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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A15520 A Christian dictionarie Opening the signification of the chiefe words dispersed generally through Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testament, tending to increase Christian knowledge. Whereunto is annexed, a perticular dictionary for the Reuelation of S. Iohn. For the Canticles or Song of Salomon. For the Epistle to the Hebrues. By Tho: Wilson minister of the Word, at Saint Georges in Canterbury. Wilson, Thomas, 1563-1622. 1612 (1612) STC 25786; ESTC S121081 469,452 830

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cannot bee found that the word which signifieth Iustifying is euer vsed in the Originall Haebrew tongue otherwise then for Absoluing a person accused Neither in the New-Testament when our Iustification before God is spoken of hath it any other meaning and neuer found in this Argument to signifie of euill and vniust to make one iust and good Iustification sig Forgiuenesse of sins by the sufferings of Christ and imputation of Iustice by his obedience to the beleeuer Rom. 5 16. The guift is of many offences vnto Iustification verse 18. The benefit abounded toward all men to the Iustification of life Heere Iustification is strictly vsed 2 Whatsoeuer we haue from Christ either by Imputation of faith or by sanctification of the spirit effectually renewing vs. Tit. 3 7. That we being Iustified by his grace In this signification we find the word Iustifying vsed Rom. 8 30. Whom hee called them he Iustified Heere Iustification is vsed largely for Sanctification also What Iustification is Iustification is an action of God freely of his owne mercy and fauour absoluing a beleeuing sinner from the whole curse due to his sinnes and accounting him perfectly Iust in his sight vnto eternall life in heauen through the perfect obedience and sufferings of Christ Imputed to his faith vnto the euer-lasting praise and glory of Gods Iustice mercy and truth The efficient cause of Iustification is the grace of God The material is Christ our Redeemer The formall is Imputation The helping Instrumentall cause is Faith within and the Gospell without The finall cause is Gods glory The vtmost and our saluation the neerest end thereof Iustification before God is not knowne in all Scripture to be vsed for the infusion of the habite of Iustice into the soule of the elect at their first conuersion This is Popish and rotten Diuinity K. E. Kéepe sig TO hold fast and make sure 2. Tim. 1 14. Keepe that which was committed to thee 2 To reserue and hold fast in ones memory what is taught vs. Luke 2 51. Mary Kept these sayings in her heart Psal. 119 4. Thou hast commaunded to Keepe thy precepts diligently 3 To preferue protect and defend against enemies and euils spiritual and bodily Psal. 121 4. He that Keepeth Israell Iohn 17 11. Keepe them in thy Name 1 Pet. 1 5. to Kéep the word sig To beleeue the promises of Grace and to endeuour to doe the wordes of commaundement Luke 7 27. Blessed are they that heare the word of God and Keepe it Reuel 2 26. He that Keepeth my word to the end Euangelicall Keeping to Kéepe the Law sig To desire and take care how to performe and doe according to our power things commaunded 1 Iohn 2 3. If we Keepe his Commaundement Psalme 119 4 5 8. These be Euangelicall sentences and speake of Euangelicall Keeping 2 To performe fully and perfectly all the things required in the Law Math. 19 17. Hee that will enter into life let him Keepe the Commaundements This is impossible to be done through our weakenesse Rom. 8 3. Christ onely since mans fal hath done this Legall Keeping to Kéepe the Faith sig To holde fast without loosing both the guift and doctrine of Faith 2 Tim. 4 7. I haue Kept the Faith Key sig pro An Instrument made to open or shut the locke of a doore or of a Gate Iudg. 3 25. They tooke the Key and opened them 2 Great authority and power to commaund in the things that belong to this life Esay 22 22. I will lay vppon the shoulders of Eliakim the Keyes of the House of Dauid Heere by was shaddowed and represented the exceeding great authority and power which Christ exerciseth in his Church by commaunding forbidding punishing hardning calling c. Sée Reuel 3 7. Which hath the Keyes of Dauid Key of knowledge sig The guift and ability to Interpret Scriptures whereby an entrance is made to the knowledge thereof as by a Key an entrance is made into an House The sence of Scriptures is as it were lockt vp til it be opened by wise and sound Interpretation which is the Key of Knowledge Luke 11 52. Ye haue taken away the Key of knowledge The Key saith Chrisost. is the opening of Scripture whereby the Gate of truth is opened Key is the exposition of the law saith Turtullian Opening the Scripture is the Key saith Hierom. Keies of the kingdome sig The ministry of the Gospell euen the whole power thereof which was equally committed to Peter and the rest of the Apostles and after them to the Ministers of the Church to whom it belonges by the commission of Christ to open and shut to binde and loose to retaine and remit sins also to teach to reprooue to exhort Mathew 16 19. To thee I giue the Keyes of the Kingdom ver 19. and Chapter 18 18. Tell it vnto the Church Reuel 1 16. The Gospell is the power of God to Saluation Keyes of the Kingdome are two-fold 1. Key of knowledge 2. Key of power and gouernment Papists falsly imagine these Keyes to be tyed onely to Peters Girdle Keies of the bottomlesse pit sig Power and gouernment ouer the deepest darknesse of Hell Reuel 9 1. And to him was giuen the Key of the bottomlesse pit Sée Dictionary on Reuelation K. I. Kindnesse sig Readinesse and facility in doing good it is that vertue whereby a good man becomes beneficiall and profitable euery way to such to whom hee can be helpfull 2 Cor. 6 6. By Kindnesse c. 2 The benignity of God readily doing good to his Creatures Rom. 2 4. The riches of his Kindnesse King sig pro Any Ruler or Gouernour of others Gen. 36 31. These are the Kings that raigned in Edom. Iudg. 17 6 In those daies there was no Kinges in Israell that is no ordinary Magistrate They had no Ruler at all 2 A person that hath cheefe rule and power vnder God in his Kingdome ouer his peoples liues and goods to gouerne them according to good and wholesome Lawes and the reasonable customes of that Countrey where he raignes Prou. 8 15. By me Kings raigne 1 Kings 4 1. King Salomon was King ouer all Israell This is a Politicall K. and is set vp eyther by lawful election succession or Conquest 3 The Soueraigne-Emperour and Ruler ouer the whole World Psal. 24 10. Who is the King of Glory This is a Celestiall and Vniuersal King ouer the World And thus God the Father Sonne and Spirit be King 1 Tim. 1 17. Now to the King euerlasting 4 A person that hath spiritual rule euen ouer the Conscience to appoint Lawes to his Church to saue and destroy to commaund and forbid vpon paine of eternall death finally to protect against all Enemies and to blesse with good things of all sorts Psal. 2 6. I haue set my King vpon Sion Psal. 110 1 2. Psal. 45 1 5 6. This is a spirituall King ouer the Church And such an one is Christ the Mediator and he
