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A20752 The Christian warfare wherein is first generally shewed the malice, power and politike stratagems of the spirituall ennemies of our saluation, Sathan and his assistants the world and the flesh, with the meanes also whereby the Christian may vvithstand and defeate them : and afterwards more speciallie their particvlar temptatiions, against the seuerall causes and meanes of our saluation, whereby on the one side they allure vs to security and presumption, and on the other side, draw vs to doubting and desperation, are expressed and answered : written especially for their sakes who are exercised in the spirituall conflict of temptations, and are afflicted in conscience in the sight and sense of their sinnes / by I. Dovvname ... Downame, John, d. 1652. 1604 (1604) STC 7133; ESTC S1536 575,484 731

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Gods couenant Secondly the couenant betweene God and vs wherein he professeth himselfe our God and taketh vs for his people and heires of his promises is not the couenant of workes but the couenant of grace in which hee offereth freely in Christ his grace and mercy to all who will receiue it by the hand of a liuely faith And this the Lord himselfe expresseth Ierem. 31.31 Beholde the dayes come saith the Lord that I will make a new couenant with the house of Israel that is my Church Ierem. 31.31 32. Not according to the couenant which I made with their fathers that is the couenant of workes the which my couenant they breake c. but this shall be my couenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those daies saith the Lord I will put my law in their inward parts and write it in their hearts and will be their God and they shall be my people So the Apostle Paul saith that the promise made to Abraham and his seede was not giuen through the lawe but through the righteousnesse of faith Rom. 4.13 Rom. 4.13 and that it was therefore by faith that it might come by grace and the promise might be sure to all the seede For if the couenant were of workes and not of faith of deserts and not of grace we should continually disanull and make it of no effect § Sect. 3 Thirdly Our redemption not caused by our worthinesse Eph. 1.7 8. as we are elected before all times so were we in time redeemed freely and without respect of our owne worthinesse of the meere mercy and loue of God although our Sauiour Christ payed the full price of our redemption vnto God his father for vs and this appeareth Ephes 1.7 By whom we haue redemption through his blood euen the forgiuenesse of sinnes according to his rich grace 8. Whereby he hath been abundant towards vs in all wisedome and vnderstanding So that our redemption was not free vnto our Sauiour Christ for it cost him the inestimable price of his most precious bloud but it was free vnto vs without any respect of our workes and worthinesse For we were like desperate debters deeply ingaged vnto God and not able to pay the least farthing and therefore were cast into the prison of euerlasting death there to be detained till we had discharged the whole debt which being impossible vnto vs it pleased our Sauiour Christ of his meere pitie and free goodwill to become our suretie and to make full satisfaction to his father euen to the least mite that so we might be released and set free We were all of vs miserable captiues held in the thraldome of sinne Sathan and death vnable to deserue in any measure to be set at libertie for wee were the children of wrath who were not sick only but euen dead in our sinnes Eph. 2.1.5 as it is Eph. 2.1.5 But our Sauiour Christ of his vndeserued loue did pay the price of our redemption and set vs out of our captiuitie quickning and raising vs vp from sinne to newnesse of life as the Apostle setteth it downe Eph. 2.3 And you were by nature the children of wrath as well as others Eph. 2.3.4 4. But God which is rich in mercie through his great loue wherewith he loued vs 5. Euen when we were dead by sinnes hath quickened vs together in Christ by whose grace ye are saued 6. And hath raised vs vp together in heauenly places in Christ Iesus 7. That he might shew in ages to come the exceeding riches of his grace through his kindnesse towards vs in Christ Iesus So that there is no worthinesse in our selues which the Lord respected for we were all alike the children of wrath and dead in our sinnes but onely of his free mercie and great loue he hath redeemed vs by Christ § Sect. 4 Fourthly Our worthines no cause of our calling as the Lord hath freely redeemed vs so also hee hath freely called vs to the knowledge of the mysterie of our redemption wrought by Iesus Christ and chosen vs amongst all nations to be his Church and peculiar people and that of his meere grace and free goodwill without any respect of our worthines as appeareth 2. Tim. 1.9 Who hath saued vs 2. Tim. 1.9 and called vs with an holy calling not according to our workes but according to his owne purpose of grace which was giuen vs through Christ Iesus before the world was So Moses telleth the children of Israel that the Lord had called and made choise of them aboue all other nations to bee his Church and people not for any respect of themselues or their owne worthinesse but of his free loue and vndeserued mercie Deut. 7.7.8 as it is Deut. 7.7.8 Psal 44.3 Our works and worthinesse no causes of our iustification Fiftly as the Lord hath freely called vs so being called he hath freely iustified vs not for any inherent righteousnesse in our selues but of his owne grace and goodwill through the righteousnesse and obedience of Iesus Christ which he imputeth vnto vs. And this is euident Rom. 3.24 where it is said that we are iustified freely by Gods grace Rom. 3.24 through the redemption which is in Christ Iesus And Tit. 3.7 where the Apostle saith that we are iustified by his grace Tit. 3.7 And least wee should ioyne with Gods grace our owne workes and worthines he telleth vs that Abraham himselfe though a most righteous and holy man in respect of his sinceritie and integritie of heart was notwithstanding not iustified by his workes but Abraham beleeued God Rom. 4.3.5 and that was imputed vnto him for righteousnesse Rom. 4.3 ver 5. he flatly excludeth works from being any causes of our iustification To him saith he that worketh not but beleeueth in him that iustifieth the vngodly his faith is counted for righteousnesse So that wee are freely iustified of Gods grace and goodwill without any respect of our owne works and worthinesse as being any causes of our iustification although they are necessarie and inseparable fruites thereof For the same death and bloudshed of Christ whereby we are freed from the guilt and punishment of sinne and euerlasting death doth free vs also from the death of sin to newnesse of life and doth not onely iustifie but also sanctifie vs as the Apostle plainly sheweth Tit. 2.14 Who gaue himselfe for vs that he might redeeme vs from all iniquitie Tit. 2.14 that is free vs from the guilt and punishment of sinne to which we were subiect and purge vs to be a peculiar people vnto himselfe zealous of good workes Sixtly our sanctification and inherent righteousnesse it selfe what is it els but the free gift of God begun increased and finished by his gracious spirit That our sanctification is the free gift of God what are the graces in vs but Gods free and vndeserued gifts what are our best works but the fruites of his
spirit working in vs for by nature wee are dead in our sinnes and the children of wrath as well as the vnbeleeuing heathen or most prophane worldling Eph. 2.1.3 Eph. 2.1.3 By nature we are not able so much as to thinke a good thought or to will that which is good no more than those who remaine in the state of condemnation as appeareth 2. Cor. 3.5 Phil. 2.13 but it is our Sauiour Christ 2. Cor. 3.5 Phil. 2.13 Eph. 3.25.26 who so loued his Church that he gaue himselfe for it that he might sanctifie it and cleanse it by the washing of water through the word c. as it is Eph. 5.25.26 So that when we haue attained to the highest measure of sanctification that wee can possibly attaine vnto we must in all humilitie confesse with Paul 1. Cor. 15.10 that by the grace of God we are that we are as it is 1. Cor. 15.10 Neither must wee attribute any thing in the worke of our saluation vnto our sanctification and good workes but ascribe all to the free grace and vndeserued loue of God in Christ whereby we are sanctified and stirred vp to new obedience who were altogether polluted yea dead in our sinnes so that our sanctification and worthinesse is not the cause of Gods loue and mercie towards vs but his loue and free goodwill is the cause of our sanctification and maketh vs who were vnworthie in our selues worthie in Christ of his loue and fauour And therefore we must not measure Gods loue by our worthines and abundance of grace as being a cause thereof nor despaire of his fauour and mercie when wee see our vnworthines and weaknes in sanctifying graces for these are no causes of his loue but effects and consequently when wee want them altogether though there be no cause of hope whilest we remaine in this state yet wee are not vtterly to despaire for the time to come seeing the Lord in his good time may begin his good worke in vs and when it is begun and we haue receiued the least measure of sanctification euen a desire and holie endeuour to liue in holinesse and righteousnesse wee may be assured that it is Gods worke which he hauing begun will finish and accomplish Phil. 1.6 according to that Phil. 1.6 In the meane time let vs possesse our soules with patience and with a quiet and peaceable minde labour after the increase of grace vsing all good meanes ordained of God for this purpose submitting our selues in regard of the measure of grace which wee doe desire to his good will and pleasure who will dispose of all so as shall be most for his glory and our good And in any case let vs beware that wee doe not so impatiently and violently desire encrease of more grace as that in the meane time we forget to be thankfull to God for that wee haue turning our songs of praise for Gods great benefits into murmuring and repining Let vs not be like vnto rich misers who haue their mindes so intent vpon the getting of that riches they haue not as that they forget to enioy and take comfort of that they haue let vs not resemble those vnthankful men who when they haue receiued many benefits doe still desire more and when their desires are not presently satisfied vngratefully murmure against their benefactors as though they had receiued nothing but let vs make vse of those graces which we haue receiued to Gods glory our comfort let vs desire more that we may more glorifie him with his own gifts and though our desires be not presently satisfied let vs not fall into impatiencie but submit our selues vnto his goodwill and pleasure and be truly thankfull for that portion of grace which it hath pleased him of his abundant mercie to bestow vpon vs. § Sect. 6 Lastly Our owne worthinesse no cause of our saluation Rom. 6.23 Eph 2.8 Tit. 2.11 our saluation it selfe dependeth not vpon our owne worthinesse but vpon Gods free mercy and vndeserued loue for saluation is the free gift of God and not the wages of our owne worthinesse as death is the wages of sinne as appeareth Rom. 6.23 And wee are saued by grace through faith and that not of our selues it is the gift of God as it is Eph. 2.8 And the Apostle telleth vs Tit. 2.11 that the grace of God bringeth saluation and teacheth vs to denie vngodlinesse and worldly lusts and that wee should liue soberly and righteously and godly in this present world so that our forsaking sinne and imbracing holinesse and righteousnesse is not the cause of our saluation but the grace of God by which all these effects are also wrought in vs. But most plaine is that of the Apostle 2. Tim. 1.9 where he excludeth our owne workes and worthinesse 2. Tim. 1.9 to the end he might ascribe the whole worke of our saluation to Gods grace and goodwill Who hath saued vs saith he not according to our workes but according to his own purpose and grace So Tit. 3.5 Not by the works of righteousnesse which we had done Tit. 3.5 but according to his mercie he saued vs by the washing of the new birth and renuing of the holy Ghost Seeing therefore Gods loue is not grounded vpon our owne worthinesse seeing he electeth redeemeth calleth iustifieth sanctifieth and finally saueth vs of his meere mercie and free goodwill without any respect of our owne merits or good workes let vs not restraine the infinite loue of God to our deserts nor measure his vnmeasurable goodwill by the short ell of our owne merits but as the Lord hath freely loued vs so let vs acknowledge his free and vndeserued loue and relie wholy thereupon notwithstanding our vnworthinesse seeing our worthinesse is no cause of his loue but it is his loue which maketh vs and will surely make vs worthie to be beloued if we rest wholy vpon him in Christ by a true and liuely faith For so much as we despaire in respect of our own vnworthinesse so much would wee ascribe to our owne worthinesse and looke how much we attribute vnto our selues in the worke of our saluation so much wee detract from Gods free mercie and Christs merit and therefore let vs humbly acknowledge our owne vnworthinesse and become nothing in our own eyes that we may wholy rely vpon God that hee may bee all in all For well worthie are we to thirst if wee leaue the fountaine of liuing waters and dig vnto our selues broken cesternes which will hold no water Iere. 2.13 well worthie are we to fall into the gulfe of despaire if we forsake the firme pillar of our saluation Gods mercie and Christs merit relying and resting vpon the broken staffe of our owne righteousnesse well worthie are we to be damned if wee enuie the Lord the praise and glorie of our saluation desiring rather to ascribe it vnto our selues § Sect. 7 But here the tempter wil obiect that God is iust and
of life as the soule which is the cause thereof and so to a iustified man there is necessarily required as well good works which are the effects of iustification as faith which is the instrumentall cause thereof for faith and workes are neuer seuered in the subiect or party iustified although they are disioyned in the act of iustifying So the eye onely seeth and not the forehead but yet the eye seuered from the forehead seeth not because it is but a dead eye the hand writeth and not the body but the hand seuered from the body writeth not because it is a dead hand The foote goeth and not the head or heart but the foote which is seuered from the head or heart goeth not and so faith onely iustifieth and not hope not charitie not workes but the faith that is seuered from hope charitie and workes iustifieth not because it is but a dead faith as therefore when we say the eye onely seeth the hand onely writeth the foote onely walketh our meaning is not that these parts being alone and seuered from the rest see write and walke but that amongst all other parts the action or function of seeing belongeth peculiarly vnto the eye writing to the hand walking to the foote so when we say that onely faith iustifieth our meaning is not that the faith which is alone and seuered from other graces and the fruites of them good workes iustifieth but that amongst all other graces this act of iustifying peculiarly and properly belongeth vnto faith and not to any other grace vertue or workes § Sect. 2 Now that that faith alone in this sense vnderstoode iustifieth appeareth plainely Testimonies to proue that faith alone iustifieth vs. Rom. 3.28 both by testimonies of scripture and apparant reasons For the first it is manifest Rom. 3.28 where after long disputation concerning this poynt the Apostle expresly concludeth thus Therefore we conclude that a man is iustified by faith without the workes of the law And chap. 4. vers 5. To him that worketh not but beleeueth in him that iustifieth the vngodly his faith is counted for righteousnes and 4.5 So Gal. 2.16 Know that a man is not iustified by the workes of the law but by the faith of Iesus Christ Gal. 2.16 euen we I say haue beleeued in Iesus Christ that we might be iustified by the faith of Christ and not by the workes of the law because by the workes of the law no flesh shall be iustified And cap. 3.11 And that no man is iustified by the law in the sight of God it is euident Gal. 3.11 for the iust shall liue by faith 12. And the law is not of faith And hence it is that the righteousnes of Christ whereby we are iustified is called the righteousnes of faith Rom. 9.30 because faith is the onely instrument which appehendeth and applieth this righteousnesse vnto vs for our iustification § Sect. 3 The reasons to proue that faith alone iustifieth are diuers Reasons to proue that faith alone iustifieth First that which alone applieth vnto vs Christ Iesus and his righteousnesse that onely iustifieth vs but faith alone applyeth vnto vs Christ Iesus and his righteousnesse and not hope charitie or any other grace and therefore faith alone iustifieth Secondly that which onely maketh the promises of the Gospell firme and sure vnto vs that alone iustifieth vs but faith alone resting vpon Gods mercie and Christs merits maketh the promises of the Gospell firme and sure vnto vs which would be most vncertaine if they should depend on the condition of our workes and worthinesse seeing they are most imperfect and we most corrupt and vnworthie of Gods least mercie as the Apostle plainely sheweth Rom. 4.16 Therefore it is namely the couenant of grace by faith Rom. 4.16 that it might come by grace and the promise might be sure to all the seede and therefore faith alone iustifieth vs. Lastly Ioh. 3.14.15 our Sauiour Christ Ioh. 3.14.15 maketh this comparison As Moses lift vp the serpent in the wildernesse so must the sonne of man be lift vp that whosoeuer beleeueth in him should not perish but haue eternall life From which we may thus reason As the Isralites who were stung with fierie serpents were cured not by any outward meanes of physicke and surgerie or any thing in themselues saue onely by looking vpon the brasen serpent which for this purpose was set vp by Gods commaundement so we being stung of the old serpent with the sting of sinne cannot be cured by any meanes without or within our selues but by beholding the true substance Christ Iesus signified by this shadow with the eye of faith And thus haue I proued first that we are not iustified by our workes and inherent righteousnesse and secondly that we are iustified by faith alone not as it is the chiefe and principall cause for in this respect God iustifieth not as it is the matter or meritorious cause of our iustification for in this respect the merits and righteousnesse of Iesus Christ iustifieth vs but as it is the alone instrument and onely cause in vs which applyeth that meritorious cause vnto vs whereby alone we are iustified in Gods sight § Sect. 4 Secondly the tempter will obiect that this imputed righteousnesse wee speake of is but imaginarie That the imputatiō of Christs righteousnesse is not putatiue and imaginarie and a vaine phantasie as if a man who were defiled with durt should be reputed cleane by the imputation of anothers cleanesse or as if a begger should be esteemed rich by imputation of anothers wealth To which we are to answere that the imputation of Christs righteousnesse vnto vs is no imaginarie dreame but a matter plainely expressed in Gods word as also the not imputation of our sinnes is therein specified In the fourth of the Romanes this word is vsed by the holy Ghost an eleuen times Rom. 4 3.4 So vers 3. Abraham beleeued God and it was imputed vnto him for righteousnesse And vers 4. To him that worketh not but beleeueth in him that iustifieth the vngodly his faith is imputed for righteousnesse And vers 6. Euen as Dauid declared the blessednesse of the man vnto whom God imputeth righteousnesse without workes And vers 8. Blessed is the man to whom the Lord imputeth not sinne c. § Sect. 5 Yea will the tempter say That not our own but Christs righteousnesse is imputed vnto vs for our iustification it is true that we are iustified by imputed righteousnesse but not by the righteousnesse of Christ which is out of our selues but our faith which is formed and perfected with charitie and other graces and good workes is imputed for righteousnesse or more plainely God accepteth of the workes of the faithfull and their inherent righteousnesse though imperfect and vnworthie in themselues for and through Christ for such righteousnesse which may iustifie vs in his sight For the answering of which obiection we are to
