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A18640 An harmony of the confessions of the faith of the Christian and Reformed Churches which purelie professe the holy doctrine of the Gospell in all the chiefe kingdomes, nations, and prouinces of Europe: the catologue and order whereof the pages following will declare. There are added in the ende verie shorte notes: in which both the obscure thinges are made plaine, & those thinges which maie in shew seeme to be contrarie each to other, are plainelie and verie modestlie reconciled, and if anie points doe as yet hang in doubt, they are sincerelie pointed at. All which things, in the name of the Churches of Fraunce and Belgia, are submitted to the free and discrete iudgement of all other Churches. Newlie translated out of Latine into English. Also in the end is added the confession of the Church of Scotland. Alowed by publique authoritie.; Harmonia confessionum fidei orthodoxarum & reformatarum ecclesiarum. English Salnar.; Goulart, Simon, 1543-1628. 1586 (1586) STC 5155; ESTC S107818 484,469 636

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Of Excommunication and other Censures 33 Of the Sacraments in generall 34 Of Baptisme 35 Of the holie Supper of the Lorde 36 Of the efficacie and true communication of the thing signified by the signes 37. 38 Of the Magistrate and politike lawes 39. 40 THE ARTICLES OF THE ENGLISH CONFESSION Of one God in three Persons 1 Of Iesus Christ being the true Sonne of God and of the Incarnation other workes of Redemption and of his two natures being vnseperablie vnited and vnconfounded 2 Of his last comming Of the holie Ghost and his workes in vs. 3 Of the Catholique Church and the one onelie King head and husband thereof 4 Of the diuers degrees of the Church 5 Of the prima●ie of the Antichrist of Rome 5 Of the lawful calling and Election of ministers 6 Of their power and the vse of the keies 7 Of mariage and a Single life 8 Of the Canonicall scriptures 9 Of the Sacramentes and the number thereof 10 Of Baptisme 11 Of the holy Eucharist 12 Of the ●●le of Masses 13 Of Purgatorie 14 Of Ceremonies and Ecclesiasticall rites 15 Of prayer in a vulgare tounge 16 Of the onelie Intercessour and Mediatour Christ 17 Of the corruption of man through sinne of his iustification through Christ 18 Of the one onely sacrifice of Christ whereby we are perfectly reconciled to God 19 Of good workes 20 Of the last resurrectiō of this flesh 21 THE ARTICLES OF THE CONFESSION OF Belgia Of the essence or nature of God 1 Of the double knowledge of God 2 Of the beginning and author of the word of God 3 Of the Canonicall bookes of the olde and new Testament 4 Of their authoritie 5 Of the Apochryphall bookes 6 Of the perfection of the Canonicall Scripture aboue all the doctrines of all men 7 Of three persons in one onelie essence of God 8 Of the testimonies of both the testaments whereby both the Trinitie of the persons also their properties m●● be prooued 9 Of the diuine nature and generation of Iesus Christ the Sonne of god 10 Of the diuine nature of the holy ghost 11 Of the creation of the world and Angells and the distinguishing of them 12 Of the Prouidence of God and of his iust gouernement both general special 13 Of the creation of man his fal corruption and seruile free wil. 14 Of Original sinne 15 Of free election iust reprobation 16 Of the repairing of man through Christ 17 Of the first comming of Christ and his true incarnation of the seede of Dauid 18 Of his two natures hypostatically vnited in one onelie person 19 Of the cause or end of his death and resurrection 20 Of his onelie Priesthoode and expiatorie sacrifice 21 Of faith the onelie instrument of our Iustification 22 Of true iustification through Christ 23 Of regeneration and good workes 24 Of the abrogating of the law and shadowes 25 Of the onelie Mediatour or intercessour Christ against the intercession of Saints 26 Of the Catholique Church 27 Of the vnitie and communion thereof 28 Of true notes of the true Church 29 Of the gouernement Ecclesiastical functions 30 Of the Election of Ministers Elders and Dea●ons and of their authoritie 31 Of Ecclesiastical traditions 32 Of the Sacraments and their number 33 Of Baptisme 34 Of the Supper of the Lord. 35 Of Magistrates and their office and power 36 Of the last Iudgement 37 THE ARTICES OF THE CONFESSION OF AVSPVRGE Of God and the persons of the diuinitie 1 Of Original sinne 2 Of the incarnation of the Sonne of God 3 Of Iustification 4 Of the Preaching of Repentance and general Remission 5 Of the righteousnes of good wookes 6 Of the Church 7 Of the Sacraments which are administred by euil men 8 Of Baptisme 9 Of the Lords Supper 10 Of Repentance 11 Of Confession 12 Of the vse of Sacraments 13 Of Ecclesiastical order or degrees 14 Of Ecclesiastical ri●●s 15 Of ciuil ordinances 16 Of the la●● Iudgement 17 Of fr●● wil. 18 Of the cause of sinne 19 Of good workes 20 Of ●nuocation 21 ARTICLES CONCERNING THE ABVSES VVHICH ARE changed in externall rites Of the Masse 1 Of either kinde of the Sacrament 2 Of Confession 3 Of the difference of mea●es and such like Popish traditions 4 Of the mariage of the Priestes 5 Of the vowes of Monkes 6 Of Ecclesiastical power 7 THE CHIEFE POINTS OF THE CONFESSION of Saxonie Of Doctrine 1 Of Originall sinne 2 Of the remission of sinnes and of I● stification 3 Of freewill 4 Of new obedience 5 What workes are to be done 6 How good works maie be done 7 How new obedience doth please God 8 Of rewardes 9 Of the difference of sinnes 10 Of the Church 11 Of the Sacramentes 12 Of Baptisme 13 Of the Lords Supper 14 Of the vse of the wholl Sacrament 15 Of repentance 16 Of Satisfaction 17 Of Wedlocke 18 Of Confirmation and anointing 19 Of Traditions or Ecclesiastical rites 20 Of a Monasticall life 21 Of the inuocating of godlie men departed out of this life 22 Of the ciuill Magistrate 23 THE CHIEFE POINTES OF THE CONFESSION OF Wirtemberge Of God and three persons in one godhead 1 Of the Sonne of God 2 Of the holie Ghost 3 Of sinne 4 Of Iustification 5 Of the law 6 Of good Workes 7 Of the Gospell of Iesus Christ 8 Of the Sacraments 9 Of Baptisme 10 Of Confirmation 11 Of Repentance 12 Of Contrition 13 Of Confession 14 Of Satisfaction 15 Of Prair 16 Of Fasting 17 * Of Almes 18 Of the Eucharist that is of the Sacrament of thankesgiuing 19 * Of the Masse 20 Of holie orders 21 Of Mariage 22 * Of e●●reame Vnction 23 Of the inuocating of Saints 24 Of the remembrance of the dead 25 Of Purgatorie 26 * Of Monasticall vowes 27 Of Canonicall houres 28 Of Fasting 29 Of the consecrating of water salt wine and other such like things 30 Of the holie Scripture 31 * Of the Pope 32 Of the Church 33 Of Councels 34 Of the Teachers of the Church 35 Of Ecclesiastical Ceremonies 36 THE CONTENTES OF THE BOOKE FOLLOWING ACCORDING TO THE SECTIONS WHICH are in number 19. and of how manie confessions ech Section doth consist THE 1. SECTION pag. 1. OF the holie Scripture beeing the true word of God and the interpretation thereof This Section consisteth of 10. confessions to wit Of the former and latter confessions of Heluetia of that of Basil or Myllane of Bohemia or the 〈◊〉 the French the English that of Belgia Saxonie Wirtemberge and Sueueland THE 2. SECTION pag. 18. OF God in essence one in persons three and of his true worship This Section 〈…〉 of 11. confessions to wit Of the former 〈…〉 confession of Heluetia that of Basil of 〈…〉 or the Waldenses the French the English th●t of Belgia Auspurge Saxonie Wirtemberge 〈◊〉 THE 3. SECTION pag 53. OF the eternall prouidence of God and the creation of the world This Section doth consist properly of foure Confessions onely to wit Of the
place we adde how they maie be done Albeit that men by their owne strength be able to doe outward honest deedes in some sort and must also performe this ciuill obedience yet so long as men are voide of faith they are in the power of the Deuill who driueth them to shamefull sinnes occupieth their mindes with wicked and blasphemous opinions for that is the kingdome and tyrannie of the Deuil Moreouer nature by it selfe is weake cannot without gods helpe strengthen it s●lfe to the performaunce of anie spirituall workes And for that cause are men taught that in the Gospell the holie spirit is promised who shal aide and gouerne the mindes of them who do repent beleeue the Gospel Wherfore in so great infirmitie of nature in the middest of these assaultes of Sathan and in all daungers faith must be exercised in calling vpon God euen throughout our wholl life that we maie continue alwaies in the faith in our obedience towards God Therfore Zacharie saith I will poure forth the spi●it of grace of praier vpon the house of Dauid upon the inhabitans of Ierusalem He calleth him the spirit of grace because the holie spirit doth confirme and comforte troubled mindes and beareth record that God is pleased with vs. He calleth him the spirit of praier to the end we should dailie exercise our faith in praier that by these exercises our faith might be confirmed and a new life grow vp and increase in vs. There is no doubt but true vertues are the giftes of Go such as are faith clearenes of iudgement in discerning of pointes of religion courrage of minde such as is requisite in them which teach professe the Gospel true care paines in gouerning of Churches true humilitie not to hunt after preferment not to be puft vp with populare praise nor cast downe with their disliking and ill will true charitie c. These Princelie vertues Paull calleth Gods gifts Rom. 12. Hauing diuers giftes according to the grace that is giuen vs. And of these he saieth to the Cor. These thinges worketh one and the same spirit distrubuting to euerie one according c. Vnto these giftes we must ioyne our exercise which maie both preserue the same and deserue an increase of them according to the saying To him that hath shal be giuen And it is notably said of Augustine Loue deserueth an increase of loue to weet when t is put in vse For good workes haue rewardes as in this life so also after this life in the euerlasting life Now because that the Church in this life is subiect to the crosse and to the death of the bodie therefore many rewardes are differred vntill the life to come which though it be vndoubtedlie bestowed through mercy for Christs sake on those which are iustified by the faith of Christ yet there is also a rewarding of good workes according to that saying your rewarde is great in heauen By this it is euident that the doctrine of good workes is through the goodnes of God purelie and truelie taught in our Churches How full of obscuritie and confusion the doctrine of good workes was in former times all godlie mindes know full well There was none that put men in minde of the difference of mans traditions and the lawe of God none that taught how good workes did please God in this so great infirmitie of ours To be briefe there was not one word of faith which is most needfull vnto remission of sinnes But now that these matters be opened and vnfolded godlie consciences lay holde of comforte and of certaine hope of saluation and doe vnderstand which is the true worship and seruice of God and know how it pleaseth god and howe it doth merit at his handes This article is thus set downe in an other edition OVr diuines are falselie accused to forbid good workes For their writinges extant vpon the tenne commaundements and others of the like argument do beare witnes that they haue to good purpose taught concerning euerie kinde of life and duties what trades of life and what workes in euery calling doe please God Of which thinges preachers in former times taught litle or nothing onely they did vrge certaine childish and needles workes As keeping of holie daies set fasts fraternities pilgrimages worshipping of Saints friaries Monkeries and such trash wherof our aduersaries hauing had warning they do now forget them do not preach so concerning these vn profitable works as they were wont to doe Besides they begin now to make mention of faith which they were wont to pas ouer with silence But yet they cease not to obscure darken this doctrine of faith while they leaue the conscience in doubt would haue men to merit remission of sins by their workes and teach not that we doe by faith alone vndoubtedlie receiue remission of sinnes for Christes sake When as therfore the doctrine of faith which should be especially aboue others taught in the Church hath bene so long vnknowen as all men must needes graunt that there was not a word of the righteousnes of faith in all their sermons and that the doctrine of workes onelie was vsuall in the Churches for this cause our diuines did thus admonish the Churches First that our workes cannot reconcile God vnto vs or deserue remission of sins grace iustification at his hands But this we must obtaine by faith whiles we beleeue that we are receiued into fauour for Christ sake who alone is appointed the Mediatour intercessor by whom the father is reconciled to vs. He therfore that trusteth by his works to merit grace doth despise the merit and grace o● Christ and seeketh by his owne power without Christ to come vnto the father whereas Christ hath said expresselie of himselfe I am the waie the trueth and the life This Doctrine of faith is handled by Paule almoste in euerie Epistle Eph. 2. ye are saued freelie by faith and that not of your selues it is the gift of God not of workes c. And lest anie here should cauill that we bring in a new found interpretation this wholl cause is vnderpropped with testimonies of the Fathers August doth in manie volumes defend grace the righteousnes of faith against the merit of works The like doth Ambrose teach in his booke De voca● Gent. and els where for thus he saith in the forenamed place The redemption made by the bloode of Christ would be of small account and the prerogatiue of mans workes would not giue place to the mercie of God if the iustification which is by grate weere due to merites going before so as it should not be the liberalitie of the giuer but the wages or hire of the labourer This doctrine though it be contemned of the vnskilfull sor● yet ●ne godlie and fearefull conscience doth finde by experience that it bringeth verie great comfort because that the consciences cannot be quieted by anie workes but by faith alone when
AN HARMONY OF THE CONFESSIONS OF THE FAITH OF THE CHRISTIAN AND REFORMED CHVRCHES which purelie professe the holy doctrine of the Gospell in all the chiefe Kingdomes Nations and Prouinces of Europe the Catologue and order whereof the Pages following will declare There are added in the ende verie shorte notes in which both the obscure thinges are made plaine those thinges which maie in shew seeme to be contrarie each to other are plainelie and verie modestlie reconciled and if anie points doe as yet hang in doubt they are sincerelie pointed at All which things in the name of the Churches of Fraunce and Belgia are submitted to the free and discrete iudgement of all other Churches Newlie translated out of Latine into English Also in the end is added the Confession of the Church of Scotland Alowed by publique authoritie Imprinted by THOMAS THOMAS Printer to the Vniuersitie of Cambridge 1586. A PREFACE IN THE NAME OF THE CHVRCHES OF FRAVNCE AND BELGIA VVHICH PROfesse the reformation of the Gospell ⁂ AMbrose in a certaine place saith notablie There ought to be no strife but conference among the seruants of Christ. For seeing the dulnes of mans vnderstanding especiallie in heauenlie matters is such that we can not oft times perceiue matters otherwise verie plaine it can by no meanes be denied but that by mutuall conference and friendly and brotherly debating of the matter we come to verie great light And that especiallie seemeth profitable and needful that some should be set on edge by others that those thinges which the Lord hath particularlie bestowed vpon seuerall members of the Church may redound to the common benefit of the wholl bodie and that all sinister affection set a part Christ who is the Fathers wisdome and the onely Master and teacher of the Church may be heard and as he is the Prince of peace may so by his spirit ioyne together our mindes that if it be possible we maie all think● one and the same thing in the Lorde But to striue braule and fiercelie and frowardlie to contend as fensers doe is so farre from becomming men that are taught of god as that it is not seemely for modest or ciuill persons And if so be that in all yea euen in the verie least affaires of mans life that rule of modestie is to be kept what I pray you is to be done when we are in hand with God and Gods matters Surelie holie things are holily and deuoutly to be handled in the feare of god loue of our neighbour Who if he goe out of the way is by the Spirit of me●kenes to be called backe againe but if he take the right waie he is more and more to be instructed therein to the end it may appeare that we are not driuen by any motion of man but that in all things our mindes are ruled and gouerned by God Yet alas such is the spot and staine of our times that the euill custome of writing whatsoeuer and euen of railing hath seised vpon the wits mindes not of meane men onely but euen of those whom i● most of all behooued to doe the cleane contrary The roble of Iesuites and such other like fellows whose verie rewarde is the earnest of bondage and cursed speaking how shameleslie and outragiouslie they are caried against vs and the trueth woh what bitternes they cast out against vs such things as they haue bin taught in the schoole of shamelesnes it ma●e be sufficientlie perceiued of any man For th●y when they feele them selues pressed with moste strong reasons and ouercome with expresse places of scripture they runne to cauills and slaunders as to the onelie refuge of their errours They say wee haue reuolted from the Catholique Church that we might follow the diuers imaginations of men they cr●e aloud that we are heretikes schis●atiques and sectaries and they oft times in mockage cal vs Confessionists and moreouer they la●e in our dish that wee neither agree with our selues nor with others whoe detest the bishoppe of Rome but there are as many Religions among vs as there are Confessions of Faith And that they may seeme to procure credit to themselues and to giue a check to the Germane Churches especiallie they bring forth both certeine other writings and especiallie that Forme of Agreement of late published in Germanie in which there are certaine things to be seene farre differing from those auncient Confessions of Faith which the Churches of the Gospell haue euen since the beginning giuen out But let them so thinke that the fault of heresie is not to be laide vpon those whose faith altogether relieth on moste sure grounds of scripture that they are no schismatiques who intierly cleaue to Gods Church such an one as the Prophets Apostles doe describe vnto vs nor to be accounted sectaries who embrace the truth of God which is one and alwaies like it selfe What doe they mean I praie you by the name of Confessionists so often repeated For if euerie man be commaunded to make confession of his Faith so often as Gods glorie and the edifying of the Church shall require what a wonderfull or strange thing ought it to seeme if Cities if Prouinces if wholl kingdomes haue made profession of their faith when they were falsely charged by the Popish sorte that they had gone from the doctrine of the true beleeuing Church but they will saie there ought to be one confession of faith and no moe as though forsooth a confession of faith were to be valued rather by the words then by the thing it selfe What therefore will they saie to our ancetours who when they had the Apostles Creede yet for all that set out the Nicene Chalcedonian and manie moe such like Creedes Those Creedes saie you were generall Yea surelie but so generall that a great part of the world in those elder times followed the frantique heresies of the Arrians whom the godlie forefathers by setting forth those Creedes desired to bring home into the Church againe The trueth saith Hilarie was by the aduise and opinions of Bishops many waies sought a reason of that which was meant was rendered by seuerall confessions of faith set downe in writing And a litle after It ought to seeme no maruell right welbeloued breethren that mens faiths began to be declared so thick the outrage of heretiques laieth this necessitie vpon vs. Thus much saide Hilarie What that Athanasius Augustine and many other auncients set forth their Creedes also that the puritie of Christian faith might more and more shine sorth Therefore if Kingdoms Cities and whole prouinces haue priuatelie made confession of their faith this was the cause therof for that hitherto the state of times hath not suffered that a generall Councell of all those who professe the reformed religion might be holden But if it once come to passe and the Lord graunt that the Churches maie at length inioy so great a benefit then there may be one onelie confession of faith extant
