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A00430 Catholique traditions. Or A treatise of the beliefe of the Christians of Asia, Europa, and Africa, in the principall controuersies of our time In fauour of the louers of the catholicke trueth, and the peace of the Church. Written in French by Th. A.I.C. and translated into English, by L.O.; Tradition catholique. English Eudes, Morton.; Owen, Lewis, 1572-1633. 1609 (1609) STC 10561; ESTC S101746 137,760 254

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touching iustification for the learned agree in many things which in the beginning they had in great disputation all doe now confesse and mainetaine that faith is needfull that is to say confidence in Christ for the remission of sinnes of the which faith or confidence the Schoole men made no mention Melancthon did suppose that there were very many men in the Church of Rome whom they counted learned that were not of the opinion of the Councell of Trent but confessed with the Churches of the East and South and with the Reformed Church that a man both may and ought to haue assurance and confidence Neuerthelesse the Reformed cease not to debate vpon this point of iustification as also vpon that of free will not onely against the Latins but also against the Grecians The Author of a certaine discourse called Examen pacifique saith That these are but striuings about wordes inuented to trouble the Church because that one taketh this word Iustification in one sense and another in another sense one taketh the word Faith in one sense and another in another sense In such sort that both the one and the other saie true being taken according to their meaning although that they differ in words We haue said in the question precedent that the Latins and the Reformed agree vpon the point of free will if all the Latins would confesse that the Faith of the Elect is a full assurance wee say the very same in this point of Iustification but to shew where the difference is we ought not to vse the word Faith or Iustification without distinguishing of what faith or what iustification we speake The Councell of Trent saith foure things First that faith that is to say that which is without confidence which the Protestants call historicall for the Councell acknowledgeth none other is the beginning of mans saluation and that this faith commeth from God The Protestants doe acknowledge both the one and the other to wit that it is necessary first that one beleeue that the Gospell is a true historie and then that one cannot beleeue perfecty and as he ought without the grace of God as the same Councell saith Secondly that this historicall faith is the beginning and root of Iustification that is to say that it bringeth forth good workes which God doth approue and for which God iustifieth a man that is to say he holdeth and declareth him iust The Protestants say that this faith may bring forth a certain inherent iustice through the which a man is iustified Secondum quid that is in a sort but not absolutely for a man that doth one good worke doth a thousand bad workes which doe make him vniust so that the same man is good and bad iust and vniust approued of God and condemned of God againe God were vniust if he should not hold himiust whom he himselfe hath iustified well then he iustifieth men according to ciuill righteousnesse in giuing this historicall faith and in stirring vp in them charity such as it is that is proportionable to this faith One cannot saith Bellarmine loue God himselfe as the Author of nature if it bee not by the helpe of speciall grace And so there is no difference in this point In the third place the Councel saith that through this historicall faith a man is not absolued of his former sinnes The Protestants doe confesse as much and adde withall that no more is he through good works which proceed from thence which say they are not good but for humane societies sake In the fourth place the Councell saith that Saint Paul and S. Iames speaking of this faith in the example which they alleadge of Abraham the which saith the Councell was iustified that is to say found iust in that he beleeued God but plainely iustified that is to say held iust of all when he effected the commandement of God The Churches of the East doe approue this opinion but it is not needfull to debate much touching the intention and meaning of S. Paul The Scripture may receiue diuerse expositions and al orthodox It is certaine that Abraham was iustified in that he beleeued and more iust in that he laid his hands to the worke But there are two conclusions wherein the Apostolicke Churches and the Reformed Church are contrary in the sayd Councell The first is that the said Councell doth hold that through the workes which proceede of this historicall faith a man obtaineth others say a man meriteth that God should pardon his former sinnes in imputing vnto them that doe those good workes the merite of the passion of our Sauiour The Protestants on the contrary side say that such works proceeding from such historicall faith serue not to saluation Hereunto the Churches of