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B15342 A treatie of iustification. Founde emong the writinges of Cardinal Pole of blessed memorie, remaining in the custodie of M. Henrie Pyning, chamberlaine and general receiuer to the said cardinal, late deceased in Louaine. Item, certaine translations touching the said matter of iustification, the titles whereof, see in the page folowing Pole, Reginald, 1500-1558.; Copley, Thomas, Sir, 1534-1584, suggested trans. 1569 (1569) STC 20088; ESTC S102468 222,799 366

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sort that when God toucheth the harte of man by geuing vnto it the light of the Holie Ghost neither may the man him selfe do nothing at all when he receuieth that inspiration for he hath power also to caste it away and refuse it neither yet can he without the grace of God of his owne free will moue him selfe to iustice before God. Whereupon in the holie Scriptures when it is said Be you turned vnto me Zacha. 1. and I will be turned vnto you We are put in minde of our libertie When we answere Turne vs O Lord vnto thee Thren 5. and we shal be turned we do confesse that we are preuented by the grace of God. The manner of our preparation THE VI. CHAPTER VNTO this same iustice are men disposed whiles being stirred vp and holpen by the grace of God they conceiue faith by hearing and are freely moued towardes God beleeuing such thinges to be true as are by God reueled and promised and that especially that the wicked is iustified by God through his grace through the redemption which is in Christe Iesus And when they vnderstand them selues to be sinners turning them selues from the feare of Gods iustice wherewith they are profitably shaken to cōsider the mercie of God they are raised vppe into hope trusting that God wil be mercifull vnto them for Christes sake and so beginne they to loue him as the fountaine of al iustice and therfore are moued against sinnes through a certeine hatred and detestation that is through suche penaunce as is behouefull to be done before Baptisme finally when they purpose to receiue Baptisme they are moued to beginne a new life and to keepe the commaundementes of God. Of this disposition it is writen Hebr. 11. he that commeth vnto God must beleeue that he is and that he is a rewarder to those that seeke him Matth. 9. Againe Be of good comfort sonne thy sinnes are forgeuē thee Eccle. 1. Againe The feare of God driueth out sinne Againe Actor 2. Do you penance and let euerie one of you be Baptized in the name of Iesus Christe to the remission of your sinnes and you shall receiue the gifte of the holie Ghost Againe Luc. 24. Go ye therefore and teach all nations Baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Sonne and of the holie Ghost teaching them to keepe what so euer thinges I haue commaunded you 1. Reg. 7. Finally Prepare your hartes vnto God. VVhat the Iustification of the wicked is and what the causes of it are THE VII CHAPTER AFter this disposition or preparation the Iustification it selfe foloweth which is not onelie the remission of sinnes but also a sanctifying and renewing of the inward man through the voluntarie receiuing of grace and giftes whereby man is made of vniust iust of an enemie Ephes 1. a friend that he maie be the heire of life euerlasting according to hope The causes of Iustification Of this Iustification the causes are these The cause final is the glorie of God and of Christe and life euerlasting The cause efficient is our mercifull God who doth freely clense and sanctifie sealing and annointing vs with the holie spirite of promise Ephes 2. which is the pleadge of our inheritance The cause meritorious is his most deere the onlie begotten sonne our Lord Iesus Christ who when we were ennimies for the exceding great charitie wherewith he loued vs hath deserued Iustificatiō for vs through his most holie passion on the tree of the Crosse and hath made satisfaction vnto God the father for vs. The cause instrumental is the Sacrament of Baptisme which is the Sacrament of faith without the which no man euer atteined Iustification Last of al the only cause formal is the iustice of God Not that iustice by the which God him selfe is iust but that by the which he maketh vs iust by the which when it is geauen vs frō God we are renewed in the spirite of our mind and we are not onely reputed iust but we are named iust and are iust in deede receiuing iustice in our selues eche man his according to the measure which the holie Ghost geaueth to ech particular man as his will is and according to the proper disposition and working of euerie man together with the holie Ghost For although no man can be iust but he to whom the merites of the passion of our Lord Iesus Christ are communicated yeat in this Iustification of a wicked man it is done whiles by the merite of the said most holie passion Rom. 5. through the holie Ghost the charitie of God is powred abroade in the hartes of those that are iustified and cleaueth fast in them Wherupō in Iustificatiō man receiueth with the remission of sinnes all these thinges faith hope and charitie powred in him together by Christe in whom he is ingraffed For faith vnlesse hope come vnto it and charitie neither doth it perfectely vnite a man vnto Christe neither doth it make him a liuely member of his bodie By reason whereof it is most truly saied that Faith without woorkes is dead and idle Iacob 2. Gal. 5. Againe In Christ Iesus neither to be circumcised nor to be without circumcision auaileth any thing but Faith that worketh by charity This Faith do the Catecumens require of the Churche according to the tradition of the Apostles before they receiue the Sacrament of Baptisme when they require that Faith that geaueth life euerlasting the whiche life faith can not geaue without hope and charitie Wherevppon they heare this saying of Christe foorthwith pronounced vnto them If thou wilt enter vnto life keepe the commaundmentes Matth. 19 And thus do they receiue a true and Christian iustice the whiche being geauen vnto them by Christ Iesus as the first stole in place of that which Adam lost both to him selfe and to vs through his disobedience such as are regenerated in Baptisme are by and by commaunded to keepe white and vnspotted that they maie bring it before the iudgement seate of our Lord Iesus Christ and so receiue life euerlasting How it maie be vnderstanded that the wicked is iustified by Faith and freely THE VIII CHAP. Rom. 5. Gratis NOVV whereas the Apostle saieth that man is iustified by faith and freely those wordes are to be taken in that sense which the continual agreement of the Catholike Churche hath alwaies holden and expressed which is that we be said to be therfore iustified by faith bicause faith is the beginning of mannes saluation the foundation and roote of all Iustification Hebr. 11. without which it is impossible to please God and to come vnto the felowship of his children And that we be said to be therefore iustified freely bicause none of those thinges whiche go before Iustification whether it be faith or woorkes deserueth the grace of Iustification Rom. 11. For if is be grace then is it not by woorkes otherwise as the same Apostle
is not able to worke the effecte of saluacion for which purpose it serueth vnlesse it be accumpanied with charitie the Mother of al vertues of which wordes S. Augustine gathereth a rule that when we find in the Scriptures faith commended for Iustificacion or saluacion we should euer vnderstād it meant of faith which worketh through charitie saying Hanc fidem definiuit Apostolus c. This faith hath the Apostle defined and determined to be it And in that sense both S. Augustine and other aunciente fathers cal that many times the trewe faith the Christian mannes faith and the faith in deede The trewe faith in respecte of the ende whiche is saluacion not bicause the faith whereby we onely beleue the Scriptures is not a trewe Faith. For we saie in the Creede of Athanasius that the Catholique Faith is a full perfecte and inuiolable Faith. A beleeuing faith and a sauing faith But it is perfecte in beleuing not perfecte in sauing And therefore it is not saide in the ende who so beleueth it shal be saued but vnlesse a man beleue and keepe it inuiolable he shal without doubte be damned For though he beleue the Scriptures in profession and keepe them not in deede that is if he beleue them in worde and mouth and trangresse them in acte and deede he shall not be saued Faith alone and of it selfe maie be perfecte for beleuing but the faith that is trewe and perfecte for sauing is euer accompanied neuer alone It is one thing then to haue trewe faith in assente and opinion which is faith in his owne nature and an other thing to haue faith in obedience of harte and affection which is faith accompanied with charitie and other vertues of whiche difference I onely putte the Reader in remembrance bicause I will more largely speake thereof in the. 7. Chapter of the second booke to the whiche I referre him Thus haue I thought good to open vnto the Reader what is properly meante by the name of faith alone August de Trinitate Lib. 15. cap. 18. in Euchirid cap. 8. and what it taketh of other vertues Sine quibus esse potest sed prodesse non potest Without the whiche it may be but it can not auaile nor attaine to the life euerlasting Faith properly is to beleue and to beleue is to assente to trewth This faith the age of S. Augustine S. Chrysostome and Vincentius Lirinensis did knowe and teache willing men for their saluation to ioyne vnto it charitie with other vertues If any man deuise an other faithe beside this he bringeth vs not the consent of Antiquitie but an inuention of noueltie As concerning the faith whereby miracles and wunderous actes are wroughte it is none other but the Catholique faith whereof I haue spoken Ioan. 20 which to aduance and commende God doth miracles in some that professe it through his name Whiche faith as both a good and ill man may haue so may both a good and ill man doo miracles as appeareth plainely by the wordes of Christe in S. Mathew and by S. Paule to the Corinthianes Math. 7. 1. Cor. 13. th one saying that many hauing done miracles shal be shutte owt of the kingdome of heauen The other affirming that a man maie be able to remoue mountaines and yet lacke charitie without the whiche he is nothing VVherein the controuersie of Iustificacion resteth and what is the rediest way to know how the same is wrought in vs. THE III. CHAP. THERE is emong parties at this time no greate controuersie touching the original cause of our Iustificacion For the Scriptures plainely shew and al men agree that it is God that iustifieth Rom 8. But the controuersy resteth specially in two pointes the first point first what our Iustification is and wherein it standeth whether it be onely a forgeuenes of sinnes paste or whether there be also required in it a change of the man and a newnes of life the secōd point The other pointe is how our Iustification is wrought in vs to witte albeit God iustifie vs yet how he worketh it in vs and by what meanes we comme to it by faith alone or by faith ioined with other vertues and Sacramentes which doubtes I thinke shal be much cleared if we consider our owne corrupte and sinfull estate and the cause thereof whiche is our carnall Birthe and descente from Adam By whom sinne entred into the worlde Rom 5. and by sinne death and so wente through all in whom all haue sinned Seing then that his fall was our fall and the cause of our vniustice if we vnderstande in what case he was created and what was in him loste wounded and weakened by sinne cōtraries being knowen by one rule and teaching we know also what our Iustification is Aristotle For the repairing of that which was in him loste is our restoring and the saluing of that which was in him wounded is our health the changing of the olde estate wherein through him we were borne is our renewing And our restoring healing and renewing is our Iustification Esai 53. Luc. 19. For Christ that came to iustifie sinners came to seeke and saue that which was loste and to make whole that which was wounded VVhat was loste in Adam by sinne and what is restored by Christe in our Iustification the comparing of Christ with Adam And in what thinges our Iustification standeth THE IIII. CHAPTER IT is a matter of vndoubted trewthe and confessed of all right beleuers that God created Adam in most excellent and perfecte estate For the Scripture saith in the person of God Gen. 1. Faciamus hominem ad imaginem similitudinem nostram Lette vs make manne after our image and lykenes Wherefore as God him selfe is wisedome trueth rightuousenes temperance loue strength vertue and in goodnes moste free so made he manne wise trewe rightuous and iuste temperate strong indued with perfecte loue vertuous and to all goodnes willinge and free Psal 48. But man vnderstanding not when he was in honor abusing his libertie to ill and transgressing Goddes commandement did not onely lose that perfect estate and beautie of vertues but broughte him selfe also into a base mortall and miserable condition fell into vices contrarie to the former vertues and became displeasant and hatefull vnto God his bodie condemned to death and his sowle vnlesse mercie had deliuered him to endlesse damnation And albeit it might suffise to say that he loste all the vertues wherewith he was by God indued yet to expresse some parte thereof particularly Prosper Aquitanus sayth Perdidit primitus fidem c. Contra Collatorē cap. 10. He loste first and chifely faith He loste continence he loste charitie he was berefte of wisedome and vnderstanding He was lefte without counsell and strength he dranke the poison of all vices and with the dronkennesse of his intemperance wetted through and soked the whole nature of man he loste profitable and
A TREATIE of Iustification Founde emong the writinges of Cardinal Pole of blessed memorie remaining in the custodie of M. Henrie Pyning Chamberlaine and General Receiuer to the said Cardinal late deceased in Louaine Item certaine Translations touching the said matter of Iustification the Titles whereof see in the page folowing Prouerb 4. Ne declines neque ad dexteram neque ad sinistram Turne not aside to the right hande nor to the lefte RESPICITE VOLATILIA COELI ET PVLLOS CORVORVM LOVANII Apud Ioannem Foulerum Anno. 1569. CVM PRIVILEGIO Beside the Treatie of Iustification in this Volume are comprised these Translations First the Sixte Session of the Generall Councell of Trent whiche is of Iustification with the Canons of the same Session Item a Treatie of S. Augustine that famouse Doctour by him entituled Of Faith and VVorkes Item a Sermon of S. Chrysostome Of Praying vnto God. Item a Sermon of S. Basil Of Fasting Item certaine Sermons of S. Leo the Great of the same Argument Last of al a notable Sermon of S. Cyprian that blessed Martyr Of Almes deedes All newly translated into English by Thomas Lorde Coppley The Preface to the Reader AS all Scripture inspired by God is profitable to teache and instructe in rightuousenes 2. Tim. 3. to the ende that a godly man maie be perfecte instructed to al good woorkes so is there no pointe or article thereof more expediente for a Christian man to seeke more necessary to find and know more comfortable rightly to vnderstand and more profitable to remember and practise then is the trewe and right knowledge of his Iustification and the maner how the same is atteined We are sure by the Scripture that a wicked man and his wickednes bothe like are hateful vnto God Neither can there be looked for any other thing Sap. 14. then heauy punishement and iust damnation where the anger and displeasure of God is vnpacified once iustely deserued and not taken awaie by some meanes to his contentation We doubt not also but that all men are borne naturally the children of anger that is to saie Ephes 2. in Gods displeasure and indignation as branches of a condemned stocke a thral kinde and bonde race of one man Rom. 5. by whom sinne entred into the world and by sinne death and so wente through all in whome all haue sinned And what can be so pleasaunt to a captiue as to vnderstande truely the way and meanes of his deliuerance or so comfortable to a person bonde and thrall as to know not onely how he maie be made free but also how he maie be brought in speciall fauor with his Lorde by whom onely he must liue or els perish Finally how he maie be made a childe a sonne Ephes 2. and heire to him vnto whom he was a stranger before And bicause no man 1. Ioan. 1. be he neuer so rightuouse and iuste Aug. de ciuitate Dei. li. 21. cap. 16. Galat. 