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A17389 An exposition vpon the Epistle to the Colossians Wherein, not onely the text is methodically analysed, and the sence of the words, by the help of vvriters, both ancient and moderne is explayned: but also, by doctrine and vse, the intent of the holy Ghost is in euery place more fully vnfolded and vrged. ... Being, the substance of neare seauen yeeres vveeke-dayes sermons, of N. Byfield, late one of the preachers for the citie of Chester. Byfield, Nicholas, 1579-1622. 1615 (1615) STC 4216; ESTC S120678 703,664 509

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which those Graces were wrought and nourished The Graces are three Faith Loue Hope vers 4.5 Their Faith is amplified by the Obiect your Faith in Iesus Christ and their Loue by the extent of it your Loue to all the Saints and their Hope by the place which is laid vp for you in heauen The Meanes of Grace was eyther principall vers 5.6 or Instrumentall vers 7.8 The principall ordinary outward meanes was the Word which is described and set out sixe wayes 1. by the Ordinance in which it was most effectuall viz. Hearing whereof yee haue heard 2. By the propertie that was most eminent in the working of it viz. Truth by the word of truth 3. By the kinde of word viz. the Gospell which is the Gospell 4. By the prouidence of God in bringing the meanes which is come vnto you 5. By the subiect Persons vpon whom it wrought viz. you and all the world 6. By the efficacy of it it is fruitfull and increaseth which is amplified by the repetition of the persons in whom and the consideration both of the time in those words from the day that you heard c. and also of the adiuuant cause viz. the hearing and the true knowledge of the grace of God from the day that you heard of it and knew the grace of God in truth Thus of the principall Meanes The Ministery of the Word the Instrumentall or the Minister followeth vers 7.8 and he is described 1. by his name Epaphras 2. by the adiunct loue of others to him beloued 3. by his Office a Seruant 4. by his willingnesse to ioyne with others a fellow-seruant 5. by his faithfulnesse in the execution of his Office which is for you a faithfull Minister of Christ and lastly by his delight in his people which hee shewes by the good report he chearefully giues of them viz. who also declares vnto vs your loue in the spirit Thus of the Thankesgiuing Now in the opening or vnfolding of his practise in paying for them first hee affirmes that he did pray for them and then declares it by shewing what he prayed for The Affirmation is in the beginning of the ninth Verse and the Declaration in the rest of the words to the end of the eleauenth Verse In the affirmation is three things first an Intimation of a reason in those words for this cause secondly a consideration of the time since the day wee heard of it thirdly the matter affirmed wee cease not to pray for you In the Declaration hee instanceth in one thing hee principally prayed about and that was their Knowledge which hee sets out first by the Obiect of it the will of God secondly by the Parts of it Wisedome and Vnderstanding thirdly by the End viz. that they might walke worthy c. fourthly by the cause his glorious power and fiftly by the Effects Patience Long-suffering and Ioyfulnesse In setting downe the Obiect hee expresseth also the measure hee desired hee would haue them filled with the knowledge of Gods will and that hee addeth in the second part when he saith all Wisedome and vnderstanding The end of all their knowledge hee expresseth more largely vers 10. which in generall is the eminence of holy life which hee expresseth in three seuerall formes of speech viz. 1. to walke worthy of the Lord 2. to walke in all pleasing and 3. to be fruitfull in all good workes vnto the fuller attainment of which hee notes the meanes to be an increase in the knowledge of God Hitherto of the Proaeme The Proposition of Doctrine contayneth excellent matter concerning our Redemption where he proceedes in this order first hee considers the worke of our Redemption and secondly then the person of our Redeemer The worke of our Redemption vers 12.13.14 the person of our Redeemer vers 15. and those that follow to the 23. and all this hee expresseth in forme of Thankesgiuing The worke of our Redemption hee describes two wayes after he hath touched the first efficient cause of it viz. God the Father for in the twelfth Verse hee seemes to shew that in respect of Inchoation it is a making of vs fit and in respect of Consummation it is a causing of vs to enioy an immortall happines in heauen better then that Adam had in Paradise or the Iewes in Canaan And therein hee expresseth first the manner of tenure or title in the word Inheritance secondly the adiunct praise of the company viz. the Saints and thirdly the perfection of it it is in light Now in the end of the thirteenth Verse hee seemes to shew that our Redemption stands of two parts first deliuerance from the power of darknesse secondly translating into the Kingdome of the Sonne of his loue one of the many excellent priuiledges of which estate is noted in the foureteenth Verse to be remission of sinnes through the bloud of Christ. And thus of the worke of our Redemption The person of our Redeemer is described three wayes first in relation to GOD secondly in relation to the whole World thirdly in relation to the Church First in relation to God hee is described in the beginning of the fifteenth Verse and so hee is said to be the Image of the inuisible God Secondly in relation to the whole World fiue things are to be said of CHRIST first hee is the first begotten of euery Creature in the end of the fifteenth Verse secondly he is the Creator of all things vers 16. Where note the distinctions of Creatures 1. they are distinguished by their place some in Heauen some in Earth 2. they are distinguished by their qualitie some are visible some inuisible 3. the inuisible are againe distinguished by eyther Titles or Offices some are Thrones some are Principalities c. thirdly all things are for him this is in the end of the sixteenth Verse fourthly hee is before all things in the beginning of vers 17. lastly all things in him consist vers 17. the end of it Thus the Redeemer is described in relation to the whole World Thirdly hee is described as hee stands in relation to the Church and so eyther to the whole Church vers 18.19.20 or to the Church of the Colossians vers 21.22 As hee stands in relation to the whole Church hee is said to be the head of the Church in the beginning of the eighteenth Verse and this hee proues by shewing that hee is a head in three respects First in respect of the dignitie of order towards his Members and so in the state of Grace he is their beginning and in the state of glory hee is the first begotten of the dead that both among the liuing and the dead hee might haue the preheminence Secondly in respect of perfection in himselfe in that all fulnesse dwels in him which is amplified by the cause viz. the good pleasure of the Father who made him head of the Church vers 19. Thirdly in respect of efficacie or influence through the
whole body for from him flowes Peace and Reconciliation vers 20. concerning which Reconciliation there are eight things to be noted 1. the mouing cause which is to be supplyed out of the former Verse as the Coniunction and importeth viz. it pleased the Father 2. the Instrument by him viz. CHRIST the head 3. the Benefit it selfe viz. to reconcile 4. the subiect Persons in generall all things 5. the End to himselfe 6. the Effect making peace 7. the Meanes through the bloud of his Crosse 8. the Distribution of the Persons who in those words things in earth and things in heauen Thus of his relation to the whole Church In the description of his relation to the Church of the Colossians he vrgeth them with two things first their misery without CHRIST 2. the remedy of their misery by CHRIST Their Misery stands in two things first they are Strangers secondly they are Ene●ies and both are amplified 1. by the subiect wherein viz. not outwardly onely but in their mindes 2. by the Cause viz. wicked workes vers 22. In setting downe their Remedie hee notes 1. the Meanes 2. the End of the meanes is the death of the body of Christs flesh The end is that hee might present them holy and vnblameable and without fault in Gods sight vers 22. Thus of his relation to the Church of the Colossians and thus also of the second part of this Chapter viz. the Proposition of Doctrine The Exhortation followes where is to be considered first the Exhortation it selfe and then the Reasons The Exhortation is to perseuerance both in Faith and Hope In the Exhortation to perseuerance in faith there is worthy to be noted first the manner of propounding it which is with an If secondly the duty required Continue thirdly the manner of the dutie grounded and stablished fourthly the obiect Grace in Faith In the Exhortation to perseuerance in Hope two things are to be obserued first he sets downe the euill to be auoyded viz. vnsetlednesse or reuolting in the words Be not moued away secondly hee quickens them by remembring the cause and fountaine of their hope viz. The hearing of the Gospell preached Thus of the Exhortation the Reasons follow There are seauen Reasons to inforce this Exhortation to perseuerance The first is taken from the Consent of Gods Elect Which are through the world who haue in the preaching of the Gospell receiued Faith and Hope as their common portion The second Reason is taken from the testimony of PAVL himselfe and that is two-fold the first is the testimonie of his Ministerie This is it hee preacheth and therefore it should be it they should keepe fast the second is the testimony of his Sufferings hee hath endured much for the Doctrine of Faith and Hope and therefore they should continue in it and to stirre them the more concerning his sufferings hee sheweth that hee suffered with great Ioy which hee confirmeth by expressing the reasons of his ioy first because they were the afflictions of Christ secondly because hee had his part allotted him by the decree of God and it was his ioy that hee had almost finished what was left for him to suffer there was but a little remaining thirdly because they were but in his flesh fourthly because they were for them and the good of the Church Verse 24. The third Reason is taken from the testimony of God who inioyned vnto PAVL and other Ministers this dispensation of the Doctrine of Faith and Hope with a charge that they should see his Word fulfilled herein Verse 25. The fourth Reason is taken from the excellencie of the Gospell which is set out first by the nature of it it is a mysterie secondly by the antiquitie of it it was and was hid since the world beganne from Ages and Generations thirdly by the time of the reuelation of it now in the new world fourthly by the persons to whom it is reuealed viz. onely the Saints all which should moue to care and constancy in keeping of it Verse 26. The fift Reason is taken from the excellency of the Subiect of the Gospell which is no lesse nor worse then Christ reuealed by the preaching of the Gospell In this reuelation of Christ in the Gospell consider first who reueales him God secondly the cause of his reuelation the will of God hee would thirdly the manner viz. in a rich and glorious mystery fourthly the persons to whom viz. the miserable Gentiles fiftly the effects or fruits of it which are first the inhabitation of Christ secondly the hope of glory Verse 27. The sixt Reason is taken from the end which is the presenting of them perfect in Iesus Christ which is amplified by the meanes to bring to this end which is preaching and that is amplified first by the parts of it which are teaching and admonishing and secondly by the manner in all Wisedome Verse 28. The seauenth Reason is taken from the holy strife of the Apostle to bring men to this which is amplified by the great successe which the LORD had giuen Verse vlt. A METAPHRASE vpon the first Chapter of the Epistle to the COLOSSIANS PAVL the Messenger or Embassadour-generall for all the Churches of the Gentiles by Commission from the promised MESSIAH now come in the Flesh the Lord annoynted seperated hereunto not for his owne worthinesse or by any priuate motion of his owne or by commandement of any man but by the expresse will of God according to his euerlasting counsell as also Timotheus a reuerend Brother an Euangelist of Christ with full and free testimonie approueth this Epistle written To the Citizens and Inhabitants of the Citie of Colosse that are seperate from the world and sanctified with true Grace and faithfully walke in that holy Calling in brotherly communion one with another and indissoluable vnion with CHRIST your Sauiour Grace be with you and Peace euen the free fauour of GOD with all internall eternall and needfull externall blessings from him that both will and can euen God our Father through the merits of the Lord our annoynted Sauiour We giue thankes vnto God euen that God that by an eternall and vnexpressable generation is the Father of our Lord Iesus Christ remembring you earnestly and constantly in our daily Prayers being exceedingly fired and inflamed since wee heard by continuall and true report of your precious Faith by which you haue with firmenesse and stedfastnesse of assurance laid hold vpon IESVS CHRIST for life and righteousnesse and the rather because wee likewise heard of your holy affection to such as haue seperated themselues from the prophanenesse of the world to the seruice of God especially considering that you haue not the glorious Faith of Christ in respect of persons but loue all the Saints as well as any And as a People not destitute of any sauing Grace we reioyce to heare of that liuely hope by which you haue laid hold on the Promise of eternall glory which
