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cause_n fruit_n good_a tree_n 4,830 5 9.4106 5 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A06955 A new yeares gyfte more precious than golde worthy to be embrased no lesse ioyfully than tha[n]kfully of euery true christe[n] man, newly published by Theodore Basille. Becon, Thomas, 1512-1567. 1543 (1543) STC 1738; ESTC S109206 72,867 228

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wyll of God and brynge forthe the sentes of the spirite Whā we worke the wyll of God and fashon our lyfe ●●●●rdynge to the rule of Christes gospell than may we be certen that ●ur sayth is ryght and that we are the sonnes of God fellowe enherit●●rs w t Iesus Christ. Nether nede ●e doubte of ony thynge that God hathe promised in his holy scriptu●●● but beleue stedfastly y t we shall ●aue al thīges accordīg to hys promises in asmuch as we bryng forth the frutes of faythe But if we lyue 〈◊〉 carnally and do the fylthy wor●●● of the 〈◊〉 as drōckeshyp whore 〈◊〉 theafte couetousnes amp c. than 〈◊〉 we no cause to reioyse nor yet 〈…〉 of our faythe For the true 〈…〉 the great maruelous thynges as we maye se in Abrahā whiche truly beleued in God therfore wroughte many godly workes He obeyed the word of God he lefte hys owne natiue countrey he was contented at the commaundement of God to kyll offer hys owne sōne to what soeuer the spiri●e of God moued hym to do Of this nature are so many as truely beleue They y t thus worcke not haue not Abrahams fayth neyther are they y e sonnes of Abraham For Christ sayd to the Iewes if ye were the sonnes of Abraham ye woulde do 〈◊〉 workes of Abrahā Therfore after that we are persuaded of the goodnes of god towarde vs and beleue f●ythfully y t god for his promises sak● which h● hath made vs in christe 〈…〉 be boūteous and mercifull vnto vs we must note that the scr●pture cōmaundeth workes to be dne of the faythfull For after that we be once iustifyed by fayth before GOD we must expresse that faythe whiche is knowne to god alone by externall outward workes y t we may appere ●●ghteous both before God man Nether is there ony better sygne or more manifest argument as I sayd before y t our fayth is rygh● true lyueth than whan it produceth and bryngeth for the good workes euen ●s there is not a more manifest probacion that a tree is good than by the bryngynge forth of good frute I faythfull man therfore is not cōpared without a cause of the Psalmographe to a tree planted by the ryuers syde which bryngeth forthe 〈◊〉 fruyte in due season I beynge 〈◊〉 a frtefull Olyue tree saythe Dauid in the house of GOd haue trusted in the mercy of god for euer 〈◊〉 euer A christen man is compared to a grene Olyue for he is euer full of fruyte and neuer barren all waye grene neuer seare ●●er workyng and neuer idle He y t truly beleueth hath no nede of lawes to cōpell hym to do good workes as the scripture sayth the lawe is not gyuen vnto a ryghteous man but vnto the vnrighteous disobediēt c. For of hys owne fre wyll s● lyuyshe and myghty in operacion i● faythe whan God gyuethe an occasion he wyll bryng forth good workes euen the frutes of faythe vnto ●he glory of God and the health of h●s neyghbour The sonnes of God are not cōtent to syt ydle sayth Chri●ostome but the spirite prouokethe them to take some great and commendable worke in hande Hereto agreeth the sayenge of S. Gregory The loue of GOD is neuer idle for it worketh great thynges if it be y e loue of God in dede but if it cease the to worcke than is it no loue The vnfaythfull is lyke vnto a dead stocke which brīgeth forth no frute at all but is vnprofitable altogyther and therfore shall he be hewen downe and cast into hell fyre To be shorte in this matter they that are frutefull bryng forthe good workes pertayne vnto the chyrche of God and they whych are vnfrutefull and bryng forth no good workes belong vnto y e chyrche of the Dyuell for there is a double chyrche and shall be cursed as the ●ygge tree was Fortely we ought to do good wor●es that we may wynne our neygh●our also vnto Christ as S. Peter ●ryteth you wiues be ye obediēt to our husbandes y t they also whiche ●hey not the worde maye be wonne ●y the conuersacion of theyr wyues ●ythout the worde whyle they consydre your chaste and pure conuersacion ioyned wyth reuerence For as christ came not īto thys world to wynne the fauoure of hys eternall father for hymself but what so euer he dydde was done for vs so in lyke māner what so euer we do we must do it also for oure neyghboures to wynne thē vnto Christ to make th ● professours of Christes Gospell an● the perfecte chyldrē of GOD our father Let that same affecciō be in you saythe S. Paule that was in Christ Iesus whyche beynge in the shape of God thought it no robber to be equall wythe God Neuerthelesse he made hymselfe of no reputacion and toke on hym the shape of ● seruaunt and became lyke vnto in was founde in the figure as a mā He humbled hym selfe be●ame obe●dient vnto the death euē the death of the crosse Fyftely we must do good workes that the mouthes of y e vngodly may be stopped as S. Peter sayth thys is the wyll of God that by well doyng ye shulde stoppe the mouthes of folysh and ignorant parsonnes Do all thynges wythout murmurynge and disputyng sayth S. Paul that ye maye be fautlesse and pure and the sonnes of God wythout rebuke in the myddes of a croked peruerse nacion among whome se y t ye shyne as lyghtes in the worlde holdynge faste the worde of lyfe Uerely if it ware euer expedient that Christen mē shoulde lede a godly lyfe it is at thys tyme moost necessary For whā the aduersaries of Goddes trueth se them y t professe the Gospell of Christ lyue dissolutely not fast not praye not gyue almes not mortify the affectes of the fles●he but lead a more vngodly lyfe thā the other sorte do than blaspheme they the gospel thā call they the worde of God heresye than hate they extremely persecute presonne condemne and vtterly destroye so many as clea●● purely to y e doctrine of christ And all this come to passe thorowe the wyckednes and vngodly conuersacion of the grosse Gospellers the raylyng readers of the scripture the ●aye l●ke ianglers of Gods worde and br●yneles bablers of y e gospell whych ●able muche of gods trueth and yet ●yue no part therof Oh what a great hinderaūs is this to goddes moo●● holy word● God giue vs grace both to loue and lyue the gospell Finally we ought to do good workes seynge it is none ●nprofitable seruice neyther shal our laboure be loste in so doynge but we shall hyghly be rewarded for doynge of them not only in thys world● but muche 〈◊〉 plēteously in y e worlde to come Reioyse and be mery saythe Christ to all that do good workes for great is your rewarde in heauen Agayne he that receaueth a Prophet in the name of