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A03336 A sermon preached at Pauls Crosse the third of March, 1610. By Theophilus Higgons. In testimony of his heartie reunion with the Church of England, and humble submission thereunto. Published by command Higgons, Theophilus, 1578?-1659. 1611 (1611) STC 13456; ESTC S104096 44,137 62

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A SERMON PREACHED at Pauls Crosse the third of March 1610. By Theophilus Higgons In testimony of his heartie reunion with the Church of England and humble submission thereunto Published by Command MICAH 7.8 Reioice not against me ô mine enemie though I fall I shall rise againe when I shall sit in darkenesse the Lord shall be a light vnto me AT LONDON Imprinted by WILLIAM HALL for William Aspley 1611. GEntle Reader whereas in the former impression by reason of importunate haste of the Worke some few faults escaped and especially page 4. l. 22. in this second thou shalt finde them corrected Farewell A SERMON PREACHED AT PAVLS Crosse the third of March 1610. EPHES. 2. vers 4 But God who is rich in mercy through his great loue wherewith he loued vs 5 Euen when we were dead by sinnes hath quickned vs together in Christ by whose grace you are saued 6 And hath raised vs vp together and made vs sit together in the heauenly places in Christ Iesus 7 That he might shew in the ages to come the exceeding riches of his grace through his kindnesse towards vs in Christ Iesus THere is a fourefold condition or estate of Man The first of Innocency the second of Sinne the third of Grace the fourth of Glory The first by creation from God the second by propagation from our Parents the third by regeneration from the Spirit the fourth by reall possession of Heauen Now as the substance of my text leadeth me to entreate peculiarly of the third conditiō or estate which is the state of Grace so the very first word and entrance thereof BVT a discretiue particle directeth me vnto a consideration of our second estate to wit the state of Sinne which the Apostle describeth in this manner 1. And you hath he quickned that were dead in trespasses and sinnes 2. Wherein in times past you walked according to the course of this world and after the Prince that ruleth in the aire euen the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience 3. Among whom we also had our conuersation in times past in the lusts of our flesh in fulfilling the will of the flesh and of the mind were by nature the children of wrath as wel as others It followeth now in my Text But God who is rich in mercy c. This is the connexion and dependency of these wordes Before there was the state of Sin here is the state of Grace the one opposed vnto the other whereby the deformity of the first dignity of the second doth more spectably appeare For in the former we learne what we were by nature corrupted not created nature in the other we learne what we are by grace In the former we behold our owne misery in the second we contemplate the mercy of God In the former we see our captiuity in the second our deliuerance In the former we see our death in sinne in the second our life in Christ Therfore excellently saith our Apostle Where sin abounded there grace abounded much more that as sinne had raigned vnto death so might grace also raigne by righteousnes vnto eternal life through Iesus Christ our Lord Rom. 5 20.21 Thus the state of sinne in time and order is before the state of Grace as the euening was before the morning Gen. 1.5 and the darkenes before the light You were once darkenes but now you are light in the Lord. Ephes 5.8 For some liued without the Law as Gentiles some vnder the Law as Iewes now both are vnder grace But it is one thing to be in grace another thing to be vnder grace Many liue now vnder grace but not in it many liued heretofore in grace but not vnder it For properly to liue in grace is opposed vnto the state of sinne to liue vnder grace is opposed vnto the state of the Law The first is the state of persons who haue grace dwelling in them the second is the state of time wherein grace is offered vnto all Both are ioined heere together in my Text. The state of time we are vnder grace the state of persons wee are in grace so that we are deliuered from the power of the law and of sinne from the condemnation of the first and from the dominion of the second Sin preuaileth not to dominion why we are in grace The Law preuaileth not to condemnation why we are vnder grace And this is the scope of my Text. Wherein there is such amplitude and varietie of matter that plenty it selfe hath made mee poore it being hard to say where and whence I should take the beginning of my discourse as also it is hard to say where I may conclude the same But since the time hath power ouer my thoughts at the least ouer my words and boundeth them within the limits of an houre or two I cannot speake all of a little in my Text as I would therfore I will