be condemned Rom. 14 4. 6 The convicting or reproofe of ones wickednes and fault by the good example of another Thus the Niniuites shall condemne the obstinate Iewes Math. 2 41 42. Rom. 1 27. Shall condemne the c. to Confesse sig To acknowledge vs as his owne Thus Christ wil confesse the faithfull at the day of iudgement Luke 12 8. Him shall the sonne of man confesse before the Angels 2 To testifie or beare witnesse of one plainly and sincerely Iohn 1 10. Iohn confesseth and denyed not saying I am not that Christ. Luke 12 8. He that confesseth me before men Thus we confesse Christ. 3 To vtter and speake foorth ones prayse or to giue thankes Heb. 13 15. Offer to God the Calues of your lips confessing his name that is acknowledge his benefits and giue him thankes for them And in the Psalmes very often to confesse God is put for to praise God 4 Frankely and boldly to tell forth what we hold and beleeue in matter of Religion Rom. 10 10. With the mouth man confesseth to Saluation 5 To lay open our sinnes and offences either vnto God in priuate or publicke confessions or to our Neighbour whom we haue wronged or to some godly persons at whose hands we looke to receiue comfort being cast downe by some greeuous sin or finally to the whole Congregation when our fault is publicke 1. Iohn 1 9. We confesse our sinnes Psal. 32 5. I sayd I will confesse my sins Mat. 3 6. Iames 5 16. 6 To acknowledge a crime before a Iudge Iosh. 7 19. Confesse what thou hast done Touching Popish confessing of our particular finnes distinctly for number and circumstances euery year in the ears of a Massing-Priest vpon necessity of Saluation there is no one word in all the Booke of God For it is a meere deuise inuented for aduancement of the Apostaticall See of Rome Confession sig Profession or declaration either of the trueth of Doctrine or of the Innocency of his personne 1. Tim. 6 13. Who before Pontius Pylat witnessed a good confession 2 Inuocation or Prayer vnto God by Christ and all other workes of Religion Rom. 10 10. With the mouth man confesseth to Saluation This is expounded of Prayer verse 13. to Confirme sig To strengthen or make strong 1. Pet. 5 10. Confirme and strengthen you 2 To perfect or finish a thing Psal. 68 28. Confirme ô God the thing that thou hast wrought in vs. 3 To performe some word or promise 1. Cor. 1 6. The Testimony of Iesus hath beene confirmed in you that is truely performed vnto you by bestowing the guiftes of the Holy-Ghost which were promised before A worke of the Spirite strengthening faint and weake minds in faith and obedience vnto the end 1. Pet. 5 10. The God of all grace confirme strengthen ye God confirmeth as author or efficient cause of strength the Word Sacraments and Ministers confirme as Instruments and helpes Luke 22 32. Being conuerted confirme thy Brethren A man confirmes himselfe when hee takes heart to him in a good cause vpon hope of Gods helpe 1. Cor. 16 13. Example in Dauid 1. Sam. 17 34 45. No ground in Scripture for the Popish Sacrament of Confirmation which is a deuise of theyr owne braine to Confound sig To put one vnto shame by fome publick punishment and sometimes quite and vtterly to destroy and roote one out Psal. 31 1. I haue put my trust in thee let me not bee confounded Psal. ●2 5. They trusted in thee and were not confounded that is they were not forsaken and put to vtter rebuke and shame before men Confusion sig pro Affection of shame which appeares in the countenance by blushing or chaunging of the colour Dan. 1 7. Unto vs confusion of face or open shame c. 2 The casting downe of the conscience before God and man for some sin Psal. 119 6. Then shall no confusion come to mee 3 Peruerting of order and peace or disorder 1. Cor. 14 33. God is not the Author of confusion What Conscience is It is a faculty of mans soule taking knowledge bearing witnesse of a mans thoughts wordes and workes excusing them when they be good and accusing them when they be euill Rom. 2 15. Theyr Conscience bearing them witnesse and their thoughtes accusing or excusing If the Conscience bee not deceyued but beare a true witnesse then it is no erronious Conscience yet may bee an euill Conscience if it bee not Sanctifyed as well as enlightned Pure Conscience sig A Conscience not trobled and polluted with notorious and grosse crimes 2. Tim. 1 3. 2 A Conscience purged and made free from guilt and horror of death by faith in the blood of Christ. Heb 9 14. Purge your Conscience from dead workes Acts 15 9. Your hearts purified by faith Seared or burned Conscience sig A Conscience quite extinct and cut off or vtterly hardened 1. Tim 4 2. And haue their Conscience burned with an hot Iron Cleare Conscience sig A Conscience kept without offence and spot Acts 24 6. To haue a cleare conscience good Conscience sig A Conscience which obeyeth such light and direction as it doth thinke and take to bee true and sound light and direction Acts 23 1. In all good Conscience Consolation or Comfort sig That Inward spirituall refreshing and strengthening of the heart by the consideration and feeling of Gods mercifull promises in Christ. Psal. 119 50. Thy promises haue comforted me in my trobles 2. Cor. 1 4 God comforteth vs in all our trobles v. 5. Our consolation aboundeth through Christ. Rom. 1 11 12. Where Consolation and Strengthning are put the one for the other The Holy-Ghost beeing the worker of comfort is therefore called the Comforter by an excellency The promises of the word are the grounds of Comfort our beleeuing hearts are the seats of comfort Godly Ministers and the faithful are the helpers of our comforts Iohn 16 7. I will send the Comforter 1. Thes. 4 18. Comfort your selues one another with these words 2. Cor. 7 7. to Consecrate sig To sanctifie to dedicate vnto God or to separate and set one apart to execute some holy Function of Priest Leuite Nazarite Exo. 29 1. When thou consecratest them to bee my Priestes thus thou shalt doe Numb 6 18. and 8 13. The Consecration is by doing some Ceremonies appointed of God for such a purpose Constancy sig Continuance in a good thing to the end Psalm 8 5. Ephes. 6 18. With all Constancy or Perseuerāce to be Content sig To be well pleased and apaide with the condition of life and portion of goods which wee haue Hebru 13 5. Be content with those thinges ye haue 1. Tim. 6 6 8. When the mind is pleased with such thinges as God hath thought fit and meete for vs This is Contentment so as withall wee be readie to vndergoe a meaner and hard estate if God will euer iudging our present condition best for vs. Continency what it is It is