time or worthines of the Churches Authors that wrote them or other such like circumstance the●fore it seemed good without anie enuie or preiudice of other Confessions either more auncient or more famous to giue the first place to the latter Confession of Heluetia ●oth because the order thereof seemed more fitie and ●he wholl handling of doctrine more full and conuenient and also because that Confession was publiquelie approoued subscribed vnto by verie manie Churches of d●uers Na●●on● Farther vpon ●his do the re●t fitly follow to wit ●he former confession of Heluetia then all other without any ●ho●s● indifferentlie saue that we had rather ioyne together th● Confessions of Germanie then s●uer them ●ach 〈…〉 according to ●h● argument of euerie Section 〈…〉 info●●ed to p●t that Confession of th● 〈…〉 as rece●u●d somewhat ●●te in the la●● pl●ce 〈…〉 if it shall not seeme fitte and conuenient to 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 may easilie be altered in the second edition as other Confessions also if anie such beside these shall be wanting may in their due place be adioyned To conclude that the godly Reader may want nothing and that no man may suspect anie thing to be taken awaie or added to anie of those Confessions we haue here set downe the articles or chiefe points in the order wherin they were first written Which we desire euerie man fauourably to interprete and to enioy this our labour rather seeking peace and agreement then malitiouslie hunting after occasions of dissensions PROPER CATALOGVES FOR EVERIE CONFESSION CONTEINED IN THIS HARMONIE AFTER THAT ORDER WHEREIN They were first written THE ARTICLES OF THE FORMER CONFESsion of Heluetia SCripture 1 Interpretation 2 Fathers 3 Humane Traditions 4 The drift of the Scripture 5 God 6 Man and his strength 7 Originall sinne 8 Free will 9 The eternall Counsell touching the restoring of man 10 Iesus Christ and those benefites which we reape by him 11 The drift of the doctrine of the Gospell 12 Faith and the force thereof 13 The Church 14 Of the Ministers of the word 15 Ecclesiasticall power 16 The choosing of Ministers 17 The head and Shepherd of the Church 18 The dueties of Ministers 19 Of the force and efficacie of the Sacraments 20 Baptisme 21 The Eucharist 22 Holie assemblies 23 Of Heretikes Schismatikes 24 Of thinges indifferent 25 Of the Magistrate 26 Of Holie Wedlocke 27 THE CHIEFE POINTS OF THE LATTER CONfession of Heluetia Of the holie Scripture being the true word of God 1 Of Interpreting the holie Scripture and of ●athers Councels and Traditions 2 Of God his vnitie and the Trinitie 3 Of Idoles or Images of God Christ and Saintes 4 Of the Adoration worshippe and In●ocation of God through the onelie Mediatour Iesus Christ 5 Of the Prouidence of God 6 Of the creation of all thinges of Angells the Deuill and man 7 Of the fall of man sinne and the cause of sinne 8 Of free w●ll and so of mans power and abilitie 9 Of the Predestination of God and Election of the saintes 10 Of Iesus Christ being true God man and the onlie Sauiour of the world 11 Of the lawe of God 12 Of the Gospell of Iesus Christ of the Promises also of the spirit and the letter 13 Of Repentance and the Conuersion of man 14 Of the true iustification of the faithfull 15 Of Faith and good workes and of their reward and the merit of man 16 Of the Catholique holy Church of God and of the onely head of the Church 17 Of the Ministers of the Church their institution dueties 18 Of the Sacramentes of the Church of Christ 19 Of holie Baptisme 20 Of the holy Supper of the Lord. 21 Of holie and Ecclesiasticall assemblies 22 Of the Praiers of the Church of singing Canonicall houres 23 Of Holy daies fastes and choise of meates 24 Of Comforting or visiting the sicke 25 Of the buriall of the faithfull and the care that is to be had for the dead and of Purgatorie and the appeering of Spirites 26 Of Rites Ceremonies and thinges Indifferent 27 Of the goods of the Church 28 Of single life Wedlocke and the ordering of a Family 29 Of the Magistrate 30 THE ARTICLES OF THE CONFESSION OF Basill Of God 1 Of man 2 Of the care of God toward vs. 3 Of Christ being true God and true man 4 Of the Church 5 Of the Supper of our Lord. 6 Of the Magistrate 7 Of Faith and workes 8 Of the last daie 9 Of thinges commaunded and not commaunded 10 Against the error of the Anabaptistes 11 THE CHIEFE POINTS OF THE CONFESSION OF Bohemia Of the holy Scripture and of Ecc●siasticall writers ● Of Christian Catechizing 2 Of the vnitie of the diuine essence of the three Persons 3 Of the knowledge of himselfe Also Of sinne the causes and fruites hereof and of the promises of God 4 Of repentance 5 Of Christ the Lord and of Iustification through faith in him 6 Of good workes which be holie actions 7 Of the holie Catholique Church the order and discipline hereof and moreouer of Antichrist 8 Of the Ministers of the Church 9 Of the word of God 10 Of the Sacraments in general 11 Of holy Baptisme 12 Of the Supper of the Lord. 13 Of the keies of Christ. 14 Of thinges accessorie that is of rites or Ecclesiasticall ceremonies 15 Of the politique or Ciuill Magistrate 16 Of Saints and their worship 17 Of fasting 18 Of single life and Wedlocke or the order of maried folke 19 Of the time of Grace 20 THE ARTICLES OF THE FRENCH CONFEssion Of God and his one onelie essence 1 Of the knowledge of God 2 Of the Ca●onicall bookes of the holy Scripture 3 Of distinguishing the Canonicall book● from the Apocryphall 4 Of the authoritie of the word of God 5 Of the Trinitie of the Persons in one onely essence of God 6 Of the Creation of the world 7 Of the eternal Prouidence of God 8 Of the fall of man and his free will 9 Of Originall sinne 10 Of the propagation of Originall sinne and of the effectes thereof 11 Of the free Election of God 12 Of the reparing of man from his fall through Christ 13 Of two natures in Christ 14 Of the hypostaticall vnion of his two natures 15 Of the death and resurrection of Christ and of the fruit thereof 16 Of the merit and fruit of the sacrifice of Christ 17 Of the remission of sinnes and true Iustification 18 Of the Intercession or Mediation of Christ 19 Of iustifying Faith and the gift and effectes thereof 20. 21. 22 Of the abolishing of Ceremonies and true vse of the Morall lawe 23 Of the intercession of Saintes Purgatorie and other superstitious traditions of the Popish sorte 24 Of the Ministerie of the Gospell 25 Of the vnitie of the Church and the true notes thereof 26. 27. 28 Of Ecclesiasticall functions 29 Of the power and authoritie of the ministers 30 Of their lawfull calling and election 31 Of Ecclesiasticall discipline 32
a general councell for plaine it is as they were men so haue some of them manifestlie erred and that in matters of great weight and importance So farre then as the Councel prooueth the determination and commaundement that it giueth by the plaine worde of God so soone doe we reuerence and embrace the same But if men vnder the name of a Councel pretende to forge vnto vs newe Articles of our faith or to make constitutions repugning to the worde of God then vtterlie we must refuse the same as the doctrine of Deuils which draweth our soules from the voice of our onelie God to follow the doctrine and constitutions of men The cause then why that generall Councels came together was neither to make anie perpetuall lawe which God before had not made neither yet to forge new articles of our beliefe neither to giue the word of God authoritie much lesse to make that to be his word or yet the true interpretation of the same which was not before his holie will expressed in his word But the cause of councels we meane of such as merit the name of Councels was partlie for confutation of heresies for giuing publike confession of their faith to the posteritie following which both they did by the authoritie of Gods written word and not by anie opinion of prerogatiue that they could not erre by reason of their generall assemblie And this we iudge to haue beene the chiefe cause of general Councells The other was for good pollicie and order to be constitute obserued in the Church wherein as in the house of God it becommeth all things to be done decentlie and in order Not that we thinke that one pollicie and one order in ceremonies can be appointed for all ages times and places for as ceremonies such as men haue deuised are but temporall so maie and ought they to be changed when they rather suffer superstition then that they edifie the Church vsing the same Of the Sacramentes AS the fathers vnder the law besides the veritie of the sacrifices had two cheefe Sacramentes to wit Circumcision and the Passeouer the despisers and contemners whereof were not reputed for Gods people so we acknowledge and confesse that we now in the time of the Gospell haue two chiefe Sacraments onelie instituted by the Lord Iesus and commaunded to be vsed of all those that will be reputed members of his bodie to wit Baptisme and the Supper or table of the Lord Iesus called the communion of his bodie and his bloode And these Sacramentes as well of the olde as of the new Testament now instituted of god not onelie to make a visible difference betwixt his people those that were without his league but also to exercise the faith of his children and by participation of the same Sacramentes to seale in their heartes the assurance of his promise and of that most blessed coniunction vnion and societie which the elect haue with their heade Christ Iesus And thus we vtterlie damne the vanitie of those that affirme sacramentes to be nothing else but naked and bare signes No we assuredlie beleeue that by baptisme we are ingrafted in Christ Iesus to be made partakers of his iustice by which our sins are couered and remitted And also that in the Supper rightlie vsed Christ Iesus is so ioyned with vs that he becommeth the verie nourishment food of our soules Not that we imagine any trans●ubstantiation of the bread in Christs naturall bodie and of wine in his naturall blood as the Papists haue perniciously taught and damnablie beleeued but this vnion and coniunction which we haue with the bodie and blood of Christ Iesus in the right vse of the Sacramente is wrought by operation of the holie Ghost who by true faith carieth vs aboue all things that are visible carnal and earthlie and maketh vs to f●●de vpon the bodie and bloode of Christ Iesus which was once broken and shed for vs which now is in heauen and appeareth in the presence of his father for vs and notwithstanding the farre distance of place which is betwixt his bodie now glorified in the heauen and vs now mortall in this earth yet we must assuredlie beleeue that the breade which we breake is the communion of Christs body and the cup which we blesse is the communion of his bloode so that we confesse and vndoubtedlie beleeue that the faithfull in the right vse of the Lords table doe so eate the bodie and drinke the bloode of the Lord Iesus that he remaineth in them and they in him Yea they are so made flesh of his flesh and bone of his bones that as the eternall Godheade giueth to the flesh of Christ Iesus which of the owne condition and nature was mortall and corruptible life and immortalitie so doeth Christ Iesus his his flesh and bloode eaten and drunken by vs giue vnto vs the same prerogatiues Which albeit we confesse are neither giuen vnto vs at this time onelie neither yet by the proper power and vertue of the Sacrament onelie yet we affirme that the faithfull in the right vse of the Lordes table haue such coniunction with Christ Iesus as the naturall man cannot apprehend yea and further we affirme that albeit the faithfull oppressed by negligence and manly infirmitie doe not profit so much as they would in the verie instant action of the Supper yet shall it after bring fruite forth as liuelie seede sowne in good ground For the holie spirit which can neuer be deuided from the right institution of the Lord Iesus will not frustrate the faithfull of the fruite of that mysticall action but all this we saie commeth of true faith which apprehendeth Christ Iesus who onelie maketh his Sacraments effectuall vnto vs. And therefore whosoeuer slaundereth vs as that we affirme or beleeue Sacraments to be onely naked and bare signes doeth iniury vnto vs and speaketh against the manifest trueth But this liberallie and frankelie we confesse that we make distinction betwixt Christ Iesus in his eternal substance and betwixt the elementes in the sacramentall signes So that we will neither worship the signes in place of that which is signified by them neither yet do we despise interpret them as vnprofitable and vaine but doe vse them with all reuerence examining our selues diligentlie before that so we doe Because wee are assured by the mouth of the Apostle that such as eate of that bread drinke of that cup vnworthelie are guiltie of the bodie and of the bloode of Christ Iesus Of the right administration of the Sacramentes THat sacraments be rightlie ministred we iudge two thinges requisite the one that they be ministred by lawful ministers whome we affirme to be onely they that are appointed to the preaching of the word into whose mouthes God hath put some sermon of exhortation they being men lawfullie chosen there to by some Church The other that they be ministred in such elements and in such sort as God hath appointed else we affirme that
Sonne of God In like manner The grace of our Lord Iesus Christe and the loue of God and the fellowship of the holie Ghost be with you Againe There are three that beare wi●nes in heauen the father the wo●de and the holie Ghost whish three are one By all which places we are fullie taught that in one onelie God there are three persons And although this doctrine passe al the reach of mans wit yet we now stedfastlie beleeue it out of the word of God looking when we shall enioy the full knowledge thereof in heauen The offices also effects of these three persons which euerie of them sheweth towards vs are to be marked For the father by reason of his power is called our Creator the sonne our Sauiour and redeemer because he hath redeemed vs by his bloode the holie Ghost is called our Sanctifier because he dwelleth in our heartes And the true Church hath allwaies euen from the Apostles age vntill these times kept this holie doctrine of the blessed Trinitie and manteineth it against Iewes Mahometanes and other false Christians and heretikes such as were Marcion Manes Praxeas Sabellius Samosatenus and the like all which were worthelie condemned by the fathers of most sound Iudgement Therefore we do here willinglie admit those three Creedes namelie that of the Apostles of Nice and of Athanasius and whatsoeuer things they according to the meaning of those Creeds haue set downe concerning this point of doctrine We beleeue that Iesus Christ in respect of his diuine nature is the onelie sonne of God begotten from euerlasting not made or created for then he should be a creature but of the same essence with the father and coeternall with him who also is the true Image of the fathers substance and the brightnes of his glorie in all things equall vnto him But he is the sonne of god not onely since the time he tooke vpon him our nature but from euerlasting as these testimonies being laid together teach vs. Moses saith that God created the worlde but Saint Iohn saith That all thinges w●●e made by the worde which he calleth God so the Apostle to the Hebrewes auoutcheth that God made all thinges by his sonne Iesus Christ It followeth therefore that he who is called both God and the word and the Sonne and Iesus Christ had his being euen then when all thinges were made by him Therefore Micheah the Prophet saith 〈◊〉 goeing out hath beene from the beginning from the daies of eternitie againe He is without beginning of daies and without end of life He is therefore that true God eternall almightie whome we praie vnto worship and serue We beleue also and confesse that the holie Ghost proceedeth from the father the sonne from euerlasting that therfore he was neither made nor created nor begotten but onelie proceeding from them both who is in order the third person of the Trinitie of the same essence glory maiesty with the father and the sonne and therefore he also is true and euerlasting God as the holie scriptures teach vs. We also beleeue that we haue no accesse to God but by that one onelie Mediatour and Aduocate Iesus Christ the righteous who was therefore made man vniting the humanitie to the diuine nature that there might be an entrance made for vs miserable men to the maiestie of God which had otherwise beene shut vp against vs for euer Yet the maiestie and power of this Mediatour whome the father hath set betweene himselfe and vs ought in no case so much to fray vs that we should therefore thinke another is to be sought at our owne pleasure For there is none either among the heauenlie or earthlie creatures who doth more entirelie loue vs then Christ himselfe who when he was in the shape of God humbled himselfe by taking vpon him the shape of a seruant and for our sakes became like vnto his brethren in all points and if we were to seeke an other Mediatour who would vouchsafe vs some good will whome I praie you could we finde that would loue vs more earnestlie then he who willinglie laid his life downe for vs when as yet we were his enemies If moreouer we were to seeke another that excelleth both in soueraigne authority also power who euer obteined so great power as he himselfe who sitteth at the right hand of God the father to whome all power is giuen in heauen in earth To conclude who was more likelie to be heard of God then that onely begotten and dearelie beloued sonne of God therefore nothing but distrust brought in this custome wherby we rather dishonor the Saints whome we thinke to honour in doeing these things which they in their life time were euer so farre from doeing that they rather constantlie and according to their dutie abhorred them as their owne writings beare witnes Neither is our owne vnworthines here to be alledged for excuse of so great vngodlines For we at no hand offer vp our praiers trusting to our owne worthines but resting vpon the only worthines excellency of the Lord Iesus Christ whose righteousnes is ours by faith whereupon the Apostle for good cause to exempt vs from this vaine feare or rather distrust saith that Christ was in all things made like vnto his brethren that he might be a mercifull and faithfull high priest in those things that were to be done with God for the clensing of the peoples sinnes For in as much as he beeing tempted hath suffered he is also able to helpe those that are tempted And that he might encourage vs to come the more boldlie to this high Priest the same Apostle addeth Hauing therefore a great high priest who hath entred the heauens euen Iesus the son of god let us hol● fast this professiō For we haue not an high priest that cānot be touched with the feling of our infirmities but he was in al things tēpted in like sort yet without sin Let vs therefore with boldnes approch vnto the throne of grace that we may obteine mercie finde grace to help in time of need The same Apostle saith that we haue liberty to enter into the holy place thorough the blood of Iesus Let vs therfore draw neare with a constant perswasion of faith c. And againe Christ hath an euerlasting priesthood Wherefore he is able 〈◊〉 to save them that come vnto God by him seeing he euer liueth 〈◊〉 make intercession for them What need manie wordes when as Christ himselfe saith I am the way the trueth and the life N● man commeth to the father but by me VVhy should we seeke vnto our selues any other Aduocate especiallie seeing it hath pleased God himselfe to giue vs his owne sonne for our Aduocate there is no cause why forsaking him we should see●e another lest by continuall seeking we neuer finde any other For God vndoubtedlie knew when he gaue him 〈◊〉 vs that we were miserable sinners VVhereupon it is that a cording to
and Sauiour namelie his conception in the wombe of the Virgine Marie and his birth of her also for he was made the seede of the woman also his afflictions his rising againe from death his sitting at the right hand of God where he hath obtained the dignitie of a Priest and King of which thing the wholl life of Dauid was a certaine type for which cause the Lorde calleth himselfe another Dauid a Shepheard And this was the Gospell of those holy men before the law was giuen and since And Chapter the 6. a litle from the beginning For this is verie certaine that after the fall of Adam no man was able to set himselfe at libertie out of the bondage of sinne death and condemnation or come to be trulie reconciled vnto God but onelie by that one Mediator betweene God and man Christ Iesus through a liuelie faith in him who alone by his death and blood shedding tooke from vs that image of sinne and death and put vpon vs by faith the image of righteousnes and life For he made vnto vs of God wisedome righteousnes sanctification and redemption But firstmen are taught that these things are to be beleeued concerning Christ namelie that he is eternal of the nature of his heauenlie father the onelie begotten sonne begotten from enerlasting and so together with the Father and the holie Ghost one true and indiuisible God the eternall not created worde the brightnes and the Image or ingrauen forme of the person of his Father by whome all thinges as well those thinges which maie be seene as those which can not be seene and those thinges which are in heauen and those which are in the earth were made and created Moreouer that he is also a true and natural man our brother in verie deed who hath a soule and a bodie that is true and perfect humane nature which by the power of the holie Ghost he tooke without all sinne of Marie a pure Virgine according as S. Iohn saith The worde was made flesh And thus of these two natures their properties not being changed nor confounded yet by a wonderfull communication thereof there is made one indiuisible person one Christ Immanuell our King and priest our redeemer our Mediatour and perfect reconciler full of grace and trueth so that of his fullnes we all doe take grace for grace For the law was giuen by Moses but grace and trueth was giuen and exhibited by Iesus Christ being God and man in one person This grace and trueth are our men taught to acknowledge and by faith to beholde in all those sauing and wonderful works or affections of Christ which according to the meaning of the holie Scripture are by a stead fast faith to be beleeued and professed such as are his comming downe from heauen his conception birth torments death buriall refurrection ascension vnto heauen sitting at the right hand of God and his comming againe from thence to iudge both the quicke the dead In these principal affections as in a chest wherin treasure is kept are al those holsome fruits of our true iustification laide vp and are taken out from thence for the elect and those which doe beleeue that in Spirit and conscience they may be partakers thereof through faith which all hereafter at the daie of our ioyfull resurrection shall be fullie and perfectlie bestowed vpon vs. And towardes the ende of that Sixth Chapter these words are added In this Chapter also particularlie and for necessarie causes to shunne and auoide many pernicious and Antichristian deceites it is taught concerning Christe his presence namelie that our Lorde Christ according to his bodely cōuersation is not amongest vs any longer in this worlde neither wil be vnto the ende of the worlde in such sort and manner as he was here conuersant amongest vs in his mortalitie and wherein he was betraied and circumcised nor yet in the forme of his glorified bodie which he got at his resurrection and in the which he appeared to his disciples the for●●eth day after his resurrection departing from them ascended manifestly into heauen For after this manner of his presence companie he is in the high place with his father in heauen where al tongues professe him to be the Lord and euerie faithful one of Christ must beleeue that he is there worship him there according to the scriptures as also that part of the Catholike Christian faith doth expresselie witnes which is this He ascended into heauen he sitteth as the right hand of God the father almightie Also that other article from thence shal he come that is from an higher place out of heauen with his Angells is iudge both the quick the dead So doth Paul also say The Lord himselfe shall descend from heauen with a shoute and with the voice of an Archangell and with the trumpet of God And S. Peter saith Whom heauen must cōtaine vntil the time that al things be restored And the Euangelist Marke But when the Lord had spoken with thē he was taken vp againe into heauen sitteth at the right hand of God And the Angels which were there present whe he was taken vp into heauen said This Iesus which is taken vp from you into heauen shal so come againe as you haue seene him go into heauē Furthermore this also doe our men teach that the selfe same Christ verie God and verie man is also with vs herein this worlde but after a diuerse manner from that kinde of presence which we named before that is after a certaine spirituall manner not obiect to our eies but such a one as is hid from vs which the flesh doth not perceiue and yet it is verie necessarie for vs to our saluation that we may be partakers of him whereby he offereth and communicateth himselfe vnto vs that he may dwell in vs and we in him and this truelie he doth by the holie Ghost whome in his owne place that is in steede of his owne presence whereby he was bodelie amongst vs he promised that he would send vnto his Church and that he would stil abide with it by the same spirit in vertue grace and his holsome trueth at al times euen vntill the ende of the worlde when he said thus It is good for you that I go hence for except I go hences the comforter will not come vnto you but if I goe away I wil send him vnto you And againe I wil praie the father and he shal giue you another comforter that is another kinde of comforter then I am that he may abide i● you for euer euen the spirit of trueth whome the worlde cannot receiue because it seeth him not neither knoweth him but ye know him for he dwellesh in you shal be in you I wil not leaue you comforth but I wil come to you namelie by the selfe same spirit of trueth Now then euen as our Lord Christ
