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A16736 The doctrine of the Gospel By a plaine and familiar interpretation of the particular points or articles thereof: with the promises, comforts, and duties, seuerally belonging to the same. VVhereunto is added, a declaration of the danger of not knowing, not beleeuing, or not obeying any one of them. Likewise, a rehearsal of the manifold heresies, wherein many haue erred contrary to them all. Diuided into three bookes. The first whereof, is of beliefe in God the Father ... Allen, Robert, fl. 1596-1612. 1606 (1606) STC 364; ESTC S106811 1,499,180 1,052

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nostrills mouth hands feet c they are so frequēt in the Scriptures that it is needles and would be ouerlong to rehearse in what respect the Lord doth thus speak of himselfe We may read them to very good purpose in the beginning of the first booke Of the substance of religion by Amandus Polanus who hath diligently gathered them together and learnedly interpreted them to our hand The eyes of the Lord note his wisedome and prouidence his mouth the declaration of his will his arme and right hand his invincible power and gouernment his feete and footesteppes the proceeding and execution of his iudgements c. Psal 68.24 and Psal 77.18 and 89 51. But in all such speaches we must beware that we conceiue in our mind nothing carnally of the diuine and Spirituall nature of God For as it is said in the book of Iob ch 10.4 that he hath no carnall eyes neither seeth as man seeth so is it to be acknowledged concerning the rest For in so much as our Sauiour Christ saith of Spirits that are creatures that they haue not flesh bones Lu 24 ●9 much lesse is the Creator of Spirits to be thought to haue so or to bee any substance of any shape and outward forme And thus if we seek to know God according to the instructions and testimonies of the holy Scriptures we shall by the grace of God know him as he is to be known a thousand fold more perfitly thē by all Philosophicall conceit discourse of reason accordingly we shal rightly beleeue in him Yet whē we haue vsed all good holy diligence we must rest our selues in that know●●dge which is vnto sobrietie For as touching the nature of God as he is in h●mselfe we cannot knowe it but by his backe parts as hee himselfe speaketh As for his most perfect glorie which shineth aboue all visible brightnes as it were in his face we cannot possibly behold or looke vpon it It belongeth to euery Christian saue onely as hee hath reuealed himselfe in the face of our Lord Iesus Christ 2. Cor. 4.6 And yet this knowledge also is passing knowledge as touching the full perfection of it Ephes 3.19 And Galat 4.9 Wee cannot know God as wee are knowne of him Hitherto therefore of the meaning of the Article I beleeue in God NOwe let vs inquire of the third pointe to witte what promise wee the Gentiles haue that this onely true God who was in speciall manner the God of Israell wil be likewise our God Question What proofe haue you for this Answere In the first chapter of the Prophesie of Hosea verse 10 thus we read In the place saith the Lorde where it was said vnto them yee are not my people it shall be saide vnto them yee are the Sonnes of the liuing God And againe chapt 2. the last verse I will haue Mercie on her that was not pitied and I will say to them that were not my people Thou art my people and they shall say Thou art my Lorde This is indeede a generall promise concerning the calling of vs the Gentiles including euerie one of euerie Nation whosoeuer shall in the time and season of this calling haue grace truelie to beleeue in God Reade Rom c. Question But what proofe haue you that the time of this generall calling is all readie come Answere In the 3. chapt to the Rom verse 29. the Apostle Paul affirmeth that euer since the Gospell hath bene Preached to all Nations by the Commandement of our Sauiour Christ God is to be acknowledged not onely the God of the Iewes but also of the Gentiles For saith hee it is one God that shall iustifie the Circumcision of faith and vncircumcision through faith Explicatiō proofe By Circumcision of faith the Apostle vnderstandeth the beleeuing Iewes that were circumcised as by vncircumcision the Gentiles beleeuing though they were not circumcised His meaning is therefore that the same Faith in Christ doth iustifie them both in the sight of God And let vs marke to our comfort seeing the greatest cause and title that wee haue is pleaded howe earnest the Apostle is in auerring and affirming the calling of vs the Gentiles into the fellowship of the couenant of grace and saluation togither with the Iewes Is God saith he the God of the Iewes onelie and not of the Gentiles also Yes euen of the Gentiles also Read also 1. Corint ch 12. verse 13. and Ephes 2.11 c. And Act 11.1 c. and chap 15. 7. c. This verilie is worthie our speciall obseruation For in so much as it is certaine that wee the Gentiles were cut off from Gods conuenant it is necessarie that wee should haue ground and warrantise of our insition and ingrafting againe To this purpose the testimonies alledged are infinitely more worthe then their weight in Golde as a man may say Question BVt that we may proceed seeing the faith of Gods elect as it is called Tit 1.1 is common to all the people of God whether Iew or Gentile as hath bene shewed and there is but one Faith Ephes 4.5 Why doe wee in the profession of our faith single out our selues as it were euery one for his owne part saying I beleeue in God c And not We beleeue Answere First because it is of the verie nature of the true Iustifying Faith to make particular application of the Promises of Almightie God to euerie one whom God hath indued with it Secondlie because it is the duety of euery true beleeuer to make profession of his owne Faith rather then of any other mans in so much as no man knoweth the truthe and certaintie of the saith of any other so vndoubtedly as hee may doe of his owne Thirdly because no man can be saued but by his owne Faith Finallie to the ende that euery beleeuer might be admonished and prouoked each by the example of other to seeke to haue the ground of faith firmely setled in him selfe and euerie one to trie and examine himselfe concerning the truth of his owne faith lest hee should at vnawares deceiue himselfe in a vaine opinion and imagination of faith in steade of faith it selfe Explication and proofe These are verie good reasons in deede for the particular confession and profession of euerie Christian his owne Faith For the proofe wherof touching the first let vs consider that it is the vsuall manner of the publishing of the Gospell to applie it particularlie as Roman 10.9 If thou shalt confesse with thy mouth the Lord IESVS and shalt beleeue in thy heart that GOD hath raised him vp from the dead thou shalt be saued Gal ● 7 Act ch 16. 14. 15. and verse 31. Belieue and thou shalt be saued Likewise Chapt 8.37 Philip saith to the Eunuch Lord Treasurer to Candaces the Queene of the Aethiopians If thou beleeuest with all thine heart thou maiest be baptized And hee answered I beleeue that IESVS CHRIST is the Sonne of GOD.
and bright clearenes were it not that our owne darknes and ignorance with the confusion that is in our disordered minds did stand in need of the same For so writeth the holy Apostle S. Paul 2. Tim. 3.16.17 The whole Scripture saith he is giuen by diuine inspiration and is profitable to teach to improue to correct and to instruct in righteousnes That the man of God may be absolute and made perfect to all good workes And againe Rom. 15.4 Whatsoeuer things are written afore time to wit in the holy Scriptures as we may perceiue by that which followeth they are written saith the Apostle for our learning that we through patience and comfort of the Scriptures might haue hope All mens writings whatsoeuer they be specially such as doe concerne religion they ought to be nothing else but meere seruants to the holy writings of God to the ends here mentioned This therefore is the first thing which I doe earnestly desire of all such as shall thinke good to acquaint themselues with the reading of these or any of the best worth that they will in no wise haue any other estimation of them but as of dutifull seruants to the holy Scriptures of God Now the second thing which I doe to the same ends and with like earnestnes desire as a meete consequent of the former request is this that none would by the reading of these or any other bookes be any whit withdrawne or hindered from the reading or hearing of the word of God it selfe The which being first written by most holy inspiration as was euen now alledged is thereby manifestly cōmended vnto vs as that which euen by the ordinance of God himselfe is to be euery way and at all times in season and out of season night and day both in reading preaching hearing and meditating most reuerendly to be regarded Psal 1. ver 2. and 2. Tim. 4.1 2. And the same also not without iust cause seeing they are questionlesse the onely true ground and perfect Canon of all holy instruction And because the right vnderstanding of them is as the aiming point whereunto all instruction and teaching ought to tend insomuch as they onely are able to make vs perfectly wise vnto saluation This therefore is my second sute that none would by any other writings suffer themselues to be drawne away to slack the reading or the hearing of the preaching of the holy Scriptures of God but rather that they would double yea multiply their diligence that way Thus if any shall at conuenient leisures reade these writings prepared for them I doubt not but through the blessing of God they shall finde them among other of the same argument no vaine helpe and furtherance both for light of knowledge and also to further the comfort obedience of their faith And now these cautions being obserued I beseech ye giue mee leaue to vtter that which I haue among these prefatorie thoughts conceiued further in my minde that is that I haue good trust that there is no iust and important cause why it should offend any though after many former excellent bookes there be stil now and then more set forth prouided alwaies that they be sound and orthodoxe and in some respects of speciall good vse moreouer and beside the former For herein the common prouerb currant in all other things of good vse may haue a chiefe place that Store is no sore The rather also may this stone of offence be remoued if we consider that none are inforced to buy this or that book but it is left to their own free choice to take or to leaue as they please themselues or shall be aduised by the counsell of their godly friends Wherevpon may we not discerne that if we should not thankfully accept the manifold good and industrious labours of our louing brethren the faithfull seruants of God we may easily or we be aware of it not onely complaine of that which might be for our owne ease from other mens labours but also grudge at that which GOD hath prepared for a necessarie helpe and benefit to many other though we should for our parts thinke our selues to stand in no neede of them Wherefore that I may pleade this cause of the new publishing of good and profitable writings such as we speake of Be it that the Church of God is alreadie inriched with a goodlie varietie of all sortes of good bookes blessed be the name of our good God for it both of lesser and greater volume larger and more briefe as well by Question and Answere as in continued speech some more fit for learned Srudents in a more exquisite method and stile and some for Schollers of lesse vnderstanding c. Yet this wee cannot but easilie conceiue that not all good bookes of all sorts no not of the smallest and most easie price doe come to anie one mans hands no nor anie one kinde of booke to all but rather to a very few in comparison of those that doe very seldome or not at all heare of them God no doubt who setteth his seruants to worke will dispose also of their labours as it seemeth best to the eye of his most gratious and all-seeing Prouidence To some one helpe to some another to some at this time to other afterward Yea doubtles so wisely and prouidently will God dispose of the labours of his faithfull seruants that the least of them shall not bee altogether in vaine And yet moreouer and beside that which hath beene saide in this case this may be added further that seeing God hath manifested his wisedome in the varietie of his goodnes and mercie euery other way in his works of creation to be seene felt tasted c. for the manifold comfort of the outward man why should we think it vnsutable to the same his goodnes and to the bountie of his mercies that hee should fit and furnish his seruants with such varietie of spirituall graces as might be euerie way delightfull and beneficiall to the inward Man Verilie there is no reason why wee should thinke so Let no man therefore goe about to straighten that bountie of God which he hath so gratiouslie inlarged toward vs nor grudge against that for the which we cannot be chearefull enough in our praising of him But that we may hasten to an end of this plea Shall false-teachers by an infinite often renued variety of hereticall bookes vtter their counterfet wares and marchandise their Pseudo-chatholike counterfet Treasuries and shall not the faithfull ministers of the truth of GOD vse all holie diligence to promote the same by all kinde of good and sound writings and by laying forth therein the true pretious catholike Treasures of the onely true Church of God Farre be so vnfaithfull and secure negligence chased away from amongst vs. And the rather also because thousandes of poore soules haue so much the more neede of such renued helpes by good writinges lest they should be peruerted by the bad specially
the Churche Thus then wee may perceiue what the word to iustifie or iustification it selfe in the sight of God meaneth when we speake of our iustification by faith For it is nothing in effect but the apprehension and application of Christs righteousnes redemption to a mans selfe according to the free promise and gift of God whose good will and pleasure it is to impute it to euery true beleeuer as verily and fully as if hee had performed it himselfe Question But what doth the same worde signifie when the Apostle denyeth that to workes which hee ascribeth to faith hee affirming plainely and peremptorilie that no man can possiblie be iustified by his owne workes Answere The meaning is that no man either hath or can possiblie performe the morall workes commanded in the most holy and righteous law of God so perfectlie that he should thereby deserue to be accounted righteous before the iudgement seate of God and for the same to be worthy of that high rewarde of the Crowne of righteousnesse and glorie the which God of his free grace and mercie hath for his Sonne our Lorde Iesus Christes sake layde vp for those onely which beleeue in his name and loue and longe after his most glorious and blessed appearing Explicatiō and proofe It is true So saith the Apostle Paul 2. Timoth 4.7.8 And againe Rom 3.20 Wee knowe that whatsoeuer the lawe saith it saith it to them which are vnder the lawe that euery mouth may be stopped and all the world be culpable before God Therefore by the workes of the lawe shall no flesh be iustified in his sight for by the lawe commeth the knowledge of sinne And in the same chapter verse 28. Therefore wee conclude that a man is iustified by faith without the workes of the lawe Likewise chapt 11. 6. and in many other places of his most holie Epistles But it may be obiected that the Apostle Iames seemeth to teach otherwise For hee affirmeth expressely that not onely Abraham that renowmed father of the faithfull but also that Rahab a heathen woman one that was before of an infamous condition of life was after that she beleeued iustified by her workes Question Howe therefore are these wordes of the Apostle Iames to be vnderstood Answere We are first of all vndoubtedly to perswade our selues that it neuer came into the Apostle Iames his minde to teach any thing in his holie Epistle contrarie no nor in any the least thing dissenting from the doctrine of the Apostle Paul Explicatiō and proofe This ought to bee out of all question indeede For both the one and the other did both write and preach alwaies by one and the same most faithfull and constant Spirit of truth by whom no doubt they were perfectly guided led into all truth according to the promise of our Sauior Christ Iohn 16 13. And the rather are we thus to perswade our selues in the present pointe of doctrine because it is a doctrine both of the most singular honour and glorie to the most free grace and mercie of God and also of the greatest comfort to our owne poore soules that may be as was mentioned before Yea and further also of all other doctrines most effectuall to prouoke vs and all true beleeuers to all holy thankfulnes and good dutie toward the Lord God our most gratious and mercifull Father for the same And the rather also will we thus perswade our selues if we duly consider as the truth is that the doctrine of Iustification by workes and the imagined opinion of the merit and worthines thereof before the iudgement seate of God is as a learned and godly Father hath well obserued many waies exceedingly preiudiciall both to Gods glory and to our owne comfort and to the truth it selfe M Foxe in his obseruations concerning the doctrine of the lawe of God Act. And M●n pag 894. For first as he truly saith they that teach Iustification by the workes of the lawe the which is contrary to the ende and scope of the lawe they do peruert all method and order of doctrine 2 They seeke that in the lawe which the lawe cannot giue 3 They are not able either to comfort themselues or other 4 They keepe mens soules in an vncertaine doubting of their saluation 5 They obscure the light of Gods grace 6 They are vnkinde to Gods benefits 7 They are iniurious to Christes passion Yea enemies to his crosse 8 They stop Christian libertie 9 They bereaue the Church the spouse of Christ of her due comfort as taking away the Sunne out of the world 10 In all their doings they shoote at a wrong marke For where Christ onely is set vp to be apprehended by our faith and so freely to iustifie vs they leauing this Iustification by faith set vp other markes partly of the lawe and partly of their owne deuising for men to shoote at This therefore as that learned Father hath obserued is the B. of Romes doctrine and not the doctrine of the Apostle Iames. Question How then is the Apostle Iames to be vnderstood in that he saith Abraham and Rahab were iustified by workes Answere The Apostle Iames hauing iust cause to reproue certaine vaine and carnall professours of the Gospell euen such as verbally and in word onely boasted of their faith but were altogether vnfruitfull in good workes he is accordingly veri● earnest in declaring not what are the causes of our Iustification as the Apostle Paul doth but onely what maner of faith the iustifying faith is whereby true beleeuers are iustified in the sight of God It is very true and so can it not but be acknowledged of euery vpright and diligent Reader Proceed you therfore to declare what manner of faith the true iustifying faith is according to the doctrine of S. Iames. Question How can you describe it according to the true intent of the Apostle Iames Answere He giueth plainly to vnderstand that the true iustifying faith is not an idle and vnfruitfull faith such as theirs was whom he iustly reproueth and therefore termeth it a dead faith but that it is such a faith as through the quickening grace of the holy Ghost worketh by loue G●l 5. ● Heb. 11.33 and is fruitfull in the actions and duties thereof And that for the same cause it ma● iustly be said that such as do so beleeue are by their workes that is to say by the fruites of their faith iustified to haue a true iustifying faith in deed to the comfort of their owne hearts and before the Church of God so farre as it may iudge and discerne Explication and proofe That this is the true scope of the doctrine of the Apostle Iames it will in deed appeare to euery one that will diligently and in the feare of God bend his minde to consider of it wisely comparing one thing with an other Let vs therfore yet againe vpon the occasion renewed vse some further diligence for the clearing of this point of
Gospel which are the seales of all the Articles of our Christian faith And also of the Lords praier which is a principal rule of Christian praier a singular exercise of faith c. Question Which therefore first of all be the Articles of our Christian beliefe as they are in that briefe summe comprised and by the common consent of all true Churches of Christ euen frō the most incorrupt times cōmended vnto vs Answere I beleeue in God the Father almightie maker of heauen earth And in Iesus Christ his onely sonne our Lord which was conceiued by the holy Ghost c. Explicatiō proofe This summe of the doctrine of the Gospel concerning the chiefe Articles of our faith gathered out of the holie scriptures as hath bene said it conteineth an bridgement of the most high diuine mysterie of the nature of God that is to say of the incomprehensible Trinitie of persons in the vnitie of one most absolute perfect spirituall essence or beeing of the Godhead so farre as it is meet for vs to enquire or may be knowne and discerned of vs. And therwithall it setteth out vnto vs fraile creatures and most miserable sinners the free couenant of Gods diuine mercy fauour and grace towards vs. Herewithall also A briefe summe of the doctrine of the holy Gospel contained in the articles of our Beliefe it layeth forth these two things first the causes of our iustification and secondly the fruites or benefits thereof The causes are these first to speake more generally the whole Trinitie of persons Father Sonne and holy Ghost eternally consenting in the vnitie of the Godhead to elect and ordaine vs therevnto But more particularly the Father for orders sake as the efficient cause the Sonne in that hee tooke our nature and therein liued preached wrought miracles fulfilled the righteousnes of the law and at the last died for vs and rose againe c. the materiall cause The holy Ghost in that by the preaching of the Gospell he giueth faith the formall cause The small cause being the euerlasting praise of the same most glorious free grace and mercie of God Now the fruite and benefit of this grace of God towards vs beeing generally comprehended vnder this worde saluation the particulars are partly expressed Communion of Saints in one holy catholike Church forgiuenes of sinnes resurrection of the body and euerlasting life and partly they are to be collected from those that be mentioned as vnspeakable peace of conscience heere yea euen against death and hell it selfe and the immortality of the soule in heauen euen from the very time of our departure out of this life c. This summe of the chiefe Articles of our faith therefore containeth an abridgement of the Historie of all the greatest and most glorious counsels and workes of God and of his most wonderfull benefits towards vs Election Prouidence Creation Adoption Redemption Iustification Sanctification Saluation and Glorification and to these ends and purposes alike abridgement of the incarnation of the sonne of God and therewithall of the vnion of the humane nature with the diuine in one most holy person of a mediator and also of the sufferings of the sonne of God c. all of them as was said before proceeding from the infinite bountie of Gods mercie to vs most vnworthie men Of the which most great counsels and works of God it is worthily written by the Apostle Paul 1. Tim. 3.16 * Omologoumenos Confessedly o● by a general acknowledgement to wit of all t●●e Christians Without controuersie great is the mysterie of godlines which is God manifested in the flesh iustified in the Spirit seene of Angels preached vnto the Gentiles beleeued on in the world and receiued vp in glorie Read also Rom 8.29.30 c. Those which God knew before he also predestinated to be made like to the image of his sonne that he might be the first borne among many brethren Moreouer whom he hath predestinated them also he called and whom he called them also he iustified and whom he iustified them also he glorified What shall we then say to these things If God be on our side who can be against vs c. And Ephes c. Euen to me the least of all Saints saith the holy Apostle is this grace giuen that I should preach among the Gentiles the vnsearchable riches of Christ And to make cleare vnto all men what the fellowship of the mysterie is which from the beginning of the world hath beene hid in God who hath created all things by Iesus Christ. c. Of these most high and excellent things we will by the grace of God treat and inquire according to this summe of the Articles of our faith in the order following First of all wee will consider of some speciall ground of holy Scripture whence euery article or point of our faith may be warranted and from whence also the right sence meaning thereof may be interpreted and opened For the word of God contained in the bookes of Canonicall Scripture the which God himselfe hath giuen and authorized for the instruction of his Church it is the onely certaine and vndoubted ground and foundation of faith And therefore also it is our bounden dutie to yeeld it the honour of teaching and confirming euery truth of God from the sacred testimonie and witnesse thereof And thus we read how in matters of faith the Scripture referreth it selfe to the Scripture the latter to the former Luke 24. verses 25.26.27 and verses And before this in the 22. chap ver 37. Reade also Acts chap 26. verse 22. and 1. Corinth and 2. Pet 1.19 And verily it were too great sluggish a folly for any to content themselues so with any briefe abridgement that the originall copie wherein is the more full and perfect declaration of all things should be neglected A man will not doe so with his seuerall Deeds and more large writings shewing the conueiances of his landes for any briefe extent or suruey which hee hath taken of them And shall we be more vnwise concerning the grand euidence of our saluation Nay rather as great landed men by how much they see by a short viewe that their possessions are very ample c. they will make the more reckoning of all their auncient Court-rouls or Charters c. So let vs by all meanes prouoke ourselues notwithstanding any other testimony to make our principall and most precious account of the authenticall and diuine records of God And that not onely for the points themselues which concerne our faith but also for the right vnderstanding of them and for all holy circumstances belonging to them For in this respect the holy Scriptures are so necessarie that without them wee should not by the shortnesse of our Creede heare of many points necessarily to bee bee beleeued of vs for our holy instruction and comfort And they that are mentioned could not without the holy
King testifieth of this our King and Sauiour that by him Kings reigne and Princes decree iustice That by him Princes doe rule and the Nobles and all the iudges of the earth Pro. cha 8.15.16 Neither did euer any Caesar of the Roman Empire prosper so blessedly as did that most noble Constantine who first submitted himselfe and his worldly gouernment to the spirituall gouernment of our Lord Iesus Christ and those other Caesars likewise who were the most kindly and christian imitators and successors of him The same experience haue many other kingdomes had namely the prosperous gouernment of the Constantina of England I meane our late most gratious constant christian Queene most honourable in her owne name Elizabetha is a mirror hereof neuer to be forgotten but to be alwaies of blessed remēbrance to all posterity throughout all christiā Churches The Popes kingdome indeed falsly boulstered borne out vnder the most sacred name of our Sauiour Christ though in truth it is meerly Antichristian it cannot as the world hath now had long experience stand with the kingdomes of the world and least of all with any right christian kingdome but it will either ouer-dreep it so that it shall not grow vpward or vndermine it so that being growne vp it can haue no firme and peaceable continuance further then it pleaseth God our Sauiour to restrain that his double sworded triple crowned power which he vsurpeth But concerning the kingdom of our Lord Iesus Christ as he himselfe who knoweth his own kingdom gouernment best hath plainly and truly testified before the Roman Gouernour that it is no way in the least point preiud●cial to the lawful iust gouernmēt of any Caesar King or Prince in all the world but that they may stand entirely the one with the other either of thē be mutually helpfull to the prosperous successe of thē both But chiefly his kingdom to all other kingdoms of the world which shal at any time submit thēselues vnto it to the spiritual laws ordināces therof For the confirmation of the which answer our Sauiour Christ addeth further in his owne defence against the false accusation of the slanderous Iewes a notable reason from his owne former and constant practise in all his behauiour As Pilate himselfe no doubt did know and obserue or else hee for his part neither would nor durst haue suffered him to continue his course as hee did In which respect no doubt our Sauiour said to Pilate before appealing as it were to Pilates conscience Saiest thou that of thy selfe or did another tell it thee of me Our Sauiour by the latter disanulling the former as he knew Pilate himselfe could not deny Let vs therefore now come to the reason whereby our Sauiour Christ doth notably cleare himselfe from the malitious slander of the Iewes If saith our Sauiour my kingdome were of this world my seruants would surely fight that I should not be deliuered to the Iewes But seeing they did not once attempt that course neither did he euer teach them so but the contrary of purpose withdrew himselfe from the Iewes when they inclined to such an attempt yea so that when Peter rashly began to resist he sharply rebuked and suppressed his attempt as we haue seene before whereof also it is like that Pilate might haue intelligence neither would our Sauiour vse his owne diuine power nor the ministery of Angells to that end therefore he concludeth But now is my kingdome not frō hence As though he should say By this may it be euidently perceiued that my kingdom is neither of nor frō this world So that as I neuer sought or minded it so cā it not be iustly laid to my charge This is the meaning of the 2. answer of our Sauior to Pilate the gouernor As for the vses which we are to make both for the cōfort of our faith also to the informing of vs in our duty frō this answer the rest we shal haue cause to obserue what they be hereafter Let vs proceed to the third answer of our Sauiour For Pilat vnderstanding in some sort the distinction of kingdome and gouernment which our Sauiour Christ made and therefore standing no longer vpon the crimination of the Iewes but as was mentioned before asked more generally whether hee did professe himselfe to be a King in respect of any princely gouernment of what kinde soeuer our Sauiour prudently shunning still the name of King which would easily haue seemed ridiculous to the profane cōpany about him and to Pilat himselfe our Sauiour standing before him as a prisoner pinioned and bound he did neuertheles acknowledge the truth of the thing and answereth Pilat thus Thou saiest that I am a King As though he should say it is enough that thou hast spoken it though I do not rehearse the words againe And then he annexeth a very graue and sufficient reason why though he vsed as excellent modesty as might be hee did neuertheles acknowledge the truth of the matter in such sence as he had cleared the same For saith our Sauiour For this cause am I borne for this cause came I into the world that I should beare witnes vnto the truth As though he should say I may not in any wise frustrate the counsell and purpose of God who hath sent me to testifie his whole truth concerning the redemption and saluation of all his people and namely this speciall point of truth that God hath for the same cause ordeined me to come into the world and to doe the office of a spirituall King and Sauiour vnto them And that is the cause as our Sauiour giueth Pilate plainly to vnderstand why hee standeth vpon those termes with him and not of any vaine glory as one arrogating that which did not in truth belong vnto him Finally as was said in the last branch of this third answer our Sauiour Christ describeth vnto Pilate not so much for Pilates sake who despised that which he said but for the sake of all true beleeuers who cannot but reuerendly regard this part of the answer as well as all the rest he describeth I say who and what manner of ones the subiects of his kingdome are namely such as being of the truth doe also heare and obey his voice In the which words he describeth them from the cause which is before and aboue and without themselues that is from their election according to the eternal good will and pleasure of God For to be of the truth as our Sauiour saith in this place and to be of God as he saith otherwhere and namely Iohn 8.47 He that is of God heareth Gods word c. these two kindes of speeches they are in sense all one Likewise to heare Gods word to harken to the voice of our Sauiour Christ they are also one and the same For the voice of Christ is not only that word doctrine which he vttered by his owne sacred mouth while he