say they shall haue none at all or else are vanquished with thoughts of Atheisme iniected which many times preuailes so strongly that they can hardly be recouered againe to any care to labour for Faith till eyther bitter crosses or feare of Death or Hell awaken them Lastly Closenesse is a great cause of want of Faith when people will not discouer their doubts and feares especially to their Pastors being wise and mercifull and yet know not what to doe and cannot get information from publike hearing Here may be taken vp a iust complaint of the strangenesse betweene the Shepheards and the Flockes the one thinking hee hath done enough if he preach to them and the other if they heare him There remaines two Vses of this Doctrine of Faith First seeing there are diuers sorts of Faith and that many benefits may be had by a true Faith and seeing that on the other side there are wofull effects of the want of Faith c. It should teach vs to try whether wee haue Faith or no and that this may be knowne we must vnderstand First that before Faith can be wrought the heart must be mollified by afflictions by the continuall dropping of the word of God by the knowledge of our miserie by Legall feare or lastly by terrors from God Secondly before Faith can appeare Repentance will shew it selfe and that especially in two things First in godly Sorrow for sinne past Secondly in the change of the thoughts affections and life As for godly Sorrow it may not be denied but that it may be without terrours in some but neuer so easie in any but these three things are true 1. That they grieue because they cannot grieue 2. They hate their speciall sinnes 3. They reforme both inwardly and outwardly Thirdly Faith after the softning of the heart and Repentance shewes it selfe in sixe things First in an honourable opinion ready to beleeue all the word of God though it make neuer so much against our pleasure or profit Secondly by the Combate betweene the flesh and spirit Thirdly by the holy Desires after remission of sinnes and holinesse of life witnessed by constant Prayers and diligent vse of the meanes Fourthly by a fixed Resolution reposed vpon the way of God though they finde not comfort presently Fiftly by the forsaking of the world and pleasures of sinne Lastly by the purging out of the euils of the thoughts and affections As for Ioy Peace Thankefulnesse Admiration Loue and Desire to conuert others c. they belong to Faith growne not so apparantly to Faith begunne Lastly here might iustly be taxed the defects and wants that are found in the common Protestant The Faith of the Protestant at large is faultie First because hee knowes no time of spirituall birth and yet he can tell to a day when he was borne in nature Secondly they seeke not vnto the meanes spirituall to get Faith Thirdly they rest in other things in stead of Faith as Knowledge Hope c. Fourthly their Faith is commonly eyther Historicall or Temporarie for eyther it is enough to beleeue that Christ dyed for sinners or else if they beleeue the Articles of the Creede to be true and be no Papists but sound in the matter of Iustification and receiue the Sacrament especially when they are sicke all is well or if they beleeue the word of God to be true or especially if they can be willing to heare Sermons c. Fiftly they regard not Gods promises to apply them nor to liue by Faith they hold both to be absurd Sixtly they want the iudgement that Diuines call the Iudgement of goodnesse Lastly they doe not beleeue that application is of the nature of Faith Heard of In that their graces are heard of and by seuerall relation the fame of them is spread foure things may be obserued 1 It is hard to haue any sauing grace but it will be perceiued and obserued and that for diuers causes First Grace cannot be without fruit externall and by their fruit yee shall know them Secondly God doth not ordinarily giue sauing Grace but it is gotten in or after some great affliction A man may get much generall knowledge and goe farre in a temporary Faith without any great paine or perplexitie but the paines of trauaile doe vsually accompany the birth of any sauing Grace Neyther is there any such hearkening after a childe borne in nature as there is after an afflicted conscience now ready to be deliuered of any eternall Grace Thirdly Grace cannot be receiued but it workes a great change and alteration of disposition and practise of affection and carriage it will worke an alteration generall inward and outward Now all this stirre in reforming is lyable to obseruation Fourthly the Diuell vsually lyeth still whiles men please themselues with the effects of Historicall and Temporary Faith because they feed presumption but so soone as Iustifying Faith is got in the least measure and workes by purifying both the heart and life from beloued sinnes though it worke neuer so weakely he bestirres himselfe and his agents by carnall counsell temptations reproaches slanders difficulties and a thousand deuises to make this birth painefull and if it were possible abortiue the Flesh boyles the Diuell darts fire by iniection the World hatefully pursues and wonders at the sodaine restraint and retyring if Men runne not into the same excesse of riot Hee that restrayneth himselfe from euill maketh himselfe a prey Lastly the Graces of God are like Lampes on a hill in a darke night and like shining Pearles and therefore cannot be hid Vse is first for confutation of their resolution that will serue God but it must be secretly they will be sincere but they like not to doe it so as euery body may note them they will goe to heauen but for ease it must be in a fether-bed and for closenesse it must be out of their Closets these men meane to steale their passage and these kinde of people commonly thinke that the true cause why others are so talked of is their indiscretion and rash and needlesse thrusting out of themselues into obseruation but in the whole businesse they deceiue themselues for it is not possible to be friends with God and the World to haue GOD his Word People and Spirit to witnesse to vs and to haue the World to praise and applaud vs. And for Indiscretion it is a preiudice let fall by the Diuell and taken vp by carnall men without considering that reproachfull obseruation hath beene the lot of the wisest and holiest Saints that euer liued yea the portion of the Prince of the Saints Secondly it may be an especiall comfort to all the Seruants of God that finde their names encountred with straying reports and the World sodainely bent against them round about when yet many times they rather finde purposes then practises of Grace I say they may gather comforts diuersly first it is the portion of all Gods
attaine to it to beleeue that baptisme doth signifie and assure these things to vs Answ. 1. Labor to expresse that which on thy part is required that is set vp the confession of thy sinnes and amendment of thy life 2. Then go vnto God and let thy conscience make request for the answere of the spirit of adoption by which the Lord may assure thee that in the mediation of Iesus Christ thy baptisme is giuen to thee as a particular seale of Gods couenant and grace Quest. But how may I doe to be assured that my sinnes shall be subdued and that I shall be raised vp in holy graces and duties Answ 1. Acquaint thy selfe with Gods promises of this kinde and grow skilfull in them 2. Cry strongly to God for the testimonie of Iesus in thy heart that by his spirit hee would settle thee in this perswasion 3. Waite vpon the word and prayer till God doe effect it 4. Strengthen thy selfe both by the experience of others as also with due obseruation of successe in the subduing of any sinne or the exercise of any graces or duties The vses may be diuers First for information we may here see how vaine the common faith of the common Protestant is shew me thy faith by thy fruits how canst thou beleeue aright and yet thy sinnes not mortified and thy heart and life vnsanctified Againe we see we haue not comfort of our baptisme till the power of holinesse in some measure appeare in our liues Secondly for instruction we should all examine our selues whether wee haue faith or no and whiles we haue meanes of assurance make vse of all aduantages to settle our hearts in the faith and to this end we should deliuer vp our soules to be nursed vp in the words of faith and wholesome doctrine Lastly we might here be greatly comforted if we had true faith wee see God can denie nothing vnto faith it should be to vs in the sacraments in mortification and in graces and duties according to our faith Of the operation of God The doctrine of Gods power and working is of singular vse in the Church great is the interest of Gods seruants in his power and therefore great cause they haue to rest vpon it The elect onely can reason for Gods power to the effect he is able to doe it therefore he will doe it but then these three things must be noted 1. They must be beleeuers that looke for this priuiledge 2. They must bring a particular faith to draw out this power of God into operation 3. It will not be set a worke about euerything but such things for which there is promise or meet examples in the scriptures Now it is a matter of singular weight to know in what things we may haue warrant to beare our selues vpon the power of God The power of God is engaged for operation in foure things for the benefit of the faithfull First in their afflictions Secondly in their temptations Thirdly in the difficulties of holy life Fourthly in his ordinances In afflictions God hath bound himselfe to shew his power 1. In giuing strength to endure them 2. In moderating the afflictions to their strength 3. In guiding them to the right ends 4. In deliuerance out of them If we looke vpon the enemie● of the godly in particular God shewes his power 1. In restraining or disappointing them 2. In rewarding and ouerthrowing them So likewise in temptations the power of God though it be secret yet it is wonderfull in dissoluing the works of the deuill and in vpholding his seruants and destroying the strong holds and fortifications of Satan Thirdly in the difficulties of holy life the Lord vseth his power 1. In making his seruants able to walke in his waies both by giuing them power and strength and by relieuing and reuiuing their strength daily and renewing it 2. In keeping them from euill 3. In establishing them that they may perseuere and hold out Lastly Gods operation is wonderfull in the vse of his ordinances and this is that is meant in this place In respect of this the Psalmist faith God is greatly to be reuerenced in the assembly by all them that are round about him O Lord God of hostes who is a strong God like vnto thee Thus the Lord is mightie through the ministerie of his seruants Thus the Lord performeth the counsell of his messengers his word returneth not to him in vaine yea his ordinances are his power vnto saluation they are all mightie through God Thus it is in particular in the sacraments though for their outward shew they doe not promise much yet by the maruellou● operation of God they are auaileable in effect for all that is promised in them only if we could get this faith in this operation of God here mentioned The vse of all is First for information we may here take notice of the difference between hypocrites and the godly in matter of godlinesse they can know know nothing but the forme of it the other haue experience of the singular power of God in all the passages of holy life both in the vse of the meanes and in his preseruation Secondly for instruction we should obserue and seeke out the working of the Lord and daily ascribe power vnto God and pray for the experience of it and that he would establish that which he hath wrought in vs Againe it may teach vs not to despise the weake Christian for the Lord is able through his operation to make him stand And it should incourage vs all to the works of righteousnes seeing Gods operation is so ready to be found and for hereafter in the vse of all the meanes our faith should be in the power of God Thus of the operation of God Through the resurrection of Iesus Christ Many are the benefits which wee reape from the resurrection of Iesus Christ. As first the resurrection of our bodies Secondly the accomplishment of the promises made vnto the Fathers Thirdly iustification and forgiuenesse of sinnes Fourthly a secret vertue vnto the ordinances of God Fifthly regeneration Sixtly liuely hope of an immortall inheritance Seuenthly the power of viuification and raising of vs vp to new obedience And this last is acknowledged in this place VERS 13. And you being dead in your sinnes and the vncircumcision of the flesh hath he quickned together with him forgiuing you all your trespasses The sixt reason of the dehortation is conteined in this verse and it stands thus That which cannot helpe vs when we are in miserie nor further vs to happinesse when we want it is not to be followed nor rested vpon but such things are philosophie traditions and ceremonies they cannot heale the corruption of our natures nor raise vs out of the graues of sinne nor any way procure vs the pardon of our transgressions or
