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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A14216 The summe of Christian religion: deliuered by Zacharias Vrsinus in his lectures vpon the Catechism autorised by the noble Prince Frederick, throughout his dominions: wherein are debated and resolued the questions of whatsoeuer points of moment, which haue beene or are controuersed in diuinitie. Translated into English by Henrie Parrie, out of the last & best Latin editions, together with some supplie of wa[n]ts out of his discourses of diuinitie, and with correction of sundrie faults & imperfections, which ar [sic] as yet remaining in the best corrected Latine.; Doctrinae Christianae compendium. English Ursinus, Zacharias, 1534-1583.; Parry, Henry, 1561-1616. 1587 (1587) STC 24532; ESTC S118924 903,317 1,074

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the rest This differeth from the other kindes of faith in that this onely is the certaine confidence whereby wee apply Christes merit vnto our selues And we apply it vnto our selues when euerie one of vs doe certainely resolue that the righteousnesse or merite of Christ is also giuen and imputed to vs that wee may be esteemed for iust and righteous of God and also may be regenerated glorified Confidence or trust is a motion of the hart or wil following and pursuing some good thing reioicing and resting therein It is a motion of the heart because it is a following and pursuing of a good thing a desire of retaining that good which a man already doth enioy It is reioicing because it is glad of the present grace of God towardes euerie of vs of full deliuerance from the gilt of sin from sinne it selfe in part because by that which euery one enioyeth in present hee conceiueth euerlasting hope of blessings to come as of euerlasting life of ful deliuery from al euill both of crime and paine and therefore is free from the feare of future euill To him that hath shall bee giuen The holie spirite giuen vnto vs is the earnest and pledge of our full redemption 2. Corinth 1.22 and 5.5 Ephes 1.13 Againe iustifieng faith differeth from the rest in this also that this iustifieng faith is concerning all spirituall giftes and whatsoeuer belong to our saluation and is properly and simply or absolutely called faith in the Scripture and is proper also and peculiar to the elect and chosen The faith of miracles is of a certaine gift whereby we are not bettered which we may want without any hinderaunce to our saluation neither is it giuen to al the faithful nor at al times Historicall faith is a part of the Iustifieng and befalleth to al both the godly and hypocrits but is not sufficient alone to saluation because it applieth not to it selfe those benefits which are knowen vnto it out of the word Temporary faith hypocrites haue Iustifieng faith therefore comprehendeth historicall but this is not sufficient to make a iustifieng faith as neither are the other two For If the inheritance be of faith that faith then shal be one of these foure But it is not of historicall faith otherwise the Diuels also shoulde bee heirs Neither of temporary for that is reiected by Christ Nor of the faith of miracles if so Iudas also should be heire The inheritaunce therefore is of iustifieng faith which is properly called faith The more general or material cause of faith is a knowledge and assent For if we speak properly we are not said to assent vnto a doctrine which we know not The difference or formall cause is to apply the promise of grace once known and as it were to claim it for him that knoweth it For this causeth faith to be and to be called iustifieng The subiect or part of man wherein it remaineth is the heart or will The peculiar affection or property of it is to rest ioy in God whereby it is distinguished from all the other sorts of faith The holy spirit is the principall efficient cause thereof Instrumentall causes are the word and Sacramentes Furthermore what iustifieng faith is No man knoweth what iustifieng faith is but hee that hath it no man vnderstādeth but he who hath it for he that beleeueth knoweth that he doth beleeue As he who neuer hath tasted honny dooth not verily knowe that it is sweete though you te l him much of the sweetenesse of honny But whosoeuer truely beleeueth that is hath a sauing faith hee both hath experience in himselfe of these things and also is able to declare them to others First hee beeing conuicted thereof in his conscience knoweth that whatsoeuer thinges are spoken in the Scriptures are t ue and diuine For faith is builded vpon a certaine or assured and diuine Testimony otherwise were it not a full perswasion 2. Hee findeth himselfe bound to beleeue them For if I confesse them to bee true therefore is it meete and iust that I should assent vnto them 3. Hee is certaine that thorough Christes satisfaction hee is receiued of God into fauour and is endewed with the holy Ghost and is by him regenerated and directed 4. Hee applieth vnto himselfe all these thinges and dooth thus gather and conclude of the former I knowe that those thinges which are promised belong vnto mee that is with a certaine confidence hee thus concludeth By the present loue of God towardes me and the beginninges or first fruites of the holy Ghost I certainly resolue and am perswaded that God will neuer chaunge this his good will towards mee and therefore I hope also for a consummation and accomplishment of these blessinges that is for plenary and full redemption 5. He reioiceth in the present blessinges which he hath but most of all in the certaine and perfect saluation to come and this is that peace of conscience which passeth all mans vnderstanding 6. Hee hath a will to obey the doctrine of the Prophetes and Apostles without ani● exception in doing or suffering whatsoeuer is therein commaunded If I wil beleeue God I must obey his will and thinke that this his will is not reuealed vnto vs from men but from him Wherefore a man endued with iustifieng faith doth that duty which is imposed vpon him striue the world and the Diuell neuer so much against him and vndergoeth beareth and suffereth whatsoeuer aduersities for the glory of God cheerefully and boldly hauing God his most benigne and good father 7. Hee is certaine that his faith though it bee in this life imperfect and languishing and often very much eclypsed yet being builded vpon the promise of god which is vnchangeable dooth neuer altogether failor die but the purpose which it hath of beleeuing and obeying God continueth it striueth with doubtes and temptations and at length vanquisheth and in the celestiall life which is to come shall hee chaunged into a full and most certaine knowledge of God and his will where wee shall see God face to face 1. Cor. 13.12 4 How faith and hope differ and agree ALbeit faith hope agree in that they both respect the same benefits and therefore Heb. 11.1 faith is saide to be of things which are hoped for as also in that they are mutuallie ioyned in an inseparable bond For he that is certaine of the present wil of God towards him Faith apprehendeth things present hope respecteth thinges to come is also certaine of his will to come because god doth not change Yet notwithstanding they must not be confounded but distinguished For faith taketh hold of the present good as remission of sins or reconciliation regeneration or the beginning of obedience life euerlasting in vs. Hope eyeth the good to come as the continuance of our reconciliation and the perfecting or accomplishment of euerlasting life or our conformitie with God that is full deliuerie from
sinnes for which Christ hath satisfied cannot hurt but christ hath satisfied for sinnes past and to come Therefore sinnes past and to come cannot hurt vs. Aunswere Nowe knitte and force this reason that wee maie see whither it tendeth Reply That which hurteth not we neede not to eschue sinnes to come hurt not therefore wee neede not beware of sinnes to c●me Auns 1. The Minor is false For god is offended with sinnes which is the greatest hurt and further sinnes bereaue vs of that conformity with God purchase bodily paines vnto the faithful But we are to distinguish between these questions 1. How a reasonable creature may be iust before god 2. H●w mā being a sinner may be iust before god 3. Whether a reasonable creature may merit or deserue ought at gods hands To the first question we answere That a reasonable creature may be iust before God by the conformitie with the law inherent in him as blessed men and Angels are iust To the second That man being a sinner is iust by the imputation onely of Christs merit and of this question is our speech when we speake of iustification To the third That no reasonable creature can deserue ought at gods hands Luk. 17.10 When yee haue done all say Wee are vnprofitable seruantes For neither is Christes obedience verily any merit in this respect as if any good came to God by it but in respect of the dignitie of the person bicause it was Christ that suffered it is called merite But a man which is a sinner cannot bee iust before God 1. Because before his iustification his woorkes are corrupt 2. Also after his iustification the works of a man which is a sinner are vnperfect 3. And when they are perfect as in the life to come they shal be yet can we not satisfie for the sinnes past for we owe those workes when we doe them 5 How Christes satisfaction is made our iustice and righteousnesse THIS question is adioined because it seemeth absurd that we should bee iustified by that which is another mans Christs satisfaction made ours two waies 1 By God imputing it or applyeng it vnto vs. and not ours The satisfaction or iustice of Christ is made ours or applied vnto vs two waies that is by a double application The former application is Gods who in respect of that fulfilling of the Law perfourmed by christ accepteth vs and applieth the same vnto vs that is he imputeth it no lesse than if wee had neuer sinned or at least had paied and suffered sufficient punishment for our sinnes For albeit to iustifie signifieth to make iust yet in the Church it signifieth another thing and is taken in another sense Or god doth applie it when hee imputeth the fulfilling of the Lawe perfourmed by Christ vnto vs euen as if it were perfourmed by vs neither wil at all punish vs. But to impute is to accept christs satisfaction performed to this end that it might be our iustice righteousnes 2 By our selues applyeng it vnto our selues We then also applie vnto vs the fulfilling of the Law perfourmed by Christ when we are stedfastly persuaded that God doth impute applie giue it vnto vs and for it reputeth vs for iust absoluing vs from al guilt Without this application the former is not at all and this latter is also from God For God first imputeth vnto vs Christes satisfaction then he engendereth faith in vs whereby wee maie applie the same vnto vs. Whence also it appeareth that Gods application doth go before is the cause of our application which is of faith albeit his is not without ours as christ also saith Ioh. 15.16 Ye haue not chosen me but I haue chosen you Moreouer wee may then bee assured and certaine that the righteousnesse or satisfaction of Christ is imputed vnto vs of God When wee may be assured of Christs satisfaction imputed vnto vs. when wee earnestly desire the grace of God and feele the holy ghost to work in vs a true confidence in the Mediatour of the faithful That which we haue nowe spoken of both applications both gods and ours doth manifestly shew what is meant in this place by iustifieng Which is that to iustifie is not to make one iust who is vniust but to repute him for iust and righteous who is vniust and to absolue the vniust and vnrighteous from al guilt and not to punish him and this for anothers iustice and righteousnesse imputed by faith vnto vs. Obiection But to iustifie is to make one iust who is vniust Aunswere This indeede is true in general but in the Church it is taken otherwise For the legall iustification is a woorking of iustice and righteousnesse in vs as in one subiect But the iustification of the gospell whereof wee speake here is a farre diuerse thing For the subiect of that iustice and righteousnesse which is made ours by the Gospels iustification that is whereby being appplied by faith vnto vs wee are reputed iust and righteous is Christ himselfe and wee are onely the obiect of this iustice and the matter about which it is conuersaunt but the matter wherein it is inherent is Christ only 6 Why Christs satisfaction is made ours THE perfect fulfilling of the Law performed by Christ for vs is made ours or applied vnto vs The cause of Christs sat●sfaction applied imputed is in God onely not in vs. through the alone and free mercie of God as who from euerlasting did predestinate vs and freely chuse vs to whom he might apply of his mere grace by faith that iustice and righteousnesse at his appointed time Wherefore al imagination and affirmation of merit is to bee taken awaie as which fighteth with the grace of God and is a denial of his diuine grace For the grace and mercie of GOD is the onely cause of both applications Hee of his goodnesse infinite and passing measure applieth Christes merit vnto vs and maketh that we also may apply the same vnto vs. The cause therefore why this application is wrought is in God alone but not at al in vs that is it is neither anie thing foreseene in vs neither also our apprehension and receiuing of this iustice For all the giftes and graces which are in vs are effectes of the application of Christes merit and therefore that merit of Christ is no waie applied vnto vs for the workes sake which we doe but this is done as the Apostle teacheth Ephes 1.5 according to the good pleasure of his wil. Whereupō also it is said 1. Cor. 4 7. What hast thou that thou hast not receiued And Ephes 2.8 By grace are ye saued through faith and that not of your selues it is the gift of God And here it is to be obserued that to bee saued by the grace of God and to be iustified by faith are not all one for that signifieth the impellent or motiue cause in God this the instrumental cause in vs whereby we apprehend the righteousnesse
and true conuersion vnto God By this testimonie of the holie Ghost wee know that wee are Gods after wee are once deliuered from these miseries For the holy ghost which is the surest pledge of this thing doth witnes in our hartes that they trulie belong vnto vs. For hee maketh vs to serue God without feare Luk. 1.74 Gal. 4 6. And this Spirit of Christ which God hath sent foorth into our hartes crieth Abba Father 6. Our certaintie of euerlasting life This part differeth from the fifth because that is the certaintie of the thinges themselues but this is our certaintie by which wee know these thinges to be certaine And this is the beginning of faith Three things to bee obserued for the attaining vnto this comfort 1 The knowledge of our miserie 2 Our deliuerie 3 Our thankfulnes That we may attaine vnto this comfort three thinges are to bee considered of vs. 1. The knowledge of our miserie that we may desire deliuerance and be thankful to God 2. Our deliuerance without which we haue not comfort 3. Our thankfulnes without which wee are not deliuered Herein is conteined the summe and purpose of the whole sacred Scripture And these doe plainly accord with the diuision of the Scripture or Catholicke doctrine into the Law and Gospel and with the differences of these parts For vnto those three members are the Law and the Gospel referred to the first and third apperteineth the Decalog or tenne commandementes because there is a double vse of the Law the knowledge of our sinne and the rule of our life To the second member appertaineth the Creede because this speaketh of our deliuerie and is the sum of the Gospel The Sacramentes likewise are to be referred vnto the second part because they seal that which is taught in the Gospel They are those appurtenances as it were adioyned to the promise of grace and the seals of iustification by faith Praier belongeth vnto the third part that is to thankfulnes because praier is the chiefest part of thankfulnesse Out of these arise foure questions 1. From these arise fower quaestions 1 Quaestion For what cause these three are necessarie for our obtaining of comfort 2. Whence we may knowe these three euen out of the Lawe and the Gospel 3. How 4. Wherefore The knowledge of our miserie is necessarie for our obtaining of comfort 1. Because if we knew not our miserie Why these three are necessarie for the obtaining of our comfort Why the knowledge of our misery is necessarie Mat. 11.28 Isaie 57.15 and euen the greatnes of it we should not know the greatnes of our happines neither should we desire deliuerie out of euils If wee desire not deliuerie out of euils wee doe not seeke it if wee seeke it not we obtaine it not because God giueth deliuerie only to those who seeke it it is opened onlie to him that knocketh and so hath God his ende in them euen his worship Blessed are they who thirst after righteousnes Come vnto me al ye that labor I dwel in a contrite spirit That which wee haue now said is confirmed also by this syllogism or form of argument That which is necessarie for to stir vp in vs a desire of deliuerance that is necessarie for our comfort But the knowledge of our miserie is necessarie for the desire of saluation or deliuerance Therefore the knowledge of our miserie is necessarie for the obtaining of our comfort yet not for the comforting of vs for we are terrified by this knowledge of our miserie But this terror is good for vs because except we know our miserie we desire not deliuerie And they that desire not deliuerie receiue it not 2 The knowledge of our miserie is necessarie for the obtaining of our comfort because wee should be vngratefull if we were ignorant out of how great miseries wee were deliuered and drawen For how much the more wee feele the greatnes of our euil so much the more desire wee and with for a remedie and so much the more thankfull are wee towards God because he gaue vs a remedie against sin 3. Because by the preaching of the Lawe is made a preparation to the preaching of grace otherwise there followeth carnal securitie and our comfort is made vnstable Whereof it appeareth that we drawe the knowledge of our miserie chiefly out of the Law that therfore we must begin frō the preaching of the Law as the Prophets and Apostles haue done and that to the end that mens consciences and hearts may be cast downe before God and prepared to repentance and to the receiuing of the gospel Except this be done men wil become more careles and stubburne and pearles shal be throwen to swine to be trodden vnder feet Why the knowledge of our deliuerie is necessarie Igno● nulla cupido The knowledge of our deliuerie is necessarie for our comfort 1. Because a good thing not knowen is not desired according to that There is no coueting after an vnknowen thing When wee haue found it also if wee knowe not what it is wee desire it not and therefore doe not obtaine it Yea that verie meanes by which wee attaine vnto our deliuerie requireth the knowledge of our deliuerie For thou shalt er in the desire of thy deliuery except thou know what and of what qualitie it is and after what manner it is receiued Furthermore wee are made by faith partakers of this deliuerie But faith is not without knowledge Wherefore the knowledge of our deliuerie is necessarie both that we may obtaine it also because the mean instrument it selfe by which we do obtaine it cannot bee without the knowledge of our deliuerie 2. A good thing not knowen doth not comfort that therefore it may comfort thee thou must knowe how great and what maner a good thing it is 3. The knowledge of our deliuerie is necessarie that we may be thankeful because for a thing not knowen to be good wee vse not to giue thankes for that we make light account of it and if we wil be indeed grateful al the circumstances of that good thing are knowen and desired of vs. We know our deliuerie out of the gospel 1. By hearing it 2. By learning it 3. By assenting vnto it and that out of the gospel because the Gospel alone doth promise deliuerie vnto those that beleeue in Christ Now wee must diligently also obserue the maner of our deliuerie that wee doe not our selues imagine or receiue imagined by others any maner of deliuerie to the reproch of Gods name and hazard of our owne saluation The knowledge of our thankefulnes is necessarie for our comfort Why the knowledge of our thankfulnes is necessarie 1. Because no man can doe anie thing gratefull vnto God except he first know what is grateful vnto him For he wil be worshipped and haue vs gratefull vnto him not after that maner which wee will but which himselfe hath prescribed Except therefore thou knowe what
all euill For these are the effectes to come of that present and perpetuall wil of God towards vs which wee apprehend by faith Rom. 8.24 Wee are saued by hope but hope that is seen is not hope But if we hope for that we see not we doo with patience abide for it 1 Obiection Life euerlasting is a thing to come We beleeue life euerlasting Wee beleeue therefore that which is to come that is faith is also of things to come and so faith is hope it selfe Ans The Maior must bee distinguished Life euerlasting is to come tru as concerning the consummation or accomplishment therof But it is present vnto vs as cōcerning the wil and vnchaungeable purpose of God who hath decreed from euerlasting that which he hath begun in vs and will also in due time accomplish it Againe it is present vnto vs as concerning the beginning therof For euerlasting life is begun here in the elect by the holy ghost Wherefore faith apprehendeth it as it is present both in respect of the purpose of God in respect of the beginning thereof in vs. For he that beleeueth feeleth and knoweth that he is quickened and resolueth this to bee the will of God that that quickening and reuiuing which is here begunne shall bee absolued in another life Iohn 5.24 He that beleeueth in the sonne hath passed from death to life Iohn 17.3 This is life eternall that they know thee to be the only verie God and whome thou hast sent Iesus Christ Gal. 4.6 God hath sent forth the spirit of his sonne into your harts which crieth Abba father Rom. 8.24 We are saued by hope 1. Ioh. 3.2 Now are we the sonnes of God but it doth not yet appear what we shal be By faith thē we are certein that those blessings also which as yet we haue not are notwithstanding ours for Gods promise for the vnchangeable will in God to giue them vs but in certain hope wee looke for them as concerning their accomplishment Faith apprehendeth the promises of thinges to come hope relieth on the thinges promised The summe is There is one and the same act and operation of faith and of hope but they differ in consideration It is called faith as it doth apprehend things to come as if they were present in regard of the vnchangeablenes of Gods will It is called hope as it doth certainlie look for the bestowing of those things Therfore Heb. 11 1. it is shewed that faith is the ground substance of things which are hoped for that is it is that which maketh things which are hoped for to be extant and present in that manner as hath bin shewed Shorter thus Faith apprehendeth the promises concerning things to come as they are to come Hope the things themselues which are promised 2 Obiection Faith is the euidence of thinges which are not seene therefore not of thinges present Aunswere It is the euidence of thinges which are not seene to wit by the outward senses but they are seene by the eies of the mind euen as if they did lie open to the eies of the bodie Againe they are not seene in respect of their accomplishment or consummation 5 What are the causes of Faith THE first and principall efficient cause of faith is the holie ghost illightening the minde that it may vnderstand the word and moouing the will that it may assent vnto the woord once vnderstoode Yee are freelie saued by faith and that not of your selues it is the gift of God Ephes 2.8 Obiection The Diuel hath faith It is wrought therefore in him by the holie ghost Aunswere What faith is in the Diuel is wrought by the spirit of God but that by a generall woorking onely whereby hee worketh in all euen in Diuels and hypocrites what-soeuer knowledge or vnderstanding is in them 1. Cor. 12. c. not by a speciall and proper action or working wherby to regenerat or sanctifie them that they might truely acknowledge him to bee the author of this gift and magnifie him therefore after which maner hee woorketh faith in the elect alone The Diuels therefore and hypocrits haue faith from the spirit of God but the elect from the spirit of God sanctifieng them The instrumentall cause of faith in generall is the whole worde of God the Lawe and the Gospell written spoken readde heard The chiefe instrumental causes of ingendering iustifieng faith are the preaching of the word and the vse of the sacramentes meditated likewise many works miracles of God in the world But the chiefe and proper instrument of iustifieng faith is the preaching of the Gospell the vse of the sacraments For these doth the holy ghost vse as instruments yet not necessarie but arbitrarie at his own good pleasure both to stir vp faith in vs and to nourish strengthen increase the same Rom. 10.17 Faith commeth by hearing Rom. 1.16 The gospell is the power of God vnto saluation to euerie one that beleeueth 1. Cor. 4.15 I haue begottē you through the gospel Mar. 16.16 He that shall beleeue and be Baptized shall be saued Act. 22.16 Wash away thy sins 1. Cor. 10.16 The bread which we break is the communion of the bodie of Christ Wherefore ordinarilie iustifieng faith is neuer engendred in those who are of yeares to receiue it without the preaching of the gospell The cause of that faith which worketh miracles is not simply the woorde of God but there must necessarily come thereto an especiall and immediate reuelation from God The formal causes of faith a sure and ful confidence in Christ The obiect of faith Christ and his benefites promised The final causes of faith Gods glorie our saluation The formall cause of iustifieng faith is a certaine knowledge confidence in Christ The obiect of it is Whole Christ and his benefits promised in the word Likewise God fauorable to vs through Christ The subiect wherein it remaineth is the vnderstanding will of man The end or finall cause 1 The glorie of God to wit the celebration of his trueth iustice bountie mercie which hee hath shewed in the sending of his Sonne and in the giuing of faith in him 2 Our Saluation that we may receiue the blessings which are promised in the worde 6 What are the effects of faith The effectes of faith iustification and regeneration THe effects of iustifieng faith are 1 The iustifieng of vs before God 2 Peace of conscience or ioy resting on God Rom. 5.1 Beeing iustified by faith we haue peace with god 3 Our whole conuersion which followeth faith and beginneth at the same time with faith For by faith are our hats purified 4 The fruits of conuersion repentance euen good woorkes For whatsouer is not of faith is sinne Hither may be referred also the consequences of faith that is encrease of spirituall corporal giftes The first then and immediate effect of iustifieng-iustifieng-faith is Iustification from this afterwardes flow al other benefites
by the souldiers by reason of the vnchangeablenes of the decree prouidence of God contingent by reason of the liberty of his eternal and vnchangeable decree and the execution thereof euen those thinges which as concerning their owne nature haue second causes most vnchangeable as the motion of the sunne shadowes What contingencie is denied If therefore by contingency they meane the changeablenesse of effects which they haue by the nature of second causes or by the power and libertie of God it doth not follow that things are not contingent because of that necessity which they haue by the prouidence of God For this dooth not take away but preserueth rather the nature order maner of woorking in second causes ordeined by God But if by contingency they mean the changeablenes of second causes and effects so floting and wauering that they are not ruled and gouerned by Gods prouidence any such contingency the Scripture dooth not admit or approue Whether the motions of a creature are contingent or necessarie Hereby we also vnderstand when it is demanded concerning the motions effects of creatures whether they are to be termed necessarie or contingent that some verily are more rightly properly called contingent than necessarie though both contingent necessary are wrought by diuine prouidēce For they are rather to bee called such as they are of their own nature by the nature of their neerest causes than as they are in respect of Gods prouidence which is a cause more remoued farther off And nothing is more either certaine or manifest than that according to the nature of second causes some thinges should bee changeable some vnchangeable yet by the power of God though al things in the creatures may bee changed they are made notwithstanding vnchangeable because of the certaintie of his decree and diuine prouidence So likewise we answere concerning fortune chance What fortune and chaunce is denied For if by these names be vnderstood such causes or euents by accident as haue no cause which is proper and by it selfe a cause they ought to be far abandoned from the church of Christ But if wee vnderstand thereby a cause which is by it selfe a cause proper though vnknowen to our senses and reason or such causes by accident which haue notwithstanding some secret proper cause adioined nothing hindereth in respect of second causes which are causes by accidēt in respect of our iudgemēt whereby we attain not to the proper that which is by it selfe the cause of these euents that to be or to be a thing fortuning or don by chance which in respect of gods prouidēce commeth to passe by his most accurate and vnchangeable counsel decree according to those sayings Matth. 10.29 One sparowe shal not fal on the ground without your father And Pro. 16 33. The lot is cast into the lap c. The fifth Sophisme of the mutility or vnprofitablenesse of meanes THat which shal be vnchaungeably and necessarily God is effectual in working by meanes which himselfe hath freely ordained by the wil prouidence of god in vain to the furdering or hindering of that are means applied as the vse of the ministery the magistrate lawes exhortations promises threatnings punishmēts praier our study endeuors But al things are done by the decree of god vnchangeably neither can they which woorke by the prouidence of God worke otherwise than they doe Therefore al those means are vaine fruitlesse Ans It is not necessary that the first principal cause being put the second instrumētal cause should be remoued and taken away In vain are second causes means applied if god had determined to execute his decrees without meanes neither had commaunded vs to vse them But seeing god hath decreed by those means in some to worke faith conuersion some to bridle keep vnder some to leaue excuselesse hath for that cause commanded vs in his word to vse thē they are not in vain vsed and applied Yea when there commeth no profit by these meanes yet they profit to this that they leaue the wicked without excuse As therefore the sunne doth not in vaine daily rise and set neither are the fieldes in vaine sowed or watered with the raine neither bodies in vaine with foode refreshed though God createth light and darcknesse bringeth forth the corne out of the earth and is the life length of our daies so neither are men in vaine taught or study to conform their life vnto doctrine though all auaileable actions and euentes proceede not from any but from God For God from euerlasting decreeed as the endes so the meanes also and prescribed them vnto vs whereby it seemed good to him to bring vs vnto them Wherefore we vsing those meanes doe well and obtaine profitable and frutefull euentes but if wee neglect them either by our fault we depriue our selues or others of those blessings offered by God or if God euen in this contempt of his woorde haue mercie of vs or others yet our conscience accuseth vs of open and grieuous sinne Wherefore wee must vse meanes Why wee must vse meanes first that we may obay God therein who both hath decreed endes and ordained meanes to those ends and prescribed them vnto vs neither tempt him by contemning these to our owne peril and danger Secondly that we may obtaine those blessings decreed for vs according to his promise and that to our saluation Thirdly that we may retaine a good conscience in vsing the meanes although the expected euent doe not alwaies followe either in our selues or others The sixth Sophisme of the merit of good euill WHatsoeuer is necessarie doth not merit rewardes or punishmentes But all morall good and euill is doone necessarilie Therefore neither the good meriteth reward nor the euill punishment Aunswere This argument is handled by Aristotle in his Ethicks Lib. 3. Cap. 5. But the aunswere thereto is easie No good worke of the creature meriteth reward First the maior is either particular and so there is no consequence or sequele or beeing generally taken is false and that euen in morall or ciuil consideration to wit in respect of those thinges which are necessarie by supposition and yet are done freely as the actions of men Secondly we grant the reason in respect of the iudgement of god concerning good works For the creature cannot merit any thing no not by his best workes of God Because both they are due and are the effects of God in vs. And therefore the more good things God woorketh in vs so much the more he bindeth and endebteth vs to him Wherefore in the godly Eu●● workes merit punishment iustly God crowneth and rewardeth of his free bountifulnesse not their merites but his owne giftes But as touching euill woorkes we deny the reason for they merit punishment and that most iustly For although men forsaken of God cannot but sinne yet the necessity of sinning both
