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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A86226 Herberts beleefe and confession of faith made in CLX articles. For th'instruction of his wife & children. Herbert, William, fl. 1634-1662. 1646 (1646) Wing H1537; Thomason E1207_1; ESTC R208783 30,491 60

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enough not sufficient to Salvation Lord increase it But if 't is such as it must be pray O Christ that my faith faile not but confirm it make me stedfast in good works to the glorie of thy mercie in the Salvation of thy poore servant of al those who by my good counsels vertuous examples shall find the true knowledge of thee the right meanes to love serve please enjoy thee AMEN A BRIEFE INDEX OF THE CHIEFE POINTS A. ADams creation 35. to 42. Free will fall 44. to 47. Sins 45. 46. Angels 40. to 44. B. Baptisme See Sacraments C. Christ the head of Angels and men 42. Husband head Sun of the Church 84. 85. 94. Inward matter minister of Sacraments 103. What we ought to beleeve of him 136. to 160. Christians life 65. Hope 145 146. Church 76. to 95. Creation 35. to 40. E. Elect and Election 50. 51. 62. to 65. 160. How judg'd and sav'd 159. 160. F. Faith triple 116. G. Glorification 74. 75. God and what we must beleeve of him concerning the essence persons proprieties will works 1. to 40. Hath no eyes eares c. 41. Must be serv'd as he doth require 124. 125. 126. H. Humanitie of Christ 141. 142. 154. I. Image of God in Angels and in Man 40. to 43. Judgement generall 157. to 160. Justification 70. 71. L. Law of God 128. to 137. M. Mans creation See Adam Fall Ibid. Rising 50. 51. Insufficiencie 48. 64. 68. Men all damned in Adam 40. Some sav'd by Christ 72. Ministers of the Church 88. to 93. P. Predestination 63. 64. Preparations to the Sacraments See Sacraments R. Repentance 114. 115. Reprobat reprobation 51. to 62. Why damn'd 54. 158. Resurrection generall 157. To life everlasting 74. 75. 76. S Sacraments 101. to 109 125. Of Baptisme 109 to 114. The Lords Supper 117. to 116. Preparations to them 102. 111. 116. Abuses of them 123. Salvation by grace through faith 72. 136. Sanctification 69. Satan how the prince of the world 60. Scripture 95. to 102. Sin originall 47. to 50. Actuall 47. Against the holie Ghost 114. Is not the cause of reprobation 53● But of damnation 54. 158. Son of God how assum'd our nature 137. to 145. Supper of the Lord See Sacraments V. Vocation 65. to 69. Vows pray'rs and oathes 126. 127. 128. W. Workes good why commanded 73. Are not the cause of election 63. 64. 72 to 75. 159 160. Manie matters are included in these a full Index of which might be bigger then the whole Book Interpretation of hard words A. ABilitie ablenes Assume to take Aversion loathing shunning B. Brevitie shortnes C. Capacitie ablenes Carnall fleshlie Collection gathering Communicat to give impart Compendium abridgement Compulsion force Conception conceit Corporall bodilie D. Decisions determinations Describe to set forth Dictat to tell suggest Difficult hard Discussion inquirie Donative given E. Effusion shedding Engendred begot Externall outward F. Facilitie easines G. Gratuit freely given done or made I. Immutable unchangeable Inbred naturall Infallible which cannot erre nor faile Inherent cleaving Incorporall without bodie Indivisible which cannot be divided Injounctions commandements Internall inward Invested clothed indu'd Judicious grave wise L. Limits bounds M. Mollifie to soften Morsell a bit Mortall deadlie Mutation change O. Oeconomique belonging to houshold affaires Omnipotent Almightie Omnipresent present in all places Omniscient knowing all things P. Palpable which can be felt Pluralitie a being of more then one Politique belonging to public affaires Preceding fore going Prejudice hurt losse Prioritie a being first Produce to send forth Prohibit to forbid Proportion measure or equalitie Purifie to make pure R. Reduc'd brought to Refection repast nourishment Reunited joined again S. Subtraction withdrawing Succinctly briefely Suggest to put in mind Suppresse to put down T. Testifie to beare witnes V. Veritie truth Vnapt unfit In the end of the Epistle reade 1645. for 1644.
