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A17662 The institution of Christian religion, vvrytten in Latine by maister Ihon Caluin, and translated into Englysh according to the authors last edition. Seen and allowed according to the order appointed in the Quenes maiesties iniunctions; Institutio Christianae religionis. English Calvin, Jean, 1509-1564.; Norton, Thomas, 1532-1584. 1561 (1561) STC 4415; ESTC S107154 1,331,886 1,044

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from all manner of affiance when they teache that our righteousnesses do stinke in the sight of God vnlesse they receiue a good sauor from the innocence of Christ that they can do nothing but prouoke the vengeance of God vnlesse they be susteined by the tendernes of his mercie Moreouer they so leaue nothing to vs but that we shold traue the mercie of our iudge with that confessiō of Dauid that none shall be iustified before him if he require accōpt of his seruantes But where Iob saythe If I haue done wickedly wo to me but if I doe righteously yet I wyll not so lyfte vp my head though he meane of that most hie righteousnes of God wherunto the very Angels answer not yet he therwithal sheweth that whē thei come to the iudgement of God there remaineth nothing for al mortal men but to holde their peace as dūme For it tēdeth not only to this purpose that he had rather willingly yeld thā dāgerously striue with the rigorousnes of God but he meaneth that he felt no other righteousnes in him self thā such as at the first moment shold fall before the sight of God When affiance is driuen away al glorieng must also necessarely depart For who can geue the praise of righteousnes to these workes the affiāce wherof trēbleth before the sight of God We must therfore come whether Esaie calleth vs that al the seede of Israel may be praised glorie in God because it is most true whiche he saith in an other place that we ar the planting of the glorie of God Our mynde therfore shall then be rightly purged whē it shal neither in any behalf rest vpon the cōfidence of workes nor reioise in the glory of thē But this errour encouraged folish men to the puffing vp of this false a lying affiance that they alway set the cause of their saluatiō in workes But if we loke to the fower kindes of causes which the phylosophers ●eache vs to cōsider in the effect of thinges we shal find that none of them doth accord with workes in the stablishing of our saluatiō For the Scripture doth euery where report that the cause of procuring the eternall life to vs is the mercie of the heauenly father his free loue towarde vs that the Material cause is Christ with his obedience by which he purchaced righteousnesse for vs. What also shal we say to be the formal or instrumētal cause but faith And these thre causes Iohn cōprehendeth together in one sentēce when he saith God so loued the world that he gaue his only begotten sonne that euery one which beleueth in him may not perish but may haue euerlastīg life Now the final cause the Apostle testifieth to be both the shewing of the righteousnesse of God the praise of his goodnes wher he reherseth also the other thre in expresse wordes For he satih thus to the Romains al haue sined do nede the glory of god but they are iustified frely by his grace Here thou hast the head first fountain namely that God embraced vs with his free mercie Then foloweth By the redēptiō which is in Christ Iesu. Here thou hast as it were the matter wherof righteousnesse is made for vs through faith in his bloude Here is shewed the instrumētall cause wherby the righteousnes of Christ is applied to vs. Last of al he ioyneth the end when he saithe vnto the shewyng of his righteousnesse that he may be righteous the righteousmaker of him that is of the faithe of Christe And to touche by the way that this righteousnes standeth of reconciliatiō he setteth expressely by name the Christ was geuen to vs for reconciliatiō So in the first chap. also to the Ephesians he teacheth the we are receiued of God into fauour by mear mercie that the same is wrought by the intercession of Christ receiued by faithe all to this ende that the glorie of the goodnesse of God may fully shyne When we see that all the partes of our saluation are so without vs what cause is there that wee shoulde now either haue affiance or glorie in workes Neither can euen the most sworne ennemies of the grace of God moue any controuersie with vs about the efficient or fynall cause vnlesse they wyll denye the whole Scripture In the Materiall and Formall cause the caste a false colour as though our workes haue a half place with faithe and the righteousnesse of Christ. But this also they teache the Scripture criynge out against them whiche simply affirmeth both that Christ is to vs for righteousnesse and life and that this benefit of righteousnesse is possesed by only faith But where as the holy men do oftentimes strengthen and comforte them selues with remembrance of their owne innocencie and vprightnesse and somtime also forbeare not to report of it with prayse that is done twoo wayes either that in comparing their good cause with the euell cause of the wicked they conceiue thereby assured trust of victory not so muche for commending of their own righteousnes as for the iust deserued condemning of their aduersaries or that euen without comparison of other while thei recorde thēselues before God the purenesse of their own conscience bringeth to them both some comfort affiance Of the first of these two wayes we shall se hereafter now let vs brefely declare of the latter how it agreeth with that whiche we haue aboue said that in the iudgemēt of God we must rest vpō no affiance of workes and glorie vpon no opinion of them This is the agrement that the holy ones when it concerneth the founding and stablishinge of their saluation do without respect of workes bend their eies to the only goodnesse of God And they do not only bend them selues to it afore al thinges as to the beginning of blessednesse but do rest therin as in the fulfilling of it A conscience so founded raised stablished is also stablished with consideration of workes namely so far as they are the witnessings of God dwelling reigning in vs. Sithe therfore this affiance of workes hath no place vnlesse thou haue first cast the whole affiance of thy mynde vpon the mercie of God it ought not to seme cōtrary to the wherupon it hangeth Wherfore whē we exclude the affiance of workes we meane only this that a Christian mind may not bowe to the merit of workes as to the succour of saluation but should throughly rest in the free promise of righteousnesse But we forbid it not to vnderprop strengthen this faith with the signes of the good will of God toward it selfe For if al the good giftes whiche God hath bestowed vpon vs whē the● be recorded in remēbrance are to vs after a certaine manner as it were beames of the face of God by whiche we ar enlightened to behold that soueraigne light of goodnesse much more is the grace of good workes whiche sheweth that the Spirite of adoption is geuen
of obedyence But thys ymage or shadowe of faythe as yt is of no value so is yt not woorthy of the name of faythe Frome the sounde truthe where of howe farre it dyffereth althoughe it shall be hereafter more largely entreated yet there is no cause to the contrarie why it shoulde not nowe be touched by the waie It is said that Simon Magus beleued whyche yet wythin a lyttle after bewrayed hys owne vnbelefe And whereas it is saide that he beleued we do not vnderstande it as some do that hee fained a belefe when he hadde none in his hearte butte we rather thinke that being ouercome with the maiestie of the Gospell he had a certaine faith such as it was and so acknowledged Christ to be the author of lyfe and saluation that he willingly professed himselfe to bee one of hys After the same manner it ys sayde in the Gospell of Luke that they beleue for a tyme in whome the seede of the worde is choked vp before it bring forth frute or before it take any rote at al it by and by withereth awaie and perisheth we doubt not that suche delited with a certaine taste of the worde doe greedyly receiue it and beginne to feele the diuine force of it so farre that with deceitful counterfaiting of faith thei be guile not only other mens eyes but also their owne myndes For thei perswade them selues that that reuerence whiche thei shewe to the worde of God is moste true godlynesse bycause thei thinke that there is no vngodlynesse but manifest and confessed reproche or contempte of his worde But what manner of assent soeuer that be it pearceth not to the very heart to remaine there stablished and though sometime it seemeth to haue taken rootes yet those are liuely rootes The heart of man hathe so many secrete corners of vanitie is full of so many hidinge holes of lyeng is couered wyth so guilefull hypocrisie that it ofte deceiueth himselfe But let them that glorie in suche shadowes of faith vnderstand that therein thei are noe better than the Deuell But that firste sorte of men are farre worse then the Deuell whiche do senslessly heare and vnderstand those thinges for knoweledge whereof the Deuells do tremble And the other are in this pointe egall with the Deuell that the feeling suche as it is wherewith thei are touched tournet only to terroure and discouragement I knowe that some thinke it harde that we assigne faith to the reprobate whereas Paule affyrmeth faythe to be the frute of election whyche doubte yet is easily dysolued for thoughe none receiue the light of faith nor do truely feele the effectuall working of the Gospell but they that are foreordeyned to saluacion yet experience sheweth that the reprobate are sometime moued wyth the same feeling that the elect are so that in their owne iudgement thei nothing differ from the electe Wherefore it is no absurditie that the Apostle ascribeth to them the taste of the heauenly giftes that Christ ascribeth to them a fayth for a tyme not that they soundly perceaue the spirituall force of grace and assured light of faith but bicause the Lorde the more to cōdemne them and make them in excusable conueieth himselfe into their mindes so farre forth as his goodnesse maie be tasted without the spirit of adoption If any obiect that then ther remaineth nothing more to the faithfull whereby to proue certainely their adoption I answere that thoughe there be a great likenesse and affinitie betwene the elect of God and them that are endued with a fallinge faith for a time yet there liueth in the elect onely that affiance whiche Paule speaketh of that thei crie with full mouthe Abba Father Therefore as God doth regenerate onely the elect with incorruptible seede for euer so that the seede of lyfe planted in their heartes neuer perisheth so soundly doth he seale in them the grace of his adoption that it may be stable sure But this withstandeth not but that that other inferioure working of the Spirite maie haue his course euen in the reprobate In the meane season the faithfull are taught carefully and humbly to examine them selues least in steede of assurednesse of faith do creepe in carelesse confidence of the fleshe Byside that the reprobate do neuer conceiue but a confused feelinge of grace so that they rather take holde of the shadowe than of the sounde bodie bicause the holy Spirite doth proprely seale the remission of sinnes in the electe onlye so that they applye is by speciall fayth to their vse But yet it is truely sayde that the reprobate beleue God to be mercyfull vnto them bicause they receyue the gifte of reconciliation although confusedly and not plainely enough not that they are partakers of the selfe same fayth or regeneracion with the children of God but bycause they seme to haue as well as they the same beginnynge of fayth vnder a cloke of Hypocrisie And I denye not that God dothe so farre geue light vnto theyr myndes that they acknowledge his grace but he maketh that same felyng so different from the peculiar testimonie whiche he geueth to his elect that they neuer come to the sounde effecte and fruition thereof For he dothe not therefore shewe himselfe mercyfull vnto them for that he hauyng truely deliuered them from death dothe receyue them to his sauegarde but onely he discloseth to them a present mercie But he vouchesaueth to graunt to the only electe the liuely roote of fayth so that they continue to the ende So is that obiection answered yf God doe truely shewe his grace that the same remayneth perpetually stablished for that there is no cause to the contrarie but that God maye enlighten some with a present felyng of his grace whiche afterwarde vanisheth awaye Also though fayth bee a knowledge of Gods kindenesse toward vs and an assured persuasion of the truthe thereof yet it is no maruell that the felynge of Gods loue in temporall thynges dothe vanishe awaye whyche although it haue an affinitie wyth fayth yet doth it muche differ from fayth I graunt the will of God is vnchangeable and the truthe thereof dothe alwaye stedfastly agree wyth it selfe but I denye that the reprobate doe procede so farre as to atteyne vnto that secrete reuelation whyche the Scripture sayeth to belonge to the electe onely Therefore I denye that they doe eyther conceyue the will of God as it is vnchangeable or doe stedfastly embrace the truthe thereof bycause they abide in a felynge that vanisheth awaye Lyke as a tree that is not planted deepe enough to take liuely rootes in processe of tyme waxeth drye although for a fewe yeres it bryngeth forth not only blossomes and leaues but also frute Finally as by the fall of the firste manne the Image of God mighte haue benne blotted out of his mynde and soule so it is no maruell yf God do shyne vpon the reprobate wyth certayne beames of his grace whyche afterwarde he suffreth to
to Daniell to seale vp the vision and the Prophete not onely that the prophecye whyche is there spoken of shoulde be stablished in assured credit but also that the faythfull shoulde learne wyth contented mynde to want the Prophetes for a time bicause the fulnesse and closing vp of all reuelations was at hande Now it is to be noted that the title of commendation of Christ belongeth to these three offices For we know that in the tyme of the law as well the Prophetes as Preestes and Kynges were anoynted with holy oyle For whyche cause the renoumed name of Messias was geuen to the promised Mediator But thoughe in deede I confesse as I haue also declared in an other place that he was called Messias by peculiar consideration and respect of his kyngedome yet the annointinges in respecte of the office of prophet of preeste haue their place and are not to neglected of vs. Of the fyrste of these twoo is expresse mention made in Esaie in these woordes The spirite of the Lorde Iehoua vpon me Therefore the Lorde hathe annoynted me that I shoulde preache to the meeke shoulde brynge healthe to the contrite in hearte shoulde declare deliuerance to captiues shoulde publishe the yere of good wyll c. We see that he was anoynted wyth the Spirit to bee the publisher and witnesse of the grace of the Father And that not after the common manner for he is seuered from other teachers that hadde the lyke office And here againe is to be noted that he toke not the anoyntinge for him selfe alone that he myghte execute the office of teachinge but for his whole bodie that in hys continuall preachinge of the Gospell the vertue of the Spirit shoulde ioyne wythal But in the meane tyme thys remayneth certayne that by thys perfection of doctrine whiche he hathe broughte an ende is made of all prophecys so that they doe diminish his authoritie that beinge not content wyth the Gospell doe patche any forain thynge vnto it For that voyce whyche thundered from heauen saienge This is my beloued Sonne heare him hathe auaunced hym by singular priuilege aboue the degrees of all other Then thys oyntement is poured abroade from the heade vnto all the membres as it was forespoken by Ioel your chyldren shall prophecie and youre daughters shall see visions c. But where Paule sayth that he was geuen vs vnto wysedome and in an other place that in him are hidden all the treasures of knowledg and vnderstandin he this hathe somewhat an other meaninge that is that oute of hym there is nothinge profitable to knowe and that they whyche by fayth perceaue what hee is haue comprehended the whole infinitnesse of heauenly good thynges For whyche cause hee writeth in an other place I haue compted it precious to knowe nothinge but Iesus Christe and him crucified whiche is moste true bycause it is not lawfull to passe beyonde the simplicitie of the Gospel And herevnto tendeth the dignitie of a prophetes office in Christ that we might knowe that in the summe of the doctrine whiche hee hathe taught are conteined all poyntes of perfect wisedome Nowe come I to hys kingdome of whyche were vayne to speake if the readers were not firste warned that the nature thereof is spirituall For thereby is gathered bothe to what purpose it serueth and what it auaileth vs and the whole force and eternitie therof and also the eternitie whyche in Daniel the angell dothe attribute to the person of Christe and agayne the Angell in Luke dothe woorthily applie to the saluatiō of the people But that is also double or of two sortes for the one belongeth to the whole bodie of the Churche the other is propre to euery membre To the firste is to bee referred that whyche is saide in the Psalme I haue ones sworne by my holynesse to Dauid I wyll not lye his seede shall abide for euer hys seate shall bee as the Sunne in my syghte yt shal be stablyshed as the Moone for euer and a faythfull wytnesse in heauen Neyther is it doubtfull but that God dothe there promise that he will be by the hande of his sonne an eternal gouerner and defender of his Churche For the true perfourmance of thys prophecie canne be founde noe where els but in Christ for asmuche as immediatly after the deathe of Salomon the greater parte of the dignitie of the kingedome fell awaie and was to the dishonoure of the house of Dauid conueyed ouer to a priuate man and afterwarde by little and lyttle was diminished tyll at length it came to vtter decaie wyth heauy and shamefull destruction And the same meaninge hathe that exclamation of Esaie Whoe shall shewe fourth his generation For he so prnounceth that Christe shall remayne aliue after deathe that he ioyneth hym wyth hys membres Therefore so ofte as we heare that Christe is armed wyth eternall power let vs remembre that the euerlastinge continuance of the Church is vpholden by this support to remayne stil safe among the troublesome tossinges wherewith it is continually vexed and amonge the greuous and terrible motions that threaten innumerable destructions So when Dauid scorneth the boldnesse of hys enemies that goe aboute to breake the yoke of God and of Christe and saith that the kinges and peoples raged in vayne bycause he that dwelleth in heauen is strong enough to breake their violent assaultes he assureth the Godly of the contynuall preseruation of the Church and encourageth them to hope well so ofte as it happeneth to be oppressed So in an other place when he saithe in the person of God fitte on my righte hande till I make thine enemies thy foote stoole he warneth vs that howe many and strong enemies so euer do conspire to besege the Churche yet they haue not strengthe enoughe to preuaile agaynste that vnchangeable decree of God whereby he hathe apointed hys sonne an eternall kinge wherevpon it foloweth that it is impossible that the Deuell with all the preparation of the woorlde maye bee able at any time to destroy the Churche whiche is grounded vpon the eternall seate of Christe Now for so muche as concerneth the speciall vse of euery one the very same eternall continuance ought to raise vs vp to hope of immortalitie For we see that whatsoeuer is earthly and of the worlde endureth but for a time yea and is very fraile Therefore Christe to lifte vp oure hope vnto heauen pronounceth that his kingdome is not of this worlde Finally when any of vs heareth that the kingdome of Christe is spiritual let him be raised vp with this saieng and let him pearce to the hope of a better lyfe and whereas hee is nowe defended by the hande of Christ let hym looke for the ful frute of this grace in the world to come That as we haue sayde the force and profite of the kingedome of Christe can not otherwise be perceiued by vs but when wee knowe it to be spirituall
our giltynesse vpon himself he might deliuer vs from them bothe If he had ben murthered by theues or had ben ragyngly slayne in a commotiō of the common people in such a death there shoulde haue ben no apparance of satisfaction But when he was brought to be arrained before the iudgement seate when he was accused and pressed with witnesses agaynst him by the mouth of the iudge condemned to dye by these tokens we vnderstande that he dyd beare the persone of a gilty manne and of an euell doer And here are two thinges to be noted whiche bothe were afore spoken by the prophecies of the Prophetes and doe bryng a singular comforte and confirmation of fayth For when we heare that Christ was sent from the iudges seate to death and was hanged amonge theues we haue the fulfillynge of that prophecie whiche is alleged by the Euangelist He was accompted amonge the wicked And why so● euen to take vpon him the stede of a sinner not a man righteous or innocent bycause he suffred death not for cause of innocencie but for sinne On the other side when we heare that he was acquited by the same mouth whereby he was condemned for Pilate was compelled openly more than ones to beare witnesse of his innocencie let that come in our mynde whiche is in the other Prophet that he repayed that whiche he had not taken awaye And so we shall beholde the persone of a sinner and euell doer represented in Christe and by the open apparance of his innocencie it shall become playne to see that he was charged rather with others offence than his owne He suffred therefore vnder Ponce Pilate and so by the solemne sentence of the President was reckened in the number of wicked doers but yet not so but that he was by the same iudge at the same time pronounced righteous when he affirmed that he founde no cause of condemnation in him This is our acquitall that the giltynesse which made vs subiect to punishment is remoued vpō the head of the sonne of God For this settyng of the one agaynst the other we ought principally to holde faste leaste we tremble be carefull all our life long as though the iuste vengeance of God dyd hang ouer vs which the sonne of God hath taken vpon himselfe Byside that the very manner of his death is not without a singular mysterie The Crosse was accursed not onely by opinion of men but also by decree of the lawe of God Therefore when Christ was lyfted vp to the Crosse he made hymselfe subiecte to the curse And so it behoued to be done that when the curse was remoued from vs to him we might be deliuered from all curse that for our sinnes was prepared for vs or rather dyd alredy rest vpon vs. Whiche thynge was also by shadowe expressed in the lawe For the sacrifices and satisfactorie oblations that were offred for sinnes were called Ashemoth Whiche worde proprely signifieth sinne it selfe By whiche figuratiue chaunge of name the holy ghost meant to shewe that they were lyke vnto cleansyng playsters to drawe out to themselues and beare the curse due to sinnes But that same whiche was figuratiuely represented in the sacrifices of Moses is in deede deliuered in Christ the original paterne of all the figures Wherfore he ▪ to performe a perfect expiat●o gaue his owne soule to be an ashame that is a satisfactorie oblation as the Prophete calleth it vpon the whyche our fi lt and punishement might be caste and so cesse to be imputed to vs. The Apostle testifieth the same thyng more playnely where he teacheth that he whiche knewe no sinne was by his father made sinne for vs that we might be made the righteousnesse of God in him For the sonne of God beyng most cleane from all faulte dyd yet put vpon him the reproche and shame of our iniquities and on the other side couered vs with his cleannesse It semeth that he meante the same when he speaketh of sinne that sinne was condemned in his fleshe For the father destroyed the force of sinne when the curse thereof was remoued and layed vpon the fleshe of Christ. It is therefore declared by this sayeng that Christ was in his death offred vp to his father for a satisfactorie sacrifice that the whole satisfaction for sinne beyng ended by his sacrifice we might cesse to dread the wrath of God Nowe is it playne what that sayeng of the Prophete meaneth that the iniquities of vs all were layed vpon him that is that he entendynge to wype awaye the filthinesse of our iniquities was hymselfe as it were by waye of enterchanged imputation couered with them Of this the crosse whereunto he was fastened was a token as the Apostle testifieth Christe sayeth he redemed vs from the curse of the lawe when he was made a curse for vs. For it is wrytten Accursed is euery one that hangeth on the tree that the blessynge of Abraham mighte in Christe come to the Gentiles And the same had Peter respect vnto where he teacheth that Christ dyd beare our sinnes vpon the tree Bycause by the very token of the curse we doe more playnely learne that the burden wherewyth we weare oppressed was layed vpon hym And yet it is not so to bee vnderstanded that he toke vpon hym suche a curse wherewith hymselfe was ouerloden but rather that in takyng it vpon him he dyd treade downe breake and destroye the whole force of it And so fayth conceyueth acquitall in the condemnation of Christ and blessyng in his beyng accursed Wherefore Paule dothe not without a cause honorably report● the triumph that Christe obteyned to hymselfe on the crosse as if the crosse whyche was full of shame had ben turned into a Chariot of triumphe For he sayth that the hande wrytyng whiche was against vs was fastened to the crosse and the Princely powers were spoyled and led openly And no maruell bycause as the other Apostle testifieth Christe offred vp hymself by the eternall spirit And therupon proceded that turnynge of the nature of thinges But that these thynges maye take stedfaste roote and be throughly settled in our heartes let vs alwaye thynke vpon his sacrifice and washyng For we coulde not certainely beleue that Christe was the raunsome redemption and satisfaction vnlesse he had ben a sacrificed hoste And therefore there is so often mention made of bloud where the Scripture sheweth the manner of our redemyng Albeit the bloud of Christ that was shed serued not only for sacrifice but also in steede of washyng to cleanse awaye our filthynesse It foloweth in the Crede that he was dead and buried Where agayne it is to be seene howe he dyd euerye where putte hymselfe in our stede to paye the pryce of our redemption Death held vs bound vnder his yoke Christ in our stede dyd yelde hymselfe into the power of death to deliuer vs from it This the Apostle meaneth where
