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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A42763 CXI propositions concerning the ministerie and government of the Church Gillespie, George, 1613-1648. 1647 (1647) Wing G752; ESTC R21587 30,033 52

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Gregor. the great Epist lib. 2. Chap. 65. and 66. Walafridus Strabo of Ecclesiasticall matters Chap. 17. 13. That first and lesser censure by Christs ordinance is to be inflicted on such as have received Baptisme and pretend to be true Members of the Church yet are found unfit and unworthy to Communicate in the signes of the grace of Christ with the Church whether for their grosse ignorance of divine things the Law namely and Gospel or by reason of scandall either of false Doctrine or wicked life For these causes therefore or for some one of them they are to be kept back from the Sacrament of the Lords Supper a lawfull judiciall tryall going before according to the interdiction of Christ forbidding that that which is Holy be given to dogs or Pearles bee cast before swine Matth. 7. 6. and this censure of suspension is to continue till the offenders bring forth fruits worthy of repentance 14. For the asserting and defending of this suspension there is no small accession of strength from the nature of the Sacrament it self and the institution and end thereof The Word of God indeed is to bee Preached as well to the ungodly and impenitent that they may bee convened as to the Godly and repenting that they may be confirmed But the Sacrament of the Lords Supper is by God instituted not for beginning the Work of Grace but for nourishing and increasing Grace and therefore none is to be admitted to the Lords Supper who by his life testifieth that hee is impenitent and not as yet converted 15. Indeed if the Lord had instituted this Sacrament that not onely it should nourish and cherish faith and seal the promises of the Gospel but also should begin the work of Grace in sinners and give regeneration it self as the instrumentall cause thereof verily even the most wicked most uncleane and most unworthy were to be admitted But the Reformed Churches do otherwise judge of the nature of this Sacrament which shall be abundantly manifest by the gleaning of these following Testimonies 16. The Scottish Confession Art 23. But we confesse that the Lords Supper belongs onely to those of the houshold of faith who can try and examine themselves as well in faith as in the duties of faith towards their neigbours Whoso abide without faith and in variance with their brethren doe at that holy Table eat and drink unworthily Hence it is that the Pastors in our Church doe enter on a publike and particular examination both of the knowledge conversation and life of those who are to be admitted to the Lords Table The Belgick Confession Art 35. Wee beleeve also and confesse that our Lord Jesus Christ hath ordained the holy Sacrament of his Supper that in it he may nourish and uphold them whom hee hath already regenerated 17. The Saxon Confession Art 15. of the Lords Supper The Lord willeth that every receiver bee particularly confirmed by this testimony so that hee may bee certified that the benefits of the Gospel doe appertaine to himself seeing the Preaching is common and by this testimony by this receiving he sheweth that thou art one of his members and washed with his blood And by and by Thus therefore we instruct the Church that at behooveth them that come to the Supper to bring with them repentance or conversion and faith being now kindled in the mediation of the death and resurrection and the benefits of the Son of God to seek here the confirmation of this faith The very same things are set downe and that in the very same words in the consent of the Churches of Pole-land in the Sendomi●ian Synode Anno 1570. Art of the Lords Supper 18. The Bohemian Confession Art 11. Next our Divines teach that the Sacraments of themselves or as some say ex opere operato doe not confer Grace to those who are not first endued with good motions and inwasdly quickened by the Holy Spirit neither doe they bestow justifying faith which maketh the soul of man in all things obsequious trusting and obedient to God for faith must goe before wee speake of them of ripe yeares which quickeneth a man by the work of the Holy Spirit and putteth good motions into the heart And after But if any come unworthily to the Sacraments hee is not made by them worthy or cleane but doth only bring greater sinne and damnation on himself 19. Seeing then in the holy Supper that is in the receiving the Sacramentall Elements which is here distinguished from the Prayers and Exhortations accompanying that action the benefits of the Gospel are not first received but for them being received are thanks given neither by partaking thereof doth God bestow the very spirituall life but doth preserve cherish and perfect that life and seeing the Word of God is accounted in the manner of letters patents but Sacraments like seals as rightly the Helvetian Confession saith Chap. 19. it plainly followeth that those are to be kept back from the Lords Supper which by their fruits and manners doe prove themselves to be ungodly or impenitent