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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A03645 A preparation into the waye of lyfe vvith a direction into the right vse of the Lords Supper: gathered by VVilliam Hopkinson, preacher of the worde of God. Hopkinson, William.; Dering, Edward, 1540?-1576. 1581 (1581) STC 13774; ESTC S120355 40,918 96

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A Preparation into the waye of lyfe vvith a direction into the right vse of the Lords Supper Gathered by VVilliam Hopkinson Preacher of the worde of God Printed at London by Robert Walde-graue for Iohn Harrison the yonger and Thomas Manne 1581. ¶ To the right Honorable Syr Henry Sidney Lorde President of her Maiesties Counsel in the Marches of VVales Knight of the moste noble order of the Garter and of her Maiesties most honorable priuie Counsell VV. H. wisheth plentie of those blessings which haue promises of this life and the life to come SEing that it is the duetie of euery true Christian Righte Honorable from the highest to the lowest according to the measure of the grace that he hath receyued of the Lord to reache out him selfe vvith continuall attendance to profite euery his felowe neighbour especially in the charge ouer vvhiche the Lorde hath set him for the tyme so labouring in him selfe to exceede the measure of the moste vvho make muche of lyfe vvithout consideration vvherefore they liue I haue held my selfe bounden by all meanes that I might to endeuour the regarde of those ouer vvhom the Lorde by your Honour hath set me And seeing that not onely the iudgement of reason but continuall experience doth teache vs that to make a scholler learned in the tongues the readyest vvay is to begin vvith the letters or vvell profited in any Science to set first a sure foundation in the principles of the same I haue helde it the moste ready entraunce to make the Lordes trueth familiar to his people especially them of vvhom I haue speciall knowledge and ouer vvhom peculiar charge to laye the groundworke as sure as I might namely in leading them in the light of the Lords vvorde to the true sight of them selues in two respectes that is vvhat they are by nature and vvhat by grace vvherof if eyther be vvanting in the knowledge of Christians the Lorde looseth in respect of him his due glory and the people their saluation As if the first be not knowen men receiue the Lordes promises in securitie as vvhich number at this day seemeth to be great and if the second be not had mens hearts are surprised in the vvaye of death And as he that buyldeth without a foundation layde shall buylde in the ayrc so this steddie groundworke surely founded vvell beat vpon shall giue an easie entraunce to further buylding by the vvord of doctrine and faith that the Lordes Saintes by this meanes maye through his grace not onely be gathered as the Apostle sayth but that through the vvorke of the ministery they may be built vp into him vvhich is the head euen Christ Iesus And for this cause I haue as I might gathered these directions by the Lords vvorde for a perpetuall testimony to remayne vvith thē a consent to suche as turne to the Lorde and for a vvitnesse to the rest But especially next vnto this foundation layde haue I laboured to leade them into the right vse of the Lords Supper a speciall confirmation of Gods promises in Christ to our cōfort a matter also miserably neglected and lightly accounted of to the lamentable ruine and downefall of many thousande soules for the Lordes iudgementes stande inuiolably vvhose vvorkes doth testifie that they are iustly in daunger of his endles indignation vvho prophane his misteries in vnworthines of vvhat condition or sort soeuer they be for vvith him is no respect of persons In both vvhich I haue ioyned the desire of mine owne discharge vvith the peoples safetie and gathered the summe of both into suche a forme as may best agree vvith their experience not as refusing or lightly accouting of the labors of such godly brethren as haue much profited the Lords people in the lyke vvay but as casting in two mytes vvith the poore VVidow to the Lotds vvorke vvhich as it vvas specially ment for mine owne charge so haue I yeelded to the perswasion of certayne godly friendes to communicate the same vvith the Church of God by suffering it to be published in print both for the comfort of the godly the Lorde blessing it and testifie to the Papistes the Lordes enimies that though the varietie of speach be diuers yet that vvee holde firmely one