5. Ioan. 5. Cypria de Elcemos liueth here without sinne and fewe there are of that happy estate that fal not into damnable and mortal sinne the doers whereof shall not possesse the kingdome of God sith also a law is appointed vs by our Physition that once made vs hole who saied Thou arte made hole nowe sinne no more we were as S. Cyprian saieth driuen to ●●arowe straite hauing a precise lawe of innocency prescribed vnto vs neither coulde the weakenesse of mannes frailtie tell what to do if God of his mercy had not appointed a waie and meane how man that by sinne falleth from iustice after his Baptisme may be restored to rightuousnes and iustice againe Further it suffiseth not a Christian man to be made rightuouse and to be set in the state of iustice vnlesse he continewe and perseuere in the same Matth. 24 for he shal be saued that continueth vnto the ende Also he muste increase in rightuousenes Apoca. 22 Leo Sermon 8. de passio Do. for so the Scripture teacheth vs Let him that is iuste be yet iustified for trewely is it saied Quantumlibet quisque iustificatus sit habet tamen dum in hac vita est quo probatior esse possit melior Qui autem non proficit deficit qui nihil acquirit non nihil perdit Euery man be he neuer so much iustified yet maie he while he is in this life be more tried and better and who so encreaseth not faileth and goeth backeward and he that getteth nothing loseth somewhat For whiche causes it behoueth vs not onely to knowe how we are made iuste and rightuouse but also how we be restored to Iustice when we fal and how we maie continewe and increase in rightuousenes when we be restored and finally attaine to saluation and glory which is the ende of Iustification and without the which all Iustification in this life auaileth nothing but rather turneth to a heape and increase of our damnation bicause as Oecumenius saith Oeco in 2. cap. Iaco. Like vnprofitable seruantes we receiue our maisters mony and make no gaine thereof that is to saie we receiue his grace in vaine This being vnderstanded 2. Cor. 16. how necessary and profitable the knowledge of this Article is and seing also that a man runne he neuer so fast yet if he runne out of the way he neuer commeth to the right end of his iourney to the intente thou be not induced to iudge amisse in so greate a matter and to thee so necessary I haue Christian Reader with the hope of Gods helpe indeuoured my selfe to laie before thine eies particularly as briefely and plainely as I coulde the maner of our Iustification in Christ with the circumstances belonging to the same Grounding my selfe chiefely in al pointes through the Treatie vpon the Scripture and holy Worde of God. 2. Petr. 1. Aug. lib. Confess 12 cap. 25. And bicause the same neither is nor ought to be of any mannes priuate interpretation for he that goeth abowt to drawe it to his owne priuat sense shall be depriued of it I haue taken suche construction thereof as the holy Ghost hath deliuered and taught his Church and suche as the auncient Fathers of sundry ages and places agreeing togethers haue lerned in the Church and vttered in their writinges to teach other Emong whom I haue especially and moste of all other folowed the auctoritie of S. Augustine as wel for that he hath writen most largely of this matter as also bicause suche as be of the contrary parte in moste credite Luthe Philip. Melan. Calui Institut cap. 18. 1. Tim. 3. and haue written in this time confesse that in the Doctrine of the Churche he is a moste faithefull declarer of antiquitie Intending therby to discharge my selfe as teaching nothing but that I haue learned in Goddes Church the state and piller of truthe and geeuing thee thereby good occasion I trust readily to beleue that thou shalt heere reade But as I haue declared vnto thee that the right knowledge of this pointe concerning
vnto thy death bicause Gods rewarde abideth for euer By which wordes it is not meant that a wicked man in whome no goodnesse is should be made rightuouse and godlie but that a good and a iuste man should be made iuster and better For as we saie truely that water is warmed not onely when it is of colde made luke warme but also when it is of warme made hotter so saith the Scripture that a man is iustified when he increaseth in iustice and of good and rightuouse is made iuster and better Rom. 2. Of a thirde degree of Iustification it is said Non auditores legis iusti sunt apud Deum sed factores legis iustificabuntur The hearers of the lawe be not iust before God but the doers of the lawe shall be iustified Where the worde of iustifiyng dothe neither signifie the comming to iustice which maketh a wicked man rightuouse and iuste neither the increase of iustice whereby a good man is made better but an ende and perfection of iustice wherevnto by Gods iust iudgement of the which S. Paul there speaketh such shal atteine as keping them selues in the state of iustice once receiued or recouering the same by penance continue and perseuer in doing iustice vnto the ende This is the ful and perfect Iustification of man who being borne in sinne is called to the state of iustice and increasing therein by continuance is at th ende perfited in iustice in life euerlasting For neither doth it auayle him to beginne wel if he doo not continue and increase neither is it ynough to continue for a tyme if afterwarde he fall away For then doth he lose the ende and perfection of his iustice without the which the beginning and middle auayleth not In this sorte doth S. Augustine speake of mannes Iustification For concerning the twoo first degrees thereof he sayth thus Aug. contra ●ulia lib. 2. 〈◊〉 de ciuita Dei li. 21. cap. 16. Iustificatio in hac vita c. Iustification is geuē vnto vs in this life by these three things first by the wasshing of regeneration whereby al sinnes are forgeuen after that by fighting with vices from the gylte wherof we were discharged and assoyled Thirdely while our prayer is heard wherein we say forgeue vs our offences In which wordes is comprised not onely the entry and beginning of our Iustification which he calleth Baptisme but also the increase of vertuouse and godly lyfe whiche he termeth a conflicte and fighting with vice wherevnto he ioyneth prayer for the forgeuenesse of sinne when we fal And this calleth he our Iustificatiō in this life saying further in an other place Lib. 21. de ciuit Dei cap. 16. Quisquis cupit c. Whoso euer desireth to escape the paynes euerlasting lette him not onely be baptised but also be iustified in Christe We doubt not but that suche as are baptised be also iustified For where S. Paule saith Abluti estis ye are wasshed cleane 1. Cor. 6. he saieth also iustificati estis ye are iustified And yet saieth S. Augustine that beside Baptisme a man muste be iustified meaning by Iustification the continual conflicte with vice wherein consisteth a godly and a vertuouse lyfe and increase of iustice Of the third degree whiche is the ende and perfiting of our iustice Aug epist 106 〈◊〉 sermo 61. le ver Do● he saith Complebitur spes nostra c. Our hope shal be fully accomplisshed in the resurrection of the deade and when our hope shal be fulfilled then shal our Iustification be fulfilled and accomplished Thus doth our Iustification rightly vnderstanded as it is cōplete and perfect comprise in it selfe a beginning of iustice an encrease and an ende In this sort do the Scriptures in sundry places speake of it Note the Authours Intente For this cause I haue in al this Treatie to make the matter playner to vnderstande deduced three degrees of Iustification comparing the same with S. Augustine to a perfecte buylding which beside a foundation hath lodging to dwel in And to a fruiteful tree which hath not onely a roote but fruit also comming of the same And albeit al these three degrees make but one absolute and perfecte Iustification in euery man that is saued yet doth the Scripture in sundry places speake seuerally and in diuers maner of wordes sometyme of the beginning and entree sometyme of the increase sometyme of th' ende and perfection of our iustice whereof may grow obscuritie and occasion of errour to suche as vnderstand not nor marke not this diuersitie in degrees of iustice Marke this diuersitie For it is not one thing that God requireth of him that first commeth to his seruice and of him that continueth his seruant and in th' ende trusteth to be rewarded by his seruice By meane of which difference it is truly sayd in the Scripture Rom. 3. Iacob 2. a man is iustified by faith without woorkes and also it is truly said a man is iustified by workes For as a synner is called and set in the state of iustice by grace without any deserte of woorkes done before So no man can continue in Christ increase in iustice and comme to the perfection thereof in life euerlasting without good workes as in processe of this Worke more plainely shal appeare VVhat is meant by the name of faith and how many kindes of faith there be THE II. CHAP. BIcause in al this discourse of Iustification I shal be occasioned often tymes to speake of faith I thinke it necessary as I haue already shewed what is meant by the worde of Iustification so likewise to declare briefly what is meant by the name of faith to th' intent that when the Reader shal see any thing alleged concerning faith he may the better iudge of it S. Augustine saieth there be twoo kindes of faith one whereby we beleue that whiche is said to vs An other whereby we keepe promisse in that we say to other August de spirit lit ca. 31. De hac fide nunc loquimur quam adhibemus cùm aliquid credimus non quam damus quum aliquid pollicemur Nam ipsa dicitur fides Tvvo kindes of faith We speake nowe of the faith which we vse when we beleeue any thing not of the faith whiche we geue when we promyse any thinge For that also is called faith But it is one thing when we say he gaue no fayth nor credite vnto me and an other when we saye he kepte not faith with me For the one is as muche to saie He beleeued not that which I said the other he did not that which he said By this faith whereby we beleue we be faithfull vnto God by the other whereby that is perfourmed which is promised God also is faithful vnto vs. For so saith the Apostle God is faithful who doth not suffer you to be tempted further then you are able 1. Cor. 10. Seing therefore there be but two kindes of
effectual faith for he beleued not God nor kepte that faith whiche S. Cyprian calleth fidem mandati De simplicitate pralator the faith of his commandement It was said vnto him by God him selfe of the tree of knowlege of good and ill Thou shalt not eate what day soeuer thou eate of it thou shalt assuredly dye He disobeied that commandement and did the contrary He waied so lightely the souereigne loue which he owed vnto God aboue all things Aug. de Ciuit. Dei lib. 14. cap. 13. that either for his owne pleasure or for the contentation of his wife he was soone induced to folow his owne wil and to leaue Gods wil vndone He cast aside the hope that he should haue reposed in God Gen. 3. and beganne to put affiance in him selfe harkening to the serpentes woordes Eritis sicut Dij ye shal be like Goddes He lost the vertue of temperance desiring the meate that was forbidden and therby vnlawful for him to eate And hereby was he berefte of wisedome and vnderstanding falling into such ignorance that of him selfe he was not able to knowe the highest and trewe good Prosper vbi suprà Aug. de Corrept grat cap. 11. He was lefte without counsell and strength and fel into such weakenes that where by his creation he was of so free and strong will that it was in his power to continewe in grace if he had and would and not to sinne excepte he would thorough his faull he was made weake and vnhable of him selfe to doo any good Thus dranke he the poyson of all vices infecting and poisoning his owne nature and thereby all that descended of him Rom. 5. Per vnum hominem peccatum for by one man sinne came into the world and by sinne death and so wente it through all men in whom all sinned Ephe. 2. Rom. 6. Thus were al men by birth made naturally the children of angre And by sinne the enimies of God. Seing therefore that this is mannes estate and condition of his owne nature and sithens also we knowe that the Sonne of man came to seeke and saue that was loste Luc. 19. to repaire that was in man decaied to renewe and restore him againe to the estate of iustice if we wil dispute what thinges are requisite in him that is to be iustified we must of consequence say Rom. 4. that he is made iust and rightuouse vnto whom firste God pardoneth sinne And further vnto whom of his bountifull mercie he restoreth the good and heauenly qualities that were planted in Adam vnto whom he inspireth faith continencie charitie wisedome and vnderstanding counsel and strength with other vertues which Adam lost in whom God restoreth his image and likenes which by sinne was defaced and decaied To make the matter more plaine let vs lay before our eies the example of a man deadly sicke in al the principal partes of his body as the harte the head A Similitude the liuer and the lunges whom if a physition cure of the payne in his head and of the passion of the harte yet can he not be called a whole man vnlesse the other partes be cured also For he maie els die neuerthelesse by obstruction of the liuer or putrifaction of the lunges Euen so the sowle being generally infected and mortally wounded in all her principall partes and powers requireth likewise a perfect cure of eche parte without the which it can not be said vnto man touching his sowle Ioan. 5. Ecce sanus factus es Lo thou arte made a whole man. There be emong others two principall and souereigne powers of the sowle Tvvo povvers of the soule the one called reason and vnderstanding the other will by the which the image of God is specially represented in man for that he hath them singularly and alone aboue all beastes and other creatures so long as the same be rightly ordered that is to say so long as he vnderstandeth without error and willeth nothing but good all his doinges be godly and him selfe a heauenly creature and a liuely Image of God. Bothe these were infected and corrupted in Adam his reason and vnderstanding yelded to thinke it good for him to take his pleasure of a vaine and corruptible meate forbidden by God though he shoulde die for it his will assenting therevnto strake the stroke and put it in execution Bothe the same therefore muste be healed in man before he can be recouered of that plage For neither can he doo good vnlesse he be rightely informed and taught to knowe what is good neither is it ynough for him to knowe what is good vnlesse he haue a righte and good will to doo it See the 2. Chapter Hovv the Image of God is restored in man. Aug. de Ciuitat Dei li. 14. cap. 9. Ethic. 1. cap. 1. Aug. de Ciuita Dei. li. 11. cap. 28. The medicine to heale mannes corrupte reason and vnderstanding is right faith For if reason be subiecte to faith and the vnderstanding ruled by it there can be no error in his iudgement But the salue to cure mannes wil and affection is specially right loue which is called Charitie Quia rectus est amor eorum omnes affectiones rectas habent sayth S. Augustine Bicause their loue is right they haue all affections righte For sithe mannes will and affection naturally desireth good if it can be induced to loue that whiche is trewely good it is made perfecte and straight if it loue amisse it is crooked and ill For as S. Augustine saith Ita corpus pondere sicut animus amore fertur quocunque fertur So the body is caried with weight as the minde is caried with loue whether so euer it is caried For what he loueth he willeth and what he willeth being not inforced or lette that he doth Neither can it be trewely saide that reason and vnderstanding being healed by faith Luca. 12. maketh the will whole For we know by the wordes of Christ that a seruant may know the wil of his Master and yet doo it not And the cause why he doth it not Aug. de Ciuitate Dei. li. 11. cap. 28. knowing it is but the lacke of will to doo it Neque enim vir bonus meritò dicitur qui scit quod bonum est sed qui diligit Neither is he worthely called a good man whiche knoweth that is good but whiche loseth it And thereby doe we see that will and affection may be diseased and disordered when reason and vnder●tanding is healed And so the man not whole when reason by faith is healed If I should saie no more then is alreadie said yet might the Reader wel perceiue what is required to the Iustification of a sinner I haue declared that Adam being created in perfect iustice by his sinne loste the same and ●l other men in him Rom 5. 1. Cor. 15. Luc. 19. and that Christ as a newe Adam to satisfie for the offence of