God Let therfore appere in our head the very fountayne of grace frō whome according to the mesure of euery one it floweth abrode into all his members By that grace euery one from the beginnynge of his fayth is made a Christian. by whiche that same man from his beginnyng was made Christ. Agayne in an other place there is no playner example of predestination than the Mediatour himselfe For he that made of the seede of Dauid a man righteous that neuer should be vnrighteous without any deseruynge of his will goynge before euen the same he dothe of vnrighteous make them righteous that are the membres of that hed and so forth as there foloweth Therefore when we speake of Christes deseruyng we doe not say that in him is the beginnyng of deseruyng but we clymbe vp to the ordinance of God whiche is the firste cause thereof bycause God of his owne mere good will apointed him Mediatour to purchace saluation for vs. And so is the deseruyng of Christ vnfitly set agaynst the mercie of God For it is a common rule that thinges orderly one vnder an other doe not disagree And therefore it maye well stande together that mans iustification is free by the mere mercie of God and that there also the deseruyng of Christ come betwene which is conteyned vnder the mercie of God But agaynst our workes are aptly set as directly contrarie both the free fauour of God and the obedience of Christ either of them in their degree For Christ could not deserue any thyng but by the good pleasure of God and but bycause he was apointed to this purpose with his sacrifice to appease the wrath of God and with his obedience to put away our offences Finally in a summe bicause the deseruynge of Christ hangeth vpon the only grace of God whiche apointed vs this meane of saluatiō therfore as well the same deseruing as that grace is fitly set against all the workes of men This distinction is gathered out of many places of the Scripture God so loued the world that he gaue his only begotten sonne that who so euer beleueth him shall not perish We see how the loue of God holdeth the first place as the soueraigne cause or original thē foloweth fayth in Christ as the second or nerer cause If any man take exception and saye that Christ is but the formal cause he doth more diminish his power than the wordes may beare For yf we obteine righteousnesse by fayth that resteth vpon him then is the matter of our saluation to be sought in him whiche is in many places playnely proued Not that we first loued him but he firste loued vs and sente his sonne to be the appeasyng for our sinnes In these wordes is clerely shewed that God to the ende that nothing should withstand his loue toward vs apointed vs a meane to be reconciled in Christ. And this worde Appeasyng is of great weight bycause God after a certayne vnspeakeable manner euen the same time that he loued vs was also angry with vs vntil he was reconciled in Christ. And to this purpose serue all those sayenges He is the satisfactiō for our sinnes Againe It pleased God by hym to reconcile all thinges to hymself appeasyng himselfe through the bloud of the crosse by him c. Agayne God was in Christ reconcilyng the worlde to himselfe not impu●yng to men their sinnes Agayne He accepted vs in his beloued sonne Agayne That he might reconcile thē bothe to God into one man by the croūe The reason of this mysterie is to be fetched out of the first chapter to the Ephesians where Paule after that he had taught that we were chosen in Christ addeth therwithal that we haue obteined fauour in him How did God beginne to embrace with his fauour them whō he loued before the making of the world but bicause he vttered his loue when he was reconciled by the bloud of Christ For sithe God is the fountaine of al righteousnesse it must needes be that mā so long as he is a sinner haue God his enemie his iudge Wherfore the beginning of his loue is righteousnesse such as is described by Paule He made him that had done no sinne to be sinne for vs that we might be the righteousnesse of God in him For he meaneth that we haue obteyned free righteousnesse by the sacrifice of Christ that we should please God which by nature are the children of wrath by sinne estranged from him But this distinction is also meante so oft as the grace of Christ is ioyned to the loue of God Wherupō foloweth that he geueth vs of his owne that which he hath purchaced For otherwise it would not agree with him that this prayse is geuen him seuerally from his father that it is his grace and procedeth from him But it is truely and perfectly gathered by many places of the Scripture that Christ by his obedience hath purchaced vs fauour with his father For this I take for a thyng confessed that if Christ hath satisfied for our sinnes if he hath suffred the punishmēt due vnto vs if by his obediēce he hath appeased God finally if he beyng righteous hath suffred for the vnrighteous then is saluation purchaced for vs by his righteousnesse whiche is as much in effecte as to deserue it But as Paule witnesseth we are reconciled and haue receiued reconciliation by his death But recōciliation hath no place but where there went offence before Therefore the meanyng is that God to whome we were hateful be reasō of sinne is by the death of his sonne appeased so that he might be fauorable vnto vs. And the comparison of contraries that foloweth a litle after is diligently to be noted As by the trāsgression of one man many were made sinners so also by the obediēce of one many are made righteous For the meaning is thus As by the sinne of Adā we were enstranged from God ordeined to destruction so by the obedience of Christ we are receiued into fauour as rigteous And the future time of the verbe doth not exclude present righteousnesse as appereth by the processe of the texte For he had sayd before that the free gift was of many sinnes vnto iustification But when we saye that grace is purchaced vs by the deseruyng of Christ we meane this that we are cleansed by his bloud and that his death was a satisfactiō for our sinnes His bloud cleāseth vs frō sinne This bloud is it that is shed for remission of sinne If this be the effect of his bloud shed that sinnes be not imputed vnto vs it foloweth that with that price the iudgemēt of God is satisfied To which purpose serueth that sayeng of Iohn the Baptist Beholde the lambe of God that taketh awaye the sinne of the worlde For he setteth in comparison Christ agaynst all the sacrifices of the law to teache that in him only was fulfilled that whiche those figures shewed
church And we se what a maze thei haue framed with this their hidden implication that any thinge whatsoeuer it be wythoute any choise so that it bee thrust in vnder title of the Church is gredy receiued of the ignorant as it wer an oracle ye sometime also most monsterous erroures Whyche vnaduysed lyghtnesse of beleefe wheras yt is a mooste certayne downefall to ruyne is yet excused by them for that yt beleueth nothynge determynately but wyth this cōdition adioyned yf the faith of the Church be suche So do they faine that truth is holden in erroure light in blindnes true knowledg in ignorance But bicause we wil not tarry long in confuting them we doe only warne the readers to cōpare their doctrine wyth oures For the very pleanesse of the trueth it sefe wil of it selfe minister a confutation ready enough For this ys not the question among them whether fayth be yet wrapped wyth many remnauntes of ignoraunce but they definitiuely say that thei beleue aryght which stande amased in their ignorance yea and doe ●●atter them selues therein so that they doe agree to the authoritie iudgement of the Churche concerning things vnknowen As though the Scripture did not euerywhere teache that with fayth is ioyned knoweledge But we do graunt that so longe as we wander from home in thys worlde oure faith is not fully expressed not onely bicause many things are yet hidden from vs but bicause being compassed with many mistes of erroures wee atteine not all thinges For the hyghest wysedome of the moste perfect is thys to profite more and proceede on further forwarde with gentill willingnesse to learne Therfore Paule exhorteth the faithfull if vpon any thinge thei differ one from an other to abide for reuelation And truely experience teaceth that till we be vnclothed of oure fleshe we atteine to knowe lesse than were to be wisshed and dayly in reading we light vpon many darke places whiche do conuince vs of ignorance And with this brydle God holdeth vs in modestie assigning to euery one a measure of faith that euen the very best teacher may be ready to learne And notable exaumples of thys vnexpressed faithe we may marke in the Disciples of Christ before that thei hadde obteined to be fully enlightned We see how thei hardly tasted the very fyrste introductions how thei did sticke euen in the smallest pointes howe they hanginge at the mouthe of their maister did not yet muche proceede yea when at the womens information they ranne to the graue the Resurrection of their master was lyke a dreame vnto them Sithe Christe dyd before beare wytnesse of theyr faythe we may not saie that they were vtterly without faith but rather if they dad not been perswaded that Christe shoulde ryse agayne all care of him wold haue perished in them For it was not superstition that dyd drawe the women to embalme with spices the corpes of a deade man of whome ther was no hope of life but although thei beleued his words whome thei knewe to be a speaker of trueth yet the grosnesse that styll possessed their myndes so wrapped theyr faithe in darkenesse that thei were in a manner amased at it Wherevpon it is saide that thei then at the last beleued when thei hadde by tryall of the thinge it selfe proued the truethe of the wordes of Christ not that they then beganne to beleue but bycause the seede of hidden fayth whiche was as it were deade in their heartes then receiuing liuelynesse dyd sprynge vp There was therefore a true fayth in them but an vnexpressed faythe bicause they reuerently embraced Christe for their onely teacher and then beynge taught of him they determined that he was the author of their saluation fynally they beleued that he came from heauen by the grace of his father to gather his Disciples to heauen And we neede not to seke any more familiar poofe hereof than this that in al thinges alway vnbelefe is mingled with faith We may also call it an vnexpressed faithe whiche yet in deede is nothinge but a preparation of faithe The Euangelistes do reherse that many beleued whiche onely beinge rauished to admiration wyth myracles proceded no further but that Christe was the Messias whyche had ben promysed albeit thei tasted not so much as any sclender learning of the Gospell Such obedience which brought them in subiectiō willingly to submitt them selues to Christe beareth the name of faith where it was in deede but the beginning of faithe So the courtie● that beleued Christes promise concerninge the healinge of his sonne when he came home as the Euangelist testifieth beleued againe bycause he receiued as an oracle that whiche he hearde of the mouthe of Christe and then submitted hym selfe to his authoritie to receiue hys doctrine Albeit it is to be knowen that he was so tractable and ready to learne that yet in the fyrste place the woorde of beleninge signifieth a particular beleefe and in the seconde place maketh hym of the numbre of the Disciples that professed to bee the scholers of Christe Alyke exaumple dothe Ihon sette forthe in the Samaritanes whiche so beleued the womans reporte that they ranne earnestly to Christe whiche yet when they hadde hearde hym saide thus Now we beleue not bycause of thy report but we haue hearde him and we know that he is the sauioure of the worlde Hereby appeareth that they whyche are not yet instructed in the fyrste introductions so that they be disposed to obedyence are called faithfull in deede not proprely but in thys respect that God of hys tender kyndenesse voutchesaueth to graunte so greate honoure to that godly affection but this willingnesse to learne with a desire to procede further differeth farr from that grosse ignor●●ce wherein they lye dull that are content wyth the vnexpressed saith suche as the Papistes haue imagined For if Paule seuerely condemneth them whiche alwaie learning yet neuer come to the knowledge of trueth howe muche more greuous reproche do they deserue that of purpose stadie to know nothing This therfore is the true knowledge of Christ if we receiue him such as he is offered of his Father that is to saye clothed with his Gospel For as he is appoynted to be the marke of oure faith so we can not go the right waie to him but by the Gospell going before to guide vs. And truely ther are opened to vs the treasures of grace which being shut vp Christ should litle pro●ite vs. So Paule ioyneth faithe an vnseparable companion to doctrine wher he saithe Ye haue not so learned Christ for ye haue been taught what is the trueth in Christe Yet do I not so restraine faith to the Gospell but that I confesse that there hath been so much taught by Moses and the Prophetes as suffised to the edification of faith but bicause ther hath ben deliuered in the Gospel a fuller opening of faith therefore it is woorthyly called of Paule the doctrine of saith For which cause also
he saithe in an other place that by the comming of faith the lawe is taken awaie meaning by this word faith ye●ewe vnaccustomed manner of teaching wherby Christ sins he appeared our scholemaster hath more plainl● set forth the mercy of his father more certainly testified of our saluation Albeit it shal be the more easye more conuenient ordre if we descend by degrees from the generaltie to the specialtie First we must be put in minde that there is a general relation of faith to the word that faith can no more be seuered from the word than the sun beames from the sume frō whome thei procede Therfore in Esaie God cryeth out Heare me and your soule shall lyue And that the same is the fountaine of faythe Ihon sheweth in these woordes These thinges are written that ye may beleue And the prophete meaninge to exhorte the people to beleefe saythe This daie yī ye shall heare hys voyce And to heare is commmonly taken for to Beleue Moreouer God dothe not wythout cause in Esaie sette thys marke of difference betwene the children of the Churche and straungers that he will instructe them all that thei maie be taught of him For if it were a benefite vniuersall to all why shoulde he direct hys woordes to a fewe Wherewith agreeth thys that the Euangelistes do commonly vse the woordes Faithfull and Disciples as seuerall wordes expressing one thing specially Luke very oft in the Actes of the Apostles Yea and he stretcheth that name euen to a woman in the ninthe chapiter of the Actes Wherefore if faith do swerue neuer so little from this marke to which it ought to be directly leuelled it kepeth not her owne nature butte becometh an vncertaine lightnesse of belefe and wandring erroure of mynde The same Worde is the foundation wherwith faith is vpholden susteined from which if it swarue it falleth downe Therfore take awaie the Worde then there shal remaine no faith We do not here dispute whether the ministerie of man be necessarie to sowe the worde of God that faithe may be conceiued thereby which question we will els where entreate of but we saie that the worde it self howesoeuer it be conueied to vs is like a mirroure when faith may beholde God Whether God dothe therein vse the seruice of man or worke it by his owne onely power yet he doth alwaie shewe him selfe by his worde to those whome his will is to drawe vnto him wherevpon Paule defineth faithe to be an obedience that is geuen to the Gospell Rom. i. And in an other place he praiseth the obedience of faithe in the Philippians For this is not the onely purpose in the vnderstanding of faithe that we knowe that there is a God but this also yea this chefely that we vnderstande what wil he beareth toward vs. For it not so muche behoueth vs to knowe what he is in himself but what a one he will be to vs. Nowe therefore we are come to thys point that faithe is a knoweledge of the will of God perceyued by his worde And the foundation hereof is a foreconceiued persuasion of the truthe of God Of the assurednesse whereof so longe as thy minde shal dispute with it selfe the worde shall be but of doubtful and weake credit yea rather no credit at all But also it sufficeth not to beleue that God is a true speaker whiche can neither deceiue nor lie vnlesse thow further holde this for vndoubtedly determined that whatsoeuer procedeth from him is the sacred and inuiolable truthe But bicause not at euery word of God mans hearte is raised vp to faith we must yet further search what this faith in the word hath proprely respecte vnto It was the saieng of God to Adam Thou shalte die the death It was the saienge of God to Cain The bloode of thy brother crieth to me out of the earth Yet these are suche saiengs as of them selues canne doe nothynge butte shake faythe so muche lesse are they able to stablyshe faythe We denye not in the meane season that yt ys the offyce of faythe to agree to the truthe of God howe ofte soeuer what soeuer and in what sorte soeuer yt speaketh butte nowe oure question is onely what faythe fyndeth in the woorde of the Lorde to leane and rest vpon When oure conscience beholdeth onely indignation and vengeance howe canne it butte tremble and quake for feare And howe shoulde yt butte flee God of whome yt is afraide But faythe oughte to seeke God and not to flee from him It is plaine therefore that we haue not yet a full definition of faythe bycause it is not to be accompted for faithe to knowe the wyll of God of what sorte so euer it be But what yf in the place of wyll whereof many tymes the message is sorrowefull and the declaration dreadful we putte kindenesse or mercie Truely so we shal come nerer to the nature of faithe For wee are then allured to seeke God after that wee haue learned that saluation is laied vp in store with him for vs. Whyche thynge is confyrmed vnto vs when he declareth that he hath care and loue of vs. Therefore there needeth a promise of grace whereby he maie testifie that he is oure mercifull father for that otherwise wee canne not approche vnto hym and vpon that alone the hearte of man maie safely rest For thys reason commonly in the Psalmes these two thinges Mercie and Truth do cleaue together bicause neither should it any thynge profite vs to know that God is true vnlesse he did mercifully allure vs vnto him neither were it in our power to embrace his mercie vnlesse he did with his owne mouthe offer it I haue reported thy truth and thy saluation I haue not hidden thy goodnesse and thy truthe Thy goodnesse and thy trueth keepe me In an other place Thy mercie to the heauens thy trueth euen to the cloudes Againe All the wayes of the Lorde are mercie and trueth to them that keepe his couenant Againe His mercie is multiplied vpon vs and the truth of the Lorde abydeth for euer Againe I will singe to thy name vpon thy mercie and trueth I omitte that whiche is in the Prophetes to the same meaninge that God is mercifull and faythfull in hys promyses For wee shall rashly determine that God is merciefull vnto vs vnlesse himselfe do testifie of himselfe and preuent vs wyth his callinge leaste his wil shoulde be doubtful and vnknowen But we haue already seen that Christ is the onely pledge of his loue without whome on euery side appeare the tokens of hatred and wrath Nowe forasmuche as the knoweledge of Gods goodnesse shall not muche preuayle vnlesse he make vs to rest in it therefore suche an vnderstanding is to be banished as is mingled with doubting and doth not soundli agree in it selfe but as it were disputeth with it selfe But mans witte as yt is blinde and darkened is farre from
bee quenched And there is no cause to the contrarie but that he maye lightly ouer washe some and throughly soke other some wyth the knoweledge of hys Gospell This is in the meane tyme to bee holden for truthe that howe small and weake so euer sayth hee in the electe yet bycause it is to them a sure pleadge of the Spyrite of God and a seale of their adoption the prynte thereof canne neuer bee blotted out of theyr heartes as for the reprobate that they are ouer spred wyth such a lyght as afterwarde commeth to nought And yet the Spyrite is not deceyptefull bycause he geueth not lyfe to the seede that he casteth in theyr heartes to make it abyde alwayes incorruptible as he dothe in the elect I goe yet further for whereas it is euident by the teachyng of the Scripture and by dayely experience that the reprobate are sometime touched with the felyng of Gods grace it muste needes be that there is raysed in their heartes a certayne desire of mutuall loue So for a time there lyued in Saul a godly affection to loue God by whome he knew himself to be fatherly handeled and therefore was delited with a certayne swetenesse of his goodnesse But as the persuasion of the fatherly loue of God is not faste rooted in the reprobate so doe they not soundely loue him agayne as his chyldren but are led wyth a certayne affection like hired seruauntes For to Christ only was that Spirite of loue geuen to this ende that he shoulde poure it into his membres And truely that sayeng of Paule extendeth no further but to the elect only The loue of God is poured abrode into our heartes by the holy Spirite that is geuen vs euen the same loue that engendreth the same confidence of callyng vpon him whyche I haue before touched As on the contrarie side we see God to bee maruelously angry with his chyldren whome yet he cesseth not to loue not that in hymselfe he hateth them but bycause his will is to make them afrayde wyth the felynge of his wrath but to the entent to abate theyr pride of fleshe to shake of their drowesinesse and to moue them to repentance And therefore all at one tyme they conceyue hym to bee bothe angry with them or with their sinnes and also mercyfull vnto them bycause they not fainedly doe praye to appease his wrathe to whome yet they flee wyth quiet assured trust Hereby it appereth that it is not true that some doe counterfayte a shewe of fayth whyche yet doe lacke the true faith but while they are caried wyth a sodeyne violent motion of Zele they deceyue themselues wyth false opinion And it is no doubte that sluggishnesse so possesseth them that they doe not well examine their heart as they ought to haue done It is likely that they were suche to whome as Iohn witnesseth Christ dyd not commit himselfe when yet they beleued in hym bycause he knewe them all and knewe what was in manne If many dyd not fall from the common fayth I call it common bicause the fayth that lasteth but a time hath a greate lykenesse and affinitie with the liuely and continuynge fayth Christe woulde not haue sayde to his Disciples If ye abide in my worde then are ye truely my Disciples and ye shall know the truthe and the truthe shall make you free For he speaketh to them that had embraced his doctrine and exhorteth them to the encrease of fayth that they shoulde not by their owne sloughtfulnesse quench the lighte that is geuen them Therefore dothe Paule affirme that fayth peculiarly belongeth to the electe declaryng that many vanish away bycause they haue not taken liuely roote Like as Christ also sayth in Matthew euery tree that my father hath not planted shal be rooted vp In other there is a grosser kinde of lyeng that are not ashamed to mocke bothe God and menne Iames inueyeth agaynst that kinde of menne that wyth deceiptfull pretense doe wickedly abuse fayth Neyther woulde Paule require of the children of God a fayth vnfayned but in respect that many do presumptuously chalenge vnto themselues that whyche they haue not with vayne colored deceyte do beguile other or sometime themselues Therefore he compareth a good conscience to a cheste wherein fayth is kepte bycause many in fallynge from good conscience haue suffred shipwreck of their fayth We must also remember the doutefull signification of the woord fayth For oftentimes fayth signifieth the sounde doctrine of religion as in the place that we nowe alleaged and in the same Epistle where Paule wryteth Deacons to holde faste the misterie of fayth in a pure conscience Againe where he publisheth the fallynge awaye of certayne from the faith But on the other side he sayth that Timothee was nourished vp with the woordes of fayth where he sayth that prophane vanities and oppositions falsly named sciences are the cause that many depart from the faith whome in an other place he calleth reprobate touchyng fayth As agayne he chargeth Tit●s Agayne sayeng Warne them that they be sounde in the fayth By soundenesse he meaneth nothing els but purenesse of doctrine which is easily corrupted and brought out of kynde by the lightnesse of men Euen bicause in Christ whome faith possesseth are hiddē all the treasures of wisedome and knoweledge therefore fayth is worthyly extended to signifie the whole summe of heauenly doctrine from which it can not be seuered Contrariewise sometime it is restrayned to signifie some particular obiect as when Matthew sayth that Christ saw the fayth of them that did let downe the manne sicke of the palsey through the tyles and Chryst himselfe cryeth out that he founde not in Israell so great fayth as the Centurion brought But it is likely that the Centurion was earnestly bente to the healyng of his doughter the care whereof occupied all his minde yet bycause beyng contented with the onely assent and answere of Christ he required not Christes bodyly presence therefore in respecte of this circumstance his fayth was so muche commended And a litle here before we haue shewed that Paule taketh fayth for the gifte of workynge miracles whyche gifte they haue that neyther are regenerate by the Spirite of God nor doe hartyly worshippe him Also in an other place he setteth fayth for the doctrine whereby we are instructed in fayth For where he wryteth that fayth shall bee abolished it is out of question that that is meante by the ministerie of the Church whiche at this 〈◊〉 is profitable for oure weaknesse In these formes of speach standeth a proportionall relation But when the name of fayth is vnproperly remoued to signifie a false profession or a lyeng title of fayth that shoulde seeme to be as harde a figuratiue abuse as when the feare of God is set for a corrupte and wrongefull manner of worshyppynge as when it is oftentymes sayde in the holy Historie that the