the Father sanctifieth vs by giuing vs his sonne and sending his spirit and therefore this work is ascribed vnto him Tit. 3.5 Eph. 2.4.5 God the sonne sanctifieth vs by mortifying our sins by vertue of his bloud purging our consciences from dead workes that wee may serue the liuing God and by vertue of his resurrection raising vs also from the death of sinne to newnesse of life and lastly by his death hath merited for vs Gods spirit and rising againe hath sent him vnto vs whereby wee are regenerate and therefore hee also is said to haue sanctified vs and God is said to haue sanctified vs in him Eph. 5.26 1. Cor. 2.11 Eph. 5.26 1. Cor. 2.11 God the holy Ghost also sanctifieth vs by applying the vertue of Christs death and resurrection vnto vs and so immediatly beginneth continueth Ioh. 3.5 6. Act. 11.16 Tit. 3.5 and perfecteth this worke in vs and therefore most vsually in the Scriptures this worke is ascribed vnto him Ioh. 3.5 6. Act. 11.16 Tit. 3.5 And thus it appeareth that God himselfe is the principall and onely efficient cause of our sanctification vpon which point I haue the longer insisted to the end that wee should not in this worke rest vpon our owne strength for then wee shall be subiect to many discouragements and lie open to innumerable temptations grounded vpon our small measure and slow progresse in our sanctification as also vpon the great difficulties and manifolde discouragements which both stay vs in the birth and hinder our full growth in true godlinesse all which in respect of our owne power prooue this worke not onely hard but euen impossible for vs to be perfected and accomplished But rather that wee relie our selues vpon the Lords infinite power and gracious promises whereby wee are assured notwithstanding our owne exceeding weaknesse that he will not onely begin but also finish and perfect this good worke in vs. § Sect. 3 And thus much concerning the principall efficient cause of our sanctification The motiue cause Gods sole mercie the motiue cause which mooued the Lord to sanctifie vs was his owne mercie and Christs merits The first is expressed by the Apostle 1. Pet. 1.3 whereas it is said 1. Pet. 1.3 that God according to his abundant mercie hath begotten vs again c. The other is implied by Paul Eph. 2.5 where hee saith that God hath quickened vs in Christ Ephes 2.5 who by his death merited not onely the remission of sinne for vs but also Gods spirit whereby wee are sanctified So that it was not any good inclination vnto holinesse in vs or any thing els wherein we excelled others which moued God to sanctifie vs Eph. 2.1.3 for wee were all alike the children of wrath and dead in our sinnes but onely his owne boundlesse mercie and the alsufficient merits of Christ our Sauiour were the onely causes which moued the Lord to giue vs his spirit whereby we are regenerate and raised from the death of sinne to holinesse and newnesse of life And therefore let vs not arrogate the praise of our sanctification in whole or in part vnto our selues but ascribe all the glorie to God who is the sole author and finisher of it § Sect. 4 The instrumentall causes of our sanctification Of the instrumentall causes of our sanctification Ioh. 15.3 and 17.17 Iam. 1.18 1. Pet. 1.23 are either externall or internall the external are first the word of God of which our Sauiour speaketh Ioh. 15.3 Now are you cleane through the word which I haue spoken vnto you And cap. 17.17 Sanctifie thē with thy truth thy word is truth So the Apostle Iames chap. 1.18 Of his owne will begat he vs with the word of truth c. And the Apostle Peter affirmeth that we are borne anew not of mortall seede but of immortall by the word of God c. The word of God therefore is an instrumentall cause of our sanctification In which respect also the Ministers by whose ministerie wee are conuerted and regenerate are said to be our spirituall fathers who haue begotten vs vnto God 1. Cor. 4.15 Philem. v. 10. as appeareth 1. Cor. 4.15 and Philem. vers 10. in both which places Paul chalengeth this title vnto himselfe Another externall cause of our sanctification are the Sacraments especially the Sacrament of Baptisme whereof it is that Ananias saith vnto Paul Act. 22.16 Arise and be baptized wash away thy sins Act. 22.16 Eph. 5.26 So Eph. 5.26 it is said that Christ gaue himself for his Church that he might sanctifie it and cleanse it by the washing of water through the word The which places as they are to be vnderstood principally of the washing of iustification wherby we are purged from the guilt and punishment of sinne so also of the washing of sanctification whereby we are cleansed from the sinnes and corruptions themselues The internall instrument of our sanctification is a liuely faith without which the other outward instruments are vneffectuall in those who are of yeeres neither must we think that the bare action of hearing or the outward washing take away our sins and corruptions vnlesse the word and things signified in the Sacraments bee applied vnto vs by a true faith For the word which we heare profiteth not vnlesse it be mixed with faith in those that heare it Heb. 4.2 Heb. 4.2 And vnlesse those that are capable of faith beleeue with all their heart Act. 8.37 it is to no purpose to be baptized Act. 8.37 and therefore vnto the other we must ioyne this instrument of a liuely faith if wee would attaine vnto true sanctification For faith purifieth the heart and is fruitfull in the workes of loue Act. 15.9 Gal. 5.6 as the Scripture speaketh § Sect. 5 And thus haue I set downe the efficient causes of our sanctification Of the manner how our sanctification is wrought in the next place let vs consider of the manner how this worke is wrought in vs. For the vnderstanding whereof we are to know that wee being vnited vnto Christ principally by Gods spirit and instrumentally by a liuely faith and so made members of his mysticall bodie doe participate the vertue of his death buriall and resurrection whereby not onely our iustification but also our sanctification is deriued vnto vs. For first by vertue of his death our sinnes are mortified and our corruptions crucified together with him as appeareth Rom. 6.6 Knowing this Rom. 6.6 that our old man is crucified with him that the bodie of sinne might be destroyed that hencefoorth we should not serue sinne Secondly by vertue of his buriall this death of sinne is as it were further continued and thereby our sinnes and corruptions are more and more subdued and kept vnder that they cannot rise and rebel against the spirit And of this the Apostle speaketh Rom. 6.3 where he saith Rom. 6.3 that we are buried with Christ into his death Thirdly by vertue of
be assured of our election 235 CHAP. XI The obiections alledged against the assurance of our election answered and first those which are grounded vpon testimonies of scriptwre 248 That feare and distrust in our owne weaknesse and assurance of our election may well stand together 253 CHAP. XII The reasons alledged against the assurance of our election answered 261 That not assurance but doubting of our election proceedeth from pride and presumption 261 Our vnworthines no cause why we should doubt of our electiō 263 That weaknesse of faith and certaintie of assurance may well stand together 264 That a weake faith doth as truly assure vs of our election as a stronger 265 How our faith though assaulted with doubting may bee certaine 266 That the sight of our imperfections is no cause why wee should doubt of our election 272 That this doctrine openeth no way to security presumptiō 272 CHAP. XIII Of our redemption what it is by whom from what with what price and to what end we are redeemed 274 CHAP. XIIII Sathans temptations concerning our redemption whereby he moueth the worlding to presumption answered 278 Sathans temptation grounded vpon the doctrine of vniuersall redemption answered 279 That Christs redemption is not vniuersall but only of Gods elect proued by testimonies of Scripture 279 The same point proued by diuers reasons 281 Obiections alledged against the former doctrine answered 283 In what sense Christ is said to haue died for all men 283 CHAP. XV. That al who are redeemed by Christ are also by him sanctified 287 Sathans temptation perswading worldlings to liue licenciously because they are redeemed and shall therefore be saued answered 288 Of the three degrees of our redemption wrought by Christ and how the follow one another 292 CHAP. XVI Of those temptations which Sathan vseth against the faithfull concerning their redemption and how they may answere them 295 That it is not repugnāt to Gods iustice to punish Christ for vs. 296 That Christ hath offered an all-sufficient price for our redemption 297 Sathans temptations against the particular applicatiō of Christs merits answered 299 Our falling into sinne no reason to proue that we are not redeemed 299 That God is not angry with the faithful though he seemeth so 301 Sathans assaulting vs no reason to proue that we are not redeemed from his power 302 That though we die yet we are redeemed from death 304 That those who are once redeemed cannot againe be brought into bondage 307 CHAP. XVII Of our vocation what it is and the kindes thereof 308 Of the parts of our effectuall calling and first of our separation from the world 310 Of the second part of our effectuall calling namely the reciprocall donation of Christ to vs and vs to Christ 312 Of the third part namely our vnion with Christ 312 CHAP. XVIII Sathans temptations whereby he seeketh to make our calling vneffectuall answered 314 Of the necessitie of our effectuall calling 314 Sathans temptations whereby hee moueth vs to neglect the meanes of our effectuall calling 316 Motiues to perswade vs to the diligent hearing of Gods word 316 CHAP. XIX Sathans temptation whereby he perswadeth men that the Scriptures are not Gods word answered 323 Seuen reasons to proue that the Scriptures were indited by Gods spirit 324 CHAP. XX. Foure other reasons to proue that the Scriptures are the word of Gods Where also diuers obiections are answered 330 CHAP. XXI The last argument to proue the former point taken from the testimonie of Gods spirit 342 CHAP. XXII Sathans temptations suggested against the translations of the the holy Scriptures answered 346 CHAP. XXIII Sathans temptations taken from the euill liues of the ministers of the word answered 348 That the wicked liues of the Ministers should not make vs neglect their ministerie 353 CHAP. XXIIII Sathans temptations taken from sundrie opinions sects and religions answered 354 How the vnlearned may discerne the true religion from that which is false 356 CHAP. XXV Sathans temptations taken from our vnworthinesse and vnfitnes to beare Gods word answered 360 CHAP. XXVI How we must arme our selues against Sathans temptations whereby he laboreth to make the word of God fruitles 363 How we must prepare our selues before we heare Gods word 363 Of the duties which we must performe in hearing 371 Of the duties which we must performe after we haue heard the word 373 CHAP. XXVII Sathans temptations whereby he perswadeth men to delay their repentance answered 375 Of three motiues whereby we may be perswaded to hasten our repentance 376 CHAP. XXVIII Of the fourth motiue taken from the difficultie of repenting caused by delayes 383 That the time of sicknes and the hower of death is most vnfit for repentance 390 CHAP. XXIX Of fiue other motiues to inforce the former point 393 CHAP. XXX Two lets which cause worldlings to deferre their repentance remoued 402 The first taken from an abuse of Gods mercie 403 The other grounded on the example of the conuerted theefe 405 CHAP. XXXI Sathans temptations mouing men to rest in a counterfait repentance answered 408 Of diuers things required vnto true repentance 409 1. Knowledge and sight of sinne 410 Of the meanes whereby we may attaine to a true sight of sin 414 2. That our sinnes be irkesome and grieuous vnto vs. 416 3. An earnest desire to be freed from sinne 417 4. That we come to Christ for this purpose 418 CHAP. XXXII Sathans temptations which he useth against those which are called to bring them to despaire answered 421 Reasons to perswade the weake christian of the forgiuenes of his sins The first whereof are grounded on Gods owne nature 424 The first argument grounded vpon Gods infinit mercie ibid. CHAP XXXIII Of the second reason to perswade the weake christian of the forgiuenes of his sinnes grounded vpon Gods iustice 434 CHAP. XXXIIII Of the third reason grounded vpon Gods truth 437 CHAP. XXXV Of other reasons to proue the forgiuenes of sinne taken from the first Person in Trinitie 445 Of other reasons to proue the former point taken from the second Person in Trinitie 446 Reasons takē frō the office of Christ to proue forgiuenes of sin 451 Reasons taken from the third Person in Trinitie to proue the same point 459 CHAP. XXXVI Diuers other reasons produced to the same purpose 460 1. Because it is an article of our Creed 460 2. Taken from the testimonie of Gods faithfull Ministers 461 3. From the contrarie testimonie of Sathan 462 4 From the experience of Gods mercie in pardoning others 464 CHAP. XXXVII Sathans temptation whereby he suggesteth that the christian is not effectually called answered 470 How we may know whether we be effectually called and of the meanes of effectuall calling 471 Sathans temptation answered whereby he perswadeth the christian that he loueth the world and the world him 475 CHAP. XXXVIII Sathans temptations obiecting to the weake christian vnrepentancie and hardnes of hart answered 482 Of the diuers sorts of hardnes of hart and
first of that which is insensible 483 CHAP. XXXIX Of that hardnes of hart which is ioyned with sense and feeling thereof 487 Consolations for such as bewaile their imperfections in hearing the word 491 CHAP. XL. Consolations for such as bewaile their wants in prayer 495 CHAP. XLI Of the infallible signes of true repentance 504 That the assurance of the remission of sinnes dependeth not on the dignitie of repentance 511 CHAP. XLII How wee may proue against Sathans temptations that wee haue true faith 513 Of the diuers degrees of faith 515 CHAP. XLIII Sathans temptations grounded vpon our want of sense and feeling of faith answered 525 CHAP. XLIIII How the weake Christian is to comfort himselfe when he is depriued of the sense of faith and other graces and sensibly feeleth the contrary corruptions 529 CHAP. XLV Of the meanes whereby our faith may be strengthened and increased 537 Of the meanes whereby we may be preserued from doubting and desperation 541 CHAP. XLVI Sathans temptations concerning smalnesse and weaknes of faith answered 549 That a weake and small faith may be a true and liuely faith 550 That all the power of hell cannot preuaile against the smallest measure of faith 551 CHAP. XLVII Sathans temptation concerning the certaintie and constancie of faith answered 554 Sathans temptation grounded on the strong faith of other of Gods children answered 555 That God both can and will vphold the weakest beleeuer 559 CHAP. XLVIII Of our iustification what it is and the causes parts therof 563 CHAP. XLIX That we are not iustified by our workes and merits prooued first by the scriptures 570 Secondly by diuers arguments 576 CHAP. L. That faith alone iustifietth how this is to be vnderstood 577 That faith alone iustifieth proued both by testimonies and reasons 579 That not our owne but Christs righteousnesse is the matter of our iustification 581 CHAP. LI. Sathans temptations mouing the weake Christian to doubt of his iustification answered 586 THE CONTENTS OF THE third Booke CHAP. I. Of sanctification what it is and the causes thereof 592 CHAP. II. Of the effects subiect obiect and time of our sanctification 598 CHAP. III. Of the parts of sanctification mortification and viuification and how they are wrought in vs. 602 CHAP. IIII. Sathans temptations whereby he inticeth vs to commit sinne answered 608 Many reasons seruing as preseruatiues to keepe vs from the contagion of sinne 610 CHAP V. Of the two sorts of preseruatiues to keepe vs from falling into sinne 616 CHAP. VI. Of some speciall meanes whereby we may be preserued from committing sinne 621 CHAP. VII Sathans temptations whereby hee discourageth the Christian in the worke of sanctification answered 624 That in the most sanctified remaine some reliques of sinne and the causes thereof 624 That our wants and corruptions should not discourage vs but redouble our care and diligence 627 Consolations to keepe vs from being discouraged when we see and feele our wants and corruptions 628 The causes wherefore God doth not perfectly sanctifie vs in this life 631 CHAP. VIII Sathans temptations drawne from our slow going forward in sanctification answered 636 CHAP. IX Sathans temptations whereby he aggrauateth our sinnes in generall answered 640 What it is to walke after the flesh and after the spirit 642 The differences betweene the sinnes of the regenerate and the vnregenerate 643 CHAP. X. That sinnes committed after repentance are pardonable 645 That all sinnes of knowledge are not presumptuous 647 That sinnes committed against knowledge are pardonable 648 Of sinnes often committed 651 CHAP. XI Sathans temptations whereby he perswadeth the Christian that he hath sinned against the holy Ghost answered 653 What the sinne against the holy Ghost is and how it may be distinguished from other sinnes 654 CHAP. XII Sathans temptations whereby he impugneth the certaintie of our perseuerance answered 656 Diuers arguments to prooue the certaintie of our perseuerance 659 FINIS THE FIRST BOOKE INTREATING OF THE POWER and policies of our spirituall enemies and of the meanes how we may withstand the one and defeate the other CHAP. I. That all the godly are assaulted with the spirituall enemies of their saluation § Sect. 1 THE Apostle hauing shewed the mysterie of our saluation and the causes thereof for the confirmation of our faith in the three first chapters of his Epistle to the Ephesians and afterwards in the other chapters hauing set downe diuers duties both generally belonging to all Christians and also particularly appertaining to men of sundrie conditions that he might moue them to repentance and amendment of life in the next place like the Lords Centinell doth discouer and giue vs warning of the approch of mighty enemies willing vs to arme our selues at all points in our owne defence and couragiously to stand vnder the standerd of Christ Iesus that we may be continually in readines to endure the encounter chap. 6.10 11 c. All that will liue like Gods seruants must prepare themselues for the spirituall combat Whereby he giueth vs to vnderstand that as soone as we seeke for assurance of saluation in Christ and endeuour to serue the Lord in a holie and a Christian life wee are to prepare our selues for a combat vnlesse we would suddenly be surprised for the spiritual enemies of our saluation bandie themselues against vs as soone as we haue giuen our names vnto God and taken vpon vs the profession and practise of Christianitie which are the liuerie and cognisance of our heauenly Lord and Master And this is manifest by the example of Gods children from time to tim● 〈…〉 though they liued in peace and securitie before th●● 〈…〉 tained into Gods familie yet no sooner were 〈◊〉 ●itted to be of Gods household seruants but Sathan and the world haue raged against them laboring both by inward temptations and outward furie either to withdraw them from Gods seruice by flattring inticements or vtterly to destroy and ouerthrow them by open violence No sooner had Abel offered a sacrifice of sweete smelling sauour vnto God Gen. 4. but Sathan stirreth vp Cain to become his butcher whilest Moses was contented to be reputed the sonne of Pharaohs daughter he enioyed all prosperitie but as soone as hee ioyned himselfe to Gods people and Church Pharaoh seeketh his life as long as the Israelites worshipped the Egyptian Idols they sate by their flesh-pots in peace and quietly enioyed the fruites of the land but as soone as they made but a motion of seruing the Lord the King stirred vp by the diuell doth rage against them with more then barbarous crueltie whilest Paul persecuted the Church of God Sathan did not so much trouble him either outwardly in bodie or inwardly in minde but no sooner was he truly conuerted to the faith and preached the Gospell but presently he setteth his wicked impes on worke to take away his life which the Lord not permitting he mooueth them to persecute him by imprisoning whipping and stoning him and not content
