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A09883 The mysterie of redemption. Or The particular manner how man is redeemed from sinne, iustified before God, and made partaker of euerlasting life Describing the nature, causes, parts, properties and effects of iustification. With divers sweet and comfortable prayers interposed betweene euerie chapter.; Mysterie of redemption. Powel, Gabriel, 1576-1611. 1607 (1607) STC 20147.5; ESTC S106362 38,314 251

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Faith apprehēding the imputed righteousnes of Christ in Iustification 40 If it bee demanded How the Merite of Christ and the Grace of God Question which is contrary vnto merit may consist together 41 I Answere Answere The Merite of Christ not our owne merites may wel stand together with the Grace of GOD. For Christs satisfaction wherby he satisfied the Iustice of his Father is that thing that meriteth the Grace of God for vs. 42 But if you speake of our owne merits thē certainely they cannot stand together with the Grace of God but are quite contrarie vnto it The Organicall Efficient two fold 43 The Organicall Efficient Cause of Iustification is two-fold Instrumentall or Administeriall 44 The Instrumental Cause which exhibiteth the benefit of Iustificatiō vnto vs 1. Instrumentall is the Gospell and Sacramēts wherby the benefits of Christ are offered conferred and sealed vnto vs. 45 The Gospell is called the Gospell of Grace Act. 20.24 because it declareth and offereth the Grace of God vnto vs also the Word of Grace Act. 20.32 the Word of Saluation Act. 13.26 the Word of Life Phil. 2.16 And Paul saith The Gospell of Christ is the power of God vnto saluation to euery one that beleeueth Rom. 1.16 46 Of Baptisme the Apostle speaketh Christ sanctifieth cleanseth his Church by the washing of water through the Word Ephes 5.26 Also Hee saued vs by the washing of the new birth and the renuing of the holy Ghost And Peter saith Baptisme saueth vs by the resurrection of Iesus Christ. 1. Pet. 3.21 47 And of the Lords Supper Christ testifieth that we receiue his body which was giuen for vs Luk. 22.19 drinke his blood that is shed for many for the remission of sinnes Mat. 26.27.28 48 If it bee demaunded How the Sacraments are instruments to conferre grace 49 I Answere The Sacraments conferre grace Answere How the Sacramēts conferre Grace because they are a meanes to giue and exhibite to the beleeuing mind Christ with his benefits and this they do by their signification 50 For they serue as a particular and infallible certificate to assure such as bee partakers thereof of the forgiuenesse of their sins and of euerlasting saluation 51 Also they conferre grace as the Kings letters are said to saue the life of a malefactor when they doe but signifie to him and others that the Kings pleasure is to shew fauour 52 Againe they may be said to confer grace because they are a tokē or pledge of the Grace of GOD and by this pledge Faith is confirmed which is an instrument to apprehend or receiue grace 53 A King saith vnto his Subiects Note He that brings the head of such a Traytour shall haue a thousand pounds He that hath the head may say Heere is a thousand pounds because it is vnto him a pledge vpon the Kings word of the receipt of so much 54 Lastly the Word of God conferres grace for it is the power of God vnto saluatiō to them that beleeue which it doth by signifying the wil of God by the eare to the mind Now euery Sacrament is the Word of GOD made visible to the eye the Sacramēts therfore conferre grace by vertue of their signification and by reason they are a pledge by the appointment of GOD of his mercy and goodnesse 55 If it be said Obiect The Sacraments are not onlie signes and seales but also instruments to conuey the grace of God to vs. 56 I Answere Ans The Sacraments are not Instruments hauing the grace of God tied vnto them or shut vp in them but instruments to which grace is present by assistance in the right vse thereof 57 Because in and with the right vse of the Sacraments God conferres grace and thus they are instruments no otherwise that is morall not physicall instruments 58 The Administeriall Cause of Iustification 2. Administeriall are aswell the Ministers of the Word 1 Cor. 3.9 1. Tim. 4.16 Ioh. 20.23 as also the Martyrs of Christ Dan. 12.3 who by their testimony and example teach that there is no righteousnes which may consist before the tribunall of GOD but onely the righteousnesse of Iesus Christ 59 And so much for the Efficient Cause of Iustification Actiuelie taken on Gods part The Efficient Cause on Mans part is Faith 60 Now on Mans part Iustification Passiuelie taken the Efficient cause of it is altogether Instrumentall and this is Faith by which not for which wee are said to be iustified aswell in regard of the