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cause_n fruit_n good_a tree_n 4,830 5 9.4106 5 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A02904 Hels torments, and heavens glorie Rowlands, Samuel, 1570?-1630? 1601 (1601) STC 13048.5; ESTC S2725 31,181 186

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untill feare enforce him to it but let us frame our premises as wee would find our conclusion endeavouring to live as wee are desirous to die let us not offer the maine crop to the devill and set God to gleane the reproofe of his harvest let us not gorge the Devill with our fairest fruits and turne God to the filthie scrapes of his leavings but let us truly dedicate both soule and bodie to his service whose right they are and whose service they owe that so in the evening of our life wee may retire to a Christian rest closing up the day of our life with a cleare sunne-set that leaving all darkenesse behind us we may carrie in our consciences the light of grace● and so escaping the horrour of an eternall night passe from a mortall day to an everlasting morrow Farewell STrike saile poore soule in sins tempestuous tide That runst to ruine and eternall wracke Thy course from heaven is exceeding wide Hels gulfe thou ent'rest if grace guide not backe Sathan is Pilot in this navigation The Ocean sin the rocke hell and damnation Warre with the dragon and his whole alliance Renounce his league intends thy utter losse Take in sinnes flag of truce set out defiance Display Christs ensigne with the bloudie crosse Against a Faith-proofe armed Christian knight The hellish coward dares not mannage fight Resist him then if thou wilt victor be For so he flees and is disanimate His fierie darts can have no force at thee The shield of faith dooth all their points rebate He conquers none to his infernall den But yeelding slaves that wage not fight like men Those in the dungeon of eternall darke He hath enthralled everlasting date Branded with Reprobations cole-blacke marke Within the never-opening ramd up gate Where Dives rates one drop of water more Than any crowne that ever monarch wore Where furies haunt the harttorne wretch despaire Where clamours cease not teeth are ever gnashing Where wrath vengeance sit in horrours chaire Where quenchlesse flames of sulphur fire be flashing Where damned soules blaspheme God in despight Where utter darkenesse stands remov'd frō light Where plagues inviron torments compasse round Where anguish rores in never stinted sorrow Where woe woe woe is every voices sound Where night eternall never yeelds tomorrow Where damned tortures dreadfull shall persever So long as God is God so long is ever Finis ¶ Of the punishments which our Lord threateneth unto such as live a sinfull life ONe of the principall meanes that our Lord hath used oftentimes to bridle the harts of men and to draw them unto the obedience of his commaundements hath beene to set before their eyes the horrible plagues and punishments that are prepared for such persons as be rebels and transgressors of his law For althogh the hope of the rewards that are promised unto the good in the life to come may moove us very much hereunto yet are we commonly more mooved with things that bee irkesome unto us than with such as bee pleasant even as wee see by dayly experience that wee are vexed more with an injurie done unto us than delighted with any honour and wee are more troubled with sickenesse than comforted with health and so by the discommoditie of sickenesse we come to understand the commoditie of health as by a thing so much the better perceived by how much more it is sensibly felt Now for this cause did our Lord in times past use this mean more than any other as it appeareth most clearly by the writings of the Prophets which are every where full of dreadfull sayings and threatenings wherewith our Lord pretendeth to put a terrour into the hearts of men and so to bridle subdue them under the obedience of his law And for this end hee commaunded the prophet Ieremie That hee should take a white booke and write in the same all the threatnings and calamities which he had revealed unto him even from the first day he began to talke with him untill that present houre and that he should read the same in the presence of all the people to see if peradventure they would be moved therwith unto repentance and to chaunge their former life to the end that hee might also chaunge the determination of his wrath which hee had purposed to execute upon them And the holy Scripture sayth That when the Prophet had done according as he was commaunded by almighty God and had read al those threatenings in the presence of the people and of the rulers there arose such a feare and terror amongst them that they were all astonished and as it were bestraughted of their wits looking one in anothers face for the exceeding great fear which they had conceived of those words This was one of the principall meanes which almightie God used with men in the time of the law written and so hee did also in the time of the lawe of grace in which the holy Apostle sayth That as there is revealed a justice whereby God maketh men just so is there also revealed an indignation and wrath whereby hee punisheth the unjust for which cause S. Iohn Baptist the glorious forerunner of our Saviour Christ was sent with this commission and embassage to preach unto the world That the axe was now put to the roote of the tree and that everie tree that brought not foorth good fruite should bee cut downe and cast into the fire Hee said moreover That there was another come into the world more mightie than hee that carried in his hand a fanne to winnow and cleanse therewith his flower and that hee would put up the corne into his garner but the chaffe hee will burne in a fire that should never bee quenched This was the preaching and embassage which the holy fore-runner of our Savior Iesus Christ brought into the world And so great was the thunder of these wordes and the terrour which entered into mens hearts so dreadfull that there ran unto him of all estates and conditions of men even of the very Pharisees and Publicanes yea and souldiours also which of all others are woont to bee most dis solute and to have least care of their consciences and each of them demanded for himselfe particularly of that holy man what hee should doe to attaine unto salvation and to escape those terrible threatenings which hee had denounced unto them so great was the feare they had conceived of them And this is that deare Christian brother which I doe at this present in the behalfe of almightie God deliver unto thee althogh not with such fervencie of spirit and like holinesse of life yet that which importeth more in this case with the same truth and certainetie for so much as the faith and Gospell which S. Iohn Baptist then preached is even the same now taught Now if thou bee desirous to understand in few words how great the punishment is that almightie God hath threatened in his holy Scriptures to the wicked that which may most