and strangers or alients from all communion with Christ Nor are the promises of Grace sealed to any other then to those to whom these promises doe belong for otherwise the seal annexed should contradict and gainsay the letters patents and by the visible Word those should bee loosed and remitted which by the audible Word are bound and condemned But this is such an absurdity as that if any would yet hee cannot smooth or heal it with any plaister 20. But as known impious and unregenerate persons have no right to the holy Table So also ungodly persons by reason of a grievous scandall are justly for a time deprived of it for it is not lawfull or allowable that the comforts and promises which belong onely to such as beleeve and repent should be sealed unto known unclean persons and those who walk inordinatly whether such as are not yet regenerate or such as are regenerate but fallen and not yet restored or risen from their fall The same Discipline plainly was shaddowed forth under the Old Testament for none of Gods People during their legall pollution was permitted to enter into the Tabernacle or to have accesse to the solemne Sacrifices and society of the Church And much more were wicked and notorious offenders debarred from the Temple ever untill by an offering for sinne together with a solemne confession thereof being cleansed they were reconciled unto God Num. 5. 6 7 8. Lev. 5. to the 7. vers. Lev. 6. to vers. 8. 21. Yea that those who were polluted with sins and crimes were reckoned among the unclean in the Law Maimonides in more Nevochim Part. 3. Chap. 47. proveth out of Lev. 20. 3. Lev. 18. 24. Num. 35. 33 34. Therefore seeing the shedding of mans blood was rightly esteemed the greatest pollution of all Hence it was that as the society of the leprous was shunned by the cleane so the company of murtherers by good men was
had for besides that it would be a great inconvenience that plaintifes persons accused and witnesses bee drawne from the most remote Churches to the generall or universall Councell the visible communion it self of all the Churches on which the universal Counsel is built and whereupon as on a foundation it leaneth is not so much of company fellowship or conversation as of Religion and Doctrine All true Churches of the World doe indeed professe the same true Religion and faith but there is beside this a certaine commixture and conjunction of the Churches of the same Nation as to a more near fellowship and some acquaintance conversing and companying together which cannot be said of all the Churches throughout the habitable World 38. And for this cause as in doctrinall controversies which are handled by Theologues and Casuists and in those which belong to the common State of the orthodoxe Churches the Nationall Synode is subo dinate and subjected to the universall lawfully constituted Synode and from the Nationall to the Oecumenicall Synode when there is a just and weighty cause an appeal is open So there is no need that the appeals of them who complaine of injurie done to them through the exercise of Discipline in this or that Church should goe beyond the bounds of the Nationall Synode But t is most agreeable to reason that they should rest and acquiesce within those bounds and borders And that the ultimate judgement of such matters bee in the Nationall Synode unlesse the thing it selfe be so hard and of so great moment that the knot be justly thought worthy of a greater decider In which case the controversie which is carried to the universall Synode is rather of an abstract generall Theologicall proposition then of the particular or individuall case 39. Furthermore the Administration of the Ecclesiastick power in Consistories Classes and Synodes doth not at all tend to weaken in any wise hurt or minish the authority of the civil Magistrate much lesse to take it away or destroy it yea rather by it a most profitable help cometh to the Magistrate forasmuch as by the bond of Religion mens consciences are more straitly tyed unto him There hath been indeed phantasticall men who under pretence and cloak of Christian liberty would abolish and cast out Lawes and Judgements Orders also Degrees and Honours out of the commonwealth and have been bold to reckon the function of the Magistrate armed with the sword among evill things and unlawfull But the Reformed Churches doe renounce and detest those dreames and do most harmoniously and most-willingly confesse and acknowledge it to be Gods will that the World bee governed by Lawes and Policy and that hee himself hath appointed the civill Magistrate and hath delivered to him the sword to the protection and praise of good men but for punishment and revenge on the evill that by this bridle mens vices and faults may be restrained whether committed against the first or against the second Table 40. The Reformed Churches beleeve also and openly confesse the power and authority of Emperours over their Empires of Kings over their Kingdomes of Princes and Dukes over their Dominions and of other Magistrates or States over their Commonwealths and Cities to be the Ordinances of God himself appointed as well to the manifestation of his owne glory as to the singular profit of mankinde And withall that by