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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A20805 The lambes spouse or the heauenly bride A theologicall discourse, wherin the contract betwixt Christ and the church; the preparation against the mariage; and the solemnization it selfe, and the exclusion of hypocrites and temporizers, is plainly and profitably, with the partucular vses, set forth. Whereunto is annexed an exact preparatiue to the Lords Supper. By T.D. Minister of the word of God. Draxe, Thomas, d. 1618. 1608 (1608) STC 7185; ESTC S114693 59,295 211

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we want it wee must vse the meanes to get and obtai●e it and if wee finde our selues possessed with it wee must then preserue cherish and norish this holy flame with the knowledg● of Gods word with the vse of the Sacraments by conference by meditation by prayer by practise of good workes and by hope expecting and waiting for the ende of it euen the saluation of our soules For first our faith through the frequency and violence of temptations is often fore assaulted and weakened and therefore it had neede be repayred and confirmed Secondly onely that faith that vsually doth growe and encrease is the sauing and liuely faith and shall neuer be extinct for defect of oile nor pine away by any spirituall consumption but continueth firme and vnmoueable and obtaineth the promises Eph. 4. 11. 12. 13. Lastly if faith haue not as before specified his continuall supply of food it will faile as the wine did at the mariage in Cana of Galil if it be not norished and preserued it will wither like the corne sowen in the stony ground for want of moisture and it wil be lost as we see how it was in the foolish virgins at the Bride groomes comming and that argued that it was not true faith in existence but onely in apparence and that it was rather an opinion then a deepe impression for otherwise the faith of Peter and so of Gods elect shall not faile and the gifts of God namely that directly concerne saluation are without repentance Luk 22. 32. Rom. 11. 19. neuer extinct or taken away But that neither with the ignorant nor with the hypocrites nor yet with the Papists and other heretikes wee content and deceiue our selues with a mocke faith an historicall and temporary faith or with a crackt and erronious faith insteed of that which is sauing and iustifying we must found and search our soules whether wee bee Orthodoxe and vncorrupt in the principles of faith whether we rest wholy vpon the right obiect whether it be ioyned with particuler application and lastly whether we discerne and find in our selues the inward outward signes and euidences of it for then vndoubtedly wee haue that faith that iustifieth the sinner purgeth the heart engrafteth vs into Christ and saueth our soules But of these and the like particulers briefely and in order Principles and foundations of faith are these preaching of the word of God is the ordinary and principall meanes of saluation Rom. 10 14. Christ is both God and Man in one person perfect GOD and perfect man man to suffer and dye and satisfie for sinne in our nature that had offended and God to support his humanitie to giue efficacie and power to his doctrine and miracles and to adde infinite merite and desert to all his actions and sufferings Thirdly onely faith is the hand and instrument to apprehend and apply CHRIST vnto vs with all his blessing● and so to iustifie vs. Faith is like the eye which albeit in the acte and vertue of seeing it is alone yet not solitarye and alone in the bodye but ioyned to other parts so faith albeit it alone iustifieth vs before GOD yet it is not solitarie and alone but alwayes according to the proportion of it accompanied with holy life and good workes Gal. 5. verse 6. There are onely two Sacraments which Christ instituted and left vnto the Church Baptisme the sacrament of our new birth and entrance into christianity the outward signe whereof is Water and the Lords Supper the sacrament of our growth and perfect nourishment and encrease in Christianity the outward signes and matter whereof are Bread and Wine remaining both Bread and Wine for substance both in the sacramentall vse of them and afterwards as Paul maketh it manifest 1. Cor. 11. 26. 27. That no man performe and fulfill the lawe and therfore no man is to hope and looke for righteousnesse and saluation by that obedience which hee sheweth to the lawe Rom. 8. 3. Gal. 2. 15. 16. That we cannot make satisfaction to God for the least of our sinnes but that Christ alone hath most fully and onely performed it 1. Pet. 2. 24. Apoc. 1. 5. 