Correlatiue thereof as also of the Contrarie the Law and good workes 61 In regard of the Correlatiue to wit Christ his Merits because the whole forme of Iustifying Faith is sited in Relation not in the qualitie or nature thereof seeing wee are iustified by Faith as it is relatiuely applied vnto his correlatiue 62 In regard of the Contrarie because those good workes and conformitie vnto the Law required in the person of a iustified Man are worthily excluded frō the merit and act of Iustification 63 But to speake more plainely of this point Faith what it is Faith is a confident apprehension of the mercy of GOD through the redemption of Iesus Christ in the promise of the Gospell The parts of Faith 64 The parts of Faith are three 1. Knowledge in the mind and vnderstanding 2. Assent in the will 3. Confidence in the heart 65 These three acts may be considered distinctly seeing a man may know a thing and yet not assent thereunto beleeue the same to bee true and yet not make it his own by speciall application confidence which cannot consist without knowledge and assent 66 These three parts are excellently wel laid downe in the 14. chap. of S. Iohn Beleeuest thou that I am in the Father and the Father is in mee this belongeth vnto the first part Beleeue me that I am in the Father and the Father in me this vnto the second Beleeue you in God beleeue also in me and this vnto the third 67 So then Faith in Christ is not to know or beleeue there is a Christ nor yet to beleeue Christ but to beleeue in Christ The wicked beleeue there is a Christ Hypocrites beleeue Christ But the Elect only beleeue in Christ that is put their whole trust and confidence in him 68 Wherefore it is manifest that iustifying faith is not a bare knowledge assent but that the chiefest part thereof is Confidence wherby the sinner apprehēdeth and particularly applieth vnto himselfe the promises of the Gospel Note well 69 Hence is that Theologicall Axiome Some things are spokē of Faith in respect of knowledge and assent and some things in respect of Confidence 70 In respect of Assent Faith hath for the Obiect thereof all the holy Scriptures the Law the Gospel which faith firmely beleeueth to be most true The proper Obiect of Faith 71 In respect of Confidence the proper Obiect of faith
in himself and from himselfe according to the vnsearchable riches of the glory of his grace Eph. 2.8.9 Tit. 3.5 No Preparation in vs to Iustification 8 Whereupon it is manifest that there can bee no Disposition of our selues or Preparation by vs to induce this forme of Iustification 9 For albeit there are two principall degrees of Preparation that go before Iustification if not in time yet in nature to wit the sense of our owne Miserie and a confused knowledge of the Mercie of God yet all this maketh nothing for the Efficient Cause not only of condignity as the Schoole-men speake but not of congruence The Externall Efficient 10 The Externall impellent Cause of this Efficient is Christ aswell in respect of his Merite as also of his Efficacie and operation 11 Of his Merite Because hee acquired the benefit of Iustification vnto vs both by his Actiue and Passiue obedience by his life and death 1. Tim. 2.6 1. Ioh. 1.7 12 Of his Efficacie Because he applieth effectually the acquired benefit of Iustification vnto vs both by offering it in the preaching of his Word and also by conferring the same by the inward effectual operation of his holie Spirit Rom. 1.16 2. Cor. 5.19 13 But that we may more plainely declare how God is the Efficient Cause of our Iustification How God is said to Iustifie wee must diligently obserue that the Maner of Effecting wherby God is said to iustifie is diuerse and sundrie 1. By works 14 I. God is said to Iustifie by Works and inherent Righteousnes So he iustifieth the blessed Angels So also hee should haue Iustified Man if he had not fallen And thus the Israelites sought Iustification by the workes of the Law Rom. 9.31.32 2. By Faith 15 II. God is said to Iustifie of Faith or by Faith By Faith I vnderstand Christ his righteousnes or Satisfactiō or Obedience or Merits being apprehended by Faith Note wel 16 In this manner of Iustifying are comprehended two things 1. Christ or the Merits of Christ 2. Our Faith without which the Merits of Christ cannot be applied vnto vs effectually for our Iustificatiō 17 This Merite of Christ is the cause of all Spirituall blessings in the execution of the decree of Election which God bestoweth vpon vs though after a diuerse manner 18 I say in the Execution of the decree of Election The merit of Christ cannot be the cause of Election because the Merit of Christ cannot be the cause of Election it self but onely Gods good pleasure proceeding of his meere loue mercie Luk. 12.32 Rom. 11.5 Eph. 1.5 1. Deut. 7.7.8 Deut. 10.15 19 I. Because the