the olde came to seke and saue that was loste and to repaire that was by him decayed And then as Adam loste Faith Continence Charitie Wisedome and vnderstanding Counsell and strength Prosp suprà hope and humilitie so must all that companie of vertues with ●ther by him lost be restored in such as Christ of his especial grace reneweth and iustifieth For as Christ saieth of one man whome he healed so is it true in al whom he restoreth that he healeth not one part but the whole man. Ioan. 7. Deut. 32. Esai 53. His workes are perfecte and neither lacketh he power to cure all our griefes being God neither wil to doe it who for that cause became man. And as a man diseased deadly in al the principal partes of his body is not called a sound and whole man vntil the partes be al cured So the soule corrupted and made olde in Adam decayed in grace and bereft of Iustice can not be called a new creature vntil the salues of these vertues by the hand of our Phisition be laid vnto it and shew their operation in it For it is not said as many of you as haue ben baptised in Christe haue beleeued in Christe thought vppon him or heard of him Galat. 3. but it is said Christum induistis ye haue put on Christ that is to saie haue taken into you the vertues of Christ as before ye had the qualities and conditions of Adam Ephes 4. For that saith S. Paule is the true receiuing of Christ and his Gospel to put of the olde man and olde conuersation and to be renewed in spirite and minde putting on the newe which was created after the Image of God in iustice and holines Libro 1. cap 9. de pec meri remiss Christe saith S. Augustine Dat sui spiritus occultissimam fidelibus gratiam Geueth vnto his faithful a most secrete grace of his spirite which priuily he powreth euen into babes As Adam by a secret infection of carnal concupiscence infected and consumed all that came of his race He saith in the same booke Legimus iustificari Ibid. c. 10. c. We read that such be iustified in Christ as beleue in him through a secrete geauing and inspiring of spiritual grace whereby who so euer cleaueth vnto our Lord is made one spirite with him What Iustification is By all this we vnderstande that our Iustification importeth not onely an assente of minde and faith to beleue the Gospell of Christe neither standeth onely in remission of sinnes past which God mercifully forgeueth but requireth also a renewing of spirit and minde a change of lyfe and conditions ●it 3. that as in Adam we were disobedient seruinge sundrie lustes and pleasures leading our lyfe in malice and enuie hatefull hating one an other So in Christe forsaking vngodlines and worldely desires Tit. 2. we must liue soberly iustly and godly putting on vs as the chosen of God holie and beloued Coloss 3. the bowels of compassion mercie and gentlenes humilitie modestie and patience This it is to leaue of Adam and put on Christe which is our renewing and Iustification The kingdome of heauen is like vnto leauen Matth. 13 whiche a woman taketh and hideth in three measures of flower vntil the whole be leauened But as the whol paste is not leauened as long as any parte thereof remaineth in his olde tallage and taste euen so is not man translated from death to lyfe nor made a newe creature 1. Ioan. 3. Galat. 6. 2. Cor. 5. vntill the whole estate of his soule be refourmed And surely vntil he be made a newe creature he is not iustified Sicut fuit vetus Adam c. As the olde Adam was powred through the whole man and possessed the whole Bernard serm 5. de Aduent So nowe lette Christe haue the whole who hath created and redeemed the whole and shall glorifie the whole who in the Sabboth daie cured all the whole man. The olde man was sometime in vs that transgressour of Gods commaundemente he was in vs as well in hande and woorke as in mouth and heart But nowe if there be any newe creature in him the olde is past and contrarie to lewdnes in hande there is innocente life in the mouth contrary to arrogante pride there is the woorde of confession in the heart contrary to fleshly lustes there is charitie contrary to worldly glorie there is humilitie By which wordes of Sainct Bernarde we see sette before vs a true description of our Iustification by comparing togeather the corrupte estate of man in Adam and the repairing of the same through the Mediator of God and menne 1. Timo. 2. the man Iesus Christe For this repairing of mans corrupt estate Christe is often times in the Scripture compared with Adam and called an other Adam and the last man. Rom 5. 1. Cor. 15. Not an other Adam like vnto the firste but an other contrary to the firste suche as came to restore that which was lost by the first Rom. 5. For as by the disobedience of one man many were made sinners so by the obedience of one many shall be made iuste And as in Adam all men die so in Christe all shal be reliued And as by the synne of one all men came to damnation so by the Iustice of one all come to the Iustification of lyfe But as we were all condemned in Adam bicause we were naturally borne of him and thereby tooke his conditions so to be saued by Christe we must also be newe borne in him and put on vs his qualities And so do we see that our true Iustification is the recouering of that which we lost in Adam and what that was I haue shewed before The whiche Christe hath fully restored in such as truely take a new birth of him In the secōd boke the .xviij Chapter as I shall shewe toward the ende of this woorke where place shal serue to speake of the vertue and strength of our Iustification by Christe It is now to be shewed particularly how such as are borne in synne come to be iustified in Christ what the causes of our Iustification be by what meane God worketh it in vs and how we receiue it Of the causes of our Iustification The V. CHAPTER Ioan. 3. THE chiefe and principall cause of our Iustification is the great loue that God beareth vnto man who so tendred the worlde that he gaue his onely begotten Sonne Galat. 4. And to make vs his children sent the spirit of his Sonne into our hartes that is the holy Ghoste wherewith he hath sealed vs vp Ephes 1. and geuen it as a pledge of our inheritance And this hath he wrought Tit. 3. not for the workes of iustice that we did but according to his owne mercie The cause that deserued this owre Iustification at his handes was the death of his sonne Iesus Christe Rom. 5. Coloss 1. 1.
Timo. 1. Ephes 1. who when we were synners died for vs and when we were enimies reconciled vs pacifying him by his owne bloude and paying our raunsome in whome God accepted vs to his fauoure The meane and instrumente whereby God woorketh Iustification in vs is the Sacramente of Baptisme Tit. 3. by the wasshing whereof and renewing of the holy Ghoste we are saued Through these causes there is wrought in vs the iustice of God by the whiche we be and are trewly called iuste Qui facit iustitiam iustus est 1. Ioan. 3. for he that doth iustice is iuste It is not the iustice of God whereby he him selfe is iuste neyther is it our owne as of our selues but oures comming from him Cùm ero iustus August in Psal 70. in tua iustitia erit c. When I shal be iuste saieth S. Augustine it shal be in thy iustice For that I shal be iuste by iustice geuen me from thee and in suche sorte shall it be myne that it shal be thyne also that is to wit geuen me from thee Which woordes declare both that there is true iustice in man wrought in his Iustification and also that the same commeth not of him selfe but is geuen him from God. The final cause and ende of our iustification is Tit. 3. Ephes 1. vt haeredes simus secundùm spem vitae aeternae in laudem gloriae gratiae Dei That by hope we may be inheritors of lyfe euerlasting to the prayse and glory of his grace And thus hauing briefly declared what the causes of our Iustification bee I shal now shewe howe and by what meane the same is wrought in vs. That the Sacramente of Baptisme is the instrumente and meane whereby God iustifieth vs. THE VI. CHAP. AS God iustifieth synners through suche causes as haue ben rehersed so hath he appointed the Sacrament of Baptisme as an instrumente and meane to worke his iustice in them for whiche cause S. Paule seemeth to take it for al one to be baptised and to be iustified saying 1. Cor. 6. Abluti estis sanctificati estis iustificati estis Ye haue ben washed cleane ye haue ben made holy ye haue ben iustified And in an other place he saieth more playnely God hath saued vs by the wasshing of regeneration and renewing of the holy Ghoste Tit. 3. And bicause no man should thinke that he mighte be otherwise iustified or saued Christe saieth vnlesse a man be new borne by water and the holy Ghoste Ioan. 3. he can not entre into the kingdome of God. S. Ambrose saieth The beginning of trewe life and true iustice lyeth in the Sacrament of regeneration Amb. li. 1. ca 5. de voca om gent. that where a man is newe borne there also the true vertues should beginne And note here by S. Ambrose not only that Baptisme is the beginning of our iustice but also that we haue therein a beginning of true vertues and true iustice Augu. lib 2 contra Iulian. I haue recited the wordes of S. Augustine before where he saith that Iustification is geuen vnto vs in this life by three thinges whereof he maketh Baptisme the firste And to prooue the same by a reason taken out of the Scriptures See the 1. Chap. Our iustification standeth specially in twoo pointes in forgeuenesse of sinnes past and newnes of life in tyme to come For as S. Paule saith of such as be iustified Rom. 3. that God hath pardoned them their former sinnes so saith he for the tyme to come that they must walke in newnes of life Rom. 6. In Baptisme al our sinnes be forgeuen Prorsus verum est c. Augu. ser 2. de ver Apost Tit. 3. It is verely true In holy Baptisme al sinnes were put away wordes deedes thoughtes al were blotted out In Baptisme also newnes of life is geuen For which cause it is called a newe byrth the wasshing of regeneration and renewing by the holy Ghoste Wherefore seing that all that apperteineth to Iustification is wrought in vs by the Sacramente of Baptisme we may beside the authoritie of Scriptures and auncient Fathers euen by reason conclude that Baptisme is the instrumente and assured meane whereby a synner is iustified Of the Iustification of infantes by the Sacramente of Baptisme THE VII CHAPT BVt as the benefite of Iustification is al one so it is not receiued of al after one manner For such as are borne in sinne and by mercie called to the state of iustice eyther they be called and christened in they re infancie as it is nowe vsed throughowt the Christian worlde or elles they be called to it in they re perfecte age as it was vsed when the Gospel was preached to them that were borne and brought vp in infidelitie The estate of infantes asketh moste fauour and mercie for as S. Cyprian saieth Lib. 3 epistol 8. Augu. ser 14. de ver Apost Infans recens natus c. The infante newly borne hath not offended but that taking his carnall byrthe after the nature of Adam he hath drawen into him by his firste byrthe the infection of the oulde death who commethe to receyue forgeuenesse of sinnes the more easily for so muche as there be pardoned vnto hym not his owne but other mennes synnes And for that cause as S. Augustine saieth Augu. ser 10. de ver Aposto sermo 14. Accommodat illis mater Ecclesia The Churche our mother lendethe them other mennes feete to come other mennes harte to beleue other mennes tounge to say yea that forasmuch as their syckenes and griefe commeth by an other mannes synne they may be saued by the confession of other that be healed And albeit they be neyther able to answere nor doo for them selues any thing towarde their owne benefite yea and so muche as in them is resiste the same yet God bringeth them by vertue of that Sacrament from the power of darckenesse to the kyngdome of his Sonne Coloss 1. Augu. lib 1. ca. 9. de pec meri remiss powreth into them the secrete grace of his spirite and maketh them true faithfull and Christian sowles S. Augustine saieth Inter credentes Thou shalte recken and accompte babes that be christened emong the beleeuing neither shalt thou by any meanes be so bolde as to iudge otherwise Ser. 14 de verb. Apo. excepte thou wilt be an open heretique For yeuen by the aunciente canonycall and most suer grounded custome of the Church Babes once christened are called faithful and beleeuers Aug. ibid. And in an other place speaking of the state of infantes christened if they dye before thage of discretion So great saieth he is the mercie of God toward the vesselles of mercie Aug. li. 21 cap. 16. de Ciuit. Dei. that euen the first age of man to witte infancie c. If it haue receiued the Sacramentes of the mediator though it ende his life in those yeares for that it is
taken out of the power of darknes and brought to the kingdome of Christ Colo. ca. 1. is not onely not appointed paines euerlasting but shall not so much as suffer any purgatory tormentes and paines after death Purgatorie paines For the only spirituall regeneration suffiseth that so much as the carnall generation intermedled with death be not preiudiciall nor doo it any harme By which sayings we see first that infantes haue sinnes to be forgeuen them Nexte that they enioie remission thereof by their baptisme Thirdely that they enioie that benefite in most free manner Nothing being required for that purpose but onely that other Christian men bring them to the Church to be baptized and answere for them And the cause why For that they are gilty only of originall sinne and none other trespasse committed by them selues This is the graciouse and most free Iustification of infantes which they atteyne vnto not onely without any good doing of their owne but also without any consent Yea though they striue against it through the free mercie of him that came to seeke and saue that was loste Luc. 19. And hereby doo we not only see the happie estate of al such as be borne in Christian regions who by and by after their byrth be baptized and thereby iustified but also we perceiue how nedelesse it is to dispute of the beginning and entree of our Iustification which is wrought in vs freely by grace without our selues before we be able to vnderstand how great the benefite is And therefore concerning the Iustification of al men that liue this daie in Christian contries there is nothing so needeful as to vnderstande how such as fall after Baptisme may be reconciled to God and restored to the estate of iustice againe whereof I shall speake hereafter Of the Iustification of suche as were christened being of perfite age and what was required of them THE VIII CHAPTER BVT of such as borne and brought vp in infidelitie and being of perfect age came to be iustified and of wicked made rightuouse bicause they be not onely giltie of originall sinne but also of many actuall sinnes committed by their owne thought worde and deed more is required and an other order appointed vnto them whereby they prepare the way to receiue the iustice of God. It is required of them first to beleue For he that commeth to God Hebr. 11. Marc. 1. must beleue So Christ beganne to preach vnto such Poenitemini credite Euangelio Repent and beleue the Gospel And forasmuch as beleuing the Gospel there is reueled and opened vnto them the anger of God from heauen vppon all wickednes and iniustice Rom. 1. They are stricken with a good and profitable feare of Gods iudgement Act. 2. as they were that heard S. Peter his preaching and of that feare they conceiue and as it were trauaile and bring forth the spirite of health Esai 26. Yet doo they not rest in that feare but learning that Christ came to saue sinners and died for such as were his ennemies 1. Tim. 1. Hearing him also say Confide fili be of good comforte