and the selfe same grounde and substance of trueth and that there is not amongst vs at all any oddes or varietie of doctrine vvhatsoeuer they and their lyke shame not vniustly to say agaynst vs. But in this case considering that it must vndergoe the viewe aswell of foes as fauourers that as I am assured of fauourable acceptation amongst the godly yet as the sunne neuer vvanteth light the fyre heate or the srostie vvynter coldnes so haue there euer bene and vvyll be plentie of such vvho in steade of vvell deseruing do please them selues vvith vniust reproching of others labours In this respect as that I might content my selfe in accepting gladly any iust occasion to leaue some testimonie of a right thankfull heart for your Honours fauours many wayes vouchsafed me vvhereby I holde my selfe in the Lorde continually bounde to your Honorable house in all that I maye and in consideration vvherof vvhen other meanes be vvanting wherby to testifie the same I shall not cease I truste right humbly to commende your estate vnto the Lorde vvho hath promised to heare the iuste prayers of his seruauntes for the vvorthines of his Christ So haue I bene bolde to present the same vnto your Honour such as it is the rather hauing iust cause to perswade my selfe of your honorable acceptation and protection of vvhatsoeuer may profite the Church of God I haue also together deliuered to the print for the care I haue of my brethrens health a most notable and christian cōfortable letter vvritten by that notable member of the Church of God in his time M. Edward Dering to a godly christiā gētlewomā by which through the Lordes blessing I must needes confesse to haue gayned muche comfort as also mine hartie desire and hope is that others shall So that vvhile the vncleane and impure Atheistes frozen harted Papistes temporisers carnall Gospellers and infidels shall suppe out the measure of Gods iudgementes to the bottome vve vvell vvarranted in our Christian estate soundly directed in the right vse of the Lordes mysteries by the vvorde preserued in the extremities of sinne and in all lightned to the right application of the grace of Christ shall vvith inuincible constancie runne out the course that is set before vs and patiently vvayte for our deliueraunce euen the comming of our Lorde Iesus Christ of vvhom it is vvritten that he shall appeare the seconde time vvithout sinne to saluation to them that vvayte for him VVhich that vve maye continually do our good God and Father graunt vnto vs by the speciall direction of his holy spirite of sanctification and grace and powre plentifully vpon your Honour those blessings vvhich speciallye concerne the aduauncement of his glory your Honours safetie both in body and
shrinke to looke into our sinnes seeme they neuer so horrible sith the sight of them serueth to shew vnto vs more plainly the greatnesse of the loue of God towards vs in Christe Secondly for their owne greater comfort for the more they see their condemnation by nature so muche more appeareth the loue of God to haue abounded towardes them in their deliueraunce by grace in Christ As it is written So God loued the world that he gaue his onely begotten sonne Qu. Then as you would haue the children of God to looke diligently into their naturall condemnation that is by the law which adiudgeth euery one guyltie of eternall death that continueth not in such absolute and pure obedience as the lawe requireth so you would not that they shoulde staye there An. VVe beholde our sinnes but the better to see the grace of Christ No in no case for then were there no hope of deliuerance for vntil we atteine to him that hath conquered the lawe the law still reigneth ouer vs vnto death as it is written whatsoeuer the lawe saith it saith it to them that are vnder the law c. which no Christian is for Christ is not vnder the lawe Qu. Wherein standeth the deliuerance of Gods chosen from his condemnation that is by the lawe An. Not in the works of the Lawe nor in any childe of man but onely in the free grace of God through Iesus Christe as it is written Rom. 7.24.25 Oh wretched man that I am who shall deliuer mee from this body of death I thank God through Iesus Christ our Lorde Qu. What is the meane of our attayning to this righteousnes of Christ An. Faith in him as it is written This is the will of him that sent me Ioh. 6.40 that whosoeuer seeth the sonne and beleeueth in him hath euerlasting life c. Qu. I remember you said that this faith was the peculier worke of the spirite of Christ and his ordinarie