of Christ imputed vnto vs. Christ is in respect of our iustification 1. As the subiect matter wherein our iustice is 2. As the impellent cause because he obtaineth it 3. As the chief efficient because he together with his Father dooth iustifie vs and 4. Because he giueth vs faith whereby we beleeue and apprehend it The mercy of god is as the impellent cause thereof in GOD. Christes satisfaction is the formal cause of our iustification giuing the very life and being vnto it 7 Why Christes satisfaction is made ours by faith onelie Faith the apprehensiue instrument of Christs satisfaction CHRISTES satisfaction is made ours by faith alone 1. Because faith is the onely instrument which apprehendeth Christs satisfaction 2. Because the proper act operation of faith and not any other act of vertue is the application or apprehension of Christes merite yea faith is nothing else than the acceptation it selfe or apprehension of anothers iustice and of the merit of Christ 3. It is done by faith onely because we are iustified by the obiect of faith onely to wit by the merite of Christ alone besides which there is no iustice of ours nor any part thereof For wee are iustified freely for Christes sake without woorkes There is nothing which is our iustice and righteousnes before God neither in whole nor in part besides Christes merite onely by receiuing and beleeuing anothers iustice and not by working wee are iustified Not by working nor by meriting but by apprehension and acceptation only we are iust and righteous Wherefore we are iustified by faith onely by faith as Saint Paul speaketh as by a mean and instrument but not for faith as the Papistes say who wil admit both these maners of speaking as if faith were indeede the application whereby we apply vnto our selues Christes iustice but were also besides a certaine work or merite whereby we merite to bee iust Nowe the exclusiue particle onely is added that whatsoeuer merit of ours may bee excluded and faith vnderstoode with relation and respect to Christes merit which is our iustice That so the sense may be Christes merite iustifieth vs and not faith it selfe that which is apprehended dooth iustifie vs and not the instrument which doth apprehend Neuerthelesse this proposition Wee are iustified by faith may bee vnderstoode also without relation to wit wee are iustified by faith as by a meane But this proposition of the Apostle Faith was imputed to him for righteousnesse and other the like are necessarilie to bee vnderstoode with a relation vnto Christes merite and iustice Faith was imputed vnto him for righteousnes as faith is the apprehending instrument of righteousnes apprehended faith beeing as it were the hande wherewith the Iustice of Christ is receiued and by this means faith is wholy excluded frō that which is receiued by faith vnto which nature notwithstanding of faith it were repugnaunt That For faith we should be iust and righteous For if for faith then faith were nowe no longer an acceptation of anothers righteousnesse but were a merit and cause of our owne iustice neither should receiue anothers satisfaction which now it should haue no neede of Obiections against this Doctrine of Iustification 1 OBiection Wee are iustified by faith Faith is a woorke Therefore we are iustified by the woorkes thereof that is by the merite of faith Aunswere First the consequence of this reason is denied because more is in the conclusion than in the premisses of which premisses this onely followeth That by that worke wee are iustified as by an instrument or meane not as an impellent cause Nowe it is one thing to be iustified by faith that is to be iustified faith only being the meane to receiue it by the bloode of Christ and it is another thing to be iustified for faith that is for the merite of faith 2. The kinde of affirmation is diuerse for in the Maior faith is vnderstoode with relation to Christes merite in the Minor it is taken absolutelie and properlie 2 Obiection Justice is that whereby wee are formallie or essentiallie iust Faith is iustice Therefore we are by faith formallie and essentiallie iust Aunswere The consequence of this reason is to bee denied because the kinde of affirmation is diuers For the Maior is meant properly but the Minor * Per Metalepsin figuratiuely one thing being taken for another faith for the obiect of faith which is Christs merite and iustice 3 Obiection Faith is imputed for righteousnes as Paul saith Therefore for faith we are righteous Aunswere This is also figuratiuely vnderstood because by faith which is imputed for righteousnes is correlatiuely vnderstood the obiect of faith vnto which faith hath relation For Christs merite which is apprehended by faith is properly our iustice and this merite of Christ is the formall cause of our iustice The efficient of our iustice is God applying that merite of Christ vnto vs. The instrumental cause of our iustice is faith And therefore this proposition We are iustified by faith being legallie vnderstoode with the Papists is not true but blasphemous but being taken correlatiuely that is Euangelically with relation to Christs merit it is true For the correlatiue of faith is the merit of Christ which faith also as a ioint-relatiue or correlatiue respecteth and as an instrument apprehendeth 4 Obiection That which is not alone dooth not iustifie alone Faith is not alone Therefore faith dooth not iustifie alone Aunswere Here is a fallacie of composition the reason beeing deceitfully composed For the woorde alone is composed and ioined in the conclusion with the predicate which is the woorde iustifie but in the premisses or antecedent it is ioined with the verbe is The Argument is true if in the conclusion alone bee not sundred from the verbe is or from being which is the participle of is but bee ioined with it on this wise Faith therefore doth not iustifie alone that is being alone For if it be so vnderstood the argument is of force for faith is neuer without workes as her effects Faith iustifieth alone but is not alone when it iustifieth hauing workes accompanying it as effects of it but not as joint-ioint-causes with it of iustification 5 Obiect That which is required in those who are to be iustified without the same faith doth not iustifie Good works are required in those who are to be iustified Therefore without good workes faith doth not iustifie Auns The particle without is ambiguously doubtfully taken for in the Maior it is taken thus Faith without it that is being without it doth not iustifie So that the same fallacie is in this obiection which was in the former The Minor also of this obiection is more at large to be explaned In them who are to be iustified moe things are required but not after the same maner Faith is required in them who are to be iustified as an instrumēt apprehending anothers iustice Good works are required in them not as a cause of
are good which wee doe but the manner after which wee doe them is not good OF SACRAMENTS THE Sacraments are a part of Ecclesiastical ministerie And as touching Ecclesiastical ministerie the questions are 1. What is the vse of the ministerie 2. What are the partes thereof 3. In what those partes agree and accord 1. The chiefe and last vse of the ministerie of the Church is that we beeing brought to Christ may be confirmed and assured of Gods will that is that it teach vs the will of God exhort vs to embrace Gods blessinges and benefites and ascertaine vs of the continuance of the same 2. The parts of the ministerie are the Sacraments and the word 3. The Sacraments so accord and agree with the word that whatso●uer is promised vs in the word of the obteining of our saluation by Christ the same the sacraments as signes and seales annexed to the word as it were vnto a Charter or letters patent confirme vnto vs more and more thereby to help and relieue our infirmitie Whereby also it is apparent that the chiefe vse of the sacramentes to is in respect of God the confirmation of our faith like as also the ministers themselues whatsoeuer they doe in respect of their ministerie that they especiallie doe to declare and confirme gods will vnto vs. Obiection Jt is saide That the spirit and the Word worke faith in vs and the sacraments nourish it being wrought These three therefore differ nothing one from an other Aunswere First The Holy Ghost worketh and confirmeth faith in vs as the efficient cause thereof the Word sacraments as Instrumental causes 2. The Holy Ghost also can work faith in vs without them But the Word Sacraments without the holie Ghost can woorke nothing 3. The holy ghost wheresoeuer he dwelleth is effectuall in woorking The word Sacraments are not so These things brieflie were first to be spoken in general concerning the ministerie It remaineth that we now in fewe woordes entreat Of the Sacraments which are the other part of the ministerie of the Church The right and direct methode of interpreting this doctrine of the Sacraments requireth that first wee speake of the Sacramentes in generall And this way may wee not vnfitly entreat in speciall of the Supper and Baptisme to wit if wee take in declaring each Sacrament in special the same questions and that course and order of the same questions which wee must obserue and follow concerning the Sacramentes in generall and lastly if wee applie those testimonies which speake of the Sacraments in generall to the handling and declaring of the Sacraments in special The chiefe Questions concerning the Sacraments 1 What Sacraments are 2 What are the ends of Sacraments 3 Jn what Sacraments differ from Sacrifices 4 Jn what they agree with the Word in what they differ from it 5 How the Sacramēts of the old new Testamēt agree 6 What Sacramental vnion is 7 What the things differ from their signes 8 What forms of speaking of the Sacraments are vsual to the Church and Scripture 9 What is the lawful vse of the Sacraments 10 What the wicked receiue in the vse thereof 11 Howe manie Sacramentes there are of the newe Testament 1 WHAT SACRAMENTS ARE. The originall of the word Sacrament THAT we may know what Sacramentes properly are the name it selfe of Sacrament is first to be considered Among the auncient Romanes this word Sacrament signified a solemne forme of an oath taken in warre which they called a militarie Sacrament so called of Sacrando that is of sacring or consecrating them because by that oath euerie one was consecrated or destined to this captaine and not to any other to serue him Heereof it is that some will haue these ceremonies instituted by God therefore to be so called for that as souldiours did oblige and binde themselues by that military Sacrament vnto their captaine so wee bind our selues vnto our captaine Christ by a solemne oath in the presence of god Angels and men This truely is not vnapt or vnmeete metaphor but yet I thinke rather that the original of this name came from the olde Latine Translations in which wheresoeuer the worde mysterie is vsed in the new Testament for the same they commonly in Latine put the woorde Sacramentum Now mysterie commeth from a Greeke verbe 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which signifieth to institute instruct or initiate one in holy matters or matters of religion But that Greeke verb 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 is deriued from another which is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which signifieth to shut because as Eustathius saith they who were initiated or entred in holy rites were to shut their mouth not to vtter those thinges which were secret Nowe a mystery is said to be either a secret thing it selfe or the signe of a secret thing or that which hath a secret signification which none vnderstand but they who are initiated in holy rites By a signe wee vnderstand an externall and corporall thing and action or a ceremony instituted and ordained by God which betokeneth a certaine internall thing and spirituall Which the Grecians call a mysterie and is otherwise called of Diuines a Sacrament And some such signes god alwaies would haue to bee extant in his Church whereby the good will of God towardes men might be recorded and made knowen that men of the other side might declare and shewe their faith towardes God and other duties of piety and godlinesse Sacramentes therefore are so called mysteries because they haue a secret signification which none vnderstand but they who are initiated and instructed concerning the substaunce of sacred matters or the pointes of Christian Religion HAuing seene now what the name of Sacrament signifieth it resteth that wee consider the thing it selfe and define what Sacramentes are The definition whereof is this Sacramentes are sacred signes and seals obiect to our eies The Definition of sacramentes ordained and instituted by God that by them he might the more declare and seal the promise of his gospel vnto vs. The partes of this definition are in number three The first part apperteineth to the kinde of Sacramentes the latter two to their difference To the kind whereof they are it apperteineth that they are sacred signes seals that is diuine The sacraments are sacred seals signifieng or betokening sacred things such as belong to gods worship and the saluation of men A signe and a seale differ one frō the other as a general thing frō a thing more special For euerie seale is a signe but not euery signe a seal A seale certifieth and confirmeth a thing A signe onely sheweth it A sign is a thing signifieng somewhat else than that which it sheweth to the senses or a signe is that whereby the vnderstanding vnderstandeth some thinges else besides the signe it selfe So wordes are the signes of thinges Moreouer signes are of two sortes some are onely signifieng others are confirming also that is such signes
1. A griefe both for sin past and present which is called Sorrowe and also for sinne to come which is called Feare 2. An hatred of sinne committed both of present sinne and of sinne to come 3. An auerting from sinne committed both present and future sinne 4. A flying of sinne to come The griefe is in the heart The flieng is in the will in that we wil not here after commit sinne The auerting is in the hart and wil and it is an auerting vnto somewhat to wit an auerting from euil vnto good This former part of conuersion is called mortification 1. Because as dead men can not shew foorth the actions of one that is liuing so our nature the corruption thereof beeing abolished doth no more shew forth or exercise her actions that is doth no longer bring forth actuall sinne originall sinne beeing repressed For the dead bite not 2. Because mortification is not wrought without griefe and lamenting The flesh rebelleth against the spirite and for this cause mortification is also called a crucifieng Qui●●ening Quick●●●●g comprehendeth those thinges which are contrarie vnto mortification 1. The knowledge of Gods mercie and the applieng thereof in christ 2. A ioifulnesse thence arising which is for that God is pleased and for that newe obedience is begun and shal bee perfected 3. An ardent or earnest ende●●ur and purpo●● to sinne no more arising from thankefulnes and because we reio●●e that we haue God appeased and pacified towardes vs a desire also of righteousnesse and of reteining gods loue and fauour That ardent desire both of not sinning and also of righteousnesse and of reteining Gods loue and fauour is newe obedienc● it selfe This latter part of conuersion is called quickening for a cleane contrarie respect vnto that for which the former part was called mortification 1. Because as a liuing man doth the actions of one that liueth so quickening is a kindling of new● faculties and qualities of working in vs. For the loue of God is kindled in vs and the holy Ghost is giuen vs by whom we doe good woorkes By nature the vnregenerate are dead astouching good works The regenerate begin to doe good woorkes 2. In respect of that ioie which the conuerted haue in God which is a most pleasaunt thing This ioie in God which is the other part of quickening ariseth from hence to wit in that we know God now to be pacified towardes vs and that we are able to performe the Law and bee conformed and correspondent vnto the Law and God 4 What are the causes of conuersion THE principal efficient cause of conuersion is the holie Ghost Conuert vs and we shal be conuerted The instrumentall causes or meanes are first the Lawe then the Gospell and after the doctrine of the Gospel hath beene preached Lamen 5 2● againe the doctrine of the Law For the preaching of the Law goeth before preparing vs to the preaching of the Gospel because without the Lawe there is no knowledge of sinne and therefore no griefe or sorrowe for sinne Afterwardes followeth the preaching of the Gospell because without the Gospel there is no faith after the preaching of the Gospel againe followeth in the church the preaching of the Law that it maie be the squire of our actions So doe the Prophets first accuse threaten and exhort and then promise and lastlie exhort againe Such was also Iohn Baptistes preaching And such is the preaching doctrine of repentance which comprehendeth the Law the gospel The next instrumentall cause is faith because without faith there is no loue of God and except wee knowe what the wil of God is as namely that hee wil remit vnto vs our sinnes by and for Christ conuersion will neuer be begunne in vs neither in respect of the first part thereof which is Mortification neither in respect of the second part which is Quickening For by faith are the harts of men purified without faith there is no true ioying i● God neither can wee without faith loue god And whatsoeuer is not of faith is sinne All good works flow from faith as from their fountain We being iustified by faith haue peace with god The furthering causes of conuersion are The crosse chastisementes as also punishmentes benefites and examples of others The subiect or matter of conuersion which belongeth to the mind will and hart is 1. Jn the minde and vnderstanding a right iudgement concerning god his wil and workes 2. In the wil an earnest and ready desire and purpose to obey god according to al his commaundementes 3. In the hart a good reformed affection The obiect of conuersion is 1. Sin or disobediēce which is the thing from which we are conuerted 2. Righteousnes or new obedience which is the thing whereunto we are conuerted The formal cause of conuersion is the conuersion it selfe and the properties thereof The chiefe finall cause of conuersion is gods glorie The next and subordinate ende is our good euen our blessednes and fruition of euerlasting life There is another end also of conuersion which is lesse principall to wit the conuersion of others When thou art conuerted confirme thy brethren Let your light so shine before men that they may glorifie your heauenly father which is in heauen 5 What are the effectes of conuersion THE effectes of conuersion are all good woorkes and an earnest desire both to obey God according to all his commandements without exception also to conuert and recall others into the way The conuerted or beleeuers sinne indeede oftentimes but they defend not their sinnes but endeuour more and more to shun and auoide them OF GOOD-WORKES THE chiefe Questions 1 What good-workes are 2 How they may be doone 3 Whether the works of Saints be perfectly good 4 How our woorkes though not perfectlie good please God 5 Why we are to doe good-workes 6 Whether good-woorkes merit any thing in the sight of God 1 WHAT GOOD-WORKES ARE. GOOD workes are such as are done according to the prescript rule of Gods Lawe with a true faith to the glorie of God onlie Three things are heere to be considered 1 The conditions cirumstances required for the making a woorke good 2 The difference betweene the woorkes of the regenerate and the vnregenerate 3 Jn what sort the morall woorkes of the wicked are sinnes 1 That a work which we do may be good these conditions are required necessarily vnto it 1 That it be commāded of God Matt. 15 9. Jn vaine they woorshippe mee teaching for doctrines mens precepts No creature hath the right or wisedome and vnderstanding to institute and ordaine the worship of God But good woorkes wee speake of morall good and the worship of God are all one Nowe Morall good is farre differing from naturall good in as much as al actions as they are actions euen those of the wicked are good that is naturallie but all actions are not good morally that is agreeing with the iustice of God And thus is
enchanters request 4 Superstition which is to attribute such effectes to certaine things or obseruations of gestures or woordes as depend not ether on natural or moral reason or on the word of God and either doe not at all follow and fall out or are wrought by the Diuels and other causes than those wherby they were thought to haue bin done Vnder this vice of superstition are comprehended South-saieng Leuit. 19.26 Isay 44.25 47 13. obseruations of dreames diuinations signes and predictions or foretellings of Wyzardes all which are by expresse wordes condemned in the Scriptures 5 Al trust and confidence which is reposed in creatures For this is manifestly repugnant to the true knowledge of one god to faith hope For trust and confidence is an honour due vnto god alone which who so translateth vnto creatures dooth in very deede imagine moe gods Wherefore god in his word doth vtterly condemne those Psal 46.2 Ier 17 5. Mat. 6.24 Eph. 5 5. who repose trust and confidence in things created as in men And also hee condemneth those which put their trust in their owne workes and in riches which al couetous men do and so vnder the name of this vice is couetousnes also comprehended 6 Jdolatrie which is most of all repugnaunt vnto the true knowledge of god and to faith Now there are two kinds of Jdolatrie 1. When another is woorshipped than that one true God This kinde of Idolatrie doth properly belong vnto the first commandement 2. When albeit the true God is worshipped yet neuerthelesse he is worshipped after another manner than God himselfe hath in the second commaundement and also commonlie in his word prescribed either by internal worship or by external worship or external rites and ceremonies This other kind of Idolatrie is forbidden in the second commaundement 7 The contempt of God which is to know those thinges of God which are true but not to bee moued thereby to loue him Vnto faith are repugnaunt of one side which offendeth in the defect of faith 1. Vnbeliefe which assenteth to such doctrine as is heard known concerning God 2. Doutfulnes which neither assenteth stedfastly to the doctrine of God neither dooth altogether gainsay it but beeing floting and wauering hath a weake inclination nowe to one part and now to another 3. Distrust which applieth not vnto it selfe the knowledge which it hath of God and his promises and doth through feare of Gods forsaking vs surcease the dooing of that it should doe 4. A dissembling or hypocritical faith 5. Temporarie faith or a reuolting from faith which is to yeeld an assent to the doctrine of the Church and to reioice in the knowledge thereof and to embrace it for a season but without any applying or full persuasion of the promise of Gods grace and without regeneration and therefore to be ouercome through temptations or other causes and so to cast away againe that assent and profession of godlines Mat. 13.20 He that receiued seed in the stonie ground is he which heareth the woorde and incontinentlie with ioy receiueth it Yet hath he no roote in himselfe and dureth but a season for as soone as tribulation or persecution commeth because of the word by and by hee is offended Acts. 8. Simon also beleeued and was baptized Heb. 6.4 Jt is impossible that they which were once lightened and haue tasted of the heauenlie gift c. Nowe amongest those which are repugnaunt vnto faith of the other side which offendeth in the excesse are 1. Tempting of God which is through an vnbeliefe or distrust or contempt of God and a trust or loue of our owne wisedome iustice or power and glorie to depart from gods woord or order and so to make trial of gods truth or power and stubbornly and proudly to prouoke god vnto anger Deut. 6 Mat 4. Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy god Exod. 17.2 Moses saide vnto them why contend yee with me Wherefore doe ye tempt the Lord 1. Cor. 10.22 Do we prouoke the Lord to anger 2. Carnal securitie which is to liue without thinking of god and his will or of our owne infirmitie and daungers and without acknowledging or bewailing of our sinnes and without the feare of god and yet to promise vnto our selues an indemnitie from the anger of god and from punishment without faith or repentance This is often and most grieuously accused in the scripture Mat. 24. Christ speaketh of that securitie and carelesnes which shal bee at his second comming Psalm 36. Wickednes saith vnto the wicked man euen in mine heart that there is no feare of god before his eies For hee flattereth himselfe in his owne eies Psal 94.7 They saie the Lord shall not see neither wil the god of Jacob regarde it But this carnal securitie differeth from spiritual securitie because the carnal persisteth in sinnes and feareth not the anger of god and punishment because either it knoweth not mans weakenes and sinne and gods wrath or contemneth it But the spiritual securitie is a faith and hope which being ioined with true repentance without sinne and in feare of gods chastisements doth not yet fear gods forsaking because it is assured of gods vnchāgeable fauour towardes it Whereof it is spoken Rom. 8.31 Jf god be on our side who can be against vs Vnto Humilitie is opposed in the extremitie of excesse Pride or arrogancie which is to ascribe his giftes not to god but to his owne worthines or abilitie and therefore to stand in admiration of himselfe and his gifts not truely to feare god neither to acknowledge and bewaile his defects and so further to be aspiring to higher place and calling standing not vpon god but vpon his owne giftes to attribute also to himselfe those thinges which hee hath not to attempt thinges aboue his power and not belonging vnto his calling to contemne and debase others in respect of himselfe to beleeue none but to couet to excel and be eminent aboue others to referre his gifts and counsels principallie to his owne glorie to be angrie with god and men to fret and sume against god when his desires and counsels are hindered and also to accuse God of errour and vniustice if Gods counsels agree not with the iudgements and affections of men Vnto humility is opposed in the extremity of defect A faigned modestie or humility which is a double pride and it is to hunt after the praise and commendation of humility by denying of those thinges outwardly which yet a man dooth in his minde attribute vnto himselfe either truely or falsly and by refusing of those thinges which he most of all desireth and couertly laboreth to compasse Vnto patience in the extremity of defect impatience is contrary which is through the not knowing and distrust of Gods wisedome prouidence iustice and goodnes not to bee willing to obey God in suffering such aduersitie as he willeth vs to suffer and through griefe to fret against God or to do somewhat against
the couenant that the bookes of the Prophets and apostles are called the old and new Testament For it is wel known that here by the name of Testament is meant the couenant If then the couenant which is between God and the faithfull bee described in these bookes it must needes bee that in them is declared what God promiseth and what hee doth vnto vs to wit his fauour remission of sinnes his holy spirit righteousnes and life euerlasting and preseruation of his Church in this life by and for his sonne our mediatour as also what he requireth of vs that is to say faith by the which we receaue his benefits and a life framed according to his commandementes by which wee declare our thankfulnes And these are the thinges which are taught in the Law and Gospell 5 Neither is the meaning of the holy Ghost otherwise From the Subiect correlatiue of the couenāt when in a woorde he sayeth that Christ is taught in the whole Scripture and that hee alone is to be sought there For Paul truely as also the rest of the Apostles did not propose a maimed but a whole doctrine vnto the churches euen as himselfe witnesseth Act. 20. That hee kept nothing backe but shewed all the counsell of God concerning the Ephesians And yet the selfe-same Apostle 1 Cor. 2. saith That hee knew nothing but Iesus Christ and him crucifyed And Cap. 3. That the foundation of the doctrine of the Church is Christ alone And that this foundation is common to the Prophets together with the Apostles Wherefore the Doctrine concerning Christ is the summe and scope of the Scripture and the foundation laid by the Prophets and Apostles on which whosoeuer rely not they are not stones of the Temple of God that is members of Christes Church OF THE SECOND QVESTION SINCE that we do vnderstand what is the Doctrine of the Church Wherefore true religion is to be discerned from others cōteined in the books of the Prophets and Apostles to wit the sound and vncorrupt voice of the Law of God and the Gospell concerning Christ easie it is necessarie for vs to discerne it from al other religions 1 Because of the commandement of God 1 Cause The commandement of God 1. Iohn 5.39 1. Cor. 10. 1 Cor 6.17 Apoc 18.4 E●a● 52.11 ● Iohn 10. 2. ●●me The glory of God 2. Cor. 6.15 which ought to suffice vs whether we know the cause or no. Flie Idols Depart from her my people Be not yoked with Infidels Be yee holy Touch no vncleane thing yee that beare the vessels of the Lord. Hee that bringeth not this doctrine bid him not God speede 2 For the glorie of God who as hee will not haue him-self coupled with idols and diuels So also hee will haue his truth seuered from lies and his houshold to bee separated from the enemies of the Church that is from the children of Satan It were contumelious so to thinke of God as that he would haue such Children as persecute him There is no agreement betweene Christ and Belial ● Our saluation 3 For our owne saluation and that in two respects 1. That the Church may be known that is may be beheld vnto the which the faithful may ioyne them-selues Whereas if thou canst not discern the true Church from the false thou shalt ●ot know vnto which to ioyne thy selfe and what maner of woorship thou oughtest to follow For God will that all which are to he saued be gathered vnto the Church according as it is said Out of the Church there is no saluation 2. In regard of our comfort that euery one may know of what kingdome they are and whether they be of those vnto whom God promiseth saluation This canst thou not know except thou canst discerne the true Church from false churches 4 The doctrine of other sectes 4. The confirmation and the difference is necessarie to be knowen that our faith and comfort may bee the surer when as we see that to be in our Church which ●is wanting in others likewise when as wee perceiue what is the cause why they who make profession of our doctrine he saued but all other sectes together with their sectaries be damned 5 Least wee being deceaued should embrace the doctrine of some other sect for true Religion 5. The eschuing of danger Act. 4 Iohn 10. For there is no saluation in any other neither among men is there giuen any other name vn●der heauen whereby wee must bee saued Therefore is it said He that is the sheepheard of the sheepe him doe the sheep follow because they know his voice and they wil not follow a stranger but they flee from him for they know not the voice of strangers It is necessarie therefore that the sheep know how to discerne the voice of the sheepherd from the voice of wolues according vnto the rule 1. Iohn 4 Beleeue not euerie spirit For Sathan is wont to transforme himselfe into an Angel of light and the most part of Heretikes doe imitate the woords of true teachers whereas their opinions are most different And wee oftentimes see that the ruder sort when as they perceaue some similitude in some either rites or opinions are easily lead to beleeue that the aduersaries of the Church do professe either the same religion with vs or not so bad as wee make it or since that they haue some thing common with vs that it is not much material whether they let passe some thinges or ad some others Wherefore least some shewe of likenes may beguile any man it is profitable that the manifest and vniuersal differences of the true and false religions may be laid open to the sight 6 Least we be partakers of the punishments which are to 6. Punishment come on such men Apoc. 18.4 Goe out of her that ye be not partakers in her sinnes and that ye receaue not of her plagues 7 That the wicked may bee left vnexcuseable 7 That the wicked may bee left vnexcuseable For albeit an acknowledging of God is neither sufficient to saluation nor true without the doctrine of the Church yet so much of God is manifested vnto al men as is sufficient to take away al excuse from them for their impiety For neither vnto these very things which may truely bee gathered concerning God by the light of nature and frame of the world do they giue their assent neither go they forward to seeke a more full knowledge of God vnto the which those thinges are as it were spurs to pricke them forward but either they doe quite and clean reiect them or they draw them vnto an other meaning and stitch their own inuentions vnto them besides and against the testimonie of the whole nature of things and their owne consciences So that they are ignorant indeed of God but that of stubbornes and of purpose And this is the very cause why at length they are oppressed with desperation because they are
wee beleeue that the scriptures were deliuered from heauen be the witnes of the church who seeth not that heerby the autoritie of mans voice is made greater then of the voice of God For he that yeeldeth his testimonie vnto an other so that he is the onely or the chiefe cause why credence is giuen vnto the other out of all doubt greater credite is giuen vnto him then vnto the other who receiueth his testimonie Wherefore it is a speech most vnwoorthy the maiestie of God that the voice of God speaking in his holie booke is not acknowledged except it bee confirmed by the witnesse of men Secondarily 2. Reason Our comfort Faith is groūded on approoued witnes therfore not on mans wheras the doctrine of the Prophets Apostles doth preach of so great matters as the certaine knowledge of thē is so greatly desired of all who are well disposed and the conflictes of doubtfulnes in all mens mindes are so great what full assurance of our faith can there bee what sure consolation against the assaultes of temptations if that that voice on which our confidence relieth bee no otherwise knowen vnto vs to bee indeed the voice of God but because men say so in whom wee see so much ignorance error and vanitie to bee that no man scarcely especially in matters of some weight doth attribute much vnto their woorde except other reasons concurre with it 3 Reason The confutation of our enemies Thirdly the truth of God and christian religion is plainly exposed vnto the mockes and scoffes of the wicked if we going about to stop their mouthes do therefore onely desire that we should be credited that our Religion is from God because our selues say so For if they bee by no other confutation repressed they will with no lesse shew of truth deny it than wee affirme it 4 Reason Witnesses Last of all the scripture it selfe in many places is against this opinion doth chalenge a far higher authoritie vnto it selfe thē which hangeth vpon mens woords For so sayth Christ himselfe Iohn 5. I receiue not the record of man signifieng thereby that his doctrine stood not no not on Iohn Baptists testimonie although yet he did alleadge it but as of lesse account that he might omit nothing by which men might be moued to beleeue Therefore he addeth But I saie these thinges that you may beleeue I haue a greater witnes then the witnes of Iohn And if Christ nowe beeing humbled said these thinges of himselfe then surely shall they be no lesse true of him being in glory and sitting in his throne And 1. Corinth 2. Paul saith My word and my preaching stood not in the entising speech of mans wisedome but in plaine euidence of the spirit and of power that your faith should not be in the wisedome of men but in the power of God If so bee then our faith must not rest no not vpon reasons wisely framed by men much lesse shal it depend on the bare word of men Eph. 2. the Church herselfe is said to bee builded vpon the foundation of the Prophets and Apostles If then the confidence and confession of the Church staieth on the doctrine of the Prophets and Apostles as on the foundation the certainty of the Scripture cannot hang on the Churches witnes For so should not the Church be vpheld by the testimonie of the Prophets and Apostles but by her owne And 1. Iohn 5. it is said If we receiue the witnes of men the witnes of God is greater If it be greater then the authoritie of it hangeth not on the record of man But wee are to giue more credence vnto God witnessing the Prophets and Apostles writings to bee indeede his voice then vnto the Church affirming the same Now that it is said of the contrary That they are true the Church alone doth witnesse Answere The minor is false That by the Churches Obiection 1 record alone it doth appeare vnto vs that the sacred bookes which wee haue were written by the Prophets and Apostles whose names they beare in their forhead and that euen vnto vs they are come vncorrupt this we grant not For God farre more certainly testifyeth both in the Scripture and in the hartes of his Saints that no fained or forged thing is in these books thē it can be by the Church and all the creatures of the world confirmed They therefore who stand vpon the Churches testimonie alone in this point shew that themselues haue not as yet felt or vnderstood the chiefest testimonies Furthermore they say that the bookes authentike The discerning of bookes Answere The Minor is false 1 The working of the holy Ghost or as they Obiection 2 terme them Canonical of both Testamentes are discerned from the Apocryphall by the Churches iudgement and therefore that the autority of holy canon doth depend on the churches wisedome But that this difference of the bookes is not determined by the churches iudgement but being imprinted into the books themselues by the Spirite of God is onely acknowledged and approoued by the Church this is easily to be vnderstood if the causes of this difference be considered For either in these which are called Apocryphall the force and maiesty of the heauenly spirit doth lesse euidently appeare in the weight and vehemency of woordes and matter then in others of which it is clear that they are the heauenly oracles therefore set downe in writing by diuine instinct that they might be the rule of our faith or it cannot be determined neither out of these books themselues 2 The certainty of authours nor out of others which are canonicall that they were written either by the Prophets or Apostles because either they were not penned by those whom God by certaine testimonies hath warranted vnto vs to be endued with a prophetical spirit or themselues do not shew any certaine authors of them or by their forme of speech or other reasons it may be gathered that they were not left of them whose names they beare Now as touching either this euidence of the spirit or certainty of the authors we builde not our iudgement on the testimonie of the Church but of the bookes themselues And therefore not for the Churches iudgement onely do we iudge some bookes to be canonicall and the foundation and rule of our faith and do therefore accept of the doctrine of other some because they agree with the canonicall but rather for the verie causes of this difference which wee finde in the bookes them-selues Obiection 3 The Church is more ancient than the Scripture 1. Answere The minor is false As for that which some men say that the Church is ancienter then the Scriptures and therefore of greater autoritie it is too trifling For the woord of God is the euerlasting wisedome in God him-selfe Neither was the knowledge of it then first manifested vnto the Church when it was committed to writing but the manifesting of it began together with the
