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A07477 Spirituall food, and physick vis. Milke for the younger. Meat for the stronger. The substance of diuinitie. A pill to purge out poperie.; Pill to purge out poperie Mico, John.; Mico, John. A pill to purge out poperie. 1623 (1623) STC 17861; ESTC S102271 67,531 192

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imputation of Christs righte ousnesse to vs. The Papists teach many things contrary to this Article First that men are to make satisfaction for their sinnes Now satisfaction for sinnes and forgiuenes of sinnes are contraries If wee satisfie in our owne person we are not iustified fréely if we be iustified fréely as most certainly we are Rom 3.23 then we make no satisfaction at all If a man can satisfie and pay a debt then he néedes no forgiuenes but if the debt be forgiuen him then it is plaine that there is no satisfaction made The satisfaction for our sinnes was made by Christ and not by vs. C. Did not the ancient Fathers teach men to make satisfaction for their sinnes M. The satisfaction which they maintained was an ecclesiasticall and publike mulct or penalty imposed vpon notorious offenders thereby to testifie their repentance and to satisfie the Church whom they had offended Perkins 1. V. 577 c. 2. vol. 165.2 D. 166. The efficient cause of our iustification is God alone It is God only that forgiueth our sins Esa 43.25 Mar. 2.7 Ro. 8.33 They teach that the Pope can forgiue sins and we know that he giues pardons not only for the time past but also for the time to come yea they teach that priests haue full right to remit sins they alleadge these places to prooue it Mat. 16.19 Ioh. 20.23 Now we are to note this that as none can forgiue a debt but the party to whom the debt is due so none can forgiue sins but God only against whom the sin is committed Ps 51.4 The power of binding and loosing committed to the Apostles Ministers of the Word is by declaring the wil and pleasure of God out of his Word both to pronounce forgiuenes of sins to al that are truly penitent and the retaining of them to the impenitent The Pope and his Clergie are neuer able to proue themselues to bee she true Ministers of Christ and therefore they cannot so much as challenge this latter authoritie and power to themselues much lesse she former which is proper to God only The motiue or impulsiue cause which moued God to iustifie vs was not any thing in vs but only the grace of God that is the free good wil pleasure of God Ro. 3.24 Eph. 2 8. Tit. 3.5 7. They teach that we are not iustified by grace only but by works also that is by the merit of our workes And to this end they haue of late yéeres deuised a first and secand iustification The first is when a sinner of an euill man is made a good man and this they say commeth only of Gods mercie by the merit of Christ The second is when one of a good of iust man is made better and more iust and this procéedeth from workes But wee are to know that there are not two kinos of iustification a first and second but one and the same iustification considered in different respects In respect of Gods actuall acceptation of a maus person iustification is absolute but in respect of the actuall application and manifestation of Gods acceptation vnto a mans conscience iustification is by parts and degrées M. Scudder on the Lords Prayer page 303. to 309. And further we are to note that the Papists second iustification is no other then sanctification which is an effect and fruit of iustification the which is imperfect and not able to iustifie vs before God Themateriall cause of our iustification is the actiue and passiue righteousnesse and obedience of Iesus Christ his inherent holines his fulfilling of the Law his death sacrifice and full satisfaction The formal cause or the forme of iustification is the righteousnes of Christ imputed of God vnto vs Rom. 5.19 Rom. 4.5 6 7 8. 1. Cor. 1.30 2. Cor. 5.19 21. Phil. 3.9 The Papists detide this doctrine that Men are iustified by the imputation of the righteousnes of Christ which righteousnes is not in vs but in Christ The Rhemists call it a new no-iustice a phantasticall apprehension of that which is not Rhem. on Ro. 3. Sect. 7. They hold them accursed that so affirm and teach And they teach that the onely formall cause of our iustification is the iustice of God whereby we are not reputed and accounted iust but are made iust indéede and this iustice is that which euery man hath within himselfe and is inherent in him Concil Trid. Sess 6. can 10.11 Rhem. on Phil. chap. 3. Sect. 3. The instrumentall cause of iustification on our part is a true and liuely faith whereby wee receiue and apply vnto our selues the merrie of God Christ Iesus and all his benefits resting vpon him alone for our saluation They teach that faith doth not iustifie as an instrument in apprehending the righteousnes of Christ but as a proper and true cause it actually iustifieth by the dignity worthines and meritorious work thereof Bellarm. lib. 1. de iustificat cap. 17. They teach also that faith is not the only cause of our iustification but that there are other also as hope charity almes-déedes and other vertues yea they say that workes are more principall then faith in the matter of iustification and pronounce him accursed that