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A69010 Institutions of Christian religion framed out of Gods word, and the writings of the best diuines, methodically handled by questions and answers, fit for all such as desire to know, or practise the will of God. Written in Latin by William Bucanus Professor of Diuinitie in the Vniuersitie of Lausanna. And published in English by Robert Hill, Bachelor in Diuinitie, and Fellow of Saint Iohns Colledge in Cambridge, for the benefit of our English nation, to which is added in the end the practise of papists against Protestant princes.; Institutiones theologicae. English Bucanus, Guillaume. 1606 (1606) STC 3961; ESTC S106002 729,267 922

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He renounceth his owne righteousnesse which is by the Law resteth vpon the righteousnesse which is by the faith of Iesus Christ or from God by faith Why is the exclusiue particle alone added in this proposition We are iustified by faith alone That it might be vnderstood that the promise of saluation is receiued by faith alone and doth not depend vpon any worthinesse or merit of our worke Can this exclusiue particle alone bee prooued by Scripture Yes it may for Mar. 5.36 it is in expresse words where Christ comforting Iairus saith vnto him Feare not only beleeue In which words Christ doth plainely declare that hee looketh for nothing but faith alone without which it is impossible to please God Heb. 11.6 2. There is asmuch in effect Gal. 2.16 Where Paul saith that men are not iustified but by faith adding expresly not by works R● 3.28 without works for he that taketh away righteousnesse from works doth soundly enough ascribe it vnto faith alone The same thing the word freely Rom. 3.24 confirmeth For this word excludeth all maner of merit and desert from him to whome is done either good or euill as Ps 35.19 They hated mee freely vvithout a cause that is without any cause of hatred proceeding from me 3. The Apostle Rom. 10.3 pronounceth that the Iewes were therefore not subiect to the righteousnesse a Gal. 3 2. of God because they would establish their owne righteousnes together with the righteousnesse of faith And Phil. 3.7.8 hee affirmeth that although hee were vnrebukeable concerning the Lawe before men yet he did account it as dung that hee might obtaine that righteousnesse which is of God through faith shewing that it is not posible that faith and workes should be set together as parts or causes of righteousnesse 4. The necessitie of maintaining the honour of Christ and of comforting an afflicted conscience in the combat doth require the exclusiue particle onely 5. To the Scripture may bee added the opinion of the fathers for Gennadius the interpreter of Paule saith In his exposition vpon the 3. chapter of the Epistle to the Rom. For righteousnesse is euen to beleeue onely And Ambrose They are iustified freely because working nothing neither doing asmuch againe they are iustified by faith alone VVhat then is it that the particle onely or alone doth exclude in that sentence wherein wee are said to be iustified only by faith or by faith alone Not the causes concurring which are without vs but onely the causes of the same kinde and rancke with it selfe which are within vs that is to say not the grace or mercie of God that iustifieth nor the merit of Christs death which is imputed vnto vs for righteousnesse but only the workes or qualities of vs our selues and of the saints Wel therfore is it said that faith alone iustifieth because it is the onely instrument sole facultie in vs by which we receiue the righteousnesse of Christ So God iustifieth as the efficient cause Christ by his obedience as the meritorious cause faith alone as the instrumentall cause But vvhy doth Paule adde Rom. 4.6 VVithout the vvorkes of the Lavve Not because hee would not haue them perswaded but as denying them to be causes of mans Iustification But what vvorkes are they that Paule doth here exclude 1. Not onely ceremoniall workes as our aduersaries would haue it but euen morall workes also as appeareth by those sentences which hee alledgeth for the proofe of his assertion By the workes of the Lavv shall no flesh be iustified because by the Law came the knowledge of sinne Rom. 3.20 and therefore not righteousnesse And. Rom. 4.15 The Law causeth wrath inasmuch as no man is able to performe it and therefore it causeth not righteousnesse And Rom. 7.7 out of the Decalogue or morall Law hee citeth the tenth commaundement I had not knowne lust to be sinne if the Law had not said Thou shalt not lust Gal. 3.10 Cursed is euery one that abideth not in all things that are written in the booke of the Law to doe them And vers 12. The man which doth these things shall liue in them 2. The Apostle doth not only exclude those morall workes as the same our aduersaries would make vs beleeue which men as yet not regenerate do performe literally or by the meere light of nature without the grace of Christ inasmuch as the man vnregenerate being out of Christ can neuer do any thing well but the Apostle excludeth also euen the good works of the very regenerate men or the works of grace or those that proceed from faith For Abraham who is registred as an vniuersall patterne of all Iustified men was both iustified and regenerate when he performed those good workes for the which he obtained praise with men But with God he was not iustified but when he had many yeares excelled in holinesse of life God imputed only his faith vnto him for righteousnes Rom. 4.2.3 Neither doth the Prophet Habacuck speake of the faithles but of the faithful when he saith Chap. 2. vers 4. The iust shall liue by his faith And Dauid after he was regenerate cryeth out of himselfe and of other godly men Psal 32.1 Blessed are they whose iniquities are forgiuen And Psal 143.2 Enter not into iudgement vvith thy seruant O Lord for in thy sight shall no man liuing be iustified Yea and the Apostle himselfe 1. Cor. 4.4 I know nothing by my selfe yet am I not thereby iustified And no maruell for that indeede good workes are the effectes of Iustification and not the causes thereof 3. Our good workes are fewe imperfect and alwaies polluted and stained with some blemishes and spots that they receiue from vs. Esay 64.6 And 1. King 8.46 There is no iust man vvhich doth good and sinneth not For seing the forme of inherent righteousnesse is not thoroughly let in because after the sence of our aduersaries Iustification consisteth in motion it followeth that the contrarie qualitie which is sinne is not thoroughly let out and shaken off and so in that which is imperfect the reliques of sin do stil remaine And whereas Bellarmine maketh inherent righteousnesse to be perfect in respect of the habite and imperfect in respect of the action it is but a fond deuise of his owne braine for in truthe the perfection and imperfection of the action dependeth vpon the perfection and imperfection of the habite according to that of the Philosopher The best habit hath the best action Yea euen our former righteousnesse is put out of remembrance by our later sinnes Ezek. 18.24 4 Saint Iames saith Chap. 2. verse 10. He that faileth in one point is guiltie of all that is to say he is iustlie and worthily condēned of the breach of the lawe in generall for that he that breaketh one title hath offended against the Maiestie of the law giuer Whereupon commeth this rule The whole law is one copulatiue and that the breach of one commaundement draweth with it the
in the word and sacraments or faith is the organ instrumēt or meane whereby man being a sinner apprehendeth and applyeth to himselfe Christ wholy with all his benefits and is vnited vnto Christ and liueth in him The Apostle Heb. 11.1 describing faith saith thus Faith is the substance of things which are hoped for the euidence of things that are not seen And Paul Ro. 4.20.21 painting out faith as in a map bringeth in the example of Abraham the father of the faithfull and saith Hee doubted not of the promise of God through vnbeleef but was strengthened in the faith gaue glory to god being fully assured that hee which had promised was also able to doe it Is that discription of faith Heb. 11.1 differing from the rest No forasmuch as therein there is exact mention made both of the forme of faith which is declared in the words Substance and Euidence also of the obiects namely things hoped for and things not seene For by the word Substance hee meaneth not a person as in the article of the Trinitie a Heb. 1.3 but the ground and as it were the prop whereupon a godly minde must stay and relie it selfe to signifie that faith is a certain sure safe possession of those things which are promised vnto vs by God As Psal 39.8 My Hypostasis or substance that is to say My hope is euen in thee And Heb. 3.14 We are made partakers of Christ if we keepe sure vnto the end 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the beginning wherewith wee are vpholden or vnderpropped Some translate the word Hypostasis existence or subsistēce because faith in some respect causeth things to haue a beeing as if they were which in trueth are not that is to say it setteth things before vs as if they were present which onely are in expectation Budaeus translateth it Strength or Courage In which signification it is vsed 2. Corinth 9.4 Least wee should bee ashamed 〈…〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 i. In this constant boasting Cha. 11.17 By a word deriued from the verbe 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which is to sustaine to except not to giue placc to violence Hereupon it is that a souldier is called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which is bolde and hardie and turneth not his backe to his enemie but goeth to meete him and resists him and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 boldnes whereby a man standeth stoutly to it and without stirring his foote receiueth his aduersarie that inuadeth him And surely this notable signification doth well agree with faith For in the act of beleeuing wee haue neede of strength and patience we must resist the flesh we must conquer reason we must withstand our owne conscience sinne the wrath of God and all other things whereby the consent of faith is hindered and oppugned Wee had neede to be armed with such a strong shield that wee may receiue and quench all the fyrie darts of the diuell Ephe. 6.16 and ouercome the world 1. Iohn 5.4 As for the word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which is translated Euidence it is not a refutation or a reproofe but an argument demonstration that is an assurance wherby the minde being conuinced by diuine testimonies doth most stedfastly embrace the diuine promises But by the words 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which are hoped for and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which are not seene is vnderstood the Gospel those things which are offered in the Gospel namely fellowship with Christ forgiuenesse of sins iustification Resurrection and life eternall For these are the things we hope for and which doe not appeare and of themselues are not conformable vnto our reason and so are they the misteries of saluation in themselues and in their owne nature inuisible But those things which we see with our minde and in hope we do behold them in the word of God and doe accompt them as if they were done accomplished and present before vs. How many sorts of Faith are there Not many sorts but only one faith Ephe. 4.5 One Lord one Faith one Baptisme Now faith is one not in respect of the subiects for after that sort there are as many faiths that is to say giftes of faith as there are beleeuers but faith is and alwaies hath been one in Specie that is in respect of the thing beleeued and of the obiect whereupon it rests And this is the only obiect of faith namely the grace and mercie purposed and ordained for all beleeuers in Christ from the beginning of the world What is the efficient cause of Faith God himsefe working freely and giuing faith to whome hee will euen of his owne free good will Iohn 6.29 This is the worke of God that yee beleeue in him whom he hath sent Act. 16.14 God opened the heart of Lydia so that shee attended vnto the things which Paule spake Rom. 12.3 God hath dealt to euerie man the measure of faith Phil. 1.29 It is freely giuen vnto you for Christs cause not onely to beleeue in him but also to suffer for his sake The causes together with God the father are the son and the holy Ghost for as it is said in another place The workes of the Trinitie without are diuided Luk. 24.32 Christ opened the minde of his disciples that they might vnderstand the Scriptures And Heb. 12.2 Looking vnto Iesus the author and finisher of our faith 2. Cor. 4 13. We haue the spirit of faith that is to say we haue faith by the inspiration and gift of the same holy spirit The workmen together with God are the ministers of the worde 1. Cor. 3.5 Who is Apollo and vvho is Paule but the Ministers by vvhome that is by vvhose preaching ye beleeued The instrumentall cause of faith is the hearing of the word of God by the which word the holy Ghost vttereth his power Ro. 10.17 Faith is by hearing hearing by the word of God Esa 57.19 And Act. 10.44 VVhile Peter spake these vvords the holy Ghost fell on alll them which heard the vvord Furthermore another instrumentall cause is the beholding and vse of the Sacraments And to this end God ordained a ministerie in his Church yet so as no force is to be attributed either to the Ministers that speake or vnto the words themselues or to the Sacraments forasmuch as they haue no other effect but only to represent vnto our minds those things for the declaring whereof they are applyed by the ordinance of God but the force and power of them a Mark 16 20 1 Cor 12 6 commeth onely from God and there is but one and the same installer of man into life eternall who was the Creator of him vnto this life temporall 1. Cor. 3.7 Neither hee that planteth is any thing neither he that watereth but God vvhich giueth the increase And Cha. 15.19 I haue laboured more then they all yet not I but the grace of God which is with mee or which vvas present vvith mee And so the voice of
not referred to a qualitie but to the relation which consisteth in a flowing out and respect rather then in the place of abode And besides it is now so imputed vnto vs as hereafter liuing with Christ in heauen wee shall really be clothed with the righteousnes of Christ and shall liue by that life of Christ which is now onely begunne in vs and shall be perfected hereafter How doth the righteousnesse of the law and the righteousnesse of the Gospell differ Not in matter or forme but in the efficient the subiect and the end Not in matter because both of them are obedience performed vnto God Not in forme because the rule of both is the law of God for God acknowledgeth no other righteousnesse but that that agreeth with this law And therfore Rom. 3.30 The law is established by faith both because the righteousnes of Christ is the full performance of the law as also because we are by faith clothed with the spirit of Christ which working in vs we doe begin to will and to doe things appertaining to God and so by him the obedience of the law is begun in vs and Rom. 8.3.4 God sent his sonne in the flesh that the righteousnesse of the law i. that verie thing which the law requireth namely the fulfilling of righteousnesse and the perfect integritie of our abilitie all which we doe freely attaine by Christ apprehended by faith might be fulfilled in vs that is to say indeed in himselfe and as I may so say by application for by faith he and his righteousnesse are made ours and Gal. 4.4 Christ was made vnder the law that is subiect vnto the law both by doing and suffering that hee might redeeme those that were vnder the law i. which were subiect vnto the lawe But they differ in the subiect and efficient because the righteousnesse of the law is performed in and by that man who by the same is accompted righteous of which sort there is none but Christ himselfe The righteousnesse of the Gospell is a perfect fullfilling of the lawe performed not in or by that man who is thereby accompted righteous but by another namely Christ which performance notwithstanding is accompted to come from the man himselfe And therefore Rom 10.5 c. The righteousnesse which is by the Lawe standeth thus The man that doth these things shall liue in them Leuit. 18.5 But the righteousnes that is of faith promiseth free saluation If thou shalt beleeue in thy heart and confesse with thy mouth the Lord Iesus and that the Father hath raised him from the deade thou shalt bee saued They differ also in the end for the end of the righteousnesse of the Gospell is the glory of the mercie and iustice of God but the end of the righteousnesse of the Lawe is rather the glory of men a Rom. 3.26 27 4.12 Ephes 1.6 because man should haue whereof to boast himselfe VVhat thing is there agreeable vnto Iustification or of the like nature with it Regeneration or the giuing of the holy Ghost or Sanctification Viuification Renouation or the infusion of grace by little and little decaying and altering our corrupt nature eyther also inherent righteousnes which being communicated vnto vs by the holy Ghost doth shew it selfe outwardly by workes and whereby wee are iust not before God but before men and are by him acknowledged and accompted for iust and it appeareth by the mortification of sinne or the olde man and renouation of the new i. by the hatred of sinne and loue of righteousnesse and zeale of good works and it is vsually called inchoated or begunne obedience Whereof 1. Iohn 3.7 He that doth righteousnes is righteous and Apoc. 22.11 He that is righteous let him be more righteous Can Regeneration be separated from Iustification No but yet they may be distinguished neyther are the two benefits of Iustification and Sanctification euer to be confounded as of Iustification he saith Psalm 32.2 Blessed is he to vvhom the Lord imputeth not sinne and of renouation he addeth And in vvhose spirit there is no guile For as in orignall sinne which we haue from Adam there are two things namely the guilt and imputation of that sinne and disobedience as it is said Rom. 5.12 In vvhom namely in Adam vve haue all sinned and that which followed that namely the priuation of righteousnesse So if the opposition be true betweene Christ Adam as contrarie causes and then betweene sinne and righteousnesse as contrarie effectes for after the like and selfe same manner righteousnesse is by Christ as sinne was by Adam it must needes be that we must haue both the imputed and the inherent righteousnesse But in the former consisteth the true Iustification of vs before God because that onely is perfect and maketh a quiet conscience a Rom. 5.1 in the other consisteth our Innouation wherein we must of necessity daily profit but yet not rest vpon it before God seeing it is but imperfect b Rom. 7.18 Doe Iustification and sanctification agree in nothing They agree 1. in the efficient cause For God is the authour of both through the merit of Iesus Christ 2. in the instrumentall cause which is faith the instrument of Iustification by receiuing it the instrument of sanctification not by effecting it c 1. Tim. 1.5 3 In the scope and end for they both tend to one end Iustification as the cause sanctification as the waye Ephes 2.10 vve are created in Christ to good vvorkes vvhich God hath prepared that vve should vvalke in them Is there any difference betweene Iustification and the giuing of the holy Ghost Yes euen as Luk. 15.20 the prodigall sonne is reconciled to his father onely of his meere mercie wherewithall his Fatherly heart is inflamed not for all the ornaments which are bestowed vpon the partie reconciled Which is the difference betweene Iustification and Renouation They differ in beeing 1. In forme for Iustification is the remission of sinnes 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and imputation of righteousnesse or acceptation of the person to life eternall of Gods mercie for the lambe of Gods sake that taketh away the sinnes of the world But Renouation is by the Holie Ghost dwelling in the hearts of those that are iustified and kindling new motions agreeable vnto the will of God and reducing them from impure qualities vnto pure qualities So that the giuing of the holy Ghost is not a part of iustification but an appendice or part of this so great benefit a sealing vp and testifying of iustification receiued for the Mediators sake according to that Ephe. 1.13.14 In vvhome vvhilest yee beleeue yee are sealed vvith the Holie spirite of promise vvho is the pledge of our inheritance 2. In subiect For the subiect of righteousnesse is not in vs but in Christ but the subiect of sanctification is the minde will affection and all the outward members a Rom. 6.19 Colloss 3 5 3. In the Obiect For iustification respecteth the
them which dwell in houses of clay 3. In the multitude and greatnesse of his owne sins Psal 130.3 If thou Lord straightly markest our iniquities who shall bee able to abide it For being thus seriously cast downe and humbled with the sence and feeling of our owne miserie and want and beeing deiected and discomforted in our selues wee doe then thirst after the grace of Christ and fly thereunto for succour For to this end he saith he was sent Esay 61.1 That he might preach glad tidings to the poore binde vp the broken hearted preach libertie to the captiues and to them that are bound the opening of the prison Comfort to those that mourne that hee might giue beautie for ashes the oyle of ioy for mourning the garment of gladnesse for the spirit of heauinesse and he calleth none to bee partakers of his bounty but onely those that labour and are heauie loaden Mat. 11.28 And chap. 9.13 I came not saith hee to call the righteous but sinners to repentance Examples whereof wee haue in the Publicane and the Pharisee Luk. 18.10 and so forward What things are there repugnant and contrarie to this Doctrine of iustification by faith 1. The error of the Papists who first teach that workes of congruitie that is workes preparatorie are the efficient impulsiue cause of Iustification Secondly that Sacraments doe iustifie ex opere operato by the verie worke wrought Thirdly that we are not iustified by faith alone because say they it is common to many wicked men but yet it doth iustifie as it it guided by charitie and that onely as in respect of the beginning of Iustification 4. that charitie is the forme of righteousnesse 5. That the doctrine of free iustification by faith giueth libertie to sinne and weakeneth the desire of well doing 6. That we must stand in doubt of the forgiuenesse of our sinnes 7. That men may satisfie the Iustice of God by gay shews of there owne works 8. Distrusting the merites of Christ they flie vnto the merits of good works and the helpe and succor of the saints 9. They attribute vnto the virgine Marie the aucthoritie and power of iustifieng .. 10. They ascribe vnto the Pope power to sell forgiuenesse of sinnes 11. the gift of the righteousnesse of Christ imputed through faith they make a mocke of 12. They teach that a man is iustifyed principally for Christs sake and lesse principally for euery mans owne workes and merits 13 that wee are iustified by an Euangelicall faith which commaundeth doe this and ye shall liue Luk. 10.28 by the fulfilling of the lawe the ministery and absolution of the Priests and the obseruation of mens traditions 14. That christian righteousnesse consisteth of faith and workes together 15. That Christ hath satisfied onely for the fault and offence and not for the punishment due vnto our sinnes 16. that men regenerate doe in this life by their owne obedience fully satisfie the law that they may oppose their workes before Gods Iudgment seat and that they may doe many workes of supererogation more then duety more then the law requireth of them 2 The error also of the iustitiaries who hold 1. that Iustification is not onely the pardoning and forgiuing of sinnes but also the sanctifying and renewing of the inner man 2. that Iustification according to Aristotle is a motion toward the atteyning of righteousnesse 3. that to Iustifie is nothing els but to powre into a man inherent righteousnesse or newnesse of life the former whereby beleeuers are indued with charitie and other vertues the later whereby a man being furnished with these qualities doth merite and deserue more and more righteousnesse and euerlasting life and that iustification is consummated and perfected by good works 4. that Christ by his death o●●ained this of his father that wee should be indued with inherent righteousnesse and charitie by the merite whereof we do obtaine life and saluation Fiftly they confound as one sanctification with iustification 3. The error of Osiander who affirmeth that men are made iust by the essentiall iustice of God that is by that iustice which is the v●rie diuine essence 4. The error of the Libertines who teach carnall securitie as if any thing were lawful for a man to doe who is iustified freely by grace The two and thirtieth common place Of good workes What are workes properly EIther the accomplishing of actions that is the effects of actions ordained for some speciall end 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 as an house is the worke of him that buildeth it or else the verie actions themselues as the building of the house calling vpon god loue of our neighbour giuing of almes c. To omit sundry distinctions of workes what is a good worke To speake according to the word of god not Philosophically or ciuilie it is an action whether outward or inward conformable to the law and will of god Mat. 19.17 If you will enter into life keepe the commaundements And Rom. 12.2 Proue ye what that good acceptable and perfect will of God is By what names are they called Of the efficient or working cause the fruites of the Spirit of the instrumentall the fruites of faith from the fourme the workes of the lawe of their qualities good works good fruites Why doth the Scripture oftener vse the title of good workes then of vertue Because the name of vertue is verie glorious amonge the Philosophers whereby they vnderstand a voluntarie habite and a great and strong inclination and a naturall disposition to doe well but the name of good workes is more cleare because it signifieth not onely externall actions but also the inward of the will agreable to the word of god although the inclinatiōs be very weak How many kindes of good workes are there Two one which requireth our duetie towards God Another which requireth our duety towards our neighbour What is the efficient cause of good workes The proper efficient cause of them is the Holie Ghost in respect of Christ laid hold on by faith working in vs vnderstanding and will and by the word illuminating changing renewing bowing our members which are cleane turned away from God to the end that we may obey the will of God made knowne vnto vs. For he worketh in vs both to wil to doe Philip. 2.13 And without me ye can doe nothing saith Christ Iohn 15.5 whereupon Dauid Psalm 51.12 Saith create in me a cleane heart o God and renue a cōstant spirit in my bowels hēce they are called the fruites of the spirit not of free will vnlesse it be so farr forth as it is made free by grace a Gal. 5.22 The nearest efficient or the immediate cause and the beginning of good workes are the humane and naturall powers of the soule the vnderstanding will and affections but yet so farre as they are in parte or in some measure regenerate or become spirituall For neither the spirit that is the new qualitie begunne by the inspiration of
22.32 I haue praied for thee that thy faith faile not And Heb. 5.7 Christ is said to haue offered vp prayers and svpplications with strong crying and tears vnto him that was able to saue him from death 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which is Feare as when Paule 2. Thess 3.2 desireth them to pray for him that he may be deliuered from vnreasonahle and euill men and when we desire remission of sins and deliuerance from euill 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 is a precation or petition wherin we desire those things which make to the glory of god himself or som benefit as the kingdom of christ to come the name of God to be hallowed his wil to be done daily bread to be giuen vs daily the holy ghost to be sent 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 as Act. 1.14 al continued with one accord in praier supplication 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 is an interpellation or intercession or postulation made for another Therfore Ro. 8.26 the holy ghost is said to make request for vs ver 34. Christ the mediator 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is maketh request for vs as when one prayeth for another or all do pray one for another and for the Church as Act. 12.5 The Church maketh intercessiō for Peter or it is an interpellation wherin we complain to God of thē which do hurt vs as Dauid somtimes in the Psalms 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 is a giuing of thanks wherin we giue thanks to God either for benefits bestowed vpon vs others whereby we set forth his fatherly chasticement a Iob 1.21 or for euils taken away from vs or others Psal 116.12 What shal I render vnto the Lord for all his benefits towards me I wil take the cup of saluation c. But the scripture doth not alwaies obserue the differences of those three kinds Therfore we may restrain them vnto two that is to wit inuocation of Gods name and thanksgiuing like as Dauid restrained them Psa 50.15 Cal vpon me in the time of trouble I wil deliuer thee thou shalt glorifie me VVhat are the causes of praier The efficient inward cause is the holy ghost Rom. 8.26 For we know not what to pray as we ought but the spirit it selfe maketh request for vs with sighs which cannot be expressed Not that he in very deed doth either pray or sigh but because he stirreth vs vp to praiers doth inwardly teach vs words and sighes So he is said to crie Gal. 4.6 Because he causeth vs to crie whereupon Zachary 12.10 he is called the spirit of grace of prayer And the Apostle biddeth vs pray in the holy Ghost b Iude. 20. 1 Cor. 14.16 that is by the instinct of the holy Ghost The instrumentall inward cause is Faith c Rom. 10.14 The principall cause which moueth vs to pray is manifolde 1 The commandement of God wherby he requireth of vs seruice of inuocation which is chiefe in the Church of God Deu 6.13 Thou shalt vvatch thy Lord and serue him alone and Psal 50.15 Cal. vpon me Mat. 7.7 aske seeke knocke 2 The promise of hearing and I vvill heare thee Psal 50.15 145.18 The Lord is neere vnto al that cal vpon him Pro. 18.10 The name of the Lord is a strong tower the weaponlesse man flying vnto it shall be safe sure Hither do belōg the alluremēts wherwith Christ doth allure vs to pray Mat 7.7 it shal be giuen you ye shall find it shall be opened 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and Luk. 11.13 if ye which are euil can giue good gifts vnto your childrē hovv much more shal your heauenly father giue the holy Ghost to them that desire him Ps 65.3 thou O God vvhich hearest my praier vnto thee shall all all flesh come And Esay 65.24 ye shall call vpon me I vvill heare yea bef re ye crie vvil I ansvvere you for our heauēly father knoweth that we haue need of all these things before vve pray Mat. 6.32 3 The feeling of our pouerty of the want of others spiritual corporall the desire of Gods kingdom glory seeke first the kingdom of God his righteousnes the rest shal be cast vnto you Math. 6.33 4 Daungers troubles of all sorts which do compasse vs about miseries diuers tentations the fault and guiltinesse of our sinnes and the snares of the most grieuous and watchfull aduersarie the diuell VVho walketh about as a Lion 1. Pet. 5.8 seeking whom hee may deuoure Whereupon Christ saith Math. 26.41 VVatch and pray that ye enter not into tentation 5 Exercise of pietie faith and hope which from hence doe take increase 6 The nature and propertie of loue wherewith the godly are affected towards God for it commeth to passe that he which loueth is greatly delighted with the communication of him that is loued and he desireth nothing more then that he may poure out into his bosome those things wherewith he is affected Heerevnto is added that loue is more and more kindled by the talke of the partie loued 7 The example of Christ and of all the Saints whose chiefe care was in their life time to call earnestly vpon God 8 The vtilitie of prayer for by it we obtaine necessarie benefits as well corporall as spirituall Iam. 5.6 The feruent prayer of a righteous man auaileth much But the bountiful largesse of Gods benefits and gifts as well corporall as spirituall and his so great miracles which are seene which way soeuer you looke ought of right to prouoke vs to the sacrifice of praise and thankesgiuing Therfore Dauid hauing perceiued the Lords liberalitie doth shew openly that a new song is put into his mouth Psal 40.3 What is the obiect of prayer or who is to be called vpon That one and eternall God who is the father and the sonne and the holy Ghost for in true inuocation none of the three persons of the Godhead is omitted although they be not alwaies distinctly named because they are one God 1 But he alone 1 Because he is the searcher of all mens hearts Act. 1.24 the searcher of the hearts and reines 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is viewer of the thoughts and affections or the knower of all things a Psal 79 33 15 44 21 2 Because Inuocation is the chiefest part of the worship of God and therefore is due to God alone according to his commaundement b Deut. 9 13 Math. 4 10 And Psal 50.15 Call vpon me saith the Lord and Christ Mat. 6.9 after this maner therfore pray ye Our father c. 3 Because he is the alone author of all good things alone omnipotent the knower of all things full of compassion who knoweth willeth and can heare heale deliuer all in all places that call vpon him therfore the faithfull say Esay 63.16 Thou Lord art ur father Abraham knoweth vs not and Israel is ignorant of vs. 4 Because we