we come to the fight we think that we can repell the strongest assaults and ouercome all enemies which oppose themselues against vs by our owne power but when wee see our selues vanquished and foiled with euery small temptation wee learne to haue a more humble conceit of our owne abilitie and to depend wholy vpon the Lord. And this end is set downe Deut. 8.2 and 13.3 Deut. 8.2 and 13.3 Fiftly the Lord permitteth Sathan continually to assaile vs with his temptations to the end we may continually buckle vnto vs the whole armour of God that we may be readie for the battaile For as those who haue no enemies to encounter them cast their armour aside and let it rust because they are secure from daunger but when the enemies are at hand and sound the alarum they both wake and sleepe in their armour readie for the assault so if we should not continually skirmish with our spirituall enemies we would lay aside the spirituall armour but when wee haue continuall vse of it both day and night we keepe it fast buckled vnto vs that being armed at all points we may be able to make resistance that we be not surprised at vnawares Lastly by this conflict the Lord strengthneth and increaseth all his graces in vs for as by exercise the strength of the body is preserued and augmented and in short time decaieth through idlenesse and sloth so the gifts of Gods spirit faith affiance hope patience and the rest languish in vs if they bee not exercised with temptations Rom. 5.3.4 For tribulation bringeth forth patience and patience experience and experience hope and hope maketh not ashamed as it is Rom. 5.3 4 5. For when once wee haue been tempted and tried and the Lord hath mercifullie deliuered vs from the temptation afterwards being so assaulted wee patiently endure it hoping for the Lords assistance 1. Sam. 17.37 Psal 27.9 beleeuing and assuring our selues that the Lord who hath deliuered vs will againe deliuer vs as it is Psal 27.9 Moreouer when wee see the great neede of the graces of Gods spirit this will be a strong motiue to intice vs to a carefull vse of all good meanes whereby we may attaine vnto them whereas if we were free from this spirituall conflict we should not so cleerely see nor apprehend the vse and necessitie of them CHAP. III. Arguments whereby we may be encouraged to enter into this spirituall conflict § Sect. 1 ANd thus haue I shewed that al that will be Gods seruants must fight his battailes against his and our spirituall enemies and the causes why the Lord presseth vs to this seruice now that wee may goe couragiously into the field let vs consider of some reasons and motiues which may make vs resolute and valiant The first is the iustnesse of our cause For though souldiers be neuer so strong and well furnished yet if their consciences tell them that they fight in a bad quarrell it will much abate their courage and make them cowardly and timorous But our cause is most iust and our warre most lawfull for God who is iustice it selfe hath proclaimed it by his Heraulds the Apostles Eph. 6.10 So Ephe. 6.10 Finally my brethren be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might 11. Put on the whole armour of God that ye may be able to stand against the assaults of the diuell Iam. 4.7 1. Pet. 5.8 c. And Iam. 4.7 Resist the diuell and he will flie from you And 1. Pet. 5.8 Be sober and watch for your aduersarie the diuell as a roring lion walketh about seeking whom he may deuoure 9. Whom resist stedfast in the faith The cause of our spirituall warre of great importance Secondly the cause of our warre is of great waight as namely for the glory of God and our owne saluation for in all sathans skirmishes he seeketh to impeach Gods glory with false imputations and to bring vs to vtter destruction And this may appeare by his first conflict with our mother Eue Gen. 3.4.5 Gen. 3.4.5 where he accuseth God of a lye who is truth it selfe and of impotencie and enuious disdaine saying that the cause why he did forbid them to cate of the fruite of the tree of the knowledge of good and euill was not as he had said because they should die but because he knew that when they should eate thereof their eyes should be opened and they should be as Gods knowing good and euill Where first he seeketh to dimme the beames of Gods glorie by accusing him of a lie and to perswade them that he was not omnipotent seeing that he was not able to hinder them from being Gods if they tasted of this fruite lastly that he therefore forbad them to eate thereof because he enuied them so glorious an estate And secondly he laboureth to destroy our first parents both bodie and soule by tempting them to disobedience and the transgression of Gods commandement and therefore our Sauiour Christ Ioh. 8.44 doth very fitly ioyne these two together saying Ioh. 8.44 that he was a liar and a manslaier from the beginning A liar in that he falsely accused God of lying a manslaier because he did it to this end that he might murther our first parents and all their posteritie both bodie and soule So that you see that the end of Sathans fight is to dishonour God and destroy vs and therefore if wee haue any regard of Gods glorie which should be more deare vnto vs then our owne soules or any respect of our owne saluation if we would not treacherously betray them both by our slothfulnes or cowardize into the hands of Gods and our enemie let vs valiantly enter the field and neuer cease our couragious fight till we haue obtained a full victorie § Sect. 2 The second reason to moue vs to vndertake this fight is the profit which will accrew vnto vs thereby The profit of this spirituall fight for if the getting of some bootie and prize or the receiuing of some trifeling pay will moue the souldiers of earthly Princes to vndergoe all daungers and with wonderfull perill of life to fight euen at the Cannons mouth how much more should the stipend of our heauenly king moue vs to fight this combat how terrible soeuer it seemeth to flesh and bloud For first that is truly here verified Pax belli filia Peace is the daughter of warre neither can we sooner enter the field to fight against these enemies but presently we shall haue peace with God and soone after the fruite thereof the peace of conscience Whereas if we betray Gods cause to Sathan and our soules to sinne well may wee be lulled asleepe in carnall securitie but we shall neuer enioy this peace with God and peace of conscience for there is no peace saith my God to the wicked Esa 57. And whosoeuer haue taken this treacherous truce with Sathan Esa 37.21 shall finde that he will breake it for
carefull in withstanding this dangerous assault for there is not any one temptation wherewith Sathan preuaileth more than by perswading men to content themselues with a ciuill kinde of honestie which is destitute of religion and the true feare of God And to this end let vs consider that ciuill honestie seuered from true pietie is but glorious iniquitie for when wee haue attained to as great a measure thereof as possibly we can in this age of corruption we shall come short in diuers duties of many of the Heathens who haue excelled in these morall and ciuill vertues and consequently when we are at the best we shall be but honest Infidels and good natured worldlings if wee doe not ioyne thereunto the duties of pietie And how goodly a shew soeuer our workes make in the eyes of men yet are they odious in Gods sight if they be not done in knowledge and grounded on Gods word and commandement but in ignorance and according to our own inuentions and the fond conceit of our blind vnderstanding if they proceede not from the true loue of God which is the onely fountaine of all acceptable obedience but from the loue of our selues and other carnall respects if they bee not the fruites of a liuely faith but done in ignorance and infidelitie for what soeuer is not done in faith is sinne Rom. 14.23 Heb. 11.6 as it is Rom. 14.23 and therefore cannot please God Heb. 11.6 By which we are not to vnderstand an historicall faith whereby wee know and are assured that those workes wee doe are commanded in Gods word but a true iustifying faith which doth applie vnto vs Christ Iesus and all Gods mercifull promises made in him For that our workes may be acceptable before God there is required first that our persons bee acceptable vnto him neither can any thing we doe please him so long as we remaine his enemies in which state we are by nature till wee are reconciled in Christ our Mediatour as appeareth Rom. 5.10 Rom. 5.10 Col. 1.20 Now vnlesse we haue faith we cannot apply vnto vs Christ nor his merits and righteousnes by whom onely wee are reconciled vnto God and consequently we remaine Gods enemies who can doe nothing pleasing in his sight Secondly the best of our workes are imperfect and mingled with many corruptions and therefore cannot abide the examination of Gods exact iustice till their imperfections be couered by Christs righteousnesse and their corruption washed away with his most precious bloud now Christ and his merits cannot by any other meanes be applied vnto vs but by the hand of a liuely faith Lastly if all our works and honest dealing be not done in zeale of Gods glorie referred to this end that Gods name may be magnified they are not acceptable before God for the cause why he would haue our light shine before men is that he our heauenly father may be glorified Matth. 3.16 as it is Matth 5. 16. and the maine and wherefore wee should haue our conuersation honest amongst the Gentiles and vnbeleeuers is that they which speake euill of vs as of euill doers may by our good works which they shall see glorifie God in the day of their visitation 1. Pet. 2.12 as it is 1. Pet. 2.12 And therefore let not Sathan deceiue vs in perswading vs to rest in ciuill honestie for if it be seuered from true pietie from sauing knowledge from sincere loue of God iustifying faith and a zeale of Gods glorie it will not be acceptable in Gods sight as proceeding from the loue of our selues and other carnall respects namely to obtaine praise or profit thereby § Sect. 5 And thus Sathan dealeth with ciuil worldlings But if those which he incountreth be professors of religion How Sathan dealeth with professors of religion then hee seeketh to perswade them that if they outwardly perfourme the duties of pietie as the hearing of Gods word the publike and priuate calling vpon Gods name the frequent receiuing of the Sacraments if they attaine to the knowledge and profession of religion and can tip their tongues with godlinesse then they may liue how they list amongst their brethren neglecting all the duties of the second table so they outwardly obserue the first for though they be barraine of good workes destitute of charitie filled with pride addicted to couetousnesse oppression and all deceitfull dealing yet they shall be iustified by their faith and approoued of God for their outward profession sake But let such men know that this is a notable stratagem of Sathan to cause vs to fall into his secret ambushments to our destruction That pietie and honestie are inseparable which if they would preuent and auoide let them consider that pietie and charitable honestie are two such twinnes as are borne liue and dye both together that they are the life and soule of a Christian which cannot possiblie be seuered that it is as possible for the good tree to bring foorth bad fruite for the fire to be without heate and the Sunne without light as it is for a liuely faith to be voide of good workes true profession to be seuered from holie practise and iustification before God from sanctification and holinesse of life before men that whosoeuer braggeth of his loue to God and loueth not his brethren is a liar and there is no truth in him 1. Ioh. 4.20 1. Ioh. 4.20 that though they professe themselues the children of God yet if they doe not the workes of righteousnes as well as the workes of pietie and loue their brethren they are in truth the children of the diuell 1. Ioh. 3.10 Rom. 2.13 as appeareth 1. Ioh. 3.10 that not the hearers of the word but the doers thereof are iustified Rom. 2.13 that not euery one who saith Lord Lord shall enter into the kingdome of heauen Matth. 7.21 but they who doe the will of the father which is in heauen Matth. 7.21 that they deceiue themselues who looke to be saued by hearing the word Iam. 1.22 if they practise not that which they heare Iam. 1.22 for in stead thereof they shall plunge themselues into deeper condemnation For the seruant that knoweth his masters will and doth it not Luk. 12.47 shall be beaten with many stripes Luk. 12.47 And it shall be more easie for Tyre and Sidon Sodome and Gomorrah Mat. 11.21 who had not the Gospell preached amongst them nor saw Christs miracles than for Corazin and Bethsaida which enioyed both Matth. 11.21 for there as he giueth great meanes of knowledge there hee expecteth great fruites in practise and as hee will be honoured in all so especially in those that come nigh vnto him as it is Leuit. 10.3 Lastly Leu. 10.3 that the sentence of saluation and damnation shall not be giuen according to our words and profession but according to our deedes and the holie practise of the workes of mercie and Christianitie which are the inseparable fruites and
despaire of victorie Sathan shall not neede to fight against vs for we will ouercome our selues fainting before the fight and casting away our weapons as soone as Sathan doth but muster his forces and march against vs. And therefore let vs so much feare the temptations as that we doe not securely contemne them and not so much feare them as that we should despaire of victorie let vs feare them so much as that thereby we be stirred vp with more care diligence to resist and ouercome them but not somuch as that we should cowardly faint distrusting Gods helpe let vs feare them in respect of our weaknes and their violence but let vs boldly striue against them trusting in Gods almightie power merciful promises of his aide and assistance being hereby assured of certaine victorie § Sect. 7 Lastly The ninth meanes to obiect Christ against all temptations Matth. 9.13 Esa 53.5 if we would withstand Sathā we must obiect our Sauiour Christ against al his temptations for if we apply him vnto vs by a liuely faith he will be our sheeld and buckler to defend vs from all Sathans blowes For example if Sathan tell vs that we are miserable sinners and therfore in the state of damnation we are to answere that our Sauiour Christ came into the world to saue sinners that he was wounded for our transgressions broken for our iniquities c. and with his stripes we are healed and so he which knew no sin 2. Cor. 5.21 was made sin for vs that we might be made the righteousnes of God in him If he say that we are subiect to the curse of the law Galat. 3.13 we are to answere that Christ hath redeemed vs frō the curse of the law when he was made a curse for vs. If he obiect that we are subiect to Gods wrath we are to tell him that Christ did beare his fathers displeasure that he might make our peace Col. 1.21.22 and whereas we were strangers and enemies because our minds were set on euill works he hath now reconciled vs in the body of his flesh through death If he tell vs that we are his bondslaues we are to answere that we were so indeede in time past but our Sauiour christ hath paied vnto his father the price of our redemption 1. Cor. 1.30 hath set vs free If he affirme that we are vniust and therefore shall be condemned before Gods iudgment seate we are to answere that Christ who was innocent was condemned that we who are guiltie might be acquitted that though we are wicked in our selues yet we are most iust being clothed with his righteousnes that he that came to saue vs shall come to iudge vs and therefore we neede not doubt of mercie if wee pleade his merits forsaking the plea of our owne righteousnesse and renouncing all selfe confidence If he say that we shall be held captiue of death and neuer rise to take possession of our heauenly inheritance we are to answere that our Sauiour Christ hath broken the bonds of death and led captiuitie captiue that he is risen againe being the first fruites of them that slept Ioh. 14.2 and is ascended into heauen to prepare vs a place there If he obiect that Christ and all his benefits doe not appertaine vnto vs for euery man shall liue by his owne righteousnes Ezech. 18. and the soule that sinneth shall die the death we are to answere that by the spirit of God and a liuely faith Christ is become our head and we his members so that he is ours and we his and our sins he hath taken vpon him bestowed on vs his righteousnes he is become our husband and we his spouse and therfore as he hath cōmunicated himself vnto vs so likewise al his benefits his merits righteousnes sanctificatiō euerlasting happines § Sect. 8 But if Sathan will not thus be answered we are not to entertaine any further disputation with him but to send him to our Sauiour Christ who hath taken vpon him to be not onely our redeemer and our mediator and intercessor vnto God his father That to auoyde Sathans importunitie we must leaue to dispute with him and send him to our aduocate 1. Ioh. 2.1 but also our aduocate to pleade our cause and to answere all suites made against vs both by Gods iustice and the handwriting of the law and also by Sathan and all his adherents as it is 1. Ioh. 2.1 Seeing therefore our Sauiour Christ who is the wisedome of his father hath taken vpon him the defence of our cause in all our suites let not vs our selues be ouer busie in disputing with this wrangling sophister but send him for an answere to our Sauiour Christ who hath fully satisfied his fathers iustice in all which it had against vs and cancelled the handwriting of the law whereby we were obliged and bound and therefore much more able is he to answere al accusations which this cauelling accuser hath against vs. Neither are we to doubt but that our Sauiour will be our aduocate to pleade our cause especially considering that it doth principally concerne himselfe and his owne glorie and sufficiencie For the questions and causes controuersall betweene vs and Sathan are not about our owne worthinesse merits righteousnes and satissactions all which we renounce and cast away from vs as polluted cloutes in respect of being any causes of our iustification and saluation but concerning Christs righteousnes merit and the sufficiencie and efficacie of his death and obedience for the saluation of al repentant sinners which do apply them vnto themselues by a liuely faith and therefore we may assure our selues he wil defend his owne cause against all Sathans obiections and imputations § Sect. 9 But if Sathan continue his importunitie If we will auoide Sathans importunitie we must imploy our selues in holy exercises and will admit of no answere we are as much as in vs lieth to banish his temptations out of our mindes and not to thinke and meditate on them and to this end we are continually to exercise our selues in feruent prayer desiring the Lords gracious assistance whereby wee may be enabled to withstand all the assaults of our enemie as also to heare reade and meditate in Gods word and diligently to vse holy conferences with our christian brethren and painfully to imploy our selues in the workes of our callings that so we may haue no leasure to entertaine Sathans temptations For as a vessell which is alreadie full can receiue no more and whatsoeuer is powred thereinto spilleth vpon the ground so when our mindes are replenished with holy thoughts and occupied in godly and honest exercises there is no roome left for Sathans suggestions and therefore as soone as they offer to enter we presently reiect them Whereas on the other side if we spend our times in idlenes and doe not diligently exercise our selues in the duties of christianitie and of our seuerall
