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A04374 The Christians apparelling by Christ Where is shewed in three parts: 1. The happinesse, honour, aud [sic] confortable estate of all true Christians: with the wretched estate of all others. 2. The duetie it selfe, with particular directions. 3. The triall and examination of our selues by distinctiue notes. By R.I. B.D. Jenison, Robert, 1584?-1652. 1625 (1625) STC 14488; ESTC S106591 193,947 568

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§. 70 because it growes not Euen such painted Sepulchres and Pictures are all Hypocrites and such as make no progresse in Gods wayes They haue no grace who thinke they want none for the measure of it Thus it is with such Hypocrites as yet would seeme to haue grace As for such who fall away to profanenesse there needes no other discouery of them their Apostasie is made knowne to all men and their sinnes goe before-hand vnto iudgment Hypocrites greiue not when they are depriued of their Meanes Such Hypocrites may they also take themselues to bee who being depriued of the meanes or of opportunitie and ability to doe good are rather glad that they haue such ease and freedome and doe not rather mourne and greiue for such restraint and inabilitie It shewes little desire of grace or goodnesse And thus much of the first sort of Hypocrites who vse no meanes Now secondly of such as vse not right and direct meanes Par. 3. § 71. We haue beene told that the true Sectian 71 Christian puts on Christ True Christians vse onely direct right Meanes of putting on Christ which is especially to his Iustification Now in Iustification there is considerable First our vnion with Christ Secondly the couering of our vnrighteousnes and sinne Thirdly Faith as the meanes on our part of this vnion remission righteousnesse and Iustification Now the righteous man pertaking in all these benefits In particular 1 Of their vnion with him 2 Of couering their sin by him 3 Of Faith in him hath attained thereunto in the vse of those onely meanes which God himselfe hath appointed him to vse which meanes haue bin named before and repeated in the entrance of this last point and the truth is Ephes 6.11 the cloathing we haue by Christ being also Armour it is called the armour of God that is such as God himselfe hath appointed and prescribed in his Word and which is agreeable to his wil It is not any humane carnal worldly meanes or of our owne deuising but diuine spirituall and f Gods o appointing Par. 3. §. 72 1 bound Christians are truely vnited to Christ 1 By Faith And 1. for their vniō with Christ which this clothing implies they come to it on their part only by Faith in Christ and on Gods part by his Spirit effectually cōmunicated vnto them in the vse of the word vnto which they carefully and with conscience doe attend by which when once they haue put him on are truly vnited vnto him they also are further knit and vnited vnto him 2 By Loue. in and by the bond of Loue louing him euen because he as their experience to their comfort telleth them hath loued them first clothing himselfe with their sinne shame and suffering on the Crosse yea for himselfe his own goodnes not in any by base or carnall respect They seeke their vnion with him first their Vine by being by faith graffed into him as branches Secondly their Head by being made his members and one body with him by the Spirit Thirdly their spirituall meat by receiuing him spiritually in the Word and sacramentally in the Eucharist by Faith for so himselfe saith hee that thus spiritually eateth my flesh Iohn 6.56 and drinketh my blood dwelleth in mee and J in him but how Ephes 3.17 Christ dwelleth in our hearts by faith Fourthly their Husband by being married to him in faithfulnes or by Faith which as the marriage Ring first knits them together after which or with which goes that other band of Loue which daily more and more increaseth as in married couples Others in seeming only Now I know Hypocrites and such generally as liue in the Church of Christ professe an Vnion with Christ whiles they entertaine his doctrine and beare his Name Yea As first the Papists but what is it in them which makes this Vnion Is it as it should be and also is in the faithfull first Faith and then Loue no the Papist in this Vnion and worke of Iustyfication Par. 3. §. 71 wil haue Loue if not before yet not behind Faith as the forme of it or as a concause of our Iustyfication and not as an effect of Faith inseperable from it as the truth is and as wee teach Whereunto they bring alledge abuse that place in Iesus Christ Galat. 