From the resurrection of bodies for there would be no neede of the rising againe of the bodies of the faithful if there were not a life whereunto they should rise Moreouer the articles concerning GOD of Christ of the Prouidence and of the Iustice of GOD of the soules Immort●●●●e of the resurection of bodies of the last iudgement could not stand vnlesse this article of life eternall bee annexed vnto them 4 From the handwriting of God written in the soule of euery one for the soule it selfe often teacheth vs there remaineth a iudgment with the feare whereof they are vexed who liue wickedly and they are renued in hope who loue godlines 5 From an Argument tending to absurditie because if only in this life that is if we hope in Christ for this life sake onely so that our faith hath respect to nothing else beyond this life we were the most miserable of all men 1. Cor. 15.19 6 From the testimonies of Scripture Dan. 12.2 some shall awake vnto euerlasting life Math. 25.46 The iust shall goe vnto life eternall Iohn 10.28 I giue vnto my sheepe eternall life Hebr. 13.14 Here we haue no continuing Citie but we seeke one to come 1. Iohn 25. This is the peomise that he hath promised vs euen eternall life 7 From examples for Enoch beeing translated heere into and afterward Elias were as an earnest penie thereof a Gen. 7 24. Heb 11 8 2 Kings 2 11 So was Christ also ascending into the heauen whose pleasure is that where he himselfe is we should be with him likewise Iohn 14.3 and 17.24 8 This an article of our fath I beleeue that life euerlasting What are the Epithites whereby it is commended in Scripture 1 In commendation it is called the kingdome 1 of God 2 of the father 3 of heauen b Math. 7 21 2 Metaphorically Abrahams bosome c Luk. 16 22 by a Metaphor taken from the bosome of parents wo are said to haue and carie their little children in their bosome because the faithfull like deerely beloued children being recouered out of this miserable world are cherished and refreshed in the embracing of the father of all the faithfull and are safe and free from all the perilous stormes of this life And there is a place wherin Christ hath prepared vs a mansion as himselfe declareth Math. 8.11 Many shall come from the East and from the West shall sit downe with Abraham Isaack and Iacoh in the kingdome of heauen Augustine though where it should be Epist 99 ad Evodion confese Lib. 9 3 confesseth he knoweth not yet defineth it to bee an habitation of secret rest and affirmeth that therein li●● the spirits of the blessed and there they enioy the gladsome presence of God 3 Analogically or by proportion Paradise or a place of delight and pleasantnesse e luk 23.43 by allusion to that garden planted in Eden of the situation whereof it is fond to dispute seeing it is manifest that the vniuersall earth was made waste by the Deluge 4 The house of the father a Ioh. 14.2 5 Metonymically the fulnesse of ioyes b Psal 16.11 6 The Lords ioy c Math. 25.21 7 The new holy and durable Ierusalem that shall be d Heb. 13.14 Reuel 21.10 8 An inheritance immortall and vndefiled and that withereth not reserued in heauen e 1. Pet. 1.4 9 The glorie of God because that eternall life consisteth in the communication of Gods glorie Rom. 3.23 All haue sinned and are destitute of the glorie of God 10 Our glorie for this is that alone wherein we may rest safely 1. Cor. 2.7 We speake the wisedome of God in a mysterie euen the hid wisedome which God had determined before the world vnto our glorie 11 Rest f 2. Thess 1.7 12 Refreshing g Act. 3.19 13 Peace h Luk. 1 79 14 So great happinesse as cannot be contained neither in the eies nor eares nor mind of any man i Psal 31 20 Isai 64 4. 1. Cor. 2.9 But why is it called eternall Because it shall neither be temporarie or determined in any certaine limits neither is it short vaine or subiect to any change as this our life is k Gen. 3 19 Ioh 14 5. and although it haue a beginning yet shall it neuer be taken away from them to whom it shall once be giuen l Math. 25 34 but shall last for euer without end What is life eternall It is a glorious estate wherein the elect being most perfectly ioyned vnto Christ their head after the Resurrection that shall be of the dead m Rom. 8 29 1 C●r 15.49 Phil. 3.21 Reve. 2 31 shall know God with his Angels in heauen after such a manner that we are not worthie yet to speake of and shall enioy his presence and praise him for euer hauing obtained the soueraigne good that Christ hath purchased for vs and shall be conformable vnto his likenes in bodie and soule as he is man Or it is the state of the blessed after this life wherein shall be a perpetuall acknowledgement of God perpetuall righteousnesse without sinne and death continuall ioy free from trouble griefe heauines and mourning n Ioh. 17.13 24 Isa 25 8. Reve 7.16 17 21.4 In a word eternall life shall be a certaine perfection of soules and bodies wherein there shall be nothing blame-worthie but according to the pleasure of God all things shall perfectly serue the will of Christ the Creator and Redeemer VVhat are the causes of euerlasting life The principall cause is God who of his mercie and free goodnes giueth and bestoweth it on vs through and for Christ our mediator a luk 12 32 Rom. 6 23. Eph. 1.5 2.5 luk 12.32 Iohn 6.40 This is the will of him that sent mee that euery man which seeth the sonne and beleeueth in him should haue euerlasting life and 1. Iohn 5.11 The meritorious very efficient cause is Christ onely Iohn 14.6 I am saith hee that way and that truth and that life The instrumentall offering and reuealing is the Gospell b Rom. 1.16 17 The instrumentall receiuing cavse is faith 1. Pet. 1.9 Receiuing the end of your faith euen the saluation of your soules The sealing cause is the holy Ghost c Eph. 1.13 14. but good workes and afflictions are not the cause of receiuing but the way of the kingdome saith Bernard And Act. 14.22 Through many tribulations must we enter into the kingdome of heauen Why is the gate called straite and the way narrow which leadeth vnto life Math 7.14 1 Because it was vtterly vnknowne and not to be found out by humane reason but Christ hath reuealed it vnto vs. 2 Because there is one onely passage vnto life through Christ not many 3 Because few enter in thereat if we compare them with the fashions of the world as the way of vertue compared to the waies of vices is narrow for that it hath but
of the Couenant whereby God doth testifie that he doth truely receiue the beleeuers into his Couenant How doe the Sacraments of the old and new Testament differ 1. By outward adiuncts and the circumstance of time For those continued vntill the time of Restitution for those things are said to bee 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 right which passe not with a certaine crooked turning course but are directed straight vnto their marke but these must endure vntill the end of the world or vntill the state of glorie in which all trueth shall clearely and perfectly bee made manifest and therefore there shall bee no neede of Sacraments a Heb. 9.19 2. In the manner or condition of their signifying for the Sacraments of the old Testament foretold Christ as it were to come but the Newe declare him as it were exhibited And ●●erefore they cannot possibly both stand together seeing the time to come can neuer bee the time past and the time past can neuer make the time to come to bee more ancient b Heb. 8.13 3. In the diuersitie or qualitie of the signes or in the signes and ceremonies which differ much for there bee some signes of the Olde and other of the Newe Testament 4. In the number measure of signifying vertue and easinesse 1 For ours saith Augustine are fewer in number whereas in the Old Testament the signes were more in number because the people of Israell were as yet vnder the gouernment of the Law and therefore as children vse to bee were kept vnder more figures and rites 2. Ours were better in regard of the profit 3. More excellent or manifest not in outward shew or worldly pompe but in the vnderstanding and signification of heauenly and diuine things 4. Ours are greater in force that is of greater efficacie to confirm our faith 5. More easie to bee done for there is nothing in Baptisme or the Supper of the Lord which is hard troublesome or bloudy But Circumcision and the Sacrifices were more troublesome bloudie and required greater paines Yet all this maketh not that our Sacraments and the sacraments of the ancient fathers should not be the same in substance What Doe not the Sacraments of the old Testament differ from ours in the effect because those did only shadowe forth and signifie grace which these offer present vnto vs No because in either testament there is the same grace of Christ yea the same Christ propounded And the Apostle testifieth that the old Fathers did eate the same spirituall meat with vs and drinke the same spirituall drink 1. Cor. 10.3 I say the same with vs not as some expound it only amongst themselues which is vnderstood by the purpose of the Apostle the tenour of the text the name of Christ and the word baptizing there vsed and receiued the seale of the righteousnesse which is of faith and therfore that they were made pa●takers of Christ which is righteousnesse to all that beleeue in all ages Rom. 4.11 And yet I grant that the sacraments of the fathers were figures pictures and shadowes of ours not in regard of the things themselues but in as much as they shadowed things more darkly and obscurely signified by them a 1 Cor. 10.6 In which respect they may be called types of ours but types not without trueth Why then doth Paul say Gal. 4.9 that the Sacraments of the Fathers were weake and beggerly and carnall Elements which were not able to sanctifie the conscience because of their weaknesse and vnprofitablenesse Heb. 7.19 9.10 1. Because he speaketh of them not simply as that they were naked elements which could offer or seale no grace but in some respect as now abrogated by Christ 2. Hee speaketh of them as he saw them receiued of the Iewes seuered from Christ and his promise that is as they are considered in themselues and by themselues seuered from the things signified in cogitation and as bare signes because the sanctification dependeth not of the signes either old or new but wholie and only of the vertue of the holy Ghost Did the Fathers eate the flesh of Christ seeing that as yet it had no beeing actually and corporally in the nature of things Yes because although it was not extant simply or actually in regard of his bodily substance yet in some respect namely as it was to bee giuen for the life of the world it was that spirituall meat which might no lesse bee eaten of them then that Lambe which was slaine from the beginning of the world is eaten now of vs by faith b Reu. 13.8 2. Because Iesus Christ is the same to day yesterday for euer Heb. 13.8 one and the same Sauiour of both Testaments In whome alone it pleased the Father to gather together all things Ephe. 1.10 3. Because those Fathers were indued with faith which maketh those things to be which are hoped for and doth demonstrate those things which are not seene Heb. 11.1 And therefore although in those ancient times the humane nature was not assumed of the word yet it was presēt to the faith of the godly in former times which did conioyne them then with Christ that should be borne So that that which had no beeing as yet in the order of nature yet neuerthelesse had euer a being by the force and efficacie of faith Therefore Christ saith Abraham sawe my day and reioyced Ioh. 8 56. But they did eate the flesh of Christ which should be giuen for them wee eate it being alreadie giuen for vs. The times are changed saith Augustine but faith is not shall bee giuen and is giuen shall come and is come in Ioh tract 4 these words differ saith hee but yet Christ is one and the same Doe the Sacraments giue remission of sins and doe they conferre or containe grace and are they ordained to iustifie and to regenerate or whether is grace tyed to the Sacraments No. 1. Because they are the signes not the causes of grace 2. That which is proper to God ought not to be bestowed on the creature 3. The subiect of grace is not the body but the spirit 4. No bodilie thing doth worke vpon spirituall things Againe not by the work done or as an efficient cause by them selues or their owne vertue working any thing or flowing from their essence as they speake in the schooles but ministerially or Instrumentally yet effectually so farre forth as they support nourish our faith Not by any inward power or vertue of their owne but by vertue of the principall agent or worker in that sence that Paul affirmeth the Gospel to be the vertue and power of God to saluation to euery one that beleeueth Rom. 1.16 1. Tim. 4.16 he saith that the remedie of the holy Scripture doth saue a man not that there is any magicall vertue in the letters syllables or sound of the words for the Apostle saith Heb. 4.2 The word profited not them beeing not mingled with faith but because
b 1 Cor. 11 27.29 As for example Abraham and his household c Gen. 17 23 Absalon Achitophel the people d Sam. 15.12 Iudas e Luk. 22.21 Simon Magus f Act. 8.13 But they belong to thē only for whō they are appointed and such as be conteined in the couenant of God according to his words But not to them that be without which doe not professe the name of Christ and to such too as bee liuing and present but not to the deade and such as bee absent Wherein doe the word and Sacraments agree In the Efficient cause for the same person is the Authour of the promise of grace and of the Sacraments to wit the sonne of God the head King Doctor and Priest of the Church and in the instrumentall causes for the selfe same ministers of the word be also the disposers of the Sacraments g Mat. 28.1 1 Cor. 4.19 2 In the matter intelligible or the principall subiect for the same thing is promised in the word and the lawfull vse of the Sacraments the same Christ with his benefits of saluation Therfore as the Gospell testifieth those which turne to God are washed and sanctified by the name of the Lord Iesus and by the spirit of our God 1. Cor. 6.11 And that they are begotten by the Gospell and borne anewe by the worde of the liuing God 1. Corinth 4.15 h 1 Pet 1.23 1 Rom. 6.3 Tit 3.5 And that Iesus Christ is that breade of life Iohn 6.35 So the sacramentes doe testifie that those which are baptised into Iesus Christ are baptised into his death k Ioh. 3.33 36 R●● ●4 23 He● 11 6 Habac 2 4 and are saued by the washing of the new birth 1. And the bread which wee breake is the communion of the body of Christ 1. Cor. 10.16 3 In the forme manner and Instrument wherby we receiue the thing to saluation for the word and sacraments profit none but those which haue or shall haue faith k Ioh. 3.33 36 4 In the end common to them both For both the word and the sacraments are meanes whereby the sonne of God dooth teach and gather the Church vnto himselfe and doth in this life communicate himselfe and all his benefits to them that shall be saued yet so as he is able without eyther of them to worke in the hearts of the godly so often and when it pleaseth him 5 In the effects For as the word of life is to the godly the sauour of life vnto life to the vngodly the sauour of death vnto death 2. Cor. 2.16 So the Sacraments in themselues are to saluation to them that beleeue but vnto the vnbeleeuers they turne into iudgment and condemnation a 1. Cor. 11.29 Euen as a sweet oyntment is healthfull to the doue but it is present death to the flye And as the seed of the word preached so the vse of the sacrament doth not presently bring forth his fruit but in that time which is appointed of God 6 Lastly as the holy Ghost doth begin and strengthen faith by the word so also by the sacraments he doth stirre vp and confirme the same Out of all which followeth that there is such a coniunction and agreement of the outward and inward word as there is of the earthly signes and heauenly things Wherein do the word and Sacraments differ 1 In nature Because the word of the Gospell doth in expresse words declare to wit that we by faith are made partakers of Christ Iesus and of all his merits the sacraments doe represent them by signes or that doctrine which the word doth deliuer cleare and more manifest the Sacraments doe propound the same in a mysterie and not so expresly 2 In the instruments The word is deliuered with the mouth receiued with the eares but the rites of the sacraments are administred with the hands and they are subiect to the eyes and the other senses and doe lead vs as it were vnto the thing present as though wee should nowe in some sort touch Christ himselfe with our handes see him with our eyes perceiue him with our taste and feele him with our whole heart 3 In the subiect to whom The promises of the word are generally and in common pronounced to all alike as well to the vnbeleeuers as to the beleeuers For the word must be preached euen to the vnbeleeuers But the sacramēts are to be communicated seuerally to them which be probably known to be members of the Church and they doe apply and restraine the promises in a speciall manner to euerie one that doth rightly vse these rites that as certainely as thou doest vse the visible Ceremonie according to Christ his institution So certainely thou mayest and oughtest to conclude that Christ also and all his benefits do belong vnto thee 4 In the measure of signifying for the word doth especially teach but the speciall office of the Sacraments is to seale and further the word doth signifie and apply spirituall things but the Sacraments doe rather and more especially represent and applie 5 In order for whereas the Sacraments are the appendices of the word which doe confirme faith it is meet that in such as bee of yeares the preaching of the word should goe before to begin and to increase faith together with a manifest profession of faith before they be rightly administred to any 6 The word is auailable euen without the sacraments as may be seene in Cornelius a Act. 10.2 But sacraments without the word are of no force For a seale without a Charter is nothing worth 7 The preaching of the word and that effectuall is required in those that be of yeares that they may bee saued For Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God Rom. 10.17 Except it please GOD extraordinarily to worke in their hearts But the Sacraments are not altogether expresly nor absolutely so necessarie that without exception whosoeuer inioyes them not should therefore despaire of the certaine hope of saluation For that saying of Bernard is most true Not the want but the contempt of the Sacraments is damnable 8 Lastly the word considered by it selfe alone if it bee compared with the sacrament considered by it selfe alone is better and more excellent then it Although if the sacrament bee added to it it doth yet become more excellent and powerfull and more effectuall for the confirmation of faith Therefore we may not ascribe the greater honour to the sacraments then to the preaching of the gospell that is to say we may not attribute more to the seales then to the written Testament of Iesus Christ What ought they to doe who are depriued of libertie to come to the holy assemblies of the Church wherein the ordinarie dispensation of the word and sacraments is performed They ought to inquire for them but if they cannot find them they must then exercise themselues in daily meditation at home both because the kingdom
denying the holy Scriptures to be indited by the holy Ghost and of others reiecting certaine writings of holy Scripture 4 The errour of the Papists which is manifold for they holde that the authoritie and certaintie of Scripture dependeth vpon the determination of the Church that the Scripture is not authenticall but by the authoritie of the Church and that it is not manifest that the Scriptures proceede from God but by the testimonie of the Church which error is most absurd For if truth be subiect to the pleasure and iudgement of men the consciences are made doubtful of their saluation and the same errour is confuted by the testimonie of the Apostle Ephes 2.20 where the Apostle affirmeth that the Church leaneth vpon the foundation of the Apostles and Prophets which foundation he cals not the very persons of the Apostles but their doctrine For although the Church should by her iudgement approue the scripture yet doth she not make of that which is vncertaine and doubtfull certaine and authentical but doth by her iudgment subscribe to the truth of God and doth embrace it as proceeding from God Moreouer they account the Apocrypha bookes for Canonicall They prattle that the Scripture is imperfect and obscure that the reading of the Scriptures is hurtful to the Church that it is the matter of contention that matters of controuersie cannot be decided by Scripture alone that it hath a nose of waxe They affirme that power to interprete and giue the sense of Scriptures belongs to the Bishop of Rome They match the writings of Fathers Bishops and Counsels with the Scripture They take away from the common people the writings of their fathers last will and testament and post them ouer to dumbe idols as to lay-mens bookes cleane contrary to the commaundement of Christ Ioh. 5.39 Search the Scriptures Lastly they account the old Latine translation as authenticall The fifth common Place of Creation What is the signification of this word to Create in the Scriptures IT is peculiar because the reason of man knoweth not how any thing should be created of nothing For Dauid Kimchi affirmeth 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that this word to create most properly is affirmed for euery thing which is brought from no being to a being as Gen. 1.1 But secundarily and yet properly it signifieth to bring a forme created of nothing to a matter preexisting without alteration a Gen. 1.21.27 Whereupon Damascene saith lib. 2. cap. 5. that God made all things of nothing some things indeed immedidiatly but other some by meanes which is a part of diuine omnipotence Therefore the word to create is attributed to God alone in the Scriptures either in the workes of creation or else by a borrowed speech in things that be of no lesse vertue and power then the very worke of creation b Esa 41.20 Ier. 31.22 Psal 51.12 For this cause these words differ to beget to create to make For to beget is to bring forth something of his owne substance like vnto it selfe according to the essence but to create is to make something of nothing diuerse from the substance of the Creator And this word to make is applied to those things which be made of some matter but yet it is restrained by the circumstance of the text to the propertie of creation c Gen. 1.25.31 Rom. 1.20 What is Creation It is an external and indiuisible worke of Iehouah Elohim alone that is of the Father Sonne and holy Ghost whereby by his word power and commandement alone he hath created all things out of himselfe that is the substance of all things being seuered from his owne Essence to the end that his infinite wisedome goodnesse and power might be made manifest d Act. 17.24 Rom. 1.20 Proue it by some testimonies 1 The very historie of the creation as it is set downe by Moses Gen. 1. is a most ample witnesse of it 2. Psal 33.6 By the word of the Lord were the heauens created and by the spirit of his mouth all the power and hoast of them And in the same Psalme vers 9. He spake and they were made he commanded and they were all created Againe Psal 19.1 The heauens declare the glorie of God and the firmament soundeth foorth or celebrateth the work of his hands Mal. 2.10 Hath not one God created vs Iob. 9.8 Who alone doth stretch out the heauens 1. Cor. 8.6 We haue but one God the Father of whom are all things Why is the creation ascribed in the Creed to the Father alone Not that the Sonne and the holy Ghost shold be excluded from the effect and praise of that worke who in that same worke manifestly not as instruments but as efficients equally and inseparably wrought together a Iob 1 3. Col. 1.16 Gen. 1.1.2 but by way of excellencie that the decree of this worke and first beginning of it might be giuen to the Father because the Father is the fountaine and beginning not temporall but originall of the whole Deitie by whom all things were made Further that there might appeare in the Church some externall difference whereby the Father might be distinguished from the Sonne and the holy Ghost for as Basill saith in his booke intreating of the holy Ghost cap. 16. The Father is the first principall cause of those things that be made the Sonne the instrumentall cause the holy Ghost the perfecting cause What was the mouing or impellent cause of the creation of all things The infinite goodnesse of God ioyned with infinite wisedome which it pleased him to communicate and by communicating to reueale it because a good thing is apt to communicate it selfe And when did God begin to create In the very beginning of all things and in the vety beginning of time that is then when the things which now be began to be For though all things in the world were made in the Sonne b Col. 1.16 yet in this place this word beginning signifieth not the Sonne but some certaine beginning of time as also Ioh. 1.1 But whereof and whence were all things made and produced Of Nothing this word being vnderstood negatiuely that is of no other matter that was before For this word Of in this place signifieth not the materiall cause whereof any thing is made but the order As if a man should say When as there was nothing before after that there was any thing it was made or else it signifieth the habitude or disposition of the materiall cause which is simply denyed How proue you that 1. Because there was nothing from eternitie excepting and besides God himselfe and whatsoeuer there is it is either the Creator or else the creature but things were not created out of the substance of God for then they should be God or gods wh●ch is very absurd therefore they were made of nothing 2. God is almightie and therefore doth not stand in need of some matter going before For this cause Psal 33.9
Diuortium Diuorce IT is called Repudium of refusall for a shamefull thing Diuortium of diuerting and going into diuers parts or as some thinke of the diuersity of minde because he that is the cause of Diuorce is of another minde now than when he married the Hebrews call it Cheritot or cutting off the Greekes dissolution 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 departing cutting off as Mat. 19.8 for it was not lawfull for the wife to depart from her husband or giue him a bill of Diuorce but for an husband separating himselfe from his wife it was lawfull to giue such a Bill ſ Mat. 5.31 19.8 Deut. 24.1.2 Mal. 2.16 Is there any difference betweene Repudium and Diuortium None at all in the Scriptures Yet Modestinus saith that Repudium is betweene the bridegroome and bride but diuorce between the husband and wife after that marriage is consummated Which distinction we will obserue and first of the first Whether is mariage to be broken off by mutuall consent as it is by consent contracted No because it is not done by humane consent onely as other contracts of humane societie but by the diuine authoritie and what God hath conioyned let no man separate t Mat. 1● 6 In what cases is Repudium vsed or spousals dissolued There are seauen such cases recorded 1 If either of them fall into infamie after the betroathing for some crime 2 If either of both fall into any grieuous infirmitie of bodie or minde such as should cause the vse of mariage to be loathsome or contagious as leprosie epilepsie palsie frensie c. And indeed it were very expedient to forbid such to marie by the Laws seeing that they doe seeme to haue single life imposed vpon them from Heauen and are depriued of power to vse mariage for who can marie with a good conscience that by mariage must needes vndoe himselfe and others and beget children to perpetuall miserie and the generall hurt of the weale publike 3 If the bridegroome commit filthinesse with any of his brides kindred that mariage shall be dissolued though the party innocent be vnwilling and the incestuous person punished 4 Malitious and daily absence but yet he that is absent against his will whilst the three publishings are performed in the Church is no forsaker 5 Apostacie from the true religion and worshippe of God 6 So great offence of the mindes of the bride bridegroome as that they cannot by any meanes be reconciled and they haue not lyen together least some hainous thing might follow of such constrained mariages yet so as that they be punished for their breaking of couenant 7 If such a maime happen in the meane time as whereby the person is become loathsome prouided that they haue not lyen together Hereunto adde adultery which dissolueth the bonde both of contract of matrimonie Also contracts betweene those that are vnder age or done without parents or friends authoritie or error of person or quality as Lea for Rachel or a seruant for a freeborne or by force or feare or els vnder condition onely all which may be dissolued so that there haue beene no voluntarie coupling or consent How many waies is consummated mariage broken Two 1 When that which of it selfe and by right is none is counted for none or else is ipso iure declared to be none 2 When that which was confirmed is for lawful causes broken For whas causes is mariage declared ipso iure to be none 1 When the fault is in the contract of mariage 2 When it is in the persons contracting When is the fault in the consent or contract of mariage When the contract is either filthy or vnlawful or vniust VVhen is the consent filthy 1 When it is contrarie to the lawe of God and nature and is contracted vnder the degrees of God forbidden 2 Vnlawfull when it repugneth the edicts of Godly Magistrats But yet this difference is to be noted that wicked contracts within the degrees forbidden by Gods lawe neither can nor ought to be confirmed either by humane dispensation or Ecclesiasticall benediction or carnall copulation But contracts within degrees forbidden by the Magistrate may be permitted by some dispensation where necessitie and reason requireth it VVhat contract is vniust That which is done by children that are vnder the gouernment of their Parents against their consent and authoritie iudging well and rightly which if the Parents will by no means ratifie Mat. 19.6 it ought to be none for as Christ saith That which God hath ioyned together let no man set asunder so that which man conioyneth against or besides Gods word God will haue separated What fault is that betweene the persons which maketh mariage ipso iure to be none Wheras she that was maried for a maid is found by certain testimonies to haue bin defiled for such a one ought by the law of god to be stoned to death as an adulteresse b Deut. 22.29 Caus 29. quest 1. Can 1. Wheras the Canonists say notwithstāding that fornication following mariage only hurteth 2 If either of thē hauing som natural impotēcy be vnfit for mariage or if either of thē haue concealed some defect or incurable disease which was not knowne before mariage as to be an Eunuch either by nature or other casualty Mat. 19.12 such a defect forbiddeth mariage when one erreth the other deceiueth according to that rule Errantis voluntas nulla an erring will is no will and that contract of good faith where craft hath beene cause is ipso iure none And forasmuch as God reprooueth deceipt fraud and errour he is not to be called the author of such mariages How many waies is mariage made said to be dissolued By two 1 By death as the Apostle reasoneth a 1. Cor. 7.39 Rom. 7.2.3 Mat. 22.30 against Tertullian Montanus and Hierom. And Christ teacheth that in heauen they neither marie nor giue in mariage 2 Mariage is dissolued by Diuorcement Doth it agree with Gods Lawe for a man to put away his wife Not simply for it is neither simply commaunded nor forbidden but permitted by giuing of a bill of Diuorce for hereof Moses hath a politike but not a morall law b Deut. 24.1 But the reason of this Lawe seemeth not so much to be necessary as of rash leuitie and hardnesse of heart There was indeede some reason of necessitie in respect of the wiues for it was fitter for them to be once dimitted than to be alwaies in ill handling or els in danger of life Therefore the Lord appointed for such as would not be perswaded to keepe their wiues not Diuorcement but a manner of Diuorcing to wit to giue a bill of Diuorce for the wiues safety against her husbands crueltie and that not without his owne infamie But the rashnesse of husbands exceeded which for euerie occasion sought to be diuorced and this rashnesse was to be bridled Whereupon Christ saith Moses suffered you to put away your