be refuted and repelled CHAP. I. Answeres to those temptations of Sathan whereby he perswadeth carnall men of Gods loue § Sect. 1 ANd so much concerning the common affections of the Christian conflict That Sathans temptations impugne all the causes and meanes of our saluation namely his manfull withstanding Sathans encounters and also his fainting and falling into sinne Now we are to speake of the speciall temptations themselues and the meanes whereby wee may be strengthened against them Where first wee are to consider that Sathans temptations are not alwaies one and the same neither impugne one or two points onely of our faith and religion but as the causes and the meanes of our saluation are manifold so also doth he gather manifold obiections against euerie one of them if they truly appertaine vnto vs that so hee may impugne and race our faith or els doth fill vs with vaine presumption perswading vs that all the causes and meanes of saluation concurre together in vs when as in truth wee are voide and destitute of them all Let vs therefore consider of the seuerall causes of our saluation and obserue what temptations Sathan suggesteth in our minds against euery one of them The first and principall cause of our saluation is Gods eternall loue and immutable goodwill wherewith he hath loued his creatures from before the foundations of the world were laid the which loue and goodwill in himselfe did moue him to elect them to saluation whom he so loued without any deserts in themselues for how could they deserue any thing at Gods hath before they were or what good could the Lord foresee in them but that which in his eternall counsaile hee purposed to bestow and impart vnto them Sathans temptation whereby he perswadeth carnall men that they are beloued of God First therefore we will speake of those temptations which concerne the loue of God toward vs which are of two sorts the first leading vs to vaine presumption and carnall securitie the other to horrour and desperation For if Sathan see men liuing in carnall securitie frozen in the dregges of their sinnes so as in truth there is no signe that they are beloued of God he will perswade them that they are highly in his fauour and loue and therefore though they runne on in their wicked courses yet they shall be saued Doest thou not perceiue will he say that God dearely loueth thee Why consider that hee hath made thee one of his chiefest creatures whereas otherwise hee would haue made thee a toade or serpent he hath also like a tender father preserued and nourished thee from thy infancie and which is more he hath sent his dearely beloued sonne to die for thee and hee hath made choise of thee amongst many others to be a member of his Church where thou inioyest the preaching of the Gospell and the vse of the Sacraments to the end thou maist be assured of thy saluation without all question or doubting Neuer therefore take care nor trouble thy selfe concerning thy saluation vse not such strictnes and precisenes of life but take thy pleasure and follow those delights which the Lord hath bestowed vpon thee as pledges of his loue for thou art not now a slaue but a sonne and therefore maist more freely follow thine owne desire and vse thy libertie cast away all seruile feare which maketh thee take such paines in vsing all meanes whereby thou maist be assured of saluation for thou art assured of the principall namely of Gods loue and therefore thou needest not to doubt of the rest nor to debarre thy selfe of thy pleasures spending thy time in feare and care to the end thou maist get the assurance of that which thou needest not to call into question The answere to the former temptation And thus doth the diuell fill men with presumption and lull them asleepe in carnal securitie to their vtter destruction and therefore it behooueth vs to arme our selues against him that we be not circumuented And to this end let vs consider that Gods loue goeth not alone neither is it idle in those whom he loueth but as the first linke of a chaine draweth all the rest of the chaine with it so the loue of God which is the first cause of our saluation is accompanied with all the other causes which are subordinate thereunto for whom God loueth them he electeth whom he electeth those in his good time he calleth whom hee effectually calleth them he iustifieth and whom he iustifieth those hee sanctifieth if therefore we be not sanctified we are not iustified if wee are not iustified we are not called if we are not called we can haue no assurance that wee are elected nor yet of Gods loue and fauour and consequently whosoeuer liue in their blind ignorance in their infidelitie and wallow themselues in the filthie puddle of their sinnes without any true sorrow for those which are past or any good purpose of heart to forsake them in the time to come they can haue no assurance of Gods loue but are rather iustly to feare least they are in the number of those whom the Lord hath eternally reiected if they continue in this their miserable and desperate estate § Sect. 2 Neither let Sathan bewitch them with that vaine opinion of Gods loue towards them Temporall benefits no infallible signes of Gods loue because of those generall benefits which like the raine and Sunne-shine are bestowed both vpon the good and bad for what in this respect can they promise more to themselues than Esau and Saul Were not they created men according to Gods own likenes were they not preseured and nourished by God and that more liberally than many Gods owne children For Esau had so much the he professed to his brother Iacob that he had enough and was attended vpon by foure hundred men And was not Saul a mightie King who had all at commaund Were not all these in the Church of God and outwardly enioyed the word and Sacraments as well as any other and yet God himself saith that he hated Esau and had reiected Saul And therefore let vs neuer bragge of our assurance of Gods loue because of these outward and common benefits which he indifferently bestoweth both vpon the elect and reprobate but if we would be assured indeed of Gods loue let vs looke into our selues and consider if he haue bestowed vpon vs his spirituall graces faith hope patience loue of him and our brethren true repentance for our sinnes and holinesse of life and the rest and then by the fruites of sanctification we may be assured that we are sanctified and consequently iustified called elected and eternally loued of God § Sect. 3 And thus doth Sathan falsely perswade the carnall man that he is highly in the loue and fauour of God How Sathan perswadeth weake christians that th●y are not belou● of God but contrariwise when he assaulteth the weake Christian hee changeth his copie and goeth about to perswade him
friends he endured tedious labours many miseries and so Dauid was persecuted whilest Saul did sit on the throne yea our Sauiour Christ himselfe was arraigned at the barre and condemned whilest Pilate and the chiefe Priests and Pharisies sate in the seate of iustice ouerswaying all at their owne pleasures and yet at the same time Iacob was beloued Esau hated Dauid chosen of God Saul reiected our Sauiour Christ the deare sonne of his heauenly father and his enemies the instruments and limmes of Sathan So that it is most true that Salomon speaketh namely no man can haue assurance of Gods loue and fauour by these outward benefits bestowed both vpon the godly and wicked neither by his aduersities and afflictions can gather that the Lord hateth him for these befall all indifferently as it pleaseth God to punish the reprobate or to chastize his owne children But though we can gather no sound argument from these outward things of Gods loue yet it followeth not that there is no other meanes to assure vs hereof for by the same reason wee may conclude that man is no better than brute beasts and that there is no immortalitie of the soule Eccles 3.19 because it is said Eccles 3.19 that the condition of the children of men and the condition of beasts is the same But as the Wiseman speaketh there of their outward mortalitie alone and not absolutely in all respects and therefore he saith that they are alike to see to that is in outward appearance vers 18. and explaineth himselfe in the words following for saith hee as one dieth so dieth the other so he doth not meane here simply that there is no assurance of Gods loue but onely in respect of these outward things and therefore he addeth that in these outward respects all things come alike to all and the same condition is to the iust and the wicked Though then there is no assurance of Gods loue to be gathered out of our worldly estate yet it cannot hence be concluded that therefore there is no meanes whereby we may be assured hereof for the Lord hath giuen vnto vs his word and mercifull promises he hath giuen vnto vs his holy spirit crying in our harts Abba father and witnessing to our spirits that we are the sonnes of God Rom. 8. Rom. 8. He hath manifested his loue by giuing vs his onely sonne and begetting in vs by his word and spirit a liuely faith whereby wee may apply him and all his benefits vnto vs. Whosoeuer therefore beleeueth truly in Iesus Christ he may be assured of Gods loue and euerlasting life according to that Ioh. 3.16 So God loued the world that he gaue his onely begotten sonne Ioh. 3.16 that whosoeuer beleeueth in him should not perish but haue euerlasting life If therefore we beleeue in Iesus Christ we need not to despaire no nor to doubt of Gods loue and fauour towards vs notwithstanding our vnworthinesse nor yet in regard of the manifold afflictions which God inflicteth on vs neither in respect of those manifold infirmities which we bewray whilest the hand of God is vpon vs but wee may soundly and assuredly conclude with the Apostle Paul Rom. 8.38 I am perswaded that neither death nor life Rom. 8.38 nor Angels nor principalities nor powers nor things present nor things to come 39. Nor height nor depth nor any other creature shall be able to separate vs from the loue of God which is in Christ Iesus our Lord. And so much concerning the first cause of our saluation namely Gods loue and goodwill and also the temptations of Sathan whereby hee laboureth to impugne our assurance thereof the second cause is Gods free election which proceedeth from the other for whom he loueth those hee electeth vnto euerlasting life and happinesse it being an inseparable fruite of loue to seeke the good and felicitie of the partie beloued Election therefore is that part of Gods eternal and immutable decree whereby of his free loue and vndeserued grace he hath preordained some in Christ vnto saluation and to the vse of the meanes tending thereunto for the praise of the glorie of his grace CHAP. IIII. Of Gods election the causes subiect obiect and properties thereof IN this definition is set downe first the efficient cause or author of our election namely God himselfe the Father the Sonne and the holy Ghost and this appeareth Eph. 1.4 He hath chosen vs in him before the foundation of the world that we should be holy c. And Ioh. 15.16 Ye haue not chosen me but I haue chosen you and ordained you that ye goe and bring foorth fruite c. Secondly the motiue or impulsiue cause of Gods election is expressed namely Gods free loue meere goodwill and vndeserued grace And this also is manifest Luk. 12.32 Feare not little flocke for it is your fathers pleasure to giue you a kingdome And Eph. 1.5 who hath predestinated vs to be adopted through Iesus Christ vnto himselfe according to the good pleasure of his will Here therefore are excluded all other causes wherewith diuers haue imagined God was moued to elect vs as namely our owne will the foreseeing of our workes worthinesse or faith and the merits of our Sauiour Christ And that these were not the causes which mooued the Lord to elect vs it may be prooued by manifest testimonies of scripture First our owne will is expressely excluded Rom. 9.16 It is not in him that willeth or runneth but in God that sheweth mercie Secondly not the foresight of our owne workes for the Apostle plainly affirmeth Rom. 9.11.12 that before the children were borne and when they had neither done good or euill that the purpose of God might remaine according to election not by workes but by him that calleth 12. It was said vnto her the elder shall serue the younger 13. As it is written I haue loued Iacob and hated Esau And chap. 11.5.6 he saith that Gods election is of grace and if it be of grace it is no more of workes or els were grace no more grace Thirdly not the foresight of any worthinesse in vs more than in others For there is no difference for all haue sinned and are depriued of the glorie of God as it is Rom. 3.23 And the Apostle affirmeth both of himselfe and others that they were all dead in their sinnes and by nature the children of wrath as well as others Eph. 2.1.3 Fourthly the Lord respected not our faith as an impulsiue cause mouing him to elect vs but only as an effect of our election neither was the Lord mercifull vnto vs in making choise of vs to bee partakers of euerlasting happinesse because we were faithfull but that we might be faithfull as Paul professeth of himselfe 1. Cor. 7.25 And the holy Ghost affirmeth Act. 13.46 that as many of the Gentiles as were ordained vnto eternall life beleeued Lastly although the merit of Christ was the onely meritorious cause of our saluation yet it was
to attaine vnto the land another while feareth seeing no place where to light till at last being so weary that she can flie no further she falleth downe and is drowned in the sea So these one while hope and soone after finding their owne infirmities and not seeing where they may rest their wauering minds doubt and feare till at last through wearinesse they sinke downe and are swallowed vp in the gulfe of desperation where they are drowned and destroyed if it doe not please the Lord to lift them vp again and to shew them the firme Rock Iesus Christ whereupon they may rest their wearie mindes and refresh their fainting soules which hee alwaies doth perfourme to those that belong to his election for it is impossible that any of them should perish though Sathan and all the power of hell seeke their ruine and destruction But at this marke Sathan aimeth though hee neuer hitteth it and though he neuer finally preuaile yet to this doubting and in the end despairing he laboureth to perswade the true Christian neither doth hee content himselfe with the forces of his owne temptations but he ioyneth with him the world which is as readie as Sathan himselfe to oppugne the certaintie of our election and our owne trayterous flesh which is easily moued to doubting and despaire when as it seeth nothing in it selfe whereupon it may rest In the world he maketh his choise not of sillie ignorant men but of the most subtill Sophisters and learned Doctors the true successors of the Scribes and Pharisies euen the whole rabble of the Popish clergie who stand on Sathans part stoutly fighting his battailes being perswaded and ouercome by that temptation which our Sauiour Christ withstood All this will I giue thee For to what end I pray you doe these great Doctors so stifly stand in the defence of Sathans cause perswading men might and maine to doubt of their election and consequently of their saluation Surely that by emptying mens minds of all true comfort they may fill their own chests and get the treasures of the earth into their possessions For when the weake conscience wauereth and doubteth of his election and not finding any true consolation whereupon it may rest commeth vnto them for some comfort and better assurance they behaue themselues like vnto vngracious Surgeons who intending to make a pray of their patients and to get their gains out of their pains and tortures do one day heale and the next day hinder the cure making the wound worse than it was whē they took it in hand til at last they haue so poysoned the sore that it is past their cure whereas they could easily haue healed it if they had not regarded their profit more than their own credit or their patients health or like vnto deceitfull Lawyers who somtimes speake in their clients cause and sometimes betray it going about in a tedious circuit whereas the direct way lieth open before them that so their clients cause being made more doubtfull tedious themselues impatient of delaies are faine to double and trebble their fees and yet oftentimes to no purpose because the more they receiue the fitter they thinke them to be their perpetuall Clients So doe these Popish Chirurgeons and Romish counsailers deale with their Pacient and Client for shewing his wounded conscience and desiring some comfort at their hands they will not make any soueraigne salue of the simples which they might gather out of Gods word whereby he might soone be healed for then their cure and consequently their gaines were at an ende but they holde him in suspense and increase his disease of doubting applying thereunto poysons in stead of salues whereby at last his wound is made desperate Thou canst not will they say attaine vnto any certaine assurance of thine election for that were fond presumption but thou art to hope well and that thou maist confirme thy hope thou must make vowes and goe on pilgrimage to inuocate and offer vnto these and these saints thou must doe these workes of supererogation build such a Monastery repaire such a Church giue so much money to such a Cloister buie these Indulgences whereby thou maist receiue pardon for thy sinnes and for more surety sake thou shalt at thy death bequeath so much money to the Priests for Masses Trentals and Dirges that if it happen thou goe into Purgatorie thou maist speedely be deliuered but all this while they speake not a word of Gods vndeserued grace and free election not a syllable of Christs death and satisfaction for our sinnes no this were too soueraigne a salue and would too soone heale the wounded conscience and so marre the market of these mount-bankes making their Vowes Pilgrimages Masses Dirges Indulgences and other trumpery-ware not worth the cheapning § Sect. 2 But let vs consider the state of the question betweene vs and Sathan with his Doctors and Proctors The state of this question betweene the Christian and Sathan with his assistants whom he feeth with worldly riches to pleade his cause We hold that a man truly conuerted indued with a liuely faith and sanctified may ordinarily be assured that he is the child of God elected to saluation but they affirme that it is presumption for such to haue any certaine assurance hereof vnlesse it be by extraordinary reuelation he may hope indeede that he is elected and shall be saued but this hope must he tempered with feare and mixt with doubting and this doubting they call humilitie which they doe not account an infirmitie but rather a vertue which doth commend their faith esteeming firme assurance to be but hereticall confidence and damnable presumption and pronouncing him accursed in their councell of Trent who affimeth that we are to beleeue without doubting the remission of our owne sinne and euerlasting life in particular And because they cannot but confesse that doubting and beleeuing in themselues are opposed one against another they teach that their faith is assured of Gods mercy and Christs merits as in themselues infinite and sufficient but it doubteth in respect of our vnworthinesse and manifold imperfections to apply them particularly vnto our selues so that when we looke vpon God and Christ there is cause of firme assurance but when we looke vpon our selues there is nothing but matter of doubting there is in deed some place left to their staggering hope but none to assurance of faith as though our faith were grounded on our owne worthinesse and not vpon Gods free mercy and Christs merits and as though resting vpon these alone it could not haue certaine assurance of our election and saluation notwithstanding our vnworthinesse and corruptions But let vs arme our selues against this their doctrine which containeth nothing else but principles whereupon sathan may ground his temptations whereby he perswadeth vs first to doubting and afterwards to despairing of our election and saluation for when the troubled conscience hath no other assurance of Gods loue and his owne election but