childe Exod. 4.24 For baptisme is to vs Christians the same in proportion which circumcision was to the people of Israell And furthermore as it is a comfortable helpe for the strengthening of the faith of those that hauing truly desired it doe enioy it so no doubt the want of it through the negligence of any beleeuer cannot but minister a very great temptation to the weakening and disturbing of the peace of his faith so long as hee should want it euen so often as he should thinke of these words of our Sauiour Hee that shall beleeue and be baptized so neerely ioyning baptisme with faith as he doth though not as the cause of saluation yet as a testimonie and pledge of it to euerie true beleeuer And thus as Maister Caluine well concludeth this point Baptisme is necessarie though not simply yet for obedience sake Non simpliciter necessarium dicimus sed tantum obedientiae nostrae respectu And againe Non tanquam dimidia salutis causa sed vt testimonium Not as the halfe cause of saluation but as a testimony or pledge of it But from the former part of your answer there seemeth a great doubt to arise For seeing our Sauiour determining who shal be baptized saith they are such as are first to be taught and then also are to beleeue and so to be baptized how commeth it to passe that wee our ●elues haue beene baptized while we were Infants and that we doe baptize our children likewise while they are yet very new borne babes and so cannot be such as haue beene taught or be capable of any instruction and therefore much lesse doe actually beleeue Question What warrant can we haue for this Answer Though it was necessarie that at the first publishing of the Gospell to such people as were altogether heathenish that is prophane and vnbeleeuing they should be brought to knowledge and so to the faith of the mysterie of godlines because otherwise the Sacrament thereof must needes haue beene prophaned and of no vse and profit vnto them Yet so soone as any beleeued the Lord did not onely receiue themselues into his holy couenant of grace and mercy through Iesus Christ But also their children And therevpon haue they euen from the Apostles times to this day beene admitted to be partakers of the signe and seale of the couenant Explication and proofe This in deede hath beene the perpetuall vse of the Church of Christ euen from the primitiue imbracing of the Gospell amongst the Gentiles And the same also hath beene done vpon very good ground insomuch as the parents being sanctified to God their children also are accepted of God as holy vnto him as the Apostle Paule teacheth 1. Cor. 7.17 Neither may it be thought that the couenant of God entred with the Gentiles in the daies of the Gospell is lesse fauourable and gratious then was his couenant with the Israelites in the time of the law and before And therfore seeing when the Lord tooke Abraham into his couenant he did take in his children and whole posterity also with him and for a comfortable testimonie and proofe thereof commanded that the signe of his couenant should be imprinted in their flesh as wee reade Genes c. Wee likewise perswade our selues from the same ground that God admitting at the first beleeuing parents into his most gratious couenant doth therewithall also admit their children into the same and that they may and ought now in the time of the Gospell be as lawfully baptized as euer the children of the Iewes were to be circumcised in the time of the law But therewithall this must be as firmely acknowledged that all Christian parents stand as strictly bound so soone as God giueth aptnes of vnderstanding to teach them the mysterie of their Christian baptisme to wit into whose name they haue beene baptized and to what end that they may know the gre●tnes of Gods mercy towards them in this behalfe euen more and more from time to time and the straight bond of their duty and obedience to God the Father the Sonne and the holy Ghost insomuch as the Father of his free grace and mercy hath adopted them in his Sonne our Lord Iesus Christ to be his children in whom also he hath reconciled them to himselfe washing away their sinnes through his bloud and sanctifying them vnto himselfe by his spirit euen by the holy Ghost These things I say doe all Christian parents first who bring their children to baptisme and also all Minist●rs of the Gospell who doe baptize them and all other who are any way specially interessed in the holy action stand as strictly bound to teach and to bring them vp or procure as much as lieth in them that they may be brought vp in the holy nurture and information of the Lord as they are bound vnder paine of damnation to know beleeue and practise the same good duties themselues Lest their children through their default for want of knowledge or hauing knowledge doe for want of conscience fall away from the couenant of their baptisme to prophanenes and vngodlines and so bring vpon themselues a double condemnation The one because they are sinfull by nature the other because they refuse that mercie which is offered vnto them by the free grace and fauour of God And the rather doe we stand thus strictly bound to teach our children the holy mysterie of baptisme into the name of the Father and of the Sonne and of the holy Ghost that is into the name of one onely true GOD three distinct persons because wee cannot otherwise rightly knowe God nor how to beleeue in him nor what the fruite and efficacie of our baptisme is nor any thing at all what true Christianitie doth meane But what if our children doe die before they come to yeeres of discretion or it may be before they come to be baptized at all Question What is to be said in this case Answer God of his infinite mercie knoweth as well how to take them into his heauenly Kingdome as to admit them into his gratious couenant here vpon earth euen as seemeth best to his godly wisedome Explicatiō It is very true And therein are wee to rest and to quiet and comfort our selues as they that haue learned to sowe in hope Yea further wee are to leaue secret thinges to the Lord and to account thinges reuealed a sufficient contentment to vs and our children in all things whatsoeuer may concerne our selues or them And thus much shall for the present time suffice concerning the more generall and common effects of the ministerie of the Gospell and also touching this point of the baptisme of children as an appurtenance thereunto This onely added that no infant of any Infidell Iewe or Turke may lawfully be baptized at this day no more then in the Apostles time vntill the pa●ents one of them at the least haue imbraced the faith and doe make a holy profession of it and accordingly desire baptisme
set downe vnto you That is to say that from that which hath beene hitherto said for the interpretation and vse of all and euery of the Articles thereof wee may so clearely vnderstand what manner of faith that is whereby wee are iustified in the sight of God that the question of our iustification by faith may by the due consideration thereof be easily decided by vs. For we may easily perceiue that it is such a faith as is grounded wholly vpon the infallible warrant of the most holy and canonicall Scriptures of God rightly vnderstoode and not vpon any humane traditions True iustifying faith generally considered or vnwritten verities as they are called Such a faith as looketh directly to the grauous promises of God and not to those blinde incouragements and ouerweening perswasions or hopes which carnal confidence suggesteth Such a faith as yeeldeth that onely true comfort wherewith the heart of man may soundly boldly comfort and reioyce it selfe Such a faith as worketh by loue and is plentifull in all good duties both toward God and man Gal chap. 5. verse 6. Phil. chap. 1.11 In which respect it is worthily called the faith of the truth which is according to godlinesse vnder the hope of eternall life Tit. chap. 1. verses 1 2. It is no idle and dead faith such as Saint Iames doth iustly condemne chap. 2 verse 14 c. It is not a bare historicall or inwrapped saith to beleeue as the Church beleeueth nor any doubting faith as if it were good modestie so to beleeue such as the Popish Teachers deceiue the people withall It is no such faith as carnall gospellers doe make boast of and in the same their boasting feare not to turne the grace of God into wantonnesse Finally it is no such faith as is void of the power of godlinesse Wherevpon also it likewise followeth that he is no true Christian whosoeuer hee be that hath such a kinde of idle historicall inwrapped or doubting faith Neither is the carnall or loose worshipper any true or kindely and faithfull worshipper of God but onely such as be very carefull to glorifie God and to dispose of all their waies aright in obedience to all the lawes and commandements of God According as God himselfe hath solemnly determined this matter in the 50. Psalme namely in the last verse of the Psalme speaking thus by his holy Prophet He that offereth praise shall glorifie me and to him that disposeth his waie aright I will shew the saluation of God Such as will truely serue and please God must worship him seriously and in good earnest They must also be constant or else all former labour is lost The true faithfull Christian continuing constant must therewith also encrease For as we reade Rom 1.16 17. The Gospel is the power of God to saluation c. whereby the righteousnesse of God is reuealed from faith to faith And therefore it is that the same Apostle maketh his prayer for the Thessalonians 2. Epist chap. 1.11 that God would make them worthie of his calling and fulfill all the good pleasure of his goodnesse and the worke of faith with power That the name of our Lord Iesus Christ may be glorified in them and they in him according to the grace of our God and of the Lord Iesus Christ Reade also Ephes 4 verse 11 12 13 c. And the Apostle Peter 2. Epist 3.18 Grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ to him be glory for euer and euer Amen Moreouer this we must know that albeit faith is of a working nature yet to speake properly it doth not iustifie by works but onely in that it apprehendeth Christ whom God hath made the Lord our righteousnesse yea to be euen all in all vnto vs and for vs. 1. Cor. 1.30 and Colos 2.9 10. Wherevpon it is that the Apostle Paul often affirmeth yea that he plentifully and strongly disputeth and proueth that our iustification is of the free grace mercy of God namely in his Epistles written to the Romans and to the Galatians So that faith it selfe hath no power to iustifie otherwise then as an instrumentall cause and that also by the meere grace of God which inableth it to apprehend and lay hold vpon our Sauiour Christ and his righteousnesse Neither hath it any power at all to worke but through the sanctification of the holy Ghost And both of these powers also are diligently to be distinguished For as both the fire and the Sunne haue their double force that is to giue light and to make warme yet doe they neither warme by their light nor giue light by their warmth so albeit faith doth inlighten the mind to behold the fauour grace of God in Christ Iesus also inflameth the heart to be zealous of all good workes to the glory of God yet doth it no more iustifie by working then fire or the Sunne do burne by that light which they giue Yea and to speake more properly it is God onely who iustifieth sinners as the alone efficient cause and fountaine of iustification and that euen through his meere grace in that he forgiueth their sinnes for Iesus Christs sake and imputeth his righteousnesse vnto them Rom. 3.24 25 26 27 28. And 2. Cor. 5.21 as was said before As for works of obedience they are fruits onely declaring the truth of that faith which iustifieth And so is the Apostle Iames to be vnderstood as hath beene shewed more at large in the beginning of this part of our Treasurie Finally it may well be obserued that when we speake generally of iustification by faith wee may vnderstand iustification to be a generall fruit of beleeuing the whole doctrine of saluation contained in all the Articles of our beliefe as well concerning God the Father and the holy Ghost as the Sonne c. without neglect of any of them though with a special respect and relying vpon the sufferings and death of our Sauiour Christ These are the things which I thought good to adde vnto all former particulars for a generall conclusion of the whole doctrine of our christian beliefe Now God of his infinite mercy make vs truly wise with all his Saints and elect children vnto our eternall saluation in the right vnderstanding beleeuing and obeying of the great mysterie of Godlinesse in Iesus Christ our Lord. To whom with the Father and the holy Ghost one true and eternall God be all praise honour and glory both now and for euer and euer Amen FINIS Verses Eucharisticall or of thanksgiuing to the honour and praise of our most gratious good God THe Gospel is a Iewell rare And hidden from our sight Gospel This present worke a key it is To bring it vnto light Faith is the hand whose proper t' is Thereon to lay sure hold Faith Iustification This book this hand doth guide vnto This pretious pearle of gold And by this Faith which holdeth it Made iust and sau'd we be This
First therefore I would haue you shewe me as you haue bene taught what the Gospell is Question The holy Gospell is a most ioyfull doctrine or diuine message of most glad tydings sent and published to the world from God himselfe Answere and by the Ministery of his faithfull seruants the which teacheth and assureth euery one that heareth and receiueth it both what that righteousnesse and saluation is together with the causes and particular fruites or benefits and comforts of the same which is to be apprehended and layed hold vpon onely by faith in Christ and also what manner of obedience that is which God requireth and accepteth onely as a fruit of thankefulnesse but for no part of iustification or for any peece of the merit of saluatiō before him of euery one to whō the same righteousnesse and saluation with all the fruits benefits and comforts thereof doe through his most free grace and mercy in Christ Iesus appertaine and belong The morall Lawe of God as hath beene declared in the former part of our Catechisme is a diuine rule or doctrine Explicatiō and proofe teaching and commanding the perfect righteousnes of workes the which if a man could perfectly fulfill hee should surely liue therein Leuit. 18.5 And to that effect doth our Sauiour Christ answere him who asked what he might doe that he might inherit eternal life Thou knowest the commandements saith our Sauiour c. as though he should haue said Thou canst not possibly haue a more perfect rule of the righteousnes of the outward workes and actions of thy life and of the right holy disposition and inward affection of thy heart according to the first creation of mankinde then the Lawe of God is Matth. 19 16 c. Mark 10 17 c. Luk. 18 18. c. But because as we haue beene further instructed we are now of a very sinfull disposition What the Go●pel● is and euen through the corruption of nature trangressors of the law the law is so ●ar from all grace of iustifying sauing of vs that it doth most iustly conuince vs of sin and consequētly of iust deserued wrath from the iudgment seat of God Wherefore necessarily are we all to seeke to be iustified an other way that i● by the free grace fatherly mercy of God through the righteousnes holines of the works merit of the perfect obediēce of the son of God our Lord Iesus Christ and not by our owne workes either already wrought or w●●ch we may at any time hereafter possibly worke For this cause behold I beseech you the wonderfull grace most rich and precio●s mercy of our God in that as was now answered hee hath not onely p●b●●●●ed this doctrine of free grace through the righteousnes of our L Iesus Christ ●o iustification saluatiō the which the law strictly taken doth not directly so much as once tel vs of but also for that he is most graciously minded to gi●e vs the knowledge faith yea euen the very possession whole fruit of it This part of holy doctrine is of vs called the Gospell the which in the greek lang●age wherein it was first written by the holy Euangelists in the new Testament euidently signifieth good tydings or a ioyfull and gladsome message The Greeke word is Euaggelion compounded of Eu which noteth the goodnes and commoditie or the praise and commendation of a thing and of Aggello which is To bring tidings or to report declare a message Of these Greek words ioyned in one not onely those four who wrote the history of our Sa Christ but also such as were special attendants vpon the Apostles to preach where they had once planted the Gospell Luk 4.18 Ephes 2 1● 1. Cor. 1. ●7 1. Pet. 1.25 Rom. 10.15 G●● 1.8.9 Reu. ●1 20 ch 2. 1. c. are called Euangelists Yea frō these Greeke words compounded in one all Preaching is called Euangelizing And from Aggello Preachers are called sometimes Angels that is such as are sent in the name of God vpon this his most honourable and ioyfull message The Gospel as we call it in our Engli●h doth not onely in the latine tongue but also in diuers other languages take the name from the same Greek words and is made the vulgar common speech in many Christian churches like as diuers other both greek hebrew words are pertaining to the Gospell such as are Iesus Messiah Christ c. Yea among those of the heathen also who haue vsed the latine speech good and welcome newes or messages such as among them haue beene thought worthy any reward to the bringers Cicero ad Att. c lib. 2. App●●nece Cice●● Homer ●●ys● v p. 152 ●●●rat ● Ar●● Nen●p Ell●t or sacrifice and thankes to God they haue beene by ancient vse called from the same Greeke words Euangelia according to the example of the Grecians themselues going b●fore them therein The same vse is of the hebrew word Besorah answering to this as we read 2. Sam 4.10 One that brought Dauid tidings of Saules death thought that Dauid would haue giuen him a reward for his tidings The word ther is Besorah And in the same place it is said that he which reported this to Dauid thought himselfe to be Chimbassar as one bringing such tydings as should be welcome For such is the vsuall signification of the verbe Bissar of this substantiue Besorah as we may perceiue by that which we read 1. Sam. 31 9. The Philistines are said to publish the death of Saul and his sons for ioyful newes or tydings and to the praise of their idolls But 2. Sam. 1 20. Publish it not saith Dauid Al Tebassru lest the daughters of the Philistines reioyce lest the daughters of the vncircumcised triumph read also ch 18. v. 19. v. 27 v. 31. And 2. king 7 9 Ps 68 11. This therefore being a word vsed to signifie all good welcome tydings it is in the holy Scriptures for excellencies sake transferred to note out the best newes aboue all other euen the publishing of the ioyfull tydings of the Gospel For the which read Isay 40 9. O thou that bringest good tydings to Zion Meb●stereth that is as it is well translated Euangelizas preachest the Gospell c. And likewise ch 41 27. I wil giue to Ierusalem saith the Lord one that shall bring good tydings Mebassar This messenger is Christ ch 61 1. The Lord hath sent me to Preach good tydings to the poore And of all Preachers of the Gospell it is saide more generally ch 52 vers 7. according also as the Apostle Paul alleadgeth it Rom. 10.15 O how beautifull vpon the mountaines are the feet of him that declareth and publisheth peace that declareth good tydings and publisheth saluation saying vnto Zion Thy God raigneth And Nahum Chap. 1.15 Read also Psalm 40.9 and Psal 96 2. Finally from this Hebrew word the holy Euangelists who wrot the History of the Gospell are
vnpossible that God should lye wee might haue strong consolation who haue our refuge to hold fast the hope that it set before vs c. And chap. 11 verses 6 13 17 c. This most stedfast faithfulnes of God is euery where worthily testified vnto vs in the holy Scriptures And namely 1. Cor. 1 9. God is faithfull by whom yee are called vnto the fellowship of his sonne Iesus Christ our Lord. And chap. 10 13. God is faithfull c. And 2. Epistle 1 18. the Apostle appealeth to God as to the most faithfull and true witnesse So againe chap. 11 31 and chap. 12 2 3. God saith he knoweth that I lye not And 1. Thes 5.24 Faithfull is he which calleth you who will also doe it And Chap. 3 Epistle 3 3. The Lord is faithfull who will establish you c. And Tit. 1 2. God that cannot lye hath promised And Hebrewes 10 23. Let vs keepe the profession of our hope without wauering for hee is faithfull that hath promised Reade also Iames 1 17. There is no variablenesse in God neither shadowing by turning And Paul againe Rom. 11 29. The gifts and calling of God are without repentance Likewise the Prophet Hos chap. 13 verse 14. Repentance is hid from my eyes saith the Lord. Read also Psalme 36 5. Thy mercy ô Lord reacheth to the heauens and thy faithfulnesse to the cloudes And Psalme 105 8. He hath alwaies remembred his couenant and promise which hee made to a thousand generations And Psalme 111.5 He will euer be mindefull of his couenant And ver 9 He hath commanded his couenant for euer And 146 6. He keepeth his fidelitie for euer And in the Lament of Ierimiah 3 23 Great is his faithfulnesse To this end also it is well worthy the obseruing that the word of God hath often testimonie giuen to the faithfulnes of it Tit. 1 9. The Minister is to hold fast the faithfull word And chap. 3 8. This is a faithfull saying Likewise 1. Tim. 1.15 and chap. 3 1 and chap. 4 9. and Reuel chap. 22 6. These words are faithfull and true So also Psa 19.7 The testimonie of the Lord is sure And Psal 93.5 Thy testimonies are very sure And Isay 55 3. I will make an euerlasting couenant with you saith the Lord euen the sure mercies af Dauid And againe Act. 13 14. I will giue you the holy things of Dauid which are faithfull And yet further that faith doth in speciall manner lay hold of the promise of God toaching iustification it is euident by the often confirmation of this that we are iustified by faith and namely Gal. 3 8. The Scripture foreseeing that God would iustifie the Gentiles through faith preached before the Gospell vnto Abraham saying In thee shall all the gentiles be blessed So then they that be of faith are blessed with faithfull Abraham This testimonie is often repeated in the epistles of the blessed Apostle And Act 13.39 By Christ euery one that beleeueth is iustified That the same faith doth herewithall lay holde of saluation by our Sauiour Christ we read Act. 15.11 We beleeue saith the Apostle Peter through the grace of our Lord Iesus to be saued euen as they that is the beleeuing Gentiles doe For as it is else where affirmed Christ onely is saluation both to Iew also to Gentile Neither is there any other name wherby any may be saued Act. 4.12 Read also Eph 2.8 By grace are yee saued through Faith And Pet. 1.5 Yee are kept by the power of God through faith vnto saluation And verse 9. Receiuing the ende of your faith euen the saluation of your soules Of the which saluation the Prophets haue enquired c. Beleeue saith the Apostle Paul to the Iaylor in the Lord Iesus Christ and thou shalt be saued thine houshold And herevnto tendeth that comfortable speech of our San Christ himselfe so often repeated in the Gospell Thy faith hath saued thee Matt. 9.22 In which words he would incourage the poore woman to beleeue spirituall saluation by the comfort of that bodily health which shee had receiued from him For this verily was the ende of all the bodilie cures which our Sauiour Christ wrought as may bee perceiued by the testimonie of Saint Matthew chapt 8.16.17 Reade also the same comfortable speech Luke 8 50. Feare not beleeue onely c. And chap. 17.19 And againe chapt 18.42 Thy faith hath saued thee And Mark 9.23 All things are possible to him that beleeueth Finallie that Faith layeth holde vpon Christ himselfe it is manifest in that by faith Christ liueth in the faithfull and they againe doe liue in him Gal 2.20 And chap 3.27 By faith wee put on Christ And Eph. 3.17 Christ dwelleth in the heart by faith For the which cause it is that the true iustifiyng and sauing faith beareth the name of faith in Christ faith in the name of Christ the faith of of Christ faith toward Christ the faith which is by Christ and through his bloode c. Yea faith doth so lay holde vppon Christ that it doth most nearely vnite vs vnto him for euer in one mysticall bodie as the members of the naturall bodie are knitte to the head according to that of the Apostle Paul 1. Cor. 12. verses 12.13 and Ephes And as wee read chapt 5.30 Wee are members of his bodie of his flesh and of his bones Hetherto of the former part of our description of the nature of faith It remaineth that wee shewe some proofes out of holie Scripture concerning those notable effectes which are ascribed to the same faith And first of all that it reioyceth the heart of the true beleeuer with ioye vnspeakeable and glorious Reade 1. Pet. 1.8 Reade also Rom. and Iames 1.2 And Luke chap 1.46.47 and ch 2.10 That faith giueth boldnesse touching the profession of the name of Christ wee reade Romans chapter 10. verse 10. With the heart man beleeueth vnto righteousnesse and with the mouth hee confesseth to saluation Read also 1. Pet. 3.14.15 Matth. 10.28 c. That it causeth the soule of the beleeuer to haue comfortable trust and affiance vnder the Fatherly prouidence of God wee may easilie perceiue by the comfortable Doctrine and exhortation of our Sauiour Christ Matth 6.25 c. And chapter 10. verse 19 and verse 30. Wee may perceiue it also from the example of the Apostle Paul Act 27. c. 25. Syrs be of good courage for I beleeue God that it shall be so as hath bene tolde mee And againe 2. Tim. 1.12 I knowe whom I haue beleeued and I am perswaded that hee is able to keepe that which I haue commited to him against that day Reade also 2. Corinth 4.8.9 c. Likewise Psal 23. 46. 62. And Ps 119.50 It is my comfort in my trouble for thy promise hath quickened mee And Sam 30.6 When the people would euen forthwith haue stoned Dauid hee comforted himselfe in the Lord his GOD. Read also Hebr
bringeth nothing to God but rather presenteth a man altogether empty and forlorne in his sight that he may be replenished with Christ his grace Wherfore it is a passiue work if I may so speake whervnto no reward is due Neither doth it yeelde any righteousnes to a man which it hath not receiued of Christ before Calu. vpon Iohn 6.29 And now further that our Sauiour Christ was necessarily both to fulfill the righteousnes of the law and also to die for vs to the ende we might be perfectly iustified by him it may easily appeare if wee doe rightly consider that all of vs who stand in need of iustification by him doe not onely want righteousnes in that we can neither for the present nor shall euer be able in this life to fulfill the righteousnes of Gods law our own selues who faile alwaies euen in the best duties that we doe but also that we are infinitely guiltie of transgressions rebellions concerning the time past through the pacience of God as the Apostle Paul hath taught vs. Yea and besides all this wee doe originallie stand whollie corrupte and guiltie of eternall condemnation before the iudgement seate of God as the same Apostle hath convicted all the world both yong and olde Roma 3.19.20 and chapt 5.12 c. For the least of which our transgressions wee our selues could neuer in our owne persons haue made any iust and sufficient recompence or satisfaction to the most holy iustice of God I● is necessarie therfore that wee doe in euery respect relie whollie vpon our Sauiour Christ alone and vppon the most free grace and mercie of the Lord God our heauenly Father for our Iustification and Saluation seeing it is express●ly affirmed as we haue often heard and reade and cannot too often heare reade and consider out of the holy Scriptures that they are not to be found in any other but in him alone as Act. 4.11.12 This is the stone cast aside of the builders which is become the head of the corner Neither is ther saluation in any other for among men there is giuen no other name vnder heauen wherby we must be saued Our Sa Christ onely of all men is perfectly holy and righteous in life Our Sa Christ alone is of all men pure vndefiled by nature He therfore alone and no other could be that meete and worthy sacrifice euen the lambe of God without spot which God himselfe hath appointed to take awaye the sinnes of the world and to bring in euerlasting righteousnesse as the Prophet Daniel long before the performance of it did prophesie of him in the 9. chapter of his prophesie And in deede in somuch as wee in and of our selues are altogether corrupt and sinfull by nature yea and doe still so remaine in a great part euen after the grace of regeneration is begunne in vs howe may it be thought in any probabilitie of good reason that any mans owne workes should iustifie himselfe and deserue any thing at Gods hand for the merit and worthines therof as our popish false teachers doe blasphemouslie contend For whether wee ●●te vp our eyes to God or cast them downe vpon our selues wee shall be easily yea and that with great force also cast off from all confidence this way if so be wee will vprightly weigh and consider all things For first concerning God hee is as wee knowe such a one and so infinitlie rich and all-sufficient in himselfe that whatsoeuer is giuen him hee hath nothing the more And as the holy prophet saith Who hath giuen him and it shall be recompenced him As though he should say that God is beholding to no creature but hee giueth aboundantly to all and yet hee hath neuer the lesse And secondlie as touching our selues wee want all those conditions which are necessarie to bee found in those persons that should merit or deserue anie thing at the hands of God For first wee are not out of his debt nay wee are most deeply indebted vnto him by thousands of talents as we read in the Gospell Secondlie we can gratifie God with no good thing which we haue not first receiued of him And besides that which wee are able to bring is nothing equall to that reward of euerlasting life and saluation which proud men shame not for their worthines to challenge at the hands of God Nay rather euen that little which wee bring vnto God and the same also his owne gift bestowed on vs before it turneth to our owne further benefit through the exceeding bountifulnesse of God And therfore howe much the more God vouchsafeth to accept at the handes of any their seruice and duety by so much the more they are yet more deeplie bound and indebted to him For it is of meere grace and fauour that hee accepteth any duety at all at any mans hands To the which end worthily saith Elihu in the booke of Iob. chap 35.7 speaking on the Lordes behalfe in this wise If thou be righteous saith hee what giuest thou vnto him or what receiueth hee at thy hand Thy wickednes may hurt a man as thou art and thy righteousnes may profit the sonne of man c. Howe then may it be thought that it is in any mans power to benefit the Lord and to deserue anie thing at his handes whereby hee should be beholding or indebted vnto him Blessed be the Lord our God therfore who hath of his most gratious goodnesse inlightened his seruants to see and vnderstand the truth of this most holie and comfortable doctrine of our free iustification by faith and to discerne the vanitie and wickednesse of the false doctrine of mans merite by his owne works To the which end it shall be to our comfort as I trust to call to minde some holie testimonies which the seruants of God haue giuen vnto it from time to time Among whom that faithfull Martyr and minister of the Gospell of Christ M. Patrick Hamelton M. Patrick Hamelt●● ●n his b●●ke 〈◊〉 stated out of latin m●● English 〈◊〉 I F●y●h set downe by M. Fo●e A●t and Mo●um pag. ●●● c. hath with great sharpnes and dexteritie of holie vnderstanding expressed it wher hee affirmeth and confirmeth from the holie Scriptures that to speake exactely no manner of workes doe make vs eyther righteous or vnrighteous good or euill and that they neither saue nor condemne the children of God Hee expresseth his meaning thus and it is very true that vntill a man be iustified by faith and so be by faith allowed of God to be a good man he can not possiblie doe any good thing acceptable to God neither can any good deedes make him a good man For in deed without faith he can doe no good worke well Likewise also as he saith further euill works are not the cause that any man is euill but hee himselfe beeing euill first afterward worketh that which is euill Finallie as hee truely saith workes doe not saue but faith whence spring all good