respect of that morall kinde of Lawes which takes order that the disturbers of humane societie may be punished that honest and lawfull peace be maintained that the publike safetie and quiet be preserued and that iudgement and iustice preuaile What things are Disparata i. disagreeing or of other nature then the Law The Gospell is of another nature of which we will speake in next place What opinions do oppose this doctrine of the Law 1 The error of the Manichees who say the Law is euill because it worketh wrath Rom. 4.15 whereas it doth not worke this effect properly but through the transgression of him that breaketh it 2 Of the Pelagians who thought themselues to be so disposed and able by nature as to performe it 3 Of the Antinomi and Libertines who thinke that Christians haue no more need of the morall Law and that the ten commandemens are not to be preached in the Christian Church because the faithfull are borne againe of the spirit 4 Of the Pharisees who thought the fulfilling of the law to be easie possible c Mat. 19.20 and that some of the commaundements were great commaundements as those which concerned more grosse sinnes murder adultery periurie some they thought were the least commaundements the transgressing whereof God did not regard as the inward affections wandring from the law of God d Matt. 5.19 Also that error of the same Pharisees and of the Ebionites who taught that the obseruation of the ceremoniall law was to be ioyned with the Gospell 5 Of the Papists who affirme that perfect obedience to the law may be performed by a regenerate man pro statu viatoris as he is in the estate of a pilgrime that the scripture doth ascribe to the godly diuers seuerall works whereof some are good and such as satisfie the law some euill and resisting the law that the law doth not require of men any more perfect obedience then that which may be performed in this life yea moreouer that a man may doe more then he ought if he will which workes they call Workes of supererogation and that therefore men become iust before God through the obseruation of the law and doe deserue by it eternall life 6 The same Papists foolish and peruerse imitation who bring into the Church the Leuiticall ceremonies 7 Of those brainsicke heads who will haue Christian common weales to be gouerned onely by the politicke lawes of the Iewes 8 Of the Anabaptists who faine that the Patriarches beleeued nothing of the Gospell or promises of eternall life but that they were onely fed with the outward and corporall promises because they are said to haue beene in the law a Rom. 3.19 and vnder the law b Gal. 4.3.5 as also because it is written Math. 11.13 that the law was vntill Iohn came To conclude all errors concerning the true meaning of the law as also all sins which are against euerie of the ten commandements The twentieth common Place Of the Gospell What doth the word Euangelium signifie IT properly signifyeth a good ioyfull happie and glad tidings or message in which sense Aristophanes vseth 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 I told them good tidings So in Appians writing of the murder of Cicero 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 carrying the good newes to Anthonie 2 It signifieth a reward giuen to them who brought good tidings Hom. odyss 14. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 That is Let this be my reward for my good newes that when he shall returne to his house you cloath me with good apparell Ierkin and Coat 3 It signifieth a Sacrifice offered for good newes receiued Xenophon 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 he offered Sacrifice vpon receipt of his good newes But in what signification doth the Scripture vse this word Euangelium or Gospell 1 As the verbe 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 signifieth to report ioyfull things Isa 52.7 How beautifull vpon the mountaines are the feete of them who bring the glad tidings of peace and tidings of good for which word the Prophets vse 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which signifieth to report good newes so the Apostles 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 haue termed Euangelium or Gospell a Marc. 1.15 that notable and ioyfull report of saluation procured by Christ to them that beleeue or a solemne preaching of the grace of God manifested and exhibited in Christ Luk. 2.10 I bring you tidings of great ioy that shall be to all people for this day is borne vnto you a Sauiour which is Christ the Lord. 2 By Metonymie it is taken for the historie concerning Christ concerning things which he taught and did b Act. 1.1 And in this sense we reckon foure Gospels Sometimes also it signifieth the publication of the doctrine of the Gospell the preaching and notifying of the same as 1. Cor. 9.14 Liue of the Gospell that is of the preaching of the Gospell and 2. Cor. 8.18 Whose praise is in the Gospell But what is the reason of this name Because as to malefactors condemned to a most grieuous and ignominious punishment for their offences nothing can happen more ioyfull and acceptable then that being freed from the sentence of condemnation they should enioy the libertie and glorie of kings so likewise to men cursed for their sins and condemned eternally nothing can happen better or more welcome then to heare that being free from the sentence of him that condemned them that they are reckoned and are indeed in the number of the sonnes of God What is the Gospell It is a heauenly doctrine brought out of the secret bosome of God the Father by the Sonne preached by the Apostles and comprehended in the bookes of the new Testament bringing a a good and ioyfull message to all the world namely that mankinde is redeemed by the death of Christ the onely begotten sonne of God so this remission of sinnes saluation and eternall life is prepared for all men if so be they repent and beleeue in Iesus Christ VVho is the author or efficient cause of the Gospell God who hath vouchsafed to reueale his hidden purpose and good pleasure concerning our redemption whereupon it is called the Gospell of God Rom. 1.1 A fellow cause or ioynt cause is the word that is the Sonne of God who comming out of the fathers bosome hath declared it to vs as he first pronounced the promise of the Gospell in Paradise Gen. 3.5 The seed of the woman shall breake the Serpents head By what instrumentall cause or by whose meanes was the Gospell made knowne to the world 1 By an Angell of God who soone after Christ was borne said Luke 2.10 I bring you tidings of great ioy c. For this day is borne vnto you a Sauiour c. 2 By Iohn who preached the summe of the Gospell shewing Christ and calling him the Lambe of God that is a Sacrifice appointed by God to make satisfaction for the sins of the world In which
respect Iohn was greater then the Prophets a Luc. 7.26 notwithstanding because he had not yet manifested the power and glory which appeared in the resurrection of Christ therefore Christ denieth that he was equall to the Apostles b Matt. 11.11 but he closely sheweth that he had a middle place betwixt the Prophets the Apostles 3 By Christ himselfe being manifested in the flesh to whom it is properly attributed that he preached the Gospell of the kingdome of God but onely in Iudea At the length by the Apostles by the commaundement of Christ d Mar● 16.15 which thing they performed by their preaching and writing Did not the Patriarchs also and Prophets preach the Gospell and mention it in their writings Although euen from the beginning of the world the ministery of the Gospell was signified to the fathers and the Prophets spoke and wrote of this as Gen. 3.15 The seed of the woman shall breake the head of the Serpent And Gen. 12.3 e Gen. 18 18 22.17 26.3.4 28.14 15 In thy seede shall all nations be blessed Gen. 49.10 Silo that is Christ the seed of the woman borne of her womhe without the operation of man shall come when the scepter and kingly dignitie is taken from Iudah Deut. 18.15 God there repeateth and illustrateth the promise of the Gospell f Psal 2.6.8 8.6 45.8 110.1 4. c Isa 7.14 Behold a virgine shall beare a sonne and shall call his name Immanuell that is God with vs because the word was made flesh Iohn 1.24 And the whole 35 Chapter containeth an Euangelical Sermon concerning the death of Christ and the fruits thereof Notwithstanding that which they preached was rather the promises of the Gospell then the Gospell it selfe seeing they prophecied of a thing to come but did not declare and publish the thing alreadie exhibited and performed Gal. 3.16 To Abraham and his seed were the promises made Therefore the Apostle speaketh thus Rom. 1.1 Set a part to the Gospell of God namely to preach it which he had promised before by his prophets in the holy scriptures If it were promised therefore it was not alreadie then exhibited And 1. Pet. 1.10 Of which saluation the Prophets haue enquired and searched forth who haue prophecied of the grace which was to come vpon vs. But at length the Apostles did publish it being exhibited whereupon sometimes they call it their owne Gospell Rom. 2 16. God shall iudge the secrets of men by Christ Iesus according to my Gospell and 2. Cor. 4.3 But if our Gospell be hidden c. By these speaches they shew themselues the preachers not the authors of it Was there therefore one and the same Gospell from the beginning of the world or one and the same way to obtaine saluation common to all men in all times It was alwaies one for Heb. 11.4 Abell by faith receiued that testimonie that he was iust before God Rom. 4.3 Abraham beleeued God and it was imputed vnto him for righteousnesse Gen. 15.16 and Acts. 10.43 To Christ doe all the prophets beare witnesse that whosoeuer beleeueth in him shall receiue remission of sinnes by his name Hebr. 13.8 Iesus is the same yester day and to day and for euer Therefore Reuel 13.8 he is called the Lambe which was slaine from the beginning of the world which is to be vnderstood not in deede and actually but in efficacie Is there then no difference betwixt our doctrine and theirs who liued vnder the law None in regard of the substāce but much in regard of the maner of dispensation For to them it was reuealed 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Heb. 1.1 Many waies and in diuers manners and therefore more obscurely and by parts and as it were by diuers degrees and in diuers mannes and when the day drew nearer the doctrine of free reconciliation in the Messiah was more cleerely reuealed Againe where as the auncients did touch it sparingly we haue receiued a more full enioying thereof Therefore Christ extolling the measure of grace whereby we excell the Iewes saith to his disciples Mat. 13.16.17 Blessed are the eyes which see that which you see blessed are the eares which heare those things which you heare for many Kings and Prophets haue wished for this thing and haue not obtained it In a word they beleeued in a Messiah to come we in him that is come alreadie What is the matter of the Gospell or the subiect where about it is employed Christ who died for our sinnes and rose againe for our iustification Rom. 4.25 For concerning him is the Gospell and him onely it doth preach Rom. 1.3 The Gospell which he promised concerning his sonne For which cause it is called the Gospell of Iesus Christ a Marc. 1.6 the testimonie of Christ b 1 Cor. 1.6 also the word of the crosse c v. 18 because it is a preaching of Christ crucified And in the 22 verse The Iewes aske a signe and the Grecians wisedome but we preach Christ the power of God and the wisedome of God What is the subiect to whom the Gospell belongeth Christ teacheth vs Marke 16.15 Goe ye into all the world and preach the Gospell to euerie creature that is not to euerie particular man but to all nations at Mathew expoundeth it chap. 26.13 and 28.19 and Luke 24.47 by whith it is signified that in the Gospell is neither Iew nor Grecian bound nor free male nor female but all are one in Christ Iesus Hereupon it is called the Gospell of the vncircumcision Gal. 2.7 metonymically and the Gospell of the Circumcision which was to be preached by Paule amongest the Gentiles and by Peter amongst the Iewes But the vertue and efficacie of the Gospell or of the promises of the Gospell belong onely to them who beleeue and are elected according to the testimony of Christ Iohn 17.9 I pray not for the world saith he but for those which thou hast giuen me because they are thine Neither doth Christ therefore mocke any man seeing all the fault is in the reprobate whose owne conscience doth conuict them of voluntarie contumacie What is the end of the Gospell To propound and apply vnto vs who are found guiltie by the law the grace and mercie of God promised by faith in Christ or to promise vnto vs the forgiuenes of our sins and our iustification before God in Christ alone and by the meere mercie of God d Rom. 3.23 24. 1 Pet. 1.9 VVhat are the effects of the Gospell 1 To create faith wherupō it is called the word of faith b 2 Cor. 5.19 1. Tim 4.6 2 To minister vnto vs the spirit therefore it is called the Ministery of the spirit because it hath the power of the spirit ioined with it c 2 Cor. 3.8 4 To regenerate for which cause it is termed the good seed d Mat 13.37 5 By preaching of the remission of sinnes and all good things in Christ to comfort
will when a man disposeth of his goods how they shall be ordered after his death The Grecians doe properly and peculiarly call it 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 2 According to the vse of Scripture it is vnderstood to be a couenant or agreement betwixt God and men who before were at variance in which couenant God doth promise to man those benefits which himselfe hath namely saluation and eternall life and man on the other part doth relie vpon God by confidence in his promises and doth confirme his faith nourish it by the testimonie of the couenant a Heb. 7.22 And for this cause is called of the Hebrewes 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Berith which properly signifieth 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in Greeke that is a couenant betwixt them which liue 3 Metonymically with addition of Old or New it signifieth the bookes and distinct parts of the Bible The old Testament signifieth the writings of Moses and the Prophets and the new containeth the writings of the Euangelists and Apostles 2. Cor. 3 6. God hath made vs able Ministers of the Nevv Testament And verse 14. Euen vntill this day the same veile remayneth in the reading of the Old Testament Seeing the word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Berith doth not signifie 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or a testament but 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is a couenant amongst them who liue 1. Reg. 5.12 why doe the Greeke interpreters of the Bible call the couenant made by God with men 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or a testament Because 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in a generall word signifieth also 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is a bargaine or couenant 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which generally signinifieth to couenant and agree vpon a bargaine Luc. 23.29 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 i. I make a couenant with you as the father couenanted or gaue order to me 2 Againe because this couenant of God with men hath some thing common with a testament and differing from other couenants for in other couenants nothing is lesse required then the death of them who enter couenant heere on the contrarie it behooued that the couenant made betwixt God and men should be confirmed by the death of Christ For these causes also the Apostle Hebr. Doth keepe the word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and draweth an argument from the proper signification thereof And it is called a testament because it is a certaine testimonie of the will of God Of what parts consisteth the Testament betwixt God and men Of three 1. A free promise on Gods part 2 Faith in the promise on mans part 3 The outward testification or marke of the same euery of which parts by a Synecdoche a part for the whole receiue the name of Testament as Gal. 3.17 The law doth not make void the couenant confirmed before by God where the word Testament is vsed for a promise made by God to Abraham a Gen. 17.7 2. God said to Abraham b v. ● Thou therfore keep my Testament Psal 44.18 All these things are come vpon vs yet doe wee not forget thee neyther deale falsely concerning thy Testament where the word Testament is vsed to signifie the faith of man towards God 3. Gen. 17.18 This is my Testament that euerie male among you be circumcised and Luke 22 20. This cup is the new testament in my bloud and Act. 7.8 God hath giuen to Abraham the testament of circumcision It is vsed Metaphorically for an outward signe or testimonie and badge of the testament Gen. 17.11 Hath God made more or onely one couenant with men As since the time of the fall of our first parents hath beene and is the same way to attaine saluation by Christ so there is one perpetuall couenant or testament of God whereby God bindeth himselfe to giue saluation to all those who beleeue in Christ But doth not the scripture mention two couenants It doth indeed because of the dispensation of the same couenāt which at diuers times was diuersly appointed by god wherof the one is called the Old Testament the other the New Yet we must note that the old Couenant is vnderstood and called two waies somtimes in respect onely of Moses his lawgiuing and it is called the couenant of the law the sanction and establishing whereof is described Exod. 24. and sometimes to signifie the couenant of grace or free couenant in what manner it was made with Abraham and his posteritie Gen. 17.7 But by the appellation of the new couenant is vndestoode no more then the free couenant Of both these Ierem. 31.31.32 speaketh thus Bebold the daies shall come saith the Lord and I will make with the house of Israell and with the hovse of Iuda my couenant not according to that couenant which I made with their fathers in the day when I tooke them by the hand to lead them out of the land of Aegypt but this is my couenant which I will make with the house of Israell After those daiet saith the Lord I will giue my law in the middest of them and I will write in their heart and I will bee their God and they shall be my people and I will be mercifull to their iniquities After which words the Apostle addeth Hebr. 8.13 VVhen he saith a newe one he hath abrogated the former And Galat. 4.24 He teacheth that Agar the seruant was a shadow of mount Sinai from which was giuen the Law and that Sarai the free woman was a f●gure of the heauenly Ierusalem from which sprung the Gospell and he addeth that by these are signified the two Testaments the one bringing forth children vnto bondage that is slaues and the other to libertie or free men and in the ninth Chapter to the Hebrewes he maketh a comparison of the Old and New Testament the summe whereof commeth to this purpose that the Old testament was a shadowe of the New and the New a fulfilling of the Old the new was folded vp in the Olde and the New enfolded in the Newe But in this place where the question is concerning the likenes and difference of the Old and New Couenaunt we by the name of old vnderstand onely the free Couenant in such sorte as it was made with our fi●st parents straight after the fall and was confirmed to Abraham of which the law of Moses was an helpe and at length it was renued in Christ Dan. 9.27 How are these two testimonies one which are so diuers In substance or in respect of all the causes thereof to wit Efficient Matter Forme and End How do they agree in the efficient cause Because the antecedent cause of both the couenants was the wonderfull descending and as it were abasing of God whereby he stooped so low as to binde men in league and couenant vnto him which thing Moses testifyeth Deut. 8.17 9.5 Offering the pure mercie of God against the merits of the Iewes and Iosua 24.2.3 But the antecedent and meritoriovs cause is the death of
might manifest his iustice and mercie 2. The primitiue or outward cause mouing vnto it the calamitie of mankinde and the tyranny of the Diuell ouer mankinde 3. The antecedent or inward cause mouing here vnto was the vnspeakeable loue of God the father towards his creature as it is said Ioh. 3.16 So God loued the world that hee gaue his onely begotten sonne c. 4. A fellow cause working voluntarily and with election and obeying the father was the sonne of God himselfe who as Paule saith Phil. 2.7 Made himselfe base taking on him the forme of a seruant became obedient to the father euen vnto the death of the crosse For hee deliuered himselfe into the hands of his enemies voluntarily and readily according to the prophecie Esai 53.7 He was offered because he would and Heb. 10.4 out of the Psalm Because it was impossible by the bloud of Buls and Goats to take away sins therefore Christ entring namely into the world said Sacrifice and oblation thou wouldest not haue burnt sacrifices for sins thou wast not pleased with then I said Lord I come in the beginning of the book it is written of me that I may doe thy will O my Lord. Sathan also is a chiefe cause of Christs death because with an ancient hatred he persecuted the seed of the woman and when hee could do no more hee bit his heele as it was foretold Gen. 3.15 All men are causes of Christs death and to them it must be imputed because of the guilt and the sinne wherein euery one is entangled The helping or instrumentall causes of Christs death were Iudas and the high Priests who counted to Iudas the 30. siluer pieces a Mat. 26.15 Annas also Caiphas Pilate and the people which cryed Away with him away with him b Ioh 18.15 And the Roman souldiers who were his executioners which instruments notwithstanding God so vsed as he finished by them a worke most holy to wit the redemption of mankind but the cursed instruments for none but the most vile and wicked could endure to betray condemne and murder an innocent he did punish with most iust punishments seing they sinned not by constraint but of their owne accord and most of them against their owne conscience What is the subiect oft this passion The Lord himselfe the verie sonne of God being made man But whether was the passion a suffering of his whole person or of one of his natures onely The passion was of the person because that person which suffered was God and man but he suffered not in his diuine nature for it cannot be that an immutable thing should suffer an immortall thing die but in mans nature which hee tooke vpon him and which was subiect to suffering Therefore Paule in respect of the person saith Act. 20.28 That God purchased to himselfe the Church by his bloud And in respect of the humane nature 1. Pet. 4.1 the Apostle affirmeth that Christ suffered in the flesh And in the Epistle to the Hebrewes 2.14 the author saith That the sonne of God was made partaker of flesh and bloud that by death hee might destroy him who had the power of death Therefore although the passion and death of Christ be properly of the flesh according to nature yet according to the person it belongeth to the word because it is one and the same person both of the flesh and the word What was the formall cause The suffering both of the bodie soule both which sufferings are described by the Euangelists in certaine degrees and parts What was the suffering of his soule The inward torment of the soule which Christ felt especially after the administration of the Supper and that ariseth by certaine degrees 1. For first in the garden hee feeling the anger of God kindled against our sins out of his great trouble of minde cryeth Mat. 26.38 My soule is verie heauie euen vnto the death and Father if it be possible remoue from mee this cup by which cup according to the Hebrew phrase he vnderstandeth the anger of God and the punishment for our sinnes yet notwithstanding he addeth a condition Not as I will but as thou vvilt Mark 14.26 Whereby he signifieth not an opposition but a diuersitie of wils which is not of it selfe faultie especially where the wil of mā is subiected to Gods will so a man is ought to be sorie at his friends death yet doth he willingly yeeld to the purpose of God 2. This torment was so increased that hee sweateth drops of bloud through the grieuousnesse thereof Luk. 22.44 At last vpon the Crosse as though he were oppressed by these griefes and forsaken of god he cryeth out My God my God why hast thou forsaken me Ma. 27.46 not as though God were separated frō the humane nature but because it is as Bernard saith a kinde of forsaking when there is no performance or exhibiting of power in so great necessitie neither any shewing of Maiestie which complaint was the complaint of one not despairing or distrusting for he calleth God his God but of one wrestling with a most grieuous temptation Caluin calleth this sanctam desperationē an holy desperation For this cause Dauid prophecying of Christ Ps 18.5.6 saith thus The sorrowes of the graue haue cōpassed me about that is I haue suffered horrible griefes such if as these griefes should haue bene indured by an angel yea al the Angels they would haue bin brought to nothing altogether oppressed of thē And He. 5.7 it is thus said of him Who in the daies of his flesh did offer vp praiers supplycations with strōg crying tears vnto him that was able to saue him frō death and was also heard in that which he feared or was deliuered from his feare that is from that terrour astonishmēt which possessed him when he thought vpon the most seuere iudgement and anger of God But what was the cause of such torments in Christs soule Not one but many 1. The thinking vpon the tyranny of sinne death and Sathan which made hauock of mankind 2. The meditation of that horrible infamous and cursed punishment a Gal. 3.13 which he foresawe he should suffer in his most holie bodie as also those contumelies which should be cast vpon him 3. His thinking vpon the ingratitude of the greatest part of the world 4 Especially the sense of Gods horrible wrath which hee sustained for our sins for which he tooke vpon him to make satisfaction Whereupon Iohn 1.29 Hee is called the Lamb of God which taketh away or which beareth the sins of the world What was the suffering of the bodie His outward suffering which befell to him besides those griefes which in his soule hee sustained which may bee diuided according to the subiectes or places in which he was diuersly afflicted as the garden Caiphas his house or the Cōuocation of the Priests the Pretorie or towne Hall the place without the citie where theeues were punished
female sexe 3. To the two Disciples Cleophas and his fellowe as they were going to Emaus c Luk 24.13 31. of whome when hee was not discerned at the first because their eyes were held from discerning him hee was afterwards knowne of them in the breaking of bread their eyes beeing then opened and againe hee vanished from them not in respect of himselfe absolutelie but in respect of his Disciples and therefore it is added 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 from them that is hee ceased to bee seene of them who notwithstanding in himselfe was visible Which came to passe either because of his sodaine departure from them or because their sight was againe dimmed that they could not see him 4. To Simon Peter alone Luk. 24.34 d 1. Cor 15 d 1 Cor. 15.5 5. To the Apostles the eleuen as Marke hath it e Mark 16.14 or as Paule the 12. f 1. Cor. 15.5 they being so called because of the cōmon title of their society fraternity being gathered together all saue Thomas at Ierusalem Vnto whome he entring Iohn 20.28 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the gates being shut not through the gates being shut but after the gates were shut and no man opened to him seeing the wall or gates by the almightie power of God might in one moment make entrance to his bodie which pierced them in a moment and the creature shall giue place to the Creator he stood in the middest of them and when they doubted whether it were hee hee gaue himselfe to bee seene and handled of them And proued his bodie to bee a true bodie and tooke away all suspition of spirituall entrance penetration of dimensions incircumscription inuisibilitie illocability and lastly of the appearing of a Ghost g Mark 16 14. Luk. 24 26 Iohn 20 19 seq What appearances made hee in the daies following Sixe 1. On the eight day after the resurrection he appeared to his Disciple Thomas being present when he entred againe to them the gates being shut h Iohn 20 26. 2. At the sea of Tyberias he appeared to seauen of his Disciples who were fishermen a Iohn 3. To eleuen Disciples at once in a certaine mountaine of Galilie as he had appointed with them b Math 28 16 4. To more then 500. brethren at once c 1 cor 15.6 5. To Iames by himselfe d Ibid v 7 concerning whom the testimonie of Paule is sufficient for vs. 6. On the verie day of his ascention hee appeared to the Apostles on mount Oliuet when he was taken vp into heauen out of their sight e Luk 24.50 Act. 1 6 12 Why doe not the Euangelists and Paule 1. Cor. 15.5 keepe a like order in rehearsing his appearances but some haue not some some other appearances That not so much the order of the appearances which might bee also greater as the trueth of his resurrection in which our saluation standeth might bee regarded and that varietie might euidently proue that the Euangelists did not agree and deuise amongst themselues to write those Histories but that they might shew that the Lord rose againe truely But why appeared he not to all or at least to the chiefe Priests and Elders of the people 1. Because as the kingdome of Christ is not of this world a Io. 18.36 so neither doth it depend of mans patronage 2. As with God there is a time of mercie so also there is a time of iudgement 3. Because the resurrection of Christ was foretold by the Prophets publickly preached by the Apostles proclaimed to all nations and confirmed enough and more then enough by testimonies which followed the ascension as First by the visible giuing of the holy Ghost in the day of Pentecost 2. By the gift of tongues 3. By the admirable audacitie and confidence which appeared in the Apostles 4. By the efficacie of the Gospell in conuerting very many 5. By the miracles done by the Apostles by inuocation of Christ f Act. 2.2.43 3.6 4 13.31.33 6. By the appearance of the Lord himselfe vnto Stephen when he was stoned g Act. 7 55 and to Paule when he went to Damascus h Ac● 9.3 1 Cor 15.8 17. By the preseruation of the Church according to Christs promises Mat. 16.18 The gates of hell shall not preuaile against it 8. By Baptisme and the Supper of the Lordi. 9. Lastly by the feeling of Christ dwelling in the hearts of the godly and by the earnest of the spirit 4. Because the condition of Christs kingdome which is of grace is this that it is not manifest to bodily eyes but to the eies of the minde and faith according to that Iohn 20.29 Blessed are they who haue not seene and beleeue 1 Rom 6 4 How differ the Resurrection of Christ and of other dead men 1. In the efficient cause for Christ rose againe by his owne power that which no man besides himselfe could euer do 2. In the end for others who haue beene raised vp haue risen againe subiect to the miseryes of this life and being to die againe But Christ first swallowing vp mortalitie and laying away at once all the infirmities of mans life rose againe vnto immortality a Rom. 6. ● 3. By the effectes What manner one was Christ when he rose againe Wholy glorious 1. In respect of the Diuinitie for whereas before it was hid in Christ now it was fully manifested and reuealed 2. In respect of his humanitie because all infirmities and accidentall properties with which Christ was borne as also all aduersities and miseries and all necessities of hauing meate drinke sleepe c. being laid away it was fully and to the highest degree of perfection adorned with new qualities but such as were created aboue besides the common order of nature as in the soule wisdome ioyfulnes c. In the bodie incorruptibilitie subtilitie nimblenesse brightnesse and shining through the power of the Godhead dwelling in it by which also it was exalted farre aboue all creatures b Psal 45.7.8 But the essentiall properties of it being still kept so that his body being now in glorie is still according to the ordinarie dispensation of nature to be seene and felt composed of instrumentall parts finite and conteined in place as Christ himselfe after his resurrection teacheth See ye my hands and my feete for it is euen I my selfe For a Spirit hath no flesh and bone as yee see me haue Luk. 24.39 For whome did Christ rise againe Onely for and to the elect for the vngodly shal rise againe not because of Christs resurrection but by the iust iudgement of God they shall rise againe vnto eternall damnation and by the force of that sanction and decreee which was added to the commaundement giuen to Adam Gen. 2.17 In what day thou shalt eate of the tree of the knowledge of good and euill thou shalt die the death namely as well the first as