reason of the will of God himself revealed in his Word wee must not onely suffer and be content that those doe rule which are set over their own territories whether by hereditary or by elective right but also to love them fear them and with all reverenee and honour imbrace them as the Ambassadours and Ministers of the most high and good God being in his stead and preferred for the good of their Subjects to powre out Prayers for them to pay tributes to them and in all businesse of the Commonwealth which are not against the Word of God to obey their lawes and edicts 41. The orthodoxe Churches beleeve also and doe willingly acknowledge that every lawfull Magistrate being by God himself constituted the keeper and defender of both Tables of the Law may and ought first and chiefly to take care of Gods glory and according to his place or in his manner and way to preserve Religion when pure and to restore it when decayed and corrupted And also to provide a learned and Godly Ministery Schools also and Synodes as likewise to restraine and punish as well Atheists Blasphemers Hereticks and Schismaticks as the violaters of Justice and Civill Peace 42. Wherefore the opinion of those Sectaries of this age is altogether to be disallowed who though otherwise insinuating themselves craftily into the Magistrates favour doe deny unto him the authority and right of restraining Hereticks and Schismaticks and do hold and maintaine that such persons how much soever hurtfull and pernicious enemies to true Religion and to the Church yet are to bee tolerated by the Magistrate if so bee he conceive them to bee such as no way violate the Laws of the Commonwealth and in no wise disturbe the civill Peace 43. Yet the civill Power and the Ecclesiasticall ought not by any meanes to be confounded or mixed together Both powers are indeed from God and ordained for his Glory and both to be guided by his Word and both are comprehended under that precept Honour thy father and thy mother So that men ought to obey both civill Magistrates and Ecclesiasticall governours in the Lord To both powers their proper dignity and authority is to be maintained and preserved in force To both also is some way entrusted the keeping of both Tables of the Law also both the one and the other doth exercise some jurisdiction and giveth sentence of judgement in an externall court or judicatory But these and other things of like sort in which they agree notwithstanding yet by marvellous vaste differences are they distinguished the one from the other and the rights of both remaine distinct and that eight manner of wayes which it shall not bee amisse here to adde that unto each of these Administrations its own set bounds may bee the better maintained 44. First of all therefore they are differenced the one from the other in respect of the very foundation and the institution For the politicall or civill power is grounded upon the Law of nature it selfe and for that cause it is common to Infidels with Christians The power Ecclesiasticall dependeth immediatly upon the positive Law of Christ alone that beer longeth to the Universall Dominion of God the Creator oveall Nations but this unto the speciall and Oeconomicall King dome of Christ the Mediator which hee exerciseth in the Church alone and which is not of this World 45. The second differences in the object or matter about which The power politick or civill is occupied about the outward man and civill or earthly things about Warre Peace conservation of Justice and good order in the Commonwealth
divided exercise of authority For either power ceasing from its duty or remitting punishment that doth not surely it ought not prejudice the exercise of the other power namely if the Magistrate cease to do his duty or do neglect to punish with secular punishment those malefactors which by profession are Church Members Neverthelesse it is in the power of the Governours of the Church by the bridle of Ecclesiasticall Discipline to curb such men yea also by vertue of their office they are bound to doe it and on the other part the Magistrate may and ought to punish in life and limme honours or goods notwithstanding of the offenders repentance or reconciliation with the Church 78. Therefore the one sword being put up in the scabbard it is free and often necessary to draw the other Neither power is bound to cast out or receive him whom the other doth cast forth or receive The reason whereof is because the Ecclesiasticall Ministery doth chiefly respect the repentance to salvation and gaining of the sinners soul wherefore it also imbraceth all kindes of wicked men repenting and receiveth them into the bosome of the Church The Magistrate proposeth to himself another and much differing scope for even repenting offenders are by him punished both that Justice and the Lawes may be satisfied as also to terrifie others hence it is that absolution from Ecclesiastick censure freeth not at all the Delinquent from civill judgement and the externall sword 79. Seeing then there are so many and so great differences of both Offices and seeing also that the function of Ministers and Elders of the Church is not at all contained in the office of the Magistrate neither on the other part this is