Christ to our soule is the most soueraigne plaster that can be to mortifie and kill the proud flesh of sinne For as well saith a godly learned man Like as a strong corasiue laide to a sore eates out all the rotten and deade flesh euen so the death of Christ being applied to the heart of a penitent sinner by faith weakens and consumes the sinne that cleaueth so fast vnto our nature and dwells within vs. Maister Perkins exposition of the Creed in the Article of the death of Christ And who duly considering that his sinnes were the cause that Christ was crucified and that his most precious blood was shed but he must needs it he haue any sparckle of grace wrought in him by the spirit of Christ which giueth this blessed effect to his death mourne for his sinnes and growe out of loue with them c According to that alledged before out of the 12. chap. of the Prophet Zachariah This also is the proper and as one would say the very specificall vertue of the death of Christ as to stay the anger of God which is bent against sinne so to stay the course and rage of sinne that it doe no longer prouoke and anger God Reade Rom 6.2.3 c. and Gal. 6.14 and 1. Pet. 4.1 Hetherto therefore of the former sort of the helping causes of the first part of repentance belonging to the mortification of sinne Onely let vs here adde this one caution by the way that albeit these helpes are placed in the beginning of repentance yet we are not to vnderstand it so as if there should be no vse of them afterward but rather that they are continuall helpers to further repentance from the beginning to the end of the same Question NOw which are the latter sort of the helping graces to the same former part of repentance Answere First the confession of sinne ioyned with the care of leauing and forsaking the same Secondly indignation and hatred against sinne yea euen against our selues because of our sinnes and as a further fruite thereof a holy fight and reuenge by fasting and prayer against them and for the forgiuenesse of them withall meete signes and fruites of detestation such as are crying out against them and against our selues miserable sinners and beastes that wee are with striking of the handes vppon the thigh or breast or some other like conuenient and seemely way as the holy spirit of GGD will bee ready to teach euery one that truly lamenteth and bewaileth his sinne Thirdly admonition to others that they take warning by our experience and example Fourthly watchfulnes lest sinne should at any time recouer that strength which it hath already lost Finally a diligent auoiding of all wicked meanes or vaine perswasions and fancies whereby either this part of repentance touching mortification and weakening of sinne or the other of rising vnto newnes of life should be hindred Explicatiō and proofe Touching the first branch of this answere which is of confessing and forsaking of sinne we must vnderstand concerning confession that although it is to be made not onely to God but also before men and of one man mutually to another yet it is not to be done in like manner nor of the same necessitie to men as it is to be made vnto God For vnto God it is simply necessarie and alwaies necessarie euen of all men insomuch as all men doe cōtinually sinne against God and in his sight and knowledge though not alwaies in like measure and greatnes of transgression And it doth properly belong vnto God onely to say I haue pardoned I will not destroy Iob. 34.31 And Psal 103.3 It is the Lord that forgiueth all iniquitie and who healeth all infirmities that is who both putteth away the guiltines and also taketh away the strength and remoueth the punishment of sin We are therfore to confesse our sins vnto God continually with as great sorrow and humiliation as may be and yet with assured hope of pardon seeing mercy is with him that he may be feared Psal 130.4 And Micah ch 7. Who is a God like vnto thee saith the holy Prophet that taketh away iniquitie and passeth by the transgression of the remnant of his heritage He retaineth not his wrath for euer because mercy pleaseth him He will turne againe and haue compassion vpon vs he will subdue our iniquities and cast all our sinnes into the bottome of the sea Thou wilt performe thy truth to Iacob and mercy to Abraham as thou hast sworne vnto our fathers in olde time Thus therefore confession of sinne to God especially when it is ioined with forsaking and renouncing of sinne after the example of the seruants of God and according to the instructions of the word of God it hath great comfort in it Examples of this confession of sinnes vnto God withall godly sorrowe and humiliation both publike and priuate haue bene rehearsed before such as were Ezra Daniel Nehemiah Dauid Hezekiah Paul c. Read also Luk 15.18.19 20 21. The prodigall sonne is described in his repentance both to purpose and also to performe the confession of his sinne I will goe to my father saith hee and say to him Father I haue sinned against heauen and before thee I am vtterly vnworthy to be called thy sonne c. And chap. 23. The thiefe on the Crosse in his repentance acknowledgeth himselfe to haue done things worthy of death according to the generall instruction of the Prophet Hosh chap. 14 1 2. in case of humiliation saying O Israel returne vnto the Lord thy God for thou hast fallen by thy iniquitie Take vnto you wordes and turne vnto the Lord and say vnto him Take away all iniquitie and receiue vs graciously so will wee render the calues of our lippes That is thankesgiuing and praise as the Apostle to the Heb doth interpret the same chap. 13 15. The blessing and fruit of this holy and humble confession of sinne ioyned with care of forsaking it is testified in many places and namely in the chap. of Hosh euen now alledged as it followeth in the 4. verse I will heale their rebellion saith the Lord I will loue them freely for mine anger it turned away from him I will bee as the dewe to Israel hee shall growe as the lilly c. It is euident from the example and practise of Dauid Psalme 32.5.6 For wheras he could find no rest so long as he bitte in his sin Then saith he I acknowledged my sinne neither did I hide my iniquitie I thought I will confesse against my selfe my wickednesse vnto the Lord and thou forgauest the punishment of my sinne Selah Therfore shall euery one that is godly make his prayer to thee in a time when thou maiest be found Surely in the floode of great waters they shall not come neare him Read also Ionah chapt 3.10 The holie Prouerb also is singular to this purpose chap 28.13 Hee that bideth his sinnes shall not prosper but he that confesseth forsaketh
And then the Euangelist Philip baptized him The same was the ordinarie manner of the Ministers of the Gospell in the primitiue Church to require a particular profession of the faith of such as were from time to time conuerted from Paganisme and admitted to be Baptized for members of the Church of Christ Yea it was the verie cause why this forme of profession was collected and set downe in this particular manner Touching the second pointe reade 1. Pet. 3.15.16 Be yee readie alwaies to giue an answere to euerie man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you And that with meekenes and reuerence hauing a good conscience c. And Reuelat Chapt 2.17 Where the assurance of euerlasting life and the care of newnes and godlines of life here either of them springing from faith they are fitlie compared to the Manna that is hidden and to a white Stone wherein a newe N●me is written which no man knoweth sauing hee that receiueth it Wee may indeed yea wee ought charitablie and that with good hope and trust tow●rd God conceiue of su●h as are fruitfull in good workes that they are the true elect of God speciallie if they are in speciall manner fruitfull as the Apostle Paul was verie well perswaded of the Thessalonians 1. Epi 1.3.4 2. Ep● 1.3.4 And of the Philipp chapt 1.6.7 But the certaine yea the onely vndoubted certaintie is principallie to be found of euery man in the perswasion of his owne heart confirmed vnto him by the testimonie of the Spirite of G●d Thirdly that euery man liueth by his owne faith and not by the faith of an other Reade Hab Chapt 2.4 The iust shall liue by his Faith Yea by that faith whereby hee is assured that Christ liueth in him according to th●t of the Apostle Paul Galat 2.20 I liue saith hee yet not I nowe but CHRIST liueth in mee and in that I nowe liue in the fleshe I liue by Faith in the Sonne of GOD who hath loued mee and giuen himselfe for mee And Rom 8 3● ●● 39 Hee teacheth that euery Christian ought to bee so perswaded that hee may comfort himselfe that neither death nor life nor any thing else s●all bee able to separate him from the loue of God which is in Christ Iesus our Lorde For the last pointe reade 1. Cor 11.28 and 2. Cor 13.5 Prooue your selues whether you are in the faith examine your selues knowe yee not your owne selues how that Iesus Christ is in you except yee be reprobates That is no better then such as for the present haue no grounde to thinke better of themselues then of such as bee counterfetted Christians and no true members of Christ c. So then by all these reasons it is manifest that the articles of our faith and the faith and beleefe of them doth belong to euery true Christian that none may put them off from himselfe as that the common sort of Christians should say these thinges containe such high mysteries that they belong onely to learned men or that any of the learned should say these are so cōmon matters that they are rather for children then for vs. No no they are both for children which be of yeeres of discretion and for growne men too they are for the learned to studie a more exact and full knowledge of them and also for the most simple Christian to labour to vnderstand and beleeue them in some measure whosoeuer doe minde vnfainedly the way of their eternall saluation It is not enough for any to say I beleeue as the Church beleeueth vnlesse he do know that the Church beleeueth as it ought to do Nay rather it is the duty of euery Christian to seeke after such a measure of knowledge that he may be able to discerne betwixt the true Church of Christ and euerie false or Antichristian Church betwixt the true faith of the one and the erroneous faith of the other c. according to that we reade 1. Iohn 4.1 Dearely beloued saith the Apostle beleeue not euery Spirit but try the Spirits whether they are of God c. And Math 7 15. Beware saith our Sauiour Christ of false Prophets that is of such as teach false doctrine c. Otherwise wee shall indanger our selues to the wrath of God and to be partakers of those plagues which GOD will cast vpon them Reuelation chapter 14.9 10.11 12. Let euery true Christian therefore not onely say I beleeue but let vs euerie one be carefull to vnderstand and beleeue those high mysteries which we doe commonly professe euery day better then other For this wee may be sure of that none can beleeue them in any measure but such as doe vnderstand them in some measure Question But that wee stay not too long in one thing Why doth euerie one of vs say I beleeue in God and doe not content our selues to say I beleeue God Answere In the vse of our language when wee say I beleeue in God it is a more significant phrase of speach to expresse that particular apprehension and application of Gods mercie and goodnes as belonging particularly to euery one then if euery one should onely say I beleeue God Explicatiō proofe It is so in deede For a man may be saide to beleeue God to wit that hee is true though hee be interressed in no part of the benefit of the iustification and saluation of God And besides this phrase of speech is very fit and commodious to put a difference betwixt our faith toward GOD and that which wee beleeue concerning the Church of GOD. For albeit we doe beleeue that God hath his catholike Church consisting of Iewes and Gentiles that thereis a communion of Saints c yet we may not say without great caution that wee beleeue in the Church no not in the true Church of God It sufficeth that wee beleeue that God hath his catholike and inuisible Church in the which there is certainely a sweete communion of Saints and that to the true members thereof forgiuenes of sinnes belongeth and also the resurrection of the bodie and euerlasting life though wee doe not beleeue in it The most that wee may beleeue concerning the true Church of God is that it is a faithfull witnesse of Gods holy truth to vphold it against all Infidels and Athiests that denie it and against all heretikes which seeke to depraue it to the end it may remaine inuiolable to the posteritie and ages to come according to that of the Apostle Paul 1 Timoth. 3 15. The house of God which is the Church of God it is the pillar and ground of truth But of this more afterward There is a like good vse also of the difference which learned Interpreters put betwixt the diuerse phrases of the Latine speach * To beleeue that God is 2 To giue some credi● to God as true 3 To repose su●e trust in God as most gratious and mercifull to a ma●s selfe truly beleeuing in him
God ought to be of good courage for the truth and to vse all holy boldnes in doing of their duties Yea euen women though naturally most subiect to feare and discouragements they ought to bee of a good and chearefull heart in all well doing not beeing afraide of any terrour no not from their most churlish husbands c. 1. Pet. 3.6 Read also verses c. See the practise of this Psalme 42.5 c. 9. Why art thou cast downe my soule c. I will say vnto God who is my rocke c. And Psalme 43.1.2 c. Iudge me O God c. For thou art the God of my strength c. And Psalm 46.7.11 The Lord of Hostes is with vs c. The contrarie faint-heartednes is reprooued Ierem. 9.9 Yea and grieuously threatened both there and also Reuelation chapter 21.8 The fearefull and vnbeleeuing c. shall haue their part in the lake that burneth with fire and brimstone which is the second death And that the due consideration of the almightie power of GOD is an argument of great strength to incourage to all good dutie wee may profitably see it by some instances namely 2 Corinthians 9.7.1 Where the Apostle vseth it for a speciall reason to perswade the Corinthians to the exercise of liberalitie The Danger of not beleeuing For God saith hee is able to make all graces to abound towards you that yee alwaies hauing all sufficiencie in all things maye abounde in euerie good worke And by the same reason a Prophet sent of God to King Amaziah perswaded and preuailed with the King to lessen his Armie and to loose a great summe of money which hee had allreadie defrayed about the leuying of it God hath power saith the holie Prophet to helpe and to cast downe And againe The Lorde is able to giue thee more then this 2. Chron 25.7.8 c. The same reason is of like strength to incourage the faithfull to euery other good dutie if it be duely pondered and weighed Finallie that it is our duetie in all things to humble our selues vnder the mightie hand of God Read 1. Pet 5. verse 6. Humble your selues vnder the mightie hand of God saith the Apostle that hee may exalt you in due time For as it is in the verse before that and likewise as wee read Iames chap 4. verse 6. God resisteth the prowde and giueth grace to the humble Thus much for the dueties Question NOwe last of all what is the danger of not beleeuing in the Almightie power of God our heauenlie Father and of not trembling at his iudgements nor submitting of our selues vnder his mightie hand Answere Without Faith in the Almightie power of God wee cannot possiblie truely beleeue any of those workes of God to haue beene wrought by him or which are hereafter to bee wrought by him to the working whereof an Almightie power both was and is allwaies necessarie Neither can wee possiblie be established with sound and stayed comforte in our owne hearts but contrariwise wee shal be ouerwhelmed and confounded with euery vaine feare Yea so as the shaking of a leafe or any like sodaine though a small noise shall terrifie and dismay vs special●ie in a time or place of any great danger and in the darke or deade of the night Explication proofe So indeed we read Leuit 26.16.17 The Lord threatneth vnfaithfull and disobedient persons that he will appoint ouer them fearfulnes to wit as a Tyrant to vexe them c. And that they shall flee when none pursueth them And againe verse 36. that he will send euen a faintnes into their heartes in the lande of their enemies and that the sound of a leafe shaken shall chase them and that they shall flee as fleeing from a sworde and that they shall fall no man pursuing them c. Likewise Deutero●omy 28.65 The Lorde saith Moses shall geue thee a trembling heart Read also agreable to this Psalm 14.5 They shal be taken with feare And Psalm 53. ● There they were afraide for feare where no feare was Yea not onely the wicked but sometimes the children of God themselues for want of f●ith or ●t the least through the weakenes of their faith are thus terrified with small and sodaine causes of feare as Peterat the speach of a maide c. The ground or cause of this fearfulnes no doubt is the want or weakenes of faith in the Fatherlie and powerfull goodnes of God And therefore it is that the Prophet Isaiah doth so peremptorilie tell Ahaz and the people of Iudah whose hearts were mooued for feare of the Aramites as the trees of the forest are mooued with the winde that Surelie if they beleeued not they should not bee established Isai chap 7.1.2 c. 9. For want of this Faith wee re●de a fearefull example of Gods iudgement vppon a noble man in Israell 2. Kings chapt 7.1.2 Reade also verses 19.20 And I beseeche you howe should wee beleeue firmely and without wauering that the whole worlde was at the beginning created by God the Father of nothing if we doe not beleeue in him as in the Almightie Likewise also how shall wee possiblie beleeue the Resurrection of our owne bodies and of the bodies of the thousand thousands of those that haue died Beliefe in God the Father maker of heauen earth and shall dye and rot away or otherwise be consumed The groūd and meaning and brought euen almost to nothing vnlesse we beleeue in the almightie power of our God And how shall wee vndoubtedly looke for a new heauen and a newe earth after the resurrection and that the power of the Diuell shall bee vtterly and for euer ouerthrowne if we doe not beleeue in the almightie power of God Yea in the almightie power of God our heauenly Father The Sadduces not considering nor beleeuing this almightie power of God could not beleeue the resurrection of the dead Yee erre saith our Sauiour Christ not knowing the Scriptures nor the power of God Finally to the establishing of the hearts of the children of God these two the power of God and the mercy of God must goe linked together and accordingly bee apprehended and beleeued of the faithfull euen as to the terrour of all infidelles and vngodly ones the fearefull iustice of God shall be armed with his infinit power and so shal for euer confound them all To God therefore almightie and euerlasting yea euen to GOD our most gracious and mercifull Father bee all praise and honour and glory Amen Amen Beliefe in God the Father maker of heauen and earth LEt vs now come to the doctrine of creation the which is of all other the first and the same also a most notable manifestation of the almightie power of God And first what ground of holy Scripture haue you that this worke of Gods Creation being most outward and sensible should neuerthelesse be a matter of faith For faith is described to be of things that
and Nations haue bene spared very long when as in the mean while God hath more speedily iudged his own people he causing iudgement to begin at his own house as the Apostle Peter teacheth Question 1. Epist 4.17 How are we to answere this obiection The Lorde vseth long-suffering toward the wicked Answere for the saluation of those among them which doe belong vnto him and to leaue the rest the more inexcusable But as touching those whom hee hath allreadie called home to the knowledge and faith of his truth hee doth chastice them betimes when be seeth them to beginne to goe astray least they should returne to their former wickednes againe Finally hēce it is manifest that God the righteous Iudge of all the world iudgeth his own childrē as wel as any other that without al partial respect of any either cause or ꝑson Explicatiō proofe So in deed we read Iob 34.10 c. Hearken vnto me ye men of wisedome saith Elihu farre be it from vs to thinke that wickednes should be in God and iniquitie in the Almightie For he wil render to man according to his work and cause euery one to finde according to his way Certainlie God will not doe wickedite neither will the Almighty peruert iudgemēt c. Ro 2.6 God will reward euery man according to his works v 11. For ther is no respect of persons with God It is oftē affirmed else-where Moreouer touching the long-suffering of God toward the wicked wee haue a notable place in the beginning of the same chapt And 2. Pet 3.9 The Lord is patient toward vs and would haue no man to perish but would all men to come to repentance And verse 15. The long-suffering of the Lord is saluation Neuertheles that he will chastice his owne children when they goe astray reade Psalm c. But it is yet further instanced and alledged that not onely olde sinners but also that sometime yong infants yea euen the seede of the faithfull are taken away by death yea by the sword of mercilesse Tyrants as namelie by Herod in that his most sauage and cruel infanticide or murthering of many yong children in Bethlehem and in the borders there abouts Question How may Gods fatherlie prouidence be iustified in this Answere Onelie original corruption and attainder is of it selfe a sufficient cause why God in his iustice may not onely giue yong infants ouer to a temporal iudgement but also euen to eternal death in the seueritie of his iustice But no death neuer so sodeine or as it may seeme vntimely can at any time frustrate the eternal saluation of the yongest of those which doe belong to Gods most holie and eternall election Explicatiō proofe It is so no doubt For in so much as they belong to our San Christ to the kingdome of God Mark 10.14 it cannot be that they should perish God also in taking them to his mercie by one calamitie the bitternes wherof they had not the reason to discerne he endeth most speedilie and at once all their miseries which would haue multiplied vppon them in a long continuance and course of life And further as touching the wicked seed of the wicked the Lord oftentimes cutteth them off as it were in the shell because according to the prouerb they are as the euill egge of an euill birde and for that as the Lorde knoweth the yong cu●be would in time prooue as craftie and by crafte as hurtfull to the Church as the olde foxes haue beene And that the whelpe of the woolfe would grow to be as rauenous as euer was his damme c. Well then wee acknowledging all these things to be true yet in so much as God hateth sinne Question and cannot but in his holie iustice inflict his heauie iudgements vpon sinners why as some boldly inquire doth not God at once by his power cause sinne to cease Yea as they feare not to expostulate quarrell with God why did he at all suffer sinne to haue any entrance into the worlde What shall wee say to these Question Answere This is most venterous and desperate boldenes in deede in all such as feare not thus to obiect To whom wee may both more iustlie and also more boldlie say with the holie Apostle Paul euen to the stopping of their presumptuous mouthes whosoeuer they be O man who art thou which pleadest against God Shall the thing formed say to him that formed it why hast thou made me thus Hath not the Potter power of the claye And so forth as it foloweth in the 9. chapter of the Epistle to the Romanes from the 21. verse of the chapter And further also seeing sinne is come into the world onelie through mans defalt as hath bene declared before it is for euer iust with God to punish sinne yea to punish sinne by sinne in the continuing and multiplying course thereof and one wicked man by another from generation to generation yea and his owne children also so farre as they shall communicate with the wicked world in sinne vntill he haue humbled and brought downe the pride and contumacie of all the world before his most high and glorious Maiestie euen to the perfect glorifying both of his iustice and also of his mercie both heere and in the world to come Explication and proofe For the further confirmation of the former part of this Answere reade Isaiah chapt 45.9.10 Woe be vnto him that striueth with his maker the potsheard with the potsheards of the earth shall the clay say to him that facioneth it what makest thou c. In the which reproofe we are not so to vnderstand the Lord as if he should peremptorilie forbid all reasoning in this case as though the obiection could not be answered and therfore must rest answerelesse but that herein he doth admonish the fraile creature of his dutie toward the most high and souereigne Maiestie of his Almightie most reuerend Creator That is to say that hee doe conceiue reuerendlie both of all the wo●kes of his Creation and also of his prouidence without any contradiction against either of them And beside this ther is in this the Lords most iust prohibition and staying of all captious reasoning a perfect and familiar reason for the staying suppressing of all such presumptuous reasonings for euer For when as in all matters both of nature and also of arte heere belowe there are boundes of modesty acknowledged for the limiting of questioning which would otherwise prooue endlesse and vndutifull yea verie contentious and hurtfull For no man would allowe that the childe should quarrell with his Father because he is of no taller stature or of no better complexion or of no more noble birth c. And in matters of Arte wee will silence the scholler with this common rule Vnicuiq in sua arte credendum Euerie man must be of some credite in his arte No Artificer will like to be vrged to giue a reason of all
the almightie goodnes of God in prison then they had before when they were at libertie And generally the goodnes of God is so bounteous that for one or a fewe troubles and discour●gements he giueth many comforts Neither is any of his faithfull children at any time so destitute and miserable but euen in their outward miserie they haue beene spiritually very blessed and happie Nowe that according to the 8. branch speciall troubles may put vs in hope of speciall comforts at hand Wee may consider it from that speech of King Dauid whereby hee comforted himselfe against the extreame and raging railings of Shimei 2. Sam 16.12 It may be saith the King that the Lord will looke on my affliction and doe me good for his cursing this day Yea we may consider and behold it as it were with our eyes in that effect which shortly ensued Read also Psalm 109 28. Though they curse yet thou wilt blesse they shall arise and bee confounded but thy seruant shall reioyce c. And verse 31. For hee that is God will stand at the right hand of the poore to saue him from them that would condemne his soule Reade likewise Psalm 102.13.14 Thou wilt arise and haue mercie vpon Sion for the time to haue mercie thereon for the appointed time is come And Isay 40.1.2 Comfort yee Comfort ye my people wi●l your God say Speake comfortably to Ierusalem and cry vnto her that her warre-fare is accomplished that her iniquitie is pardoned for shee hath receiued of the Lordes hand double for all her sinnes Compare it with Luke 1 ●1 c. Reade also Heb 10.37 Yet a very little while and hee that shall come will come and will not tarrie The Diuel rageth most and accordingly hee inflameth the rage of his instruments when their time is but short and their destruction draweth neere In which respect it is saide Psalm 76.10 Surely the rage of man shall turne to the praise of God It is a Psalme of thankesgiuing for the destruction which God sent vpon the raging and railing Assirians 2. King 19.28 c. 35 36 37. Read also Mark 1.26 and Luk 4 35. and Reuel 12.12 The Diuel hath great wrath knowing that he hath but a short time There is none of vs that vse any diligence in the obseruation of Gods workes but we may of our owne knowledge within the space of fewe yeeres remember that God hath cast his heauie burthen and iudgement vpon such as haue beene fierce against his seruants So then vpon our owne experience we may iustly say as we read in the booke of Iob chap 9.4 Who hath bin fierce against God and hath prospered It is a worthy saying of learned Beza that wee may take it for a shewe-token that God is about to worke some strange and vnwonted worke when he layeth the raines loose as it were vpon the neckes of the wicked so that all things are hasting to confusion through their wicked and outragious dealing as saith he experience in all ages doth confirme This is the effect of that learned mans sentence His wordes are these Quando animaduertimus Deum suis hostibus laxas vt ita dicam habenas permittere omniaque in peius ruentia susque deque ferri c. tum norimus a Domino nouum aliquod extraordinarium opus expectandum vt seculorum omnium experientia satis id testatur Homil 9. in Hist Passionis Finally if there were nothing else to comfort in time of extremitie yet this may suffice that death endeth all And so haue the holy Martyres comforted themselues when they were going to the stake yea so haue they one comforted another that though they were to take a sharpe breakfast yet they shoulde haue a ioyfull supper For as the Apostle writeth 2. Thes 1.6 c. God accounteth it a righteous thing to giue his seruants rest the one with the other in due time for euer as also to recompence tribulation to them that trouble his seruants Wherefore that wee may conclude according to the 9. branch of the Answere this may iustly be as the sealing vp and ratifying of all comfort that all afflictions of longest continuance and the same also the greatest that may be are but short and light in comparison of that heauenly glory whereunto they guide vs. For so the Apostle Pau● expresly affirmeth 2. Cor. 4.17 Our light affliction saith he which is but for a moment causeth to vs a farre most excellent and an eternall weight of glorie It is as was answered the onely beaten way to the kingdome of God Act. 14.22 and 2. Tim. 3.11 12. Wherefore they are not without cause pronounced blessed euen by the sacred mouth of our Sauiour Christ whosoeuer walke in this way Matth. 5.10.11 12. Neither is it in vaine that in the same respect he doth incourage all such to reioyce and to be glad yea euen as it were to skip for ioy seeing their reward in heauen is exceeding great Luke 6.23 And thus we may clearely and certainely perceiue that the comforts belonging to all the afflictions of Gods children to speake generally of them yea euen of those for sinne when they cause repentance to saluation but chiefely for those that are indured for Christ and his Gospels sake that they are and accordingly ought iustly to bee accounted many waies of exceeding good and comfortable vse BVt there are some comforts which may seeme more proper and peculiar to death the which is an affliction naturally more feareful then any other though by the grace of God it is to the faithful not only a final end of all affliction but also a speedie enterance into eternall blessednes and glorie I desire therefore so much the more gladly to heare you rehearse some of those speciall comfortes which are as the most specificall and proper medecine to the godlie to helpe against all feare of death whether naturall feare or feare as wee may say supernaturall and aboue nature through the guiltinesse of our sinne in our wounded consciences Question Which I pray you may these speciall comforts be Answere As all afflictions and sufferings for the Lords cause and in the way of righteousnes so death especially is to all those which in that respect doe endure it a most comfortable warrantize and as it were a sealing vp of the truth of their faith and obedience to God for euer Death is also to the godly the ending and abolishing of all euill not onely of the euill of punishment or chastisement but also of the euill of sinne the ceasing whereof is to the godly most comfortable to thinke vpon Furthermore death bailing our soules for euer out of the prison house of this our corruptible vile and sinfull bodie it doth lay wide open the way and passage into the kingdome of heauen to the most comfortable presence of God the Father to whom wee die and to the Sonne of God our Lord Iesus Christ who hath died for vs that hee might bee our