children of Satan are call'd the world of which the devill is the Prince being indeed their King God not by creation for he can create nothing but by their free subjection to his lawes those wicked thoughts lewd affections injust actions blasphemous words wherewith they are clothed seal'd as by the infamous liverie marke of the Prince of darkenes under whose blacke colors they fight against the Church of God the blessed companie of his Elect. LXI Yet I beleeve much rejoice that their indeavours are in vaine unles it be to trie the patience purge the vertue of Gods Saints as gold is tri'd refined in a furnace for as the Reprobate can never doe good workes as they are pleasant unto God and may have his gracious regard eternall reward 'cause they want Faith the root of all good workes doe not aime at Gods glorie which should be their chiefe end So LXII I Beleeve that the Elect cannot commit such sins as make them loose finally the infinit immutable love of God for though thy sin often yea grievously are not sometimes call'd till the last houre of the day of their life yet manie waters cannot extinguish that love but Gods foundation remaining sure his choice of them being eternall he loves them to the end and so gives them remission of their sins freely throughly Justifies Sanctifies Glorifies those he hath in mercie Call'd and Predestinated LXIII This Predestination being eternall as the Word it selfe doth shew a fore appointment of men to life everlasting before they had anie being is I beleeve gratuit grounded on the free grace meere good will of God not on our faith or good workes foreseene for these are not properly ours but proceed from the Lord who doth therefore give them to us because he hath Elected us So that they are effects or fruits of his eternall Election not causes or roots thereof LXIV I therefore Beleeve Confesse that it is not in him who will nor in him who runs but in God who sheweth mercie Not our good affections nor our holie actions but Gods mercie is the cause of our Election And as God in mercie elects us unto Salvation so by the same he Predestinates us to the meanes thereof a right Beleefe holie Life LXV The life of a Christian consisting in these two Faith comming by hearing of Gods Word those men onely are Call'd whom he hath Predestinated their Calling is outward inward both effectuall I meane not then that Vocation which is or may be common to all men that generall invitation to grace and Salvation which manie heare few regard that outward Preaching of Gods Word which few truly beeleve faithfully Obey but sounding in the eares of Reprobate persons either inlightens moves not their hardned hearts or inlightens moves them so lightly that it neither begets true Faith nor workes reall alteration or conversion in them but by this Vocation onely proper to the Elect LXVI I Understand a cleare manifestation of Gods truth to which th' Elect are both outwardly inwardly drawne effectually from the generall corruption of infidelitie sin to serve him in Faith good Workes in a sure hope of Salvation their minds being inlightned by God their hearts mollify'd LXVII The outward Preaching of Gods Word inward persuasions motions of his Spirit being necessarie to this effectuall Vocation I Beleeve it a grace of God who Calls us in mercie drawes us pow'rfully yet by such gentle meanes such faire lights that we willingly follow him upon the same ground I conceive it above the strength of our nature whose corruption being well knowne to me LXVIII I Beleeve and Confesse that we have no preparation nor inclination to this mercifull effectuall Vocation that our morall Honestie or naturall goodnes strength Wisdome or Knowledge contribut nothing to our Vocation nor cannot worke our Conversion which properly is either Vocation it selfe or an effect of it for when the Lord doth pow'rfully call us we must without opposition or resistance turne backe from our ill wayes willingly follow those pathes through which he leades us to Heaven LXIX These pathes being hard stonie most unpleasant to our corrupt nature as mortifying it and subduing it to the Spirit which is reviv'd are made easie by the assistance of Gods Spirit who freely doth in part deliver his Elect from their natural corruption renewing in them Gods Image doth strengthen them to doe good workes to the glorie of their Maker who thus Sanctifies those whom he hath Justifi'd LXX I Beleeve that God Justifies both by pardoning sin imputing righteousnes acknowledge this Remission Jmputation an eternall free action of God who for Christs full satisfaction is pleas●d to remit sin impute unto the Sinner his perfect righteousnes thus to make him just before him and give him everlasting life for certainly God glorifies all those whom he hath Justifi'd as he Justifies freely without respect of workes so in mercie he Glorifies LXXI I Beleeve then that being Justifi'd freely by the mercie of God through the merits of Christ which our faith as a hand seizes thus making his righteousnes ours we are by the same mercie merits Glorifi'd yea so freely that God in his eternall will hath Predestinated us to glorie to manif●st the riches of his mercie in our perpetuall happines LXXII I Confesse then that by grace we are sav'd through faith apprehending that grace God offers us in Christ not by workes least anie man should glorie in himselfe if his good deedes could purchase him that excellent felicitie God hath prepar'd for the Faithfull LXXIII I therefore Expect the glorie of the children of God from his mercie love to me in Christ in whom we are his Adopted children so Coheires of his Kingdom not by vertue of my wor●es be they never so good for though they be commanded me to testifie my obedience love gratitude to God to advance his glorie make my Vocation Election certain by shewing that my faith is not dead in my heart but is a fruitfull tree and though againe I be created in Jesus Christ unto good works so resolve fully to walke in them by the assistance of Gods Spirit as being the knowne way to everlast●ng happines yet LXXIV I Beleeve they cannot be a me●●●rious cause of those infinit joyes which neither our wisest hearts can conceive nor our best workes equall as there being no proportion of a finit temporarie action to that infinit everlasting Life which again I expect from the grace mercie of God both in soule and bodie for though this shall die corrupt yet remembring Christs promises to raise all men at the last day and considering that 't is fit the whole man receive for ever the reward of his wickednes
