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cause_n faith_n grace_n justify_v 4,538 5 8.7378 4 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A19475 Andrewes resolution To returne vnto God by repentance. Directed vnto all the elect children of God, which truly repent, perfectly guiding them in the right way therein. Right godly to reade, as delightfull to heare, but most profitable to be practised. Newly published by Iohn Andrews, minister and preacher of the word. Andrewes, John, fl. 1615. 1621 (1621) STC 590; ESTC S115929 11,699 58

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grieue for thy sin especially for that it is against God and causeth thee to breake his Lawes for if thou couldst bee sorry for thy sin because it is against God more then for fear of punishment it were a good signe that thou wert in the ready way of Repentance Wherefore if there were no shame nor punishment no Hell nor damnation yet thou oughtest to repent because thou hast sinned against so good and gracious a God who hath created and redeemed thee Sixthly Faith is the ground or roote of Repentance FAith may be added vnto Repentance not as a part but as the ground or roote thereof for it cannot bée that the roote and the fruit should bée both one thing and without Faith there can neuer be any true Repentance therefore they are still ioyned together To cleare this doubt thou must consider three things First the order of Nature secondly the time thirdly the manifestation of them both In order of nature faith goeth before Repentance in manifestation of them repentance is first in time they are both ioyned together By order of nature first a mās cōscience must in some sort bée setled touching his reconciliation with God in Christ before he can truely repent As S. Ambrose saith No man can rightly repent vnlesse he hope for pardon So that remission of sins is beleeued then vpon that comes Repentance By manifestation Repentāce goeth before faith for it is sooner descried then faith Regeneration is like the sap of a trée hid within the barke when as Repentance is like the bud that spéedily sheweth it selfe If wee respect the time neither of them are one before the other but are begotten both in an instant So soone as there is fire so soone it is hot and so soone as a man is regenerate so soone hee repents for he that beleeues instantly repents Therefore none can truly repent except hee beleeues that he is Gods And none can haue beleefe but hee that hath his grace and faith in him Furthermore none can repēt vnlesse they hate sin and faith causeth a man to hate sin now none can hate sin except he be sanctified and none can be sanctified without hee be iustified and this cannot be without faith for faith comprehendeth iustification Againe the inward or instrumentall cause of Repentance is faith which may be called the mother of repētance because it brings it forth as the Word is the begetter and so may haue the name of a Father for he that is without faith is dead No life without faith no repētance without life therfore neither y e Pharisies Prayer the Harlots vow the Traitors kisse the Sacrifice of Caine the Fast of Iezabell the Oblation of Ananias nor the Teares of Esau could bee accepted of God because they were not truly deuoted from a liuely faith Lastly the efficiēt or principall working cause of faith in thy repentance is God wherby by faith euery true beleeuer receiueth Christ for himselfe as giuen for him borne for him dying for him and rose againe for him for hee dyed for his sins and rose againe for his iustification And to conclude repentance separated from faith in Christ is no true Repentance And thus much concerning Faith Lastly the time when to repent MAN hath no time of repentance certaine no tearme of yeares but tearme of life and that is most vncertaine Though God called Saul twice Samuel thrice his Spouse foure times the Nineuites forty dayes and the Iewes forty yeares yet hee giues vs no time to repent but to repent now The time of repētance is y e time present without delay as y e holy Ghost teacheth This day if you will heare his voice harden not your hearts for there is but one acceptable time w t being neglected is as a Bird escaped out of the hand or a shaft shot out of a bow not to be recalled At what time saith the Lord. The Lord limits no time if a man repent truly The time of repentance is double First it must be done presētly without delay Secondly continually euery day It must bee done spéedily without delay for who knows whether this bee the acceptable time which if thou neglect when God calls thée in thy youth or in thy health it may be he will not call thee hereafter in thy age or sicknesse and the longer thou doest defer thy repentance the harder it will be for thée to repent Therefore if thou hast suffered the bud of thy youth to be blasted thy flower to fade thy leaues to dry vp and thy boughes to wither yet kéepe life in the roote lest the whole become fuell for hell fire Be not like those w t begin not to liue vntil they be ready to dy then after a foes desert com to craue of God afrends enternainmēt Nor thinke to snatch vp heauen in a moment which the best can scarce attaine vnto in many yeares or iumpe from Diues diet to Lazarus Crowne that is from the seruice os Sathan to the solace of Saints O Beloued Heauen is not to bée gained so easily The theefe indéede may be saued on the Crosse and mercy found at the last but late repentance is seldome or neuer true repentance For if a man repent when he can sin no more then hée leaues not sinne but sinne leaues him Looke in the whole book of God there is but onely one and that was that good thiefe that truely repented at the houre of his death and who knoweth whether hee had repented before or no we reade nothing to the contrary yet howsoeuer Ille vt nullus desperet solus vt nullus praesuma● He is left vnto vs for an example that no man shold despaire he only that no man should presume Oh therefore if thou wouldest bee free from this doubt auoyd the vncertainty repent whilst thou art in good health take time whilst it is offered thee for time and tyde stayeth for no man Common experience teacheth vs that tempus est pretiosum breue et irreuocabile time is precious short and irreuocable which can neuer bee redeemed and withall consider Qui non est hodie cras minus aptus erit hee that is not ready to repent to day will be lesse ready to morrow it may be God hath appointed this day to be the end of thy life Oh therefore alwayes so liue that thou bee euer prepared to dye remember the saying of Chrysostom The wicked saith he haue this punishment in dying they forget themselues because in their life time they forgate God And on thy death-bed if thou shouldest deferre thy repentance vntill then it may be thou wilt be wearied with dolour and paine thy thoughts may bee amazed and thy memory decayed But thy guiltie conscience burthened with sinne that would continually accuse thee and the Deuill w t all his cursed caitiues will bee there in a readinesse to perswade thee to despaire with their vasa furoris their vessels of fury to attend require their hire for