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A04400 A discouery of the errors of the English Anabaptists As also an admonition to all such as are led by the like spirit of error. Wherein is set downe all their seuerall and maine points of error, which they hold. With a full answer to euery one of them seuerally, wherein the truth is manifested. By Edmond Iessop who sometime walked in the said errors with them. Etherington, John, fl. 1641-1645.; Jessop, Edmond, attributed name. 1623 (1623) STC 14520; ESTC S107746 83,433 114

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doctrine of the Gospell Yet neuertheles Christ did not neither did his holy Apostles therevpon Iustifie them For then neither he nor they would so soone after haue made such exceptions and write so suspitiously as they did of many of them saying Striue to enter in at the straight gate for many I say vnto you will seek to enter in and shall not be able Beware of false Prophets which come to you in sheepes cloathing but inwardly they are rauening wolues Euery tree that bringeth not foorth good fruit is hewen downe and cast into the fire Not euery one that saith vnto me Lord Lord shall enter into the kingdome of heauen but he that doth the will of my Father which is in heauen Many will say vnto me in that day Lord Lord haue we not prophesied in thy name and in thy name cast out diuells and in thy name done many great workes And then will I professe vnto them I neuer knew you depart from me yee that worke iniquity Except ye eate the flesh of the Sonne of man and drinke his bloud ye haue no life in you But there are some of you that beleeue not All these things Christ spake vnto his Disciples who though they did beleeue were baptized yet they had not al of them eaten of his flesh and drunke of his bloud all did not beleeue in him vnto iustification of life all brought not forth good fruit And therefore he saith No man can come vnto me except it be giuen him of my Father And euery branch that beareth not fruit in me he taketh away And euery branch that beareth fruit he purgeth it that it may bring forth more fruite So that men may beleeue after a generall maner and be baptized and be in some sort branches in the vine in regard of the outward profession thereof receiue great gifts doe wonderfull workes in the name of Christ and yet not be come to Christ not haue the faith of Christ which iustifieth not beare fruit in him And it will come to passe that in the day of iudgement he will say vnto them Depart from me yee that worke iniquity I neuer know yee And the Apostles also writing to the Churches of their times where all were beleeuers and baptized and that lawfully say that such among them as had not the Spirit of Christ were none of his and doe charge some of them to be carnall and contentious striuing about their outward baptisme some will be of Paul some of Cephas some of Apollo and some of Christ As if this baptisme and the worthinesse of the person by whom they were baptized did make them happy and some of them better then other Some againe there were that did set light by the Apostles of Christ esteemed better of some other false Apostles Some were vncleane lasciuious persons I feare saith Paul to some that when I come I shall not find you such as I would and that I shall be found vnto you such as you would not Examine your selues saith he whether ye be in the faith Proue your selues know ye not your owne selues that Iesus Christ is in you except ye be reprobates By which it is euident that men may beleeue and be baptized and yet not be in the faith of Christ not know Christ to be in them which to know is the faith that Christians must haue if they be not reprobates Againe some they charged with the want of the knowledge of God And some that denied the resurrection of the dead And some that made their belly their God and minded earthly things some to be false Apostles false teachers such as taught heresies some false brethren some couetous persons some hipocrites some that raised needlesse questions about the Law some that taught circumcision necessary to saluation and that Christians must be circumcised or they could not be saued some were whisperers Backbiters some were louers of pleasures more then louers of God treacherous high minded yea and what not And yet all beleeuers and Lawfully baptized and were in the Churches euen in the Apostles times but not so approued of them as some others were They did not account of all whom they baptized to haue true repentance and Iustifying faith neither before they baptized them nor after for they knew that it neuer was nor could be so some would proue false in heart and in some the grace of God did not yet appeare vnto iustification therefore they sensured none till they saw iust cause neither did they iustifie any till they saw proofe of their faith but then they did to both their comforts and consolations Nay when they saw great cause of feare and suspition of many yet they vsed strong arguments and perswasions to bring them to repentance as we see how they both spake and write They did not easily reiect any no not an Hereticke without twise or thrise admonition And when Simon Magus discouered himselfe to be in the gall of bitternes and that Peter saw his heart was not right in the sight of God yet Peter cast him not off but said vnto him Repent thy selfe therefore of thy wickednes and pray God If perhaps the thoughts of thine heart may be forgiuen thee Now if this was the estate of the Church in the dayes of Christ and