shall say a man is iustified onely by faith Rhem. on Rom. 8. Sect. 6. and on Iames 2. Sect. 7. Bellarm. lib. 1. de iustificat cap. 13. Concil Trid. Sess 6. can 9. These and other such like things they teach contrary to the doctrine of iustification which is a maine ground of Religion And if there were no more points of difference betweene vs these were sufficient to kéepe vs from vniting of our religions for héereby the Church of Rome doth raze the very foundation C. You said before that we are iustified freely I would know how this can be if we be iustified by the righteousnes and for the merit of Christ M. Because the decrée of God the Father for our redemption is frée and we pay nothing againe to God of our owne And therefore by the word fréely our merits are excluded but not Christs By which it appeareth that in respect of our selues we are iustified fréely of Gods méere mercie and grace without any respect of our owne righteousnes or worthines but yet through Christ and for his righteousnes and obedience imputed to vs both which are signified by the Apostle Rom. 3.23 24. C. Shew mee I pray you what is meant by Merit what the doctrine of the Papists is concerning merit and whether that our works be meritorious or no. M. By Merit we vnderstand any thing or any worke whereby Gods fauour and life euerlasting is procured and that for the dignitie and excellencie of the work or thing done Now the true merit whereby we looke to attaine the fauour of God and life euerlasting is to be found in the person of Christ alone in whom God is well pleased The Papists make two kindes of merit the merit of the person and the merit of the worke The
SPIRITVALL FOOD AND PHYSICK Viz. MILKE for the Younger MEAT for the Stronger The Substance of Diuinitie A Pill to purge out Poperie The Second EDITION corrected and inlarged LONDON Printed by H. L. for Beniamin Fisher and are to be sold at his Shop in Pater-noster Row at the signe of the Talbot 1623. TO ALL CHRISTIAN Parents and Gouernours of Families Grace Peace be multiplied IT is as yee know welbeloued the Commandement of God that Parents should teach and instruct their children in the true Religion and worship of God as it is to be seene in these places following Deut. 19. Prouerbs 22.6 Ephes 6.4 Examples also there are of many that did it as Abraham Dauid c. Gen. 18.19 1 Chro. 28.9 Prouerbs 4.3 4. Timothy knew the Scriptures from a child 2. Tim. 3.15 that no doubt by the instruction of his mother and his grandmother who are commended for their faith by S. Paul 2. Tim. 1.5 Secondly the benefit that followeth heereof is great Prouerbs 22.6 And the want heereof is the cause of much euill to your children and many times of great griefe to your selues Be diligent therefore and carefull to performe this duty Parents generally teach their children to say the Lords prayer the Creede and the ten Commandements and it is a good and commendable thing for them so to doe But they are not there to stay as if it were sufficient to say these things without booke but to goe further and to teach them the meaning thereof Many aged persons there be that can say the words but vnderstand little or nothing thereof nay know not so much as what the Creed is but vse it for a prayer The reason heerof is they were not ●nstructed in their youth That all therefore euen the simplest may be able to teach their children the meaning of the things aforesaid I haue heer framed first of all a very short Catechisme for little ones from the age of foure to 6 or 7 yeeres In which time I think there is scarce any of so weak capacitie but may be able to learne it Secondly I haue framed another fit for such as are of six or seuen till they come to ten or twelue yeeres of age and may in that time be easily learned and the rather because the first is comprehended in it Then thirdly I haue more particularly largely set downe the meaning of each Article of the Creede of the Sacraments of euery Commandement and of euery petition of the Lords prayer with diuers other points necessary to be knowne of all Christians and that before they come to bee partakers of the Lords Supper And this also may the more easily be learned because the second Catechisme is included in it And in all three I haue laboured for three things namely order breuitie and plainness For this I finde by almost 30. yeeres experience in the Ministerie that things orderly briefly and plainely handled are best remembred and soonest learned and though the Answeres bee many yet if they bee short and plaine both children and others will learne them with ease and delight Concerning the method and order heere obserued it is this First briefly it sheweth the benefit of Catechizing what it is and what be the parts of it Quest 1. to Q. 8. Secondly it sheweth what God is and setteth downe his workes of Creation and Prouidence and namely mans creation All which are comprehended in the first Article of the Creed Quest 8. to 30. Thirdly it discouereth our misery by reason of sinne Quest 30. to 44. Fourthly it declareth how we are redeemed from our misery namely by Christ where is shewed what Christ is concerning his person Quest 44. to 57. Then what hee did to worke our redemption and to make it perfect the which is set downe in the 4.5 and 6. Articles Quest. 