the East do agree who say that the workes which proceede from a true faith are truely good and they call this faith Confidence which ought to be noted to the end that none should doubt the truth of the history for they declare sufficiently that they meane that it is not needfull that a repentant man should doubt of his saluation That is also seene more plainely in that that they of the East haue written before to the Protestants of Germany who presse very hard this point of Confidence wherein they of the East doe approue and confirme their saying The second difference is in that the Protestants say that a man is absolued they call it iustified at that instant that he receiueth this confidence by diuine inspiration and that without any consideration of precedent workes otherwise grace should be no grace as also without consideration of any future workes for it happeneth sometimes as it did to the good thiefe that a man shall haue no time to doe good works and if the faith of confidence sufficeth as soone as it is in fused yea and sufficeth as an instrumentall cause to put a man in possession of the passion of the Lord which is the formall cause of absolution it followeth that during all the tearme of a mans life he neede not seeke any other instrumental cause of this application For when our Sauiour healed the sicke he sayed not vnto them louest thou me although it was necessary that they should haue loued him but he said to them beleeuest thou for by this beleefe they were healed And that the Churches of the East doe beleeue that this confidence putteth a man in possession of the grace of God they shew in that which their Patriarch sayth that his confidence vniteth things separated and that distrust doth dis-vnite and seperate them for what vnion can there be with God without remission of sinnes Moreouer the Grecians confesse that God inspireth this confidence If it be so it followeth that at that very instant a man obtaineth pardon otherwise God should be the Authour of deceitfull and vaine confidence But some will then demaund to what end serue good workes The Grecians and the Protestants with one consent doe answere that
without them one cannot be saued and if there be no good workes a man falleth from the absolution already receiued and looke how much force confidence hath to put a man in possession of the merite of the passion of the Lord so much euill workes haue that is to say so long as they remaine and raigne in the soule to breake the vnion that faith had contracted In like manner good workes are causes sine quibus non of this iustification or else may be said to be causes per accidens Neither the Christian Churches of this time nor the fathers nor the holy Scripture doe set downe the order of euery one of these causes according to the termes of Philosophers neyther is it necessary It sufficeth that euery one haue faith and that euery one giue himself to good works and that he know that both the one and the other is necessary The difference betweene the foresaid people and the Protestants is that the Protestants seeing that the Latines doe not attribute enough to faith or rather doe not acknowledge this faith of confidence to the which they attribute so much cannot endure to haue this faith disgraced And other Christians hearing of the commendations of this faith doe perswade themselues that it makes to the preiudice of good workes for which cause they cannot by any meanes hold their peace Well then because that wee haue said that euill workes cause men to fall from iustification that is to say from absolution which is the beleefe receiued without any contradiction in all times and by all Christian people It may be obiected that amongst the Protestants there are some found for all doe not so as is to be seene in the confessions of Ausburg Bohemia Saxonie and Wirtenberg which say that he that hath this iustifying faith cannot fall From whence it followeth according to their sayings that hee which beleeueth himselfe to be iustified may giue himselfe to all wickednesse To this may be answered that those which hold this proposition eyther doe not explane themselues well or else their explication is not well vnderstood For they say not simply that euery one ought to beleeue that he is iustified but only he that is repentant ought so to beleeue Also that repentance whereof euery one may iudge in his owne soule sheweth whether his faith be a iustifying faith And that he that shall say I will doe euill is not at all repentant for these are quite contrary Moreouer those which are said to hold this opinion say ordinarily that none ought to commit sinn in hope to repent for none can or ought to promise himselfe that God will giue him time and meanes to accomplish it Those which doe haunt their Sermons can beare witnesse if this be not an ordinary lesson Well then what is this but to say that none can haue this confidence at such time as vice and sinne dooth raigne in him And if one cannot haue it is not this as much as to say that if one had it he may loose it in giuing himselfe to wickednesse But behold here how their