Obey them who haue the ouer-sight of you and submit your selfe to Obey the doctrine sig To beleeue it and liue after it when our reason minde conscience will affections and members are brought vnder it to stoope to it and be gouerned by it Rom. 6 16. Ye haue obeyed from the hart the Doctrine c. to Obey Parents Magistrates and Maisters sig Willingly to performe their iust commaundements patiently to beare euen their vniust corrections Ephe. 6 1. Ye children Obey your parents to Obey the lusts of sin sig In will to consent vnto and in workes to practise the euill and sinnefull desires of our hearts Rom. 6 12. That ye should Obey the lusts of sin Oblation sig Some externall thing offered giuen vnto God to pacifie and appease his anger against sinne or to witnesse thankefulnesse for some benefit Psal. 51 19. Burnt Offering and Oblation Obseruation sig Outward pompe and shew of Maiestie to bee knowne by Luke 17 20. The Kingdom of God commeth not with Obseruation to Obserue dayes sig To attribute holinesse and vertue to dayes which belongs not to them or to put Religion in difference of dayes Gal. 4 10. Ye Obserue daies months c. to Obserue the tradition of men sig To keepe and hold superstitiously the rules and precepts deliuered vnto vs by men Mark 7 8. Ye Obserue the Traditions of men Obeysance sig Ciuill reuerence by bowing the body in token of the regard which wee owe to some person of dignity and worship for his yeares gifts or place Exod. 18 7. And did Obeysance Odour sig The efficacy of Christes death appeasing the wrath of God for the sinnes of the elect causing themselues and their Prayers to be acceptable to God Reuel 8 3. Much Odors was giuen vnto them Ephe. 5 2. A Sacrifice of sweet smelling Odors 2 The workes of Charity which being done in Faith are vnto God through Christ as a pleasant Odor Phil. 4 18. That which came from you was an Odor that smelleth sweete Of. sig Efficient cause or Author and chiefe worker of a thing Mat. 1 18. And she was found to be with childe of the Holy-ghost Rom. 11 36. Of him are al things 2 The Instrumentall cause Acts 19 11. God wrought Myracles by the hand of Paule 3 The materiall cause or matter whereof anie thing is made Rom. 1 4. Borne of the seede of Dauid Offence sig A stone blocke or some other thing whereat men may stumble 2 Euery occasion of sinning giuen to others Math. 18 6. Whosoeuer shall offend one of these little ones verse 7. Woe bee to them by whom Offences come Rom. 14 21. 1 Cor. 8 13. Giue no Offence to the Church of God Euery hinderance in the course of godlinesse offered vnto vs by another is an Offence and as it were a stone cast in our way to make vs stumble This is an Offence giuen 3 Euery hinderance and let in our course not offered by others but laide holde of by ourselues without iust cause as when the Iewes were offended with Christs Doctrine Mat. 15 12. The Pharises are Offended in hearing this saying Iohn 6 61. Doth this Offend you 4 Euery sin or fault against God or our neighbor how secretly or priuately soeuer done Rom. 5 15. The gift is not so as is the Offence 5 Knowledge of an Offence Rom. 5 20. The Law entred that the Offence might abound Rom. 3 20. For by the Law comes the knowledge of sinne to Offend sig To do any sinne in thought worde or deede Iames 3 2. He that Offends not with his tongue is a perfect man Psal. 19 12. Who can tell how oft he Offendeth Math. 23 16. 2 To Minister or giue occasion of sinne either by word or example 1. Cor. 8 13. That I may not Offend my brother 3 To take occasion of sinning when none is giuen as the Pharises at the disciples plucking the eares of Corne on the Sabbaoth Marke 2 23. As before Math. 15 12. They were offended at that saying Office sig pro Some function or calling which binds to dutie 2 Some duty which is to be done in regarde of some charge or function which we bear in church Common-wealth or family Rom. 12 7. He that hath an Office let him waite on his Office Officers sig Seruants and Ministers which attend vpon Magistrates to expect their Commandements Mat. 26. The Officers of the High-Priest Acts 5 22. wilde Oliues sig Gentiles which were strangers from Gods Couenant Rom. 11 17 24 right Oliues sig The Iewes which were the people of his Couenant Rom. 11 17 24 Oliue branches or Plants sig Children which as Oliue Branches are an Ornament and delight to their Parents Psal. 128 3. As Oliue branches round about his Table Old-man sig Our naturall disposition to euill Sée Man Old vessels sig A mind nourished in blinde superstition and Idle Ceremonies Math. 9 17. Neither do wee put new Wine into Old vessels Old things sig Naturall corruption and the fruites of it 2. Cor. 5 17. The same is meant by Old Leauen Once and twice sig Often or many times 62 11. God spake once or twice Once sig A thing which being doone is not iterated or gone ouer againe Thus Christ is saide to be Once offered to haue died Once to haue suffred Once Rom. 6 10. Heb. 9. two last verses Hebr. 10 10. Once and no more Therefore the Sacrifice of the Masse is abominable charging Christs death with insufficiency and the worde with vntruth Their distinction of bloudy and vnbloody Sacrifice is also directly against the Scripture which teacheth there is no remission without shedding of bloud Heb. 9 22. One sig One onely so as there is no more of that kind as One God One Mediator One Oblation c. 1. Tim. 2 5. 1. Cor. 8 4. Heb. 10 14. One accord sig Common agreement and vnity of minde in Religion Actes 2 46. And they continued daily with One accord One heart sig Consent in Religion and affection Ezek 11 19. I will giue thee One heart One sheepe sig One Catholick Church consisting of beleeuing Iewes Gentiles Iohn 10 16. And One Sheepfold One spirite sig Spirituall vnion being knit to God by one spirit 1. Cor. 6 17. Is one spirit One thing is needfull sig The sound and sauing knowledge of Christ by the word preached Luke 10 42. There is One thing needfull Psal. 27 4. One thing haue I desired One way sig The Doctrine of Godlinesse which is but One as there is but One God Ier. 32 39. I will giue thē One way O. P. to Open. sig pro To vnlocke something shutvp and lockt fast from vs. 2 To giue vnto vs what wee desire in Prayer Thus God openeth to vs. Math. 7 7. Knocke and it shall be opened 3 To let in and receiue Christ to dwell in our hearts by Faith Thus we open to Christ. Reuel 3 20. I stand at the doore and knocke if any man open c. Psal. 24. 9.
