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A02349 A compend of the controversies of religion wherin the trueth is confirmed, and errour convinced, by authoritie of Scripture, witnessing of antiquitie, and confession of partie. Most necessary for all, in this backe-slyding age. By W.G. minister of God's word. Guild, William, 1586-1657. 1627 (1627) STC 12479; ESTC S118648 69,651 225

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should bee proper and not common no not in opinion And agayne They should also sayeth hee bee al-to-gether inseparable Bell. lib. 4. de notis Ecclesiae cap. 2. § ac primum § tertio Which being applyed to Antiquitie Multitude Vniversalitie and such others will proue clearlie That they are no true Notes of the true CHVRCH FINIS A Table of the Contents of this Booke CHAP. I. Of Scripture § 1. That the Apocrypha is no canonicke Scripture 2. That Scripture containe●h all things necessarie for Salvation to know without vncertaine Traditions 3. That Scripture is plaine in all things necessarie for Salvation to know 4. That the Scripture should bee read by the people and therefore translated in-to their vulgar Tongue 5. That Scripture is the perfect rule of Fayth and Manners and the infallible supreame Iudge in all controversies of Religion 6. That the Scripture is not a dumbe Iudge but that GOD by it speaketh to his Church CHAP. II. Of the Church § 1. That the estate of the true Church is not ever visible to all men and chiefelie to the enemies there-of 2. That the visible Church of Christian professours may erre from the trueth in common altho not all and everie one 3. That the Church of Rome may erre and hath erred 4. That personall succession freeth not from errour 5. That the Iewish Church pretended no lesse infallibilitie than the Romane doeth and yet erred 6. That the VVord of GOD purelie preached and due administration of Sacraments is the true marke of a true Church 7. That Multitude is no note of a true Church neither personall succession nor Duration 8. That outward glorie and visibilitie is no note of a true Church 9. Th●t Miracles are no note of a true Church CHAP. III. Of Peter and the Pope's Supremacie § 1. That Peter had no supremacie of power over the rest of the Apostles and so neither should the Popes over their successours 2. That the Pope is not the Head Husband and foundation of the Church and therefore that all Christians are not bound to bee subject to him CHAP. IV. Of the Churches right Worship § 1. That prayers and all publicke worship should bee in a knowne language 2. That Christ is our onlie Mediator in Heaven and therefore that wee should goe to Him and by Him vnto GOD onlie 3. That the Saincts are not to bee invocated 4. That they know not our hearts nor our necessities and therefore are not to bee prayed vnto 5. That no religious worship of Dulia is to bee given to anie creature 6. That no religious worship is due to the Virgine Marie CHAP. V. Of Images § 1. That it is vnlawfull to represent GOD the Father by an olde Man 2. That no adoration is due to Images nor any signe there-of 3. That the practise of the olde Idolaeters and new Romanists jumplie agree 4. That Images are not fit books for the instruction of Laicks but onlie GODS VVord CHAP. VI. That no Meates are to bee abstayned from for conscience sake CHAP. VII That the Marriage of the Clergie is lawfull CHAP. VIII Of Sinne. § 1. That concupiscence in the Godlie is properlie sinne 2. That all sinne by nature is mortall CHAP. IX Of Predestination That wee are predestinated of free Grace and not for fore-seene works CHAP. X. Of Vocation § 1. That wee haue no merites of congruitie as naturall preparations to our effectuall calling 2. That our conversion is of miere grace and not partlie of our owne free-will CHAP. XI Of Iustification § 1. That wee are justified by Fayth onelie 2. That no inherent righteousnesse in vs is the cause of our justification 3. That Christ's righteousnesse onelie is imputed to vs vnto our absolu●ion CHAP. XII Of Sanctification § 1. That none can keepe the Law perfectlie in this lyfe 2. That none can worke anie workes of Supererogation CHAP. XIII Of Glorification § 1. That our good workes merite not eternall lyfe 2. That the Sainctes leaue no meritorious works nor sufferings behinde them to helpe others CHAP. XIV Of Purgatorie § 1. That Christ's Blood onlie purgeth perfectlie from all sinne 2. That Christ delyvereth from all punishment heere-after 3. That no man can in anie measure satisfie 4. That the soules of the Godlie at death immediatelie goe to Heaven CHAP. XV. Of certayntie of Salvation That the Godlie may bee assured of their salvation CHAP. XVI Of Perseverance That the Godlie can never totallie fall from grace nor finallie perish CHAP. XVII Of Baptisme That the children of the Godlie dying are not