sonne Rom. 6. Matt. 9. thy sinnes be forgeuen They conceiue hope of mercie and thereby beginne to loue him by whose mercie they truste to enioy so greate a benefite And for the loue of him deteste and abhorre their former sinfull life And bicause it is said vnto them Act. 2. Poenitentiā agite baptizetur vnusquisque vestrûm Doo penance and be baptized eche of you they willingly and hartely repente their former sinnes which is al the penance that the Church of God requireth before Baptisme And so disposing them selues they receiue the Sacrament of Baptisme and therewith according to the promise of God made by S. Peter Matt. 28. Act. 2. remission of their sinnes and the gifte of the holy Ghost to keepe Gods commaundements which is their Iustification And this is the order whereby a sinner being of perfect age is iustified that is to say called to the estate of iustice and of wicked made rightuouse The first and principall cause thereof is the loue and mercie of God thorough the merite of Christes death Iustice is wrought in vs by grace and atteined by faith with the feare of Goddes iudgement hope of his mercie loue of his goodnes and by penance thorough the Sacrament of Baptisme All which are so necessarie to the accomplishing of our iustice that where any of them faileth trewe iustice also doth faile Hebr. 11. For as without faith it is vnpossible to please God and he that beleueth not is already iudged So he that is without feare can not be iustified Eccles 1. He that hopeth not despeireth Neither can any man loue that he hopeth not And who so lacketh hope and loue Aug. Enchi ca. 8. can not be iustified by faith Nam Daemones credunt For euen the Diuelles beleue and tremble and yet doo they neither hope nor loue but rather by beleuing are afraied that that shall come which we hope and loue Such as wil be iustified must not only beleue the Gospel but do penance Mar. 1. Luc. 13. Gal. 3. and such as will not do penance are assured al to perish Finally who is not baptized putteth not on Christe and therefore is neither renewed nor iustified This manner of Iustification is not onely testified by the Scriptures but also expressed in th' ancient vsage of the Church by such order as was exercised vppon them that receiued baptisme when they were of perfect age euen from the Apostles time whiche thinge we maie perceiue by the wordes of S. Paule where he saith Intermittentes inchoationis Christi sermonem Hebr. 6. c. Leauing asyde the wordes of our yong beginning in Christ Lette vs drawe to a perfectenes not layinge againe the foundation of penance from deade workes and of faith towarde God of the teaching of Baptisme and also of laying on hands of the resurrection of the dead and iudgement euerlasting al which thinges saith S. Augustine apperteyne to thadministration of Baptisme Aug. in expo ad Ro. incho de fid oper cap. 11. whereby we vnderstande that of such as were baptized in perfect age there was not only required faith in professing tharticles of the Crede but also they were required to doo penance from deade workes of sinne And to shewe some outwarde token thereof there was appointed vnto them before theire baptisme a time to faste and praie As is testified by such as liued nigh vnto the Apostles time Iustinus Martyr saith Apolo 2. pro Christian After what sorte we haue offred and dedicated our selues vnto God being newe made throughe Christe we will declare As many as be persuaded and beleue that the thinges are trewe whiche be taught and saied by vs and promise that they be able so to liue they be taught to praie and by fasting to aske at Goddes handes forgiuenes of former
him in euery good acte that he doth fateantur gratiam Dei adiutorium etiam ad singulos actus dari Lette them confesse that Gods grace and helpe is geuen euen to euerie good acte and deede I doo more willingly recite the wordes of S. Austine in this pointe bicause the moste learned in all ages since haue folowed the same iudgement and manner of teaching not onely Presper Aquitanus in Italie Fulgentius in Africa and S. Bede in this our country of Englande The teaching of the Churche cōcerning the grace of God in al ages but also the moste learned schole menne As Hugo de sancto Victore S. Thomas Bonauentura and other Whereby the Reader maye vnderstande what hath benne the teaching of the Church in all ages concerning the grace of God. As this grace of God is it whereby man is moued to al thinges that he doth wel so it is also the cause that worketh in him true penance and thereby Iustification For shyning vppon the soule of a sinner and geuing lighte to that darcknes it moueth the same to prepare him selfe and to receyue the working of God in such manner as I haue shewed before By grace God inspireth faith into our hartes whiche no man can haue without his speciall gifte Ioan. 6. No man can comme vnto me saieth Christe Augustin Tract 27. in Ioan. vnlesse it be geuen him from my Father Of whiche woordes S. Augustine gathereth Ergo credere datur nobis Then euen faith is geuen vnto vs. When S. Paule preached in Macedonia God opened the harte of a woman called Lydia to geue heede vnto suche thinges as were said by him Act. 16. Many other heard S. Paule as wel as shee but God gaue her the grace to beleue his woordes To you it is geuen saieth S. Paule Philip. 1. for Christes sake not onely to beleue in him but also to suffer for him And as these and other sayinges prooue that faith is Gods gyfte so of the feare of God it is sayd by the Prophete Timorem meum dabo in corde eorum Ierem. cap. 32. vt non recedant à me I will geue my feare in their harte to th ende they shall not goe from me Dauid knowing that it is the gyfte of God prayeth for it saying Psal 118. Confige timore tuo carnes meas Pearce my flesh through with thy feare If hope were not the gifte of God it should not be saide Tu Domine singulariter inspe constituisti me Psal 4. Thou Lorde haste placed me in hope singulerly Neither woulde S. Paule haue said 2. Thes 21 God our father hath loued vs and geuen vs comforte euerlasting and good hope in grace 1. Ioan. 4 Rom. 5. Charitie commeth of God. powred abrode in our hartes through the holy Ghoste which is geuen vs. What shal I say of penance whiche God geueth vnto sinners to knowe the treuth 2. Tim. 2. and to amende and gette out of the snares of the Diuel of whom they be holden captiue at his pleasure It is God that geueth a newe harte and putteth a newe spirite in the middest of vs that taketh away the harde stonie harte and geueth a softe harte and tender as fleshe Ezec. 36. And what is that greate change of harte and minde from euil to good but repentance And to commende his grace and make it appeare as it is very grace in deede he saieth non propter vos ego faciam This wil I doo not for your sakes but for my holy names sake Here it may be said If our Iustification and what so euer apperteineth vnto it A doubte be the gyfte of God and procede of grace what parte hath man therein and what is there lefte for him to do To this question I shal answere in the next chaptre And hereby maye the Reader vnderstande that the grace of God is neither hydden nor obscurely preached by the Churche in the Doctrine of Iustification seing that both our Iustification it selfe and the meanes wherby we comme vnto it be truely ascribed specially vnto grace That man hath free wil which being holpen by grace worketh in our Iustification and what it worketh THE X. CHAPTER GOd worketh mannes saluation by his grace Of free will. but he worketh it in him by hī selfe that is to say with his own cōsent and by his free wil He worketh in al his creatures causing the earth to bring forth grasse the trees theyr leaues and fruite the beastes to doo according to their kinde But these effectes he worketh in them by his owne power without them that is without any consente of them And this is the difference betwene beastes that wante reason betwene the insensible creatures and man Man as S. Augustine saith Serm. 11. de verb. Aposto Iren. li. 4. cap. 72. In the 4. Chapter Nec vt pecora factus est was neither made as beastes were nor made lyke a tree nor made lyke a stone but was made after the Image of his Creator That is as I shewed before indued with reason and wil And therefore although there may be in man corrupte wil and deceyued reason yet whatsoeuer he doth he woorketh it thorough will and reason Iren. li. 4. cap. 71. Liberum eum fecit Deus ab initio saieth the aunciente Father Ireneus God made man free euen from the beginning hauing aswell his owne power as his owne soule to doo Goddes will and minde voluntarilie and willingly not compelled by God. For there is no force vsed of Goddes parte The wooman when she had offended framing an aunswere to excuse her selfe sayde not Serpens coegit me Chrysosto Hom. 17. in Genes the serpente forced me and I eatte but what sayde shee The serpente deceyued me there is no necessitie nor violence but will and arbitremēt August de grat lib. arbit cap. 2. And bicause no man should doubte hereof Reuelauit nobis per Scripturas suas sanctas God him selfe saith S. Augustine hath reueled vnto vs by his holy Scriptures that there is free will in man. And howe he hath reueled it I put you in remembrance not by mannes saying but by Goddes woorde Firste bycause the very commaundementes of God coulde doe man no good vnlesse he had free will by the whiche he might doo them and atteyne to the rewardes that be promysed And in the same place Further there be so many commaundementes whiche doo in a manner by name speake vnto our will Rom. 12. Psalm 31. Prouer. 1. Prouer. 3. as that Noli vinci à malo Will thou not be ouercomme of yll Be not made lyke a horse and a mule in whome there is no vnderstandinge Forsake not the counselles of thy mother Be not wise in thyne owne conceyte and after manye other Scriptures there alleged he concludeth thus Surely where it is saied will not this and will not that and where in the admonitions that God geueth the worke of
men are workers together and helpers with God. To these we geeue commendation and that none otherwise then the holy Scriptures and auncient Fathers doo The Catholike doctrine slaūdered And hereby the Reader maie see how vntrewly it is saide that the Catholike Doctrine teacheth men to presume of their owne workes or to thinke they be able to doo well without the grace of God yea howe farre they are that so saie from knowing what good and godly workes are A briefe rehersall of so much as hath ben hitherto saide in this Treatie of Iustification THE XIIII CHAPTER IN the Preface of this treatie after that I had shewed howe profitable and necessary the trewe knowledge and doctrine of Iustification was I did by the wordes of S. Augustine put the Reader in minde of two great daungers In Psal 31. which that most learned and godly Father calleth hedlong falles sayinge that who so speaketh of this matter vnlesse he keepe the streight high waie going neither to farre on the righte hande nor on the lefte may easily fall him selfe or bringe his hearer into one of them The one perill is the presumption of mans owne iustice to thinke that he maie be iustified and liue godly without the helpe of grace which danger he saith is as it were on the right hande The other perill is the presumption vppon Gods mercy to thinke that a man though he liue ill dooing no good workes yet shal be saued by faith that peril he saith is as it were on the lefte hande To shewe the good Christian Reader who desireth to go the streight way howe he may auoide bothe daungers the falling into either whereof is the losse of life euerlasting I haue taken this trauaile in hande wherein I trust I haue nowe saide inough to keepe him from the daungerouse fall on the righte hande hauing declared at large howe litle cause man hath to presume of his owne iustice who descending of the corrupte race of Adam borne in sinne and in daunger of the diuell hath no hope to aspire to the state of iustice whiche Adam loste to him selfe 1. Timo. 2. and for all vs but onely by mercie of the mediatour of God and menne the man Iesus Christe who gaue him selfe a raunsome for all by whose grace we are freely iustified Rom. 3. Ephes 2. without respecte of any good woorkes going before or deseruing that mercy at his handes I haue shewed that the chiefe and original cause of our Iustification was the exceding loue of God Ephes 2. who when we were deade in sinne gaue vs life againe in Christe The cause that procured vnto vs the benefite of our Iustificatiō to be the merit of Christs death Rom. 6. who died for vs when we were sinners Colos 1. pacifiyng by the bloud of his Crosse all that is in heauen or in earth I haue declared that our Iustification is wrought in vs by grace and atteined by faith through the feare of God hope charitie penance and the Sacrament of Baptisme And this much haue I said of the first degree of our Iustification Ro. 5. whereby we haue accesse to comme to this grace making with the Scripture and aunciente Fathers for plainer vnderstanding three degrees of our Iustification and saluation The seconde and thirde degrees of our Iustification whiche are increase of iustice in this life and perfiting thereof in the life to comme I haue proued to be gotten and obteined by faith and good workes I haue also declared that not only faith the feare of God hope charity and penance but also our good workes and all thinges any waie helping to our Iustification be the giftes of God and made ours by the assent and working of our free will which is first healed and made strong by grace and the speciall helpe of God. And bicause no man liueth without sinne and fewe without greate and mortall crimes whereby the grace of Iustification is loste I haue shewed that the waie to recouer it againe is by the Sacrament of penance which is also the gifte of God for that he moueth a sinner to change and amende his life Math. 3. and to doo the worthy fruites of penance without the whiche motion no man euer did profitable penance And thus haue I proued that all Iustification in euery māner commeth from God and is receiued and wrought in man through grace 1. Cor. 3. by his owne will and consent whom it hath pleased God to haue a worker together with him not empeyring thereby but muche auancing his owne glorie for that he is meruelouse Psal 67. not onely in him selfe but also in his holie Rom. 3. And so haue I truely and faithfully excluded al boasting of man in him selfe geuing glory to God. For I haue so set forth the free wil of man and commended good workes that the indifferent Reader may truly say Omnia ex Deo. 2. Cor. 5. All is of God to th ende that who so vanteth and boasteth 1. Cor. 1. may vante and boaste in God. THE SECOND BOOKE DECLARING THE SECOND DANGER Howe daungerouse it is for a man to presume only vpon Gods mercy and to doo no good workes THE I. CHAPTER August in prafatio Psalm 31. HAVING thus shewed the waye to auoyde the one daunger whiche is on the righte hande and playnely declared that no man is iustified by him selfe nor hath to presume of him selfe bicause it auayleth a man nothing to eschewe one peril and to perishe by an other contrarie to it that is as the Poete saieth to escape Charibdys and be drowned in Sylla Augu. de fid et operib c. 14. Iam illud videamus c. Let vs nowe consider that other pointe whiche muste be shaken owt of good and religiouse hartes leaste putting cocke in the hoope by an yll securitie and carelesnes they lose their saluation if they thinke faithe onely fufficiente to obteyne it and take no care to holde them selues in Gods waye by doing good woorkes By whiche woordes S. Augustine moneth vs to auoide the other daunger on the lefte hande of presuming in Gods mercy alone Willing no man to thinke he may be saued by faith and beleeuing onely if hauing tyme thereunto he neyther lyue godly nor doo good woorkes And this perill is so muche the more to be wayed and carefully to be eschewed bicause as he saieth in the same woorke that is the moste daungerouse opinion of all August de fid opeca 27. whereby menne are made beleeue that lyue they neuer so lewdely and shamefully yea and continue in that kinde of lyfe yet if they doo no more but beleeue in Christe and receyue his Sacramentes they shall come to euerlasting life I cal this with S. Augustine the moste daungerouse opinion of al bicause it is the greateste enemy of godly life and good woorkes without the whiche no man shal be saued For he that putteth affiance in good life and