his Apostles how may we thinke it can be better now nay but whē we striue to make it better we make it worse As concerning the inward estate the gifts of the Spirit and power that then were in the Apostles and faithfull seruants of Christ both in the respect of the Administration of the word grace of life and peace and workes of righteonsnes I am sure we all come short of and shall we thinke to outstrip them in the outward Nay doubtles I would we could therein but compare with them so we did also pertake of some of their inward graces otherwise the outward can doe vs small pleasure It is an euident signe that where there is much contending about the outward forme externall washings and such like the inward purification of the heart is little thought of So then as concerning the outward estate of the Church we conclude that as from the beginning there was Cain a beleeuer and sacrificer as was Abel though Abel had iustifying faith and not Cain and as Ishmael was circumcised as well as Isaac though Ishmael might not inherite the heauenly promises as well as Isaac and as in the Church of the Iewes from time to time all that acknowledge that true God and his word and did submit themselues to the outward ordinances of the law were circumcised and were Iewes outwardly though but few were Iewes inwardly and circumcised in heart so was it in the dayes of Christ and his Apostles so is it now and so shall it be to the end Christ himselfe went neuer about to alter this but both he and his Apostles baptized those that did
beleeue and acknowledge him and submit themselues to be informed by his word though they had not yet either true repentance or iustifying faith For they knew that such a beliefe and profession as made men meet for outward baptisme might be where iustifying faith was not and that both that beliefe profession and baptisme did but make a Christian outwardly as the outward profession and circumcision of the Iewes did but make a Iew outwardly and no better did they iudge or conclude of any but when they saw better cause Now concerning the baptizing of children which they say is no baptisme at all but do call it the marke of the Beast we affirme that the children of all such beleeuers as may themselues be baptized may also be baptized and that it is not nor can be the marke of the Beast spoken of but is true outward baptisme First to auoid many of their vaine and idle obiections and that we may come the more cleerer to the point let vs remember that it is sufficiently proued already that all haue sinned in Adam and that death is passed on all for that all haue sinned in him being polluted from their very conceptions and that therefore there is a necessitie of a new birth from aboue of water and of the Spirit as wel to the yongest man of dayes or houres as to the eldest man of yeares So that whosoeuer is borne of the flesh he must be borne again from aboue of the Spirit either sooner or later if he be saued and that although repentance and faith be the parts of this new birth and that repentance hath these parts whereby it is exprest in men of yeares sorrow for sinne confession of sinne and desire of pardon as we haue before defined and that iustifying faith which is the other part of this new birth be an assurance or full perswasion wrought in the repentant heart by the Spirit of the forgiuenesse of his sinnes and reconciliation with God in Iesus Christ as we haue also defined it I say in men of yeares who also do confesse with the mouth as it is written With the heart man beleeueth vnto righteousnesse and with the mouth confession is made vnto saluation yet neuerthelesse the true nature of both these parts of the new birth may be in another maner defined and still remaine the same in substance as the first part is called in Scripture A heart of flesh an humble and contrite heart a broken heart and Saint Paul calleth it the fleshly tables of the heart in which regard it is called the baptisme of water and the birth of water which we define thus namely that it is a speciall effect or working of the holy Ghost whereby the heart which is naturally hard and stubburne euen from the birth is made soft and tender as water or as flesh is in comparison of a stone that so it may receiue the impression of the grace and loue of God The second part which is called the baptisme of the holy Ghost and the birth of the Spirit we define to be a speciall gift of the Spirit also but more excellent which writeth and sealeth in the soft and tender heart of flesh grace and peace from God in Christ and filleth it with heauenly comfort and ioy like vnto that which is said of Iohn being in his mothers womb when the voice of the salutation of Mary sounded in the eares of Elizabeth The babe leaped in her womb for ioy which doubtlesse was caused by the Spirit of Christ in the soule of the child Now in this sort children are capable of both the parts and so of the whole new birth which in them is no other in nature but the very same which is in men of yeares though it be not outwardly so exprest as we may perceiue by the words of Paul to the faithfull of the Church of Corinth Forasmuch saith he as ye are manifestly declared to be the Epistle of Christ ministred by vs written not with inke but with the Spirit of the liuing God not in tables of stone but in the fleshly tables of the heart For as the law of death was written in tables of stone and all the hard and stonie hearts of the whole posteritie of Adam not onely might but also did and doe receiue euen in their very