11. 3. Ephes. 3. 2 Cor. 5. 2 Cor. 3. 1 Cor. 15. Rom. 15.19 2 Cor. 1.12 2 Cor. 11.22 to 30. A foure-fold testimony concerning the doctrine of Paul Acts 9. Acts 19.6 2 Cor. 12.12 Acts 20. Acts 19.12 Conceits about the Apostles writings What Colosse was and how the people were conuerted Chap. 4.17 The occasion of the Epistle Crosse-teaching in his time The Epistle diuided into fiue parts The Exordium and the parts thereof The salutation deuided The Persons saluting The name of the Apostle Why he was called Saul Diuers opinions about the name Paul Acts 13.9 Phil. 2.15 The signification and Etimologie of the word Apostle And what Apostles were The vse and signification of the words Iesus Christ. Esay 45.21 Diuers Christs Tit. 1.4 Three Doctrines from the first words Doctr. 1. Great sinners may proue great Saints Vse 1. 2. Affliction of conscience Dangerous mistaking 4 Rules to be obserued in alledging examples of great sinners repenting Doct. 2. Doctrine is seldome effectuall when the person of the Minister is despised Vse 1. 2. Defamation of Ministers 3. Doct. 3. Lesse then an Apostle must not haue dominion ouer● mens consciences Vse Doct. No knowledge auaileable to saluation without the knowledge of Christ. The assurance of a lawfull calling serues for foure vses Euery christian hath two callings The Euangelist described Doctr. 1. The profit of consent in doctrine Vse 1. Wilfull opposition crosse-teaching 1 Thes. 2.15.16 Doct. 2. Spirituall aliance Doct. 3. Gods doctrine needs mans witnesse Vse 2. The persons saluted Foure generall obseruations 1 The power of the Gospell 2 Who be the true members of the Church 3 The Church may be true yet faultie 4 One grace or priuiledge cannot be without another Carnall Protestant 2 Thes. 2.4 c. The acceptations of the word Saints Psal. 50.5 Gods children are called Saints in foure respects Doct. Men may be Saints in this life Vse Three things needfull for popish Saints Comforts for the despised Saints and seruants of God Psal. 16.3 Psal. 30.4.5 Obiect Solut. Psal. 37.28 Obiect Solut. Obiect Solut. Psal. 7. Obiect Solut. Obiect Solut. Psal. 85.8 Psal. Dan. 7.27 Ephes. 2.20 2 Thes. 1.10 2 Cor. 6.2 Qu. Who are Saints Ans. Deut. 33.3 The first signe Psal. Dauids foure signes Psal. 16.5.6 Psal. 16.7 Obiect Solut. Difference between illusions and the feelings of the Spirit of Adoption Esay 4.3.4 The acceptations of the word faithfull a 2 Cor. 1. b Reuel 19.11 c Psal. 89.37 Psal. 19.7 111.7 Prou. 20.6 Psal. 101.6 Faithfulnesse in spirituall things Hereunto fiue things are requisite Psal. 78. 37. 31. 32. 34. 35. 38. 37. Hos. 11. vlt. Mat. 25.21.23 1 Cor. 4.17 2 Cor. 11.8 Luke 9.23 Nehem. 9.8 Reu. 2.11 Faithfulnesse in temporall things Daniel 6.5 A Caueat for Professors Luke 16.9 Obiect 1. Solut. Ver. 9. Obiect 2. Solut. Obiect 3. Solut. Vers. 10.11 Obiect 4. Solut. Psal. 24.1 Prou. 3.17 Obiect 5. Solut. Vers. 13. Priuiledges of the faithfull Hebr. 2.17 Reuel 15. 3.14 Prou. 11.18 1 To Christ. 1 To Christ. Vse 1. Vse 2. Rom. 8. 2 To the Apostle Vse 3 To the Saints abroad 4 To the Saints at home How thou maist get into Christ. Who are in Christ. Rom. 8. Of Salutations 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 The acceptations of the word Grace The acceptations of the word Peace Three reasons why children may be taught the principles they vnderstand not Quest. Ans. Doct. Spirituall things are the best things Reasons Mat. 16. Vse 1. Vse 2. Vse 3. 4. Mat. 6. Ver. 19. to 25. Ver. 25. to the end Iames 4.6 2 Cor. 6.1 Iude 4. Heb. 10. 2 Tim. 1.6 2 Tim. 2.1 Iob 15.11.12 2 Cor. 12.9 Esay 35.8 Esay 57.21 Phil. 4.6 Col. 3.15 2 Pet. 3.14 Esay 9.6.7 Luke 1.79 The Diuision Two generall Doctrines Miserie breeds vnitie Esay 24.2 Not safe to deferre good motions Note It is good to prayse before thou reproue Reasons a Acts 24.3 b Luke 18.11 Motiues to thankefulnesse c 1 Cor. 14.16 d 2 Cor. 9.12.13 1 Cor. 4.16 e Ephes. 4.3.4 f Col. 2.6.7 g Phil. 4.6.7 Phil. 4.6 1 Thes. 5.18 For what wee must giue thankes h 2 Cor. 4.16 i Col. 4 2. k Rom 7.26 l Rom. 1.21 m Acts 27 35. n Col. 3.17 1 Col. 10.3 Scripture for prayer and Thankesgiuing for our very food The manner of Thankesgiuing o Psal. 5 vlt. Hos. 14.3 p Luke 18.11.14 Hab. 1.16 We must giue thankes for others Foure rules of tryall q 1 Tim. 2.1 r 1 Thes. 3.9 As any are more heauenly minded they are more frequent in praises A childe of God neuer giues thankes but hee hath cause to pray and contrariwise Foure sorts of prayers for others Ephes. 6.18 1 Tim. 2.8 Reasons to warrant praying euery day Mat. 6.11 s 1 Thes. 5.17 1 Tim. 4.2 Psal. 141.2 51.17 Diuers things concerning Faith noted from the coherence t Heb. ●1 6 u 2 Cor 13.5 x Gal 3.22.23 y 2 Thes. 1.11 z Ephes. 2.8 a 2 Thes. 3.2 b 1 Tim. 6.12 Rom. 10.17 Gal. 3.2.5 Esay 55.4 The acceptations of the word Faith The sorts of Faith Historicall Faith Temporary Faith Luke 8.13 Heb. 6.4.5 Faith of Miracles Iustifying Faith The obiects of Faith The Parts of Faith Faith in the minde Isay 53.11 Faith in the heart Desire to beleeue is of the nature of faith Mat. 5.6 Reuel 21.6 Psal. 10.17 The Degrees 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 The Benefits come by Faith What Faith deliuereth vs from Iohn 12.46 Isay 25.8 Acts 15.9 Rom. 6. 1 Tim. 1.9 Iohn 5.29 Ephes. ● 2 Iohn 3.16 Tit. 1.13 Heb. 10.39 Isay 28.16 Ephes. 6.16 Gal. 3.7.9 Iohn 1.12 Ephes. 3.16 Acts. 24.25 Hebr. 11.1 Mat. 9.29 Heb. 2.5 Rom. 2 Tim. 3.15 Ephes. 3.12 1 Iohn 5.4 Rom. 1.12 Heb. 11.33.34 Heb. 11.25 Iohn 8.32 Quest. Ans. The miseries of such as haue not Faith Rom. 3.3 Marke 6.6 Math. 13.58 Rom. 11.20 Titus 1.15 Isay 7.9 Iohn 3.18 Iohn 8.24 The Incouragements to beleeue Esay●5 ●5 1 Iohn 3.16 Mat. Reuel 3.18 Iohn 7.37 Obiect Solut. Obiect Solut. Obiect Solut. Obiect 3. Solut. 1 Iohn 3.23 2 Cor. 5.20 The letts of Faith Let ts in the Minister Rom. 10. Let ts in the People Luke 14.16 Obiect Solut. Psal. 50. Esay 1. Let ts in the heart Heb. 3.12.13 Le ts in conuersation a Math. 7.13.14 Luke 13.23.24 b Iohn 7.45 to 50. Vses The signes of Faith c Heb. 11.25 d Mat. 5.7 Acts 15.9 Vse 2. The defects of the common Protestants Faith Obser. 1. Grace will be heard of and obserued if it be true Grace Iohn 16. 1 Pet. 4.4 Esay 59.15 Vses Indiscretion not the cause of the reproaches and troubles of true Christians Iohn 7.7 Quest. Ans. Faith makes it selfe knowne diuers wayes The surest way to get credit is to get Grace Philip. 4.3 Mat. 18. Psal. 15.4 Psal. 16.3 Prou. 19.1 A sinfull person is a shamefull person Esay 25.8 It is not alwaies
of Faith the incouragements to beleeue and the defects of the common Protestants Faith Indiscretion is not the cause of the reproaches and troubles of Christians 33 The surest way to get Credit is to get Grace 34 Foure Signes of Vaine-glory 34 Seauen Obseruations about Loue. 35 Seauen things to be shewed in Christian Loue. 36 Foure things in the manner of our loue 37 Motiues to perswade to the exercise of mutuall loue 38.39.40 Eight helpes of Loue. 41.42 The defects of the common Protestants Charitie or Loue. 42.43 Eight Differences betweene true Hope and common Hope and seauen meanes to breede true Hope 45.46 What wee must doe if we would haue heauen when we dye 46 What profit good men get by hearing Sermons 49.50 The sorts of euill hearers with their misery 50.51 How the Word is said to be a word of truth and that it worketh truth in vs sixe wayes 52 Concerning the Gospell what it contaynes who may and who doe receiue it and the effects of it fol. 53.54 Motiues to fruitfulnesse what fruit wee should beare and the meanes to make vs more fruitfull 55.56 There is a season for fruit 58 Seauen things to be done that we may heare the Word in truth 59 The causes of fruitlesse hearing 60 The great commodities of assurance ibid. Who loue not God and who loue not men 64 To loue as Christ loued vs hath foure things in it ibid. Incouragements to prayer 66.67 Why many pray and speede not 67 What wee should seeke to know Motiues to knowledge and rules for attayning knowledge 70.71 Signes of a naturall man 73 Who make Schisme in the Church 73 Rules for Contemplation 75 Tenne Obiections against Knowledge answered out of Prou. 8. 75.76 Wherein Wisedome consists Wisedomes order in seauen things Wisedomes specialties in the behauiour first of the Heart in fiue things secondly of the Tongue in seauen things thirdly of the Conuersation in eight things 76.77.78 Motiues to holy life the causes of prophanenes rules for holinesse and the gaine of holinesse 78.79.80 Nine Reasons against merit 81 What it is to walke worthy of the Lord it hath sixe things in it 82 Eight rules to be obserued if we would please God and sixe rules if we would please men 83.84 How Gouernours in families may walke pleasingly and how inferiours in the family may please their superiours and the like of Ministers and the people and Magistrates and their Subiects 84.85 Seauen things to be obserued if wee would walke in all pleasing towards our owne consciences 85 What workes are not good workes and what rules must be obserued to make our workes good and what workes in particular are good workes and seauen ends of good workes 86.87 What are the lets of increase of Knowledge and how wee may know when wee increase in knowledge and what we must doe that wee may increase 88 How God is made knowne and who are charged not to know God and how it comes to passe that man knowes not his God and what wee must doe that we may know God 88.89 Signes of weake a Christian or an infant in Grace 89 What is in the worke Christian notwithstanding his wants 90 Comforts for a weake Christian and helpes for his strengthening 90.91 Signes of a strong Christian. 91 The extent of the power of God and what God cannot doe 92 Of the glory of God and how many wayes it is reuealed 92.93 About falling from Grace and Perseuerance 93 Motiues to Patience and what we must doe that wee may be patient and seauen things wherein we should shew patience 94.95 Of Long-suffering and how to preuent anger and desire of reuenge 95 What wee must doe that wee might get constant Ioyfulnesse of heart 96 How the Father may be said to redeeme vs. 97 Markes of a Childe of God 98 How Christ dyed for all men 98.99 Fiue sorts of men in the Church not made fit for heauen 99 The diuision of Canaan by Lot shadowes out many things in the kingdome of heauen 100 Our inheritance is in light in sixe respects 101 A three-fold light ibid. A sixe-fold darkenesse in euery vnregenerate man 102 Nine things in euery one that is deliuered from darkenesse 103 The excellencie of Christs Kingdome and the priuiledges of his Subiects 105 Foure wayes of Redemption 108 The comforts of the Doctrine of remission of sinnes ibid. The terrour of the Doctrine of remission of sinnes 109 What a man should doe to get his sinnes forgiuen him ibid. Christ more excellent then all Monarches in diuers respects 110 Difference betweene Image and Similitude Gods Image is in man three wayes the difference betweene the Image of God in man and in Christ Christ is the Image of God three wayes hee is the Image of God as God and as man three wayes 110.111 How many wayes Christ is said to be first begotten 113 Foure words confute foure errours about the Creation 115 Diuers opinions about the meaning of the words Thrones Dominions c. ibid. All things are for Christ in diuers respects 117 The eternitie of Christ described and explained 118 How all things consist in Christ. ibid. Many Obiections about the preseruation of the righteous answered out of the 37. Psalme fol. 102. But if we would be thus preserued wee must looke to nine things noted out of that Psalme 121 The benefits that slow from Christ as Head of the Church 121 Of the Church 122.123 How Christ is the beginning 124 A three-fold primogeniture in Christ. 124 Christ was first begotten among the dead in three respects 125 Christ is first in diuers respects ibid. What it is to yeeld Christ the preheminence 126 All fulnesse is in Christ in fiue respects 127 Tenne fruits of the bloud of Christ. 132 How many wayes men sinne against Christs bloud ibid. Whether Angels be reconciled to Christ or no. 133 Wicked men are strangers in fiue respects 136 Wicked men are enemies both actiuely and passiuely and how 137 The reasons why most men minde not their misery 199 Sixe distinct things in our reconciliation by Christ. 130 Why the Church is called all things ibid. Christs body better then ours in fiue respects fol. 139. Not like ours in two things and like ours in three respects 140 How many wayes Christ doth present vs to God 141 How Christians may be said to be holy vnblameable and without fault in Gods sight in this life 142 Internall holinesse must haue seauen things in it ibid. What externall holinesse must haue in it 143 Signes of an vpright heart 143. and Meanes and Motiues By what meanes men are induced to fall away 144 How the faithfull may fall away ibid. Seauen things from which the Elect can neuer fall 145 Concerning perseuerance 1. Motiues 2. Meanes 3. Helpes ibid. How many helpes a Christian hath from the very spirit of God that is in him and from the Word 146 The priuiledges of an established and grounded heart and what wee must doe that wee