5.6 Explained and vindicated from misinterpretation neither circumcision auaileth any thing nor vncircumcision but Faith which worketh by Loue so it doth but not in the worke of Iustification but in the exercises of Christianity though we admit not of Iewish Ceremonies to keepe vs doing against which the Apostle there disputes yet we want not Loue as the inseperable effect of that faith which we vrge as the only meanes of our Iustification which will neuer suffer a Christian to be idle which place to like purpose almost the mad Familist abuseth 2 The Familist for iumbling it vp with a like place H.N. thus speakes There auaileth before God neither circumcision nor vncircumcision but only a new Creature in Christ Iesus wrought through the Loue. This new creature Gal. 6.15 H. N. in an epistle to two daughters of Warwicke refuted by H. A. in his language Christ himselfe wrought and formed in vs in the Loue for hee makes Christ to be the Louely Being in vs this new Creature auaileth before God for righteousnesse and safe making from our sins as he elsewhere speaketh Thus what belongs indeede to Sanctification as the fruit and effect of our Faith and all Scriptures tending that way hee takes and puts in place of our Iustification as causes thereof making this our new birth and the fruits of faith to be the very cause of our happinesse righreousnesse it selfe yea and Christ himselfe these are Christians with a witnesse making themselues by their doctrine elsewhere very Christ and so one with Christ and God vnto which they abuse our Sauiours words in his prayer that they will be Godded with God Ioh. 17.21 and made pertaker of the very essence and nature of God Par. 3. §. 72 3 The worldling The Worldling also he will bee one with Christ and will be ready to sight with him that shall say otherwise But how is he one with him Is it by Faith and the Spirit nothing lesse his gold is his God and his faith trust and confidence is in vncertaine riches 1 Tim. 6.17 Iude. 19. hee is worldly and sensuall not hauing the spirit He trusts God no farther then hee hath from him these pawnes and pledges of his presence Yet this man wil loue God and so shew himselfe One with him And will he so indeed may it not be truly said of many a mans loue as the Deuill falsely said of Iobs feare of God Iob. 1.9 doth Iob feare God for naught So doe these men loue God for naught What ties them to Christ and to Christianitie and to the
Christians characterized and described to bee such as not only looke for Christ the second time 2 Tim. 4.8 as we now heard but as loue his appearing 1 Ioh. now blessed Iohn thus writeth God is loue and hee that dwelleth in loue dwelleth in God God in him herein is our loue made perfect that we may haue boldnesse in the day of Iudgment there is no feare in loue To loue it a signe of Faith but perfect loue casteth out feare because feare hath torment he that feareth is not perfect in loue Here then is the confidence of Gods Children in Iudgment that though they bee not in this life without sinne which may bee cause of feare yet at death and after they are freed not only from the guilt of sinne which they were before it being not imputed to them but from the being of sinne in them so that comming before the Barre and Iudgement seat of Christ as their Iudge they stand cloathed before his Throne with himselfe as their Sauior his righteousnesse couers their vnrighteousnesse and they with comfort expect from him the sentence of absolution and acceptation with him for euer for his owne righteousnesse sake The assurance hereof makes them ioyfull in death and to loue the appearing of Christ in the certaine hope of the resurrection of their bodies to life eternall and of a Crowne of righteousnesse to be giuen them at that day by the Lord the righteous Judge 2 Tim. 4.8 These reason to their comfort that if God loued them and Christ dyed for them while they were yet sinners much more then being now iustified by his blood Rom. shall they be saued from wrath through him c. Now the wicked and the hypocrite hath no such comfortable hope in the thought apprehension of the last Iudgement hee either dares not thinke of it at all seriously or so farre as he thinks of ir it is not without great horrour and astonishment It is no ioy nor comfort to him to looke Christ in the face as his Iudge frowning on him who heere reiects him as a Sauiour if any be so impudent as now being told of these things to outstare Christ as his Iudge and to professe a hope to speed as well at that day as any hee may easily bee conuinced hence namely by his harsh conceits of Christ now in his Word and Messengers Such men cannot now indure Christ in the power of his Word his sayings are too harsh his doctrine too austere his discipline too seuere his yoke is too heauy for them his coards too strait may we think they can indure Christ comming vnto them in the word of his power by the voyce of an Archangel in his owne most terrible thundring voice attended with infinit myriads of Angels 2 Pet. 3.11.12 the heauens all being on fire and the elements melting with seruent heate they had need bee other manner of persons in all holy conuersation and godlinesse who looke for and hasten vnto the comming of this day of God then these vngodly at best ciuill men are If then they cannot away with Christ now in his