duties of faith in the comfort of this that the Sonne of God our Lord and Sauiour is the Christ or anointed of God Question And first concerning his anointing to be a Prophet vnto vs. What may these duties be Answere The comfort of faith herein requireth this dutie first and principally that we doe most reuerendly obey him in his word and Gospell and ministerie thereof with care of continuall profiting in knowledge and faith and in euery other grace Secondly that we doe labour according to the encrease of our owne knowledge and the comfort of our faith c. euery one to further and profite those that belong vnto vs. Thirdly it is our dutie to beleeue as vndoubtedly those things which our Sauiour hath prophecied and fore-told that they shall hereafter come to passe as those things which hee hath taught set downe for the perpetuall instruction of his Church It is verie meet and necessarie that it should be so For to what other ends should we thinke that God hath anointed him to be a Prophet vnto vs but that wee should receiue all such instruction from him as hee was to giue and hath giuen vs to make vs wise yea more and more wise vnto saluation The children of the former Prophets Explicatiō and proofe stood bound to profit by those that were sent vnto them Act. 3.25 much more then wee that are the children of this most high Prophet the Prince of all the rest Heb 2.13 But let vs more distinctlie consider the particulars of the answer And first that we must in respect of this Prophesie of our Sauiour heare obey his doctrine wee haue the commandement of God as we may remember Matth 17.5 And 2. Pet 1.17 Hee receiued of God the Father honour and glorie saith the Apostle when this voice came to him from the excellent glorie c. Here also call to minde againe Matth 23.8.10 It may iustlie be accounted a most absurd thing for anie to professe themselues Christians and to haue bene schollers of Christ and yet to be ignorant of the knowledge of Christ and of that mysterie of redemption and saluation which hee hath both taught plainely and wrought effectuallie for all that doe truelie beleeue in him Verilie none of that sorte euer entred the right way into the profession of Christianitie Doubtles they came not in by the dore for then they should haue bene let in by the keye of knowledge The which seeing they want it is apparant that they rather crept in at the windowe like theeues and church-robbers then otherwise And therefore they haue neede to looke better to themselues For if they haue no knowledge it is certaine that they haue no faith and so consequentlie that they cannot be saued Wee thinke it a iust cause of reproofe to yong children and a discredit to their Schoolemaisters if they do not in some good proportion profit in learning according to the time of their going to schoole And Cicero a heathen wise man reasoneth with his sonne that hee ought to haue made no small profiting vnder a choice teacher and in so learned an vniuersitie as hee had sent him vnto though hee had as yet bene there but one whole yeere What then shall wee say of our selues if after many yeares teaching vnder the ministerie of the Gospell wee be found olde truantes and non proficientes in the schoole of Christ the chiefe Teacher whose doctrine is the most excellent doctrine and his teaching the most powerfull teaching that can be The reproofe of the Apostle is iust against all such Hebr 5.12 in that wheras they ought to haue so farre profited that they might haue ben teachers of others they are yet ignorant of the first principles of the word The punishment also belonging vnto this sinne is verie fearefull as wee shall haue occasion to obserue further anone Thus then according to the first branch of the answere we may easilie see that it is a dutie where-vnto we are streightlie bound to heare and obey the most holie prophesie and doctrine of our Sauiour Christ and that vnder the great perill of our soules to the contrarie Nowe secondlie that it is furthermore in the same respect the dutie of euerie Christian to further another according to his owne profitting in his seuerall place and calling the Minister of the worde his people parentes and Maisters of families their children and seruantes and euerie one his companion friend and neighbour Wee may plainely perceiue by the parable of the Talents Matth 25. verses 14.15 c. 30. Read also 2. Corinth 3.1 And Hebr. 6.1 Moreouer read Ephes 6.4 And in the fourth commandement of the morall lawe of God And yet further read Isai ch 2. verses 2.3 againe Micah 4.1 Mal 3.16 By these testimonies the second branch may be plentifullie confirmed The third dutie is likewise euident by those manifold testimonies which are euery where giuen concerning the most perfect truth and faithfulnes of our Sauiour Christ in euery point of his doctrine as hath beene declared at large before And seeing euery prediction of his seruants the Prophets haue beene fulfilled in their times and seasons alwaies hetherto how may we doubt of the fulfilling of any the predictions of our Sauiour himselfe And the rather also because some of them are fulfilled since he fore-told them as namely his owne sufferings and the destruction of Ierusalem These are the duties of faith in due regard of the propheticall office of our Sauiour The duties belonging to the comfort of his most royall and holy Priesthoode remaine yet to be considered of vs. Which therefore are the duties of faith Question in respect of this combined comfort of his Kingdome and Priesthood Answere In so much as faith assureth vs to our comfort that by our Sauiour Christ and through that redemption which he hath wrought for vs we are aduanced in a spirituall manner answerable to the nature of his Kingdome to be here on the earth Kings and Priest vnto God it doth from the same comfort teach vs that it is our dutie to offer vp our selues our soules and our bodies a liuely sacrifice holie and acceptable to God in the crucifying of our wicked flesh with the lusts thereof and in rising vp to care and conscience of yeelding vnto him the holy fruites of a new life Secondly as a further fruit of the comfort hereof and of the same our care it is our dutie to offer vp euery spirituall sacrifice of true christian obedience and namely contrition of heart praier praise and almes-giuing Thirdly it is our dutie from the vertue of the princely power of our Lord Iesus Christ deriued vnto vs continually to subdue keepe vnder not only sin and the lusts thereof but also the suggestions of the diuel this world that they neuer reigne or rule ouer vs. Finally it is our dutie in the same respect if neede so require that we doe offer vp our liues themselues as
prophesies concerning the conception of our Sauiour for vs and our benefit they are likewise promises that he should be borne for vs and our benefit yea euen for the greatest benefit that might possibly be procured vnto vs. Explicatiō proofe It is true It could not possibly be that our Sauiour should be conceiued by the holy Ghost in vaine His birth could by no meanes be hindred or defeated And therefore the promise of this may be said to be included in the promise of that Question But haue we no speciall or expresse promise concerning the birth of our Sauiour that it should be to our benefit Answere Yes The Lord did assure his Church of this singular mercie by his holy Prophet Isaiah long before it came to passe Explicatiō and proofe This also is verie true For so we read in the 6. verse of his 9. chapter of his prophecie where we finde it thus written vnto vs that is to our singular benefit and comfort a child is borne and vnto vs a Sonne is giuen and the gouernment is vpon his shoulder c. Read also Ier 23. verses 5.6 Behold the daies come saith the Lord that I will raise vnto Dauid a righteous branch and a King shall raigne and prosper and he shall execute iudgement and iustice in the earth In his daies Iuda shall be saued and Israel shall dwell safely and this is the name whereby they shall call him the Lord our righteousnes And againe with some further amplification chap 33. verses 14 15 16. c. To this purpose likewise serue the prophesies already mentioned concerning the time the place and the manner of his birth c. Wherefore of this no more now at this time Question WE hast to the Comforts of faith which arise from the birth of our Sauiour Is it not a matter of very great and singular comfort Answer Yes verily It both was and is still matter of great ioy and comfort to the holy Angels much more ought it to be so to vs and so is no doubt to all true beleeuing Christians Explicatiō and proofe So indeede we reade Luke chap 2. that the holy Angels reioiced that the Shepheards reioiced that Simeon and Anna reioiced at the birth of our Sauiour Christ And so ought we all to reioice as hauing singular cause with them according to the speech of the Angel to the Shepheards saying Behold I bring you tidings of great ioy that shall be to all people That is that vnto you is borne a Sauiour c. But of the duties more afterward The Comforts As touching the cause of ioy and comfort which wee haue hereby wee may conceiue of it the rather if wee helpe our selues by a comparison not vnfit to be made in this cause We knowe that great ioy ariseth to a nation when the King hath an heire apparant borne to the crowne by whom there is good hope that the gouernment shall not bee deriued to a stranger whereby vnnaturall oppression and tyrannous gouernment might easily take footing c. as we our selues haue lately very sensibly felt to the vnspeakable ioy of our hearts when after the dolefull decease of our blessed Queene Elizabeth our gracious King Iames hath succeeded whose entrance vpon his roiall throne and scepter among vs was right ioious to all right English hearts but so much the more because hee bringeth with him a young Prince yea more then one of a right princely seede But the cause of ioy which now we speake of concerning our Sauiour Christ is infinitely greater not onely to vs or any one nation that should otherwise haue perished vnder the tyranny of the Diuel sinne death and Hell but to all nations vnder heauen seeing the deliuerance and saluation of all people dependeth vpon our Sauiour the onely heire apparant of the most high possessor of heauen and earth for euer and euer And seeing as was said the Angels of heauen were reioiced by the birth of our Sauiour as is euident by their praising of God for it as we haue seene Luk. 2.13.14 and namely for our sake who haue the chiefe benefit of it it followeth by good reason that wee our selues much rather haue principall cause of most aboundant reioycing herein Question But in what respects is the birth of our Sauiour a matter of so singular and incomparable reioycing to vs and to all people Answere First because hereby the Lord our God hath to the glory of his owne name most graciously and comfortably manifested his diuine nature in the Person of his Sonne so farre as it is meete for the same to be manifested to vs here in this world Secondly because he hath manifested his most gracious and Fatherly good will toward all sorts of men in euery nation of the whole world whosoeuer shall thankefully imbrace that life and immortalitie which he hath brought to light and offereth in his Son Thirdly because from hence ariseth vnspeakable peace to the conscience of all true beleeuers both in the vse of all present blessings and also in the assured hope of the inheritance of all the blessings of the life to come in that through him we are adopted to be ioin●●eires with him F nally the birth of our Sauiour is exceeding comfortable because the world is as it were borne againe and renewed vnto God in him according as it is said He is a light of the Gentiles and the glory of his people Israel as Simeon said of him while yet he was newe borne Yea because after a long time of calamitie as it were of most gloomie darke and tempes●ous weather hee is as the rising of the Sunne vpon the world wonderfully clearing the whole face and compasse of it So indeed we reade from the 2. verse of the 9. chap of the Euangelicall prophet Isaiah in that he prophesied thus The people that walked in darknes haue seene a ●reat light they that did dwell in the land of the shadowe of death vpon them hath the light shined c. And the Apostle Paul saith that in our Sauiour Christ all things are become new 2. Cor 5.17 Read also Malachie chap 4.2 He is the Sonne of righteousnes and health is vnder his wings But that we may proceede in some order Concerning the first branch of the answere read Heb 1. verses 2 3. This representation is much more gracious and comfortable then was that sight of Gods glory wh●ch Moses might be partaker of Exod. 33.20 c. Con●erning the second branch read and consider the wordes of the holy Angel● Luk. 2.14 Glorie to God on high in earth peace and toward men good will And 1. Iohn ● 5 ye knowe that he that is the Sonne of God our Lord Iesus Christ appeared that he might take away our sins and in him is no sin And our Sauiour himselfe in the Gospell of Iohn ch 18.37 For this cause saith he am I borne and for this cause came I into the world that I should
hee had taught or of the office which he executed neither that he feared any danger whatsoeuer might growe vnto him thereby He was not as a reede shaken with the winde timorous and mutable but a most valiant faithfull and constant seruant of God And such ought euery one of vs to be in the profession of the name and truth of our Sauiour Christ if euer wee should be called into question for it To this ende and purpose all the testimonies which Iohn gaue vnto our Sauiour Christ and his truth are of exceeding good vse for the confirmation of our faith And euen for the same cause let vs hold on our course to gather the rest Of the which the next that do follow are those wherein Iohn the Baptist did point out our Sauiour Christ with the finger And of these also there are two recorded Question Which was the first of them Answere It was that which followeth in the Euangelist Iohn from the 29. verse of his first chapter to the 35. of the same Question Rehearse the text Which are the Euangelists wordes A●●were 29. The next day saith the Euangelist Iohn seeth Iesus comming vnto him and hee saith Behold the Lambe of God which taketh away the sinne of the world 30. This is he of whom I saide After me commeth a man which is preferred before me for he was before me 31. And I knewe him not but because he should be declared to Israel therefore am I come Baptizing with water 32. So as the Euangelist addeth Iohn did beare record saying I saw the spirit come down from heauen like a doue and it abode vpon him 33. And I knew him not but he that sent me to Baptize with water he said vnto me vpon whom thou shalt see the spirit come downe and tarry still on him that is hee who Baptizeth with the holy Ghost 34. And I saw and bare record that this is the Sonne of God E●●●●●ation and proofe In this testimonie Iohn the Baptist doth not onely giue witnesse to the most high excellencie of the Person of our Sauiour as he did before but also to the most sweet and comfortable fruites and effectes of his most holy office that is remission of sinnes and sanctification of life through the blood of Christ This is the first testimonie giuen by Iohn of our Sauiour when he was at the same time present and in the viewe of the people The second followeth which was of like sort but not so publike as the other And it followeth in the next verses after the former text to wit in the 35. and 36. verses of the first chapter of Iohn Question Which are the wordes Answer 35. The next day saith the Euangelist Iohn stood againe and two of his Disciples 36. And he beheld Iesus walking by and he said Behold the lambe of God Explicatiō and proofe This then as we see is the second testimonie which Iohn gaue to our Sauiour in his presence The vse of which so particular and personall testimonies as we may cal them giue vs thus much to vnderstand that the very true Christ must be truly and particularly knowne and discerned from all other of euery one that shall be saued by him The which blessed effect God gaue to the present speech of Iohn to his two Disciples For as it followeth in the next verse c. The two Disciples to wit Andrewe Simon Peters brother and another not named by the Euangelist vpon that testimonie of Iohn Baptist followe our Sauiour and become his faithfull Disciples NOw after these testimonies giuen by Iohn in the presence of our Sauiour there followe other giuen in his absence according to the vsuall course of his most holy and zealous ministerie wherein he was most constant and painfull A particular example whereof the Euangelist Iohn setteth downe in the 3. chapter from the 23. verse to the end of the chapter The which testimonie as the Euangelist doth furthermore obserue was giuen by Iohn Baptist at Enon besides Salim where he baptized because there was much water And he gaue it also for the further instruction and admonition of his Disciples who were not yet perswaded by his former and often repeated testimonies So hard a thing is it to setle in the heart true faith in the true Christ Let vs therefore for our further helpe hearken to this testimonie of Iohn also Question What are his wordes specially from the 28. verse Rehearse the text Answere 28. Ye your selues saith Iohn Baptist to his owne Disciples are my witnesses that I said I am not the Christ but that I am sent before him 29. He that hath the bride is the bridegroome but the friend of the bridegroome who standeth heareth him reioiceth greatly because of the bridegroomes voice This my ioy therefore is fulfilled 30. He must increase but I must decrease He that is come from on high is aboue all c. Explication and proofe Iohn wee see is alwaies like himselfe a most excellent paterne and president to be imitated and followed of all faithfull Preachers of the Gospell in their Preaching to wit that their care ought to be altogether to make Christ knowne to the people that they may truly beleeue in him and aboue all to reioyce in him and not to rest in any vaine admiration of the great learning or zeale or any other gift or gifts of their preachers And hence also may all hearers receiue an excellent instruction howe to heare and whom they ought to heare and receiue namely those that Preach Christ and not themselues Considering that this is the scope and aiming point of all both hearing and preaching yea and of reading conferring and meditating and whatsoeuer beside I cannot speake now of this testimonie as it deserueth for that were to make many Sermons of it againe as we haue done heretofore It may suffice now that wee doe briefly call to minde and thinke more fully of the rest by our selues as God shall giue vs remembrance and a fit opportunitie to the same Onely let vs not forget that this was the last recorded testimonie which Iohn gaue of our Sauiour in the time of his libertie and that also not long before he was cast into prison as we have an inckling giuen vs in the 24. verse of this 3. chap of the Euangelist Iohn which now we speake of The last recorded testimonie is now onely behind to wit that which this excellent Minister of God gaue of our Sauiour Christ while he was vniustly imprisoned by Herod that tyrannous and fox-like Tetrarch as our Sauiour himselfe did afterward terme him Question Where is this last testimonie recorded Answere It is recorded in the 11. chapter of Saint Mathew verses 2.3 And in the 7. chap. of Saint Luke verses 19. and 20. Explicatiō and proofe In these places both the Euangelists alledged doe indeede record that Iohn being in prisō sent two of his Disciples to our Sa●●● to know whether he
stoupe thus lowe to our Sauiour Christ and to his Church for his sake who may thinke himselfe excepted from like dutie and seruice And seeing the king ought to haue this generall care and dutifull regard of all for Christ sake how can we thinke but euery Christian in particular standeth deepely bound to loue and reuerence the Christian King and Queene in and for the Lord Iesus Christs sake yea euen for their owne sake in him Rom 12.10.11 But let vs proceed Question What other dutie is there to be yeelded more generally as a fruite of the comfort of faith in the sufferings of our Sauiour for vs Answer It is our dutie both in regard of the glory of God and also of loue to our Christian brethren and likewise for the testimonie of our faith in Christ who hath endured all kinde of sufferings for vs and therewithall also for the strengthening of the fa●th of the brethren to suffer whatsoeuer affliction it shal please God to call vs vnto euen vnto the death if neede shal so require Explication and proofe So it is indeed as our Sauiour himselfe giueth to vnderstand Iohn 12.25.26 He that loueth his life shal loose it and he that hateth his life in this world shal keepe it vnto life eternall If any man serue me let him followe me c. And chap 16.1.3 These things saith our Sauiour haue I saide vnto you that yee should not bee offended They wil excommunicate yee yea the time shall come that whosoeuer killeth you wil thinke th●t he doth God seruice And the Apostle Iohn is plaine in this point 1. Epistle 3.16 Hereby saith hee haue wee perceiued loue in that he that is our Sauiour laied downe his life for vs therefore we ought to lay downe our liues for the brethren Read also 1. Pet. 2.21 Herevnto are yee called to wit to endure with patience sufferings vniustly laied vpon ye for Christ also suffered for vs leauing vs an example that we should followe his steps And cap Herein we are partakers of Christs sufferings and God is glorified Read also Colos 1.24 where the profession of the Apostle Paul is notable to this purpose And likewise Philip 2.17 yea though I bee offered vp vpon the sacrifice and seruice of your faith I am glad and reioyce with you all For the same cause also be yee glad and reioyce with me Now furthermore insomuch as we stand iustly bound to yeeld such an entier obedience vnto our Lord and Sauiour who hath so dearely redeemed vs vnto himselfe from the wrath of God eternally due to our sinnes is it not our dutie much rather to be sorie for our sinnes to hate and abhorre them and euen in all holy defiance to seeke the vtter death of them which were the cause of the bitter death of our Sauiour which also had it not beene for his death and sufferings would most certainly haue beene our most woful death and destruction both of bodies and soules for euer and euer Question Is it not our dutie I say to be therefore sorie for our sinnes with most heartie godly sorrow and to hate them euen to the death with most perfect hatred c Answer It must needes be so in all good reason For otherwise wee should make but a light matter of all the sufferings of our Sauiour and bereaue our selues of all the fruites and effects of them Explication and proofe It would doubtles proue so in very deed For if we seeke not to be partakers of the power of Christs death to the crucifying of the power of sinne in our wicked and sinfull nature wee shall neuer bee partakers of the merite of his death to the remouing of the guiltines of our sin out of the sight of God And euen to cōmon iudgement it might seeme a most absurd thing that we should professe our selues to beleeue in Christ who hath for no other cause then for our sinnes suffered most grieuous sufferings The Duties in respect of his preparation to suffer euen to the enduring of a most cursed death and that in the meane while wee should make no conscience of sinne but without all remorse giue our selues ouer to commit wickednesse c. Hetherto of the duties belonging to the more generall consideration of all the sufferings of our Sauiour LEt vs henceforth consider of the duties pertaining to the same in more particular respects and that according to the order of the historicall report of them as we haue done before in the comforts And first of all in regard of our Sauiours preparing of himselfe to his sufferings Question What are the duties to be learned and performed of vs in that respect Answere First our Sauiour himselfe hath taught vs that we for our parts ought to prepare our selues in the times of our trialls by watching and prayer lest we should enter into tentation Secondly that we be constant in prayer yea with feruencie in praying so long as the occasion of any speciall tentation remaineth Thirdly that we labour to frame our hearts to be willing to suffer for Christs sake when the occasion so requireth and to this end to subdue our own wils to be obedient to the will of God Fourthly that according to the grace of God bestowed vpon our selues we be carefull to incourage and hearten others vnto sufferings specially such as by their speciall places and callings doe more nearely appertaine to our SAVIOVR CHRIST Explicatiō proofe All these duties are euidently to be obserued partly from the example and practise of the same our Sauiour and partly from his doctrine together with his example Luke 22.40 When hee came to the place hee saide Pray lest ye enter into temptation And hee himselfe praied often at the same time And finding his Disciples weake hee incouraged them as the storie maketh all plaine Finally seeing our Sauiour himselfe could not ouercome himselfe to bee willing to drinke of his bitter cup vntill he had ouercome his naturall desires though in him arising from pure affection of nature they were without sinne how may we thinke that wee shall euer be able without striuing by earnest prayer vnto God to ouercome our sinfull corruption which is infinitely more loth to suffer for Christs sake then he was for vs without Gods speciall grace Now that we may goe forward When we consider that our Sauiour was betraied by Iudas one of his owne most neare and familiar Disciples Question What good dutie may we learne by our beholding of the patience and mildenes of our Sauiour herein Answer This ought to teach vs patience and to arme vs that wee stumble not nor fall away from our Sauiour Christ and his Gospell although wee doe at any time see such as made great shewe of godlines and Christianitie in outward appearance and profession most grossely to fall away yea though like Iudas they growe to be such as doe betray vs into the handes of wicked men as hee did
thus But if for our saluation he that had no sinne in himselfe neither was himselfe the d●bter was brought into so great straits for vs vttered this voyce whereat wee may be astonished seeing heauen and earth were shaken by it must we not needes confesse if we doe not thinke of these things day and night but continue in our wickednes n●t liking to be rowzed out of them that we be stoute yea more hard then the rockes themselues which doe melte at the presence of God Psal 68.9 And euen to this day doe sigh and trauell together because of the sinnes of men vntill that last day doe come Rom. 8.21 22 c. Now if so be wee will not make this vse then let vs learne another thing that is to say that insomuch as notwithstanding our Sauiour was most deare to God yet hee setting himselfe in the place of vs miserable sinners was left without all comfort yea in most heauy distresse as one forsaken of God though in the secret counsell purpose of God he remained still most dearly beloued of him therefore that albeit we also may comfort our selues that we are in our Sauiour for his sake the elect and beloued of God stil that he is so constant in his loue that he will neuer reiect any of those whom hee hath once chosen howsoeur for the present we may be very heauily afflicted either for the triall of our faith or for the chasticement of our sinne yet if any of vs waxe wanton against him he knoweth neuerthelesse how to make vs wearie of our part by withdrawing all comfort from vs in such sort that we shall find that it had been a thousand fold more happy for vs neuer to haue knowne that wicked pleasure of sinne whereby we haue beene drawen from obedience to our good God and gratious father as the example of king Dauid may sufficiently informe vs from the 51. Psalme Let therefore the extremity of the sufferings cast vpon our Sauiour for our sinnes teach vs speedily and heartily to denie sinne lest wee prouoke the Lord to cast some heauy vncomfortable corrections vpon vs in this world it may be for some longtime howsoeuer it shall please him of his most free grace and mercy to saue vs in the world to come Yea I pray ye let the consideration hereof be the more mighty to preuaile with vs because otherwise as we haue beene admonished heretofore there can be no truth of christianity in vs nor any comfort of a liuely faith of a good conscience nor any chearefulnes in the care of good duty in the sight of God Without which care al whatsoeuer may seeme to be good shall be but hypocrisie and fit for nothing but to deceiue other yea and our selues too BVt that we may haste forward to that which remaineth What dutie may we learne Question from the next speech that our Sauiour spake which as we haue seene before was this I thirst Answer As our Sauiour was more desirous to procure our saluation and that to the same end and purpose the prophesie of giuing him tarte vinegre in stead of comfortable wine might be fulfilled then he was of sl●king his owne thirst though it was no doubt at this time most sharpe and extreame so it is our duti● as wee may well informe our selues from hence that we for our parts ought more earnestly to seeke after the knowledge and faith of him then after any thing else whether meate or drinke or whatsoeuer beside in the time of our greatest neede thereof Explicatiō proofe I● standeth with good reason that it should be so insomuch as our Sauiour appr●hended of vs by faith is not onely the most perfit foode of our soules but also for our bodies to preserue them both to euerlasting life As our Sauiour himselfe teacheth Iohn 6. verse ●7 and for the same cause exhorteth that his Disciples would be more carefull to l●bour after that meate which endureth to euerlasting life then after the perishing foode of this transitory life And in the 5. chapter of Matthew verse 6. hee pronounceth those blessed who doe hunger and thirst after righteousnesse and promiseth that they shall be satisfied We ought therefore in our desire and longing after our Lord Iesus Christ to be with Dauid like the hart that is most earnestly panting after him as the ●iuers of water Ps 4● 1 And like as if we were in a barren drie la d without water vntill we haue found him acco●ding to that which we reade Psal 6● 1 and 143.6 yea though wee had neuer so great su●ficiency of all corporall foode For hee onely is the fountaine of those liuing waters wh●reby refreshing to eternall life is to be found Iohn 4. verses 10.13.14 and ch 7.37.38 Reade also Isai ch 12.3 and ch 5● 1 2 3. Thus we see what du●y may aptly be required of vs in respect of that thirst which our Sauiour had after ou● saluation more then after his owne refreshing hee refusing and forgetting to drinke in his greatest thirst till all things should be fulfilled yea euen that which was foretold concerning this his last vnc●mfortable draught Question And are we not likewise to learne some good and profitable lesson from this th●t our Sa●iour receiued and drunke this vinegre that is sower drinke to the end the holy Scripture might be fulfilled rather then this thirst quenched which surely the sharpe vinegre was vnmeete to doe Answer Yes we may learne further hereby that it is our dutie to accept of those succoures which the Lord offereth vnto vs whether by his owne hand more gratiously or otherwise by such instruments as it pleaseth him to vse though they of their euill disposition deale nothing so kindely by vs as they ought to doe Explication proofe It is so indeed For we ought rather to consider the prouidence of God therein for our triall and in that respect to be patient as our Sauiour was then impatiently to exclaime against the vnkinde dealing of the wicked though in stead of re●ieuing vs they doe rather augment and increase our griefe But as touching our selues if it be so The Duties in respect of his death that we are in the time of the affliction of any of the seruants of God in case or estate to doe them any good we must contrary to the practise of these wicked ones yeelde both God and his children the iuyce of the sweete grape and not of that which is sowre and wilde That is to say we must yeelde the fruites of such a kinde and dutifull affection as may stand best with the good pleasure of God and as may be most comfortable to such as belong vnto him Farre ought our hearts to be from minding our hāds from doing that which should in the least respect be grieuous to the Lord as the Iewes are blamed to doe Isai chap. 5. verses 4 7 c. or that which should faile the