speake a little of all therein as I may obseruing fiue generall circumstances as they present themselues in order vnto your view The first is the Author of our saluation God or God in Christ For God was in Christ reconciling the world vnto himselfe 2. Cor. 5.19 The second is the causes which mooued God vnto this excellent worke and they are three First Mercy v. 4. not bare mercy but with an addition rich in mercie Secondly Loue and that not a naked loue but with an addition great loue Thirdly Grace iv 5. not simply grace also but with an addition exceeding riches of his grace v. 7. And here with this motiue or cause I will ioine the effect also by grace you are saued The third is the persons or subiect vpon which the benefits are conferred Vs. Wherein you may obserue First the extension of the subiect to wit Iewes and Gentiles both included therein Secondly the condition dead in sinne The fourth is the benefits bestowed vpon vs and they are three First viuification of the spirit Hee hath quickned vs together in Christ vers 5. Secondly resurrection of soule and body He hath raised vs vp together vers 6. Thirdly Session of both in heauen He hath made vs sit together in the heauenly places in Christ Iesus The Fifth and last is the end and finall cause of all this happinesse towards vs and indulgence from God That he might shew in the ages to come the exceeding riches of his grace through his kindnes towards vs in Christ Iesus First of the Author THe Author of our saluation is he that is the author of our creation GOD. Non est qui reficiat nisi qui fecit saith S. Bernard None can make vs good of euill but hee that made vs something of nothing It is he that in my creation dedit me mihi gaue me vnto my selfe by creating me after his owne image It is he that in my Redemption dedit se mihi gaue himselfe vnto me by redeeming mee with his owne bloud But you must vnderstand that this
may behold and hate the turpitude and deformity of sinne from this one effect that it putteth vs in the state of dead men as S. Paul speaketh of the widow liuing in pleasure shee is dead euen while she liueth A spirituall death in a naturall life Thou hast a name saith God vnto the church of Sardis Apocal. 3.1 that thou liuest but thou art dead And so J may say vnto a sinful man it is but a name a shadow of life which thou hast for thogh thy body liue by thy soule yet thy soule liueth not by grace and consequently thou art separated from GOD the author and fountaine of thy life Thus a sinner is farre from God and God is farre from a sinner the first in grace the second in mercy But from whom God is farre in mercy he is neer in iustice for their destruction sleepeth not 2. Pet. 2.3 So much of the second motiue or cause to wit the great loue of God wherewith he loued vs when we were dead in sinne Now ensueth the third and last namely GRACE for so it followeth by grace you are saued Whereof I will intreat as briefly as I can It may be a question why Not before is now turned into Vos Before he said God loued vs to wit Iewes and Gentiles Now he saith You are saued to wit the Gentiles The answere is Though Iewes and Gentiles haue a common right in Christ yet the right of the Iewes was more singular then ours and in order at the least before ours by reason of their priuiledges as I shewed you before Whence it is that our Sauiour himselfe testifieth in this manner I am not sent saue to the lost sheepe of the house of Israel Math. 15.24 Likewise he gaue his commission vnto his disciples Goe not into the way of the Gentiles but goe rather vnto the lost sheepe of the house of Israel Math. 10.5.6 Conformable whereunto is the testimony of Saint Paul vnto the vngratefull Iewes It was necessary that the word of God should first haue been spoken vnto you but seeing you put it from you and iudge your selues vnworthy of eternall life loe wee turne vnto the Gentiles c. Whereupon the Gentiles glorified God and receiued the Gospell with great alacrity of heart that so it might bee verified which the Prophet declared long before Reioice ô barren that didst not beare breake forth into ioy and reioyce thou that didst not trauaile with child for the desolate hath more children then the married wif● Esay 54.1 Specially therefore the Gentiles were saued by grace But by what grace There is the grace of God toward vs which respecteth vs as the obiects of it there is the grace of God in vs which respecteth vs as the subiects of it So that we are in the first grace the second grace is in vs. It is the first therefore not the second by which we are saued For we are not saued by the grace of God wrought within vs by his Spirit but shewed vnto vs in his Son You are saued by grace that is by the free and voluntary fauour of God the Father in Iesus Christ his Sonne For the grace of which S. Paul doth here speake is referred vnto God euen the Father howsoeuer our translation supplying some words which are not in the