saying is true forsooth because confidence of faith doeth coutaine in it Historicall faith which remaineth in him in whom vice doth raigne as the Councell of Trent also saith And this faith if he be elected will moue him to repentance which endeth not in dispaire as in the reprobate but in a full confidence and all by the assistance of God The Catholicke conclusion is That a man receiueth remission of his sinnes at the very instant that the assurance of faith is infused into his soule and that without any consideration of former or future workes QVESTION XV. Whether a man meriteth properly euerlasting life by his good workes THE EAST CHVRCH IEremie Patriarch Oecumenicke When we praise good workes we doe not pretend to exalt our selues by them or to put our trust in them for we should then sinne very much in so doing But we desire that men would giue themselues thereunto as to things that are especially necessary to saluation and the which euery one is bound to exercise according to his power following the commaundement of God But if we trust in that great and incomprehensible mercie of God and his onely grace in such sort that wee doe hope for saluation remaining vnfruitful and ingrateful that must not be by no meanes for it will bring vs no profite at all As for the rest let vs iudge of that which is in vs although that there is not any thing that is perfect Neuerthelesse the same doth profite and makes knowne what it is which we haue in our soules to wit that we are charitable and obedient to the commaundement of God and that we pretend not to be carried into heauen as people amased and without vnderstanding negligent and idle the which certainely we can neuer obtaine if we doe not conioine our owne power and endeuours with the grace and mercy of God for in sticking fast to sinne we are iustly to be esteemed fooles and senselesse as cleauing to those things that can helpe vs nothing and which hauing no beeing in themselues are nothing the which we ought aboue all things to hate and eschew because that they doe prouoke Gods wrath against vs and doe draw vs backe farre from him Therefore when we are euen at the point to offend God let vs prostrate our selues before the iudgement seate of Christ which is very terrible whereon he shall sit in a high and glorious place as a iust iudge before whom shall appeare all creatures beholding his glory and maiestie for to render an account of all their words and actions The King of Moscouia As concerning that which thou writest of Iesus Christ the mediator and of his onely name through the which wee are saued and of the remission of sinnes and life euerlasting wee beleeue the very same THE SOVTH CHVRCH ANaphor Cophit Forasmuch O Lorde as wee are thy poore seruants strangers and vnprofitable whom thou hast vouchsafed to make administrators of the holy mysteries of the passion of thy Christ not for our iustice for we haue not done any good vpon the earth but for thy mercy and clemencie which thou hast aboundantly powred vpon vs wee doe now approch with confidence to touch thy holy Alar And we which haue offered the figure of the body and blood of thy Christ doe adore and most humbly pray thee that thy holy spirit doe come vpon vs and vpon these gifts which we haue offered and that thou wouldest sanctifie them THE REFORMED CHVRCH THe Confession of Saxonia Euerlasting life saith Saint Paul is a gift of God through Iesus Christ our Lord and those which are reconciled or iustified are likewise Coheires with the Sonne of God for his sake and not for their owne merits in like maner those that repent are accounted iust by faith by the onely meanes of the Son of God and are quickened through him and for
more because Princes and Soueraigne Magistrates should beare sole authority and by their absolute commaundement should testifie their good will therein and employ the prudent aduise of their Ecclesiasticall subiects not the wisest onely but the best and godliest also not so much to dispute and winne the victory as to conferre and amiably to agree The God of peace will giue the fruit of peace to his glory and our good But I know not by what Inchantment or destinie Kings for the most part know not their forces and willingly do dispoyle themselues of a greate part of their owne Authoritie and many times perceiue it too late As for the particulars many doe know and see the euill but doe perswade themselues that the remedie is most dangerous of all or else for feare will not bee singular in opinion be it neuer so good louing rather to suffer themselues to bee caried away with the torrent and streame of diuision and to be of the common fashion that they may the better follow their priuate affaires Euery one doth bragge and vaunt himselfe of his faith but few or none will practise charitie and what is faith without charitie more then a tree without fruite or a body without a soule I haue beene here emboldened to addresse my selfe to your Highnesse for the reasons aboue said and to the end that vnder the lustre of your name this little Treatise written onely for the publike vtilitie might be the more