for want of Baptisme deprived of God's blessed vision CHAP. XVIII Of the LORD'S Supper § 1. That Christ's glorified bodie is onlie in the Heavens 2. That Christ's bodie is not in manie places at once invisiblie and vnpalpablie 3. That after consecration the substance of Bread and VVine remaineth 4. That Christ is not received by the bodilie mouth 5. That Christ is not received by the VVicked 6. That the people should not bee deprived of the cup. CHAP. XIX Of the Masse § 1. That the popish priests haue no calling to sacrifice Christ's bodie in the Masse 2. That the Masse is no propitiatorie sacrifice but al-together derogatorie to Christs CHAP. XX. OF ANTICHRIST § 1. VVhat sort of Adversarie hee is 2. The tyme of his comming 3. The place in generall where hee is to bee found 4. The place in speciall where his seate is 5. His Qualities and Actions whereby to know him and first his excessiue Pryde 6. His Blasphemie 7. His Idolatrie 8. His Crueltie 9. His Simonie 10. His false Miracles 11. His Name and Marke 12. His daylie consumption and full over-throw FINIS
Christ for by grace yee are saved Note then As a dead man of himselfe cannot will his owne quickening but is meerlie passiue in the act there-of so neither can a dead man in sinne of himselfe will his owne conversion but is meerlie also a sufferer in his first turning to God Iohn 6.44 No man can come to Mee except the Father draw him Note then When Hee sayeth No man can come that hee breaketh sayth Saint Ierome the prowde freedome of man's will Hieron lib. 3. adn Pelagianos 2. Witnessing of Antiquitie THey are not my words but the Apostles sayeth Bernard that anie good that can bee whether to thinke or will or doe the good which hee willeth hee ascrybeth all to God and nowise to his owne free-will Bern. tract de gra lib. arb prope finem So also Augustine lib. de spiritu litera c. 3. 3. Confession of Partie THe Scripture therefore sayeth Bellarmine both by words and similitudes everie-where cryeth that a sinner cannot in anie sort dispose himselfe to receiue grace Bellar. lib. 6. de lib. arb c. 5. § huc denique CHAP. XI OF IVSTIFICATION §. I. That wee are justified by Fayth onlie as the hand or instrument that layeth holde on GODS free mercie and CHRISTS merit for our absolution 1. Authoritie of Scripture ROm 5.1 Therefore beeing justified by Fayth we haue peace vvith God through our Lord Iesus Christ. Rom. 3.28 Wee conclude then that a man is justified by fayth vvithout the deeds of the Law Note then That fayth is made the onlie instrument and all other righteousnesse except Christs whereon fayth layeth onlie holde is expresselie excluded Gal. 2.16 Knowing that a man is not justified by the vvorks of the Law but by the faith of Iesus Christ even vve haue therefore believed in Iesus Christ that vvee might bee justified by the fayth of Christ and not by the vvorks of the Law for by the vvorks of the Law shall no flesh bee justified Wee see then againe anie inherent righteousnesse in man which is his obedience to the Law al-together excluded from having place in our justification and that the righteousnesse of Christ alone is that where-on fayth onlie layeth holde for our absolution Therefore the Apostle sayth Rom. 5.9 Much more then being now justified by his blood vvee shall bee saved from vvrath thorow him 2. Witnessing of Antiquitie THis is ordained by God sayeth Ambrose that who believeth in Christ shall bee saved without works by fayth onelie getting the free remission of his sinnes Ambrose in 1. Cor. cap. 1. Therefore sayeth Bernard a penitent sinner being justified by fayth alone shall haue peace with God Bern. Serm. 22. in Cant. 3. Confession of Partie IN that the Protestants vrge ever saith Cassander that wee are justified by fayth onelie it is the more tollerable seeing they expound that by fayth they vnderstand grace that is correspondent there-to So that it is all one to bee justified by fayth onlie as to bee justified by grace and not by workes Cass consult art 4. §. 2. That wee are not justified by our works before God or that no inherent righteousnesse in vs is the formall cause of our justification 1. Authoritie of Scripture ROm. 3.20 Therefore by the deeds of the Law there shall no flesh bee justified in his sight For Verse 24. Wee are justified freelie by his grace thorow the redemption that is in Iesus Christ. Rom. 11.6 And if by grace then it is no more of vvorks otherwyse grace is no more grace but if it bee of vvorks then it is no more grace other-wyse vvorke is no more vvorke Rom. 4.4 Now to him that vvorketh is the reward not reckoned of grace but of debt Verse 2. For if Abraham were justified by vvorks hee hath vvhereof to glorie but not before God Rom. 3.27 Where is boasting then it is excluded By vvhat Law of vvorkes nay but by the Law of fayth Remarke then That by all the