originall seemeth to refer it vnto the Son But the matter is not great For this grace is equally in all the persons but originally in the Father exhibitiuely in the Son by whom and in whom the Father hath declared his mercy loue and grace To proceed then We are saued by grace What by grace only We are saued by Christ by faith by hope by grace By all these but in a different manner By Christs death as the only meritorious cause by Faith as the proper instrumentall meanes by Hope Rom. 8.24 as sustaining our expectation of things to come by Grace as mouing God If therefore the question bee as it is properly in this place what was the first motiue of our saluation The answere is The grace of God For as the end of our saluation is his glory so the beginning of it is his grace Our election to life is free our vocation inwardly by the spirit outwardly by the word is free our iustification by the bloud of Christ is free our sanctification by the holy Ghost is free finally our glorification in heauen is free also as Fulgentius obserueth very well Datur ex gratia non solùm iustificatis vita hona sed etiam glorificatis vita aeterna Not only a good life vnto them who are iustified but also eternall life vnto them who are glorified is giuen freely and by the grace of God Not of works lest any man should boast himselfe Ephes 2.9 This is the argument vpon which S. Paul doth spend a great part of his Epistles this is the thing which he doth euery where inforce to wit the grace of God in Iesus Christ O S. Paul S. Paul Vas misercoridiae tuba gratiae the vessell of mercy and the trumpet of grace For in none was the mercy of God more expressed then in thee and in none was his grace more exalted then by thee And this he doth not to destroy actum operis but opinionem meriti not the performance of good works but the opinion of merit thereby and specially the merit of Condignity which the Church of Rome defendeth precisely in this sense to wit that after the first iustification by Christ the second being by works as they teach a man being in state of grace may performe and some doe performe such good works as in their owne worth and proper value deserue eternall life This they call merit of Condignity But this is an indignitie to God a disgrace to his grace and blasphemy against his honour More truely saith our Apostle Non sunt condignae c. the afflictions of this present life are not worthie of the glory which shall bee shewed vnto vs Rom. 8.18 Neither our actions nor our passions can deserue the same And I pray you marke the opposition in this behalfe SVNT they are worthy saith the Church of Rome NON SVNT they are not worthy saith S. Paul Away away with merit let vs establish the grace of God which is more honourable vnto him and more comfortable vnto vs. But J leaue the prosecution heereof and after a brief reflexion vpon that which is already past I will proceed vnto the residue of my text First then concerning the Mercy of God Trust in it Trust in it onely Trust in it euer Trust in it without diffidence for in the mercies of the most High you shall not miscarrie Psalm 21.7 Trust in it onely without any other plea. We doe not present our supplications before thee for our owne righteousnesse but for thy great tender mercies Dan. 9.18 Trust in it euer without wearinesse for his compassions faile not Lam. 3.22 As the oyle did not cease till there
am confined vnto his Loue therfore I will speake particularly of it He hath an immanent loue dwelling in him so he loueth himselfe by the necessity of his nature He hath a transient loue proceeding from him and so he loueth his creatures some more some lesse by the liberty of his will He hath a generall loue vnto all for all are his creatures the works of his own hands He hath a speciall loue vnto some according as his Image in respect of their substance is stamped in them and as his likenesse in respect of their qualities is represented in them For likenesse is the cause of loue So then God loueth vs as his creatures but more as men He loueth vs as men but more as elected He loueth vs as elected but more as iustified And this loue which he beareth vnto vs as actually iustified by Christ hee declareth more in his work of our sanctification by the Spirit Finally the more holy wee are the more hee loueth vs. Whereupon S. Augustine doth excellently obserue tract in Ioh. that God loueth the Humanity of Christ more then any man because it was full of grace and truth Ioh. 1.14 If therefore we will obtain and retain the loue of God we must be as he is conforming our wils vnto the obedience of his will and be like vnto him in all things merciful as he is mercifull louing as he is louing gratious as hee is gratious yea perfect as he is perfect Math. 5 48. Not by adequation that is beyond our power but by imitation that is our dutie Be holy for I am holy Leuit. 