6. That the saluation of all that beleeue is certaine and infallible not onely in Gods decree but also to themselues Rom. 8. 38. Heb. 10. 22. and therefore that the opinion of the Papists is wicked which make faith vncertaine and so holde our saluation to bee doubtfull That all doctrine necessary to saluation is contained in the Scriptures so that nothing is either to be added to it or detracted from it Deut. 4. 2. Apoc. 22. 18. 19. Gal. 1. 8. That the knowledge of the Scriptures are necessary for all sorts of people for their saluation and therefore that they ought to read them that they may thereby learne and vnderstand what God would haue them to beleeue and doe Iohn 5. 39. Mar. 12. 24. Math 22. 29. That God alone is to be adored of vs and that no part of diuine worship is to bee giuen vnto any creature Math. 4. 10. That holinesse of life good workes as effects and consequents of faith and the way wherein wee should walke Ephes. 2. 10. is necessarily required of all that will be saued Hebr. 12. That the Sacraments are onelye signes and seales of righteousnesse and not causes of saluation and therefore our saluation doth not so depend vpon them that they that want them must needs bee damned whereas our saluation consisteth onely in Christ his merits Marc. 16. 16. which none can dispoile and dismantle vs of That Christ his body was but once conceiued of the substance of the Virgin Mary and cannot bee made of any other matter and that CHRIST hath onely one body and therefore it is not made of Wheate bread as the Papists say it is dayly for it is not the seede of Dauid and bread is not the flesh of the Virgin That the humaine nature of Christ is now onely resident and contained in heauen and therefore it is not to be adored in earth Acts. 3. That the whole force vertue and efficacie of our saluation and redemption is in the onely and once offered sacrifice of CHRIST Heb. 10. 12. 14. and that this sacrifice could bee offered of none but Christ who was to be a Priest for euer Lastly to omit diuers other articles which bee more plaine and confessed it is a foundation of faith to know beleeue and hold that then immediatly after the dissolution from the body the soules of the righteous are carryed by the Angels into heauen and the soules of the wicked and impenitent are carryed by the diuill into hell and that the same bodyes with all their perfect partes and demensions shall for substance bee raised vp by CHRIST at the day of iudgment Iob. 19. 25. 26. Of this maine and principall article many are ignorant or at least not iuditiously and soundly perswaded as may appeare by the examinatiō of the ignorant people both
waite for the pretious fruite of the earth and haue long patience vntill hee receiue the first and the latter raine and shall not wee bee much more patient and settle our hearts seeing the comming of the LORD i● so neere Iam. 57 8. To this hope wee must annexe and adioyne an earnest desire and ardent prayer as for the accomplishment of other promises so specially for the second comming of our LORD and Sauiour IESVS CHRIST Hence it is that wee are tought to pray thy Kingdome come Mathew 6 10 to hasten vnto the day of the comming of GOD 2 Peter 3 12. to desire to bee cloathed with immortalitie yea to si●h for it 2. Co●inthi 5. 9 We must say come LORD IESVS come quicklie Apoc. 22. 19. 20. How long LORD IESVS how long Apoc. 6. 10. 11. Wee must with the creatures 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is carefully and desirously looke for Romans 8. 19. as hee that out of a prison grate or casement putteth forth his head to behold a farre off him that is expected Reasons in briefe to kindle and encrease this hope and desire of this solemnization and per●ect coniunction with Christ are especially foure First the example and feruent desire of the creatures who albeit they be sin-lesse yet because mans sinne hath corrupted them and doth continually peruert and abuse them they in their kinde feruently desire to bee freed from this bondage and to bee restored into the glorious lib●rtie of Gods children much more wee that haue receiued the first fruites of the spirit must long and looke for a farre more glorious estate Roman 8. 19. 21. 22. 23. Secondly the infinite miseries troubles persecutions of the world and the vanitie ticklish and sickle estate and mortality of all things herein contained must stirre vp our hearts desire and expectation of full redemption and glorification Phil. 3. 20. Heb. 13. 13. 2. Cor. 4. 8. 9 17. Collos. 3. 1. 2. 