fauourably receiued and respected of all men especially of the subiects of the kings Maiestie your father amongst whom are more learned Diuines well practised in the art of disputation in the reading of the Fathers and in all the Histories of the Church then peraduenture in three or foure other as great Countries Their writings doe testifie it insomuch that wee doe admire thereat in these parts and the English Liturgie gathered according to the modell of the Auncients the purest of them in the which through the aduise of so many excellent men in learning and pietie English men and others hath beene reserued for reuerence of Antiquitie all which might be left with a good conscience Also it is very likely that it shall endure perpetually and serue for a patterne or example for those which are not as yet reformed The praise whereof next vnto God shall be to the good and wise Kings of Great Britane the Predecessors whereof haue receiued and embraced with the first the faith of Iesus Christ and not with the last the Reformation which was necessary in the Church The principal cause truely or rather the only cause of this long peace prosperity wherwith God hath blessed the Kingdomes of your Iland besides many benedictions wherewith he hath fauoured your Royall house and your Highnesse in particular who haue after his Maiestie the first place in age in valour and dignitie and who for the gratious respect which naturally you doe shew vnto all men which through any merite or seruice doe seeke the honor of your fauour will mooue you I am assured to receiue this little present as from him who will thinke himselfe happy all the dayes of his life to say * ⁎ * Your Highnesse most humble and most obedient seruant Th. A. J. C. ❧ The Preface ¶ First Diuision of Christian people THe vniuersitie of Christians is diuided into sixe principall parts which doe equally vaunt themselues of the Name of the Church of God The East Church doth pretend that the first ranke or seate is due to her without any contradiction in regard of her prerogatiues and priuiledges a Countrey of great largenesse almost all the Apostolicke Seas and the most part of the Patriarkes The maiestie of an Empire which during the space of more then a thousand yeeres hath withstood Paganisme and Mahometisme The authoritie of seuen vniuersall Councels celebrated within her iurisdiction The Syrian language wherein the Sonne of God pronounced his Oracles and the Greeke tongue in the which they were registred In this Church doth the Oecumenicall Patriarcke of Constantinople preside or gouerne It is composed of Grecians a Nation acknowledged as a mother by her proper aduersaries of Syrians Iberians Sclauonians Russians Muscouites and others scattered into many places of Asia and Africa al which do call themselues Orthodoxe Catholickes and do not differ or varie among themselues but onely in fewe ceremonies The Latine or Catholicke Romane Church might conueniently be placed in the second place Her primate is called in Latine Pontifex or more commonly Papa in English Pope a name which all they of the East Church doe giue vnto all their Priests This Pope is acknowledged by the Italians Frenchmen Spaniards by some Germanes and Polanders and withall by some Americans and Indians which of late are conquered and conuerted by the Spaniards The Romane Catholickes do say and affirme themselues to be very strongly vnited together because that they depend vpon one head or chiefe Neuerthelesse they are not all of one accord so farre as his authoritie doth extend Some doe attribute vnto him full authoritie ouer the Church and Councels and ouer Kings and Common-wealthes others doe contradict it Neuerthelesse these doe tollerate the Pope in his attempts vnto the very execution of them which is the cause that Christendome is noted to be in schismes and scandals and her people in warres and dissentions The third Christian nation is the South or Meridionall Church which containeth the Nubians and the Abyssins subiects of Negus of Ethiop otherwise called Prester-Iohn and many that are scattered in Egypt Arabia and Chaldea which are called Iacobits or Israelites because that they are of the linage or race of Iacob otherwise called Israel But some are of opinion that they take name of one Iacob an hereticke They are called of some in Greeke Cophites or in Hebrew Cophtes because that they vse Circumcision Their Primate maketh his residence in Caire and is called Patriarcke of Alexandria his substitute or Deputy in Ethiop is called Abuna The fourth Christian nation are the Nestorians accused to hold the heresies of old Nestor which are dispersed here and there in Tartaria Persia and in the Kingdomes of the East Indies Their Prelat resideth in Mosal or Seleucie and is called Iascelich The Historiographers doe not exactly report the truth what is or in times past hath beene their beliefe which is the reason wherefore we do not aleadge them very often The fift Nation is that of Armenia which peraduenture might be thought to be of the Romane Church because that they haue offered themselues to her in hate of the Grecians and their Catholike for so they call their chiefe head did submit himselfe to the Pope of Rome but the truth is that the Romane Church doeth hold them all for heretickes although that shee doeth deale more discreetly with them for to withdraw them