countenance and good will of God Dan. 9 17. Cause thy Face to shine vppon the Sanctuary Also it comprehendes all benefites and deliuerances whereby God doth witnesse his fauour to his people Psal. 80 3. Cause thy Face to shine that we may be saued 5 The place of Gods worship whence his Face and fauour is to bee perceiued in the Doctrine of grace soundly taught applied Gen. 4 14. I shall be banished from thy face Heereof Dauid complains 1. Sam. 26 19. Ionas 1 3. 6 Seruice before God or in the presence of God Mat. 18 10. There Angels alwayes behold the Face of my father that is do seruice in his presence Ps. 51 11. Cast me not out from thy Face that is from doing seruice before thee as a King as thou didst cast out Saule who was King before mee c. to shew his Face sig To reueale lay open or make known vnto vs his most bright and glorious Maiesty this he doth to no man Exod. 33 20. and verse 18. Shew mee thy Glory and God answered Thou canst not see my Face 2 To manifest his fauour Thus he doth continually to his Saints Psal. 80 19. Shew vs thy Face and we shall be whole Psal. 4 6. to hide his Face sig Not to take knowledge of vs and of our sinnes with dislike and meaning to punish them Psal. 51 10. Hide thy face from my sinnes that is looke not vpon them to punish them 2 To withdraw his countenance and shew forth his displeasure in some iudgement and affliction Psal. 27 9. Hide not thy Face from me to séeke Gods Face sig To aske counsell of God in things doubtfull and to pray vnto God in cases daungerous Psal. 27 8. Seeke ye my Face thy Face Lord I will seeke Face to face sig Familiarly and plainly Deut. 5 4. The Lord talked with you Face to Face Exod. 31 11. 2 Perfectly and fully 1. Cor. 13 12. Then shall we see Face to Face to fall vpon the Face sig To adore and worship God groueling vpon the ground Iosh. 7 6. And fel to the earth vpon his Face Mat. 17 6. Face of Iesus Christ. sig The knowledge which we haue of God by and through our Lord Iesus Christ who is the liuely expresse Image of his father 2. Cor. 4 6. In the Face of Iesus Christ. Colos. 1 15. Who is the Image of the inuisible God Faire How the Church is Faire sig pro Beautifull or one of good fauour goodly to see to Ioh. 42 15. Dan. 4 4. 2 The Church which is faire beautifull glorious within Cant. 4 1. Thou art Faire my loue Faire shee is for shee hath the perfect holinesse of Christ her husband imputed to her by faith that she might be without spot or wrinkle Ephes. 5 27. Also she hath the Spirit of sanctification to begin holinesse in her selfe 1. Pet. 1 2. 2. Cor. 6 11. So as she is Faire both Imputatiuely and incoatiuely and at length shall be Faire perfectly and all this spiritually For outwardly she is blacke afflicted crossed and persecuted in the world Cant. 1 4. Faith sig pro Truth and constancy in wordes and promises when that is performed in deede which in wordes was spoken and promised Rom. 3 3. Shall our vnbeleefe make the faith of God of none effect Psal. 25 10. Ps. 86 15. And in all other places where God is commended for Mercy and Truth The word in the Originall signifies Faith Gal. 5 22. Math. 23 23. 2 The Doctrine of Faith or the Gospell which we doo beleeue Gal. 1 22. Hee now preacheth the Faith which before he Destroyed 1. Tim. 1 19. and 3 9. Iude 5. 1. Tim. 4 1. and 3 9. A Metanimie of the Adiunct for the Subiect 3 Thinges promised or the accomplishment of Gods promises made in the Old Testament Gal. 3 23. We were shut vp vnto that Faith which afterwards should be reuealed 4 A naked knowledge of God ioyned with an outward profession of his religion and Faith Iam. 2 17 24. Faith if it hath no workes is dead This is Historicall or Dogmaticall Faith as Diuines call it 5 A certaine and sure perswasion of some wonderous and strange effects and workes to be done by the power of God 1. Cor. 13 2. If I had all faith Math. 17 20. This is an actiue myraculous faith which lasted but a short space 6 The knowledge and ioyful assent of the mind yeelded to Gods promises for a time till affliction come Luke 8 13. Which for a while beleeue but in time of temptation fall away Acts 8 13. This is Temporarie Faith 7 A firme and constant apprehension of Christ al his merits as they are promised and offred in the word Sacraments Ro. 1 17. The iust shall liue by Faith Gal. 3. 11 14. And in al those places of scripture where Righteousnesse Iustification life Eternal and Saluation are attributed to it This is Iustifying or sauing Faith because it enables the elect soule to receiue Christs perfect Iustice vnto Saluation in heauen This Faith once had is neuer vtterly lost as Papists fancie 8 Fidelity and faithfulnesse in doing duties to others without fraud and deceit Titus 2 10. That they may shew all good faith that is Faithfulnesse 9 Hope 1. Pet. 1 5. We are kept through Faith vnto saluatiō Yet this properly belongs to hope which is a certaine expectation of saluation promised A Metanimie of the Cause for the Effect 10 A confidence of obtaining some earthly and bodily good thing after a myraculous sort Actes 14 9. When he saw that hee had Faith to bee healed This is a passiue miraculous Faith 11 A firme knowledge and assurance of that liberty which Christians haue in thinges indifferent Rom. 14 1 22 23. Whatsoeuer is not of Faith is sin 12 Feruent study desire and zeale to practise maintaine Christian Religion and Doctrine Rom. 1 8. Your Faith is published throughout all the world 13 Righteousnesse or Iustice. Psal. 119 75. Thou hast afflicted mee in Faith or in righteousnesse and iustly 14 A Promise or Vowe 1. Tim. 5 12. They haue forsaken their first Faith Sée the word First 15 Constancy and faithfulnesse in performing duty or inconstancy and vnfaithfulnesse indifferently 1. Sam. 26 23. The Lord will rewarde euery man according to his Righteousnesse and Faith or faithfulnesse 16 Christ being apprehended by faith Rom. 9 32. Also Rom. 3 28. A man is iustified by faith So it is put and taken in the Treatise of Iustification wheresoeuer Faith is written without expresse mētion of Christ. Faith of the Elect. sig That Faith which is proper to the elect Titus 1 1 2. Acts 13 44 48. which none can haue but the elect and chosen children of God dead Faith sig A fruitlesse and vnworking Faith Iames 2 26. Faith without workes is Dead like a Dead-man a barren wombe a withered Tree effectuall Faith sig Such a knowledge of Christ as is not idle but worketh by
which followeth forgiuenesse of sinne to wit the earnest loue of Christ and doth not note the cause why her sinnes were forgiuen her which was her faith in Christ. Math. 25 34 35. Come ye blessed of my father For when I was hungry Heere likewise the particle For noteth not the cause but the signes and tokens of blessed persons or the fruite by which they were discerned and knowne Heere it is a particle redditiue rendring the reason of the fore-going sentence Reuel 14 13. Rom. 4 2 3. 3 In behalfe of another or in ones stead to ones benefit or good as to suffer for the Gospell or for the name of Christ to die For the brethren and to be separated from Christ For the bretheren and Christ dyed For vs and such like Whereof all doo note the impulsiue cause 4 The finall cause or end As Rom. 11 36. All things For him that is his owne glory is the end to which all things both made of him and gouerned by him are referred and disposed Prou. 16 4. God made all things For himselfe Foreknowledge sig pro A bare fore-sight of things to come or to bee done heerafter which in God is euer ioyned with his counsell or determination Actes 2 23. Being deliuered by the determinate counsell and Fore-knowledge of God 2 Gods eternall loue or good pleasure Ro. 8 29. Whom he knew before c. Rom. 11 2. 