a daily set course of prayer be not included Thirdly the Saints prayed euery day an auncient practise some thousand of yeeres agoe Dauid prayed seauen times a day and Daniell three times a day Let wicked and prophane people say what needes all this prayer but let vs be assured that as holinesse and grace growes in any so are they more abundant in this worship of prayer the holiest men haue euer prayed most for though they haue not most neede yet they haue alwayes most sence of their owne needes and others to Fourthly if our foode must be euery day sanctified by the exercise of the Word and Prayer then much more haue wee neede to sanctifie our selues our housholds our callings and our labours by daily Prayer Lastly Prayer is called Incense and Sacrifice Now the Iewes held it an abhomination of desolation if the morning and euening Sacrifice were wanting neyther doe wee lesse need to seeke daily the benefits of the attonement made by the sacrifice of Christ and his intercession then did the Iewes and wee are euery way as much bound as often to professe our faith in CHRIST slaine as they did in Christ to be slaine And thus of the demonstratiue and vndeniable signes of the Apostles loue to the Colossians as they are generally set downe in this Verse Verse 4. Since we heard of your faith in Christ Iesus and your loue towards all Saints Verse 5. For the hopes sake which is laid vp for you in Heauen IN these words and the rest that follow to the 12. Verse hee doth particularly explicate the two signes of affection first he sets downe his Thankesgiuing to Verse 9. secondly he prayes Verse 9. to 12. In the Thankesgiuing hee giues thankes for their Graces in these words secondly for the meanes of grace in the rest of the words to the 9. Verse Their Graces are three Faith Loue and Hope Of Faith In the handling of the Doctrine of Faith I consider it First in the coherence as it stands in the Text Secondly as it is in it selfe apart from that which went before or comes after From the generall consideration of the Coherence I obserue First that we can neuer be reconciled to God or attaine the chiefe good without Faith Without Faith it is vnpossible to please God Therefore it is good for vs to proue our selues whether we be in the Faith and to know whether Christ be in vs except wee be reprobates Secondly this Faith is not naturall wee are not borne beleeuers we are all concluded vnder sinne and kept vnder the Law and shut vp to Faith afterwards to be reuealed It is the worke of God yea of the power of God It is the gift of God All men haue not Faith It must be gotten with much striuing As not by nature so not by naturall meanes and therefore wee must seeke for better grounds then I haue beene alwayes thus neyther will it auaile thee to shew thy education ciuilitie morall vertues outward holinesse c. Thirdly whatsoeuer we gaine by the word of God if we gaine not Faith and Loue all is vaine Knowledge is vaine Zeale is vaine c. therefore it behooueth vs to gather in our thoughts and to minde that one thing that is necessarie Lastly though Nature deny strength to beare or power to giue this grace yet there is power in the word of God preached to beget euen Faith as well as other Graces Faith commeth by hearing c. Rom. 10.17 and Gal. 3.2.5 he saith They receiued the Spirit by the hearing of Faith preached c. Heare and your soule shall liue Esay 55.4 Thus much of the Doctrines from the Coherence That the nature of this grace may appeare the seuerall acceptations of the word the sorts obiects parts and degrees of it must be considered Faith is in Scriptures diuersly taken sometimes it is giuen to GOD and signifieth his faithfulnesse in his promises as Rom. 3.3 Shall their vnbeliefe make the faith of God of none effect And when it is giuen to man it is taken First for Fidelitie as it is a vertue in the second Table Mat. 23.23 Secondly sometimes it is taken for the Doctrine of Faith Rom. 12.6 according to the Analogie of Faith Thirdly sometimes for Profession of Religion thus Elimas is charged to haue laboured to turne the Deputie from the Faith Acts 13.8 Fourthly sometimes for Christ himselfe by a Metonimie who is both the obiect and cause of Faith Gal. 3.25 Fiftly for Knowledge onely thus the Diuels are said to beleeue Iames 2. Sixtly for the gift of working Miracles If I had all Faith so as I could remoue mountaines c. 1 Cor. 13.3 Lastly for that grace by which felicitie and the chiefe good is applyed and thus it is called the faith of Gods Elect Tit. 1.2 and by Diuines iustifying Faith Secondly there are diuers sorts of Faith I will not speake of Faith generall or speciall infused or acquired formed and vnformed but leaue them to the troublesome Schoole-men onely I rest in the vsuall distribution which hath ground in Scripture thus Faith is Historicall Temporary of Miracles and iustifying First Historicall Faith is to beleeue the doctrine of the word of GOD to be true and therein is supernaturall and differeth from all humane knowledge whatsoeuer neyther is it in the power of Nature alone to perswade men that the Scriptures are Gods Word further then the remnants of Gods former Image doe giue a glimpse of it and is cleared by the spirit of generall illumination This Historicall Faith doth both vnderstand the Doctrine and giue assent that it is true yet doth not iustifie and therefore their case is so much the more fearefull that haue not so much as their ignorance any way redressed nor gotten so much as any knowledge by the Word of God Secondly Temporarie Faith goeth yet further for such as haue that Faith doe not onely get knowledge and yeeld assent to the truth but also professe the truth with some earnestnesse not sticking at it to giue their names in some more speciall manner then others to a respect of Religion yea they reioyce inwardly in the doctrine of the Word and lastly bring forth some kinde of fruit and amend some faults onely because the Word of GOD would haue them so to doe Therefore is this Faith vnprofitable because they neuer had the particular assurance of Gods fauour in forgiuenesse of sinnes nor will be brought to dislike much lesse to humble their soules for those speciall sinnes wherein they haue transgressed but nourish some one particular presumptuous sinne or sinnes which raigning in them doth wholy engrosse and take vp that inward worship which is due to God onely And this is the Faith of our better sort of people Thirdly Faith of Miracles was that Faith by which many in the Primitiue Church were able to worke Miracles and was of two
seeing wee fight for a Kingdome nay in a Kingdome wee should hold it alwayes a good fight and continue constant and vnmoueable and if Christ lead vs into his Chambers of presence and delight vs with the sweete ioyes of his presence wee should remember such princely loue and ioy in him alwayes Let the Christian sing and make a ioyfull noyse to the rocke of his saluation and let him worship and bow downe let him serue with all reuerence and heare without all hardnes of heart let no discontentment possesse the heart of the true Christian for to serue Christ is to raigne and all his Subiects are Kings and the worst estate of the meanest Christian is a rich Kingdome Of his Sonne Quest. Why is it called the Kingdome of the Sonne rather then of the Father Ans. Because God hath giuen all the power to the Sonne and this Kingdome is assigned ouer to him The merit of this happinesse is onely in Christ and the vertue that gathers vs into this kingdome is onely from Christ and no man commeth to the Father but by Christ. Sonne of his loue Christ is the Sonne of Gods loue first because hee is most worthy of all others to be beloued as Iudas is the Sonne of perdition that is most worthy to be damned Secondly because hee was from euerlasting begotten of the loue of his Father hee is Gods naturall Sonne Thirdly because he is infinitely filled with the sense of his loue so they are said to be the Children of the marriage that are full of ioy in respect of the marriage Fourthly because it is hee by whom loue is deriued into others It is hee that makes all other Sonnes beloued Lastly in respect of his humane nature he is that Sonne vpon whom God hath shewed his principall loue in respect of the gifts with which that Nature is admirably qualified The meditation of this that CHRIST our Sauiour is the Sonne of Gods loue is very comfortable for hee is like to speede in any thing hee requests the Father for vs and hee will be sure to preserue vs. That himselfe is a Kings Sonne yea Gods Sonne yea a King and God himselfe and so infinitely beloued of the Father it is an excellent thing to be Christs member seeing hee inherits so great loue and if God gaue vs this Sonne so deare to him how shall hee deny any thing seeing neuer can ought be so precious but that with Christ he will willingly giue it Verse 14 In whom wee haue redemption through his bloud euen the forgiuenesse of sinnes IN the former Verses our Redemption is considered as God the Father is the efficient cause of it In this Verse it is considered as CHRIST is the Instrumentall cause of it in the Verse foure things are to be noted 1. By whom wee are redeemed viz. by the Sonne of Gods loue implyed in the first words 2. Who are redeemed wee that is the faithfull 3. how wee are redeemed viz. by his bloud 4. With what kinde of redemption not by redemption from losse in estate or seruitude in body but from sinne in the soule In whom Doct. That is the Sonne of God is the redeemer of the sonnes of men hee that had no sinnes of his owne did worthily cancell other mens hee that was in no debt paid our debts In this worke of Redemption wee may see Pietie it selfe beaten for the impious man and Wisedome it selfe derided for the foolish man and Truth it selfe slaine for the lying man and Iustice it selfe condemned for the vniust man and Mercy it selfe afflicted for the cruell man and life it selfe dying for the dead man None can redeeme vs but Iesus Christ hee onely is God and man hee onely was deputed hereunto hee onely it is that is the first borne the brother and the kinsman Two things are required in a Sauiour or Redeemer viz. Right and Power and the title or right must be eyther by proprietie or by propinquitie In power and propriety the Father or holy Ghost might redeeme but in propinquitie Christ onely is the next kinsman Secondly it is to be noted that hee saith in whom not by whom to teach vs that the comfort of our Redemption is not then had when Christ as Mediator doth pay the price but when as our Head hee receiueth vs to himselfe we must be in Christ before we can be pardoned it is a vaine thing to alledge that Christ dyed for vs vnlesse wee can cleare it that wee are the members of Christ by conuersion and regeneration wee must be in Christ before the Diuell will let goe his hold wee must be in Christ before wee can receiue of the influence of his grace for that descends onely from the Head to the Members wee must be in Christ before we can be couered with his garment and if wee be not in the Vine we cannot perseuer Wee Quest. How could the obedience and sufferings of one man serue to redeeme so many men Ans. It is sufficient because he did all willingly because also he was himselfe innocent and without fault but especially because this obedience and suffering was the obedience of him that was more then man Againe it is to be noted that hee saith wee not all men haue redemption as the Vniuersalites dreame Haue Quest. Had not the Fathers before Christ redemption in him as well as wee Ans. They had first in Predestination because they were herevnto elect secondly in efficacie in as much as they that did beleeue in Christ had the vertue of the redemption to come Hence that Christ is said to be the Lambe slaine from the beginning of the world By his bloud Christ shed his bloud many wayes as when hee was circumcised in his Agonie in the Garden when hee was crowned and whipped when hee was crucified and when with a Speare his side was pierced but here it is by a Synecdoche taken for all his sufferings There haue beene in former times foure wayes of Redemption First by Manumission when the Lord let his Vassaile voluntarily goe out free but thus could not wee be redeemed for the Diuell neuer meant to manumit vs. Secondly by Permutation as when in the warres one is exchanged for another and thus could not wee be redeemed for who should be changed for vs Thirdly by violent Ablation as Abraham redeemed Lot by force rescuing him but this way did not stand with Gods Iustice. Fourthly by giuing a Price and thus wee are redeemed but what price was giuen not Gold and Siluer nor the bloud of Goates not thousands of Rammes or riuers of Oyle not the Sonnes of our bodies for the sinnes of our soules nay if a whole thousand of vs had beene burned in one heape it would not haue expiated for one mans sinne but the price was the bloud of Iesus Christ and by this price wee may see how hatefull a thing sinne is in Gods sight and we may