humilitie and when he comes clouded in the vaile of his Word how will they indure him in his glory and when he shall shew himselfe and person immediatly vnto them In a word if they cannot now indure him as a louing Sauiour how will they then for al their impudent brags indure him as a terrible Iudge Onely the iustified person at that day and now in the hope of it may and doth looke vp Luk. 21.28 and lift vp his head for his finall redemption draweth nigh The dissoluing of the world and Cnrists terrible comming is for their full deliuerance from the power of the graue and of Satan and of wicked men who haue beset and besieged the godly and therfore for their comfort but terrible it must needs be to all others against whō Christ comes in this terrible manner It shall be then as it is with men in some castle or hold narrowly besieged by their enemies when a puissant and migthy army is gathered for their rescue and to raise the siege when it comes neere and in sight the very clashing of the armour the brightnes of the swords the noise of Drummes and Trumpets yea the very roaring of the Canon all these are comfortable as sweet musicke to them for whose succor and deliuerance they come but must needs be dismall and terrible to their enemies Hee then that cannot now in some good measure and preuailing manner ouercome his feares and reioyce in the hope of his deliuerance frō death hell and all infernall enemies and of his crown of glory to be giuen him by the mercifull sentence of the Iudge at that day Par. 3. §. 11 can hardly bee assured for the present that Christ is his or that he stands now clothed with his merits and righteousnesse whatsoeuer in word he otherwise pretend Section 11. Now thirdly for the triall of our vnion with Christ Our vnion with Christ by faith knowen 3 by Selfe-deniall it were good for vs to examine whether wee haue made a diuorce from our selues by selfe-deniall or whether we be not still wedded to our own selues to our owne opinions to our owne willes and affections through selfe-loue If once we put on Christ wee must put off our selues By this note we discouer the pretended knot which seemes to be betweene many in regard of outward profession and Christ in as much as the same men who professe they haue put on Christ yet reject and cast him off in his Soueraigntie preferring their own wils before his in his wisdome preferring their owne reason before his Word Par. 3. §. 12. in his righteousnesse not submitting themselues vnto the righteousnesse of God but going about to establish their owne righteousnesse Rom. 10.3 in his glory doing all to their owne praise c. How haue these men put on Christ who so farre haue cast him from them Section 12. 4. If thou beest one with Christ by putting him on By other effects of it then dost thou receiue warmth and defence from him as he is thy cloathing sap and juice from him as he is the Vine and thou a branch of him nourishment food and refreshing as he is thy spirituall bread on whom thou feedest and in a word thou receiuest vigour and influence from him as thine Head thou being a member of his body for so doe all such as haue vnion with him Where then we see men lie naked and vnarmed and foyled with euery temptation where wee see nothing but barrennes in the liues of men whom wee see to be drie withered vnfruitfull branches where wee see men after so many yeares of plentie in the Gospel to remaine in their soules like Pharaohs leane kine Gen. 41.19 as poore and ill-fauoured as euer and lastly where we see men and
2 They account basely of his seruants of his profession The like question we may aske concerning such as account meanely and basely of those that are the truest and most conscionable Christians whose liues are accounted madnesse and both life and end or death to bee without honour Can any indeed himselfe be cloathed with Christ and not account such as truly so are to be truly honourable is the name of Christian a credit and is not the thing it selfe an honour the very actions sufferings and generally the persons of the godly are if not derided yet distasted and accounted meanely of how good soeuer they be and men often take it as a matter of shame to them to vse the company of such or to conuerse familiarly with them thus Dauid complaines of himselfe Psalm 31.11 I was a reproach among all mine enemies but especially among my neighbours and a feare to mine acquaintance they that did see me without fled from me How is this sampled daily when many are euen afraid to haue a good man in their company least they should be thought to be like vnto him Is this to bee a Christian when the life of christianity is accounted a reproach yea the very name of Christian with some is a name of disgrace It is notoriously knowne D. Fulke Rhem. Test on Acts. 11. sect 4. out of Christoph Franch Col Iesuit in fine 3 They are ashamed to suffer for Christ saith Doctor Fulke that the most honourable name of Christian is in Jtaly and at