comprehended within that Magistrates shall no lesse sin in usurping Ecclesiasticall power ministring holy things ordaining Ministers or exercising Discipline Ecclesiasticall then Ministers should sin in rushing into the borders of the Magistrate and in thrusting themselves into his calling 80. Neither are those powers more mingled one with other or lesse distinguished where the Magistrate is a Christian then where he is an Infidell For as in a beleeving Father and in an Infidell Father the rights of a Father are the same so in a Christian Magistrate and in an Infidell Magistrate the rights of Magistrates are the same So that to the Magistrate converted to the Christian Faith there is no accession of new right or increase of civill power although being indued with true Faith and Piety he is made more fit and willing to the undergoing of his office and the doing of his duety 81. So then the Word of God and the Law of Christ which by so evident difference separateth and distinguisheth Ecclesiasticall Government from the Civill forbiddeth the Christian Magistrate to enter upon or usurpe the Ministery of the Word and Sacraments or the juridicall dispensing of the keyes of the Kingdome of Heaven to invade the Church-Government or to chalenge to himself the right of both swords spirituall and corporall But if any Magistrate which God forbid should dare to arrogate to himself so much and to enlarge his skirts so far the Church shall then straightway be constrained to complaine justly and cry out that though the Pope is changed yet Popedome remaineth still 82. It is unlawfull moreover to a Christian Magistrate to withstand the practise and execution of Ecclesiasticall Discipline whether it be that which belongs to a particular Church or the matter be carried to a Classe or Synode Now the Magistrate withstandeth the Ecclesiastick Discipline either by prohibitions and unjust Lawes or by his evill example stirring up and inciting others to the contempt thereof or to the trampling it under foot 83. Surely the Christian Magistrate if at any time hee give any grievous scandall to the Church seeing he also is a member of the Church ought no wayes disdaine to submit himself to the power of the keyes Neither is this to be marvelled at for even as the office of the Minister of the Church is no wayes subordinate and subjected to the civill power but the person of the Minister as he is a member of the Common wealth is subject thereto So the civill power it self or the Magistrate as a Magistrate is not subjected to Ecclesiastick power yet that man who is a Magistrate ought as hee is a member of the Church to be under the Churches censure of his manners after the example of the Emperour Theodosius unlesse he will despise and set at nought Ecclesiastick Discipline and indulge the swelling pride of the flesh 84. If any man should again object that the Magistrate is not indeed to resist Ecclesiasticall Government yet that the abuses thereof are to be corrected and taken away by him The answer is ready in the worst and troublesome times or in the decayed and troubled estate of things when the ordinance of God in the Church is violently turned into tyranny to the treading down of true Religion and to the oppressing of the Professors thereof and when nothing almost is found or whole divers things are yeelded to be lawfull to godly Magistrates which are not ordinarily lawfull for them that so to extraordinary diseases extraordinary remedies may be applyed So also the Magistrate abusing his power unto tyranny and making havock of all t is lawfull to resist him by some extraordinary wayes and meanes which are not ordinarily to bee allowed 85. Yet ordinarily and by common or known Law and right in settled Churches if any man have recourse to the Magistrate to complain that through abuse of Ecclesiastick Discipline injury is done to him or if any sentence of the Pastors and Elders of the Church whether concerning Faith or Discipline do displease or seem unjust unto the Magistrate himself it is not for that cause lawfull to draw those Ecclesiasticall causes to a civill tribunall or to bring in a kinde of politicall or civill Popedome 86. What then Shall it be lawfull ordinarily for Ministers and Elders to do what they list or shall the Governours in the Churches glorying in the Law by their transgression dishonour God God forbid For first if they shall trespasse in any thing against the Magistrate or municipall Lawes whether by intermedling in judging of civill causes or otherwise disturbing the peace and order of the Common-wealth they are lyable to civill tryall and judgements and it is in the power of the Magistrate to restrain and punish them 87. Again it hath been before shewed that to Ecclesiasticall evils Ecclesiasticall remedies are appointed and sitted for the Church is no lesse then the Common-wealth through the grace of God sufficient to it self in reference unto her own end and as in the Common-wealth so in the Church the errour of inferior judgements and Assemblies or their evil Government is to bee corrected by superior Judgements and Assemblies and so still by them of the same order lest one order be confounded with another or one Government bee intermingled with