perseuerance and preseruation and falling away such as are contained in such Scriptures as these Iohn 13.1 1 Cor. 10.13 Rom. 8.29 Psal. 84.12 1 Tim. 4.18 Reuel 2.25.26 Grounded and stablished in the faith It is not enough to get Faith and continue in it but wee must be grounded and stablished and when he saith stablished in the Faith wee must vnderstand the Doctrine profession exercise assurance and effects of Faith And this establishing and grounding of our hearts hath in it foure things to wit particular Knowledge Certaintie Resolution and Contentment To be thus established would fortifie vs against all the changes and alterations of estate or Religion in after-times and as the Coherence imports it would much further vs in the attainement of an vnstained and vnrebukeable life whereas of doubting can come nothing but the shunning of God the libertie of sinne and desperation and the like Besides this grounded establishment in Faith would free our profession from the dishonours which an vnsetled or discontented Faith or life doth cast vpon vs. Atheists Papists Epicures and Belly-gods if this were in vs would be astonished to see the power of Religion in our resolued contentment and to consider how vnmoueable wee were so as the gates of Hell could not preuaile against vs. Besides the vnsearchable solace that a peaceable and restfull conscience would breed in vs. That we might be thus grounded and stablished diuers things are carefully to be obserued 1. Wee must be founded on the Prophets and Apostles we must be daily conuersant in the Scriptures 2. We must be much in prayer but in practise of prayer wee must nourish the hatred of euery sinne and daily labour to encrease in the reformation of euill And it is a great helpe to be much with such as feare God and call vpon God with a pure heart It would much establish vs to see the faith affections feruency and power of Gods spirit in others in prayer 3. There is a secret blessing of God in setling a mans heart followes vpon well doing so as to be abundant in Gods worke is a great meanes of stedfastnesse whereas a fruitlesse and barraine life is both vncomfortable and vnsetled 4. We must pray God to giue vs a free and ingenious spirit wee must pray to God to giue vs a minde cheerefull speedy full of incitations to good glad of all occasions to doe good free from the staine of the sinnes of the Time Nation or Calling and from the raigne of former lusts inclineable to serue God and our Brethren by Loue fearing the Gospell more then the Law and Gods goodnesse more then his iustice 5. Wee must set an order in Faith and Life It is exceeding behoouefull in matter of opinions to deliuer vp our soules to some sound frame of Doctrine in which wee will euer quietly rest and in matters of life to gather out of the Commandements a platforme of liuing that might fit our owne cause 6 Wee are not vsually setled and soundly stablished till we haue beene shaken with affliction and haue gotten the experience which the Crosse learnes vs Lastly wee must consecrate our selues to God endeauouring daily to practise what wee daily heare for hee that commeth to Christ and heareth his sayings and doth them is like a man which hath built a House and digged deepe and layed the foundation on a Rocke and when the flood arose and the streame beat vehemently vpon that house it could not shake it because it was founded on a Rocke Quest. What should be the reason why many after long profession and much hearing and some comfortable signes of assurance at sundry times conceiued should yet be vnsetled and distracted and shew so much perplexitie and want of firmenesse eyther in contentment or practise Answ. This is occasioned diuersly First sometime for want of a distinct direction or carefull examination about the Application of the signes of Gods fauor some Christians haue not the signes cleerly distinctly collected others that haue them know the vse of them grow sloathfull and negligent and are iustly scourged with the want of the glory of this establishment Secondly sometimes it comes to passe for want of vsing priuate meanes more conscionably as Reading Prayer or Conference Thirdly it is so sometimes with Christians because of some sinne they lye in without repentance there may be some sinne which they too much fauour and are loath to forsake whether it be secret or more open Fourthly Vnfruitfulnesse and barrennesse in good workes may cause it for if Faith did beare fruit vpwards it would take roote downewards Fiftly many are grieuously pressed vnder legall perfection being not able distinctly to discerne the benefit of the Couenant of grace in freeing them from the curse and rigour of the Law The ignorance of this one point hath and doth couer the faces and hearts of millions of Gods Seruants with a perplexed confusion and feare without cause Sixtly many professors liue in much vnrest for want of discerning things that differ and the right vse of Christian liberty Seauenthly there is a kinde of luke-warmenesse in practise after hearing which is in many scourged with the withholding of this rich grace of spirituall stedfastnesse I say luke-warmenesse in practise for it may be obserued that many heare with great affection and continue to be stirring in expressing their liking of the Word and yet are exceedingly negligent in the conscionable and daily practise of such rules as in the ministery of the Word they seeme to receiue with admiration and great liking Eyghtly this comes by reason of the want of patience and a meeke spirit some Christians are froward passionate transported with violent affections eyther of anger or wordly griefe and these seldome or neuer gaine any long rest or continuall contentment troubled affections greatly hinder setlednesse euen in the best things To conclude many professors reuolt to the world and giue themselues to an vniustifiable libertie in following eyther their profits or their pleasures And therefore no maruell though Grace and true Religion thriue so slowly in them when they eate vp their hearts and liues with these cares and delights of life Hitherto of Faith Now of Hope Be not moued away from the hope of the Gospell whereof yee haue heard Though by Faith wee are interressed in GODS fauour and our soules garnished on earth with diuers graces as the fruits of Faith and our liues protected with caelestiall priuiledges yet the glory of our kingdome is neither of this world nor in this world Hope must guide vs to future things as well as Faith to present and therefore the Apostle Peter doth with great reason teach vs to blesse God for begetting vs againe to a liuely hope our whole happinesse may be branched out into these two parts First what we haue already on earth and secondly what wee looke to haue hereafter in Heauen The one Faith
your estate of nature you were dead in actuall sinnes and in respect of originall sinne you liued in the vncircumcision of the flesh and since you were quickned by true regeneration you haue obteined the forgiuenesse of all your sins and therefore what would you haue more from these things Lastly the ceremonies though they were ordinances of GOD at the first yet they were hand-writings against vs and now CHRIST hath cancelled them and fastened the obligation vpon the crosse and so taken them out of the way and therefore you should neuer more haue minde to them And the rather because our Sauiour hath not only cancelled them but he hath spoiled the Diuels which had power to execute the forfeitures of these bonds I say both in himselfe on the crosse and in vs daily he hath and doth spoile them and triumph ouer them and make an open shew of them so as we are freed from the danger of their arrests Now therefore I come to the conclusion which I direct distinctly first against the ceremonies then against philosophie and lastly against traditions First I say let no man condemne you or if they do care not for it condemne you I say for any of the ceremonies whether it be about meates or drinkes or about the ceremoniall daies or monethes or sabbathes that were required in that law For these and all the rest were but shaddowes of things to come and now in CHRIST we haue the substance and body of them The like I say against philosophie and in speciall against Angell worship let no man beare rule ouer your consciences for they that bring in this doctrine do it hipocritically vpon pretence that it tends to make men humble and they do it very ignorantly for they neuer saw the kingdome of Angels nor what is done in heauen and most proudly doe they aduance themselues swelling in the vaine conceits of their fleshly mindes Yea they that bring in this doctrine fall from the foundation and hold not CHRIST who is the head of the Church of whom euery member doth depend and the whole body is excellently furnished and indissolubly knit together and increase with the increasing of GOD. And lastly for traditions I wonder at it you should be clogged with them seeing you are deliuered from them in the death of CHRIST and they are not so honorable as the ceremonies of Moses but are vile burthens Thinke but with your selues how vainely they impose vpon you when they say touch not tast not handle not Besides all these are perishable things and fit nothing at all to eternall life and further they are euidently the common documents and deuises and doctrines of men that neuer had warrant in the word of GOD. It is true they finde out many faire pretences to blinde mens eyes withall as that hereby we shew speciall zeale to GOD in doing more then he commandeth and these things seeme to tend to humilitie and the taming of the flesh but all these are but shewes and therefore naught whatsoeuer they say because they yeeld not a due respect euen to the body of man CERTAINE OF THE choisest and chiefest points handled in the second CHAPTER HOw many waies faithfull Ministers sight fol. 3. The comfort comes by the word with the answer of many obiections 5.6 Causes why many ●inde no more comfort in the word 7. Seuen inconueniences of an vncomfortable heart 7. The differences author bond seate effects obiects and properties of loue and rules for preseruing it 7.8 Foure sorts of disturbers of the Church 8. Seuen things of which we should be assured 9. Seuen signes of full assurance and what we must do to get it 9. Wherein our spirituall riches lie 10. An answere to the vbiquitaries 11. What Pithanologie is 13. Who are deceiuers 14. Rules to preuent beguiling 14. Of order in the common wealth and the Church and in the familie 15.16 Ten helpes of order in conuersation 16. Rules to bring our liues into order 17. Nine lets of order 17. Of stedfastnesse of faith 18 The properties of a man stedfast in faith 18. The causes of vnsetlednesse 18. The meanes of stedfastnesse 19 The vnconueniences of an vnstedfast faith 19. How weake faith may be discerned and the causes of vnsetlednesse or weake faith and remedies 19. Causes of faith weakened signes and remedies 20. Causes of the losse of stedfastnesse 20. The effects of falling away 20. Remedies for the losse of stedfastnesse 21. The priuiledges of such as receiue Christ. 24. Rules for perseuerance to be obserued in our first conuersion 24.25 What a free spirit is 26. Signes of a true heart 26. Rules for perseuerance to be looked to after our calling 26.27 How philosophie becomes vaine deceit 30. Of traditions in the Church of the Iewes and of the Gentiles and in the times of the fathers in the primitiue Church and in poperie 31.32 Of the abr●gation of the law 33. Morrall i●diciall and ceremoniall in what respects 34 How the deuine nature can be in the humane and how Christ was like vs and how vnlike 36 Distinctions of vnions 37. Gifts supernaturall and naturall in Christ. 38. A threefold wisedome in Christ. 39. Of the power of Christ. 39. Christians are compleat both comparatiuely and positiuely and that foure waies 40. The compleatnesse of the weake Christian. 41. The compleatnesse of the strong Christian. 41. Of Angels as they are principalities and powers 42. The benefits Angels haue by Christ as their head 42. A twofold circumcision 43. Of circumcision in the flesh what is signified by it and the ends of it and why it was abolished 43.44 Eight reasons of the hard kindes of phrase or speech in Scripture 44. What circumcision without hands is 45. The time of circumcision without hands 46. Six defects of the carnall Isralite 47. The practises of the flesh and courses to tame it 47.48 Why our sinnes are called a bodie of sinnes vers 11. How many waies sinne is put off vers 11. Of the circumcision of Christ. vers 11. Ten reasons why Christ was circumcised vers 11. Christians buried in three respects while they liue vers 12. The degrees of mortification and what the buriall of sinne is vers 12. Christ raiseth men vp diuers waies vers 12. Of the resurrection of graces vers 12. Of the resurrection of duties vers 12. Of Baptisme vers 12. What faith hath to do in baptisme or in sanctification vers 12. Of the operation of God and in what things we haue warrant to beare our selues vpon the power of God vers 12. A fourefold death and of death in sinne vers 13. Of the vncircumcision of the flesh vers 13. Of quickening and our new birth the meanes necessitie prerogatiue and signes of it Of forgiuenesse of sinnes vers 13. Of the hand-writing that was against vs and the cancelling of it v. 14. Of a great combate vers 15. Of the battle betweene Christ and the Diuels vers 15. Of Christs victorie and triumph