a fruite of the flesh it is condemned in Gods word though the Papists highly commend it So Matth. 14.31 our Sauiour reprehendeth Peter for his doubting O thou of little faith Matth. 14.31 wherefore diddest thou doubt And Luk. 12.29 he telleth vs that wee must not stand in doubt or as the word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 signifieth be not like vnto meteors which are carried about in the ayre with euery winde Luk. 12.29 And the Apostle Iames chap. Iam. 1.7 1.7 compareth him that wauereth or doubteth to a waue of the sea tost of the winde and carried away And Paul is so farre from commending doubting for a vertue that hee doth not onely condemne it as a sinne in it selfe but also as a cause which maketh our actions which are indifferent or good in themselues to become sinnes So the eating of this or that meate is a thing indifferent and lawfull if it be recciued with prayer and thanksgiuing but yet the Apostle telleth vs Rom. 14.23 that he who doubteth is condemned if he eate Rom. 14.23 and he rendreth this reason because he eateth not of faith and whatsoeuer is not of faith is sinne So that by this hee sheweth that he who doubteth eateth not of faith and that whatsoeuer is not done of faith is sinne Seeing therefore doubting is opposed vnto faith and is in it selfe not onely a sinne but also a cause of sinne let vs not intertaine it though it bring letters commendatorie from the Pope and all his shauelings but labour to banish it out of our harts and striue after faith and full assurance of our election and saluation in Christ Iesus and though we finde our great vnworthinesse of the least of Gods mercies and cannot see any reason in our selues why we should beleeue that wee are elected and shall be saued yet let vs hope against hope and beleeue against beleefe for it is not a thing left to our choise but inioyned vs by God as the chiefe and maine dutie required in the Gospell and therefore laying aside all reasoning and disputing let vs resolue to beleeue in obedience to Gods commandement and then though we are neuer so full of corruptions Act. 15.9 yet will this faith purifie vs though wee are most backward in perfourming any good worke yet will it be fruitfull in vs Galat. 5 6. and will worke by loue though wee be most vnworthie it will make vs more worthie by applying vnto vs the righteousnesse of Christ and the merits of his death and bloudshed which will not onely free vs from the guilt and punishment of sinne but wil also purge vs from the vices and corruptions themselues § Sect. 4 Thirdly the certaintie of our election may be prooued Thirdly faith is a certaine and particular perswasion and not a doubtfull opinion or generall notion by an argument drawne from the nature of faith which is not a doubtfull opinion but a certaine perswasion not a generall notion but a particular assurance whereby we do applie and appropriate vnto our selues those things which wee doe beleeue Whosoeuer therefore hath true faith he doth certainly beleeue and is particularly assured of his election iustification and saluation That faith is a certaine perswasion it may appeare first by those properties and names which are giuen vnto it in the word Heb. 11.1 faith is said to be 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is Heb. 11.1 a subsistance or present being of things hoped for so that hope waiteth for them in time to come but faith enioyeth them as being present namely in respect of the certaine assurance and particular application of the promises vnto ourselues and therefore the Apostle saith 1. Ioh. 5.13 that hereby we may know not that wee shall haue but that we haue eternall life 1. Ioh. Heb. 11.1 5.13 not in possession but in assurance of faith It is called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in the same place which word is quite contrarie to doubting as signifying a manifest demonstration which doth not only shew a thing probably but also doth conuince with strong arguments and make that truth cleere and manifest which was otherwise obscure and secret and therefore in the text it is called a demonstration of things not seene So there is ascribed vnto it fulnesse of perswasion Heb. Heb. 10.22 10.22 Let vs draw neere with a true heart 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in full assurance of faith and also boldnesse with confident trust Eph. Eph. 3.12 3.12 by whom we haue boldnesse and entrance with confidence not by extraordinarie reuelations but by faith in Christ which full assurance boldnesse and confidence wee could not haue if wee were not assured of Gods loue and our election but remained doubtfull whether we were beloued of God and elected or no. To these names and properties of faith we may adde some plaine testimonies of Scriptures which cleerely shew that faith is not a doubtfull hope but a certaine perswasion 1. Iohn 3.14 1. Ioh. 3.14 The Apostle saith that we knowe that we are translated from death to life not by reuelation but because we loue the brethren he doth not say that we knowe that we shall be but that we are translated from death to life to note the certainty of this knowledge and perswasion Rom. 3.2 the Apostle saith Rom. 5.2 that by Christ we haue accesse through faith vnto Gods grace wherein we stand and reioyce vnder hope or as the word signifieth glory and triumph with ioy so that we doe not wauer and stagger but stand firmely through faith we doe not feare and timorously hope but euen glory and triumphe in our reioycing saying with the Apostle Rom. 8.33 Who shall lay any thing to the charge of Gods chosen Rom. 8.33 34.35 38. it is God that iustifieth 34. Who shall condemne it is Christ which is dead yea or rather which is risen againe who is also at the right hand of God and maketh request also for vs. 35. Who shall separate vs from the loue of Christ c. So that though our sinnes be manifold our vnworthinesse great and our faith weake yet if it be true it may also be certaine in the assurance of Gods loue and our election because it is not grounded on our worthinesse but vpon Gods free iustifying and accepting of vs as righteous in Christ Heb. 6.18 and vpon Christs death resurrection and intercession for vs vnto God his father which is a most sure foundation that cannot faile In deede if our faith and the anchor of our hope did pitch rest and fasten it selfe vpon the light and hollow sands of our owne merits and worthinesse the surging waues and boysterous blasts of Sathans temptations would disanchor and tosse vs too and fro till at length we should make shipwracke of our faith against the rockes of despaire but seeing we take holde and rest vpon the firme and sure anchor-hold Christ Iesus his merits and righteousnesse
aske But we are taught to pray for the remission of our sins and therefore we are certainly to beleeue that our sinnes are remitted and consequently that we are iustified called elected and shall be saued for whom he did predestinate them also he called Rom. 8.30 and whom he called them also he iustified and whom he iustified them also he glorified as it is Rom. 8.30 § Sect. 9 Sixtly The sixt argument taken from the confession of our saith whatsoeuer we professe in the Articles of our faith that we should beleeue and of that we may and ought particularly to be assured but euery man professeth that he beleeueth the remission of sinnes and life euerlasting that is that the Lord doth not onely forgiue sinne and granteth vnto some the fruition of euerlasting life for this the diuels beleeue as well as we but also that he doth particularly forgiue me my sinnes and that he will make me an heire of eternall happinesse for this is the nature of faith to assure vs certainlie and particularlie of that which wee beleeue as wee haue shewed and therefore we ought particularly to be assured of the remission of our sinnes and that wee shall attaine vnto euerlasting life and consequently that wee are elected seeing none enioy it but Gods chosen But it may be obiected that if euery one be bound to beleeue as an article of his faith that his sinnes are forgiuen and that hee is an heire of euerlasting life then some are bound to beleeue that which is false for those who liue and die in their sinnes without repentance shall neuer obtaine either the one or the other I answere that wee are not bound to beleeue being destitute of a true and a liuely faith for this were rather fondly to presume than surely to bee perswaded of the promises of the Gospell but wee are first bound to haue a true liuely and iustifying faith and so to beleeue and applie vnto our selues the promises of the Gospell but those that liue in their sinnes without repentance they are altogether destitute of true faith which wheresoeuer it is purifieth the heart and worketh by loue moouing the beleeuer to endeuour and striue to mortifie his corruptions and to rise from the death of sinne to newnesse of life and therefore well may they securely presume but it is impossible that they should truly beleeue because they are vtterly destitute of a liuely faith and where the cause is not the effect cannot follow and consequently for their infidelitie they are subiect to eternall plagues and punishments because they doe not that which they are bound to perfourme Neither must we thinke that euery kind of faith or rather euery fond perswasion of faith is enioyned vs but such a faith as is grounded vpon Gods word but the word of God doth teach vs that whosoeuer liue in the flesh cannot please God and if we liue after the flesh we shall dye Rom. 8.8.13 Rom. 8.8.13 1. Cor. 6.9 That the vnrighteous shall not inherit the kingdome of God 1. Cor. 6.9 That the workers of iniquitie shall be reiected of Christ Matth. 7.23 And that no vncleane thing Mat. 7.23 Reuel 21.27 nor whatsoeuer worketh abomination and lies shall enter into the kingdome of heauen Reuel 21.27 And therefore those who liue in the flesh those who are workers of iniquitie vnrighteous and vncleane in which ranke are all those who liue in their sins without repentance fulfilling the lusts of the flesh and falling continually into sinne with pleasure and delight are not bound simply and absolutely to beleeue so long as they resolue to continue in this state for so should they be bound to beleeue that which is false and repugnant to Gods word but they are bound to haue a true faith which being wrought in their hearts will moue them to forsake their sinnes by vnfained repentance to hunger after righteousnes to endeuour to serue the Lord in holinesse and newnesse of life and so to beleeue in Christ as their Sauiour and Redeemer which fruites if our faith bring not foorth we cannot be assured that we haue true faith or do truly beleeue For though in nature faith be before repentance yet in our sense and feeling it alwaies followeth it neither doth faith euer soundly and truly perswade vs of Gods loue till we haue sorrowed for our sinnes and at least in purpose of heart haue forsaken them So that whosoeuer liueth still in his sins with pleasure and delight and yet beleeueth that he is elected to saluation and that he is in Gods fauour and shall continuing in this state be made an heire of eternall life he is not indued with true faith but with fond presumption and carnall securitie which maketh him to beleeue that which is false and repugnant to Gods word Though then all men euen carnall worldlings and reprobates are bound to beleeue and because they doe not are subiect to condemnation as committing a great and fearefull sinne as appeareth Ioh. 3.18 and 16.8.9 where our Sauiour saith that the holy Ghost should reproue the world of sinne Ioh. 3.18 and 16.8.9 because they beleeue not in him yet they are not bound to beleeue continuing in their worldlinesse and resoluing to goe on in their sinnes for such a faith were but fond presumption but they are bound so to beleeue as that their faith may be grounded vpon Gods word which it can neuer possibly be if it be seuered from true repentance and for want of this faith they are condemned CHAP. VIII The last argument grounded vpon the testimonie of Gods spirit § Sect. 1 LAstly whatsoeuer the spirit of God doth testifie in the heart and conscience of a man and doth fully assure him thereof that he is to beleeue and of that he ought vndoubtedly to be assured but the spirit of God doth testifie to the faithfull and doth fully assure them that they are the sonnes of God by adoption and grace and consequently that they are elected for none are the sonnes of God but those who are predestinate to be adopted through Iesus Christ as it is Ephes 1.5 Eph. 1.5 and therefore the faithfull are to beleeue and ought vndoubtedly to be assured that they are the sonnes of God elected to euerlasting life The prosition is manifest for what more certaine truth can be imagined than that which the spirit of God witnesseth vnto our spirits and confirmeth vnto vs seeing all the properties required in a true witnesse doe concurre in him in the highest degree namely knowledge truth and faithfulnesse for knowledge he is infinit and knoweth all things euen the eternall councell and decree of God concerning our election as appeareth 1. Cor. 2.10 1. Cor. 2.10.12 The spirit searcheth all things euen the deepe things of God and this spirit doe we receiue that we may know the things that are giuen to vs of God As it is vers 12. What fitter witnesse therefore can be imagined in this
true loue and heartie endeuour of imbracing holinesse and righteousnesse because thereby our gratious father is glorified and well pleased with vs. If therefore these effects and fruites follow this perswasion of Gods loue and our election wee may bee assured that it is the spirit of God which doth perswade vs but if wee haue no such trust and affiance no such loue of God no zeale of his glorie no hatred of sinne no loue nor desire of embracing righteousnesse but remaine as carnall worldly and prophane as euer we were then let vs bragge as much as wee will of our perswasion of Gods loue and our election yet it is most certaine that this perswasion is not wrought in vs by Gods spirit but that it is a vaine conceit and fond opinion which proceedeth from selfe-loue carnall securitie and fond presumption which in the end vanishing away will leaue vs in despaire CHAP. IX Of the meanes whereby we may be assured of our election § Sect. 1 ANd thus haue I proued that those who are conuerted vnto God iustified The first means the testimonie of the holie Ghost and in some measure sanctified may ordinarily attaine vnto the assurance of their election Now I will shew the meanes and signes whereby wee may bee thus assured The first and principall meanes which assureth vs of our election is the inward testimonie of Gods spirit which crieth in our hearts Abba father Rom. 8.15 16. and witnesseth vnto our spirits that we are the children of God as it is Rom. 8.15 16. Which testimonie it doth not giue by extraordinarie reuelation but by a secret application of the promises of the Gospell vnto vs and by an inward cooperation whereby it maketh the outward ministerie of the word effectuall for the begetting of faith in vs whereby as with an hand wee doe appropriate the generall promises of the word vnto our owne selues And when the Ministers vse reasons to perswade vs of Gods loue in Christ the holy ghost openeth our deafe cares and inlighteneth our blinde vnderstandings and powerfully inclineth our wils so that we may attentiuely heare truly vnderstand and bee fully assured of that truth which is deliuered not only in respect of the whole Church but also in respect of our selues particularly so as we can say I beleeue that these promises of God are true and that they belong to all the faithfull and consequently vnto me who doe beleeue and am assured of them seeing they are promised on no other condition Diuers differences between the testimonie of the spirit and presumptuous securitie But the tempter will obiect that many through carnall presumption doe perswade themselues that al the promises of the Gospell doe belong vnto them and therefore we may easily be deceiued not being able to discerne betweene the testimonie of the spirit and presumptuous securitie I answer that those who are indued with Gods spirit may easily discerne the testimonie of the spirit from the carnall language of presumption as is euident by that which before I haue deliuered and also may more plainly appeare by manifest differences if the one bee compared with the other For presumption is a fruite of originall corruption which accompanieth vs from our mothers wombe till it bee beaten downe with Gods sanctifying spirit but the testimonie of the spirit is a thing supernaturall which no man euer feeleth before his conuersion vnto God when as by the preaching of the word he is humbled vnder the burthen of sinne sorrowing and grieuing for his sinnes past and detesting them from his hart and purposing to leaue and forsake them in the time to come If therefore wee haue had alwaies this testimonie in our mindes that wee are in Gods fauour and elected and neuer felt our conuersion nor discerned any fruites thereof then doth this testimonie proceede from carnall presumption and not from Gods spirit Secondly those who haue the testimonie of the spirit make conscience of the diligent and carefull vse of the outward meanes of saluation as the hearing and reading of the word the receiuing of the Sacraments and other holie duties of Gods seruice because they know that the inward testimonie of the spirit is not ordinarily seuered from the outward testimonie of the word and the assurance of Gods loue and our election is not wrought immediatly in vs by reuelation of the spirit but by the preaing of the word and vse of the Sacraments made effectuall by the inward cooperation of the holy Ghost But presumption as it ariseth not from the vse of these meanes made thus effectuall but from carnall securitie so is it not confirmed thereby for the lesse that the presumptuous man heareth the word and perfourmeth the duties of pietie and Gods seruice the more confidently doth he boast of his faith and full assurance and therefore hee maketh no conscience of vsing these meanes ordained of God nay contrariwise he will not sticke to affirme that the hearing of the word too often is the cause that troubleth mens mindes and afflicteth their consciences moouing them to doubt of Gods mercie which before they neuer called into question and why is this but because hereby men are rouzed out of their sleepe of securitie and haue their confident presumption beaten downe If then wee are carefull to vse all holie meanes ordained of God to assure vs of our saluation that assurance and testimonie which followeth is the testimonie of Gods spirit otherwise it is nothing els but fond presumption Thirdly presumption is most confident and neuer doubteth nor maketh any question of his election saluation who thus presumeth but this testimony of the spirit is much assaulted with doubting and oftentimes thereby so exceedingly weakened that wee cannot heare the voyce thereof as wee may see in the example of Iob Dauid the father of the possessed child the two Disciples who iourneyed to Emaus and in all Gods children who haue not yet attained vnto fulnesse of perswasion vnto which none can come but by degrees And therefore if wee can bragge with secure worldlings and say with the proud Pharisie I neuer was troubled I thanke God with any doubting of mine election saluation as many are but alwaies haue had a strong beleefe that I am in Gods loue and shall vndoubtedly be saued wee may assure our selues that this is the voyce of presumption and not the testimonie of Gods spirit Fourthly presumption is ioyned with worldlinesse and prophanesse but the testimonie of Gods spirit is neuer seuered from sanctification or at least from an earnest desire and holie endeuour of seruing the Lord in holinesse and righteousnesse for as I said the testimonie of the spirit in the conscience is neuer contrarie to the testimonie of the spirit in the word neither doth it beare witnesse that those are in Gods loue and elected to saluation which the Scriptures witnesse to bee in Gods displeasure and in the state of condemnation namely all vnrepentant sinners continuing in their