11.44 In the second place As before this loue in God was a speciall and not a generall loue so here it is not a little but a great loue For he is a great God and a great King aboue all Gods Psal 95.3 Likewise his loue is great aboue all loues Therefore the vulgar readeth it thus propter nimiam charitatem for his ouer much loue In truth it is ouer much beyond our desert and beyond our comprehensiō too For what loue shal I compare vnto his loue The loue of a WOMAN It is great indeed but yet the loue of Ionathan vnto Dauid was greater then it Thy loue to mee was wonderfull yea passing the loue of women 2. Sam. 1.26 The loue of a MOTHER Here is a greater degree then in the former but yet this loue is not so certaine and infallible as Gods loue Can a woman forget her child and not haue compassion vpon the sonne of her wombe If they should forget as some may be yea some haue beene so vnnaturall yet will not I forget thee saith God vnto his disconsolate and afflicted Sion Esay 49.15 Therefore till you canne find whom you may compare with God you shall find no loue to bee compared with his loue But now to come vnto the third point As the loue of God was commended before from the quantity thereof it beeing a great loue so it is yet further commēded from the obiect thereof Vs. Who Iewes and Gentiles Of what condition or estate Dead in sinne This was * Pag. 5. designed by me to be the third generall circumstance of my Text but I will intreat of it here because I am so happily inuited thereunto his great loue wherewith hee loued vs when wee were dead by sinnes First I will consider the Obiect it selfe Vs which in extension doth include both Iew and Gentile Secondly the quality thereof dead in sinne or by sinnes And first of the Obiect Vs. O blessed S. Paul Quid tibi nobis what hast thou to doe with vs It was thy priuiledge not ours to say They the Iewes are Hebrewes so am I they are Israelites so am I they are the seede of Abraham so am I 2. Cor. 11.22 But so were not we the Gentiles What is the reason then thou shouldest here include thy selfe in this extensiue particle vs The reasons are many but specially three The first is the charity of S. Paul For the voice of Faith is EGO I with an appropriation vnto our selues Faith draweth the circūference of Gods promises vnto the center of our hearts But the voice of Charity is Not we with a communication vnto all Therfore it is one note of charity assigned by S. Paul 1. Cor. 13.5 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 it seeketh not her own things Secondly the speciall interest of S. Paul in the Gentiles whose Apostle he was by way of excellency and prerogatiue aboue all others He is a chosen vessell vnto me to beare my name before the Gentiles Act. 9.15 Thirdly our communion in Christ For now the stop of partition-wall was broken downe Ephes 2.14 Now there was one shephard and one sheepfold Ioh. 10.16 Now God had perswaded Iaphet to dwell in the tents of Shem Gen. 9.27 So that now there was no difference no distinction as our Apostle diuinely saith There is neither Iew nor Grecian there is neither bond nor free there is neither male nor female for you are all one in Christ Iesus Galath 3.28 Why then should one nation despise another or why should one man contemne an other For as we are all one by nature in the first Adam so we are all one by grace in the second The nobility of stocke the antiquity of descent the abundance of wealth the excellency of wit the comelinesse of bodie finally no externall glory of temporal things maketh a difference or an acception of persons in the sight of God Now to proceede vnto our owne vnworthinesse whereby the worth of Gods loue is amplified be we Iewes or be we Gentiles great was the loue of God which was extended either to the one or other As for the Iewes the whole course of the old Scriptures doth so demonstrate their ingratitude and rebellion against God that it must needs be a singular extraordinarie loue in him to vouchsafe them any grace or fauour at all For instance I remit you vnto the 78. Psalme where the Prophet Dauid doth illustrate the benignitie of God by the iniquitie of this people to wit how hee brought them out of Egypt by a miraculous power diuided the sea for their protection brought water out of the stonie rocks for their consolation went before them in a cloud for their direction yet they sinned still against him and prouoked the Highest in the wildernesse verse 17. Notwithstanding hee rained downe Manna vpon them he rained flesh also vpon them as dust yet for all this they sinned still and beleeued not his wondrous works vers 32. Notwithstanding he forgaue their iniquitie and restrained his anger from them vpon their submission vnto him yet they returned and tempted God and limited the holy one of Israel vers 41. Notwithstanding he cast out the Heathen before them to receiue them into their inheritance yet they tempted and prouoked the most high God and kept not his testimonies vers 56. But as for vs Gentiles what could we plead We