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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
B12171 The voluntarie conuersion and seuerall recantations, of foure great learned men, professed fryers in sundry monasteries of Fraunce, from the errours of idolatrie and poperie, to the true religion established in the Reformed Church. 1. Master Iohn Le Vager, a priest in the Romane Church, conuerted at Mauns, Ianuary 6. 2. Master Iohn Forent, a fryer Carmelite, in the Court of Morthemard, conuerted in the Reformed Church of Poictiers, Iune, 9. 3. Master Denis Boucher, a Franciscane fryer, in the couent of Noisy, neere Paris, conuerted in the Reformed Church of Paris, Iuly. 6. 4. Master Daniell Dusert, Franciscan fryer at Mello, conuerted in the Church of Mello, December, 22. All conuerted this last yeare, 1603. as their seuerall discourses following at large doe testifie, vnder their owne hands. Truely translated, out of the French printed copies. 1604 (1604) STC 5650; ESTC S114587 31,204 52

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it selfe before me which is of no lesse weight and substance and that is it which Saint Iohn saith Whosoeuer transgresseth and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ hath not God He that cōtinueth in the doctrine of Christ hee hath both the Father and the Sonne If there come any to you and bring not this doctrine receiue him not into your house neither bid him God speede 2. Iohn 9. 10. And Saint Paule saith Though wee or an Angell from Heauen doe preach vnto you otherwise then that which wee haue preached vnto you let him bee accursed c. Galat. 1. 8. 9. The Church of Rome hath not continued in the doctrine of Christ but hath announced receiued another Gospell contrarie to that which the Apostles preached Therefore shee hath not God shee ought not to be receiued nor acknowledged nor yet to be saluted but held as execrable and accursed Wherefore then if she haue not God she is not the Church of God euen no more then the bodie of a man when the soule is separated from it can then be called or said to be a man If also she be accursed she is not the Church of God because the Church of God is euermore blessed and therefore whosoeuer will bee saued ought necessarily to forsake her and ranke himselfe there where God abideth It shall be easie for mee to approue the assumption of this argument by the conference of the doctrine of Iesus Christ which the Apostles preached with that which the Pope and all his doctors and preachers Romanists doe holde and preach in the Church of Rome and I wil begin at the very foūdation of the Church The doctrine Apostolical teacheth Other foundation can no man lay then that which is laide which is Iesus Christ 1. Cor. 3. 11. Whereupon himselfe was desirous to build his Church saying Vpon this Rock which is Christ the stone which the Romane builders haue aswell refused as the Iewes did will I build my Church Math. 16. 18. The Church of Rome hath taken her selfe from vnder this foundation and will needes bee grounded on that of Saint Peter But I referre to their opinion who cannot bee so vnprouided of iudgement how well the Church should bee defended against the powers of hell if shee had not a more solide foundation then that of Saint Peter who at the voice of a silly young mayden was in such sort shaken as all that was builded on him was neere hand ouerturned If so weak a winde did totter that foundation what then could the terrible stormes do which Sathan and his Angels which are the powers of the ayre vented out of hell against the Church of God The Apostles taught That wee are saued and iustified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Iesus by Faith in his bloud Rom. 3. 24. 25. And not by workes least any man should boast himselfe Ephes 2. 8. 9. which are the three causes of our iustification and saluation the efficient whereof is the grace or mercie of God the materiall is Iesus Christ in his bloude and the instrumentall faith in him The Church of Rome doth dogmatise the quite contrarie that wee may acquire iustice and Paradise by our good works and be iustified before God by them The doctrine Apostolicall testifieth That by the bloude of Christ wee are redeemed 1. Pet. 1. 19. Apoc. 5. 9. purged Hebre. 1. 3. washed and cleansed from all our sinnes Iohn 1. 29. Apoc. 1. 6. The Church of Rome holdes that wee may redeeme our sinnes by almes fastings pilgrimages celebration of Masses and such like thinges That there is another purgatory beside the bloud of Christ whereby hee satisfied to GOD for the paines which were due vnto vs and wherein wee are purged cleansed and washed from all soyle of sinne to appeare pure and vnpolluted before the face of God The same doctrine of the Apostles proposeth vnto vs one sole Mediatour Aduocate and Intercessour betweene God men to gaine grace and remission of their sinnes to wit Iesus Christ 1. Tim. 2. 5. 1. Iohn 2. 1. the Church of Rome doth attribute this office to Saints The Apostles taught that before the comming of Iesus Christ there were many Priests or sacrificers made because by death they were impeached from enduring so succeeded one another But Iesus Christ because he endureth euer hath an euerlasting Priesthode Hebre. 7. 23. 24. and because he had no neede of any successour therefore there was no neede also to offer daily sacrifices for sinne For he did it once for all offering vp himselfe and by this oblation onely the efficacie wherof is daily recent before God he hath consecrated to perpetuitie those that shal be saued He. 9. 10. The Romane Church holds the Pope for soueraigne sacrificer as if Christ to whom this office onely appertaineth were dead and he of necessitie ought to be his successour She acknowledgeth also all the Priests of Popery not only to be sacrificers whose office shee faith is daily to offer sacrifice in the Masse for the sins of the liuing and of the dead but likewise O blasphemie aboue all blasphemies the most execrable she cals them creatours of the Creator Stella clericorum The Apostles deliuered testimonie That Christ was the Prince of Pastors and Prince of the Kings vpon earth 1. Pet. 5. 2. 4. Apoc. 1. 5. Attributing to him the soueraigne authoritie as well spiritually ouer the Church as temporally ouer the kingdomes vpon earth expressely allowed and giuen him the Father The heathen for thine inheritance and all the ends of the earth for possession Psal 2. 8. himselfe also declaring when he was to ascend vp into heauen that all power is giuen vnto me both in heauen and earth The Church so much as in her lyeth despoyleth him of this authoritie and giues it to the beast mounted vpon the earth which representeth the Pope acknowledging him to haue two hornes like vnto those of the Lambe Apoc. 13. 11. to wit soueraigne authoritie spiritual ouer the Church when she proclaimeth him vniuersall head of the Church soueraigne high Priest prince of Bishops receiuing the lawes ordinances proceeding from the Dragon preferring them before those of Iesus Christ who proceeded from the eternall Father Shee hath also graunted him soueraine authoritie temporall ouer the Kingdoms of the earth in regard she beleeueth that it is in his power to dispossesse kings of their thrones and to giue them to others that all kings doe hold their Realmes by faith and homage to the Sea of Rome and that the Emperour himselfe ought not to be held as a lawfull Emperour if hee be not first approued confirmed by the said Sea that he haue first acknowledged made ordinarie submissions to the beast adored him and falling downe before his feete kissed his Pantofle The Apostles taught That such as prayed in a strange tongue not vnderstanding the same although they prayed in spirit yet their intelligence was