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A10174 A shorte declaration of the lives and doctrinde [sic] of the Protestants and puritans vvher by one of independent iudgment may knovv the holinesse of their religion. Griffin, George Augustus, attributed name. 1615 (1615) STC 20451; ESTC S106114 88,828 192

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which spring out from that lawe of Iustice giuen by God residedt in the fouse Hovv the Protestants abolish and vuull that ordinance of God vvherby vve ●re cōmanded to praie for grace and Remission of sinnes to Establish their fals Religion and Iustification by only faith Chap. LXVI THE Protestants teach all that the grace of Iustification vvhereby the man is formally Iust is no gifte of grace reident in the soule of man but only the Iustce of Christ Appreheoded by their faith as they alleadge in Christ as vve haue shevven else vvhere before They teach also that the Efficient cause of their Iustification putteth nothing really vvith in the man but is only an action resident in God vnhereby he accepteth them in his sauoura and friendshipe for the only respect of their faith in Christ Thridly they teach that no man is to be Esteemed to be one of the faithfull but such as beleeue vndoubtedly that theey are receiued in the fauour of God vvith remission of sinnes for their faith in Christ Fourthly it is taught by them that they are al 's certen of their Iustifiication and saluation as they are certen that Christ is the sonne of God and that such as vvill not beleeue his ovven Iustification and saluation as he beleoueth Christ to be the sonne of God not to be Esteemed as a faithfull Christian but an Infidell and likevvise that faith is the only true Iustifiing faith vvhereby they beleeue them selues as certenly to be Iustified that is to be receiued in the fauour and grace of God vvith remission of their sinne of God For probation of this point Martiuus Bucerus a Domiean frier Master to Ihon Caluin as Caluin vauntetr him selfe in Colloquio Ratisbonefi vvritteth that his faith makeeth him as certen of his Iustification and saluation as it maketb him cert●n that Christ is God or the sonne of God and that such as beleeue not the one as cerrenly as the other is not to be Esteemed one of the faithull Caluin his Discple lib. 3. Inst cap 2. seci 19. thus vvritth to the same purpose Saying vere fidelis non est no mam is to be accoundted truiy faitfull but such as are truly persuaded that God is both a mercifull and bounuifull Father vnto him and that the benignititie of God and likvvise have such a confidence in the promises of Gods beneuolence that he may account him selfe most certen of an Infallible Expectation of Saluation Kemnit●us in Examen concil Tridant Sesse 6. cap. 12. reproteheth the vniuersall councell of Trent because the said councell teacheth vs that no man can be certen of his Iustification and saluation vvithout an speciall Reuelation of God vvhere he holdeth the contrarie that ech faithfull Christian should hold him selfe certen of his Iustification and saluation Petrus Mattire in his cōment in the 8. to the Romuines doth Auoch the same· Luther also in assert Art 10.2.12 Melanch then his Disciple in Tit· de fide et in Apoleg confess August Art 4. et d 9. doe all affirme this doctrine of the Certaintie of Iustincation and Saluaton because the Puritant affirme this doctrine of the certaintie of Iustification and saluation more boldly then the Protestants I haue put the Puritans in Rancke before the Protestants Novv considering that these Puritans and Protestanas are alse certen of their Iustification and Saluation by their Iustifiing faith as they are certen that Christ is God or the sonne of God I vvold a●ke at them vvhefore they praie God more for the the Remission of their sinnes then they doe praie him to send his sonne for the Redemption of the vvorld beholding also that they beleeue their sinnes to be as truly remitted vnto them as they beleeue Christ alreadie to be send for the Redemption ef the vvorld They haue no more Reason to praie for the Remission of their sinnes vvhich are alreadie remitted by only faith then they haue