meane to be only the preaching of the Gospell but I pray you wherevpon must this fayth be stayde or grounded for a house without a fountation will not long continue An. Vpon the free promises of Christ A conscience feared with the sighte of Gods iudgementes for sinne muste not deal with the conditionall promises Qu. Why say you free promises An. Because in the gospel are promises with condition of our doing or perfourming which appertaine to the Lawe Qu. What is the triall whether we haue this faith or no for as it is easy to say that we haue it so are there verie fewe or none that do not say so An. We must by the effects learne to knowe the cause whiche woorketh them The tree is knowen by his fruites This iustifiyng faith is a peculier worke of the Spirite of Christe who lurketh no● but reneweth the heart as Christe testified to Nichodemus Ioh. 3.3 saying Except a man be borne againe he can not see the kingdome of God He worketh in vs first He doth not rightly hate others sinnes that loues his owne Rom. 7.23 an hatred and detestation of sinne in all men but especially in our selues As it is written I see an other law in my members rebelling against the lawe of my minde c. Secondly it maketh vs to haue our whole delight and ioye The Lordes vvayes are grieuous to our corruption Rom. 5.1 2. in those thinges which be agreeable to the will of God as it is written being iustified by faith we haue peace with God thorough Iesus Christ our Lorde by whome also we haue accesse into this grace wherein we stande and reioice vnder the hope of the glorie of God c. Thirdly it frameth our liues in obedience to the word as There is no condemnation to them which are in Christe Iesus which walke not after the fleshe Rom. 8.1 but after the spirite And fourthly it worketh effectually in Their imaginations are vayne vvho holde their hope in huggermugger and professe it not in the sight of men Ioh. 15.5 vs that we expresse the same in our liues and conuersations as it is written I am the vine and ye the vranches he that abideth in me and I in him the same bringeth forth muche fruite c. Mat. 7.18 Iames. 2.17 Qu. Now concerning the seconde parte of this examination whiche apperteineth the supper it selfe I pray you what is the Lordes supper An. The Lordes Supper vvhat it is It is a ceremonie instituted by Christ to confirme and manifest our society and communion in his body and blood vntill he come to indgement as appeareth He tooke bread and when he had giuen thankes he brake it and gaue to them saying This is my body whiche is giuen for you doe this in remembrance of me Mat. 26.26 27 28. Likewise also he tooke the cup saying This cup is the new testament in my bloude which is shed for you c. Mar. 14.27 And as oft as thou shalt eate this bread and drinke of this cup thou shall shewe the Lords death till he come 1. Cor. 11.26 Qu. Howe many thinges are to be considered in the supper An. The author the water and the end Qu. Who is the authour of it An. The Lorde Iesus Christ him self as appeareth Mat. 26.26 Mat 14.27 Luk. 22. c. Qu. What thinges are wee taughte by that knowledge namely that Christ is the author of it An. By the maiesty and wisoome of the author is signified vnto vs the excellencie and necessity of the thing Qu. Where must it be ministred An. In the assembly of the faithfull where the word is preached for it is a publike action or deamed for the Churche as may appeare 1. Cor. Now in this that I declare I praye you not that you come together not with profite but with hurt Also when you come together into one place c. Qu. How manie persons are to be considered in this action An. Two The pastor and the people Qu. What is to bee considered of both An. In the pastor or minister is required not onely that he be able but that he do preach the worde of the Lorde before vnto the people Mat. 26.24 for Christ first preached to them of his death and the indgement of God vpon the wicked c. And the Apostles also did the like as appeareth Act. 2.42 and Act. 20.7 Also in the people that they examine them selues For when Christ spake vnto them of the wicked fact of Iudas euery one entred into his selfe and sayd Master is it I Mat. 26.25 Qu. What is needefull for euery one that is willing to receyue the Sacrament aright to consider of An. When in examining him selfe he come to consider of the thing and so to deale with the worde of the Lorde he is especiall to beware of wrong meaning VVrong taking the vvorde is cause of much mischiefe and false gloses of the worde wherein as we