Of the gospell of Iesus Christ and also of Promises of the spirit and of the letter CHAP. 13. THE gospell indeede is opposed to the lawe for the lawe worketh wrath and doeth denounce a cursse but the gospell doth preach grace and a blessing Iohn saith also The lawe was giuen by Moses but grace and trueth came by Iesus Christ Yet notwithstanding it is moste certaine that they which were before the lawe and vnder the lawe were not altogether destitute of the gospell For they had notable Euangelicall promises such as these are The seede of the woman shall bruise the Serpents head In thy seede shall all the nations of the earth be blessed The scepter shall not be taken from Iuda vntil Silo come The Lord shall raise vp a Prophet from amongest his owne brethren c. And we doe acknowledge that the fathers had two kinde of promises reuealed vnto them euen as we haue For some of them were of present transitorie thinges such as were the promises of the lande of Canaan and of victories and such as are now a dayes concerning our dailie bread Othersome there were then also are now of heauenlie euerlasting things as of Gods fauour remission of sinnes life euerlasting through faith in Iesus Christ Now the fathers had not onelie outwarde or earthly but spiritual heauenly promises in Christ For the Apostle Peter saith that the Prophets which prophesied of the grace that should come to vs haue searched and inquired of this saluation Whereupon the Apostle Paul also saith that the gospell of God was promised before by the Prophets of God in the holie scriptures Hereby then it appeereth euidentlie that the fathers were not altogether destitute of all the Gospell And although after this manner our fathers had the gospell in the writinges of the Prophets by which they attained saluation in Christ through faith yet the gospell is properlie called that glad and happie tidings wherein first by Iohn Baptist then by Christ the Lorde himselfe and afterward by the Apostles their successours is preached to vs in the world that God hath now performed that which he promised from the beginning of the world hath sent yea and giuen vnto vs his onelie sonne and in him reconciliation with the father remission of sinnes all fulnes and euerlasting life The historie therefore set downe by the foure Euagelists declaring how these thinges were done or fulfilled of Christ and what he taught and did and that they which beleeued in him had al fulnes this I saie is truelie called the Gospell The preaching also and scripture of the Apostles in which they expound vnto vs how the sonne was giuen vs of the father and in him all things pertaining to life and saluation is truelie called the doctrine of the Gospell so as euen at this daie it looseth not that worthie name if it be sincere The same preaching of the Gospel is by the Apostle tearmed the spirit and the ministerie of the spirit because it is lining and workeing thorough faith in the eares yea in the hearts of the faithfull thorough the illumination of the holie spirit For the letter which is opposed vnto the spirit doth in deede signifie euerie outward thing but more speciallie the doctrine of the law which without the spirit faith worketh wrath stirreth vp sin in the mindes of thē that do not truly beleeue For which cause it is called by the Apostle the ministery of death for hitherto pertaineth that saying of the Apostle The letter killeth but the spirit giueth life The false Apostles preached the Gospel corrupted by mingling of the law therewith as though Christ could not saue without the law Such also were the Hebionites said to be which came of Hebion the heretike and the Nazarites which before time were called Myneans Al which we doe condemne sincerely preaching the worde and teaching that the beleeuers are iustified by the spirit onelie and not by the law But of this matter there shall follow a more large discourse in the title of iustification And although the doctrine of the Gospel compared with the Pharisees doctrine of the law might seeme when it was first preached by Christ to be a new doctrine the which thing also Ieremie prophesied of the new Testament yet in deed it not onelie was as yet is though the Papists call it new in regarde of Popish doctrine which hath of long time bin receiued an ancient doctrine but also the most ancient in the world For God from all eternitie fore ordeined to saue the world by Christ and this his predestination and eternal counsel hath he opened to the world by the Gospell Whereby it appeareth that the Euangelicall doctrine and religion was the moste auncient of all that euer were are or euer shal be Wherefore we saie that all they erre foullie and speake things vnworthy the eternall counsell of God who tearme the Euangelicall doctrine and religion a new start vp faith scarce thirtie yeares olde to whome that saying of Isaiah doth verie well agree Woe vnto them that speake good 〈◊〉 euill and euill of good which put darkenes for light and light●● darkenes that put bitter for sweete and sweete for sowre OVT OF THE FORMER CONFESSION OF HELVETIA Therefore in the wholl Euangelicall doctrine this ought first and chiefely to be vrged that we are saued by the onelie mercie and grace of God and by Christ his merittes whereof that men may know how much they stand in neede their sinnes must be verie clearelie laid open vnto them by the law and by Christ his death OVT OF THE CONFESSION OF BOHEMIA Of the word of God or the holie Gospell CHAP. 10. ANd seeing that the administration of thee new test● ment also the word and the sacraments are lawfully committed to the Ministers of the Church and their lippe● ought to preserue knowledge that the law maie be sought at their mouth therefore in this Chapter it is further taught what the word of God and the holie gospell is Now the Preaching of the word of God and of the Gospell is the true ministerie of grace instituted and commaunded of Christe our Lord wherein the full and perfect will of God touching eternall reconciliation necessarie to saluation and made manifest in the holie scripture is declared and preached vnto all people This doctrine did Christ giue in charge vnto his disciples in the wordes of this sentence Goye into all the world and preach the Gospell to euerie creature This doctrine doth Peter professe before Cornelius when he saith He commaunded vs to preach vnto the people and to testifie that this is he that is ordeined of God to be the Iudge of the quick and the dead To him also giue all the Prophets wines that through his name all that beleeue in him shall receiue remission of sinnes This ministery is more honorable greater and more necessarie to saluation then are
vngodlines and guiltie of death But we are iustified that is acquitted from sinne and death by God the iudge through the grace of Christ alone and not by any respect or merit of ours For what is more plaine then that which Paule saieth All haue sinned and are destitute of the glorie of God and are iustified freelie by his grace through the redemption which is in Christ Iesus For Christ tooke vpon him selfe and bare the sinnes of the world and did satisfie the iustice of God God therfore is mercifull vnto our sinnes for Christ alone that suffred and rose againe and doth not impute them vnto vs. But he imputeth the iustice of Christ vnto vs for our owne so that now we are not onely clensed from sinne and purged and holie but also indued with the righteousnes of Christ yea and acquitted from sinne death and condemnation finallie we are righteous and heires of eternall life To speake properlie then it is God alone that iustifieth vs and that onelie for Christ by not imputing vnto vs our sinnes but imputing Christes righteousnes vnto vs. But because we doe receiue this iustification not by anie works but by faith in the mercie of god and in Christ therefore we teach and beleeue with the Apostle that sinnefull man is iustified onelie by faith in Christ not by the lawe or by anie workes For the Apostle saith We conclude that man is iustified by faith without the workes of the law If Abraham was iustified by workes he hath whereof to boast but not with God For that saith the scripture Abraham beleeued God and it was imputed to him for righteousnes But to him that worketh not but beleueeth in him that iustifieth the vngodlie his faith is counted for righteousnes And againe You are saued by grace through saith and that not of your selues it is the gift of God Not by workes lest anie might haue cause to boast c. Therefore because saith doth apprehend Christ our righteousnes a●● doth attribute al to the praise of god in Christ in this respect 〈…〉 is attributed to faith chieflie because of Christ whome it receiueth and not because it is a work of ours For it is the gift of God Now that we doe receiue Christ by faith the Lord sheweth at large Ioa. 6. where he putteth eating for beleeuing and beleeuing for eating For as by eating we receiue meat so by beleeuing we are made partakers of Christ Therefore we doe not parte the benefite of iustification giuing part to the grace of God or to Christ a part to our selues our charitie workes or merit but we doe attribute it whollie to the praise of God in Christ and that through faith Moreouer our charitie and our workes cannot plea●e God if they be done of such as are not iust wherfore we 〈◊〉 first be iust before we can loue or doe anie iust workes We are made iust as we haue said through faith in Christ ● the meere grace of God who doth not impute vnto vs o● sinnes but imputeth vnto vs the righteousnes of Christ ye● and our faith in Christ he imputeth for righteousnes vn●● vs. Moreouer the Apostle doth plainelie deriue lo● from faith saying The ende of the commaundement is loue prceeding from a pure heart a good conscience and a faith vnfeine● Wherefore in this matter we speake not of a fained vaine or dead faith but of a liuely and quicking faith which for Christ who is life and giueth life whome it apprehendeth both is in deed and is so called a liuelie faith doth prooue it selfe to be liuelie by liuely workes And therefore Iames doth speake nothinge contrarie to this our doctrine for he speaketh of a vaine and dead faith which certaine bragge● of but had not Christ liuing within them by faith A●● Iames also saieth that workes doe iustifie yet is he not contrarie to Saint Paull for then he were to be reiected but he sheweth that Abraham did shew his liuelie and iustifying faith by workes And so doe all the godlie who yet trust 〈◊〉 Christ alone not to their owne works For the Apostle said againe I liue howbeit not I but Christ liueth in me But the 〈◊〉 which now I liue in the flesh I liue through the faith of the sonne of God who loued me gaue himselfe for me I do not despise the g●●● of God for if righteousnes be by the law then Christ died in vain c. Of Faith and good workes Of their rewarde and of mans merit CHAP. 16. CHristian faith is not an opinion or humane persuasion but a sure trust and an euident and steadfast assent of the minde to be briefe a moste sure comprehensi●e of the trueth of God set forth in the scriptures and in the Apostles Creede yea and of God himselfe the chiefe blessednes and especiallie of Gods promise and of Christ who i● the consummation of all the promises And this faith is th●●eere gift of God because God alone of his power doeth giue it to his elect according to measure and that when to whome and how much he will and that by his holie spirit through the meanes of preaching the Gospell and of faithfull praier This faith hath also her increases which vnles they were likewise giuen of God the Apostles would neuer haue saide Lord increase our saith Now all these thinges which we haue saide hitherto of faith the Apostles taught them before vs euen as we set them downe for Paul saieth Faith is the grounde or sure subsistence of things hoped for and the euidence or cleare and certeine comprehension of things which are not s●●●e And againe he saith that all the promises of God in Christ are yea and in Christ are Amen And the same Apostle saith to the Philippians that it was giuen them to beleeue in Christ And also God doeth distribute vnto euerie man a measure of faith And againe All men haue not faith and al doe not obey the Gospel Besides Luke witnesseth and saith As many as were ordeined to life beleeued And therefore he also calleth faith The faith of Gods elect And againe Faith commeth by hearing and hearing by the word of god And in an other place he willeth mē to praie for faith And the same also calleth Faith Powreful and that sheweth it selfe by loue This faith doth pacifie the conscience and doth open vnto vs a free accesse vnto God that with confidence we maie come vnto him and may obteine at his handes whatsoeuer is profitable and necessarie The same faith doth keepe vs in our dutie which we owe to God and to our neighbour and doth fortifie our patience in aduersitie it doth frame and make a true confession and in a worde it doth bring forth good fruite of all sorts and good workes which are good in deede doe proceede from a liuely faith by the holie Ghost and are done of the faithfull according to the will or
we should thinke that then onelie we obteine remission of sins when we had deserued it by our former workes or when our repentance were well worthie of it For in true terrours the conscience findeth no worke which it maie oppose against Gods wrath but Christ is giuen and set forth vnto vs to appease the wrath of God This honour must not be transferred from Christ vnto our owne works therefore Paull saith Yeare saued freelie Againe Therefore by faith freelie that the promise might be sure that is thus shall remission be certaine when we know that it dependeth not vpon the condition of our vnworthines but is giuen vs for Christ his sake This is a sure and necessarie comfort to all godlie mindes that are terrified with the conscience of their sinnes And thus doe the holie fathers teach and there is a notable sentence in Saint Ambrose worthie the remembring in these wordes This God hath appointed that he which beleeueth in Christ should be saued without any work by faith alone receiuing the remission of sinnes Now this worde Faith doth not onelie signifie a knowledge of the historie of Christ but also to beleeue and assent unto this promise that is proper vnto the Gospell wherein remission of sinnes iustification and life euerlasting are promised vnto vs for Christs sake For this promise also doth pertaine to the history of Christ euen as in the Creede vnto the historie is added this article I beleeue the remission of sins And vnto this one the other articles touching the history of Christ are to be referred For the benefitte is the end of the historie therefore did Christ suffer and rise againe that for him remission of sinnes and euerlasting life might be giuen vnto vs. These things are found thus in an other edition ALso they teach that men cannot be iustified before God by their owne power merites or workes but are iustified for Christs sake thorough faith when they beleeue that they are receiued vnto fauour and their sinnes forgiuen thorough Christ who by his death hath satisfied for o●● sinnes This faith doth god impute for righteousnes vnto them before himselfe Rom. 3. 4. For this cause Christ hath appointed the ministerie of teaching the gospel which preacheth repentance remission of sinnes and the preaching of either of these is general and laieth open the sinnes of all men and promiseth remision of them vnto al that beleeue for to the end that remission might not be doubted of but that all distressed mindes might know that they ought to beleeue that remission of sinnes is vndoubtedlie granted vnto them for Christ not for their owne merits or worthines All these doe certainlie obtaine remission of sinnes And when as we doe in this sort comfort our selues by the promise of the gospell and doe raise vp our selues by faith therewithall is the holie spirit giuen vnto vs. For the holie spirit is giuen and is effectual by the worde of god and by the Sacraments When as we do heare or meditate of the gospell or doe receiue the Sacraments and comforte our selues by faith therewithall the spirit of god is effectuall according to that of Saint Paull Gall 3. That the promise by the faith of Iesus Christ might be giuen to them that beleeue And to the Cor. The Gospell is the ministerie of the spirit And to the Rom. Faith commeth by hearing When as then we doe comforte our selues by faith and are freed from the terrours of sinne by the holie spirit our hearts do conceiue the other vertues acknowledge trulie the mercie of god and conceiue the true loue and the true feare of god trust and hope of gods helpe praier such like fruites of the spirit Such therefore as teach nothing concerning this faith whereby we receiue remission of sinnes but will haue mens consciences stand in doubt whether they obteine remission or no and doe adde further that this doubting is no sinne are iustlie condemned And these also doe teach that men maie obteine remission of sinnes for their owne worthines but they doe not teach to beleeue that remission of sinnes is giuen freelie for Christ sake Here also are condemned those phantasticall spirites which dreame that the holie ghost is giuen or is effectuall without the worde of god Which maketh them contemne the ministerie of the gofpel and sacraments and to seeke illumination without the word of god and besides the gospell And by this meanes they draw awaie mens mindes from the worde of god vnto their owne opinions which is a thing verie pernitious and hurtfull Such were in olde time the Manichees and Enthusiasts And such are the Anabaptists now a daies These and such like frensies we doe most constantlie condemne For they abolish the true vse of gods worde and doe falslie imagine that the holie spirit may be receiued without the word and sticking too much to their owne fancies they inuent wicked opinions and are the cause of infinite breaches These things are found thus in another edition FOr the obteining of this faith the ministery of teaching the gospell and ministring of the sacraments was ordeined For by the word and Sacraments as by certaine instruments the holie ghost is giuen who worketh faith where and when it pleaseth god in those that heare the gosspell faith I saie to beleeue that god not for our owne merites but for Christ doth iustifie such as beleeue that they are receiued into fauour for Christs sake They condemne the Anabaptists and others who are of opinion that the holie ghost is giuen vnto men without the outward word thorough their preparations and workes Also they teach that when we are reconciled by faith the righteousnes of good workes which God hath commaunded must follow of necessitie euen as Christ hath also commaunded If thou wilt enter into life keepe the commaundements But for somuch as the infirmitie of mans nature is so great that no man can satisfie the lawe it is needfull that men should be taught not onelie that they must obey the lawe but also how their obedience pleaseth God lest that their consciences sinck downe into despaire when they see that they doe not satisfie the law This obedience therefore pleaseth god not because it satisfieth the lawe but because the person that performeth it is reconciled by Christ through faith and beleeueth that the reliques of sinne which remaineth in him be pardoned Wherfore we must alwaies holde that we do obtaine remiss● no of sinnes and that a man is pronounced iust freelie for Christ through faith And afterward that this obedience towardes the law doeth also please god and is accounted a kinde of iustice and deserueth rewards For the conscience cannot oppose it owne cleannes or workes vnto the iudgement of God as the Psal witnesseth Enter not into iudgement with thy seruant for no man shall be iustified in thy sight and Iohn saith If we saie that we haue no sinne we deceiue our selue● if we confesse