57. to 74. And what is the last worke that Christ shall performe on earth Quest 74 75 76. Fiftly it maketh knowne how all that which Christ hath done is made profitable to vs Quest 77. to 81. Sixtly it sheweth who they are which are sanctified and ioyned to Christ namely the Church and what benefits belong to the Church Quest 81. to 98. Seuenthly it sheweth what is required on our behalfe that we may be partakers of Christ and his benefits namely a true faith what this faith is how it is wrought in vs and wherefore wee are said to bee saued by faith onely Quest 98. to 104. Now because the Sacraments are ordained of God for the helpe of our faith it sheweth next what these Sacraments are what things are thereby signified and sealed to vs and what is required to the right vse of them Quest 104. to 144. And forasmuch as that faith whereby we are iustified is not a dead but a liuely faith it sheweth what this faith doth bring forth in vs namely repentance and repentance good workes what these good workes are namely such as God hath commanded Quest 144. to 159. And then followeth in order the meaning of the ten Commandements Quest 159. to 247. Then after that follow certaine points concerning the Law as whether wee can bee iustified by the workes of the Law If not then to what end the Law doth serue and wherefore wee are to doe good workes how they are to bee done and whether they shall be rewarded of God or no Quest 247. to 258. Lastly it sheweth that wee of our selues can doe no good work but onely by the grade of God and that the grace of God is to be obtained of vs by prayer and then followeth the meaning of the Lords prayer and what shall become of all after this life Quest. 258. to the end All which things are briefly familiarly and plainely set downe by Questions and Answers that euen the simplest may easily if they will vse the meanes both learne and vnderstand the same And because that in matters of Religion nothing is to bee receiued but what is plainely proued by the Scriptures I haue at the end of almost euery Answere quoted the places of Scriptures for the proofe of the same And the places for the most part are plaine and easie as you shall finde if you turne to them And that you may see that whatsoeuer is necessary to be knowne beleeued and practised of vs to saluation is conteined in the Scriptures I haue also set downe in order the very substance of Diuinity in Texts of Scripture Lastly to the end that all may the more detest Popery I haue added a Dialogue betweene a weake Christian and a Minister shewing that Popery is contrary to the very grounds of the Catholike Religion and that therefore Papists cannot be good Catholikes And this I haue done not in hatred of their persons for I wish vnfainedly their conuersion in this world and their saluation in the world to come but in hatred of their false doctrine and that the simple may not be seduced with the title and colour
of Catholikes and Catholike Church Although many sound and learned diuines haue of late yeeres fully laid open all points of Popery and throughly confuted the same yet the vulgar sort eyther for want of money to buy their bookes or leysure to reade them being for the most part verie large or else for want of knowledge to iudge of them being learnedly written know not so much as what Popery is but thinke yea and sometimes speake it that the Papists differ not much from vs and that wee might bee easily reconciled For the good therefore of the simple and vnlearned I haue briefly plainely and familiarly set downe such speciall points as they doe hold contrary to the very grounds of Religion that so such as yet stand may be confirmed the weake ones kept from embracing Popery and such as are of late falne from vs may if Gods will bee such bee reclaimed By Papists I vnderstand such as cleaue to the Pope in religion and are obedient vnto him And I thinke they will not be offended with the name no more then wee are with the name of Protestants And in setting downe their opinions I deale not with them as they deale with vs namely charging vs with such things as wee teach not but rather vtterly disclaime As for example There was not long since in a certaine Citie of this kingdome apprehended a Iesuite and among other things found about him hee had a certaine paper wherein were 44 positions set downe as doctrines maintained by Protestants and of these 44. almost 20 of them were grosse lies As for example First that wee hold and teach that children are saued onely by the faith of their parents without baptisme Secondly that one must not baptize but at a Sermon Thirdly that God doth not onely permit but doth cause sinne Fourthly that there is no Cup of consecration Fiftly that one may preach without being sent with such like things which are most notorious lies for Protestants teach no such things but rather the contrary If any haue broached such doctrine if they bee knowne they are punished by our Church And this hath bin their practice from time to time in charging vs with such points of doctrine as were neuer allow'd of but condemned by vs. In setting downe therefore of their opinions I alleadge eyther their very words or the summe therof and quote the places where the same are to bee found And I doe not set downe the words of some priuate man or of such