it is as S. Augustine and Prosper Aquitanus say Aug. tra in Ioan. 72. Prosper de promis part 2. cap. 30. l'e fide oper cap. 14. De gratia lib. arbit cap. 7. Epist 107. Enchi c. 8. Aug. de fide oper ca. 14 a greater worke then to make heauen and earth or to bring a deade man to life againe The argument is not mine but suche as S. Augustine vseth and repeteth almost as often as he speaketh of Iustification Saying that S. Paule by these wordes hath decided and determined the matter Non quamlibet fidem qua in Deum creditur c. It is not euery Faith whereby a man beleueth in God that the Apostle determineth to be healthfull and Euangelicall but that is the Faith saith he which worketh through charitie wherevppon he auoucheth that the Faith which some take to be sufficiente for their saluation auaileth nothing in so muche that he saith If I haue all Faith in suche sorte that I be able to moue hilles owt of theire places and haue no charitie I am nothing I woulde seeke a plainer decision if any thing coulde be more plainely spoken He saith S. Paule hath defined that there is but one Faithe auailable to witte the faithe that worketh through charitie He saith Ser. 15. de ver apost De fide oper c 14. all other Faithe what so euer it be auaileth nothing He saith and that verie often that Faith destitute of charitie maie be not onely in euill men but also in the diuell him selfe And calleth it fidem damoniorum the faith of diuelles And leste any man should saie that albeit good workes are done by charitie yet is all to be imputed to faithe whiche is the cause that worketh al Note vvel S. Paule saith on the other side that faith it selfe taketh her doing and working of charitie For as they know that vnderstand the Greke tongue ἐνεργουμένη is a participle of passiue significatiō and rightely shoulde he translate the wordes of S. Paule who shoulde saie That faith in Christ Iesu is auailable whiche is made actiue and doing thorough charitie For if we will speake of the nature of faithe as it is by it selfe it is vndoubtedly In the 2. Chapt. to vnderstande and assent vnto trewth as hath ben shewed before And bicause all knowledge be it of the Scriptures or the articles of our Crede maie be not onely in il men but in diuels also Faith is not able of her selfe to make a man iuste and righteouse vnlesse shee take vnto her hope and charitie and so be made actiue and doing by the one to hope in God by the other to loue God and man. whiche conclusion concerning charitie S. Augustine maketh In Praefa Psal 31. Ergo si nihil mihi prodest fides sine charitate c. If faithe then auaile me nothing without charitie and charitie wheresoeuer it be muste needes be working faithe it selfe by charitie hath her working Reason in man is the thing that maketh the difference betwene him and al brute beastes which be called brute bicause they lacke reason For which cause Reason as the principal power of the sowle is called of the Philosopher εντελέχεια the forme and perfection that maketh a man. In like manner charitie is the thing that maketh the difference betwene faith and faith betwene the faith of a good and an ill man betwene the faith of good Christians and vncleane diuelles As S. Augustine saith at large in a learned and godly Sermon able to satisfie any indifferente Reader not onely in this point but in the whole matter of Iustification Quid pertinet ad fidem Aug. ser 16. De ver Aposto Iaco. 2. Credere What belongeth to faith to beleue But lette there yet further be a difference made betwene this faith and the faith of vncleane Diuelles For the Apostle S. Iames saith the Diuelles also beleue and tremble if thou doest but onely beleue and liuest without hope and haste no charitie the Diuelles beleue also and tremble And a litle after first therefore make a difference betwene thy faith and the Diuelles faith Whereby wilte thou make the difference Mar. 1. Matt. 8. Luc. 4. The Diuelles said Christ was the sonne of God through feare S. Peter said it through loue Put hope then to faith And what hope is there without some good conscience put vnto hope it selfe charitie And somewhat after that Therefore make a difference of your faith then are ye of the predestinates of the called and of the iustified And in the same Sermon to conclude he saith Gala. 5. Therefore if there be in you faith that worketh through loue now belonge you to the predestinates to the called and to the iustified Let that faith therefore growe in you that is working by charitie for faith working by charitie can not be without hope Now if charitie be it that maketh the difference betwene faith and faith as S. Augustine proueth and if that which maketh the difference betwene any one creature and al other be the perfection life and sowle of that creature Then is charitie not an instrument to serue faith but the life and sowle of faith without the helpe and mouing whereof faith neither iustifieth neither worketh any good acte in the beleuer The Euangelist saith Ex principibus multi crediderunt in eum Ioan. 12. sed propter Pharisaeos non confite bantur vt è synagoga non eijcerentur dilexerunt enim gloriam hominum magis quàm gloriam Dei. Thei had faith vvithout right loue Many of the chiefe rulers beleued in him but they confessed him not bicause they would not be caste out of the Synagoge For they loued the glory of men more then the glory of God. The scripture saith they had faith and yet no man I thinke will say they were iustified who neither confessed Christe and also loued the worlde better then God. And what lacked there in them Ser. 16. de ver Apos to make them belonge to the predestinates to the called and iustified as S. Augustine saith but onely right loue to make that faith actiue and stronge to loue the glory of God more then the glory of men whiche vnlesse God gaue them afterwarde that faith nothing auailed them Only charitie rather then only faith Wherefore if a man were disposed to make a diuorce betwene faith hope and charitie which no good man euer did he might say by these and other reasons that charitie alone rather iustifieth and haue S. Augustine to say with him whose wordes these are Charitas inchoata De natura gra cap. 70. inchoata iustitia est c. An vnperfect charitie is an vnperfect iustice a well increased charitie is a well increased iustice a great charitie is great iustice perfect charitie is perfect iustice And in the same booke he saith of charitie Ca 38. ib. Qua vna verè iustus est quicunque iustus
est By the which onely he is trewly iuste who so euer is iust But to declare that his minde was not to make any such separation Ib. cap. 70. he saith it is the charitie that commeth from a pure harte a good conscience and vnsained faith He might allege for him th' authoritie of S. Ihon th'Euangelist who being required by his scholers a litle before his death to teach them some perfecte lesson Hier. li. 3. com in epist ad Galat. cap. 6. whereby they might liue well and haue cause to remembre him said my children loue one an other And when they looked for more he repeted the same againe and said It is our Lords commaundement and if there be no more done but that it is inough He should haue Prosper to say for him De vit contēpla li. 3. ca. 13 Charitie is a summarie and abbridgement of all good doings of the which euery good worke taketh his life without the which neuer man pleased God. S. Bede would say Homi. aestiua in lita maio Ser. 7. de Epipha Chrysost tom 1. fol. 176. Charitie is the principall vertue in so muche that without that vertue other principall vertues can not be Leo would call her the mother of all vertues and Chrysostome the mother of all goodnes And thus haue I proued not only that faith without charitie iustifieth no man but also that charitie hath a souereine working in the acte of our Iustification without the which faith auaileth nothing and so doth not faith alone iustifie nor exclude charitie An answere to obiections that be made to proue that faith alone iustifieth without charitie THE IIII. CHAPTER BVT leste the mainteiners of Iustification by onely faith should seeme to be without all ground and to exclude charitie without colour of reason they frame one especiall argument which for the readers better satisfaction I will put forth and answere here The argument is this We be iustified by faith without all workes of the Lawe Charitie is a worke of the Lawe Ergo we be iustified by faith without charitie To the which I answere with S. Augustine that their second proposition deceiueth them for that charitie is not onely a worke of the lawe but also the gifte of the holy Ghost in the newe testament Rom 5. S. Paule saith the charitie of God is powred abrode in our hartes through the holy Ghost that is geuen vs. 1. Ioha 4. And S. Iohn saith Moste dearely beloued let vs loue one an other for loue commeth of God. Vppon which wordes S. Augustines answere is De grat li. arb cap. 18. Cùm dicitur diligamus inuicem lex est Cùm dicitur quia dilectio ex Deo est gratia est When it is said Lette vs loue one an other it is the lawe when it is said for loue commeth of God it is grace He maketh this the greatest differēce betwene th' old and new testament that where as in the old God lead his people by terror and feare in the newe he geueth them plenty of his charitie and loue Contr. Adiman cap. 17. De spirit lit cap. 17. Item cap. 21. ca. 16. Haec est breuissima c. This is the shortest and plainest difference of both testaments feare and loue Ibi in tabulis lapideis There the holy Ghost wrought in tables of stone here in mens hartes And what be the lawes of God writen by God him self in mennes hartes but the presence of the holy Ghost who is the singer of God by whose presence charitie is powred abrode in our hartes which is the fulfilling of the law Thus doo we see that charitie is not onely a worke of the law but also the fruite of the holy Ghost the speciall token of the new testament wrought in our hartes by the holy Ghost And so hath S. Augustine answered this argument xi hundred yeares before they were borne that lately haue made it And whereas it is saied that faith onely iustifieth What it is truely to apprehēd Christe bicause faith onely apprehendeth Christe I aske what is meant by the terme of Apprehension If it be to beleue onely that Christ died for sinners that alone iustifieth no man for the Diuelles beleue it and tremble Iacob 2. bicause they hope not to be partakers of that benefite nor loue him that purchased it If to apprehend Christe be vnderstanded to dwell in Christe and to haue him dwell in vs it is not true that Christe is apprehended in that sorte by onely faith without charitie For it is saied 1 Ioan 4. God is charitie and he that dwelleth in charitie dwelleth in God and God in him And Christ him selfe saith Si quis diligit me Ioan. 14. sermonem meum seruabit Pater meus diliget eum ad eum veniemus mansionem apud eum faciemus If a man loue me he will kepe my saying and my Father wil loue him and to him will we come and make our abode with him By these woordes let the Reader learne what it is truely and profitably to apprehend Christe He apprehendeth Christ truly Aug. ser 61. de ver Dom. tract in Ioan. 29. that is vnited and made a member of Christe whiche as I haue proued in the last Chapter can not be done without hope and charitie He apprehendeth Christ truely that cleaueth vnto Christ and the glue whereby the sowle is fastned vnto Christe saith S. Augustine is charitie Ipsum gluten est charitas In Psal 62 If it be said that faith apprehendeth the promise Christ hath promised lyfe euerlasting to suche as become his friendes Ioan. 15. Heb. 5. And they be his friendes that keepe his commaundements He is made a cause of life euerlasting but to such as obey him The promise is made to the children of Abraham that is to suche as haue the faith and obedience of Abraham whereof I shall speake at large hereafter Chapt. 23. And so is it true that faith alone neither apprehendeth Christe nor his promise profitablie vnlesse hope and Charitie be ioyned vnto it That Faith excludeth not Hope in the acte of our Iustification THE V. CHAPTER Of Hope AS God requireth of such as come to his seruice that they stedfastly beleeue in him and with all their heartes loue him So doth he also require of them to repose al hope and affiance in him onely saying by his Prophete Iere. 17. Maledictus homo qui confidit in homine Cursed is the man that putteth his trust in man. And by the same Prophete Iere. 9. 1. Cor. 1. Psal 107. Psal 33. Let not the wise bragge in his wisedome neither lette the strong boast in his strength Nor lette the riche glorie in his riches But lette him that boasteth boast in our Lorde Wherefore as mans power to saue is vaine and he vnhappie that trusteth in it so happie is the man that trusteth in God. Of so great force is a
right and constant hope in God that nothing perteining to saluatiō can be auaileable to him that wanteth it Aug. Enchi cap. 8. No true charitie can be without it No faith can iustifie but by the helpe and direction of it A good mans faith is the substance of things that are to be hoped Hebr. 11. Take awaie hope then from faith and faith must nedes fainte and quaile The thing that kepte the Fathers of whome S. Paule speaketh so faithfull to God was that they had a strong hope and trust to enioye his promises And that which was said of Moyses may be truely said of them al Hebr. 11. Aspiciciebat ad remunerationem They looked to the rewarde which can not be without hope The Diuelles beleue and tremble Aug. Enchi cap. 8. but as S. Augustine saith they neither hope nor loue In like manner euil Christians may beleue and yet remaine stil vngodly and voide of iustice bicause they want hope and loue I haue proued before that faith without charitie iustifieth no man Propter quod Apostolus Paulus Aug. ibid. For which cause the Apostle Paule commendeth the faith which hath her woorking through charitie Quae vtique sine spe esse non potest Which can in no wise be without hope For sith a man may beleeue that whiche he hopeth not for what auaileth him to beleeue 1. Timo. 2. that Christe is the Sauiour of all men vnlesse he hope also to be partaker of that saluation Or howe shoulde he be moued to loue him for the benefite of our redemption if he trust not to enioy it And therefore saith S. Augustine Nec amor sine spe Euch. c. 8 nec sine amore spes nec vtrumque sine fide Neither is there loue without hope nor hope without loue nor both without faith And so doth faith woorke our Iustification through hope and loue So is it true that fides spes August epist 121. charitas ad Deum ducunt faith hope and charitie leade vs to God to whom we are assured not to come if either of the three want in vs. And therefore as it is saied Ephes 2. Rom. 8. by grace are ye saued through faith So is it also said Spe salui facti sumus By hope are we saued Hope ioyning with faith and charity ingēdreth an affiance in God and maketh a strong hoping faith vnto whiche affiance euerlasting life is promised Qui habet fiduciam mei haeredit abit terram Esai 57. possidebit montem sanctum meum He that hath affiance in me shall inherite the earth and possesse my holie Hill. So dothe S. Paule call hope the safe and sure anker of the sowle Heb. 6. Whervnto as many as flee for refuge haue a most strong comforte For as the ancor staieth the shippe so doth hope the sowle faith would be weake and charitie colde if hope mainteined and staied them not S. Paule saieth to the Colossians Coloss 1. Gratias agimus Deo Patri We geue thankes to God and the Father of our Lorde Iesus Christe euer praying for you For that we heare of your faith in Christe Iesu and of the loue you beare towarde all the holie Propter spem quae reposita est vobis in coelis For the hopes sake that is laid vppe for you in heauen He maketh the ende of our hope the marke wherevnto both faith and charitie haue their respecte And if the Philosophers sayinges be true that the ende is it whiche is last done Hope by some reason is the principall vvorker in our Iustification and first in our intente a man may reason vppon this place that in the acte of our Iustification Hope dothe not onely worke but hath the chiefe place and principal woorking Bicause his obiecte is the ende wherevnto faith and charitie referre all their