1. Pet. 1 2. Elect according to the Foreknowledge of God Such as seuer Gods will from his fore-knowledge or do make his fore-knowledge of thinges the highest cause of their existence whereas God fore-knoweth what things shal be because he hath first decreed they shall be or which will haue foreknowledge of faith and works to be causes of election they are deceiued to Forget sig To let things slip out of mind This is the generall signification 2 To let God his worde and benefits slip out of minde whereof followeth disobedience neglect of Gods worship and wicked contempt of God as a fruit consequent of such Forgetfulnesse Iudg. 3 7. They did wickedly and forgot the Lord. Psalme 78 42. Thus men Forget God the wicked wholy the Godly in part 3 To cast off one to cease to loue care and prouide for him Psal. 77 9. Hath God forgotten to be mercifull Esay 49 15 16. Thus God Forgets the wicked and the godly doo sometime thinke that they are thus Forgotten yet are not so Psal. 107 5. If I Forget thee ô Ierusalem that is if I cease to loue thee 4 To deferre or put off the punnishment of the wicked and to remoue punishment from the godly Psal. 74 23. Forget not the voice of the enemie Amos. 8 7. I will not for euer Forget any of their workes that is I will not alway deferre to punnish them though it may seeme I haue Forgotten Ieremy 32. god Forbid sig A forme of deniall with a loathing of the thing obiected Rom. 3 31. Also 6 2. This is vsuall with Paule so often as he iudgeth cauils vnworthy of a direct refutation to Forget his labour sig Not to be moued nor trobled with remembrance of calamities past Gen. 41 51. God hath made me● Forget all my labors to Forget that which is behind sig Not to think vpon or mind that which one hath done or suffered for Christ or his Gospell looking forward to things which are to bee done heere after Phil. 3 15. I Forget that which is behind land of Forgetfulnesse sig The place and estate of the dead who Forget the liuing and the liuing them Psal. 88 12. And thy righteousnesse in the land of Forgetfulnesse or Obliuion to Forget thy fathers house sig To renounce and abandon all carnall worldly affections which spring from in-bred corruption and whatsoeuer may hinder our faith and loue to Christ. Psal. 45 11. Forget thine owne people and thy fathers house Forgiuenes See Remission sig The pardoning of our sins done against God as if one should crosse a debt booke Ps. 32 1. Whose sinnes are Forgiuen 2 A Forbearing to reuenge trespasses done against vs being ready to take vnto fauour such as wrong vs vpon their repentance Mat. 18 35. Except yee Forgiue from your hearts Col. 3 13. Forme sig Fauour beauty outward dignity glory Esay 53 1. He hath no Forme 2 Substance or essence Heb. 1 3. The engraued Forme of his person Forme of God sig God himselfe or one who is God and that truly and in very deed of the same substance and glorie that God is Phil. 2 6. Who being in the Forme of God that is Forme Nature or Substance bee all one in this argument Forme of a seruant sig A very man one hauing the true nature of man being like a man in all things sin excepted Phil. 2 7. He tooke the Forme of a Seruant and was made like to a man that is he took the substance nature properties affections and infirmities of a man all except sinne Heb. 3 17. and 4 15. Formed sig Fashioned framed Christ is saide to be formed in vs either when the liuely faith of Christ is at our new birth engendred in vs or is renued after some great fall Gal. 4 19. T●ll Christ be Formed in you Fornicatiō sig The vncleannesse of vnmarried persons about generation Gal. 5 19. The workes of the Flesh are manifest Adultery Fornication c. 2 All vncleannesse that way by whom-soeuer married or vnmarried or howsoeuer 1. Cor. 6 9 18. He that committeth Fornication sinneth against his owne body This is bodily Fornication Sinecdoche Sée Math. 5 32. Fornication put for Adultery 3 Idolatry or strange worship which is spirituall Fornication wherein the faith plight with God as with an husband to worship him onely after his owne will is violated and broken Ezek. 16 15. Thou hast powred out thy Fornications and else-where very often in this and other Prophets As Ier. 3 9. Iudah hath committed Fornication with stockes and stones to Forsake referred to God sig Not to with-draw his essence or power from his creature for they be euery where present but his grace blessing which is done diuersly in respect of them whom he doth forsake 2. Chro. 15 2. Ifye Forsake him he will Forsake you This is the general signification 2 Wholy and for euer to take away from men all such graces as he had giuen them leauing them altogether to Satan and their owne lust This is called a giuing vp or deliuering vp to vile affections Rom. 1 24 Thus God forsakes wicked men and Hippocrites Thus did he forsake Cain and Iudas Saul 1. Sa. 16 14. The Spirit of the Lord departed from Saule 2. Sam. 7 15 And thus wil not God forsake his people 1. Sam. 12 22. The Lorde will not Forsake his people for his names sake 3 To take away some particular grace and that for a time onely Thus was Dauid forsaken hauing lost after his grieuous sinne cleannesse of heart peace and ioy of conscience
haue Power 13 Wicked or good Angelles which are of exceeding strength and haue leaue and Commission of God to doo mighty thinges and therefore are called powers Col. 1 16. By him were created Powers Principalities Ephe. 6 12. We wrestle against Principalities and Powers 14 Excellent and singular guifts of the Spirite Acts 6 8. Steuen full of faith and Power did signes and Myracles c. 15 Kingdomes and Nations which haue great power Luke 3 6. All this Power will I giue thee all Power sig Vniuersall power ouer euery thing in heauen earth without exception of any Math. 28 18. All Power is giuen vnto me This Power the Father as God giues the Sonne as Mediatour receiues it Power of God sig The most mighty and powerfull God Mat. 26 64. Sitting at the right hand of the Power of God 2 That notable Vertue and might giuen to the Apostles not onely to work Myracles but also to tame and bridle the wicked 2 Cor. 6 7. By the Power of God Powers of heauen sig The Heauens or Celestiall Orbes and Sphears being exceeding firme and strong creatures and exercising great strength vppon these inferiour earthly bodies Math. 24 29. And the Powers of heauen shall be shaken to Pour out sig To giue and bestow liberally and franckly Esay 53 12. He Powred out his soule to death Acts 2 17. I will Poure out my Spirit vpon all flesh Poyson of Aspes sig Malicious and bitter wordes cast out against such as be absent to their great hurt Rom. 3 13. The Poyson of Aspes is vnder their lips Poyson of Dragons sig The wicked vngracious workes of vngodlye men which are as vnpleasant to God as the poyson of Dragons to men Deut. 32 33. Their Wine is the poison of Dragons P. R. Praise sig A confession and due acknowledgement of the great and manifolde excellencies and perfections that be in God Ps. 136 1. Praise the Lord because he is good for his mercies endure for euer Psal. 117 1 2. 103 1 2 3. 2 Commendation and speaketh forth the good things that be in other men Prou. 27 2. Let another man praise thee 3 The matter argument occasion of praise Exod. 15 2. The Lord is my strength and praise Psa. 118 14. Prayer sig The whole seruice of God and euery part of it Math. 21 13. An house of Prayer 2 That one part of his worship called Prayer Petition Iam. 5 15. Prayer of faith to Pray sig To desire some lawfull thing of God alone with trust to haue it for the merit of Christ only Actes 10 9. Peter went vp on the house to pray Math 6 9. After this manner pray ye Actes 12 12. Marke 11 24. 