former places our workes are expresselie debarred from having anie place in justification which is by grace and grace and our inherent righteousnesse are so opposed in that worke that they can not consist but the one is ever destructiue of the other Note also That the Apostle cleareth playnlie that place of Iames 2.21 showing that Abraham's justifying by works was not before God but by them that hee was declared onlie before men to bee righteous and just Rom. 5.16 And not as it was by one that sinned so is the gift for the judgement vvas by one vnto condemnation but the free gift is of manie offences vnto justification Note then That our justification standeth in the remission of sinnes and this remission is a free gift and if it be a free gift then it is not of debt and if not of debt then not of our workes as the Apostle had formerlie concluded Rom. 4.4 Gal. 5.4 Who-so-ever then of you are justified by the law yee are fallen from grace Note then That the fleeing to our owne righteousnesse in justification is called an head-longs falling from grace to perdition 2. Witnessing of Antiquitie THE redemption of the Blood of Christ should bee vile in our eyes sayeth Ambrose nor should the prerogatiue of mens works succumbe to the mercie of God if justification which is by grace were due vnto anie preceeding merits So that it should not bee the gift of the free bestower but the reward o●… the meriting worker Amb. lib. 1. de voc gentium c. 5. Remarke heere That both our first justification and that vvhich they call the second even to the ende of our lyfe is onlie of meere grace 3. Confession of Partie WEE are saide freelie to bee justified sayth Benius because nothing that preceedeth our justification whether it bee fayth or works deserveth the grace of justification Benius de efficaci Dei auxilio c. 18. Vasques also the Iesuit rightlie observeth thus to wit That a number of their most learned Doctors whom hee accounteth good Catholicks differ in this point onlie in words but agree in deede Of which number hee nameth Vilhelmus Parisiensis Scotus Occam Gregorie Ariminensis Gabriel Biel Antididagma Coloniense Enchiridion Coloniense Iohannes Bunderius Alphonsus de Castro and Andreas Vega who was present at the handeling of this matter at the Councell of Trent Vasques in 1. 2. quast 114. disp 214. c. 1. §. 3. That it is Christ's righteousnesse onlie which in justification is imputed vnto vs vnto remission of sinnes 1. Authoritie of Scripture ISai. 53.5 But hee vvas vvounded for our transgressions hee vvas brused for our iniquities the chastisement of our peace was vpon him and with his stripes vvee are healed Note then That by Christ's stripes and satisfaction is our healing or justification that this satisfaction of Christs is made ours onlie by imputation that Romane Doctor confesseth Bellarmine lib. 2. de justificatione c. 10. § deinde Ier. 23.6 In his dayes Iudah shall bee saved and Israel shall dwell safelie and
al-so beareth witnesse with our spirit that wee are the Children of God and if children heires of God and coheyres with Christ. Note then What greater certaintie can bee wished than the godlie haue of their salvation when they haue the verie Spirit of God inwardlie witnessing the same to their soules Gal. 4.6 And because yee are sonnes God hath sent the Spirit of his Sonne in-to your hearts crying Abba Father Note then That the spirit of prayer directed a-right and felt with-in vs is a sure fruit of our adoption and a solide assurance of our salvation Rom. 8.14 For as manie as are led by the Spirit of God they are the sonnes of God Note then That how manie so-ever follow the direction of God's Spirit in an holie course of lyfe may bee assured of their salvation 1. Iohn 5.10 Hee that believeth on the Sonne of God hath the witnesse in him-selfe hee that believeth not God hath made him a liar Note then What an hainous offence it is to doubt of the trueth of God's promises to vs concerning our salvation through his Sonne Christ Iesus Not but that manie deare Saincts labour vnder this doubting for God giveth not the full certaintie of faith to all at one time nor after a-lyke measure but they are displeased there-with as a fruit of incredulous corruption and they know that they should bee fullie assured of the trueth of God's promises to them-selues with-out staggering lyke Abraham of whom it is witnessed Rom. 4.20 that hee staggered not at the promise of God through vnbeliefe but was strong in fayth giving glorie to God Heb. 10.22 Let vs draw neare then with a true heart to God in full assurance of faith having our hearts sprinkled from an evill conscience and our bodies washed with pure water and let vs holde fast the profession of our faith with-out wavering for hee is faithfull that promised Note then Here-in expressed our Christian duetie plainlie to the perfection where-of wee should daylie aime leaning to this sure ground that can-not faile to wit that our God is faithfull who hath firmlie promised 2. Witnessing of Antiquitie THou art made secure sayeth Augustine not of thy selfe but by the Lord thou art secured of thy pledge hope with Christ for the Kingdome of Christ even now thou hast the pledge Aug. serm 5. de verbis Apostoli tom 10. Neither is this presumption but faith sayeth hee for to tell what thou hast gotten is no presumption but devotion Aug. serm 20. de verbis Domini Wherevnto al-so accordeth Bernard Epist. 