creatures to his praise fearing to displease him and seeking to please and serve him in that way he prescribes adoring him alone having no faith no hope but in his wisdome pow'r goodnes for what concernes the soule seeking health ease honors riches but from him by lawfull meanes enduring patiently his corrections being thankfull for his blessings in all things submitting his will unto his doth I Beleeve fulfill the Commandements of the first Table which concerne God and his service CXXXIV And who in and for God loveth his Neighbour as himselfe doing what he can lawfully to instruct him in the right full knowledge of the Lord to divert him from sin exhort him to vertue help him to leade a holie sweet life wishing praying for him what is necessarie for his present future happines and freely heartily and fully pardoning him all faults doth likewise fulfill the commandements of the second Table concerning his Neighbour CXXXV But because this love towards God man cannot be so pure perfect in the state of our corruption but that we sin daily 'gainst both so transgresse the law of God and by our transgression loose the blessing of everlasting life promis'd unto its observers doe daily incurre the curse threatned unto its transgressors I Beleeve confesse that though the Law be just perfect in it self yet by reason of our weaknes since the fall of Adam it is not sufficient to Salvation CXXXVI Sith then my workes are imperfect I Beleeve my faith must supplie their want And since the Law cannot save me but rather condemnes me I borrow the helpe of my faith beleeving God for my righteousnes or justification And because it is not enough to beleeve in God without Christ this is my Heartie Faith in him Verball confession of him besides those points I have alreadie toucht concerning him CXXXVII That God Father Son holie Ghost having in mercie Elected some men it pleas'd that onelie wise gracious Spirit to give them Christ as the effectuall meane of their Election sole cause of their Salvation 'T was then decreed that the second Person of the incomprehensible Trinitie should assume mans nature thus to be made to Gods Elect wisdome righteousnes sanctification redemption CXXXVIII And least our Nature should be corrupt sinfull in Christ if as man he had descended from Adam by naturall generation it was likewise decreed that a pure and perfect bodie should be formed by the power of God of the purified substance of a faithfull Virgin without the helpe or seed of man CXXXIX And as this was eternally decreed so I Beleeve it was perform'd in the appointed time for the blessed Virgin Marie beleeving Gods message consenting to be made a Mother without anie carnall knowledge of man did by the power of the holie Ghost conceive that wondrous Child who by an eternall Generation is the Son of God without Mother and by temporall conception the Son of Man without Father CXL Mans nature in Christ ●ubsisting not in it selfe but in the Person of the Wo●d I Beleeve that in one instant Christs whole humanitie bodie soule was form'd created assum'd or taken up by the second Person of the Divinitie in such a strait perpetuall union that it did never subsist without the Word who assum'd the nature not the person of man so that in Christ there is but one divine eternall indivisible person in to by which our whole nature soule bodie hath its subsistence abiding or standing yet addes nothing unto the Deitie for God being perfect simple eternall he can receive no addition composition alteration passion CXLI The Union being Personall of two natures in one Person I Beleeve that as the Person of Christ can not be divided so his Natures are not can not be confounded but still retaine their essentiall proprieties the divine being eternall infinit omnipotent omniscient and the human temporall finit once passible having a beginning of time limits for knowledge power place For though Christs human pow'r knowledge wisdome were great excellent yet CXLII I beleeve they were finit so that all things were not possible known unto him as man although as God he knew could doe all things which are not contradictorie I say therefore that although Christs Person to whom the proprieties of both natures are common knew all things in the wombe yet it was not by his human nature by which he being born increased in wisdome learning new things by dailie experience And thus I Beleeve he was born CXLIII Although his bodie was by the power of God form'd in an instant to the requisit growth for the reception of the soule yet he was in the Virgins wombe grew in it to greater strength till the dayes were accomplisht that she should be deliv'red CXLIV And then the blessed Maid brought forth in Beth-lehem in a stable the Maker of heaven earth who then appeared to the world in the shape of a poore Servant in the forme of a weak Infant whom beholding with the strong eyes of faith I most humbly adore for CXLV I Beleeve that that Infant is God and Man Man to doe endure for me that is in my steed for my good what I could not yet ought both to doe suffer and God to give infinit price efficacie or force unto the actions passions of the Humanitie apply them to me CXLVI I Rely then wholly on the merits of Christs obedience to Gods Law of his suffrings for my sins Beleeving he exactly observ'd the Law for me fully satisfi'd his offended justice and so by his paines righteousnes both originall actuall redeemed me from sin death hell and purchast me grace life Heaven CXLVII Christ then is all my hope my onelie Mediator of redemption intercession through whom I live on earth in grace shall in heaven in glorie To procure me both these also to shew me examples of humilitie meeknes patience all vertues my Saviour was borne amongst beasts subject to my passions infirmities yet without sin or disorder circumcis'd the eighth day carried into Egipt Persecuted through all his Life which having led most holily humbly painefully patiently miraculously chiefely the three last yeares in which by his mightie wonders divine instructions he manifested his Deitie he ended it by an ignominious and cruell death drinking at last the full bitter cup of Gods indignation against sin and sinners treading alone the Wine-presse of Gods wrath shedding all that precious bloud which is our bath onelie purgation CXLVIII I Beleeve then that as he did represent us he was in his human nature expos'd unto the wrath of God which his innocent Soule so lively apprehended that she was heavie unto death then enduring for his Elect by the helpe of the Deitie supporting the Humanitie th' eternall paines due to their