2 To craue some-thing with the voice onely without Faith in Christ. Luke 18 10. They went vp into the Temple to Pray Verse 11. This is vocall Prayer onely and the former is both Vocall and Mentall 3 To worship God A Sinechdoche of part for the whole Luke 19 46. A house of Prayer Prayer what it is Prayer is a worke of the beleeuing soule desiring of God alone things lawfull and needfull with confidence to obtaine them through the alone mediation of Christ to the praise of the mercy trueth and power of God Prayer is eyther priuate or publicke for our selues or others for the hauing of good things or remoouing thinges euill Whence ariseth the difference and diuers kinds of Prayers mentioned 1. Tim. 2 2. Let supplications and Prayers Intercession and giuing of Thankes be made for all men to preach sig To declare the will of God by voice for the instruction of the Church Marke 1 49. He Preached in their Synagogues what Preaching is Preaching is an action of the Minister of the word soundly interpreting and opening the sence of the Scriptures by the Scriptures with application of them vnto the vse of the Church by Doctrin Exhortation reprofe conuincing comfort Mar. 2 2. He Preached the word to thē Lu. 4 18 19 20 21. He tooke vp the booke and read and said this day is this Scripture fulfilled in your eares Also 1 Cor. 14 3. He that professeth that is Preacheth speaketh to men to edifying to exhortation to comfort Sée Nehe. 8 8. And he reade in the booke of the Law and gaue the sence according to Scripture Acts. 9. 20 22. Hee Preached Christ confirming that Iesus was this Christ that is to say Hee compared Scripture with Scripture conferring them together as cunning Craftsmen which ioyne all partes together to make them agree one with another This is Preaching in the ordinary phrase of the Scriptue Indeed euery declaration of Gods wil eyther by afflictions blessings readings and creatures or otherwise may generally and improperly be called Preaching Predestination sig The fore-appointment of euery thing to certaine ends Acts. 4 28. 2 The fore-ordaining of some persons to obtaine eternall life by Christ. Rom. 8 30. Whom he Predestinated them he called Predestination what it is Predestination is a most righteous decree of God freely according to his own good pleasure without any respect of forseene faith or works as mouing causes ordaining from all eternity out of the whole lumpe of lost mankind a certaine number to obtaine eternal life in heauen by Christ hauing first called Iustified and Sanctified them vnto the praise of his glorious grace Rom. 8. 28 29 30. Eph. 1. 5 6 7. Predestination is the most wise purpose of God whereby he hath before all eternity constantly decreed to call those whom hee hath loued in Christ to the adoption of his children to Iustification by Faith at the lēgth to glory thorow good works that they may bee made like to the Image of the Son of God and that in them should bee declared the glory and mercy of the Creatour to Predestinate sig To determine and appoint before most firmely some persons to be saued by Christ. Rom. 8 29. Prepare sig pro To make a thing ready before hand Math. 26. 17. Where wilt thou that we prepare for thee 1 Chro. 29 19. To build the house which I haue prepared Math. 20 23. 2 To fit effectually and mightily the elect of God vnto that blessednesse which they were appointed vnto from euerlasting Rom. 9 23. Vessels of mercy which hee hath prepared to glory And to make meete the Reprobates vnto that wretchednesse vnto which they were ordained before Rom. 9 22. Vessels of wrath prepared to destruction Or thus more breifly to purpose make meete heauen for the elect and the elect for it Math. 25. 34 41. Prepared for you c. Also Hell for the Reprobate and them for it Prepared for the deuill and his Angels Rom. 9. 22. 23. 3 To make vs meete or fit eyther for doing good duties or for suffering afflictions 1 Chron. 29. 18. Prepare their hearts vnto thee 4 To make ready eyther some things which belonges eyther to Gods seruice or to the seruice of the Saints 2. Cor. 9
workes and faith Rom. 930. 9 The iust and right distribution of punnishments and rewards by publicke Gouernors Psal. 72 2. Then shall he Iudge thy people with Righteousnesse Acts 17 31. He will Iudge the worlde in Righteousnesse that is most Righteously punishing the wicked rewarding the godly Righteousnesse of the Law sig That perfect vprightnesse in Nature and actions which is commanded in the Law of Moses and was at first written in mans heart by Law of Nature Rom. 8 4. That Righteousnesse Right hand of God sig The infinite strength and power whereby God worketh all things effectually Psal. 118 6. The Right hand of the Lorde hath brought mighty things to passe 2 Helpe and succour proceeding from his power Reuel 1 17. He laid his Right hand vpon mee and said Feare not Psal. 138 7. and 139 10. 3 The high and exceeding great glory of God the Father Psal. 110 1. Sit on my Right hand 4 Euerlasting ioy and blisse in the life to come Math. 25 33. Hee shall set the Sheepe on his Right hand Right and left hand of Christ. sig The highest and greatest worldly preferment which Christ as King can giue to his chiefe fauourites and seruants Math. 20 21. Graunt that these my Sonnes may sit one on thy Right hand c. The Woman that made this request did thinke Christ to be an earthly King and therefore desired for her sonnes not a Tyranicall Gouernment which had beene vnnaturall for her to aske vnfit for Christ to giue and vnprofitable for her sonnes to receiue but the highest lawfull dignities vnder Christ such as Ioseph had vnder Pharaoh in Egypt and Daniell vnder Darius in Babylon It is a fault in the Rhemists who thinke Heathenish Tyrannic forbidden heere which the other Apostles would haue pittied not disdained Mark 10 41. 2 The cheefest glory and blisse in the kingdom of heauen Math. 20 23. To sit on my Right hand and on my left shall be giuen to them for whome it is prepared of my Father These words teach plainly two things First that there shall be differences and degrees of glory in heauen Secondly that they are prepared and appointed of God in his aeternall purpose 3 Thoroughly at all handes or on euery side 2 Cor. 6 7. On the Right Hand and on the left Riuer sig pro A brooke or course of water issuing out of the Sea or some great water 2 The whole people of God dwelling in Ierusalem and Iury. Psal. 46 5. There is a Riuer whose streames shall make glad the Citty of God 3 The promises of the word wherof the faithfull drinke to their full content and refreshing Psal. 23 2. He leadeth me by the pleasant Riuers or still waters Riuer of God sig Store and plenty of Raine sent of God Psal. 65 9. The Riuer of God is full of water R. O. to Robor spoile sig To take something from others by violence Math. 27 44. Betweene two Robbers So it is in the Originall Greeke Text. Luke 10 30. They Robbed him of his Raiment 2 To take some-thing from others which is theirs by the consent of the Owners at the appointment of God Exod. 3 22. Thou shalt Rob or spoile the Aegyptians White-Robe Sée White Rocke sig pro A strong defenced place of stone seruing for safety against enemies and dangers 1 Sam. 14 4. There was a sharpe Rocke on the one side 2 The mighty helpe and defence of God Psal. 18 1. Thou art my Rocke that is succour and defence 3 Christ Iesus who is called a Rocke in two respects First because wee haue from him our soule-refreshing as water gusht out of the Wildernesse to refresh the people being thirsty 1 Cor. 10 1. The Rocke that followed them was Christ. Secondly because hee alone strongly sustaines and beares vp his Church built vppon him by faith as a house vpon a Rocke Math. 16 18. Upon this Rocke will I build my Church The Papists which expound this not of Christ beleeued on and confessed by Peter but of the person of Peter they deale reprochfully with Christ by lifting the creature and seruant of Christ into the roome place of his Creator Lord. Also falsely with the Text which saieth not vpon this Peter but vpon this Rocke that is not