Ghost such is the excellency of the Gospell 3 Of those things which are reported as spoken by God some are so indeed but some other are fained like vnto them by those that doe foolishly vnderstand the Scripture When therefore God doth directly affirme a thing we must simply beleeue him but when men speake we must not without all iudgement and enquirie beleeue euery thing bur rather trie all things and examin them according to the analogy of faith Rom. 12.6 and keepe that which is good now good and true are all one 1. Thes 5.21 What is the subiect of faith wherein it is The soule of a man and that both in the minde a knowledge or vnderstanding a luk 24.45 Ephes 4.23 and a iudgement and consent resting in the word and promise of God and likewise also in the will and heart an apprehension or embracing of the same Act. 16.14 The Lord opened the heart of Lydia that she should attend the things which Paule spake and Rom. 10.10 VVith the heart man beleeueth vnto righteousnesse VVhat is the subiect of faith to whom faith is giuen Not all for all men doe not heare the Gospell b act 17.30 neither doe all that heare it receiue it with a pure heart as it is in the parable of the sower Math. 13.3 Neither doe all obey the Gospell c Rom. 10.17 for the Prophet Esay 53.1 saith who hath beleeued our report Faith therfore belongeth not to all but onely to the elect d 2. Thes 3 2 Iohn 8.47 He that is of God heareth Gods word you therefore heare not because you are not of God and Act. 13.48 As manie as vvere ordained to eternall life beleeued 2. Tim. 1.1 Paule an Apostle of Iesus Christ according to the faith of the elect of God From whence wee gather that faith is vnto vs an vndoubted argument of our election And therefore the reprobate although they doe sometimes seeme and are said to beleeue in Christ as those Temporizers Luc. 8.13 Simon Magus Act. 8.13 yea are endued with a temporarie taste of hauenly gifts e Heb. 6.4 yet they haue not a liuely and sauing faith in as much as they haue not the spirit of adoptiō bestowed vpon them that so they might with open mouth and a full confidence crie Abba Father Gal. 4.6 But they haue onely an hypocriticall and temporarie faith Haue infants actuall faith No indeed not that fayth which commeth by hearing seeing to them the Gospell is not preached For it is playne that those little ones which beleeue Math. 18.6 Are so described by Christ not in respect of their age but of their small vnderstanding forasmuch as hee disputeth of them who may be offended in word or in deed which thing cannot befall vnto infants being as yet of no vnderstanding Although it must not be denied that they are gouerned by a certaine peculier prouidence of God and that there is a certaine seede of faith infused into the infants elected Is there one faith without forme and another formed So certaine schoolemen will haue it who call faith without forme such an assent whereby euerie man euen he that despiseth God doth receiue that which is deliuered out of the Scripture without any godly affection of the heart And they call faith formed when to that assent there is added a godly affection of the heart namely Charitie but this is but foolish For faith rather belongeth to the heart then to the braine Rom. 10.10 With the hart a man beleeueth vnto righteousnesse 2 Seeing faith proceedeth from the spirit of adoption it embraceth Christ not onely vnto righteousnesse but to sanctification also and a fountaine of liuing waters a Iohn 4 14 3 Charitie or the affection of Godlinesse doth no lesse accompanie faith then the light doth accompanie the Sunne And as Gregorie saith Looke how much wee beleeue so much we loue And therefore faith is not without forme neyther can be any way seuered from Godly affection vnlesse it be hypocriticall which is not to be called faith vnlesse it be 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 by aequiuocation and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 by abusion but rather a shadow and likenesse of faith But seeing it is said Gal. 5.6 Faith working by Charitie is not Charitie the forms of faith No more then the bodie is the forme of the soule in that the soule worketh by the bodie And this is but fondly spoken inasmuch as one qualitie is not the forme of another qualitie And if it were yet Charitie doth not forme faith but on the contrarie fayth formeth Charitie for that Charitie is an effect of fayth For Charitie fetcheth his ofspring from faith and not on the contrarie faith from charitie 1. Tim. 1 5. Charitie out of a pure heart a good conscience and faith vnfained Now the cause is not said to be formed by the effect And therfore by that speech true liuely faith is distinguished from a dead counterfeit and barren faith by the marke and effect thereof namely that it is an effectuall working and fruitfull faith which bringeth forth good workes And faith Iames. 2.22 is not called perfect whereunto nothing is wanting for as long as Abraham liued he caried about him flesh and therfore stood in need of that prayer Lord increase my faith but it is said to be perfected by works as the first act is said by the Philosophers to be perfected by the second act namely because by working it doth shew and manifest it selfe which before it began to worke lay hid as if the goodnesse of a tree should be said to be perfected when it bringeth forth some excellent fruit For inasmuch as by the effectes we iudge of the cause therefore by the proportion of the effects the force of the cause doth seeme after a sort to be increased or diminished VVhat is the forme of iustifying faith Trust in the mercie of God through Christ or 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a firme confidence and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a full perswasion of the grace of God the father towards vs whereby any man doth as it were with a full course striue toward the marke VVhich be the adiuncts or properties of faith 1 That it be certaine and without doubting 2 That it be continuall and neuer faile 3 That it be liuely effectuall and working How prooue you that certainty belongeth vnto faith 1 Iohn 3.2 The faithfull know themselues to be the sonnes of God but being rather confirmed in the perswasion of the truth of God by the holy Ghost then taught by any demonstration of reason 2 By the consideration of the truth of the promises and power of God For Psal 18.31 The word of the Lord is a tried shield to all that trust in him And Rom. 4.20 Abraham did not doubt of the promise of God through vnbeleefe but was strengthned in the faith and gaue glorie to God being fully assured that he which had promised was also able to doe it 3
〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 is alwaies atrributed to faith in the Scriptures which setteth before vs the goodnesse of God most manifestly without all manner of doubting Rom. 4 2● so also is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Ephes 3.12 By faith we haue 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 boldnesse or freedome and entrance 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 with confidence by faith in him In briefe there is no man faithfull but he who being perswaded that God is fauourable vnto him is so assured of his saluation as that he doth boldly insult ouer the diuel and death after the example of Paule Rom. 8.38 I am perswaded saith he that neither death nor life nor Angels nor principalities nor powers nor things present nor things to come can separate vs from the loue of God And vers 16. The spirit of God witnesseth with our spirits that we are the sonnes of God Is not then the faith of the Elect aslauted with anie vncertaintie vnquietnesse and distrust Yes surely for Dauid Psal 31.23 I said in my hast I am cast out of thy sight And neuer will it be so well with vs in the course of this present life that we shal be cured of this disease of distrust but rather shall be wholly replenished therewithall But this vncertaintie or vnquietnesse faith hath not of it selfe but from our infirmitie Againe we do not therefore say that the elect doe fall away from that sure confidence which they had conceiued of the mercie of God For this cause Dauid himselfe Psal 42.6 why art thou cast downe my Soule and vnquiet within me wait on God For faith truely gets the vpper hand that it may set it selfe against all manner of burdens and lift vp it selfe and neuer suffer the confidence of Gods mercie to be shaken from it And therefore Iob. 13. Though the Lord kill me yet will I trust in him And Psal 23.4 If I walke in the midst of the shadowe of death yet will I feare no euill for thou art with mee And therefore there is no hinderance but that the faithfull at one and the same time may be terrified casting their eyes vpon their owne vnworthines and vanitie and may also at the same time enioy most assured Comfort calling to minde the goodnes truth and power of God Cannot that faith faile As faith receiueth increase according to that Luk. 15.5 Lord increase our faith So it may also receiue decrease may suffer as it were a backsliding so as sometimes by the storms of diuers temptations it may be shaken obscured ouerwhelmed and waxe faint yea euen in the Saints like as reason in dronken men and infants is laid a sleepe and buried as in Dauid when he committed adulterie and in Peter when he thrice denied Christ but yet it is neuer quite shaken off or extinguished For the purpose of our election is sure and therefore it is necessarie that faith which followes election should haue the gift of perseuerance to accompanie it for the gift of God and fath is among them and the calling of GOD are without repentance Rom. 11.29 And Christ himselfe did pray vnto his father surely no lesse for the rest of the elect that their faith might neuer faile them then hee prayed for the faith of Peter Luc. 22.32 c Moreouer Paule Ephes 1.13.14 saith That we after we beleeued were sealed with the holy Spirit of promise and that this spirit is the earnest of our inheritance vntill the redemption of the possession purchased And Phil. 1.6 What good work God beginneth in his elect the same he will performe vntill the day of Iesus Christ And therfore how small and weake soeuer faith be in the elect yet because the spirit of God is a pledge and seale vnto them of their adoption the print thereof can neuer bee blotted out of their hearts Lastly seeing that the faith of the elect is opposed to temporarie faith it followeth therefore that it is perpetuall But shall not faith once haue an end In respect of the obiect namely Christ as he is offered in the word and sacraments faith shall vanish away at that time when we shall haue Christ present in heauen as the Apostle saith 1. Cor. 13.8.10 Prophecyings shall be abolished and knowledge shall vanish away when that which is perfect is come then that which is in part shal be abolished For there will be no vse of faith when those things are performed and indeede fully exhibited which wee doe in this life beleeue and hope shall be giuen vnto vs. But if wee speake absolutely of Christ without the integuments of the word and Sacraments then faith in him or if ye had rather so terme it the thing it selfe called by that name that is to say the knowledge and apprehension of Christ shall neuer cease but shall be most perfect in heauen not now any more by the ministerie of the word but by the beholding and contemplation of Christ himselfe The knowledge it selfe I say shall not be abolished nay it shall be perfected but the manner of knowing shall yeeld and giue place vnto the beholding of God himselfe For this is that which the Apostle called perfect 1. Cor. 13.10 After that which is perfect is come But is a faint faith in Christ a true faith Yea indeed For more and lesse doe not change the kindes of things and it is referred vnto one and the same Christ neyther doth it swarue form him and therefore as touching reconciliation with God Remission of sinnes and life eternall it obtaineth no lesse then the most strong faith though it do it not so strongly and with lesse fruit And therefore Esay 42.3 Christ will not breake the brused reed nor quench the smoaking flaxe That is to say those that are weake in faith he will mercifully aduise those that are staggering and wauering in faith he will confirme and strengthen and those that haue any sparke of the truth though it be as it were dying hee will cherish and maintayne Rom. 14.1.3 Him that is weake in the faith God hath receiued And 2. Cor. 12.9 The power of God is made perfect through weakenesse Which is the third adiunct of faith That it is liuely and effectuall in the elect Whence is it that it is called liuely and effectuall First from the affections secondly from the actions which it produceth in the beleeuers The affections are those which are stirred vp in the heart of the beleeuers by the apprehending of Christ with his benefits by faith 1 A liuely and assured feeling of Gods loue towards vs diffused in our hearts a Rom. 5.5 2 An assured hope and expectation of life eternall b Ibidem 3 A filiall loue and feare or reuerence whereby the faithfull doe endeuour to please God and doe verie carefully feare and beware to offend him also a loue of Christ and a delight in him For the loue of God is not of the essence and nature of faith but a
termes of faith and hope are taken one for the other b 1. Pet. 1.5 Rom. 8.24 And as Luther saith faith beholdeth the word of the matter hope looketh vnto the matter of the word Moreouer faith receiueth Charitie giueth and bestoweth Charitie is begotten of faith and not on the contrarie faith maketh vs the sonnes of God c Gal. 3.26 charitie trieth vs d 1. Ioh. 4.7 Iohn 13.35 whether we be the sonnes of God The obiect of faith is Christ offered in the Gospell with all his benefits the obiect of Charitie is God and our neighbour a Mat. 22 37 39 Furthermore faith endureth in this world and shall passe into a perfect knowledge in the other world but Charitie shall flourish most of all in the world to come 1. Cor. 13 13. The chiefe of those three vertues is Loue In respect of the vse namely toward our neighbour whereas the other two go no farther then the person of the beleeuer and hoper VVhat are the contraries of faith 1 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Infidelitie the vnbeleefe of all infidels who say in their heart There is no God Psal 14.1 2 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that difficultie to beleeue of the Christians which heare the word and doe not beleeue it and which conceiue a faith of God not according to the Scriptures but according to the imaginations of their owne hearts 3 Security of the flesh and contempt of Gods Iustice wherby sinnes are punished 4 The Iewes confidence in the flesh b Phil. 3.3 5 Presumption and confidence of our owne strength workes merits righteousnesse and worthines such as was in the pharisies Luke 18.11.12 6 Confidence and trust in the helpe of man c Esa 30.2 7 That Academicall distrust and doubting of God of the certaintie of Gods word of the grace of God or the forgiuenesse of sinnes that so that selling of workes of supererogation and suffrages for the dead may the more easily be retained 8 Desperation 9 The errrour of the Papists which say that faith is not onely of those things that are reuealed in the Scripture but likewise also of those that are deliuered by hand without writing Also that there is a beginning or bringing cause of all other vertues for the which we are iustified That there is a habite formed by Charitie vnto righteousnesse Moreouer that faith and doubting are not opposites and that wee can no otherwise determine of the fauour of God towards vs then by morall coniecture Besides what the Church beleeues that is the Catholicke truth That faith may remaine in the wicked and that therefore it doth not iustifie then which nothing can be said more slaunderous against sauing faith of which Christ saith Hee that beleeueth in him shall not perish but shall haue eternall life Iohn 6.40 Furthermore that faith is occupied onely in generall propositions as Hee that keepeth the commaundements shall enter into life And Hee that beleeueth and shall bee baptised shall be saued But not in these Particulars I shall enter into life I shall be saued or My sinnes are forgiuen mee For it were a vaine confidence for hope to applie those generall sentences vnto particulars and seueralles which yet may bee deceiued whereas Paule saith directly contrarie Rom. 5.5 Hope maketh not ashamed Lastly they account it impudencie or presumption to hope any thing without desert 10 The madnesse of certaine fanaticke persons who doe seuer the internall word as they call it from the ministration of the outward word And finally the madnesse of the Anabaptistes who dreame of the perfection of faith ❧ The thirtieth common place Of Repentance where of Regeneration From whence is Repentance deriued THE Latine word poenitentia is deriued from poena punishment because there is a kinde of punishment in those things which are shamefull or loathsome vnto vs. And therefore if we looke vnto the propertie of the Latine word it rather agreeth with contrition or sorrowes which are in our soules through the acknowledgement of our sinnes then it doth with conuersion vnto God In Hebrew it is called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Teshuba conuersion or reuersion turning backe according to that Ier. 4.1 If thou wilt returne vnto me returne saith the Lord. By a metaphore borrowed from them that haue strayed out of their way and after long wandering doe returne vnto their first high way In Greeke it is called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 properly afterwit of 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which signifieth after the deed done to be wise to change our mind and purpose for the better to returne vnto a sound mind and so to grieue for the error by past as to amend it Whereupon some will haue it deriued from 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 madnesse and folly 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 afterwards as if it should be the correcting and amending of madnes and folly for alwaies with 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 is ioyned 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 soundnesse of mind And the matter it selfe well agreeth with both these interpretations the summe whereof is this That forsaking our selues we should turne vnto God and laying aside the foolishnesse of sinning we should put on a new minde and become wiser By another Greeke word it is called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in Latine poenitentia of 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 after a thing done to be sorie grieued for which the Latines properly say poenitere So 2. Cor. 7.8 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 signfyeth to take griefe for any thing that is done Although I made you sorie by a letter 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 I doe not repent though I did repent And Rom. 11.29 The giftes of God are called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 i. Such as can neuer displease him seeing once they did please him Also it is taken in ill part as it is written of Iudas 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 grieuing not 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 repenting 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 he brought againe Math. 27.3 signifying sorrow and griefe wherewithall hee was swallowed vp For euerie man doth not repent that is sorrowfull and grieued but oftentimes falleth into a worse case then hee was before whereas 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in the holy Scriptures is alwaies taken in good part and signifieth sauing amendment Notwithstanding the Latine interpreter hath translated both the Greeke words by the word Poenitentia How many waies is the terme of Repentance vsed Foure waies 1 Synecdochially 2 Generally for the whole turning and conuersion of man to God 3 Specially for Regeneration 4 For the outward profession of Repentance VVhat is repentance taken Synecdochically It is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the sting of sinne or the prick of conscience and it is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a displeasing which the Greeke Diuines call 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 because it wounds the soule commonly we call it Contrition And they make it double or of two sorts Legall by the preaching of the Law whereby the sinner being wounded with the searing
Iron of sinne and being affrighted with the terrour of Gods wrath sticketh so fast in that trouble of mind that he cannot winde himselfe out of it This they call the accusation of sinne which commeth by the lawe Rom. 3.20 The Apostle 2. Cor. 17.7 calleth it worldly sorrow and sorrow vnto death whereby a man grieueth and sorroweth for his sinnes and being terrified with the feare of the punishment hanging ouer his head which is the certaine and direct way to desperation vnlesse the Lord put to his helping hand Examples hereof are Cain a Gen. 4.13 Saule b 1 Sam. 15 30. 31.4 Achitophell 2. Sam. 17.23 and Iudas c Mat. 27.3 4.5 But in the elect it is a kinde of preparation to the repentance of the Gospell Now the contrition of the Gospell is that whereby the sinner being grieuously afflicted within himselfe yet riseth higher and through the preaching of the Gospell doth apprehend Christ the salue for his sore the comfor of his feare and the hauen for his miserie This is called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 sorrow according to God or godly sorrow which proceedeth from the spirit of God and is acceptable vnto God and proper vnto that man that sorroweth for his sinnes not for feare of any punishment but in that he taketh this exceeding grieuously that he hath offended God a most gentle father and it causeth 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Repentaunce as the Apostle declareth 2 Cor. 7.10 Examples there are of Ezekiah Esa 38.13 Hee brake all my bones like a Lion of Dauid d 2. Sam. 12 13. 24.10 of Peter who wept bitterly but left not of hoping Mathew 26.75 And of them that were pricked in their heart at the preaching of Peter but yet trusting in the goodnesse of God they added further Men and brethren what shall we doe Act. 2.37 of this Repentance the Psalmist Psal 51.8 saith Let the bones which thou hast broken reioyce and verse 17. The Sacrifice of God is a contrite Spirit a broken heart O God thou wilt not despise And Esay 57 15. God dwelleth with the contrite and humble spirit also chap. 66.2 To whom should I looke but to him that is poore and of a contrite spirit and trembleth at my words And Christ saith Math. 5.3 Blessed are the poore in spirit i. the humble who doe of their owne accord submit themselues vnto God being touched with a feeling of their sinnes and voide of all pride in themselues VVhat signifieth this word Repentance secundarily It signifieth generally the whole conuersion of man vnto God as Luke 15.7 There is more ioy in heauen among the Angels for one sinner that repenteth then for 99. iust men which neede not amendment of life Which must be vnderstood 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 namely in respect of them that are vtterly turned away from God And Act. 2.38 Repent and be baptised euerie one of you c. And thus they define it Repentance is a true sorrow for our offence toward God with a desire and hope of pardon and a will and especiall endeuour from henceforth to auoid all sinne and to approue all our life vnto God How many are the parts of this generall Repentance Three 1 Contrition whereby a man acknowledgeth his sinne and that he hath deserued the iust wrath of God and his curse for sinne and doth earnestly lament for the sinne committed and loatheth the same vnder which are comprehended Humilitie Modestie such as was in Peter who being touched with a consideration of the diuine power in Christ fell at his knees crying Go from me Lord for I am a sinfull man Luk. 5.8 And in Dauid who vsing daily to shed teares made account that he had need of a multitude of mercies Psal 6.7 and 51.3 2 Faith which acknowledgeth Christ the mediator and intercessor with his father and holdeth that sinne is forgiuen for the mediators sake and that the righteousnesse of the mediator is imputed vnto him 3 New obedience which consisteth of iust dealing toward our neighbour holinesse and puritie in the whole course of our liues and diligence in performing the duties of our calling Of which parts we haue an example Luk. 7.37 In the woman that was a sinner whose teares were a witnesse of her contrition i. of her feare and griefe of conscience according to God in regard of sinne her comming to Christ was a testimonie of the confidence which she had conceiued of him and her obedience that she yeeldes vnto Christ in washing his feete with her teares wiping them with the haires of her head and kissing them did testifie her new obedience which is a fruit of faith What thinke you of this Diuision I hold it to be true but to speake properly faith is no part of Repentance but the mother and fountaine thereof For faith must needes shine before Repentance and such faith such repentance For no man saith Ambrose can repent but hee that hopeth for pardon And therefore the cause of Repenting is drawne from the verie promise of saluation Mat. 3.2 Repent for the kingdome of God is at hand as if he should say Because the kingdome of God is at hand therefore repent And Psal 130.4 With thee is mercie that thou maist be feared Moreouer the Scripture doth not make mention of faith as vnder Repentance that is to say not as if repentance should bee the genus or generall and Faith the Species or speciall but reckoneth them as two diuers things Repentance and Faith Mark 1.15 Repent and beleeue the Gospell Luk. 24.47 Preach in my name repentance and forgiuenesse of sinnes And Paul Act. 20.21 saith That hee had witnessed both to Iewes and Graecians the repentance toward God and faith toward our Lord Iesus Christ Not that true repentance can stand without faith for they are vnseparable in the saints but because although they cannot bee separated yet they ought to be distinguished as hope and faith are as in the sinfull woman the theefe Dauid Manasseh and other repentant sinners Finally new life or new obedience to speake properly is not a part of repentance but an effect and fruite thereof Mat. 3.8 Iohn Baptist saith Bring forth fruites worthy repentance So Act. 26.20 Paule shewed vnto the Gentiles That they should repent and turne to God and do workes worthy amendment of life which are called the fruites and works of sanctification Whether of these goeth before Faith or repentance Whereas we haue saide before that repentance is sometimes vsed by a Synecdoche for that which they call Contrition and haue shewed that contrition is legall or euangelicall wee haue placed faith as it were in the middle betweene the former of those sorrowes which commeth of the acknowledgement of our sinnes and the accusations of the conscience or which proceedeth from the Law and the latter which proceedeth from the Gospell For godly sorrow is an effect of faith aswell as ioy and gladnesse of conscience Which is the third signification of
b Tit. 3.4 And therefore Rom. 3.24 they are iustifyed freely that is to say excluding all workrs not onely works going be-before faith but also those that follow faith or of Gods free gift and meere liberalitie By his grace by the redemption made by Iesus Christ and Rom. 4.16 Therefore the inheritance is by faith that it might be by grace that it might be sure And Rom. 11.6 If it be by grace then it is no more by workes or else grace were no grace And Ephes 2.8 By grace ye are saued through faith and that not of your selues it is the gift of God And therefore our Iustification is altogether free even as are also those things that go before it our Election and Vocation and that that followeth it namely sanctification For euen Christ himselfe also with his satisfaction is the free gift of God and it is of Gods grace and fauour that he will iustifie vs for anothers sake and for the righteousnes of another and so faith it selfe and likewise that by the comming betweene of faith we are iustified it is the gift God Finally that remission of sins is free Christ teacheth vs both in many other places and also Luke 7.41 by way of parable where he setteth downe the representation of the creditor and the debtor VVhat is the meritorious or materiall cause of our iustificacation that is to say for the which wee are iustified Not faith nor charitie nor works nor our merits nor the merits of the Saints nor sufferings nor Sacraments but Christ with his righteousnesse and that not only principally and euerie mans owne works or merits lesse principally but Christ alone altogether and that as farre as he is apprehended by faith Rom. 3.24 VVe are iustified freely by the redemption that is in Iesus Christ And 1. Pet. 1.18 knowing that you are not redeemed with corruptible things as siluer gold from your vaine conuersation receiued by the tradition of the fathers namely of those of whom it is spoken Ezech. 20.18 VValke ye not in the ordinances of your fathers neither obserue their manners but with the pretious bloud of Christ as of a Lambe vndefiled and without spot What doe you vnderstand by the name of Christs righteousnesse Not that essentiall righteousnesse of the verie diuinitie of Christ distributed amonge men or Christ himselfe as he is God stirring vs vp to doe that which is righteous as Osiander conceiued for this is to play the Manichee that is to say to faine a diffusion of Gods substance through all manner of things and to confound God himselfe with his effects that he worketh in vs. Neyther doe wee vnderstand by Christs righteousnesse that inchoated righteousnesse which is onely begunne in this world which Christ worketh in the regenerate by his spirit for that were to confound Iustification and Sanctification together But wee vnderstand both that most high and perfect puritie and integritie or Sanctification wherewithall Christ was endued in his humanitie from the verie moment of his conception by the holy Ghost which they call Habituall or Originall righteousnesse and Paule calleth it The law of the spirit of life in Christ which is opposed to our original vnrighteousnes or to our naturall corruption a Rom. 8.1.2 and is imputed vnto vs as also his actuall obedience proceeding from that habituall righteousnesse whereby he did in the verie act most perfectly obey the law of God which is opposed to our disobedience As by one mans disobedience many were made sinners so by one mans obedience many shall be made righteous Rom. 5.19 How many kindes are there of Christs obedience It is of two sorts Actiue and Passiue The Actiue obedience of Christ is his perfect fulfilling of the lawe which Christ did so fully and perfectly performe as that louing God with all his heart and his neighbour more then himselfe hee did satisfie euen the vttermost title of the law of which Math. 3.15 It becommeth vs to fulfill all righteousnesse And Math. 5.17 I came not to destroy the Lawe but to fulfill it Iohn 8.29 I do alwaies those things that please the Father And Phil. 2.8 He submitted himselfe being made obedient euen to the death of the crosse The Passiue obedience of Christ is his oblation or passion for seeing the reward of our sinnes is euerlasting death Christ alone who was only able to vnloose the bond of so many debts did indeede suffer death fo vs and by his death did breake the bonds of eternall death and so hauing paide the ransome did set men that were the debtors at libertie with God their creator By reason here of he is called The price a Gal 1 4 Coll. 1 14 1 Tim 2 6 1 Pet 1 18 of our Redemption a Sauiour a Reconciler and a Propitiation for our sinnes in whom and by whom wee recouer all that wee had lost in Adam Tell me whether beside this Passiue righteousnesse the Actiue obedience of Christ also whereby he did fulfill the law be imputed vnto vs by God for righteousnes that is to say whether are we iustified for the obedience that he performed vnto the law Or whether is our saluation only to be ascribed to the death and passion of Christ or else to his actiue life and to his inherent holinesse also Yes indeed 1 Because the actuall disobedience of Adam had made vs sinners And therefore by the contrarie the Actuall obedience of Christ hath made vs righteous Rom. 5.19 And verse 10. If when we were enemies we were reconciled by the death of the sonne much more being reconciled shall we be saued by his life 2 Because we did not onely stand in need of a satisfaction for sinne for the taking away of death but also of the gift of righteousnes to obtaine eternall life according to the precept and demaund of the law This doe and thou shalt liue And therefore Christ is not onely called the price of our redemption but the end also and perfection of the law to saluation to euerie one that beleeueth Rom. 10.4 And heereupon saith Ambrose Hee that beleeueth in Christ hath the perfection of the law 3 Because Christ did not onely offer himselfe to death for vs but did also sanctifie himselfe for vs that we also might be sanctified through the truth Iohn 17.19 And he is said To be made vnto vs of God wisedome righteousnesse sanctification and redemption 1. Cor. 1.30 4 Because the Passiue obedience of Christ was not meerely purely passiue but his Actiue obedience did chalenge vnto it selfe the preheminēce in the same Ps 40.7.8 In the volume of the booke it is written of mee that I should doe thy will O my God and I said loe I come And He was therfore offered because he would Esai 53.7 And as our priest he did offer himself an oblation for sinne and by his once offering hath he consecrated for euer them that are sanctified Heb. 10.7.14 the holinesse of Christ his sacrifice being imputed