of pardon and reconciliation hee by and by tourneth to an other thing and wandereth about in longe superfluous circumstances rehersinge howe maruelously the Lorde gouerneth the frame of heauen and earth and the whole ordre of nature yet is there nothinge that serueth not fittly for the circumstance of the matter that he speaketh of For vnlesse the power of God wherby he is able to do all thinges be presently set before our eies our eares wil hardly heare the worde or wil not esteme it so much as it is worth Beside that her is declared his effectual power bicause godlinesse as we haue already shewed in an other place doth alwaie applie the power of God to vse and worke specially it setteth before it selfe those workes of God wherby he hath testified himselfe to be a father Herevpon commeth that in the Scriptures is so often mention made of the redemption wherby the Israelites might haue learned that God whiche was ones the author of saluation will be an euerlastinge preseruer thereof And Dauid putteth vs in mynde by hys owne exaumple that those benefites whiche God hathe particularly bestowed vpon euery man doe afterwarde auaile to the confyrmation of his faithe Yea when God seemeth to haue forsaken vs it behoueth vs to stretche oure wittes further that hys aunciente benefites maie recomforte vs as it is saide in an other Psalme I haue ben mindefull of olde daies I haue studied vpon all thy workes c. Againe I will remembre the workes of the Lorde and his meruelles from the beginning But bicause without the word all quickly vanisheth awaie that we conceiue of the power of God and of his woorkes therefore we do not without cause affyrme that there is no faithe vnlesse God geue lighte vnto it with testimonie of hys grace But here a question myghte bee moued what ys to bee thought of Sara and Rebecca bothe which being moued as it semeth with zele of saith passed beyonde the bondes of the word Sara when she feruently desyred the promysed issue gaue her bondmaide to her housbande It can not be denied but that shee many waies sinned but nowe I touche onely thys faulte that beinge carryed awaye wyth her zele she did not restraine herselfe within the bondes of Gods worde yet it is certaine that that desire proceeded of faith Rebecca being certified by the oracle of God of the electiō of her sonne Iacob ▪ procured his blessing by euell crafty meanes she deceued hir husbande the witnesse and minister of the grace of God shee compelled her sonne to lye she by dyuerse guiles and deceites corrupted the trueth of God Fynally in makinge a scorne of hys promise shee dyd as muche as in her laye destroie it And yet thys acte howe muche soeuer it was euell and woorthy of blame was not without faith for it was necessarie that she sholde ouercome many offenses that shee might so earnestly endeuoure to atteine that whiche without hope of earthly profite was ful of greate troubles daungers As wee may not say that the holy Patriarche Isaac was altogether without faithe bicause he beinge by the same oracle of God admonished of the honoure transferred to the yonger sonne yet cessed not to bee more fauourably bente to hys fyrste begotten sonne Esau. Truely these examples do teache that oftetimes erroures are mingled with faithe but yet so that faith if it be a true faith hath alwaie the vpper hande For as the particular erroure of Rebecca did not make void the effect of the blessing so neither did it make voide her faith whyche generally reigned in her mynde and was the beginning and cause of that doynge Neuerthelesse therein Rebecca vttered howe readye mans mynde is to fall so sone as he geueth hym selfe neuer so lyttle lybertie But thoughe mans defaut and weakenesse dothe darken faith yet it doth not quenche it in the meane time it putteth vs in minde how carefully wee oughte to hange vpon the mouthe of God and also confyrmeth that whyche wee haue taughte that faythe vanysheth awaye vnlesse yt bee vpholden by the woorde as the myndes boothe of Sara and Isaac and Rebecca hadde become vaine in theyr croked wanderinges out of the waie vnlesse thei had ben by Gods secret brydle holden in obedience of the worde Againe not without cause we include all the promises in Christ forasmuche as in the knowledge of him the Apostle includeth al the Gospell and in an other place he teacheth that all the promises of God are in him yea and Amen The reason whereof is ready to be shewed For if God promise any thinge he therein sheweth hys good will so that there is no promise of hys that is not a testimonie of his loue Neither maketh it any mater that the wycked when they haue great and continuall benefites of Gods liberalitie heaped vpon them doe thereby wrappe themselues in so much the more greuous iudgement For syth thei do neither thinke nor acknowlege that those things com vnto them frō the hande of God for if thei acknowlege it thei do not with themselues consider his goodnesse therefore thei can not thereby be better taught of his mercie than brute beastes which according to the measure of their estate do receiue the same frute of Gods liberalitie yet they perceiue it not Neither doth it any more make againste vs that many times in refusing the promises apointed for them they do by that occasion procure to them selues the greater vengeance For although the effectuall workinge of the promyses do then onely appeare when they haue founde faith with vs yet the force and natural propretie of them is neuer extinguyshed by oure vnbeleefe or vnthankfulnesse Therefore when the Lorde by hys promyses doth prouoke man not onely to receiue but also to thynke vpon the frutes of hys bountifulnesse hee doth therwith all declare vnto him hys loue Wherevpon we muste returne to thys poynte that euery promyse is a testifieng of Gods loue towarde vs. But it is out of question that no man is loued of God but in Christe he is the beloued Sonne in whome the loue of the Father abydeth and resteth and then from hym poureth it selfe abroade vnto vs as Paule teacheth that wee haue obteyned fauoure in the beloued one Therefore it muste needes bee deryued and come vnto vs by meane of hym For thys cause the Apostle in an other place calleth him oure peace in an other place hee setteth hym oute as a bonde whereby God is with fatherli natural kindenes bound vnto vs. It foloweth then that we must caste our eyes vpon hym so oft as any promyse ys offered vs. And that Paule teacheth no absurditie that all Gods promyses whatsoeuer they bee are confyrmed and fulfilled in hym There be certayne exaumples that make for the contrarie For yf ys not lykely that Naaman the Syrian when hee requyred of the Prophete the manner how to worship God arighte was instructed concerning the
Mediator yet his godlynesse is praised Cornelius a Gentile a Romaine could scarcely vnderstand that which was knowen not to al the Iewes yea that very darkely yet his almes praiers were acceptable to God And the sacrifice of Naaman by the Prophets answer allowed Whych thing neither of them coulde obteine but by faythe Lykewise yt maie be sayde of the Ennuche to whome Philppe was carried why the yf he hadde not had some faythe woulde not haue taken vpon him the trauayle and exspenses of so longe a iourney to worshippe Yet we see when Philippe examined him how he bewrayed his ignorance of the Mediator And truely I graunte that theyr faythe was 〈◊〉 vnexpressed not only concerning Christes person but also concerninge his power and the office committed vnto him of the Father Yet in the meane time it is certaine that thei were instructed in suche principles as gaue them some taste of Christe althoughe but very small Neyther ought this to seeme strange For neither wold the Eunuche haue come in haste to Ierusalem from a farre countrie to worship an vnknowen God neither did Cornelius when he had ones embraced the Iewish religion spende so much time without being acquainted with the first groundes of true doctrine As for Naaman it had ben to fonde an absurditie for Elyzeus when he taught him of small thynges to haue saide nothinge of the principal pointe Therefore although there were among them a darke knoweledge of Christ yet it is not likely that ther was no knowledge bicause thei did vse them selues in the sacrifices of the lawe whiche must haue been discerned by the very ende of them that is Christe from the false sacrifices of the Gentiles But this bare and outward declaration of the word of God ought to haue largely sufficed to make it be beleued if our owne blyndenesse and stubbournesse did not withstande it But oure minde hath suche an inclination to vanitie that it can neuer cleaue faste vnto the trueth of God and hathe suche a dulnesse that it is alwaie blinde and can not see the light thereof Therefore there is nothynge auailably done by the worde without the enlightninge of the holy ghoste Whereby also appeareth that faithe is farre aboue mans vnderstanding Neither shal it be sufficient that the minde be lightned with the spirit of God vnlesse the hearte be also strengthened and stablished with his power Wherein the Schoolemen do altogether erre whiche in considerynge of faithe do onely take holde of a bare and simple assent by knowledg leauinge out the confidence and assurednesse of the heart Therefore faith is both waies a syngular gyfte of God bothe that the mynde of man is cleansed to taste the trueth of God and that his hearte is stablished therein For the holy ghoste not onely is the beginner of faythe but also by degrees encreaseth it vntil by it he bring vs to the heauenly kingdome That good thinge saith Paule whiche was committed to thy keping kepe in the holy ghoste which dwelleth in vs. But howe Paule saithe that the holy ghoste is geuen by the hearing of faythe we may easily dissolue it If there hadde ben but one onely gyfte of the holy ghoste then it had ben an absurditie for him to call the holy ghost the effect of faith whyche is the author and cause of faithe But when he maketh report of the gyftes wherewyth God garnysheth his Churche and by encreasinges of faithe bryngeth it to perfection it is no meruell if he ascribe those thynges to faithe whiche maketh vs fitt to receiue them This is reckened a moste strange conclusion when it is saide that no man but he to whome it is geuen can beleue in Christ. But that is partely bycause they do not consyder either howe secrete and hye the heauenly wysedome is or howe greate mans dulnesse is in conceiuinge the misteries of God and partly bycause they looke not vnto that assured and stedfast constantnesse of hearte that is to saye the cheefe parte of faith But if as Paule preacheth no manne is wytnesse of the wyll of manne but the spirite of manne that is within him then howe shoulde man be sure of the will of God And if the truth of God be vncertaine among vs in those thinges that we presently beholde with our eye how shold it be assured stedfast among vs ther wher the lord promiseth such thinge as neither eye seeth nor witt comprehendeth But herein mans sharpnesse of vnderstanding is so ouerthrowen faileth that the fyrste degrees of profitinge in Gods schoole is to forsake his owne wit For by it as by a veile cast before vs we are hyndred that we can not atteine the misteries of God whiche are not disclosed but to little ones For neither dothe flesh blood disclose nor natural man perceiue those things that are of the Spirit but rather to him the learning of God is foolishnesse bicause it is spiritually to be iudged Therfore herin the helpe of the holy ghost is necessarie or rather herein his force onely reigneth Ther is noman that knoweth the minde of God or hath ben his counseller but the holy Spirit searcheth out all thinges euen the depe secretes of God by whome it is brought to passe that we know the minde of Christ No man saith he can come to me vnlesse my father that sent me drawe hym Euery one therfore that hath heard learned of my father commeth Not that any man hath seen the father but he that is sent to God Euen as therfore we can not come vnto Christ but being drawen by the Spirit of God so when we be drawen we are lifted vp in witt minde aboue our owne vnderstanding For the soule enlightned by hym taketh as it wer a new sharpnes of vnderstanding wherwith it maye beholde heauenly misteries with brightnes wherof it was before daseled in it selfe And so mans vnderstanding receiuing brightnesse by the lighte of the holy ghost doth neuer till then truely beginne to taste of those thinges that belong to the kingdome of God being before altogether vnfauourie and without iudgment of tast to take assay of them Therfore when Christ did notably set out vnto two of hys Disciples the misteries of his kingdome yet he nothing preuailed vntill he opened their senses that they might vnderstand the Scriptures When the Apostles weare so taughte by his Godly mouth yet the Spirit of truth must be sent vnto them to poure into their mindes that same doctrine whiche they had hearde with their eares The worde of God is like vnto the sunne that shineth vnto all them to whome it is preached but to no profit amonge blinde men But we are al in this behalfe blind by nature therfore it can not pearce into our minde but by the inward master the holy ghoste making by his enlightning an entrie for it In an other place when we had to entreat of the corruption of natur we haue
more largely shewed how vnfit men are to beleue Therefore I wil not wery the readers with repeting the same againe Let this be sufficient that the spirit of faith is called of Paule faith it selfe which the spirit geueth vs but not which we haue naturally Therfore he praieth that god fulfil in the Thessalonians al his good pleasure the worke of faith in power Wherin calling faithe the worke of God geuing it that title for a name of additiō calling it by figure of appositiō Gods good pleasure he denieth that it is of mans own motion not contented therwith he addeth further that it is a declaratiō of Gods power writing to the Corynthians where he saith that faithe hangeth not vpon the wisedome of men but is grounded vpon the power of the holy ghoste He speaketh in dede of outewarde miracles but bicause the reprobate are blynde at the beholding of them hee comprehendeth also that inwarde seale wherof he maketh mention in an other place And God the more gloriously to set forthe his liberalitie in so noble a gifte vouchesaueth not to graunt it to al vniuersally without difference but by singular priuilege geueth it to whome he will For proofe whereof we haue alleged testimonies before Of which Augustine being a faithfull expositor crieth out that it woulde please the sauioure to teache him and that the very beleuing it selfe is of gifte and not of deseruing Noman saith he commeth to me vnlesse my father drawe him and to whome it is geuen of my father It is maruellous that twoo do heare the one despyseth the other ascendeth vp Let him that despiseth impute it to himselfe let him that ascende not yt arrogantly assigne to himselfe In an other place Why is it geuen to one and not to an other It greueth me not to say it this is the depth of the crosse Out of I wote not what depth of the iudgmentes of God which we mate not searche procedeth all that we can What I can I see whereby I can I see not sauinge that I see thus farre that it is of God But why hym and not hym That is muche to me It is a bottomelesse depth it is the depth of the crosse I maie crie out with woundering but not shewe it in disputing ▪ Finally the summe commeth to this that Christ when he enlightneth vs vnto faith by the power of hys spirite doth there withall graffe vs into his bodie that wee maie be made partakers of all good thynges Nowe remaineth that that whiche the minde hathe receiued may be further conueied into the heart For the word of God is not throughly receiued by faith if it swimme in the toppe of the braine but when it hath taken roote in the bottome of the heart that it may be an inuincible defense to beare and repulse all the engines of tentations Now if it be true that the true vnderstanding of the mynde is the enlightning thereof then in such confyrmation of the hearte his power much more euidently appeareth euen by so muche as the distrustfulnesse of the hearte is greater than the blindnesse of the witte and as it is harder to haue the mynde furnyshed wyth assurednesse than the witte to bee instructed with thinking Therefore the Spirit perfourmeth the office of a seale to seale vp in our heartes those same promyses the assurance whereof it fyrste emprinted in oure wittes and serueth for an earnest to confyrme and stablyshe them Sithe ye beleued saith the Apostle ye are sealed vp with the holy Spirite of promyse whiche is the earnest of oure inheritance See you not how he teacheth that by the spirit the heartes of the fathfull are grauen as with a seale and how for the same reason he calleth him the Spirite of promise bycause he ratifieth the Gospell vnto vs Lykewyse to the Corynthians he saithe God whiche annoynted vs whiche hath also sealed vs and geuen the earnest of hys Spirite in oure heartes And in an other place when he speaketh of confidence and boldnesse of hopigne well hee maketh the pledge of the Spirite the foundation thereof Neither yet haue I forgotten that whyche I sayde before the remembrance whereof experience continually reneweth that is that faithe is tossed wyth dyuerse doubtynges so that the myndes of the godly are seldome quyet or at least doe not alwaie enioye a peafable state but wyth what soeuer engine they be shaken either thei rise vp out of the very gulfe of temptations or do abide faste in their standing Truely thys assurednesse onely nourisheth and defendeth faithe when we holde fast that whiche is saide in the Psalme The Lorde ys oure protection oure helpe in trouble therefore we will not feare whē the earthe shall tremble and the mountaines shal leape into the heart of the sea Also this moste swete quietnesse is spoken of in an other place I laye downe and slepte and rose againe bycause the Lorde hathe susteined me It is not meante thereby that Dauid was alwaie wyth one vndisturbed course framed to a merry cherefulnesse but in respect that hee tasted the grace of God according to his proportion of faith therefore hee gloryeth that hee wythoute feare despiseth all that euer might disquiet the peace of his minde Therfore the Scripture meaning to exhort vs to faith biddeth vs to be quiet In Esaie it is saide In hope and silence shall be your strength In the Psalme Holde thee stil in the Lorde and waite for him Wherwith agreeth that saieng of the Apostle to the Hebrues Patience is needefull c. Hereby we may iudge how pestilent is that doctrine of the Scholemen that we can no otherwise determine of the grace of God towarde vs than by morall coniecture as euery man thinketh himselfe worthy of it Truely if we shall weie by oure workes howe God is minded towarde vs I graunt that we can atteine yt wyth any coniecture be yt neuer so sclender but sith faithe oughte to haue relation to a simple free promise there is lefte no cause of doubtiong For with what confidence I beseache you shall we be armed if we saie that God is fauourable vnto vs vpon this condition so that the purenesse of oure life do deserue it But bycause I haue appoynted one place proprely for the discussing herof therfore I wil speake no more of them at this present specially for asmuche as it is plaine enoughe that there is nothinge more contrarie to faith than either coniecture or any thinge nere vnto doubting And thei do very ill writhe to this purpose that testimonie of the Preacher whiche thei haue ofte in their mouthes Noman knoweth whether he be worthy of hatred or loue For to speake nothinge how this place is in the common translation corruply turned yet very children can not be ignorant what Salomon meaneth by such words that is that if any man will iudge by the present state of things whom God hateth or whom God
accompt a thousand yeres like as one daye For thys conioyning and aliance the scripture sometime confoundeth the names of Faythe and Hope For when Peter teacheth that we are by the power of God preserued through faithe vnto the disclosinge of saluation he geueth that vnto faithe whyche dyed more fittely agree with hope and not without cause for asmuche as we haue already taught that hope is nothing els but the nourishment and strength of faithe Sometimes they are ioyned together as in the same epistle That your faithe and hope shoulde be in God But Paule to the Philippians out of faith deriueth expectation bicause in pacientli hoping we holde our desires in suspense till Gods conuenient oportunitie be opened All whiche matter wee maye better vnderstande by the tenth chapiter to the Hebrues whyche I haue already alleaged Paule in an other place although he speake vnproprely yet meaneth the same thing in these wordes We loke in the spirit through faith for hope of righteousnesse euen bicause we embracing the testimonie of the Gospell concerning his free loue do loke for the time when God shall openly shewe that whiche is nowe hidden vnder hope And nowe it is plaine how folishly Peter Lomberd laieth two foundations of hope that is the grace of God the deseruing of works Hope can haue no other mark to be directed vnto but faith we haue already declared that faith hath one only mark the mercie of God to which it ought to loke as I maie so speake with both eyes But it is good to heare what a liuely reasō he bringeth If saith he thou darst hope for any thing without deseruinges y● shal not be worthy to be called hope but presumption Whoe gentile reader will not worthyly abhorre suche beastes that saie it is a rashe and presumptuous dede if a man haue cōfidence that God is true of his word For where the Lord willeth vs to loke for all thinges at his goodnesse thei saie it is presumption to leane and rest vpon it A master meete for suche scholers as he founde in the madde schole of filthy babblers But as for vs when we se that wee are commaunded by the oracles of God to conceiue a hope of saluation let vs gladly presume so much vpon his truthe as trusting vpon his onely mercie casting away the confydence of workes to be bolde to hope well He will not deceiue that saide Be it vnto you according to your faithe The thyrde Chapter That we ar regenerate by faithe Wherein is entreatch of Repentance ALbeit we haue already partly taught how faith possesseth Christe how by it we eioye hys benefites neuerthelesse thys weare yet darke vnlesse we dyd also make declaratiō of the effectes that we feele thereby Not without cause it is said that the summe of the Gospell standeth in repentance and in forgeuenesse of sinnes Therfore leauing out these two pointes whatsoeuer we shal saie of faith shal be but a hungry vnperfect yea in manner vnprofitable disputation of faith Now forasmuch as Christ doth geue both vnto vs we obteine both by faith that is to saie both newnesse of life fre reconciliation reasō ordre of teaching requireth that in this place I beginne to speake of bothe Oure next passage from faith shal be to Repentance bicause when this article is well perceiued it shall the better appeare howe man is iustified by onely faithe and mere pardon yet how real holinesse of life as I maie so call it is not seuered frō free imputation of righteousnesse Now it ought to be oute of question that Repentance doth not only immediatly folow faith but also spring out of it For wheras pardon forgeuenesse is therfore offred by the preaching of the Gospel the the sinner being deliuered from the tyrānie of Satan from the yoke of sinne frō miserable bondage of vices maie passe into the kingdome of God truly no man can embrace the grace of the Gospell but he muste returne from the erroures of hys former life into the right way and applie all his studie to the meditation of repentance As for them that thinke that repentance dothe rather goe before faithe than flow or spring forth of it as a frute out of a tree thei neuer knew the force therof and are moued with to weake an argument to thinke so Christ saie thei Ihon in their preachinges do first exhorte the people to repentance then thei afterwarde saye that the kyngdome of heauen is at hand Such cōmaundemēt to preach the Apostles receiued such ordre Paule folowed as Luke reporteth But while thei superstitiously stick vpon the ioining together of syllables thei mark not in what meaning the words hang together For whē the lord Christ Ihō do preach in this manner Repent ye for the kingedome of heauen is come neare at hande do they not fetche the cause of repentance frō very grace promise of saluatiō Therfore their words are as much in effecte as if thei had said because the kingdō of heauē is com nere at hand therfore repēt ye For Matthewe when he hathe shewed that Ihon so preatched saith that in him was fulfilled the prophecie of Esaie concerninge the voyce cryeng in the wyldernesse Prepare the waie of the Lorde make streight the pathes of oure God But in the Prophete that voice is cōmaunded to beginne at comfort and glade tydinges Yet when we referre the beginning of repentance to faith we do not dreame a certaine meane space of time wherein it bringeth it out but we meane to shew that a man can not earnestly applie him selfe to repentance vnlesse he know him selfe to be of God But no man is truely perswaded that he is of God but he that hathe firste receiued his grace But these things shal be more plainely dyscussed in the processe folowing Paraduenture this deceiued them that many are firste by terroures of conscience tamed or framed to obedience before that thei haue throughli disgested yea before they haue tasted the knowledge of grace And this is the feare at the beginning whiche some accompte among vertues bicause thei see that it is nere to true and iuste obedience But oure question is not here how diuersly Christ draweth vs vnto him or prepareth vs to the endeuoure of godlinesse only this I say that ther can be no vprightnesse founde where reigneth not that Spirit whiche Christe receyued to communicate the same to his membres Then according to that saieng of the Psalme Wyth thee is mercifulnesse that thou maiest bee feared Noe man shall euer reuerently feare God but he that trusteth that God is mercifull vnto him no man wil willingly prepare himselfe to the kepinge of the lawe but he that is perswaded that his seruices please him which tendernesse in pardoning and bearing with faultes is a signe of fatherly fauoure Whiche is also shewed by that exhortation of Osee Come let vs returne to