dooinges and consequently the cause that moueth faith to beleeue and charitie to loue without the direction of hope faith and loue may be fruitlesse A man may haue faith and doe good woorkes August in Praefat. Psal 31. and yet lacking a right hope he shall not be a good man For saith S. Augustine Quid si de ijs omnibus bonis operibus c. What if by all these good woorkes either thou hope for that is to be hoped but not at his hande of whom it shoulde be hoped or hope after that is not to be hoped though it be at his hande of whome euerlasting life is to be hoped To put an Example For thy good workes thou hopest to get thy selfe a worldly felicitie Thou arte a wicked man. And therfore he saith in the same place Corrige fidem dirige fidem Correcte thy faith directe thy faith And what is the direction of faith but to referre and applye it to life euerlasting which we ought to hope and trust for in al our doinges If faith then can not iustifie vnlesse it be rightly directed and direction of faith is hope howe shoulde faithe iustifie without hope Ser. 16. de ver apost Adde ergo fidei spem Therefore put hope to faith saieth S. Augustine And what hope is there without some good conscience put charitie then also to hope These three ioyntly together beginne to woorke our iustice These three increase our iustice These three bring vs to the rewarde and perfection of iustice faith hope and charitie leade vs to God fide spe charitate colendus est Deus By faith hope and charitie God muste be serued Et nos fide spe Aug. epistol 121. charitate cum capite nostro sumus in coelo By faith hope and charitie we be in heauen with Christe our heade Ench. ca. 2 6. August in Psalm 26 enarr 2. let vs make no diuorce betwene these vertues whome God hath so ioyned to worke our iustice and saluation But as we be assured that without hope the acte of our Iustification is not wroughte so it behoueth vs to vnderstande howe hope muste be nurisshed and mainteyned The lesson is shorte but of greate proffite vttered by him that had good experience thereof August in praefation Psalm 31. Cupiditas refrenetur charitas excitetur Lette luste be brydeled lette charitie be stirred vp The very charitie of a man that worketh well geueth him the hope of a good conscience For good conscience is it that beareth hope As an yll conscience is all in dispayre so the good conscience is all in hope We see then that it is charitie and godly life which fostereth and mainteyneth hope And as without hope faithe suffiseth not for whiche cause it is saied by S. Augustyne Putte hope vnto faith Augu. ser 16. de ver Apost so hope without charitie wil not be had For what hope is there without some good conscience Put charitie then to hope also Thus is faith directed and stayed by hope hope mainteyned by charitie and a man made acceptable to God by all three
can not worke our Iustification without charitie and other vertues howe is it then saied that the iustice of God commeth through faith of Iesus Christ into al and vppon al that beleue in him And in an other place By Faith God iustifieth the gentile What is meant by these wordes of Christ He that beleueth in me hath life euerlasting Thy Faith hath saued thee with many other like Wherevnto I answere There be two causes why it is saied through faith Tvvo Causes vvhy faith is saied to iustifie and by faith we are iustified To beginne with the first Faith is the beginning of iustice the roote of good workes the foundation wherevppon godly life is builded Aug. de praedesti Sanct. c. 7. Ex fide aūt ideo dicit iustificari hominem For this cause S. Paule saith a man is iustified by Faith not by workes for that Faith is first geuen whereby other which properly are called good workes by the whiche men liue iustely maie be obteined Without the direction of Faith no man can liue well nor doo good workes Aug. de fide operib cap. 7. Nisi praecedat fides vita bona sequi non poterit c. vnlesse Faith goo before good life can not folowe for what so euer a man shall doo with shewe of well doing excepte it be done for pietie and duties sake towarde God Cyril in Ioan. li. 4. cap. 9. 1. Cor. 3. Augu. de fide operib c. 16 it can not be called righteouse nor good Ianua via in vitam fides est Faithe is the gate and waie to entre into life Faith is the foundation whereuppon the whole building of a Christian and godlie life is laide Si autem Christus proculdubio fides Christi c. If Christe be the foundation vndoubtedly the Faith in Christ is the foundation for by Faith Christ dwelleth in our hartes For that cause the Bishoppes assembled at Magunce to reforme the state of the Churche and to directe the people to a Christian and godly life Concil Magun cap. 1. Rom. 5. Ephes 3. saide Initium actionis nostrae de fide esse decreuimus c. We haue determined that the beginning of our doing is of Faith whiche is the foundation of all good for without Faith we can not please God. By Faith it is that we haue accesse to Christ Faith is a meane to obteine and gette our Iustification Aug. de Spiri et Lit. ca. 29 Iustificatio autem ex fide impetratur c. Iustification is obteined by Faith. And by what meane S. Augustine doth there expresse Per fidem impetratio gratiae contra peccatum Aug. de Spiri Lit. ca. 30. Per gratiam sanatio animae à vitio peccati By Faith grace is obteined against sinne and by grace the sowle is healed of that is amisse by sinne Bicause therfore Faith is the gate and entrie to life the roote of good workes whereof all iustice taketh his beginning the foundation whereupon godly life is builded the meane to obteine Iustificatiō and good workes without the which nothing pleaseth God the Scripture saith that by Faithe a man is iustified for of Faithe it maie be saide Haec porta Domini iusti intrabunt in eam Psal 117. This is our Lordes gate the iuste shal entre into it And here the Reader must be aduertised The Catholike Faith. Vincentius Lyrinēsis that by faith is vnderstanded the trewe Catholique faith whiche holdeth and beleueth onely that that the Catholique Churche hath holden from Auncient time vniuersally And what so euer it shall vnderstande to be brought in afterwarde of any one beside or against all the holy it accompteth that not to perteine to religion but to temptation To this Faith is all promise made and preeminence geuen in the Scripture This faith is the foundation of iustice If any other be brought in contrarie or diuerse from this Nō est fides Cyril suprà sed perfidia It is not faith but falsehod not the foundation of iustice and gate of life but the waie to destruction Symbol Athan. Aug. Euchi cap. 1. De fide ope ca. 14. Epist 105. De spiri et Lit. cap. 32. Aug. de fide et oper c. 16. For we sing in the Creede Vnlesse a man holde the Catholique Faith sounde and inuiolable he shal without doubt be loste for euer An other cause why the Scripture so speaketh is that wheresoeuer it is said a man is iustified by faith there is not meant a bare naked or solitarie faith but that faith that worketh through Charitie And therefore S. Augustine where he saith that faith is the foundation wherby Christe dwelleth in our hartes immediatly after addeth these wordes Porrò fides Christi illa vtique c. But that is verely meant the faith of Christ which the Apostle determined that hath her working through Charitie Iaco. 2. Mar 1. Lucae 4. Matth. 8. For it is not the Faith of diuels though they also beleue and tremble and confesse Iesus to be the Sonne of God that may be taken for the foundation and why so but bicause it is not the Faith that worketh through Charitie but suche as is wroong owt through feare The Faith then of Christe the Faith of Christian grace that is to witte the Faith that hath her working through charitie if it be laied in the foundation suffreth none to perish by which wordes it appeareth that Faith maie be without charitie but suche a Faith can not make Christ to dwell in vs. Againe that Faith voide of charitie is not the Christians but the diuels Faith. Thirdely that the Faith of Christ the Christians Faith and the Faith of grace is that which worketh through Charitie and that is it that muste be laide for the foundation in al that shal not perish And seing that no man will saie that Faith can iustifie other then suche as is the faith of Christ the faith of grace the Christian and not the diuels faith it remaineth that when it is saied in the Scripture a man is iustified or saued by faith we must vnderstand that faith onely that worketh through Charitie Charitie maketh the difference betwene good men and wicked diuels Charitie is the cause why a Christian man may be iustified by faith Aug. Epistola 105. Iacob 2. Mar. 1. Lucae 4. Matth. 8. and the diuell maie not Illa quippe fides est Christianorum non daemoniorum That whiche worketh through Charitie is the Christian and not the diuels faithe for diuels also beleue and tremble but doo they likewise loue If they had no belefe they woulde not haue saied thou arte the Holie of God thou arte the Sonne of God had they loue they woulde not haue saied what haue we to doo with thee Other saith then this S. Augustine commendeth not as able to iustifie Illa est laudabilis fides August serm 13. de verb. Apostol ipsa est vera gratiae
fruit of Iustification is to leade a godly and vertuouse life here and the ende to enioye life euerlasting To woorke this effecte Christe gaue him selfe for vs to ransome vs from all iniquitie Tit. 2. and cleanse to him selfe a speciall people that should followe good workes To this ende was his grace shewed vnto al men teaching vs to renounce wickednesse and worldely desyres Ibid. and to liue soberly iustely and godly in this worlde looking for the blessed hope and comming of our Sauiour Math. 4. Math. 19. This effecte was wrought not onely in Christes Apostles who at his calling through grace forsooke all that before they looued in the worlde but also in sundrie others mentioned in the Scripture of whome it maye truely be sayd that being once brought to Christe Gal. 5. and made his they crucified theire fleshe Gal. 2. with the vices and concupiscences liued to Christ and Christ in them Marie Magdalene of an vnchaste wooman was made so vertuouse and constant in God that when Christ his Apostles forsoke him she went not awaye And after his ascension as probable histories testifie as wel she as Lazarus Ioseph of Arimathia and others forsaking Iudea sayled into other countries where they did continually leade a solitary Tit. 2. seuere and strayte life looking as S. Paule saieth for that blessed hope and comming of our Sauiour The multitude of the beleuing which were as we know thousandes agreed all in one harte and one minde Act. 4. Were so full of charitie and true loue that suche as were possessioners solde theire landes and houses to helpe them that had neede The fruit of Iustification was so great and wrought so great a chaunge generally in Christian menne 1. Pet. 4. as S. Peter saith that such as remained stil heathen maruayled at them that they would not do as they did in banketting dronkenes and confusion of ryot Euse li. 3. Eccles histor c. 32. Plinius in epist Plinius secundus being a heathen man and Lieutenant in a prouince where he sawe many Christian men martyred was by the good example of their life moued to write to the Emperour and to signifie that there was none offence founde in them other then that they songe Hymnes early before daye to Christ their God but as for whoredome and other like crimes he said they tooke them for vnlawfull and vtterly eschewed them Tertullian writing in the defence of Christian men in his tyme against the heathen saith in sundry places of that boke that the magistrates being heathen neither did nor could charge the Christians with murder inceste adultery sorcery conspiracie againste Princes or other notoriouse crimes but onely laide to their charge that they were Christians Bonus vir Caius Seius sed malus tantùm Tertulli in Apolog. quia Christianus Such a one is an honeste man but he is nought onely bicause he is a Christian And a litle after Quae mulier quàm lasciua quàm festiua Qui iuuenis Tertul. ibi Qui Lucius quàm amasius facti sunt Christiani ita nomen emendationi imputatus What a woman howe wanton howe pleasante what a yong man What a Lucius howe amorouse are become Christians So the very name is accompted for amendement S. Augustine saith it was seene in his tyme that common harlottes and stage players sodenly conuerted prooued suche Ad Simplician li. 1. Quaest 2. that they passed the colde Christians not onely in patience and temperance but also in faith hope and charitie By al which examples we see that the grace of Iustification where it is truely and vnfaynedly receiued is that Leauen whereof Christe spake Math. 13. which being put into three measures of meale leueneth the whole that is to say geueth it a newe tallage and taste other then it had before Rom. 6. 1. Pet. 4. Qui enim mortuus est iustificatus est à peccato for he that is deade is iustified from sinne and he that is iustified is deade from sinne By these examples we see it true that S. Paule saieth The Gospell is the power and might of God Rom. 1. for that the Gospel wherein Iustification is preached being truely and effectually receyued maketh them that so receyue it strong and so strong that as S. Augustine maketh the comparison August de correp grat c. 11. 12. many Martyrs haue shewed them selues to haue more perfite faith hope charitie better and more stronge freedome of will then Adam had for he had receyued the power not to sinne vnlesse he would neyther to forsake God vnlesse he would but he had not the perseuerance nor will to continewe in any of both and therefore he forsooke the good and became sinnefull These receyued by grace not onely the power to resiste synne but also the perseuerance and will so to continue Aug. ibid. cap. 12. Denique ille Adam terrente nullo c. Finally Adam when no man put him in feare yea and againste the commandemente of God that did put him in feare vsing his free will stoode not faste in so greate felicitie in so greate facilitie and ease of not sinning These Martyres when the worlde did I will not saye put them in feare but cruelly rage that they should not stande stoode faste in faith Whereas Adam sawe present before him the goods that he should leaue these did not see the goods that they were to receyue This is the strength in well doing whiche the grace of Iustification truely receyued and faithfully putte in vre geueth vnto Christian men by the whiche Christe is stronge in vs. Seing therefore that Christe Iesus is all one yesterday Heb. 13. and this daye and for euer howe is it that we finde not in our selues the strengeth in well doing whiche we commende in them Neyther the fruite of Iustification whiche S. Paule commendeth in the Romaines that is holinesse and vertuouse life suche as Plinie being a heathen man and Tertullian euen by the confession of the heathen saieth was commonlye founde in Christian menne What shall we saye but that God offereth it 2. Cor. 6. See the 7. chapt of this .2 Booke Cypria de simplicit Praelator and we will not receyue it We receyue the grace of God in vaine we geue not the credite to Gods woordes that they did we haue not the faithe of Abraham faithfully to beleeue and obediently to doo all that God biddeth vs to doo We beleeue his promises and care not for his commaundementes and therefore be faynte in faith and without hope and charitie To redresse this let vs firste beginne with the foundation and beleeue concerning our Iustification as they did Tertullian saieth that onely Christian menne were the innocente and godly lyuers and sheweth the cause Nos ergo soli innocentes quid mirum si necesse est Tertull. in Apologe Enimuerò necesse est innocentiam à Deo edocti perfectè eam nouimus vt à