Rome haue brought into their church many errours and haue innouated many things without and against the decrees of the councels withall they haue added to the Symbole of Nice of their priuate authority that the holy Ghost proceedeth from the Sonne euen as from the Father That although that the vniuersall councell hath giuen the first seate to the bishoppe of Rome yet did not they beleeue that the church in future time could not take from him this place especially if the church of Rome should fall into any errour as they say she is already fallen 14 That in the meane while the prouinces of the Empire of Charles the great to wit Fraunce Italy Germanie and Spaine remained vnder the bishoppe of Rome as being their nearest Patriark which is the reason that they now go about to perswade men that the Primacie appertaineth vnto him by Gods Law but this should bee no preiudice to other Churches nor to the trueth 15. That the Bishops of Rome enriched with the gifts and Donations of the Kings of France and per aduenture beleeuing themselues to be that which was repated of them haue ouerthrowne both Spirituall and Temporall Monarkes and haue caused to bee receiued in places vnder obedience to them as well the Lawes of their predecessors the Popes made by the Church of Rome as also those Lawes which they themselues from time to time doe adde thereunto in somuch that the Churches of the East South and North with good reason haue opposed themselues against these enterprises The confession and beliefe of the Apostolicke Churches about this Question here in controuersie is this That the first seate which is by diuine Law so farr as is necessarie for the order of Councels and is meete to shew vnitie is by the Ecclesiasticall Law as also the Sea that appertaineth to any such Bishop whome the Catholicke Church shall iudge to be fit and capable of such a charge QVESTION III. Whether Miracles are sufficient proofes that a Christian Nation ought to bee held for a true Church and without errour THE EAST CHVRCHES MArcus Paulus a Venetian The Citizens of the Citie of Tauris are Mahomets but there are some Christians that inhabit there to wit Nestorians and Iacobites Neere to which Towne is a Mountaine which was once remoued out of his place by the occasion that followeth The Sarrazins willing to scandale the Gospel said that it was written If you haue faith as much as a grine of Mustard-seede you shall say vnto this Mountaine remoue hence to yonder place it shall remoue Well said the Sarrazins mocking the Christians if your saith be so excellent cause this Mountaine to remoue out of his place Then one of the Christians feruent in faith spake to the Mountaine with a great confidence Get thee hence The which incontinently remoued in the presence and fight of all the people The very same Author maketh mention of a Pillar hanging in the ayre which sustaineth the Vault of a Church in Sammarchan Vilimont Whosoeuer would see a thing worthy of memorie must goe to a little Towne called Sardinale inhabited by the Christians of the Church of the Syrians where Turkes Sarrazins or Moores cannot dwell but they die before the yeeres end Faber Not farre from the Citie of Muscouia there is a great Monasterie wherein is the Sepulchre of one Sergius an Abbot which Monasterie is very much frequented of the people for it was holden very famous for many miracles that were there wrought whereof it shall be sufficient to produce one Which is that two blind men were restored to their sight there The same Author It is a common thing amongst the Muscouits to enchant Serpents with words and chase away Diuels and deliuer and helpe them that are possessed Thomas Lopes The people of Mangalor say that they went very often to the Sepulchre of S. Thomas which is in their Countrey who wrought among them many miracles The Ecclesiasticall Historie of Constantinople maketh mention that Arsenius was instituted Bishop by the Pope hee being then become a member of the Church of Rome for which cause hee was Excommunicated by the Patriarcke Pachomius a little after that hee died and his soule went with the soules of Arrius and Eutiches hereticks and his body was found black swollen which caused great feare to those that saw him THE MERIDIAN CHVRCH ALuares There is a Sepulchre of one of the Sons of King Abram which they say was a Priest Amongst other miracles which they attribute vnto him they say that the Angels did minister bread and wine vnto him when he celebrated The same Author They attribute the title of a Saint to a certaine King whose name was Balibeta towards whom the people beare such great deuotion that all Ethiope doth runne thither where his body is buried which they report to worke great miracles Idem There is a Monastery called Abba Gariman retaining this name of one which as they report raigned in Greece who hauing forsaken