perfect obedience of Christ but our sanctification hath the Lawe for his obiect 4. In the nearest efficient cause Iustification hath not the cause in vs because it dwelleth not in vs Sanctification hath the will which is the beginning of all humane actions for the beginning of action is deliberation of deliberation will and reason And in respect of the persons efficient for Tit. 3.5 Regeneration and Renouation are attributed vnto the Holy Ghost as to the efficient But iustification is wholy ascribed vnto Christ In thy seede shall all nations be blessed Gen. 22.18 5. In effects Iustification absolueth and acquiteth vs beefore Gods Iudgement Seate Sanctification doth not so 6. Iustification is an act vnseparable but Regeneration is an act separable because it is not perfected in an instant but by a certaine order or successiuely and by degrees according to the good pleasure of God and it is here begunne and shall be perfectted in the life to come Moreouer Iustification is a matter of meere gift but regeneration is a matter of our obedience 7. Paule doth notably expresse the difference of him that is to bee iustified and him that is to bee regenerate for hee that is to be iustified lamentably crieth out of his inherent righteousnesse Rom. 7.24 O wretched man that I am who shall deliuer mee from the bodie of this death But flying to imputed righteousnesse which is grounded only vpon mercie hee doth exceedingly reioyce and with a ful confidence tryumpheth ouer life death and al aduersities whatsoeuer Rom. 8.33.34 c. What are the instruments or meanes of iustification The instrumentall cause outwardly shewing and offering the benefit of iustification is the voice of the Gospell Rom. 1.16 The Gospell is the power of God to saluation to all that beleeue that is to say it is the instrument of God truely powerfull and effectuall to saue For the righteousnesse of God is thereby reuealed from faith to faith Hereupon it is called the word of beleefe a Act. 5.20 the vvorde of saluation b Act. 13.26 the word and ministerie of reconciliation c 2. Cor. 5.19 The administring causes and witnesses of this blessing but not the sellers thereof are the ministers of the Gospell according to that Iohn 20.23 Whose sinnes yee remit they shall bee remitted and whose sinnes yee retaine they shall bee retained And 1. Tim. 4.16 Take heede vnto thy selfe and vnto Doctrine continue therein for in doing this thou shalt both saue thy selfe those that heare thee namely because faith is by hearing and hearing is by preaching The instrumentall cause inwardly is also twofold 1. The instrument giuen by God or the hand apprehending and receiuing the grace of Iustifycation offered is sauing faith infused into the beleeuers by the Holy Ghost Rom. 3.28 Therfore vvee conclude that a man is iustified by faith without the workes of the lawe So euery where By faith d Gal. 2,6 Through faith e Eph 2.8 of faith f Rom 3 28 for these are all of one signifycation but in no place are we said to be iustified or saued for faith Rom. 10.8 This is the vvord of faith which we preach And hereupon it is called righteousnesse of faith in regard it is apprehended by faith when the Gospell is beleeued 2. The inward sealing cause is the holy ghost who sealeth Iustification in our hearts so as wee cannot doubt therof Eph. 1.13 Wherein also after that ye beleeued ye were sealed with the Holie spirit of promise which is the earnest of our inheritāce And 1. Cor. 6.11 You are iustified by the spirit of God in the name of our Lord Iesus Christ 3. The outward sealing causes are the Sacraments the one of initiation or entrance the other of Redemption Rom. 4.11 He receiued the Circumcision as the seale of righteousnesse which is by Faith Also 1. Cor. 11.23 and Tit. 3.5 He hath saued vs by the washing of the new birth and renewing of the holy Ghost In what sence then are we said to be iustified by faith Not by any inward dignitie or merit of faith it selfe not as it is a worke or new quality in vs not by any force or efficacie of Iustifying taken from Charitie nor because it hath charitie adioyned to it or worketh by it not because faith doth participate of the spirit of Christ to the end the beleeuer may be made righteous for that wee are commaunded to seeke righteousnesse not in our selues but in Christ a 2. Cor 5 2● But wee are iustified by faith in regard it doth receiue and embrace the righteousnes that is offered in the Gospell Rom. 1.16.17 The righteousnesse of Christ is reueiled from faith to faith For as to iustification faith is a thing meerely passiue bringing nothing of our owne to procure vs fauour with God but receiuing that from Christ which is wanting in and toe our selues How then is faith said to be imputed for Righteousnesse Not absolutely but by Relation namely when it is vnderstood not to be alone but with his obiect Christ crucified as Rom. 3.22 The righteousnesse of God by the faith of Iesus Christ vnto all and vpon all that beleeue And verse 25. through faith in Christes bloud In which places by the word faith by a metonymie of the thing cōtaining for the thing cōtained Christ crucifyed is vnderstood but as he is apprehēded by faith In this sence Faith was imputed to Abraham vnto righteousnes or for righteousnes Rom. 4.9 And faith is imputed for righteousnesse vnto euerie one that beleeueth that is to say Christ crucifyed apprehended by faith is accounted our righteousnesse It is accoūted I say of god pronouncing from his tribunal seat the sentence of righteousnesse Euen as therfore the hand that receiueth a treasure that is giuen doth not enrich vs but the treasure that is it that enricheth so neither doth the work or action of faith iustify vs but Christ himself whom we apprehend by faith And this is that that the sound Diuines say that we are iustifyed by faith Correlatiuely that faith is imputed for righteousnes by reason of the obiect which assertion is plainly proued by that of Paul Rom. 3.27.28 Gal. 2.16 Where this sentence We are made righteous by faith is opposed vnto this proposition Wee are iustified by vvorkes as beeing contradictories Wherefore it is manifest by the nature of contradiction that no man is iustified by faith as it is a worke either our worke or Gods worke in vs but as it includeth the merit of Christ To speake properly and simply incredulitie is repugnant vnto faith and to the workes of the Lawe not working or the intermission of good workes is opposite but in respect of Iustification faith which resteth vpon the merit of Christ and workes which rest vpon the merits of Christ are contraries Hereupon also it is that Paule doth oppose the righteousnesse of the lawe and the righteousnesse of faith as contraries betweene themselues when Phil. 3.9
in contraries for as by one mans disobedience many were made sinners so by the obedience of Christ many are made righteous Rom. 5.19 5. By the effect because from iustification by faith alone ariseth peace with God that is to say securitie and tranquillitie of conscience or that ioy which commeth from a conscience excusing and acquiting vs from sinne and death peace toward God confidence and hope of the glorie of god that is of life eternall f Rom. 1.5 8 35. Tit. 3 7. 1. Ioh. 3.21 6. Because the glorie both of the exceeding iustice and mercie of God cannot stand safe and fyrme nor the merit of Christ remaine whole and sound vnlesse wee bee iustifyed onely by faith in Christ Iesus and not by workes or if we should bee iustifyed partly by faith and partly by works g Rom. What is the end of our Iustification The fyrst and chiefe end in respect of God is his glorie Eph. 1.6 To the praise of the glorie of his grace and to the praise of his glorie namely that the praise thereof might not bee giuen to any man but might redound wholy and absolutely to god alone so that hee alone might bee acknowledged to bee iust and mercifull to be the iustifyer of him which is of the faith of Iesus Ro. 3.26 In which place there is mention made of a double or twofolde glorie of GOD the one which proceedeth from his iustice that hee might bee iust the second that which proceedeth from his mercie And iustifying him which is of the faith of Iesus For from the alone benefit of Iustification ariseth the manifestation of that admirable temperament of the iustice and mercie of God and from thence Gods glorie both of his iustice towarde his sonne in punishing of sinne who spared not his owne sonne being made sinne for vs and likewise of his mercie toward vs imputing vnto vs that beleeue in Christ though we be wicked and vnrighteous by nature our faith for righteousnesse 2. The declaration of his goodnesse 1. Pet. 2.9 That ye should shew forth the vertues of him that hath called you out of darknesse into his maruellous light The next end in respect of vs is that wee being made righteous by imputation might be accepted of God and iust that is might bee set free from the guilt excelling through the gift of Christs righteousnesse Furthermore that the righteousnesse of the Law might bee fulfilled in vs and that wee might enioy the fruite of righteousnesse which is life eternall Rom. 8.7 Tit. 3.7 That being iustified wee might bee made heires of euerlasting life Lastly that wee our selues might bee bettered and made righteous Gal. 2.17 If then while wee seeke to bee made righteous by Christ we our selues are found sinners is Christ therefore the minister of sinne God forbid For to this end are we iustified by faith through Christ that the old man being abolished by the power and efficacie of Christ crucified Christ might liue in vs and that wee should by our studie and labour endeauour to bring forth good workes shewe our selues thankfull to god for so great a benefit And therefore it is that the Apostle Paule almost in all his Epistles deriueth the Doctrine of sanctifycation or good workes from the Doctrine of faith or iustifycation as the cause from the effect or the necessarie consequent from the antecedent What are the adiuncts of Iustification If you respect the actions of God therein election and effectuall vocation doe goe before it a Rom. 8 31 but if ye respect man surelie not workes foreseene neither merits of congruitie or condignity For saith Augustine good workes doe follow a man alreadie iustified and doe not goe before a man that is to bee iustified as good fruites are not before a good tree but sinnes and wickednesse and the workes of the flesh b Ro. 3 23 4.5 The workes accompanying or following it are peace of conscience or tranquillitie and quiet of minde and conscience Rom. 5.1 Being iustified by faith wee haue peace toward God through our Lord Iesus Christ Moreouer the adopting of vs to bee sonnes of God our sanctification or newnesse of life the fruites wherof are described Gal. 5.22 For they that are made partakers of Christ through faith they doe with him receiue the holie Ghost the author of all holinesse from whence it is that these two benefits are indeede distinguished one from another but yet so linked together by an vnseparable bond that they can neuer bee plucked asunder and the latter is the testimony of the former both in the soule of the faithfull man himselfe and to other men also What is the effect of Iustification Free entrance and accesse to God c Rom. 5 2. our glorification d Ro which is begun in this life and perfected in the life to come Is our Iustification perfected in this life In Iustification as wee are iudged and accounted righteous by God so wee are adiudged vnto life eternall So that in respect of Gods decree and of the sentence it selfe of life eternall pronounced by God the Iudge also in respect of righteousnes which the heauenly Iudge imputeth vnto vs our Iustification is alreadie perfected in this life sauing that in the life to come this imputed righteousnes is to be reuealed and made more manifest and to be more neerely applyed and appropriated vnto vs. But yet our whole iustification is perfected in this life in which a man may be said to bee fully and perfectly iustified Wee are the sonnes of God therefore iust●fied but it doth not yet appeare what we shall be 1. Iohn 3.2 But if you respect the execution of Gods decree and looke vnto the life and glorie which is adiudged vnto vs and which is to cleaue and stick vnto vs because that in this life is not perfected in vs our iustification therefore may bee accounted also imperfect in this life Can the benefis of iustification perish by reason of our sinnes No by no meanes for the purpose of god cannot bee depriued of his end And 1. Ioh. 3.9 Whosoeuer is borne of GOD sinneth not that is not vnto death because his seede that is the holy Ghost abideth in him Besides the gifts and callings of God are without repentance Rom. 11.29 When is the vse and necessitie of the Doctrine of iustification felt and perceiued 1. In the serious examination of the conscience when a man presenteth himselfe as guiltie not before an earthly but the heauenly Iudge for then being carefull and pensiue for his deliuerance he doth willingly prostrate and make himselfe of no reputation hauing first considered the great maiestie and iustice of God before which nothing is accepted vnlesse it be euery way perfect and absolute a Esa. 4 5 2. In the imperfection of his owne righteousnes Iob 4.7 18. Behold they that serue him are not faithfull and hee hath found iniquitie in his Angels how much more in
the holie ghost which is called the Spirit of Christ nor the flesh that is whatsoeuer reliques of corruption remaines in vs or the new and the old mā haue indeed either their distinct seates in our soule or seuerall operations but are mingled together one with another in all those faculties neither yet doe these qualities so contrarie one to another so well agree together that with mutuall consent they should produce a mixt work but doe so wrastle together in one and the selfe same work striuing one against another that one penetrating the other then proceedeth a mixt action from them both from theire mutual not consēt but conflict which of the qualitie preuailing is accompted either the fruite of the spirit or of the flesh The instrumentall cause is faith not by her owne vertue efficacie or operation but so farre forth as shee doth as an instrument apprehend that her obiect to which shee is caried namely Christ in respect of whom alone the holy Ghost doth renue vs creating in vs both the will and the deed and therefore whereas faith is termed the mother or the fountaine of good works by a Metonymie that is attributed to the instrumentall cause which doth properly belong to the principal efficient cause as Rom. 1.16 The Gospell that is the preaching of the doctrine of the Gospell is called The power of God to saluation that is spoken both because of the vnseparable coniunction common dependance of faith and good works For without faith it is impossible to please God Hebr. 11.6 And VVhatsoeuer is not done of faith is sinne Rom 14.23 Therefore Hebr. 11.4 and so forward all the worthie acts in th Olde Testament are ascribed to faith By faith Abell c. VVhat is the matter of good workes The things themselues where about such works are conuersant and which the moral law of God doth intreat of and prescribeth VVhatsoeuer things are true honest iust pure to be loued of good report if there be any vertue If there be any praise thinke of such things Phil. 4.8 VVhat is the forme of good workes As the essence and forme of sin and an euill work is Anomie and * 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 swaruing from the law so conformitie of our actions vnto the commaundement of God is the forme of a good worke And therefore not the traditions or commaundements of the Church but the word of God wherunto to add any thing or to detract is an horrible sinne is the onely square and rule of good workes a psa 119.4 Deut. 4.2 Neyther are any of those things to be esteemed in the number of good works in the sight of God which are grounded on the bare will of man Math. 15.9 In vaine doe they worship mee with the doctrines of men And Ezech. 20.18 VValke ye not in the precepts of your fathers but in my precepts walke ye Whether is it sufficient that some worke should be good and agreeable to the law of God if that it be done according to the law of God in outward shew No but 1. There is also required the inward synceritie of the minde which proceedeth from faith whereby the heart is purified a Act. 15.9 2 That we be certainely perswaded in our mindes out of his word that that which we doe pleaseth God For Rom. 14.23 whatsoeuer is done without faith that is whatsoeuer we take in hand with a doubting conscience whether it please God and therefore whether it be commaunded of God or not it is a sinn 3 It is required that we haue respect vnto god and to his glorie alone as the cheefe end of a good worke For the pharisaicall Hypocrite giueth almes the publican not iustified geueth also but his is abominable in the sight of God because he desires to be seene of men b mat 6.1 But this mans almes is a good worke not onely because it is commaunded but also because it is done with sinceritye of the heart and in faith to the glorie of God And therfore vertues are to be discerned from vices not so much by the skill mouing them as by the ends VVhat then are good workes Such as are done in true faith according to the law of god are referred to his glory alone c Tim 1.5 Deut. 4.2 1. Cor. 10.31 Colos 3.17 VVho are they that doe good workes Onely the Regenerate For whereas the law of God doth especially require that fountaine of syncerity in the heart d Mat. 3.33 and from thence the respect of Gods glory truly the worke of the vnregenerate although it appeare verie glorious yet cannot simply and properly be called by the name of a good worke because that which is good is not well done of them that is in faith to the glory of God And therefore the worke is not liuing but dead as a figge leafe a Gen. 3.7 couering onely the inward vices for an euill tree cannot bring forth good fruite Math. 7.18 and Cap 12.33 whatsoeuer is done by the impure is impure b Iob. 14 4 Tit. 1.15 yet it may be called good but in vse not in worship But a man now already regenerate to wit who hath recouered some parte of the synceritie of his heart by faith according to the measure of integrity and sinceritie of his heart which he hath recouered is fitte in part to performe good workes Are not Cornelius his workes praised before he vvas baptised and belieued in Christ Act. 10.4 He is called a deuout man and one that feard God verse 22 Therefore now before he receiued the Sacrament of Baptisme he was conuerted vnto the acknowledging of the true God neither was he vtterly without faith in the Messias Besides he is said to pray continually and his almes were accepted and his prayers are said to be heard of God But it is impossible for any man or for any mans worke to please God without faith Heb. 11.6 Therfore hee had the beginnings of faith in Christ and therefore was now iustified and regenerate although as yet hee was not instructed in the full cleere knowledge of Christ and yet knew not that he was come For which cause Peter was sent vnto him who should more fully teach him Are the good workes of the regenerate pure and perfectly good and blemished with no fault No 1 Because the Scripture speaketh to the contrarie c Esa 64.5 Ia. 3.2 2 That any worke be pure and in euery respect good it is not sufficient that that which is done be not done without the holy Ghost and without faith but also it is further required that the first beginnings of a good worke in man to wit the vnderstanding will and affections doe most fully obey the spirit of God which is granted to no mortall man Christ alone excepted But there doth euer remaine in vs and in euery facultie of our soule the new and and the old man spirit and flesh the law of the mind as it is
Cor. 1.10 All the promises in Christ are yea amen that is to say in Christ alone they are propounded to be exhibited and to be performed Doth not the merit of Christ at the least giue the vertue and efficacie thereof to our workes that they may merite and deserue the grace and fauour of God Christ hath merited for vs Iustification Regeneration and life eternall but that we our selues should merit euen any the least benefit much lesse those speciall benefits he hath not merited For then there should be some thing detracted from the meere grace of God and Christs merit if we should in any part come into participation of merit with him Therefore Paule Rom. 4.4 doth so seuer works and grace thar granting workes he denieth grace To him that worketh saith he reward is not imputed of grace And Rom. 11.6 he sheweth such a disagreement betweene works which those men call meritorious and grace that the one of them being granted the other must needs be denied But if it bee of grace then not of workes else grace should be no grace The same is to be said of Christs merit for seeing that the merite of Christ and grace do necessarily stand together Christs merit and ours can by no meanes agree together Doth not Paule in those places speake of workes done by mere naturall men before regeneration Nay but rather he speaks of good workes which cannot be done without faith a Ro. 14.23 And of the works of Abraham the father of the faithfull b Ro. 4.2.3 23. And there was neuer yet any question of the workes of the vnregenerate seeing they are all sinnes though some be more hainous then others For Eph. 2.3 By nature we are all the children of wrath to wit passiuely that is in daunger of the iudgement of God being angrie with vs and Hebr. 11.6 It is impossible vvithout faith to please God Seeing the Scripture doth commend vnto vs this rule of the iudgement to come in these vvords God will giue euerie man according to his workes Psal 62.15 Math. 16.27 Rom. 12.6 Rev. 22.12 shall sentence be giuen according to works as causes deseruing the recompence eyther of life or of death If you speake of the workes of the Reprobate it cannot be denied but they shall bee the cause of the sentence of death which shall be giuen But if we speake of the works of the elect then we affirme that God will giue sentence of life eternall and that he will rewarde the elect according to their workes yet not as causes of life and rewarde but as certaine effectes demonstrations and tokens testifying of the causes themselues But the true and onely causes are the decree of God from all eternity also vocation and iustification in time as that place proueth Math. 25.34 wherein we haue the expresse forme and manner of the iudgement to come Come saith hee ye blessed of my father take possession of the kingdome prepared for you before the foundations of the vvorld vvere laide For this calling of them by name and putting them in possession of the kingdome of heauen doth sufficiently shew the cause why the elect are put in possession of the kingdome of heauen to wit because they be blessed with all spirituall blessing in Christ Ephes 1 1.2 being freed from the curse of the law a Gal 3 14 they are the heires and sonnes of God by his free promise and therefore called and iustified For adoption vocation and iustification are parts of that blessing of God in time Whereupon those whom before verse 34. he had called the blessed of his father verse 37. he calleth iust and calleth the verie kingdome of heauen it selfe an inheritance 2 They prooue the cause of saluation to be laid in the eternall decree of God because before the foundation of the world there was prepared for those blessed ones that is which were called and iustified in time that kingdome into possession whereof he will put them 3 That particle according or euen as in those sayings doth not signifie the cause but the conformitie as in that 1. Corin. 13.12 That I may knowe according to that that is euen as I am knowne So GOD shall giue to euerie one according to his workes that is euen as hee hath done good or euill But the causes of death whereunto the reprobate shal be adiudged are placed out of themselues to wit the malediction of God and the decree of God for the king shall say Math. 25.41 get ye hence ye cursed into euerlasting fire and yet they let not but that their workes also be the cause of damnation Are not then besides those causes of the benediction and decree of God the good vvorkes of the elect in like manner the causes of saluation There is not the like reason of euill workes and of good works For euill workes are our owne and merite vnto vs but good workes are not our owne but workes of the holy ghost in vs such as we owe vnto God a Luk. 17.10 Besides euill workes are perfectly euill and euen the least euill that can be deserueth death but good workes are imperfectly good and there is nothing but that which is in euery respect absolute and perfect can procure life and that also by promise Therefore good workes cannot be numbred among the causes of saluation Adde moreouer that the Apostle doth manifestly attribute the sentence of life to faith imbracing the gospell 1 Thess 1.10 when he shall come saith he to bee made glorious in his saints and to be made wonderfull in them that beleue because faith is esteemed as our witnesse in that day Whether is there in those words Come ye blessed only a calling and adiudging them to life and then after followeth the cause taken from their works for I was hungrie and ye gaue me to eat Yea the compellation or calling and the proposition doth cōtaine the cause of the sentence and the reason is added after from the effects prouing that cause and testifieng of it as though he should say thus Enter ye into heauen because ye are blessed and ordeined vnto the kingdome of heauen For by your good workes ye haue declared that ye are blessed and from all eternity ordeined to the kingdome of heauen VVherfore will he giue sentence according to workes Because workes are better knowne to vs as the effects which be better knowne then the causes themselues now it is the will of GOD that in that Iudgment all thinges should be visible and perceiued by sense that iudgement may bee giuen of true and liuely faith by her naturall properties and true effects least we should boast of the visard of faith or the shadow of it in stead of true faith Againe not to shew the cause of saluation but to the intent wee should be stirred vp to the studie of good workes for so much as wee are certaine wee shall not lose our labour In what respect then is life
eternall as Christ saith Iohn 3.3 vnlesse a man be borne againe c. 3 Because faith without which it is impossible for any man to be saued cannot be without good workes and faith hath charitie euer ioyned with her though not in action yet in possibility a Gal. 5.6 4 Because Bernard saith good workes are the way to the kingdome not the cause of raigning Neither can any man attaine to life eternall but by the way of good workes which God hath prepared that wee should walke in them Ephes 1.4 2.10 What is to be obserued in the sayings of the Scriptures vvherein iustification saluation and life eternall is ascribed to workes 1 Legal sentences are to be vnderstoode of perfect good workes such as none can be found in no creature But euangelicall sentences doe alwaies include faith in our workes And we must vnderstand that by faith in the first place iustification is receiued and acceptation to life eternall afterwarde in the second place and by consequence workes are accepted as the fruites of fairh and life eternall is promised to these for Christes sake 2 In such sayings there are not brought forth arguments from the cause why the person is made partaker of eternall life but it is shewed from the effects or the adiuncts what person is partaker of remission of sinnes life eternall So Luk. 7.47 Christ plainely proueth in way of resolution by this argument that the womans sinnes were pardoned because shee loued much But twoe diuerse questions are at no hand to be confounded The one to whom life eternall is giuen the other for what cause it is giuen To them that doe well and meditate in the law of God is happines and life eternall promised a Psal 1.13 119.1.2 Math. 25.3 but yet it is giuen freely for Christes sake b psal 32 1 3 In this question we must remember to obserue a rule of the Rabbines concerning the holy Scriptures In euery place wherein thou lightest on an obiection for an hereticks thou findest a medicine in the side thereof So the scripture wheresoeuer it ascribeth eternall life to workes as a reward calleth it an inheritance c math 25 35. Colloss 3.24 4 When as diuers effects doe depend alike of one and the selfe same cause the consequence from one effect auaileth to another because of their common dependance as Luk. 7.47 the consequence from loue auailes to proue the remission of sinnes because ech of them dependeth on faith 5 Where there is a subiect there is his proprietie and on the contrarie where there is a propriety there is his subiect So where there is faith there be workes and where there be good works there is faith 6 Seeing good workes doe spring from faith whatsoeuer is attributed to them must needs be ascribed to the roote i. faith whence they spring VVhat is the end and vse of good workes It is three fold 1. The glory of God namely that by them wee should glorifie God before men a Mat. 5.16 2 The testification of our true faith that we may make our calling and election sure to our selues in our owne consciences 2. Pet. 1.10 And also that we may liue sutable to the gospell our calling Ephes 4.1 I beseech you walk worthy of the calling wherwith you are called 3 The edification of our neighbour 2 Cor 9 which is done whilest that we further him by our workes or prouoke him to doe the like b 11. 12. 13 Act. 3.14 VVhat is contrarie to this doctrine 1 Euill workes 2 The error of the papists who teach that good workes may be done without faith as also of them that thinke they are perfect which boast of the perfection and purity of workes and securely rest in them Also their error who bragge of their merits of congruity and condignity and boast of the workes of supererogation which teach that their wilworships Numb 15.39 Ezek 20.18 19 Mat. 15.19 that is worships of there owne deuising are acceptable to god Which accompt these for good workes which are done with good intent and leane only on the will and tradition of men which imagine that the violating of these is more hainous then of the commandements of God As for that which is saide that we must heare the guides euen as Christ himselfe d. Luk. 10.16 Heb. 13.17 it must be vnderstood only of the true pastours of the Church which watch for the saluation of the soules committed to their charge And the error of them who affirme that man is iustified before God by workes as causes sclander vs that we contemne good workes as though this were in controuersy betweene vs and them whether good works are to be done wheras we doe more carefully vrge this then they doe 3 Of the Epicures or libertines which neglect good workes as vnprofitable The three and thirtieth common place Of Christian libertie What doe you vnderstand by this name Christian libertie NOT loosenesse or in generall simply euery libertie but in some respect restrained to some certaine kinde and certaine degrees For this Epithite or title Christian or spirituall puts a difference wherby this speciall kind of libertie is discerned from ciuill and bodily libertie and from the counterfeit liberty of other sects Neyther yet is it contrarie to bodily and ciuil libertie a Eph 6.5 1 Cor. 7 22 or to that seruice that we owe to God and to iustice b 1 pet 2.16 Rom. 6.18 1. Cor. 7.22 Hee that is called being free is the seruant of Christ that is he ought to serue Christ Againe whereas we speake of Christian libertie we must put difference betweene the libertie of the will whereof we haue spoken in the common place of freewill and the libertie of the person wherof here we are to intreat In Greeke it is called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 2. Cor. 3.17 for where the spirit of the Lord is there is libertie .. In Latine it is called libertas libertie or setting free not that it it is done by force as in old time when the Lord deliuered the people from Pharaoh vnlesse it be in respect of Sathan whose power and kingdome Christ hath destroyed neither is it obtained with the leaue of our enemies as when the people returned out of Babilon but by the full price paid not to Sathan but to God 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which the Apostle calleth the price of our redemption whereby vve are made free How manifold is personall libertie Paul sets it downe to be twofold not in the kinds but in respect of the degrees one whereby Christ hauing paide that endlesse price namely his bloud wee are redeemed that wee might be set free from the slauerie of sinne death and the Law c Ephe. 1.7 Rom. 7.6 which for instruction sake we may call the Redemption of libertie Whereof the Apostle maketh mention Rom. 6.22 Now are wee made free from sinne but are the