vpon thee Peter but vppon my selfe as Augustine expounds it Lastly they offer wrong and deale iniuriously with the Church to build it vpon so feeble fraile and weake a Rocke as Peter who failed more often then any of his fellow Apostles Iudas excepted 4 Such comfortable succour as godly Princes do affoord to good men oppressed by the wicked Esay 32 2. As the shaddow of a great Rock in aweary Land Rod. sig A little twig or wand which was wont to bee carried before Princes and Rulers as a sign of their authority and dignity This is a Ciuill Rod. 2 Correction discipline punishment 1. Cor. 4 21. Shall I come to you with a Rod This is an Ecclesiasticall Rod. 3 Afflictions wherewith God chasteneth his Children for their amendment Psal. 89 32. I wil visit their transgressions with a Rod. Iob 21 9. This is a Diuine Rod. Rod of Gods power sig The preaching of the worde whereby God is mighty and powerfull among his people Psalme 110 2. Thou shalt send the Rod of thy power See Scepter the Rod staffe of God sig The direction of Gods spirit and word leading and restraining vs or as some thinke the prouidence of God in his word corrections and deliuerances Psal. 23 4. Thy Rod and thy Staffe comfort me Roaring sig Satan very terrible in his temptations and assaults Sée Lyon Lyon Roote sig pro That whereby Hearbs and plants are firmly fastned to the earth 2 Stedfastnesse or constant and vnmooueable stablenesse Math. 13 6. Because it had no Roote Col. 2 7. Rooted and built in Christ that is firmely setled and fastned vnto him by faith as a Tree by the Rootes 3 The beginning and cause of a thing 1 Tim. 6 10. Desire of Money the Root of euill Roote of bitternesse sig Some Haeresie or greeuous sinne which like a bitter Roote brings forth bitter fruites of defilement in the Conscience disquiet to the Church Heb. 12 15. Let no Roote of bitternesse spring vp Roote of Jessee sig Christ Iesus who according to the flesh came of Dauid the Sonne of Iessee Esay 11 1. A graffe shall grow out of the Roote of Iessee R. U. Rudiments sig pro The first beginninges in any Science which be first to be learned 2 The Iewish Ceremonies Rites or anie other external human obseruations vrged with an Opion of merit necessity of saluation and as parts of Gods seruice Gal. 4 9. Weake and beggerly Rudiments Col. 2 8. Rule sig Gouernment Diuine or humane as Ruler signifieth any Gouernour and to rule is to Gouerne 1 Tim. 5 17. Elders that Rule well Rom. 12 8. He that Ruleth with Diligence Exod. 22 28. Thou shalt not speake euill of the Ruler of
the word then it is an euill thought whatsoeuer good pretence it haue Math. 15 19. For out of the heart comes euill Thoughts 2 Our counsels touching matters to be done or not done Psalme 146 4. Then his Thoughtes perish 3. The griefe of an afflicted minde Psal. Amidst the Thoughts of my heart thy comforts haue refreshed my Soule 4 Reasoning inwardly in the Soule Luke 9 46 47. When Iesus saw the Thoughtes of their harts 5 Purpose ioyned with indeuour Gen. 50 20. When you Thought to doe me euill 6 Carking or immoderate care or care with anxiety Math. 6 31. Take no Thought Mat. 19. Take no Thought what ye speake Referred to God 7 The will counsell purpose or decree of God touching all things which he will doe or not doe Psalme 33 11. The Thoughts of his heart shall stand for euer It doth sometime signifie Gods disposition when his purpose is executed and brought vnto effect As Gen. 50 20. But God Thought c. So Tremelius translates it Thousand yeares sig The space of ten hundred yeares 2 An exceeding large space of time a finite number being put for an indefinite Psalme 90 4. A thousand yeares is but as yesterday when it is past 2 Pet. 3 8. A thousand yeares as one day Through or by in the doctine of iustification sig The cheefe efficient cause to wit the grace free fauour of God Rom. 3 24. Wee are iustified freely by or Through his grace 2 The outward meritorious cause to wit Christ Iesus our redeemer Reu. 3 24. Through the redemption which is in Christ. Ephe. 1 7. Through his bloud 3 The inward instrumentall cause to wit our Faith Rom. 3 28. We are iustified Through Faith without the workes of the Law Verse 25. Through Faith in his Bloud 4 The signes and fruits of our iustification to wit good workes Iames 2 21. Was not Abraham iustified Through workes Through him sig By his administration or powerfull gouernment Rom. 11 36. Through him are all things Thorny ground sig An heart stuffed with the cares of this World which choake the seede of the word as Thornes choake the Corne springing out of the ground Mat. 13 22. That which fell among Thornes or thorny ground Threatning sig A denunciation of some iudgement temporall or eternal from God 2 Hard and cruell speeches from one man to another Actes 14 17. Let vs Threaten and charge them 1 Pet. 2 23. When hee suffered he Threatned not to Thresh the Mountaines sig To destroy and afflict greeuously euen strong and mighty enemies Esay 41 15. Thou shalt Thresh the Mountaines and bring them to pouder Throne sig A high Seate full of Maiesty and glory fit for earthly Kinges or Iudges 1 Kings 10 18. Then the Kings made a great Throne of Iuory and the Throne had sixe steps 2 Some visible token or representation of Gods power and Maiesty Reue. 4 9. They gaue honour to him that sate on the Throne Reuel 15 1. Metaphor Thunder sig A great noyse and sound caused in the Clouds by the breaking out of hot and dry ex●alations beating against the edge of the Cloud Psalm 18 13. The Lord Thundred in the Heauen Exo. 16 19. There were Thundrings and lightnings Thunder is a witnesse of Gods power and serueth to strike terrour and feare in men that the godly may bee humbled and the better subdued vnto God and the wicked confounded and left without excuse T. I. Time sig pro Some certaine space as houre day weeke yeare c. Dan. 2 21. Hee changeth the Times and seasons Dan. 4 20. And let his portion be among the Beastes till seauen Times passe ouer him that is seuen yeares Exod. 2 23. 2 Tearme period and shutting vp of ones life Psalme 31 15. My Times are in thy handes O Lord. 3 Opportunity or fit and conuenient season to doe thinges in Iohn 7 6. My Time is not yet come Acts 1 7. The Times and seasons 4 The whole tearme or space which a man liueth Psal. 90 10. The Time of our life is threescore yeares and ten c. Time and times and part of time sig Three yeares and ten daies Dan. 7 25. And they shall bee giuen into his handes vntill a Time and Times and the diuiding or part of Time Tithes sig The tenth part of our goods Deut. 14 28. Heb. 7 8. Men that did receiue Tithes T. O. To. sig The meanes that lead to the end Ephe. 2 11. Created To good workes 2 The end and finall cause Rom. 9 22. Prepared To destruction 1 Thess. 