least of those that be the Lords which he taketh in like ill part as if hee were neglected or molested himselfe Matth. 25. verses 45. It ought to suffice yea to be ouer much in our iudgement that the Lord hath once drunke vinegre and euery way the most bitter potion of Gods wrath for our cause though we doe neuer make him nor any of his any vnkinde offer of it againe Thus much concerning this short speech I thirst for declaration of that duty which ought to be yeelded from the comfort of it NOw we are come to the next like short speech of our Sauiour which was his Question It is finished What duty ought to arise from the comfort of faith herein Answere It is most cleare and manifest from hence that we ought not in any wise to looke to any other sacrifices or satisfactions or merits either in the whole or in part for our red●mption and iustification in the sight of God but to this of our Sauiour alone neither that wee are to feare the popish dreame of any other purgatory then the blood of our Sauiour Christ to the washing away and remouing of all sinnes out of the sight of God Explication and proofe This is very cleare and manifest indeed For seeing we haue our warrant from our Sauiour himselfe that all was finished yea euen to the very point of death when he spake these words and that immediately after this he tooke his death which was the sealing vp of all therefore we may yea we ought iustly to be out of doubt that all doctrines of any further addition for satisfaction or merit before God are false and Antichristian And for th● same cause to be vtterly reiected of all true christians who cannot bu● looke onely to Christ for their perfit redemption and saluation according to the expresse doctrine of the holy Scriptures THe duties which doe belong to that comfort of faith which ariseth from the consideration of the last words of our S●uiour vpon the Crosse they are yet behinde Answer Which ought those duties to be Question We ought from the example of our Sauiour Christ who at his death commended his spirit int● the hand of his Father to esteeme alwaies of our soules as of a chiefe treasure and to be carefull ouer them aboue all earthly things Yea more then of our corruptible bo●ies against the time of our death whensoeuer it shall come Secondly it is our dutie to make choise of God as of the onely worthy feoffie of trust as one wou d say to whose custody wee may safely commend them from day to day And thirdly it is likewise our bounden dutie comfortably to beleeue that if we shall faithfully commit our soules vnto him hee will for our Sauiours sake keepe them most charity and tenderly in his owne hands alwaies and at the end of our liues receiue them and reserue them in a blessed estate vntill the resurrection of our bodies and then also wil● ioyne them againe to our bodies like as our Sauiour returned to his bodie the third day and thenceforth will blesse vs with glorie and happinesse in them both for euermore Explication proofe Vnto these duties no doubt doe the wordes of our Sauiour Christ leade all true beleeuers according to that notable imitation of Stephen Act. 7.59 Lord Iesus receiue my Spirit And according to the practise of S. Paul 2. Tim. 1.12 saying I know whom I haue beleeued and I am perswaded that he is able to keepe that which I haue committed to him against that day Yea and hee beleeued likewise no doubt that God was as willing to doe it as he was able according to that in the 8. verse of the 4. chap. of the same Epistle in that he saith Henceforth is laide vp for me the crowne of righteousnes which the Lord the righteous Iudge will giue me at that day and not to mee onely but vnto all them also which loue his appearing The same thing therefore ought we to beleeue at this day which they did then according to the practise of our most blessed Sauiour And the rather because as we may perceiue both by the words of Stephen and also of the Apostle Paul that our Sauiour hath the ioint care of our soules together with the Father according to that he saith None shall take them out of my hand Iohn 10. verses 27.28 29 30. My sheepe heare my voice and I know them and they follow me And I giue vnto them eternall life and they shall neuer perish neither shall any plucke them out of my hand My Father who gaue them to me is greater then all and none is able to take them out of my Fathers hand I and my Father am one So that well saith M. Beza The hands of our Sauiour are not now held fastened to the Crosse after the manner as our painters doe paint him for then hee could not embrace vs but he hath them at full libertie euen from heauen to embrace the soules of those that dye in h●m the which hee cherisheth in his bosome vnto the time that they shall be restored to their bodies to the enioying of an euerlasting spirituall life and vntill that hee doe come in the cloudes of heauen to meete vs and that wee for our parts be taken vp into the aire to meete the Lord to enioy together with him that blessed estate which is prepared for vs for euer 1. Thes 4.14 Goe to therefore as saith that comfortable and faithfull Preacher Let vs be of good cheare and lay these things to heart euen these so great and notable comforts for our necessary reliefe specially against the last combate God as we knowe doth earnestly require trustie fidelitie in one man toward another euen concerning the least thinges that are committed to anie mans trust that they should be forth-comming and therfore inioineth a penaltie to be laide by the Magistrate vpon all such as shall be found to deale vntrustily as we reade Exod. chap. 22. verses 7.8 c. to the 13. How therefore can we thinke but that the Lord who requireth fidelitie in men as a principall point of his lawe as our Sauiour also declareth Matth. chap. 23. verse 23. will assuredly approue himselfe most faithfull aboue all men to euerie one that accounting him faithfull shall commit themselues to his trust Thus much of the comfortable duties of faith concerning the comfortable manner of our Sauiour Christes dying Question NOw what may our duty be in regard of the death it selfe which the same our Sauiour died Answer First of all as his death was in the manner of it farre differing from the death of all other so are we to know that the endes and fruites of his death are most singular aboue the death of any or all other creatures Explicatiō proofe It is very true as the endes and fruites themselues rehearsed in the Comforts doe euidently declare So that as K. Dauid was not affected after a
to seek the liuing among the dead we see that forgetfulnes of holy doctrine neglect of due care to vnderstand it which is a forestalling of memory they are sins to be sorrowed for to be watched against c. Fourthly in that the Angel as also our Sauiour himselfe did command incourage these women to go with speed to the disciples the tender care of the Lord appeareth who would not haue vs continue long but speedily to breake off vnprofitable and causelesse sorrowes yea to comfort our selues according to all causes of comfort specially according to those of our eternall saluation which he is most carefull to make knowne vnto vs. Fiftly in that the holy Angel maketh speciall mention of Peter the same tender and mercifull care of the Lord toward sinners doth yet more liuely appeare because hee would haue Peter in special māner comforted against his special discomfort euen against that most deepe sorrow which no doubt yet lay in his bosome for his grieuous fall Sixtly in that both the Angell and also our Sauiour himselfe biddeth the women tell his disciples that according as he had promised before his death so he would now go before thē into Galile and that there they should see him this sheweth that the Lord is like minded now as he was before euen to delight to shew himselfe to further his work rather in mean places among the poorer of his people where his Gospel is more willingly imbraced thē in places of greater reckoning in the world and among the richer sort of men where both hee and his Gospel it vsually most contemned and reiected as it was at this time especially in the Citie of Ierusalem Finally in that the women fall downe at the feet of our Sauiour worship him it is manifest that they did perfectly know and discerne him from all men in the world as we may say to be our Sauiour and no other but he Explication and proofe It is manifest indeed For otherwise they would not haue fallen down before him worshipped him and that with such a religious mind I doubt not as it is not lawful to yeeld to any creature but to him on●ly who being true man is also the very true eternall sonne of God This therfore among the rest may iustly be a certaine confirmation vnto vs euen vpon the certaine knowledge of these faithfull godly women that our Sauiour is vndoubtedly risen again And touching the other branches of your answer First of all it is likewise out of all question that they who with a dutiful affecti●n seek after the knowledge and faith of our Sa Ch are a thousand fold more blessed then the wicked aduersaries who any way set thēselues against him as the gratious dealing of the Lord with thē euen here in this world doth shew in that he cōforteth all such by his holy Spirit and giueth them inward peace of conscience But at the last daie hee will most perfectly declare it when all such shall see the Lord in his glory to their vnspeakable cōfort the rest shal be so terrified that they would gladly that the huge mountaines rocks might fall vpon thē to hide them frō his presence Reuel 6.16.17 For seeing the glory of the resurrection of our Sauiour was so great by the ministery of one Angel how infinite shal the glory of his cōming to iudgment be when he shal shew himselfe in his perfect glory accompanied with the thousand thousands of his Angels Math. 2● 31 Secondly according to the second branch of your answer our Sauiour pronounceth them blessed who beleeue though they see not Iohn 20.29 But of this more afterward Touching the third branch the admonitiō of the Apostle to the Heb. ch ● 1 ● 3.4 is worthily to be harkned vnto in that he saith Wherfore we ought diligently to giue heed to the things which we haue heard lest at any time we shoul● let thē sl●p c. Certainly if our Sa Ch had not bin so gratious as to shew himself to renue the doctrine of his resurrectiō the knowledge of it was likely to haue perished through the forgetfulnes not only of these women but also of all the rest of the disciples In like manner our owne forgetfulnes is ready to indanger vs to loose the fruit of much holy doctrine frō time to time if we be not carefull to call to god for his grace to the succoring of our memories against the weaknes therof Answerable to the fourth branch is that gratious cōmission of the Lord. Isai 40.1 c. Comfort ye Comfort ye my people will your God say Speake comfortably to Ierusalem and cry vnto her that her warfare is accomplished that her iniquity is pardoned c. Likewise the practise of the Apostle guided by the Spirit of God 2. Cor. 2.1 c. in that he laboureth to comfort the Corinthians against their former sorrow And again ch 7.3.4 c. 13. Read also Phil. ch 4 4. To the fift branch agreeth the like gratious dealing of our Sauiour in shewing himselfe to Peter before he appeared to any of his men-disciples Luk 24.34 Likewise his often demanding of him whether he loued him or no Iohn But of these more in their due places afterward The sixt branch is according to that answer which our Sauiour gaue to the messengers of Iohn Baptist Math. 11.5 The poore receiue the Gospel and ch 18.1 c. Our Sauiour hath care of his litle ones Hetherto of the second appearance of our Sauiour to the manifesting of his resurrection The proofe of his resurrection by his third appearance LEt vs come to the third Question Where is that recorded vnto vs Ans In the 24. ch of the Euangelist Luke verse ●4 The Lord is risen indeed say some of the eleuen as they were gathered together and hath appeared to Simon Explicatiō This is vpon speciall occasion set downe by the Euangelist after the narration of the appearance of our Sauiour to the two Disciples that were going to Emmaus But that it was a thing performed by our Sauiour before that at the least before they came from Emmaus to Ierusalē the Euangelist himselfe doeth make it plaine For as he saith when these two Disciples came to report vnto the eleuē that they had seen our Sauiour at the same instant that they came in some of the eleuē were talking said that he had appeared to Simon It was as it is most like that appearance which the Apostle Paul writeth of 1. Cor. 15.5 He was seene of Cephas For Cephas as wee know as well as Simon were diuers names of one and the same Peter Of this appearance of our Sauiour to Peter there is little written and therefore we will briefly passe it ouer Onely let vs here call to minde againe that which was once mentioned before that the most mercifull disposition of our Sauiour is hereby declared in
vnderstanding to his Disciples and all other whosoeuer shall truly beleeue in him that hath died and rose againe to the same end for them euen peace in assurance of reconciliation with God of the forgiuenes of sinnes of euerlasting happinesse and saluation in the heauens then the which nothing can possiblie be more nay nothing like ioyous and comfortable This speech therefore ought to haue wonderfully reioyced the hearts of the Disciples to whom our Sauiour thus spake But by reason of their present ignorance forgetfulnesse and vnbeliefe both it and the appearance of our Sauiour himselfe had vpon the sodaine a cleane contrary effect Question What was that Answer They were abashed and afraide saith the Euangelist Luke supposing that they had seene a spirit verse 37. Explication This so contrary an effect must indeede needes shew their great ignorance and forgetfulnesse and vnbeliefe as was said For had they giuen credite to the former testimonies that our Sauiour was risen againe and had shewed himselfe and spake to diuers other before And had they remembred the great power which our Sauiour had declared and that diuers yeares together And namely if they had remembred how before his death he had walked vpon the Sea when they likewise thought they had seene a spirit but were deceiued as themselues well saw by and by at that time Matth. 14.22 c. 33. If I say they had remembred these and many such declarations of hi● diuine power in opening the eyes of the blinde and in opening the eares of the deafe so that so soone as he said Be opened it was so they could not then haue giuen place to this erroneous conceit to thinke they had seene some spirit much lesse an euill spirit as it seemeth they beganne to thinke because they heard no doores to open when he came into the house nor any noise at all till hee was in the middest of them as though all lockes or barres and boltes had not beeene at his commandement to open and shut as well as the secret faculties and wardes or ginnes of the eyes and eares of men or as well as hee could make the Sea to beare him without deminishing any the least part of the weight either of his owne or of Peters bodie c. Finally if they had but remembred what a power of working miraculous works he had before his death giuen to thēselues for a time Matth. 10.1 Mark 3.14.15 and chap. 6.39 Luke 9.1 c. verse 10. And likewise to the other his seuenty Disciples in their cursory ministerie Luke 10.1.17 they would not then haue beene either so easily troubled or so hard to beleeue as they were Such therefore was the first effect euen a strange effect of this strange and sodaine appearance of our Sauiour and of his first most gratious speech vsed vnto his Disciples The which strange effect cleane contrary to that which it ought to haue had caused our Sauiour thenceforth to take such a course of behauiour toward them both in further speech and also in action as might best remooue that erroneous conceit of theirs and so make way to plant the true faith of his resurrection in their hearts Let vs therefore proceede still to the further consideration of these things according to the order of our text Our Sauiour vseth diuers remedies to helpe against this errour of his Disciples and to make knowne the truth of his bodily appearance among them The first remedie was by a second speech vnto them that is by an earnest and reprehensiue speech to shew them the vanity of their errour Question Which was that second speech of our Sauiour Answer It was this verse 38. Why saith he are ye troubled and wherefore doe doubts arise in your hearts Explication It is true Thus indeed doth the Euangelist Luke report it And it is the same reproofe which the Euangelist Marke hath also recorded chap. 16. verse 14. writing thus He reproued them that is the eleuen as they sate together of their vnbeleefe and hardnesse of heart because they beleeued not them which had seene him being risen vp againe And there was very great cause wherefore our Sauiour should thus earnestly reproue them as is sufficiently euident from that which hath beene obserued before Hereby therefore let vs yet againe admonish our selues that as it is a fault to be credulous in matters that want meete proofe and which loue would rather wish vs to doubt of when it tendeth to euill so on the contrary it is a great sinne not to beleeue that which is testified by meete and conuenient witnesses in matters concerning the glory of God And further also hereby we are admonished so to giue credite to euery truth auouched of God that we doe cut off all doubtings at the very beginning and giue no eare at all vnto them For so saith our Sauiour Why doe thoughts arise in your hearts Likewise we may hence be admonished that want of faith is the very cause of all trouble and distraction of minde For faith giueth quiet peace and stay to the heart but vnbeliefe maketh it in all things wauering and vncertaine according to that of the holy Prophet Isaiah If ye beleeue not ye shall not be established And here our Sauiour maketh the vnbeliefe of his Disciples the ground of their disquietment and trouble Finally from the example and practise of our Sauiour let vs hence obserue that the right way to plant true faith is by reproofe to chase away all erroneous opinions and doubts contrary vnto it And this is the first remedie whereby our Sauiour doth most louingly releeue his Disciples against their vnbeleefe euen by an earnest speech of tender rebuke The second remedie was not onely by word of mouth but also by outward action in that hee sheweth them his hands and feete yea and his side also as Saint Iohn writeth chap. 20. verse 20. as hauing in them no doubt the plaine mention of the piercing of the nailes as the same Euangelist Saint Iohn expresly declareth afterward And as it may appeare in that he giueth them leaue yea commandeth and incourageth them to take triall by the handling of him And finally in that he rendereth a sensible reason to perswade them of the truth of his appearance and that it was not a Spirit that they saw Question In what words doth the Euangelist Luke report these things vnto vs Answer 39 Behold my hands and my feete saith our Sauiour for it is I my selfe handle me and see for a spirit hath not flesh and bones as ye see me haue 40 And when he had thus spoken saith the Euangelist he shewed them his hands and his feete Explicatiō Here you see it is plaine that for a second remedie and succour against the infidelity or vnbeliefe of the eleuen our Sauiour first as was saide shewes them his handes and his feete yea and his side also they all bearing mention that they were the same which were
glory of the onely begotten Son of God c yet if God doe not continue still to enlighten vs by his holy spirit we should be ignorant and vnbeleeuing touching those points yet remaining as euen these chief disciples were for a season And therefore we learne further from hence that we are still continually to craue of God that he will vouchsafe to open our eyes that euen as he hath lincked together all the Articles of our faith as in a golden chaine so it would please him to renewe from time to time the gracious light of his holy spirit that we may from point to point attaine to the true vnderstanding and faith of euery one of them For assuredly looke where the Lord leaueth teaching there of necessitie shall wee cease learning And therefore let vs be alwaies very careful not onely publikely but also priuately euery one by our selues and with our families to pray earnestly to God for the daily illumination of his holy spirit in euery point of his most holy and diuine truth This haue the excellent seruants of God done before vs namely the Prophet in the 119. Psalm verse 18. Open mine eyes that I may see the wonders of thy lawe And the Apostle Paul he praieth in the behalfe of such as had already profited excellently well in the knowledge and faith of our Lord Iesus Christ that the eyes of their vnderstanding might be yet more and more inlightened Ephes Col. 1.9 Wherefore we much rather ought to doe it as they who stand insomuch the more need then they by how much we haue lesse profited Questionles the cause why many euen of such as haue heard the word a long time and enioyed all other the holy ordinances of the Lord doe remaine still very ignorant of whom it may be saide that they are euer learning and neuer come to the knowledge of the truth it is for that they be not instant with the Lord by praier both in publike ioyning with the preacher and also in priuate by themselues attending diligently vpon the ministery of the word intreating his blessing vpon the same For no doubt if the most ignorant in the congregation would pray feruently to God for grace they should find the Lord true in his most holy gracious promise Aske and ye shal receiue seeke and ye shall find knocke and it shall be opened vnto you For as our Sauiour assure ● vs whosoeuer asketh receiueth and he that seeketh findeth and to him that knocketh it shall be opened For what man is there among you c. Mat 7.7 c. read also Luk 11. ● They that are ch●ldren in knowledge and stande in need of milke should grow in time fit to be fed with more strong meat as the Apostle speaketh 1. Co Heb ● 12.13.14 1. Pet 2.1.2 For as wee read Psal 19.7 The Lord giueth wisedome to the simple yea Prou 1.4 sharpnes of wit and to the child knowledge and vnderstanding Thus much concerning the effect of the breathing of our Sauiour vpon his Disciples saying Receiue the holy Ghost in that hereby their vnderstanding was opened And this is the fourth particular But that which is annexed vnto it is no lesse worthy to be obserued of vs touching the subiect matter of their vnderstanding namely the holy Scriptures for so saith the holy Euang that our Sa opened their vnderstanding that they might vnderstād the Scriptures Our Sauiour could by immediate reuelation haue giuen them knowledge without the written word but to cut off all occasion of seeking after phantasticall reuelations beside the word as many proud spirited men doe attempt and in the meane while set not a flocke by the Scriptures it pleased our Sauiour euen of purpose no doubt to honour the Scriptures thus far as to make them the groūd and guides of the vnderstanding of his most choise disciples Yea he himselfe though all that he spake was as authenticall as the Scriptures for he was the very truth it selfe yet he had alwaies his recourse to the Scriptures of the olde Testament to ground his doctrine on Moses and the prophets as it is plentifully recorded by the holy Euangelists And as it followeth in the very next words containing the fift particular Question Which are they Answer And he said vnto them Thus it is written and thus it behoued Christ to suffer and to rise again● from the dead the third day Luke 24.46 Explicatiō How the sufferings and resurrection of our Sauiour are written of in the holy Scriptures we haue shewed before Here let vs obserue diligently that insomuch as our Sauiour standeth so often in the rehearsall and confirmation of his sufferings and resurrection that they are matters of singular weight not to be posted ouer as children doe in saying the Articles of their fai●h but to be most seriously minded both of yong and olde with the best discretion and most aduised iudgement that all of vs can attaine vnto They are two of the principallest things which our thoughts and meditations ought to haue recourse vnto in the morning when we rise in the euening when we goe to bed yea in the night as wee lye vpon our beds Wee ought to talke of them as wee walke abroad with our neighbours and as wee sit at home with our wiues and children c. Verily none of vs haue yet euer sufficiently and deepely enough pondered and weighed them Whose heart should not be wonderfully affected both with godly sorrow for sinne with zealous hatred against sinne with vnsatiable loue towardes God our heauenly Father and towards the Sonne of God our Lord Iesus Christ himselfe considering that hee would according to the will of his Father most willingly suffer for vs yea euen to the death the death of the Crosse as we haue heard at large before And who duly considering that the same our Lord Iesus Christ who dyed for our sinnes is verily risen againe for our iustification cannot but bee vnspeakeably reioyced and stirred vppe to rise from the death of sinne to serue the liuing God as we are after to consider in the comforts and duties belonging to the faith of the same Here also we see which are the principall things which our Sauiour commendeth to the faith of his Disciples as the chiefe grounds and pillars thereof and which were to be most carefully preached of them as the chiefe grounds of the common faith of all Christians There are many other Articles indeede in no wise to be neglected of vs but if wee should studie neuer so long we could not name two Articles of like necessarie respect yea of like both respect and prospect as we may say the one pointing vs backe yea containing in a manner all the humiliation of our Sauiour euen from his birth to his death the other pointing vs forward to his full and perfect glorification it being as a most triumphant entrance into it neuer to fall from the victorie and
conquest once atcheiued by the same Finally here we learne both who be the true preachers of the word and who also be true Schollers of our Lord Iesus Christ Namely such Preachers as doe principally ayme at these points to the establishing of the faith of the people of God and such schollers as doe most gladly embrace and most studiously search after the knowledge and faith of these groundes from the holy Scriptures laying aside yea casting away all questions and ●angling about vnprofitable discourses That is euen such both preachers and hearers as make the word of God alone the whole ground stay of their faith and doe not stay vpon things rawly as it were by roate or vpon the customarie loose profession of others or vpon their owne blind deuotion and good meaning If any shall obiect that the Scriptures are darke and of doubtfull and vncertaine interpretation wee answer that touching such places of the holy Scriptures as be hard to be vnderstood it is our dutie to vse the more diligence in seeking by prayer and all other good meanes to vnderstand them We answer further that the most darke places are made plaine by other places more easie to be vnderstood so as wee may truly affirme that the Scripture doth cleare it selfe and giueth vnderstanding to the simple And finally we answer that all the doubtfulnes of the interpretation of any place of holy Scripture resteth either in our owne ignorance of the holy languages or in the weakenes of our iudgement or in the rebellion of our owne carnall reason whereby the truth is as it were forestalled against our selues This shall suffice at this time touching the fift particular The sixt is now to be examined Question In what words is that contained Answer 47. It is contained in these And that repentance and remission of sins should be Preached in his name among all nations beginning at Ierusalem Explicatiō As our Sauiour had before instructed his Disciples concerning those two principall grounds of faith which they were to beleeue themselues and after to preach vnto others for the establishing of their faith so here in this place he noteth out two principall fruites and benefits flowing from his death and resurrection to all that doe truly beleeue in him The which also as our Sauiour informeth his Disciples they were to preach in his name to wit that they are such fruits and benefits as none can by any meanes be partakers of but through faith in him alone The greatnesse of these benefites is incomprehensible Sin wee knowe which is the transgression of the lawe either in thought word or deede hath made vs iustly subiect to the infinite wrath and vengeance of God both in this life and for euer as wee haue learned from the interpretation of the Lawe Neither can we possibly escape it but by the death of our SAVIOVR CHRIST For his blood alone cleanseth vs from our sinnes both from the guiltinesse and also from the punishment of them in that hee hath thereby purchased eternall redemption for vs. For without sheading of blood as the Apostle teacheth there is no remission of sinnes Heb 9.22 Repentance also the doctrine whereof wee haue heard layde forth at large it is in summe and effect the renewing and repayring of the Image of God the which is vtterly defaced in vs. And it cannot bee performed but by the diuine power of GOD euen by that power whereby hee hath raised vppe our Lord Iesus Christ and whereby our SAVIOVR hath raised vppe himselfe from the dead For as by the vertue of the death of CHRIST apprehended by faith sinne is crucified in vs so by the power of his resurrection wee are raised vp to newnesse of life Yea wee are thereby renewed in our mindes vnto God Ephes c. Colos 2.12.13 Rom. Pet. 3.21.22 But of the fruites and benefites of the resurrection of our Sauiour Christ more afterward In the meane season this is euident that the sufferings and resurrection of our Sauiour mentioned before are matters of the greatest importance that may bee insomuch as these benefites of repentance and remission of sinnes cannot bee obtained but by them or rather by our Sauiour himselfe and through faith in his name in that hee had dyed for our sinnes and rose againe for our iustification that is in that he rose againe to the end he might apply the benefite of his death and to giue vs the assurance of our iustification by him to wit by the forgiuenes of our sinnes and by the imputation of his righteousnes vnto vs. Yea so doe these most excellent benefites depend both vpon the death and resurrection of our Sauiour that none can possibly be partakers of them but such as doe beleeue that hee dyed and rose againe to the same ende And according as the faith of any herein is weaker or stronger so is their repentance lesse or more perfect and the forgiuenes of sinnes more or lesse comfortably assured vnto them The order also of preaching these notable fruites and benefites is not to bee neglected of vs. For repentance is first to bee Preached and first of all to bee laboured after and therevpon followeth forgiuenesse that is the assurance of forgiuenesse For so is this Scripture to bee vnderstood For howsoeuer God is appeased first and therewithall forgiueth sinnes euen so freely as if they had beene neuer committed like as if a creditor shoud forgiue his d●btor and for a proofe thereof should cancell his obligation as may appeare Colos 2.13.14 and then hee giueth repentance also as a fruite of the same his free grace accepting vs in his Sonne Act 11.18 yet as touching our selues howe can wee haue assurance that GOD hath forgiuen vs our sinnes if wee be not sory for them yea sory to repentance vnlesse we will willingly tempt God in our hearts and wantonly presume of his mercy as if hee were not perfectly iust in hating those that take pleasure and lye securely in sinne Now vnto the Apostolicall preaching of these two excellent benefites repentance and remission of sinnes our Sauiour addeth two circumstances The one declaring the largenes of the Apostolick commission for the preaching of them namely in all nations The other prescribing the order that they must take that is by beginning at Ierusalem In the first of them whereby our Sauiour declareth the largenes of their commission touching the instrumentall meanes of calling vs the Gentiles to the faith of the Gospell and the prerogatiues of the Gospell by their preaching we are pointed to the efficient cause of our adoption and calling to the hope of eternall life Which is no other but the free grace o● God and our Sauiour Christ who hath of his eternall mercy appointed and sanctified the same instrumentall cause or meanes to be extended euen to vs. For the which what praise and thankes may wee render answerable to this inestimable grace and mercy of God towards vs miserable and sinfull