Merite of Christ was not from all eternitie 20 II. Because Christ himself as he is the Mediator was elected frō before the foundation of the world Esa 42.1 Mat. 12.18 1. Pet. 1.20 1. Pet. 2.5 21 III. Because the Merit of Christ is an effect of our eternall Election for therefore Christ merited for vs because wee were Elected 22 But Christ may well bee said to bee the Materiall Cause of our Election Note if wee take the matter for the Subiect or Matter in which Eph. 1.4 He elected vs in him that is in Christ for Christ is the head in which is grounded the election of the members The merit of Christ the efficient cause of Vocation 23 To returne to our purpose Christ and his merit is the Efficient Cause of our Effectuall vocatiō or Calling which is not from all eternitie but in time yet without respect vnto Faith seeing Faith is but then giuen and is the second part of our calling Of Iustification 24 Againe Christ and his Merite is the cause of our Iustification but not without Faith wherewith in Effectual calling we haue apprehended and laid hold on him And of Glorification 25 Lastly Christ and his merit is the cause of our Glorification but with Faith apprehending the imputed righteousnesse of Christ in Iustification 26 Hereby wee see that Man is Iustified by the Merits of Christ as it were by a manner or way whereby God iustifieth him but not without Faith apprehending that Merit being offered in Effectuall Calling 27 Whereupon the Apostle vnto the Rom. and Gal. expresseth this manner which is a certaine compoūd thing by the onely name of Faith wherunto sometimes he ioyneth Iesus Christ as Rom. 3.22 The righteousnes of God by the faith of Iesus Christ So Gal. 2.16 Man is iustified by the faith of Iesus Christ And Rom. 3.25 Through Faith in his blood 28 III. God is said to iustifie by his Grace Mercy 3. By grace And certainely this Grace doth excellently well agree with Faith but not at all with Workes Rom. 11.6 Ephes 2.8.9 These speeches doe well agree together God iustifieth by Faith and God iustifieth by Grace which cannot be affirmed of Workes 29 But heere Question may bee moued concerning the Order of these two Question Whether Faith or Grace go before Whether Faith bee the cause of Grace or contrariwise whether Grace bee the cause of Faith Answere Faith goeth before the grace of Iustification 30 I Answere Faith goeth before Grace followeth after Faith that is Christ and his merits being apprehended by Faith in Effectuall Calling is the cause of the new Grace whereby GOD iustifieth a man 31 And to speake more plainely hereof Note well All spirituall blessings in the executiō of Gods decree of Election as Vocation Iustification and Glorification do proceed from Gods Grace For example 32 In Effectuall Calling the first thing is the Merite of Christ then followeth the Grace of GOD after commeth Vocation 33 So also in Iustification first is the Merite of Christ which was apprehended in Vocation then there is the Grace of God whereof proceedeth Iustification 34 And likewise in Glorification the first is the Merit of Christ being imputed in Iustification and apprehended by Faith next followeth the Grace of God and then Glorification 35 Herein stands the difference that in Effectuall Vocation or Calling the onely Merite of Christ without our faith is the cause of Grace 36 But in Iustification Glorification the Merit of Christ being apprehended by Faith is the cause of Grace 37 Out of these things which wee haue said it is euident that Faith or Christ and his merit apprehended by faith is the cause of that Grace whereby God iustifieth man 38 Whereupon after that the Apostle had said Rom. 3.24 Wee are iustified freely that is by his grace presently hee addeth through the redemption that is in Christ Iesus noting thereby the cause of that Grace whereby we are iustified namely the Redēption of Christ apprehended by faith in Effectuall calling 39 And Rom. 4.16 Therefore is the inheritance by Faith that it might come by Grace in which words the Apostle in mateth that life eternall is therefore of Faith that there might bee place for Grace which is the Effect of