all aduantages to disgrace painfull and godly Preachers and preaching Besides such is the hellish spight and rage of Papists and popish persons in all places that in imitation of their holy father who is noted to oppose and exalt himselfe they especially the locusts among them are as horses prepared to the battle as soone as the Gospell begins in any place to be sincerely taught Lastly this opposition many times is made by corrupt teachers men that either are poysoned with vnsound opinions or otherwise be of corrupt and ambitious mindes as Iannes and Iambres resisted Moses so doe these resist the truth and withstand the words of faithfull men and doe much euill these by cunning craftines he in waite to deceiue So that there are 12. opposites that set against the sinceritie of the preaching of the Gospell Now if any aske how Paul and so euery faithfull Minister doth fight against these I answer that as the aduersaries are diuers so their sight is diuers also For against their owne flesh they fight by renouncing the world and the care or confidence in worldly hopes making profit and credit stoop to the calling of God 2. Against the temptations of Satan and the many obiections by which he labours to discourage or hinder them they fight by care that is by a daily studie deui●ing how to aduantage the good of the Churches deuoting their best desires for the peoples good 3. They fight by apologie and iust defence and so both against corrupt reachers and the calumnies and slanderous reproches of the wicked 4. They fight against the corruptions and abuses of the time by reproofes and the denuntiation of the threatnings of Gods word 5. They wrestle and fight euen in prayer to God and so they fight by complayning against the iniuries of wicked men or else by striuing with God himselfe to ouercome him by importunitie 6. They fight euen by their sufferings they winne many battles by their very patience and faith in affliction by enduring the fight of affliction The consideration of this fight may first awaken carelesse Ministers in as much as they proportion out such a course of preaching as they can escape blowes it giues iust cause of suspition that they are combined with the enemie in that they are let alone and not opposed Againe this may both sound an alarme to all faithfull Ministers to arme and prepare for a fight and it may comfort them in that this hath been the case of the best of Gods seruants And withall the people may learne how to be affected to their godly Teachers doe your Ministers so many wayes labour and striue for you and shall not you striue for them by apologie prayer care and all wayes of iust defence I would you knew Q. Why was the Apostle so desirous they should know his care patience fighting c. for them Answ. There might be great cause of it 1. To remoue all conceit that he did not respect them 2. To incourage them to constancie in that doctrine for which he suffered so much 3. It might arme them with patience to suffer if they should be called to it considering his example 4. That so they might be stirred vp the more earnestly to pray for him In generall this shewes that it is not enough that wee loue one an other but we must manifest it especially affection between the Minister and his people should not be concealed For you and for them of c. There were two sorts of godly men in the Apostles times 1. such as were conuerted mediately by the Apostles in their own persons 2. such as were conuerted by others sent of the Apostles The Apostle here shewes he loues these latter as well as the former There is a communion with the absent members of Christ euen with such as we neuer saw in the face a communion I say in the same head and in the same spirit and in the same priuiledges of a regenerated life And we see here we are bound to desire and indeuour the good of the absent Saints aswell as the present we may fight for the absent by prayer by apologie by our sufferings and by vsing the meanes of consolation or information yea herein is a liuely tryall of our true loue to the brethren if we can loue them wee neuer saw for the grace of God we heare to be in them For them of Laodicea Though there were many Cities of this name yet I thinke this is the Laodicea mentioned Reuel 3. If the estate of these Laodiceans be well marked as it is there described we may obserue That in matters of religion and Gods worship they were neither hot nor cold That they thought they had as good hearts to God as any that they were in loue with no sauing grace that they were vtterly ignorant of the doctrine of their miserie that they would take no paines either about iustification or sanctification c. yet no doubt God had his remnant among these Christ was Amen in this Church he did faithfully performe his promises and they were such as by a new creation of God were begotten againe euen amongst so carelesse a multitude The generall securitie of a people doth not simply dissolue the couenant with a people and the Gospell is with all care to be taught though but the tythe of men be wrought vpon by it And for such as neuer saw my face Two things may bee here further noted 1. That we haue the profit of the prayers and holy indeuours of such as we neuer saw in the flesh 2. That it is a great benefit to enioy the presence of those that are eminent in Gods seruice for that is implyed in the words Certainly it is one thing should make vs willing to die because then wee shall see the Worthies of the Lord face to face if so much griefe Act. 20. because they should see Pauls face no more then what ioy shall it be when we shall sit downe in the kingdome of heauen with Abraham Isaac and Iacob VERS 2. That their hearts might be comforted and they knit together in loue and in all riches of the full assurance of vnderstanding to know the mysterie of God euen the Father and of Christ. In the beginning of this verse is conteined the second reason taken from the effects of the Gospell which are two the first consolation the second establishment of their hearts in brotherly loue the rest of the words of this verse belongs to the third reason as shall appeare afterward This is the fruit of the care and earnest strife of godly Teachers in their painfull labours of the gospell that it breeds much comfort in the hearts of Gods people and likewise greatly confirmes them and settles them in the mutuall loue one of an other it knits their hearts together And contrariwise we may generally here note the hurt and mischiefe that false and corrupt teachers bring vpon men They hinder
insnared with euill opinions either in doctrine and so errour of life is the scourge of errour in opinion or else about practise as that such strictnesse is not required or it is impossible or none doe liue so 4. Many know not what order to appoint vnto themselues 5. Many are confirmed in a heart accustomed to euill and they loue some one sinne wherein they especially breake order 6. Satan striues aboue all things to keepe men in a dead sleepe that they might not awake to liue righteously or expresse the power of godlinesse 7. Many are so set in the way of the vngodly that their very euill societie chains them downe to a necessitie of dissolutenesse 8. Many are put out of all order by their daily distempers and disorders in their families Lastly some faile and fall through very discouragement receiued either from opposition or contempt or scandall Now if any be desirous to know in generall what he should doe to bring his life into order I shall profitably aduise fiue things First that hee doe resolutely withdraw himselfe from the sinnes of the times and keepe himselfe vnspotted of the world in respect of them Now the sinnes of the times are apparant pride of life contempt of the Gospell coldnesse in faith and religion swearing profanation of the holy Sabbath domesticall irreligiousnesse contention vsurie whordome drunkennesse and drinkings oppression and speaking euill of the good way Secondly that hee obserue the more vsuall corruptions of the calling of life he liues in and with all heedfulnesse shunne them whether he be Magistrate Minister or priuate person Thirdly that he especially striue against and subdue the euils that by nature he is most prone vnto Fourthly he shall doe wonderfully profitably if hee would get a catalogue of duties out of the whole law that directly concerne himselfe in particular which is very easie especially by the helpe of some that are experienced to bedistinctly gathered labouring to shew all good faithfulnesse in duties of pietie as well as righteousnesse and to striue for inward pietie as well as outward resoluing to continue as well as once to begin Hence it is if wee marke it that the holy Ghost in diuers Scriptures drawes for the people of those times diuers catalogues either of grace which specially tended to their praise or of duties that most fitted their state or of sinnes that they must most carefully auoid as being most commonly committed yea it could not but be of excellent vse if we did taske our selues to the more strict obseruation of some of those catalogues either of grace or sinnes or duties as wee might perceiue they most fitted vs. But if euer we would goe about the order of our liues wee must in generall 1. labour to weaken the loue of earthly things 2. We must resolue to keepe our hearts with all diligence I meane we must with all care and conscience striue against inward sinnes 3. We must put on a minde to liue by faith whatsoeuer befall vs. 4. If we fall we would speedily recouer our selues by confession and praier and not accustome our selues to sinnes either of omission or commission Vpon the consideration of all this what should we doe but euen pray the Lord that he would make his way plaine before our face and direct the workes of our hands and hold vp our goings in his pathes that our steps doe not slide And to this end we should euery one be peecing and amending his waies making his paths straight being ashamed and confounded for all the disorder of our liues past But if thou goe about this bee not 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a man that hath two hearts for then thou wilt be vnstable in all thy waies either goe about it with all thy heart or else let it alone What shall I say but this let vs all learne the way of God more perfectly Thus of order The second thing hee commends is their faith which hee praiseth for the stedfastnesse of it The stedfastnesse of their faith Concerning stedfastnesse of faith I propound fiue things to be considered of 1. That it may be had and ought to be sought 2. What the nature and properties of it are 3. What is the cause why the faith of many is not stedfast 4. What we must doe to attaine it And lastly concerning vnstedfast faith For the first that it may be had is manifest for God that giueth the earnest of his spirit and sealeth and anointeth vs in Christ doth stablish vs in him There is a sure foundation of God vpon which we may found our affiance And God willing more abundantly to shew vnto the heires of promise the immutabilitie of his counsell interposed himselfe by an oath to confirme his promise that by two immutable things in which it was impossible for God to lie we might haue strong consolation which slie for refuge to lay hold vpon the hope set before vs which hope we haue as an anchour of the soule both sure and stedfast And wee are commanded to resist stedfast in the faith And wauering is secretly threatned and disgraced by the Apostle Iames after he had charged that wee should pray in faith without wauering Now for the second there are many excellent properties and praises in a stedfast faith for a man that is indeed settled and stedfast in his faith knowes both the truth and the worth of the loue of Christ hee is able to contemne and denie the allurements examples customes and glorie of this world hee can beare aduersitie with singular firmnesse of heart without hasting to euill meanes or limiting God for the manner or time or instruments of deliuerance he can stand in the combat against frequent and fierie tentations and goe away without preuailing infection he can beleeue without feelings The promises of God are not yea and nay but alwaies a sure word and vndoubted He hath a kinde of habituall peace and contentation in his conscience with easefull delights and refreshings in the ioyes of Gods fauour Hee hath a kinde of spirituall boldnesse and confidence when he approacheth to God and the throne of his grace Lastly he can looke vpon death and iudgement with desire to be dissolued And for the third thing the reasons why many men shew not this vnmoueablenesse and stedfastnesse are diuers some haue not faith at all some haue not a true iustifying faith but either rest vpon common hope or an historicall or temporarie faith In many the presumption of certaintie doth hinder stedfastnesse it selfe Some want powerfull meanes that should establish them and some hauing the publike meanes are iustly blasted in their faith because of their daily neglect of the priuate meanes And this reason may be giuen also why some of the better sort are not yet stablished namely because they are so hardly excited and perswaded seriously to trie their owne estates