This therefore being by Peter attributed to our Sauiour as also the Euangelist Iohn saith cha 2.24.25 Iesus knewe them all and had no neede that any should testifie of man for he knew what was in man it proueth euidently the Godhead of our Sauiour For otherwise though these should haue ascribed thus much vnto him hee would neuer haue assumed and taken it vnto himselfe if he had not bene very God one with the Father But that we may returne to the words of our Sauiour in the first part of his first speech to Peter what is the reason why hee speaketh to him after this manner Simon of Iona meaning the sonne of Iona as it is expressed by our Sauiour Iohn 1.42 Thou art Simon th● sonne of Iona and Math. 16. verse 17. Blessed art thou Simon the sonne of Iona c. Question What I say is the reason of this Answer As our Sauiour in his gracious wisedome wrought the like works after his resurrection that hee did before his death so hee vsed the like manner of speaking and euen the same words that he might the more clearely and familiarly assure his disciples that it was he and none other that was risen againe from the dead and presented himselfe vnto them Explication This was the reason of it in deede And it proceeded of the great grace and mercy of our Sauiour in tendering the weakenes of the faith of his Disciples yea the weakenes of vs all that there might be no cause of any scruple or doubt left And that it was so as you answere the comparison which was a while since made betweene the first calling of Peter Iames and Iohn Luc. 5. with the late confirmation of them to the execution of the duties of the same their calling to be fishers of men by a like miracle may giue to vnderstand Likewise it may appeare by his strange and sodaine comming to his disciples walking vpon the Sea before his death when they thought it had beene a Spirit compared with his sodaine and miraculous comming to them after his resurrection the dores being fast shut at what time they were likewise troubled with the same fearefull thought Thus we may perceiue that there was great likenes of his actions both before and after his resurrection And touching the likenes of his speeches if we call to minde that which we haue heard out of S. Luk chap. 24.44 it may serue well to that purpose These saith our Sauiour are the words which I spake vnto you while I was yet with you And for one speciall instance what neede we goe any further then to our present text For as our Sauiour at the first calling of Peter did giue him a tast of his diuine knowledge in that speaking to him being yet a meere stranger in all humane respects hee calleth him by his owne name and from the name of his father saying Thou art Simon the Sonne of Iona thou shalt be called Cephas which as the Euangelist Iohn addeth is by interpretation a stone so now when our Sauiour will confirme his calling vnto him hee speaketh in the like manner Simon the sonne of Iona c. And in the next part of his speech like as he had beene much before in describing himselfe to be the onely chiefe and vniuersall Shepheard of the Sheepe Iohn 10. so heere in this text he chargeth Peter to vse all diligence for his part to feed his sheep as a speciall fruite and confirmation of his loue to him But of this more anon In the meane season concerning this first part of the speech of our Sauiour to Peter are we to vnderstand it so spoken to Peter as it did properly belong to him and was of no vse to the rest of the disciples Question We may not thinke so but that our Sauiour at this time as at many other times did most prudently take the occasion from Peters infirmitie Answer to admonish all the rest of their dutie Explicatiō We are so to vnderstand our Sauiour in deede Yea not onely as minding to giue the Disciples present their admonition both Thomas and Iames and Iohn and the rest with them but also to instruct all ministers of the Gospell of Christ in their duty to the end of the world Yea and all Christians likewise in that all stand in like manner bound to loue our Sauiour Christ most dearely For loue is that which must carrie all through fire and water for Christ his sake and his Gospell No water can quench true loue neither can any fire consume and wast it But if there be not true loue burning in vs toward our Sauiour as a fruite of the faith and perswasion of his loue towards vs according to that of the Apostle Paul The loue of Christ constraineth vs 2. Cor. 5.14 then euery small thing whether profite or pleasure or feare and danger will either drawe or driue vs away from the profession and obedience of his most blessed name Wee haue all great neede therefore to remember the generall admonition of our Sauiour to all of vs answerable to this of Peter Hee that loueth Father or mother more then me is not worthie of me And he that loueth sonne or daughter more then me is not worthie of me c. Math. 10.37 c. The necessitie of which loue yea euen of this matchlesse loue due to our Sauiour hee amplifieth more vehemently Luc. 14.26 If any man come to mee and hate not his Father c. yea and his owne life also hee cannot be my disciple And whosoeuer beareth not his crosse and commeth after me hee cannot be my disciple Wee haue neede also to thinke often of that most zealous and worthie decree of the Apostle Paul 1. Corinth 16. If any man loue not the Lord Iesus Christ let him be had in execration c. For surely hee is in a cursed estate hee is euen a wretched person whosoeuer hee be that will not loue the most glorious sonne of God who left his glory after a sort and abased himselfe most lowe in our nature to beare our infirmities and to suffer the punishment due to our sinnes that we might be deliuered from eternall death and made partakers of eternall glory c. Nowe therefore seeing the loue of Christ yea a peerelesse loue toward him is so necessarily to be in euery Christian wee may iustly learne from this triall and examination which our Sauiour putteth Peter vnto that it is necessarie that euery one of vs should very earnestly trie and examine our selues whether his loue be in truth in vs or no. For verily if we doe not vppon earnest examining of our hearts in the sight of God finde it to be planted there his Spirit bearing witnesse with our spirits that it is so yea so that wee can comfortably appeale to the Lord our God and Sauiour himselfe as Peter did that hee knoweth that wee loue him otherwise I say it is certaine that there is no true loue
God both in word and deede And chap 12.35.36 Yet a litle while is the light with you walke while ye haue the light lest darkenes come vpon you for he that walketh in darkenes knoweth not whether he goeth While ye haue the light beleeue in the light that ye may be the children of the light And Iohn 14.6 I am the way and the truth and the life No man commeth vnto the father but by me Thus by this generall metaphor of the light our Sauiour Christ which is the onely true sunne of righteousnes as the Prophet Malachie calleth him is both for doctrine in the most cleare reuelation thereof and for example of life in paterning out the same doctrine a most perfect load-starre for vs all to looke vnto And more particularly read Iohn where after that our Sauiour had washed his Disciples feete he doth from his owne example teach them true loue and humilitie two speciall grounds of godlines And therefore he saith expressely I haue giuen you an example that ye should doe euen as I haue done to you Verily verily I say vnto you The seruant is not greater then his maister neither the Embassadour greater then he that sent him If yee knowe these things happie are yee if yee doe them And chap 15.9 10.11.12 As the Father hath loued me so haue I loued you continue ye in my loue If ye shal keepe my commandements ye shall abide in my loue as I haue kept my Fathers commandements and abide in his loue These things haue I spoken vnto you that my ioy might remaine in you and that your ioy might be full This is my commandement that ye loue one an other as I haue loued you But it must in no wise be neglected that as you answer our Sauiour must be imitated and followed onely according to the duties of our seuerall places and callings wherein God hath placed vs and in the common duties of Christianitie wherein our Sauiour hath gone before vs in most perfect care and conscience of obedience to euery commandement of the lawe of God For otherwise the calling of our Sauiour Christ in that he was annointed to be the redeemer iustifier sanctifier and euerlasting Sauiour of the Church of God it was so peculiar and proper vnto him that no creature neither angel or man can followe him in one steppe thereof God hath made him alone to be wisedome righteousnes holines and redemption vnto vs 1. Cor 1.30 Neither is there any other name either in heauen or in earth whereby we may be saued Act 4.12 In this respect he alone both might and could by his diuine power worke the workes of God And although the Apostles whom he ordained to be the most immediate and neare followers of him in the ministration of his diuine workes yea so as our Sauiour promised that they should doe greater workes then he did Iohn 14.12 yet they did them not in their owne name or by their owne power as they doe confesse Act 3.12.16 but onely as the instruments and seruants of Christ appointed by himselfe and enabled by the power of faith therevnto For as touching those that without the calling of our Sauiour presumed to attempt such miraculous workes as they wrought they found by miserable experience how vaine their attempt was as we reade Act To the end therefore we may be true imitators of our Sauiour Christ euery one of vs and principally the ministers of the word and Gospell of Christ must look diligently to the duties of their seueral callings that so they in their places may shine as lights to the rest and that all Christians after their example may walke as children of the light euery one following other so farre as any doe follo●e our Sauiour Christ according to that of the holy Apostle alledged a while since Be ye followers of me as I am of Christ The reason thereof is for that though there be many examples of godlines recorded in the holy Scriptures and many also to be seene in the Church of God from time to time yet there be very few nay rather none at all wherein there be not some great sinnes and blemishes in their liues wherein they ought to be shunned and not followed And therefore we are alwaies to haue a principall regard to the example of all examples euen our Lord Iesus Christ who alone as was noted in the beginning is the onely cleare perfect light both for doctrine and life through the whole course thereof in euery age and condition of the same both publikely and priuatly vnder his parents and otherwise as hath beene declared before Now secondly as touching our imitating and following of our Sauiour Christ in the patient and meeke induring of the crosse that is of euery kind of affliction while we walke in his holy waies though not to such endes as our Sauiour suffered in that he was a mediator betwixt God and vs to make satisfaction for our sins c. yet to declare the truth both of our obediēce to God also of our loue to our Sauiour his Church we read first the instruction and incouragement of our Sa himself herevnto Mat 11.28.29 Come vnto me all ye that are weary laden and I wil ease you Take my yoak on you and learne of me in that I am meeke and lowly in heart to wit in bearing affliction from the hand of God and ye shall find rest vnto your soules For my yoake is easie and my burden is light to wit that measure of affliction which God will lay vpon you while ye humble your selues vnto him through faith in my name it shall not bee aboue that strength which he wil giue you And Ioh 15.18 c. If the world hate you ye know it hated me before you c. The seruant is not greater then his maister c Read the place mark the sundry notable reasons which our Sauiour alledgeth to harten and incourage vs ro indure afflictions for his sake as hath bin heretofore declared vnto you from the same words of our Sauiour Call to mind also that which was rehearsed before concerning their vnworthines to haue any part in Christ whosoeuer loue him not more then their outward peace or worldly wealth or very naturall life it selfe And that wee are to followe our Sauiour Christ in his sufferings on the behalfe of his Church for that loue we beare to the brethren in desire of confirming them in the faith of the truth euen by our sufferings for it and that euen to the death if need should so require Read Philip 2.17.18 Yea saith the Apostle Paul and though I be offered vp vpon the sacrifice and seruice of your faith I am glad and reioyce with you all For the same cause also be ye glad and reioyce with me And Collos 1.24 Now reioyce I in my sufferings for you and fulfill the rest of the afflictions of Christ in my flesh for his
whose iudgement giuen as well of one as of the other shall be their acquiting and iustifying for euer and euer But as touching the wicked which haue and shall die in their sinne and vnbeliefe before that day though they shal rise againe with their bodies and the rest which shall be liuing shall appeare before the iudgement seate of Christ yet shall their bodies abide stil in their naturall dishonour and finfull corruption onely fitted to indure that iudgement which shall be awarded against them euen their condemnation to perpetuall most extreame torment and miserie Explicatiō proofe This difference of the resurrection is made manifest in many places of the holy Scriptures As Dan. 12.2 3. Many of them that sleepe in the dust of the earth saith the holy Prophet shall awake some to euerlasting life and some to shame and perpetuall contempt And they that be wise shall shine as the brightnesse of the firmament and they that turne many to righteousnesse shall shine as the starres for euer and euer And Iohn 5.29 After that our Sauiour Christ hath affirmed that the houre shall come in the which all that are in the graues shall heare his voyce as was before alledged he addeth these words And they shall come forth that haue done good vnto the resurrection of life but they that haue done euill vnto the resurrection of condemnation We reade also concerning the state and condition of the faithfull apart by themselues 1. Cor. 15.51 and 1. Thes 4 14. and Luke 13.29 And concerning the condition of the wicked apart Matth 24.30 as wee saw before And Reuel 1.7 And chap. 6.15 16 17. But let vs stay principally vpon this our present Text wherein the difference is most liuely expressed and that also diuers and sundry waies First in the seperation of the sheepe from the goates that is to say of the faithfull and godly from the wicked and the same also with a most charie and sheepheard like care answerable to the prophesie of Ezek. chap. 34. And Ier. chap. 31.10 Secondly the difference is expressed in the setting of the faithfull and godly on the right hand for honours sake and the wicked on the left hand to their perpetuall reproach But most of all the difference is manfest by the contrarie iudgement which our Sauiour hath already determined and foretolde that hee will giue vpon them THis sentence or iudgement of our Sauiour let vs nowe in the fift place come to consider Question And first What is that part of the sentence which our Sauiour will giue for the finall acquiting iustifying and sauing of the faithfull euen of all such as shall be set on his right hand Answer The King saith our Sauiour shall say to them Come yee blessed of my Father inherite the Kingdome prepared for you from the foundations of the worlde Explicatiō There being two diuerse yea contrary parts of the iudgement of our Sauiour according to the contrary estate and condition of the persons to be iudgeed we haue three things to be obserued in either part First the sentence it selfe Secondly the reason of the sentence or rather the law whereby our Sauiour will giue his sentence Thirdly an explication of that doubt which ariseth from the reason or rule of the sentence to the iustifying thereof both to the eternall consolation of the godlie and also to the eternall conuiction of the wicked The first part of the sentence we haue alreadie before vs. It is a most gratious sentence of the most soueraigne and supreame King and Iudge concerning those that doe belong vnto him let vs accordingly with all holy reuerence consider of it For whereas the words of Kings and Princes here vpon earth are not to be neglected speciallie when they sit in place of iudgement hauing God before their eyes much more is this sentence of the King of heauen himselfe euen the King of all Kings to be regarded of vs. And the rather because it conteineth such a sentence as no King but hee may presume to giue No earthly King or Monarch hath euer had or shall euer haue so large an authoritie this ouer all the world is much lesse ouer all the generations of the earth and that from the beginning to the end of the world None euer had or shall euer haue so great and high authoritie as to giue iudgement vpon bodie and soule and that for euer and euer but onely our Lord Iesus Christ the sole Monarch of the whole world In this sentence our Sauiour being thus the soueraigne Lord and King of all hee doth first most notably open and reueale to his Church before hand for the common instruction of all the faithfull what is the onely supreame and chiefe efficient cause of their perfect saluation and glory which hee will at that day bestow vpon them This cause of their saluation and glory is not their owne worthinesse either for excellence of their nature or for merit of their workes but it is as our Sauiour giueth plainely to vnderstand the onely free grace and fauour of God In regard whereof and of the fruits and effects of it he calleth them first the blessed of his Father Secondly he putteth them in possession of the kingdome of God not by purchase but in way of inheritance and the same also not by naturall descent but by adoption onely And thirdly our Sauiour telleth vs that this inheritance whereof hee giueth the faithfull the possession is such an inheritance as God had prepared for them before they were and therefore could in no wise be merited and deserued by them All which considerations are so many notable reason as well against the prowd opinion of mans merit as for the magnifying of the most free and deserued mercy of God saue onely as our Sauiour hath deserued mercie for vs at his hands And it is well for vs that our saluation is not fitted answerable to our merit though it were so that wee could deserue any thing to be paide as a wages or due debt vnto vs. For euen as the gifts of earthly Princes of great estate which proceed from them of meere fauour and bountie are greater then those which they giue in a proportion of this or that seruice done vnto them Of the which we may take the great King Ahashuerosh for an example Est chap. 6. verse 6. What shall be done saith Ahashuerosh to the man whom the King will honour Haman forthwith conceiuing in his minde that this should be a speciall honour seeing the King minded to declare his royall magnificence and gratuitie therein he therefore describeth such an exceeding honour as hee himselfe aspired after though he had no desert whereby he might presume that it should be due vnto him And chap. 7.2 of his princely bountie he sheweth himselfe ready to grant Ester her request to the halfe of his kingdome Where as if she should haue stoode vpon her worthinesse hee would not haue yeelded her so much as
grace in them to their sanctification it may appeare Gal. 5.21 The fruit of the Spirit is loue c goodnes faith c against whom saith the Apostle there is no law And Iames 2.13 Mercy reioyceth against iudgement Moreouer it may appeare by that we reade in the former Apostle Colos 3.12 Now therefore as the elect of God holy and beloued put on tender mercy kindnesse humblenesse of mind c. And thus saith our Sauiour himselfe shall men shew themselues to be the children of the most high Luke 6.35 36. Secondly that mercifulnesse and the fruits thereof are of exceeding regard acceptance with God it is euident in other places of holy Scripture though most notably in our present Text. Namely it is euident in that the Lord saith by his holy Prophet I will haue mercy and not sacrifice Hos chap. 6. verse 6. And our Sauiour himselfe sheweth it plainely where he promiseth assuredly that a cup of cold water giuen to any of his Disciples in the name of a Disciple that is because he is a Disciple shall not be vnrewarded Thirdly that the practise of the duties of mercy is both the way to glorifie God and also to attaine to his kingdome of glorie it cannot be doubted of those that know how earnestly and often these duties are commanded vnto vs euery where in the holy Scriptures For a taste whereof reade Exod. chap. 22. verses 21 22 23 c. 27. Deut. 15.7 c. Prou. 19.17 Isai 58.6 7. c. Ezek. chap. 18 7. Micah 6.8 and Zech. 7. verses 8 9 10. Luke 16.9 Make you friends with the riches of iniquitie riches being so called because they are vsually either gotten by fraude and oppression or vniustly detained from the relieuing of the poore that saith our Sauiour when ye shall faile to wit when life shall faile ye they may receiue ye into euerlasting habitations That is that you walking in this way or exercising the duties of mercy may through the infinite mercy of God be receiued into the kingdome of heauen Finally that the conscionable care and ready practise of those fruits of mercie are comfortable assurances to them that practise them that they are the children of God for whom he hath prepared his eternall kingdome we may be assured of it from that saying of out Sauiour Matt. 5. where he pronounceth the mercifull blessed and promiseth that they shall obteine mercie Likewise by the testimonie of Saint Iohn 1. Epist 3.14 We know that we are translated from death vnto life because wee loue the brethren The fruites of which loue hee doeth describe to be in a principall parte the actions of mercie and compassion in relieuing such as want with their worldly goods verses 17 18 19. Thus then we may perceiue how in sundry respects of great vse moment vnto vs the words of our Sauiour For I was an hungred and ye gaue me meate c may well be accounted a reason of the former part of his sentence for the acquiting of the godly As for those that can see no reason of this allegation of our Sauiour but the merit of the workes there mentioned they shew themselues more then purre-blinde And though they seeke for helpe both from Grammar and also from Logicke yet neither of them nor any of their riotous rhetoricke will relieue them in the pride of their opinion The causall coniunction in Grammar doth indeed serue to shew the reason of a former sentence but it doth not necessarily shew a reason from the cause of a thing but as often from the effect and from other kinde of arguments likewise as from the cause And Logicke also teacheth that there be diuers kindes of causes principall and lesse principall c. And of the principall and chiefe causes euery one hath a sufficient power granted of God ordinarily to produce the proper effect Yet that there should be a meritorious cause it cannot in the naturall proprietie of speech which it vseth allow of it And least of all can it allow that the lesse principall cause should in any reason beare the name of merit c such as are the workes of the most righteous in comparison of their eternall saluation though we ascribe the most we may vnto them Hetherto of the words of our Sauiour in such sense as they may be accounted a reason and that in diuers respects without any the least aduancing of the merit of mans workes THe same words of our Sauiour may likewise be esteemed as a law or rule whereby he will frame or order his iudgement Question How may this be Answer It may euidently appeare from hence that our Sauiour will order his iudgement according to his law and Gospel Explicatiō proofe It is true that you say For the faithfull shall be acquited by the Gospel wherevnto the law giueth witnesse as we reade Rom. 3.20 21 22. by the works of the law shall no flesh be iustified in his sight that is in the sight of God for by the law commeth the knowledge of sinne But now is the righteousnesse of God made manifest without the law hauing witnesse of the law and of the Prophets To wit the righteousnesse of God by the faith of Iesus Christ vnto all and vpon all that beleeue And the wicked shall be condemned by the law which the Gospel establisheth as Rom. 2.5 6 c to the 18. verse And chap. 3.31 Reade also Matth. 5.17 18 19.20 And Iohn 3.18 19 20 21. And chap. 12.47 48. And Heb. 4.12 13. This is plaine in our text both on the behalfe of the godly to their saluation and also to the condemnation of the wicked For to the one as we haue alreadie seene hee giueth the praise of well doing in obedience to the law of God which requireth mercie aboue sacrifice And the Gospel as we know pronounceth the mercifull blessed and promiseth as was alledged before that they shall finde mercie But contrariwise as wee shall haue further occasion to consider in the other part of the sentence or iudgement of our Sauiour hee sheweth that the vnmercifulnesse of the wicked which both the lawe and the Gospel do condemne is a great part of the cause of their condemnation For as we reade in the new Testament beside the curse which the law of God a wardeth there shall be iudgement mercilesse to them that shew no mercy Iam. chap. 2.13 Thus much concerning the words of our Sauiour containing the reason or rule of the first part of his iudgement as was said It followeth now in the third place that we come to those words of our Sauiour wherein he cleareth a doubt or scruple which might arise from the same words of the reason in that he saith not to the godly The poore haue beene hungrie and yee fed them thirstie and yee haue giuen them drinke c. but thus I was hungrie and yee fed mee c. For how might this seeme to be so insomuch as our
do persecute the true faithfull Christians or at the least do neglect them being persecuted Let vs therfore be carefull to shew our selues while wee are at libertie members of the true church of God in pitying and relieuing those that be in want and in trouble according to this excellent doctrine of our Sauiour and as we are admonished Heb. 13.2.3 Let brotherlie loue continue Be not forgetfull to lodge strangers c. Remember them that are in bondes as if yee were bound with them and them that are in affliction as if ye were also afflicted in the bodie Yea let vs be prepared to suffer ourselues if so God shall shew it to be his good will by callng of vs forth therevnto But in no wise let vs be like them that giue themselues to pleasure without all fellow-feeling of the afflictions of Ioseph according to that reproofe of the Prophet Amos chapt 6. verses But yet one thing more Insomuch as our Sauiour in all his speech of mercie may seeme to make no mention of any to whom that mercie which he will rewarde is shewed but of such as are Christians euen such as hee calleth his brethren Question Doe wee not stand bound to relieue any other but such or if wee doe is there no promise of reward belonging therevnto Answer The Apostle Saint Paul who both spake and wrote by the spirit of our Sauiour Christ saith plainely that it is our dutie to doe good vnto all but speciallie to them of the houshold of faith as we read Gai chap 6. the 10. verse Explicatiō It is true All are to be succoured yea euen our enemies according to euery mans abilitie and as iust cause is offered with such caution alwaies as it must be to winne them to the Lord and so as the faithfull in like necessitie alreadie gained and wonne must haue as it were the double portion But to speake fullie of the right manner of exercising the fruits of mercie and beneficence it would require a larger treatise A Treatise of christian Beneficence then now were meete to be stood vpon I will referre you therefore to that treatise which is alreadie written of this argument and published to be read of you at your best leisure Onely this let vs brieflie put our selues in minde of that for want of due discretion in the exercise of these duties the mercies of manie are of no reckoning before the Lord. As for example when of blinde deuotion or ignorance anie are beneficiall to Papistes and other heretickes or of a fond pitie to vagrant and vagabondly persons as though such were cōmended to our care by our Sauiour And so they are indeed but to such a care as wherin it is of late yeeres well prouided for them that they should becaused to leaue their wandering life and to liue so as they may in a better course and order be prouided for In which course God of his infinite mercy grant that they may be duely looked vnto And as touching the present instruction of our Sauiour wee may be sure that they are no such disordered persons whose reliefe from dore to dore he will so highly commend and reward at the last day Wherefore that we deceiue not our selues in mistaking the workes of mercie which our Sauiour according to this his holy doctrine will then reward these things hereafter following are very requisite First that they themselues who doe shew mercie be true beleeuers and not loose and carnall professors of the Gospell For the workes of mercie either of heathen men or of hypocriticall Christians come not into this high reckoning before God Secondly that they haue special regard of the faithfull in the exercise of their mercie and that of loue which they beare not so much to them as to our Sauiour himselfe who professeth himselfe to be an hungred when they are hungrie c. Thirdly that they be not wearie of well doing for one or a few good works as our Sauiour giueth to vnderstand by his multiplying of many works together Neither that we stay in the duties expressed neglecting the rest but that we ioyne all other of like kinde with these Such as are instruction to the ignorant counsell to the vnstable consolation to the feeble minded remitting of debts to those that haue not to pay lending to preserue those from debt the danger therof who are readie to fall into it preseruation out of any other danger as of imprisonment if we may by any lawful means deliuer any that they fal not vniustly into it finally praier that alone if we cānot be otherwise helpfull Fourthly that they be not onely beneficiall to the Christians of greater note and common estimation in the Church but also euen to the meanest and least among them for so saith our Sauiour expresly Fiftly that they put no confidence in their works how many or how great so euer they be in their owne priuitie or in the eye and iudgement of any other man And such a disposition doth our Sauiour seeme to respect when he describeth them saying When saw we thee an hungred and fed thee c. Sixtly that they doe not thinke that these workes of mercy doe priuiledge them that they should be negligent and carelesse in any other duty of true Christian loue and godlines For as we read Math. 5.19.20 Whosoeuer breaketh any of the least commandements of God he shall be called the least in the kingdome of God Finally that we doe no waies misconstrue this description of our Sauiours last iudgement we may not thinke that there shall be any long time graunted for men to plead for themselues after the manner vsed here belowe in earthly assises and iudgements For all thinges shall doubtlesse be both begun and also finished with singular celeritie and expedition insomuch as the seperation as we haue seene is so made before hand that the iudgement of one sort shal be the common iudgment of all of the same sort as wel touching the godly as the wicked Onely the order is described by our Sauiour touching certaine of the circumstances in such manner as may best serue for the instruction of those that belong vnto him how they are euen to the end of the world to prepare themselues that they may be saued at his appearing and how in substance and effect it shall be accomplished though otherwise for the manner of it it shall be so glorious and reuerend as now we cannot fully conceiue of it no more then we are able to looke vpon the Sunne in the strength of the brightnes thereof And thus farre be it spoken concerning the former part of the sentence of our Sauiour for the acquiting of the faithfull as well touching the sentence it selfe as the reason or lawe and rule and also concerning the clearing of that doubt which our Sauiour saw might arise from the same THe second part of the iudgement is yet behind Question Which is that Answer Then saith