if the brightnesse of the sunne can not be seuered from the heate therof shall we therfore saye that the earth is warmed with the light enlightened with the heate There is nothing more fit for this purpose than this similitude The sunne with his heate geueth life and frutefulnesse to the earth with his beames he geueth light brightnesse Here is a mutuall vnseparable cōioyning yet reason forbiddeth to conuey to the one that whiche is peculiar to the other Like absurditie is in this confusion of two sortes of graces that Osiander thrusteth in For because God dothe in dede renew them to the obseruing of righteousnesse whome he frely accōpteth for righteous therfore Osiander confoundeth that gift of regeneratiō with this fre acceptation affirmeth that they be al one the selfsame thing But the Scripture ioyning thē both together yet doth distinctly reckē them that the manifold grace of God may the better appere vnto vs. For that saying of Paul is not superfluous that Christ was geuen vs vnto righteousnesse sanctification And whensoeuer he resoneth to proue by the saluation purchaced for vs by the fatherly loue of God by the grace of Christ that we are called to holinesse cleannesse he plainely declareth that it is one thing to be iustified an other be made newe creatures But when Osiāder cometh to the Scripture he corrupteth as many places as he allegeth Where Paul saith that faith is accompted for righteousnesse to him that worketh not but beleueth in him that iustifieth the wicked mā he expoūdeth it to make righteous With like rashnesse he depraueth al the fourth Chapter to the Romains sticketh not with like fals colour to corrupt that place which I euen now alleged Who shal accuse the electes of God it is God that iustifieth where it is plaine that he speaketh simply of gilthinesse acquiting the meaning of the Apostle hangeth vpon a comparing of contraries Therfore Osiander is found to fond a babbler as wel in that reason as in alleging the testimonies of Scripture And no more rightly doth he speake of the name of righteousnesse in saying that fayth was accompted to Abraham for righteousnesse after that embracing Christ whiche is the righteousnesse of God and God him self he excelled in singular vertues whereby appereth that of two whole places he hath wrongfully made one corrupt place For the ryghteousnesse that is there mentioned perteineth not to the whole course of his calling but rather the holy Ghost testifieth that although the vertues of Abrahā were singularly excellent that with long continuance hee at length had encreasced them yet hee did no other waye please God but by this that he receiued by faythe the grace offered in the promyse Whereupon foloweth that in iustification there is no place for workes as Paull very well affirmeth As for this the Osiander obiecteth that the power of iustifiyng is not in faith of it selfe but in respect that it receiueth Christe I wyllynglye graunte it For if fayth did iustifie of it selfe or by inwarde force as they call it and as it is alwaye feble and vnperfect could not worke iustification but in part so should the iustification be maymed that should geue vs but a pece of saluation As for vs we imagine no suche thinge but in proper speakyng doe saye that God only iustifieth and then we geue the same to Christe because he was geuen vs vnto ryghteousnesse and faythe we compare as it were to a vessell For except we came emptie with open mouthe of our soule to craue the grace of Christe we can not be able to receyue Christ. Whereupon we gather that we doe not take from Christ the power of iustifying when we teache that he is first receiued by fayth before that his righteousnesse be receyued But yet I doe not admit the crooked figures of this Sophister when he sayth that faith is Christ as if an earthen pot were a treasure because gold is hidden in it For the reson is not vnlike but that faith although it be by it selfe of no worthynesse or price may iustifie vs in bryngynge Christ as a pot full of money maketh a man ryche Therfore I say that fayth whiche is onely the instrument to receyue rightuousnesse is vnfitly mingled with Christe whiche is the materiall cause and bothe author and minister of so great a benefit Nowe is this doubt also dissolued Howe this worde Faith ought to bee understanded when we entreate of iustification In the receiuing of Christ he goeth further for he sayeth that the inward worde is receiued by the ministration of the outwarde worde thereby to drawe vs from the priesthode of Christ and the persone of the Mediatour to his outwarde Godhed As for vs we deuide not Christ but we say that he is the same eternall worde of God whiche reconciling vs to God in his flesh gaue vs righteousnesse and we confesse that otherwyse he could not haue fulfilled the office of Mediatour and purchaced vs righteousnesse vnlesse he had ben eternall God But this is Osianders doctrine where as Christ is both God and mā that he was made righteousnesse to vs in respect of his nature of Godhed and not of manhode But if this properly belong to the Godhed thē it shal not be peculiar to Christ but common with the father and the holy Ghost for as muche as ther is not one righteousnesse of the one and an other of the other Moreouer that whiche was naturally frō eternitie coulde not bee conueniently sayde to bee made to vs. Butte althoughe we graunte this that God was made righteousnesse for vs howe shal it agree that that whiche is set betwene is made of God Truely that properly belongeth to the persone of the Mediatour whiche though he conteine in hym selfe the nature of Godhede yet here he is specially signified by his proper title by whiche he is seuerally discerned frō the father and the holy Ghost But the folishly triumpheth in that one worde of Hieremic where he promiseth that the Lorde Iehoua shal be our righteousnesse but out of that he shall gather nothinge but that Christ which is righteousnes is God openly shewed in the flesh In an other place we haue rehearsed out of Paules sermon that God purchased to himselfe the churche with his bloud if any man gather therupon that the bloud wherewith sinnes were purged was diuine and of the nature of Godhed who can abyde so fowle an errour But Osiander thinketh that with this so childishe a cauillation he hath gotten all thinges he swelleth he leapeth for ioye and stuffeth many leaues full with his bigge wordes when yet there is a plaine and redy solutiō for it in saying that the worde Iehoua in dede when he is made the issue of Dauid shal be the righteousnesse of the godly But Esaie teacheth in what sense saying My iust seruant shal with knowledge of him selfe iustifie many Let vs note that the
righteousnesse that is of God by faith cōpting not his righteousnesse that which is by the law but y● whiche is by the faith of Iesu Christ. You see that here is also a cōparison of cōtraries that here is declared the he which wil obteine the righteousnesse of Christ must for sake his owne righteousnesse Therefore in an other place he sayth that this was the cause of fal to the Iewes y● goyng about to stablish their owne righteousnesse they were not subiect to y● righteousnesse of God If in stablishyng our owne righteousnesse we shake away the righteousnesse of God therefore to obteine Gods righteousnesse our owne must be vtterly abolished And he sheweth the same thyng when he fayth that our glorieng is not excluded by the law but by faith Wherupon foloweth that so long as there remaineth any righteousnesse of workes how litle soeuer it be there still remaineth to vs some 〈◊〉 to glorie vpō Now if faith exclude al glorieng then the righteousnesse of workes can no wise be coupled with the righteousnesse of faith To this effect he speaketh so playnely in the .iiij. chapter to the Romanes that he leaueth no roume for cauillations or shiftes If sayth he Abraham was iustified by workes he hath glorie And immediatly he addeth but he hath no glorie in the sight of God It foloweth therefore that he was not iustified by workes Then he vryngeth an other argument by contraries when reward is rendred to workes that is done of det and not of grace But righteousnesse is geuen to fayth accordyng to grace Therefore it is not of the deseruinges of workes Wherfore farewell their dreame that imagine a righteousnesse made of faith and workes mingled together The Sophisters thinke that they haue a suttle shifte that make to themselues sport and pastime with wrestyng of Scripture and with vayne cauillations For they expōnd workes in that place to be those which men not yet regenerate doe only literally by the endeuour of free will without the grace of Christ and do saye that it belōgeth not to spiritual workes So by their opinion a man is iustified bothe by faith and by workes so that the workes be not his own but the giftes of Christ and frutes of regeneration For they saye that Paule spake so for none other cause but to conuince the Iewes trusting vpō their owne workes that they dyd foolishly presume to clayme righteousnesse to thēselues sithe the only Spirit of Christ doth geue it vs and not any endeuour by our owne motion of nature But they doe not marke the in the cōparison of the righteousnesse of the law the righteousnesse of the gospell which Paule bringeth in in an other place all workes are excluded with what title so euer they be adorned For he teacheth that this is the righteousnesse of the law that he shuld obte●●e saluation that hath performed that whiche the law cōmaundeth and that this is the righteousnesse of fayth yf we beleue that Christ died and is risen againe Moreouer we shall her after shewe in place fitio● it that sauctification righteousnesse are seuerall benefites of Christ Whereupon foloweth that the very spirituall workes come not into the accompt when the power of iustifieng is ascribed to fayth And where Paule denieth as I euē now alleged that Abraham had any thing wherupō to glorie before God bicause he was not made righteous by workes this ought not to be restrayned to the literall and outward kinde of vertues or to the endeuour of free will But although the life of the Patriarch Abraham were spirituall and in manner Angelike yet he had not sufficient deseruynges of workes to purchace him righteousnesse before God The Scholemen teach a litle more gros●y that mingle their preparations but these do lesse infect the simple and vnskilfull with corrupt doctrine vnder pretense of Spirit and grace hydyng the mercie of God whiche only is able to appease tremblyng consciences But we confesse with Paul that the doers of the law are iustified before God but bicause we are all far from the keping of the law herupon we gather that the workes which should most of al haue auailed to righteousnesse do nothing help vs bicause we lacke them As for the cōmon Papistes or Scholemen they are in this point doubly deceiued both bicause they cal faith an assuredne●se of consciēce in loking for reward at the hand of God for deseruinges and also bicause they expound the grace of God not to be a free imputation of righteousnesse but the holy ghost helpyng to the endeuour of holinesse They reade in the Apostle that he which cōmeth to God muste first beleue that there is a God then that he is a rendrer of reward to them that seke him But they marke not what is the manner of seking And that they are deceyued in the name of grace is plamely proued by their owne writings For Lombarde expoundeth that iustification by Christ is geuen vs two wayes First sayth he the death of Christ doth iustifie vs when by it charitie is stirred vp in our heartes by which we are made righteous Secondly that by the same death sinne is destroyed whereby Satan helde vs captiue so that nowe he hath not whereby to condemne vs. You see how he considereth the grace of God principally in iustification to be so far as we are directed to good workes by the grace of the holy ghost He would forsoth haue folowed the opinion of Augustine but he foloweth him a far of goth far out of the waye frō rightly folowing him bicause if Augustine haue spokē any thing plainly he darkeneth it if there be any thing in Augustine not very vnpure he corrupteth it The Scholemen haue stil strayed from worse to worse till with hedlong fall at length they be rolled downe into a Pelagian errour And the very sentence of Augustine or at least his manner of speakyng is not altogether to be receyued For though he singularly w●ll taketh from man all prayse of righteousnesse and assigneth it wholly to the grace of God yet he referreth grace to sanctificatiō wherby we are renewed into newnesse of life by the holy ghost But the Scripture when it speaketh of the righteousnesse of faith leadeth vs to a far other end that is to say that turnyng away from the loking vpō our owne workes we should only loke vnto the mercie of God and perfection of Christ. For it teacheth this order of iustificatiō that first God vouchsaueth to embrace mā beyng a sinner with his mere and free goodnesse consideryng nothing in him but miserie whereby he may be mo●ed to mercie for asmuch as he seeth him altogether naked voide of good workes fetchyng from himself the cause to do him good then that he moueth the sinner himself with feling of his goodnesse which desperyng vpon his owne workes casteth all the summe of his saluation vpon Gods mercie This is the felyng of fayth by
which felyng the sinner commeth into possession of his saluatiō when he acknowlegeth by the doctrine of the Gospel that he is reconciled to God that obteyning forgeuenesse of sinnes by meanes of the righteousnesse of Christ ●e is iustified and although he be regenerate by the Spirit of God he thinketh vpon continuall righteousnesse layed vp for him not in the good workes to which he applieth himself but in y● only righteousnesse of Christ. When these thinges shal be euery one particularly weyed they shal geue a perfect declaratiō of our sentēce Albeit thei might be better disposed in an other order than they are set forth But it maketh litle mater so that they hang together in such sort that we may haue the whole mater truely declared surely proued Here it is good to remember the relation that we haue before sayd to be betwene faith and the Gospell bycause it is sayd for this cause that faith iustifieth for that it recemeth embraceth the righteousnesse offred in the gospel And whereas it is sayd to be offred by the gospel therby al cōsideratiō of workes is excluded Which thing Paule declareth many times els where but most plainly in two places For to the Romanes comparing the lawe and the gospell together he sayth the righteousnesse that is by the law is thus the man that doth these thinges shal liue in them But the righteousnesse that is of faith offreth saluation if thou beleue in thy heart and confesse with thy mouth the Lord Iesus and that the father hath raysed him vp from the dead See you not how he maketh this the difference of the law and the Gospel that the lawe geueth righteousnesse to workes and the Gospel geueth tree righteousnesse without helpe of workes It is a notable place and that maye deliuer vs out of many harde doubtes yf we vnderstande that the same righteousnesse that is geuen vs by the Gospell is free from all conditions of the lawe This is the reason why he doth more than ones with great seming of contrarietie set the promise by way of opposition against the law as it the inheritance be of the law then is it not of the promise all the rest in the same chapter to the same effect Truely the lawe it selfe hath also her promises Therefore there must needes be in the promises of the gospel somthing different diuerse frō the promises of the lawe vnlesse we will confesse that the comparison is very sond But what diuersitie shall this bee vnlesse it be that they are freely geuen and vpholden by the only mercie of God whereas the promises of the lawe hange vpon the condition of workes Neyther let any manne here carp agaynst me and saye that in this place the righteousnesse is reiected whiche menne of their owne force and freewill would compell God to receiue for asmuch as Paule without exception teacheth that the law in cōmaunding profiteth nothing bicause there is none not only of the cōmon multitude but also of the perfectest that fulfilleth it Loue vndoubtedly is the chefe point of the law when the Spirit of God frameth vs vnto it why is it not to vs a cause of righteousnesse but for that euen in the holy ones it is vnperfect and therefore of it self deserueth no reward The second place is this It is manifest that no man is iustified by the lawe before God Bicause the righteous man shall liue by fayth But the law is not of faith but the man that doth these thynges shall liue in them Howe coulde this argument otherwise stande together vnlesse we agree vpon this point that workes come not into the accompt of faith but are vtterly to be seuered from it The lawe sayth he differeth from fayth Why so bicause workes are required to the righteousnesse thereof Therefore it foloweth that workes are not required to the righteousnesse of faith By this relation it appereth that they which are iustified by faith are iustified byside the deseruing of workes yea without the deseruyng of workes bycause faith receyueth that righteousnesse which the Gospel geueth And the gospel differeth from the law in this point that it bindeth not righteousnesse to workes but setteth it in the only mercy of God Like herunto is that whiche he affirmeth to the Romanes that Abraham had nothyng to glorie vpon bycause fayth was imputed to him vnto righteousnesse he addeth a confirmation bycause then there is place for the righteousnesse of faith when there are no workes to whiche a rewarde is due Where bee workes sayth he due rewarde is rendred vnto them that whiche is geuen to faith is freely geuen For the very meanyng of the wordes that he vseth in that place serue to proue the same Wheras he adioyneth within a litle after that therefore we obteyne the inheritance by fayth as accordynge to grace hereupon he gathereth that the inheritance is of free gift bicause it is receyued by fayth and how commeth that but bicause fayth without any help of workes leaneth wholy vpon the mercie of God And in the same meanyng without dout he teacheth in an other place that the righteousnesse of God was openly shewed without the law although it haue witnesse borne of it by the law the Prophetes bicause excludyng the lawe he sayth that it is not holpen by workes and that we obteyne it not by workyng but come empty that we maye receyue it By this time the reader perceiueth with what equitie the Sophisters do at this daye cauill at our Doctrine when we saye that man is iustified by faith only They dare not denie that man is iustified by faith bicause it is so often foūd in Scripture but bicause this word Only is neuer expressed they can not abide to haue such an addition made Is it so But what will they answer to these wordes of Paule where he affirmeth that righteousnesse is not of fayth except it be freely geuen Howe can free gift agree with workes And with what cauillations will they mocke out that whiche he sayth in an other place that the righteousnesse of God is manifestly shewed in the Gospell If righteousnesse be manifestly shewed in the Gospell surely therein is conteyned not a torne or halfe righteousnesse but full and perfect Therefore the lawe hath no place therein And they stande vpon not only a false but also a foolish shifte about this exclusine word Only Doth not he perfectly enough geue al things to only faith that taketh al thinges from workes What I praye you meane these sayenges that righteousnesse was manifestly shewed without the law that mā is iustified freely and without the workes of the law Here they haue a witty shifte to escape withall whiche although they deuised it not themselues but borowed it of Origene certaine of the old writers yet is very foolish They prate that the ceremoniall workes of the law not the moral are excluded They profit so with
confesse with mouth thei are Christes no further thē in name or thei be hypocrites which couer the wickednes of their hearts with vaine deceitful colors or being regenerate by the Spirit of God thei endeuoure themselues to true holines Specially when thei are to be iudged by their natural giftes from the croune of their heade to the soule of their foote ther shal not be found one sparcle of goodnesse vnlesse paraduenture we will accuse the Scripture of falshed whē it setteth out all the sonnes of Adam with these titles that thei bee of froward stubborne heart that al the imaginatiō of their heart is euel frō their infantie that their thoughtes be vaine that thei haue not the feare of God before their eies that none of them vnderstādeth or seketh God brefeli that thei be flesh by which word are vnderstāded al those workes which Paul reherseth fornicatiō vnclēanes vnchastitie riotousnes worshipping of ydoles witchcraftes enmities contentions emulations angers dissensions sectes enuies manslaughters whatsoeuer filthines abhomination mai be deuised This forsothe is the worthinesse with cōfidence wherof thei must be proued But if any among thē excel with such honestye of manners as may haue some shew of holynes amōg men yet bicause we know that God regardeth not the outward glistering we must searche the very fountaine of works if we wil haue them to auaile any thing to righteousnes We muste I saye throughly loke into them frō what affection of heart these workes procede But although here lieth open a most large fielde to discourse in yet bicause the matter may be declared in very few words I will folowe asmuch as I may a brefenesse in teaching First I deny not that whatsoeuer excellent giftes appeare in the vnbeleuers thei are the giftes of God Neither do I so differ frō common iudgement that I wold affirme that ther is no difference betwene the iustice temperance equitie of Titus Traianus the rage intemperāce crueltie of Caligula or Nero or Domitian betwene the filthy lustes of Tiberius in this behalfe the continence of Uespasian that wee may not tarry vpon some special vertues or vices betwene the obseruing the despising of right lawes For ther is so great difference of right wronge that it appeareth euen in the deade image therof For what thing shal ther remaine well ordered in the world if we cōfound these together Therfore such a differēce betwene honest vnhonest doinges the Lord hath not only engrauen in the mindes of al men but also doth oft confirme it with the dispensation of his prouidence For we see how he extendeth many blessinges of this present life to them that among men doe folowe vertue Not bicause the outwarde image of vertue deserueth so much as the leaste benefit of his but so it pleaseth him to declare by profe how much true righteousnes pleaseth him when he suffreth euen outwarde fained righteousnes not to be wtout reward Whervpō foloweth that which we euen now cōfessed that these vertues such as thei be or rather images of vertues are the giftes of God forasmuch as ther is nothing in any wise praise worthy whiche proceedeth not from him But neuerthelesse it is true whiche Augustine writeth that all they that are strangers frō the true religion of the one God howesoeuer they be accompted worthy of admiration for opinion of vertue are not onely worthy of no reward but rather are worthy of punishment bicause thei doe with defiling of hearte bespott the pure good thinges of God For though thei be the instrumentes of God to preserue the felowship of mē with iustice continence tēperance of minde valiantnesse wisdome yet they do very euelly execute these good workes of God because they are restrained from euil doing not by sincere loue of goodnesse but either by only ambition or by loue of thēselues or by some other crooked affectiō Wheras therfore they ar corrupt by the very vnclenesse of hart as by their beginning they are no more to be reckened amonge vertues than those vices which are wont to deceiue by reason of nerenesse likenes of vertue Finally whan we remēbre that th end of that which is right euer is that God be serued whatsoeuer tendeth to any other end fourthw t worthily loseth the name of right Bicause therfore they haue not respect to the mark which the wisdome of God apointeth although the thing that they do seme good in doyng yet by a wrongful end it is sin He cōcludeth therfore that al the Fabricii Scipiōes Catoes in al these excellent actes of theirs yet sinned in this behalfe that wheras they lacked the light of faith they did not apply them to that end to which they ought to haue applied them and that for that cause true righteousnes was not in them for as much as duties are not weyed by the doinges but by the endes Moreouer if it be true which Iohn saith that there is no life without the sonne of God who so haue no part in Christ what maner of men so euer they be whatsouer they do or goe about yet they run forward with their whole course into destruction the iugement of eternal death After this reasō is that said of Augustine Oure religiō disceneth the righteous from the vnrighteous not by law of workes but by the very lawe of faith wtout which those that seme good workes are turned into sinnes Wherfore the same Augustine saith very wel in an other place when he cōpareth the endeuour of such mē to running out of the way For how much faster a man runneth out of the way so much further he is from the mark therfore is made so much more miserable Wherfore he affirmeth that it is better to halt in the way than to run out of the way Finally it is certaine that thei are euel trees forasmuch as without the cōmunicating of Christ there is no sanctification They may therfore beare faire fruites beautifull to the eye yea swete in tast but in no wise good fruites Hereby we easily perceiue that whatsoeuer man thinketh purposeth or doeth before that he be reconciled to god by faith is accursed not only of no value to righteousnesse but of certaine deseruing to dānatiō And why dispute we herof as of a doutful thing sith it is alredy proued by the witnes of thapostle that it is impossible that any man mai please God wtout faith But there shall yet appere a plainer proufe if the grace of God be in comparison directly set against the naturall state of man For the scripture crieth out euery wher that God findeth nothing in man wherby he may be prouoked to do good to him but with his owne free goodnes preuenteth him For what can a dead do to atteine life But when he lightneth vs with the knowledg of himself he is said to raise vs from