conceptions a deepe impression thereof so on the contrary the law of the Spirit of life which is in Christ Iesus euer was is and is to be written in hearts of flesh soft and tender hearts and in no other And therefore it was that God did promise to take away from his elect the hard and stonie heart and to giue them a heart of flesh an humble and broken heart because his pleasure and promise is to dwell with such to reuiue and comfort them and no other And to speake plainly howsoeuer perhaps some doe otherwise conceiue it is not our act of beleeuing that doth iustifie vs but it is the free gift of grace sealed in our hearts by the Spirit of Christ whereby God iustifieth vs which grace and Spirit is the cause of our act of beleeuing or faith by which we are so often said in Scripture to be iustified where the effect is named for the cause by reason it is thereby made apparent vnto vs as also in another sense we are said to be iustified by works because works do demonstrate and make manifest our faith to others as it is said of the primitiue Church of Rome that their faith had shined throughout the world meaning by works which are the effects of faith So that Saint Paul calleth the faithfull the Epistle of Christ not so much for their act of beleeuing as in respect of the grace of God which was written in their hearts by the Spirit of Christ by which they did now beleeue and crie Abba Father as it is written He hath sent forth the Spirit of his Son into our hearts which crieth Abba Father And for this cause the grace of the Gospell is called The law of the Spirit of life which is in Christ Iesus These things being so what should now let that children may not be baptized Are they capable as we see of regeneration and are they not capable of the signe thereof May their hearts be sanctified by the Spirit of Christ and may not the filth of their flesh be washed off with water for the baptisme of water is bnt the doing away of the filth of the flesh as Saint Peter speaketh euen as outward circumcision was but the cutting off the fore-skin of the flesh representing the cutting off the sinnes of the flesh the circumcision of the heart as also baptisme doth For the circumcision which was the cutting off part of the fore-skin of the flesh and that baptisme or washing away the filth of the flesh we doe not say that the one was a type of the other but were both types of one truth namely the baptisme or purification of
venome therefrom whereby they burst asunder so likewise doe all such persons who haue not their hearts established with true sauing grace but with sundry meates that is to say with sundry strange and different opinions I call them strange because they were neuer heard of in all the Scriptures as hereafter shall appeare running from one forme of religion vnto another vntill at last they come to sucke and feed vpon that poysonable heresie of the Familists who are not worthy to haue so much as the name or title of religion giuen vnto them it being not onely the last straine or faction they commonly run into but also destroying and damnable whereby the word of God is by them blasphemed and the way of life and truth euill spoken of to the great dishonour of the great and mightie Ichouah who will one day breake and teare them in peeces as with a rod of iron when none shall be able to deliuer them as a iust recompence of reward for all such as take pleasure therein So then beloued brethren friends or kindred of what sex or condition soeuer whether yong or old rich or poore be exhorted and forewarned hereby not giuing the least heed vnto any lying spirits vnder what pretence soeuer they haue may can or will present themselues vnto you but on the contrary labour by the grace and power you haue or shall receiue of the Lord to resist and auoid them euen as our Lord and Master did that archspirit and enemie of all mankind knowing that if the least way be giuen you will be in danger to be inthralled and insnared by their deceiuings And although some of them be more defectiue and more dangerous to infect the soules of men then others be as most certaine there are for there are degrees as well in difference of spirits as of nature and naturall parts yet I say they which may conceiue haue most soundnesse in their opinion it will be found vpon due and iust triall not to be that which they would seeme both vnto themselues and others to be which hereafter will appeare Of these things my beloued I can in some measure best aduertise you being through want of the true sauing knowledge and vnderstanding of God and his truth caught and intangled by some of them wandring vp and downe amongst the drie hils and mountaines conceiuing comfort when alas I was far from it and the farther I wandred vp and downe in that Egyptian darknesse the more intricate labyrinth of error and darknesse my soule was plunged into like vnto a blind man who hauing not his perfect sight goes on in darknesse vntill at last he falls into a pit of destruction for want of a guide to conduct and leade him and especially when I walked with the Anabaptists which way and practise of theirs shall euidently appeare to euery honest true and sanctified heart not onely to ouerturne and race the foundation of all Christian religion but also in as much as in them lieth to destroy the faith of Iesus Christ all which time though strangely deluded yet was I kept by the power and prouidence of God from being seduced and led into that destroying and irrecouerable way of death before mentioned namely the Familists