Treatie of Mans Iustification The Praier of the Churche Omnipotens sempiterne Deus da nobis fidei spei charitatis augmentum vt mereamur assequi quod promittis fac nos amare quod praecipis Almightie euerlasting God geue vs increase of faith hope and charitie and to the intent we may deserue to come to that which thou promisest make vs loue that that thou commaundest through Iesus Christe our Lorde Amen TO THE READER TO the intente Christian Reader thou maiest vnderstande both that the doctrine of Mans Iustification declared vnto thee in this Treatie is consonant and agreable to the assured and vndoubted doctrine of Christes Catholique Churche by long and mature deliberation by most exact and diligent * Aboute this onely mater the Bisshops and Doctors had lxxx seuerall meetinges and conferences before they concluded trauaile expressed and sette forth to the worlde in the late General Councell holden at Trent and also that the saied moste Reuerende and Learned Assemblie of Bisshops Doctours and Fathers defined nothing in this matter but suche as most expressely agreeth with the holy Scriptures and consent of the Auncient Fathers here in this Treatie laied before thee to this intente I saie and for these causes thou haste here to this Treatie annexed the Sixt Session of the saied Councell with the Canons of the same translated into English worde for worde In the which the whole doctrine of Iustification is most exactly plainely and withal shortly taught declared and comprised THE SIXTH SESSION OF THE GENERAL COVNCEL OF TRENT HOLDEN THE THIRTENTH DAIE OF IANVARIE IN THE YEARE OF OVR LORDE 1547. A DECREE TOVCHING Iustification The Preface FOR so muche as there is at this present a certaine erroneous doctrine sowen in diuers and sundrie places concerning Iustification not without the losse of many sowles and greuous decaie of vnitie in the Church to the praise and glorie of Almightie God tranquillitie of the Church and saluation of sowles the Holie Oecumenicall and Generall Councell of Trent lawfully assembled in the Holie Ghost the right Reuerend Lordes Iohn Maria de Monte Bisshop of Preneste and Marcellus Priest by title of the holie Crosse in Hierusalem Cardinals of the holie Churche of Rome and Legates Apostolike de Latere being in it Presidentes in the behalfe of our most holie Father in Christe and Soueraine Lorde Paulus by the prouidence of God the third Pope of that name intendeth to set out to all the Faithfull of Christe a true and sound doctrine of Iustification Heb. 12. which Iesus Christ the Sonne of iustice the beginner and ender of our Faith hath taught the Apostles haue deliuered and the Catholike Church by suggestion of the holy Ghost hath continually kept streightly forbidding that no man from hence foorth be so bold as to beleue preach or teach otherwise then is ordeined and declared in this present Decree Of the insufficiencie of our nature and of the Lawe towardes Iustification THE I. CHAP. FIRST of all the holie Councell declareth that to vnderstand the doctrine of Iustification wel and sincerely it behoueth euerie man to acknowledge and confesse that after what time all men had in the preuarication of Adam lost their innocencie and were made vncleane Rom. 5. Ephes 2. and as the Apostle saieth by nature the Sonnes of wrath as it is expressed before in the Decree concerning originall sinne they were so muche the bondslaues of sinne and in such subiection to the deuil and death that they could not be deliuered or rise againe out of it neither the Gentiles by the strength of nature neither yet the Iewes them selues by the letter of the law of Moyses albeit that free will was not vtterly quenched in them though the strength of it were much weakened and decaied Of the dispensation and Mysterie of the coming of Christe THE II. CHAP. WHerevpon it came to passe that the heauenly Father the Father of mercies and God of all comfort when that blessed fulnes of time was come sent vnto men Christ Iesus his owne Sonne Galat. 4. who was declared and promised vnto manie holie Fathers both before the law and in the time of the lawe to the ende that he should redeeme the Iewes which were vnder the lawe and that the Gentiles which folowed not iustice Rom. 9. Ephes 2. 1. Ioan. 2. might laie hand on iustice and that all men might receiue the adoption of Sonnes This Iesus hath God set foorth an appeacer by Faith in his owne bloud for our sinnes and not only for our sinnes but also for the sinnes of the whole worlde VVho they are that are iustified by Christe THE V. CHAPTER HOwbeit although he died for all men yet do not al men receiue the benefite of his death but they only to whome the merite of his passion is communicated For as in deede men should not be borne vniust vnlesse they were descended and borne of the seede of Adam for so much as in that descente they do gather by him an vnrighteousnes of their owne whiles they are conceiued euen so they should neuer be iustified except they were borne againe in Christ bicause in that second birth by the merite of his passion grace is geauen vnto them by the which they are made iust For this benefite the Apostle exhorteth vs to geaue thankes at all times to the Father which hath made vs woorthie to be partakers of the lotte of Saintes in light Colos 3. and hath deliuered vs from the power of darkenes and hath transposed vs into the kingdome of his welbeloued Sonne in whome we haue redemption and remission of sinnes A description of the Iustification of the wicked and the manner of it in the state of grace THE IIII. CHAPTER BY the which wordes is described and declared the Iustification of the wicked that it is a translation from that state in which man is borne the sonne of the first Adam into the state of grace and adoption of the sonnes of God by the second Adam Iesus Christ our Sauiour The which translation after the publishing of the Gospel can not be made without receiuing the water of Baptisme or the purpose to receiue it as it is written Ioan. 3. Except a man be borne againe by water and the Holie Ghost he can not enter into the kingdome of God. That it is necessarie for such as be of age to prepare them selues to receiue Iustification and from whence Iustification commeth THE V. CHAPTER THE holie Councell declareth moreouer that the beginning of Iustification in such as be of age is to be taken of the preuenting grace of God through Christ Iesus that is to say of his calling whereby they are called without anie their owne merites that they which were turned away from God through sinnes may by his stirring and helping grace be disposed to conuerte them selues vnto their owne Iustification by yealding their consent freely and woorking together with the grace of God in such
euil Accursed be he THE EIGHTENTH CANON IF anie man saie that the commaundementes of God are impossible to be kept euen of a man that is iustified and in the state of grace Accursed be he THE NINETENTH CANON IF anie man saie that there is nothing commaunded in the Ghospel besides faith that al other thinges are indifferent neither commaunded nor yet forbidden but free or that the ten commaundementes do nothing apperteine to Christian men Accursed be he THE TWENTETH CANON IF any man saie that a man being iustified and neuer so perfecte is not bound to the keeping of the commaundementes of God and of the Churche but onely to beleeue as though the Gospell were a bare and absolute promise of life euerlasting without anie condicion of keeping the commaundementes Accursed be he THE XXI CANON IF anie man saie that Christe Iesus was geauen by God vnto men onely as a redeemer whome they should trust and not also as a lawe maker whome they should obeie Accursed be he THE XXII CANON IF anie man saie that a man being iustified either maie without the speciall helpe of God perseuere in the Iustice receiued or that with the saied helpe he can not perseuere Accursed be he THE XXIII CANON IF any man saie that a man being once iustified can sinne no more nor leese grace and therfore saie that he which falleth and sinneth was neuer truely iustified or contrariwise that he maie in all this life auoide al sinnes euen venial sinnes vnlesse it be by special priuilege of God as the Churche holdeth of the blessed Virgin Marie Accursed be he THE XXIIII CANON IF any man saie that iustice receiued is not conserued and also that it is not augmented before God by good woorkes but that the Woorkes them selues are the frutes onely and signes of Iustification already gotten and not a cause of the same to be augmented Accursed be he THE XXV CANON IF any man saie that the iust sinneth in euerie good woorke at the least venially or which is more intolerable mortally and therefore deserueth euerlasting damnation and that he is not damned for that onely bicause God doth not impute those woorkes to damnation Accursed be he THE XXVI CANON IF any man saie that the iust ought not for the good woorkes whiche haue ben done in God to looke and hope for the euerlasting reward from God through his mercie and the merite of Iesus Christ if they shal continue euen vntill the ende in well doing and in keeping the commaundementes of God Accursed be he THE XXVII CANON IF any man saie that there is no sinne mortall vnlesse it be the sinne of infidelitie or that grace once receiued is lost for none other sinne be it neuer so grieuous and enormeouse excepte it be by the sinne of infidelitie Accursed be he THE XXVIII CANON IF anie man saie that when grace is lost by sinne faith is alwaies lost withal or that faith which remaineth is not true faith although it be not liuelie faith or els that he which hath faith without charitie is not a Christian Accursed be he THE XXIX CANON IF anie man saie that he whiche hath fallen after Baptisme can not rise againe by the grace of God or that he maie rise againe but so that he recouer the iustice loste by onely faith without the Sacrament of penauncee as the holie Romaine and vniuersall Churche taught by Christ our Lord and his Apostles hath til this daie professed kept and taught Accursed be he THE XXX CANON IF anie man saie that after the grace of Iustification receiued the fault is so forgeauen to euerie penitent sinner and the gilt of the euerlasting paine taken away in such sorte that there remaineth no gilt of temporall paine to be paied either in this worlde or els in the worlde to come in purgatorie before the way may be set open to the kingdome of heauen Accursed be he THE XXXI CANON IF anie man saie that a man being iustified sinneth whiles he woorketh well in respecte of euerlasting rewarde Accursed be he THE XXXII CANON IF anie man saie that the good woorkes of a man instified are so the giftes of God that they are not also the good merites of him that is iustified or that he which is iustified doth not by good woorkes whiche are done by him by the grace of God and by the merite of Iesus Christe of whome he is a liuely member verely deserue increase of grace life euerlasting and the atteining of the same life euerlasting so that he departe out of this life in grace yea and the increase of glorie also Accursed be he THE XXXIII CANON IF anie man saie that this Catholike doctrine touching Iustification expressed by the holy Councel in this present Decree doth in any wise derogate from the glorie of God or from the merites of Iesus Christe our Lord and doth not rather sett foorth the truth of our faith and finally the glorie of God and of Christe Iesus Accursed be he AMEN A TABLE OF THE CHAPTERS OF THE TREATIE OF IVSTIFICAtion Wherein the Argumentes and the principal matters of the whole Treatie are conteined In the First Booke Chap. 1 VVhat is meant by the worde of Iustification And what degrees perfect Iustification and saluation hath in it Fol. 1. a. Chap. 2 VVhat is meant by the name of Faith and howe many kindes of Faith there be Fol. 3. a. Chap. 3 VVherin the controuersy of Iustification resteth and what is the readiest waie to know how the same is wrought in vs. Fol. 6. a. Chap. 4 VVhat was lost in Adam by sinne and what is restored by Christe in our Iustification And in what thinges our Iustification standeth Fol. 6. b. Chap. 5 Of the Causes of our Iustification Fol. 10. b. Chap. 6 That the Sacramente of Baptisme is the instrumente and meane whereby God iustifieth vs. Fol. 11. b. Chap. 7 Of Iustification of Infantes by the Sacrament of Baptisme Fol. 12. a. Chap. 8 Of the Iustification of suche as were christened being of perfect age and what was required of them Fol. 13. b. Chap. 9 That our Iustification and the vertues wherby we receiue it be the giftes of God and come of Grace Fol. 15. b. Cha. 10 That man hath free will whiche being holpen by grace Chap. 10 worketh in our Iustification and what it worketh Fol. 18. a. Cha. 11 That such as fal into sinne after Baptisme be iustified by penance Chap. 11 againe and what penance is required of them fol. 22. a. Cha. 12 Of the increase and perfiting of our Iustification wherein Chap. 12 it is truely said that we be iustified by good workes and not by faith onely Fol. 26. b. Cha. 13 VVhat good workes be and how they be called ours 29. b Chap. 13 Cha. 14 A brief rehearsal of so muche as hath ben hitherto saied in Chap. 14 the Treatie of Iustification Fol. 31. b. In the Second Booke Chap. 1 How dangerouse it is for a man to presume onely vppon
saith he comme vnto life keepe the commaundementes When he had asked what commaundementes our Lord rehearsed to him the preceptes of the Lawe Thou shalt not kill Thou shalt not cōmitte aduoultrie and so foorth Whereunto when he had aunswered that all these thinges he had done from his youth then did our Lord adde farther the precept also of perfection that selling all that he had and bestowing in almes on the poore he should haue treasure in heauen and follow the same Lord. Let them behold therfore and marke that it was not said vnto him he should beleeue and be baptised by which only helpe these men thinke a man may come to life but the preceptes of manners and workes were geuen vnto him which yet can not be kept or obserued without faith Neither bicause our Lord seemeth here to haue omitted the insinuacion of faith do we therfore prescribe and content our selues that only preceptes of manners should be opened to them that desire to come to life For both be mutually knit together as I said before bicause neither the loue of God can be in a man that loueth not his neighbour neither the loue of his neighbour in him which loueth not God. Therfore do we find that the Scripture doth somtime mention the one without the other now faith now workes eche for a ful and perfite doctrine to the end we may thereby vnderstand that one of them can not be without the other For why He that beleeueth God ought to doo that which God commaundeth and he that therefore doth bicause God commaundeth must of necessitie beleue God. That onely faith doth not suffice to saluation without good workes THE XIIII CHAPTER LET vs now therfore looke vnto that point The principall point of this Treatie and vvel to be marked which is to be beaten forth of all religious hartes least by a lewde securite they lose their saluatiō if they thinke onely faith to suffise to the obteining hereof and be negligent to liue wel and to kepe on in the way of God by good workes For euen in th'Apostles time some not vnderstanding certaine darke sentences of the Apostle Paul thought him to saie Let vs doo euil that good may come because he had saied the lawe entred Rom. 5. that offence might abound but where offence abounded there was grace the more abundant Which saying of S. Paule is true in this sense that menne receauing the lawe and most proudly presuming of theire owne strengthe and abilitie to kepe it not by right faith calling vpon the grace of God to ouercome their euil concupiscenses and lustes against the lawe were iustely burdened beside the transgressing of the lawe with moe yea and more greuous offences And so extreme gilt compelling them they fled to faith Psal 120. Rom. 5. Whereby they might deserue the mercie of pardone and helpe of our Lorde which made heauen and earth that charitie being thorough the holy Ghost powred in their hartes they might doo with loue those thinges which were commanded against the concupiscenses and lustes of this worlde Psal 15. Rom. 7. Hovv s Paule is to be vnderstanded according to that which was foresaid in the psalme their infirmities were multiplied and then they made hast Therefore where the Apostle saith He thinketh man to be iustified by faith without the workes of the Lawe he meaneth not that after faith receiued and professed the workes of iustice should be contemned but that euery man may knowe that he may be iustified by faith This is meant of the first Iustification See the Treatie before though the workes of the Lawe haue not gonne before For they doo followe him that is iustified they go not before him that is to be iustified Of which matter I neede not farther to dispute in this present woorke Namely since I haue vppon this question alreadie sette forth a large booke which is intituled Of the letter and the spirit Note hovv olde the heresy is of only Faithe Bicause therefore this opinion was then euen in the Apostles time spronge vp the other Apostolical Epistles of Peter Iohn Iames and Iuda doo chiefly direct their intention and purpose against the same opinion so farre that they plainely * Therfore Luther thought good vtterly to reiect the Epistle of S Iames in his vvritinges against kinge henry the viij Galat. 