gold had feet of yron and dirtie clay And would not the wicked I pray you take occasion from hence to speake euill of the name of God and of our Sauiour Christ specially if such as haue the places of eies or hands in this body shuld be blind or lame c. Verily that which the Apostle Paule noteth to be a deformitie in doctrine namely that any should lay hay or stubble vpon the precious foundation Christ Iesus 1. Cor 3 11 12. c. the like deformitie must it breed if any person should be laide vpon this spirituall foundation which is not a liuing stone I meane such a one as is not quickened to the care of a godly and holy life Neither could there be any peace to the conscience of any such profane person but he must needs be alwaies in feare of the iust indignation and displeasure of God This doubtles were now vnto vs whom God hath chosen to be the Temple of his Spirit no lesse sinne then it was vnto the Iewes to profane the materiall Temple of Ierusalem when they made it a denne of theeues a cageful of vncleane birds And therefore we might iustly looke for the like punishment of reiectiō casting off which fell vpon thē if we should be foūd in the like sin Let vs therfore according to the third dutie be so far from al vnseemely continuance in our profannes that we labour earnestly after all increase of true holines both in our selues and in others according to the exhortation of the holy Apostle 2. Cor 7 1. And Reuel 22 verse 11. Hee that is holy let him be holy still yea with increase of holines as the Angels meaning is But of this dutie of furthering holines belonging to euery Christian concerning his brother it shal further appear what belongeth vnto vs in the next Article concerning the Communion of Saints Touching our present Article the duties belonging to the comfort of Gods eternall election of his Church are yet behind Question Which are they Answer First and principally considering that the free grace of God cleane contrarie to the desert of our sinne is the onely cause and fountaine of our remssion iustification and saluation it is our bounden dutie to be most heartily thankefull to God in this respect aboue all other both for our selues and for all the rest of Gods elect and also to abandon all opinion of any worthines and merit of our own or of any other saue of our sauiour alone Secondly we considering that God hath chosen vs of free grace and iustly refused other to the declaration of his iustice in punishing their sinne this ought to cause vs in reioycing to feare and tremble before the Maiestie of God and to keepe our hearts farre from all proud and vaine boasting against others Thirdly insomuch as the election of God is a most deepe and hidden secrete in the counsell of God considered in it selfe it is our parts to be the more diligent in seeking to knowe it from the effects of Gods Spirit within vs and in the fruites of sanctification following vpon the same in the outward actions of our liues Finally the assurance of our election ought to worke contentment in our hearts against all wantes or afflictions whatsoeuer beside waiting with patience for our eternall happines and saluation Explicatiō proofe Touching that most bounden and earnest thankefulnes which we owe vnto God both for the free election of our selues and others to saluation the example of the elect Apostle Saint Paule may be an excellent instruction vnto vs what we and all other are to doe in this respect Ephes 1 verses 3 4 5 6. Blessed be God euen the Father of our Lord Iesus Christ c. who hath chosen vs in him before the foundation of the world c. And 1 Thes 3 8 9 We are aliue of yee standfast in the Lord. For what thankes can we recompence to God againe for you c. And 2. Ep 2 13. But we ought alwaies to giue thankes to God for you brethren beloued of the Lord because that God hath from the beginning chosen you to saluation through sanctification of the Spirit and the faith of truth And that this holy election of God is freely of grace the same Apostle teacheth plainly Rom 11.5.6 It is of grace saith he Whence he reasoneth thus And if it be of grace then it is no more of workes c. Secondly that we ought to walke in feare and reuerence considering the iust reprobation of others no worse by nature then we our selues are we are admonished in the 20. verse of the same chap. Be not high minded but feare And he rendereth a reason of the admonitiō in the verse following For saith the Apostle if God spared not the naturall branches that is the Iewes take heede lest hee also spare not thee And Philip. 2 12. Make an end of your saluation with feare and trembling he speaketh of a reuerend childlike feare of God For saith he further it is God which worketh in you both the will and the deed euen of his good pleasure Doe all things without murmuring reasonings c. As though he shuld say if ye turne aside from an humble course of life from a godly disposition of your hearts before God ye may iustly feare your own good estate with a troublesome and doubtfull feare c. Thirdly that we are to seeke for the assurance of our election from the workings of Gods holy Spirit in vs and from the fruits of a godly life Read 2 Pet. 1 5. c. 10 as was obserued alledged before in the Comforts Read also Eph. 1 4. God hath chosen vs in Christ before the foundation of the world that we should be holy without blame before him in loue And Col 3 12. Now therefore as the elect of God holy and beloued put on tender mercy kindnes humblenes of mind long suffering forbearing one another and forgiuing one another c. And now last of all that the assurance of our election to saluation should be a sufficient comfort against al discontentments or discomfort whatsoeuer waiting with patience for the fulfilling of the good pleasure of God in this behalfe The Apostle Paule is a notable example who suffered all things gladly for the elects sake that they might also obtaine the saluation which is in Christ Iesus with eternall glory 2 Tim 2 10. And therefore also ought we to suffer all things willingly in thankfulnes to God for the election it selfe The greatest afflictiōs of this life are but momentanie but the glory wherevnto they prepare and lead vs is most excellent and eternally weightie 2. Cor 4.17 Thus much concerning the duties which ought to attend vpon the comfort of this Article NOw therefore that we may conclude the whole doctrine of it Question What is the danger of not beleeuing that God hath a holy catholike Church and of not regarding to ioyne with it in
respects And the rather also because the couenant of this forgiuenes of sinnes is an euerlasting couenant Ier 32 40 41. Which he hath confirmed by oath and sealed with the blood of his Sonne the which is therefore called the blood of the euerlasting couenant Heb 9.22.26 ch 13 verse 20. Of the which blood it is further said in this respect that it speaketh better things then the blood of Abel which cried for vengeance against Caine ch 12.24 Gen 4 10. Thus we see touching the first part of the vse of this Article that the cōfort of it is exceeding great to all true beleeuers euen to so many as haue grace to lay hold of this great mercy of God to the assuring of themselues of the forgiuenes of their sinnes NOw let vs come to the second part of the vse of it which concerneth the obedience of faith Question Which therefore are the duties which the comfort of faith in the forgiuenes of sinnes challengeth at the hands of all those to whom they are forgiuen They are these which followe Answer First an humble acknowledgement of our selues to be grieuous sinners ioyned with godly sorrowe for them and earnest praier for the forgiuenes of them all Secondly most earnest and heartie thankefulnes to God for his so infinite and vnspeakable mercie as sheweth it selfe most clearly in the forgiuenes of our most hainous and infinite sinnes Thirdly exceeding loue toward the Lord God our heauenly Father according to the greatnes of his mercy by how many the more and the greater sinnes he doth forgiue vs. Fourthly a reuerend care not to offend him any more as heretofore we haue done yea rather a most earnest studie and desire to please him better in all things then yet we haue done Fiftly a ready and tender affection of mercifulnes to forgiue one another euen as God our heauenly Father in and for our Sauiours sake hath forgiuen vs. Finally earnest resistance of all feares and doubts touching Gods faithfulnes in forgiuing the sinnes of our selues or of any other that doe walke in these duties Explicatiō proofe Concerning the first branch of this answer to wit our acknowledging of our selues to be grieuous sinners that it ought to be so the truth of the assertion it self that we are so may be a sufficient warrant vnto vs. For the proofe of which assertiō that we are grieuous sinners read 1. Kings 8 46. Eccl 7.22 There is no man that sinneth not No not the regenerate as their own cōfessiōs plainly shew Paule Rom 7.14 c. Iames ch 3 2. Iohn 1. Ep ch Read also Psal 19.12 and 130.3 Prouerbs ch 20.9 And though there are degrees of sinners as well as of sins yet euery one for his own part ought to account himselfe among the chiefe as Paule did 1. Tim 1. Daniel ch 9. Yea and though it were so that a man did not know any thing of speciall offence by himselfe yet seeing our Sauiour who knoweth vs all better then wee doe our selues teacheth vs all to pray for forgiuenes it ought to be a sufficient proofe vnto vs that we are great sinners and that we doe stand in great need of forgiuenes Neither is it in vaine as was touched before that this Article of the forgiuenes of sins is lincked with that other of the cōmuniō of Saints insomuch as not onely in most holy things but also in our most holy assembling of our selues and accompanying together we doe many waies offend And that not at our owne Tables alone which made holy Iob to feare his children so much as hee did and to be so carefull as he was to sanctifie them by holy exercises of religion while they feasted one another lest they should forget themselues and speake any thing to the dishonour of the name of God cha 1 5 but also euen in the Lords house and at his most holy Table Which was the cause why God did appoint Aaron in the time of the lawe to sacrifice for the iniquitie euen of the holy offerings of the children of Israel Exod 28.38 and why wee are so earnestly admonished to examine our selues when wee come to the Table of the Lord c. Wherefore let vs alwaies and in all things well remember that we are sinners and that God could easily lay greater sinnes to our charge then we are ware of and accordingly let vs without all hypocrisie acknowledge in his sight that wee are more grieuous and miserable sinners then we are priuy vnto Let vs I say do it without hypocrisie for else we should euen herein make our selues more abominable sinners then in any thing beside Luke 16 15. Mat 23. Neither could the Article of forgiuenes of sinnes be any Article of faith at all vnto vs for our comfort vnlesse we doe acknowledge our selues to be sinners and vnlesse we see iust cause why wee should be sorie for them and pray earnestly alwaies for the forgiuenes of them according to the instruction of our Sauiour Mat 6 12. and according to the example and instruction of the Prophet Dauid Ps 32 5 6. and Ps 25 7. and Ps 51. But here an obiection may be made how it may stand with faith to pray still for foriguenes of sinnes seeing it is an Article of faith to beleeue that they are forgiuen at the least those sinnes which haue already beene committed and for the forgiuenes whereof faithfull praier hath beene already made Question What is to be said to this Answer First this Article of the forgiuenes of sinnes presupposeth true repentance to be in euery one that hath any true faith to beleeue that his sinnes are forgiuen Neither can it stand with any reason that faith should disanull or any way preiudice prayer which God hath appointed to be the onely subordinate messenger and Spokes-man as it were of faith for the intreatie of the forgiuenes of sinnes through the mediation of our Sauiour Christ Secondly no man doth so firmely beleeue the forgiuenes of former sinnes by former praiers but by the renewing of his praiers for the forgiuenes of the same he may bee better assured against all temptations of feares and doubtings that they are verily forgiuen vnto him Thirdly faith by exercising of it selfe in prayer to the further strengthening of it selfe touching the forgiuenes of old sins it doth therewithall make it selfe both more watchfull against new sinnes that they be not wilfully committed and also more comfortable in the assurance of the forgiuenes of those our sinnes of infirmitie and weakenes which we cease not to commit day after day Finally God doth at once and for euer after forgiue all the sinnes of true beleeuers but yet vpon this condition that they continue in prayer for the forgiuenes of them and for daily profiting in godly sorow and repentance for the same so long as they haue a day yea an houre to liue in this sinfull world Explication and proofe It is very true For these are
loue our Lord Iesus Christ Thus then Saint Iohn pronouncing all the faithfull blessed he hath shewed also wherein they are blessed yea so blessed that they doe know and be ioyously affected with the sweetnesse of the same their blessing The Comforts farre aboue al● earthly blessing which they euer tasted of before The solemne manner of the pronouncing of this blessing in that it was deliuered to Iohn from heauen testified by the Spirit and commanded to be written and kept in holy record to the end of the world all maketh this blessing so much the more comfortable to euery one to whom it belongeth that is to euery one that apprehendeth it by faith And that not onely because they know they shall rest from their labours but also for that they shall be therewithall set out of the dangers of all their aduersaries both Satan and his instruments for euer Yea for that they shall inioy there farre more excellent comforts then they shall leaue behinde them here on earth whether wife childe deare friend house and land or any thing else For all these are small in comparison of the presence of our Sauiour Christ and of the most blessed fellowshippe of the Saints in heauen with freedome from all motions of sinne and with sweete liberty to reioyce and praise the Lord continually And so our Sauiour comforteth his Disciples Matth. 19.29 where hee sheweth that euerlasting life weigheth downe all These considerations doe make death also which is in it selfe very greeuous and horrible to be rather welcome then otherwise when once the time appointed is come and that the heart is duly prepared according to that of the Apostle Paul in the 1. chapter to the Philippians verses 21 22 23. For saith he Christ is to me both in life and in death aduantage c. I desire to be loosed a●d to be with Christ which is best of all And chap. 2. verses 17 18. Though I be offered vp vpon the sacrifice and seruice of your faith I am glad and reioyce with ye all For the same cause also be ye glad and reioyce with me Hence it is that faithfull Christians haue sought out many pleasant similitudes to abate the feare of death yea to helpe to raise vp the heart in a holy triumph against it in that they compare it to a serpent that hath lost both poison and sting or to a serpent that is painted and hanged vp for a signe at the gate of some goodly Inne or to the landing at a hauen after that a man hath for a long time beene dangerously tossed vpon the troublesome sea or to the new casting of a precious vessell to make it more beautifull and glorious then before c. As they haue beene heretofore more fully alledged in the Comforts of faith touching the Fatherly Prouidence of God 1. Booke pages 247 248. And verily the cause why wee haue oftentimes the lesse comfort and holy confidence against death is for that wee haue not so earnestly instructed our soules in the perswasion of this blessed immortality immediately after this life is ended but doe suspend our comfort and put it too farre off when wee will apprehend no comfort till our thoughts come at the resurrection of our bodies I feare mee the Psychopannychie or soule-sleeping after the naturall death deceiueth many that be not professed Anabaptists because they are not in their life time waking enough to meditate of this most sweete and comfortable doctrine of the blessed immortality of the soule immediately after the bodily death But the knowledge of this saith Master Caluin is the cause of that calme and quiet trust which wee repose in God Haec cognitio nostrae tranquillitatis fiduciae causa est And would to God that we could better consider of it For assuredly it is a most inestimable benefit that God hath made our soules such a part of his creation as no earthly wight or cruell Tyrant no nor any power of Hell can destroy it so that it neede be afraide of nothing saue onely to sinne and so to offend the Maiestie of God who made it And yet behold for our comfort in that respect also how inestimable Gods mercie is in that he hath prepared for our soules a most soueraigne remedie in that so soone as they shal truly repent that they haue sinned the blood of our Sauiour Christ is a most blessed counter-poison against all the contagion and perill of it Hitherto therefore of the vse of this Article for Comforts The Duties THe vse for Duties is next Qu. What ought they to be in regard of the comfort of this so great and inestimable a benefit An. As the benefit is greater then we can esteeme and value so the duties which belong vnto it are in due proportion greater then we can performe Expli It is true that you say We cannot performe any duty or duties answerable to the greatnesse and worthinesse of the benefit Neuerthelesse this must not make vs the more negligent or slacke but we ought rather hereby to prouoke and stirre vp our selues to be more earnest in the performance of the best duties of thankfulnesse to God that we may Question Goe on therefore Which are the duties which we ought to performe with the best indeuour that we can Answer It is our bounden dutie so long as we liue here to indeuour to the vttermost of our power to serue and glorifie God with all the powers of our soules both with our vnderstanding and iudgement and also with our will and affection with all whatsoeuer is within vs which we haue receiued of God It is our dutie likewise to the same end to be alwaies instant with God by prayer that it may please him aboue all things to sanctifie vs in our soules and spirits vnto him We our selues also ought to be very carefull to keepe our soules pure and chaste vnto God lest at any time they should fall away or decline from him Moreouer we are from the assurance of the blessed immortality of our soules to incourage our selues against all the malice and violence of our aduersaries not onely of flesh and blood but also of such as are spirituall Finally we are in all our dangers and at the point of death with good comfort to commend our soules and spirits into the hands of our most gracious and mercifull God Explication proofe These duties doe indeede belong to the Comfort of this Article whereof let vs see some proofe to the stirring vp of our selues to make more conscience in the performance of them And first touching the first branch of the answer Insomuch as it cannot be denied but we stand bound with all holy care to glorifie God with our bodies and with all the members thereof as wee shall haue iust occasion to obserue more purposedly hereafter we must needes acknowledge that much rather ought we to doe it with our soules because from thence flow forth all the actions
of their soules and therefore as they liue immortality in their soules which are one part of his creation so shall they also in their bodies But of this more in the promise This second reason thus concluded from an absurditie which must needes followe vpon the deniall of the resurrection of the body insomuch as the bodies of the faithfull are oftentimes most cruelly persecuted here in this world where they are as strangers while the wicked are at ease and prosper growing as it were in their naturall soile the Apostle also hauing before noted many other absurdities which might iustly make all the aduersaries of this Artiticle ashamed of their part now henceforth hee doth as it followeth in the text call the aduersaries thereof backe againe to the ground of the truth called by them into question And he affirmeth against them that there is most certainely a resurrection of the body to come for the benefite of the faithfull insomuch as our Sauiour is out of all doubt bodily risen againe The which ground of the question hauing beene before so proued by him he doth furthermore illustrate the same by two notable similitudes or comparisons The former whereof is set downe in the 20. verse Question Which are the wordes of the text Answer 20. They are these But now saith the Apostle is Christ risen from the dead and was made the first fruites of them that slept Explicatiō This first similitude or comparison is taken from a certaine ordinance of God prescribed as we know in his holy law to illustrate cleare the matter in question after this manner For like as when according to the appointment of God the first fruites of the yearely renewing of the fruites of the earth were duly offered as an homage or rather as a religious profession of spirituall allegiance and subiection due vnto him then all the whole crop of their corne or increase of their vineyeards or of the flockes of their sheepe c. were sanctified to the free vse and benefite of the people of God so also yea much rather insomuch as God hath ordained that the whole Church should enioy the benefite of bodily resurrection by the resurrection of our Sauiour it cannot be as the Apostle giueth to vnderstand but seeing our Sauiour who is as the first fruits or a sacred pawne and pledge of the resurrection is risen againe the faithfull also shall doe so when the time therevnto appointed of God is come This therefore is the former of the two similitudes Question Now which is the second Answer It followeth in the 21. and 22. verses in these words 21. For since by man came death by man came also the resurrection of the dead 22. For as in Adam all dye euen so in Christ shall all be made aliue Explication The holy Apostle hauing as wee saide laied a sure foundation before obserueth now a good proportion in this his second comparison For the resurrection of our Sauiour through his righteousnes and obedience and therewithall by reason of his satisfaction for our sinnes must needes be of as great vertue and grace if not of greater to giue life and resurrection to the bodies of his Saints after death then Adams sinne was to bring death vpon the bodies of all mankinde According to that which this same our Apostle writeth Rom 5 verse 17. For as he saith there if by the offence of one death reigned through one much more shall they which receiued the aboundance of grace of the gift of righteousnes reigne in life through one that is Iesus Christ And againe verse 21. That as sinne had reigned vnto death so might grace also reigne by righteousnes vnto eternall life through Iesus Christ our Lord. In the which wordes though the direct purpose of the Apostle be to proue and illustrate the doctrine of our iustification by our Sauiour Christ yet the force of his reasons and of that comparison which he maketh doe extend themselues as farre as doth the present question which wee haue in hand insomuch as the resurrection of our bodies is a fruit of that iustification which our Sauiour hath procured vnto vs and to all that doe truly beleeue in him Yet let vs marke that were as in our text the Apostle saith generally that as in Adam all dye euen so in Christ all shal be made aliue we must restraine his words answerable to the limits of the question in hand that is to the resurrection of the bodies of the faithfull For notwithstanding the bodies of the wicked shall rise againe also yet because that shal not be so properly an effect of the resurrection of our Sauiour as of the iustice of God to take vengeance of their sinne in their bodies as well as in their soules therefore we are to disburthen this question of that consideration at this time Now therefore that we may proceed Whereas it might be obiected and demanded why then doe we not see the bodies of the faithfull to rise againe as the bodie of our Sauiour is risen The holy Apostle doth prudently preuent that obiection as we may perceiue by his words immediately following to wit in the 23. verse Question Which are those wordes of his Answer 23. They followe thus But euery man in his own order the first fruites is Christ afterward they that are of Christ at his comming Explication and proofe That is to say Howsoeuer the faithfull doe not rise againe the third day after that they dye as our Sauiour did no nor the third yeare no nor many hundreths of yeares after as we haue had experience by the space almost of sixteene hundreds of yeares alreadie since the resurrection of our Sauiour yet the bodies of euery one of them shall certainly be raised vp at the time appointed and determined of God to that ende Which time all the faithfull are with patience to waite for Yea euen with this minde that it may aboundantly suffice vs all that we haue the promise of God for our assured resurrection at the last day And this patient waiting for it by faith is necessarily to be obserued of vs lest after the manner of proude and presumptuous heretickes we goe about ambitiously to preuent the Lord to our vtter destruction For verily the want hereof is no small cause that many will needs haue their heauen here and that therefore they willingly imagine that the resurrectiō is past alreadie c. And so both destroy their owne faith and the faith of so many as will be led by them as we shall haue further occasion to consider hereafter Hitherto of the two former reasons of the holy Apostle for proofe of the first question with the illustrations and comparisons belonging vnto them The third reason nowe followeth And that by occasion of the mention of the time when the resurrection of the bodies of the faithfull shall bee to wit at the comming of our Sauiour at the ende of the world as it followeth
rather shall the bodies of men as we reade verse 23. of the chapter And likewiise 1. Cor. 16.20 they are bought with a price Doubtlesse insomuch as the bodies of the faithful beare the violence of all cruell persecutions for the Lords cause he will not suffer thē to want their reward In this respect the sacrament of Baptisme is the more comfortable as we haue seene in the fourth reason of the Apostle The like may be said of the Lords Supper whereof the body is partaker For seeing the tree of life should haue beene a sufficient means or assurance of euerlasting life to Adam both in soule and body if he had abode faithfull to God much more will our Sauiour sacramentally represented yea wholly giuen vnto vs in this Sacrament be the author and meanes of eternall life vnto vs. Thus comfortable is the assured hope of the resurrection of the body to all those that apprehend it by a true and liuely faith so that not in vaine may they comfort themselues and one of them comfort another in this respect as Paul exhorteth and incourageth the beleeuing Thessalonians 1. Epist 4 18. Wherfore much more shall the comfort of the fruition it selfe be when once we shall be made partakers of it BVt till that time come it is necessary that we do not onely diligently learne to know but also carefully indeuour to practise those duties which this comfortable hope iustly challengeth at our hands and which are as it were the way to the obtaining of it at the last Question Which may these duties be Answer They are set forth vnto vs by the Apostle Paul in the former alledged 15. chapter of his first Epistle to the Corinthians as it followeth verses 57. and 58. which are the last verses of the chapter Question Let vs heare the Apostles words What doth he write in these verses Answer 57 Thanks be vnto God saith he who hath giuen vs victorie through our Lord Iesus Christ 58 Therefore my beloued brethren be ye stedfast vnmoueable aboundant alwaies in the worke of the Lord for as much as ye know that your labour is not in vaine in the Lord. Explicatiō These words of the Apostle doe notably set forth vnto vs the duties belonging to the comfort of the resurrection partly by his owne practise and partly by his exhortation made to the Corinthians The Apostles practise commendeth vnto vs most hearty thankfulnesse to God as one particular dutie most boundenly belonging to him through the Lord Iesus Christ in this respect And that not without very iust cause seeing it is a very great and gratious benefit The which duty of thankfulnes would to God we had grace to remember to performe euery day that we rise out of our beds more heartily then hitherto we haue done For our bed may not ●naptly represent vnto vs our graues and our sleepe in our beds that sleepe of death which our bodies must haue in the graue And likewise euery mornings vprising from the sleepe of the night may not vnfitly put vs in mind of our resurrectiō which shal be at the last day and therewithall of this dutie of thankfulnesse which wee speake of for that comfortable assurance which he hath giuen vs concerning the same The exhortation of the Apostle moueth the Corinthians and likewise all other Christians more generally first to constancie in the assured beliefe of this Article of the Gospel as well as of all the rest against the false doctrine of all deceiuers in which respect he saith Therefore my beloued brethren be ye stedfast and vnmoueable And secondly it prouoketh to diligence in all good duties of obedience to God to the vttermost of our power both with soule and also with body all the daies of our liues according to the same assurance of immortality not only to the soul presently after the death of the body as we haue seen before but also to the body from the time of the resurrection of the same So that by this time we may see how truly it was said in our entrance to treat of this Article that this one fifteenth chapter of the Apostle Saint Paul containeth not onely the ground and warrant of it but also there withall the true Meaning of it and the Promise and the Duties belonging vnto it yea and the Danger also of not beleeuing it as we shal haue occasion to consider in the cōclusion of our inquirie concerning this Article But before we come to that it may be profitable for vs first to see how the duties aboue mentioned are called for as fruits belonging to the comfort of the resurrection which we speake of and secondly what other duties do belong to the same Question In the first place therefore What other Scripture haue you for the dutie of thankfulnesse Answer In the 2. Epistle to the Corinthians chap. 4. verses 13 14 15. thus we reade 13 Because we haue the same spirit of faith according as it is written I beleeued and therefore haue I spoken we also saith the Apostle doe beleeue and therefore we speake 14 Knowing that he which hath raised vp the Lord Iesus shall raise vs vp also by Iesus and shall set vs with you 15 For all things are for your sakes that most plenteous grace by the thanksgiuing of many may redound to the praise of God Explicatiō Here no doubt the resurrection of our bodies apprehended by faith is made one speciall cause of this thanksgiuing whereof the Apostle speaketh as depending vpon the resurrection of our Lord Iesus Christ Shew now likewise some other testimonies of holy Scripture for constancie in the faith and for the care of all good duty as a fruit of the comfort of the same faith touching the said resurrection Question What other testimonies can you alledge Answer It followeth in the 16. verse of the 4 chapter of the 2. Epistle to the Corinthians before alledged thus 16 Therefore saith the Apostle we faint not but though our outward man perish yet the inward man is renewed daily Explication and proofe To this purpose also well may that serue Acts 24.15 16. Where the same our Apostle professeth in an excellent profession of his faith that he had hope towards God that the resurrection of the dead which the Iewes themselues also did generally looke for shall be both of iust and vniust And herein saith he further I endeuour my selfe to haue alwaies a cleare conscience toward God and toward men Reade also Philip. chapter 3. verses 7 8 c. The things saith the same Apostle againe which were aduantage vnto me the same I accounted losse for Christs sake c. And verse 11. If by any meanes I might attaine vnto the resurrection of the dead Not that the Apostle doubted of his attaining vnto it but hee speaketh so to note the excellencie of that which hee laboured after as being worthie all labour that may be imployed about it as it is further euident verses 12.13