enough he hath sworne it Because therefore the promise is sure and confirmed not according to our merits but according to his mercie let no man professe that with feare of which he cannot doubt Doubting proceedeth from pride and arrogancie But they further vrge that humble doubting is better than presumptuous assurance I answere first that their doubting is full of pride which maketh them looke for saluation in their owne worthinesse rather than in Gods free mercie and Christs merits secondly that our faith and certaine assurance is full of humilitie for wee freely confesse our owne vnworthinesse and dare not offer before the seate of Gods iustice any righteousnesse that is in vs as desiring in whole or in part to be iustified thereby nay rather we pray with the Prophet Psal 143.2 Enter not into iudgement with thy seruant for in thy sight shall none that liueth be iustified Psal 143.2 and though we know nothing by our selues yet doe we plain●ly affirme with the Apostle that we are not hereby iustified 1. Cor. 4.4 1. Cor. 4.4 But this humilitie doth not abate our faith and certaine assurance nay rather it doth confirme and increase it for it maketh vs to goe out of our selues as finding no hope of saluation whereupon we may rest and moueth vs to seeke for saluation in Christ who is such a sure ancorhold that whosoeuer pitch the ancor of their hope on him shall finde it sure and steadfast and whosoeuer build their faith on this foundation and corner stone the power of hell shall neuer preuaile against them § Sect. 2 Secondly they obiect that we are vnworthie of Gods loue Our vnworthinesse no cause why we should doubt of our election or to be elected and therefore we cannot be assured thereof I answere this were true if Gods election depended vpon our worthinesse and deserts but seeing the Lord respecteth not any thing in vs but elected vs freely of his vndeserued grace and meere goodwill our vnworthinesse in our selues may well stand with the assurance of our election for those who are most vnworthie neede not to doubt of Gods loue and their election and saluation so that they wholy rely vpon Gods mercie and Christs merits by a true and liuely faith forasmuch as they are not grounded vpon their worthinesse and therefore cannot be ouerthrowne by their vnworthinesse Notable is the saying of Austine to this purpose Tria inquit sunt quae sic roborant confirmant cor meum vt nulla me penuriae meritorum c. There are three things saith he which so strengthen and confirme my heart that no want of merits no consideration of mine owne vilenesse no estimation of the heauenly blessednesse can deiect me from the height of my hope vpon them my soule is surely setled Wilt thou know what they are I consider three things vpon which my hope wholy relieth to wit the loue of adoption Aug. Manual cap. 23. the truth of the promise the abilitie of performance Let now my foolish cogitation murmur as much as it will saying but who art thou or how great is that glorie or with what merits doest thou hope to obtaine it And I will boldly answere I know whom I haue beleeued and I am assured because God hath adopted me in great loue because he is true in his promise because hee is powerfull in performance for he may doe what he will § Sect. 3 Thirdly Weakenes of faith and certaintie may well stand together they obiect that our faith is weake and feeble and by reason thereof the faithfull a●…peareth by continuall experience are assaulted with doubting and grieuously shaken with Sathans temptations so as there can be no such certaintie of faith as we speake of To which I answere that weakenesse of faith is not opposed as contrarie to certaintie but to strongnesse and full perswasion and therefore weakenesse and certaintie may well stand together Neither doe we imagine such a certaintie of faith which is neuer shaken with doubting nor assaulted with temptations nay rather we teach that those whom God indueth with most faith he most exerciseth in the conflict of temptations like a wise captaine who setteth that souldier which is best armed and strongest to beare the brunt in the forefront of the battaile and the diuell is most readie to assault those who most resist him and most violently to strike where he seeth the shield of faith held vp to defend and therefore our Sauiour hath taught all his faithfull children to pray leade vs not into temptation but deliuer vs from euill But withall we affirme that though this weake faith be assaulted with Sathans temptations yet is it neuer ouercome though it bee opposed with doubting yet it neuer falleth from assurance and certaine perswasion though it bee sometimes shadowed and the shining light thereof dimmed yea though it be for a time hid and couered yet in it owne nature it remaineth firme and stedfast like the sunne which alwaies shineth though oftentimes by reason of the interposition of the cloudes or the earth we cannot discerne the beames thereof or like vnto the fire which being hid vnder the ashes doth retaine his naturall heate although we feele it not So our faith retaineth in it selfe his certaintie and assurance as it were his light and heate when as it is shadowed with the cloudes of doubting and couered vnder the ashes of Sathans temptations A weake faith doth as truely assure vs of our election as a stronger But it may be demaunded how a weake faith assaulted with Sathans temptations can cōtinue certaine seeing the strongest 0 faith can doe no more but certainely perswade I answere that our certaintie respecteth not our faith it selfe but the obiect thereof namely Gods mercie and Christs merits and therefore seeing a weake faith doth as well apply vnto vs the mercies of God merits of Christ as a stronger therefore also it certainely perswadeth vs as well truely though not so strongly and fully of our election and saluation as a stronger doth So that when we haue the least sparke of faith it doth illuminate our mindes so as we can truely discerne the louing countenance of the Lord shining vpon vs though somewhat dimly and as it were a farre of euen as he that is pore-blind doth as certainely see the sunne as he who is most sharpe sighted though not so cleerely and as he who is in a darke dungeon doth discerne the light as surely at a little hole though he be compassed about with blacke darkenesse as he who is in the open fieldes so when we are as it were pore-blind and compassed about with the darke miste of ignorance yet by the dimme sight of faith we certainely discerne Gods loue and fauour shining vpon vs though the more we encrease in knowledge and faith the more cleerely we perceiue it till at last hauing attained vnto fulnesse of faith we see him neere at hand and as it were
of faith concerning our particular election saluation I answer though the Lord giue vs no particular promise in his word yet he giueth vs that which is equally effectuall and of like force namely his generall promise without any limitation exception or condition but the condition of faith and repentance with a commaundement to applie the same And because naturally we are vnable in our selues to performe this therefore he hath ordained the ministery of the word and the vse of the sacraments which he maketh effectuall by the inward operation of his spirit for the begetting and confirming of our faith and stirring vs vp to repentance which being wrought in vs we may as certainely be perswaded that the generall promises belong vnto vs as if they were made vnto vs particularly and by name §. Sect. 8. That our assurance of election dependeth not vpon the sufficiency of our faith and repentance Sixtly they obiect that we cannot be assured of the sufficiencie of our faith and repentance and therefore we can haue no certaine assurance of our election and saluation I answere this reason were good if our election and saluation depended vpon the worthines or measure of our faith and repentance but seeing that they depend not thereupon but vpon Gods free mercy and the worthinesse and sufficiency of Christs merits and obedience therfore though our faith be neuer so weake and our repentance but in small measure yet so they be true and vnfained not dissembled and hypocritical we may certainely be assured of our election and saluation for a weake faith doth apply Christ all his benefits vnto vs as well as a strong though not in so strong and perfect a manner as shal appeare hereafter But yet we must not content our selues with a small and weake measure but labour to growe vp from faith to faith till we become perfect men in Christ Seuenthly §. Sect. 9. The sight of our imperfections no cause why we should doubt of our election they obiect that though there were no cause of doubting so long as we looke vpon Gods mercy and truth in his promises and Christs obedience and merits yet at least there is cause of doubting when we looke vpon our selues and finde our great indisposition to perfourme the condition of faith and repentance which God requireth of all who shall be partakers of his promises and our manifolde imperfections and great vnworthines of the least of Gods mercies And thus these iugglers play fast and loose making their faith like vnto the ignis fatuus or going fire which interchangeably sometimes shineth cleerely and sometimes vanisheth and leaueth behind it nothing but blacke darknesse But let vs constantly oppose our selues against such inconstancie and in no wise admit of such mutable variety in our faith which maketh it more changeable than the Moone which one while shineth with full bringhtnesse and in small distance of time cannot be discerned and to this end let vs know first that though in our selues wee be not worthy of the least of Gods mercies yet our vnworthines maketh vs not vncapable of the greatest for al Gods benefits are his free gifts which he promiseth and bestoweth without any respect of our worthines or deserts of his meere grace and vndeserued loue and therfore as when we are most worthy in our own conceit there is no reason why we should presume the more so when wee finde our selues vnworthie there is no cause why wee should hope the lesse or be more weakly assured of Gods promises for as they are not made vpon the condition of our worthinesse so they are not disanulled and made voide by our vnworthinesse otherwise no man liuing could haue assurance of them seeing all men liuing are vnworthie of them But the Lord hath made al his promises vnto vs in Christ who was sent to bee our Mediatour to the end that wee who were altogether vnworthie in our selues might be made worthie in him of all Gods mercies and benefits And therefore whosoeuer lay hold vpon Christ with a true though a weake faith and bring foorth the fruites thereof in repentance they may certainly bee assured of their election and saluation notwithstanding their vnworthinesse Secondly wee are to know that our faith doth not respect our selues in our selues neither are wee the obiect thereof but Christ and his merits and obedience whom our faith doth not behold standing aloofe of as the Papists dreame but as hee is vnited vnto vs and become our head and we his members so as now we cannot look vpon our selues but we must looke vpon Christ because hee is in vs and we in him And therefore when wee consider the greatnesse of our sinnes we despaire not because now we look vpon them as they are translated from vs and laid vpon Christ who hath fully satisfied his fathers iustice by his alone and al-sufficient sacrifice vpon the crosse when we consider our imperfections we doubt not of Gods promises because they are couered with his perfect righteousnesse when we consider our vnworthinesse wee are not discouraged seeing by communicating of Christs worthinesse wee are made worthie when wee consider that in our selues wee are subiect to the curse of the law the anger of God and eternall condemnation wee are neuerthelesse assured of euerlasting life and saluation because we are vnited to Christ our head who hath taken away our curse and nailed it to his crosse borne his fathers displeasure to reconcile vs vnto him and was condemned and suffred death to free vs from death and condemnation and to make vs heires of life and saluation So that now we behold the huge debt of our sinnes as it is discharged and cancelled with his merits and full satisfaction we behold our imperfections but as perfected by his perfections wee looke vpon our vnworthinesse but as it is ennobled with his worthinesse when we set before vs the curse of the law the anger of God and sentence of condemnation wee consider them as taken away and swallowed vp of Christs death and full obedience because now wee are vnited vnto Christ and hee is become ours that wee might become his hee hath taken vpon him our sinnes and vnworthinesse that hee might make vs partakers of his righteousnesse and worthinesse And therefore that which God hath wisely ioyned together let not our faith fondly separate for if it bee vnlawfull in carnall mariages then much more in the spirituall mariage betweene Christ and his Church But let vs looke vpon our selues not in our selues but as wee are vnited vnto Christ and then our selfe-worthinesse of hell and destruction will not abate our assurance of life and saluation Eightly §. Sect. 10. Heretikes and worldlings boasting of faith no cause why those should doubt who truly beleeue they obiect that euery heretike epicure and worldling continuing in their sinnes and wickednesse may faine vnto themselues such a perswasion of the certaintie of election but this is nothing to
charitie iudge the best when they see not euident reason to the contrarie or it may bee vnderstood of hypocrites as they are in their owne opinion or according to their vaine boasting and so those that are in shew or in their owne opinion redeemed by Christs death may bee reprobates and condemned but not any who are redeemed in truth Secondly those hypocrites that are in the outward visible Church are said to be redeemed in respect that they are numbred for a time amongst the faithfull till they bewray their hypocrisie and depart from the communion and fellowship which they haue outwardly with the Saints though they are not in truth redeemed vnlesse they be of the Church and members of Christs bodie § Sect. 6 Lastly it is obiected that as in Adam all die euen so in Christ shall all be made aliue That al are not redeemed by Christ who perished in Adam 1. Cor. 15.22 as the Apostle speaketh 1. Cor. 15.22 but all died in Adam and therefore all are made aliue in Christ I answere that the Apostle here vnderstandeth all the faithfull of whose resurrection he here disputeth and it is as much as if he had said as al the faithfull died in Adam so al shall be made aliue in Christ or though it bee vnderstood of all that they died in Adam yet it prooueth not that all are redeemed by Christ for then the sense is thus much as Adam deriued death vnto all his by natural propagation so Christ hath deriued life to all his by grace and this appeareth in the verse following where hee saith that first Christ rose and afterwards they that are of Christ shall rise at his comming now they onely are Christs who are led by his spirit and therefore they who haue not their part in the first resurrection whereby being sanctified they rise againe from the death of sinne to newnesse of life shall not haue their part of the second resurrection whereby they rise to inherite those ioyes which Christ hath purchased for them But it may bee further vrged that if all doe not liue in Christ who died in Adam Adams sinne shall bee of more force than Christs death and satisfaction and Adam shall be more strong to destroy than Christ to saue I answere that their power and strength is not to bee measured by the number of those who are destroyed and saued but according to the manner whereby they were destroyed and saued or according to the vertue and force required to sauing and destroying for it is far more easie to hurt many than to helpe a few to kil a multitude than to restore one to life for euen bruite beasts can kill and destroy but neither man angel nor other creature can giue life saue God alone and so it was no hard matter for Adam to plunge al mankind into the gulfe of perdition but to saue and deliuer vs out of this wretched estate neither he nor any other could perfourme saue Christ alone and therefore though our Sauiour had freed and restored to life but only one and Adam by his sinne destroyed all yet Christs death was stronger and of more vertue in sauing than Adams sinne in destroying Secondly I answere that Christs death is as sufficient for the redemption of all the world as Adams sinne for their condemnation in respect of the infinite value and price thereof if as Adams sinne was deriued vnto all by naturall propagation so Christs death and merits were applied vnto them by faith for there is no want of vertue in this precious salue to heale but the cause why it healeth not is because it is reiected and cast away through incredulitie Thirdly Christs death is of far more vertue and force than Adams sinne in that it bringeth vnto vs farre better things than we lost in Adam for we lost by Adam but earthly benefits but wee haue deriued vnto vs by Christ heauenly glorie and euerlasting happinesse Adam cast vs out of the possession of the earthly paradize but Christ giues vs possession of the heauenly Ierusalem Adam made vs of the seruants of God the bondslaues of Sathan but Christ made vs of the bondslaues of Sathan the sonnes of God and heires of his kingdome CHAP. XV. That all who are redeemed are also sanctified § Sect. 1 ANd thus I haue taken away the ground of Sathans first temptations Sathans temptation to perswade men to all licentiousnesse whereby hee mooueth carnall men securely to continue in their sinnes because Christ hath redeemed and will saue the wicked as well as the godly by prouing that Christ hath redeemed the faithfull onely The second temptation which he vseth to the same purpose he thus frameth Christ hath redeemed all at least who beleeue in him be their sinnes neuer so many and grieuous and therefore thou maist continue in thy sinnes with pleasure and delight and satisfie the lusts of thine owne flesh only beleeue and thou shalt be saued for Christ requireth no other condition Neither is there any other end of Christs comming but that he should by his suffring take away thy sinnes and therefore why shouldest thou vexe and torment thy selfe in embracing bitter mortification and newnesse of life and in shunning thy sweete and pleasing sinnes seeing Christ redeemeth the greatest sinners as well as the least The answere To this we are to answere that there are no sins so innumerable in multitude and so hainous in their qualitie and nature which will exclude vs from the benefit of our redemption wrought by Christ so we applie his death and merits vnto vs by a true and liuely faith but yet notwithstanding this can be no encouragement for any to continue in their sinnes for first we are to know that none haue part in this redēption wrought by Christ but those onely who are made partakers thereof by a true and liuely faith which is neuer separated from the fruites thereof true repentance and holinesse of life neither is it possible that any should bee assured of Gods loue but this assurance will make them to loue God againe and this loue will worke in their hearts a zeale of his glorie and a care to glorifie his name by causing the light of their godly liues to shine before men it is not possible that any who truly beleeue that that they are redeemed with the precious bloud of Christ should not highly esteeme and bee exceedingly thankfull to Christ for this inestimable benefit which none can doe who tread the bloud of Christ vnder their feete and voluntarily cast themselues into the bondage of sinne out of which we are redeemed with so precious a price and so scorne this benefit and despite our Sauiour who hath bestowed it it cannot bee that any should bee so foolish as to sell their soules vnto sinne for euery vaine pleasure and trifling commoditie if they bee assured that Christ redeemed them with the price of his precious bloud which was of more value than many worlds