his Kingdome retired to this place to do penance for his sinnes where he finished his daies very holily and they report that he at this present doth miracles THE CATHOLIKE ROMAN CHVRCH GLoss Canon glorios We must enquire of miracles done in the life time and after death And to the end that these may be true miracles foure things are requisite first that they be of God and not framed by arte or by the diuell for miracles are wrought by the wicked secondly that they be contrary to nature as that of the Rodde of Moses turned into a Serpent thirdly that they be not wrought by wordes but thorough the merites of a man fourthly that they be for the confirmation of the faith Annot. Whosoeuer would know more amply the Miracles of the Latin Church may reade the Legends and liues of the Saints THE REFORMED CHVRCH THe confession of the French-men We beleeue that the word conteined in the Canonicall Writings proceeded from God And forasmuch as it is the very rule of trueth it followeth that neither antiquity nor customes nor the multitude nor humane wisedome neither iudgements nor visions nor Miracles ought to be opposed to it ANNOTATION THe East Churches doe beleeue that the Roman and Ethiopian Churches doe holde an erroneous and Hereticall opinion although there are Miracles wrought amongst them In like manner the Romanes doe pronounce an Anathema against all Christians that haue not obeyed them as well against them of the East and South as also the North Church notwithstanding their Miracles the Church of Affricke refuse nay scorne to goe and submit or subiect themselues eyther to the Greeke Church or to the Latine Church notwithstanding their Miracles the Latin church in the foresaid Canon dooth confesse that Miracles are wrought by wicked persons The reformed Church saith that Miracles or the bruite of Miracles ought not to be taken as a Marke of the true church And which is more
Grecians Againe the Georgians doe obserue altogether the ceremonies and errours of the Grecians in their Sacrament Louis Regius The Empire of the king of Moscouia dooth extend towards the East almost vnto the kingdome of Persia THE SOVTH CHVRCH VIllamont The Abyssines are a people of Ethiope that is to say a part of Affrica and the greater part thereof by reason of their large scope Their King is by them called Negus and in the Persian tongue Prester-Iohn or Catholik which Prester-Iohn heretofore dwelt in Tartaria neuerthelesse he is yet one of the greatest Kinges of the East and of the greatest power and might in all Affrica and his Kingdome doth extend from the end of Egipt vnto the Indies This king hath more then fortie kingdomes vnder him The Iacobites doe inhabite a great part of Asia and liue pell-mell with the Turkes Persians and Tartarians some of them inhabite neare the Riuer Nubius which is in the confines of Egipt and hold a good part of Ethiope and of the higher Indies insomuch that it was told me that they occupy very neare fortie kingdomes They call themselues christians of the first conuersion say that they were conuerted to the faith of Iesus Christ by S. Matthew the Apostle before the other nations They circumcise their children after the fashion and manner of the Sarrasins THE LATIN CHVRCH BEllarmine The fourth marke of the Church is the greatnesse or multitude and diuersitie of the beleeuers for the church that is truely Catholike ought not onely to comprehend all times but also all places all nations and all sorts of people And that our Roman church is the true Church may be proued by this argument that is that before the time of Luther there was not in the world any more Religions then these that is to say Paganisme Mahometisme the Greekes the Nestorians the heresies of the Hussites and the Romane Church THE REFORMED CHVRCH THe Heluetian confession Forasmuch as there is but one God and one Mediator betwene God and men Iesus Christ the Messias one holy Ghost one Saluation one faith one couenant it followeth necessarily that there is but one Church which is the cause that we call it Catholike because that it is Vniuersal and spread through all parts of the world and extendeth her selfe vnto all times not being inclosed within any time or place We condemne therfore the Donatists which inclose the Church in a certaine corner of Affrica And we approue not the Clergie of Rome who affirme the Romane church to be the onely Catholike Church ANNOTATION THere are two or three hundreth yeeres past since that it hath beene very hard to iudge by the multitude whether the name of the Catholicke Church appertained to the Greeke Church or the Latine Church The Greeke Church had the Empires of Constantinople and Trebizonde and the Northern nations who did maintaine her But now shee is diminished by the oppression of the Turkes as the Latine is increased by the conquests of the Spaniards farre otherwise then it was heretofore For Almanie was halfe Pagans and Spaine Sarrazins and this was at such time as there was diuision betweene the Greekes and Latines So that if the multitude did giue the Name of Catholickes the Grecians should haue had it and the