Answere as all scrupulous and seruile feare of heathenish and fatal Destinie Secondlie it is likewise our bounden dutie to abandon all inordinate or distrusting and distracting cares and desires with all wicked and vniust practises concerning earthly things Yea it is our dutie from faith in the Fatherlie prouidence of God to moderate all lawfull and honest studies or labours about them and that wee doe enterprise nothing in confidence of our owne wit or strength but onely by the leaue or permission and as wee may well saye vnder the correction of the Diuine prouidence of the Lorde our God Thirdlie as was said before concerning the workes of Gods creation so must wee likewise say and acknowledge concerning all the workes of his continuall Prouidence that it is our bounden dutie to thinke and speake alwaies most reuerendlie of them and for the defence and iustifying of them against all who-soeuer shall presume to depraue the least yea if wee may so speake those that doe seeme the vilest and basest of them Fourthlie from all former experience of the fatherlie prouidence of our God watching ouer vs for our benefit it is our dutie to incourage our selues to waite comfortablie vpon him for all time to come without all seruile feare of our enemies or distrust in his most gratious and Fatherlie good will In prosperitie it is our dutie to be soberlie minded and to prepare for aduersitie that is in health howe to beare sicknes in wealth howe to indure pouertie in honour how to suffer reproche and finallie in all our life howe to die and to be willing to lye downe in the dust a lesson very harde to be learned that wee may at the last enioye a more sure foundation and building from the Lord. And moreouer when aduersitie commeth wee knowing well that it is from the most wise and gratious good hand of our heauenlie Father it is our dutie as obedient children patientlie and meekely to submit our selues vnto it as to his Fatherly correction and triall labouring to make all good vses thereof to our bettering Likewise wee beleeuing all aduersitie to proceede of the fatherly and prouident hand of God it is our dutie chearefullie and comfortablie to hope and expect a good and blessed issue Furthermore also from all former succoures and deliuerances the which it pleaseth God from day to day to renewe vnto vs it is our partes to grow and increase in loue to God and therby to hearten our selues to indure greater affliction if God will so haue it for the time to come Finallie it is our dutie both in prosperitie and also in aduersitie in life and euen in death it selfe and for all the iudgements of God against the wicked to be thankeful to his diuine Maiestie in so much as by all meanes hee doth most wiselie fit and prepare vs yea guide and bring vs home to his heauenlie Kingdome and glorie Explicatiō proofe These in deed are all of them most bounden duties belonging to the comfort of our faith in the most gratious and Fatherlie prouidence of God And more also in the particulars aboue that could here for this time be conueniently expressed as was said before For manifolde and great comfortes doe iustlie call for manie and great duties at our handes But for the ground oF those that haue ben mentioned let vs first of all consider that euen among the wiser sorte of the heathen the prouidence of God hath bene alwaies after a sort acknowledged yea so farre forth that some of them haue called God by the name of Pronoia euen prouidence or fore-sight it selfe Wherevpon also a learned writer obserueth verie well that they easilie saw that it should be as vnreasonable a thing to acknowledge a God yet to denie his prouidence as it should be to ascribe an eye vnto him without sight a hande without power and a minde without vnderstanding c. Though herewithall it must be considered that the wisest of the heathen not in lightened from the holie word of God did neuer knowe rightlie this Fatherlie Prouidence of God wherof we speake Neuertheles thus farre the wiser sort of them sawe that the prouidence of God wadeth most skilfullie betweene blinde Fortune and that which is called the Fatall or Stoïcal destinie Yea and euen touching that which is called Fortune or chance here among men on earth as beeing altogether vncertaine and accidentall to them yet vulgarlie they placed it as a Goddesse in heauen as though they should acknowledge that with God all things yea these that come by the greatest happe-hazard as men deeme are certainly knowne and foreseene according to that saying of the Poet Nullum Numen abest si sit prudentia sed te Nos facimus Fortuna Deam coeloque locamus That is No power Diuine doth want on earth if wisely men would deeme T' is wee like fooles who Fortune place Farre off Shee-god in heauen Or thus Ther wants no God at all wher wisedome doth aduise Wee fooles doe Fortune Deïfie and place aboue the Skies Much rather then ought all the children of God who are taught and instructed from the holie worde of God to banishe both from their mouthes and also from their hearts all false ascription or imputation of any thing to Fortune or lucke c. And likewise it is our dutie to put away all blasphemous and desperate thoughts and speaches such as are found in the mouthes of those that neither shame nor feare rudely and barbarously to say If I be ordained to this or that destinie I cannot possiblie auoide it I must of necessitie be hanged or drowned I thinke I was borne vnder an ill Planet c. These and all such like speaches and thoughts are most carefullie to be auoided yea to be vtterlie abhorred and reiected of all the children of God For most certaine it is that God hath not by his most holie Prouidence excluded that gratious priuiledge which hee hath granted to faithfull Praier Neither is it his holie will and pleasure to frustrate that godlie circumspection and wise fore-sight which it pleaseth him from time to time to giue vnto his seruants for the preuenting and auoiding of imminent dangers yea euen for the auoiding of sinne it selfe the verie cause of all euill and danger whatsoeuer Much lesse hath hee tyed and snared the most free libertie of his owne Diuine counsell to anie necessarie or fatall connexion and knitting together of naturall causes and their effects as it is manifest in that hee hath oftentimes wrought against the vsuall and ordinarie course of naturall things for the benefite of his people As in the leading of his people out of Egipt toward the land of Canaan through the red Sea on drie land when ther was no naturall cause sufficient for the diuiding of the waters And by his feeding of them in the barren wildernes with Manna from heauen by the space of fortie yeares together c. And as touching the spirituall work of our
redemption and saluation by our Lord Iesus Christ it is altogether aboue nature So that the Lorde may worthilie say by his holie Propet Isaiah ch 55.8 against all such Iudges of euil thoughts that is such euill thinking Iudges as the Apostle Iames termeth them My thoughts are not your thoughts nor your wayes my wayes For as the heauens are higher then the earth so are my wayes higher then your wayes and my thoughtes then your thoughtes c. And furthermore it is not in any wise to be doubted but that insomuch as God vouch-safeth by his holie worde and Spirit to teach and warne to command exhort to promise and incourage his children to walk in his blessed waies to the end they may not onely escape euerlasting death but also be partakers of his blessings to their endles life it is not to be doubted I say but that he will giue them the fruit benefit of euerie part of his holie ordinance according to those good endes whervnto he hath appointed the same Finallie it is euen as certainlie true concerning the reprobates that they doe not goe on in their sinnes and so fall into the curse and condemnation by anie compulsion or temptation and prouocation from God but of their own voluntarie disposition contrarie to the expresse will and commandementes of the Lord. And in this respect it is that the Lord with whom ther is in truth no repentance or change such as is in vs doth yet ascribe repentance and changing of minde to himselfe vpon the obstinacie of the wicked according to that Gen 6. ver 6. It repenteth mee that I made man And again Ier 8.18 If the nation against whom I haue pronounced a plague doe turne from their wickednesse I will repent of the plague c. An example wherof we haue in the Prophesie of Ionah ch 3. vers 10. The first dutie therfore of faith in the Fatherlie prouidence of God is this that we trusting in his mercie goodnes do renounce all blind fortune all fatall necessitie of Stoical destinie acccording to the first branch of the answer Touching the second branche to wit that it is our dutie to abandon all inordinate distrusting or distracting cares about earthly things read a pla●●e proofe hereof Matth ch 6.25 c and verses 32.33.34 Be ye not carefull saith our Sauiour Christ for your life what ye shall eate c. For your heauenly Father knoweth that ye haue need of all these things But seeke ye first the kingdome of God and his righteousnes and all these things shal be cast vnto you For in so much as els-where he assureth vs that it is the Fathers pleasure is to giue vs a kingdome yea such a kingdome as is onelie worthy to be in request Luke 12.32 howe can we thinke that he will faile any of his children touching the necessaries of this life so farre forth as may be good for them Touching the moderat on of our lawfull studies and labours we haue a flat command●ment Pro 23.4.5 Trauell not too much to be rich but cease from thy wisedome Wilt thou let thine eyes flie vpon that which will shortlie flie away c And that it is our dutie to submit all our enterprises to the holie prouidence will of God Read Exod 18.23 If thou doest this thing saith Iethro God command the c. And 2. Sam 12. Be strong saith Ioab and let vs be valiant for our people for the cities of our God and let the Lord do that which is good in his eyes And 1. Chro 13. ● If it seeme good to you saith king Dauid and that it proceedeth of the Lord your God wee will send c. And Heb 6.3 And this will we do if God permit And 1. Pet 3 1● It is better if the will of God be so that we suffer for well doing then for euill doing And Iames 4.13 c the holy Apostle doth earnestly reproue the contrarie presumption Goe to now saith S. Iames ●e that say to day or to morrowe we will goe into such a citie and continue there a yeare buy and sell and get gaine And yet ye cannot tell what shal be to morrow For what is your life It is euen a vapour which appeareth for a little time and afterwards vanisheth away for that ye ” Note Wee ought to speake it often for the open profession of our faith be●o●e ●en but to thi●ke it alwaies for the truth of our faith in the fight of G d. Note also ought to say If the Lord will and if we liue we will do this or that But now yee reioice in your boastings all such reioicing is euil Therefore to him that knoweth how to doe well and d●th it not to him it is sinne To this purpose also serueth well the holie Prou chapt 15.3 The eyes of the Lord in euery place beholde the euill and the good Read also Psalm 139. God seeth in the night as-well as in the day hee giueth sleepe and be holdeth our eyes waking c. Read also Ester chap 6.11 c. Thirdlie that it is our dutie as a fruite of the comforte of faith in the Fatherlie prouidence of God ” T●●th● end it is o●r dutie to haue the w●rks of Gods prouidence gouernment in a holy admiration vpon a d ligent view and reuerend considerat on of them Read Iob 36 22.23 c and in the chapters o● lowing Read also Psal 8. Psal ●6 8 c. and 66.5 to thinke and speake most reuerently of the same and of all the workes therof it is euident euen of it selfe vnlesse wee should willinglie take his name in vaine For it is certaine that as God by his worde of Creation created all so doth hee continuallie by his worde of Prouidence and gouernment wherof we read Psal 147.15 16 17 18. hee doth I say by this word and wisedome of his rule gouerne dispose of all things in the world frō the greatest most honorable to the least basest from the best most vertuous to the worst most wicked thing that is done vnder heauen Yet so as we must take heede that we impute not the least error or euill or the least defect of goodnes that may be to him Farre be this from vs. Read Iames. 1. verse 1● It is one thing to be author or cause of an euill and farre another thing to be the orderer and disposer of the euill to a good and holie ende contrarie to the intent and minde of the euill worker It must be confessed indeed that God himselfe doth sometime take vpon himselfe the doing of that which is of the owne nature sinfull as the hardening of the heart of Pharaoh against the Lord and the abusing of the concubines of Dauid c. But before we can say so without blasphemie against God wee must see or rather by faith aboue our reache acknowledge first that it is iust and holie
beare witnesse to the truth And the Apostle Paul 2. Tim. chap. 1. verse 10. Our holy calling to saluation The Duties is made manifest by the appearing of our Sauiour Iesus Christ who hath abolished death and brought life and immortality to light through the Gospel And here note also that it is no small comfort to vs the Gentiles that as it is euident in the Genealogie of our Sauiour hee descended on the mothers side from some of the Gentiles as from Rahab and Ruth and not altogether from the Iewes Neither is it to be neglected that our Sauiour did not onely descend of the godly but also of some wicked progenitours that it might the more clearely appeare that no sinne of ours could either staine him or hinder the sanctification either of Iew or Gentile beleeuing in him Touching the third branch of the answer adde vnto that parcell of the speech of the holy Angells alledged before In earth peace the saying of the Apostle Paul Rom. 8.17 If we be children we are also heires of God and heires annexed with Christ c. To conclude in all these respects worthily doth the same Apostle determine it to be a most great and gratious mystery of godlines that God is manifested in the flesh and thereby hath declared the light of his countenance most clearely toward his people It is a ioyous and comfortable thing as we know for any people to see the face of their earthly Prince to looke chearefully vpon them But all the comfort arising from the chearefull face of earthly Princes is a small comfort in comparison of that which the christian heart may take from the light of Gods countenance shining vpon vs in the most sweete and amiable face of our Sauiour Christ in whom he hath adopted vs to be children to himselfe and heires with our Sauiour as was said euen now Wee may likewise conclude this point from the practise of the Prophet Isaiah who chap. 7 14. and chap. 9.6 7. and chap. 11.1 repeateth this as a speciall comfort to the Church of God against all discouragements that may befall it Behold saith he a Virgin shall conceiue and beare a Sonne c. And againe For vnto vs a childe is borne c. And yet againe But there shall come a rod forth of the stocke of Ishai c. These comforts haue indeede a further respect or rather prospect as we may say to our Sauiour Christ not onely borne but also dead buried and risen againe c. Neuertheles we cannot but deriue them from his birth seeing they haue as it were their birth together with him ANd thus frō the Comforts let vs come to the Duties of faith which ought to grow from the seedes of the same sowen in our hearts by the preaching of the Gospell Question Which may or rather which ought these duties to be Answere They may be considered of vs as I haue beene taught either more generally Or else somewhat more particularly Be it so How therfore in the first place may they be more generally cōsiderd First we may yea we ought to learne from the example of the Virgin Mary to keepe in faithfull memorie and diligently to ponder and weigh in our hearts the natiuitie it selfe with all those things that are spoken and done for the manifestation confirmation and i●lustration of the same Secondly according to the nature of the mystery of the birth and Person of him that is borne and according to the blessed ends of his comming into the world which are altogether most holy spirituall graue and reuerend such also must be the nature and quality of all our ioy and reioycing concerning the same that is to say nothing carnall wanton or licentious but altogether spirituall holy sober and heauenly And answerable to this kind and nature of our ioy must be all the fruits and effects of the same continually Explicatiō and proofe It is very reasonable and meet indeed that they should be so And out of all doubt vpon the due meditation and weighing of the birth together with the most worthy things belonging therevnto very excellent and holy effects will follow through the blessing of God euen according to the working of his holy Spirit in the hearts of those whom he hath made and propounded to be patterns and examples vnto vs herein both Angells from heauen and also men and women on earth such as we haue heard of before It is our bounden duty therefore euen to the same ends so to meditate as we must neuer cease pondering weighing of this part of the mysterie of faith vntil we haue preuailed with our harts to draw thē to reuerēce admire at the most high holy wisedom mercy goodnes of the lord our God herein And in this respect as was said in the first part of the answer the example of the Virgin Marie is notable as well for meditation as for the holy heauenly fruits therof Luk 2.19 Mary kept al those sayings pondered thē in her heart c. But as touching the popish that is to say the superstitious manner or the profane and carnall manner which alwaies accompanieth superstition in the remembrance solemnization of the natiuitie of our Sauiour by keeping of a good Chrismas vnto him in inordinate and gluttonous belly cheare with greater dispensation and licence to all kinde or reuell and disorder then at any other time of the yeare in dicing and carding in masking and mumming in setting vp Lords of mis-rule as they are rightly tearmed it will vpon due examinatiō be found to be a most absurd abhominable kind of solemnizing euen as farre remoued frō the due celebratiō of the memoriall of the holy birth of our Sauior as it draweth more neare to the profane superstitious festiuities vsed at the birth daies of the heathē such as was the more priuate solemnitie of Herods birth day when Iohn Baptist lost his head the publike feasts of Bacchus in the which the reines were laid loose to drunkennes and all other filthines of the flesh The right way of celebrating the remembrance of the birth of our Sauiour is cleane contrary to this The feast of the Lord are al of them called holy conuocations by his owne holy ordinance Leuit. 23.1 2 3 4. c. That is to say It is not onely for a few daies at one time or season of the yeare but on euery day throughout the whole yeare and all the yeares of our liues to be more and more carefull to deny all worldly lusts and euery practise of vngodlines and to set our hearts to lead our liues as righteously soberly and godly as we may by all good meanes and helps sanctified of God attaine vnto According to the notable instruction of the holy Apostle Tit. 2.11 12 c. yea according to the teaching of the appearāce of the grace mercy of God it selfe being duly weighed thought vpō Read also Eph. 5
Prophesies which were giuen forth concerning this soueraigntie of our Sauiour and this mightie administration of his kingdome from the right hand of God long before as Psal 110.1 c. The Lord saith the Princely Prophet King Dauid saide to my Lord Sit thou at my right hand vntill I make thine enemies thy footestoole The Lord shall send the rod of thy power out of Sion c. The whole Psalme is nothing else but a propheticall description of the mightie fruites and effectes of the royall Priesthood and Priestly royaltie of the kingdome of our Sauiour Christ in the subduing and ouerthrowing of his enemies from the glorious right hand of God And so also saith the holy Apostle Paul 1. Cor 15.25 from the authoritie of the same Psalme he must raigne till he hath put al his enemies vnder his feete In which words of the Apostle two things are well worthy to be obserued of vs. First that he interpreteth the sitting of our Sauiour at the right hand of God by this word to raigne because thereby as hath beene shewed alreadie his most high and kingly authoritie is signified Secondly that he referreth it vnto our Sauiour Christ which the holy Psalmist attributeth vnto God insomuch as the Lord doth that by our Sauiour Christ to whom he hath giuen all power and authoritie for the gouernment of his Church which the Prophet saith that God would doe himselfe And so he doth indeede though not imediately but as it were by the hand of our Lord Iesus Christ This most high souereigntie of our Sauiour was likewise prophesied of by the Prophet Daniel as we read cha 2 verses 44.45 The God of heauen saith Daniel shall set vp a kingdome which shall neuer be destroied and this kingdome shall not be giuen to another people but it shall breake and destroy all these kingdome hee speaketh of the proud rebellious monarchies of the world it shal stand foreuer And to his purpose is our Sauiour Christ compared there to a stone cut out of the mountaines without hands that should breake in peeces the yron The letter intēds the 4. Monarchies vz of the Babiloniās the Medes and Persians of the Grecians and Syria Egypt the clay the siluer and the gold that is to say which should breake all other kingdoms how strong or how rich soeuer they should be which wil not submit themselues vnto him For as it is in the 35. verse of the same chapter all the rebellious kingdomes of the world were to become like the chaffe of the sommer flowers which the winde carrieth away so that no place is found for them But as touching the stone which smote the image that should become as the Prophet saith a great mountaine and fill the whole earth And againe ch 7. v. 13.14 As I beheld in visions by night behold one like the Sonne of man came in the clowdes of heauen and he approached vnto the aucient of dayes and they brought him before him And he gaue him dominion and honour and a kingdome that all people languages and nations should serue him his dominion is an euerlasting dominion which shall neuer be taken away and his kingdome shall neuer be destroied And in the same chap verses 26.27 The same holy Prophet foretelling the afflictions which should befall the Church through the crueltie of tyrannous persecutors saith that the iudgement should sit to take away the dominion of the persecutor to consume and destroy it to the end And as the Prophet addeth further The kingdome and dominion and the greatnes of the kingdome vnder the whole heauen shall be giuen to the holy people af the most high whose kingdome is an euerlasting kingdome and all power shall serue and obey him The Prophet Daniel I confesse doth in these words first of all speake to comfort the Iewes to describe vnto thē what their estate should be vntil the cōming of our Sa Ch into the world and that though many tirants should arise to trouble them yet should they be suppressed by the hand of God Neuertheles his prophesie extendeth it selfe further yea euen beyond all extent of time as his wordes doe plainly shewe And euen that also which did most properly concerne the Church of the Iewes it containeth a proportionable resemblance of the state of the Chistian Churches such as it was afterward in the like times of their persecutions vnder the like vnmercifull tyrants And in this respect many things are spoken in the Reuelation of the new Testament in way of reference or by allusion at the least to this prophesie of Daniel and to some other of the holy Prophets Thus Reuel 1.6 our Sauiour is called in these dayes of the Gospell the Prince of the Kings of the earth And chap 19. verses 11.12 c. I sawe heauen open saith Saint Iohn and behold a white horse and hee that sate vpon him was called faithfull and true and he iudgeth and fighteth righteously And his eyes were as a flame of fire and on his head were many crownes and hee had a name written which no man knewe but himselfe And he was clothed in a garment dipped in blood and his name is called the word of God And the warriors which were in heauen saith Saint Iohn followed him vpon white horses clothed with fiue linnen white and pure And forth of his mouth went out a sharpe sword that with it he should smite the heathen for he shall rule them with a rod of yron for he it is that treadeth the wine presse of the fiercues and wrath of almightie God And he hath vpon his garment vpon his thigh a name written The King of Kings and the Lord of Lords And chap 17 14. The Lambe shall ouercome the Kings of the earth for he is Lord of Lord and King of Kings c. Thus then wee see how our Sauiour shall finally preuaile against all the enemies of his Church the which he doth account to be his enemies as was said And also how all the neglect of his Saints is esteemed of him to be the neglect of himselfe according to that Mat 25. verse 42. c. I was an hungred and yee gaue mee no meate c. Verily I say vnto you insomuch as ye did it not to one the least of these ye did it not to me And that he doth likewise take all the iniuries done against them to be done against himselfe we see it plainely from that his owne speech to Saul saying thus vnto him Saul Saul why persecutest thou me And againe I am Iesus whom thou persecutest And therewithall sheweth Saul his dangerous enterprise telling him that it was hard for him to kicke against prickes Act 9.4.5 How as he shall finally preuaile against all his enemies so we are further to consider and to assure our selues to our comfort that hee will in the meane white euermore so wisely order and moderate yea so mightily ouer rule all causes and persons as may best
serue to fulfill the whole counsell and decree of God to the glory of his owne name and for the euerlasting comfort and saluation of all his elect people To this purpose as was answered in the beginning of the answer the Lord doth mightily bridle and restraine the rage and furie of his aduersaries according to that in the 2. Psal why doe the heathen rage and the people murmur in vaine c. And no doubt but as God did of old time defend the holy patriarkes and gaue them their standing and remouings all the time that they dwelt in Tents restraining the heathen from oppressing them or doing them any harme and afterward brought their posteritie into the land of Canaan as we read Ps 105.12 13.14 So doth he now and alwaies hath and wil by the hand of his Sonne our Sauiour hold in the rage of all the enemies of his Church euen to the ende of the world so as the very gates of hell shall not be able to preuaile against it That Sauiour of ours who so restrained the diuels in the daies of his humiliation here on earth that they could not quetch without his leaue hee doth not now leaue them to themselues but much rather restraineth them insomuch as he is to that ende most highly exalted and glorified at the right hand of the Maiestie of God in heauen Neither is there any doubt but God doth by our Sauiour take the wise in their crafts according to that 1. Cor 3.19.20 And Prou 8.12 I am wisedome saith the Son of God himselfe I inhabite prudence c. The word Gnarmah sigfieth that holy and warie circumspection wherein the Lord ouer reacheth all the craftes of the wicked yea so that when they persist in their resisting of him he vtterly infatuateth and confoundeth them that it may easily appeare to vs while they goe on in their blinde wilfulnes that there is no wisedome nor counsell against the Lord according to that Prou 21.30 and Isai 8 verse 9 10. c. And as we haue had experience in this our age euen to this day in that the Lord hath not onely restrained those former cruelties which were like the raging waues of the sea billowing and beating against vs 1588. as an intended effect of the Antichristian confederacie against the Gospell in the popish counsell of Trent Verily and out of all question it is from no other where but from the right hand of God in the highest heauens nor by no other meanes then by the glorious mediation of our Lord Iesus Christ there that any of the Churches of Christ haue at any time receiued or at this day doe enioy such godly Princes as it hath for the protection and defence of them against the aduersaries thereof And chiefly aboue all other may we and ought we iustly say and acknowledge to the most glorious praise of God concerning our selues and the Church of Christ in our land that it could not possibly haue enioyed the Gospell nor our gracious Queene Elizabeth so many yeares together nor now our gracious King Iames so worthy a successour whom God preserue long to goe forward with his blessed worke begunne by her had it not beene for the most gracious and tender care of our Sauiour from the right hand of God our heauenly Father both toward them and vs. To him therefore with the Father and the holy Ghost be the whole glory and praise of it for euer and euer Amen Thus much concerning the comforts of this Article that our Lord Iesus Christ sitteth at the right hand of God the Father almightie All which comforts descending vnto vs from his aduancement they are so much the more comfortable because he being once seated continueth an high Priest and king for euer For good things are so much the better by how much they are of longer continuance and best of all when they neuer decay But here a doubt commeth to be answered For how then is it saide by the Apostle Paul 1. Corint 15.24.25 that our Sauiour Christ shall at the ende of the world deliuer vp the hingdome to God euen the Father when hee hath put downe all rule and all authoritie and power For as hee there affirmeth our Sauiour must raigne till hee hath put all his enemies vnder hie feete And verse 28. he saith yet further when all thinges shall be subdued vnto him then shall the Sonne also himselfe be subiect vnto him that did subdue all things vnder him that God may be all in all Question What therefore is to bee saide for the answere and opening of this doubt Answer Our Sauiour shall no more cease to be King though hee is at the ende of the world to deliuer the kingdome vp to the Father then the Father hath ceased to be a King since he committed all kingdome and power to our Sauiour by his lifting of him vp and seating of him at his right hand Explicatiō proofe It is true For it is expressely testified in the word of truth as we haue seene before that there is no end of the kingdome of Christ Reuel 1.5.6 And it is with like faithfulnes assured vnto vs yea it is of it selfe most certaine that God the Father neuer intermitteth or ceaseth the regencie and gouernment of his kingdome 1. Tim 1 17. and chap 6.15.16 and 1. Pet 5.10.11 and in the Ep of Iude verse 25. Question How then are we to vnderstand this that our Sauiour shall at the end of the world deliuer vp his kingdome to the Father Answer The meaning of the holy Apostle is this that as the Father ruleth and reigneth by the Sonne till the end so at the ende the Sonne hauing fulfilled all things most perfitly which were by the appointment of the Father to be performed of him for the gathering t●●ether and defending of his Church and to the suppressing of all vsurped power hee shall make it manifest in the sight of God and before all his Saints that no point or parcell thereof is vnperformed and so shall thenceforth rule and raigne in and with the Father onely in another manner of empire and gouernment then before Ephli This is something which you say For it is certaine that our Sauiour being most faithfull and true yea the truth it selfe Reuel 3.7 and againe verse 14. and Iohn ch 14.6 will most fully and perfitly performe all that hath beene committed to his trust And it is of like certaintie euen from the wordes of the Apostle who saith that all rule and all authoritie and power shal be put downe that is to say the diuel who hath now great power and is as it were a God in the world ruling in the children of disobedience and by them molesting the church of God shall then haue no such power neither he nor his instruments the wicked Tyrants and cruell persecutors that be in the world likewise Sinne which is of no little strength to intice and drawe euen the children of God aside in