vs. When therfore the holy ones do by innocēcie of cōscience cōfirme their faith gather matter of reioysing they do nothing but cal to minde by the frutes of their calling that they are adopted of the Lord into the place of children This therfore that is taught by Salomon that in the fea●e of the Lord is stedfast assurednesse this that somtime the holy ones vse this protestation to the entent that they may be heard of the Lord that thei haue walked before his face in vprightnes simplicititie haue no place in laying the fundatiō of stablishing of cōscience but are thē only of value if they be taken of the ensuing effect because both the feare is no where whiche may stablish a full assurednesse the holy ones are priuie in their conscience of such an vprightnes wherwith ar yet mingled many rēnātes of the flesh But forasmuche as of the frutes of regeneration they gather an argume●t of the holy Ghoste dwellynge in them they do there by not sclenderly strengthen them selues to loke for the helpe of God in all their necessities when they by experience finde hym their father in so great a matter And euen this also they canne not doe vnlesse thei haue first conceyued the goodnesse of God sealed with no other assurednesse than of the promyse For if they beginne to weye yt by good workes nothing shal be more vncertaine nor more weake forasmuche as if workes bee considered by them selues thei shall no lesse by theyr imperfection shewe profe of the wrathe of God than thei do with how soeuer vnperfect purenes testifie his good wil. Fynally thei do so set out the benefites of God that yet they tourne not awaie from the free fauoure of God in which Paul testifieth that ther is the length breadth depth and heigth of them as if he shoulde say Whethersoeuer the senses of the godly do tourne themselues howe hie soeuer thei clyme how farre and wide soeuer thei extend them yet thei ought not to goe oute of the loue of Christe but holde them selues wholy in the meditation therof bicause it comprehendeth al kindes of measures in it And therfore he saithe that it excelleth and surmounteth aboue all knowledge and that when we acknowledge howe muche Christe hathe loued vs we are fulfilled into all the fulnesse of God As in an other place when he glorieth that all the Godly are vanquishers in battell he by and by addeth a reason bycause of him that loued vs. We see now that ther ys not in the holy ones that affiance of works whiche either geueth any thinge to the merite of them forasmuche as thei regarde them none otherwise than as the giftes of God whereby thei reknowledg his goodnesse none otherwise than as signes of their calling whereby maie thinke vpon their election or whiche withdraweth not any thing from the free righteousnesse whiche wee obteine in Christe for asmuche as it hangeth vpon it and standeth not withoute it The same thing doth Augustine in few wordes but very wel set out where he writeth I do not saie to the Lorde despise not the workes of my handes or I haue sought the Lorde with my handes and haue not been deceiued But I do not commned the workes of my handes for I feare least when thou haste loked vpon them thou shalt finde moe sinnes than merites Onli this I say this I ask this I desire despise not the workes of thy hands beholde in me thy worke not mine For if thow beholdest mine thou damnest me if thou beholdest thine thou crownest me For also whatsoeuer good workes I haue they are of thee He setteth two causes why he dare not boaste of his workes to God bycause if he haue any good workes he seeth therin nothing his owne secondly bycause the same is also ouerwhelmed wyth multytude of synnes Whereupon commeth to passe that the conscience feleth thereby more feare and dismaieng than assurednesse Therfore he woulde haue God no otherwise to loke on his well doinges than that reknowledging in them the grace of his calling he maie make an ende of the worke which he hathe begonne But furthermore wheras the scripture sheweth that the good workes of the faithfull are causes why the Lorde doth good to them that is so to be vnderstanded that that which we haue before set may stand vnshaken that the Effect of our saluation consisteth in the loue of God the Father the Mater in the obedience of the Sonne the Instrument in the enlightning of the holy ghooste that is to saie in faithe that the end is the glorie of the so great kindenes of God These thinges withstande not but that the Lorde maye embrace workes as inferiour causes But whense cōmeth that Namely whome the Lord of his mercie hath apointed to the inheritāce of eternal life them with his ordinarie dispēsation he doth by good workes bring into the possessiō therof That which goeth before in order of dispensatiō he calleth the cause of that which foloweth After this māner he somtime deriueth eternal life frō workes not for that is to be ascribed to thē but bicause whome he hath chosen them he doth iustifie that he may at lēgth glorifie them he maketh the grace that goeth before which is a step toward that which foloweth after a certaine māner the cause of it But so oft as he hath occasiō to assigne the true cause he biddeth vs not to flee to workes but holdeth vs in the only thinking vpon the mercie of God For what manner of thing is this which he teacheth by the Apostle The reward of sinne is death the grace of the Lord is life euerlasting Why doth he not set righteousnesse in cōparison against sinne as he setteth life agaynst death Why doth he not make righteousnesse the cause of life as he maketh sinne the cause of death For so should the comparison of contraries haue stand well together which is much broken by this turning But the Apostle meant by this cōparison to expresse that which was truth that death is due to the deseruings of men that life is reposed in the only mercie of God Finally in these māners of speaking is rather expressed the order than the cause bicause God in heaping graces vpon graces taketh cause of the first to adde the second that he may leaue nothing vndone to the enrichyng of his seruantes and he so continually extēdeth his liberalitie that yet he would haue vs alway to looke vnto the free election which is fountaine beginning of it For although he loueth the giftes which he dayly geueth in so much as thei spring out of that fountaine yet it is our part to holde fast that free acceptation whiche alone is able to vpholde our soules as for such giftes of his Spirit as he afterward geueth vs so to adioyne them to the first cause that they minish nothing of it The .xv. Chapter ¶ That those thinges that are commōly
honour not weyeng the worthinesse of them that he accompteth them of some value The third that he receiueth the very same workes with pardon not imputyng the imperfectiō wherwith they al beyng defiled should otherwise be rather reckened amōg sinnes than vertues And hereby appereth how much the Sophisters haue ben deceiued whiche thought that they had gaylye escaped al absurdities when they sayd that workes do not of their owne inwarde goodnesse auayle to deserue saluation but by the forme of the couenant bicause the Lord hath of his liberalitie so much estemed them But in the meane time they considered not howe far those workes whiche they would haue to be meritorious were from the conditiō of the promises vnlesse there went before bothe iustification grounded vpon only fayth and the forgeuenesse of sinnes by which euē the good workes themselues haue neede to be wiped from spottes Therefore of three causes of Gods liberalitie by which it is brought to passe that the workes of the faythfull are acceptable they noted but one suppressed two yea and those the principall They allege the sayeng of Peter whiche Luke rehearseth in the Actes I finde in truthe that God is not an accepter of persones but in euery nation he that doth righteousnesse is acceptable to him And hereupon they gather that which semeth to be vndouted that if man doth by right endeuors get himselfe the fauor of God it is not the beneficiall gift of God alone that he obteyneth saluation yea that God doth so of his mercie help a sinner that he is by workes bowed to mercie But you can in no wise make the Scriptures agree together vnlesse you note a double acceptyng of man with God For such as man is by nature God findeth nothyng in him whereby he maye be enclined to mercie but only miserie If therfore it be certayne that man is naked and needy of all goodnesse and on the other side full stuffed and loden with al kindes of euels when God first receyueth them for what qualitie I pray you shal we say that he is worthy of the heauēly calling ▪ Away therefore with the vaine imaginyng of merites where God so euidētly setteth out his free mercifulnesse For that which in the same place is sayde by the voice of the Angell to Cornelius that his prayers and almes had ascēded into the sight of God is by these men most lewdly wrested that man by endeuor of good workes is prepared to receiue the grace of God For it muste needes be that Cornelius was already enlightened with the Spirit of wisdome sithe he was endued with true wisdome namely with the feare of God that he was sanctified with the same Spirit sith he was a folower of righteousnesse which the Apostle teacheth to be a most certaine frute therof Al those things therefore whiche are sayd to haue pleased God in him he had of his grace so far is it of that he did by his own endeuor prepare himself to receiue it Truely there cā not one syllable of the Scripture be brought forth that agreeth not with this doctrine that there is none other cause for God to accept man vnto him but bicause he seeth that mā should be euery way lost if he be left to himselfe but bicause he will not haue him lost he vseth his own mercie in deliueryng him Now we see how this accepting hath not regard to the righteousnesse of man but is a mere token of the goodnesse of God toward men beyng miserable and moste vnworthy of so great a benefit But after that the Lord hath brought man out of the bottomlesse depth of destruction and seuered him to himselfe by grace of adoption bicause he hath nowe begotten him and newely formed him into a newe life he nowe embraceth him as a newe creature with the giftes of his Spirit This is that acceptyng whereof Peter maketh mention by whiche the faythfull are after their vocation allured of God euen in respecte also of workes for the Lorde can not but loue and kisse those good thinges whiche he worketh in them by his Spirit But this is alwaye to be remembred that they are none otherwise acceptable to God in respect of workes but in as muche as for their cause and for their sakes whatsoeuer good workes he hath geuen them in encreasyng of his liberalitie he also vouchesaueth to accept For whense haue they good workes ▪ but bicause the Lord as he hath chosen them for vessels vnto honor so will garnish thē with true godlinesse Whereby also are they accompted good as though there were nothing wanting in them but bicause the kinde Father tēderly graunteth pardon to those deformities spottes that cleaue to them Summarily he signifieth nothing els in this place but that to God his children are acceptable louely in whom he seeth the markes and features of his owne face For we haue in an other place taught that regeneratiō is a repairyng of the image of God in vs. For asmuch as therfore wheresoeuer the Lord beholdeth his owne face he both worthily loueth it and hath it in honor it is not without cause sayd that the life of the faithful beyng framed to holinesse righteousnesse pleaseth him but bycause the godly beyng clothed with mortall fleshe are yet sinners and their good workes are but begonne and sauoryng of the faultinesse of the fleshe he can not be fauorable neyther to those nor to these vnlesse he more embrace them in Christ than in themselues After this manner are those places to be taken whiche testifie that God is kinde mercifull to the folowers of righteousnesse Moses sayd to the Israelites The Lord thy God kepeth couenant to a thousand generations which sentēce was afteward vsed of the people for a common manner of speache So Salomon in his solemne prayer sayth Lord God of Israell whiche kepest couenant and mercie to thy seruātes which walke before thee in their whole heart The same wordes are also repeted of Nehemias For as in al the couenātes of his mercie the Lord likewise on their behalues requireth of his seruātes vprightnesse holinesse of life that his goodnesse should not be made a mockerie that no man swelling with vaine reioysing by reason therof should blesse his owne soule walking in the meane time in the peruersnesse of his own heart so his wil is by this way to kepe in their dutie them that are admitted into the cōmuniō of the couenāt yet neuerthelesse the couenāt it self is both made at the beginnyng free perpetually remayneth such After this māner Dauid when he glorieth that there was rēdred to him reward of the cleannesse of his hādes yet omitteth not that fountaine which I haue spoken of that he was drawen out of the wombe bicause God loued him where he so setteth out the goodnesse of his cause that he abateth nothyng from the free mercie whiche goeth before all giftes whereof it is
imputed to him for righteousnesse Sith therfore it is said that the acte done by Phinees was imputed to him for righteousnesse what Paule affirmeth of faith the same may we also conclude of works Whervpon our aduersaries as though thei had wonne the victorie determine that we are in dede not iustified without faith but that we are also not iustified by it alone and that workes accomplish our righteousnesse Therefore here I beseache the godly that if thei knowe that the true rule of righteousnesse is to be taken out of the Scripture only thei will religiously and earnestly weie with me how the Scripture may without cauillations be rightly made to agree with it selfe For asmuch as Paul knewe that the iustificatiō of faith is the refuge for them that ar destitute of their own righteousnesse he doth boldly cōclude that al thei that ar iustified by faith ar excluded from the righteousnesse of works But sith it is certayne that the iustification of faith is common to all the faithfull he dothe thereof with like boldenesse conclude that no man is iustified by works but rather contrariewise that men are iustified without any helpe of workes But it is one thing to dispute of what value works are by themselues and an other thing what accompt is to be made of them after the stablishing of the righteousnesse of faith If we shal set a price vpon works according to their worthinesse we saie that thei are vnworthy to come into the sight of God and therefore that man hath no workes whereof he may glorie before God then that being spoiled of al helpe of works he is iustified by only faith Now we define righteousnesse thus that a sinner being receiued into the communion of Christ is by hys grace reconciled to God when being cleansed with his bloode he obteineth forgeuenesse of sinnes and being clothed with his righteousnesse as with his own he stādeth assured before the heauenly iudgment ●eate Whē the forgeuenesse of sinnes is set before the good workes which folowe haue now an other valuation than after their own deseruing bycause whatsoeuer is in them vnperfect is couered with the perfectiō of Christ whatsoeuer spottes or fylthinesse there is it is wyped away wyth hys cleannesse that it maye not come into the examination of the iudgement of God Therfore when the giltines of al trespasses is blotted out whereby men are hindred that thei can bring forthe nothing acceptable to God and when the faulte of imperfection is buried whiche is wonte also to defile good workes the good workes which the faithful do are compted righteous or which is all one are imputed for righteousnesse Now if any man obiect this against me to assaile the righteousnesse of faithe first I will aske whether a man be compted righteous for one or two holy works being in the rest of the works of his life a trespasser of the law This is more than an absurditie Then I will aske if he be compted righteous for many good works yf he be in any parte founde gilty This also he shal not be so bolde to affirme when the penal ordina●ce of the law crieth oute against it proclameth al them accursed which haue not fulfilled all cōmaundementes of the lawe to the vttermost Moreouer I wil go further ask whether ther be any work that deserueth to be accused of no vncleannesse or imperfection And howe could there be any such before those eies to whom euē the very starres are not cleane enough nor the Angeles righteous enough So shal he be compelled to graunt that there is no good worke which is not so defiled with transgressions adioyned with it with the corruptnesse of it selfe that it can not haue the honoure of righteousnesse Nowe if it bee certaine that it proceedeth from the righteousnesse of faith that woorkes which are otherwise vnpure vncleane and but halfe workes not worthy of the sight of God much lesse of his loue are imputed to righteousnesse why do thei with boasting of the righteousnesse of workes destroye the iustification of faith wheras if this iustification were not thei shold in vaine boaste of that righteousnes Wyll thei make a vipers birth● For therto end the saiengs of the vngodly mē Thei can not denie that the iustificatiō of faith is the beginning foundatiō cause matter substance of the righteousnesse of works yet thei cōclude the man is not iustified by faith bycause good workes also are accōpted for righteousnesse Therfore let vs let passe these follies confesse as the truth is that if the righteousnesse of works of what sort soever it be accōpted hangeth vpon the iustificatiō of faith it is by this not onely nothing minished but also cōfirmed namly wherbi the strength therof appeareth more mighty Neither yet let vs think that works ar so cōmēded after fre iustificatiō that thei also afterward come into the place of iustifieng a mā or do parte that office betwene them faithe For vnlesse the iustificatiō remaine alway whole the vncleannes of workes shal be vncouered And it is no absurditie that a man is so iustified by faith that not only he himself is righteous but also his woorkes are esteemed righteous aboue their worthynesse After this māner we wil graūt in workes not only a righteousnes in parts as our aduersaries thēselues wold haue but also that it is alowed of God as if it wer a perfect ful righteousnesse But if we remēbre vpō what foūdatiō it is vpholdē al the difficultie shal be disolued For then no● til their beginneth to be an acceptable worke whē it is receiued with pardō Now whense cōmeth pardō but bicause God beholdeth both vs ●amp al our thinges in Christe Therefore as we when we are graffed into Christ do therfore appeare righteous before God bicause our wickednesses are couered with his innocence so our workes are be taken for righteous bicause whatsoeuer faultines is otherwise in thē being buried in the cleannesse of Christe it is not imputed So we may rightfully sai that bi onli faith not ōly we but also our works ar iustified Now if this righteousnes of works of what sorte soeuer it be hangeth vpō faith tree iustification is made of it it ought to be included vnder it and to he sette vnder it as the effect vnder the cause therof as I may so cal it so farre is it of that it oughte to bee raysed vp either to destroy or darken it So Paule to dryue men to confesse that oure blessednesse cōsisteth of the mercy of God not of works chefli enforceth that saying of Dauid Blessed are thei whose iniquitties are forgeuen and whose sinnes are couered Blessed is he to whom the Lord hath not imputed sinne If any mā do thrust in to the contrary innumerable sayings wherin blessednesse seemeth to be geuen to works as are these Blessed is the man whiche feareth the Lord whiche hath pitie on the poore
witnesse it Butte if any man will leape from the mere goodnesse of God to the worthinesse of workes he shal be nothing holpen by these testimonies to the stablishing of his errour For you cā gather nothing rightly therof but the mere inclinatiō of Gods tendernes towarde vs forasmuche as to encourage vs to wel doinge although the seruices whiche we do to him are not worthy of so muche as his onely loking vpon them yet he suffreth none of them to be loste But thei more enforce the woordes of the Apostle whiche when hee comforteth the Thessalomans in troubles reacheth that the same are sent to them that thei maye be accōpted worthy of the kingedome of God for whiche thei suffer For saith he it is righteous with God to render trouble to thē that trouble you but to you rest with vs when the lorde Iesus shal be shewed from heauen But the authore of the epistle to the Hebrues saith God is not vnrighteous that he sholde forget your work the loue which you haue shewed in hys name for that you haue ministred to the saintes To the firste place I answer that there is no worthinesse of merit spoken of but bycause God the father willeth that we whome he hathe chosen to be hys chyldren shoulde be made like to Christie his firste begotten sonne as it behoued that hee shoulde firste suffer and then entre into the glorie apointed for him so muste we also by manye tribulations entre into the kingdome of heauē Therfore when we suffer tribulations for the name of Christe there are as it were certayne markes printed vpō vs wherew t God vseth to marke the shepe of hys stock After this māner therfore we are accōpted worthy of the kingdome of God bicause we beare in oure body the markes of oure lord master which ar the signes of the childrē of God To this purpose make these saiengs That we beare about in our body the mortificatiō of Ie● Christ that his life maye bee shewed in vs. That we bee fashioned like to his suffringes that we may come to the likenesse of his resurrection from the dead The reason whiche is adioined serueth not to proue any worthinesse but to confirme the hope of the kingdom of God as if he had said As it agreeth with the iust iudgmente of God to take vengeance of your enemies for the vexations that thei haue done to you so agreeth it also to geue to you release and reste from vexations The other place whiche teacheth that it so becommeth the righteousnesse of God not to forgett the obediences of them that be his that it declareth it to be in a māner vnrighteous if he shold forget them hath this meaning God to quickē our ●outhfulnesse hath geuen vs assurance that the laboure shall not bee vaine which we shal take for his glorie Let vs alwaye remembre that this promise as all other shold bring vs no profit vnlesse the free couenaunt of mercie went before wherevpon the whole assurednesse of our saluacion shold rest But standing vpon that couenant we ought assuredly to trust there shal also not want rewarde of the liberalitie of God to oure workes howsoeuer thei be vnworthy The Apostle to confirme vs in that expectation affirmeth that God is not vnrighteous but wil stand to his promise ones made Therefore thys righteousnesse is rather referred to the truth of Gods promise than to his iustice of rendring due Accordyng to which meaning there is a notable saienge of Augustine which as the holy mā sticketh not to reherse often as notable so I think it not vnworthy that we should continually remēbre it The lord saith he is faithful which hath made himself decter to vs not by receyuing any thinge of vs but by promising all thinges to vs. There are also alleged these saienges of Paul If I haue al faithe so that I remoue moūtaines out of their place but haue not charitie I am nothing Again Nowe there remaine hope faith charitie but the greatest amōg these is charitie Again Aboue all things haue charitie which is the bōd of perfectiō By the first two places our Pharises affirme that we are rather iustified by charitie than by faith namely by the chefer vertue as thei saie But this fond argument is easily wyped away For we haue in an other place already declared that those things whyche ar spokē in the first place perteine nothing to true sayth The other place we also expound of true faith thā which he saith that Charitie is greater not that it is more meritorious but bicause it is more fruteful bicause it extēdeth further bicause it serueth mo bicause it remaineth alway ī force wheras the vse of faith cōtinueth but for a time If we haue regard so excellence the loue of God shold worthily haue the chefe place of whiche Paul here speaketh not For he enforceth this thing onely that we shold with mutuall charitie edifie one an other in the Lord but let vs imagine that charitie dothe euery waie excell faithe yet what man of sounde iudgement yea or of sound braine wil gather thereof that it doth more iustifie●punc The power of iustifieng which faith hath consisteth not in the worthinesse of the worke Our iustification standeth vpon the onely mercie of God the deseruing of Christ which iustificatiō when faith taketh holde of it is said to iustifie Now if you aske our aduersaries in what cause they assign iustification to charitie thei wil answer that bicause it is a dutiefull doing acceptable to God therfore by the deseruing therof righteousnesse is imputed to vs bi the acceptatiō of the goodnes of God Here you see how wel the argument procedeth We say that faith iustifieth not bicause by the worthinesse of it selfe it deserueth righteousnes to vs but bicause it is an instrument by whyche we freely obteine the ryghteousnesse of Christ. These men omitting the mercy of God and passing ouer Christ where the summe of righteousnesse standeth do affirme that we are iustified by the benifite of charitie bicause it excelleth aboue faith euen as if a man wolde reason that a king is fitter to make a shooe than is a shooemaker bicause he is an infinite way more excellent This only argument is a plaine example that all the Sorbonicall schooles doo not so much as taste with the vttermoste part of their lippes what the iustification of faith is But if any wrangler do yet carpe and aske why in so small distance of place we take the name of faith in Paul so diuersly I haue a weightie cause of this exposition For sithe those giftes whyche Paul rehearseth are after a certaine māner vnder faith hope bicause thei perteine to the knowledge of God he contemneth them al by way of recapitulation vnder the name of faith hope as if he shold say by the prophecie tonges the grace knowledg of interpretation tend to this
