of dutye we be bound to worke well for therefore we be iustified that we myght and shulde worke well ii Petri. i. Seuēthlye God which did geue al thynges Psal xxxiii commaundeth vs to do wel sayenge declyne frō euyll do good Now it apereth the good workes be to be done as frutes of iustice which not withstādyng make no man iuste but witnesse that he is iuste Also it is euidēt that a liuyng fayth which euer worketh by loue doth onlye iustifie also such workes as spryng out of a lyuing faith shal not be vnrewarded that with great rewardes And the workes do testifie that thys fayth is a lyuyng faith The workes which this faith euer bryngethe forthe be these To feare and to loue God to loue hys neybour cōtinuallye to crucifye the fleshe with al her lustes And as he dayly synneth so he dayly lamēteth askyng God forgeuenesse there of studyenge euer howe to resyste the same all occasions thereof also prayeth God daylye to geue hym grace to resiste synne And bycause he feleth in hym selfe that al his good thoughtes wylles deades be vnperfyt lacke the goodnes whyche the lawe requireth in thē therfore he knowelegeth hys good deades and thoughtes to be synfull continually prayeth God to forgeue and to pardon the synfulnes of thē Neyther he ascribeth nor imputeth any iustification to hys good workes but rather flyeth to Gods mercye which is promised to al true repenters for Chrystes bloode sake trustynge therby constantly and therfore only to haue eternall lyfe And as touchyng good workes he is glad euer whan occasiō is geuen to worke them as well as he can and soroweth that he can not do thē with more perfytnesse loue But as perfytly as he can he dothe them hauynge respecte onlye to the good will great mercy and fauour which God for Christes sake hathe shewed on hym in forgeuynge hym hys synnes He thynketh him bound of duetie for loue to do thē so that hys workes spryng out of a louyng herte remembrynge the loue which God hath before shewed in gyuyng hym eternall lyfe freelye Nowe it apereth that good workes sprynge forth of a louyng hart whyche no man canne haue except he fyrste beleue that God for verye loue which he beareth to hym forgeuethe hym all hys synnes that frelye for Christes sake who is hys iustice satisfaction holynes and redemption After this sort and good fashion I wolde that all Christians shulde do ther good workes for loue whiche they bere to God for the great and inestimable benefytes whiche they vndeserued of theyr part haue receaued of God and not for anye thynge whyche they wolde for theyr workes sake or worthynes receaue of God For than there entent and workynge is grounded vpon the loue of theyr selfe and not vpon the loue of God and so be no good workes but vnparfyt and full of synne And so thys declaration of iustification by faythe and of the efficacitie and strengthe of good workes is a suffycient doctryne I truste to all the faythfull And as to them whose eyes be closed and made blynde and whose hartes be hardened I dyd not mynde to wryte but in the mean season I wyll praye to God at hys good wyll and pleasure to open theyr eyes and to mollifye the hartes that they may be conuert● and that he maye make them hole of whome onlye all healthe is to whome be all honour and glorye AMEN