God his sake that is laying holde by faith vpon Christ himselfe who 〈◊〉 our righteousnes as Ieremie Paul do saie because that by his merit we haue remission and God doth impute his righteousnes to vs and for him doth account vs iust and by giuing his holie spirit doth quicken and regenerate vs as it is saide Ioh. 5. This is life in his Sonne He that hath the Sonne hath eternall life he that hath not the Sonne of God hath not life And. Rom. 3. That he may be iust and a iustifier And although newnes is withall begunne which shall be perfect in the life eternal wherunto we are redeemed yet neither for the new qualities nor for any workes is any man in this life made iust that is acceptable to God and heire of eternall life but onelie for the Mediatours sake who suffered rose againe reigneth and praieth for vs shadowing and quickning vs. For although vertues are here begunne yet be they still imperfect the reliques of sinne do sticke in vs. Therefore we must holde this comfort that the person is accepted for the Sonne of God his sake his righteousnes beeing imputed to vs as it is said Rom. 4. Abraham beleeued God and it was imputed to him for righteousnes Also Blessed are they whose inic●ities be forgiuen and whose sinnes be couered Therefore this saying must be vnderstood correlatiuelie We are iustified by faith that is we are iustified by confidence in the Sonne of God not for our quality but because he is the reconciler in whom the heart doth rest in confidence of the promised mercie for his sake Which confidence he doth raise vp in vs by his holie Spirit as Paull saith Ye haue receiued the Spirit of the a●●ption of the sonnes by whom we crie Abba Father Here also we must speake of the exclusiue member Paull doth often repeat the word Freely by which it is moste certaine that the condition of our merites is excluded Therefore it is saide in our Churches We are iustified by Faith alone which we so vnderstand and declare Freely for the onelie Mediatours sake not for our contrition or other our merites we haue our sinnes forgiuen vs and are reconciled to God For although contrition and many other vertues are together with Faith or with this confidence kindled in vs yet these vertues are not the cause or the merit of the Remission of sinnes neither doth the person please God in regarde of them according to that saying No man li●ing shall be iustified in thy sight but the person hath remission and doth certenlie please God by reason of the Mediatour who must be apprehended by faith as it is saide Eph. 3. B● whome we haue boldnes and entrance with confidence by Faith in him This wholl doctrine is more manifest in the true conuersion and dailie inuocation of the godlie When we are in great feare by the knowledge of the wrath of God this one comfort is f●rme and sure to flie to the Sonne of God who saith Come vnto me all ye that labour and are loaden and I will refresh you Also As I liue I will not the death of a sinner but that he returne and liue Also Grace aboundeth more then sinne In these griefes if man be taught to doubt of the remission of sinnes sorrow will haue the vpper hand and then follow moste greeuous murmurings against God and desperation and eternall death but if man be taught that doubting is to be ouercome by faith then shall he vnderstand that by the worde Faith is not onelie signified the knowledge of the storie he shall know that confidence doth relie vpon the onelie Mediatour and he shall perceiue what is meant by these wordes Freely for the Mediatour sake remission is receiued by faith alone and so the person is made acceptable This wrastling hath at all times instructed some For though Origen manie other ●rit●●s 〈◊〉 sententiaries haue brought forth an impu●e kinde of doctrine yet in Augustine and certaine others we ●eede diuers sentences which shew that they also receiued comfort out of th se true fountains Who although they d●e 〈◊〉 speake vnproperlie of thinges vnlike because they were 〈…〉 negligent in speaking yet we maie 〈…〉 what was their perpetuall iudgement if we will iudge 〈◊〉 Augustine ●●on the Psal 31. saith Who be happie● not they ●n whome god shall not sinde sinnes for those he findeth in all men For all men haue sinned and are destitute of the glorie of God Therefore if sinnes be found in 〈◊〉 men it is euident that none are happie but those whose sinnes it forgiuen This therefore the Apostle did thus commend Abra●a● beleeued God and it was imputed to him for righteousnes Here certainlie Augustine by faith doth vnderstand confidence which receiueth remission of sinnes and that which is said in Genesis and in Paull he doth altogether vnsterstand it as we expound it And in his booke De spiritu litera he saith By the law we feare God and by faith we flie to his mercie Bernard in his Sermon De 〈◊〉 saith First of all it is necessarie to beleeue that thou canst not haue remission of sinnes but by the mercie of God But a●●● thereunto that thou maist also beleeue this that through him thy sinnes be forgiuen thee This is the witnes which the holie Ghost doth ●i●e in our heart saying T●y sinnes be forgiuen thee For so doth the Apostle thinke that a man is iustified freelie by faith In this sentence the iudgement of our Churches is plainlie and properlie alledged and like testimonies are to be sound in this author Basill also in his sermon of Humilitie doth most properly set forth our iudgement in these wordes He that reioyceth let him reioyce in the Lorde saying that Christ is maie vnto v● of God wisedome and righteousnes and sanctification and 〈◊〉 a● it is written He that reioyceth let him reioyce in the Lorde For this is per●●ct and sound reioycing in God when as a man is not puffed vp by reason of his owne righteousnes but doth acknowledge that he doth stand in neede of the true righteousnes and that he is iustified by faith alone in Christ Seeing therefore that by this which hoth bin spoken it is manifest what the worde Faith doth signifie in this proposition We are iustified by Faith herereupon we maie vnderstand that the Monkes and others doe daungerouslie er●e which doe commaund those that are turned to God to doubt whether they doe please God This common errour of doubting is euidentlie refuted by these wordes Being iustified by Faith we haue peace with God Also Therefore is righteousnes of faith that the promise might be sure For so long as mens hearts are tormented with doubting they flie from God they doe not rest in God nor call vpon him and the promise becommeth vnto them but a vaine sound because they giue not consent vnto it To conclude it is the eternall and immutable commaundement of God that we should
himselfe Christ Iesus into whose handes the Father hath deliuered al things And he hath instituted and appointed them for great and sauing causes and such as are necessarie for this Church and all those that beleeue to wit that like as by the preaching of the word so by the administration of the visible Sacraments and the mysteries thereof faith might be helped and furthered and that there might be an assured testimonie and confirmation of the fauourable and well pleased will of God towards vs and that they might giue witnes to that trueth which is signified by them and should reach it out as doth the word to be apprehended by faith and that the mindes of the faithfull in the receiuing of them should by faith receiue the grace and trueth whereof they be witnesses and applying it vnto them-selues shoulde make it their owne and confirme themselues therein and on the other side by giuing themselues to God should consecrate and as it were by an othe religiouslie binde them selues to serue him alone and as it were be ioyned together among themselues by the ioyning and knitting as of one spirit so also of one body to wit of the Church of the fellowship of saints and of loue And according to these thinges the Sacraments as in times past Circumcision was may be called the holie couenants of god with his Church and of the Church with God the minsters of faith and loue by which the ioyning and vnion of God and Christ our Lord with these beleeuing people and theirs againe with Christ is made and perfited and that among themselues in one spirituall bodie of the Church by which also euen as by the word Christ and his spirit do cause in the faithfull that is in those that vse them worthelie a pretious participation of his excellent merit neither doth he suffer them to be onelie bare and naked ministers and ceremonies but those things that they signifie and witnes outwardlie that doth he worke inwardlie to saluation profitablie and effectuallie that is he clenseth nourisheth satisfieth looseth payeth remitteth confirmeth They therefore which contemne these Sacraments and through stubbornnes will not suffer them to be of anie force with themselues and making small account of them do esteeme them as trifles or do otherwise abuse them contrarie to the institution will or commaundement of Christ all these do greeuouslie sinne against the author thereof who hath instituted them and make a verie great hazarde of their saluation But if some man would willinglie vse these sacraments according to the institution of Christ and yet cannot haue leaue either entirelie or withourt deceit so to do as he would as if peraduenture one that is taken be kept in prison or if one should be hindred by sicknes or should liue in strange countries among the enemies of the trueth such a man in such a case if he do whollie and truelie beleeue the holie Gospell maie by that faith be saued although he haue not the vse of the Sacramentes whereof Augustine vpon Iohn cap. 16. hath this worthie saying Beleeue and thou hast eaten seeing that the Sacraments are not necessarie to saluation but onelie by the addition of a certaine condition Also we teach this that the sacraments of themselues or by their owne vertue for the workes sake or for the onelie outward action that is for the bare participation receiuing and vse thereof can not giue grace nor a iustifying or quickening faith to any which before was not inwardlie quickened by the holie ghost and hath no good motion within him-selfe I saie the Sacraments can not giue to anie such either grace or iustifying and quickening faith and therefore they can not iustifie anie man nor inwardlie quicken or regenerate anie mans spirit for faith must goe before whereby the holie ghost doth inwardlie quicken and lighten man and stirre vp or cause good motions in the heart Without this faith there is neither anie iustification nor saluation neither do the Sacraments of or by themselues helpe anie whit hereunto as in the holy scripture manifest examples of this matter are found in manie places especially in Iudas who receiued the sacrament of the Lord Christ him-selfe did also execute the function of a preacher and yet he ceased not to remaine a Deuill an hypocrite and the lost sonne neither was he made better by the Sacrament or by the vse thereof neither did this profit his anie thing to saluation Also in Ananias and his wife who had beene baptized of the Apostles and had also without doubt receaued the Lords supper and yet notwithstanding they did continue in their wickednes iniustice and lies against the holy ghost the sacramētes did neither take away their wickednes nor giue thē the sauing or iustifying faith which maketh the heart the better by repenting giueth it to God an vpright and obedient heart and doth appeare the conscience Therefore the Sacramentes did not giue this conscience and this faith vnto them as Circumcision and the Sacrifices of the olde testament did not giue a liuelie and iustifying faith without the which faith those thus auailed nothing to eternall saluation or iustification And so doth Saint Paull speake of all these thinges in his Epistle to the Romanes and bringeth in the example of Abraham and doth witnes that he had faith and righteousnes which is auaileable with God before that he was circumcised 〈◊〉 like sorte he writeth of the people of Israel that they also wer● baptized and they all did eat one and the same spirituall meat and did all drinke the same spirituall drinke but with manie of the God was not pleased And therfore euen in the aboundance of all these thinges they were thought vnworthie to be receiued they were reiected of God For if a dead man or one that is vnworthie do come to the Sacraments certainlie they do not giue him life and worthines but he that is such a one doth load himselfe with a far greater burthen of fault and sinne seeing that he is vnworthie the which thing the Apostle doth expresselie declare in the doctrine touching the Supper of the Lord where he saith whosoeuer doth eate of this bread or drinke of this cup of the Lord vnworthely he is guiltie of the bodie and blood of the Lord Also He doth eate and drinke iudgement to him-selfe Lastlie this also must be knowne that the veritie of the Sacraments doth neuer faile them so that they shoulde become not effectuall at anie time but in the institution of Christ they doe alwaies exercise their vertue and efficacie in witnessing sealing confirming vnto the worthie receiuers present grace and saluation but vnto the vnworthie their fault and condemnation whether they be administred by a good and honest Priest or by a close sinner For so long as the ouerthwartnes of such wicked hypocrites is not as yet publiquelie knowne neither punished more gentlie or seuerelie by the Ecclesiasticall
came downe from heauen euen Iesus Christ who nourisheth and sustaineth the spirituall life of the faithfull if he be eaten that is applied and receiued by faith through the Spirit But to the intent that Christ might figurate represent vnto vs this spirituall and heauenlie bread he hath ordeined visible and earthlie bread and wine for the Sacrament of his bodie and ●●ode whereby he testifieth that as truelie as we doe receiue and holde in our handes this signe eating the same with our mouthes whereby afterwardes this our life is sustained so truelie we doe by faith which is in ●●e●de of our soule hand and mouth receiue the verie bodie and true blood of Christ our onelie Sauiour in our selues vnto the conseruation and cherishing of a spirituall life within vs. And it is moste certaine that Christ not without good cause doth so carefullie commend vnto vs this his Sacrament as one that doth indeede worke that within vs whatsoeuer he representeth vnto vs by these his holie signes although the manner it selfe beeing farre aboue the teach of our capacitie can not be comprehended of any because that all the operations of the holie Ghost are hidden and incomprehensible Neither shall we erre in saying that that which is eaten is the verie natural body of Christ and that which is drunk● is the verie bloode of Christ yet the instrument or meanes whereby we doe eate and drinke them is not a corporall mouth but euen our soule and spirit that by faith Christ therefore sitteth alwaies at the right hand of his Father in heauen and yet for al that doth not any thing the lesse communicate himselfe vnto vs by faith Furthermore this Supper is the spiritual table wherein Christ doth offer himselfe to vs with all his benefites to be participated of vs and bringeth to passe that in it we are partakers as well of himselfe as of the merit of his death and passion For he himselfe by the eating of his flesh doth nourish strengthen comfort our miserable afflicted and comfortles soule and in like manner by the drinking of his bloode doth refresh and sustaine the same Moreouer although the signes be coupled with the things signified yet both of them are not receiued of all For an euill man verely receiueth the Sacrament vnto his owne condemnation but the thing or truth of the Sacrament he receiueth not As for example Iudas and Simon Magus both of them did receiue the Sacramentall signe but as for Christ himselfe signified thereby they receiued him not For Christ is communicated to the faithfull onelie Last of al we with great humilitie and reuerence doe communicate the holie Sacrament in that assemblie of Gods people celebrating the memoriall of our Sauiour Christs death with thankesgiuing and making there a publique confession of Christian faith and religion No man therefore ought to present himselfe at this holie Supper which hath not first examined himselfe lest that eating this bread and drinking of this cuppe he doe eat and drinke his owne damnation Moreouer by the vse of this Sacrament a most ardent loue is kindled within vs both towardes God himselfe and also towardes our neighbour Therefore we doe here worthelie reiect as a meere prophanation all the toies and damnable deuises of men which they haue pres●med to adde and mingle with the Sacramentes affirming that all the godlie are content with that onelie order and rite which Christ and his Apostles haue deliuered vnto vs and that they ought to speake of these mysteries after the same manner as the Apostles haue spoken before OVT OF THE CONFESSION OF AVSPVRGE The 2 Article out of the edition of Wirtemberge Anno. 1531. TOuching the Supper of the Lord they teach that the bodie and bloode of Christ are there present in deede and are distributed to those that eate of the Lord 〈◊〉 Supper and they condemne those that teach otherwise The same 10. article in the edition newlie corrected anno 1540. is thus set downe TOuching the Supper of the Lorde they teach that together with the bread and the wine the bodie and blood of Christ are trulie exhibited to them that eate of the Lords Supper Hitherto also pertaineth the first article of the abuses which are chaunged in the outward rites and ceremonies This article is of the Masse OVr Churches are wrongfullie accused to haue abolished the Masse For the Masse is retained still among vs celebrated with great reuerence Yea almost all the ceremonies that are in vse sauing that with the songes in Latine we mingle certein Psalmes in Dutch here and there which be added for the peoples instruction For therfore we haue need of ceremonies that the may teach the vnlearned that the Preaching of Gods word maie stirre vp some vnto the true feare trust and inuocation of God This is not onlie commaunded by S. Paul to vse a tongue that the people vnderstand but mans law hath also appointed it We vse the people to receiue the sacrament together if so be anie be found fit thereunto And that is a thing that doth increase the reuerence and due estimation of the publike ceremonies For none are admitted except they be first prooued and tried Besides we vse to put men in minde of the worthines and vse of a sacrament what great comforte it offereth vnto them which repent to the ende that men maie learne to feare God and beleeue in him and to vse praier supplication vnto him looking for all good thinges at his hands This is the true worshippe of Christians These seruices of feare faith praier hope c. God doth like of When therfore these seruices are performed and exercised in the vse of ceremonies then doth the vsing of the sacramentes please God So that when as the people is vsed to the ceremonie and aduertised of the true vse thereof the Masses are saide with vs after meet and godlie manner And thus all things are ordered in the Church with greater grauitie and reuerence then in times past It is not vnknowen that these manie ages past there hath beene common and open complaint made by good men of the abuse and prophaning of Masses For it is easie to be seene how farre this abuse hath spread it selfe in all temples and Churches what kinde of men they are that saie the Masses flat contrarie to the prescript of the Canons Also how shamefullie they are turned 〈◊〉 a matter of cursed lucre For manie there be that say Masses without repentance onelie for the bellies sake The● thinges are too open and manifest to be kept anie longer ● hugger mugger Surelie it semeth that neuer anie religion thing since the world began was so commonlie turned 〈◊〉 gaine as the Masse But Saint Paull doth fearefullie threaten them which deale otherwise with the sacraments thee is beseeming the dignitie of them where he saith He that ●●●th this bread and drinketh this cup vnworthely is guiltie of the b●●