5. 1. Cor. 13. Rom. 13. affirme faith without workes to profite nothing as Paule him selfe also defineth not euerie faith whereby a man may beleeue in God but that to be the healthfull and Euangelicall faith whose workes procede of Charitie that faith saith he which worketh thorough loue or Charitie For which cause also he sheweth the same faith which some men thinke to suffise vnto saluation to be so farre from profiting any whit that he saith If I haue all faith so as I may remoue mountaines and yet haue not Charitie I am nothing But where this faithfull Charitie woorketh there without doubt is good life For the fulnes of the Lawe is Charitie Wheruppon to make the matter plaine Peter in his second epistle where he exorteth vnto holinesse of life and woorkes and foreshewed that this world should passe away but new heauens and new earth was to be loked for which shall be geuen to be inhabited of the iust that they might hereby take good hede how they liued to become mete and worthy of that habitation knowing that out of certaine darke sentences of S. Paull some lewde personnes had taken occasiō to be carelesse of wel liuing Note as being sure of their saluation which is in faith said that certeine thinges there were in S. Paules Epistle most hard to be vnderstanded which men did peruert euē as they did other scriptures to their owne destruction whereas yet the same Apostle Paul thought no doubt of the euerlasting saluatiō which is not geauen but to good liuers euen in suche sorte as the other Apostles did Peter I say knowing this 2. Pet. 3. saieth as foloweth All these thinges then perishing of what sorte ought ye to be in holy conuersations and woorkes of pietie expecting and hastening to the presence of the day of our Lorde by the which the heauens burning shal be losed and the elementes by the heate of fier dissolued But we looke for according to his promisses newe heauens and a newe earth wherein iustice inhabiteth VVherefore most deerly beloued sins you looke for these thinges labour that ye may be found before him sounde and without spot in peace and thinke the patient expecting of our Lorde to be healthful vnto you euen as our deerest beloued brother Paul wrote vnto you according to that wisedome which was geuen vnto him speaking of these thinges in manner in all his Epistles wherein are some thinges harde to be vnderstanded which vnlearned and wauering persons doo peruert euen as the rest of the Scriptures to their owne destruction You therefore deerly beloued now foreknowing these thinges be
keeping or for the getting of wordely riches committeth murther adulterie fornication Idololatrie and suche lyke shall not bycause of the foundation be saued through fyer but loosing quyte the foundation shal be tormented with euerlasting fyer Wherefore that also whiche they alleage out of the Apostle thinking to proue thereby that only faith profitteth where he saieth 1. Cor. 7. If the infidell partye departe let him or her departe for a broother or a sister is not in suche thinges subiect vnto bondage The duty to God is to be preferred before the bonde of vvedlocke that is to say that for the fayth of Christe euen the very wife coupled in lawfull Matrimonie should without fault be forsaken yf she will not tarry with a Christian man onely for this cause bicause he is a Christian they marke not withal that by the same saying of the Apostle shee may very wel and lawfully be dismissed and put away yf shee say vnto her husband I will not be thy wyfe onlesse thou heape riches vnto me by theft or except thou nowe thou art a Christian man vse thy accustomed robberies wherewith thou diddest furnish our house or any other kinde of lewdnesse or wickednesse that her husband before had vsed wherewith shee being delighted did either satisfie her lust or get her liuing easely or goe the more gaily apparelled For then he to whom his wyfe shal thus saye if he haue truely done penaunce from deade workes at his comming vnto Baptisme and haue in his foundation faithe whiche woorketh through looue without doubt he shal haue more regard to the looue of the grace of God then to the voluptuousnes of the fleshe Gal. 5. and will strongly cut awaye the member that doth offende him and what soeuer sorrowe of his harte he doo by carnall affection to his wyfe indure by suche separation that lo is all the hurt that he shall suffer that sorrowe is the fyer by the whiche his heie being burned he shall be saued But yf he so enioyed his wife as that he kepte her not for concupiscence but for charitie and pitie to see yf perhaps in time he might winne her to the faith yelding rather then requyring the duty of wedlocke truly he shal not be carnally sorry when he is separated from such mariage For why he did not though married purpose any other thing then godly 1. Cor. 7. and howe he might please God. Math. 5. And by this meanes looke howe muche the more he buylded by such godly purposes gold siluer and pretious stones so much the lesse losse should he susteyne and so muche the lesse coulde his buylding whiche was not nowe of heie but of substantiall golde and siluer be burned with any fyer And thus whether men do suffer such thinges in this lyfe only or that after this lyfe some such Iudgementes do followe the saying of S. Paule thus expounded doth not I trowe vary from reason or truth How be it if there be any other good exposition thereof that my happe is not to chose or to light on yet so long as we holde this we are not forced absurdely to saie vnto vniust personnes 1. Tim. 1. rebelles traitours the lewde and defiled killers of their fathers or mothers murtherers fornicatours offenders againste kinde theeues bribers lyers periured personnes or suche like whiche are contrary to the sownde doctrine whiche is according to the Gospel of the glory of the blessed God if ye do no more but beleue in Christ and take the Sacrament of his Baptisme though ye doe not forsake your moste wicked lyfe yet shall ye be saued Neither can herein the woman of Chananee prescribe against vs because our Lorde gaue her at the firste that shee asked Mat. 15. when he had saied before It is not good to take the breade of children and geaue it vnto dogges For he being the searcher of the heart sawe her chaunged within whome he praised by worde of mouthe And therefore he saide not O dogge great is thy faith but O woman Mat. 15. great is thy faith He chaunged his terme bycause he sawe the affection chaunged in her and knewe that of suche his rebuking of her was growen good fruite But it were in deede to be maruailed at if he had praised in her Iac. 2. faith without good workes that is to saie a dead faith and not suche a faith as might woorke through loue which S. Iames was not afraied to call a faith not of Christians but of Diuelles Finally if they will not vnderstande this woman of Chananee to haue chaunged in her heart her wicked woorkes and manners when Christe by contempt and reproche rebuked her then whome so euer they shall finde onely to beleeue and yet not onely not to hide their wicked life but freely to professe it and neuer meane to chaunge it let them on Gods name heale their children if they can as the daughter of that woman of Chananee was healed but let them not make them members of Christ which wil not forbeare to be the members of an harlotte In dede they doe not amisse vnderstande that he doth sinne against the holy Ghost and is without pardon giltie of eternall sinne whiche till the very ende of his life wil not beleue in Christe But this were true if they rightly vnderstoode what it were to beleeue in Christe For it is not to haue the faith of Diuelles which is rightly called a dead faith but to haue that faith which worketh through loue and charitie Suche as obstinately continue in lewde and vngodly life should be put backe from Baptisme and what it is to hide our Lord his money THE XVII CHAPTER WHICH thinges being so when we dooe not admitte suche vnto Baptisme we goe not about to pul vppe the cockle before the time but we are lothe to goe farther and sowe cockle as the Diuell dothe Neither doe we lette or kepe of him that is willing to come vnto Christe but by their owne profession we conuince them that they haue no will to come vnto Christ Neither doe we forbid them to beleue in Christ but we plainely shewe that they will not beleue Christe who doe either saie that it is not adulterie which he saith is adulterie or els doe beleeue that adulterers may be his members who as he teacheth vs by his Apostle shall not inherite the kingdome of heauen but are enemies to the sownde doctrine Gallat 5. 1. Tim. 1. which is according to the Gospell of the glory of the holy God. And therefore these men are not to be accompted emong them Luc. 4. which came vnto the marriage feast but emong them that woulde not come For when they dare moste openly gainesaie the very Doctrine of Christe and contrary the holy Gospel they are not repelled when they come but them selues refuse to come But as for them who renounce the worlde at the the least in woordes though not in deedes they come and
penaunce for their vncleannes and fornication whiche they haue committed Crimes mortal but not infamous Againe if there were not certaine sinnes whiche need not to be healed by suche humilitie of penaunce as is geeuen in the Church to them which are properly called Penitentes but by some other medicines of rebuking by woordes our Lorde woulde not saie Tell him his fault betwene him and thee alone if he harken to the Matt. 18. Venial sinnes then thou hast wonne thy broother Finally if there were not some faultes without the whiche this life is not lead he woulde not haue geuen vs a daily remedy in the praier which him selfe taught wherin he willed vs to saie forgeue vs our trespasses as we forgeue them that trespase against vs. Matt. 6. The Conclusion with a learned recitall of all that hath beene saied before THE XXVII CHAPTER NOW haue I sufficiently laide foorthe I suppose what I thinke of that whole opiniō wherein three questions haue risen One of the mingling in the church of good and euil as of wheat and cockle Wherein wee must take heede that wee thinke not these parables and similitudes propounded to that ende whether it be that of the vncleane beastes within the Arke or what so euer suche lyke which signifie the same that Ecclesiasticall discipline should therefore sleepe whereof it was saied in the figure of that wooman Prouer. 2. Seuere are the conuersations of her house but that vnaduised and rash temeritie rather then diligent seueritie should not so farre proceed that it presume as it were to seperate the good from the euil by wicked schismes For neither by these similitudes parables and foreshewinges is there geeuen to the good any counsel of slouth or slacknes wherby they should neglect that which they ought to forbid but of pacience wherby preseruing alwaie the doctrine of truth they may suffer and beare that whiche they can not amende Nor yet bicause it is written that there entred also vncleane beastes into the Arke to Noe Genes 7. therfore the Prelates shoulde not forbid and stay if any most lewde and vncleane persons will presume to enter to Baptisme as light dawncers which were verely lesse yll then filthy adulterers But by this figure of a thing done it was foreshewed that vncleane persons should be in the church by meane of toleration not by corruption of doctrine or dissolute breaking of discipline and good order For the vncleane beastes came not in where and of whiche side them listed the fast frame of the Arke being in any part broken or sundered but the same being whole and sound they entred all at one onely doore which the woorkman had made An other question is vppon that it seemed good vnto them that only faith shoulde be preached to them that were to be Baptised and that after Baptisme they should be taught of woorkes and manners But if I be not deceiued it hath beene sufficiently shewed that it dooth then chiefly appertaine to the care and dewty of the ouerseer when all they whiche desire together the Sacrament of the faithfull doo most intentiuely and carefully harken to all that is saied then expressely and plainely to open the paine which our Lord threateneth to them that liue yll least they become gilty of most greuous crimes euen in the Baptisme it selfe whervnto they come to haue the gilt of all their former sinnes remitted The third question is the most daungerous of al. Of the whiche being slenderly considered and not handled according to the woorde of God is rysen as to me seemeth all that other foule opinion wherin there is promised to suche as lyue most lewdely and shamefully yea though they continue in suche liuing if they onely beleeue in Christe and receaue his Sacramentes that they shall come to eternall life and saluation Whiche doctrine is against the most manifest saying of our Lorde who to him that desired eternall life Matt. 19. aunswered If thou wilt come vnto life keepe the cōmaundementes and shewed farder what commaundementes such truly wherin those sinnes are forbidden wherevnto eternall life is nowe I know not howe promised thorough faith Iacob 2. which without woorkes is dead Of these three questions I haue as I thinke sufficiently disputed and haue shewed that the euill are so to be tolerated in the Churche that Ecclesiasticall Discipline be not neglected That they whiche desire Baptisme are so to be instructed that they may not onely heare and take vppon them what they should beleeue but also howe they shoulde lyue That eternall lyfe is so promised to the faithfull that no man may thinke he may come thereunto through a deade faith whiche without woorkes can not saue But by that faith of grace whiche woorketh thorough looue Note the Conclusion Gal. 5. Let not therefore faithfull Stuardes be blamed Let not theyr negligence or slougthe be reprooued but rather the froward stubernesse of some whiche refuse to take our Lordes mony and whiche compell the seruantes of our Lorde to bestowe and distribute their owne counterfait coyne while thei wil not at the least be of that sort of euil men as S. Cyprian speaketh of In Ser. de lapsis renouncing the world onely in wordes and not in workes For these men wil not so muche as in wordes renounce the woorkes of the diuel but with open mouth wil professe that thei wil continue in ther adultery If there be any thing els that they do affirme which I perhaps haue not here touched in this my disputation I suppose it to be such as whereunto my answere was not necessary either bicause it apperteined not to the matter now in hande or els for that it was suche a trifel as might of euery man easely be confuted and reproued Thus endeth the learned Treatie of that auncient and Blessed Father S. Augustine Of faith and Woorkes A SERMON MADE BY S. CHRYSOSTOME PATRIARKE OF CONSTANTINOPLE IN THE yere of our Lorde 400. Of praying vnto God Extant in the fifth Tome of his Woorkes THE seruantes of God are for two causes woorthy not onely to be extolled with high prayses but also to be regarded and looked vppon with admiration Firste for that they did set the hope of theyr saluation in deuoute and holie prayers and next for that they suffered not to grow out of memorye those laudes and other seruice whiche with ioy and trembling they vsed to offer vnto God but haue ben content that being committed to writing they should remaine Whereby thei might powre foorth their treasure vppon vs as it were by succession of inheritaunce and by that meane prouoke and stirre the whole posteritie to a desyre of following and of labouring to be lyke vnto them For it is well sytting and conuenient that bothe the manners of the teachers doo flowe and descende to suche as vse theyr companye and that the scholers of suche Maisters be seene also to followe and expresse in lyfe the vertue of theyr