as are of no account in the Church of Rome but of their Councell of Trent the Rhemists Bellarmine and such as whose words and writings are approued and allowed of by the Church of Rome And then at the end of euery particular point of Popery I quote also diuers of our owne late Writers where the points are handled more at large so that if any be disposed to see what they hold and how they are confuted hee may turne to the Authors and finde the same And because the Papists stand so much vpon antiquitie I haue also set downe the time when the most substantiall points of Popery came first into the Church See Doctor Abbot in defence of the reformed Catholike page 109. to 121. There is one thing which it may be some will not like of and that is the vsing of some homely comparisons and pleasant conceites but I would haue such to know that a Pill is a very bitter thing and therefore men many times before they come to swallow it will roll it in hony or some other sweet thing that it may goe down the more pleasantly and therefore I haue done the like with this my Pill that so it may be taken with the more delight And heerein I haue done but as Elias did with Baals Priests 1. Kings 18.27 and no more then Esay did with idolaters in his time Esay 44.16 My request then to you is that you will accept these foure small mites and employ them for your owne direction and the good of your families Teach your little ones the first and then as they growe in yeeres let them learne the rest And heerein you are to haue a respect to the nature and condition of your children If they be but of weake capacitie and haue but weake memories you are to require the lesse of them If that you would allow them some small time in euery weeke to learne the same and euery Lords day after the publike exercises in the Church you would spend but one hour or halfe in examining them you shall finde that in a few yeeres they would euen learn them all And further this you shal finde that by teaching your families you shall much profit your selues so that when you shall heare the Catechisme expounded in the Church as Ministers are now cōmanded to do it you shall by this meanes vnderstand the better what is taught and profit a great deale the more by it You shall doe well also to reade ouer oftentimes the Texts of Scriptures as they are set downe in order and so you shall see how euery point of doctrine deliuerd by the Minister in Catechizing is confirmed And concerning the Catechisme for Catholikes you shall doe well also sometimes to reade it or cause your children to doe it that so you may see what Poperie is and accordingly take heede of it These things if you be carefull to performe I doubt not but in a short time you shall finde great good to come heereof to your children much comfort to your selues and God hereby shall be glorified to whose most blessed and holy direction I commend you now and for euer Yours to his vttermost I. M. A CATECHISME for little Children Q. WHo made you A. God Q. What is God A. God is a Spirit Q. How many persons be there A. Three persons but one God Q. Whereof did God make man A. Of the dust of the ground Q. Whereunto did God make man like A. To himselfe Q. Wherein was that A. In righteousnes and holines principally Q. Wherefore did God make you A. To serue him Q. How will God be serued A. As he himselfe hath commanded in his Word Q. How is that A. In spirit and truth Q. Are we such now as God did make vs A. No we are all sinners Q. What is sinne A. The transgression of the Law Q. By whome came sinne into the world A. By man euen Adam Q. What is the reward of sinne A. Eternall death and damnation Q. How shall wee escape this death and damnation A. Onely by Iesus Christ Q. What is Iesus Christ A. The onely begotten Sonne of God Q. Is he God or man A. Both God and man Q. What did he to redeeme thee A. Hée suffered the torments of death for me Q. Christ was God how could he then die A. Christ was also man and so he suffered and died Q. Did Christ suffer in bodie or in soule A. Both in body and in soule Q. Did Christ
doth who many times hath in his net a true and liuing Larke indéede but it is onely to deceiue the Larkes and the more easily to catch them in his net So they professe Christ haue his Word and Sacraments among them but it is onely to deceiue simple people and to make a prey of them DIALOGVE 4. C. Doe they teach any other thing con●arie to any other Article of the Creed M. Yes diuers things In the Article we professe to beléeue that Christ was conceiued by the holy Ghost and so he and he onely was conceiued without originall sinne They teach that the Virgin Mary was also conceiued without originall sinne and that by this meanes it came to passe that Christ was frée from all spot Concil Trid. Sess 5. cap. 1. de peccato originali And so héerein they doe altogether ouerthrowe this Article of Christs conception by the holy Ghost to whose onely power the Scripture doth impute Christs holines not to the Virgin Mary which was no lesse then all others conceiued and borne in sinne and did néede Christ to be her Mediatour aswell as the rest of mankinde There was a long time a foule stirre in the Church of Rome betwéene the Dominicans and the Franciscans about this point Acts and Monuments page 732. It was the common opinion of