5 9. Appointed To saluation Ephe. 1 6. To the praise of his grace To day sig All the time that the doctrine of grace is Preached Psalme 95 7. To day if ye will heare his voice the morrow sig Time to come Mat. 6 34. Care not then for the Morrow Tongue sig pro The prinicipall instrument of speech Psalme 45 verse 1. My tongue is the pen of a ready Writer Iames 3 5. The Tongue is a little member 2 Speech itselfe Iam. 3 6. The Tongue is fire Iere. 18 18. Smite him with the Tongue A Metonimie of the cause for the effect 3 Strange language or the guift of speaking with a strange language 1 Cor. 14 2. He that speaketh a Tongue deceitfull Tongue sig A tongue vttering crafty and guilefull wordes Psalme 52 4. Thou louest all wordes that may destroy ô deceitfull Tongue that is a man speaking deceite with his Tongue Tongue imagineth mischiefe sig The Tongue to bee the Instrument to vtter that mischiefe which the heart hath thought and imagined Psalme 52 2. Thy Tongue imagineth mischiefe Tongue of the learned sig That singuler skill which Christ had in his owne person aboue measure and which hee gaue to his Ministers according to measure that they might know how to comfort and pacifie afflicted consciences Esay 50 4. The Lord hath giuen me a toong of the learned Tongues of men and Angels sig Such an excellent faculty of speach as might not only become men but euen the Angels if they could speake yet were it nothing worth vnlesse it were imployed through loue vnto the edification of others 1 Cor. 13 1. If I could speake with the Tongue of Men and Angels and had not loue I were as sounding Brasse and tinkling Cimball An Hiperbole to smite with the Tongue sig To vtter malicious and slanderous words which hurt a mans name as blows or strokes hurt a mans body Ier. 18 18. Let vs smite him with the toong Metaphor to Touch. sig To feele a thing lightly with the finger Luke 8 44. She Touched the H●m of his Garment 2 To hurt or offer the least violence Psalme 105. Touch not mine annointed doe my Prophets no harme T. R. Tradition sig A doctrine first deliuered from God by speach and written downe afterward in his Booke for the vse of the Church 1 Cor. 11 2. And keepe the ordinances or Tradition for so it is in the Originall This is a written
Iudgement But such Diuines as referred this text to things done betweene the first and second comming of Christ doe Interpret this White Cloud of courteous louing beneficiall and healthfull Princes and Estates as Saxony Hassia Prussia the free Citties of Argentorate Tiguris Berne c. With their good and religious Gouernours as they expound the Angell comming out of the Temple to be Iustus Ionas Phillip Melan●thon Bucer Zuinglius and others which stirred vp good Rulers to abolish Popery and erect the Faith and Religion of the Gospell in their Iurisdictions and Dominions the Clusters of the Uineyard sig The wicked Men of the World which are compared to Clusters because they grow so thicke euen on heapes like Grapes Do but consider how many renounce the Name of Christ as Turks c. How many are Idolators amongst such as acknowledge his Name how many Hyppocrites and wicked men euen where the Gospell is maintained and this will appeare a meete comparison Reuel 14 18. Thrust in thy Sickle and gather the Clusters of the Vineyard Some very learned restraine these Clusters vnto Popish religious buildings and persons which did abound and flourish euen as a vine spread full of Clusters and that in this our Kingdome till the daies of Henry the eyght when thorough the zeal and courage of Cranmer and Crumwell two great men this Popish Vine was lopped and cut yea rooted out C. O. to Come down from heauen sig To haue God for the Authour and founder not men of anything or to haue an heauenly originall and beginning Reuel 21 2. And I saw new Ierusalem come downe from heauen 2 To bee deputed and assigned to some great seruice and worke about the ruinating of Babylon by the appointment of God Reuel 18 1. I saw an Angell come downe from Heauen Thus also is the Deuill said to come downe into the Earth Reuel 12 12. To signifie that hee was sent amongst the Reprobate the Children of this World by the iust iudgement of God to execute his vengeance on their Soules and bodies to Come sig To inuade and take vppon him the tyrannicall gouernment and power ouer Gods people as Antichrist shall doe Reuel 17 10. Another is not yet come but when he commeth c. Some vnderstand this of the Emperour Nerua and his short and cruell raigne but the former is better and fitter to Come a. none sig To follow or fall out shortly within a small time Thus the Scripture vseth to speake of the last day when aeternall Woe heere called the third Woe shall be executed vpon Reprobates as the end at hand the Iudge is at doore these bee the last daies c. because in Gods account a thousand yeares to bee but as a day Reu. 11 14. The third Woe shall Come anone Other learned men thinke the meaning to be that the calamities which shall happen to Gods Enemies afore the comming of Christ shall bee but short in comparison of some miseries which shal happen vnder the second trumpet Both expositions may stand well together to Come sig To approach draw neere or be present so doe the whole Church present and that which is to succeede and euerie true member in whom Christ his Spirit dwelleth all and euery one earnestly desire the full accomplishment of good thinges promised and prophesied of in this Reuelation to bee present and to draw neere especially the marriage of the Lambe Reuel 22 17. The Spirit and the Bride say Come and let him that heareth say Come c. to Commit fornication sig To pertake with the Romish Church in her spirituall Woredome namely in the corruption of true Faith and Religion by Heresie and Idolary This is one cause of Babylons Downe-fall that she was not content onely to adulterate and depraue Gods worship but drew people yea Kinges and Princes into society of her errors and superstition Reuel 18 3. The Kings of the earth haue committed Fornication with her to compasse the Saints sig To bring the Church into a narrow streight being beset with the Deuils Army on euery side Reu. 20 9. And they Compassed the Tents of the Saints about to Conquer sig To ouercome the Enemies of God by Arrowes of Pestilence as some thinke shot out of the Bow of Gods wrath but as it is more reasonable to thinke by the glad tydinges and promises of the Gospell shot as Arrowes out of the tongues of the Apostles and other Ministers of the word as out of a Bow whereby the Nations were speedily subdued vnder Christ. Reuel 6 2. Hee went forth Conquering that he might ouercome to continue sig To last remaine or abide Reu. 17 10. He must Continue a little space to corrupt the earth sig To defile and pollute men of earthly minds both with bodily and spirituall Adultery whereinto the great Whore to wit the Romish Sinagogue hath led Nations and Kingdomes Reuel 19 2. Hee hath Condemned the great Where which hath corrupted the Earth with her Fornication Of their bodilie Fornication their Vaults Priuies were witnesse and their Temples of Spirituall to Count. sig To reckon or to make a Computation of a number Reuel 13 18. Let him that hath wit Count the number of the Beast C. R. Crowne sig Victory Triumph and heauenly glory which shall bee giuen to faithfull Ministers at the end of their labours as a Crowne or reward Reue. 3 11. Holde that which thou hast that no Man take thy Crowne Some doe refer this Crowne not to the reward of aeternall life but to that honour mentioned in verse 9. It may be both the one a fore-runner and pledge of the other 2 A signe or token of Conquest and victory Reuel 6 2. And a Crowne was giuen vnto him Crowne of twelu stars vpon her head sig The bright shining and glorious Ministers of the Gospell to wit the twelue Apostles cheefely and other Apostolical men which all receiued from that same most bright Sunne the Fountaine of all Diuine Wisedome the heauenly doctrine as their chiefe ornament and Crowne euen as the Stars do borrow their light from the Sunne Reuel 12 1. And vpon her head a Crowne of twelue Starres Crucified sig Slaine and put cruelly to death eyther by the death of the Crosse or any other kinde of violent death Reuel 11 8. Where our Lord also was Crucified Christ our Lord was not slain at Rome whereof this Text speakes by the figure of Sodome and Aegipt otherwise then in his members according to that which is said Acts 9 5. Saul Saule why persecutest thou me C. U. Cup. sig A portion or measure of Vengeance and Iudgement allotted vnto Romish Babylon by the seuere Iustice of God Reuel 16 19. To giue vnto her the Cup of Wine of the fiercenesse of his wrath Cup of gold sig The Title of the Catholique Church of Peters Chaire of Christs Vicar and the whole externall profession of Christian Religion whereby as by a fine goodly Cup both people and Princes of the