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cause_n father_n holy_a son_n 6,458 5 6.0598 4 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A08453 The fountaine and vvelspring of all variance, sedition, and deadlie hate Wherein is declared at large, the opinion of the famous diuine Hiperius, and the consent of the doctors from S. Peter the Apostle his time, and the primitiue Church in order to this age: expresly set downe, that Rome in Italie is signified and noted by the name of Babylon, mentioned in the 14. 17. and 18. chapters of the Reuelation of S. Iohn. Ocland, Christopher, d. 1590? 1589 (1589) STC 18778; ESTC S113367 31,748 48

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sonne of perdition which is an aduersary and is exalted aboue all that is called God or that is worshipped so that he doth sit in the Temple of God boasting himselfe to be God Remember yee not that when I was yet with you I told you these things And now you know what withholdeth euen that he might be vttered reuealed at his time For the mistery of iniquitie doth alreahy work c. Againe in the 10 Chap. of S. Mathew these be Christ his words The brother shal deliuer vp the brother to death and the father the sonne and the children shall arise against theic fathers and mothers and shal put them to death And ye shal be hated of all for my names sake But he that endureth to the end shall be saued Now considering that these be the latter daies that the end of the world is hard at hand by these tokens manifest and dayly to be séene euery where in Christendom before our eies let vs diligentlie search of whence this variance and deadly discorde sowen and sprong vp through all Europe is deriued out as it were of a welspring or fountaine For euery malady proceedeth of his cause take away the cause and imediatly ensueth the curing of the sore or disdase What hath bene and is the originall cause that the knot and band of brotherly loue is broken in the partes of the world professing Christ that the rage cruel and beastly fearcenesse taketh place bearing sway that the Peace which was in one house is put to flight that enuy hatred and ma●●ce créepeth in that War and the sword threatneth destruction euery where euen to the Innocentes That Sathan is let loose abroad to increase the malice of men and to kindle the fier brand of all wickednesse Uerily the originaull causes of all these troubles at this present broiling and afore this time many yeares past hath bene and is the holie Father as they call him the Pope the Bishop of Rome whom Saint Paule as ye haue heard now before couertlie describeth to be Antechrist the Son of perdition which is exalted aboue all that is called God I beséech you gentle Readers bée yee indifferent Iudges euen as the trueth of God his word shall leade you as the interpretation vpon holie Scripture made and set downe by the ancient approoued Doctors of the Church euen from the Apostles time til 1000 yeares past shal direct you when the Pope rideth from his castle to S Peters Church in Rome and is caried sitting in a Chaire aloft by men vpholding the same vpon their shoulders And the Sacramentall bread is set in a Pyx on a Nag or white horse backe led by a Priest in a white Surplice going afore him his gard enuironing the holie Father and crying with aloud voice to the people gazing on to sée the sight in this Italian word Abasso Abasso which is to say Bow and bend downe your selues or knéele downe not so much to the Pix as to the Pope Is not here the Bishop of Rome exalted aboue all that is called God and aboue the God in the box For the Popes doctrine teacheth men to cal the Sacramētal bread God when they term it their Maker when the make it a Sacrifice propiciatory for the quick and the dead in their Masses when they reiterate day by day on the Altar that oblatation once offered vpon the crosse once for all for filthy lucre and gaine as in trentals of Masses c. Doth not the Pope boast himselfe aboue all that is called God when hee sitteth in S. Peters Church enthronished thrée or foure yardes higher then the Altar or Sacramental bread reserued in the Pix blessing and crossing them that lie prostrate before him when he vnder his Buls writtē or printed in shéeps skins sent to those that dwell 1000 or 1500 miles from him being at Rome forgiueth vpon mony taken horrible murders incest parracide and such like crimes the heartes of the parties not considered whether they be trulie and vnfainedlie penetent or no. When the Pope most arrogantly peruerteth the wordes spoken in the Psalme 90. only of Christ. Super Aspidem Basiliscum ambulabis conculcabis Leonem Draconem Thou shalt goe vpon the venemous beast and Adder the yoong Lion and Dragon shalt treade vnder thy feete and applieth them with a Sathanicall pride vnto himself and to those that from time to time ●it in his Chaire which is horrible basphemie But here I will vse a litle digression from the man to the certaine place of his habitation that the Beast may the better bee knowen by his den and accustomed haunt where he fatteth and franketh himselfe For more and better prooffe of the sequele of this matter and so to settle their consciences in the truth which hitherto haue but blinded Hear I desire you in the Lord Iesus certaine authorities from the Primitiue Church to this age consenting and agréeing together that Babylon specified in the Reuelation of S. Iohn doth ●●te and signifie vnto vs the Cittie of Rome in Italie First it is vsuall in holie Scripture to set downe some word by some Trope to signifie a thing turned away from that which it properlie betokeneth And it is vsed in writing when an argument commeth in handeling out of which may grow either vehement suspition or feare of an imminent danger In this sort S. Paule 2. Tim. 4. sayeth himselfe to haue bene deliuered out of the mouth of a Lion meaning by naming the Lyon the cruel Prince Nero. That in this place the sence is Nero to be taken for the Lion The ancient Doctours of the Church as Hierome vpon the life of Paule Chrisostomus Theophilactus Aquinas● Lyranus Interpreters vpon holie Scriptures doe agree consent By like Trope our Lord Christ in the 13 of Luke calleth the King Herode by the name of a For. Ignatius an holie writer in the Primititiue Church vsing this maner of spéech saith that he he himself was compassed about with ten Leopards which Ignatius afterwarde interpreteth to be ten cruel souldiors to bring him capti●e to Rome Thus as S. Paule couertlie by the name of a Lion would haue to be vnderstanded Nero. Our Lord Iesus by the name of For meaneth Herod And Ignatius by the Leopardes tearmeth Souldiors So the authour of the Reuelation would haue Rome to bee knowen by the vo●able of Babylon With this also agreeth S. Peter who in the end of the fifth chap. of his former epistle writing from Rome saieth thus The Congregation which is at Babylon saluteth you Here note that vpon this place of Peter as well the olde and ancient Interpreters as the newe doe agrée that the word Babilon is set downe for Rome as testifieth P●pias Hierapolites in Eusebius vpon the Ecclesiasticall Historie 2 booke 15. Chapter Hierome vppon the life of Marke the Euangelist Nicolaius Lyra an approoued writer by the Romishe Church and