the treasures which our fayth hath loked vpon beyng shewed to it by the gospell of the Lord. Now how necessarie and how many wayes profitable this exercise of prayer is it can by no wordes be sufficiently declared Undoutedly it is not without cause that the heauenly father testifieth that the only fortresse of saluation is in the callyng vpon his name namely whereby we call to vs the presence bothe of his prouidence by whiche he watcheth to take care of our matters and of his power by which he susteineth vs beyng weake in a manner fayntyng and of his goodnesse by which he receiueth vs into fauor beyng miserably loden with sinnes finally whereby we cal him al whole to geue himself present to vs. Hereby groweth singular rest and quietnesse to our consciences For when we haue disclosed to the Lord the necessitie whiche distressed vs we largely rest though it were but in this onely that none of our euels is hidden from him whō we are persuaded bothe to be most well willyng toward vs and most able to prouide well for vs. But will some man saye did not he know without any to put in minde of it bothe in what part we be distressed and what is expedient for vs so that it maye seme after a certayne manner superfluous that he should be troubled with our prayers as though he winked or slept vntill he were awaked with our voice But they which so reason marke not to what ende the lord hath instructed them that be his to pray for he ordeined it not so much for his owne cause as rather for oures He willeth in deede as right it is that his due be rendred to him when they acknowledge to come from him whatsoeuer men require or doe perceiue to make for their profit and doe testifie the same with wishynges But the profit also of this sacrifice wherewith he is worshipped commeth to vs. Therefore how much more boldly the holy fathers gloriously talked bothe to thēselues and other of the benefites of God so much the more sharply they were pricked forward to pray The only example of Elias shal be enough for vs whiche beyng sure of the counsell of God after that he not rashely had promised raine to Achab yet busily prayeth betwene his knees and sendeth his seruant seuen times to espie it not for that he dyd discredit the oracle of God but bycause he knew that it was his dutie least his faith should waxe drowsy and sluggish to laye vp his desires with God Wherefore although while we lye senslesse so dull that we perceiue not our owne miseries he waketh and watcheth for vs and somtime also helpeth vs vndesired yet it much behoueth vs that he be continually called vpon of vs that our heart maye be enflamed with earnest and feruent desire to seke loue and worship him while we accustome our selues in euery necessitie to s●ee to him as to our shoote anchare Againe that no desire and no wishe at all maye entre into our minde whereof we should be ashamed to make him witnesse while we learne to present our wishes yea to poure out our whole heart before his eyes Then y● we may be framed to receiue al his benefites with true thākfulnesse of minde yea with outward thankesgeuyng of which we are put in minde by our prayer that thei come to vs frō his hād Moreouer that when we haue obteined that whiche we desired beyng persuaded that he hath answered to our prayers we may be therby the more feruētly caried to thinke vpō his kindenesse therewithal embrace with greater pleasure those thinges which we acknowledge to haue ben obteined by prayer Laste of all that very vse and experience maye accordyng to the measure of our weakenesse assure our mindes of his prouidence when we vnderstand that he not only promiseth that he will neuer faile vs and that he doth of his owne accord open vs the entrie to cal to him in the very point of necessitie but also hath his hand alway stretched out to help them that be his and that he doth not feade them with wordes but defendeth them with present help For these causes the most kinde Father although he neuer slepeth or is sluggishe yet oftentimes maketh a shew as though he slept were sluggish that so he maye exercise vs which are otherwise sloughtfull sluggish to come to him to aske of him to require him to our owne great benefit Therfore they do to foolishly which to cal away the mindes of men frō prayer babble that the prouidence of God which maketh for the safekeping of al thinges is in vaine weried with our callinges vpon him Whereas the lord cōtrariwise not in vaine testifieth that he is ●●e to al thē that call vpō his name in truth And of none other sort is that which other do triffingly say that it is superfluous to aske those thinges whiche the Lord is of his owne will ready to geue whereas euen the very same thinges which flowe to vs from his owne free liberalitie he wil haue vs acknowlege to be graunted to our prayers Whiche thing that notable sentēce of the Psalm doth testifie wherwith many like sayenges do accord The eyes of the Lord are vpon the righteous his eares vnto their prayers Which sayeng so setteth out the prouidence of God bent of his own accord to prouide sor the safetie of the godly that yet he omitteth not the exercise of faith wherby sloughtfulnesse is wiped frō the mindes of men The eyes of God therfore do wake that he may succour the necessitie of the blinde but he will againe on our behalues heare our groninges that he maye the better proue his loue toward vs. And so bothe are true that the watcheman of Israell slepeth not nor slombreth and yet that he sitteth still as hauynge forgotten vs when he seeth vs dull and dumme Now to frame prayer rightly well let this be the first rule that we be no otherwise framed in minde and heart than becōmeth them that entre into talke with God Whiche verily we shall atteyne as touchyng the minde of the same beyng free from fleshely cares and thoughtes wherwith it may be called away or withdrawe frō the right pure beholding of God do not only bend it self wholly to prayer but also so much as is possible be lifted vp caried aboue it self Neither do I here require a minde so at libertie that it be pricked nipped with no ●are wheras cōtrariwise the feruētnesse of praier must by much carefulnesse be kindled in vs as we see that the holy seruāts of God do som●●●e declare great tormentes much more carefulnesses when they 〈◊〉 ●hat thei vtter to the lord a bewayling voice out of the depe depth 〈◊〉 out of the middest of the iawes of death But I say that al strāge ●●d foreyne cares must be driuen away wherwith the minde it selfe wandring hether and thether is caried
is not superfluous And so by the example of Dauid let it not greue vs to thrust in such things as may refresh fainting heartes with new liuely strength And it is wonderful that with so great swetenesse of promises we are either but coldly or almost not at all moued that a great parte of men wandring about by compasses had rather leauing these fountaine of liuing waters to digge for themselues drie pittes than to embrace the liberalitie of God freely offered thē An inuincible tour is the name of the lord saith Salomon to it the righteous man shal flee he shal be saued And Ioel after that he had prophecied of that horrible destructiō which was at hand added this notable sentence Whosoeuer calleth vpō the name of the lord shal be safe which sentence we know to perteine proprely to the course of the Gospel Scarcely euery hundreth man is moued to go forward to meet God He himself crieth by Esaie Ye shall cal vpō me I wil heare you yea before that ye crie I wil answer you And this same honor also in an other place he vouchesaueth to geue in cōmon to the whole Church as it belongeth to al the mēbres of Christe He hath cried to me I wil heare him I am in trouble with him that I maie deliuer him Neither yet as I haue already saide is it my purpose to recken vp al the places but to choose out the chefe by whiche we may take a taste how kindely God allureth vs vnto him with how streight bonds our vnthankfulnes is bound when among so sharp prickinges our sluggishnesse stil maketh delay Wherfore let these saienges alway sound in our eares The lord is nie to al thē that cal vpon him that cal vpon him in trueth also these saiengs which we haue alleaged out of Esaie Ioel by which God affirmeth that he is hedeful to heare praiers yea is delited as with a sacrifice of swete sauoure when we cast our cares vpō him This singular frute we receiue of the promises of God whē we make our praiers not doubtingly ferefulli but trusting vpon his word whose maiestie wold otherwise make vs afraide we dare cal vpon him by the name of Father forasmuch as he vouchesaueth to put this most swete name into our mouthes It remaineth that we hauing such allurementes shold know that we haue thereby matter enoughe to obteine our praiers forasmuch as our praiers stand vpon no merite of our own but al their worthines hope of obteining ar groūded vpō the promises of God and hang vpō them so that it nedeth none other vnderproppinge nor loketh vpwarde hither or thether Therefore we must determin in our minds that although we excel not in like holines as is praised in the holy fathers prophtes Apostles yet bicause the cōmādemēt of praier is cōmō to vs faith is also cōmon if we rest vpō the word of God in this right we ar fellowes with thē For God as we haue before shewed promisīg that he wil be gētle merciful to al geueth cause of hope to al euē the mos● miserable that thei shal obtein what thei ask And therfor the general formes ar to be noted frō which no mā as thei sai frō the first to the last is excluded onli let ther be presēt a purenes of heart misliking of our selfes humility faith let not our hypocrisy vnholily abuse the name of God with deceitful callīg vpon it the most good father wil not put back thē whō he not only exhorteth to com to hī but also moueth thē by al the meanes that he cā Herupō cometh that māner of prayīg of Dauid which I haue euē now rehersed Lo thou hast promised Lord to thy ser●●●t for this cause thy seruāt at this dai gathereth courag hath foūd what prayer he might make before the. Now therfore O Lord God the art god thy words shal be tru Thou hast spokē to thi seruāt of these benefits begin therfore do thē As also in an other place Perform to thy seruāt according to thy word And al the Israelits together so oft as thei arme thēselues with remēbrance of the couenāt do sufficiētly declare that we shold not prai fearfully wheras the lord so apoiteth And herin the● folowd the exāples of the fathers specially of Iacob which after that he had cōfessed that he was vnworthy of so many mercies which he had receiued at the hād of God yet he saith that he is ēcoraged to require greater things bicause God had promised that he wold do thē But whatsoeuer colors that vnbeleuers do pretēd whē thei flee not to God so oft as necessitie presseth thē whē thei seke not him nor craue his helpe thei do as much defraud hī of his due honor as if thei made to thēselfs new gods idols for by this mean thei deny that he is to them y● author of al good things On the other side ther is nothing strōger to deliuer the godly frō al dout thā to be armed with this thought that no stop ought to stay thē while they obey the cōmandmēt of God which pronoūceth y● nothing is more pleasing to him thā obediēce Here again that which I said before more clerel● appereth that a dredles spirit to pray agreeth wel with fear reuerēce carefulnes that it is no absurdity to say that God raiseth vp the ouerthrowē After this māner those formes of speach agree well together which in seming ar contrary Ieremie Daniel say that thei throw down prayers before god In an other place Iereme saith Let our praier fal down in the sight of God that he may haue mercie on the remnant of his people On the other side the faithful are oftentimes said to lift vp praier So speaketh Ezechias requiring the prophete to make intercession for him And Dauid desireth that his praier may ascende as incense For although thei being perswaded of the fatherly loue of God cherefully cōmitt thēselues into his faithful keping dout not to craue the helpe whiche he freely promiseth yet doth not an idle carelesnesse lift them vp as though thei had cast away shame but thei ascend so vpward by degrees of promyses that thei stil remaine humble suppliants in the abacemēt of thēselues Here ar questiōs obiected more thā one For the scripture reporteth that the lord grāted certain desires which yet brake forth of a minde not quiet nor wel framed Uerili for a iust cause Ioatham had auowed the inhabitāts of Sichē to the destructiō which afterward cāe vpō thē but yet god kindled with feruētnes of anger vēgeāce folowing his execratiō semeth to alow iltēpered violēt passiōs Such heat also caried Samsō whē he said Strengthē me O god that I may take vengeāce of the vncircumcised For though ther were some pece of good zele mīgled with it yet a hote
the Sonne and of the Holy ghost or must we passe ouer in silence the creation of the worlde Yea but the truthe of God is bothe in this behalfe and euery where mighti●r than that it neede to feare the euell speakyng of the wicked as Augustine strongly maynteineth in his worke of the good of Perseuerance For we see that the false Apostles coulde not by defamyng and sclanderyng the true Doctrine of Paule make hym to bee ashamed of it But whereas they say that this whole disputation is perillous also for godly myndes because it maketh against exhortatiōs because it shaketh faith because it troubleth the hart it self this is vaine Augustine sticketh not to confesse that for these causes he was wonte to be blamed for that he did to freely preache Predestination but as he had in readinesse wherwithall he largely confuteth them But we because many and diuers absurdities are thrust into this place had rather to reserue euery one to be wyped away in place fitt for it Onely this I desire generally to obteyne of them that those thynges which the Lorde hath layed vp in secrete we may not searche those thynges which he hath brought openly abroade me may not neglect least either on the one part we be condemned of vayne curiositie or on the other parte of vnthankfulnesse For this also is very wel sayd of Augustine that we may safely folow the Scripture whiche as with a motherly pace goeth stoupyngly least it shoulde forsake our weakenesse But who so are so ware and so fearfull that they would haue Predestination to be buried least it shoulde trouble weake soules with what color I beseche you wyll they couer theyr arrogance when they indirectlye accuse God of foolishe vnaduisednesse as though he foresaw not the danger which thei think themselues to haue wisely mett with Who soeuer therfore trauaileth to bryng the doctrine of Predestination into mislikyng he openly saith euyl of God as though somwhat had vnaduisedly slipped from him which is hurtful to the Chirche Predestination wherby God adopteth some into the hope of life iudgeth some to eternall death no man that would be accompted godly dare simply denie But they wrappe it vp with many cauillations specially they which make foreknowlege the cause of it We in dede doo say that they be bothe in God but we say that the one is wrongfullye made subiecte to the other When we geue foreknowlege to God we meane that all thynges alway haue ben and perpetually dooe remayne vnder his eies so that to his knowlege there is nothyng to come or pas●e but all thynges are present and so present that he dothe not imagine onely by conceyued formes as those thynges are presente to vs whereof our mynde holdeth fast the remembrance but he truely beholdeth and seeth them as sett before hym And this foreknowlege extendeth to the whole compasse of the worlde and to all creatures Predestination we call the eternall decree of God whereby he hadde it determyned with hymselfe what he willed to become of euery man For all are not created to like estate but to some eternall life and to some eternall damnation is foreappointed Therfore as euery man is created to the one or other ende so we say that he is predestinate either to lyfe or to death But this predestination God hath not onely testified in euery seuerall persone but hath shewed an example therof in the whole issue of Abraham wherby myght playnly appeare that it lyeth in his will what shall be the estate of euery nation When the Hyest diuided the nations and seuered the children of Adam his parte was the people of Israell the corde of his inheritance The separation is before the eyes of all men in the persone of Abraham as in a drye stocke one people is peculiarly chosen all other beyng refused but the cause appereth not sauyng that Moses to cutte of all occasion of gloryeng from posteritie teacheth that they excell onely by the free loue of God For he assigneth this to be the cause of their deliuerance for that God loued the Fathers and chose their seede after them More playnely in an other chapiter He was pleased in you to choose you not because you passed other nations in number but because he loued you The same admonition is often repeted with hym Beholde to the Lorde thy God belongeth the heauen the earth and whatsoeuer thyngs are in it and he hath pleased hymselfe onely in your Fathers and hath loued them and hath chosen you their sede Agayne in an other place sanctificatiō is comaunded them because they are chosen to be a peculiar people And agayne in an other place Loue is affirmed to be the cause of protection Whych also the faithfull doo declare with one voyce sayeng He hath chosen for vs our inheritaunce the glorie of Iacob whome he hath loued For they do all impute to free loue all the gyftes wherewith they were garnished of God not onely because they knewe that they themselues had obteined them by no deseruynges but also that euen the holy Patriarch was not endued with suche vertue that he coulde purchase to hymselfe and his posteritie so greate a prerogatiue of honor And the more stronglye to treade downe all pride he vpbrayded them that they haue deserued no And the more strongly to treade downe all pride he vpbrayded them that they haue deserued no such thing forasmuch as they are a stubborne hard necked people And oftentimes the Prophetes do hatefully and as by way of reproche cast the Iewes in the teethe with this election because they had fowly departed from it Whatsoeuer it be nowe lett them come fourth which wil binde the election of God either to the worthinesse of men or to the merites of works When they see one nation to be preferred before al other and when they heare that God was led with no respect to be more fauourably bent to a fewe and vnnoble yea and ●rowarde and disobedient men wil they quarel with hym because hys will was to shewe suche an example of mercie But they shall neither with their pratling voices hinder his worke nor with throwing stones of tauntes into heauē shall hitt or hurt his righteounesse but rather they shall fall backe vpon their owne heds Moreouer the Israelites are called backe to thys principle of the free couenant when either thankes are to be geuen to God or their hope to be raised vp against the time to come He made vs and not we our selues saith the Prophet his people and the shepe of his pastures The negatiue is not superfluous which is added to exclude vs that they may knowe that of all the good thinges wherwith they excell God is not onely the author but fetched the cause therof from himselfe because there was nothing in them worthie of so greate honor Also he biddeth them to be contented with the mere good pleasure of God in
it as euidently false but also strongly confuted it yea after his reuokyng of it in reprouyng the Pelagians for that they continued in the same error sayeth Who can not meruayl that the Apostle knew not this moste suttle sense For when he hadde sette out a thyng to be wondred at of these brethren while they were not yet borne and afterwarde obiected a question agaynste hymselfe sayeng what then Is there vniustice with God Here was fytte place for hym to answere that God foresawe the merites of them bothe yet he sayeth not this but fleeth to the iudgements and mercie of God And in an other place when he had taken awaye all merites before election Here sayth he is confuted their vayne reasonyng whyche defende the foreknowlege of God agaynste the grace of GOD and therefore saye that we are chosen before the makyng of the worlde because God foreknewe that wee woulde bee good not that he hymselfe woulde make vs good He sayeth not this whyche saythe Ye haue not chosen me but I haue chosen you For if he hadde therefore chosen vs because he forknewe that we woulde be good he shoulde therwithall also haue forknowen that we we woulde choose hym and so foorthe as foloweth to that effecte Let the testimonie of Augustine bee of force among them that wyllyngly reste in the authoritie of the Fathers Howe be it Augustine suffreth not hymselfe to be seuered from the reste but by cleere testimonies sheweth that this disagreemente is false with the maylyce whereof the Pelagians burdened hym For in the .xix. chapiter of his booke of the Predestination of Sainctes he allegeth out of Ambrose Christe calleth whome he hathe mercie on Agayne If he had willed of the vndeuoute he myghte haue made devoute But God calleth whome he vouchesaueth and whome he wylle he maketh religious If I lysted to knytte together a whole volume out of Augustine I coulde readily shewe to the readers that I neede no other woordes but his but I wyll not loade them with tediousnesse But goe to lett vs imagine that they speake not at all but lett vs geue hede to the mater it selfe A harde question was moued whether God dydde ryghteously in this that he vouchesaued to graunte his grace but to some Of whyche question Paule myght haue vncombred hymselfe with one woorde if he had alleged the respecte of woorkes Why therefore dothe he it not but rather continueth on a discourse whyche abydeth in the same hardenesse Why but because he oughte not For the Holye ghoste whyche spake by his mouthe had not the disease of forgetfullnesse Therefore withoute any circumstances he answereth that God therefore fauoreth his electe because he will therefore hath mercie because he will For this Oracle of God I wyll haue mercie vppon whome I wyll haue mercie and I wyll shewe mercie to whome I will shewe mercie is as muche in effect as if it had been sayd that God is moued to mercie by no other reason but because he wyll haue mercie Therefore this sayeng of Augustine remaineth true that the grace of God doth not find men fitt to be chosen but maketh them Neyther do we any thyng passe vpō that sutteltie of Thomas that the foreknowyng of deseruyngs is not in dede the cause of predestination on the behalfe of the act of hym that doth predestinate but on our behalfe it maye after a certayne maner be so called that is accordyng to the particular weyeng of Predestination as when it is sayd that God predestinateth glorie to man by deseruynges because he hath decreed to geue to hym grace by which he may deserue glorie For sythe the Lorde will in election haue vs to loke vnto nothyng but his mere goodnesse if any man shall couete here to see any more it shal be a wrongfull gredinesse If we lusted to striue in sutteltie we want not wherwith to beat backe this silly suttletie of Thomas He affirmeth that to the electe glorie is after a certayne maner predestinate to them the grace by whithe they may deserue glorie What if I answer on the contrary syde and say that predestination vnto grace serueth election vnto lyfe and is as it were a waityng maide after it that grace is predestinate to them to whome the possession of glorie hath ben long agoe apoynted because it pleaseth the Lord to bryng his children from election into iustification For therupon it shall folowe that the predestination of glorie was rather the cause of the Predestination of grace than contrariwise But away with these striuynges as thynges superfluous for suche as shall thynke that there is wysedome enough for them in the worde of God For this was in olde tyme truely written of an Ecclesiasticall writer that they whiche assigne the election of God to merites are more wyse than they ought to bee Som do obiect that god shold be cōtrari to hiself if he shold vniuersally cal al mē to hi receue but a few elect So by their opiniō that vniuersalues of the promise taketh awaye the difference of speciall grace And thus certayne sobre men speake not so muche to oppresse the truthe as to debarre exabhed questions and to brydle the curiositie of many Their wyll is prayse woorthye but theyr counsell is not to be allowed because dallyeng by shiftes is neuer excusable But theyr obiectyng of it whiche doo more raylyngly inuep agaynst it is verily to fonde a cauillation or to shamefull an error Howe the Scripture maketh these two to agree together that by outward preachyng al men are called to Repentance and Faithe and yet not to al men is geuen the Spirite of Repentance and Faith I haue in an other place already declared and by and by somewhat of it muste bee repeted agayne Nowe that whyche they require I denye to them sythe it is two wayes false For he that thretneth that whyle it rayneth vppon one citie there shall be droughte vppon an other He that pronounceth that there shal in an other place be famine of doctrine byndeth not hymselfe with a certayne lawe to call all men egally And he whiche forbyddyng Paule to speake in Asia and turnyng hym from Bythinia draweth hym into Macedonia sheweth that it is in his owne power to distribute this treasure to whomesoeuer it shall please hym Yet more playnely he sheweth by Esaie how he peculiarly directeth to the electe the promyses of saluation for he sayeth of them onely and not of all mankynde indifferently that they shall be his disciples Whereby it is certayne that the doctrine of saluation is wrongfully sette open in common to all men to profite effectually whyche is sayde to be seuerally layde vp onely for the chyldren of the Chirche Lette this suffice at this presente that althoughe the voyce of the Gospell speake generally to all yet the gifte of Faithe is rare Esaie assigneth a cause for that the arme of the Lorde is not open to all men If