Rome a name of reproach and vsually abused to signifie a Foole or a Dolt But especially when men are called to suffer for Christ and for his Gospell either for the truth or sincerity of it how are they then shamed both of the bonds of godly Christians and of Christ himselfe Whereas thus a man by suffering with and for Christ shews himselfe most of all a Christian and thereby is most honoured as not only hauing his nakednesse couered with the merits of Christ which is common to all true Christians but as being singled out frō many others to be Christs Champion and to witnes his truth with his blood it is an honorable gift giuen of God to such added to their faith For such haue honour both with God Phil. 1. last Isai 43.4 Heb. 11.2 2 Cor. 6.8 being precious in his sight and honourable and with good men for by their faith and constancy they obtaine a good report passing by honour and dishonour by euill report and good report The state of a Christian then being euen at his worst so honorable can any bee called a true Christian that in any of the foresaid regards is ashamed of Christ Christ hath cause to be ashamed of the best of vs though hee were not Par. 3. §. 70 seing hee died for vs and shall we be ashamed of him this shame argues such to bee none of his Section 70. The third and last effect of this our cloathing by Christ 3 The third effect of putting on Christ is Ioy. is Ioy Comfort so that the estate of a true Christian is a ioyfull and comfortable estate in which hee more truly and sollidly reioyceth then in all things of the world besides the contrary whereunto being found in others is an argument they pertake not of this cloathing and are Christians only in name The godly mans comfort from Christ The righteous reioyce in Christ his estate is Ioyfull hath bin shewed largely in the Motiues Wee must here speake of him with opposition to the wicked and hypocrite He hauing truly put on Christ to his iustyfication by faith doth thence find wonderfull comfort so that his estate is an estate of ioy whether we consider him and it generally or particularly in case of trouble 1 Generall First though the men of this world thinke the godly estate the only sad solitary melancholicke and heauy life vpon earth yet the truth is Ioy and sound comfort and content is no where else to be found but in that estate and therefore it is made proper to such as are made Righteous by vertue of this their cloathing by Christ Iob. 29.6 Of them it is said The righteous doe sing and reioyce and Psal 64.10 the righteous shall be glad in the Lord and shall trust in him and all the vpright in heart shall glory Psal 97.11 Yea Light is sowne for the righteous and gladnesse for the vpright in heart Now who is this righteous and vpright man but the true and sincere Christian 32 1.2 Psal 97.12 31.7 whose sinne is couered vnto whom the Lord imputeth not iniquitie and in whose spirit there is no guile to them it is said reioyce in the Lord yee righteous and by them it is said who find this ioy in their experience I will be glad and reioyce in thy mercie 30.11 thou hast girded or cloathed me with gladnesse When is this thou hast put off my sackcloath Loe then how he that puts on Christ doth also put on Ioy and how can it be otherwise seeing by Christ he is not only for the present possessed of Gods fauour and so of comfort and refreshing for if this be the effect of the fauour of a King a mortall man much more of Gods but also for time to come Pro. 19.12 Rom. 12.12 See Gatakers iust mans Ioy pag. 5. 6. c pag. 34. 35. c. in an assured hope of future glory in which he reioyceth Not but than his Ioy is often by many occasions interrupted though all yet nay the greatest number receiue not such interruptions this is sometimes more to the thinking of others then to their feeling they reioyce not so much outwardly and therefore the blind world which iudgeth by that only which it seeth deemeth them sad whereas they inwardly truly and solidly make merry And it is not denied but sometimes they forget themselues and by tasting of forbidden pleasures How yet his Ioy is interrupted some times they for a while lose the cast and feeling of spirituall comfort are depriued of the ioy of Gods saluation till by sorrowing spiritually for such carnall ioy it bee restored to them againe as it was with Dauid Besides such ioy is not attained but by sorrow as the ioy of a woman hath in a man-child presupposeth the sorrowes of bearing him and at first the yoake of Christ seemes heauy for want of vse but one chiefe thing is that they often take not notice of their owne happinesse through ignorance of their estate and mistaking as in the world there are many imaginary crosses which not God but men make themselues c. yet may we not say that in their sorrow they are without ioy for they often sorrow for their owne sinnes and others also which sorrow may stand with sound much inward comfort yea occasioneth it they sorrow for their sinnes as they