though very nigh vnto it hauing one foote entred therein whiles I walked with the people aforesaid vntill at last the Lord in his appointed time was pleased to giue me a true sight of the misery wherein I was plunged one meanes whereof being the rod of correction which God had laid vpon me it draue me the more seriously to examine things and to consider with my selfe whether the cause for which I suffered would any whit auaile me vnto saluation or whether it would minister comfort vnto me in that great and teerible day of the Lord. So vpon a more serious suruay of those positions I then maintained I found them all too light yea so light as they were not able to stand against those truths which the holy Scriptures teach and maintaine whereupon immediatly I reiected my former receiued opinions as erronious and wicked so that I may say and that truly with that holy man Dauid It was good for me that I was corrected and chastised for till then I went astray Yet notwithstanding though I was cleane escaped therefrom within a short time after I was so far from hauing or enioying true peace and comfort that in stead thereof my poore distressed soule was accompanied with nothing but strange feares terrors and guiltinesse of conscience crying out against me for nothing but vengeance the misery whereof was such as caused me to lament the time wherein I was borne not regarding wife children or any friends whatsoeuer that came to visit me The misery wherein I was did depriue me of being sensible of the least ioy either in heauen or on earth being altogether benummed therewith compassed and set about with many strange and fearfull apparitions of temptations the primary and first cause thereof was that originall guilt which I drew from the loines of my first parents being the very seed and spawne of all my actuall transgressions and so being confounded vtterly lost yea oft times in despaire fearing there was mo mercie with God for me my sins being so heauy a burden vpon my soule then euen then when I was in greatest despaire God by his Spirit was pleased to worke in me a contrite and broken heart whereby it was turned from being a stubburne and stonie by dissoluing 〈◊〉 into a heart of flesh as soft as water and therein through 〈◊〉 infinite loue and goodnesse did by a more speciall work 〈◊〉 his Spirit write his euerlasting couenant of loue and mercy ●●ich it so much sued sought and longed for with full assur●●●● of the remission of all my sins whereby I stand sealed 〈◊〉 the day of my redemption is accomplished in the second resurrection that as certaine as my Red●emer liueth and cannot die so certaine I am that one day I shall enioy that glorious inheritance purchased through the merits of Iesus Christ which happie and blessed estate my soule could not enioy whiles it stucke fast in the quick sands of Anabaptistry being euen welnigh smothered and ouerwhelmed in error and darknesse vntill the Lord was pleased to open the eyes of my vnderstanding by hearing the word and doctrine of truth which is maintained by and in the Church of England as namely the doctrine of repentance free iustification by faith Gods eternall predestination and election from the foundation of the world that no man hath free will or power to obtaine his owne saluation and that originall sin to be in all the posteritie of Adam euer since we fell from that happie blessed estate which once we had in him with many other excellent truths all which is such a certaine and sure foundation that whosoeuer can attaine to walke in the power thereof the gates of hell shall neuer ouercome nor destroy him yet
notwithstanding all these truths there maintained I dare not attribute so great a work as this vnto any mortall man whatsoeuer any otherwise then his ministery to be the ordinary meanes thereof but desire to giue the praise both now and for euer onely to God vnto whom it is due he being the principall and chiefe worker therein by the powerfull minstration of his holy Spirit that so he may be all in all vnto all And thus in all humilitie of soule I humbly take my leaue proceeding vnto that which followeth beseeching God euen the God of all peace grace mercie and loue to confirme direct and informe all our hearts by his holy Spirit whereby we may not only come to vnderstand the truth thereof but also to practise the same in our liues and conuersations to the praise of the glorie of his grace vntill we come to be safe ariued at the promised Ierusalem which is the hauen or port of eternall rest therein shall all teares be wiped from our eyes and so enioy the presence of our Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ the Prince of our saluation to whom with the Father and the holy Spirit be all praise honour and glorie giuen of his Saints for euermore Amen Yours in all Christian dutie Edmond Iessop A DISCOVERIE OF THE ERRORS OF THE ANABAPTISTS Their first point That God did predestinate all men to be saued vpon condition that they repent and beleeue the Gospell We answer GOD did not predestinate all men to be saued nor any man vpon any condition either of repentance faith or whatsoeuer else was to be expected or could be foreseene in them But his predestination was in this sort First God before he created any thing saw and foreknew what would be the nature euent of all things how though he made as excellent creatures as could be created yet there would be weaknesse and folly found in them because to be absolutely perfect and vnchangeable is proper only to God the Creator So that it was impossible