he had sayde that the Gospell is maliciously and frowardlye despised because many doo stubbornly refuse to heare peraduenture this color touchyng vniuersall callyng should preuayle Neither is it the purpose of the Prophet to dymynyshe the faulte of men when he teacheth that the fountayne of blyndnesse is that God vouchsaueth not to open his arme to them onely he geueth warnyng that because fayth is a singular gift the eares are beaten in vayne with outwarde doctrine But I woulde fayne know of these doctors whether onely preachyng or fayth make the chyldren of God Certainly when it is sayde in the fyrste chapiter of Iohn Whosoeuer beleue in the only begotten Sonne of God are themselues also made the children of God there is not in that place a cōfused heape iumbled vp together but a speciall order is geuen to the faithfull whiche are borne not of blood nor of the wil of the fleshe nor of the will of man but of God But say they there is a mutuall consent of faith with the word Namely whersoeuer is faith But it is no newe thyng that seede fall among thornes or in stonie places not only because the greater part appeareth in dede obstinate against God but also because not al men haue eies and eares How then shall it agree that God calleth to him them who he knoweth will not come Let Augustine answere for me Wilt thou dispute with me Meruaile with me and crie out O depthe Lett vs bothe agree in feare least we perishe in error Moreouer if election as Paule witnesseth be the mother of faith I turne back the argumēt vpon their owne head that Faith is therfore not general because election is speciall For by the orderly hangyng together of causes and effectes it is easily gathered that where Paul saith that we are full of al spirituall blessing as God had chosen vs before the creation of the worlde therefore these richesse are not common to all because God hath chosen onely whome he woulde This is the reason why in an other place he commendeth the faith of the electe least it should be thought that any man doeth by hys own motion get faith to himself but that this glorie may remaine with God that they are freely enlightned of hym whome he had chosen before For Bernarde saith rightly Frendes do seuerally heare to whom he also saith Feare not thou small flocke for to you it is geuen to know the mysterie of the kyngdom of heauen Who be these● euen they whom he hath foreknowen and predestinate to be fashioned like to the image of his Sonne A great and secrete counsel is made knowen The Lord knew who be his but that which was knowen to God is made many●est to men neither doth he vouchsafe to make any other partakers of so great a mysterie but those selfe same men whome he hath forknowen and predestinate to be his A little after he concludeth The mercie of God is from eternitie euen to eternitie vpon them that feare hym ▪ from eternitie by reason of predestination to eternitie by reason of blessed makyng the one without beginnyng the other without endyng But what nede I to cite Bernarde for witnesse when we heare of the masters owne mouthe that none doo see but they whiche are of God By which wordes he signifieth that all they which are not begotten agayn of God do dasell at the brightnesse of his countenance And to election faith in dede is fittly ioyned so that it kepe the second degree Which order the wordes of Christ doo clerely expresse in an other place This is the wil of my Father that I lose not that which he hath geuen For this is his will that whosoeuer beleueth in the Sonne shall not perishe If he would haue all saued he would appoint ouer them his Sonne to be their keper and would graffe them all into his body with the holy bond of Faith Now it is certain that faith is a singular pledge of his fatherly loue la●ed vp for his childrē whom he hath adopted Therfore Christ in an other place faith that the shepe folow the shepherd because they know his voice but they folow not a strāger because they know not the voice of strangers Whense cōmeth his difference but because their eares are boared by God For no mā maketh himselfe a shepe but he is made one by the heauēly grace For which cause also the Lord teacheth that our safetie shall alway be certaine and free from danger because it is kepte by the inuincible power of God Wherfore he concludeth that the vnbeleuers are not of his shepe namely because they are not of the nūber of them whom God hath promised by Esaie that they shal be his disciples Nowe because in the testimonies which I haue alleged is expressed perseuerance they do therwithal testifie the vnmouable stedfastnesse of electiō ▪ Now let vs speake of the reprobate whō the Apostle ioineth there together For as Iacob hauing yet with good works deserued nothing is taken into grace so Esau beyng yet defiled with no wicked dooyng is hated If we turne our eies to workes we do wrong to the Apostle as though he sawe not the same thyng whiche we clerely see It is proued that he sawe it not ▪ forasmuch as he expresly enforceth this pointe that when they had not yet done any good or euell the one was chosen and the other refused to proue that the fundation of the predestination of God is not in workes Agayne when he moued the obiection whether God be vnrighteous he allegeth not that which had ben the moste certaine and plaine defence of his righteousnesse namely that God reduced to Esau according to his euellnesse but he was cōtent with an other solution that the reprobate are stirred vp to this ende that the glorie of God may be sett foorth by them Last of all he adioyneth a concluding sentence that God hath mercie vpon whom he will hardeneth whom he will See you not howe he imputeth bothe to the onely will of God Therfore if we can not declare a reason why he vouchsaueth to graunt mercie to them that be his but because it so pleseth him neither also shal we haue any other cause in reiectyng of other than his owne will For when it is sayd that God hardeneth or sheweth mercie to whom he wil men are therby warned to seke no cause ells where than in his will ¶ The .xxiii. Chapiter A Confutation of the sclaunders wherwith this doctrine hath alwaye been wrongfully burdened BUt when the witt of man heareth these thynges the frowardness therof can not be restrained but that by and by as at the bloody blast of a trumpet soundyng to battaile it diuersly and excessiuely turmoyleth And many in deede as thoughe they would driue away the malice from God doo so graunte election that they denye that any man is reprobate but they do to ignorantly childishely forasmuche as election
it selfe coulde not stande vnlesse it were set contrary to reprobation God is said to seuer them whome he adopteth vnto saluation it should be more than foolishly said that other doo either by chaunce or by their owne endeuor obteyne that whiche onely election geueth to a few Therefore whom God passeth ouer he reiecteth and for none other cause but for that he will exclude them from the inheritance which he dothe predestinate to his children Neither is the waiwardnesse of the men tolerable if it suffre not it selfe to be bridled with the word of God where the incomprehensible counsell of God is entreated of whiche the Angels themselues do worship But we haue already heard that hardening is no lesse in the hand and will of God than mercie Neither dothe Paule as these men doo that I haue spokē of busily labor to excuse God with a lyeng defence but only he teacheth that it is not lawfull for the thing formed to quarell with him that formed it Nowe who so do not admitt that any are reiected of God how wil they vncombre themselues from that sayeng of Christe Euery tree which my father hath not planted shal be plucked vp by the roote They plainly heare that all they are adiudged auowed to destruction whom the heauenly Father hath not vouchsaued to plant as holy trees in his ground If they denie this to be a signe of reprobatiō then is there nothing so clere the it may be proued to thē But if they cesse not to wrāgle let the sobrietie of Faith be contented with this admonition of Paule that there is no cause to quarel with God if he willyng on the one syde to shewe his wrath and to make his power knowen doo with dumme sufferance and lenitie beare wyth the vessels of wrathe prepared to destruction and on the other side he make knowē the richesse of his glorie toward the vessels of mercye which he hath prepared to glorie Let the Reders marke how Paule to cutte of occasion from whisperinges and backbitinges geueth the chiefe rule to the wrath and power of God bicause it is vniust that those depe iudgementes which swallow vp all our senses should be made subiect to our determination Our aduersaries aunswer is very triflyng that God doth not vtterly reiect them whome he suffreth in lenitie but abideth with a mynde hanging in suspence towarde them if peraduenture they may repente As thoughe Paule geueth to God a patience to loke for their turning whome he sayeth to be made to destruction For Augustine sayth rightly where he expoundeth this place where power is ioyned to sufferāce God doth not suffer but gouerne with his power They further say also that it is not for nothing said that the vessels of wrath are prepared to destruction but that God hathe prepared the vessels of mercie bicause by this meane he ascribeth and chalengeth the prayse of saluation to God but the blame of destruction he casteth vpon them which by their owne will doo bring it vpon themselues But although I graunt to them that Paul by the diuerse maner of speaking didde soften the rowghnesse of the first part of the sentence yet it is not mete to assigne the preparing vnto destruction to any other thing than to the secret counsel of God which also is affirmed a little before in the rest of the texte That God stirred vp Pharao Then that he hardneth whome he will Wherupō foloweth that the hidden coūsel of god is the cause of hardning This at the lest I get which Augustine saith that whē God of wolues maketh shepe he doth with a mightier grace reforme thē that their hardnes may be tamed therefore god for this cause doth not cōuert the obstinate bicause he doth not shew forth in the thē the mightier grace which he wāteth not if he wold shew it forth These sayenges in dede shoulde be sufficient for the godly and sobre and them which remembre themselues to be men But forasmuche as these venemous dogges do cast vp not only one sort of venime against God we will as the mater shal serue answer to euery one particularly Foolishe men doo diuers waies quarell with God as though they had hym subiect to their accusations First therfore they aske by what right the Lorde is angry with his creatures of whome he hath not been first prouoked by any offence for to condemne to destruction whom he will agreeth rather with the wilfulnesse of a tyrant than the lawful sentēce of a iudge Therfore they say that there is cause why mē shold charge God if by his bare will without their owne deseruyng they be predestinate to eternal death If such thoughts do at any time com into the mynd of the godly to breake their violent assaultes they shal be sufficiently armed with this although they had no more if they consider howe greate wickednesse it is euen so muche as to enquire of the causes of the wil of God sith of all thinges that are it is the cause worthily so ought to be For if it haue any cause then somwhat must go before it wherto it must be as it were boūd which it is vnlawful ones to imagine For the will of God is so the highest rule of righteousnesse that whatsoeuer he willeth euē for this that he willeth it it ought to be takē for righteous When therfore it is asked why the Lord did it it is to be answered bicause he willed it But if thou goe further in asking why he willed it thou askest some greater hier thing than the will of God which cānot be foūd Let therefore the rashnesse of man restrayne it self not seke which is not least paraduenture it may not finde that whiche is With this bridle I say he shal be wel withholden whosoeuer he be that wil dispute of the secretes of God with reuerence As for the boldenesse of the wicked which drede not openly to speake euel of God against it the lord with his owne righteousnesse without any our defense shal sufficiētly defend himself when he shal take al shiftyng frō their cōsciences hold them fast conuinced and condemne them Neither do we yet thrust in the fained deuise of absolute power which as it is prophane so worthily ought to be abhorted of vs. We faine not God lawlesse who is a law to himself bicause as Plato sayth men stand in neede of lawes whoe are troubled with vnlawful lustes but the wil of God is not only pure from al fault but also is the hiest rule of perfectiō yea the law of all lawes But we denie that he is subiect to yelde accompt We denie also that we are mete iudges which wold pronoūce of this cause after our owne sense Wherfore if we attēpt further than we lawfully may let that threatenyng of the Psalme bryng vs in feare that God shal ouercome so oft as he is iudged of any mortall man So can God in
we are ioyned in felowship to the holy fathers whiche euen beyng dead doe kepe the same godlinesse with vs so that we can not be the members of Christ vnlesse we growe together with them Unlesse also the soules beyng vnclothed of the bodies did kepe still their substance were able to receyue blessed glorie Christ wold not haue sayd to the thefe This day thou shalt be with me in paradise Hauing so clere testimonies let vs not dout after the example of Christ when we are dyeng to commend our soules to God or after the example of Stephen to commit them to Christ to kepe which not vnworthily is called a faithfull shepeherd and bishop of them To enquire of their meane state is neyther lawfull nor expedient Many do much combe● themselues with disputing what place they kepe and whether thei do now enioye the heauenly glorie or no. But it is follie and rashnesse to searche depelier of vnknowen thinges than God doth geue vs leaue to know When the Scripture hath sayd that Christ is present with them and receiueth them into paradise that they maye enioy comfort on the other side that the soules of the reprobate do suffer suche peines as they haue deserued it goeth no further What teacher or maister shall nowe open to vs that whiche God hath hidden Of the place the questiō is no lesse fond and vayne for asmuch as we know that there is not the same dimension of the soule which is of the body Whereas the blessed gatheryng together of holy spirites is called the bosome of Abraham it is enough for vs after this wayfaryng to be receyued of the common father of the faithfull that he may communicate with vs the frute of his fayth In the meane time ●i●he the Scripture euery where biddeth vs to hang vpon the expectation of Christes cōming and differreth the crowne of glorie till then let vs be content with these bondes apointed vs of God namely that the soules of the godly hauyng ended the labor of their warfare doe goe into a blessed reste where with happy ioyfulnesse they loke for the enioyeng of the promised glorie and that so all thinges are holden in suspense till Christ the redemer appere As for the Reprobate it is no dout that they haue the same estate which Iude assigneth to the Deuels to be holden bound with cheynes till they be drawen to the punishment whereunto they are condemned No lesse monstruous is their error whiche imagine that soules shall not receyue againe the same bodies wherwith they are now clothed but shal haue new and other bodies And the reason of the Manichees was very triflyng that is that it is not mete that flesh which is vncleane shold rise againe As though there were no vncleānesse of soules which yet they debarred not from the hope of euerlasting life It was therefore all one as if they shold say that that which is infected with the filth of sinne can not be cleansed by God For I now passe ouer that dotage that fleshe was naturally vncleane bicause it was create of the Deuel Only I shew that what so euer is now in vs vnworthy of heauen it hindereth not the resurrection And first wheras Paule biddeth the faithfull to cleanse themselues from all de●ilyng of the fleshe and of the Spirit therupō foloweth the iudgement which he in an other place pronounceth that euery man shal receiue by his body eyther good or euel Wherewith agreeth that which he writeth to the Corinthiās That the life of Iesus Christ may be openly shewed in our mortal flesh For which reason in an other place he doth no lesse pray that God preserue the bodies whole vnto the day of Christ than the soules and spirites And no maruell bicause it were a most great absurditie that the bodies which God hath dedicate to be temples to himselfe should fall away into rottennesse without hope of risyng againe What say we to this that thei are also the members of Christ that God commaundeth all the partes of them to be sanctified to himself that he willeth his name to be praysed with tonges pure handes to be lifted vp to him sacrifices to be offred What madnesse is it therfore that that part to whiche the heauenly iudge hath vouchesaued to graunt so great honor should be brought from a mortal man into dust without any hope of restoring Likewise when Paule exhorteth vs to suffer the Lord as well in body as in soule bycause both belong to God verily he suffreth not that whiche he chalengeth to God as holy to be adiudged to eternall rottennesse Neyther is there a plainer determinatiō of the Scripture for any thing thā for the risyng againe of this flesh which we beare This corruptible sayth Paule must put on vncorruption and this mortall must put on immortalitie If God did make new bodies where is this changyng of qualitie If it had ben sayd that we must be renewed the doutful speache paraduenture mought haue geuen occasion to their cauillatiō But now when pointyng with his ●ingar to the bodies wherewith we are clothed he promiseth to them vncorruption he plainely enough denieth any new bodies to be made Yea he could not sayth Tertulliā speake more plainly vnlesse he had holden his owne skinne in his hand And they can by no cauillation escape frō this that where in an other place he sayth that Christ shal be the iudge of the world he allegeth this testimonie of Esaye I liue sayth the Lord euery knee shal bowe to me for as much as he plainly pronounceth that they to whō he speaketh shal be subiect to yeld an accompt of their life which could not agree if newe bodies should be brought before the iudgement seate Nowe in the wordes of Daniel there is no doutfulnesse And many of them that slepe in the earth of dust shall awake some to eternall life and some to reproches to euerlastyng contempt sithe he fetcheth not new matter out of the fower elementes to make men but calleth dead men out of their graues And this very plaine reason teacheth For if mortalitie whiche toke beginnyng at the fall of man be accidental then the repayring which Christ brought perteineth to the same body which began to be mortall And truely wheras the Athenians laughed when Paule affirmed the resurrection therupon we may gather what manner of resurrection he preached and that same laughyng not smally anayleth to strengthen our faith The sayeng of Christ also is worthy to be noted Feare not them which kil the body can not kil the soule but feare him which can throwe both the soule and the body into hell of fire For there is no cause to feare vnlesse the body whiche we now beare be subiect to punishmēt And no lesse plaine is an other sayeng of the same Christ The houre cōmeth when all they that are in graues shal heare the
therin many infirmities though I speake of nothyng more greuous And Leo bishop of Rome sticketh not to charge with ambition and vnaduised rashnesse the Synode of Chalcedon which yet he confesseth to be sounde in doctrines He doeth in dede not denie that it was a lawfull Synode but he openly affirmeth that it might erre Some man peraduenture will thinke me fonde for that I busy my selfe in shewyng suche errors forasmuche as our aduersaries do confesse that Councels may erre in those thyngs that ar not necessary to saluation But this labor is not yet superfluous For althoughe because they are compelled they do in dede confesse it in worde yet when they thrust vnto vs the determination of al councels in euery mater whatsoeuer it be for an oracle of the Holy ghost they do therein require more than they toke at the beginnyng In so doing what do they affirme but that Coūcels can not erre or if they erre yet it is not lawfull for vs to see the truthe or not to soothe their errors And I intend nothyng ells but that it may therby be gathered that the Holy ghost so gouerned the godly and holy Synodes that in the mean tyme he suffred somwhat to happen to them by the nature of men lest we shold to muche trust to men This is a muche better sentence than that of Gregorie Nazianzene that he neuer sawe a good end of any Councel For he that affirmeth that al without exception ended ill doth not leaue them much authoritie It is now nothyng nedefull to make mention seuerally of prouinciall Councells forasmuche as it is easy to iudge by the general how much authoritie they ought to haue to make newe articles of Faithe and to receiue what kynde of doctrine soeuer it pleaseth them But our Romanistes when they see that in defence of their cause all helpe of reason doth faile them do resort to that extreme and miserable shift that although the men themselues be blockishe in wit and coūsell and moste wicked in mynde and will yet the word of God remaineth whiche cōmaundeth to obey Rulers Is it so what if I denie that they be rulers that ar such For they ought to take vpon themselues no more than Iosua had which was bothe a Prophet of the Lord an excellent pastor But let vs heare with what wordes he is set by the Lorde into his office Let not saieth he the volume of this lawe depart from thy mouth but thou shalt studie vpon it daies nights Thou shalt neither bow to the right hand nor to the left then shalt thou direct thy way vnderstād it They therfore shal be to vs spiritual rulers which shal not bowe frō the law of the Lord neither to the one side nor to the other But if the doctrine of al pastors whatsoeuer they be is to be receiued wtout any douting to what purpose was it that we shold so oft so earnestly be admonished not to harken to the speche of false prophets Heare not saith he by Hieremie the words of the prophets that prophecie to you For they teach you vanitie not out of the mouth of the Lord. Again Beware you of false prophets that come vnto you in shepes clothing but inwardly are rauening wolues And Iohn should in vaine exhort vs that we should proue the Spirits whether they be of God From which iudgement the very Angels are not exēpted much lesse Satan with all his lyes What is to be said of this saying if the blind lead the blind they shal both fall into the diche Doth it not sufficiently declare that it is of great importance what maner of prophets be heard and that not all are rashely to be heard Wherfore there is no reason that they should make vs afraid with their titles therby to draw vs into partakyng of their blyndnesse forasmuche as we see on the other side that the Lorde hadde a singular care to fray vs away from suffring our selues to be led with other mens error vnder what visor of name soeuer it lurketh For if the answer of Christ be true then al blynd guides whether they be called fathers of the Chirch or prelates or bishops can do nothing but draw their partners into the same headlong downfall Wherfore let no names of Councels Pastors Bishops which may as well be falsely pretended as truely vsed hinder vs but that beyng taught by lessons both of words and examples we may examine all spirites of all men by the rule of the word of God that we may proue whether they be of God or no. Forasmuche as we haue proued that there is not geuen to the Chirch a power to set vp a newe doctrine now let vs speake of the power whiche they attribute vnto it in expoundyng of Scripture Truely we doo willingly graunt that if there happen debate about any doctrine there is no better nor surer remedy than if a Synode of true bishops assemble together where the doctrine in controuersie maie be discussed For suche a determination wherunto the Pastors of Chirches shall agree in common together calling vpon the Spirite of Christ shall haue muche greater force than if euery one seuerally should conceiue it at home so teach it to the people or if a few priuate men shold make it Again when bishops are gathered together in one they doo the more cōmodiously take aduise in cōmon what in what forme they ought to teach least diuersitie shold brede offence Thirdely Paule prescribeth this order in discerning of doctrines For wheras he geueth to euery seuerall Chirche a power to discerne he sheweth what is the order of doyng in weightier causes that is that the Chirches shold take vpon them a cōmon tryall of the mater together And so doth the very feeling of godlinesse instructe vs that if any man trouble the Chirch with an vnwonted doctrine the mater procede so farre that there be peril of greater dissention the Chirches shold first mete together and examine the question propounded at last after iuste discussing had bryng foorthe a determination taken out of the Scripture suche as may both take away doutyng out of the people and stoppe the mouthes of wicked and gredy men that they may not bee so hardy to procede any further So when Arrius was risen the Nicene Synode was gathered together whiche with the authoritie therof bothe did breake the wicked endeuors of the vngodly man and restored peace to the Chirches whiche he had vexed and defended the eternall godhead of Christ againste his blasphemous doctrine When afterward Eunonius and Macedonius stirred vp new troubles their madnesse was resisted with like remedie by the Synode of Constantinople In the Coūsel at Ephesus the wickednesse of Nestorius was banished Finally this hath ben from the beginning the ordinarie meane in the Chirch to preserue vnitie so ofte as Satan began to worke any thyng But let vs remembre that not in all ages or in all places