certaine time when they lost this Title is not to be knowen Notwithstanding all this these two Churches and that of the Iacobites doe professe themselues to be Catholickes the passages or proofes before alleged doe shew that euery one of them is extended very wide Vnder the name of Iacobites wee will comprehend the Cophites and the Abyssins and we may adde thereunto the Nestorians For Masius telleth vs that these people are rather differing in name then in Religion whose Testimonie is reported to be very true The reason wherefore they haue in Ierusalem diuerse Churches and Oratories the one neere the other is to the end euery nation might vse that language which he best vnderstandeth Bellarmine also seemeth to account these three for one for it is certaine that before Luthers time there were Cophites Abyssines and Iacobites The rest the same Masius as it were dischargeth of the crime of heresie which was imputed to them I am assured saith he they are free and exempt from that wicked Doctrine of that infamous hereticke Nestor For hauing read a great Volume of their solemne Prayers which they make to God I haue found nothing that might offend any man of sound opinion in our Religion if it be not this that I suspect them because that they in many places call not the Virgine Marie mother of God But instead of this Title they call her the mother of life and of light Here is to bee noted that Villamont had some notice that Prester Iohn had sent to the Pope to submit himselfe to the Church of Rome and Cotion the Iesuite affirmeth that the Patriarch of the Cophites had done the like But wee haue now fresher newes and know that there is no such matter Well then if all those people doe make but one Church the same is as great or rather greater and ampler then the Latin Church and if the multitude be the marke of the true Church it must be attributed to them as the greater number of people But because it appeareth not that either they or the Greeke Churches doe constitute or appoint the multitude for a marke of the true Church and that it doth not appeare where that multitude is moreouer because that those which now are fewe in number may exceed the rest hereafter and that the multitude of the Latins is not so great to induce others to turne to their religion we will conclude that according to their beliefe The multitude of people or the greatnesse or largenesse of Regions are not markes of the true Church QVESTION VI. Whether the Primate of the Church hath any power or authoritie ouer the Temporaltie of Common-weales THE EAST CHVRCH IEremie Patriarch of Constantinople Wee ought to obey all principalities and power and not onely of good Princes but also of euill Princes and to obserue inuiolably their lawes notwithstanding that we must obey God rather then men And in another place he that resisteth soueraigne power shall be condemned Sacranus The Emperours of Greece haue had the power and right to holde vnder their yoakes the Patriarches and all the Clergie the which they placed and displaced when it seemed them best Nicholas The Patriarches of Constantinople Ierusalem Antioch and Alexandria possesse neither townes nor Castles and entertaine no Souldiers or Archers for their guard much lesse doe they cloath themselues eyther with cloath of golde veluet or purple and haue no more Reuenues toward their maintenance habites and books then about 200. Ducats by the yeare In their habites they differ nothing from the other people and they are no more richly cloathed then the simpler sort Sacranus The Princes of
These termes are strange to the Protestants Neuerthelesse they are true because that hee speaketh of the soule which is the inward man and the cheefest part of a man for so he expoundeth himselfe This soule is of it selfe apt to iudge and chuse the good that is to say that good which belongeth to morall vertue but the bodie which is the soules instrument doth suggest vnto it without ceasing those obiects which haue appearance of good in such sort that the soule cannot resist but very hardly euen as a shippe which of it selfe is apt to be conducted any way is oftentimes carried by the winde against the will of the Pilot. Secondly Ieremie saith that a man attempteth and that God effecteth The Protestants doe confesse the same likewise saying that a man may by his free-will doe a ciuil worke of iustice and such as is commanded by God But because that of it selfe it profiteth nothing to saluation the same Ieremie addeth that God effecteth by bestowing that which is his own that is to say faith Thirdly Neuerthelesse the Protestants say that all proceedeth from God The same Authour saith so also and in the very same termes and sheweth that the morall worke is but as the matter euen a matter vnprofitable to the which God giueth a forme that is to say faith Euen as an Housholder which would build prouideth the matter but the Master workeman maketh the house or building in such sort that all the commoditie of inhabiting which is the vse of the house is attributed to him that builded it Fourthly Ieremie saith that God dooth cooperate It is necessary