to praie God for the Redemption of the vvorld because he is alreadie send by God the father for this same respcet Therefore as it is a Blasphemie to praie God to send his Sonne for the Redermption of the vvorld because God the Father hath send him alreadie for the same respect as the holy Scripture and Araickles of our faith doe m● Euidently declare vnto vs. as so it must be Ablasphemio and point of Infidebie to them to praie God for the remission of their sinne vvhich they haue alreadie obtained by their faith in Christ because their sinnes are alreadie remitt d by the blood of Christ as it maketh them certen that God the Father hath send his Sonne for the Redemption of the vvorld Thus you see good Reader hovv the Purieans can not praie God for the Remission of sinnes vnlasse they blaspheme God according to their ovven doctrine yf it be true vuhich they affirme by their cōmon doctrine reciteh aboue that their faith maketh them al 's cerien that their sinnes are remitted as they are certen that Christ is the Sonne of God and alreadie send for the Redemption of the vvorld Scondly praier is a Godlie vvorke and painefull Action of the bodie as vvhen the Prophete Dauid said my ●hroai● is become heare vvhilst I did cray to o Lord all the day long ●fal and as vvhen our Lord did vvatch the vvhole night long Therefore vvhen any man obtaineth grace and Remission of sinns by humble and puinefull praier as the publicane did luc 10 10 14 they must confesse that a man is Iustified by good vvorkes and not by only faith yf they vvill say as they doe in deede that all such as are Iustified obtaine grace and Remission of sinnes by only faith in the blood of Iesus Christ and non by any painefull vvorke of praier then they must confesse that all praiers offred vp to God for grace and Remission of sinnes are spent in vaine because that men doe neuer obtaine grace and Remission of sinnes by pracer offred vp to God but only by faith in the blood of Christ so they must likivvise confesse that Christ the ●onne of God hath cōmanded vs to praie for the Remission of sinnes in vaine vvhen be teacheth vs to praie in this as hion for giue vs our trespasses as vvee foregine them ●at trespasse against vs Mat. 6.12 ●hus you see hovv their faith and Religion can not stand ●ith the ordinance of God vvhereby vvee are cōmanded to praie for grace and Reuission of sinnes but either they must say that their Iustifiing faith is a lying faith vvhen rhey affirme that men doe obtaine grace and Remission of sinnes by it only or then that the ordinance of God vvhereby vvee are cōmanded to praie for the Remission of sin̄es is vaine and to no purpose because men as they say do● neuer obtaine remission of sinnes by prayer offred vp to God but by faith only vvherefore to say that the ordinance of God vvhereby vve are cōmanded to pray God for grace and Remiss●on of sinnes is in vaine and to no purpose is an open blafphemie against the vvisdome of God vvho can neither doe or cōmand any thing in vaine but all to seme purpose therefore vvee must say that the only Iustifiing faith of the Protestans it a falfe lyiuh faith and directly against rhe holy Scripture and ordinance of God vvee are cōmanded to praie for grace and Remission of sinnes vvhich things are obtained from God not only by true faith in Christ but also by humble prayer the feare of God penitence and other suchlike vertues and not by only faith Thrtdly to praie God to doe the thing vvhich he hath alreadie done as yf man vvold praie God to bring him saue and sound not of his mothers vvombe after he is alreadie borne is no vvorrhipe of God but Iesting and Scofflng of his diuine Maister So vvhen the Protestant desireth God by his prayer Iustifie him remite his sinnes and make him his Childe by ihe grace of adoption vvhich things God fath in Christ according to his ovven doctrin vvhat can such praier be but Iusting and Scoffing of God to craue againe from him that thing in his praier vvhich God hath alreadie giuen to him before for the respect of his faith Yf a poore man after that he hath receiued an hundreth Crovvnes from a Prince deliuered to him in his Right hand vvold hold out his left