Fathers and Writers vntill Lumbards time which was about the yéere 1150 that shée was conceiued in Originall sinne Perkins 2. Vol. 596. In the 4. Article we professe that Christ suffered c. by which he hath made a full and perfect satisfaction for the sinnes of his elect and for the whole punishment thereof both eternall and temporall The Popists teach that Christ hath satisfied for sinnes going before Baptisme but concerning sinnes following Baptisme the fault is remitted by the passion of Christ and the punishment which of infinite is made finite is to bee satisfied for by men themselues eyther heere or in Purgatorie that is men themselues must satisfie the iustice of God for the temporall punishment of their offences eyther on earth or in Purgatorie There is say they a certaine infernall place in the earth called Purgatorie in the which as in a prison-house the soules which were not fully purged in this life are there clensed and purged by fire before they can be receiued into heauen Bellar. de Purgat lib. 1. cap. 1. and cap. 3. lib. 2. cap. 6. Rhem. on 1 Cor 3. Sect. 4. They say also that it is an Article of faith to beléeue that there is a Purgatorie and that he which beliues it not is sure to go to Hell Bellarm. ibid. lib. 1. cap. 15. But this is so farre from béeing an Article of faith as that it is a méere fable and contrary to an Article of faith The bloud of Christ is the Purgatorie of our sinnes 1. Iohn 1.7 Afflictions are called the fiery triall 1 Pet. 1.7 4.12 whereby we are clensed from our corruption as gold is from the drosse by fire No other Purgatorie is to bee found in the Scriptures The Scriptures mention but two sorts of men beléeuers and vnbeléeuers and but two places after this for them heauen for the one and hell for the other Luke 16.25 26. Iohn 3.36 Reuel 20.14 15.21.7 8. They that die in the Lord rest from their labours which cannot bee true if any of them goe to Purgatorie Their workes follow them that is the reward of their workes Reuel 14.13 If any man should haue gone to Purgatorie then the thiefe vpon the Crosse had gone thither who repenting at his end wanted time to make satisfaction for the temporall punishment of his sinnes but Christ said to him To day shalt thou be with mée in Paradise The doctrine of Purgatorie came into the Church out of the heathen writers for the Philosophers and Poets were the first that euer wrote of it Popish Purgatorie was vnknowne to the Fathers many hundred yéeres after Christ Perkins 2. Vol. 568.569 C. If Purgatorie be but a fable contrary to an Article of faith then what is the cause that the Church of Rome so stifly maintaines it M. There is great cause why they should so do for it kéepes in the fire in the Popes Kitchin for if the fire of Purgatorie were not great the fire in the Popes Kitchin would bee but small for by this meanes they haue store of money for Pardons Masses Diriges and other such like trumperies DIALOGVE 5. C. Doe they teach any thing else contrary to the Creed M. Yes The sirth Article saith that Christ ascended into heauen c. and the Scriptures say that the heauens must containe him c. Acts. They teach contrary héereunto namely that Christ is corporally present in the Sacrament and that in many places at once The which is contrary to the nature of a true body and contrary to the nature of the Sacrament which is a remembrance of Christ Vigilius against Eutyches lib. 4. saith thus When it that is the flesh of Christ was on earth it was not in heauen and because it is now in heauen it is not on earth This is the Catholike faith and confession It is an Article of faith to beléeue the Catholike Church and faith is the euidence of things not séene Heb. 11 1. Therfore the Catholike Church is alwaies vnto the world inuisible and not to be espied but by the eyes of faith because things seene are not beléeued The Papists teach that the Catholike Church is and hath but alwaies visible Rhem. on Mat. 5. Sect. 3. The Church is said to be Catholike that is vniuersall because it is not tyed to any one speciall place but is spred abroad ouer the face of the earth They tie it to Rome alone which can be but a particular Church and not vniuersall In the Church there is a Communion of Saints and these are they that are sanctified by the blond and Spirit of Christ hauing the perfect holines of Christ put vpon them by imputation of faith and the quality of imperfect holines powred into their heart by the Spirit of sanctification And such are the faithfull heere on earth 1. Cor. 1.2 Psal 16.2 The Papists acknowledge none to be Saints but such as are in heauen They teach that the Pope can canonize Saints whereas to make one a Saint is onely the work of God 1. Cor. 11. The Pope hath canonized many that indéede were neuer true Saints of God but wicked men and rank Traitors to their Princes as Becket with many others This canonizing of Saints was neuer heard of with the Fathers vntill the yéere 880. and then Adrian took vp this authority And Alexâder the Third after him confirmed it in his decrées In the Créed we professe to beléeue the forgiuenes of sinnes that is I beléeue that God for Christs sake doth fréely forgiue the sinnes of his elect and my sinnes also And héerein consisteth our iustification namely in the frée forgiuenes of our sinnes and the