here to marke that two causes may concurre to one effect Reason leadeth a man to a worke of iustice the holy Ghost doth likewise driue him And a man fortified with special grace executeth it better then if he were caried alone by naturall reason Neuerthelesse all is attributed to God because that the soule being illuminated employeth her naturall faculties to a good end the which it would neuer do without God and for this cause S. Paul saith that it is not in him that willeth nor that runneth wherein he teacheth that a man may will and runne but because that in running he erreth S. Paul addeth to it that God must needs giue his mercy which he doth when he purifieth the heart through faith faith I say which not onely maketh the Morall works good which proceede of reason but also bringeth forth a farre greater number and maketh the righteousnesse of the faithfull to exceed the righteousnesse of the Scribes and Pharisies for a man loueth God according to that proportion that hee beleeueth in him and a man doth good workes according to that measure that hee loueth him and it cannot be otherwise for in all our willingnesse the principall part or all proceedes from inspiration and in this consideration it is sayd that God giueth the will and the deede 5. When a man speaketh of faith it is necessary to distinguish it for the want of this is the cause of the strife about words The Latins neuer speake but of that faith which Bellarmine defineth thus Catech. cap. 11. Faith is a Theologicall vertue whose office is to illuminate the vnderstanding and to raise it vp to a firme beleefe of all that which God hath reuealed vnto vs by the meanes of his Church although it be a hard thing and farre passing naturall reason 6. The Councell of Trent saith that this faith dependeth partly vpon free will that is to say in as much as a man disposeth himselfe to receaue it and may reiect it when it is offered him The Protestants doe call this faith historicall and do confesse that a man may furder himselfe in receiuing of it For the authoritie of the Church may moue a man to beleeue that the Gospell is a true historie likewise the testimonie of the Apostles who are vnreproueable Authors and the predictions of the Prophets and the Sybils yet so that all this would be weake if God should not illuminate the vnderstanding to beleeue firmely The Protestants doe confesse also that one may reiect this faith and fall into dispaire for this faith hath her seat in the vnderstanding as the Romane Catholickes say very well but in such sort that the vnderstanding draweth not the will to accept and rest in it seing that by this faith a man is not assured whether any 〈◊〉 be giuen to himselfe but onely he beleeueth that it is 〈◊〉 to some men in such sort that if he loueth God it is of a 〈◊〉 proportionable to this faith Hee loueth him as the Author of nature and as a benefactor to them that please him If he keepe in some sort his commaundements it is more formidine paenae then virtutis amore rather of seruice feare then of filiall loue It is impossible for a man to loue him withall his heart whom he mistrusteth 6. This is the cause that the Church of the East South together with the reformed Church of the West and that against the Councell of Trent doe hold that a man must haue confidence and assurance The confession of Saxonie saith as followeth Faith signifieth not onely to know the historie as the diuels themselues doe which beleeue and tremble but also signifieth to imbrace all the Articles of the faith and amongst the rest this also I beleeue the forgiuenesse of sinnes and doe beleeue that they are forgiuen not only vnto others but also vnto me 7. Behold here the true knot of the question of free-will The Protestants affirme that this faith of assurance dependeth not at all vpon free will this is not to say that it is not a man which beleeueth and which willeth but that he beleeueth not nor willeth not if God of his extraordinary and especial grace would not that a man beleeued were willing Moreouer this is not to say that naturally the actuall vnderstanding cannot beleeue all that which is credible and that the will naturally accepteth not all that which the iudgement proposeth to be good but man is sayd not to helpe himselfe by his free will to receiue this faith because that nature doth not shew to the iudgement of man any reason whereby hee might conclude that God loueth him would faine be fauorable merciful vnto him as Ieremy very learnedly saith in his second answere all that which is proued by arguments is examined very profoundly by earnest inquirie or search but the simplicitie of faith is more firme then the demonstrations which reason doth deuise Moreouer man cannot reiect this faith when it is offered him because that God hath so ordered that a man iudgeth and beleeueth without any precedent debating And withall a man cannot haue a will to reiect it at such time as it is in the vnderstanding because that the wil naturally necessarily but freely for otherwise it should be no will yeeldeth it selfe to that which the iudgement esteemeth to bee good