the Church hath borrowed the name of scandall to signifie layings in waite wherewith men are intrapped euen as beastes in the gins d Esa 8.14 15. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 is properly when something in the way hindreth the feet whereupon a man lighting doth stumble deriued of the verbe 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which signifies to stumble Rom. 14.13 to put a stumbling block or scandall before his brother hence it is called the stone of stumbling e Rom. 9.32 33 1 Pet 2.8 For euill examples of sinnes are like vnto certaine stones on which men lighting do stumble yea doe fall downe flatt Whereupon is that 1. Cor. 10.12 he that standeth let him take heed least he fall And 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 deriued of the verbe 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which signifieth to hitte against a thing to disturb or break of it is the very offence it selfe or the dashing against any thing in latine they call offence when in the way there lies some stone or logge against which men as they walke doe stumble so as they hurte their feete or else fall downe headlong whereupon Leuit. 19.14 it is said put not a stumbling block before the blinde Now this word scandall is in the perdicament of relation wherby it comes to passe that it signifieth sometimes the matter that is to say the very obiect or impediment offending any man and sometimes the manner or forme that is the very offence it selfe VVhat is the scandall Whatsoeuer is the cause or occasion to any man of offence whether it be word deed or example or counsell whereby our neighbour is either grieued or troubled or offended so as he is either hindered in the streight course of saluation or turned out of the way or is induced to any errour or sin Rom. 14.15 1 Cor 8.9 or else is confirmed in some euill a How many are the kindes of Scandalls Bernard maketh twoo Inward and outward Inward is when the old man giueth offence to the new man touching which Mat. 5.20 If thy right eye offend thee plucke it out cast it from thee where by the ey hand and foot he vnderstandeth the lustes of the flesh or of the olde man which doe often annoy the new man all impediments although neuer so deare which hinder a man so as he cannot walke in the continuall obedience of the law of god Outward which cometh from without and giues any man the cause or the occasion of falle This externall scandall how many folde is it Threefold Actiue either giuen or afforded passiue or taken and mixt of them both VVhat is a scandal giuen Whose fault proceedeth from the author of the thing or action it selfe either when a man doth giue another an effectuall cause of falling or else some word or deede that is euill in it selfe because it is repugnant to the loue of God and our neighbour and therefore such a thing as of it owne nature and of it selfe doth either confirme the liberty of sinning in others or else either greiueth the godly or doth carie them into error sinn a Math. 18.6 7 whereof Christ speaketh to Peter Math. 16.23 Get thee behinde me Satan thou art an offence vnto me For though Christ himselfe did not stumble yet there was noe let in Peter but that Christ being astonished with thinking of the crosse should haue broken off the course of his calling and Peters speach in very deed did greeue him and might haue giuen an occasion of falling to the weake How manifold is a Scandall giuen Double by deuiding the subiect into the accidents priuate publick Priuate which may also be called Domestical whereby one or some few are offended as children seruants husbands wiues as when the child seruant Husband or wife see the parents Maisters wiues or husbands abstaine from the worship of God heare them sweare to doe any thing or to speake vnchastly whereby it presently commeth to passe that they are either greeued or else ready to imitate their examples Against which Christ speaketh whosoeuer shall offend one of these litle ones which beleeue in me it had beene good for him rather that a Milstone should be hanged about his necke and he should be cast into the sea Mark 9.4 Publick is whereby some whole multitude is offended or else that which giueth an occasion of falling to many weake ones as coueteous men doe whoremaisters drunkards and such like which by their bad manners offend the Church and doe cast both themselues many others headlong into ruine 2 A scandall giuen is distinguished by the distribution of it from the adiuncts or from the difference of the persons that cause it and hereby it comes to passe that one is farre more greuous and pernicious then another for that which is giuen by a person placed in some great dignity is more dangerous and his example hurteth more then that which is giuen by some priuate person or otherwaies obscure So the adultery of Dauid the king is more greeuous a. Sam. 12 12. c. then of some obscure Citizen and therefore a scandall is more seuerely punished both in regad of the person himselfe who doth disgrace that place into which he is exalted by god as also in respect of other men to whome he hath giuen a more effectuall cause of falling by his euill example So that scandall is most greuous which is giuen of the ministers of the Churches and the students of diuinity when they either by false doctrine or impure liuing giue occasion to many to speake ill of the gospell As the sinne of the sonnes of Helie is said to be exceeding greeuous in the sighte of the Lord a 1 Sam. 2 17 And they sinne more hainously which be in the communion of the Church then they which be without So the gouernour of a familie being a drunkard sinnes much more greuously then a seruant VVhat is the cause of offence giuen The remote cause is the iudgment of God 1. Against the wicked as was the scandall and impediment which the wise men of Egypt gaue vnto Pharoh b Exod 7 22 And the false prophets in whome was the lying spirit gaue to King Achab c 1. King 22 22 and the lying signes of Antichriste wherewith those which receiued not the loue of the truth were deceiuedd. a 2. Thess 9 10.11 2. The iudgment of God for the godly or the good of the elect whereof 1. Cor. 11.19 There must be deuisions that those which are approued that is whome experience hath shewed to be of faith vnfained and sincere pietie might be made manifest The nearest cause is Satan whoe moueth men to all euill The helping cause is the naughtinesse and corruption of mans nature false teachers the vnskillfullnesse pride coueteousnesse impatiency of teachers In respect of which causes Christ saith Math. 18.7 It must needs be that offences come that is by necessity not by
compulsion nor by this necessity proceeding from God but from the voluntary corruption of man for no man is an offence to another against his will or through inconsideration but of purpose with deliberation Therefore though it be necessary that offēces come yet woe vnto the world because of offences VVhat are the ioint causes or by how manie meanes is an offence giuen Foure First By false doctrine and false worship such be heresies errors worshipping of idoles superstitions the traditions of men whereby the weake are withdrawne from the simplicity of the word 2 By word or speach and that either filthy cursed or blasphemous 3 By life and behauiours repugnant to the law of god such are filthy gestures hainous offences and euill examples in the abuse of Christian libertie whereby the weake are discouraged from christianity but for the most part the offences giuen by doctrine do more harme then the offences by manners because they worke more closely presently assault the faith but these other doe sooner appeare and doe lesse hinder our faith as in the beginning the deuill gaue Eue a deadly wound putting into her a false perswatiō a Gen. 3.2 And Solomons idolatrie brought forth the worshipping of idols for a long time after VVhat punishment is appointed for the authors of this scandall Christ Math. 18.17 doth threaten that lamentable sentence or horrible woe against them woe be vnto the world because of offences and. verse 6. he pronounceth that it is better for that man by whome the offence is giuen that a milstone being hanged about his necke hee should be cast into the bottom of the sea VVhat is an offence taken That which men take vnto themselues from the doeings or sayings of other men either from true doctrine and the outward forme of the Church or else in generall from any other things whatsoeuer But in speciall some speach of ours purpose or deede which is godly iust and of it selfe honest or at least not done wickedly and vnseasonably By meanes whereof notwithstanding some mā doth iudge ill of vs but without cause either of some frowardnesse ill will or a certaine sinister spitefulnesse of the minde or else vpon error and taketh it as an occasion of offence How manifold is an offence taken Double either from man or from the deuill from man which also by deuision of Accidents into the subiects is double of the wicked and of the godly The scandall of the wicked is of worldlie men as of the wise men of this world and of hypocrites who are offended 1. at the poore estate humility and crosse of Christ in our flesh assumed 2 At the absurdity imprudently conceiued of the nouelty simplicity of the doctrine of the gospell and preaching of grace whereby we are taught that all men being by nature sinners subiect to the wrath of god are iustified and saued thorow grace or by faith alone in Iesus Christ and by the article of election predestination and the mortifying of the old man 3 By the life and actions of the godly whereby they imagine themselues to be controlled in the free vse of the thinges of the worlde 4 Lastly by the crosses and persecutions which goe hand in hand with the profession of the gospel which offence because it springeth from the malice of them that are offended and from their spite it is called the offence of the Pharises of which Math. 15.12 The discples said to Christ dost thou not know that the pharises are offended hearing this speach of thine So Christ and the gospell were to the Iewes an offence taken and to the Grecians foolishnesse 1. Cor. 1.23 And the stone of offence And the rocke of offence to the twoe houses of Israel a. Esa 8.19 Luk. 2.34 1 Pet. 2.7.8 to witt by accident and priuatiuely as Christ being despised and reiected is the author of iust condemnation whereas in truth and by himselfe but to the elect he is the way the truth and the life and the fountaine of all good Concerning this we must obserue the warning of Christ Blessed is he that is not offended in me Math. 11.5 So the sermon of Christ concerning the eating of his flesh was a scandall to the Capernaites b Ioh 6.41 57 60 So the Iewes were offended with Peters going in to the Gentiles c gal 2.12 So the righteous actions of the godly are an offence to the wicked d Psal 56.6 7 So the disciples of Christ pulling the eares of corne are an offence to the Pharises e Math. 12.2 So many are offended by reason of the iarres which follow the preaching of the Gospell to condemne it VVhat are the causes of this offence taken The principall efficient cause is the iust prouidence of God which doth decree and execute this although men stumble through their owne malice as it is written Behold I put in Sion a stumbling stone and a rocke of offence The second cause is Satan who prouoketh the wicked to take all things in the worst parte The instrumental cause are the men themselues who are offended at the godlinesse of others The causes assisting are the blindnes of mans reason the corrupt iudgment of the world the affections of the flesh enuy malice rash curiosity the neglect of the holy scripture bad opinions conceiued the perswasion of a mans owne righteousnesse the desire of gaine and keeping credite hating to be instructed occasions are the confessing and preaching of sound doctrine the behauiours life deeds and crosses of the godly the condition of the truth As for the forme or manner it is expressed in diuers examples Is this kinde of Scandall to be auoided No but not to be regarded according to the comaundement of god Deut. 33.9 He that shall say to his father or to his mother I know you not he that shall not acknowledge his brethren and his sonnes these do keepe thy law o Lord. And according to the rule of Christ concerning the Pharises which were offended at his word Math 15.14 Let them alone they are blinde and the leaders of the blinde that is neglect them neither take care for offending them and of the Apostles Acts. 5 29. we must obey god rather then men And of Bernard It is better an offence should come then that the truth should be forsaken Besides we must preferre the first and second commaundement before all the duties to men according to the example of Elias against Achab a. 1. King 18 18 and of Paule against Peter those which plaid the Iewes b Gal. 2 3.4 5 11.14 What is the offence of the Godly taken Which is taken only of such as be yet weake in the Church or not wicked but is greedily taken of them that be more malicious that they may make the doctrine of the gospell doubtfull and vncertaine to the simple sort either by the calamities of the church the punishments of the innocents the heresies dissentions which
whereinto they fall of their owne inclination that in those the mercie of the creator but in these his iustice in either his glorie might be declared Or it is the aeternall purpose of god whereby according to the good pleasure of his will before the foundations of the world were laid he hath c Act. i 25 Iohn 17 12 Apoc 17 8 Ephes 1.4 2. Tîm 1.9 Rom 1 9.2● c determined to glorifie himselfe by ordeining some men to grace saluation others to displeasure and eternall destruction Is praedestination but of mankinde onely It is of Angells also for Paul calleth the Angells which stood steedfast in their integritie Elect ones 1. Tim. 5.21 But if their stedfastnesse was grounded in gods good pleasure it argueth that the fall of others was vtterly abandoned Whereof their can no other cause be brought but reprobation which is hid in the secret counsell of God But our purpose is in this place to speake of the praedestination of mankinde How manie degrees or parts of predestination are there Three 1. the very decree in the wisdome of God for sauing or casting men away 2 The execution or proceeding of the very decree of that aeternall God by outward meanes 3 The most excellent end of the Maister builder namely the glorie of God himselfe who doth so lay open both his power mercie What is the decree of praedestination Whereby God determining to what end he would create men before he created them hath according to his power and meere goodwill decreed so to further his owne glorie that some of them should be vessells and examples of his goodnesse mercie but others vessells and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 matter for his wrath that is of his power and iust reuenge on sinne a Rom 9.22 1. Pet. 2.8 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 to which they were appointed 1 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 as it is said Rom. 9.17 I haue stirred thee vp saith the Lord to Pharao that I might shew my power vpon thee 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 were fitted V. 22. And this decree is such as that it disposeth the causes of the execution cōsisteth not of thē But because the Apostle treating of the vessells of mercie vseth the actiue verbe 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Ro 9.23 speaking of the vessells of wrath or the reprobate hath the passiue participle 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 1. fitted 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 prepared doth it therefore follow that the reprobate are the cause of their owne reprobation No because Luk. Act. 13 48. treating also of the elect vseth the passiue participle 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 appointed who neuerthelesse are not ordayned of themselues but rather of the meere grace of God Moreouer if question be made of the ordinarie meanes whereby the vessells of wrath are caried to destruction they alone are the cause of their owne vtter decaie But when we mention the decree of election and Reprobation the Reprobates can no more be said to haue cast away themselues then the elect to haue elected themselues no more I say then if one should say that a pott was not made by the potter but of it selfe VVhat is the primordiall efficient cause of this great decree 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 The pleasure of God to doe with his owne what it shall please him b Mat. 10 25.20.16 For S. Paul saith Rom 9.21 Hath not the potter free povver and authority how much more then the most iust God and wisest workeman ouer clay that out of the same lump that is out of a substance as yet vnwrought and onely prepared to a future worke he may make some vessels for honor and others for dishonor c. Ier. 18.1.2 5.14 Isa 64.8 and the will of God or his good pleasure because he bringeth all things most wisely to passe after the counsell of his owne will Ephes 1.11 d. Ioh. 6.39 Act. 2.23 and Rom. 9.18 He hath mercie on whom he will and whom he will he hardeneth This one cause we know that so the most mercifull and most iust lord will be glorified for the Scripture setteth forth vnto vs no other cause besides this faith biddeth vs in this cause onely to rest likewise on the Scripture so that to seeke out the cause of this cause why it so pleased him were a point of rash boldnesse and vngodly curiositie a. Ro. 9.20.14 11.33 VVhen began this Decree Not onely then after men were created or began to sinne but before the foundations of the world were laid that is God had this purpose from eternitie b. Matt. 25.34 Ephe. 1.4 What kind of Decree is this 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 The deepe and wonderfull gulfe of his riches 2. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Vnsearchable c. Roet 1.32 33. 3. Eternall in respect of the beginning d. Eph. 1.4 but it is also eternall in regard of the end 4. And therefore immoueable immutable vnrepentable and irreuocable because those whom the father hath giuen to the Sonne no man can plucke out of his hand Ioh. 10.28 and because it is the fathers wil that not one of these little ones should perish Math. 18.14 Here Paul crieth out that nothing is able to separate vs from the loue of God namely wherewith hee hath loued vs in Christ Rom. 8.35 How many kindes are there of this Decree of Predestination Two 1. The first is called an Election or Predestination to life 2 The other is called a Reprobation or Refusing or Casting off or Decree or Predestination to death for some he chooseth to eternall life but neglecteth and reiecteth others e. Rom. But these two kinds of Predestination doe concurre as well in the ende as in the beginning for God his decree is the beginning of each now both the wayes which are diuided as it were from this beginn●ng meete againe together in the extreame namely in the glory of 〈◊〉 Whether Reprobation be also subiect to God his Decree as Election is Yea verily for he that chooseth taketh not al because he chooseth somwhat among two or three he is said necessarily to refuse those things which he choseth not therfore whom God doth not receiue him he reiecteth and whō he neglecteth or chooseth not him he casteth out of fauour 2. Reprobation is vnderstood in Election by the rule 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 of Relation that if Reprobation be nor neither should there be Election 3. The Scripture doth manifestly confirme God his Decree concerning reprobating a. Rom. 9.22 1. Pet. 2.8 And the Apostle subiecteth both of thē to the Decree of God 1. Thess 5.9 God hath not saith he apointed vs vnto wrath but to obtaine Saluation through our Lord Iesus Christ Neither is it a harder speech to say some are predestinated to destruction then that some are 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ordeined before of old to this condemnatio as Iude speaketh vers 4. Iude 4. or 〈◊〉
〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 appointed vnto wrath as Paul speaketh 1. Thess 5.6 What is Election It is the Predestination of certaine men in Christ to eternal life namely wherby God willing to manifest the glory of his grace hath of his only goodnes mercie determined out of the whole race of mankind being subiect to sinne death freely to adopt in Christ some certain men to cal them effectually to iustifie them that through him they may be partakers of the heauēly inheritāce and of eternall life And this Election is eternall in the purpose of God although in respect of our selues we may thē be said to be elected when God doth execute his purpose in vs. Or electiō is the execution of Gods wil or the act in separating from the rest of the worlde through effectuall calling Iustification Sanctification those on whom he hath appointed from the beginning to bestow euerlasting life What is the principall cause of Election God is the principall cause All that the father giueth mee shall come vnto me No man can come vnto me except the father draw him Iohn 6.37.44 17.9 I pray not for the world but for these whome thou hast giuen me for they are thine Ephes 1.4 God hath elected vs. And Christ because he is the same God with the father sayth that hee hath chosen vs. Ioh 15.16 And the holy Ghost sayd Act. 13.2 Separate me Saul Barnabas for the work wherūto I haue called thē What is the efficient inforciue or precedent cause thereof The inward cause is only in god that is to say his meere Charitie the only goodnes of the wil of God Eph. 1.4.5 He hath chosen vs saieth he before the foundations of the world were laid according to the good pleasure of his wil. And his free loue Ioh. 3.6 Ro. 9.13 In which place saith he Iacob haue I loued the only grace mercy loue of God b Iohn 4.10 19. 2 Tim. 1.9 he hath called vs with an holy calling not according to our works but acording to his own purpose grace which was giuē to vs through Christ Iesus before the world was I say the meer good pleasure of god only respecting it self but excluding al other outward cause which is or can be in mē a Rom. 9.16 So then electiō is neither in him that willeth nor in him that runneth but in god that sheweth mercy where he calleth the thought indeauor of the mind a will the exercise of good works a race that by suppositiō for no mā willeth or runneth of himself but it is god which worketh in you both to wil to do according to his own free goodwill Phi. 2.13 So. Ephe. 1.9 According to the purpose of his good pleasure which he had purposed in himself as if it should be said that god considered nothing without himself wherof he might haue respect in determining or choosing cap. 2. to Tit. 3.5 Doth our election consist of our owne faith holines worthines linage or works foreseen of God or no In no wise 1. because our sure certain saluation is euidently in the singular freely bestowed grace of the merciful god acording to that It is not in him that willeth nor in him that runneth but in god that sheweth mercy Ro. 9.16 2 Because the praise glorie of our electiō is wholy due to god alone he chose vs to the praise of the glory of his grace Eph. 1.6 Moreouer if works foreseen faith or worthines might moue god to choose some the elect might haue wherof they might boast 3. Because god could foresee no worthinesse or good at all in men but what he had determined now already freely to bestow on thē by the benefit of his election who not by custom imitation but by nature are the enimies of god b Rom. 5.10 and sonnes of wrath c Ephes 2.3 dead in sin d Rom. 7.10 Ephes 2.1 vnapt euen to think a good thought as of thēselues e 1. Cor. 3.5 Finallie in whome by nature there is nothing but matter of eternall death damnation f Iob. 15.16 Psal 14.3 Ierem. 10.23 7. Because then there should be no cause why the Apostle should say O man vvho art thou vvhich pleadest against god Ro. 9.20 For he might haue answered that god foresaw the desert of the one of the other yet doth he not say so but flyeth to the iudgments mercie of god Neither the exclamation of the same Apostle Ro. 11.32 of the deapth c. should take place For he might haue declared in a word that some are e●ected others reiected for the workes which he foresaw would be in either 5 Because our saluation is more safe and sure by gods election then by our owne workes which euermore haue a doubt annexed to them a. Rom. 4.16 6 Because then it would follow that faith is of our selues not of god or that we first loued chose god which the scripture pointeth out to be false absurd b. Ioh. 3.5 6.37 8.47 15.10 ye haue not chosen me but I haue chosen you 7 Because that place Rom. 9.11 For yer the children Esau and Iacob were borne and when they had neither done good nor euill that the purpose of god might remaine according to election not by workes but by him that calleth it wat said the elder shall serue the yonger Where the Apostle drawing forth the reiection of Esau For that he was condemned to be his brothers bond seruant as also the election of Iacob because hee was made lord ouer his brother euen ouer the first borne that Esau his seruitude was ioyned with Gods hatred Iacobs rule with Gods loue out of Malachy the best interpreter of Moses chap. 3.e. As it is written I haue loued Iacob and hated Esau So that neyther any goodnes in Iacob nor any other thing in Esau may be accounted the cause eyther of the chusing of the one or reiecting of the other doth euidently impugne this foresight of faith 8. Because there can be no goodnesse in the world vnlesse God had placed and ordeined it 9. Because naturally the efficient cause cannot bee after his effect but Election is the cause of faith and good works for wee are called Elect that we might be holy Ephes 1.4 and without blame not contrary because he foresaw that we would be such for these two are contrary that the godly haue frō their election this that they should be holy and that they should attaine the same election by meanes of their workes And Paul writeth plainely 1. Corinth 7.25 that he had obtained mercie of the Lord that he might be faithfull 10. Because the Logicians rule is manifest VVhatsoeuer is the cause of the cause is also the cause of the thing caused If then faith and workes foreseene were the cause of Election they should also be the cause of Vocation and Iustification which are the effectes
perish but their owne naturall corruption and the fruit of that corruption from whom it pleaseth God to exempt his onely predestinated to saluation verie fondly do they then who confound the decree of reprobation with damnation seeing sinne is the manifest cause or the later but the will of God onely of the former Neyther also doth God for that cause make them wicked whō he reiecteth of poure out his malice on them but in his most iust though hidden and vnsearchable iudgement he doth not bestow on them the mercie which he giueth to the elect But they are punished voluntarily and of their owne malice according to that O Israll thy destruction is of thy selfe but thy saluation is of mee Osey 13.9 What are the common meanes of Reprobation The verie same whereof we spake before namely Creation in integritie righteousnesse For God did not create man in sinne For so should he be the author of sinne which God forbid 2 Mans fall who fell away of their owne accord and most freewill by which falling away they offended God 3 Mans corruption they corrupted themselues and so they drew vpon themselues through their owne fault iudgement and destruction a Pro. 2.22 Eccle. 7.30 VVhat are the particuler meanes of the execution of Gods decree for the reiecting some men Sixe likewise in number 1 An infinite increase of actuall sinnes 2 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Infidelitie or an alienation and seperation from Christ 3 A forsaking or an vneffectuall calling or no calling at all by the preaching of the word or no inward consent to vocation for neyther hath the Gospell beene preached to all men nor in euerie age nor now also is it preached all the world thorough neyther is it graunted vnto all to beleeue Math. 11.25 but in verse 28. all are called vvhich labour and are heauie laden that is are wearie v der the burthen of their sinnes which onely is meete for them who acknowledge themselues to be sinners and flie vnto Christ 4 Stubbornnesse or hardnesse and blindnesse in sinne 5 Hence commeth a perpetuall turning away and contempt of God and proceeding from sinne to sinne 6 At length thereby followeth their most iust condemnation Iust therefore is the Lord and all his iudgements vpright Exod. a Exod. 8.15 9.34 2. Par. 36.13 Act. 7.12.51 13.46 Is the execution of reprobation or the appointing of vvicked meanes subiect to the decree of God as faith and other meanes of saluation is to the decree of Election It is and it is not because the decree of God is said to be twofold simple in some respect the decree is called simple 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 when God willeth and approoueth somewhat simply whereof himselfe is truely properly and principally the efficient cause in his owne time from whence also the decree may bee called effectiue 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 of which sort is the decree of the saluation of the Elect and of all good meanes which tend to saluation as of Creation effectuall calling faith iustification and sanctification Whereupon God Ose 13.9 Thy saluation is of mee Moreouer God is the Author and cause of the substance that I may so speake of all actions and qualities both good and euill For the action is one thing by it selfe the fault or faultie qualitie of the action is another But the decree in respect is when God decerneth and will permit somewhat to be done and that also in his due time 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 but hee doth not truly effect it himselfe but suffereth it to be done of wicked instruments not as though he beheld the affaires of men negligently and from a farre but as the ruler of all For Paule affirmeth that God prouoked Pharaoh and whom he will he can harden Rom. 9.17.18 for God is not a negligent God neyther were God omnipotent if against his will he should suffer any thing Whereupon also this may bee called a Decree of permission of gouernement or of dispensation And of this sort is the Decree of all euill meanes which tend to destruction as of the fall of man his hardening and the like for they come not to passe without the will and knowledge of God because by this meanes Atheisme or Epicurisme must necessarily follow but of all these mans will is chiefe purchasing Gods wrath heereupon is that rightly said Thy destruction is of thy selfe O Israell Ose 13.9 And neuerthelesse they are subiect to the Decree because though not by the decree yet for the decree and not without the decree they come to passe and whereof the deficient but not the efficient cause is surely purposed in God For as God createth faith in them that beleeue so when God left the wlll sinne came vpon mankind As the Sunne maketh the day of it selfe and with his owne light when it riseth and shineth and the night likewise but by the retyring of his light and the shadow of the earth Furthermore it is no decree of a sufferance of malice in that it is malice but in that it hath a purpose of goodnes For if we consider the decree of God the verie euill though bred in it selfe hath a purpose of good for what God hath determined to suffer and what he permitteth he doth it for some good end as for the euidence of his glorie and iustice Wherfore in respect of God who in determining to suffer and in permitting doth alwaies behold a good end the darkenesse helpeth forward the light and the malice which proceedeth wholy from the euill instrument is conuerted into good as the punishment of sinne and the meane of Gods glorie as that Paradox of Augustine might be verified That it is good also there should be euils for else God would not suffer euils to bee but he suffereth them not as against his will but as willing and as the same father saith truly and wisely That which is contrarie to the will of God commeth not to passe against his will What is the end of Reprobation Surely the iust condemnation of the Reprobate But in respect of God the declaring of his glory iustice and power a Exod. 9.16 Rom. 9.17 22. After what maner is the administration and application of the doctrine of Predestination to be taken in hand either of Pastors or of all men in priuate 1 We must take heed that we run not out from one extreem to another as from the decree to saluation or damnation or on the contrary neglecting the means neearer causes of saluation or destruction 2. As God descending vnto vs from his most excellent and eternal decree by the middle degrees or the means which are the effects of that decree doth lay open his glory mercy so we returning by those same degrees effects keeping the order of the effects do ascend to the certainty of our election which we shall find most firmely founded in the onely mercy of God VVhat ought to be