you into all truth for hee shall not speake of himselfe but whatsoeuer hee shal heare shal hee speake and hee wil shew you the things to come Hee shall glorify mee for hee shall receiue of mine and shall shew it vnto you To this witnes do the Apostles appeal as beeing the chiefe and alone sufficient The Apostle Paul 2. Cor. 1. And it is God which stablisheth vs with you in Christ who hath also sealed vs and hath giuen the earnest of the spirit in our hartes And 1. Thes 1. For our Gospel was not vnto you in word onely but also in power and in the holy Ghost and in much assurance And 1. Iohn 2. But yee haue an ointment from him that is holie and yee haue knowen al thinges Wherefore wee must euer remember this that by the alone witnes of the holy spirite wee are mooued forcibly in our harts to beleeue the Scripture and to submit our selues vnto it as vnto the voice of God and that by al the other before alleadged Testimonies al men indeed are conuicted and the godlie also profitably confirmed but no man is turned vnto God thereby without the spirit witnessing within him For whenas he once breedeth this most assured persuasion in our mindes that the doctrine which is conteined in the holy Bible is of a truth the wil of God worketh that comfort and change of our minds and harts which is promised and taught in this booke by our experience and feeling it is so confirmed that while this remaineth within vs though al Angels men should say contrarie yet we would beleeue this to be the voice of God Obiection The scripture beareth witnes of the spirit therefore the spirit not of it Answere but if that remaine not or be not in vs though al should say it yet we would not beleeue it Neither doth not the spirit therefore establish the autoritie of the Scripture because we are to examine what the spirit speaketh within vs by the rule of the Scripture for before that this is done of vs the spirite himselfe declareth vnto vs that the Scripture is the word of God and inspired by him that he wil teach vs nothing in our hartes which is not agreeable vnto that Testimonie before set downe of him in the Scripture And if this be not first most certainlie persuaded vs of the spirit himselfe we will neuer recal our opinions of God his worship to the Scripture as the onelie rule to trie them by Now then after it is declared vnto vs by diuine inspiration that the Scripture is a sufficient witnes of that diuine Reuelation in our harts then at length do we find our selues to be confirmed by the mutual Testimonie of the same spirite in the Scripture and in our harts and we beleeue the Scripture affirming of it selfe that it was deliuered by diuine inspiration to the holie men of God as it said 2 Tim. 3. and 2. Pet. 1. OF THE FOVRTH QVESTION For what cause no doctrine beside the holy Scripture is to be receaued in the Church The scripture is of God therefore the rule of faith WHEREAS it appeareth vnto vs that it is the woorde of God which the Prophets and Apostles haue left in writing there is no man which doth not see that the Scripture must bee the rule and squire by which all thinges which are taught and done in the church must be tried Now all thinges of which there vseth to arise questions in the Christian Church doe appertaine either vnto doctrine or vnto discipline and ceremonies That the word of God ought to be the rule vnto both sorts it is out of doubt But in this place wee speake of the doctrine of the church which consisteth in the sentences and decrees which wee are bound by the commandement of God to beleeue or obey and therefore they can not bee chaunged by the autoritie of any creature they are become obnoxious vnto the wrath of God whosoeuer submit not themselues in faith and obedience vnto them To these decrees and preceptes the Papists adde many sentences which not onely are no where deliuered in the Scripture but are repugnant vnto it and they contend that the Church or the Bishops haue autoritie of decreeing yea contrarie and besides the Scripture what the Church must beleeue or doe and that mens consciences are bound by those decrees no lesse than by the woordes of the holy Scripture to beleeue or obey Contrariwise wee beleeue and confesse that no doctrine is to bee proposed vnto the Church not onely if it bee repugnant vnto the holie Scripture but if it bee not conteined in it And whatsoeuer either is not by the expresse testimony of the holie Scripture deliuered The difference of the Scripture of other mens opiniōs or doth not consequently follow out of the woordes of the Scripture rightly vnderstood that wee hold may bee without any hurt or conscience beleeued or not beleeued chaunged abrogated and omitted 1 The Scripture only is of it selfe to be beleeued and the rule of faith For wee must euer hold a necessarie difference betweene the bookes of the Prophets and Apostles and the writinges and doctrine of others in the Church first that the Scripture onely neither hath nor can haue anie error in anie matter other teachers both maie erre and oftentimes also doe er when they depart from the written woord of God Againe that the Scriptures are beleeued on their own word because we know that God speaketh with vs in them others haue credit not because themselues say so but because the scripture witnesseth so neither a whit more than they can proue by the Scripture Wherefore we doe not reiect others doctrine and labors in the Church but onely setting them in their owne place we submit them vnto the rule of Gods word This doctrine first is deliuered of God himselfe and that not in one place onely of the Scripture as Deut. 4. You shal not ad vnto the word which I speak vnto you neither shal you take away frō it And in the last Chapter of the Apocalyps I protest vnto euerie man that heareth the words of the Prophesie of this book if any man shal ad vnto these things God shal adde vnto him the plagues that are written in this book And if anie man shal diminish of the words c. Neither onely by these wordes is forbidden that no false things openly repugnant to the written woord be added to the doctrine of the church but also that no vncertaine things or things not appertaining vnto it be mingled therewith For it is not in the power of any creature to pronounce what we are to thinke of God and his wil but this is onely to bee learned out of that which is disclosed in his woord And therefore the men of Beraea are commended Act. 17. Who searched the Scriptures daily whether those thinges were so 2 Faith is grounded only of the word Secondly
whosoeuer abideth not in perfect loue that is as Christ expoundeth it hee that loueth not God with al his hart with al his soule with al his cogitation and with al his strength With al his hart by which are vnderstood al the affections inclinations appetits or desires For God wil haue himselfe alone to bee acknowledged the chiefest and himselfe to be loued aboue al things and that men may relie on him hee wil haue the whole hart to be yeelded vp to himselfe not part to him and part to another and to this is opposed not to walke before God with a perfect hart Obiection If we ought to loue God with al our hart then ought we not to loue our Parentes Aunswere It is lawful for to loue other things also besides God but nothing aboue God We ought to loue our Parents but not chieflie For we ought to loue al other things for God It followeth with al thy soule by which he comprehendeth that part which is willing to anie thing or the motions of the will then therefore hee meaneth with thy whole will and purpose Thirdly with al thy cogitations by which he vnderstādeth the vnderstanding and mind so much as we know of God 1 Cor. 13.10 so much also doe we loue him therefore when we shal know him perfectlie that which is in part shal be abolished And therefore our loue of God which now is but in part shall then bee perfect Lastlie with al thy strength in which al inward actions agreeable to the Lawe of God are contained Secondlie it is said In the Loue of God 2 Why In the loue of God and what that is as vnto whom being once manifested and doing good vnto him man is bound whereupon the Lord calleth himselfe our God Now to loue God is to acknowledge him to bee the chiefest good and to bee the chiefest good to vs and so to loue him that thou wilt rather forgoe all things then thou wilt depart from him or not bee ioined with him for that which is best that thou dost most desire and dost couet most of al to be ioined with it Thirdly it is said In the loue of thy neighbour 3 What is In the loue of thy neighbor To loue thy neighbour is for the loue that thou owest vnto God to wish well and doe well vnto thy neighbour and to doe all things to him which thou wouldest in aequitie and according to the Law to be done to thee The Loue of God is the summe of the Law Why the loue of God is the summe of the Law Why it is called the first commandement because it is taken for our whole obedience as beeing the cause of our obedience The loue of God is called the first Commaundement because it is the spring and fountaine of the rest It is the fountaine of the rest 1. because it is the efficient and impulsiue cause 2. because it is the final cause or ende which the rest propose which is for to declare our loue towardes God In like maner it is called the greatest commaundement 1. because it is the end of al the rest of the cōmaundements of our whole obedience for therfore thou oughtest to do well vnto thy neighbour because thou louest God again that thou maist shew thy obedience to him 2. because that is the principall woorshippe for which the ceremoniall lawes were ordained and so is opposed vnto the ceremoniall woorship which was appointed for this morall lawe Obiection The second commaundement is like vnto the first therefore the first is not the greatest Answere The loue of our neighbour is like vnto the loue of God 1. Because that commandement of louing our neighbour is opposed vnto the ceremonies 2. Because the obedience of the first table is the cause of the second Thirdlie because the breach of the second table doth as well deserue eternall punishmentes as the breach of the first 4. Because it appertaineth to the morall woorship which is described in the first and second table 5. It is like because of the coherence of both for that neither can be obserued without the other 6. Because one is autor of both 7. Because both of thē contain our whole obedience Hēce now appeareth the answer to this obiectiō Therefore our neighbour is to bee set aequall with God and to bee aequally worshipped For ir hath beene said before Thou shalt loue God alone with al thy hart Now the loue of our neighbour is like vnto the loue which wee owe vnto God in respect of the kind of worship but vnlike in respect of the degree And it is also vnlike first in respect of the obiectes or things loued For God and man who are to be loued are diuers obiectes 2. For that the loue of our neighbour riseth from the loue of God but it falleth not so out of the contrarie 3. As it was said it is vnlike in respect of the degree of our loue to God Obiection If the loue of God bee the chiefest commaundement then the loue of God is greater then faith Answere Loue is heere taken for our whole obedience which wee owe vnto God vnder which faith is comprehended which is the cause of all the rest of our actions For in that wee are commaunded to loue God wee are also forbidden to offend him for no man offendeth him whom he loueth Why the loue of our neighbour is called the second commandement The loue of our neighbour is called the second commaundement 1. because it containeth the summe of the second table for if thou loue thy neighbor as thy self thou wilt not murther him thou wilt not hurt him 2. because the loue of our neighbour must rise out of the first table euen from the loue of God and so is that also explicated which is added of Christ That on these two commaundements hangeth the whole Law the Prophets that is that al the other legall obedience which is cōtained in Moses the Prophets doth spring from our loue of God and our neighbour Obiection In the Prophets also is the promise or doctrine of the Gospell therefore Christ seemeth not to speake aright in this place Answere He speaketh of the doctrine of the Law not of the promises of the Gospel which appeareth by the question of the Pharisie demanding which was the chiefe commaundement not which was the chiefe promise and therefore Christ answereth him vnto the purpose Hitherto reacheth the declaration of the Maior or first proposition concerning the abyding in the perfect loue of God and our neighbour Now remaineth the Minor Proposition which is But I haue not abidden in al that is I haue neither loued god nor my neighbour as I ought whence the conclusion ariseth Therefore I am accursed and so it appeareth that indeed the knowledge of our miserie and of our punishment which is contained vnder the name of miserie is drawen out of the Law That which also is proued by another
honesty But the good worke in the godly is freely adorned not only with temporall but also with eternall benefites that also because it pleaseth him in our mediator Math. 5.16 not only thereby to inuite others to honestie according to that of Christs So let your light shine before mē that they may see your good works glorifie your father which is in heauen Wherefore the good works of the godly are oftētimes in the old testamēt shadowed by an acceptable incense wherewith God is honored pleased And godlines as the Apostle saith hath the promise of this life the life to come 7. Good works in the vnregenerat make only to the mitigatiō of their punishments that they may not suffer more grieuous pains as other wicked persons doe but the good workes of the godly doe not only serue for this that they may suffer lighter and easier punishments but also that they may be quite freed from all euill Thinges indifferent in themselues may bee also sinnes by an accident that is How things in themselves indifferent by an accident become sinne if they be done with offence or without faith For whatsoeuer is done without faith is sinne Vnto the pure all thinges indeede are pure but it is euill for the man which eateth with offence Out of these and the like places is this diuision taken For when the Apostle saith that all thinges are vncleane to the vncleane and wicked he intimateth also that those thinges which of themselues are good are notwithstanding vncleane or sinnes vnto the wicked In all these diuisions it is affirmed that also in the ●aintes of God is sinne Wherefore we must hold the difference betweene the sinnes of the regenerat and the vnregenerat There are diuers sinnes truely in the Saintes as 1. Originall sinne 2. Many actuall sinnes as of ignoraunce omission infirmitie 3. Some also fall into errors which fight with the foundation it selfe or into sinnes against their conscience for which they leese a good conscience comfort many giftes of the holy Ghost and should be condemned except they did repent But neuertheles very much doe the regenerate in sinning differ from the wicked 1. Because the purpose of God is to keepe the godly for euer 2. In the godly there is assured certain repentance in the ende 3. In the very sins themselues is the true beginning of faith sometimes more sometimes lesse and the godly so resist and striue against sinne that they fall not without repentance into errors against their conscience and repugnant to the foundation 4. What are the causes of sinne 1 SOme deriue the original of sin from the destinie of the start Men seeke the cause of sinne any where rather than where it is saying I sin because I was borne vnder an vnlucky Planet 2 Others when they sinne and are rebuked for their sinne they make answere Not I but the Deuill was in fault that I committed this deede 3 Others leauing excuses directly cast the fault vpon God saying God would haue it so for if he would not I should not haue sinned 4 Others when God say they might haue hindered me and yet did not himselfe is the author of my sinne It is no newe thing for men to sharpen their blasphemous tongue against God For our first Parentes when they had sinned and were accused of their sinne by God they translate and passe ouer the fault committed from themselues to others neither ingenuously confesse the truth Adam returneth the fault not so much vpon his wife as vpon God himselfe The woman saith he which thou gauest to be with me she gaue me of the tree and I did eate as if hee shoulde say except thou hadst ioined her to me I had not sinned But the Lord gaue him not his wife that shee shoulde be an occasion of euill vnto him but that it might be the better and more comfortable for him The woman simply imputeth the fault to the Deuill saying The Serpent beguiled me and I did eate These are the most false and corrupt iudgements concerning the originall of sinne impious and detestable whereby the maiestie truth and iustice of God is grieuously offended Destinie no cause of sinne 1. They who make destinie a cloake for sinne 1. define destinie to bee a linked order thorough all aeternitie and a certaine perpetuall necessitie of intents and workes according to the counsailes of God or according to the euill planets Now if you aske them who made the planets they haue not ought to aunswere but God Therefore these men lay their euill to Gods charge But such a destinie did not all the founder Philosophers maintain much lesse Christiās 2. S. Austine against two epistles of the Pelagians vnto Boniface lib. 2. cap. 6. They saith he who hold destinie maintain that not only actions euents but also our willes themselues depend of the position of the planets at the time of euery ones conception or natiuitie which they call constellations But the grace of God surpasseth not onely all the starres and all the heauens but also all the Angels Let vs conclude these things with the word of the Lord by his Prophet Ieremy pronouncing to this sense Thus saith the Lorde Learne not the way of the heathen bee not afraid for the signs of heauen though the heathen be afraid of such for the customes of the people are vaine Wherefore that the Astrologers call the planet of Saturne vnmercifull sharpe and cruell and the planet of Venus fauourable and gentle it is the vanity of vanities For the starres haue no force of dooing good or ill And therefore the fault of sinners ought not to be imputed vnto them 2. That the Deuill is not the onely author of sinne who when as we commit sinne shoulde beare alone the blame of the sinne and our selues be free from fault The Deuill not the onely autor of sinne it is most of all declared in this that he is able to induce and entice a man to euill but not to compell him For God keepeth vnder the Deuill by his power that he cannot doe what he will but onely what and so much as God permitteth him Nay he hath not so much as power ouer filthie swine much lesse ouer the most noble soules of men He hath indeede a subtilty and great force in perswading but God is stronger who also neuer ceaseth himself to put good motions into mans minde Neither permitteth he more to Satan than he maketh profitable for man Which we may see in that most holy man Iob in the example of Paul and in his wordes God is faithfull which will not suffer you to be tempted aboue that you be able Wherefore they are vain men who vnloade the blame of their wickednes on the Deuils shoulders It remaineth that we shew God no cause of sinne that also God is not the author of sin Gen. 1. 2. God saw those things which he had made and they
It is the propertie of him that is merciful to exercise mercie tru on beleeuers and such as are penitent 1 Reply It is the propertie of him that is mercifull to pardon men whether they be penitent or not penitent Answere This is a false definition of mercy 2 Reply Faith and repentance are not the cause of mercie Therefore by this aunswere neither should the penitent obtaine mercy that is deliuerance from death Aunswere I graunt that faith and repentance are not the cause of mercie and that it is not done for their repentance but for the satisfaction and punishment of Christ only yet with this condition that we apply this by a true faith vnto our selues and repent Reply Naie neither on the penitent doth God exercise mercie For if god punish all sinnes with sufficient punishment in Christ he is not mercifull Aunswere I deny the consequence of this proposition because he gaue vs his Sonne freelie who should satisfie for vs. This satisfaction did the Gospel adde God remitteth freelie our sins in that he giueth vs freely that recompence which he taketh for them 4 Obiection Hee that remitteth not without all recompence doth not remitte freely and so not of free mercy God remitteth not without all recompence Therefore hee remitteth not freely Answer God remitteth not vnto vs our sinnes freely in respect of christ but freelie in respect of vs because hee exacteth nothing of vs and freely giueth vnto vs Christes satisfaction Although then he wil haue satisfaction to be made by another euen by Christ yet doth he remit vnto vs our sins freely because he as it hath been said giueth vs Christ of his free mercy who might satisfie for vs and from him proceedeth this satisfaction and application of it vnto vs. For he causeth vs both by his election the satisfaction of Christ freely giuen of him vnto vs by the giuing of his holy spirit to receiue Christ by faith and this he doth for no other cause but only of his free mercy Yee are saued by grace First because satisfaction is not made by vs. Secondly because the price for sinnes is imputed vnto vs. Reply What mercy god extendeth to the wicked against that which was aunswered to the second Obiection that is that the mercy of God is extended also to the wicked The Prophet Ieremy saith Forgiue not their iniquity neither put out their sinne from thy sight The mercy therefore of God is not extended to the reprobate Aunswere 1. It is true when God denieth his mercy vnto them repenting and except he haue iust cause why hee doth not saue all But God hath most iust cause why he suffereth some to perish euen the manifestation of his iustice and power in punishing the wicked 2. It is to bee vnderstoode of that degree of his mercie which he sheweth towardes his chosen euen of this mercy whereby he giueth them remission of sinnes his holy spirit and life euerlasting But it is not to be graunted concerning that generall mercie whereby hee guideth and gouerneth all creatures Replie against that which is saide in the same Aunswere to the Second Obiection That God is not delighted with the destruction of the wicked The Lorde saith in Isaiah Ah I will ease me of mine aduersaries Therefore God is delighted with the destruction of his enemies Aunswere These and the like speeches are spoken after the order of men by an anthropopathie or humane affection and by them is signified That God will the execution of his iustice but is not delighted with the death or destruction of men as beeing his creatures It is requisite that this doctrine bee knowen in the Church That knowing howe great an euil sinne is The vse of this doctrine of sinne in the church wee maie yeelde the praise of iustice vnto God who doth most seuerelie punish it and that we maie abhor al sinnes with our whole heart and desire the more earnestlie to bee fensed and defended of God against all sinne and that not extenuating or lessening anie wee flatter our selues in a conceit of our owne righteousnesse or in hope of escaping that measuring our sinne by the Law of God neither esteeming euill good or good euill wee loose our consciences when God bindeth them or binde them when God looseth them and acknowledging the remnant of sinne in vs and our manifolde fallings we should not despaire of pardon flieng to God the mediatour with bouldnesse that also we maie be able to discerne our selues from the wicked and prophane men in whom sinne raigneth and from all those that sinne against the holie ghost and that wee maie conceiue in our minde hope and confidence of Gods mercie that we laie not the cause and fault of our sinnes destruction on God but remēber that it is to be sought in our selues that knowing there are degrees of punishments sinnes we ad not sinnes to sinnes but consider that lesser sinnes shal be punished with lesser punishments and greater with greater that remembring the sins of the parents are punished also in their posteritie wee spare not onelie our selues but our posteritie also in auoiding sinne that wee maie giue and render thankes vnto God for this benefit that hee for his own glorie and the gathering and saluation of his Church doth maintaine and continue also amongst the wicked some order of vertue and discipline And last of all that true and perpetuall thankefulnesse maie be kindled in vs towardes God and his Sonne our Lord Iesus Christ in that he hath deliuered vs frō these great euils sinne and the paines and punishment of sinne OF THE CREATION OF MAN The necessity of this Doctrine SEEING that God would especially open manifest himselfe in the creatiō of angels men necessary for man is the knowledge of himselfe both for that God wil be knowen by his own image which he engraued in mans nature also because without it we neither aspire nor attaine to that end to the which we were created Now the knowlege of our selfe is two-fold That is of man vncorrupted such as hee was made of God shal be after his restoring accōplished of man fallē into sin corrupted such as he now is The first is of the excellency and happines the other of the misery of mankind Now this common place is annexed vnto the former of sinne 1. Because when it is proued that there is sinne Why it is placed next the discourse of sinne and that the nature of man is sinfull the question straight ariseth whether God created man subiect to sinne And if not so how then For out of the doctrine concerning Original sinne this obiection seemeth to follow Man is a sinner Man was created of God Therefore God created man a sinner Whereunto our answere is that it is a fallacie of the Accident or that more is brought in the Conclusion than was in the Antecedent Secondly This place is annexed that it may be vnderstood
at the creation by his perpetuall efficacy and operation and doth inspire into all by his vertue true notions and right election But if they challenge a libertie vnto the creatures depending of no other cause whereby it is guided wee denie their whole argument as knowing such a liberty of creatures to stand against the whole Scripture and that it only agreeth vnto God For him alone doe al things serue In him we liue and moue and haue our being he giueth vnto al not only life or power of mouing themselues but euen breathing too that is very mouing it selfe To the same tendeth this Obiection also If the will The will worketh togither with God is not mere passiue when it is conuerted of GOD or turned and inclined to other Obiectes cannot with-stand it is euen meere passiue and so woorcketh not at all But this consequence deceiueth them because there is not a sufficient enumeration in the Antecedent of those actions which the will may haue when it is mooued of GOD. For it is able not only to withstand God mouing it but also of it owne proper motion to assent and obey him And when it doth this it is not idle neither doth it onely suffer or is mooued but it selfe exerciseth and mooueth her owne actions And yet this is to bee vnderstoode of the actions of the wil not of the new qualities or inclinations which it hath to obey God For these the wil receiueth not by her owne operation but by the working of the holy Ghost The will of man withstanding the reueiled will of God is yet guided by his secret wil therefore resisting doth not resist Thirdly they say That which withstandeth the will of God is not guided by it But the will of men in manie actions withstandeth the will of God It is not therefore alwaies guided by the will of God But the consequence heere faileth because there are foure termes For the Maior is true if both the reuealed and the secret will of God bee vnderstood so that simplie and in all respects it bee withstood and that bee doone which simply and by no meanes it would haue done that which is impossible to come to passe because of the omnipotency and liberty of God But in the Minor the will of God must bee vnderstoode as it is reuealed For the secret decrees of Gods will and prouidence are euer ratified and are perfourmed in all euen in those who most of all withstand Gods commandements Neither yet are there contrarie wils in god For nothing is found in his secret purposes which disagreeth with his nature reuealed in his woord And God openeth vnto vs in his Law what he approueth and liketh and what agreeth with his nature and the order of his mind but he doth not promise or reueal how much grace he wil or purposeth to giue to euery one to obey his commandements God though the mouer of wicked wils yet not the mouer of the wickednes of the wil● Fourthly as touching this Obiection If all motions euen of wicked willes are raised and ruled by the will of God and manie of these disagree from the Lawe of God and are sinnes god seemeth to be made the causer of sinnes The aunswere is that it is a paralogisme of the accident For they disagree from the law not as they are ordained by or proceed from the wil of god for thus far they agree very wel with the iustice and Law of God but as they are done by men or Diuels and that by reason of this defect because either they doe not know the will of god when they doe it or are not moued by the sight knowledge therof to do it that is they doe it not to that end that they maie obey God who will so haue it For whatsoeuer is doone to this ende it disagreeth not from the Lawe seeing the Law doth not but with this condition either commaund or forbid any thing if God hath not commanded a man to doe otherwise So doth the Lawe of God forbidde to kill anie man except whome God hath commaunded anie to kil Who then killeth a man God not commaunding it hee out of doubt doth and offendeth against the Lawe Neither doth God dissent from himselfe or his law when he wil haue some thing done either by his reueiled or secret will otherwise than according to the generall rule prescribed by himselfe in his Law For hee hath such endes and causes of all his purposes as that they cannot but most exactlie agree with his nature and iustice Fifthly they obiect Libertie which is guided of another can not be an image of that liberty which dependeth of no other which is in god But the liberty of mans will is the image of the liberty which is in god Therefore the liberty of mans will dependeth not or is not guided by the will of god We denie the Maior For seeing that euerie thing which is like is not the same with that vnto which it is like to conceiue in some sort the libertie of God it is enough that reasonable creatures doe woorke vpon deliberation and free election of will albeit this election in the creatures is both guided by themselues and another in God by no other than by his owne diuine wisedome The image of a thing is not the thing it selfe and the inequality of degrees taketh not awaie the image as neither the likenesse and similitude of some partes taketh awaie the dissimilitude of others Wherefore the libertie of reasonable creatures both is gouerned of God and is notwithstanding a certaine image of the libertie which is in God because it chooseth thinges once knowen vnto it by her own and free or voluntary motion For as of other faculties or properties so also of libertie it is impossible that the degrees should bee equall in God and his creatures whereas all thinges are infinite in God and finite in his creatures Seeing therefore wisedome righteousnesse strēgth in the creatures is the image of the vnmeasurable wisedom righteousnes power which is in god a portion also of liberty agreeable and competent for the creatures may be the image of the liberty which is in God The will is not idle or mere passiue when God worketh by it no more than the sun raine and such like instrumentes of Gods operation Sixtly they say If the creature cannot but doe that which God wil haue done and cannot do what god will not haue done the wil hath no actiue force but is wholy passiue especially in our conuersion which is the work of god Likewise there is no vse of laws doctrine discipline exhortation threatnings punishments examples promises and lastly of our study and endeuour Wee denie the consequence Because the first or principal cause beeing put the second or instrumentall cause is not thereby taken away For as god lightneth the world doth quicken the earth bringeth foorth corne nourisheth liuing creatures yet are not the
