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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A02513 The arte of diuine meditation profitable for all Christians to knowe and practise; exemplified with a large meditation of eternall life. By Ioseph Hall. Hall, Joseph, 1574-1656. 1606 (1606) STC 12642; ESTC S118419 30,902 220

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Causes or the Appendances of it wee rack not our minds too much with the inquiry thereof which were to striue more for Logique than deuotion But without too much disturbaunce of our thoughts quietly passe ouer to the next If we breake our teeth with the shell we shall finde small pleasure in the kernell Now then for that my onely feare is lest this part of my discourse shall seeme ouer perplexed vnto the vnlearned Reader I will in this whole processe second my rule with his example that so what might seeme obscure in the one may by the other be explaned and the same steps he sees me take in this hee may accordingly treade in any other Theme Chap. 18. FIrst therfore it shal be expedient to consider seriously what the thing is whereof wee meditate What then O my soule is the life of the Saints whereof thou studiest who are the Saints but those which hauing been weakely holy vpon earth are perfectly holy aboue which euen on earth were perfectly holy in their Sauiour now are so in themselues Which ouercomming on earth are truely canonized in heauen What is their life but that blessed estate aboue wherein their glorified soule hath a full fruition of God Chap. 19. THe nature wherof after we haue thus shadowed out to our selues by a descriptiō not curious alwaies exactly framed according to the rules of arte but sufficient for our own conceit the next is if it shal seeme needfull or if the matter will beare or offer it some easie and voluntary diuision whereby our thoughts shall haue more roume made for them and our proceeding shall bee more distinct There is a life of nature whē thou my soule dwellest in this body and informest thine earthly burden There is a life of grace when the spirit of God dwels in thee There is a life of glory whē thy body being vnited to thee both shall bee vnited to God or when in the meane time being separated from thy companiō thou enioyest God alone This life of thine therefore as the other hath his ages hath his statures for it enters vpon his birth whē thou passest out of thy body and changest this earthly house for an heauenly It enters into his full vigor when at the day of the common resurrection thou resumest this thy companion vnlike to it selfe like to thee like to thy Sauiour immortall now and glorious In this life there may be degrees there can be no imperfection If some be like the skie others like the starres yet all shine If some sit at their Sauiours right hand others at his left all are blessed If some vessels hold more all are full none complaynes of want none enuies at him that hath more Chap. 20. WHich done it shal be requisite for our perfiter vnderstanding and for the laying grounds of matter for our affection to carie it through those other principall places and heads of reason which nature hath taught euery man both for knowledge amplification The first whereof are the Causes of all sorts Whence is this eternal life but from him which onely is eternall which onely is the fountaine of life yea life it selfe Who but the same God that giues our temporall life giues also that eternall The Father bestowes it the Sonne merits it the holy Ghost seales and applies it Expect it onely from him O my soule whose frecelectiō gaue thee the first title to it to bee purchased by the blood of thy Sauiour For thou shall not therefore be happie because hee sawe thou wouldest bee good but therefore art thou good because he hath ordained thou shalt be happie He hath ordained thee to life he hath giuen thee a Sauiour to giue this life vnto thee faith whereby thou mightest attaine to this Sauiour his word by which thou might'st attaine to this faith what is there in this not ●is And yet not so his ●●mply as that it is without thee without thy merit indeed not without thine acte Thou liuest here through his blessing but by bread thou shalt liue aboue through his mercy but by thy faith belowe apprehending the authour of thy life And yet as he wil not saue thee without thy faith so thou canst neuer haue faith without his gift Looke vp to him therefore O my soule as the beginner finisher of thy saluation and while thou magnifiest the Author be rauished with the glorie of the worke which farre passeth both the tongue of Angels and the heart of man It can bee no good thing that is not there Howe can they want water that haue the spring where God is enioyed in whom only all things are good what good can bee wanting And what perfection of blisse is there where all goodnesse is mette and vnited In thy presence is the fulnesse of ioye and at thy right hand are pleasures for evermore O blessed reflection of glorie wee ●●e there as wee are seene In that wee are seene it is our glorie in that wee see it is Gods glory Therefore doth he glorifie vs that our glory should bee to his Howe worthy art thou ô Lord that through vs thou shouldest looke at thy selfe Chap. 21. THE next place place shal be the Fruits Effectes following vpon their seuerall causes which also affoords very feeling and copious matter to our Meditation wherein it shall be euer best not so much to seeke for all as to chuse out the chiefest No maruell then if from this glory proceede nonspeakeable ioy and from this ioy the sweete songs of praise thāksgiuing The spirit bids vs when wee are merrie sing How much more then when wee are merrie without all mixture of sorrowe beyond all measure of our earthly affections shall wee sing ioyfull Hallelu-iahs and Hosannahs to him that dwelleth in the highest heauens Our hearts shal be so full that we cannot chuse but sing and wee cannot but sing melodiously There is no iarre in this Musicke no end of this song Oblessed chāge of the Saints they doe nothing but weepe belowe and now nothing but sing aboue we sowed in teares reape inioy there was some comfort in those teares when they were at worst but there is no danger of cōplaint in this heauenly mirth If we cannot sing here with the Angels On earth peace yet there wee shall sing with them Glory to God on hie and ioyning our voices to theirs shall make vp that celestial consort which none can either heare or beare part in and not be happie Chap. 22. AFter which comes to be considered the Subiect either wherein that is or whereabout that is imployed which wee meditate of As And indeede what lesse happinesse doth the very place promise wherein this glory is exhibited which is no other than the Paradise of God Here belowe wee dwell or rather we wander in a continued wildernesse there wee shall rest vs in the true Eden I am come into my gardē my sister my spouse Kings vse not to dwell