3. to this purpose doth the triumphant Church in heauen in a generall sort desire the end of the world that the Lord may iudge and auenge their bloud that was shed vpon the earth Apoc. 6. vers 10. A third reason and that more principall is that an end may bee put to all sinne and wee may haue perfect victorie ouer it yea and treade downe Satan vnder our feete for then we shall be deliuered frō all the relicks stumps root●s and remainders of sinne 1. Cor. 15. 55. 56. Rom. 16. 20. Apoc. 3. 4. and 19. 8. Whereas in this mortalitie wee dayly and euery moment sinne against and offend our GOD breake all his commandements and prouoke his anger and pull downe many iudgements vpon vs. Rom. 7. 17. 18. 19. and 23 24. Gala. 5. 17. yea all our obedience and our best actions are tainted with sinne and so vnperfect Isa. 63. Tit. 3. 5. 1. Cor. 13. 10. 11 Lastly the fruition and enioyment of Christ his glorious presence and perfect fellowship must be a forcible and effectuall meanes to confirme our hope enflame our desire Phil. 1. 23. Hebr. 11. 25. 27. for here is the banquet that neuer endeth the mariage that lasteth for euer the triumph that is perpetuall the absence and remouall of all euill and the presence and possession of all good but hereof wee must speake more at large in the third generall section Here by this doctrine are condemned all Sadduces Athe●sts Nulli-fidians and Scorners of Christs comming who because they walke by sense and not by faith by reason and not by Scripture and follow their owne lusts and will not bee ruled by the line of Gods word deny and deride the doctrine of the resurrection Christs second comming heauen and hell as 2. Pet. 3. 3. 4. 2. Tim. 2. 17. 18. Secondly here are reproued and conuinced all Epicures Libertines loose-liuers and all worldlings and voluptuous persons who albeit they in worde deny not any Article of faith as the former did and doe yet they denie the power of all religion in their hearts and so liue as though there were neither God nor diuell heauen or hell louing riches more then religion and pleasures more then pietie 2. Timot. 3. 45. Vse 3. Thirdly wee shall by obseruing and noting the measure quantitie of our hope and desire of Christs comming c. iudge of and discerne the quantitie of our faith for these being necessary effects of faith if they be great and liuely so is our faith and if they bee weake or dead so is our faith for the tree is knowne by the fruites and the cause by the vndoubted and proper effects of it And thus much of preparation and the principall parts of it Now we are to come to treat of the speciall opportunitie and time when both this generall and particuler preparation is to be made that is onely the present time and this present life whiles the day the light and the truth lasteth and while the meanes and ministery of grace reconciliation and saluation are offered and continue Titus 2. 10. Gal. 6. 10. Ioh. 9. 4. Ioh. 12. 35. 36. 2. Cor. 61. before our hearts be hardened with the long custome of sinne and so they become vncurable Hebr. 3. 13. Acts. 28. 27. whilest C●rist knocketh at the doore of our hearts 3. 20. before the night commeth Iohn 9. 4. and the doore bee shut Luke 13. 25. for in the graue in death and hell noe praysing of GOD and no time of repentance and reconciliation as Isay. 38. Luke 16. 24. 25. the Bride must trimme her selfe in this life Apo. 19 7. Now must the wedding garment bee prouided Math. 22. 11. this life is the time of grace for the ministerie of reconeiliation is onely here 2. Cor. 5. 18. 1. Cor. 15. 24. and 28. Ephes. 4. 11. 12. 13. for at the daye of iudgement it shall wholy cease Lastly Christ forgiueth sinnes onely in earth Luk. 5. 24. and the Apostles and so the ministers of the word in al ages succeeding them binde and loose retaine and remit sinnes in earth Math. 16. 19. Iohn 20. 23. wherefore we must seeke the Lord ●hiles he may be found and in the sixe dayes of this life prouide vs of the heauenly Manna that wee may keepe with him an euerlasting Sabboth in the highest heauens Here is ouer-throwne that vile and damn●ble doctrine of the Popish purgatorie who imagine and teach that the soules of many are temporallye tormented in Purgatorie flames and that they may bee eased and released of their torments by the prayers and intercessions and satisfactions of the liuing and specially by the pardons of the beast I meane not Nebuchadnezar transformed for seauen yeares into a beast but the Pope eternized for one whereas first this late coyned doct●ine is iniurious and derogatorie to Christ his all-sufficient satisfaction who dyed onely once to put away sinne Heb. 9. 26. Hebr. 7. 25. and in all places of scripture merite satisfaction and redemption is onely ascribed to his bloud