God worketh good things not onlie IN vs but also BY vs as ioint workers with him Phil. 1.6 he that hath begun this good work in you vvil perfourme it vntil the daie of Iesus Christ 2. 13. It is god who worketh in you both the wil the deed euen of his good pleasure Reply The beginning proceeding accomplishment of conuersion is the free work gift of god Therefore mans wil when he is conuerted doth nothing but is meere passiue There should bee no vse also as hath bin said before of lawes discipline doctrine exhortations and such like Answere We deny the consequence of this reason because the reason proceedeth from the putting of the first cause to the remouing of the second or instrumētal cause Again it is a mere fallacy cōcluding that to be simply so which is but in some respect so For first the wil as also the whole man renued is both the subiect and instrument cooperating and iointly woorking of his conuersion that is is conuerted of god and doth conuert himselfe For the action of god conuerting inclining the wil goeth before the assent of the will not in time but in nature only Secondly the holy ghost regenerating cōuerting vs woorketh in vs both new qualities in receiuing wherof we are mere passiue work not our selues For we cānot make to ourselues a fleshy hart of a stony No generall preuenting grace in vs which wee haue in our owne power to vse o● refuse but the special grace of the spirite onelie worketh in vs conuersion the want whereof causeth our continuance in sinne God worketh in vs euen to wil also new actions in working which we are both passiue and actiue For we being regenerated by gods spirit are not stocks but ioint workers with him because we are made of vnwilling vnfit to good willing fit able to do good Thirdly the holy ghost worketh this regeneration not without precepts doctrin other means but by thē because it so pleased him Wherfore they cānot be neglected without shewing an impious wicked contēpt of god himself But here especially our aduersaries wil reply again that indeed we cannot be cōuerted to god except his grace preuent vs moue vs to cōuersion but this grace preuēting those who are to be conuerted is so far giuē to al as it is in thēselues or in their own power to vse it or refuse it that is to be turned from or to persist in sin And then at length they who haue vsed rightly that first vniuersal grace preuēting al men that is haue by their libertie applied thēselues to chuse that good vnto the chusing whereof they are sollicited but yet not effectually moued of god Vnto these is giuen also the subsequent ioint-working grace so that what they could not haue performed without this this now cōming between they may do that is may truly turn vnto god perseuere This they proue by sentēces of scripture which seem to hang the grace of god vpon the condition of mans vvil Zac. 1. Turn to me I wil turn to you Isa 1.19 If ye cōsent ye shal eat the good things of the earth Ier. 7. I called you ye answered not But it is certainly manifest out of the Scripture that neither anie man can be cōuerted except the holy ghost be giuen him neither is he giuen to al men of god but to those only whō he of his free mercy vouchsafeth this benefite so that the cause is not to be sought in mē but in god alone why these rather thā they beleeue gods voice ar turned vnto him therfore al truly might be cōuerted as cōcerning the liberty power of god the chāgeable nature of mans wil but not both in respect of the auerting of their nature frō god of that in-bred corruption in al which may indeed betakē away by god but cānot without his working be laid aside or put off by vs also in respect of the vnchangeable decree of god wherby god hath determined to leaue some in sin destructiō into which he hath permitted them to fal therefore either not to lighten their minds with his knowlege or not to renu their harts wils with new inclinations or powers nor effectually to moue thē to yeeld obedience to the known truth Neither do the testimonies teach otherwise which the aduersaries ale age God willeth vs to turne to him that he may turn to vs that is may turne away mitigate our punishments bestowe his benefits vpon vs not as if our cōuersion were in our own power but because he wil effectuat confirm these precepts commandements in the harts of his chosen Hee promiseth good things to those who wil obey him not as if it were in our power to wil obedience but because he wil stir vp by his promises that wil in vs. He chargeth the stubburn with their wickednesse not as if it were in their owne power to put it off but because he wil by accusing their wilful stubburnnes take away al excuse from them when he iudgeth them Again they vrge The will of receiuing Gods grace goeth not before faith conuersion but is part and the beginning thereof Although no man can bee conuerted to doe wel without grace yet not only the consequent gifts benefits of god but the first grace also of his holy spirit whereby we are conuerted al who are willing may haue seeing god promiseth that he wil giue to al that wil. As Isay 1. Apoc. 3. Isay 31. Al ye that thirst come to the waters But al may wil. Therfore al may be conuerted We deny the Minor Reply The wil of receiuing goeth before the receiuing it selfe Therfore they who as yet haue not grace may haue wil to receiue it We deny the Antecedent as cōcerning the grace of conuersiō For no man can desire this except he haue the beginning of it in him For it is god who worketh in vs both to wil and to doe Wherefore the wil of beleeuing and repenting is the very beginning of faith and conuersion the which whosoeuer haue true and vnfeigned it is encreased and perfected in them as it is saide Gods promises not vnprofitable though made with an vnpossible condition to the vnregenerate which yet is made possible to the regenerat by Christ Hee that hath begunne this good vvoorke in you vvill perfourme it 11 Obiection They gather also and collect these sayinges which promise Gods bounty with a condition of our obedience As If thou vvilt enter into life keep the commandements Likewise Do this thou shalt liue Out of these thus they reason A promise which hath adioined an vnpossible condition is vnprofitable and mocketh him vnto whom it is made But Gods promises haue an impossible condition Therefore they are all vncertaine yea neuer to be perfourmed and nothing but a mockerie Aunswere First wee deny the
Maior For the promise euen in those who receiue it not hath this vse that it may bee made manifest that God doth not reioice at the destruction of any and that hee is iust in punishing when as he doth so inuite thē vnto him who through their ingratitude contemne and refuse gods promises Secondly we distinguish that vnto them indeed the promise is vnprofitable to whom the condition adioined is neuer made possible through faith and grace of iustification by Christ and of regeneration by the holy Ghost But so it is made possible vnto the elect Wherefore God deludeth nether but earnestly declareth to both of them what they ought to be vnto whom he giueth euerlasting life and how vnwoorthy they are of Gods benefites and shall neuer bee partakers of them vnlesse by the free mercy of God they be exempted from destructiō further also he allureth more and more and confirmeth the faithful to yeeld obedience Lastly they cite also other sayings which seeme to place conuersion and good-woorks in the will of men Psal 119. I haue applied my heart to fulfil thy statutes 1. Ioh. 5. verse 18. He that is begotten of god keepeth himselfe These the like sayings attribute the woorke of god vnto men first because they are not only the obiect but the instrumēt also of gods woorking which the holy spirite exerciseth in them Then because they are such an instrument which being renewed and moued by the holy spirit doth also it selfe woorke together and mooue it selfe For there is not one effect ascribed vnto the holie ghost and another to mans will but the same to both vnto the holie ghost as the principal cause vnto mans will as a secondarie and instrumentall cause The third degree of libertie in man regenerated The third degree of libertie belongeth to man in this life as he is regenerated but not yet glorified or in whom regeneration is begun but not accomplished or perfected In this state the will vseth her libertie not onely to worke euill as in the second degree but partly to doe ill and partly to do well And this is to be vnderstood two waies First that some works of the regenerate are good and pleasing to God which are done of them according to Gods commandement but some euil displeasing to god which they do contrary to the commaundement of God which is manifest by the infinit fallings of holy men Secondly that euen those good works which the conuerted doe in this life albeit they please God by reason of Christes satisfaction imputed vnto them yet are they not perfectly good that is agreeable to Gods law but vnperfect stained with many sins therefore they cannot if they be beheld without Christ stand in iudgement escape damnation The cause of the renewing and beginning of this liberty in man to good is the spirit working by the wil. The cause for which the wil beginneth to work well is this because by the singular grace or benefite of the holy spirit mans nature is renewed by the word of God there is kindled in the mind a new light knowlege of god in the hart new affections in the wil new inclinations agreeing with the Lawe of God and the will is forcibly and effectually mooued to doe according to these notions and inclinations and so it recouereth both the power of willing that which God approueth and the vse of that power and beginneth to bee conformed and agreeable to God and to obey him Deut. 30.6 The Lord thy God wil circumcise thy hart the hart of thy seed that thou maiest loue the lord thy god with al thine heart Ezec. 36.26 A new hart wil I giue you and a newe spirit wil I put within you and I wil take away the stony hart out of your body and I wil giue you an heart of flesh and I wil put my spirit within you and cause you to walke in my statutes Act. 16. The Lord opened the hart of Lidia that she should attend to those things which were spoke of Paul 2. Cor. 3. Where the spirit of the Lord is there is libertie Why the will in the regenerate vseth liberty not onely to good but to euil also The causes for which the will vseth her libertie not onely to the choosing of good but of euill also are in number two The first for that in this life the renewing of our nature is not perfect neither as concerning the knowledge of GOD neither as concerning our inclinations to obey GOD and therefore in the best men while they liue here remaine stil many and great sinnes both originall and others The Second for that the regenerate bee not alwaies ruled by the holy spirite but are sometimes for a time forsaken of GOD eyther for to try or to chastise or humble them but yet are recalled to repentaunce that they perish not Of the first cause it is said Rom. 7. I knowe that in me that is in my flesh dwelleth no good thing for to wil is present with mee but I finde no meanes to performe that which is good Marc. 9. I beeleue Lord but help thou my vnbeliefe Of the second cause it is said Psa 51. Take not away thy holy spirit from mee Isaiah 63.17 O Lord why hast thou made vs to erre from thy wayes and hardned our heart from thy fear Returne for thy seruaunts sake 1. Kings 8.57 The Lorde our God bee with vs that hee forsake vs not neither leaue vs. Therefore the regenerate man in this life doth alwaies goe either forwarde or backewarde neuer continueth in the same state Hence are deduced these 2. conclusions first as man corrupted before he be regenerated can not begin new obedience pleasing acceptable vnto God So he that is regenerated in this life although he beginne to obey God that is hath some inclination and purpose to obey God according to all his commaundementes and that vnfained though yet weak and strugling with euil inclinationes affectiones and desires and therefore there shine in his life and manners a desire of pietie towardes God and his neighbour yet can hee not yeeld whole and perfect obedience to God because neither his knowledge nor his loue of God is so great and so syncere as the law of God requireth and therefore is not such righteousnes as may stande before God according to that saying Psal 143.2 Enter not into iudgement with thy seruaunt for in thy sight shall none that liueth be iustified The second They who are ōcuerted can no farder retein good inclinations neither thoughts and affections and a good purpose to perseuere and go forwarde therein than as the holy spirit worketh and preserueth these in them for if he guide and rule them they iudge and doe aright but if he forsake them they are blinde they wander slip and fall away yet so that they perish not but repent and are saued if so bee they were euer truely conuerted 1. Cor. 4. What hast
GOD doth not inflict punishment but on those who sinne but to bee forsaken of the holie Ghost is a punishment of sinne and vnthankefulnesse Therefore no man is forsaken of the holie Ghost but who hath first deserued that forsaking through his owne stubbornes The aunswere hereto is double Fisst the Argument may be graunted as concerning the regenerate For in them as long as they are in this life there is alwaies so much remaining of sinne as they deserue not onely temporall but eternall desertion and forsaking and although because the sinne which remaineth in them is forgiuen them for Christ therefore they are freed from euerlasting punishment yet are they not free from chastisementes so long as the remnaunts of sinne abide in them There is therefore in respect of their sinnes also alwaies most iust cause why sometimes for a season God woulde bereaue them of the grace and guiding of his spirite As it is in the second of Samuel the twentie and fourth Chapter And the wrath of the Lord was again kindled against Israell and hee mooued Dauid against them in that hee saide Goe and number Israell and Iuda Euery forsaking or rather sleeping as it were of the holy ghost in the regenerat is not a punishment neither done to that end Secondly we answere to the Minor that euery forsaking is not a punishment or done to that end as to punish but sometimes also for tryall that is for to make knowen and open the weakenes euen of the best and holiest both to themselues and others that they may learne that they cannot for one instant or moment stand against the tentations assaults of Satan if they be not presently sustained and ruled by the conduct of the holy spirite and that so they may be made more watchful and more earnest to cal hereafter for the assistance of the holy spirite to beware of relapses fallinges Lastly that both in this life in the world to come they may the better know and set forth their own vnworthines and the mercie of God towardes them who hath reclaimed and recalled them out of so many grieuous sinnes vnto himselfe and hauing deserued a thousand times death and destruction hath not yet suffered them to perish For these causes it is saide 2. Cor. 12. Least I shoulde bee exalted out of measure through the abundance of reuelations there was giuen vnto me a pricke in the flesh And Rom. 11. God hath shut vp all in vnbeliefe that he might haue mercie of all Against this they say That God doth promise the assistance of his holy spirite to all that aske it But this is generall onely concerning finall perseueraunce but not so as touching continual perseuerance For God promiseth no where that he will so guide his saints by his spirite in this life that they shall neuer fall By this which hath beene said that obiection also vanisheth to nothing when they say That the conuerted seeing they haue in their owne power to depart from that which is right and to resist haue also perseueraunce in their owne power For although hee constraineth not or violently draweth their wils but maketh them of rebels and enimies willingly of their owne accorde to become the sonnes of God and as concerning mens wils in this life there is nothing more prone than they to euill yet as touching the counsel purpose and working of God euidence of truth constraineth euen the aduersaries themselues to confesse that it cannot be but that the wil of man must then obey when God according to his euerlasting counsels hath decreed forcibly to moue incline it either to conuersion or to perseuerance Neither doth this immutabilitie and efficacie of Gods purpose take away the libertie of will in the conuerted but rather increaseth preserueth it and how much the more effectually God moueth it with so much the greater propension and readines it both will and doth good which the example of the blessed Angels cōfirmeth This is also more friuolous that they say That the godly are made careles and slouthfull and the desire to perseuere is diminished in them if they heare that their perseueraunce dependeth of the grace of the holy spirite alone For we may very well inuert this and returne it vpon our aduersaries seeing nothing doth more giue an edge vnto the saints and those who are indeed godly to a desire and indeuour to beware of falling and to a daily and earnest calling vpon God than if they knowe that they cannot so much as one moment stand against the tentations of the Diuel and their fleshe except by the vertue and instinct of the holy spirite they bee withdrawen from euill and bee forceably moued to good but contrariwise that opinion as experience teacheth maketh men careles and lesse minding to beware of sin by which men imagine that it is in their owne power to depart from god listening a while and yeelding to their owne lusts and to returne againe to God as oft as themselues thinke good so to doe Now if so bee this sentence concerning true perseuerance depending of the grace of the holy spirite breed in the reprobate and prophane men a carelesnesse and contempt of God it is both foolish and iniurious to iudge of the elect and godly by their humour or for their frowardnes to hide and smoother the truth Lastly against the defectes of libertie in the second and third state or degree of man they obiect after this sort If whole conuersion and perseuerance doe so depend of Gods will and doe the worke of God in men that neither they can haue it in whom hee doth not worke it neither they cannot but haue it in whom he will worke it that then not onely the libertie but all the action and operation of the will is taken away and there remaineth onely that it bee constrained and suffer which is against the scripture experience the inward strife and combate of the godlie and our owne confession But we answere that the will is not therefore idle when as it doth not resist the spirit forciblie mouing it For to assent also obey is an actiō of the wil. The working of the instrumentall cause which is our will is not taken away when we put the working of the principal cause which is God But when they reply That we make that obediēce of the wil in conuersiō perseuerāce wholy the worke of god so leaue nothing to the wil what to doe they run into an other paralogism of consequēt wheras they remoue the working of the second or instrumental cause for that the first cause or principal agēt is put For that which is so wholy the work of god in mā that man is only as the subiect in which god worketh in that we grant that the wil is only passiue suffreth doth work nothing as in imprinting or working or maintaining in the will heart newe qualities or inclinations But that which is
that the Maior is false in respect of him who for his wisedome knoweth means to mitigate punishmēts or to exercise mercy as that notwithstanding his iustice may remaine inuiolated and himselfe bee satisfied So god doth execute extreame and exquisite iustice in punishing our sinnes shewing neuerthelesse exceeding and maruelous equabilitie and lenity while hee punisheth them in his Sonne and not in vs. And therefore one degree of mercie denied doth not straight enforce the deniall of others God punisheth sinne in the reprobate with eternal punishments yet is he merciful while he is not delighted with the death of him that dieth but doth by differring and mitigating the punishment and by bestowing benefites inuite all men to repentance When a Iudge putteth a robber to death he executeth extreame iustice yet may he be mercifull withall if hee reioice not at the destruction of the man but had rather hee were saued if so the lawe permitted Temporal afflictions belong both to the wicked and the godly Temporall afflictions belong to both both vnto the godly and to the reprobate These are either punishments or the Crosse The punishment is either destruction or torment inflicted by order of iustice on the person giltie of sinne And this is proper vnto the reprobate because it is inflicted on them to this ende that Gods iustice may bee satisfied For the law bindeth all men either to obedience or to punishment In the wicked they are punishmentes in the godly the crosse Obiection But the euils which the wicked suffer in this life are lighter than that they shoulde satisfie Gods iustice Answere They are a part of their punishment though not their whole punishment Nowe as euerie part of the Aire is called Aire so euerie part of punishment is punishment The degrees therefore of the punishment and paines which the wicked suffer are to bee obserued The first degree is in this life For when the conscience of their misdeedes and wickednesse doth gnawe vexe and terrifie them then beginneth their hellish and infernall worme The second degree is in temporall death When they departing out of this life without comfort come into the place of torment and vexations Luke 16. The third degree is at the day of iudgement when againe to euerie of their bodies raised from the dead their soules shal bee reunited For then at length shall the paines of hell bee consummated and shall fall in troupes together on both bodie and soule The Crosse is the affliction of the godly The Crosse of the godly is of foure sortes For this is not properly a punishment because it is not inflicted that thereby Gods iustice shoulde bee satisfied for their sinnes Nowe the Crosse is of foure sortes which are drawen from the endes for which it is laid on the godly First the Chastisementes 1. Chastisements which GOD layeth on the godly for the remnaunts of sinne in them and oftentimes also for some peculiar sinnes committed by them that they may bee admonished of their vncleannesse and stirred to repentaunce and the studie of godlinesse and good workes least persisting in their sinnes they bee condemned For they are not according to iustice inflicted to bee any satisfaction or recompence for their sinnes but according to mercie for their amendment and saluation For by these chastisementes they are admonished of the anger of GOD against sinnes and of eternall punishment which GOD will inflict on them if they repent not Secondly 2. Tryals The proofes and tryals of their faith hope inuocation feare of GOD and patience that the elect may goe forwarde in these vertues and the same also bee made knowen to others Such was the affliction of Iob. Thirdly Martyrdomes 3. Martyrdomes which are testifications concerning their doctrine For when the godly are for the confession of true doctrine pressed with calamities or slaine these afflictions are no punishmentes of certaine transgressions but martyrdomes whereby they testifie and witnesse the doctrine of the gospell which they professe to bee true and doubt not to seale this with their bloud and whereby also they witnesse that they in exceeding tormentes and death feele and haue experience of that comfort which they did promise out of that doctrine in their teaching vnto others They witnesse also and testifie that there remaineth another life and an other iudgement after this life Fourthly lastly the Crosse is their Raunsome euen the obedience of Christ alone 4. Raunsome which is a satisfaction for our sinnes consisting of his whole humiliation from the very first point of his Conception in the wombe to his last agonie on the Crosse A briefe type or table of mans afflictions Afflictions are some Temporal In the wicked as punishmentes properly in speciall so called In the godly as the Crosse and that is 1 Chastisements 2 Trials 3 Martyrdome 4 Raunsome Eternal as the hellish torments of the damned 2 What are the causes of afflictions The impellent cause sinne SInne is the impellent cause because it is an euill merite and deserueth euill of punishmentes in the wicked and also of the Crosse in the godlie yet after a diuers maner and in diuers respects It is a cause of punishment in the wicked that sinne may bee recompensed with iust punishment In the godly the cause of the Crosse is not to satisfie Gods iustice but that sinne may be knowen and so relinquished and put off The impellent cause then of punishmentes in the wicked is their sin to be punished or recompensed The chiefe efficient Gods iustice The principall efficient cause is the iustice of god inflicting punishmēt for sin Instrumentall causes thereof are diuers Instrumental causes all creatures Angels and men both good and bad and all other creatures which are all armed against sinners and fight vnder GODS banner The finall cause is that the iustice of GOD may bee satisfied The causes of the crosse of the godly The causes of the crosse of the godlie are 1 The acknowledgeing and purging out of sin God doth not giue the bridle vnto the godly but by fatherly chastisementes restraineth recalleth and amendeth them 1. The acknowledging and relinquishing of sinne 1. Corin. 11.32 When wee are iudged wee are iudged of the Lord. Psalm 119.71 It is good for mee O Lord that thou hast humbled mee But hee giueth the raines to the wicked that they may gallop to destruction he endoweth them with the commodities of this life and suffereth them to enioy a short ioy thereby to shewe his loue towardes his creatures and to conuince them of vnthankfulnes and to take away al excuse from them 2. The hatred of the Diuell and the wicked 2. The hatred of the Diuel and wicked men Iohn 15.19 If ye were of the world the world would loue you The Diuel especially lieth in wait ambush against the church and assaulteth it both by tyrants and by heretiques to pul many from God 1. Pet. 5 8.
The diuel goeth about like a roaring Lyon 3. The triall in exercise of godlines 3. The trial or exercise of godlines that we may bee established and go forward in spiritual gifts and that both vnto our selues others our hope faith patiēce may be made known Eccle. 34.10 He that hath not been tempted what knoweth he So then it is apparant that glorying in prosperity is but vaine Rom. 5.4 Experience bringeth hope 4. 4. Particular defects in the godlie Particular defects and fallings in the Saints Diuers haue diuers defects and therefore Gods chastisements also are diuers God sheweth that hee is angry also with the sinnes of the godly and is desirous that they returne from them The scriptures are rise and ful of examples hereof As in Dauid when he numbred the people when he committed adultery and added murther vnto it God shewed his wrath in plaguing the people for the former and in taking away by death the child borne in adultery hee shewed his anger against his adultery Againe hee shewed how desirous hee was to haue him rise againe by sending his Prophet to make his sinne knowen vnto him and so to call him to repentance So many times dealt he with the Israelites also whose often falling as also Gods often recalling them is in the Scripture frequent 5. The confirmation or testimonie of their doctrine in their martyrdomes Ioh. 21.18 5. The confirmation and testimony of the truth by their martyrdome 6. Their glorious deliuerie Peter is foretold by what death he should glorifie God and confirme the doctrine of Christ which he preached 6. The glorious deliuery that is the manifestation of the immeasureable wisedome power mercy and iustice of God in the miraculous wonderful deliuerance of the church God bringeth his into extreme dangers findeth out sheweth a waie of deliuery where no creature could saue or deliuer them 1. Sam. 2.6 He bringeth down to hel and bringeth back againe 7. The making of a conformity between the members and Christ their head 7. A conformitie between them and Christ both in afflictions in glory 2. Tim. 2.12 If we suffer with him we shal also raign with him Rom. 8.29 Those which he knew before he also predestinate to bee made like to the image of his sonne Ioh. 11.16 and. 16.20 Mat. 10.24 The seruant is not greater than his Lord neither the Disciple aboue his master 8. The afflictions of the godly in this life are a testimony confirmation of the iudgement and life to come 8. A confirmation of the life to come Because the iustice and truth of God requireth that at length it goe wel with the good and il with the bad But this commeth not so to passe in this life Therefore there is remaining yet another life And hence we are to aunswere the argument which the worlde vseth against the prouidence of God The Church of God say they is not the Church because it is oppugned throughout the whole woorld and troden vnder foote of al men Answere This argument maie bee wel inuerted on this wise The company of those that embrace the doctrin of the Prophets and Apostles are in a good cause vniustly oppugned and afflicted by the wicked and reprobate Therefore they are the true Church and the people of God and are to be at length certainly fullie and gloriously deliuered the wicked being cast into eternal tormentes For God is iust and true Therefore he wil be one daie a reuenger of those iniuries whereby not onely the Godly in this life are hurt but the glory also of God himselfe is by the wicked obscured and darkened and troden vnder foote 3. What are the comforts and consolations which are to be opposed against afflictions OF comforts in afflictions some are proper vnto the Church some are common to it with Philosophie Comforts in afflictions Proper are the first and two last of those which shall be recited The rest are common and that but in outwarde shewe onely and in name Remission of sins and reconciliation vnto God but not beeing further entered into and discoursed of 1. Remission of sinnes and reconciliation vnto GOD. This is the ground and foundation of the rest Because without this wee cannot rightly apply the rest vnto vs neither reape any comfort from them But if this bee well setled the rest follow of their owne accorde For they who are not certaine of the remission of their sinnes alwaies doubt whether the promise of grace belong vnto them but he who is certaine of this knoweth that the anger of GOD punishments and eternall death are taken away and that those euils which are laide vpon him are no punishment but a fatherly chastisement Roman 5.1 Beeing iustified by faith we haue peace toward GOD. Againe If when we were enemies we were reconciled to GOD much more beeing reconciled wee shall bee saued Roman 8.3 If GOD be on our side who can be against vs The reason is because take awaie the cause and you take awaie the effect take awaie sinne and the punishment also of sinne is taken awaie 2. The necessitie of obeying GOD 2. The necessitie of obeying God and the loue which we ow him and the loue due vnto him The Godlie knowe that they must obey the fatherly wil of GOD in suffering euils both bicause he wil that they suffer them and also because he hath so deserued of them as that they ought for his sake to suffer far greater and lastly because they are his fatherly chastisemēts Iob. 2.10 Shall we receiue good at the hand of God and not receiue euill Psal 3.9.9 I held my peace because thou diddest it Iob. 1.21 Blessed be the name of the Lord. The Philosophers also say that it is patiētly to be suffred which can not be altered or auoided and that it is foolishnes to kicke against the prick But in the meane while they hold a fatal necessity and in suffering calamities submit not themselues to god neither acknowlege them to be a iust punishment neither suffer thē to that end as thereby to obey him And therefore they find either smal or no comfort at al hereof 3. The worthines of vertue 3. The worthines of vertue that is of obedience towards God which is tru vertu for which a man is not to cast away his courage in bearing the crosse Mat. 10 37. 16.25 He that hateth not his father and mother for my sake is not worthy of me He that seeketh to saue his soule shall leese it This dignity of vertue doe the Philosophers most of all vrge but coldly 4. A good conscience because they are destitute of true vertues 4. A good conscience The godly are assured of remission of sinnes in Christ and haue a purpose to obey God and therefore beare a good conscience vnto themselues in Christ The Philosophers comfort not theirs on this maner For the Philosophers beeing once afflicted thinketh why
saue euen one from euerlasting death than to make all men by one sin guiltie of euerlasting death For be it that Christ should saue euen but one man 1. It was necessarie that hee shoulde paie in a finit time a punishment in greatnesse and valewe infinit not only for that one sinne of Adam but for other infinite sinnes which followed it of which euery one also deserue infinit punishment 2. It was required also that he should purge and take away not onlie that originall birth-sinne but also infinite others 3. and should restore in vs a perfect conformitie with god Wherefore the grace of Christ in sauing euen one man doth in infinit manner exceed the sinne of Adam Againe that al are not saued by Christ the cause lieth not in the force and excellency of his satisfaction or in the merit of Christ for this in it selfe is a sufficient and ful worthie ransome for the expiating of al the sinnes of al men but the fault rather is in men who do not as much as applie vnto themselues by a true faith Christs merit as they doe apply vnto themselues the sinne of Adam both by beeing borne in it and consenting vnto it and in fostering it For the grace of God is not narrower or of a straiter compasse than sinne in respect of the sufficiencie of Christes satisfaction but in respect of the sufficiency of the application thereof which is required of men For God will not so shewe his mercie as that he will not also exercise his iustice Now the reason why God doth impute for perfect righteousnesse the merit of Christ to beleeuers onely and restoreth saluation vnto them is for that in them alone he obtaineth the end both of his creation also of his deliuerie iustification euen his praise and glorie For they only agnise this benefit of GOD and yeeld thanks vnto him for it the rest despise it OF FAITH HAVING declared the Doctrine concerning the Mediatour which is the gospell it remaineth that we speake of the meane whereby wee are made partakers of the Mediatour that is of faith without which also the preaching of the Gospell profiteth and auaileth nothing The principal questions concerning Faith are seuen 1 What faith is in generall 2 How many kindes of faith there are 3 How those kindes differ 4 How faith and hope differ and agree 5 What are the causes of faith 6 What the effects 7 To whom it is giuen 1 WHAT FAITH IS FAith in generall is a knowledge of certaine propositions a firme assent caused by the authoritie of a true witnesse who is not thought to deceiue whether it be God or Angell or Man or Experience or it is to assent firmelie to a thing knowen for the asseueration sake word of true witnesses This faith reacheth to thinges both diuine and humane Wherefore wee must giue a more restrained faith which may agree to diuine thinges which notwithstanding must bee also generall Theologicall faith therefore is a certaine knowledge firmely yeelding assent to all thinges The definition of Theological faith in general which are deliuered in the sacred Scriptures of God his will and woorkes and of sinne euen because God himselfe dooth affirme it or it is to yeeld assent to euerie word of God deliuered to the Church either in the Lawe or in the Gospell for that it is the asseueration or auouching of God himself Oftentimes it is taken for the very doctrine of the Church or those thinges whereby wee are out of Gods woorde enfourmed and instructed vnto faith or assent and beleefe Furthermore albeit there be also other certain notices whereunto we firmely giue assent as vnderstanding or apprehension of principles Science Sapience Art How faith differeth from all other kindes of knowledge Prudence for the assent comming vnto the notice doth confirme and perfect it so that what knowledge of a thing is had without assent it is imperfect and vnprofitable yet none of these are that faith especially the Theologicall such as a little before it is described For to those notices or apprehensions we doe assent either because they are naturally engraffed in our mindes or for that they bring demonstrance or some other true and certaine proofes But the Theologicall assent or faith is not neither ariseth it out of the instinct of nature neither out of sense or experience neither out of demonstrations or reasons borrowed from Philosophie but commeth and dependeth of a peculiar and supernaturall reuelation or diuine Testimonie That therefore which is added in the former description for the asseueration of God himselfe distinguisheth Theological faith from al other knowledges euen the most certaine And this generall definition of Theologicall faith is necessarie that wee may not thinke that out of Philosophie or such principles as are naturally knowen to all are to bee drawen reasons or argumentes sound and sufficient to confirme the articles of our faith but may know that the woord of God and those good and necessarie consequences and arguments which are framed out of it are a supernaturall light and more certaine then all though most exact and exquisite demonstrances either natural or Mathematicall of Philosophers 2 What are the kinds of faith 1 Historical 2 Temporary 3 Working miracles 4 Iustifieng What historical faith is THe difference of these kindes one from the other appeareth out of their definitions Historicall faith is to know and think al those thinges to bee true which are manifested from aboue either by voice or by visions or by any other manner of reuelation and are taught in the bookes of the Prophetes and Apostles and thus to be persuaded of them for the asseueration and testimonie of god himselfe It is called historicall because it is a bare knowledge of such thinges as God saith hee dooth or hath done or hereafter wil doe Of this faith these Testimonies of holy Scripture make mention Iames 2.19 The Diuels beleeue and tremble For the Diuel knoweth exactly both what things are written in the woorde and also what are not written Because he is a spirit witty quick and learned hee is present and seeth whatsoeuer things are doone in the church also through long experience hath known doth know the doctrin of the church to be true c. 1. Cor. 13.2 If I haue al faith so that I moue moūtains c. Which saying may be constred of al the sorts of faith Iustifing faith only excepted Act. 13. Simon Magus is said to haue beleeued to wit that the doctrine was true which the Apostles did propound Historical faith good in it selfe but made ill by them who can not applie it vnto themselues Wherefore historicall faith may be without iustifieng faith although iustifieng faith is not without it for the historical is a part of the iustifieng therefore this is good and profitable and necessarie in it selfe but is made in Diuels and men sinne by an accident for that they apply not
