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cause_n faith_n grace_n justify_v 4,538 5 8.7378 4 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A07453 A sermon exhorting to pitie the poore Preached the. xv. of Nouember. Anno. 1571. at Christes Churche in London. By Henry Bedel uicar there, which treatise may well be called The mouth of the poore. Bedel, Henry, fl. 1571. 1573 (1573) STC 1784; ESTC S113208 17,386 41

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¶ A Sermon exhorting to pitie the poore Preached the .xv. of Nouember Anno. 1571. at Christes Churche in London By Henry Bedel Vicar there which treatise may well be called THE MOVTH of the poore ¶ Imprinted at London by Iohn Awdely To the Christian Reader VVHere as some for the trial of their wyttes and proofe of knowledge are mooued to pen their studies trauels which they do most exquisitely and others for the benefit of their country some tyme of their own labours set forth bookes and some of other mens workes in our mother toung do open the meanyng and all I trust to Gods glory and the furtherance of knowledge Euen so I not of my selfe moued by any worthynes I know in my selfe neither to purchase prayse of men for this my dede is nothing praise worthy to me for if ought be fauty that is to me due and if any thing be to purpose that was is Gods worke in me haue laboured as farre as memorie might teache neither addyng nor deminishing to or from the wordes I spake in the pulpet to write and pen somwhat for rhe help of the poore VVhich the rather I haue done for that then I was requyred by my friend so to do VVhich purpose or sum of matter though of an other it might be more excellently done then of me it is in this treatise done yet thinking that all men wil consider my god hart and well meaning to the poore it made me the more bolde to enterprise thys matter to further their poore estate that want and so to put in print those rude wordes that then by preaching I spake And thus hopyng that al men wyll accept my sylly good wyll in this my labour vnto which I may speake as Ouid did Vade sed in cultus I leaue the succes vnto God of this paynes I haue taken as wel touching my selfe as also for the poore for whom I haue spoken H. B. ¶ A Sermon preached in Christes Hospitall at London PSALME XLI ¶ Blessed is he that considereth the poore and needy the Lord shall deliuer hym in the tyme of trouble FOr as muche as God hath placed hys Children here in thys world for the triall of their patience and proofe of fayth and for thys cause hath mixed the poore with the ritch placing some in pouerty not that he could not make them ritche but geuing them pouerty to trye their pacience enritching other some not that they should trust in their ritches as by hys Prophet he saith If ritches rise set not thy hart theron but geuyng them ritches to trye their fayth whether they wyll serus God through and by faith that woorketh by loue or els serue Mammon by keeping of him in secret knowing also the iustifiyng faith as S. Paul sayth is that that worketh by loue Which loue is especially expressed in ministering to the necessity of the Saints and our poore brethren as the same Paule affirmeth Therefore also doth Dauid for his part by these wordes as much as he can trauel to bring vs to that purpose of faith to shaw our loue to the poore when in these wordes he saith Blessed is he that considereth the poore and the needy As the tree is knowen to be good or bad by none other waies then by his fruites so the faithfull not by his wordes but by his exercises is knowen in beleuing and woorkyng the thinges that belong to faith Therefore our Sauiour saith Not al that say Lord but they that do the wyl of my Father who willeth amongst many thinges that this should be one namely to consider the poore and the néedy For us the vnsauery salte that looseth his saltnes is not fyt to season but to be cast as reprobate and nought in the hye wayes to be trode vnder foote so is that faith dead that hath no exercises in the way of loue to remēber the poore as James saith Faith if it haue not her exercises in her self the is dead I speake not this as if a man should suppose that he that wanting faith that teacheth to worke cannot be iustified hauing the same faith now geuen that hereafter wold work as we see in children that haue not wrought yet iustified by faith that is lyuely in them and would haue wrought if they had lyued As also in the théefe that neuer wrought be cause he wanted that faith by which now he is iustified wherby he would haue wrought if he had lyued Therefore doth faith onely iustifie in them that are preuented that they cannot worke according to the same therefore Grace maketh them frée But to others that haue time and therin also the iustifiyng fayth they haue the frutes of the same Neither do I speake thus as if God nedeth our workes or giftes who geueth vnto vs first and that with plenty and casteth no mā in the téeth nor I speake not to the end that we should so worke as to thinke our selues iustified therin beyng as our Maister sayth vnprofitable seruantes when we haue done all we can do geuing out nothing but what we haue receiued as S. Paul saith But this exercise of faith to geue to the poore is required of vs to satisfie our bounden deutye not for merite but in dutie because the poore are left amongst vs for this cause as Christ saith Ye shall haue the poore alwayes with you Which poore for vs as the ritch for them are left wherof S. Augustine faith Propter diuites sunt pauperes that is the poore are for the ritch mans sake which are to be considered as poore and needye euen as Dauid deth teach vs well But to ariue to my purpose these wordes of the Prophet contain two profitable notes The first to teach vs to respect the poore and needy as becommeth the faithfull Secondly to consider the promise that is annexed therto And of these I wyl speake by Gods grace seuerally First concernyng the respect and care of the poore al be it that Dauid doth note it wel in this Psalme yet to the better satisfying of so necessarye a deutye that by the mouth of many witnesses we maye the more spéedely be brought to the credite of the same let vs heare the course of the scriptures and learne our dutye forth of them How earnestlye doth God call vpon vs to remēber the poore by his seruant Salomen as we reade in the Prouerbes wher he saith He that despyseth his neyghbour synneth against hys Maker but he that hath pyty on the poore hee shall be blessed He woulde not haue vs hard harted agaynste the poore our fellow seruauntes to saye to them Go thy way thou straunger God send thee thou straunger meate drinke and clothing as Syra●●e saith Nor ●e would not haue vs to be disquieted with the crye of the poore to stop our eares against them and therefore sayth He that stoppeth his eare at the crye of the