not bee effectuall and sufficient for their saluation Which tentation if we would withstand we must not dreame or imagine that to haue a true faith is to haue a perfect faith which is neuer assaulted with doubting nor shaken with any tentations for there is no such faith to be found in any of Gods childrē seing the most perfect are partly flesh and partly spirit and as the fruite of the spirit is faith and affiance in God so the fruit of the flesh is doubting and infidelitie these continually assault fight one against another That there are diuers degrees of faith in Gods children Againe wee are to know that there are diuers degrees of true faith and that all the children of God haue it not in the like measure for some haue attained to a strong and great measure of faith as those who are indued with much knowledge and firmely assent vnto that which they know and are most certainely perswaded of their saluation in Christ and that all the gratious promises of the gospell doe belong vnto them so as nothing in the world shal be able to seperate them from the loue of God which is in Christ Iesus our Lord others are weake and indued with a small measure of faith as those who haue little knowledge weake assent and perswasion being yet but babes in Christ and growing vp from faith to faith Rom. 1.17 as the Apostle speaketh Rom. 1.17 till at length they attaine to that fulnesse of perswasion of which mention is made Heb. 10.22 Heb. 10.22 Now wee are to hould first that this small and weake measure of faith is notwithstanding a true faith and therefore sufficient for the saluation of those who are indued therewith neither are the promises of the gospell made to those onely who haue a strong faith but to those who haue a true faith Ioh. 1.12 As many as receiued him hee gaue to them prerogatiue to be the sonnes of God Ioh. 1.12 euen to them that beleeue in his name And Iohn 3.18 He that beleeueth shal be saued Ioh. 3.18 in which and such like places there is no measure of faith propounded but the promises are made indefinitely to all that beleeue how small and weake soeuer their faith be in respect of the quātitie and apprehension so that in regard of the qualitie it be true and liuely § Sect. 2 That a weake and small measure of faith is true and liuely faith That a weake smal faith may be a true and liuely faith it is manifest both by reason and also plaine testimonies of the Scripture for the first diuersitie of degrees in quantitie of a thing doth not take away and annihilate the existence true being thereof for example a smal drop of water is as well and truely water as the whole Ocean a little sparke is true fire both in respect of substance qualitie as well as a mighty flame a little man is as truly a man as a great Giant and so a little faith is as well a true faith as a full perswasion neither doth the small quantitie take away the being nature and truth thereof Secondly this also manifestly appeareth by the Scriptures whereas many are said to haue faith and to beleeue who hearing the doctrine of Christ seing his miracles beleeued acknowledged him to be the true Messias their Sauiour though at the same time they had attained to an exceeding small measure of knowledge and were ignorant of many of the chiefe principles of Christian religion because they nourished not this their ignorance but resolued to vse all those good meanes of increasing in knowledge which God hath ordayned for this purpose And thus many of the Samaritanes are sayd to haue beleeued for the saying of the woman and because of his owne word Ioh. 4.39.41 Thus a certaine ruler and all his houshould are saide to haue beleeued Ioh. 4.39.41 ver 52. when they sawe the miracle which our Sauiour wrought in curing the rulers sonne of his feauer only with his word ver 52. Yea the apostles themselues whose faith our sauiour Christ cōpareth to a firme rocke against which the gates of hell should neuer preuaile were notwithstanding indued with weake and small measure of faith before the ascension of our Sauiour and sending of the holy ghost For they were ignorant euen of the maine principles of christian religion and of diuers articles of faith and consequently could not beleeue assent or be perswaded of those things which they did not vnderstand For example howsoever they knew and acknowledged that our Sauiour Christ was the promised Messias Mat. 16.18 yet they were ignorant that he should redeeme mankind by his death for when he foretold that he should be deliuered into the hands of the Gentiles to bee crucified it is saide that they vnderstood none of those things Mat. 20.18 Luk. 9.45 Mat. 20.18 Luk. 9.45 .. So also they knew not that beeing dead he should rise againe the third day as the Euangelist sheweth Mar. 9.32 Mar. 9.32 And when they heard thereof by the women they thought it a fained thinge as it is Luk. 24.11 Luk. 24.11 Ioh. 13.38 and 14.5 Actes 1.6 Mar. 10.37 They were ignorant also of his ascension as appeareth Ioh. 13.36 and 14.5 and of his kingdome for they dreamed of an earthly kingdome and of worldly preferments which they were to haue by him as we may see Act. 1.6 Mar. 10.37 By all which it plainely appeareth that though the Apostles were indued with a true faith yet their faith was exceeding weake and small as also it is most euident in that reprehention vsed by our sauiour when they were in some appearance of danger Mat. 8.26 Matth. 8.26 wherefore are yee fearefull o yee of little faith § Sect. 3 And therefore though wee find our faith to be weake and small yet let not Sathan perswade vs that for this cause it is false and counterfaite That all power of hell cannot preuaile against the smallest measure of true faith Phil. 3.12 or that wee shall easily bee ouercome of euery tentation and neuer perseuer vnto the end that wee may bee saued seeing a weake and small faith may bee a true faith against which how weake in it selfe soeuer it be yet the gates of hell shall neuer preuaile against it for the weaker our faith is the stronger shall wee find Gods power in sustayning and preseruing vs the more that Sathan laboureth to winnow vs in the siue of his tentations the more effectually will our Sauiour Christ make intercession for vs that our faith faile not the feebler our faith is in apprehending Christ the more powerfull will his spirit bee in apprehending vs and in ioyning vs inseparably in a holy communion with him But yet wee must not content our selues with a small and weake measure of faith but earnestly labour after more perfection and to grow from faith to faith till
that he purged it with the bloud of Christ from all sinne and adorned it with the rich robe of his righteousnesse The Apostle likewise saith that it is God who iustifieth him who in himselfe was vngodly Rom. 4.5 and 8.33 It is God who iustifieth who shall condemne The reason hereof is manifest because it is the Lord against whom we haue sinned as Dauid speaketh Psal 51.4 And he alone is our supreame iudge who hath authoritie to absolue or condemne vs and therefore he onely can giue vnto vs the pardon and remission of our sinnes and accept of vs as iust and righteous And this worke is not peculiar vnto any one person but is commune to the whole trinitie For God the father being fully satisfied by the full satisfaction righteousnesse and obedience of Christ the sonne applied vnto vs by the holy spirit doth pardon and forgiue vs all our sinnes and pronounceth and accepteth of vs as innocent and indued with perfect righteousnesse The motiue or impulsiue cause which moued the Lorde thus to iustifie vs was not any thinge in vs or out of him selfe but of his meere mercy and free good will wherewith hee hath loued vs from the beginning as it manifestly appeareth Rom. 3.24 Rom. 3.24 Where the Apostle sayth that we are iustified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Iesus and Tit. 3.5.7 Tit. 3.5.7 Not by the workes of righteousnesse which we had done but according to his mercie he saued vs by the washing of the new birth and renewing of the holy ghost 7. That being iustified by his grace we should bee made heyres according to the hope of eternal life The instrumentall causes are of two sorts first on Gods part the word and the sacraments whereby the Lord offreth conuaigheth sealeth and assureth vnto vs his mercie grace Christ Iesus with his merites righteousnesse and obedience the remission of our sinnes and euerlasting life Secondly on our part a true and liuely faith whereby wee receiue and apply vnto our selues the mercy of God Christ Iesus all his benefits resting vpon him alone for our saluation § Sect. 2 The materiall cause of our iustification is the actiue and passiue righteousnesse and obedience of Iesus Christ The material cause his inhaerent holinesse his fulfilling of the law his death sacrifice and full satisfaction So that we are not iustified by the essentiall righteousnesse of the godhead nor by our owne workes ioyned with Christs merites nor by any inhaerent righteousnes infused of God through the merites of Christ or by any other thing in our selues or any other meere creature but by the alone righteousnesse of our mediatour Iesus Christ God and man which is out of our selues and in Christ as the proper subiect thereof and not belonging to vs till by the spirite of God and a liuely faith it be applyed vnto vs and so becommeth ours Of the formall cause The formall cause of our iustification is a reciprocall imputation or transmutation of the sinnes of the beleeuer vnto Christ and of his righteousnesse vnto the beleeuer whereby it commeth to passe that the faithfull man hath not his sinnes imputed vnto him nor the punishment due vnto them inflicted on him because Christ hath taken vpon him the guilt and punishment and by making ful satisfaction vnto his fathers iustice hath obtayned the pardon and remission of al his sinnes And also is clothed with the glorious robe of Christ Iesus righteousnesse and so appearing before God both free from all sinne and indued with perfect righteousnesse hee is iustified reconciled and eternally saued And of this imputed righteousnes the apostle speaketh Rom. 4.5 Rom. 4.5 But to him that worketh not but beleeueth in him that iustifieth the vngodly his faith is counted for righteousnesse 6. Euen as Dauid declareth the blessednesse of the man vnto whom God imputeth righteousnesse without workes saying 7. Blessed are they whose iniquities are forgiuen and whose sinnes are couered 8. blessed is the man vnto whom the Lord imputeth not sinne and 2. Cor. 5.19 2. Cor. 5.19 For God was in Christ and reconciled the world vnto himselfe not imputing their sinnes vnto them c. 21. For hee hath made him to bee sinne for vs which knewe no sinne that wee should be made the righteousnesse of God in him And the Apostle affirmeth 1. Cor. 1.30 That Iesus Christ is made vnto vs of God wisdome 1. Cor. 1.30 righteousnesse sanctification and redemption So that now Christs righteousnesse is our righteousnesse his obedience our obedience his merits our merites as certainely perfectly and effectually euen as if we our selues had bene most innocent fulfilled the law or made full satisfaction to Gods iustice By which it appeareth that in respect of our selues wee are iustified freely of Gods meere mercy grace without any respect of our owne righteousnes or worthinesse but yet through Christ and for his righteousnesse and obedience imputed puted to vs Rom. 3.23.24 both which are signified by the Apostle Rom. 3.23.24 where he said that all in themselues are wretched sinners without difference and thereby are depriued of the glory of Gods kingdome 24. and are iustified freely of his grace through the redemption which is in Christ Iesus § Sect. 3 The finall cause The finall cause of our instification is two fold the chiefe and principall is the glory of God for hereby the Lord hath most notably manifested his infinite iustice and mercy his iustice in that he would rather punish our sinnes in his onely begotten Sonne then he would suffer them to goe vnpunished his mercy in that for our sakes hee spared not his best beloued Sonne but gaue him to suffer death yea the death of the crosse that by his one oblation he might make full satisfaction for our sinnes and purchase for vs euerlasting life and also in that he vouchsafeth vnto vs the outward means of his word and Sacraments and the inward assistance of his holy spirit whereby wee are vnited vnto Christ and haue a liuely faith begotten in vs which apprehending Christ his righteousnesse and merits wee are iustified sanctified and eternally saued And this end is signified by the Apostle Rom. 3.24.25 where hee saith that God hath iustified vs freely by his grace Rom 3.24 5.21 through the redemption which is in Christ Iesus to declare his righteousnesse by the forgiuenesse of sinnes and might shew himselfe iust by iustifying him who is of the faith of Iesus And cap. 5.21 he saith that as vnder the law sinne had raigned vnto death so now grace raigneth by righteousnesse vnto eternall life through Iesus Christ our Lord. Ephe. So Eph. hee affirmeth that God hath quickned vs in Christ who were dead in our sins hath raysed vs vp in him that hee might shew in the ages to come the exceeding riches of his grace through his kindnesse towards vs in Christ Iesus The
Christ euen the righteousnesse which is of God through faith Phil. 3.9 and Gal. 3.10.11 Phil. 3.9 Gal. 3.10.11 Hee affirmeth that as many as rest in the workes of the law are vnder the curse and that no man is iustified by the law in the sight of God it is euident because the iust shall liue by faith So Rom. 4.5 To him that worketh not but beleeueth in him that iustifieth the vngodly his faith is coūted for righteousnesse Rom. 4.5 And our Sauiour Christ teacheth vs to say and acknowledge when we haue done all to our vttermost power which is commaunded vs that we are still vnprofitable seruants Luk. 17.10 Luk. 17.10 § Sect. 4 But vnto these and such like manifest places it is answered that the Apostle speaketh not of the works of the morall law That the former places are to be vnderstood of the works of the morall law and not of the ceremonies onely but of the ceremonies onely to which againe wee reply that no such friuolous distinction can be gathered out of the Apostles wordes nay the plaine contrary euidently appeareth by his maine scope and drift in his whole discourse of our iustification and also by some particular places His chiefe scope is to beate downe the pride of all both Iewes and Gentiles to the end that the whole glory and praise of our iustification and saluation might be ascribed to the free mercy grace and goodnesse of God alone now it is most certaine that the morall duties are in themselues farre more excellent then the ceremoniall and consequently more fit to puffe vs vp with a spirituall pride and to make vs to rest in our selues for our iustification ascribing at least some part of the praise vnto our owne workes and vertues so that if the Apostle had onely spokē of the works of the ceremoniall law mans pride should not bee beaten downe neither should God haue the whole praise of our saluation and so his discourse should be vaine as not tending to prooue inforce that for which end and purpose hee chiefly vndertakes it Againe this should nothing concerne neither the Gentils in former times nor any true Christians since the comming of Christ forasmuch as they did not nor doe not neither were nor are bound to obserue the ceremoniall law cōsequently could neuer once dreame of obtayning righteousnesse by fulfilling the ceremonies but they would rather ascribe the glorie of their iustification to their morall duties to which they found themselues bound by the law of nature written in their harts or doe find themselues bound by the morall law of God written in his worde and therfore it was necessarie for the beating downe of their pride and that they might ascribe the whole glory vnto God of their iustification and saluation that the apostles in this discourse should proue that they were not iustified neither by obseruing the law of nature written in their hartes nor yet the morall law of God reuealed in his word Whereby it manifestly appeareth that howsoeuer the Apostle excludeth the workes of the ceremoniall law from being causes of iustification yet not them alone but the workes of the morall law also § Sect. 5 But this may more manifestly appeare by particular places wherein the Apostle plainly sheweth that he speaketh not onely of the ceremoniall law The former point prooued by particular testimonies but of the morall law also In the second chapter of the Epistle to the Romanes he plainly disputeth as well of the law of nature to the obedience whereof the Gentiles were obliged as of the law giuen by Moses Rom. 3.19.20 Chap. 3.19.20 Hee sayth that all the world are made culpable before God and therefore by the works of the law shal no flesh be iustified in his sight Now if this consequence be good he speaketh not onely of the ceremoniall but of the moral duties for the former belonged not to the gentiles and therefore the neglect of them did not make them culpable nor debarre them of being iustified by their owne workes Rom. 10.5.6 Gal. 3.11.12 21.22.24 Secondly Rom. 10.5.6 and Gal. The Apostle putteth a plaine difference betweene the righteousnesse which is by the law and the righteousnesse which is by faith and maketh a flatt opposition in the acte of iustification not betweene morall ceremonial duties but betweene doing and beleeuing Eph. 2.8.9 faith and workes Thirdly hee saith Eph. 2.8.9 that wee are saued by grace through faith not of our selues nor of workes least any man should boast himselfe If hee had spoken only of workes they might though foolishly haue wrested it to ceremonies only seeing the Ephesians were not bound to the ceremoniall law as being strangers to the common wealth of Israel as himselfe speaketh ver 12. but whē he saith also not of our selues vers 12. he excludeth al whatsoeuer is in vs from being the cause of our saluation not onely ceremoniall but also morall duties So writing to Titus he saith Tit. 3.5 Titus 3.5 Not by the workes of righteousnes which wee had done but according to his mercy hee saued vs in which place we are necessarily to vnderstand the works of the morall law for Titus being a Grecian was not bound to obserue the ceremoniall law and therefore he was not so much as circumcised as the apostle plainely affirmeth Gal. 2.3 Gal. 2.3 Fourthly Paul speaketh of that law by which wee come to the knowledge of sinne Rom. 3.20 and as appeareth Rom. 3.20 and But the knowledge of sinne came especially by the morall law and therefore of this law the Apostle speaketh Lastly the Apostle speaking of the workes of the law alleadgeth these sentences Gala. 3.10 Gal. 3.10 As many as are of the workes of the law are vnder the curse for it is written cursed is euery man that continueth not in all thinges which are written in the booke of the law to doe them So that he speaketh not of the ceremoniall law alone but of the whole law of Moses and of all things contayned in it and ver 12. ver 12. And the law is not of faith but the man that shall doe those things shall liue in them Which cannot be vnderstoode of the ceremoniall law alone but of the workes of the morall law yea of them especially That the Apostle excludeth as well the workes of the regenerate as of the vnregenerate Secondly it is answered that the apostle speaketh only of the workes of those who are not regenerate nor indued with faith and not of the regenerate and faithfull Which shifting cauill the apostle clearly taketh away not only by applying his speeches vnto all men without any limitation but especially in that example of Abraham which he bringeth for this purpose who though hee were long before regenerate indued with faith and exceeding plentifull in good workes yet hee flatly excludeth all his workes from being any causes of