those thinges to themselues which they knowe out of the word of God What temporarie faith is Temporarie faith is to assent vnto the heauenly doctrine which is deliuered by the Prophets and Apostles to professe it and to reioice in the knowledge thereof and to glory therein for a time yet not for any feeling of gods grace towardes them but for other causes whatsoeuer Temporarie faith is lead in a string with the commodities of this world and with them doth liue and die and therefore without any true conuersion and finall perseuerance in the profession of that doctrine This faith or approbation of Gods truth and ioy therein is not true sound and perpetual but only dureth for a season because it ariseth and dependeth of temporary causes which may bee changed and taken away as the desire and pleasure of knowledge glory honours and other worldly commodities whether publick or priuate true or apparant in shew These commodities being gone once and persecution or some other temptation arising it must needs be also that this faith must fail This definition is drawn from the words of Christ Matth. 13.20 Hee that receiueth seede in the stony ground is he which heareth the word and incontinently with ioie receiueth it that is embraceth and professeth it and reioiceth in it yet hath he no roote in himselfe that is hee wanteth applying of the merit of Christ confidence therein and the regeneration of the holy ghost Wherefore it is only a resemblance and shew of godlines not true godlines and faith It differeth from historical faith 1. For that this temporarie doth fore put historicall Further it addeth something vnto knowledge as profession of doctrine and a certaine godlinesse gladnesse and glorying or reioicing because of the knowledge of the truth but at length it saileth Historical faith is onely aknowledge This difference is thereby confirmed in that the Diuels haue historicall faith for they beleeue tremble but they haue not this Temporarie faith First because that knowledge and faith which they haue neuer faileth or is extinguished but remaineth in them perpetually Againe neither ioy they in their knowledge neither doe they professe it but though they know it to be true yet do they horribly persecute it and would haue it wholy rooted out Now if any man had rather comprehend this temporary faith vnder historicall I am not against it But then must degrees be made of historicall faith to wit that in some it is ioined with a certaine ieioicing and profession as in those who reuoult from the doctrine of the Church and godlinesse in others not so as in the Diuels and damned persons and so the matter commeth all to one Obiection But the Diuel hath often professed Christ therefore he doth not oppugne his doctrine The Diuel Professed Christ that for his testimonies sake he might the lesse bee beleeued Aunswere He did this not for any desire of promoting and aduanncing Christs doctrine but for the hatred he bore vnto it that by his testimony he might cause it to be suspected and might mingle therewith his owne errors and lies Therefore doth Christ commaund him silence Matth. 1.25 As also doth Paul Act. 16.18 Wherefore it is but an accident vnto historicall faith for the Diuell to professe those thinges which he knoweth to be true although hee greatly detesteth them as also men for some cōmodity or vpon some other cause sometimes professe those thinges which they hate and the memory whereof they woulde haue abolished both out of their owne mindes and out of the minds of al men What the faith of working miracles is The faith of Miracles is an especial gift of working miracles that is it is a certaine persuasion springing from an especiall reuelation and promise of god whereby a man firmelie resolueth that some extraordinary or miraculous woorke and contrarie to nature shall come to passe by gods power which hee hath foretolde or woulde haue to bee doone in the name of God and Iesus Christ. This kinde of faith is prooued out of the Apostle 1. Corinth 13.2 If I had all faith so that I could remooue mountaines c. For although this speech bee vnderstoode of all the kindes of faith excepting iustifieng faith yet is it especially referred to the faith of Miracles as Christ also saith Faith of miracles cōmeth by speciall reuelation Mat. 17.20 If ye haue faith as much as a grain of mustard seede ye shal saie vnto this mountaine Remoue c. That this faith is diuerse from the other kindes neither to bee drawen simply out of the word of god but by an especial reuelation of god comming thereto without which miracles cannot be wrought we prooue by these reasons 1. By that saying of Christ If ye haue faith as much as a grain of mustard seede But manie holie men who both knewe the historie of Gods woorde and reioyced therein and applyed it vnto themselues had faith yet did they not remooue mountaines Therefore this is a diuers kind of faith from that which they had 2 Many endeuored to cast out Diuels without anie reuelation from aboue as the Sonnes of Sceua Act. 19.14 With whom it fell out ill the spirite of the possessed man inuading disarming and wounding them 3 Simon Magus Acts. 8.13 is saide to haue beleeued and yet could hee not woorke miracles and therefore he would haue bought and gotten this power with mony 4 The Diuell knoweth the storie of the Scripture neither yet dooth hee woorke miracles because none besides the Creatour is able to chaunge the nature of thinges 5 Iudas did woorke miracles and yet Ioh. 6.70 hee is saide of the Lorde to bee a Diuell that is not to haue a iustifieng faith He had therefore some other faith to witte the faith of Miracles Historicall and perhaps also Temporarie faith So Matthewe 7.22 Manie shall saie vnto Christ Haue wee not by thy name cast out Diuels But CHRIST will aunswere them I neuer knewe you Wherefore this gift of woorcking miracles is giuen to hypocrits also For albeit they haue alwaies Historicall faith ioined therewith yet haue they not alwaies Iustifieng faith The other kindes of faith extend to all thinges that are written in the woorde but this of Miracles is appropriated and restrained to some certaine workes or effects to come Iustifieng or sauing faith What Iustifieng faith is as it is described out of the word of God in the 21. question of the Catechisme is not onelie steedfastlie to assent to euerie woorde of GOD and in this also to the promise of grace for Christes merit but also a confidence and full perswasion applieng to euerie one that promise that is whereby euerie man in his minde is fully and certainely perswaded that not onely others but himselfe also hath God fauorable vnto him according to the promise of grace and therefore reioiceth in God and ouercommeth all pensiuenesse and feare The differences of Iustifieng faith from
purchased by the blood of Christ which all we beleeue to be giuen vs by faith If therefore faith be the next cause of our Iustification in respect of vs it is also the cause of those thinges which necessarily followe Iustification Luk. 8.48 Thy faith hath saued thee In a worde The effects of faith are Iustification and Regeneration which is begunne here and is to bee perfected in the life to come Rom. 3.28 10.10 Acts. 13.39 7 Vnto whom faith is giuen IVstifieng faith is only proper to the elect Iustifieng faith giuen to all the Elect and to them onely and that to all of them For it is giuen to the elect alone and to all the elect euen to infants as concerning some inclnation Ioh. 6.44 No man cā come to me except the father which hath sent me drawe him Ioh. 20.16 Ye beleeue not for yee are not of my sheepe Mat. 13.11 It is giuen to you to knowe the secrets of heauen but vnto them it is not giuen Act. 13.48 And they beleeued as many as were ordained to euerlasting life Rom. 8.30 Whome hee predestinated them also hee called and whome hee called them also hee iustified Ephes 2.8 Faith is the gift of God Rom. 10.16 All haue not harkened to the gospell 2. Thes 3.2 For all men haue not faith Temporarie faith and the faith of miracles is giuen to those who are members of the visible Church only that is hypocrites But now neuerthelesse this faith of miracles ceaseth which florished in the Primatiue Church for that nowe the Doctrine is sufficiently confirmed Historicall faith all they haue who are by profession of the Church whether they be of the godly or reprobates yea and they also who are not members of the Church but enimies as Diuels Tyrants Historicall is a part of Iustifieng faith because there can bee no assent or perswasion of a thing which is not first knowen Obiection Historicall faith is a good worke Historical faith which is good in it selfe made ill The Diuels haue Historicall faith Therefore they haue good woorkes Aunswere Historical faith is a good worke if it be ioyned with an application of those thinges whereto it assenteth that is with confidence Reply Historicall faith is a good woork though it bee not ioined with confidence because it is an effect of the spirite of God Therefore the Diuels haue good woorkes Aunswere Historical faith is a good woorke in it selfe but is made ill by an accident for that the reprobate doe not apply those thinges to themselues which they knowe and beleeue to bee true Wherefore the Diuels are saide to tremble for that they doe not think that God is towardes them also such as is described in his woorde good mercifull c. The summe is As the substaunce it selfe of the Diuels and other things which they retaine still of their first creation so also both the knowlege and faith which they haue concerning diuine matters are in themselues very good because they are the effects and gifts of god but they are made euil by an accident euen by reason of their abusing of them for that they referre them not to this end as to shewe themselues gratefull vnto God the author of these good things and to magnifie him for them A beleeuing inclination in infante though not an actual beleefe Obiection Against this that all the Elect are saide to haue faith some thus reason Many infantes are of the Elect and yet haue not faith Therefore al the Elect haue not faith Answere They haue not indeede actuall faith but they haue a power or inclination to beleeue which the holy Ghost as is fittest for their capacity and condition woorketh in them Wherefore that remaineth stil which before was confirmed That all the Elect haue faith And further this I adde that not only faith but the confession also of faith is necessary for al the Elect which are growen to years and vnderstanding 1. Because of the commandements of God Exod. 20. Thou shalt not take the name of the Lorde thy God in vaine Therfore thou shalt take it aright He that shal confes me c. Mat. 10.32 2. Because of the glory of god Let your light shine before the woorlde Mat. 5.16 3. Bicause faith is not idle for it is as a fruitful tree 4. That we may bring others to Christ And thou beeing conuerted confirme thy brethren Luc. 22.32 How to know that wee haue faith Now we know that we haue faith 1. By the testimony of the holy ghost and by a feeling of true faith in our selues or by the thing it selfe that is by a true and vnfained desire of receiuing the benefits offered by Christ For he that beleeueth knoweth that hee dooth beleeue 2. By the strife and conflict within vs of the faith of doubtfulnes 3. By the effects that is by an earnest purpose of obeying God according to all his commandements Against the certainty of faith The certaintie of faith whereof we spake in the definition of faith some dispute on this wise Obiect 1. They who may fal before the end of their life into sin dānation cannot be certain of their saluation euerlasting life This is proued because to be certaine and to be in possibility to fall are contrary one to the other It is false therefore which is taught in the definitiō of Iustifieng faith to wit that euerlasting life is giuen vs and so our faith to be certaine and assured of it Ans To be in possibility of falling or failing that is finally True faith may faint for a time but cannot fail finallie is contrary to the certainty of our saluatiō But they who are once inriched by god with true faith doe not fail finally Reply 1. All that are weak may faile finally We are al weak Therefore we maie fail finally Auns The Maior is to bee distinguished All that are weak may faile finally true if they stoode by their owne strength But we who are beleeuers stand preserued and vphelde by the grace and power of God Therefore can wee not finally fail For whom God hath once embraced with his fauour them he wil not nor suffereth to fal vtterly from his grace Reply 2. But god hath no where promised that he wil keep and preserue vs in his grace Answere Yes he hath promised and expressed it Ioh. 1.28 I giue vnto them eternal life and they shall neuer perish neither shall any pluck them out of mine hand My father which gaue them me is greater than all and none is able to take them out of my fathers hand I and my father are one Rom. 8.38 I am persuaded that neither death nor life nor Angels nor principalities nor powers nor thinges present nor thinges to come c. shall bee able to separate vs from the loue of God which is in Christ Iesus Reply 3. But it is saide 1. Corint 10.12 Let him that thinketh hee standeth take heede least hee
of Gods presence which knoweledge the Scripture calleth knowledge by the spirite and face to face 16 Faith which is onely historicall breedeth though by an accident despair and the grieuousnes of Gods iudgement 17 Temporary faith breedeth a certaine ioy but not a quiet conscience because it ariseth not from the true cause as also it maketh shew of confession and some shew of good woorkes but that only for a season 18 Faith of miracles doth obtain of God those miracles whereof it is conceiued 19 By faith only applying to euery one the promise of grace we obtaine and receiue righteousnes before God and the participation or communion of Christ with al his benefits 20 As before this faith cannot goe true conuersion and the beginning of true obedience according to all the commaundementes of God so can they not but needes accompanie the same OF THE CREEDE OR SYMBOLE OF THE APOSTLES AFter we haue intreated of FAITH Why the creede is called a symbole it directly followeth now that we speake of the sum of those things which are to bee beleeued which we cal the Symbole of the Apostles or the Apostolick Symbole The especial Questions here are 1 What a Symbole is 2 What are the parts of the Apostolique Symbole 1 WHAT A SYMBOLE IS THis woorde Symbole is deriued from a greeke woorde which signifieth either a common collation of diuerse men to the making of a banquet or a signe token and marcke whereby a man is discerned frō others Such as is the militarie signe whereby fellowes are desciphered from enimies The Symbole so termed in the Church is a breefe and summarie forme of christian doctrine or a briefe summe or confession of the points of Christian religion or Euangelical doctrine Nowe it is called by the name of Symbole because it is as a token or profession whereby the Church with her members is discerned from all her enimies and from al other sects Some say that this briefe summe of Euangelical doctrine was called a Symbole for that this doctrine was collated as it were and imparted by the Apostles and euery one of them did bestow some part thereof but that cannot be proued But if you wil deriue it thence this reason also nothing absurde may be rendered thereof for that the Articles of faith are the squire and rule whereunto the faith and doctrine of al Orthodox or right beleeuing Christians ought to agree and be conferred This Symbole is called Apostolique 1. Because it conteineth the summe of the Apostolique doctrine which the Catechumens were enforced to hold and professe 2. Because the Apostles deliuered that summe of doctrine to their Scholers and Disciples which the Church afterwardes held as receiued from them This selfesame Symbole is called also Catholick because there is but one faith of al Christians Question Were there not new Symboles made as Athanasius Symbole the Symbole of Nice of Ephesus of Chalcedon Aunswere These are not other from this Apostolique Symbole but certaine words are added as an explication of this by reason of heretiques by whom because of the shortnes thereof this was depraued There is no change either of the matter or of the Doctrine but onely of the forme of declaring it as easily appeareth by comparing them together 2 What are the parts of the Apostolicke Symbole or Creed THe principall parts thereof are three 1 Of the Father and our creation 2 Of the Sonne and our redemption 3 Of the holy ghost and our sanctification that is of the workes of our Creation Redemption and Sanctification How our Cre●tiō Redemptiō Sanctification are ech appropriated to some one person of the Trinitie and yet all three persons haue their ioint working in them Obiection Vnto the father is ascribed the creation of heauen and earth vnto the Sonne the redemption of mankind vnto the holy ghost sanctification Therefore the Sonne and the holy ghost did not create heauen and earth neither did the Father and the holy ghost redeeme mankinde neither do the Father the Sonne sanctifie the faithfull Answere It is a fallacie grounding vpon that which is affirmed but in respect as if it were simply affirmed For the creation is giuen to the Father redemption to the Sonne sanctification to the holy ghost not as they are simply an operation or woork for so should other persons be excluded from it but in respect for the order and manner of woorking which is peculiar and proper to euerie of them in producing and bringing forth the same externall woorke A more open declaration hereof may be this The woorkes of our creation redemption sanctification are the operations of the Godhead outwardly that is externall operations which God worketh on his creatures and they are vndiuided that is common to the three persons which they by common wil and power woork in the creatures by reason of that one and the same essence and nature of the Godhead which they haue For the Scripture attributeth the Creation not onely to the father but to the Sonne also and the holy ghost Ioh. 1.3 Al things were made by it Gen. 1. The spirit of the Lord moued vpon the waters Mat. 1.20 That which is conceaued in her is of the holy Ghost Likewise our redemption is attributed to the father and the holy Ghost Iohn 3. God sent his Sonne into the woorlde that the world might be saued by him Tit. 3. Hee saued vs by the renewing of the holie ghost which he shed on vs abundantly And sanctification both to the father and to the sonne Gal. 4.6 God hath sent the spirit of his sonne into your harts crying Abba Father 1. Thess 5.23 The very god of peace sanctifie you throughout 1. Cor. 1.30 Christ is made sanctification vnto vs. Eph. 5.26 Christ sanctifieth the Church Al the persons therefore create redeem sanctifie Neuerthelesse yet in respect of that order of woorking which is betweene them Creation is ascribed vnto the father Because hee is the fountaine as of the Diuinitie of the Sonne and the holie Ghost so also of those diuine operations which hee woorketh and perfourmeth by the Sonne and the holie Ghost Redemption is ascribed vnto the Sonne because hee is that person which executeth the fathers will concerning the redeeming of mankinde and dooth immediatly perfourme the woorke of our redemption For the Sonne onely was sent into flesh and hath paied the ransome or price for our sinnes not the father nor the spirit To the holy ghost is ascribed sanctification because he doth immediatly sanctifie vs. For the father createth but mediatly by the Sonne and the holy Ghost The Son from the father and the holy Ghost from the father and the sonne The father and the holy ghost redeeme vs but mediatly by the sonne But the son immediatly from the father by the holy ghost The father and the son sanctifie vs but mediatly by the holy ghost but the holy Ghost immediatly from the father and the sonne The workes of the trinitie external
might power and at length to thrust them downe beeing falselie ouercome and conquered into eternall torments We are in this place to obserue the difference of the Prophetical Priestlie and roiall office both of them who were in the olde Testament and of Christ and of our selues In the olde Testament they were types or typicall Prophetes Priestes and Kings Christ is indeede the true Prophet King and Priest which they prefigured we are Prophetes Kinges and Priestes by participation as hauing Christs dignities communicated with vs. Now then let vs see what is our propheticall Priestly and roial office OF THE COMMVNION OF THE FAITHFVL OR CHRISTIANS WITH CHRIST IN the 32. Question wee are instructed concerning the inunction or annointing of the faithfull namely when they are called Christians or annointed and what is the dutie of Christians and what their comfort whereof this name doth aduertise thē Heere then is discoursed the common place concerning the communion of Christ the head with the faithfull his members and of the functions of these his members Hereof fowre things come to be considered 1 What is the annointing of Christians or whence beleeuers haue the name of Christians or Annointed 2 What is the Propheticall function of Christians 3 What their Priesthood 4 What their kingdome 1 WHAT IS THE ANNOINTING OF CHRISTIANS LVKE Act. 11.26 testifieth that the name of Christians first began to bee vsed in Antioche in the Apostles time whenas before time they had bin termed by the names of breethren Disciples Who is called a christian The name Christian is deriued from Christ in general he is called a Christian who is a Disciple of Christ followeth his doctrine or life who being inserted into Christ hath communion and fellowshippe with him whether he be such indeed or onelie carrieth a face or shewe before him of beeing such For there are two sortes of Christians some seeming or counterfeit Seeming false harted christiās and outward but not true that is hypocrits others seeming and true For not euery seeming christian that is who is in outward conuersation a Christian is an hypocrit though euery hypocrit is a seeming Christian They are called seeming but not true Christians who beeing baptized professe in woord life or outward conuersation the Doctrin and faith of christ and are in the company of those which are called but are not partakers of Christes benefites beeing destitute of true faith and conuersion Therefore they are not the true liuely members of the Church Mat. 20.16 Many are called but few chosen Seeming true harted christiās They are both seeming and true christians who being receiued by baptisme into the Church acknoweledge and professe Christs doctrine and being engraffed into Christ by a true faith are made partakers of all his benefites and beeing regenerated by the holie ghost led a life woorthie of true Christians Furthermore of hypocrites we are not here to speake but of those who are both without and within that is are truelie Christians and annointed of Christ by the holie ghost The annointing of these therefore The anointing of christians 1 Is an ordaining of them to an office 2 A bestowing of giftes on them whereof they take the appellation of Christians and Annointed is that being through a true faith engraffed by Baptisme into christ as members into their head they are made true partakers of his annointing For first he communicateth with them his Prophetical Priestly roial function that is he ordaineth maketh them Prophetes Priestes and Kinges Secondly he annointeth them with the true oile that is hee powreth into them the giftes of the holie ghost wherewith they beeing furnished maie easilie and rightlie discharge that their function For the holie Ghost is not idle in vs but woorketh the same in vs which hee doth in Christ albeit those graces and giftes in Christ are farre more excellent both in number and degree These thinges are expresselie shewed by these places of Scripture 1. Corin. 6 15. Knowe yee not that your bodies are the members of christ 1. Iohn 2.20 Yee haue an ointment from him that is Holie and yee haue knowen all thinges Actes 2.33 This Iesus by the right hande of God hath beene exalted and hath receiued of his Father the promise of the holie ghost and hath shed foorth this which yee nowe see and heare 1 Pet 2.9 Ye are a chosen generation a roiall Priesthoode Reuel 1.6 and 5.9 Thou wast killed and hast redeemed vs to God by thy blood out of euerie kinred and tongue and people and nation And hast made vs vnto our God Kings and Priestes and we shal raign on the earth By these places are these two thinges manifest What is to bee Christs member one is that our annointing is bestowed of Christ the other that it is bestowed onlie vpon those who are the members of Christ And to be the member of Christ is nothing else than to bee conioyned and vnited to Christ by the same spirite dwelling both in him and vs and by this spirite to be enriched with such righteousnesse and life as is in CHRIST to bee conformed vnto CHRIST and seeing this righteousnesse so long as wee remaine in this mortall bodie is vnperfect to bee acceptable vnto GOD for the righteousnesse of Christ which is imputed vnto vs. Rom. 8 11. 1. Corinth 6.7 Eph. 4.15.16 1. Corint 12.13 Rom 8.1 c. The similitude of mans bodie to declare our vnion with Christ Now the similitude of the head and members of the same bodie is most fitte and appliable to declare that most streit and indissoluble coniunction of vs with Christ For first As all the members of the bodie are knit to one and the same head and consequentlie to one another by sinews and fleshlie ligamentes and drawe their life sense and all their motion by the ministerie of the spirites from that one heade so long as they remaine vnited to their head and among themselues so Christ is that one and quickening head to whome al the elect who are the liuing members the church beeing vnited by the holie Ghost receiued thorough faith are quickened and are knit also among themselues by the meanes of mutuall charitie Which charitie and dilection must needs be there if we be ioined vnto the head For the connexion of the members with the heade is the originall and cause of the coniunction of the members among themselues For the quickning spirit of christ doth not flowe out of one member into another but out of one Christ as the head into all the members of the Church Ioh. 15.26 J wil send vnto you from the father the comforter the spirit of truth Secondly As in mans bodie are diuerse giftes and functions of the members and yet but one life and soule quickening and mouing all the members So in the bodie of the church are diuerse giftes and functions and yet but one spirite by the benefit whereof each
worketh also in them to be warie and to take heed thereof Rom. 8.3 Whom hee predestinate them hee iustified They therfore doe amisse who thinke to receiue comfort without any desire of a good conscience Replie But if they must take heed and beware they are vncertaine Aunswere No because they haue this as a spur to goe forwarde and perseuere But To bee certaine and not to haue a desire of repentance amendment of life implieth a contradiction as if thou shouldest say I am certaine of my reward therefore I will not runne for a rewarde is not giuen but to him that runneth These propositions doe mutuallie one follow another To bee certaine of saluation and to haue a desire of conuersion and amendement of life 2 What Predestination is PRedestination differeth from prouidence The difference b●tweene predestination and prouidence as a speciall from the generall For prouidence is the eternall counsell of God concerning al creatures but Predestination is the eternall counsel of GOD concerning the sauing of men and Angels Wherefore Predestination is the eternal most iust and vnchangeable counsel of God of creating men of permitting their fal into sinne and eternal death of sending his Sonne into flesh that hee might bee a sacrifice and of conuerting some by the woorde and the holie ghost for the Mediatours sake and sauing them in true faith and conuersion and of leauing the rest in sinne and eternall death raising them vp to iudgement casting them into eternal paines Here is spoken of men which shall bee saued and not saued therefore to them onely and not to Angels doth this definition of Predestination agree Election The partes of Predestination are Election and Reprobation Election is the eternal vnchaungeable free and most iust decree of god whereby hee hath decreed to conuert some to Christ to preserue and keepe them in faith and repentaunce and by him to giue them eternall life Reprobation Reprobation is such a decree of god as whereby hee hath decreed to leaue some according to his most iust iudgement in their sinnes to punish them with blindnesse and damnation and to condemne them beeing not made partakers of Christ euerlastingly That Election likewise as also Reprobation are both the decree of god these and the like sayinges doe prooue John 13.18 I know whom I haue chosen 2. Tim. 1.9 His grace was giuen to vs before the worlde was Rom. 9.18 He hath mercy on whom he wil. Both therefore election and reprobation were made by counsell and therefore both are a decree and that eternal because there is no new thing in God but all from euerlasting and the Scripture doth manifestlie saie Ephes 1.4 That God hath chosen vs before the foundation of the worlde Seeing then hee hath chosen vs hee hath therefore reiected the rest That which the verie word of choosing doth shew For whatsoeuer is chosen the same is chosen other thinges beeing reiected This Election is of grace and free that is not in respect of anie good foreseene in vs. He hath mercie on whom he will that is He giueth freely what he giueth Joh. 15.16 You haue not chosen me 3 What the causes of Predestination or Election and Reprobation The efficient cause of our election Gods good pleasure not any thing in vs. THE efficient and motiue cause is the good pleasure of God Matth. 11.26 Jt is so O Father because thy good pleasure was such God hath not foreseene any thing in vs for which he should choose vs for there can be no good in vs as of our selues For if anie good bee found in vs that hee dooth worke wholy in vs and hee woorketh nothing in vs which hee hath not decreed to woorke from euerlasting Wherefore the alone gracious and most free good pleasure of God or the alone free mercy of God is the efficient and motiue cause of our Election Ephes ● 5. God hath predestinate vs to be adopted through Jesus Christ vnto himselfe according to the good pleasure of his wil. See further Roman 9.11 Coloss 1.12 2. Timot. 1.9.10 The cause of reprobatiō in God In like manner also the efficient cause of Reprobation is the most free good pleasure of God For wee beeing all by nature the children of wrath had al perished if sin were the cause of reprobation Wherefore the cause of reprobation is not in men themselues but that is in God his will of shewing foorth his iustice Therefore of particular men why this man is elected and he reprobated there can bee no other reason giuen but the good pleasure of God onely But the cause of damnation is altogether in men The cause of Damnation in men which is sinne The supreme final cause of Predestination is gods glorie and the last and proper final cause of Election is the manifestation of Gods goodnesse and mercie in freelie sauing the Elect. The next neerest finall cause of our Election is our Iustification when God dooth in his Sonne freely account vs for righteous Both which finall causes the Apostle compriseth in these wordes Ephes 1 6. He hath predestinate vs to the praise of the glorie of his grace wherewith he hath made vs freely accepted in his beloued Likewise of the contrarie The first final cause of Reprobation is the declaration of gods iustice seueritie and hatred against sinne in the reprobate 1 Obiection God did foreknowe our workes Therefore he choose vs for our woorks Aunswere He did foreknowe those good thinges which he purposed to woorke in vs as also he foreknewe the persons otherwise he could not haue foreknowen any good workes So could he not haue foreseene any euill except he had purposed to permit the same 2 Obiection Christs merite applied vnto vs by faith is the cause of our Election Therefore not the good pleasure of God Answere Christes merit is not the cause of election but is reckoned among the effects thereof 3 Obiection Euil workes are the cause of reprobation therefore good workes are the cause of election Aunswere Euil workes are not the cause of reprobation but of that which followeth reprobation that is of damnation Good workes go not before in him that is to be iustified muchlesse are they the cause of election but they followe in a man beeing iustified and draw their original and their perpetual efficacy and vertue from gods me●e grace 4 Wha● are the effects of Predestination THE effect of election is the whole woork of our saluation and al the degrees of our redemption 1. The creation and gathering of the church 2 The sending and giuing of Christ the Mediatour and his Sacrifice 3. Effectuall calling of men to his knowledge which is the conuersion of the Elect by the holie Ghost and the woorde 4. Faith iustif●cation regeneration 5. Good woorkes 6. Finall perseueraunce 7 Raising vnto glorie 8. The effects of Reprobation Glorification and eternal life The effects of Reprobation are the creation of the reprobate priuation