by applying of masses it should be very vncertaine and our faith trust should be transferred from Christ vnto the work of a Priest so is it come to passe as all men see Now faith placed in the work of a man is whollie condemned These arguments with sundry other do witnes for vs that the opinion of the merit and applying of the masse for the quick and the dead was for good causes misliked and reprooued Now if we would stand to consider how farre this error is spread in the Church how the number of masses increased and how through this sacrifice forgiuenes both of the fault and of the punishment is promised to the quick and the dead it wil appeare that the Church is disfigured with shameful blots by this prophanation Ther neuer fell out a waightier cause in the Church O noble Emperour or more worthy for good and learned men to debate of it is the dutie of all the Godlie with most feruent praiers to craue at gods hand that the Church might be deliuered from these foule enormities All Kings and Bishops must with all their might endeuour that this wholl matter maie be rightlie laid forth and the Church purged Sixtlie the institution of a sacrament is contrarie to that abuse For there is not a word set downe of anie oblation for the sinnes of the quick and the dead but a commaundement to receiue the bodie and bloood of Christ and to doe it in the remembrance of the benefit of Christ This remembrance doth signifie not a bare representing of the historie as it were in a shew as they dreame that are the Patrons of merit by reason of the worke wrought but it signifieth by faith to remember the promise benefit to comfort the conscience and to render thankes for so great a blessing For the principall cause of the institution was that our faith might then be stirred vp and exercised when we doe receiue this pledge of Gods grace Besides the institution ordeineth that there should be a communication that is that the ministers of the Church should giue vntoothers the bodie and blood of the Lord. And this order was obserued in the primitiue Church Saint Paull is witnes to the Corinths when as he commaundeth That one should st●● for another that there might be a common partaking of the Sacrament Now that the abuses of the priuate Masse be discouered for as much as they all for the most part were vsed for the application for the sinnes of other men and do not agree with the institution of Christ therefore they are left of 〈◊〉 our Churches And there is one common Masse appointed according to the institution of Christ wherein the Pastors of the Churches do consecrate themselues and giue vnto others the sacrament of the bodie and blood of Christ and this kinde of masse is vsed euerie holie daie and other daies also if anie be desirous to vse the sacrament Yet none are admitted to the communion except they be first tried and examined We adioyne moreouer godlie sermons according as Christ commaunded that there should be sermons when this ceremonie is vsed And in such sermons men are both taught diligentlie in other articles and precepts of the Gospel and also put in minde for what vse the sacrament was instituted to weet not that this ceremonie could merit for them remission of sinnes by the work done but that the sacrament is a testimonie and a pledge whereby Christ witnesseth vnto vs that he performeth his promises And in our sermons as men are taught diligently concerning other articles and precepts of the gospell so are they also put in minde for what vse the sacraments were instituted to weete not that the ceremonie should merit remission of sinnes by the bare work wrought but that the sacrament should be a testimonie and a pledge wherby Christ doth testifie that he performeth his promise and that his promises pertaine vnto vs that Christ giueth vs his bodie to testifie that he is effectuall in vs as in his members and his blood for a witnes vnto vs that we are washed with his blood The sacrament therefore doth profit them that do repent and seeke comfort therein and being confirmed by that testimonie do beleue that remission of sinnes is giuen them indeede and are thankfull vnto Christ for so great a benefit And so the application of the benefit of Christ is not by an other mans work but by euery mans own faith and his owne vse of the sacrament For when we in in our owne persons vse the Sacrament Christes institution of it doth belong vnto vs. This kinde of vse of the sacrament is holie and to be taught in the Churches which doth giue light vnto the doctrine of faith and of the spirituall exercises and true worship and bringeth vnto the consciences of the godlie verie great comfort and strength of faith Before these daies the Church hath beene farre otherwise taught touching the vse of the sacrament there was no word of anie thing but that this work was to be done But no man spake anie thing of faith or the comfort of consciences And mens consciences were racked with ouer great care paines of confessing themselues This they tooke to be the puritie which the gospell requireth whereas the gospell doth require true feare true faith and trust comforteth vs by the vse of this sacrament that they which do truelie repent maie assuredlie beleeue that God is become merciful vnto them by Christ though that our nature be fraile and vncleane and though that this our imperfect obedience be farre from the perfection of the law By all this that hath bene said it is cleare that the masse that is in vse amongst vs doth a gree with the institution of Christ and the manner of the primitiue Church And besides it doth notably lay open the true vse of the sacrament Such a common work was there in the Church of old time as Chrysostome doth witnes who saith that the Priest did stand at the aultar cal some vnto the communion put back others And by the decrees of the Nicen Synode it is euident that some one did celebrate the Li●urgie as the Grecians cal it and did minister the bodie and blood of the Lord to allthe rest For these are the words of the decree Let the Deacons in their order after the Priestes receiue the holy communion of a Bishop or of a Priest Here he doth expresselie say that the Priestes did receiue the sacrament of some one that ministred it And before Gregories time there is no mention of anie priuate Masse But as oft as the olde writers speake of a Masse it is euidēt that they speak of a Masse that was common Seeing therefore that the rite and manner of the masse vsed with vs hath authority out of scripture example from the olde Church and that we haue onelie reiected certaine intollerable abuses we hope that the vse of our Churches
doctrine or hath a tongue or hath reuelation or hath interpretation let all things be done vnto edifying Hierom vpon the Epist to the Eph. Cap. 5. saith Singing and making melody to the Lord in your heartes Let yong men heare these things let them heare whose office it is to sing in the Church that we must sing to God not with the voice but with the heart and that the throate and the iawes are not to be greased with some sweete liquore as they vse to doe that play in Tragedies c. Now that which was spoken touching the vse of a tongue that is commonlie knowne it must be vnderstoode nor onlie of the singing of Psalmes but also of all the partes of Ecclesiasticall ministerie For as Sermons and praiers are to be made in a well knowne tongue to the Church so also must the Sacramentes be dispensed in a speach that is knowne For although it be lawfull at some time to vse a strange tongue by reason of the learned yet the consent of the Catholique Church doth require this that the necessarie ministeries of the Church be executed in our countrie speache 1. Cor. 14. I had rather in the Church to speake fiue words with my vnderstanding that I mayalso instruct others then ten thousand wordes in a strange tongue Innocentius the third De offi Iud. Ord. C. Quoniam saith Because that in many partes within one Citie and Diocesse there be people of diuers languages mingled together hauing vnder one faith diuers rites and customes we doe ●●reictlie commaund that the Bishops of such Cities or Diocesses doe prouide fit men who according to the diuersitie of ceremonies and language may execute among them the diuine dueties and minister the Ecclesiasticall Sacraments instructing them both by the worde and by their example Therefore they are to be said to doe godly and Catholiquelie who doe so appoint the dispensation of the Sacraments the singing of Psalmes and the reading of holy Scripture that the Church may vnderstand that which is said read or sung and the spirit may receiue fruit therby to comfort the minde to confirme the faith and to stirre vp loue OVT OF THE CONFESSION OF SVEVELAND Of the singing and praiers of Ecclesiasticall men CHAP. 21. ANd for that cause to wit that men should not wincke at that offending of God which might be committed vnder a colour of his seruice then which nothing can offend him more greeuouslie our Ministers haue condemned the most of those things which were vsed in the singings and praiers of Ecclesiasticall men For it is too too manifest that these haue degenerated from the first appointment vse of the Fathers For no man which vnderstandeth the writings of the auncient Fathers is ignorant of this that it was a custome among them wisely to rehearse also to expound a few Psalmes with some Chapter of the scripture whereas now adaies many Psalmes are chaunted for the most parte without vnderstanding and of the reading of the Scripture there be onelie the beginnings of Chapters left vnto vs and innumerable things are taken vp one after an other which serue rather for superstition then for godlines Therefore our ministers did first of all detest this that many things which were contrarie to the Scriptures are mingled with holie praiers and songs as that those things are attributed to Saints which are proper to Christ alone namelie to free vs from sinne and other discommodities and not so much to obteine as to giue vs the fauour of God and all kinde of good things Secondlie because they are increased so infinitely that they cannot be sung or rehearsed with an attentiue minde Now it is nothing but a mocking of God whatsoeuer we doe in his seruice without vnderstanding Lastlie because that these things also were made meritorious works to be sold for no smal price that we may say nothing hereof that against the expresse commanndement of the holy ghost al things are there said and sung in that tongue which not onely the people doth not vnderstand but many times also not they themselues which do liue of those kinds of singing and praiers THE SIXTEENTH SECTION OF HOLIE DAIES FASTES AND THE CHOISE OF MEATES AND OF THE VISITATION OF THE SICKE AND THE CARE THAT is to be had for the dead THE LATTER CONFESSION OF HELVETIA Of Holiedaies Fastes and choise of meates CHAP. 24. ALthough religion be not tied vnto time yet can it not be planted and exercised without a due diuiding allotting out of time vnto it Euery Church therfore doth choose vnto it selfe a certaine time for publique praiers and for preaching of the Gospell and for the celebration of the Sacramentes and it is not lawfull for euerie one to ouerthrowe this apointment of the Church at his owne pleasure For except some due time leasure were alotted to the outward exercise of religion out of doubt men would be quite drawne from it by their own affaires In regard hereof we see that in the auncient Churches there were not onelie certaine set howers in the weeke appointed for meetinges but that also euen the Lordes daie euer since the Apostles time was consecrated to the religious exercises and vnto a holie rest which also is now verie well obserued of our Churches for the worshippe of God and increase of charitie Yet herein we giue no place vnto the Iewish obseruation of the daie or to anie superstitions For we doe not account one day to be holier then an other nor thinke that resting of it selfe is liked of God Besides we do celebrate and keepe the Lords daie and not the Saboth and that with a free obseruation Moreouer if the Churches doe religiouslie celebrate the memorie of the Lordes natiuitie curcumcision passion and resurrection and of his ascension into heauen and sending the holie ghost vpon his disciples according to christian libertie we doe verie well allow of it But as for festiual daies ordeined to men or the saintes departed we cannot alow of them For indeede such feastes must be referred to the first table of the lawe and be long peculiarlie vnto God To conclude these festiuall daies which are appointed to saints and abrogated of vs haue in them many grosse things vnprofitable and not to be tolerated In the meanetime we confesse that the remembrance of saintes in due time and place may be to good vse and profit commended vnto the people in sermons and the holie examples of holie men set before their eies to be imitated of all Now the more sharpelie that the Church of Christ doeth accuse surfeting drunkennes al kinde of Iustes andintemperancie so much the more earnestlie it doth commend vnto vs Christian fasting For fasting is nothing els but an abstaining and temperancie of the godlie and a watching and chastising of our flesh taken vp for the present necessitie whereby we are humbled before God and withdrawe from the flesh those thinges whereby it is cherished to the e●de it
diligent did euer obserue them al especially for that the number of them was infinite Gerson writeth That manie fell into desperation some murthered themselues because they perceiued wel that they could not obserue the traditions And all this while they neuer heard one comfortable worde of grace of the righteousnes of faith We see that the Summists diuines gather together the traditions and seeke out qualifications of them for the vnburdening of mens consciences but euen they cannot satisfie themselues nor winde themselues out and sometimes also their verie interpretations themselues doe snare men● consciences The schooles also and pulpits were so busied in numbring vp the traditions that they had no leasure to handle the Scripture or to search out more profitable doctrine of faith of the Crosse of hope of the excellencie of ciuill affaires or of the comfort of mens consciences in sore tentations Wherfore manie good men haue oft complained that they were hindered by these contentions about traditions that they could not be occupied in some better kinde of doctrine When as therefore such superstitious opinions did cleaue fast vnto the traditions it was necessarie to admonish the Churches what they were to iudge of traditions to free godlie mindes from errour to cure wounded consciences and to set out the benefit of Christ We doe not go about to weaken the authoritie of Ecclesiasticall power we detract nothing from the dignitie of Bishops we do not disturbe the good order of the church Tradititions rightlie taken are better liked but we reprooue those Iewish opinions onelie Thus therefore we teach touching ceremonies brought into the Church by mans authoritie First touching traditions which are opposed to the commandement of God or can not be kept without sinne the Apostles rule is to be followed We must obey God rather then men Of this sort is the tradition of single life Secondlie touching other ceremonies which are in their owne nature thinges indifferent as Fastes Festiuall daies difference of apparell and the like we must know that such obseruations do neither merit remission of sins neither yet are they the righteousnes or perfection of a Christian but that they are things indifferent which where is no daunger of giuing offence maie welbe omitted This iudgement of ours hath these euident and cleare testimonies in the Gospell to the ende that it maie admonish the Church that the Gospell be not oppressed and obscured by superstitious opinions Rom. 14. The kingdome of God is not meat and drinke but righteousnes peace and ioy in the holie Ghost Here Paull teacheth plainelie that a Christians righteousnes is the spirituall motions of the hearr and ●ot the outwarde obseruation of meates and daies c. Colloss 2. Let no man iudge you in meate drinke or a parte of a a holie daic He forbiddeth that their consciences should be iudged that is that their consciences shoulde be condemned in the vse of such thinges but will haue them counted altogether indifferent thinges and such as pertaine not to the righteousnes of the Gospell Then there followeth along and a weightie speach both of the rites of Moses and of the ceremonies appointed by the authoritie of man For Paull speaketh namelie of both kindes denying them to be the righteousnes of a Christian and forbidding to burden the consciences with such traditions If ye be dead with Christ from the rudiments of the world why as though ye liued in the world are ye burdened with traditions Touch not taste not handle not Mat. 15. All that entreth into the mouth defileth not the man And in that place Christ excuseth his disciples that had broken a tradition that was in vse among them he addeth a notable saying They worship me in vaine with the commaundements of men He denieth mans precepts to be true duties auaileable vnto righteousnes before God Wherefore they are not the righteousnes of a Christian nor yet necessarie duties Yet for all that it is apparant how wonderfullie the seruices inuented by man haue multiplied and increased in the Church vnto this daie The Monks did dailie heape vp ceremonies both with new superstitions also with new waies to bring in monie And these trifles were thought to be the chiefest worship of God and the greatest godlines whereas Christ doth by a moste graue and weightie oracle forbid that such ceremonies should be accounted for seruiuices of God For he doth not forbid the appointing of traditions vnto a ciuill ende and vse that is for good orders sake but he denieth that anie such be anie worship of God in saying In vaine doe they worshippe me And he teacheth that true worshippes be workes commaunded of God as feare faith loue patience chastitie walking in ones calling doing of ones duety c. Act. 15. Peter saith Why doe ye tempt God laying a yoke on the disciples necke which neither we nor ou● Fathers were able to beare● but by the grace of our Lord Iesus Christ we beleeue to be saued as doe also they Here Peter sheweth that remission of sinnes and saluation commeth to vs by Christ and not by the rites of Moses or the law and doth also giue vs to vnderstand that such doe greiuouslie sinne which doe burden mens consciences with such ordinances For it is no sleight reproofe when he saith Why tempt ye God And 1. Tim. 4. He tearmeth the forbidding of meates mariages and such like traditions doctrines of Deuils But why doth he vse such a sharpe speach His meaning was not that there should be no ordinances at all or that no differences of places and times should be obserued but then he accounteth them to be doctrines of deuils when as the benefit of Christ is attributed vnto them when they are reputed for righteousnes and for necessarie seruices of God when an opinion of necessirie is fastned to them and mens consciences are racked and faith made of no force by them These discommodities Christ and his Apostles would haue to be diligentlie auoided and for that cause they crie out so often and so earnestlie against traditions And it is a wonder that the patrones of such superstitious opinions about traditions are no whitte mooued with such thundering speaches Now as for vs we teach that those traditions are not to be condemned which commaund nothing against the lawes of God and haue a ciuill vse and end namelie such as are ordained to this ende that thinges might be done orderlie in the Church Of which sorte are the traditions about holie daies the Lordes dare the Natiuitie Passeouer and the rest also about the holie readings and lessons and such like Now all rites of this kinde we reteyne verie willinglie in our Churches And yet the Church is taught to know what to thinke of such customes to witte that they doe not merit remission of sinnes that they are not the righteousnes of a Christian nor necessarie duties vnto christian righteousnes but indifferent things which a man maie omitte where there is
no daunger of giuing offence This qualifying of traditions doth set free the consciences from superstitious opinions and from that olde torture and racking And ye● it bringeth great commendation to traditions because it sheweth the true vse of them All modest men will more willinglie obey the tradititions after they vnderstand that their consciences are set free from daunger in priuate that they must so farre obey as that the common peace be not disturbed nor the weake ones hurte Againe this interpretation doth defend and preserue publique good manners and discipline because it commaundeth to auoid offences Also to obserue publike holie daies the meetings in the Churches readinges c. doe serue for examples and to accustome the youth and the common sorte thereto Therefore such ordinances are not to be broken but rather with common care and trauell to be furthered These be the true and meete commendations of traditions which no doubt doe greatlie stirre vp such as are godlie and staied to loue defend and adorne the publique orders The Gospell teacheth to thinke reuerentlie not onelie of other ciuill lawes and orders but also of Ecclesiasticall and seeketh the true vse of them Yet notwithstanding it appointeth degrees and will haue the doctrine touching Christ and thinges that are heauenlie and euerlasting discerned from the schooling or Pedagogie of the Church This libertie whereof we speake now was not vnknowne to the Fathers For Augustine saith This whol kinde of thinges hath free obseruations and to this purpose he discourseth at large Irenaeus saith The disagreement in Fasting doth not breake of the agreement in Faith The Tripartite history gathereth together manie examples of rites disagreeing one from the other and in the end addeth a notable saying It was not the Apostles minde to prescribe anie thing touching holie daies but to preach godlines and a good conuersation But in so manifest a matter it is needles to heap vp manie testimonies But our aduersaries doe here make great outcries That by this doctrine publike discipline and order is ouerthrowne and disorder and anarchie brought in Likewise that good workes and mortification of the flesh are abolished according to Iouinians surmise These slaunders we haue partlie refuted alreadie there is no confusion or anarchie brought in nor the publique discipline ouerthrowne when as wee teach that traditions which haue a ciuill end and vse ought to be obserued And we teach also that offences must be foreseene and auoided But touching mortification we answere thus True and vnfeigned mortification is to beare the crosse to indure daungers troubles and afflictions This kinde of obedience is the worship of God and a spirituall worke as the Psal teacheth A sacrifice to God is a troubled spirit c. We teach moreouer that another kinde of exercise is necessarie It is the dutie of euerie Christian to bridle his flesh euen by bodelie discipline labours temperancie meditation of heauenlie thinges and such other exercises fitte for his age The neerest and proper end whereof must be this that fulnes and idlenes doe not prick him forward to sinne and that his minde maie be stirred vp and made more apt for heauenlie affections It is not to be thought that these exercises are a worship of God that deserue remission of sinnes or that they be satisfactions c. And this discipline must be continuall neither can certaine daies be sette and appointed equallie for all Of this discipline Christ speaketh Beware that your bodies be not oppressed with surfeting Againe This kinde of Deuills doth not goe out but by fasting and praier And Paull saith I chastice my bodie and bring it in bondage Wherefore we do not mislike fastings but superstitious opinions which be snares for mens consciences that are put in traditions Moreouer these exercises when as they are referred vnto that ende that we maie haue our bodies fitte for spirituall thinges and to doe our duties according to a mans calling c. they are good in the godlie and meritorious workes as the example of Daniell doeth testifie For they be works which God requireth to this end that they maie subdue the flesh This former article we found placed elsewhere in the fift place amongst those wherein the abuses that are changed are reckoned vp Of the difference of meates IT hath beene a common opinion not of the common sorte alone but also of such as are teachers in the Churches that the differences of meates and such like humane traditions are workes auaileable to merit remission both of the faulte and of the punishment And that the world thus thought it is apparant by this that dailie new ceremonies new orders new holie daies new fastes were appointed and the teachers in the Churches did exacte these workes at the peoples handes as a seruice necessarie to deserue iustification by and they did greatlie terrifie their consciences if aught were omitted * Of this perswasion of traditions manie discommodities haue followed in the Church For first the doctrine of grace is obscured by it and also the righteousnes of faith which is the moste especiall point of the Gospell and which it behoueth moste of all to be extant and to haue the preheminence in the Church that the merit of Christ maie be well knowen and faith which beleueth that sinnes are remitted through Christ and not for anie workes of ours maie be exal●ed farre aboue workes For which cause also Saint Paull laboureth much in this point he remooueth the law and humane traditions that he may shew that the righteousnes of Christ i● a farre other thing then such workes as these be namelie a faith which beleeueth that sinnes are freely remitted through Christ But this doctrine of Saint Paull is almost wholie smothered by traditions which haue breade an opinion that by making difference in meates and such like seruices a man must merit remission of sinnes and iustification In their doctrine of repentance there was no mention of faith onelie these satisfactorie works were spoken of Repentance seemed to stand whollie in these Secondlie these traditions obscured the Commaundements of God that they could not be knowne because that traditions were preferred far aboue the commaundementes of God All Christianitie was thought to be an obseruation of certeine holie daies rites fastes and attire These obseruations caried a goodlie title and name that they were the spirituall life and the perfect life In the meane season Gods commaundements touching euerie mans calling were of small estimation That the father brought vp his children that the mother bare them that the prince gouerned the common wealth these were reputed worldly affaires and vnperfect and farre inferior to those glistering obseruations orders And these errors did greatly torment good mindes which were grieued that they were hande-fasted to an vnperfect kinde of life in mariage in Magistracy and in other ciuill functions They had the Monkes and such like men in admiration and falselie imagined that their orders did more