by the signes of Gods fauour and markes of saluation And for the worser sort they shun triall because they know before hand their state is not good and besides they liue in some one master sinne or other which they cannot be perswaded to forsake and therefore resolue at least for a time to liue at a venture and referre all to the vnknowne mercie of God 4. If we would be established in beleeuing 1. we must be much in the meditation of the promises of God 2. we must be much in prayer and the acknowledgment of secret sinnes obseruing the comforts of Gods presence and keeping a record of the wonders of his presence and striuing to retaine constantly the assurance wee sometimes feele in prayer 3. wee must cast about how to be more profitable in well doing An orderly life especially fruitfulnesse in our places doth maruellously though secretly establish and settle a mans heart in faith 1. Cor. 15.58 whereas it is almost impossible that a barren life should haue much stedfastnes of assurance againe would wee yet further know how it comes to passe that some men get such a stedfastnesse aboue many others Obserue then and you shall finde that when they finde the pearles of grace and the meanes they will sell all to buy them Now the loue to the meanes is like death or Ielousie that cannot be resisted there is in them a constant coueting of the best things with a true hunger and thirst after them and if they offend God they cannot be quiet till they returne and confesse their sinne and get fauour they will not liue dayes and weeks in a voluntarie neglect of communion with God and therefore reape this vnmoueablenesse as the fruit of their daily conuersing with God Thus of stedfastnes in it selfe Now in the contrarie concerning an vnstedfast faith I propound two things to be considered 1. The effects or consequences and concomitants of it And then the kinds of vnsetled faith Not Scripture onely but vsuall experience shew the many inconueniences that attend such as are not stablished in the faith 1. They want the many comforts the stedfast faith feeleth 2. They are disquieted with euery crosse 3. They are tost with the winde of contrarie doctrine yea the very truth is sometimes yea with them and sometimes nay sometimes they are perswaded and sometimes they are not 4. They finde a secret shunning of the ordinances of God when any approach should be made vnto God 5. The feare of death is almost inseparable 6. They are sometimes frighted with feares of perseuerance besides their daily danger to be foyled by the baites of Sathan and the world Vnstedfastnesse may be considered three wayes 1. as faith is weake 2. as faith is weakned 3. as stedfastnes is lost For the first in the first conuersion of a man vnto God while they lye yet in the cradle of godlinesse They are assayled with much doubting and many feares c. Quest. But what might some one say How can faith then be discerned in the midst of so many doubts and feares Answ. The truth of their faith and grace appeares 1. By their earnest and constant desire of Gods fauour 2. By the tendernes of the conscience in all their actions and their daily feare of sinning 3. By their frequent complaints of vnbeleefe and secret mourning for it 4. By the lowlinesse of their cariage euen towards the meaner sort of those that truly feare God 5. By their desire after the sincere milke of the word Lastly by their indeuour to walke inoffensiuely Quest. But seeing their faith is true what is the cause of the vnsetlednesse of it Answ. They are vnsetled partly because they haue yet but a small measure of sauing knowledge and partly because they discerne not the consolations offered to them and partly for want of application of particular promises that belong vnto them and sometimes it is for want of some of the meanes and in some it is because they see a greater power in some of their corruptions then they thinke can stand with true grace Now for the remedies of this vnsetlednes This weake faith will grow setled more and more if they continue vpright in the vse of the meanes especially as their reformation and victorie ouer sinne increaseth and as they grow more and more confirmed in the diuorce from the world and carnall companie and they grow more expert in the word of righteousnesse especially after the Lord hath refreshed them with the frequent comforts of his promises and presence besides conuersing with the faithfull and established Christians And all this the sooner if they doe propound their doubts and by asking the way seeke daily direction especially if they resigne ouer their soules to the ministerie of some faithfull and mercifull man of God who as a nurse shall daily feed them with distinct and particular counsell and comfort Thus of the vnstedfastnes that accompanieth faith weake Now there is an vnstedfastnes accompanieth faith weakned that is such a faith as was sometimes stronger For the clearer vnderstanding hereof I consider three things 1. The causes of this weaknes of faith 2. The signes to discerne it 3. The remedies There may be diuers causes or meanes to weaken strong faith 1. Losse of meanes 2. secret sinnes ordinarilie committed not lamented not reformed 3. Presumptuously to vse ill meanes to get out of aduersitie 4. Relapse to the loue of the world The signes to discerne it are 1. the sleepinesse of the heart 2. feare of death 3. constant neglect or secret contempt of fellowship with the godly 4. The ceasing of the sensible working of Gods spirit within 5. Raigning discontentment 6. Securitie vnder knowne sinne The remedies are 1. A serious and sound examination of the wants and faults which by this weaknes they are fallen into 2. A constant and daily iudging of themselues for their corruptions till they recouer tendernesse of heart and some measure of godly sorrow for them 3. It will be expedient that they plant themselues vnder the droppings of a daily powerfull ministerie 4. The meditation of their former feelings 5. The vse of the Sacrament of the Lords Supper this is a meanes to confirme faith both weake and weakned Lastly they must hold a most strict watch ouer their hearts and liues till they be re-established in a sound course of reformed life Thus of faith weakned 3. Stedfastnes may be lost note that I say stedfastnes of faith may be lost I say not that faith may be lost that is true faith this stedfastnes was lost in Dauid Salomon and it is likely in Iob too The causes of this losse of stedfastnes are diuers in some it is the invndation of afflictions violently and vnresistably breaking in vpon them especially raising the fierce perturbation of impatiencie thus it was in Iob. 2. In some it is some horrible sinne I say horrible sinne either because it is
Perfectly though not in vs yet in Christ our head it is already put away in his person though not in ours 5. It is put away in hope in that we do by hope waite for an absolute and full redemption from all sinne and miserie Thus of the forme of this circumcision the efficient cause followes By the circumcision of Christ There is a twofold circumcision of Christ. First that which he suffered in himselfe Secondly that which he works in vs the vertue of the first is a great cause of the second Quest. But why was Christ circumcised seeing there was no cause of circumcision in Christ for nothing could be signified by it seeing he was the Messias himselfe perfect God and man nor was there any impuritie in him the amputation whereof should thereby be signified he was a Lambe without spot a high Priest separate from sinners the couenant of the promised seede was in himfulfilled and he came to abolish circumcision and lastly t is hee that circumciseth the hearts of others Answ. 1. Christ was circumcised thereby to shew himselfe to be true man 2. thereby to honour the institution of circumcision as he had done other parts of the Law 3. that the Iewes might not cauill and say they would not receiue an vncircumcised Christ. 4. to commend the vertue of obedience by his example 5. that he might beare the burthens of them that being vnder the law were not able to beare the burthens of the law God by this signe as by an imitating rite did subiect him to the law he hereby professing himselfe a seruant to the law to make vs free 6. hee was circumcised and baptized to signifie his vnion with both Churches both of the old and new Testament and ●hat he came of t●●aine to make one 7. to ratifie and sanctifie the circumcision of the Fathers as his baptisme now sanctifieth ours 8. to signifie the cleansing of our natures especially by bearing of the imputation of our impurities 9. he did in his circumcision begin to satisfie God by those first fruits of his bloud it was as an earnest or pledge of his bloud to be more plentifully powred out it was a part of his humiliation and of the price of our sinnes Lastly hee was circumcised that our hearts by the vertue of it might be circumcised for as his death killeth sinne in vs and his resurrection raiseth vs vp to newnesse of life so doth his circumcision circumcise our hearts Hence we may gather comfort against the difficulties of mortification for Christ will be pleased to deriue vertue from his owne circumcision yea it is a pledge to assure vs that as certainly as he was circumcised himselfe so he will see to it that our hearts be circumcised if wee will cast our selues vpon him and by faith come vnto him there is no sinne so linked but in Christ we may haue some deliuerance from it On the other side it shewes the miserie of all such as liue in the loue of their sinnes and minde not mortification this shewes they are not in Christ yet for they cannot be in Christ except they be circumcised Lastly it may serue for instruction at once to all that hope for freedom in Iesus Christ to shew the proofe of their interest by their circumcision spiritually and to speake distinctly of it we must vnderstand that the Lord that requires this circumcision of vs extends his precept both to the heart and the eares and the tongue and contrariwise complaineth of vncircumcised both heart and eares and lips in the heart we must especially looke to the circumcision or mortification 1. of ignorance 2. of wicked thoughts 3. immoderate eare 4. prophanenes in God seruice in a wretched securitie or a neglect of inward worship 5. disordered affections as lust anger suspition 6. discontent with our estate 7. vnbeleefe Now for our eares they must be circumcised 1. in the vnpreparednes or want of attention in hearing the word 2. in receiuing tales 3. in communicating with the sinnes of others by a willing hearing of their wickednesse Lastly looke to the circumcision of the tongue and that in the care to auoide 1. the polluting of Gods name either by swearing or blasphemie 2. rash censuring 3. rotten speech 4. lying 5. bitter and furious words and the spirit of contradiction 6. flatterie 7. tale-bearing 8. idle and vaine words And thus much now of the spiritual circumcision and of the 11. verse VERS 12. In that yee are buried with him through baptisme in whom yee are also raised vp together through the faith of the operation of God which raised him from the dead In the former verse the Apostle hath laid downe the first reason and directed it principally against Iudaisme we haue spirituall circumcision in Christ and therefore we need not carnall circumcision and so by consequent none of the ceremoniall law Now in this verse he meeteth with obiections Ob 1. The reason seemeth not to follow they were spiritually circumcised therefore needed not the outward for so was Abraham yet he receiued outward circumcision Answ. The reason is of no force now in the new Testament because Christ hath appointed another sacrament in steed of it for we are buried with Christ by baptisme Ob 2. But was not Circumcision a more liuely signe Answ. It was not which he sheweth to be true both in respect of mortification and in respect of viuification baptisme liuely representing and sealing vnto both Quest. But haue all that are baptised these things signified by baptisme Answ. They are offered to all but they are inioyed only by such as haue faith in the operation of God Quest. But how may our faith be supported in beleeuing those things shadowed out in baptisme Answ. Two waies First if we consider Gods operation Secondly if we consider Christs resurrection This is the briefe order and dependance of this verse so that here he intreats of baptisme both by the effects and by the causes the effects are spirituall buriall and spirituall resurrection the causes are three faith the operation of God and the resurrection of Iesus Christ. Buried together with him Three things may here be noted 1. the buriall of Christ. 2. the buriall of the Christian. 3. the vnion of both For the first that Christ was buried was storied by the Euangelist and fore-signified by Ionas as a type and fore-prophecied of by Esay the Prophet he was buried in Ierusalem the place where the dying sacrifices had giuen warning of his death but it was without the Citie both to answer the type Leuit. 16. and to signifie that his sufferings belonged to Gentiles as well as to Iewes Hee was buried in Caluarie the place commonly appointed for condemned men and not in Hebron where some thinke Adam was buried to note that his death was to be auaileable for the condemned men of Adam as well as for Adam himselfe He was buried in another mans graue