death is The euerlasting death of the wicked and is so called not because the reprobate by once dyeng shall fulfill it but because they shall die perpetuallie and shall feele perpetuall tormentes 2 Who giueth euerlasting life Euerlasting life the worke of all three Persons GOD alone giueth eternall life the Father giueth it by the son the holy ghost Of the Father it is said Ioh. 5.21 As the Father raiseth vp the dead and quickneth them so the son quickneth whom he will In which place the same is affirmed of the son also as in like maner in these folowing Ioh. 14. In him was life Isai 9.6 The Father of eternitie Iohn 10.28 I giue vnto them eternall life that is not by merit onely but also by power and working Of the Holy Ghost likewise it is saide Iohn 3.5 Except a man bee borne of water and the spirit hee can not enter into the kingdome of God Rom. 8.11 Hee that raised vp Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortall bodies by his spirit dwelling in you And this testimonie is to bee obserued for the confirmation of the Godhead of both Obiection But the ministers also giue life according to that of Paul 1. Cor. 4.15 In Christ Iesus J haue begotten you through the Gospel Aunswere Christ and the holy Ghost giue life by their owne power the ministers are onely instruments by whom Christ worketh through th● vertue of his spirite Replie But Christ giueth life by a communicated power Therefore not by his proper power Answere He giueth it by a power communicated but communicated from euerlasting as he was begotten from euerlasting Ioh. 5.26 As the Father hath life in himselfe so likewise hath he giuen to the Sonne to haue life in himselfe 3 To whom euerlasting life is giuen EVerlasting life is giuen to all the Elect All the Elect they alone are partakers of euerlasting life and to them onely Joh. 10.28 I giue vnto them eternal life that is to my sheepe who are his elect and chosen Iohn 17.9 I pray for them I pray not for the world but for them which thou hast giuen me for they are thine and verse 12. Those that thou gauest me haue I kept and none of them is lost but the childe of perdition Againe faith and repentaunce are proper vnto the Elect only but these are part of eternal life Therefore eternal life belongeth to the Elect onely Rom. 11.7 The Elect haue obtained it and the rest haue beene hardened Wee must obserue in this place whereas the question is To whom euerlasting life is giuen that it is better to answere That eternal life is giuen to the Elect than to say it is giuen vnto the conuerted * As they are elected so the● are but chosen to eternall life as they are conuerted so they are in part admitted vnto it and begin to b● put in possession of it For conuersion and faith are the beginning of eternal life And to say Eternal life is giuen to the conuerted were all one as if you woulde say life is giuen to the liuing 4 For what cause euerlasting life is giuen THE impellent or motiue cause of euerlasting life giuen vnto vs is the alone free mercy of God For a good thing doth communicate it selfe and make others partakers of it and his loue towardes mankinde God of his ●ree mercy giueth vs for Christs sake euerlasting life that wee might praise and magnifie the same his mercy for euer And he will that euerlasting life bee giuen vs and himselfe giueth the same vnto vs for the alone intercession and merit of Christ imputed vnto vs by the comming and interposing whereof gods mercy is more illustrated and manifested than without it But no work of man either foreseene in vs or present is the cause of this eternall life whereunto notwithstanding wee are brought by many meanes Before the beginning of eternal life our woorkes merit eternall death after the beginning thereof all our woorkes are effectes thereof and nothing is cause of it selfe The final cause or end for which eternal life is giuen vs is that the mercy of God might be acknowledged and magnified of vs. Eph. 1.6 To the praise of the glorie of his grace wherewith hee hath made vs accepted in his beloued For the same cause God giueth vs eternall life for which hee chose vs. 5 When euerlasting life is giuen Euerlasting life is begu● here by conuersion IN this life is giuen the beginning of eternal life and that necessarily For vnto whom life euerlasting is not begunne to be giuen here that is who beginneth not here to feele a part of eternal life to wit faith and conuersion vnto him life euerlasting shal neuer be giuen after this life 2. Corinth 5.2 Therefore we sigh desiring to be clothed with our house which is from heauen Because that if we be clothed we shal not bee found naked It is consūmated in the worlde to come by glorification The consummation of euerlasting life is after this life for vnto whom euerlasting life is begunne to bee giuen here to them shal it be giuen finished compleate and consummated And of this consūmation ther are two degrees one when the soule is presently carried into heauen because by the death of the bodie we are freed from all infirmitie the other degree is greater higher and more glorious when in the resurrection of the bodies the soules shall againe be vnited to their bodies because after the resurrection we shal be made glorious and shall see God euen as hee is Iohn 5.24 He that heareth my word and beleeueth in him that sent mee hath euerlasting life and shall not come into condemnation but hath passed from death to life 1. Iohn 3.2 Nowe are wee the Sonnes of GOD but yet it dooth not appeare what wee shall bee and wee knowe that when hee shal appeare we shal bee like him for we shal see him as he is 6 How euerlasting life is giuen vnto vs. EVerlasting life is giuen vnto vs by the holy Ghost God giueth v● euerlasting ●i●● by the outw● ministerie 〈◊〉 th●●warde mi● of the spirit and the holy Ghost giueth it vs in this life by the ministerie of the word by the worde he worketh in vs the knowledge of God and his wil This knowledge hath following it a study and desire more and more to know God and to liue according to the prescript of his will It is giuen heere vnto infants so that they haue an inclination to repentaunce and faith But the consummation and accomplishment of euerlasting life shal be giuen vs after this life immediately Now that it is heere giuen vs mediately by the woorde is prooued by plaine testimonies of Scripture John 6.68 Whither shall wee goe say the Disciples Thou hast the words of life 1. Corint 4.15 Jn Christ Jesus J haue begotten you through the gospel Rom. 116. The gospell is the power of
iustification but as effectes of faith and as it were a testimony of their faith and thankefulnes For faith is not without her fruit Now to applie the merit of Christ is the proper act of faith but other good workes are not so though they also proceede from faith Wherefore also the apprehension of Christs merite is after another manner required in them that are to bee iustified than are other good woorkes For faith with this her proper act without which faith cannot bee considered is required as a necessarie instrument whereby we applie Christs merite vnto vs. But good woorkes are not required that by them we may apprehend Christs merite and much lesse that for them wee should be iustified but that by them we may shew our faith which without good woorkes is dead and is not knowen but by them Whatsoeuer is necessarily coherent with the cause that is not therefore necessarily required to the proper effect of that cause but good workes although they are necessarily coherent and ioined with faith yet are they not necessarie for the apprehension of Christs merit that we should ouer and besides faith by them also apply the same vnto vs. 6 Obiection The Messias bringeth euerlasting iustice and righteousnes Jmputed righteousnes is not eternall Therefore wee are not thereby iustified Aunswere It is said that Christes righteousnesse shall bee an euerlasting righteousnesse but after a diuerse manner For in the life to come wee shal bee iust after another manner than in this life For although we shall then be iust by the same righteousnes euen by the righteousnes of Christ imputed vnto vs yet with this shall also the legal iustice and righteousnesse be continued so that then also by the legall righteousnesse we shall be perfectly iust because now onely we are as concerning that but in part and beginning iust Each iustice both the iustice of the Law and the iustice of the Gospel is eternall by continuation And the iustice and righteousnesse of the Gospell that is the iustice of Christ imputed vnto vs is eternal by continuation of the imputation The iustice of the Law is eternal by continuation of good woorkes euen as it is continued by good woorkes first and beginning in this life vntill at length after this life it bee perfected and become perfect and so continue to al eternity 7 Obiection Knowledge dooth not iustifie Faith is a knowledge Therefore faith doth not iustifie Aunswere Knowledge alone dooth not iustifie But iustifieng faith is not a knoweledge onely but also a confidence and sure persuasion whereby as a meane we apply Christes merit vnto vs. And furthermore Knowledge and this sure persuasion are much different Knowledge is in the vnderstanding but this is in the will Therefore a sure persuasion or confidence is not only a knoweledge of a thing but also a will and purpose of doing or applieng that which wee knowe or of resting in it so that wee are thereby secure and take ioie of heart therein 8 Obiection Saint Iames saith cap. 2.24 Yee see then how that of workes a man is iustified and not of faith onelie Answere 1. Hee speaketh of that iustice whereby wee are iustified through our workes before men that is are approued iust or are found to be iustified but he speaketh not of that iustice whereby we are iustified before God that is whereby wee are reputed of God iust for vniust For hee saith in the same chapter Shew me thy faith by thy works and J will shewe thee my faith by my woorkes 2. He speaketh not of a true or liuely faith but of a dead faith which is without works 9 Obiection Euil workes condemne Therefore good workes iustifie Ans 1. These contraries are not matches for our euil works are perfectly euil our good workes are imperfectly good 2. Although our good woorkes were perfectly good yet should they not deserue eternal life because they are debts Vnto euil workes a reward is giuen by order of iustice vnto good works not so because we are obliged and bound to doe them For the creature is obliged vnto his creator neither may he of the contrary bind god vnto him by any works or means to benefit him 10 Obiect Saint Iohn saith 1. Ioh. 3.7 He that doth righteousnes is righteous Therefore not he that beleeueth Ans 1. He is righteous before mē that is by doing righteousnes he declareth himself righteous to others but before god we are righteous not by dooing righteousnes but by beleeuing 2. He sheweth there not how we are righteous but what the righteous are when he saith that hee that is regenerated is also iustified 11 Obiection Christ saith Luk. 7.47 Many sinnes are forgiuen her because she loued much Therfore good works are the cause of iustification Ans 1. Christ here reasoneth from the latter to the former from the effect which commeth after to the cause which goeth before Manie sins are forgiuen her Therefore shee loued much and because there is a great feeling in that woman of the benefite it must needes therefore bee that the benefite is great and many sins are forgiuen her That this is the meaning of Christes woordes appeareth by the parable which hee there vseth 2. Not euerie thing that is the cause of consequence in reason is also the cause of the thing it selfe which followeth in that consequence of reason Wherefore it is a fallacie of the consequent if it bee concluded Therefore for her loue manie sins are forgiuen her For the particle because which Christ vseth doth not alwaies signifie the cause of the thing folowing It foloweth not The Sunne is risen because it is day Therefore the day is cause of the rising of the Sun the contrarie rather is true 12 Obiection That which is not in the Scripture is not to be taught or reteined That wee are iustified by faith onelie is not in the Scripture neither the wordes themselues nor the sense of the woords Therefore it is not to be reteined Aunswere To the Maior we say That which is not in Scripture neither in words nor in sense is not to be reteined But that we are iustified by faith onely is conteined in Scripture as touching the sense thereof For we are said to be iustified freely Rom. 3.27 Gal. 2.16 Eph. 2.8 9. Tit. 3.5 1. Iohn 1.7 without the workes of the Law by faith without merite Not of anie righteousnesse which we haue doone The blood of Jesus Christ cleanseth vs from al sinne Therefore no woork shall be meritorious If no worke Therefore are we iustified by faith onely apprehending Christes merit Wherefore wee are necessarily to retaine the particle onelie 1. That all merite either of faith or our workes maie be remooued from this woork of our iustification 2. That it maie be shewed that faith not the merite of faith is necessarily required to iustice because the iustice or merite of Christ is giuen by faith onely and by this meane alone we receiue that iustice and
righteousnesse 13 Obiection Jf Christ hath satisfied for vs we shall not be iustified freelie but for merite and desert Aunswere Wee are iustified freely in respect of vs not freely in respect of Christ whom the sauing of vs cost full dearely 14 Obiection Reward presupposeth merite So that where reward is there is also merite For reward and merite are correlatiues whereof if one bee put the other is put also But euerlasting life is proposed as a reward for good workes therefore also the merite of good workes is euerlasting life Aunswere The Maior is sometimes true as concerning creatures as when men may merite or deserue of men But neither alwaies among men doth it folowe that there is merite where there is reward For men also oftentimes giue rewards not of merit or desert Now it is vnproperly saide of God that he proposeth eternal life vnto our workes as a reward for we can merite nothing at Gods hands by our workes But for this cause especially doth God say that he wil giue a reward to our workes thereby to shew that good workes are grateful and pleasing vnto him 15 Obiection That which is not required vnto iustification is not necessarie to be done Good woorkes are not required vnto iustification Therefore it is not necessarie to doe them Answere The Maior is false if it bee meant generallie because wee ought to doe good woorkes in token of thankefulnes But if the Maior be meant particularly then nothing can bee concluded the premisses beeing meere particular nowe good woorkes are as an effect without which the cause to wit faith cannot be Therefore good workes verily are necessarie but not as any cause or merite of iustice 16 Obiection He that is iustified by two things is not iustified by one only But we besides that we are iustified by faith are iustified also by the merite and obedience of Christ therefore not by faith onely Answere He that is iustified by two things is not iustified by one onely that is after one and the same manner But we are iustified by two thinges after a diuerse manner For we are iustified by faith as by an instrument apprehending iustice but by the merit of Christ as by the formal cause of our iustice 17 Obiect Doctrine which maketh men profane is not to be deliuered But this doctrine that we are iustified by works maketh men profane Therefore it is not to be deliuered Ans If it should so fal out with any man it were but an accident Reply Euen those thinges which fall out to bee euils by an accident are to be eschued But this doctrine maketh men by an accident euil Therefore it is to be eschued Aunswere Those thinges which fal out to be euils by an accident are to be eschued if ther remain no greater cause for which they are not to bee omitted which by an accident make men euil But we haue greater causes why this doctrine ought to be deliuered 1. The commaundement of God 2. Our owne saluation 18 Obiection Christ hath brought vs eternall iustice This applied iustice is not eternal Therefore this is not our iustice but God himselfe is our iustice Aunswere The Lorde is our iustice that is our iustifier But that our applied iustice is eternal hath been shewed before because the imputation thereof is continued to all eternity That iustice also of the Lawe which is begunne in vs in this life shall bee continued and perfected in the life to come But that iustice which is God himselfe is not in vs because so God should be an accident to his creature and become iustice in man For iustice and vertue are thinges created in vs not the essence of God Moreouer Osiander who obiecteth this doth not discerne the cause from the effect As we liue not or are wise by the essence of God for this is all one as to say that wee are as wise as God so also we are not iust by the essence of God Wherefore nothing is more impious than to say That the essentiall iustice of the creatour is the iustice of the creatures for thereof it would follow that wee haue the iustice of God yea the verie essence of God The cause must be discerned from the effect increate iustice from created iustice 19 Obiection Where sinne is not there is no place for remission or imputation Jn the life to come sinne shall not be Therefore no place there for remission or imputation Aunswere In the life to come shall not bee remission of any sin then present but the remission which was graunted in this life shall continue and endure for euer And that conformity also which we shal haue with God in the life to come shal be an effect of this imputation 20 Obiection Ten Crownes are part of a hundred Crownes in paiment of a debt Therefore good workes also may be some part of our iustice Aunswere There is a dissimilitude because ten Crownes are a whole part of an hundred Crownes But our workes are not a whole and perfect part 21 Obiection It is said that Phinees worke and deede was imputed vnto him for righteousnes Answere The meaning of the place is That God did approue his worke but not that he was iustified by that worke Why we are iustified by christs merit onely We are iustified by the merite of Christ onely 1. For his glorie that his sacrifice might not bee extenuated and made of lesse value 2. For our owne comfort that we may be assured that our iustice doth not depend vpon our owne woorkes but vpon the sacrifice of Christ onely otherwise we should leese it a thousand times Why we are not Iustified partly by faith and partly by works Gal. 3.10 We are iustified not partly by faith partly by works 1. Because works are vnperfect and therefore our iustice also should be then vnperfect Cursed is euerie man that continueth not in all thinges which are written in the booke of the lawe to doe them 2. Although they were perfect yet are they due and debt So that wee cannot satisfie for an offence past by them When ye haue done all that yee are commaunded say wee are vnprofitable seruants 3. They are Gods works who worketh them in vs. 4. They are temporarie neither haue anie proportion with eternall blessinges 5. They are effectes of iustification therefore no cause 6. They are excluded that wee might not haue whereof to glorie 7. If they were part of our iustification our conscience should be destitute of stable and certaine comfort 8. Christ should haue died in vain 9. We should not haue the same way to saluation 10. Christ should not be a perfect Sauiour Why our works are vnperfect therefore cannot merit Now our workes are vnperfect 1. Because we omit manie things which we should doe and doe manie things which we should not doe 2. Because we blend and mingle euil with that good which wee doe that is wee doe good but wee doe it ill The thinges
required 1. That they who vse the sign shew forth the death of the lord 2. That they trie thēselues whether they haue faith repentance or no. And seeing the age of Infants can not doe these things Infants are for good cause excluded frō the Supper 6 What is the right and lawfull vse of Baptisme The drosse which the Papistes blend with the simplicity of Christes institution in baptisme is to be reiected THE right and lawfull vse of baptisme is when the ceremonies or rites instituted by Christ in baptisme are not changed Whence it is manifest that the drosse and filth of Papists as oile spettle and exorcisme or coniuration is to bee throwen away Obiection But these appertaine and belong to order and comlinesse Aunswere The Holy Ghost knew well enough what did appertain thereunto Reply But they appertaine to the signifieng of some thing Ans It belongeth not to men to Institute any sign of Gods wil. This also we are to thinke iudge of others of the same hatching 2. The vse of baptisme is right when baptism is giuen to them for whom it was instituted which are al the cōuerted or mēbers of the church 3. When baptisme is vsed to that ende whereunto it was instituted not for the healing of cattle but when the true endes thereof are respected Briefly the lawful and right vse of Baptisme is when hee that is conuerted is baptized according to the lawfull rite and end Now Baptisme may not be reiterated 1 Because it dependeth not on the person of him that baptizeth And further he that is once engraffed into Christ shal neuer bee cast out or reiected and therefore it sufficeth to be once receiued 2 Saluation doth not depend on baptisme 7 In place whereof baptisme succeeded Baptisme succeeded in the roome of circumcision BAptisme succeeded in the place of circumcision which is prooued first by the woord of the Apostle before alleadged For he saith That we are circumcised in Christ with circumcision made without handes by putting off the sinful body of the flesh through the circumcision of Christ The Apostles purpose is by this speech to shew that there is no fruit or vse now Of the circūcision which was made with hands because that was accomplished fulfilled in christ which was by it prefigured and shadowed Now to declare expound these words he presently addeth that they are buried together with christ by baptisme by which words he sheweth that the complement truth of baptism is the cōplement truth of circumcision seeing baptism signifieth one the selfe same thing to vs which circumcision signified of old time vnto the Fathers which is that spiritual circumcisiō which christ accomplisheth performeth in vs. This only is the difference that baptisme is the signe of the thing exhibibited which circūcision prefigured when it was yet absent not exhibited Wherefore wee are taught by this place of Paul that baptism is the same to Christians which circumcision was before to the Iewes 2. That baptism was substituted in the place of circumcision this also conuinceth for that as circumcision so also baptisme is a signe of admission and receiuing into the Church For as the infantes of Iewes and Proselytes beeing borne citizens of the church were thorough grace circumcised but those who were of elder yeares were then first admitted vnto circumcision when they professed Iudaisme so also the infantes of christians are presently baptized but the elder sort are not vntill they haue made profession of true christian doctrine insteede of which profession it serueth the infantes that they were born in the church There are other reasons also besides the testimonies of holy scriptures drawen especially from the vse of Baptisme whereby it may be confirmed that Baptisme succeeded circumcision Now to succeed any sacrament is the former being abolished to be substituted in place thereof and that so as to haue the same vse and end which the former sacrament had and to haue also the same thing signified So is there the same thing signified by baptisme which was before by circūcision Moreouer the citizens of the church are no lesse receiued by baptisme and are discerned from al other men than in times past by circumcision Obiect If baptisme succeeded circumcision then now also only the males are to be baptized if the circumstances of circumcision be kept Answere The circumstances are not now determined as then because also these were peculiar special which maie be omitted without breach of the commandement But this is general agreeing to both that the children of the godly ought by this sign to be engraffed into the church whether that be doone on the eight day or presentlie after their birth 8 How baptisme agreeth with circumcision and wherein it differeth from it CIrcumcision and baptisme agree Baptisme circumcisiō agree 1 In the end which they respect 2 In the thing which they woorke 3 In the thing which they signifie The differences of Circumcision and baptisme 1. In the chiefe and principal end whereas in both is sealed the promise of grace by christ which is alwaies one and the same 2. By both of them is wrought our receiuing into the Church 3 By both is signified regeneration Ye are circumcised in christ with circumcision made without hands Circumcision and baptisme differ 1. In rites For the same are not the rites of circumcision and of baptisme 2. Circumcision on gods behalfe promised grace for the Messias to come baptism for the Messias exhibited The circumcised were receiued into fauour for christ which was to be exhibited the baptised are receiued for christ exhibited 3. Circumcisiō had a promise also of a corporal benefite that is it was a testimonie also that god would giue a certain place for the church in the land of Canaan vntill the comming of the Messias Baptisme hath no promise in particular of any temporall benefite 4. Circumcision on our behalfe did binde to the obseruing of the whole Law ceremonial iudicial and moral Baptisme bindeth vs onely to faith and amendment of life that is to obserue only the morall law 5. Circumcision was instituted for the Jsraelites Baptisme was instituted for all nations that are desirous and willing to come vnto the society of the church 6. Circumcision was to last vntil the comming of the Messias baptisme shal continue vntil the end of the world CERTAINE CONCLVSIONS OF BAPTISME 1 BAptisme is a sacrament of the newe testament whereby christ testifieth vnto the faithful which are baptised in the name of the Father and the Sonne and the holie Ghost remission of all their sinnes the giuing of the holy Ghost and their engraffing into the church and his bodie and they of the other side professe that they receiue these benefites from God and therefore wil and ought hereafter to liue vnto him and to serue him And further the same baptisme was begun by Iohn Baptist and continued by the Apostles because he
is confirmed not onely by Christ in the Euangelistes but also by Paul who expresly saith The cup of blessing which we blesse is it not the communion of the bloud of Christ The Signes and thinges signified in the Lordes Supper Moreouer the signes in this sacrament are bread and wine bread broke and eat wine distributed and taken The things signified are 1. The breaking of the body and the shedding of the bloud of Christ 2. Our vnion and coniunction with christ by faith so that wee drawe life euerlasting from him and are made partakers as of Christ himselfe so also of all his benefites as the branches are made partakers of the life of the vine Wee are aduertised of this our communion with christ First by the proportion which the signes haue with the thinges and Secondly by the promise which is adioyned And the proportion dooth chief●● propose and shewe two things vnto vs 1. The sacrifice of Christ. 2. Our communion with christ because the bread is not only broken but is also giuen vs to eate Now the breaking of the bread is a part of the ceremony whereunto a part of the thing signified dooth aunswere This difference doth Paul testifie when he saith This my body which is broken for you Heere rec●iuing and eating is a part of the ceremony whereunto doo●h aunswere the thing signified ●o wit the eating of christes body Now this diuine and spirituall thing namely the breaking and communicating of christes body is signed and confirmed by this ceremony which is the breaking and receiuing of bread for two causes 1. Because Christ commandeth these rites vnto which we ought to giue no lesse credite than if Christ himselfe did speake with vs. 2. Because hee annexeth a promise that they who obserue these rites with a true faith must be assured and certaine that they haue communion with Christ Wine is added that wee should know the perfection and accomplishment of our saluation to be in his sacrifice that there was nothing which could be further desired The wine is seuered from the breade to signifie the violence of his death because his bloud was sundered from his body 2 What are the ends of the Lords supper THE ends for which the Lords supper was instituted are 1. That it might bee a c●nfirmation of our faith that is a most certaine testification of our communion and vnion with christ because Christ testifieth vnto vs by these signs that hee doth as verily feede vs with his bodie and bloud vnto euerlasting life 〈◊〉 wee receiue at the hand of the minister these the Lords signes And this testification is directed to euerie one who receiueth the signes with a true faith and furder also wee so receiue the signes at the ministers hand as that rather the Lord himselfe giueth them vs by his m nisters Wherefore christ is saide to haue baptised moe disciples than Iohn when yet hee did it by his Apostles and other disciples 2. That it might bee a publique distinction or marke discerning the church from all other nations and secte● For the Lord instituted and appointed his supper for his disciples and not for others 3. That it might be our testification to christ and the whole church Which is a publique confession of our faith and a solemne binding of our selues to thankefulnes and the celebration of this benefite Both which are prooued by these wordes of christ Doe this in remembrance of me This remembrance is taken first for faith in the heart then for thankesgiuing and our publique confession 4. That it might be a bond of the churches assemblies and meetings because the Supper was instituted that it should be done and celebrated in a congregation and that either great or small Therefore the Supper as was said before is called a * Synaxis conuent and Christ expresly commaundeth Drinke yee all of this Likewise Paul When yee come together to eate staie one for another 5. That it might bee a bond of mutual loue and dilection because the Supper testifieth that all are made the members of christ vnder one heade as also Paul saith For we that are manie are one bread and one bodie because we are all partakers of one bread The Lordes supper may not bee celebrated by one alone Of this which hath beene spoken wee gather that the Lordes Supper ought not to bee celebrated by one onely 1. Because it is a communion and the signe of our communion 2. Because it is a thankesgiuing and all ought to giue thankes vnto God and by consequent hee that thinketh himselfe vnworthy to communicate with others in the Lordes Supper doth withall confesse himselfe not to bee fitte to giue thankes vnto God 3. Because christ together with his benefits is not proper to anie but common to all 4. Christ called all his housholde vnto it euen Iudas himselfe 5 That some abstaine from comming to the supper it commeth of a certaine euil and corrupt motion because they thinke them selues not woorthie inough to approche vnto this table All are worthy who beleeue themselues to bee deliuered by Christ from eternall damnation and desire to profite and goe forward in godlinesse In summe if the Supper bee receiued by one onely th t is done against the vse appellation institution and nature of the sacrament Obiection Christ in the word of the Institution of his supper putteth as the principal end of his supper his remembrance therefore the confirmation of faith must not be made the principal end of his supper Aunswere The reason foloweth not to the denial of a part by putting the whole For the remembrance of Christ is the whole wherein is comprised both our confession and our solemne bond to thankefulnesse and also the confirmation of our faith Wherefore rather by inuerting the reason I thus inferre and conclude because the remembrance is the supper therefore it is the confirmation of our faith and because also Christ proposeth vnto vs that ceremonie or rite which must bee vnto vs a remembrance of him he doth verily propose also a confirmation of our faith which is nothing else but a remembraunce of Christ and his benefites Obiection The holie ghost confirmeth our faith Therefore the supper doth not Aunswere The reason foloweth not to the remouing of an instrumental cause by the putting of a principal cause 3 What the supper differeth from Baptisme THE supper differeth from baptisme 1. Jn ceremonies or rites 2. In the circumstances of the institution and vse or in the significations of the ceremonies Baptisme is a signe of the couenant entered and made betweene God the faithfull The supper is a signe of the continuing of that couenant Or baptisme is a signe of regeneration and of our entrance into the church The supper is a signe of their fostering abiding and preseruation who are once entered into the church The new man must first be borne by the spirite of Christ as is a natural man by natural conception and
obserued that Paschal sacramēt being abolished 2. That the same thing might be signified difference only of time excepted For the Paschal Lamb signified Christ which should come and should be sacrificed The supper Christ already sacrificed Obiection But when the supper was instituted Christ was yet to be sacrificed Aunswere But then was at hand the offering vp and sacrificing of Christ For a few houres after he was sacrificed and the supper was from that time forward to signifie christ sacrificed 3. That he might stir vp in his Disciples and in vs greater attention and marking of the cause for which he did institute it and that we might vnderstand how earnestly Christ would haue this supper to bee recommended vnto vs seeing he did nothing before his death but that which was of most weight and moment Therefore did he in the very point or instaunt before his death institute it For it is as it were the testament and last wil of our testatour For which cause it is added In the same night that he was betraied Hee tooke bread That is vnleauened bread nor leauened which then they did eat of at the table The institution of the Supper and Vnleauened bread did concur then together and fall out by an accident and therefore he prescribed not any certaine manner of baking bread for the lords supper Yet notwithstanding the bread of the Lords supper differeth from common bread because this is taken for the nourishment of the bodie but that for the foode and nourishment of the soul that is for the confirmation of our faith And here wee are to note that he is saide to haue taken bread from the table Hee tooke not his bodie therefore neither tooke hee his bodie in the bread with the bread or vnder the bread When hee had giuen thankes He gaue thanks for his office now performed and finished on earth his last act yet remaining to bee done that thus it had pleased the Father to redeeme mankind or that the typicall passouer was abolished and the signified passouer was now exhibited or lastly hee gaue thankes for the admirable and wonderfull gathering and preseruing of the church Hee brake it That is he brake the bread which hee tooke from the table distributed the same being one amongst many not any other inuisible thing hidden in the bread He brake not his bodie but the bread as S. Paul saieth The bread which we breake c. Now he distributed the bread being one among many because wee that are many are one bodie But the cause for which hee brake this bread was to signifie his passion and the separation of his bodie from his soul Wherefore the breaking of bread is a necessarie ceremonie both in respect of the signification in respect of our confirmation and therefore is this ceremonie also to bee reteined 1. Because Christ hath commaunded it 2. For our owne comfort that we may knowe the bodie of Christ to haue beene as certainly crucified for vs as we see the bread to bee broken 3. That the opinion of transubstantiation and consubstantiation may be pulled out of mens mindes Take This commandement belongeth to the disciples and to the whole Church of the new Testament Whence it is cleare and manifest 1. That the masse is not the Supper of the Lord but a priuate supper of him that sacrificeth 2. That we must not be idle beholders of the supper but religious receiuers of it 3. That the lords supper is not to be celebrated but in an assembly or congregation 4. That the supper is a signe in respect of God This is my body This that is this bread Obiection Then should it haue been said * These Greeke pronouns cānot bee expressed with the like English particle● Because the woordes BREAD and BODY being of diuerse genders in Greeke the Greek pronouns also are diuer●e when a● in English our particle THIS serueth for woordes of all genders 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Aunswere 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 is as much as if he had said this thing which I haue in my hand And that it is so to bee vnderstoode is prooued by these reasons 1. Christ tooke nothing but bread hee brake bread and gaue bread to his disciples to eate 2. Saint Paul saith expresly The bread which we breake is it not the communion of the bodie of ●hrist 3. Of the Wine it is said This cup is the new testament Wherefore after the same manner is it saide This that is this bread is my bodie that is a signe of my bodie which is broken and deliuered vnto death Wherefore farre be it from vs that we should say that Christ took bread visiblie and his bodie inuisiblie It is to be obserued that hee saith not Jn this is my bodie or this bread is my bodie inuisible but This bread is my bodie Which for you My Disciples that is for your saluation Is broken Obiection But Christes bodie neither was nor is broken Aunswere Hee hath a respect to the signification which the breaking of the breade did import Nowe this breaking signifieth the paines and renting of Christes bodie and the violent sundering of his soule and bodie one from the other For as the bread is broken and parted into diuers partes so the soule and bodie of Christ were separated and parted from each other Do this That is Being gathered assembled together take bread giue thankes distribute it Hee vnderstandeth the whole action which hee commaundeth and that to vs which beleeue and not the Iewes who were ready to crucifie him In remembraunce of me That is Thinking and meditating of my benefites which I haue done for you and which are by these rites recalled into your memory and further verily feeling and finding in heart that I giue you these my ben●fites and therefore celebrating them by publique confession before God and Angels yea before men also and so giuing me thankes for them This remembraunce is the whole whose partes are the memory of christes benefites faith whereby we apply christ his merit vnto vs thankfulnesse or publique confession of his benefits Wherefore it followeth not Christ did institute his supper for a remembraunce of him therefore he did not institute it for confirmation of our faith For this obiection is no lesse friuolous than if I should say The holy Ghost confirmeth our faith Therefore the supper doth not For as it hath beene said before the reason followeth not to the remoouing of the instrumentall cause by the putting of the principall cause as neither dooth it follow to the deni●l of a pa●● by the putting of the whole For Remembrance compriseth the remembring of christes benefites faith and thanksgiuing For by his sacramentes christ remembreth vs of himselfe and his benefites and by his sacraments he raiseth and establisheth in vs our trust and confidence in him And further of that remembraunce of christes benefites it must follow that wee also yeelde thankes vnto him therefore publiquely This