the rest be saued God forbid for God in calling doth so call that he turneth the will also of the elect to repentance by the spirit of regeneration and giueth and bestoweth on them true faith and perseuerance passeth by the reprobate so as they themselues also are otherwise vnwilling Besides it is contrary to the nature of the elect to abuse the decree of their election to the desire of sinning nay vnlesse they liue godly they boast of their election in vaine because as God hath predestinated vs to life eternal so hath he predestinated vs to good works Ephes 2.10 And that we might lead a holy and blamelesse life Ephes 1.4 But it neither happeneth to the reprobate to liue godly which if it might they should not be of the number of the reprobate but of the elect because the loue of an innocent and honest life cannot be seene but by election VVhat is the vse and fruit of this doctrine 1 It is auaileable for the confirmation of our faith in God for he knoweth not God aright who doth not acknowledge him to be most wise omniscient almightie and vnchangeable in ordering his creatures 2 It helpeth the assurance and sound confidence of our saluation because it dependeth not on vs or of any variable cause but of the eternall and immutable good pleasure of God a Romans 8 21. fol. 2. Tim. 2.19 3 It profiteth vs touching our comfort against the furies of the children of this world and the fewnesse of beleeuers as Christ saith Mat. 11.26 and cap. 13.14 b Iohn 12.39 And therfore could not they beleeue because saith Esay he blinded their eyes not as though God doth spread a blindnesse on them but for that as a iust Iudge hee deliuereth them being depriued of his grace to be more and more blinded by Sathan and their owne desires and Paul Rom. 11.12 doth often vse this doctrine 4 It auaileth against temptation and all the fierie darts of Satan by making certaine account that no creature can separate vs from the loue of God Rom. 8.38 And against all affliction because all thinges aswell aduersitie as prosperity make for their good who are called according to the purpose of God Rom. 2.8.4 3 It maketh for our instruction viz. 1 To acknowledge Gods singuler goodnes toward vs who vouchsafed to elect vs vnworthie ones out of the companie of wicked and to ordaine vs for heauenly glorie Rom 1.25.2 For stirring vp an humilitie godly sorrow in vs. 3 For our thankfulnesse that we attribute the glorie of our saluation to God onely and that we celebrate his infinite benignitie toward vs in heart word and worke who of his meere grace in his sonne Christ would saue vs being in our selues past recouerie a Eph. 4 And that we striue to make our vocation and election sure by good works 2. Pet. 1.5 He is iust that worketh righteousnes and he that is iustified is called also because righteousnes is by faith but faith by hearing Moreouer he that is called Is chosen according to the purpose of God Vers 10. Also He hath chosen vs in Christ Ephes 1.4 That we might be holy and blamelesse before God and so the vessels sanctified to honour and prepared to euerie good worke that is The Elect are to cleanse them selues by the power of the spirit of Regeneration with which they are endewed b Tim. 2.21 What is contrarie to this doctrine 1 The errour of the Pelagians and Semipelagians who teach an vniuersall grace and so that there are none Elect and that it is in the power of man to beleeue or not to beleeue feigning the causes of saluation to be in men themselues without God also they teach that the elect may perish and fall away from the grace of the mercie of God 2 The error of Thomas Aquinas who thought the number of the Elect in deed to be certaine but the number of the reprobate vncertaine 3 The errour of certeine Vbiquitaries who 1 teach that the fall of Adam happened without the decree of God and without any ordinance of his contrarie to that is spoken Prou. 16.4 Esay 45.7 c Iam. 3 37 Amos 3.6 Ioh 12.39 2 That no decree of God concerning the sauing of the godly or casting of the reprobate consisteth of his simple will against the places Rom. 8.28 and 9.11 3 That God without doubt would not the reprobation of any against the places 1 Sam. 2.25 Rom. 9.19 He hardeneth whom he will and by consequence taketh vengeance on those whom hee wil haue to be hardened 4. Also that the reprobate may be conuerted and saued contrarie to the places Iere. 6.30 and 13.23 a Ioh. 12.39 17.9.12 19. Rom 9 22 Luke 22.20 This is my bloud which is shed for you c. Math. 26.28 For many not for all to the forgiuenesse of sinnes Ephes 5.25 Christ offered himselfe for the Church Hebr. 10.26 1. Pet. 2.7.5 That it is the purpose and will of God simply that all should be saued and that the generall promises are to be vnderstood without restraint against the places of Scripture which restraine the effect of them to the Elect b Col 1 20 25 2 Tim 2 19 Heb. 10 14. 4 The errour of the Papists who make faith foreseene or good works or a foreknowledge of merits the precedent cause of Election and that the predestinate cannot be certaine of their predestination vnlesse it be reuealed and that by some notable priuiledge and the Elect may doubt of their Election 5 The errour of them who subiect Election to the eternall decree of God but not reprobation for that it is necessarie that two opposites should be reckoned vnder one kinde 6 The errour of them who would not haue predestination to be taught in the Church against the saying of Theodoret. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 we ought not search out those things that are hidden neyther to be vtterly ignorant of those that are manifest 7 The errour of them who not distinguishing reprobation from damnation doe thinke that as God hath reprobated some of purpose onely so he condemneth them of the same purpose when notwithstanding sinne is the cause of their damnation 8 The errour of the Libertines who dream that Christians may be saued without the mediation of the middle causes 9 The errour of prophane persons who wickedly abuse this doctrine to the licenciousnesse of sinning The seuen and thirtieth common place Of the last Resurrection What doth Resurrection signifie PRoperly a certain standing againe which the Greeks call 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 as it were 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a second standing of him that fell 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which in composition signifieth againe But specially it signifieth the returning or restoring of bodies from death to life Figuratiuely 1. It signifieth Metonimically an immortall life a Phil. 4.11 2 Metaphorically a deliuerance from dangers vnto which by the like figure death is attributed
c 2. Thess 2 8 Revel 20.10 whome the Lord at that time chiefly will destroy with the spirit of his mouth that is by the preaching of the Gospel and after vtterly abolish in his glorious comming that is when he shall returne in glorie vnto iudgement which the Epithite glorious comming sheweth 4. The vnreasonable creatures also the heauen and earth and whatsoeuer is contained in them shall be iudged in their manner For 2. Pet. The heauens and earth are reserued vnto fire against the day of condemnation and of the destruction of vngodly men and the heauens shall passe away with a noyse that is from mutabilitie to immutabilitie and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 incorruption and the Elements shal melt with heate and be dissolued and the earth with the workes that are therein shall be burnt vp but not as touching the Essence as if this most goodly frame of the world were to be brought to nothing for then where should Christ execute his iudgement but that it is to be restored to a better more excellent forme as touching the corruptible qualities all those things being taken away which are vnperfect and transitorie certaine filthinesse dregs of mortality being put away purged by fire as it were 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 hauing the vertue of cleansing as gold in the fornace as it is saide 1. Cor. 7.31 The fashion of the word goeth away not the propertie And Rom. 8.22 We knovv that the vvhole vvorld groneth vvith vs also and trauaileth in paine together vnder hope that it also shall be deliuered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious libertie of the sons of God So Act. 1.21 a restauration of all things is promised So Ps 102.72.28 The heauens shal perish and they shal all waxe old as a garment as a garment shalt thou fold them and they shal be changed namely to the better And Reuel 21 1. I saw a new heauen So Isaiah 65 17. and 66.22 New heauen and a new earth that is renewed are promised Therfore Peter addeth verse 13 We looke for new heauēs a new earth according to his promise wherin dwelleth righteousnesse but it is not reuealed in the Scriptures what manner of restauration this shall bee For vvhat things shall iudgement be giuen For the faith and vnbeleefe of euery one according to the effects of either a Math. 12.36.37 for euery idle word how much more for grieuous sin shall there an account bee giuen in the day of iudgement euen of them that doe not embrace the satisfaction of Christ Rom. 2.16 The Lord will iudge the secrets of men And chap. 14.12 Euerie one shall giue an account for himselfe vnto God 2. Cor. 5.13 Euerie ones worke shall be manifest for the day will declare it and the fire will trie euerie mans worke what it is although this day may be better vnderstood of the light of truth driuing away the darknesse of ignorance and shining in our mindes as fire And 2. Cor. 5.10 All must be made manifest that euerie one may receiue according to what he hath done be it good or euill The like Reue. 20.12 Whereupon saith Augustine In what facts euery man shall be found when he departeth from his bodie in the same shall he be iudged VVhat shall the forme of this iudgement be It cannot be declared but yet the Scripture shadoweth it vnder the figure of a most iust and royall iudgement a Math. ●4 30.31 25.31 50. follow Math 13 26 1 Thess ● 4 And it doth consist in preparation sentence and execution of the sentence giuen The preparation shall be on this wise 1 As a theefe commeth in the night so shall Christ on a sodaine come visibly from heauen from whence we are bidden to looke for him in his maiestie that is in diuine power in heauenly brightnsse in glorification of bodie in authoritie to iudge and in the guard or company of all his Angels and armed with flaming fire b 2 Thes 1.8 Psal 50.3 A fire shall goe before him he shall not then come alone humble despised neither vnto affliction as in the first comming c Math. 11.29 Isa 53.5 2 He shall sit on the throne of the glorious maiestie d Math 19.28 but what the throne may be no man must enquire yet for certaine it shall appeare corporally and visibly in the clouds of heauen apparent to the eyes of all men Act. 1.11 and Reue. 1.7 Behold he commeth with clouds and euerie eye shall see him yea euen they which pierced him thorow 3 He shall gather together by the ministerie of the Angels all nations before him so that not any how wicked and mightie soeuer can withdraw himselfe or be absent escape flie from or resist thar appearance 4 He shall separate them one from another as a shepheard doth seuer the sheepe from the goats and he vvill set the sheepe that is those who haue heard his voice and haue embraced his sheep like innocencie on his right hand but the goates that is those who despising their shepheard haue followed their owne wantonnesse and lust like goates on his lest 5 He shall giue a double definitiue sentence and that in order The first shall be most earnestly wished for of all the Elects for the King shall say to them that shall be on his right hand with a singuler affection of fauour and loue commending and setting forth the grace God and his free adoption his Election from the beginning and blessing in Christ not their merits Come ye blessed of my father and possesse for your inheritance the kingdome prepared for you since the foundations of the world were laid Whereunto he will adde a reason of the cause taken from the fruits of faith declaring the cause that is from the works of mercie performed vnto him in his members For I was an hungrie and ye gaue me to eate c. The second shall be most fearefull For turning vnto them that shal be on his left hand he will say vnto them depart from me ye cursed into hell fire which is prepared for the diuell and his Angels Whereunto in like sort he will adde the reason of the cause for I was an hungrie and ye gaue me not to eate c. 6 The execution of the sentence shall presently follow the sentence For the reprobates being expulsed by the Angels from the Lords presence shall will they nill they be compelled by his glorious strength to goe into eternall torment a 2. Thess 1.8 9 but the godly shall be taken into the ayre to meete the Lord that they may enioy eternall life and blessed immortalitie with Christ b 1. Thess 4 17 After what law will Christ giue sentence Although the godly shall be freed also from the word of the law in as much as Christ hath fulfilled it for them and by the same law which appointeth euerie sinner to eternall punishments shall the wicked be condemned yet
that our concupiscence is mortified and that it taketh not occasion to sinne by the forbidding of the Lawe as before it was wont f Ro. 7.5 6 8 9. 3 Death of the world by which the world is dead vnto the godly and that actiuely not vnto them who enter into cloysters profession of a monastical life but vnto those who for the excellēcy of the knowledge of Christ despise all things which the world esteemeth and is in loue with 2. And who renounce the workes of the world as whoaring dicing and whatsoeuer is a worke of the flesh 3. And who are not caried away with the delight of the world Againe the world is passiuely deade vnto those who in like for● are despised of the world for otherwise the world oftentimes were neuerthelesse dead vnto them who notwithstanding are dead vnto the world Therefore Gal. 6.14 Through Christ the world is crucified vnto me and I vnto the world And Phil. 3.8 I account all things but losse for the excellent knowledge sake of Christ But the spirituall death of the vnbeleeuers or of natural men is that which may be called the death of faith or the soules death namely by which they being without Christ and his spirit being also voide of faith are dead in their sinnes in the ablatiue case Ephe. 2.5 and yet they liue in sin nor do they earnestly desire forgiuenesse and so liuing they are dead g Mat. 8.22 1 Tim 5.6 Rev. 3.1 and are said to walke in the shadowe death h Esa 9.1 3. And eternall death is a perpetuall infelicitie and misery of the whole man and it is called the second death a Rev 2 11 21.8 of which is said The death of sinners is the worst death Psal 34.22 I desire not the death of a sinner but that the sinner turne from his waies and liue Ezech. 33.9.4 A ciuill death Among Lawyers it is meant of them whose estate is altered that is who haue falne from some degrees of honour and liberty and haue not kept the reputation of an honest man But at this time we entreat of the third kinde of death What is eternall death It is the vnspeakable most wretched most fearefull and endlesse condition of the Reprobate ordained by God not in that the soule may againe be separated from the bodie or that the bodie or soule dyeth and that they cease either to be to liue to haue sense for they shall bee and shall liue continually but in that they shall bee for euer shut out both in soule and bodie not onely from all fauour and beholding the presence of God but also that they shall bee adiudged most iustly to an horrible endlesse and deserued curse by reason of their sinne b Isa 66.24 Math. 25.41 46 2 Thess 1.9 For as neither eye hath seene nor eare hath heard neither hath it entred into the heart of man what things God hath prepared for them that loue him 1. Cor. 2.9 So also neither can the greatnesse of the paines and torments which are prepared for the damned be plainly vnderstood in this life much lesse be expressed in wordes If the soule and body of the Reprobates shall haue a being and shall liue for euer Why is their future estate not called a life but a death Bicause such an estate and condition of life as theirs is euery way most miserable deserueth to be called a death not a life What are the Epithites of eternall death That the greeueousnesse of the punishment might in some sort be pouretraied it is called in scripture by termes taken from the punishments of this life as Confusion Shame eternall reproach The worme that euer gnaweth the lake of fire and brimstone Hell mourning weeping and gnashing of teeth A fierie fournace an eternall deuouring and vnquenchable fire extreame darknes out of the kingdome of light the worme that dyeth not eternall torment and the like c Isa 30.33 66.24 Math. 8.12 22 13. 25 46. Mark 9.43.47 Reue. 19.20 20.10 14 15. In which Epithites is shadowed as it were the forme what and how great the punishments of eternall death shall be what be the causes of eternall death God the most iust Iudg is the cause a farr of d Math. 25.41 Rom 2 8 2 Thess 1 5 6 8 9 The nearest cause is Satan the seducer vnto sinne and a murderer euen from the verie beginning of the worlds creation for that he slew man thorough sinne a Iohn 8 44 The subministring instrumentall cause is man himselfe consenting vnto Satan lastly sinne whereby man departed from the law of God Gen 2.17 In the day that thou eatest of the tree of the knowledge of good and euill thou shalt die the death either death aswell temporarie as eternall And Rom. 5.12 Through sinne death entred into the world And 6.23 The wages of sinne is death And. 1. Cor. 15 21. By man came death For whome is eternall death prepared For the cursed or Reprobates for the workers of iniquitie for vngodly sinners horrible murderers whoremongers witches for Idolaters and all liers b Re. 21 8 and to speake in one worde for vnbelieuers that is for those who haue not knowne God nor hearkened vnto the Gospell c, 2. Thess 1 8 that in bodie and soule they may be punished punished because they haue sinned in body and soule Math 10.28 Feare him which can destroy the body and soule in hell namely with eternall torments and therefore the substance of neither shall perish What place is ordained for eternall death That which the Hebrewes call Tophet of noise and confusion and Gehenna of a place nigh to Ierusalem situated in the field of a certaine man called Hinnon wherein the Israelites offered their sonnes to the Idoll Moloch d Iosua 15 8 Isa 30.33 2. Kings ●3 13 2. Chro. 28.3 Ierem. 7.31 which the Greekes interpret 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a darke place a house without sun-light and Tartarum 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 because it frighteth all which place the Latines expound Inferos of the situation a nethermost place Hell as also Abyssum that is a gulfe of vnmeasurable deapth or 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a bottomeles place e Luk. 8.31 Reu. 9 20 What is Hell It is a certaine hidden and horrible place appointed by God vnto eternall torment for the damned men and euill Angels f Num 16 30.33 Esa ●0 33 Math. ● 12 25 41 2 Thess 1 9 Where is Hell It is hard to iudge and it becommeth vs not to be inquisitiue herein but to endeauour that we take heed that we one day proue not by experience where it is Yet is it somewhere nor any vpper but a nether because it is below and therefore fardest of from the highest heauen which is the seate of the blessed For the Scripture Luk 16.26 placeth 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a broad and large gulfe 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉
Act. 15.3.4 and in the Ecclesiasticall assemblie made by the people where in all one among another doe meete religiously to performe the seruice of God a or in the Pastors and Ecclesiasticall assemblie which consisteth of the principall and sit members of the Church and is gathered togither in the name of the whole Church whereof it hath charge to consult of Church matters in which sense Christ saith say vnto the Church Math. 18.18 c. But is there any visible Church seeing we say in the Creed I beleeue the Church and faith is of things which are not seene Heb. 11.2 2. Cor. 5.7 and Augustine saith it is an action of faith to beleeue what thou seest not for if thou seest it is not faith That which is said in the Creede is not meant of any one Church this or that but of the Catholicke Church that is of the whole bodie of the Church at what time soeuer it hath beene on the earth which for that it consisteth of the godly Elect which haue beene heeretofore from the beginning of the world which are at this present and which shall be heereafter vntill the worlds end being gathered together at once whom no man in this life can euer behold with his eies surely there is a Church beleeued and not seene because it is not of the fashion that it may be here wholy seene but onely in part 1 Because the glorie of the Catholike Church is inward Psal 45.13 The Kings daughter is all glorious within 2 Because it commeth not with obseruation b Luk 17 20 3 Because it worshippeth God in spirit and truth c Ioh. 4 23 4 Because the sense cannot iudge surely who they be that belong to the Catholicke Church 5 Because the principallest and greatest part thereof is in Heauen 6 Because it is a spirituall house d 1. Pet. 2 5 But the Church taken Synecdochically that is The particuler Churches are visible 1 Because the men whereof they consist are visible 2 Because the outward forme of them is visible and concerning the particuler Church or the Pastors thereof it is said Math. 5. Vers 14. A Citie that is set on a hill cannot be hid but it ought to be well knowne and excellent for pietie and life least it be an offence but at length after the resurrection all the whole Church shall be seene in heauen where she shall be knit together with her head Reuel 14.4 Is there or hath there beene alwaies a glorious visible state of Gods Church on Earth among all men and all the world ouer No surely for that being sometime oppressed by tyrannie as in the time of the tenne persecutions and after that vnder Antichrist it was hid in heresies errours as a sparke vnder the ashes as in the time of Arrius when as Ierome saith the whole world mourned exceedingly and wondered that it selfe was turned Arrian and it may often come to passe through the iust iudgement of God that there be none assemblie of men apparant which worship God publikely and visibly according to his word onely a Psal 74.3 Isa 49.21 as happened in the time of Elias the Prophet 1 King 19.10 when he said I onely am left that is not onely not a Prophet more but euen not one that worshippeth God and God answered I haue reserved vnto mee seuen thousand men that haue not bowed their knees to Baall And Reuel 12.6 when the Church of God is said to haue fled into the wildernes that is to haue lurked or laine hid from the sight of men by reason of the furies of Antichrist Therefore the state of the Church is at sometime more visible at sometime lesse neither is it visible vnto all nor alwaies after one fashion The inuisible Church doth eyther openly professe the faith or not professe it at all If she professe it then is she not the inuisible Church if she do not then is she not the true Church because she confesseth not the faith It is not requisite ●hat we should alwaies euerie where confesse our faith for that were to betray our selues vnto our enemies but when the cause occasion time and Gods glorie doe require Neyther did Elias make any such argument when God answered him I haue reserued vnto me seuen thousand men which haue not bowed their knees to Baall though they were vnknowne to him But where and how was the Church so many ages past in Popery seeing Popery is not the Church In that manner it was as Iohn foretold it should be Reuel 12.6 namely in the wildernes and in that manner as the Church of Israell was after the falling away of Ieroboam especially in the daies of Achab in the Apostaticall and false Church which worshipped Calues in Dan and Bethel whereunto the popish Church is altogether like As then Elias Elizaeus and seuen thousand men which bent not their knees to Baall were and lay hid in the wildernes so also euen many in the time of Poperie bent not their knees to Antichrist which verie argument Paule applieth to the Church of the Iewes in his time Rom. 11.3 May the Catholicke Church fall away By no meanes because there shall be no end of Christs kingdome a Luke 1.33 because the Catholicke Church is builded on a rocke And the gates of Hell shall not preuaile against it Math. 16.18 But some particuler Church may fall away and fall away in such sort that where there was a true Church there may appeare no true Church at all but a false and Sathan may preuaile against it as many examples teach to wit the Churches of the Ephesians Galathians and the like which haue ceased vtterly to bee nay particuler Churches may be brought to that smallnes that there may not bee any particuler Christian visible Church on the Earth publikely knowne And there is euer some number on Earth which worship Christ with an honest affection but this number is not euer visible ful of people glorious established in some visible place seat or succession but scattered heere and there obscure and vnknowne to men as Isaiah saith 1.9 and 10.20.21 The Lord hath reserued to himselfe a seed and remnant When began the Church to fall from the truth It is one thing for the Church to haue failed in some points and an other to haue falne away so as it should be vtterly abolished while the Apostles liued heretickes began to sow darnell in the Lords field to worke the mysterie of iniquitie and many Antichrists began to hee 2. Thess 2.7 1. Iohn 2 18. 2 The holy Bishops after the Apostles times through lacke of heede taking mingled many falshoods with the truth and left their errours to posteritie neyther did all faile at once and at one time This plague began by little and little to creepe farre and wide vntill at length it spread the whole world ouer But in the meane while the Church fell not vtterly away because God reserued to himselfe a
remnant of the Elect. And the holy Ghost foretold of a generall Apostacie from the faith b 2. The. 2.3 1. Tim. 4 1 and Reuel 13.3.7 the whole earth followed the beast and wondred and power was giuen him ouer euerie kinred nation and all the inhabitants of the earth saith Iohn worshipped him All saith he whose names were not written in the booke of life that is all sauing the Elect. Where then was the Church Tertullian in his booke de poeniten saith that the Church may bee in one or two Wherefore if in those desperate times of the Church there were but one or two faithfull seruants of God it sufficeth that it may be called a Church Therefore it is not our part to determine at what certaine time the Church began to fall away but to labour rather by what meanes it may be freed from this calamitie What are the causes of a Church The principal cause is God the Father who hath chosen a church and at length calleth and gathereth it vnto himselfe Ephe. 1.4 Iohn 1.13 The faithfull are not borne of bloud nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man but of God And 6.44 No man commeth to me except the father draw him a Exod. 13.21 Mat 18.18 The second or helping cause is the sonne of God himselfe Iohn 14.6 No man commeth to the father but by mee who also hath purchased a Church with his owne blood Act. 20.28 The fellow labourers are the preachers of the word the Prophets and Apostles and their true successours who are therfore called builders b Ro 15 20 1. Pet. 2.7 and maister builders c 1 Cor 3.10 but in respect of the ministerie onely The outward instrumentall cause is the preaching of the word whereby God gathereth himselfe a Church The inward and verie efficient cause is the holy Spirit The formall cause is the syncere profession both of faith and of true Doctrine likewise The Materiall cause whereof are men chosen out of the whole world according to the commaundement of Christ Goe into all the vvorld Preach yee the Gospell to euerie Creature Marke 16.15 16. Are not the blessed Angels likewise a Materiall part of the true Church They are surely and so are the soules of the blessed and that the most beautifullest part d Psal 103 20. Hebr. 1.6.7 12.23 The Apostle acknowledgeth a companie of innumerable Angels and an assemblie and congregation or Church of the spirits or soules And Christ also as he is man is head and Lord of euerie creature and so of the Angels also e Col. 1.17.18 But we speake of the Church insomuch as God hath purchased it by his bloud and doth gather it together by his word but God redeemed not the blessed Angels who neuer fell as neither did he take their nature on him Hebr. 2.16 Neither doth he call them to the cōmunion of this Church by the ministery of his word but onely established them in their first blessed beginning Therfore we affirme that the Church is to be reckoned of men onely according to the promise of the father made to the sonne Psa 2.8 Hath the Church an head Seeing the Church is a bodie not naturall or mathematicall but mysticall a 1 Cor. 10 17. 12.12 Col. 1.18 it must needs haue a head of whom it may be gouerned nourished and cherished and of whom it may depend for euerie liuing bodie hath it head to which it is subiected by the Creator himselfe and from whom it draweth life The Church therfore hath her head not many heads but one onely for it is not 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 headlesse nor 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a beast of many heads succeeding one another by deaths preuention because it must haue died as often as it should be depriued of it head by death and must haue reuiued as often as it got any new head which were altogether monstrous but it hath one onely head to wit Christ who is the head of his Church as the man is of the woman b Eph. 5 27 1 23. 1 By perfection because he is the only true God and verie man that in all things he may haue the preheminence Col. 1.18 2.10 2 By office Because Christ onely is King Prophet and High Priest who hath rule dominion and excellencie ouer the Church as the head hath ouer the bodie c Reue. 1.6 3 By efficacie because he onely inspireth vigour sense motion spirituall life and all goodnesse into his members d Ioh 6 5 7 15 1 2 and he onely being fastened to the bodie by the bond of the spirit giueth to the whole Church his reedifying coniunction ioyning or fastening together and communion of the members betweene God and themselues e 1. Ioh 1 3 Ioh 17.22 Eph 4 12 he alone is neuer absent but euer present with his Church by his spirit f Mat 28 20 and he onely giueth life to the bodie g Eph 5 24 and neuer dieth Death shall haue power ouer him no more Rom. 6.9 So that hee needeth no head by deputation as one Bride receiueth not two heads nor two Bride-groomes 4 By Decree because he alone is the shepheard of one sheepfold h Ioh. 10.16 and the chiefe shepheard as Peter himselfe affirmeth 1. Pet. 5.4 Neither is the condition of any of the Pastors of the Christian Church equall to that of the high Priest long agoe vnder the Lawe for that one high Priest was a true type of Christ a Psal 101.4 Heb. 7.17 7.9.11 but none of the Pastors of the christian Church is a type of Christ Besides hee had charge but ouer one small quarter and but ouer one Temple and ouer one people by the ordinance of God but none can haue charge ouer the whole world through which the Church is dispersed for this were to desire to include the world in one Citie saith Hierome Therefore is not the Pope the Ministeriall head of the Catholicke Church because it cannot be prooued by any testimony of Scripture and seeing Christs kingdome is not of this world he hath no need of a Vice-Roy or Vicar and the Ecclesiasticall ministerie which consisteth in the administration of the Gospell and Sacraments cannot be performed through the whole world by 〈◊〉 any one man But concerning Constantines Donation made to Pope Syluester that voyce which Syluester heard from heauen This day is poyson entered into the Church doth sufficiently testifie what we must thinke of it Finally he that calleth himselfe the Vniuersall Bishop Lib. 4. Epist 76 is the most true forerunner of Antichrist as witnesseth Gregorius Magnus who was himselfe Bishoppe of Rome Hath the Church any foundation Seeing it is a Spirituall house b 1. pet 2 5 it hath a foundation which is twofolde 1 Ministeriall in respect whereof the Church is said To bee built vpon the foundation of the Prophets and Apostles to witt euen on