corrupt worship should be established The moste parte do feigne that the workes of mans traditions as satisfactions such like doe merit remission of sinnes This opinion is apparantlie false for it remooueth the benefit of Christ vnto mans traditions And there needeth here no long confutation we will content our selues with one thundring saying of Saint Paull Ye are made void of Christ whosoeuer are iustified by the law Ye are fallen from Christ This saying teacheth that men doe not merit remission of sinnes by the proper workes either of Gods lawe or of mans traditions Others being put in minde what grosse absurditie there is in this first errour they beginne to talke more modestlie of traditions But yet they houlde still an errour that is not to be borne with all They saie That these workes though they doe not deserue remission of sinnes yet are they seruices of God that is workes the immediat ende whereof is that God by them might be honoured This errour also must be stiffelie withstoode For Christ saieth plainelie They worshippe me in vaine with the preceptes of men And Paull doth expresselie condemne will worshippe to the Coloss And seeing that the worshippe of God must be done in faith it is necessarie that we should haue the word of God that may testifie that the worke pleaseth God For how can the conscience offer a worke vnto God vnlesse there be a voice of God which maie declare that God will so be worshipped or serued with this honour But vngodlie men vnderstanding this Doctrine of faith haue in all ages with damnable boldnes deuised worshippes without commaundement or word of God which thing if it be lawfull to doe you can shew no cause why the heathenish sacrifices slaing of dogges sacrifices offered at Lampsacum to Priapus such like monstrous worship should not please God Whether hath mans foolehardines rushed not onelie amongst the Ethnicks in feigning worships but also among the Popish rout in deuising eftsons new foolish ceremonies in praier to the dead in the worshipping of saintes and in the babling of Monkes Here therefore let vs be watchfull and not suffer lawes to be thrust vpon the Churches which prescribe workes without the commaundement of God as Gods worshippe and mans righteousnes And whereas all our aduersaries euen they that speake moste modestlie doe tie this opinion of worshippe vnto those workes let vs know that it is a good worke to withstand them and by violating such traditions to shew a patterne by which the godlie may knowe what to iudge of them As Eusebius writeth of Attalus That he was commaunded by God to speake vnto a certaine man which ate nothing but bread salte and water that he would vse common meat lest he should bring others into errour Moreouer this second errour which maketh these workes to be the worshippe of God brake farther For manie in the Church were deceiued through a peruerse emulation of the Leuiticall ceremonies and did thinke that there should be some such rites in the new Testament and that they are the worshipe of God or things whereby God wil be honoured yea that they are righteousnes And for that cause they gaue authoritie to the Bishops to ordaine such rites and such seruices This Pharisaicall errour Christ and his Apostles noted who taught that the worship of the new Testament is repentance the feare of God faith and the workes of the tenne commaundementes as Paull saieth The kingdome of God is not meate and drinke but righteousnes and peace and ioie in the holie Ghost For he that in these serueth Christ pleaseth God and i● approoued of men The Monkes fained themselues to be Nazarites The Masse Priestes that sacrifice for the dead would haue men think that they imitate Aaron offering sacrifices But these examples doe not agree the rites of Monkes and the Priests mercenary Masses haue no word of god for them yea there are manie fonde opinions mingled with them which of necessitie must be reprooued in our Churches The third errour is the opinion of necessitie wherein they imagine that the Church is like vnto other humane gouernmentes For they surmise that it is a kingdome wherin the Bishoppes as if they were Kinges haue power to make new lawes that are besides the Gospell and that they must of necessitie be obeied euen as the Princes lawes must necessarilie be obeied especiallie seeing this life of man can not be without traditions And this opinion of the necessitie of these things hath stirred vp contentions whilst euerie one defendeth his owne rites inuented by man as simply necessarie But Christ and his Apostls teach that such rites set forth without Gods commaundement are not to be taken for thinges necessarie Against this libertie enacted and established by Gods authoritie the opinion which maintaineth that the violating of traditions about thinges indifferent though it be not in a case where offence maie be giuen is not to be receiued Hetherto belongeth the saying of Paull Let no man iudge you in meat and drinke and entercourse of ●olie daies c. For to iudge signifieth to binde the consciences and to condemne them that doe not obeie Againe Gal. 5 Stand in the libertie wherein Christ hath made you free Hitherto it hath bin shewed in what respect it is not lawful to appoint traditions or to approoue them Now some man may aske whether we would haue this life of man to be without order rites No surelie But we teach that the true Pastors of the churches may ordein publike rites in their churches but so as it be onelie for an end belonging to the bodie that is for good orders sake to wit such rites as auaile for the instruction of the people As for example set daies set lessons and such like and that without anie superstition and opinion of necessitie as hath bin said before so that it maie not be counted anie sinne to violate anie of these ordinances so it be not with giuing offence But if so be that they be broken with offence there where the Churches are well ordered and there is no error in doctrine let him that in such place breaketh thē know that he doth offend because he disturbeth the peace of the Church wel ordered or doth withdraw others from the true ministerie This reason doth sufficientlie warrant the authority of profitable traditions laieth no snare on mens consciences So the Church in the beginning of it ordained set daies as the Lords day the daie of Christs natiuity Easter Pēticost c. Neither did the church dispense with the moral precepts but Gods owne authority abrogated the ceremonies of Moses law And yet it was meet that the people should know when to come together to the hearing of the Gospel vnto the ceremonies which Christ did ordaine And for that cause certain daies were appointed to that vse without anie such opinions as were aboue mentioned And the general equity abideth stil in the moral law that at certeine
saieth They worshippe me in vaine with the traditions of men and also wicked because the obedience of Christ alone which he performed to god his Father hath purged our sins and reconciled vs with god By all these things it is manifest that the kinde of vowing single life pouertie and obedience doeth not agree with that doctrine which is indeede Catholique especiallie seeing that certaine men are not afraid to make this kinde of vowing equall with Baptisme OVT OF THE CONFESSION OF SVEVELAND Of Monkerie CHAP. 12. AND for the same cause that all our Iustification doth consist in faith in Iesus Christ whereupon we haue libertie giuen to vs in all externall things we haue permitted the bondes of Monkerie to be released among vs. For we saw that this libertie of Christians was vehementlie challenged in euerie place by S. Paull whereby euerie christian man doth assure himselfe that alrighteousnes and saluation is to be sought for onelie in Christ Iesus our Lorde and is also assured that he must at all times vse all the things of this life as to the profitte of our neighbours so to the glorie of God and that all which he hath is to be arbitrated and moderated by the holie Ghost who is the giuer of true adoption and true libertie and that he ought freelie to permitte them to be appointed and bestowed both to the reliefe of his neighbours and also to the aduancement of the glorie of God Seing that we retaine this libertie we shew ourselues to be the seruants of Christ when we betray it to men addicting our selues to their inuentions we doe like runnagates forsake Christ and flie to men The which thing wee doe so much the more wickedlie because that Christ hath freed vs by his blood not by a vile or common price and hath redeemed vs to himselfe from the deadlie slauerie of Sathan And this is the cause why S. Paul writing to the Galathians did so much detest it that they had addicted themselues to the ceremonies of the law though they were commaunded of God whereas notwithstanding as we declared before that might be farre better excused then to submit themselues to the yoke of those ceremonies which men haue feigned of their owne braine For he did write and that trulie that they which admitte the yoke of those ceremonies despise the grace of God and count the death of Christ as a thing of nothing and thereupon he saith That he is afraid lest that he had bestowed his labour among them in vaine and he exhorteth them That they would stand steadfast in that libertie wherewith Christ hath made vs free and not to be intangled againe with the yoke of bondage Now it is euident that Monkerie is nothing els then bondage of traditions deuised by men and in deede of such as Paule hath by name condemned in the places which we alledged For vndoubtedlie they which professe Monkerie do addict themselues to those inuentions of men for hope of merits And hereupon it is that they make it so hainous an offence to forsake those inuentions and to imbrace the libertie of Christ Therefore seing that as well our bodie as our spirit belong vnto God and that in a double respect to wit of our condition and Redemption it can not be lawfull for Christians to make themselues slaues to this Monasticall seruitude much les then for prophane seruants to chaunge their Masters Moreouer it can not be denied but that by such like bondage and vowes to liue after the commaundement of men a certaine necessitie as it alwaies vseth to be of transgressing the law of God is brought in For the law of God doth require that a Christian man should as much as lieth in him imploie his seruice to the benefit of the Magistrate his parents kinred and others and of all those whome the Lord hath made his neighbours and brought to him to be deliuered in what place time or manner soeuer their necessitie shall require it Then let him imbrace that kinde of liuing whereby he may chiefly prouide for the affaires of his neighbours neither let him chuse a single life but let him know that to renounce marriage and to make himselfe an Eunuch for the kingdom of heauen that is to further godlines and the glory of God it is a peculiar and a speciall gift of God For that edict which Paull did publish standeth firme and stedfast neither can anie vowes of men make it frustrate For the auoiding of whordome let euerie man he excepteth none haue his owne wife and euerie woman hir owne husband For all men doe not receiue that worde of taking vpon them a single life for the kingdome of heauen as Christ himselfe doth witnes then whome no man did more certenly know and more faithfully teach either of what force mans nature is or what is acceptable to his Father Now it is certaine that by these Monasticall vowes they which doe make them are bound to a certaine kinde of men so that they thinke it not lawful to shew themselues obedient and dutifull any longer either to the Magistrate or to their parents or to anie men onely the chiefe gouernour of the Monasterie excepted nor to releeue them with their substance and least of all to marrie a wife though they be greatlie burned and therefore they doe necessarilie fall into all kindes of dishonesties of life Seeing therefore that it is euident that these Monasticall vowes doe make a man which is freed from the seruice of Christ to be in daunger not so much of the bondage of men as of Sathan and that they doe bring in a certaine necessitie of transgressing the law of god according to the nature of all such traditions as are deuised by men and that therefore they be manifestlie contrarie to the commaundements of god we doe not without cause beleeue that they are to be made frustrate seeing that not onelie the written law but also the law of nature doth commaund to disanull a promise if beeing kept it be a hindrance to good manners not onelie to religion Therefore we could not withstand any which would change a monastical life which is vndoubtedlie a bondage to Sathan for a Christian life as also we could not withstand others of the Ecclesiasticall order who marrying wiues haue imbraced a kinde of life wherof their neighbours might looke for more profitte and greater honestie of life then of that kinde wherein they liued before To conclude neither did we take vpon vs to driue them from the right of wedlocke who among vs haue perseuered in the ministerie of the worde of god whatsoeuer chastitie they had vowed for the causes before specified seeing that Saint Paull the chiefe mainteiner of true chastitie doth admit euen a Bishop to be a married man For we haue lawfully preferred this one law of god before all lawes of men For the auoiding of whoredome let euerie haue his owne wife Which law truelie for that it hath beene
sound and pure doctrine of Iesus Christ we doe not onelie not receiue but as abominations and blasphemies reiect condemne those strange and erroneous doctrines which the spirits of hurleburlie among other damnable opinions do bring forth saying c. that Magistrates can not be Christians And in the margent The Magistrate doth then shew himselfe to be a good Magistrate when he is a true Christian THE CONCLVSION LAst of all we submit this our Confession to the iudgement of the holie Scripture of the Bible and therefore we promise that if out of the foresaide Scriptures we may be better instructed we will at all times obey God and his holie word most thankefully OVT OF THE CONFESSION OF BOHEMIA Of the ciuill power or ciuill Magistrate CHAP. 16. FVrthermore it is taught out of the holie Scripture that the ciuill Magistrate is the ordinance of God and appointed by God whoe both taketh his originall from God and by the effectuall power of his presence and continuall aide is mainteined to gouerne the people in those things which appertaine to the life of this bodie here vpon earth whereby also he is distinguished from that spirituall state whereof is that worthie sentence of Paull There is no power but of god the power that is is ordeined of god Then according to these points all they that beeing indued with this authoritie doe beare publique offices of what kinde soeuer they be beeing in the degree of Magistrates necessarilie must know acknowledge and remember this that they are Gods deputies and in his steade and that God is the Soueraigne Lord and King euen of them all as well as of other men to whome at length in the last daie they must giue an account of the degree wherein they were placed of their dominions and of the wholl administration of their gouernment whereof it is expresselie written in the booke of Wisdome and else where And seeing they doe gouerne in stede of God vpon earth and are his Lieuetenants it is meete that they frame themselues to the example of the superior Lord by following and resembling him and by learning of him mercie and iustice As touching these therefore such an instruction hath beene deliuered that they who are in authoritie ought to doe good vnto others according to that which Christ saith They that are mightie are called gratious or bounteous Lords and that in regard of their duetie they are especiallie bound thereunto and that this is their speciall charge that they cherish among the people without respect of persons iustice peace and all good things that are appertaining vnto the time that they protect and defend their peaceable subiects their rightes their goodes their life and their bodies against those that wrong and oppresse them or doe any waies indammage or hurt them also against the vniust violence of the Turkes together with others that doe the like to succour and defend them and so to serue the Lorde God herein that they beare not the sword in vaine but valiantlie couragiouslie and faithfully vse the same to execute the will and workes of God therewith Hereof in the holie Scripture such are called Gods and of Saint Paull the Ministers of God The Magistrate saith he is the Minister of God for thy good who is sent as Peter saith to take vengeance on those that doe euill and to giue honour vnto those that doe good But for as mueh as the Magistrate is not onelie the power of God in that sort as the scripture doth ascribe that title euen to an heathen Magistrate as Christ said vnto Pilate Thou couldest haue no power ouer mee vnles it were giuen thee from aboue but the Christian Magistrate ought also to be a partaker and as it were a minister of the power of the Lambe Iesus Christ whome God hath in our nature made Lord and King of Kings that Kings of the earth who in times past had beene heathen might come vnder the power of the Lambe and giue their glorie vnto the Church and become nources thereof which then began to be fulfilled when they receiued Christian religion and made them nestes vnder the tree of mustard seed which is faith Then for this cause the Christian Magistrate is pecularlie taught to be such a one that he should well vs● this glory and portion of his authority which he hath common with the Lamb and that he betray it not to Satan and to Antichrist vnles he will be transformed into that beast and hideous Monster which carieth the beast and that he be not ashamed of the name of Iesus Christ our Lord and that by this authoritie of his he set forth the truth of the holie gospell make waie for the trueth whersoeuer be a defender of the ministers and people of Christ suffer not so farre as in him lieth Idolatrie or the tyrannie of Antichrist much lesse follow the same although he be driuen to sustein some harme therefore and so lay downe his crowne before the Lambe and serue him together with the spirituall Kings and priests of the holie Church that is with all the faithfull and Christians that are called to eternall life Whereunto also the second psalme doth exhort Magistrates which it is profitable often to remember where it is thus read And now ye Kings vnderstand and be ye learned that iudge the earth serue the Lord with feare reioyce vnto him with trembling Hereupon it followeth and is concluded by force of argument namelie that whosoeuer doth vse in such sort as hath beene said this ordinarie power of God and of the Lambe with patience in their aduersities as well on the right as on the left hand they shall receiue for this thing and for their labour a large and infinite reward and blessing of God vpon earth and also in the life to come through faith in Christ and contrariwise vpon the wicked cruell and bloodthirstie that repent not shall come the paines of fearfull vengeance in this life and after this life euerlasting torment Moreouer the people also are taught of their duety and by the word of god are effectuallie therto inforced that al and euerie of them in all things so that they be not contrary vnto God performe their obedence to the superior power first to the Kings Maiestie then to all Magistrates and such as are in authoritie in what charge soeuer they be placed whether they be of themselues good men or euill so also to al their ministers and such as are sent with commission from them to reuerence honour them and yeald vnto them all things whatsoeuer by right are due vnto them and to performe and paie vnto them honour tribute custome and such like whereunto they are bound But in thinges perteining to mens soules to faith and eternall saluation of those the people is taught that they ought to obey no man more then God but God onelie and his holy word aboue al things and