cup is the new testament Or the couenant as both the * Berith greeke and * 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Hebrue word admitteth Now it is called the new couenant that is renewed or to speake it in a woord fulfilled And this new couenant is our reconciliation with God the communion and participation of Christ and all his benefites by faith in the sacrifice of Christ now fulfilled finished without any obseruation of the ceremonies of the old Passeouer The supper is called the new couenāt because it is a signe and a seale of this couenant signing and sealing vnto vs our reconciliation with God and our coniunction with Christ which is wrought by faith Now in calling the supper the new couenant first he comprehendeth both the promise and the condition which is expressed in the promise namelie faith and repentance Whereof also it foloweth that the supper was for this cause also instituted that it might bee a bond to bind vs to lead a christian life Secondly hee maketh an opposition betweene the new couenant and that couenant which was the Passeouer together with the rites thereof For the supper signified Christ offered The Passeouer signified Christ who should bee offered There is notwithstanding no small similitude and agreeing of both For both signifie our reconciliation with God and coniunction with Christ J● my bloud which is shed for you for remission of sinnes The shedding of Christs bloud is the merite for which beeing apprehended of vs by faith we receiue remission of sinnes For as often as yee shall eate The supper therefore is often to be iterated and celebrated 1. Because of the woordes of the institution 2. In respect of the ende and purpose of the institution because it must bee done in remembranuce of Christ Shewe the Lordes death That is beleeue that Christ died and that for you and then professe it also publiquely before all Till hee come Therefore it must bee obserued vnto the worlds end neither is any other externall forme to be looked for vntill the day of iudgement The words of the institution which haue beene hitherto expounded may be made more plaine and cleare by these wordes of the Apostle The cup of blessing which we blesse is it not the communion of the bloude of Christ The bread which wee breake is it not the communion of the bodie of Christ The cup of blessing that is the cup of thankesgiuing which is receiued namely to this end that wee may yeeld thankes to Christ for his death and passion The communion of the bodie likewise the communion of the bloud is to be made through faith partaker of Christ and all his benefites the same spirit being in vs which is in Christ and woorking the same in vs which he worketh in Christ Bread and wine is the communion that is it is the signe of our communion with Christ Now our communion as the Apostle briefly declareth consisteth in this that wee who are manie are one bodie Whence it is most easie to collect that this communion is not a corporall eating For it is wrought onely by faith and the holy Ghost Christ is the heade and wee the members and all wee who are members haue also a communion of all Christs benefites Therefore the heade is common the benefites common and so the members also common among themselues wherefore their loue and dilection is common and mutual We vnderstand nowe what is the true meaning of the words of the institution especiallie of those about which is greatest cōtrouersy which are these This is my body that is to repeat in few wordes the true sense of them This bread broken of me and giuen to you is a signe of my bodie for your sakes rent and deliuered vnto death and a certaine seale of your coniunction with me so that he who beleeueth and eateth this bread doth truelie and reallie after a sort eat my bodie This our iudgement and interpretation or Christs rather is most true and vnto the truth of the Gospell most agreeable Here especially resist●unce is made and the greatest controuersie is about the word or vnderstanding of the word For our aduersaries vnderstand those wordes so as t●ey maintaine thereof to folow that Christes bodie is present and eaten corporallie But in the meane season they consider not that those wordes are sacramentallie to bee taken or that the speech is sacramental and therefore is not to be taken as proper and simple as it shoulde bee if thence were gathered that the bread is changed into Christs bodie Now to the signe here is attributed the name of the thing signified both for the coniunction which the thing signified hath in the right vse of the supper with the signe and also for the proportion which the signe hath with the thing signified Come wee now to those arguments whereby wee may confirme our interpretation and opinion to bee true The arguments which wee will vse are of three sorts such as are wont to bee also in like controuersies 1. Some are taken from the nature of the thing or subiect that is by vnderstanding the speech as the thing it selfe doth beare and suffer 2. Some are drawen from an analogie of the articles of our faith or from a conference of places or parts of christian doctrine for the holy spirite is the spirite of truth 3. Some are taken from other like places of scripture where the same thing is deliuered in such words as are manifest and whereof there is no controuersie The first sort of Arguments which are taken from the nature of the sacraments THE verie manner and forme of speaking yeeldeth vs a firme and strong argument Breade is the bodie of Christ but bread is not in it owne proper substance his bodie for by reason hereof haue they inuented consubstantiation therefore it is a figuratiue speeche euen such a one as is vsual vnto sacraments and is declared in the institution 2 Sacraments confirme exhibit promise seale no other thing than the woorde doth In the woorde is promised no corporal eating Therefore neither is anie such thing confirmed by the sacrament 3 In all sacraments when the names or properties of the things are attributed vnto the signes there is not signified the corporal presence of the thing but first a similitude of the things with their signes then a coniunction and vnion of the things with their signes in the right vse but in this sacrament Christ attributeth the name of the thing which is his bodie to the signe therefore there is not thereby signified a corporal presence of his bodie 4 The communion of Christ which is promised in his woorde and sacraments is not corporal but the communion of Christ which is giuen in the supper is the same with that which is giuen in the word and in all sacraments therefore the communion of Christ in the supper is spiritual 5 There is one and the same signification of all the Sacraments of the old and new testament
for it doth not being receiued into vs quicken vs by working in vs new corporal qualities like as a medicine dooth but the bodie of christ nourisheth and quickeneth vs after a maner diuers from that natural nourishing and accordingly as this manner of nourishing and quickening requireth so receiue we christs bodie The maner whereby christs bodie and bloud nourisheth vs is 1. The respect of his merite For for vs christs bodie is giuen and his bloud shed for vs and for the bodie and bloud of christ wee haue eternal life giuen vnto vs. After this manner then the bodie and bloud of christ quickeneth vs as it is a merit deseruing for vs this blessing 2. His bodie and bloude quickeneth or nourisheth vs when wee receiue that merite of christs bodie and bloud that is when we beleeue with a true faith that for it wee shall haue eternall life This faith resteth and hangeth on christ hanging on the Crosse not corporallie dwelling in vs. 3. It nourisheth vs when the same spirite vniteth vs by faith vnto christ and worketh the like in vs which it doth in christ For except wee be graffed into christ wee doe not please God For hee will on that condition receiue vs and pardon vs our sinnes So that by faith through the working of the holy Ghost we bee ioined with christ and engraffed into him Seeing then this is the maner whereby the bodie and bloude of christ quicken and nourish vs there is no need of any descending of the bodie and bloud of christ into our bodies 4 Obiection The eating of bread is done by the mouth But the eating of the bodie is the eating of bread Therefore the eating of the bodie is done by the mouth and is corporall when it is saide Take and eate Aunswere This eating whereof mention is made heere is perfourmed by the mouth not simplie but as concerning the signe But it is not doone by the mouth but is spirituall as concerning the thing signified spirituall Reply This is my bodie that is the inuisible bodie which J haue in my handes Aunswere But the bodie is the thing signified and spirituall other-wise there will bee no proportion betweene the signe and the thing signified It followeth therefore that hee saieth The bread is my bodie So that the bread is that whereof the bodie is affirmed For in this speech the thing signified is affirmed of the signe 5 Obiection The Wordes are not to bee changed Christ vsed the woord Js Therefore there may not be put in place thereof the word Signifieth Aunswere The woords are not to bee changed into another sense than God wil haue But otherwise they are often to be changed As when it is said Pluck out thine eie For woords are to bee vnderstoode according to the nature of thinges Moreouer they themselues who accuse vs of change doe more make this chaunge and mutation than we Reply The bodie of christ was broken and crucified for vs not the signe of the bodie Therefore the bread is the substantiall bodie of christ Answ I grant for the bread signifieth that very bodie which was borne of Marie crucified Question Why then are the things signified attributed to the signes Two causes why the thinge signified are attributed to the signes and the signes called by their names if neither consubstantiation nor transubstantiation bee thereby signified Aunswere There are two causes alleadged heereof A similitude or likenesse and a certainty 1. The similitude or proportion of signes and the thing signified is first As the bread and wine nourish our body so the body and bloud of christ nourish vs vnto euerlasting life Secondly As the bread and wine are receiued by the mouth so the body and bloud are receiued by faith Thirdly As the bread is eaten being broken so the bodie of christ is receiued being sacrif ced and broken Fourthly As in corporall foode is required an appetite vnto it so also in this spiritual foode is required faith Fiftly As of many cornes is made one loafe so are we being many made one bodie Wherefore by reason of this similitude of the signe and the thing signified the thing signified is attributed vnto the signes 2. The certainty of the signes in the cause likewise why that is aff●rmed of the signes which is proper vnto the thing signified For the s●gnes testifie that christes sacrifice is accomplished and for our behoofe and commodity because it is certainly and truly applied vnto vs. Here last of al is to be obserued that the eating of christs body dooth comprise and comprehend 1. Faith 2. That by faith we are made partakers of christ that is we are vnited vnto Christ and our communion is wrought by faith and the holy Ghost is the bond of this our vnion and coniunction with Christ 3. That wee are made partakers of Christs benefites iustification and remission of sinnes And this ensueth of that vnion of Christ with vs. 4. Jt comprehendeth also the benefite of our regeneration whereby we are made like and conformed vnto christ because the same spirit dwelling in vs and in christ worketh also the same things in vs. This eating is easily collected as out of many other places so also out of this saieng of christ I am the liuing bread which commeth downe from heauen if any man eate of this bread hee shall liue for euer And the bread that I will giue is my flesh which I wil giue for the life of the world 5 What is the difference betweene the Lords supper and the popish Masse THIS question is necessary by reason of errours which haue c●ept into the church It is otherwise demanded Why the Masse is to be abolished ●ut here this questiō is also conteined and comprehended because these differences and contrarieties of the Lordes supper and the Masse are the causes why the Masse is to bee abolished First let vs speake a few woordes of the name of the Masse or Missa The word Missa seemeth to haue his name from an ancient custome of Ecclesiastical rites actions The originall of the woord Missa which we call the Masse in the end whereof leaue was giuen of departure to the Catechumenes the possessed with spirites and the excommunicated persons and so the woord Missa seemeth to be vsed as it were a mission or sending awaie because it was the last part of diuine seruice Others wil haue it to be so called from a dimission or from the manner of dimissing them because they were demised with these words ●te Missa est that is go you may depart or as others interprete it goe now is the collection or alms which they will haue to be called Missa of the sending it in as we may so speak or throwing or casting it in for the poore Some wil therefore haue it deriued from the Hebrue Masah that is tributes which was wont to be paied of euery one The word is found Deut. 16.10 Missach nidbath i●decha A free
And further also to direct our whole life thoughts words and workes to this end that thy most holy name bee not reproched for vs but rather bee f Psal 115.1 71.8 renowmed with honour and praises 123 What is the second petition Let thy kingdome come that is rule vs so by thy word and spirit that wee may g Mat. 6 33. Psal 119.5 143.10 humble and submit our selues more more vnto thee preserue and encrease thy h Psal 51.20 122.6.7 church destroy the workes of the Diuill and all power that lifteth vp it selfe against thy Maiesty make al those counsailes frustrate and voide which are i 1. Ioh. 3.8 Rom. 16.20 taken against thy word vntil at length thou k Apoc. 22.17.20 Rom. 8.22.23 raigne fully and perfectly when thou shalt be al in l 1. Cor. 15.28 al. 124 What is the third petition Thy wil be done in earth as it is heauen that is Grant that we and al men renouncing m Mat. 16.24 Tit. 2.12 forsaking our owne wil maie readily without any grudging n Luc. 22.42 obey thy wil which is only holy and that so euerie of vs may faithfully and cheerfully a 1. Cor. 7.24 performe that duty and charge which thou hast committed vnto vs euen as the blessed Angels doe in b Psal 103.20.21 heauen 125 What is the fourth petition Giue vs this daie our daily bread that is giue vnto vs al thinges which are c Psal 145.15.16 104 27.28 Mat. 6.25 c. needeful for this life that by them wee maie acknowledge confesse thee to be the onely fountaine from whence all good things d Act. 17 27.28 14.17 flow and al our care and industry and euen thine owne gifts to be vnfortunate and e 1. Cor. 15.58 Deut. 8 3. Psal 27.16.17 noisome vnto vs except thou blesse them Wherefore graunt that turning our trust awaie from all creatures we f Psal 62 11. 55.23 place repose it in thee alone 126 What is the fift petition Forgiue vs our trespasses as we forgiue them that trespasse against vs that is Euen for the bloude of Christ doe not g Psal 51 1. c. 143.2 1. Iohn 2.1.2 impute vnto vs most miserable wretched sinners al our offences neither that corruption which still cleaueth vnto vs euen as wee also feele this testimonie of thy grace in our hearts that wee steadfastly purpose vnfeignedly from our hart to h Mat. 6.14.15 pardon and forgiue al those who haue offended vs. 127 What is the sixt petition Lead vs not into temptation but deliuer vs from euil that is because wee our selues are so feeble weak by nature that wee i Ioa. 15.5 Psal 103.14 cannot stand so much as one moment or instant and our most deadlie enemies k 1. Pet. 5.8 Eph 6.12 satan the l J●h 15 19. world and our own m Rom 7.23 Gal 5.17 flesh doe incessantlie oppugne and assault vs vpholde thou vs and establish and strengthen vs by the might of they spirit that we maie not in this spiritual combate n Mat. 26.41 Marc. 13. ●3 yeeld as vanquished but may so long stoutly withstand them vntil at length wee o 1. Thes 3.13 5.23 get the ful and perfect victorie 128 How concludest thou this praier For thine is the kingdome the power and the glorie for euer that is we aske and craue al these things of thee because seeing both thou art our King and art almightie thou art both willing and able to p Rom. 10.11.12 ● Pet. 2.9 giue them al vnto vs. And these thinges wee therefore aske that out of them not vnto vs but vnto thy holy name al glory may q 10.14.13 Psal 115.1 Ier. 33.8.9 redound 129 What meaneth this particle Amen That the thing is sure and out of doubt For my praier is much more certainly heard of God than I feele in my hart that I vnfaignedly r 2. Cor. 1.20 ● Tim. 2.13 desire the same OVT of the diuerse and manifolde doctrine of the two former partes we haue learned that wee are not thorough anie merit of ours but of Gods meere grace by and for Christ redeemed from sinne and death and euen from all the euill both of crime and paine whereof it followeth that we should be thankful for this exceeding benefite bestowed by Christ vpon vs. But we cannot shew approue our selues thankful to God except we be truly conuerted First therefore those things which are spoken Of conuersion are in few words to be expounded Then ensueth the common place Of good works for by them we declare our thankfulnes towardes God and true conuersion cannot stand without good works Afterwardes is adioined the doctrine which entreateth Of the Law whereby wee learne to know good works For those are truely saide to be good works by which we worship God aright shew ourselues to be thākful which are done by faith according to the rule and prescript only of Gods Law But because God wil chiefly bee worshipped of vs and magnified by inuocation and for this cause wee shew our thankfulnes most of al by our praiers and thankes-giuing at length the common place Of praier shal bee lastly annexed These things wee purpos● to declare briefly and in order here following OF CONVERSION THE chiefe Questions 1 What Conuersion is 2 I● what the conuersion of the godly differeth from the repentance of the wicked 3 What are the parts of conuersion 4 Wh●● the causes thereof 5 What are the effects of ●onversion 1. WHAT CONVERSION IS FIRST we are to speak some-what of the 〈◊〉 of Conuersion Conuersion is either a generall 〈◊〉 like as is ●●●●ation or it is ●●ken more specially It signifie●● the same in Latine that 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 dooth in Greeke and T●s●hum in Hebrue Moreouer the Greeke 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 is very well also interpreted in Latine by * We haue no one english word to answer● vnto RESIPISCENTIA For our english REP●NTANCE expresseth rather the Latin PaeNITENTIA which agreeth as well to the wicked as to the godly Resipiscentia there beeing the same reason of both names For as the Latine Resipiscentia is deriued from resipisco which signifieth to wax wise after wee haue done a thing So the Greeke 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 commeth from 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which is also to wax wise after an errour or fault committed to recall or retract our iudgement and opinion and to alter an euill purpose Some render 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 by the Latine Paenitentia that is repentaunce or penitencie And this Paenitentia is said to be deriued either from Paenites which signifieth to bee grieued and to repent or from Paena which signifieth paine and punishment because the griefe which is in repentaunce is as it were a punishment But the name of paenitentia or repentaunce is more obscure than the name
excluded that coined deuise of good intentions when as namely men doe euill things that good things may come thereof likewise when they deuise and imagine woorkes which they thrust vpon God insteed of worship Neither doth it suffice if a woorke be not forbidden but it must also be commaunded if it shall serue for Gods worship 2 That the worke haue his original from a true faith which faith must be grounded and depending on the merite and intercession of the Mediatour and by which he may know both the person and the worke to be accepted of god for the mediatours sake For without faith it is vnpossible for anie man to please God Neither is such a faith ●●ere sufficient which assureth thee that God will this ●r that this worke is commaunded of God For then the wicked also should doe that which God will but not with a true faith A true or iustifieng faith therefore stretcheth surder as both cōprehending historicall faith and also which is the chiefest thing applieng the promise of the gospell vnto vs. Of this true faith are these things spoken Whatsoeuer is not of faith is sinne Without faith it is vnpossible to please God And the reasons of both these sayings are not obscure because without faith there is no loue of God and so consequently no loue of our neighbour And whatsoeuer woorke ariseth not from the loue of God is hypocrisie 3 It is required that this woorke be referred principally i● the glorie of God onely Otherwise it shal proceed frō the loue of thy selfe not from the loue of God Whenas thou doest any thing thou must not heede or care what men speake whether they praise thee or no so that thou knowe that it pleaseth God But yet true glorie we may lawfully desire seeke for according to that Mat. 5.16 Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good woorkes By these former conditions all these woorkes are excluded 1 Which are sins in themselues and repugnant vnto Gods Lawe and his will reuelled in the word 2 Which are not repugnant vnto the Law neither in themselues good or euill but which may yet by an accident be made good or euil Workes not repugnant vnto the Lawe are made euill or sinnes by an accident when as they beeing not commaunded of God but imposed by men are done with an opinion of worshipping God therein 3 Which are good in themselues and commanded by God but yet are made sinnes by an accident in that they are vnlawfully doone as not arising from those lawfull causes by which the doers of them should be moued to do them and which in doing them they should respect that is they are not done by faith neither to this end chiefly that God might therein be honored 2 The woorkes of the regenerate and vnregenerate differ because the workes of the vnregenerate First Proceed not of faith Secondly Are not ioined with an inward obedience and therefore are doone dissemblingly and are meere hypocrisie Thirdly As they proceed not of the right cause so are they not referred to the chiefe end which is Gods glory 3 This difference which appeareth in the workes of the godly the wicked cōfirmeth also that the very morall works of the wicked are sins though yet not such sins as those are which in their owne nature are repugnant vnto Gods Lawe For these are sinnes by themselues and in their own kind but those either are sins onely by an accident namely by reason of defect because neither they come of faith neither are doone for Gods glorie Wherefore this consequence is not of force Al the workes of the wicked and of Paynims are sins Therefore they are al to be eschued For the defects only are to be eschued not the worke 2 How good workes may bee doone GOod workes may be done through the grace or assistance of the Holy Ghost onely and that by the regenerate onely whose heart is regenerated of the holy ghost by the gospel and that not onely in their first conuersion and regeneration but also by the perpetual and continual gouernment of the holy ghost who both worketh in them an acknoweledgement of sinne faith new obedience and also doth daily more and more encrease and confirme the same gifts in them Vnto this doctrine Saint Ierome also consenteth Let him be accursed saith hee who affirmeth the Lawe to be possible without the grace of the holy Ghost Wherefore out of this doctrine wee learne that men not as yet regenerated are able to doe no good and that euen the holi●st men sinne also except the benefite and blessing of regeneration bee continued This wee maie see in Peter and Dauid Without regeneration no one part of a good work can bee so much as begunne because All our righteousnesse is as the cloth of a menstruous womā In which saying also the Prophet comprehendeth himselfe and euen the holiest among men If in the Saintes themselues nought else is found before God what then in the vnregenerate What these are able to perfourme wee see in the Epistle to the Romanes in the two first Chapters Now as by our selues we are not able to beginne good workes So neither are we our selues able to accomplish anie good worke For it is God which worketh in you both the will and the deede euen of his good pleasure Without imputed righteousnes we are all in the sight God abomination filth and dung But the righteousnes of christ is not imputed vnto vs before our conuersion Therefore it is vnpossible before our conuersion that either our selues or our worke should please God Faith is the cause of good woorkes Faith commeth from God Therefore the effect also shall come from God neither shall it goe before the cause therfore good works cānot be before conuersion 3 Whether the workes of the Saintes be perfectly good THE woorks of the Saintes are not perfectly good or pure 1. Because the Saints which doe good workes doe many things which are sinnes in themselues for which they deserue to be cast out into euerlasting paines Cursed be he that abideth not in al. Deut. 27.26 Yea the holiest men doe many euil works commit many sins and acts which are euill in themselues Such was the sinne of Peter thrise denying Christ and of Dauid murthering Vrias committing adulterie willing to couer it and numbering the people 2. Because there is not that degree of goodnesse in those good woorkes that proceede from the Saintes which ought to be For their good workes are not so pure and good as God requireth Yea when the Saintes perfourme most holy workes yet are they not perfect but haue alwaies in this life defectes and are stained with sins For faith and the loue of God and our neighbour whence good workes flow are imperfect in vs in this life The effect then shall not bee perfect because the cause is not perfect For we do not perfectly know and loue God and our neighbour and
reuerence him and declare our loue and thankefulnes towardes him by our good workes and obedience Rom. 12.1 J beseech you brethren by the mercies of God that ye giue vp your bodies a liuing sacrifice holy acceptable vnto God which is your reasonable seruing of God 1. Pet. 2.5 Yee are made an holie Priesthoode to offer vp spiritual sacrifices acceptable to god by Jesus Christ We are to doe good workes also in respect of our selues 1. That by our good workes we maie be assured of our faith Mat. 7.17 Euerie good tree bringeth forth good fruite Iames 2.20 That faith which is without workes is dead Phil. 1.11 Filled with the fruites of righteousnesse which are by Iesus Christ vnto the glorie and praise of god Now by our workes we must needes know that wee haue faith because the effect is not without his cause and wee must knowe the cause by his proper effect when as therefore we find not in our selues good works or newe obedience we are hypocrites neither haue we faith but an euil consciēce For true faith only which neuer wāteth al her fruites bringeth foorth as a fruitful tree good woorkes obedience amendment of life and these fruites likewise discerne and distinguish true faith from historical and temporary faith and so also from hypocrisie 2. That we maie be assured that we haue obtained remission of sinnes through Christ and are for Christes sake iustified before God for iustification and sanctification are benefites linked together which so cleaue together and that necessarily as they neuer can be seuered or pulled asunder For Christ obtained both for vs at once namely both remission of sinnes and the holy Ghost who stirreth vp in vs by faith the study and desire of good works and new obedience 3. That we maie be assured of our election and saluation 2. Pet. 1.10 Giue diligence to make your calling and election sure These proceede from the cause next going before For god hath chosen from euerlasting of his free mercy those onely which are iustified for the merit of his sonne Roman 8.30 Whom he predestinat them also hee called and them also he iustified Nowe that wee haue receiued from Christ iustification which is neuer giuen vnto the Elect without sanctification we knowe by faith And that we haue faith wee perceiue by the woorkes of faith true obedience and true conuersion 4. That by good woorkes our faith maie bee exercised cherished strengthned and aduaunced For they who giue themselues ouer to corrupt lusts against their conscience in them faith cannot be and therefore neither a good conscience neither a confidence and trust in god as beeing appeased and fauourable vnto them For wee haue through faith onelie a feeling of gods fauor towards vs a good conscience Rom. 8.13 Jf yee liue after the flesh yee shal die 2. Tim. 1.6 J put thee in remembrance that thou stirre vp the gift of god which is in thee by the putting on of my hands 5. That by good works we may shew forth and honest our life and calling Ephes 4.1 I praie you that yee walke worthie of the vocation whereunto yee are called 6. That wee maie escape temporal and eternal punishmentes Matth. 7.19 Euerie tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is cut off and cast into the fire Rom. 8.3 If ye liue according to the flesh ye shal die 7. That we maie obtaine corporall and spirituall rewardes which according vnto the promise accompanie good workes 1. Timot. 4.8 Godlines is profitable vnto al things which hath the promise of the life present and of that that is to come Except God woulde haue the hope of rewards and the feare of punishments to be motiue causes vnto good works he would not vse them in admonitions We must doe good woorkes also in respect of our neighbour 1. That wee maie bee profitable vnto our neighbours by our good example and so edifie them 1. Cor 15. All things are for your sakes that most plenteous grace by the thankes-giuing of manie maie redound to the praise of god Phil. 1.24 That I abide in the flesh is more needefull for you 2. That offences maie bee auoided Matth. 18.7 Woe bee to that man by whome offences come Rom. 2.24 The name of god is blasphemed among the Gentiles through you 3. That wee maie winne vnbeleeuers and by our woordes and deedes and example conuert them vnto Christ Luk. 22.32 When thou art conuerted strengthen thy brethren We see now then what are the causes for which we must necessariely doe good workes as also how or in what sense our workes are said to be necessarie for vs vnto saluation to wit not as a cause of our saluation but as mean or way without which wee come not vnto it And after the same sort also it maie be said That good woorkes are necessarie vnto iustice and righteousnes or vnto iustification or in them that are to be iustified namely as a consequent following iustification wherewith regeneration is vnseparably ioined But yet I would not vse these kindes of speaking 1. Because they are ambiguous doubtful 2. Because they breed contentiōs minister occasiō of cauilling vnto the aduersaries 3. Because the Scripture doth not vse them which must be followed of vs in speaking 6 Whether good woorkes merit any thing before God THIS sixt question ariseth out of the fift as the fourth did out of the thirde For when men heare that wee receiue rewardes by our woorkes they presently conclude that we merit somewhat by them Wherefore wee are to know that good workes indeede are necessarie and therefore are to bee doone also for the rewardes ensuing them but yet that they merit nothing no not the least of gods giftes either corporall or spirituall The reasons hereof are most true and most euident 1 Our woorkes are vnperfect wherefore we can merit nothing by them Gal. 5.17 The flesh lusteth against the spirit and the spirit against the flesh and these are contrarie one to the other so that yee do not the same thinges that yee would 2 The good workes what euer we are able to doe are all due Luk. 17.10 When ye haue doone all those thinges which are commanded you say we are vnprofit●ble seruants 3 Our woorkes are impure and vitious how-euer they seeme most good Isay 64.6 Wee haue all beene as an vncleane thing and all our righteousnesse is as filthy cloutes Phil 3.8 J thinke all things but losse for the excellent knowledge sake of Christ Jesus my Lord for whome I haue counted all thinges losse and doe iudge them to be dongue that J might winne Christ 4 If we doe any good woorkes they are not ours but are belonging to god onely Phil. 2.13 Jt is god which worketh in you both the will and the deede euen of his good pleasure 1. Corinth 4.7 What hast thou which thou hast not receiued We are euill trees if then we doe any good that must needes come from God onely Mat 20.15 Is it