God should make his creature equall with himselfe to will all things that be good perfectly and vnchangeably and to do all things that such a will can desire for then he must be God able to create which is impossible because there can be but one God which is the first beginner and Lord of all creatures This one God foreseeing I say what would become of the best creatures he could make how though he should require nothing at their hands but that which they might easily obserue and it was meet and very requisite they should acknowledge a dutie to him their first beginner and Lord in whose goodnesse and power their life and safetie did depend yet they would neglect the same and fall from him he therefore of his meere goodnes hauing great respect vnto his creature which he had resolued to make and being exceeding willing not for any thing he could foresee in them but for his owne good pleasure glorie sake to saue and glorifie of the same consulting with himselfe and with his eternall Wisedome which way and how he might bring his desire to passe did determine by election in and through the same his eternall Wisedome his euerlasting and onely Sonne which was before the depths euer with him as his counseller and hearts delight to sustaine of the one sort I meane the Angels and to redeeme of the other sort I meane mankind such a compleat sufficient companie of both as himselfe pleased to be at his right hand to behold his glorie to minister before him to partake of his pleasures for euermore And because there was no way else but by redemption to saue mankind by reason the first man being once fallen all the rest then in his loines who were to come of him by generation fell together with him and that there was not any one in heauen or in earth that was able to vndoe the workes of the diuell and to deliuer those his elect from his seruitude and bondage but onely the same his eternall Wisedom the Word whereby he made the world therefore as he had chosen them in him so did he decree to send him into the world and in a wonderfull maner to take mans nature and flesh on him that therein he might accomplish his purpose and bring his counsell and desire to passe in subduing his and their enemie and purchasing redemption for them by his death and resurrection And as he did determine before the world was to send him so did he predestinate them whom he had chosen in him and foreknew to be conformed to his image that he might be the first borne among many brethren the rest he resolued to leaue and to reward them with the fruite of their owne wayes Thus God foresaw all things thus did he by his wisedome find out a way to sustaine and restore of his creatures this was his decree and in this sort did he predestinate God did not neither is he euer said in Scripture to predestinate any to do euill nor to preordaine any to condemnation but vpon the foresight of their folly and wickednesse as the cause and ground thereof and so the saluation of man is freely and onely in God in Christ and the condemnation of man is meerly and truly of himselfe without any secret reseruation whatsoeuer as it is written O Israel destruction is of thy selfe but thy saluation is of God Their second point That God did not elect before all time to grace and life any particular persons but in time he doth elect qualities as faith and obedience and then finding these qualities in men he doth elect their persons for the qualities sake Answ TO affirme that God did not elect in Christ before all time some particular persons to grace holinesse life eternal is to denie Gods free vndeserued loue and to say that God doth elect qualities is senslesse and to teach that God doth elect persons for qualities sake is very erroneous and Antichristian We say therefore that Gods election is after this maner First before men or qualities of any sort were God of his meere loue did elect and chuse in Christ out of the whole posteritie and race of mankind which he foresaw and were before him as if they had actually been a seed a remnant to be his people to be his heritage to be holy and without blame before him in loue as Saint Paul doth testifie saying Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Iesus Christ who hath blessed vs with all spirituall blessings in heauenly things in Christ according as he hath chosen vs in him before the foundation of the world that we should be holy and without blame before him in loue hauing predestinated vs vnto the adoption of children by Iesus Christ to himselfe according to the good pleasure of his owne will to the praise of the glorie of his grace Whence it is euident that God did chuse a
in will or power of nature to act any thing either inward or outward as touching the law or as concerning the Gospell whereby to recouer our selues againe or euer to obtaine that which we haue lost So that notwithstanding the Gospell be preached to all and that euery one is inuited to the feast thereof and that there is not any other way or meanes whereby we may possibly recouer and liue yet the most part of the world do vtterly refuse to come so much as to the outward acceptation thereof and those that doe come who being enlightned by the holy Ghost do assent vnto the truth of the Gospell and so come in vnto the outward profession thereof yet for all this such is the euill heart of man if God should not vouchsafe according to his eternall purpose and promise to call in a more speciall maner them whom he foreknew and had predestinated to be conformed to the image of his Sonne to