hand aganine and request Prince to giue him that same hundreth Crovvnes in his left hand vvhich he hade receiued before in his Right hand vvold not the Prince haue lust occasion to say to such a one vvhat meaneth your Impudencie to bold out your lefte hand and Craue from me the 100. Crovvnes vvhich I did deleeuer vnto you in your Right hand vvhen you did beleeue me to be a liberall Prince before so God may Iustly sav vnto the Protestants vvhen the praier God for grace and Remission of sinnes vvhat misbeleefe and Infidelitie is this in you to craue grace and Remssion of sinnes from me in your pra●ere consideing that yeu boue alread obtained these things from me before for the respect of your faitb in the blood of Christ vvhich vvas shedde for the Remission of your sinnes Yf you be Certen that your sinnes are temitued by fyith vvhy Craue you then Remission of them by praier yf you thinke to obtaine Remission of them by praier then you must b●leeue they are not remittaed by only faith in Christ So their Iustifioation by only faith and praying for Remission of sinnes can not stand together Considering then that Iustification by only faitf and praying for Remission of sinnes can not stand together vvee must foresaike the Iustification by only faith vvhich is the doctrine of Protestants and Embrace the praying so Remission of sinnes vvhich is the ordinance of God and doctrine of Christ as a true meane to obtaine grace and Remission of sinnes FINIS APPROBATION LIbrum hunc Anglica Sermone conscriptum nihil continere quod alieni sit à fide Catholica testimonio doctrinum prorumque hominum eiusdem nationis accesermur Dactum Rothomagi Februarij 1615. Signe GVTION Vicarij Generalie
Deuill in the shape of a blacke ●ogge meete him passing through Italie with a Pursefull of Gold hanging at his Necke which he take from Sathan So by the helpe of Sathan he did continue in his apostussie and heresie of our New Gospel to his liues end Nicol Burne in his disputation against the the Ministers of Scotland cap. 34. pag. 175. for good angells did neuer aeare in the shape of Doggs or Basts as the Deuills haue done seuerall times as wee Read in the liues of holy Saincts but in the shape of men Genes 18 2.19.5 Iosue 5.13 OF vellax one of the first Preachours of this nevve Gospel in Scotland CHAP. X. This willox was a Necromancer as Nico● Burne reporteth whose sonne did reais● the Deuill Doctour to the Ministers of Scotland in Arthurs seate not farrie frō Edinbrugh where first they did Preach their Gospell Burne i● his disputation against the Ministers of Scotland CHAP. 21. OF Paul Mephen an other of the first Cospellers of Scotlan● CHAP. XI This Paul Mephen was a man more like crue● Souldier a man of warre armed with h● Pistles as the Ministers of France weree the then like one of the simple Aposthes of Christ man whole consecrated to venus Game feedin● of his belly God nowisi adorned with Chasti● and sobrietie which are the cheefe ornaments 〈◊〉 the true Desciples of Christ Burne Ibide● Chap. 22. fol. 102. OF M. Iames Lavvsonne CHAP. XII MAsteer Iames Lousonne Menister of Edinbrugh being banished for conspiracie against the Kings Maiestie did make his finall end in dispaire Incalling Sathan for his helpe with foresaiking of God OF Deane Adaam heriote CHAP. XIII DEane Adame heriote Chanon and Renegate Priest fominh at the mouth did fall doune in the streete where he did walke that he hade not so much time guen to him by God as to cry for mercy and grace for remession of his sinnes OF Reader in the Church of Edinbrugh called Drūmond CHAP. XIIII AN Reeder in the Church of Edinbrugh called Drūmond Alias Doctour Handie being sette vp in the Chocks for punition of his riotousnesse and abusing of bodie with weemen at the Marcat Crosse of Edinbrugh he did stobbe kill him selfe to the deatd before all the people to the Imitation of Iudas which did hing him selfe after he hade betrayed his Master Christ OF Ihon Coynsse Reader in the same Church CHAP. XV. IHon Coynesse Reeder in the Church of Edinbrugh in Reading the praiers one day did suddenly cry out with a loud voece I am condemned after such desperate words being caried home to his