towardes them therefore they loue him and for this loue of him whom they haue offended they are the more grieuouslie sorry So is it saide of Peter Matth. 26 75. So he went out and wept bitterly This Sonne-like fear differeth from a seruile or slauish fear because this son-like feare ariseth from a confidence and loue of god and therfore principallie it shunneth the displeasing and offending of God and is certaine of euerlasting life Seruile feare ariseth from a knowledge and an accusing of sinne and from a feeling of gods iudgement and anger against sinne and is a shunning and hatred of God and punishment not of sinne and is so much the greater how much the more certaine expectation there is of euerlasting damnation and howe much the greater despaire there is of the grace and mercy of God This feare of God is in diuels and in the wicked and is that beginning of euerlasting death which the wicked feele in this life Gen. 3.10 J heard thy voice in the garden and was afraide Iames 2. The Diuels beleeue and tremble Isai 57. There is no peace vnto the wicked Wherefore seeing it is an hatred and shunning not of sinne but of God and is repugnant to the faith and loue of God it is not commanded but forbiddden in this commaundement 1 John 4.18 There is no feare in loue but perfect loue casteth out feare for fear hath painfulnesse and he that feareth is not perfect in loue Now because in the Saintes in this life neither faith nor loue are perfect but are often shaken with many tentations and doubts therefore albeit this Sonne-like feare is begunne in them yet is it neuer in that puritie but that some seruile feare is mingled with it Examples hereof are rise and frequent in the Psalmes and in the booke of Iob. Psalm 32.3 When J held my tongue my bones consumed when J roared al the daie Psalm 38.4 Mine iniquities are gone ouer mine head and as a weightie burden they are too heauie for mee Mine heart panteth my strength faileth me Iob. 13.24 Wherefore hidest thou thy face and takest me for thine enimy We are further hereto obserue that oftentimes in scripture the loue of god and the fear of god is taken for the whole worship of god or for the generall obedience according to all Gods commaundementes As Prou. 1.7 The feare of the Lord is the beginning of wisedome 1. Timot. 1.5 The ende of the commaundement is loue out of a pure heart and of a good conscience and of faith vnfeigned 1. Iohn 5.2 In this wee know that wee loue the childen of god when we loue god and keep his commandments The reason heereof is because the knowledge of God the feare and loue of God and faith are causes of our whole obedience and they who truly loue and feare God wil not offend him in any thing but endeuor to do al thinges pleasing vnto him and acceptable The vices which are opposite or contrary to the vertues of this first commaundement NOT to haue the true god is either to haue no god or to haue moe gods or another than the knowen god or not to acknowledge god to bee such vnto vs as he is manifested Likewise not to trust in god not to subiect and submit our selues vnto God in true humilitie and patience not to hope for all good thinges from him alone not to loue and feare him The parts of this impietie are those vices which are contrarie vnto those vertues which were before recited Vnto the knowledge of God is repugnaunt 1. The ignorance or not knowing of the true God and his will which is not to know those things of God or to doubt of them which we ought to know by the benefit of our creation by his manifestations This ignorance is either naturall or engendred in men which is of those things which we are ignorāt of or cannot vnderstand thorough the corruption of our nature or else it is a purposed or endeuoured ignoraunce which is of those thinges that our conscience telleth vs must bee inquired after neither yet doe wee inquire after them with an earnest desire namely with a desire of learning them of obeying God Of this ignorance it is said Psal 14.2 There is none that doth vnderstand and seeke God 2 Errors conceiued or false imaginations opinions of him as when some imagine there is no God some faigne that there are moe Gods or if they professe it not in words yet indeed they make Gods while they ascribe those things to creatures which are proper to God only as they who make their praiers vnto Angels and to men departed For praier and inuocation attributeth vnto him who is inuocated infinite wisdome and power Wherefore Paul saith that they who pray vnto creatures Rom. 1.23 Turne the glorie of the vncorruptible god to the similitude of the image of a corruptible man of birds and of foure-footed beasts Apoc. 19.10 and of creeping things So neither will the Angel suffer Iohn to worship him and addeth this reason J am thy fellow seruaunt and one of thy brethren which haue the testimonie of Jesus worship God In like manner also they imagine false opinions of God who knowe God to bee but one but knowe not the true god as Mahumets Sectaries And so they also who know that one and true God but neglect him and are not moued to worship him to trust in him to loue him For the knowledge of good doctrine doth not suffice alone because then the Diuel also should haue this vertue but there must also accompany it an inward motion of the minde to embrace and follow the same 3 Magike Sorcery Witchcraft which is most repugnaunt and contrary to the knowledge of God For it is a league or couenant with the Diuel the enimy of God with certain woordes or ceremonies adioined that they doing and saieng this or that shal receiue thinges promised of the Diuell and such thinges which are to be asked and receiued of god alone as that by his aide and assistaunce they shal know or woorke things not necessarie tending either to the fulfilling of their euil lusts or to ostentation or to the commodities of this life Now in these ceremonies and wordes which they vse there is no efficacy or force but the Diuel himselfe accomplisheth those things which he hath promised to this end that they may reuoult from God to the Diuel Magus as also Magia that is Magike is a Persian word signifieng a Philosopher or a teacher But men perceiuing their owne ignoraunce sought for the Diuels help Leuit 20 6. Deut. 18.10 so the names grue infamous Now as Magicians so they also are condemned by this commaundement whosoeuer vse the help of Magicians Vnto Magike belong enchauntments which are the vsing of certaine woords or ceremonies according to a couenaunt before entered with the Diuel which being doone and spoken the Diuell should perform that which the
wil vs to desire it But God willeth vs to craue in this life and to desire the perfect fulfilling of the Law 1. Because he wil at length effectuate it in those that desire it therefore hee will giue it vs after this life if wee desire the same here truly and from our heart 2. That we may now goe forward in godlinesse and that the studie of liuing according to the prescript of Gods law may bee daiely more and more kindled and confirmed in vs. 3. That by this desire of fulfilling the Lawe God maie exercise vs in repentance and obedience OF PRAIER THE chiefe Questions hereof are 1 What praier is and howe many sortes there are of praier 2 Why praier is necessary 3 What is required to true praier 4 What is the forme of praier by Christ prescribed 1 WHAT PRAIER IS AND HOW MANY SORTS OF PRAIER THERE ARE. PRaier is a petition ioyned with an ardent and earnest desire whether vttered in woords or not vttered whereby wee aske of the true god reueiled in the word those things which he hath commanded to be asked of him proceeding from an acknowledgement of our necessity and neede with humilitie and repentaunce and confession of our owne vnworthinesse made in true conuersion vnto God in a confidence and sure trust in gods promises for christs sake our Mediatour Saint Paul maketh mention of three sortes of praier 1. Petitions for good thinges 2. Deprecations against euill things 3. Jntercessions and requestes for others The General of these specials is Praier Likewise Jnuocation and Adoration But praier differeth notwithstanding from Inuocation Adoration For Adoration is often times taken for the whole worship of god because whō we woorship him we account for the true God But praier is a part of Inuocation for Jnuocation compriseth these two as a general his specials namely Petition or praier and thankes-giuing For Inuocation or to Inuocate on God is to craue of the true God any thing that is necessary both for the soule and body and to giue thanks for benefits receiued of him Thankefulnes or Thankesgiuing is an acknowledgement of a benefit receiued and a voluntary binding to the performaunce of duties mutuall possible and lawful Thankefulnes conteineth two things to wit truth and iustice 2 Why Praier is necessarie THE causes for which praier is necessary are these 1 The commandement of God because God hath commanded that wee call vpon him and will this way chiefely and principally be worshiped and magnified by vs. Psa 50.16 Call vpon me in the daie of trouble Luk. 11.2 When ye praie say Our Father c. By these wordes of Christ it furder appeareth that the tongue also is required to praier which we may proue also by other reasons 1 God wil haue himselfe magnified with the tongue which hee created chieflie to this end 2. Out of the aboundance of the heart the mouth speaketh 3 Wee are to doe it that others may follow our example 2 Our Necessitie and Want For wee receiue not of God those blessings which are necessarie for our safety and saluation except we aske them of him For God hath promised them to such only as aske them Nowe what wee speake of the necessitie of praier the same is also to bee saide of the necessitie of Thankesgiuing For without giuing of thanks we leese those thinges that are giuen receiue not such thinges as are to be giuen and are necessarie The necessitie of both will easily appeare whether we consider the effects of faith or the cause of faith and so also faith it selfe Faith is kindled or encreased in no man who doth not aske it no man hath faith who giueth not thankes for it and they which are endued with true faith aske the grace of God and they who haue tasted of gods grace shew themselues thankfull vnto God for it and doe more and more craue and desire it Rom. 5.5 The loue of God is shed abroade in our hearts by the holy Ghost which is giuen vnto vs. And the holy ghost himselfe also is obtained by petition or praiers For the holie Ghost is giuen to none but to him that desireth him 1 Obiection But we see the wicked also to receiue the gifts of the holie Ghost Therefore not onlie they that desire him receiue him Aunswere The wicked verily receiue manie gifts but not those principall giftes neither those that are proper to the Elect such as are faith repentance remission of sins regeneration and furder what giftes the wicked receiue those are not auaileable vnto them neither doe they receiue them to saluation Reply Jnfants craue not the holie ghost and yet they receiue him Aunswere The holy ghost is not giuen but to those that aske him that is to those of yeares and vnderstanding who are able to aske him But euen Infants also aske and craue the holy ghost after their manner hauing to wit in possibilitie an inclination to faith and therefore potentially they aske the holy Ghost or haue an inclination to aske him 2 Obiection The Effect is not before his cause But praiers are the effects of the holie Ghost in asmuch as no man can aske the Holie Ghost who hath not the holie Ghost and hee alone woorketh praier in vs Therefore the Holie Ghost is not receiued by praier but is in vs before praier and so by consequent he is not giuen to them onlie that aske him 1 Aunswere Whosoeuer hath not the holie ghost cannot aske him that is as concerning the encrease of him 2 The Effect is not before his cause that is in order and nature but in time they are both together For the holy Ghost is in vs according to nature before praier because we then first begin to desire him to aske him of God when he is giuen vnto vs. But albeit the Holie Ghost is according to nature or order first in vs yet he is not first in vs according to time For as soone as the holy Ghost is giuen we begin to desire his presence When God giueth his spirit at the same time they aske him vnto whome hee is giuen And the Holie Ghost is giuen to none but to him that desireth him for no man desireth him but he who hath in himselfe the beginning of him Whereas then it is said of Christ Luk. 11.13 How much more shall your Heauenlie Father giue the holie Ghost to them that desire him this must not be vnderstood of the encrease onely but also of the beginning of his giftes and graces 3 What is required to true praier THE conditions and circumstaunces of true praier are 1 A direction of it vnto the true God that wee make our praier vnto the true God manifested in the Church by his Prophetical and Apostolique word by his workes of creation preseruation and redemption of the Church As wee haue receiued so are we baptized and as we are baptized so we beleeue and as we beleeue so wee adore and worship the
Prouerb 30.8 Giue me not pouerty nor riches by which wordes the spirite of god also by Salomon teacheth vs to pray against riches that is aboundance aboue things necessarie Hither belongeth also that of Paul 1. Tim 6.9 They that will be rich fall into tentations and snares and into manie foolish and noysome lustes which drowne men in perdition and destruction for which cause riches are called Thornes by Christ But contrariwise Godlinesse is great gaine if a man be content with that he hath But notwithstanding if god hath giuen vs any thing beside those things which are necessarie for vs let vs doe our diligence to vse them well And to this end first we must take heede that we repose not our confidence in them Secondly Wee must consider that wee are Gods stewards who hath committed these riches vnto vs to employ and bestowe well and that by this means he hath laide a burden vpon vs and therefore shall wee one day render an account to god of our stewardship and administration 8 Whether it be lawfull to put vp anie thing for heereafter IT is doubtles lawfull for to put vp some thing for time to come according to this cōmandement of Christ Gather vp the broken meat which remaineth that nothing be lost Hither belōg all such precepts and commandements as speake of parsimony and frugalitie And here further wee are to obserue these three things 1 That those things which are stored vp bee lawfullie gotten purchased by lawful honest labor industry 2 That we repose no confidence in them 3 That they may be emploied on lawfull and necessarie vses both of our owne and others as to the maintenance either of our life or of our family or of our friendes Likewise to the preseruation of the Church to aide the common wealth when neede shall require and to bestow somewhat on the poore and our needy brethren Hereof saith Paul Ephes 4.28 Let him that stole steale no more but let him rather labour and worke with his hands the thing which is good that he may haue to giue vnto him which needeth Now shal aunswere easily be made to such obiections as may be opposed against this petition 1 Obiection That which we desire is not ours Bread is ours Wherefore we neede not to desire bread Aunswere There is a diuerse signification in the woorde ours For in the Maior proposition it signifieth a thing which we haue in our own power but after a farre other manner is Bread ours as hath bin before declared 2 Obiection Christ willeth vs to desire Daily Bread Therfore it is not lawful to put vp any thing against the Morrow but we are to care only for the present day Againe he willeth vs not to desire Bread against the morrow but to desire Bread for This daie therefore they doe ill who gather any thing for future vses Aunswere This is a fallacie putting that for a cause which is no cause Christ willeth vs to desire daily bread This day and therefore wee must also desire thinges necessarie of him for our life for euerie day this day to morrow and so long as wee liue but hee meaneth not hereby as if hee would not haue vs labour for the morrow or not to put vp any thing for the morrow or to cast away those blessings which he hath already giuen vs sufficing for the morrowe Christ indeed otherwhere commandeth That wee care not for the morrow but so he forbiddeth vs to thinke of the morrowe with distrustfulnesse but not with praiers labours Wherefore the Lord will not that wee put vp nothing for hereafter but first that we be content with things present all distrust couetousnesse vnlawfull getting disobedience being set apart and banished 2 That we place not our trust in things necessarie giuen vs of God but knowe and certainlie perswade our selues that those benefits which haue beene and are giuen come vnto vs from the hande of God and that they are not otherwise good and profitable vnto vs except his blessing come to them 3 That wee consider our selues alwaies to stand in neede of Gods blessing And wee must withall beware that wee prescribe not to god what he is to giue vs. THE FIFT PETITION AND forgiue vs our debts as we forgiue our debtors This petition is a notable confession of the church wherein she acknowledgeth and bewaileth her sins it is withal a consolation that the Church shall receiue remission of sinnes according to Christs promise Now Christ in this petition will 1 That we acknowledge our sinne 2 That we thirst after remission of our sinnes because it is granted to them onlie that desire it and who do not tread vnder foot the bloud of the Son of god 3. That our faith bee exercised because this petition confirmeth our faith and again this petition floweth from faith For faith is the cause of praier and praier is the cause of faith as concerning the encreasing of faith The special Questions 1 What Christ here calleth debts 2 What is remission of sinnes 3 Why we are to desire remission of sinnes 4 How sinnes are remitted vnto vs. 1 WHAT CHRIST HERE CALLETH DEBTS CHrist calleth al our sins debtes both originall actuall and those both of fact and omission And they are called debts because they make vs debters to god either of obedience or punishment which we are to pay For when we sin we doe not giue nor perfourme vnto god what we owe vnto him as long as we giue not this vnto him so long we remaine debters 2 What is remission of sinnes THE creditor is said to Remit the debter when he neither requireth the debt of him nor punisheth him Remission of sinnes is That god wil not impute any sinne vnto vs but doth receiue vs into fauour pronounceth vs iust and righteous and accounteth vs for his sons of his meere and free mercy for Christs satisfaction performed by him for vs imputed vnto vs apprehended of vs by faith And that therefore hee wil not punish vs for our sin but endoweth vs with iustice and euerlasting life because the remission of sinne taketh away the punishment thereof For sin and punishment are correlatiues put sin and you put punishment take away sinne and punishment is also taken away Obiection When we desire that god will remit vs our sins we desire that god wil inuert the order of his iustice Answer The consequence of this reason is false For we desire remission of sinnes for the satisfaction of Christ for which they are remitted vnto vs and therefore our sins are not remitted vs with any breach of gods iustice because they are remitted vs with recompence made for them Reply If they be remitted with recompence made for them Then god dooth not remit vs our sinnes freely Answere They are remitted with recompence therefore not freely in respect of Christ but they are remitted freely in respect of vs because hee receiueth not satisfaction of vs
selfesame particle betokeneth a certaintie or confirmation of our faith whereby we trust that we shal be heard Wherefore Amen signifieth 1. So be it and sure and certaine be that which wee desire and let God condiscend and aunswere vnto our request 2. So God being not vnmindful of his promise truly and certainly heare vs. FINIS ¶ A TABLE OF THE COMMON PLACES AND PRINCIPALL QVESTIONS HANDLED IN THIS SVMME OF CHRISTIAN RELIGION THE PREAMBLE A THREEFOLD order or three parts of the study of Diuinity 2 Of a Catechism or Catechising doctrine What a Catechisme is 2 In the Primitiue Church two sorts of Catechumeny 3 Catechising as the Doctrine of Baptisme of laying on of hands euer hath beene vsed in the Church and the reasons why still it ought 3. 4 Of the holy Scriptures Two opinions of religion but one alone true 5 What the holy Scripture teacheth or how Christian religion is diuided 6. 7 True religion ought to bee discerned from others and why 8 The difference of the true Doctrine of the Scriptures from others 10 The difference of true Doctrine from Philosophy 11 Certain notes whereby the tru church is distinguished from others 12 Whence it may appeare that this religion was once deliuered from god which is contained in the Scriptures 12 The authority of the Scriptures dooth not depend of the Church with reasons for proofe aunsweres to the contrarie obiections 13. 14. 15. 16. 17 Reasons for proofe of the certaintie truth of the holy Scriptures 20. 21 The difference betweene the prophecies of the heathen and them contained in the holy Scriptures 23 The spirit of Christ a sufficient witnesse of his Doctrine 27 No doctrin besides the holy Scripture is to be receiued into the church and the reasons why with answers to the contrary obiections 28. 29. 30 The obseruing of the Lords day left arbitrary to the Church 36 How controuersies doubtfull places are to be decided 46 Of the true comfort of the Godly The way to attaine to this comfort and the parts thereof 53 Why the knowledge of our misery deliuery and thankfulnesse is necessary to this comfort 55. 56. 57 THE FIRST PART OF THE MISERY OF MAN HOWE a man commeth to the knowledge of his misery 60 Of Sinne. Whether sin be or whence it appeareth to be in vs. 63 What sinne is 65 How many kinds of sin there are 67 Of Orginall sinne Whether there be Original sinne 6● What Originall sinne is 68 Whether the souls of the children bee deriued from the souls of the Parents 71 What Actuall sinne is 78 Raigning sinne 78 Sinne not raigning or veniall 79 Sinne against the conscience not against the conscience 86 Sinne pardonable vnpardonable 87 Sin of itselfe sin by an accident 94 The workes of the regenerate vnregenerate differ seuen maner of waies 98 What are the causes of Sinne. 99 What are the effects of sinne 115 Of the creation of man What man was created of God 124 For what man was created 125 Of the image of God in man What the image of God in man is 128 How far foorth the image of God was lost how far it remaineth 130 How it is repaired in vs. 131 How the image of God is in Christ and how in vs. 132 Of the first sinne What that first sinne of Adam Eue was 134 What were the causes of the first sinne 135 What are the effects of the first sin 135 Why GOD permitted the first sin 136 Of free-will The causes of diuers controuersies risen about free-will 138 Of the word Liberty 140 What is the Liberty of will 141 What is like or common and what is different in the liberty of will which is in God in Angels and men 144 Whether there be any liberty in vs what it is 157 There are foure degrees of freewill 159 Of euils of punishment Of the euils of punishment 192. Howe many kinds of afflictions there be 194 What be the causes of them 198 What are the comforts that are to be opposed against them 200 THE SECOND PART OF MANS DELIVERY WHAT mans deliuery is 226 Whether any deliuery might bee wrought after the fall 227 Whether deliuerie bee necessarie and certaine 231 What manner of deliuerie this is 231 By what meanes mans deliuery may be wrought 233 Of the Mediatour What a Mediatour is 238 For what cause a Mediatour is necessarie 239 What is the office of a Mediator 241 What maner of Mediatour ours ought to be 243 Who is may be that Mediator 250 That there is but one Mediatour 252 Of the couenant What a couenaunt is 253 Howe a couenaunt may bee made betweene God and men 255 whether there be but one couenāt 255 In what the old and new couenaunt agree and in what they differ 256 Of the Gospel What the Gospel is 159 Whether the Gospel hath bin alwaies knowen 261 Howe the Gospell differeth from the Law 264 What are the proper effectes of the Gospel 267 Whence the trueth certainty of the Gospel may appeare 267 Of faith The necessitie of the true doctrine of faith 268 What faith is in general 270 What are the kinds of faith 272 How those kindes differ 275 How faith hope differ agree 278 What are the causes of faith 276 What are the effects of faith 280 Vnto whom faith is giuen 281 Conclusions comprising the summe of faith 285 Of the Creede or Symbole of the Apostles VVhat a Symbole is 287 What are the parts of the Apostolick Symbole 288 The first part of the Creede of God the Father Creatour The sense and meaning of the words I beleeue in God the father Almighty Creatour 291 Of God VVhether there be a God 294 VVho and what God is 301 An explication of the description of God deliuered by the church 305 VVhence it may appeare that there is but one God 336 VVhat these woordes Essence Person Trinity betoken and signifie 340 VVhat difference betweene Essence and Person 341 VVhether these names are to bee vsed in the church 345 How many persons there be of the Diuinity or Godhead 347 How the three persons of the godhead are distinguished 349 VVherefore this doctrine is to be held and maintained in the church 351 Of Creation VVhether the woorld were created of God 355 How God made the world 362 For what cause god created the world 367 Of Angels VVhat good Angels are 369 Of euil spirits or Angels 375 Of Gods prouidence Errors concerning Gods prouidence 379 Whether there bee any prouidence of God 380 VVhat the prouidence of God is 385 A confutation of certaine Sophismes or cauils which are wont to be obiected against the prouidence of God moouing and gouerning all and euery particular whether good or bad great or smal most iustly 405 VVhy the knowledge of this doctrine concerning Gods prouidence is necessarie 426 The second part of the Creed of God the redeemer VVhat is signified by the word Iesus 430
writing by S. Paul himselfe So Paul saith of the Lordes supper 1. Cor. 11.23 I haue receiued of the Lord that which also J haue deliuered vnto you But this tradition after the Euangelistes himselfe also hath set downe in writing The Iesuites cite the saying of Paul 2. Thes 3.6 Withdraw your selues frō euery brother that walketh inordinately and not after the tradition which hee receiued of vs. But a little after in the same chapter hee describeth what tradition he meaneth as it is manifest to him that looketh on the place And yet will they thence prooue that many thinges are to bee beleeued which can not bee proued by anie testimonie of Scripture The like impudencies they shewe in another testimony taken out of Luke Act. 16.14 They deliuered them the decrees to keep ordained of the Apostles Elders which were at Jerusalem When a little before Cap. 15.23 he witnesseth that those decrees were set downe in letters written by the Apostles But wee are to keepe and hold the notes and marcks before set downe First in respect of Gods glorie that enimies may be discerned from Sonnes Secondly In respect of our own saluation that we may ioine our selues to the true Church For there are three sorts of men 1 They who openly professe and declare themselues to be enimies 2 Hypocrits 3 The company of the Elect chosen 4 Why the Church is called holy and Catholicke THE Church is called Holy The church holy in respect of Christs holinesse imputed and their own begun Catholique in respect of place and time 1 Because Christes sanctification is imputed vnto it 2 Because al his members haue begunne al the parts of obedience It is called Catholicke 1 In respect of places because it is spread through the whole world For there is one Vniuersall Church of all places degrees of life neither is it tied to a certaine place kingdome or to certain succession 2 In respect of times Because there is but one true Church of all times which also is at all times so Catholicke as that it is dispersed through the whol world nether is at any time tied to any certain place Jt is not called Catholicke because it possesseth many kingdomes For Catholicke is a title giuen vnto the Church in the Apostles time for before time the Church was limited within narrowe bondes Nowe that there is but one Church of al times and ages from the beginning of the world vnto the end it is out of doubt For 1 It is manifested that the Church hath euer been Neither can Abrahams daies be obiected as if before he was called there had beene no worship of the true God in his familie and himselfe had beene after his calling alone without anie others For before his calling he held the foundations and grounds of Doctrine of the true God though it were darkned with superstitions mingled therewith Againe Melchisedec liued at the same time who was the Priest of the most high God and therefore neither was Abraham after his calling alone but there were others besides him worshippers of the true God whose priest was Melchisedec 2 That the Church as it hath beene euer so shall also continue euer appeareth by these testimonies Isay 59.21 My woordes shall not depart out of thy mouth nor out of the mouth of thy seed Ier. 33.20 If the night and day may bee chaunged then shall my couenant also be changed Mat. 28.20 I am with you alway vntill the end of the world Moreouer Christ was euer and euer shal be King Head and Priest of the Church Wherefore the Church was euer and euer shall be And hence also it is manifest That the Church of both testaments is one and the same that which is confirmed also by the article folowing For Christ is the sanctifier of his Church who is common to men of both testaments Hither appertaineth the Question of the authoritie of the Church Which I omit In this we wil consider here onely that opinion or saying The church doth not erre How the church may bee saide not to erre Which is true after this sort First the whole doth not erre though some members thereof doe er Secondly it doth not erre Vniuersally although in some pointes of Doctrine it may Thirdly It erreth not in the foundation 5 In what the Church differeth from the common-weal 7 Differences betweene the Church and common-weale THE Church differeth from the common-weal 1. Because common-weales are distinct and kingdomes of the world in diuerse places and times The Church is alwaies one and the same at all times and with all men 2. The kingdomes and states of the world haue many Heads or one chiefe Heade and many other inferiour Heades besides and that on earth The Church hath but one and that in heauen 3. The common-wealth is gouerned by certaine lawes made for the maintenance of outwarde peace and tranquillity The Church is ruled by the Holy Ghost the worde of God 4. The common-wealth or ciuill state requireth outward obedience onely The Church requireth both as well inwarde obedience as outwarde 5. In ciuill states and common-weales there is power and libertie to make new lawes positiue by the authoritie of the magistrate the violating of which lawes bindeth mens consciences and deserueth corporal punishmentes The Church is tied to the woorde of God vnto which it is not lawfull to adde ought or to detract ought from it 6. The ciuill state hath corporall power where-with it is armed against the obstinate disobedient For he may and ought by force to curb these and to punish them by the sword The Church punisheth by denouncing of Gods wrath out of the worde of God 7. Jn the Church are alwaies some Elect Holie but not alwaies in the common-wealth 6 Whence ariseth the difference of the Church from the rest of mankinde THE cause of the difference is the Election of God Election putteth the difference betweene the Church and others Act. 14.16 Jn times past god suffered all the Gentiles to walke in their owne waies Rom. 9.18 God hath mercie on whom he will and whom he will he hardeneth Ioh. 6.37 Al that the Father giueth me shal come to me Rom. 8.29.30 Those which hee knew before he also predestinate to be made like to the Image of his Sonne and whom he predestinate them also he called By these wordes we are also taught that the promise of grace is generall in respect of the Elect or beleeuers God verilie would haue all to be saued and that Rom. 11.7 1 Jn respect that he loueth the saluation of all But the Elect only haue attained to that saluation 2 In respect that he inuiteth al to saluation But the rest haue beene hardened The Efficient cause then of this difference is the Election of God willing to gather vnto himselfe a Church in earth Secondly the Sonne is a mediate executour of this will and purpose The holy ghost immediate Thirdly The
woord of God is the instrumental cause Now the cause of the difference beeing known let vs in a woorde see what that difference is Three sorts of men Wee are to obserue therefore that there are three sortes of men verie much different one from another For some men are euen in profession estraunged and aliants from the church as who deny faith or repentance and therefore are openly enemies of the Church others are called but not effectuallie which are al hypocrits Others lastly are called effectually which are the Elect who are but a little portion according to that of Christ Matt. 20.16 Many are called but few are chosen 7 Whether anie one maie bee saued out of the Church None saued out of the church NO man can bee saued out of the Church For whomsoeuer God hath chosen and elected to the ende which is eternal life them he hath chosen to the means which is the inward and outwarde calling Obiection Therefore Election is not free Aunswere It is free because God chose freely both to the end and to the meanes But after he hath once destined and ordeined men to meanes hee neuer changeth Wee are here also to holde against the Anabaptistes That infantes which are borne in the church are also of the church OF PREDESTINATION THIS common place of Predestination or election and reprobation ariseth out of the former place Of the Church is ioyned with it The special questions are 1 Whether there be Predestination 2 What it is 3 What is the cause thereof 4 What are the effectes thereof 5 Whether it be vnchangeable 6 How far it is knowen vnto vs. 7 Whether the Elect bee alwaies members of the church and the reprobate neuer 8 Whether the Elect fal from the church and the reprobate remaine euer in the church 9 What vse there is of this Doctrine 1 WHETHER THERE BE PREDESTINATION Predestination proued by Testimony of scripture THAT there is predestination testimonies of scripture do confirme Mat. 20.16 Many are called but few are chosen Ioh. 15.16 Yee haue not chosen mee but I haue chosen you Iohn 10.16 Other sheep haue I also which are not of this foulde Eph. 1.5 Predestinate according to the good pleasure of his will Acts. 18.10 J haue much people in this citie Eph. 1.4 Hee hath chosen vs in him Rom. 8.30 Whom he predestinate them also hee called By these and the like places wee learne that some are elected some not and therefore there is predestination When the Question is whether there be predestination thē this is in Question Whether there bee any such counsell of God which hath seuered some to bee saued and others to bee reprobate Some say that Election when mention is made thereof in scripture is taken for some excellencie for which a man is worthy to bee elected or chosen as wee may say a Choise and gallant horse So also they interpret reprobation but falsely for it is the eternall counsell and purpose of God That there is Reporbation is apparent by diuerse places Reprobation proued by scripture S. Paul saieth Rom. 9.22 That god doth shew his iustice on the vessels of wrath Mat. 13.11 It is giuē vnto you to know the secrets of the kingdome of heauen but to them it is not giuen Iud. vers 4. who were before of old ordeyned to this condemnation Mat. 14.25 ●hou hast had these thinges from the wise Iohn 10.26 Ye are not of my sheepe Pro. 16.4 He hath made al things for his own sake euen the wicked for the day of euill 1 Obiection But the promise of grace is vniuersall Aunswere It is vniuersall in respect of the faithfull that is it belongeth to all those who beleeue But it is particular in respect of al men Our aduersaries say that those which are conuerted maie fal awaie Which is to weaken and diminish the general promise Reply But it is said 1. Tim. 2.4 That God will that al men be saued But contrarie Matth. 20.16 Places of scripture reconciled concerning gods wil to saue and not to saue men Manie are called but fewe chosen Matth. 13.15 This peoples heart is waxed fat saith the Lorde least they shoulde returne that J might heale them And heere it is saide that God will that some bee not saued Therefore these testimonies are contrarie one to another Aunswere 1. God wil that al be saued as he is delited with the saluation of all Albeit elsewhere it is saide That hee reioiceth at the destruction of the wicked Prou. 1.26 yet hee reioiceth not thereat as it is a vexation or destruction of his creature but as it is an execution of his iustice 2. Hee wil that all bee saued in as much as he inuiteth al to repentance But he wil not haue all saued in respect of the force and efficacie of calling Actes 17.27 He dooth good vnto al if so be they might haue groped after him and found him Rom. 11.7 The Elect obtaine it the rest are hardened He saith verily vnto all Honesty of life pleaseth me yee owe it vnto me But he saith not to al I wil worke it in you but to the elect onely because from euerlasting it hath so pleased him 2 Obiection He that giueth vnequallie to those that are equal is an accepter of persons Aunswere It is true First if hee giueth to those which are equall vnequallie for anie outward causes or respectes that is for such causes as are not that condition in respect of which equall rewardes or punishmentes were to be giuen or not to be giuen that is when the cause which is common to both is neglected and other thinges regarded which are not the cause as riches honours and the like But here God respecteth the receiuing of this benefite and conuersion and giueth eternall life to them which haue these Secondly he that giueth vnto those which are equall vnequallie beeing bound to anie were an acceptour of persons But God giueth most freely of his meere mercy and grace Hee is bound to no man because we were his enemies therefore he might most iustly haue excluded all And if vniustice shoulde any waie fal into God which God forbid that we should think he should be vniust an acceptour of persons in that he giueth any thing at all But if thou beeing moued with pittie and compassion shouldst giue a farthing to one begger and a pennie to another thou art not therefore an acceptour of persons Matth. 20.15 Js it not lawfull for mee saith Christ to doe as I will with mine own Js thine eie euil because J am good Rom. 11.35 Who hath giuen first vnto the Lord To knowe this is behoouefull for the glory of God 3 Obiection Jt is meete and iust that he who hath taken a sufficient ransome for all sins should receiue al men into fauor God hath receiued a sufficient ransome for the sins of the whole worlde Therefore he should receiue al into fauor Christs ransome though