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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A13565 The recantations as they were seuerallie pronounced by VVylliam Tedder and Anthony Tyrrell (sometime two seminarie priests of the English Colledge in Rome and nowe by the great mercie of almightie God conuerted, vnto the profession of the Gospell of Iesus Christ) at Paules Crosse, the day and yeere as is mentioned in their seuerall tytles of theyr recantations vvith an epistle dedicatorie vnto Her Maiestie and their seuerall præfaces vnto the reader, contayning the causes that mooued them to the same. Tedder, William.; Tyrrell, Anthony, 1552-1610? Recantation or abjuration of Anthonie Tyrrell. 1588 (1588) STC 23859.3; ESTC S4937 25,091 50

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such as heard me not shall onely peruse this dombe Letter I knowe not howe they may stande perswaded of my true and faithfull meaning and the more hardlie they may be incensed against me when perhaps they shall heare of my former Lybelles and Letters written in the defence of the Pope and all Seminarie Priests at such time as I was returned vnto the Pope again that hauing written so vehemētlie in their behalfe in reproofe of my selfe and myne owne confessions with protestations that all that I had doone was but in deepe hypocrisie dyssimulation and now affirming the cleene contrary may yet suspect me of double dealing and stand in doubt what to beleeue For if I did saie true then I must dissemble now and if I saie true now I coulde not but write falshoode then For thy better satisfaction in this point good Christian Reader least thy good opinion of mee might be carried awaie by the fraudulent practise of the enemie againe I haue sette downe the true causes that moued me first to reiect the Pope hoping that they be such as no honest or good man may denie them which beeing found to be true in the sight and knowledge of euery man I leaue it then for the indifferent Reader to iudge whether I had iust cause to forsake the Pope as I did whether I haue written anie slaunder against him His dooings beeing far worse then that I haue alreadie spoken and whether I had good cause to suspect his religion sith that our Sauiour saith That euerie Tree is knowne by his fruite and the fruites that the Pope yeeldeth beeing nothing els but horrible practises and Treasons I see not but that the Tree as I said in my recantation together with the body and braunches is to be hewen downe As for my Lybels and writings that I haue penned and made in his defence the more they rome with protestations the more a wise man hath cause to suspect them for surelie they come all from that foule spirit which first was throwne out and beeing returned againe he brought seauen worse then him selfe to hold more sure possessiō But consider good Christian Reader the wonderfull power and mercy of almightie GOD in this one onely thing Had I beene assured that I had setled my former fayth and Religion vppon a stable grounde had not my conscience cryed out against mee at what time the finger of GOD did effectuallie touch mee woulde I thinke you after that I had wilfully forsaken the fauours and mercies of my Prince the libertie of my Countrey the possibilitie of preferments and after I had so desperatlie committed my selfe vnto the open shame and obloquie of the world to the daunger of death in the extreamitie of sicknes when I could hope for no life haue repented mee of that which I had doone and make such a ditection of my faulte such a publique recantation as I haue doone verilie I thinke no wise or reasonable man woulde euer thinke it and therfore if this be not a sufficient and a strong argument to prooue my vnfained repentaunce I can but crie with the Prophet Iudica me Deus er discerne causam meam Iudge me O Lorde and dyscerne my cause I can but referre the matter vnto thee heauenlie Iudge that in the latter day must iudge me and all man kinde and thus much touching the fulnes of satisfaction Now lastlie I thought good to sette out this Praeface for to encounter the enemie who as I heare hath published in Print my former Lybels subscrybed with mine owne hande for the which I giue by these presents al the world to vnderstand that whatsoeuer I haue written heeretofore in the defence of the Pope it hath beene in the time of my seduction in the zeale of Papistrie and therefore those wrytings are not to bee regarded of anie wise or godlie person And truelie the Papists haue deceiued thēselues in the publishing of those Pamphlets for if Charitie coulde not haue perswaded thē to conceale them me thinkes that policie shoulde for they doe but minister matter vnto me to aunswer them wherin I shall be constrained to lay open their nakednes which otherwise I thought to haue couered they heape moe coales on their owne heads then they bee aware of I saie no more at this time vntill I vnderstand further what they haue doone And thus hauing absolued so much as I thought necessarie to ad by waie of Praeface I doe referre thee gentle Reader vnto the Recantation it selfe crauing pardon if I haue troubled thee ouer long From my chamber at S. Katherins the 31. of December Anno. Domi. 1588. Your paenitent Countryman and wel-willer in the Lorde Anthony Tyrrell ❧ The recantation or abiuration of Anthonie Tyrrell c. COnsidering the notorious outragious trespasse after so many mercifull remissions that not many monthes passed I publiquelie committed at this place right honourable worshipfull and welbeloued in the dispersing of certaine infamous Lybels to the great dishonor of almighty GOD contempt of true Religion displeasure of my Prince scandall and offence vnto all good and godly Christians reioycing of Gods enemies and mine own eternall rebuke and infamie I was a fearde least that my name for euer had béene blotted out of the Booke of life and that no place had béene left mee in thys world for true repentance But beholde such hath béene the effect as I hope of some mens good prayers such hath béene the great fauour shewed me in the tolleration of my leude and haynous fact such hath béene the excéeding clemencie of my gracious Prince and Soueraigne but aboue all such hath béene the infinite mercie of almighty GOD in the renuing and perfecting this act of my conuersion that I doo not onely inwardlie féele an assured hope of Gods euerlasting pardon forgiuenes but outwardly also I séeme to sée a most comfortable resemblaunce that all you which haue had iust cause to hate and contemne me will yet be mooued with compassion May it please you therefore to vnderstande that I am come hether as GOD is my witnes not of anie compulsion or for feare of any temporal punishment or hope of worldly preferment much lesse induced thereunto by anie false hypocrisie or dissimulation but onely the frée mercy of almightie GOD so moouing me to confesse my fault to craue forgiuenes to renounce those errors that I haue holden mayntained from my childhoode of the Sinaguoge of Sathan I meane of the Church of Rome and to reunite my selfe vnto the auncient Catholique and Apostolique Church of Christ whereof this Church of England is a part béeing purged and reformed of all herisie Idolatrie and superstition But least you shoulde meruaile by what wylfull follie I was seduced or rather by what madnes I was mooued to fall into that Apostacie hauing twise before renounced the Pope that I woulde so impudentlie returne vnto him againe To yéeld you some satis-faction in that point these may bee also