107. 3. Confession of Partie THose who are in Christ Iesus they haue no cause to feare seeing they are sure of their salvation sayth the Bishop of Bitonto on the 8. of the Romanes And there is none of the Ecclesiasticke nor Schoole-men sayth Cassander who diligentlie vrge not this confidence and assurance of the mercie of God and glorie to come and teacheth that it ought to bee opponed to diffidence and doubting Cass consult art 4. CHAP. XVI OF PERSEVERANCE §. That the faithfull Children of GOD can never totallie fall from Grace nor finallie perish 1. Authoritie of Scripture PSal 37.28 For the Lord loveth judgemēt and forsaketh not his Saincts they are preserved for ever Note then That God's Saincts persevere because God him-selfe hee forsaketh them not but preserveth them by a constant and secret preservation ever Psal 73.23 Never-the-lesse I am continuallie with thee thou hast holden mee by my right hand Note then That God's holding of vs is the cause of our standing where-in because hee fayleth not therefore wee finallie fall not Ierem. 31.3 The Lord appeared of olde vnto mee saying I haue loved thee with an ever-lasting loue therefore with loving kyndnesse haue I drawne thee Note then That the maine cause is in God of our perseverance to wit because his loue is not changeable For whome He loveth He loveth to the ende Iohn 13.1 Ierem. 32.40 And I vvill make an ever-lasting covenant with them that I vvill not turne away from them to doe them good and I vvill put my feare in their hearts that they shall not depart from mee Loe then The cause of our not-departing from God is his never-turning away from vs and therefore our perseverance standeth vpon a sure ground Matth. 24.24 For there shall arise false christes and false prophets and shall show great signes and vvonders in so much that if it were possible they shall deceiue the vere Elect. Wee must note therefore that Christ's owne mouth declareth it to bee a thing impossible that God's Elect can finallie and fullie fall from trueth and grace Iohn 6.37 All that the Father giveth mee shall come vnto me and him that commeth vnto mee I vvill not cast foorth Iohn 10.28 And I giue them eternall life and they shall not perish and no man shall plucke them out of mine hand Iohn 17.11 Holie Father keepe them in Thy Name vvhom thou hast given me that they may bee one as wee are one Note then Out of all the former that the Sainctes perseverance is sure in respect they are the Fathers gift to the Sonne and that they are kept ever sure in the Sonne 's owne hand and protected lyke-wyse so safelie by the Father that it is as impossible to divide anie of them from the rest of the Members of Christ's mysticall bodie as it is to divide Christ him-selfe from his Father who are one and therefore the Apostle cryeth out saying VVho shall separate vs from the loue of God which is in Christ Iesus Rom. 8.35 Rom. 11.29 For the gifts and calling of God are vvithout repentance Malac. 3.6 For I am the Lord I change not therefore yee sonnes of Iacob are not consumed Note therefore That on the Lord's constancie the constancie and perseverance of the Godlie is grounded Rom. 8.29.30 For vvhom hee fore-knew hee also predestinated c and vvhom he predistinated them also hee called and vvhom hee called them also hee justified and vvhome hee justified them also hee glorified Note then That this golden chaine of Salvation can never bee broken as long as the first linke there-of which is our election is kept sure in the Lord 's owne hand so that whom hee hath predestinated to glorie hee shall keepe sure vnfallen finallie and fullie away from the middle linkes and graces that leade there-to vntill he invest them in glorie 2. Witnessing of Antiquitie THis God hath promised sayth A●gustine saying I will put my feare in their hearts that they shall not depart from mee which what other thing is it but that such shall bee my feare and so great which I will put in their hearts that they shall constantlie adhere to mee Aug. tom 7. de bono persever c. 2. And againe Christ placing them so that they should goe and bring foorth fruit and their fruit should abyde who dare say Perhaps it will not a-byde for the Lord's gifts and calling are without repentance Aug. tom 7. de correp