vse yet notwithstanding this doth nothing hinder but that euery church as it knoweth what is expedient may appoint a certeine kinde of Censure or Ecclesiasticall discipline which it may vse where need so requireth that the Church maie be satisfied as we haue noted before in the first obseruation vpon the Confession of Bohemia and hereafter in the 10. Sect. and in the third obseruation vpon the Confession of Bohemia Vpon the same WE giue men warning of this also c. How temporall punishments may be said sometime to be differred and some time to be mitigated by good workes we haue declared a litle before to wit in the third obseruation vpon this confession Moreouer the word merit both in the words which follow Repentance deserued that God should alter his purpose touching the destruction of Niniuie and also in other places wheresoeuer either this or other Confessions doe vse it it is without doubt thus to be taken for that which we saie to obteine and to get as it is often times vsed among the auncient Latine deuines And whereas God here is said to haue chaunged his minde we do not doubt but that our bretheren do vnderstand it as spoken after the manner of men as when he is said to Repent him of some thing or else it is to be referred to the outward preaching of Ionas For as concerning God himselfe it was onelie a threatning and not a sentence decreed Vpon the confession of Saxonie WE affirme that the Ceremonie of priuat absolution is to be reteined in the Church How farre we thinke that this priuate confession and absolution is to be reteined in the Church we haue declared a litle before to wit in the first obseruation vpon the Confession of Bohemia Vpon the same In true Confession there must be these chaunges a mortification and a quicking Rom. 6. c. This is moste truelie saide but in a diuers sense For neither is contrition or a sense of sinne which is a fruit of sinne common to al signified by the name of mortification insomuch as it is a gift of the holie Ghost proper to the Elect but an abolishing of the olde man or of the flesh or of that natural corruption which taking it beginning of that contrition or sorow which is according to God whereof that place Psal 5. 19. and Esa 66. 2. is vnderstood is by litle and litle perfited in the elect and is the beginning of true conuersion whereunto on the other side quickning is answerable that is a certeine restoring as it were from death vnto life of the minde which was before in a manner dead in that corruption and being persuaded of the free remission of sinnes in Christ by faith it beginneth to hate sinne wherewith it was delighted to loue God whome it hated and to conclude to will well and to do vprightlie Vpon the same To shake of God and againe to loose c. Looke those things which are noted in the first obseruation of the 4. Section vpon this Confession Vpon the same This wholl custome was appointed for examples sake and is politicall c. We doe thinke that this custome of publious satisfaction before the Church is in such sorte politicall that notwithstanding it maie be referred to the Ecclesiasticall order and maie altogether be distinguished from those punishmentes which are meerelie ciuill and from those which are to be inflicted by the ciuill Magistrate For although such a publique kinde of acknowledging and d●te●●ing of sinnes being made in the Church is in no case to be thought to be of anie value before God for the ransom of our sinnes such lesse that it should be a Sacrament yet we doe not doubt but that this abasing is both acceptable to God and commodious for the edifying of the Church and that in such places wherein it maie be fruitfullie vsed Vpon the same Hath no commaundement to inioyne such punishmentes c. But it hath a commaundement lawfullie to binde and to loose and to trie by diligent search which is true repentance Concerning which thing looke what we haue spoken a litle before in the 2. obseruation vpon the confession of Auspurge and is hereafter taught more at large in the 11. Section where we doe expresselie intreat of the power of the keies Vpon the same Are cheefelie mitigated for the Sonne of God c. Where the question is of the Church of God we saie that all blessings without any exception are bestowed vpon it and the members thereof not chiefelie but onelie for the Sonne of God his sake And these wordes Euen for the very conuersions sake our punishmentes are mitigated because that in the Saintes the legall promises being added to their workes are not without their effect but haue their rewardes c. ought as they seeme to be thus taken by adding to them this interpretation They are not without their effect but that must be of meere grace and in respect of Christ alone in whome God doth vouchsafe euen to rewarde both the Saintes themselues and also good workes hauing no regard to the blemishes of their workes as we haue saide before in the 3. and 7. obseruatious vpon the confession of Auspurge Vpon the same I● doth onely pro●unce this sentence c. To wit according to the Ecclesiasticall iudgementes and censures whereof we 〈…〉 before and not by anie ciuill authoritie 〈…〉 as they be●●armed in Papacie vse to doe Vpon the Confession of Wirtemberge ALthough we thinke that it is not necessarie to saluation to reckon 〈…〉 c. yet we endeauour that a generall confession of 〈…〉 be reteined in our Churches c. Seeing that these thinges perteine not to the Doctrine of faith but vnto the vse of Ecclesiastical discipline of the libertie wherof in particular Churches we haue oftentimes spoken elsewhere we doe not thinke it good that this lawe should be brought into our Churches being made and receiued in other places beside the word of God and the custome of the auncient pure Church which did neuer require priuate confession of euerie one of those which did professe the Christian Religion but onelie of them of whose sinnes knowledge was taken in the assemblie IN THE 9. SECTION Vpon the Confession of Bohemia BVT such works as are taught of men what shew soeuer they haue euen of goodnes are in no case to be so highlie esteemed as those whieh are commaunded of God Vnderstand this of those workes which yet are not willworship and deuises of mans braine For such are wholly to be reiected as is also saide of such a little after that are not of faith but contrarie to faith Vpon the same By taking heede that they fall not into mortall sinne Looke the 2. obseruation vpon the Saxonie Confession in the 4. Sect. Vpon the same First for this cause that is for diuerse causes whereof this is one Lest that the grace of faith which we haue
alreadie c. Vpon the Confession of Auspurge THe Gospell bewraieth our sinne These wordes ●eeme thus to be vnderstood that the Gospell should bewray all kinde of sinne yet not properly by it selfe For the proper difference between the law and the Gospell is to be held fast to wit that the Gospel doth properly reprooue the sinne of infidellity and by an accident all other sinnes also but the law doth properlie reprooue all sinnes whatsoeuer are committed against it Vpon the same And deserueth reward Touching the word of meriting or deseruing which this Confession vseth oft in this Section Looke before in the 8. Sect. the 7. obseruat vpon this same Confession and looke the 1. obseruat vpon the Confess of Wirtemb in this Section And againe after in the 16. Sect. the first obseruat on this Confess Vpon the same Liuing in mortall sinne Looke before in the 4. Sect. the 2. obseruat vpon the Confess of Saxony Nor the righteousnes of workes Looke before in the 4. Sect. the 1. obser vpon the Confession of Saxonie Vpon the same And like as the preaching of repentance is general so the promise of grace General that is offered to all sorts of men indefinitely as wel to one as to another without difference of country sexe place time or age But we can not conceiue how repentance and the promise of grace can be said to be preached vniuersallie to euerie nation much lesse to all men particularlie for as much as experience doth plainly prooue that to be vntrue Vpon the same Here needeth no disputation of predestination Euen as we doe abhorre curious disputations that is such as passe the boundes of Gods worde touching predestination of which sort we take these words to be meant as most dangerous matters for grieuous falls so we affirme that whatsoeuer the holy ghost doth teach touching this point in the holy Scriptures is warilie and wiselie to be propounded and beleeued in the Church as well as other parts of Christian Religion which thing the Doctors of the Church both olde and new did and among the rest Master Luther himselfe in his booke de seruo arbitrio and els where Vpon the same That they be necessarie We take them to be necessarie because they doe necessarilie follow the true faith whereby we are iustified not that they concurre vnto the working of our iustification in Christ as either principall or secundarie causes for that faith it selfe as it is an inherent qualitie doth not iustifie but onely in as much as it doth apprehend and laie hold on Christ our righteousnes Vpon the same Albeit that men by their owne strength be able to doe outward honest deedes c. Looke in the 4. Sect. the 3. obseruat vpon this Confess Vpon the same Moreouer nature by it selfe is weake Without Christ without regeneration the nature of man can doe nothing but sinne For God by his grace doth create the hability of thinking willing and doing well not helping the old man in that he wanteth but by little little abolishing it According to that saying When we were dead in sinnes c. Ephes 2. But touching the weaknes of our nature looke that which was said in the 1. obseruation vpon the Confession of Bohemia Section 4. Vpon the Confession of Saxonie BEcause that God left this libertie in man after his fall Here also looke in the 4. Sect. the 1. obseru vpon the Confession of Bohemia and the 3. vpon the Confession of Auspurge Vpon the same Therefore although men by the natural strength Looke here againe the 1. obseruation vpon the Confession of Bohemia in the 4. Sect. also the 9. obser vpon the Confess of Auspurge in this same Sect. Vpon the Confession of Wirtemberge WE teach that good workes are necessarilie to be done and doe deserue c. That is obteine and that as it is ●ell added by and by after by the free mercie and goodnes of God Touching which point looke the 7. obser vpon the Confession of Auspurge in the 8. Section the 2. obser vpon the same Confess in this Sect. Also touching the necessitie of good workes looke the 7. obser vpon the same Confess in this selfe same Sect. IN THE 10. SECTION Vpon the latter Confession of Heluetia ANd no maruell if it erre How and in what respect the visible Church considered vniuersallie is said to erre it is afterward declared more fullie in this same Confession Vpon the Confession of Bohemia THe Heathenish life This saying the breethren in Bohemia did themselues expound thus vnto vs in their letters to wit that they speake here of the notes of the visible Church which are all ioyntlie to be considered that looke where both the errors of Idolaters and heretikes and impietie of life do openlie ouerflow there it can not safelie be affirmed that the visible Church of Christ is to be seene or is at all And yet notwithstanding there is no doubt to be made but some secret true members of Christ and such as it may be are onelie knowne to God be there hid therfore that there is a Church euen in Poperie as it were ouerwhelmed and drowned whence God will fetch out his elect and gather them to the visible Churches that are restored and reformed whereas Popery neuer was nor is the true Church Vpon the same But he that looseth In what sense we thinke that a true faith maie be loste we haue declared before in the fourth Sect. in the first obseruation of the Confession of Saxony and els where Vpon the same By Ecclesiastical punishment which is commonly called c. We take this to be so meant as that notwithstanding euerie Church hath hir liberty left vnto hir what way to exercise such discipline as is before said in the 1. obser vpon this same confess in the 8. Sect. As for this particular cursing to wit of this or that man if the word be taken for a 〈…〉 vnrepealable casting out from the Church of God 〈…〉 it to God alone and therefore we would not 〈…〉 in our Churches For the Church vseth onelie 〈…〉 as determineth nothing finallie following S. 〈…〉 22. Vpon the same 〈…〉 that is reprooue him admonish him 〈…〉 Vpon the Confession of Saxonie The sentence of excommunication c. Looke before in the 3. obser vpon the confess of Bohemia in this same section Vpon the Confession of Wirtemberge HAth authoritie to beare witnes of the holie scripture This authoritie and right you must vnderstand in this respect that the true Church of God discerning the Canonical bookes of the scripture from al others teacheth defendeth that nothing is to be added to or taken from the canon of the olde Hebrew or the new Scripture of the Christians Vpon the same Authoritie to iudge al doctrines and to interpret scripture To this we yeald with these cautions First that in
the Ministerie of the Gospell arising not of the Gospell it selfe but of the contempt of the Gospell But this application of the similitude of the keies for the opening of all mens consciences which this Confession doth often vse seemeth to be somewhat farre from the meaning of Christ Vpon the same That the Priest in deede Touching the name of Priestes looke the 2. obseruation vpon the former Confession of Heluetia Againe it must be vnderstood that when the question is of Ecclesiasticall Censures the lawful intelligence of the S●●gniorie muste goe before the Priestes iudgeing That which is said touching power or authority must be vnderstood of ciuill power which Ecclesiastical functions haue not at all or else of the authority of making lawes to mens consciences which resteth whollie in Christ the onely lawgiuer according to whose prescript and appointment his ministers ought to iudge and determine in the Churches Vpon the same Yea and the Bishop of Rome a litle after except he go to worke By Bishop vnderstand not him that now sitting Pope at Rome is called of other and termeth himselfe vniuersall Bishop but such a Pastor as being lawfully called in the Church of Rome if there were anie true Church to be found did with his fellowe laborers discharge a Christian ministerie Vpon the Confession of Auspurge No more then doth the skill of Musick namely because it hath a diuerse scope not that there is no more affinite or agreement betweene the Ecclesiasticall ministerie and the ciuill gouernment then between a musition and a magistrate when as they do both tend directly vnto the selfe same onely though by means distinct and diuerse one from the other and also both the Ministers in matters ciuill be subiect to the Magistrate and the Magistrate in matters belonging to conscience is subiect to the Ecclesiasticall ministerie and one doth leane and stay it selfe vpon the other and one aid and succour the other Von the same The Magistrate is to defend not the minde but the bodies This also is to be vnderstood as that notwithstanding this the Magistrate is the keeper and defender of both tables of this lawe Vpon the same If so be the Bishops haue c. This do we also acknowledge to be most true but we saie that it was neither lawfull for the Princes to deriue this power vnto Bishoppes nor for the Bishops to take it when it was offered because the Lord hath so distinguished these two as he hath also seuered them the one from the other And the Apostle doth expresly forbid ministers to entangle themselues in the things of this life yea and the Apostles them selues did cast of euen the care of the almes from themselues vnto the Deacons that they might attend vpon the word and praiers Vpon the same To debarre the wicked c. To wit by the iudgement and verdict of the Presbyterie lawfullie gathered together and not by the will and determination of anie one man as was noted before in the third obseru vpon the English Confession Vpon the same The Churches must performe vnto them To wit to the Ministers of the word and to the Elders and not to such alone as now by the law of man carie the name of Bishops as proper and peculiar to themselues alone which is common to all Pastors equallie as Hierome can testifie Vpon the same If so be they haue anie other power c. they haue it by mans law It seemeth the band of marriage should be excepted the knowledge whereof by Gods law belongeth to the Pastors and namelie in this respect that it can not be iudged firme and sure or voide and frustrate but by the worde of God according to that That which God hath coupled let not man put asunder touching which point looke the 1. obseru vpon the former confession of Heluetia and the 2. vpon the Confess of Wirtemb in the 18. Section Vpon the same Christ Though Christ would also be the Minister of the circumcision yet we would not haue him raunged in the same order with others whether they be Prophets or Apostles Vpon the Confession of Wirtemberge IF we speake of the Mediatour of praying Looke the 2. obseru vpon the Confession of Saxonie in the 1. Sect. Vpon the same That except a Priest be ordained To wit when question is of such Elders or Priests as did attend vpon the preaching of the word For there was also another fort of Elders whom the Apostle calleth gouernours 1. Cor 12. IN THE 12. SECTION Vpon the latter Confession of Heluetia THe thing signified is regeneration That is the bloode of Christ by vertue whereof we are regenerated washed from our sinnes For to speake properlie the thing signified by the water is the bloode and by sprinkling the washing from sinnes and regeneration is signified Vpon the former Confession of Heluetia THe thing it selfe is regeneration Looke the Obseruation that went next before vpon the latter Confession of Heluetia But the thinge is the communication of the bodie c. that is the bodie and blood of Christ communicated to vs spirituallie by faith to the remission of sinnes and to eternal life Vpon the declaration of the said former Confession of Heluetia Visiblie shew that is shew by setting forth visible signes Vpon the same The Minister doth conuert To wit as the instrumentall outward cause which the holie spirit vseth to work those things inwardlie which are preached to vs outwardlie Vpon the confession of Basill TO testifie our faith Hereunto adde also the other endes and effectes which are more fullie set forth in other confessions Vpon the confession of Bohemia EIther entirelie Entire that is lawfull libertie such as ●oth agree with Christ his institution Vpon the same They doe alwaies exercise their vertue This must warilie be vnderstood For properlie the sacramentes doe witnes seale or confirme no other thing but grace and saluation The condemnation of such as vse them vnworthelie doth not flow from anie vertue or power of the sacraments which doth auaile onelie to saluation but onelie from the fault of the vnworthe themselues whereby it commeth to passe and that by an accident that whilest they receiue the signes alone and that vnworthely they depriue themselues of the vertue of the sacramentes and yet for all that they cease not on gods behalfe to be perfect sacraments whether they be giuen to the worthie or to the vnworthie touching which point loke after in the 14. Section the 1. and 2. obseruations vpon the confession of Auspurge IN THE 13. SECTION Vpon the lattter Confession of Heluetia THat is the most perfect forme of Baptisme c. Vnderstand by forme the externall ceremonie whether it be of dipping or of sprinkeling Vpon the same We thinke them nothing necessarie c. Yea we haue vtterlie reiected some of them as meere superstitious some as beeing manifestlie brought
his Church in this life for a time and in the other life for euer Amen OVT OF THE CONFESSION OF AVSPVRGE TOuching Repentance they teach that such as haue fallen after Baptisme may finde remission at what time they returne againe And that the Church is bounde to giue absolution vnto such as returne by repentance Now repentance or the conuersion of the vngodlie standeth properlie of these two parts The one is contrition that is a terror stricken into the conscience through the acknowledgement of sinne wherin we doe both perceiue gods displeasure and are greeued that we haue sinned and doe abhorre and eschue sinne according as Ioell preacheth Rent your heartes and not your garments and turne vnto the Lord your God c. The other parte is faith which is begotten in vs by the Gospell or by absolution doth beleeue that the sinnes are vndoubtedlie forgiuen for Christ sake and doth comfort the conscience freeing it from feares Of which faith spake Saint Paull when he saieth Beeing iustified by faith 〈◊〉 haue peace with God Afterward there must follow the good fruites of repentance that is obedience vnto God according to that saying We are debters not to the flesh to liue after the flesh For if ye liue after the flesh ye shall die But if by the spirit ye mortifie the workes of the flesh ye shall liue They condemne the Nouatians which would not absolue them which hauing fallen after baptisme returned to repentance They condemne also those that teach not that remission of sinnes commeth freelie by faith for Christ sake but labour to prooue that remission of sinnes commeth by the worthines of contrition of charitie or of some other works and would haue mens consciences in time of repentance to doubt whether they may obteine remissiō doe say plainly that this douting is no sin Likewise they condemne those which teach that Canonicall satisfactions are necessarie to redeeme eternal paines or the paines of purgatory Though we are of that minde that the calamities of this life may be asswaged by good workes as Esaie teacheth Chap. 58. Breake thy bread vnto the hungrie and the Lord shal giue thee rest continuallie Besides they condemne the Anabaptists who denie that they that are once iustified can againe loose the spirit of God Also they condemne those that stiflie holde that some may attaine to such a perfection in this life as that they cannot sinne any more This eleuenth Article we finde in some editions placed in the twelfth place and after the first periode we finde these wordes Now repentance consisteth properlie of these two partes one is contrition or terrours stricken into the conscience through the sight of sinne The other is faith which is conceiued by the gospel or by absolution doth beleue that for Christ sake the sinnes be forgiuen and comforteh the conscience and freeth it from terrours Then there must follow good workes which are fruites of repentance They condemne the Anabaptists who denie that men once iustified can loose the spirit of God doe stiflie holde that some men may attaine to such a perfection in this life that they can sinne no more In like case the Nouatians are condemned which would not absolue such as had fallen after Baptisme though they returned to repentance They also that teach that remission of sinnes is obteined for our owne loue or good works and such as teach that Canonicall satisfactions are necessarie to redeeme euerlasting or purgatorie paines are whollie misliked of vs. Concerning confession of sinnes they teach that priuate absolution is to be reteined still in Churches though it be a needeles thing in confession to make a rehearsall of the sinnes For it is an impossible thing to reckon vp all a mans offenses according as the Psalmist saith Who doth vnderstand his faults c. This twelfth Article we finde in the place of the eleuenth in some editions and it is word for word the same but that the last wordes are thus set downe Though a reckoning vp of al sinnes be not necessarie For it is impossible as the Psalmist saith c. Art 3. Of abuses Of confession THe Diuines and Canonists haue cast a great myst of darkenes chieflie vpon this point of Christian doctrine touching repentance as not onelie their bookes doe testifie but also the consciences of al the godlie which doe confesse that the intricate and endles disputations of the diuines and the infinite traditions about the matter of repentance was euen a fearefull racking of their consciences For they doe no where teach any certaintie how remission of sins is obteined And as for faith there is no word amongst them Yea they bid men to be alwaies in doubt of remission of sinnes Afterward they torment mens consciences with a harsh reckoning vp of their faults and with satisfactions For what a snare vnto a mans conscience was the tradition which requireth them to reckon vp all their sinnes As for satisfactions they did obscure and darken the benefit of Christ because that euen the learned among them did imagine that eternall death was recompensed by them But the vnlearned were perswaded that forgiuenes of the fault was purchased by such deedes What that their seruices for the most part were not commaunded of God as babling of praiers inuocation of Saints Pilgrimages and such like stuffe Thus was the pure doctrine of repentance ouerwhelmed with an huge heape of vnprofitable and euill opinions And it is manifest that the godly in manie ages past haue greatlie wished that this doctrine had beene more purelie taught Furthermore it is especiallie needefull that the doctrine of repentance should be taught in the Church most purelie and sincerely Therfore our Diuines haue laboured to cleare this point as much as might be And surelie they haue so opened and cleared it that the soundest euen amongst our aduersaries do confesse that in this matter they haue weldeserued of the Church for we do simply and plainlie without anie Sophistrie laie sorth that which the Gospell teacheth touchingrepentance that men may perceiue how they must returne vnto Christ by what meanes remission of sinnes is obteined what worship what workes doe please God First we teach that contrition is requisite thatis the true terrors and sorrows of the minde which feeleth the wrath of God is grieued for sinne committed and ceaseth to do euill And though these sorrows be requisite yet must we know that remission of sinnes is not graunted for the worthines of contrition or of these sorrowes but we must ioyne faith with them that is a trust and confidence of mercie promised for Christes sake and we holde that our sinnes are freelie forgiuen for Christes sake When we once are comforted in these terrours by faith we do vndoubtedlie obteine remission of sinnes as we haue said before And this faith our mindes do conceiue by the Gospell also by the absolution which preacheth and applieth the Gospell vnto the distressed consciences