his iustification So Rom. 4.2 Rom. 4.2 If Abraham were iustified by works he had wherein to reioyce but not with God and ver 3. and ver 3.4 Abraham beleeued God and it was counted vnto him for righteousnesse 4. Now to him that worketh the wages is not counted by fauour but by debt 5. But to him that worketh not but beleeueth in him that iustifieth the vngodly his faith is counted for righteousnesse § Sect. 6 And so much cōcerning the testimonies of scripture which manifestly proue that we are not iustified by our works Reasons to proue that w● are not iustified by our workes Rom. 8.1.33 34. The reasons which may be brought to the same purpose are exceeding many but I wil briefly touch some few only First iustification is manifestly opposed to cōdemnation they are both iudiciall words vsed in ciuill courts therefore to be vnderstood both iudicially not after a diuers maner But to condēne signifieth not to infuse any fault or crime in to the person cōdēned but to pronoūce him guiltie faulty And therfore to iustifie signifieth not to infuse righteousnes into the person iustified but to declare pronoūce repute him as iust righteous Secondly by the same meanes whereby we obtaine the remission of our sins we are also iustified made righteous but wee obtaine the remission of our sinnes not for our workes or inhaerent righteousnes or any vertue that is in our selues but by and for the alone merites obedience and full satisfaction of Christ apprehended and applyed vnto vs by a liuely faith as appeareth Rom. 3.25 And therefore by this meanes alone we are also iustified Rom. 3.25 Thirdly whosoeuer are iustified freely by grace they are not iustified by their owne merits works or inhaerent righteousnesse Rō 3.23.24 but the scriptures testifie that all the faithfull are iustified freely by Gods grace as appeareth Rom. 3.23.24 All haue sinned and are depriued of the glorie of God Eph. 1.7 2.8 And are iustified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Iesus So Eph. 1.7 By whom we haue redemptiō through his bloud euen the forgiuenesse of sinnes according to his rich grace Tit. 3.5.7 and 2.8 By grace are you saued through faith and that not of your selues it is the gift of God and Tit. 3. not by the works of righteousnesse which we had done but according to his mercy he saued vs c. 7. That we being iustified by his grace should be made heires according to hope of eternall life And therefore none are iustified by their owne merits workes or inhaerent righteousnesse Lastly the apostle Paul himselfe gathereth many absurdities which would follow this doctrine of iustificatiō by works first that our faith should bee vaine and the promisse of God voide Rom. 4.14 Rom. 4.14 Secondly that Christ Iesus should die in vaine if we haue righteousnesse by the law Gal. 2.21 Gal. 2.21 Thirdly that wee should haue cause of boasting and glorying in our selues Eph. 2.9 Eph. 2.9 for if a man were iustified by his owne inhaerent righteousnesse hee should haue whereof to glory and so God should be robbed of the whole praise of our saluation Rom. 4.2 Rom. 4.2 But the Lord of purpose hath iustified vs freely of his grace and not for our workes and inha rent righteousnes that all glorying in our selues might be excluded as appeareth Rom. 3.27 Eph 2.9 Rom. 3.27 Eph. 2.9 Fourthly it would follow hereupon that we should still be vnder the curse of the law which is denoūced against all who continue not in all that is written in the booke of the law to do them as the Apostle reasoneth Gal. 3.10 Gal. 3.10 Fiftly that the obedience and satisfaction of Christ should be maymed and imperfect vnlesse it were patched vp with our owne righteousnesse the contrary whereof the Apostle affirmeth Heb. 7.25 namely that hee is able perfectly to saue all them who come vnto God by him Lastly Heb. 7.25 hereupon it would follow that wee should continually wauer in doubting in respect of our manifold corruptions and imperfect righteousnesse and should haue our soules depriued of that peace of conscience which followeth iustification by faith as it is Rom. 5.1 Rom. 5.1 Lastly with the Iewes we shall bring our selues into most certaine daūger of being reiected and cast of from being the people and Church of God if with them we goe about to stablish our owne righteousnesse in the meane time not submitting our selues to the righteousnesse of God Rom. 10.4.6 which is of faith in Iesus Christ as it is Rom. 10.4.6 CHAP. L. That faith alone iustifieth § Sect. 1 ANd thus much concerning the first point How it is to be vnderstood that faith alone iustifieth namely that wee are nor iustified by workes the second is that we are iustified by faith alone whereby we are not to vnderstand that faith by it owne vertue or as it is a facultie habite worke or action in vs doth iustifie vs but as it is the alone instrument whereby we doe apprehend apply vnto vs Christ Iesus his righteousnesse obedience by which onely righteousnesse which is out of our selues in Christ as the proper subiect thereof being offered in the word and Sacraments and applied by faith we are iustified in Gods sight Phil. 2.9 as appeareth Phil. 2.9 Secondly whereas we say that faith alone iustifieth we do not vnderstand such a faith as is alone without workes charitie and other sanctifying graces which were nothing els but imaginarie dead and but as it were a carkase of faith which breatheth not but that amongst all other graces vertues faculties of the soule faith alone and not any of thē is the instrument whereby we apply Christ Iesus vnto vs who being thus applied doth iustifie vs. That though workes do not iustifie vs yet they are necessarily required as fruits of our iustification Otherwise we affirme that other graces of Gods spirit and euen good workes which is a fruite of them all doe necessarily accōpany our iustification not as instruments or causes thereof but as inseparable effects and fruits thereof So that howsoeuer we exclude workes from the act of iustifying yet wee necessarily require them in the subiect or person iustified we affirme that faith alone iustifieth but wee denie that such a faith which is alone doth iustifie vs we maintaine that we are iustified by faith alone without works but with all we affirme that faith which is without workes doth not iustifie vs as being dead false and imaginarie This may bee made plaine by some similitudes to the being of an honest man there is necessarily required honest actions not as causes but as effects neither are his honest actions the cause of his honesty but his honesty the cause of his honest actions to a liuing man there is necessarily required as well breathing which is an action or effect
weakenesse in resisting sinne and inability to performe obedience to his lawe and also that Christ died not for the iust but the vniust not for the righteous but for the sinner and therefore be thy sinnes neuer so many yet applying the merits of Christ by faith neither their guilt nor punishment shall be imputed vnto thee Call to minde also the gracious promises of pardon and forgiuenesse which are made vnto thee in the Gospell for the obtaining whereof nothing is required of thee but faith and repentance now this faith thou hast already and this repentance thou maist haue hereafter when thou hast inioyed the pleasure or profit of this sinne Neither doth repentance goe before but followeth the committing of sinne so that vnlesse thou first sinne thou hast no cause of repentance nor neede to repent § Sect. 3 And these and such like are Sathans baites That the world and the flesh further the former temptation wherewith he allureth vs to intangle our selues in the snares of sinne into which wee are more readie to fall through the corruption of the flesh which naturally louing sinne doth with the euill motions and desires thereof further Sathans temptations and the instigation of the world which pricketh vs forward and draweth vs on into the steepe descending way of wickednesse into which we are readie to runne headlong of our owne accord partly alluring vs with pleasures riches and worldly glorie the desired obiects of our carnall desires and partly drawing vs with euill examples first to a liking and then to the practizing of those sinnes which we see committed by others Against all which temptations that we may be the better armed let vs in the next place propound some arguments whereby wee may bee withheld from falling into Sathans snares of sinne into which his suggestions the worlds allurements and our owne corruptions leade and draw vs and then being hereby moued to a true detestation of our sinnes and an earnest desire of hauing a diuorce sued betwixt vs and them I will afterwards set downe some meanes by the carefull vse whereof we may be inabled to stand in the day of temptation and preserued from falling into those sinnes which we alreadie condemne in our iudgements and dislike in our affections § Sect. 4 The reasons whereby wee may bee perswaded to resist sinne are of two sorts The preseruatiues to keepe vs from sinne of two sorts the first tying vs to holy obedience in the bands of loue the other binding vs from falling into sinne with the cords of feare Of the former ranke are these and such like holy considerations The first reason taken from Gaeds loue towards vs. First wee are to set before vs the infinite loue of God towards vs base and vile creatures altogether vnworthie of his least fauour by reason of our sinnes the which his loue as it plainly appeareth in all other his mercies and manifolde benefits bestowed on vs so especially in sending his onely begotten and dearely beloued sonne not onely to suffer some small miserie but euen death it selfe yea that cursed ignominious and cruell death of the crosse for vs who were not his louing friends or faithfull seruants but opposed enemies and rebellious traytors who had renounced his seruice and yeelded our selues as slaues to Sathan readie to doe his will Seeing therefore our good God hath so dearely loued vs who were altogether vnworthie his loue and most worthie of his anger and heauie iudgements O why should not this flame of his loue towards vs kindle some sparkles of loue towards him againe who is in himselfe the chief goodnesse and to vs most kinde and gratious If for our sakes who were his abiect enemies hee hath not spared his owne sonne but gaue him to die for vs should wee not for his sake who is our chiefest friend bee as willing to part with our sinnes and to kill and crucifie all our carnall corruptions Neither can wee by any other meanes so cleerely shew our loue to God as by hating sinne which aboue al things in the world is most hatefull and odious vnto him and the onely cause which maketh him abhorre euen his excellent creatures so that though hee loued them as being his owne workes yet he detested them being defiled with the filthie spots of sin yea so odious is sinne vnto our righteous God that he could not chuse but punish it in his dearely beloued sonne who bare our transgressions and sustained our persons and when there was no other way to subdue the power of sinne hee gaue it a mortall wound euen through the bodie of our blessed Sauiour and deliuered him to be crucified that by this meanes he might also kill and crucifie our corruptions Seeing therefore sinne is most odious and detestable in the eyes of God wee cannot better shew our loue towards him which his loue towards vs hath so well deserued than by hating and flying that which he so much abhorreth § Sect. 5 Secondly The second reason taken from Gods benefits Ephes 1.4 let vs call to our remembrance his innumerable benefits which are the vndoubted signes of his loue towards vs. First hee hath elected vs vnto eternall life that wee should be holy Seeing therfore he hath made special choise of vs amongst many who are reiected therfore let vs exceed others in a holy care of seruing him and auoiding those things which are displeasing in his sight hee also hath created vs to the end we should worship and serue him our Lord and Creator Act. 17.28 and therefore seeing we haue our being from him let vs in al our actions seeke his glorie and auoid sinne whereby he is dishonoured Yea hee hath not made vs the vilest of his creatures but reasonable men according to his owne image and likenes and therefore let vs not deface this glorious workmanship with the filthie spots of sinne He hath redeemed vs out of the cruell bondage of our spirituall enemies by giuing his sonne to be the price of our redemption and therefore seeing we are bought with a price so inestimable let vs not wilfully again make our selues the bondslaues of sinne and Sathan 1. Cor. 6.20 Luk. 1.74.75 2. Cor. 5.15 Rom. but glorifie our redeemer in our bodies and in our soules seruing him in holinesse and righteousnesse all the daies of our liues He hath effectually called vs and selected vs out of the corrupt masse of mankinde and therefore let vs walke worthie our vocation 1. Thess 4.17 for God hath not called vs vnto vncleannesse but vnto holinesse He hath freely iustified vs imputing vnto vs Christs righteousnesse and pardoning all our sinnes both in respect of the guilt and punishment and therefore being made free from sinne let vs no longer liue therein but now become the seruants of righteousnesse and seeing he hath forgiuen much let vs also loue much labouring to manifest our loue by the fruites of holy obedience Luk. 7 47. He
more sure to perseuer in that grace which we haue receiued vnto euerlasting life than Adam in the state of innocencie for he stoode by his owne strength which though it were great yet it was finite but we by the almightie power of God he by the vertue of his owne free will which was mutable and subiect to alteration but we by the will of God which being immutable admitteth of no change § Sect. 3 But let vs come more specially to speake of this maine controuersie betweene the true Christian and the enemies of his saluation the state whereof standeth thus The state of the Controuersie whether hee that is elected in Gods eternall counsaile and is effectually called that is seuered from the world giuen to Christ and ingrafted into Christ by the spirit of God and a liuely faith iustified sanctified and indued with the sanctifying gifts and graces of Gods spirit may after all this fall away lose the spirit of God and the graces thereof and become as prophane and wicked as euer he was before his conuersion lose also his iustification be cut off from the bodie of Christ and finally become a reprobate This the enemies of our saluation affirme but we denie as being a thing impossible not in regard of our owne strength constancie or great measure of grace which wee haue receiued but in respect of Gods will and power who vpholdeth vs Christs intercession who prayeth for vs and Gods holy spirit alwaies dwelling in vs wherby we are so strengthened and confirmed that al the power of hell cannot preuaile against vs. § Sect. 4 This our assertion we will first confirme by vnfallible reasons The first argument grounded vpon Gods wil considered in his decree of election and afterwards answere the contrary obiections which are made against this truth by the enemies of our saluation The reasons which may be alledged for this purpose are many the first sort are taken from Gods owne nature as it is described in his word and exercised in his workes towards vs. As first we may be assured of our perseuerance because it is grounded vpon Gods will which may be considered either in his secret counsaile and decree of election or in his will reuealed in his word From the first wee may thus reason Whomsoeuer the Lord in his eternall counsaile hath elected to euerlasting life they shall most certainly be saued and perseuere in the meanes tending thereunto which are no lesse contained in Gods decree than our saluation it self But the Lord in his eternall counsaile hath elected all the faithfull vnto eternall life And therefore nothing can hinder their saluation nor yet their perseuerance without which it is impossible they should be saued The first part of this reason is cleere and manifest for not to effect that which one hath decreed and purposed argueth either impotencie and want of power or vnconstancie neither of which without blasphemie can bee ascribed vnto God Iere. 32.17 Psalm 115.3 for there is nothing hard vnto him Iere. 32.17 but he doth whatsoeuer he will Psal 115.3 Matth. 19.26 Iob. 42 2. yea euen those things which vnto men are impossible are possible vnto him Mat. 19.26 for he can doe all things Iob 42.2 Neither is the will of God mutable for this argueth a want of wisedome Psal 145.5 whereas his wisedoms is infinite and knoweth no end Psal 145.5 and hee perfectly seeth and knoweth all things in one view Heb. 4.13 past present and to come Heb. 4.13 and therfore we may conclude with the Apostle that the purpose of God in his election remaineth sure Rom. 9.11 Rom. 9.11 and the foundation of God that is his vnchangeable decree continueth firme 1. Tim. 2.19 and hath this seale The Lord knoweth who are his 2. Tim. 2.19 Whosoeuer then are elected they shall most certainly be saued neither is it possible that they should fall away as our Sauiour implieth Matth. 24.24 whereas he saith that the false Prophets should shew such great signes that if it were possible they should deceiue the very elect Noting hereby that this is altogether a thing impossible that they should be deceiued and seduced with false Christs and false Prophets The second part of this reason namely that all the faithfull are elected is also of most vndoubted trueth for whosoeuer haue a true faith they are iustified whosoeuer are iustified are also effectually called elected and shall be glorified What said I shall be nay are alreadie glorified as the Apostle affirmeth Rom. 8.30 to note the vndoubted certaintie of their saluation Rom. 8.30 Moreouer the Apostle maketh faith an inseparable fruite of our election and proper and peculiar vnto the elect Tit. 1.1 Act. 13.48 calling it the faith of Gods elect Tit. 1.1 And Act. 13.48 it is said that as many as were ordained vnto eternall life beleeued where hee maketh Gods election the cause of faith And contrariwise our Sauiour telleth vs that they beleeue not Ioh. 10.26 who are not his sheepe Ioh. 10.26 So that it is manifest that those who beleeue are elected and those who are elected shall be saued § Sect. 5 The second reason may be taken from his wil reuealed in his word for whatsoeuer God thus willeth that shall most certainly come to passe The second reason grounded on his will reuealed Ioh 6.39.40 but God willeth that all should haue euerlasting life whom he hath giuen to Christ in which number are all those who are effectually called as our Sauiour testifieth Ioh. 6.39 And this is the fathers will which hath sent me that of all which he hath giuen me I should lose nothing but should raise it vp again at the last day And he willeth likewise that he that beleeueth in the sonne should be saued as it is vers 40. And therefore those who are effectually called and beleeue in Christ cannot possibly perish but shall most certainly haue eternall life § Sect. 6 The third reason may bee taken from the constancie and immutabilitie of God both in his loue towards vs The third reason taken from Gods immutabilitie in his loue and also in his gifts In the former respect wee may thus reason Whomsoeuer the Lord loueth with a constant and immutable loue those shall most certainly be saued seeing it is the nature of loue to desire the good of the partie beloued and to seeke his welfare as much as it can but the Lord loueth his faithfull ones with a constant and perpetual loue as himselfe testifieth Iere. 31.3 Iere. 31.3 I haue loued thee with an euerlasting loue therefore with mercie haue I drawne thee So Ioh. 13.1 Forasmuch as he loued his owne which were in the world Ioh. 13.1 vnto the end he loued them And therefore all the faithfull may assure themselues that they shall be saued and being once assured of Gods loue they may with the Apostle bee vndoubtedly perswaded that nothing in the world shall