knit together by ioints and bands c. Verse 20. Wherefore if ye be dead with Christ from the ordinances of the world c. Verse 21. As touch not tast not handle not Verse 22. Which all perish with the vsing and are after the commandements doctrines of men Verse 23. Which things haue indeede a shew of wisedome in voluntary religion and humblenesse of minde and in not sparing the body neither haue they it in any estimation to satisfie the flesh The order of the first part of this chapter a 1. Thess. 1.2 b Vers 3.4 c 1. Tim. 1.18 d 1. Tim. 4 7. e 1 Cor. 9 7 12. Enemies to sincere preaching f 1. Cor. 9.27 g 1. Tim. 1.10 h 2. Thess. 2.4 i Reuel 9. k 2. Tim. 3.8 l 2. Tim. 4 14.15 m Eph. 4.14 How many waies faithfull Ministers fight Col. 4.12 Doctrine 1. An vnregene rate heart is a comfortlesse heart Note Doct. 2. The Gospell brings a man the true consolation Vses The solace that comes by the word with the answers to diuers obiections Psal. 19. Causes why many finde no more comfort in the word a Esay 65.5 b Math. 5.4 Esay c Esa. 51.7 d Pro. 29 6. e 1. Pet. 1.8.9 f Ioh. 16.14 g Psal. 7● 3 Seuen inconueniences of an vncomfortable heart Differences of loue The Author Bond Seat Effects Obiects Properties of loue h 1. Thess. 1.3 i Rom. 14.15 Gal. 5.13 k 1. Pet. 4.8 l 2. Cor. 2.7.8 m 1. Ioh. 3.17 2 Cor 8.24 Rules for preseruing loue n Phil. 2.4 o Phil. 2.2.3 p 1. Cor. 13. q 1. Cor. 13. r Phil. 1.9 s 1. Thess. 4.11 The restraint of this loue t 1. Cor. 6. u Psal 26.5.6 Ephes. 5.6 Phil. 3.18 * 1. Cor. 5. x Phil. 3.2 y Reuel 2 9. z 2. Thess. 3.6 a 2. Thess. 3 14.15.16 Foure sorts of disturbers of the Church 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 b Act. 9.22 c Act. 16.10 d 1. Cor. 2.16 e Ephes. 4.16 The Gospell is certaine two waies A twofold fulnesse f Ephes. 5.18 g 1. Thess. 3.12 h Rom. 15.13 2. Cor. 7.4 i Act 9.36 Psal. 1.11 Reuel 3.1 2. Cor. 10.6 Full assurance may be had It must bee sought k Heb. 10.22 l Heb. 6.12 Seuen things of which we should be assured n Heb. 6.12 Seuen signes of full assurance o 1. Thess. 1.6 p Ephes. 4.14 q Heb. 6.11.12 r Heb 10.22.23 s Rom. 4.20 t Esay 11.7.9 u Rom. 15.14 What we must doe to get full assurance Vse Wherein our spirituall ri●hes ●e * Col. 3.16 x Tit. 3.6 y Ephes. 2.4 2 Cor 8.1 9.11 z Rom. 10 11. a 1. Tim 6 18. b 1. Cor 1.5 c Iam. 2.5 Assurance is riches ●n many respects Answer to the vbiquitaries The difference of knowledge in Christ and Angels and men a 1. Cor. 1.30 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 What Pithanalogie is Who are deceiuers a 2. Cor. 11.3 2 Thess 2. b 2. Cor. 6. c Heb. 3.13 d Ier. 23.14 Ezech. 13.10 Mich. 3.5 Gal. 5.9 3. 3 Rules to preuent beguiling a 1. Cor. 14.33 Of order in the common wealth b Prou. 8. Rom. 13. Order in the Church Order in the family d Gal. 6.16 e Psal. 50. vlt. f Pro. 4.26 g Psal. 112.5 i Luke 1.79 k Psal. 51. vlt. l Pro. 19.16 Ten helpes of order in conuersation Nine lets of order Rules for bringing our liues into order Vse of catalogues More rules Vses m Psal. 5.8 n Psal. 90. vlt. o Psal. 17.5 That stedfastnesse of faith may be had p 2. Cor. 1.21.22 q 2. Tim. 2.19 Matt. 7.24 r Heb. 6.17.18 s 1. Pet. 5.9 t Iam. 1.6 The properties of the man stedfast in faith u Eph. 3.17.19 * 1. Ioh. 5.4 Gal. 6.14 x Rom. 5.4 Isa. 26.16 y Rom. 4. z 2. Cor. 1.18.19 The causes of vnsettlednesse a 2. Thess. 3.2 The means of stedfastnesse The inconueniences of an vnstedfast faith Vnstedfastnes of faith three wayes How weake faith may be discerned Causes of the vnsetlednes of faith weake Remedies for faith weake Causes of faith weakned Signes of faith weakned Remedies for faith weakned Causes of the losse of stedfastnes Steps in falling away The effects Distinctions about apostasie Remedies for the losse of stedfastnesse Vses Psal. 56.9 116.7 a 2. Pet. 1.9 b 2. Thess 3.6 c 2. Ioh. 4. d Gal. 1.9 1. Cor. 15.1.2 e Gal. 1.12 f 1. Cor. 11.23 g Phil. 4.9 h 2. Ioh. 9. The priuiledges of such as receiue Christ ● Phil. 3.9 k 1. Pet. 8. l Rom. 5.11 3.25 m Reu. 2.17 n 1. Cor. 1.6 4 7. o Rom. 8 9. p 2 Cor. 3.17 q Rom. 8.13 r Zach. 12.12 s Rom 8.15 t Gal. 5.22 u Eph. 1.14 * Ioh 14. x Rom. 8.10 y Rom. 8 26. z Rom 8.11 a Heb. 9.15 b Rom. 8.17 c Gal. 2.20 Rules for perseuerance to bee obserued in our first conuersion d 2. Cor. 13.5 e Psal. 37 8.9 f Ioh. 10.28 Ier. 32.39.40 g 1. Cor. 1.6 1. Tim. 2.6 h Psal. 51.12 What a free spirit is i Ier. 31.33 Psal. 37.31 k Psal. 125.1.24 Signes of a true heart Rules to be looked vnto after our calling Heb. 10 36. Phil. 3. The order of the rest of the chapter 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a Math. 13. b Math. 13. c Reuel 2. d Math. 21. e 2. Ioh. 10. f Hos. 5. vlt. g Heb. 6. h Psal. 51. i Reuel 3.11 Quest. Answ. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Quest. Answ. How Philosophy becomes vaine deceipt When men are corrupted by philosophy The diuers acceptation of the word Tradition Not 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 but 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 A distinction about tradition Traditions in the Church of the Iewes Cabalisticall Diuinity Traditions in the Churches of the Gentiles Quest. Answ. Traditions in the times of the Fathers in the primitiue Church Traditions in Popery Scriptures against traditions Ob. 1. a Ioh. 16.12.13 Sol. b Ioh. 15.15 c Ioh. 14 26. d Ioh. 16.12 e Act. 1.3 Ob. 2. f Ioh. 21. vlt. 20 30. Sol. Ob. 3. 8 Wayes any tradition growes euill What hee meanes by rudiments Why called rudiments Why of the world The law abrogated 4. wayes How the morall law is abrogated Rom 8.1.2 Rom 6.14 Gal. 5 23. 1. Tim. 1.9 How the Iudiciall Lawes are abrogated a Ephes. 2.12 b Phil. 3.18 c 1. Pet. 2.16 d 1. Pet. 4.1.2 e 2. Cor. 5.20 f Gal 1.7 g Matth. h Rom. 10.3.4 i Mat. 10.33 k H●b 11.26 l Esay 53.1 Rom. 10.16 m Mat 11.29 n Mark 9.42 o 1. Cor 1.12 p 1. Cor. 11.28 q Gal. 2.17.18 19. r 1. Tim 5.11.12 s 2 Ioh 9. t Eph●s 4.30 u 2. Cor. 11.3 * Hebr. 10. x 1. Pet. 1.14 Why our Sauiour was the second person in the Trinitie and no other a Ioh. 1.1 Col. 1 15. b Ioh. 1.12 c Col. 1 15. Heb. 1.3 d Col. 1.13 e Reuel 1 7. f Mat. 28.21 g Reuel 2.23 h Phil. 3.21 i Ierem. 23.6
himselfe in his body from the graue but also because by his onely power all his members shall rise at the last day and also because that in the death of all the righteous hee doth still continue to and in the very last gaspe his assistance and holy presence Secondly hee is fittest yea onely fit to be the head of the Church because it hath pleased the Father that in him should all fulnesse onely dwell so that hee is a head in respect of pl●nitude for the behoofe of the members And thirdly hee is a head in respect of influence for from him onely comes downe to the members all peace with God and all the fruits of that reconciliation for it is hee that made peace by the bloud of his Crosse and that hath estated happinesse vpon all the Saints reconciling them to God I say all the Saints both those that are in heauen already and those that being yet on earth hope for that glory in heauen hereafter And that this is so you are able out of your owne experience to auouch for whereas by nature you were strangers from GOD and the life of God you were very enemies to God and all goodnesse and this alienation and enmitie was apparantly seated in your very mindes through the euill workes of all sorts which abounded in your liues yet you know that CHRIST taking our Nature vpon him and in that nature suffering death for you hath reconciled you to GOD and by thee Gospell a-new created you that he might present you to God as holy and vnblameable and without fault in his sight couering your wants and hiding the euill of your workes through his owne Intercession and allowing you the benefit of the Couenant of Grace through which vprightnesse will be in him accepted in stead of perfection Now what remaines but that seeing wee haue such precious Doctrine you should be exhorted to hold out with all Christian perseuerance setling and establishing your hearts in the beliefe of the truth suffering your selues not to be caryed away with any contrary winde of Doctrine from the confidence of that hope of your reconciliation with GOD which hath beene propounded and wrought in you by the preaching of the Gospell and the rather because vnlesse you doe so perseuere you cannot haue sound comfort in your right to the benefits before named Besides there are many reasons may induce you to the resolutenesse of perseuerance in the Doctrine you haue already beleeued and hoped in First it is the Doctrine which all God● Elect with one consent haue receiued throughout the world and vpon it haue founded their Faith and Hope Secondly the consideration of what yee see in mee may somewhat moue you and that if you eyther consider my Ministery or Sufferings for my Ministery I haue so throughly informed my selfe concerning the Doctrine which Epaphras hath taught you that I see it in all things for the substance of it to be the same which I my selfe haue taught in euery place Now for my Sufferings it is apparant to all sorts of men that I haue endured my part of all kindes of Troubles for the Gospell which I would not haue done if I had not had full assurance of the truth of it neyther doe I repent mee of my afflictions but reioyce in them rather and that for diuers Reasons First because they are the Afflictions of CHRIST that is such as he accounts to be his Secondly because I know that in Gods Decree I haue my part of troubles assigned mee and it is my ioy to thinke that in so good a cause I haue almost fulfilled them Thirdly because these Afflictions extend but to my flesh and outward man And lastly because it is for your good I suffer euen for the confirmation of your Faith and for the good of the whole body of Christ which is the Church Thirdly I haue receiued this Commission concerning the Gospell immediately from GOD himselfe with strict charge that for your good I should pursue the execution of it till not onely Faith and Hope were wrought but till we saw the worke and word of God euen accomplished and fulfilled Fourthly what can there be more excellent and worthy to be beleeued and trusted in then this Gospell of IESVS CHRIST and our reconciliation in him seeing it is that dreadfull Mysterie which worlds of men haue wanted as being hid from whole Ages and Generations hitherto and now by the vnspeakeable mercy of GOD is reuealed by preaching vnto the Saints as a peculiar treasure entrusted to them And fiftly the rather should you hereupon settle considering the admirable subiect of the Gospell for it is the good pleasure of GOD in this rich and glorious Mystery of the Gospell to make knowne to the poore Gentiles Christ Iesus himselfe and that by giuing him therein to dwell in your hearts by Faith and as your assured and onely hope of immortall glory Sixtly neyther should you euer cast away the confidence of your assurance and hope or grow weary herein seeing it is the drift and end of all our preaching wherein wee eyther admonish or instruct you leading you through all sorts of wisedome in the word of GOD. I say the end of all is to present you at the length perfect and compleate euery one of you in CHRIST IESVS in some acceptable measure of Sinceritie and Knowledge in him And seauenthly being incouraged with that successe which the LORD hath giuen to my ministery I will labour as I haue laboured and still striue with all possible diligence and endeauour in this glorious worke hoping that this also may proue a motiue among the rest to perswade with you to keepe Faith and Hope to the end with all Constancie and holy Perseuerance CERTAINE OF THE Chiefest things obserued in the Notes vpon this first CHAPTER WHat rules wee must obserue in alledging the examples of godly men sinning fol. 4 The assurance of a lawfull Calling serues for many vses fol. 5 Gods Children called Saints in this life in foure respects fol. 7 Comforts for the despised Saints with answere of some Obiections fol. 7.8 How Saints may be knowne 9 Christian faithfulnesse is to be shewed in fiue things in spirituall things and in three things in temporall things 10.11 Idlenesse in Professors taxed 11 Seuerall Vses arising out of the consideration of this that wee are Brethren 13 How wee may get into Christ and how we may know whether we be in Christ. 13.14 Spirituall things are the best things for nine reasons 15 The Motiue and the manner of Thankesgiuing to God 20 Foure Rules of tryall in our Thankegiuing to God for others 21 A Childe of God neuer giues thankes but he hath cause to pray and contrariwise 21 Foure sorts of prayers for others 21. 68 Fiue reasons to warrant praying euery day 22 The Sorts Obiects Parts Degrees Benefits Le ts Signes of Faith with the misery of the want