And for this cause do our diuines teach that priuate Absolution is to be reteined in the Church and they set out the dignitie of it and the power of the keies with true and verie large commendations namelie because the power of the keies doth dispense the Gospell not onelie to al in general but also to euerie * one in particular as Christ saith Thou hast wonne thy brother c. and because we must beleeue the voice of the Gospell which is dispensed vnto vs in absolution by the ministery of the Church no otherwise then a voice sounding from heauen This wholl benefit of absolution and of this ministerie hath heretofore beene whollie obscured with the false opinions of such as taught that absolution was naught worth without sufficient contrition and did afterwards wil men to misdoubt of absolution because no man knewe whether his contrition were sufficient or not What els was this but quite to take awaie from all consciences the comfort of the Gospell and to remooue out of the Church and cleane to abolish the ministery of the Gospel or the power of the keies whodoth not see that these pernitious errors are worthely reprooued Now seeing that confession yealdeth a place where to bestowe absolution in priuate and this custome doth vpholde the vnderstanding of the power of the keies and remission of sinnes among the people besides seeing that this conference auaileth much for admonishing and instructing of men therefore we doe duelie retaine Confession in our Churches yet so as that wee teach that reckoning vp of the faultes is not necessarie by Gods lawe and that mens consciences are not to be clogged with it For there is no commaundement in all the Apostles writinges sounding that way Againe this rehearsing of all ones sinnes is a thing impossible according to that in the Psalme Who can vnderstand his faultes And Ieremie saieth The heart of man is corrupt and vnsearchable But if no sinnes could be forgiuen but such as are reckoned vp mens consciences could neuer be at rest because they neither see nor can call to minde the greatest number of them Whereby it maie easilie be gathered that the ministerie of absolution and remission of sinnes doth not depend vpon the condition of numbring them vp all The auncient writers also doe testifie that this counting of sinnes by tale is a thing needles Chrysostome on the Epistle to the Heb. saith Let vs recken of it that we haue sins and let not the tongue alone vtter it but the conscience within vs also And let vs not barelie saie we are sinners but let vs recken vp our sinnes particularlie I doe not bid the to bewraie thy selfe openlie nor to occuse thy selfe to other but to followe the saying of the Prophet Laie open thy waies before the Lord confesse thy sinnes before God vtter thy sinnes with praier before the true iudge not remembring them with the tongue but with the conscience then in deed maist thou hope to finde mercie That sermon of Chrysostomes teacheth not onelie what is to be thought of reckoning vp of sinnes but doth also verie wiselie ioyne contrition and faith together as they are ioyned by vs. First he will haue vs acknowledge our sinnes vnfainedly and abhorre them from our heartes In the next place he teacheth to adde thereunto praier faith which maie assure vs that we are forgiuen Elsewhere he saith Acknowledge thy sins that thou maist as them away If thou are ashamed to shew thy sins to any man then vt them euerie day in thy heart I say not goe confes thy sins to thy fellow seruant that may vpbraide thee with them butconfes them vnto god that is able to cure thē The glosse vpon the dercees touching penance the 5. distinct graunteth that Confession was ordeyned of the Church and is not commaunded in the scriptures of the olde and new Testament of the same iudgement are manie of the Doctors Wherefore our iudgement touching the doctrine of confession is neither new nor without reason Lastlie there is moste need of all that the godlie shoulde be admonished touching satisfactions For there was more hurte and daunger in them then in numbring vp of sinnes in as much as they darkened the benefit of Christ because that the vnlearned thought they did obtaine remission of the guilt of sin for their owne workes sake and besides mens consciences were much distressed if aught were omitted that was inioyned for satisfaction Againe ceremonies and pilgrimages and such like fruitles workes were thought meete for satisfaction rather then thinges commaunded of God And forsooth their teachers themselues dreamed that eternall death was fullie redeemed by them Therfore we thought it needfull that godlie mindes should be set free from such errors and we teach that their canonicall satisfactions which they call workes not due c are neither auaileable for the remission either of the fault or euerlasting punishment nor yet necessarie It was a custome long since in the Church that in publike penance such as had fallen did returne to the Church againe should not be receiued without some punishment laid vpon them for examples sake from which custome these satisfactions did spring But the fathers minde was by such examples to fraie the people from sinnes they did not account that Ceremonie to be a iust recompence for the fault or for eternall death or for purgatorie paines These things were afterwards coyned by ignorant and vnlearned men But those auncient customes were in time worne out of vse and laid aside As for vs we doe not burden mens consciences with satisfactions but this weteach that the fruites of repentance are necessarie and that obedience the feare of God faith loue chastitie the wholl renuing of the spirit ought to increase in vs. We giue men warning of this also that sinnes are eftsonnes punished euen by temporal punishments in this life as Dauid Manasses manie others were punished and we teach that these punishments maie be mitigated by good works the whol practize of repentance as Paul declareth If we would iudge our selues we should not be iudged of the lord And repentance deserued that is obteined that God should alter his purpose touching the destruction of Niniuie Thus whereas before the disputations were intricate and endles and full of grosse opinions now that doctrine beeing purged is deliuered to the people so as it maie be vnderstoode and auaile much vnto godlines We doe still holde and set forth the true partes of repentance Contrition Faith Absolution Remission of sinnes Amendment of the wholl life Mitigation of present punishmentes and wee are in good hope that the godlie will not onelie not reprehend anie thing in this place but also will giue them thankes which haue purged this pointe of Christian doctrine which is requisite and profitable in all Churches to be expounded moste plainlie and set out moste clearelie Christ saith that the Angells in heauen doe reioyce whensoeuer they set
Church I haue receiued of 〈◊〉 Lord that which I also haue deliuered vnto you to wit that the 〈◊〉 Iesus in that night wherein he was betraied tooke bread c. A●● a little after When ye come together to wit to the Supper 〈◊〉 the Lord Let one tarie for an other Therefore according 〈◊〉 these thinges wee beleeue with the heart and confe●e with the mouth that this breade of the Lords Supper is the bodie of the Lord Iesus Christ deliuered for vs and th●● this Cuppe or the wine in the Cuppe is likewise shed for vs for the remission of sinnes And this we affirme according to the expresse wordes of Christ wherein he saith This is my bodie This is my blood Which words may not be taken or vnderstood of any other thing nor be otherwise referred then onelie to the bread and cuppe of the Lord and the bodie bloode of the Lord can not be vnderstood of any other then of the onelie true and proper bodie of Christ which he made meate by his torments and of his bloode which beeing largelie poured out of his bodie he appointed to be drinke for his Church for he had not a naturall bodie and another bloode Therefore our Ministers doe teach that to these certaine wordes pronounced by Christ our Lorde wherein he doth peculiarlie pronounce witnes and institute bread to be his bodie and wine to be his bloode I say to these wordes no man maie adde any thing no man may detract any thing from them but euerie man in these words is to beleeue that which of them selues they signifie an● that no man ought to turne from them either to the right hand or to the left Yet to expound the meaning of this faith we doe further teach that although the bread be the bodie of Christ according to his institution and wine be his bloode yet neither of these doe leaue it nature or chaunge or lose it substance but that the bread is and doth remaine breade and that the wine is and doth remaine wine as also the holie Scripture doth giue this it owne name to either of them Otherwise if it should cease to be an element it should not be a Sacrament seeing that a Sacrament is then made when the worde is added to the element Neither could it signifie or beare witnes if it had nothing in steade of that thing whereof it is a Sacrament or if the thing signified should haue any other manner of presence then that which is Sacramentall Wherefore this speach Bread is the bodie and wine is the bloode of Christ is a Sacramentall speach to wit that these two distinct thinges doe remaine the selfe same thing which in their owne nature they be and yet by reason of a Sacramentall vnion or Sacramentallie they be that also which they doe signifie and whereof they doe testifie yet not in their owne nature or after a naturall manner but by the institution pronouncing or witnessing of the author as Paull doth excellentlie expound this where he thus writeth The cuppe which we blesse is it not the communion of the bloode of Christ the bread which we breake is it not the communion of the bodie of Christ Now both the good and the wicked doe vse this Sacrament and yet the true beleeuers doe receiue it to life and those which doe not beleeue doe receiue it to iudgement and condemnation And although either of them doe receiue this Sacrament and the trueth thereof Sacramentallie and outwardlie yet the beleeuers doe receiue it spirituallie and so to their saluation without which spirituall receiuing there is no worthie receiuing in the Sacramentall vse For by this meane we are ingrafted into Christ and into his bodie and by this meane is that true vnion and communion of Christ with his Church made and in like sorte by this meane is the communion of the holy Church which is a certaine spirituall bodie made amongst and with them selues whereof the Apostle writeth There is one bread and we beeing many are one bodie seeing we are all made partakers of one bread Moreouer we are further taught that with this ministerie or Sacrament of the Lord no other thing ought to be done or taken in hand then that one thing which was shewed ordeined and expresselie commaunded of Christ himselfe as when he reached bread seuerallie and peculiarlie to his Disciples and in expresse wordes saide Take eat th● is my bodie and in like sort when he reached to them the 〈◊〉 seuerallie and peculiarlie saying Drinke ye all of this Th●● 〈◊〉 my bloode Thus therefore according to this commaundement the bodie and bloode of our Lord Iesus Christ must be distributed onelie and be receiued in common of the faithfull or beleeuing Christians but it must not be sacrificed 〈◊〉 set before them or lifted vp or shewed forth to this end th● there it may be worshipped or kept or caried about A●● both these must be receiued in seuerall elements the bodie peculiarlie and seuerallie and also his holie bloode seuerallie as either of them were of the Lord instituted reache● forth and giuen in common to all his Disciples seuerallie And this doctrine was vsed in the first holie Church an● this Sacrament was whollie distributed in both partes and so receiued But he that beside or contrarie to these commaundements and institution of Christ dare bring in any other thing or somewhat more and vse it with this Sacrament or wantonelie inuent therein at his pleasure he doth manifestly and malapertly against our Lord who instituted this Sacrament and committeth a thing cleane contrarie to his holie Testament and last will which was declared in his owne wordes and that expresselie Also this Sacrament ought to be receiued and administred without adoration and without that worship which is due to God alone yet with a due kinde of religion and reuerence and chieflie with that which is the chiefest of all namelie with faith and examination of himselfe which in this action is moste acceptable to Christ our Lorde and moste profitable for men which also Saint Paull taught the first Church and exhorted it hereunto saying Let euerie man trie or examine himselfe and so let him eateof that breade and drinke of that cuppe For he that eateth and drinketh vnworthelie doth eate and drinke his owne iudgement or condemnation because he dis●erneth not the Lordes bodie And in another place Prooue your selues whether ye are in the faith examine your selues know ye not your owne selues how that Iesus Christ is in you except ye be reprobates Now I praie vnto God that ye doe no euill If so be that anie man approch to this table without such a tryall and not making himselfe worthie who hath not first examined himselfe what manner of faith he hath with what purpose he came to this sacrament or how he had prepared himselfe hereunto I saie such a man should greatlie prophane and reproch this sacrament
yea the wholl institution hereof appointed by Christ For which cause the Ministers of our Churches doe admitte none to this Sacrament neither giue it vnto anie but to such as are noted to come vnto it seriouslie and doe so much as in them lyeth prepare them-selues hereunto after such a manner as becommeth Christian godlines Now when the congregation doth come together to celebrate the vse of the Lordes Supper and be partakers therof then according to the example of the primitiue Church our ministers doe teach in their holie Sermons concerning Christ and concerning the grace which through him and in him is giuen to sinners and especiallie concerning his death the shedding of his blood and the redemption and saluation purchased thereby After that the wholl Church doth ioyne together in faithfull prayers vnto God to obtaine this that they may indeed vse this Sacrament worthelie Moreouer in the next place absolution from sinnes is lawfullie administred the wordes of the institution are rehearsed and the people by exhortation is stirred vp to a reuerent consideration of this mysterie and to a cheerefull and serious contemplation of the benefits of God the sacrament is reuerentlie with al godlines distributed and the people of the faithfull most commonlie falling downe on their knees doe receiue this sacrament with thanksgiuing with gladnes with singing of hymnes or holie songes and they shew forth the death of the Lord and admonish themselues of all his benefits to the confirmation of their faith in a true communion with Christ and his bodie And all this we do according to the meaning of those things which are commaunded in the holie Scripture especiallie according to the saying of Christ Do this in remembrance of me and Paul saith So often as ye shall eat of this bread and drinke of this cup ye shall shew forth the death of the Lord till he come OVT OF THE FRENCH CONFESSION WE affirme that the holie Supper of the Lorde to wit the other Sacrament is a witnes to vs of 〈◊〉 vniting with our Lorde Iesus Christ because that he is not onelie once deade and raised vp againe from the deade for vs but also he doth in deede feede vs and nourish 〈◊〉 with his flesh and bloode that we beeing made one wi●● him maie haue our life common with him For although he be now in heauen and shall remaine there till 〈◊〉 come to iudge the worlde yet we beleeue that by the secret and incomprehensible vertue of his Spirit he do●● nourish and quicken vs with the substance of his bodie and blood being apprehended by faith But we saie that this is done spirituallie not that we maie counterfeit an imagination or thought in steade of the efficacie and truth but rather because this mysterie of our vnion with Christ is so high a thing that it surmounteth all our senses yea and the wholl order of nature to conclude because that it being diuine and heauenlie cannot be perceiued nor apprehended but by faith We beleeue as was saide before that as well in the Supper as in Baptisme God doth in deed that is truelie and effectuallie giue whatsoeuer he doth there sacramentallie represent and therefore with the signes we ioyne the true profession and fruition of that thing which is there offered vnto vs Therefore we affirme that they which do bring pure faith as it were a certaine vessell vnto the holie supper of the Lord doe indeed receiue that which there the signes doe witnes namelie that the bodie and blood of Iesus Christ are no lesse the meate and drinke of the soule then bread and wine are the meate of the bodie Also out of the 38. Art a litle after the beginning And also that that bread and wine which is giuen vs in the supper is indeed made vnto vs spirituall nourishment in as much as they doe offer vnto our eies to beholde that the flesh of Christ is o●● meat and that his bloode is our drinke Therefore we reiect all those fantasticall heades which doe refuse these signes and tokens seeing that Christ our Lorde hath saide This is my bodie and This cuppe is my blood OVT OF THE ENGLISH CONFESSION WE saie that Eucharistia that is to saie the Supper of the Lord is a Sacrament that is an euident Representation of the bodie and blood of Christ wherein is set as it were before our eies the death of Christ and his Resurrection and whatsoeuer he did whilest he was in his Mortall Bodie to the ende we maie giue him thankes for his death and for our deliuerance and that by the often receiuing of this Sacrament we maie dailie renew the remembrance thereof to the intent we being fedde with the bodie and blood of Christ maie be brought into the hope of the Resurrection and of euerlasting life and maie moste assuredlie beleeue that as our bodies be fedde with bread and wine so our soules be fedde with the bodie and blood of Christ To this Banquet we thinke the people of God ought to be earnestlie bidden that they maie all communicate among themselues and openlie declare and testifie both the godlie societie which is among them and also the hope which they haue in Christ Iesu For this cause if there had beene anie which would be but a looker on and abstaine from the holie Communion him did the olde Fathers and Bishops of Rome in the primitiue Church before priuate Masse came vp excommunicate as a wicked person and as a Pagane Neither was there anie 〈◊〉 at that time which did communicate alone whiles other looked on For so did Calixtus in times past decree That after the consecration was finished all should communicate except 〈◊〉 had rather stande without the Church doores For th●● saith ●e did the Apostles appoint and the same the holie Church of Rome k●ep●●h still Moreouer when the people 〈◊〉 to ●he holie Communion the Sacrament ought to be giuen them in both kindes for so both Christ hath commaunded and the Apostles in euerie place haue ordeined and all the auncient Fathers and Catholique Byshops haue followed the same And who so doth contrarie to this he as Gelasius saith committeth Sacrilege And therefore we saie that our aduersaries at this daie who hauing violentlie thrust out and quite forbidden the holie Communion doe without the worde of God without the authoritie of anie auncient Councell without anie Catholique Father without any example of the primitiue Church yea and without reason also defend and maintaine their priuate Masses and the mangling of the Sacraments and doe this not onelie against the plaine expresse commaundement of Christ but also against all antiquitie doe wickedlie therein and are verie Churchrobbers We affirme that the bread and wine are the holie and heauenlie mysteries of the bodie and blood of Christ and that by them Christ himselfe being the true bread of eternall life is so presentlie giuen vnto vs as that by