power which they haue at this day and for the obteining or encreasing wherof they haue so troubled Christendome by the space of twoo hundred yeres for they began before that they toke to them the dominion of the citie that they haue almost destroyed it In the olde tyme whē vnder Gregorie the kepers of the goods of the Chirch did take possessiō of the landes which they reckened to belong to the Chirch and after the maner of seising to the vse of the Prince did sett tittles vpon them for token of claime Gregorie assembling a Councell of Bishops inueying sore against that prophane maner asked whether they did not iudge the Clerke accursed which did of his own will by wryting of any title attempt to entre vpon any possession They al pronoūced accursed If to claime a pece to groūde by wryting of a title be in a Clerke an offense worthy of accursing when whole twoo hundred yeres together Popes do practise nothing ells but battells sheding of blood destructions of armies sackinges of some cities racing of other ouerthrowes of natiōs wastinges of kingdomes only they that might catch hold of other mens possessions what cursinges can be enough to punish such examples Truly it is very plaine that they seke nothing lesse that the glory of Christ. For if they of their own wil do wholy resigne al the secular power that they haue therin is no danger to the glory of God no danger to sounde doctrine no danger to the safetie of the Chirch but they are carryed blinde and hedlong with only gredinesse of dominion because they thinke nothing safe vnlesse they may beare rule with rigorousnesse as the Prophete sayth and with power To iurisdictiō is annexed immunitie which the Romish Clergie toke to themselues For they thinke it against their dignitie if they answere in personal causes before a tēporal iudge therin they think both the libertie dignitie of the Chirch to consist if they be exēpt frō cōmō iugemētes and lawes But the old Bishops which otherwise were most rigorous in defēding the right of the Chirch iudged themselues their order to be nothing hurt if they were subiect to them And the godly Emperours wtout gaine saying of any man did alway call Clerkes to their iugemēt seates so oft as nede required For thus saith Constantine in hys Epistle to the Nicomedians If any of the Bishops shall vndiscretly disorder hymselfe his boldnesse shal be restrained by the execution of the minister of God that is by my execution And Valentinian saith good Bishops do not speake againste the power of the Emperor but doe sincerely both kepe the cōmaundemētes of God the great king also obey our lawes At that tyme all men were persuaded of thys without controuersy But ecclesiasticall causes were referred to the iugemente of the Bishop As if any Clerke had offended nothing against the lawes but onely was accused by the Canons he was not cited to the commō iugement seate but in that cause had the Bishop for hys iudge Lykewyse if there were a question of Fayth in controuersie or such a mater as properly perteined to the Chirch the iugement therof was committed to the Chirch So is that to be vnderstanded which Ambrose wryteth to Ualentinian Your father of honorable memory not only answered in worde but also decreed by lawes that in a cause of Fayth he ought to be iudge that is neither vnfit in office nor vnlike in ryght Agayne If we haue regarde to the Scriptures or olde examples who is there that can denye that in a cause of Faith in a cause I say of Fayth Bishops are wonte to iudge of Christian Emperours and not Emperours of Bishops Agayne I would haue come O Emperor to your consistorie if either the Bishops or the people would haue suffred me to goe saying that the cause of Fayth ought to be debated in the Chirch before the people He affirmeth verily that a spiritual cause that is to say the cause of religiō ought not to be drawen into the temporal court where prophane causes are pleaded Worthily do all men prayse hys constance in thys behalfe And yet in a good cause he procedeth but thus farr that if it come to violence and strong hande he sayeth that he wyll geue place Willingly sayth he I will not forsake the place committed vnto me but when I am enforced I knowe not howe to resist for our armure are prayers and teares Let vs note the singular modestie and wisdome of the holy man ioyned with stoutenesse of courage and boldnesse Iustina the Emperours mother because she could not drawe hym to the Arrians side practised to dryue hym from the gouernement of the Chirche And so should it haue come to passe if he had come when he was called to the palace to pleade hys cause Therefore he denyeth the Emperor to be a competent iudge of so great a controuersie Which maner of doing both the necessitie of that tyme and the continual nature of the mater required For he iudged that he ought rather to dye than that suche an example should by his consent be geuen to posteritie and yet if violence be offered he thynketh not of resistance For he denyeth it to be Bishiplike to defende the Fayth and ryght of the Chirch with armes But in other causes he sheweth hymselfe redy to do whatsoeuer the Emperor shall commaunde hym If he demaunde tribute sayth he we denye it not the landes of the Chirch do pay tribute If he aske landes he hath power to claime them none of vs resisteth After the same manner also speaketh Gregorie I am not ignorant sayeth he of the mynde of our most noble soueraigne Lorde that he vseth not to entermeddle in causes perteining to prestes least he should in any thyng be burdened with our synnes He doth not generally exclude the Emperor from iudgyng of Prestes but he sayth that there be certayne causes which he oughte to leaue to the iugement of the Chirch And by thys very exception the holy men soughte nothing ells but that Prynces lesse zelous of religion should not wyth tyrannous violence and wilfulnesse interrupte the Chirch in doyng her offyce For neither did they disallowe if Prynces somtyme dyd vse their authoritie in ecclesiastical maters so that it were done to preserue the order of the Chirch not to trouble it to stablishe discipline not to dissolue it For sith the Chirch hath not the power of compelling nor oughte to require it I speake of ciuile constrayning it is the office of Godly kynges and Princes to mainteine religion with lawes proclemations and iudicial procedinges After thys maner when the Emperor Maurice had commaunded certaine Bishops that they should receiue their fellowe Bishops that were their neighbors and driuen oute by the barbarous nations Gregorie confirmeth that commaundemente and exhorteth them to obeye it And when he himselfe is admonished by the same Emperor to come to atonement with
sinne It can not be expressed howe pernicious and pestilent this opinion is and so muche the more because in many ages heretofore to the great losse of the Chirch it hath preuailed in a great part of the world Truely it is vtterly deuelishe For when it promiseth righteousnesse without Faith it driueth soules hedlong into destruction then because it fetcheth the cause of righteousnesse from the Sacramentes it byndeth the miserable myndes of men already of their owne accorde to muche bendyng to the earth with this superstition that they rather reste in the sighte of a bodily thyng than of God himselfe Which two thyngs I wold to God we had not so proued in experience so little nede they any long proofe But what is a Sacrament taken without Faith but the moste certaine destruction of the Chirch For wheras nothyng is to be loked for therof without the promise and the promise dothe no lesse threaten wrathe to the vnfaithfull than it offreth grace to the faithfull he is deceyued that thinketh that there is any more geuen to him by the Sacraments than that which beyng offred by the word of God he receiueth by Faith Wherupon an other thyng also is gathered that the affiance of saluation hangeth not vpon the partakyng of the Sacrament as though Iustification consisted therin which we knowe to be reposed in Christ onely and to be cōmunicated vnto vs no lesse by the preachyng of the Gospell than by the sealyng of the Sacramente and that withoute that it can not wholly stande So true is that which Augustine also writeth that inuisible sanctification may be without a visible signe and agayn● that a visible signe may be without true sanctification For as he also writeth in an other place men do put on Christ somtyme vntill the receyuyng of a sacrament sometyme euen vntil the sanctification of life And that firste poynt may be cōmon both to good and to euill but this other is propre to the good and godly Herupon cometh that distinction if it be well vnderstanded whiche the same Augustine hath often noted betwene a Sacrament and the thyng of the Sacrament For it not only signifieth that the figure and truthe are there conteined but that they doo not so hang together but that they may be seuered and that euē in the very conioyning the thyng muste alwaye be discerned from the signe that we geue not to the one that which belongeth to the other He speaketh of the seperation when he writeth that the Sacramentes do worke in the only elect that which they figure Agayne when he writeth thus of the Iewes When the sacramentes were common to all the gra●●●as not common which is the power of the Sacramentes So no●●● also the washing of regeneration is common to all but the grace it selfe whereby the membres of Christ are regenerate with their hed is not common to all Agayne in an other place of the Supper of the Lord We also at this daye receyue visible meate But the Sacrament is one thyng and the power of the Sacramente an other thyng What is this that many receiue of the altar and dye and in receyuyng do die For the Lordes morsell was poyson to Iudas not because he receiued an euell thing but because he beyng euell receiued a good thyng euelly A little after The sacramēt of this thyng that is of the vnitie of the body and blood of Christe is somewhere prepared on the Lordes table dayly somewhere by certaine distances of dayes and therof is receyued vnto life to some and vnto destruction to some But the thyng it selfe wherof it is a Sacrament is receiued vnto life to all mē but vnto destruction tomo mā whosoeuer is partaker of it And a little before he had sayd He shall not dye whych eateth but he which perteineth to the power of the sacrament not to the visible Sacramēt which eateth within not without whiche eateth with hart not he which presseth with toothe Thus you heare euery where that a Sacrament is so seuered from his owne truthe by the vnworthinesse of the receiuer that there remaineth nothing but a vaine and vnprofitable figure But that thou mayst haue not a signe voide of truth but the thyng with the signe thou muste conceyue by Faith the woorde which is there enclosed So how muche thou shalt by the Sacraments profite in communicatyng of Christ so muche profyte shalte thou take of them If this be somewhat darke because of the shortenesse I will sette it out in mo wordes I say that Christ is the mater or if thou wilte the substance of all sacramentes forasmuche as in hym they haue all their perfectnesse and do promise nothyng without hym So muche lesse tolerable is the error of Peter Lombard which doth expresly make them causes of righteousnesse and saluation wherof they be parts Therfore biddyng all causes farwell whiche mans witt dothe faine to it selfe we ought to stay in this one cause Therfore how muche we be by their ministerie holpen to the nourishyng confirmyng and encreasyng of the true knowlege of Christ in vs and to the possessyng of hym more fully and to the enioyeng of his richesse so muche effectualnesse they haue with vs. But that is don when we do with true faith receiue that which is there offred Do the wicked then wilte thou saye bryng to passe by their vnthankfulnesse that the ordinance of God be voide and turne to nothyng I answer that that which I haue said is not so to be takē as though to force and truthe of the Sacrament dyd hang vppon the state or will of hym that receiueth it For that whiche God hath ordeyned remaineth stedfast and kepeth still his nature howsoeuer men doo varie But sith it is one thyng to offre an other to receiue nothyng withstandeth but that the signe halowed by the worde of God may be in dede that which it is called and kepe his owne force and yet that there come thereby no profite to an euell doer and wicked man But Augustine dothe in fewe woordes well assoyle this question If saythe he thou receauest carnally it ceasseth not to be spirituall but it is not to thee But as Augustine hath in the aforesayde places shewed that a Sacramēt is a thyng nothyng worth if it be seuered frō the truth therof so in an other place he geueth warnyng that euen in the very conioynyng nedeth a distinction least we sticke to much in the outward signe As sayth he to folowe the letter and to take the signes in stede of the thinges is a point of a seruile weakenesse so to expounde the signes vnprofitably is a poynte of euell wandryng error He nameth twoo faultes whyche are here to be auoyded The one when we so take the signes as thoughe they were geuen in vayne and when with abacyng or diminyshyng theyr secrete significations by oure enuiousnesse we bryng to passe that they bryng vs no profite at all The other
wholly to the obedience of the lawe of God Therfore he is compelled with gronyng to crie out Unhappie am I. Who shall delyuer me out of this body subiect to death If the children of God be holden captiue in prison so long as they lyue they must nede be muche carefully greued with thinkyng vpon their owne perill vnlesse this feare be mette withall Therefore he adioyneth to this vse a comfort that there is no more damnation to them that are in Christ Iesu. Where he teacheth that they whome the Lorde hath ones receiued into fauor engraffed into the communion of his Christ hath by Baptisme admitted into the felowship of his Chirch while they continue in the faith of Christ although they be besieged of sinne yea and carry sinne about within them yet are acquited from giltinesse and condemnation If this be the simple and natural exposition of Paule there is no cause why we should seme to teache any ▪ new vnwonted thyng But baptisme so serueth our confession before men For it is a marke whereby we openly professe that we wold be accompted among the people of God wherby we testifie that we agree with all Christians into the worshippyng of one God and into one religion finally wherby we openly affirme our faith that not onely our hartes shoulde breathe out the praise of God but also our tong and all the membres of our bodye should sound it out with suche vtterances as they be able For so as we ought all our thyngs are emploied to the seruice of the glorie of God wherof nothyng ought to be voyde and other may by our example be stirred vp to the same endeuors Hereunto Paule had respect when he asked the Corinthians whether they had not ben baptized into the name of Christ meaning verily that euen in this that they wer baptised into his name they auowed themselues vnto hym swore to his name and boūd their faith to him before men that they coulde no more confesse any other but Christ alone vnlesse they would forsake the confession whiche they had made in Baptisme Now sithe it is declared what our Lord had regard vnto in the institution of Baptisme it is plaine to iudge what is the waye for vs to vse and receiue it For so farr as it is geuen to the raisyng nourishyng and confirmyng of our faith it is to be takē as from the hande of the author himselfe we ought to holde it certaine and fully persuaded that it is he which speaketh to vs by the signe that it is he which clēseth vs washeth vs and putteth away the remēbrance of our sinnes that it is he whiche maketh vs partakers of his death which taketh away from Satan his kingdome which febleth the forces of our lust yea which groweth into one with vs that being clothed with him we may be reckened the children of God that these thynges I say he doth inwardly so truely and certainly performe to our soule as we certainly see our body outwardly to be washed dipped and clothed For this either relation or similitude is the most sure rule of Sacramentes that in bodily thynges we should beholde spirituall thynges as if they were presently set before our eies forasmuch as it hath pleased the Lord to represēt them by such figures not for that suche graces are bounde and enclosed in the Sacramente that they should be geuen vs by the force therof but onely because the Lorde dothe by this token testifie his will vnto vs that is that he will geue vs all these thynges Neyther dothe he onely fede our eyes with a naked syght but he bryngeth vs to the thyng present and together fulfilleth that which it figureth Hereof let Cornelius the capitayne be an example which was baptised ▪ hauyng before receiued forgeuenesse of sinnes and visible graces of the Holy ghost seking not by baptisme a larger forgeuenesse but a more certaine exercising of Faith yea an encreasce of confidence by a pledge Paraduenture some man will obiect why therfore did Ananias say to Paule that he shoulde washe away his sinnes by Baptisme if sinnes be not washed away by the power of Baptisme it selfe I answere We are sayd to receiue to obteyne to gette that whiche so farre as concerneth the felyng of our faith is geuen vs of the Lorde whether he doo then fyrst testifie it or beyng testified dothe more and certainlier confirme it This therfore onely was the meanyng of Ananias that thou mayest be assured Paule that thy sinnes are forgeuen thee be baptised For the Lorde dothe in Baptisme promise forgeuenesse of synnes receiue this and be out of care Howbeit I mean not to diminishe the force of baptisme but that the thyng and the truthe is present with the signe so farre as God worketh by outwarde meanes But of this sacrament as of all other we obteyne nothyng but so muche as we receiue by Faith If we want faith it shal be for a witnesse of our vnthākfulnesse wherby we may be declared giltie before God because we haue not beleued the promise there geuen But so farre as it is a sygne of our confession we ought by it to testifie that our affiance is in the mercy of God and our cleannesse is in the forgeuenesse of sinnes which is gotten vs by Iesus Christe and that by it we entre into the Chirche of Christe that we may with one consent of Faith and charitie liue of one mynde with all the faithfull This laste poynte dydde Paule meane when he sayeth that we are all baptised in one Spirite that we may be one bodye Nowe if this be true which we determine that a Sacrament is not to be weyed accordyng to his hande of whome it is ministred but as of the very hands of God from whome without dout it proceded herupon we may gather that nothing is added to it nor takē from it by the worthinesse of hym by whoe 's hande it is deliuered And euen as among men if a letter be sent so that the hand and the seale be well knowen it maketh no matter who or what maner of man be the carrier so it ought to suffice to acknowe the hande and seale of our Lord in his Sacramentes by what carrier soeuer they be brought Hereby the error of the Donatistes is very well confuted whiche measured the force and value of the Sacrament by the worthinesse of the minister Such at this day are our Catabaptistes whiche deny that we be rightly baptised because we were baptised by wicked men idolatrers in the popishe kingdome therfore they furiously cal vpon vs to be baptised again Against whoe 's follies we shal be armed with a reason strong enough if we thinke that we were professed by baptisme not into the name of any man but into the name of the Father the Sonne and the Holy ghost and that therfore it is not the Baptisme of man but of God of whomsoeuer it be ministred Althoughe they
But that most nere felowship wherby we are coupled with his fleshe he hath yet set out with a more glorious title when he sayd that we are members of his body and are of his bones and of hys fleshe At the last to declare it to be a mater greater than all wordes he concludeth hys sayeng with an exclamation This is sayth he a greate secret Therefore it should be a pointe of extreme madnesse to acknowlege no communion of the faythfull with the fleshe and blood of the Lord which the Apostle declareth to be so greate that he had rather wonder at it than expresse it Let the summe be that oure soules are so fed with the fleshe and blood of Christ as bred wyne do mainteine susteine the bodily lyfe For otherwise the proportional relation of the signe should not agree vnlesse soules dyd fynde their fode in Christ. Which can not be done vnlesse Christ do truely grow into one with vs and refresh vs with the eating of his fleshe and drinking of hys blood But although it seme incredible that in so great distance of places the flesh of Christ reacheth to vs that it may be meate to vs let vs remember how much the secret power of the Spirit surmounteth aboue al our senses and how foolysh it is to goe aboute to measure hys vnmeasurablenesse by our measure That therfore whiche our mynde comprehendeth not let our fayth conceiue that the Spirite truely knitteth in one those thinges that are seuered in places Nowe that same holy cōmunicating of his body and blood wherby Christ poureth hys life into vs euen as if he pea●ced it into our bones marowes he in the Supper also testifieth sealeth land y● not with setting before vs a vayne or voyde signe but bringing fourth there the effectuall working of his spirite wherby he fulfilleth the which he promyseth And verily he there offreth and deliuereth the thing signified to al them that sit at that spiritual banket although it be receiued with frute of the faythfull onely which receiue so great bountifulnesse with true Fayth thankfulnesse of mynde After which maner the Apostle sayd that the bred which we breake is the communion of the body of Christ and that the cup which we hallow with the word prayers to that purpose is the cōmunion of hys blood Neither is there any cause why any man should obiect that it is a figuratiue speche by which the name of the thing signified is geuen to the signe I graūt verily that the breaking of the bred is a signe not the thīg it selfe But this being admitted yet we shall rightly gather of the deliuerance of the signe that the thing it selfe is deliuered For vnlesse a mā wil cal God a deceiuer he can neuer be so bolde to say that he setteth before vs an empty signe Therfore if by the breakyng of bred the Lorde doth truely represente the partakyng of hys body it ought to be out of dout that he truely performeth and deliuereth it And this rule is alway to be holden of the godly that so oft as they se the signes ordeined of the Lorde they certainly thinke persuade themselues that the truth of the thyng signified is there present For to what purpose should the Lorde deliuer to thee into thy hande the signe of hys body but to assure thee of the true partaking of it If it be true that a visible signe is geuen vs to seale the gift of an inuisible thing when we receiue the signe of the body let vs no lesse certainly beleue that the body it selfe also is geuē vs. I saye therefore which both hath ben alway receiued in the Chirch and al they teache at thys day that thynke right that the holy mysterie of the Supper consisteth of twoo thinges that is to saye of the bodily signes which beyng set before our eyes doe represent vnto vs inuisible thinges according to the capacitie of our weakenesse and of spirituall trueth which is by those signes bothe figured and deliuered Of what sort that is when I meane to shewe it familiarly I vse to set thre thinges the signification the mater which hangeth of the signification the vertue or effect which foloweth of both The signification consisteth in the promisses which are after a certayne manner wrapped together with the signe The mater or substance I cal Christ with hys death and resurrection By effect I vnderstande the redemption righteousnesse sanctification and eternall lyfe and whatsoeuer other benefites Christ bringeth vs. Now although all these thinges haue respect to Fayth yet I leaue no place to thys cauillation as though when I say that Christ is receiued by Fayth I would haue hym cōceiued with vnderstanding only and imaginatiō For the promises offer hym not that we should sticke fast in the sight alone and in bare knowlege but that we should enioye the true communicating of hym And truely I se not how any mā maye haue cōfidence that he hath redēption and righteousnesse in the crosse of Christ lyfe in hys death but principally standing vpon the true cōmunion of Christ himselfe For those good thinges shoulde not come to vs vnlesse Christ first made himselfe oures I say therefore that in the mysterie of the Supper by the signes of bread and wine Christ is truely deliuered to vs yea and hys body and blood in which he hath fulfylled al obediēce for purchasing of ryghteousnesse to vs namely that first we should growe together into one body with hym then beyng made partakers of hys substance we may also fele hys power in the communicating of al hys good thinges Now I come down to the excessiue mixtures which superstitiō hath brought in For herein Satan hath played with maruelous sutteltie that withdrawing the myndes of men from heauen he might fyl them with peruerse error as though Christ were fastened to the elemente of bred And first we must not dreame such a presence of Christ in the Sacrament as the craftesmē of the court of Rome haue fayned as though the body of Christ were made present with presence of place to be handeled with handes to be broosed with teethe and swallowed with mouth For this forme of recantation Pope Nicolas endited to Betengarius to be a witnesse of hys repentance namely with woordes so farr monstruous that the author of the glose cryeth out that there is danger if the reders do not wisely take hede to themselues least they should sucke out of them an heresie worse than was that of Berengarius In the seconde distinctiō in the Chapter beginning thus Ego Berengarius But Peter Lombarde although he trauaile much in excusing the absurdity yet more inclineth to the contrary sentēce For as we nothing dout that it hath limites accordyng to the perpetual nature of the body of men and is holden in heauen into which it was ones receiued vntill he returne to iugement so to draw it backe vnder these corruptible