personal succession to be an absolute sure marke of the church by the church they vnderstād the pastors only and they cal it heresie to referre the name of the church to the number of the faithfull contrary to the saing of Christ super hanc petram i. vpon my selfe will I build my church contrary to the article of our creede which commaunds vs to beleeue the catholike church 5 which make the word of God subiect to the church and not the church subiect to the word of God 6 which make the doctrine and precepts of men the foundation vpon the which the church is built 7. which place the vnity of the church not in faith not in spirit but in the vse and similitude of such ceremonies and which teach that multitude visibility perpetuity antiquity and such like for the marke of the true church 3 The Romane clergie or that rabblement of Monks and Priests which depraue the naturall sence and meaning of the scripture and doe in very deede deny the office of Christ while they doe attribute to the worke of their owne or other that the most proper and peculier vnto Christ and their sectes whereof some are named after one teacher some after another whose rule they haue made choise of to follow and to liue thereafter 4 The assembly of all infidels which doe persecute and reiect the doctrine of the prophets and Apostles and Christ himselfe 5 The error of those men that are of opinion that euery one shal be saued in his owne religion when without that one alone catholicke church their is no saluation 6 Of the Academicks which haue brought into the church 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 incomprehensibility 7 Of the Platonicks which make the church to be altogether inuisible and on the contrary of them that thinke the church is and hath alwaies bin visible on earth 8 Of donatists Anabaptists and schismaticks which because of the wicked make a departure from the true church in which the true gospell is preached and the sacraments rightly administred which asmuch as in them lyeth deuide the vnity of Christs body breake the band of peace that is Charity wherewith Christ knits the church to himselfe these proudly contemne the church and indanger there owne saluation for he cannot haue any communion with Christ which will not haue communion with the church 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 schisme not such whereat a wicked vnity is deuided like as the vnitie of the Iewes who hearing of Christ raised adissention among themselues whereby their vnity brake and was deuided a Iohn ● 16 10.9 neither such by which good Men seperate themselues from wicked men but factions whereby the society of the faithfull is deuided into contrary partes and studies as when the Corinthians were deuided into partes b 1 Cor. 10 11.12 3 3 either when they did disagre one from the other not onely in opinion and will but in the verie communitie of holy things and in rites and customes so that one anothers community and fellowship they auoided as damnable an heresie declares properly some certaine faction and sect about doctrine e Act. 5.37 and so heretickes are called which in such sort depart from the true and sound doctrine that contemning the judgement of God and the iudgement of the Church continue in their opinions and violate the concord and agreement of the Church 10 The contempt of Ecclesiasticall assemblies namely of them which seeme vnto themselues to knowe all things or which keepe themselues busied at home or which misliking the meanenesse of the preachers person or finding some other occasion of absence neglect Sermons or which for feare of the crosse or for the fauour of great men or of their friends contemne and set light by them Also the abuse of those men which either through some foolish deuotion or accustomed ostentation or to beguile the tediousnes of time frequent holy assemblyes either seldome or at them trifle the time away or let their minde raunge abroad or else after they haue heard a word or two depart out or in a word they heare indeed Sermos but yet liue wickedly The two and fortieth common Place Of the Ministerie VVhence comes this word Ministerie OF the Lattin word Ministre to minister or ferue The greeke name for Ministery is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 deriued of 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 signifying dust whēce is this word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 to serue 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 to minister 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a Minister 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or seruant who labours til he be as of a dusty sweat a Math. 20 26.27 hence is it that in the new Testament this word is takē for any person labouring b Rom. 16 11. painfully earnestly in any seruice c Rom. 13.4 for the common-wealth family or Church d Mat. 22 15 And 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 is all one with this word Ministerie signifiing both the office of e Act. 6.4 2 Cor. 6 3 Ephe. 4.12 ●eaching and also the performance of any Ecclesiasticall function There are diuersities of Ministeries but the same Lord. 1. Cor. 16. Not vnlike to this is the word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Liturgia comming of 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 to doe minister or doe ones duety so it is vsed Acts. 13 2. f 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 whilest they ministred that is as Chrisostome expounds it preached not sacrificed except as the words Liturgia and sacrifice are vsed for the publick functions of the Church As Phil. 2 17. Though I be offered vp vpon the sacrifice and seruice of your faith And for this cause the Fathers called the Lords Supper a Liturgy and Sacrifice whence came that execrable errour of such as will haue the sonne of God daily in the Church to bee offered and sacrificed Hence also was it that publick officers both g Rom. 15.16 ministers and Magistrates were called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Ministers and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Deacōs Rom. 13.4 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Yea Heb. 1.7 Angells are called Ministers and ministring spirits Hence also was the publick seruice of the Church called a Leiturgie as Luk. 1.23 Yea and the verie execution of that seruice was so called as if a man should haue giuen that name to the Leuiticall sacrifices Heb. 10.11 euery high Priest standeth daily to Minister So that this action of his were it of preaching 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or performing holy mysteries might be called a Liturgie Furthermore this name of Liturgie Oblation and sacrifice began to bee giuen Metaphorically to Almes h Rom. 15.27 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 The Gentiles ought to Minister carnall things to the Saints at Ierusalem By the like reason all Christians may be called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Ministers as Paul called Epaphroditus Phil. 2.25 To conclude in the Ecclesiasticall storie certain formes of seruice at the Church were called Liturgies as
or to be vsed and obserued in writing those lawes and humane traditions 1 That they be not repugnant to the analogy of faith or that they lead vs not from Christ or be superstitious of which sort for the most part the popish rites are neither must our consciences be intangled as though those lawes of order and decency be for that cause onely brought in as if they were parts of diuine worship 2 That they be not preferred before the heauenly doctrine which the Apostles receiuing from God haue deliuered nei●●●● must those lawes be eternall or immutable but as necessitie shall require mutable 3 That those things which are vnprofitable ridiculous foolish parasitical and operatiue should not be appointed for a graue honest and profitable order such as those which the Papacie doth commaund of Auricular confession the difference of meates daies and apparell vowed peregrination and the like 4 That the Church be not burdened with the multitude of those precepts as is done in poperie and the true and pure worship of God be oppressed as it was once done of the Pharisies b Mat. 23.4 and so the commaundements of God be made void in respect of men c Mat 15.3 Mar. 7.13 Act. 15.10 That they doe not degenerate into superstition or impietie that there be no merit ascribed to them or worship or necessitie that is they may not be accounted necessarie to saluation or a part of Gods worship and that of themselues by the work done as they speake which if it come to passe let them presently be reformed or altogether abolished by the example of Ezechias which brake in peeces the brasen Serpent d 2. Reg. 18 4 and lastly we must beware least through a pretence of indifferencie they offer poyson and hide a deadly hooke vnder a hony bayte VVho can ratifie or abolish those lawes In particuler Churches the Pastors by the sage iudgement of the Consistory and the authority of the Christian magistrate his consent being thereunto adioyned lastly the flocke being certified therof approouing the same who verily ought not rashly to forsake the opinion of their Pastors and superintendents being confirmed by the word of God sound reasons but in prouinciall Churches it is the office of the Synods being lawfully called in the Lord to constitute such kind of lawes VVhat is a lawfull Synode It is an assembly or meeting and councill either of certain places that is named A prouinciall Synod or else of the whole Church and so it is called Oecumenicall or vniuersall represented by certaine choise persons of her selfe for a certaine time as Pastors and gouernours being remoued as well from all popular gouernment as from smal gouernment and especially from Antichristian ●yrannie that they may expell the wolues and compose all controuersies which are raised in the Church out of the word of God prouided that it be alwaies their rule that they may maintaine pure doctrine and appoint such an outward cutaxie and goood order as seemeth most expedient for the whole Church a Act 15.2.6 c And of such Synods there is great profit 1. Because that which is sought of many is with greater facility obtained 2 Because errors heretiks patrons of errors are more easily repressed and condemned by common consent and iudgement of many By whom are Synods to be called and appoynted By the chiefe Magistrate if hee bee faithfull or at least if he tolerate the Christian faith who also eyther by himselfe or by others whom he hath made choyse of ought to be president of the Synode For it is the office of the Magistrate as the nurce of the Church to preserue the peace and quiet thereof but so that he doth submit himselfe to the word explaned by the mouth of the minister but if hee bee an infidel then it is the office of the Pastors to haue regard as much as in them lyeth that the Church of Christ be no whit damnified and mutually to stirre vp each other that by a common consent they may meete in the name of the Church without any prerogatiue of places to choose those who are knowne to excell in doctrine integritie of life and other gifts of the holy Ghost the Laitie being not excluded as it is manifest out of the Acts. Chap. 15.2 22.23.25 but especially that as Chrst did sit b Luk. 2.46 in the midst of the doctors so now he must be present and beare rule in the councel of the doctors Are all things which Synods decree to be accounted alwaies for true and vndoubted They are not as it is apparant by the second Nicene Councell which did determine against the word of God for the worshipping of Idols and the second Councell holden at Ephesus where the heresie of Eutiches preuailed and the Aphrican Councels where Cyprian was where it was established that those which were baptized by hereticks should be rebaptized for the Church on earth may erre yea being gathered together as it is euident out of Esay 56.10 Ier. 6.13 a Exod. 22.25 1 Reg. 22.6 22 Mar 12.29 Ioh. 11.2 47 2 Thess 2.4.11 the reason is because the Church on earth is not composed of the blessed Angesl but of men whose propertie it is to erre and to be deceiued for that which is said Psal 89.6 that the truth of God is in the congregation of his saints it is to be vnderstood either of the holy Angels liuing in heauen or els of the church where the pure preaching of the gospel soūdeth Is there any authoritie of the Synods There is but that which doth depend on the word of God namely which is of Christs promise Mat. 18 2● where two or three so more be gathered together in my name there am I in the the midst of them neither is it to be doubted but that much more some vniuersall company he doth gouern by his spirit b Act. 15 2● Cor. 5.4 Therfore the iudgments of Synods are not to be despised especially of those where Christ doth sit in the middest but withall obserue by what condition Christ is in the middest of a councell if it be gathered together in his name and the scripture bee in the most eminent place for then the definition of the councils concerning that opinion which is controuersed after lawfull examination and iust inquiry hath his waigh● which notwithstanding it selfe must be tried by the touchstone of the scripture according to that try all things keepe that which is good 1. Thess 5.21 Doth not the Apostle commād vs to obey rulers gouernors He. 13.17 Yes verily but both with an implicite condition if they be true rulers let not the word of God the volume of the law depart frō their mouths c Ios 1.7.8 if they sit in Moses chaire that is they teach the doctrine of Moses incorruptly d Mat. 23.2 in those things which are peculier to their ministery as in the word of God lawfull
beleeuer righteousnes or the washing away of his sins obtained by Christ his bloud to testify his adoption into the couenant of grace his engrafting into Christ the regeneration renuing of his nature or repentance vnto amendmēt by the grace of the holy ghost procured vnto him by the same bloud his communion or fellowship with Christ in all his goodnes and heauenly inheritance ioynt free denization among the citizens of the visible Church of the kingdom of heauen to be held of them in the number of the children of God to enioy the same priuiledges which they do To witnes also that being in like maner baptised he promiseth himselfe to be willing to be reckoned among the people of God to defie Sathan sin the world the flesh al false sects promiseth professeth that he wil liue to Christ to the glory of God Or thus baptisme is a sacrament or seale of the righteousnes of faith that is of our entrance or beginning of our incorporation with Christ of the forgiuenes of our sins of the gift of the holy ghost of regeneration whereby we are seale● vnto Christ incorporated buried with Christ that we die vnto sin by the power of the death of Christ that we rise againe to newnesse of life by the vertue of his resurrection a Rom. 6.3 4.5 1 Pet. 3.22 that we are bound to the true worship of God alone to innocency of life and vnity of the Church wheof it is called the stipulation of a good conscience b that is a mutuall obligation of God of man baptised of God witnessing that he receiueth the person baptised into grace and of the person baptised couenanting with God that he will duly worship and loue him wherof it commeth that none are admitted to the holy supper of the Lord but such as are first baptised because he must first be admitted into the church before he be nourished in the same c Mat. 28.19 Act. 2.41 Ioh. 4.1.2 Mat. 3.11 Ioh 3.5 7 Gal 3 27 1 Cor 6 11 10.2 Tit 3.5 Eph 5.26 How many fold is Baptismes Baptisme in specie or kind is one One Lord one faith one baptisme But seeing in baptisme not the water external actiō is to be considered only but also the inward operation of God in this respect Baptisme is twofold External which is also called the baptisme of water wherwith the minister of the word doth baptise and Internal which is also of the spirit wherby Christ only doth clense our hearts by his blood and giueth his holy spirit and yet the one is not to be separated from the other For the externall is a testimony of the internall that is the Baptisme of water is a pledg of spirituall baptisme and of inward washing and clensing which is done by the blood and spirit of Christ And therefore Christ is said 1. Iohn 5.6 to come in water in the spirit in blood VVho is the author or instituent cause of Baptisme God the father the sonne and the holie ghost 1. by the ministery of Iohn Baptist for it is certaine that Iohn was called of God and sent to baptise and preach repentance amongst the Iewes and therefore Christ saith the baptisme of Iohn was by a metonymie from heauen d Luk. 3.2.3 Ioh. 1.38 that is of God and not of men 2 Further Christ by his owne example confirmed baptisme when he suffered himselfe to be baptised of Iohn e Mat. 21.25 Mat. 3.15 And the whole trinity with most plaine and euident testimonie allowed the same in the baptisme of Christ 3 Besides Christ before his passion sent his disciples to baptise a Ioh. 4.1.2 againe after his resurrection he instructed the same his disciples their successors how to teach and baptise among all nations by this commandement Go thorough the world preach the gospell to euerie creature baptizing them in the name of the father and of the sonne and of the holy ghost Mat. 28.19 whereby it appeareth how greate the dignitie of Baptisme is with what reuerence it should be vsed What is the efficient cause The primarie and true efficient cause is Christ himselfe for he indeede it is who baptiseth vs properly truly into himselfe into his death and resurrection Ephes 5.18 It is Christ that clenseth his church with the washing of water in his word The secundary and instrumentall causes are the ministers for so saith Iohn I baptise you with water b Mat. 3 11 Christ commanded them saying baptise c Mat. 28.19 VVhether may ministers be truly said to baptise that is to clense from sinn and to regenerate No doubt they may for Christ did not restraine his commandement to the washing of water but in general termes said baptise them and Iohn 20.23 they are said to remit sins to beget againe or regenerat 1 Cor. 4.15 I haue begotten you againe in Christ by the Gospell And 1. Cor. 3.6 the Apostle saith that he ministred vnto them the spirit not the Letter but yet sacramentally that is so farre forth as he hath administred those sacraments by which as by instruments Christ himselfe doth wash and regenerate Whose office is it properly to administer Baptisme Theirs to whom the Ministerie of the word is commttted for to whom Christ said Preach the Gospell to them also hee said Baptise And Ephes 5.26 the Apostle conioyneth the washing of water with the word of the Gospell So Iohn Baptist and the Disciples of Christ Baptised who also preached the Gospell Whether may many Ministers baptise any one together They may not for none is said perfectly to baptise but hee who vseth these words saying I baptise thee and therefore that he may speake truly the same men must also administer water VVherin differ the Baptisme of Iohn Baptist and of Christ or his Apostles or those Ministers that followed them Not in the Author in substance in doctrine in signe or ceremonie neither yet in effect or signification For the same sacrament is instituted of God and the same forgiuenesse of sinnes and grace of the holy Ghost is signified offered and sealed whether it bee Iohn that administer or the Apostles or the suceeding Ministers a Luk. 1.3 2.3 The onely difference is touching the verie circumstance and maner of the manifesting of Christ for the same baptisme ia called Iohns because he baptised first and Christs because baptisme hath respect vnto him Again Iohn baptised into him which came immediatly after him that is into Christ who should shortly suffer rise again b Act. 19. ● But the Apostles after thē all Minsters now baptise into Christ that hath suffered and is risen againe VVhy doth Iohn say then Mat. 3.11 I baptise you with water and attributeth onely vnto Christ that he baptiseth with the holy Ghost and and fire Not that he denieth that forgiuenes of sins is giuen by his ministerie and the holy Ghost also for
so would Christ bee baptised that hee might begin a new the ministerie of the Gospell as being ordained and confirmed by the publicke testimonie of the whole Deitie for the voyce of the eternall father sounding from heauen was in steed of a trumpet the oyle was the Spirit of God descending like a Doue couering Christ with his wings and resting on him Also the fathers report of Christ Math. 3.1 This is my beloued sonne in whom I am well pleased fitly agreeth with the inscription which was written vpon the fillet that was set on the high Priest his head Holinesse to the Lord. Exod. 28.36.38 When Paule saith 1. Cor. 15.19 What shall they doe which are baptised for the dead if the dead are not raised Doth he either meane that the dead are to be baptised which custome dured a long time as appeereth by the Carthaginian Councill or that they are to be sprinckled with running water hallowed as the Papists collect from hence or that baptisme doth profit the dead as the papists say Masse for the dead and sprinckle holy water vpon their graues or to baptise any man liuing for one man that died vnbaptised as the Marcionites did whose peruerse course Tertullian noteth as also they say the Iewes had a custome that if any man died before he enioyed the legall washing whereof mention is made Num. 19.12 That then his next kinred should be besprinkled by the priests in their steed or that baptisme was purposely deferred till the houre of death or that being readie to die and now lying on their death-beds for which custome thy were called Clinickes they were then baptised or lastly must they watch lye vpon the earth fast pray voluntarily whip themselues for the soules of the dead that are in Purgatorie and to satisfie for their sinnes as the Papists say None of all these for all these expositions come by ignorance of a fallation called Figura dictionis the figure or phrase of speech For neither doth the proposition 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 signify in stead nor may we thinke that those superstitions or afflictions for the dead Clinici nor that custome of the Clinicks was in vse in the time of the Apostles but yet Epiphanius saith they were in vse a while after that any man after they had been endewed with the knowledge faith of Christ should yet neuerthelesse eyther for feare or for some other cause deferre their baptisme vntill they were readie to die and then require it giuing then first their names both vnto Christ and his Church least they should depart out of this life without that publike testimonie of their saluation which the Lord had appointed all beleeuers to be furnished with Heereunto also was annexed this superstition that some purposely deferred their baptisme till the houre of death least after the receiuing of it they should fall againe into sinne but it is not likely that this was in Pauls time for if it had he would sure haue manifested the superstition which cleaued vnto the same But he heere alludeth vnto a most ancient custome of certaine Churches who were wont to be baptised eyther vpon the dead carcasses of the dead in their graues or vpon the Tombes or bones of the dead to the end they might professe that they did both die vnto sinne with Christ were readie to die for Christ and also beleeued the resurrection of the dead which exposition is indeed most simple and doth not straine the Apostles words for the Greeke word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 signifieth properly a mans carkase and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 with a Genitiue case vpon to note a place is verie vsuall with the Greekes Or it declareth the end as Theophilact will haue it namely that they which are baptised as dead men may be baptised for dead men that sinne may be quenched or die in them or else in a sure hope of resurrection and that they may haue a remedie against death Seeing that baptisme is the signe of the remission of sins of regeneration and of the resurrection or lastly it noteth the custome of the Iewes in washing those which had touched a Num 19.12 Ecius 34.10 a dead body or the dead bodies themselues which latter custome we read that the Christians retained at the first as also the custome of the Gentiles in washing and annoynting their dead in their burials b Act. 9.37 The first did it in hope of the resurrection to come but these in a false Imitation ambition superstition and vaine diligence towards the dead But note the Lord remembereth that custome not that he may approoue it though hee refute it not but that hee might confute them by their owne proper rite or acte wherewith they testifyed the hope of their resurrection Therefore hee faith not Why are wee to wit true Christians Baptised ouer the dead but discerning the superstitious from the faithful but what shall they doe Are also things without sense as Bells and such like to be baptised In no wise for we doe not read that Baptisme was ordained saue onely for men for whose sake also Christ was made man and died Secondly because the Sacrament of Regeneration pertaineth onely to them that are capable of Regeneration but the sacrament belōgeth not to those things vnto which the righteousnes of faith agreeth not But baptisme in the presēce of God-fathers and the giuing of a mans name vnto a Bell and that in the name of the Father the Sonne and the holy Ghost so taking Gods name in vaine suteth as well with a Bell as with an Oxe or an Asse Who are partakers of the thing signified in Baptisme Onely the Elect and beleeuers who are the sonnes of God by adoption and brethren and fellow heires of Iesus Christ because this condition is added vnto all Christs gifts to be partakers of them If we beleeue And of those onely it is said But yeare washed sanctifyed and iustifyed in the name of the Lord Iesus and by the spirit of our God 1. Cor. 6.11 Shall we count it Superstition or Religion in Constantine the great for that he rather wished to be baptised in the riuer Iordan where our Sauiour was baptised then any where else and refused to be baptised till hee was 65. yeares old and then being readie to die he would needs be baptised on the sodaine by Eusebius an Arrian Bishop of Nicomedia Tripart hist Lib. 3. c. 12 Eusebius leo vita Constāt l. 4 Superstition because the diuine institution and the thing signified and not the place doe commend baptisme but yet it is more fit that baptisme be administred in those places where the assemblies meete then in priuate houses both because the publicke prayers annexed vnto the administration of baptisme are not without fruit as also because it much concerneth that all the Church know who are the Saints fellow Citizens and of the houshold of God What time or day holy-day or working day is fitting for baptisme
fulnesse of Christ Ephes 5.30 and 4.13 Of which place Zanchius in his comment vpon it discourseth most learnedly What therefore is that which is conioyned vnto vs Christ according to himselfe and according to his effect and grace that is Christ himselfe whole but yet spiritually and to bee considered in minde together with all his merits How is this vnion made whether by a reall actuall and corporall inuisible falling downe of Christs flesh into vs and by a naturall touching with ours or by a connexion contiguitie locall indistance orall perception or by an essentiall commixtion of the flesh of Christ and ours or by an ingresse of his bodie and soule or by a corporall coniunction By none of these For the veritie of the flesh of Christ and his ascension into heauen doe not suffer this Besides also out of so many substances of diuers bodies there should grow a most monstrous bodie but by a copulation or connexion altogether spirituall and supernaturall yet reall and true altogether after a diuine and heauenly manner For if the things which are vnited be respected it is an Essentiall vnion If the truth of the vnion it is reall But if the manner whereby this vnion is made it is spirituall That there is such an vnion it is truly manifest vnto vs out of the both simple sacramentall word of God but for the forme which may containe the exact definition thereof the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the very being of it how it is which some doe importunately require of vs the Apostle by the best right calleth a great mysterie Ephes 5.32 They shall be two in one flesh The reason whereof is such that we cannot in our mindes comprehend it For it is spoken Contradictorily that any thing is accuratelie declared eyther that the forme therof or formal cause is accuratly knowne and is secret For now wee see through a glasse darkely but then shall wee see face to face Now I know in part but then shall I know euen as I am knowne And wee walke by faith not by sight 1. Cor. 13.9.12 and 2. Cor. 5.7 And it is enough in this mysterie to know the efficient cause with the finall and adiuuant causes For also in actions wee then know chiefely when wee see the beginning of the motion saith the chiefe of the Phylosophers booke third that is when wee haue knowen the efficient cause Which is the proper cause or the meanes and the Energeticall that is efficient cause of this our communion with Christ The operation efficacie and working of the holy Ghost doth cause that a man receiueth Christ together with his merits For as the sinewes comming from the braine are scattered into the integrall parts of the liuing bodie and doe ioyne the middle low panch armes hands feet both to the head also to the members by a conueniēt situation function of euery part remaining safe So one the same spirit of Christ comprehending vs a Phi. 3.12 doth so make vs partakers of him that cleauing fast both to Christ the head to his members more straightly and more strongly then the members of the naturall bodie to the bodie wee may neuer be separated from him and from them as Paule teacheth 1. Cor. 12.12 As the bodie is one and hath many members and all the member of the bodie which is one though they be many yet are but one bodie euen so is Christ For so collectiuely by a word taken from the head he calleth both Christ who is the head and the mysticall bodie of that head which is the Church Whereby it commeth to passe from that great bounty of our Sauiour that Christ also himselfe becommeth so neerely ours and we likewise his that before the fathers iudgement seat Christ and the Church not by a hypostaticall ioyning of substances but by a mysticall belonging to this communion are as it were one and the same subsistence and wee are taken to be one Christ most effectually For by one spirit wee all are baptized into one bodie saith the same Apostle that is that we should be gathered into one bodie of Christ and haue beene all made to drinke into one spirit that is with one liuely draught of the Lords bloud b 3.19 Wee are made partakers of his one spirit 1. Corinth 12.13 And Irenaeus saith like as of drie wheat one lumpe cannot bee made without moysture nor one bread So neyther we being many could not haue beene made one in Christ Iesus without the water which is from heauē Therefore Paule 1. Cor. 6.17 He that is ioyned to the Lord is one Spirit with him whereupon also it is called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is The communion of the holy Ghost a 2 Cor. 13 13 And 1. Iohn 3.24 Heereby we know that Christ abideth in vs euen by the spirit which he hath giuen vs. And Rom. 8.9 If any man hath not the spirit of Christ the same is not his Therefore like as by one and the same soule all the members of the bodie are vnited with the head and are quickened so all the faithfull although they be in earth and their head in heauen yet in verie deed by one and the same spirit issuing from the head and by euerie ioynt of the mysticall bodie yeelding nourishment are vnited with him and being knit together doe abide liue and receiue increase according to the measure of euerie part Ephes 4.16 Gal. 3.5 By what meanes doe wee in like manner communicate with the flesh of Christ Not by nature as wee communicate with the flesh of Adam nor yet by a naturall and corporall instrument but by one supernaturall and spirituall that is by faith alone created in vs by that selfe same spirit whereby Christ doth comprehend vs a Phil. 3.12 by which we doe receiue lay hold vpon and as it were by an instrumentall cause possesse Christ himselfe Concerning which manner Ephes 3.17 the Apostle saith That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith Therfore wee are vnited to Christ by faith Therefore this vnion is made by the Spirit in respect of Christ and by faith in respect of vs. Neyther is their any other manner of vnion with Christ deliuered in the scriptures They erre therefore which say that faith is the formall cause of our vnion with Christ or of our iustification seeing that it is as it were a spirituall hand which receiueth Christ and his merits applied vnto it selfe by the holy Ghost Which are the outward instruments of this communion The Gospell and the Sacraments whereupon it is called the communion or fellowship of the Gospell b Phil. 1.5 because by the preaching of the Gospell and vse of the sacraments wee haue fellowship with Christ and his Church 1. Iohn 1.3 Is this sacramentall coniunction of vs with Christ necessarie It is being as it were the cause of all things which we haue in Chist and no other besides this for as the