call them I say by a more speciall gift and power of the holy Ghost first to repentance in turning their hearts from all the delight and pleasure they had taken in sinne and in the vanities of the flesh and this world into a wonderfull great sorrow of heart mourning and weeping for the same causing them also with many teares to lament the time that euer they tooke pleasure therein and falling downe at the feete of God with humble hearts confesse vnto him those their sins and follies desiring vnspeakably restlesly mercie and forgiuenesse at his hands loue and reconciliation with him thus taking first away their hard and stony hearts and giuing them hearts of flesh soft and tender hearts and then in the second place to write not with inke and pen but with the speciall finger of his holy Spirit not in tables of stone but in these the fleshly tables of their hearts these their repentant hearts his couenant of mercie and loue assuring them that their sinnes be forgiuen and that he is reconciled with them and they with him in Iesus Christ whom now they haue put on by faith If God should not haue vouchsafed I say thus to call them whom he had predestinated thus to iustifie them and cloathe them but that he is faithfull and cannot lie keeping his couenant for euer as touching that seed which he did promise to call in Isaac they would and should haue perished with the rest notwithstanding any free will or power they haue in nature more then they to attaine to these things But peraduenture some impudent person will obiect that if God doth call and sanctifie some in such a speciall maner by more speciall gifts of the Spirit then he doth affoord to others then his not affoording the same vnto them is the cause of their miserie To answer them put the case that there were two yong men that hauing receiued at their parents hands their portions haue through riot and leudnesse spent all and brought themselues into so great pouertie and debt as that they haue no way or meanes whereby possibly they can recouer and raise themselues againe but are both like to liue in miserie to their dying dayes tell me haue they not been themselues the authors of this their owne ruine and decay and is not this misery iust vpon I suppose as little grace as thou hast thou wilt answer Yea. But admit there were a man of great substance who should out of his owne bountie freely and of his owne accord deliuer one of these yong men out of his miserie pay his debts and restore him to his former estate againe Is this rich man by his free bountie to the one become now the cause of the others misery doest thou dare to affirme it Must thine eye needs now be euil because he is bountiful Is it not lawful for him to bestow his owne where and on whom he pleaseth Or doest thou meane that his not doing the like for the other is the cause of his continuall miserie To answer thee did hee not bring himselfe into it and was it not of it selfe continuall and iust by thine owne confession How then may the thing that neuer was done be the cause of that which is in being Can the effect be before the cause I haue heard that the cause is before the effect but I neuer heard that the effect is or can be before the cause But if I should admit of thine opinion that all men haue free will in themselues to chuse as they haue to refuse grace offered to see what the issue thereof will be let me aske thee what is the reason then that but some men do chuse grace is it because they haue a better and more inclinable will in them by nature then their fellowes If there be no speciall gift of grace to moue them it must be some speciall gift or qualitie of nature For such a speciall differing effect must haue a speciall differing cause Or wilt thou say it is by the operation or secret motion of some planet as some heathenishly conceiue if so yet it is in some sort naturall The effects we speake of are the baptisme of repentance the purification of faith called in Scripture the baptisme or birth of water and of the holy Ghost which are the parts of our regeneration now can any gifts or qualities of nature or operations of planets produce or cause such effects as these Nay doublesse for causes are always greater then effects and greater things then these are not to be found in the natures of men or planets but in God who by the speciall power and vertue of his holy Spirit doth cause these great effects doth worke and produce this new and heauenly birth and therefore the persons thus qualified are said in Scripture to be borne of God 1. Ioh. 3. 9. If thou saist that God put this difference in the will of man by creation then thou makest God the author and cause of sinne which thou wouldest seeme to auoid by excluding his speciall gifts of the Spirit fearing as if it led thee to it whereas it is but thy grosse apprehension that makes thee feare and by this meanes thou runnest thy selfe out of breath thou knowest not whither So then to conclude this point with Saint Pauls words It is not in him that willeth nor in him that runneth but in God that sheweth mercie Their fourth point is That the stedfastnesse of mans iustification and saluation doth depend vpon his owne will in continuing in the act of beleeuing and works of righteousnesse and that such as haue faith in Christ Iesus regenerate persons hauing their names written in the book of life may fall away from all may become vnregenerate and haue their names rased out of the booke of life againe and perish and that God doth alter and change his purpose and promise and come to