house and admonished that he did not know well what he hade saide but to haue recourse to the mercies of God he answered that he did know very well what he hade saide and that mercies doore wesshute vp from him and he did end this mortall life the Imataion of Iudas M. Thomas hebron Minister and Necromancer CHAP. XVI Master Thomas hehron Menister and Necromancer in East Lawdian a litle be fore the houre of his death seated in a Chaire in the Church yarede at his owen dsire was suddenly killed by a horrible Tampst which made th● Church to shake in such fashion that it was neereby ouerthrowed to the ground This was the du● rewarde which he did receiue from Sathan hi● Mister for hus suruice made in a false Religon OF M. Thomas Ramsay Minister of S. Androvves CHAP. XVII MAster Thomas Ramsay Minister of Androwes did suffer that publicke sham● in the time of his Preaching before all the peopl● that his face did tourne in his necke to the Imitation of Sir Ihon Knox likewise he did openly pro●fesse that Knox their false Apostle was prim● Genitus Diaboli that him selfe was secundo ●atus a litle after he did yeelde vp his furthast ●reath in dispaire to the Imitation of Iudas pro●itor to Christ OF M. George Hay parsone of Raphen CAAP. XVIII MAster George Hay Person of Raphen being altogether dedicated to his gluttonie ●nd dronknesse as the most pairt of Minister ●re which is the dayly seruice of their belly God ●o confirme this New Religion with a Miracle ●orrespondent to the same he did suddtuly giue ●p the Ghost in discharging his belly vpon the ●acks to the Imitation of olde heretique arriue which did deny the diuinitiie of Christ as the Puritans doe when they make Christ a the Priest ●n his diuenitie as will as in humanite for so or must be a God Inferior to his Father not Equall with him in deitie when he offreth vp hōnour ●omage seruice and Sacrifice to the Father and ●onsequently as a poore creature because there ●au not be a true God but one OF M. Patrike Lindsay Minister of kelly in Angus CHAP. XIX MAster Patrike Lindsay Minister of Kelly in Anguse at the houre of his death did cry ●ut with words of desperation that he was perpe●ualie condāned to hell fire who being admonc●shed of the Brethdren that he should desist from such words of desperation for so much as these words wold cause great slaunder to the Religion and wold moue the people to like the worse of the same when they should see the Ministers thereof to die them selues in dispaire he answered that they were alse surely condamned as he was and yf he hade knowen before that Sathan should haue hade such power in the world as he did know him to haue at that time amongst the Ministers that he should neuer haue trubled him selfe to haue serued Christ in this new Religon as he did in former times thus he did goe hence in dispiare to the Imitation of Iudas proditnr to Christ for Euen as Iudas did betray Christ deliuiring him with a kesse to the Iewes so the Protestants and Puritane betray Christ in abolishing his hōonu● true worshipe and Relgion to Establish thei● heresies vnder pretnce of true faith in Christ thi● is likewise one of the chiefest causes wherefor● calum did loose his life being ouerwhelmed in the horrible Gulfe of deepe dispaire OF M. Dauid Blacke minister of kelly in Aagus CHAP. XX. MAstster Daued Blacke Minister of Kell● in Angus after the foresaide Patrek● Lindsay drinking at the wine in dundie and hau●ing the cupe at his lipps yet before he could ta● of the same God did sumond him to compeare before the fearefull Iudgment heb 9.27 by dea● which did beraue him so suddenly of this mortall ●ife that he did obtaine not so much time space from God as to cry for mercy and grace with ●emission of his sinnes Therefore lette vs not followe the Example of the Ministers which are 〈◊〉 dicted to the Seruice of their belly God least Perhaps wee make such an vnhappie end as these ●aue done which wee haue recited before but let ●s praie with the Catholique Romaine Church ●n hir litanies from suden vnforeknowen deatd ●he Lord deliuer vs. OF the Minister called killoch CHAP. XXI AAster Nicoll Burne in his disputation Chap. 22. writteth that the