is the gra●… and mercy of G●●●xhibited in Christ the Redeemer and offered by the Gospell Sole faith iustifieth 72 Hereupon it is that we constantly affirme that Sole Faith iustifieth or Faith only iustifieth in which speech the particle Sole or Only determineth the predicate but is not referred vnto the Subiect that is it declareth that this effect Iustification is attributed only to faith and to no other apprehending instrument or meanes 73 Or it sheweth that Faith is the only instrument that apprehēdeth the righteousnesse of Christ Note well 74 As if a mā should say The sole eye seeth or The eye only seeth hee meaneth not the sole eie or the eie only that is the solitary eye separate frō the soule brain eares nose mouth cheekes c. but the eye is the onely instrument of seeing and no other member of the body 75 Wherefore the particle Sole or Onely doth not exclude the grace mercy of God the merit and satisfaction of Christ the preaching of the Gospell nor the vse of the Sacraments for all these are required in faith which in the Gospel right vse of the Sacramēts beholdeth and apprehendeth the grace of God and righteousnes of Christ 76 Neither doth it exclude Workes the habite of Charitie but only from the act of iustifying 77 Hitherto of the Efficient Cause of Iustification Now followeth the Materiall A PRAYER FOR Faith OH sweete Iesus most glorious and most gracious Lord. As the Harte brayeth after the riuers of water so panteth my soule whilest mine eies look after thee which art ascēded vp to heauen to prepare a place for vs Leaue not thy children desolate Prepare my going out and my comming in Compasse me with thy mercy Let thy holy Angell pitch his tent round about mee Set a watch before my mouth Keepe the dore of my lips turne mine eyes from vanity incline not mine heart to euill but prepare my soule to thy seruice and deliuer mee from euery euill worke Shew mee the way wherein I should walke let thy light goe before mee teach me by thy word giue me vnderstanding by thy Spirit frame my heart by thy grace I am flesh quickē me I haue neede of Faith Hope and Loue Let me not want the things without which I cannot serue thee Indue me with the grace of thy holy spirit which is sufficiēt to direct my soul to informe my vnderstanding and conforme my will Worke in mee a certaine and stedfast faith in thee assured Hope in thy promises earnest loue of thy truth and Gospel and sincere affection towards thy Children Thou hast gone before me O Sauiour make mee to followe mine example Thou hast begun therfore thou wilt not leaue off the worke thou hast in hand See mee O Lord and not only so but come to thy seruāt come dwel with me and all shall bee thine onely make mee thine sweete Iesus as thou art mine Amen CHAP. IV. Of the Materiall Cause of Iustification The Materiall cause of Iustificatiō Actiuely taken THe MATERIAL cause of our Iustification Actiuelie considered on Gods part is the Righteousnesse of CHRIST Rom. 4.6 called also the Righteousnesse of God Rom. 3.22 the gift of Righteousnes Rom. 5.17 that Righteousnes which is of God Phil. 3.9 the Righteousnesse of Faith and the Righteousnesse of the Gospell 2 It is termed the Righteousnesse of Christ Note because Christ is the Efficient cause thereof the Righteousnesse of God because GOD giueth the same freely and imputeth it vnto vs approueth it in his iudgement the Righteousnesse of Faith because we attaine vnto it or apprehend it by Faith onely and the Righteousnes of the Gospell because it is made manifest and reuealed in the Gospell The Righteousnes of Christ hath two parts 3 This Righteousnes being but one in number hath two parts 1. The Perfect fulfilling of the law of God 2. The Voluntarie payment of the punishment for our disobedience I. Fulfilling of the Law which is two-fold 4 THe Perfect fulfilling of the law is the full and exact conformitie of Christs humane nature and actions with the will of God reuealed in both tables of the Decalogue 5 And of this Perfect Conformity there are two members 1. Innocencie 2. Sanctitie or holinesse 6 The Innocencie of Christ 1. Innocencie is that immunity or freedome from Sin either Originall or Actuall For Christ neither had nor committed any sinne for hee was both cōceiued and borne without sinne and all his life time he neuer transgressed against the law of God either by fact or word or will or cogitation or by any euill concupiscence Ioh. 8.46.2 Corinth 5.21 1. Pet. 1.19 1. Pet. 2.22 Heb. 4.15 7 The Sanctitie of Christ 2. Sanctity is that integritie or purity which Christ had from the first moment of his conceptiō and retained in all his cogitatiōs words deeds and desires vntill his verie death vpon the Crosse Luk. 1.35 Act. 3.14 Act. 4.27.30 1. Ioh. 2.20 Apoc. 3.7 II. Bearing of the punishment 8 The Voluntary payment of the punishment for our disobedience is the whole humiliation of Christ from the beginning of his Conceptiō vntill his Glorification Philip. 2.7.8 Rom. 8.3 Galath 3.13 alibi passim Note well 9 Of these two mēbers cōsisteth that perfect and euery way absolute Righteousnesse whereby wee are iustified which both the Iustice of God the Office of a Mediatour and Saluation of Man necessarily required 10 I. The Iustice of God Because the Iustice of GOD could not otherwise haue been satisfied but by perfect fulfilling the Law and bearing the punishmēt which we had deserued for the breach thereof 11. II. The Office of a Mediatour Because our Suretie was reallie to pay the full price of our Redemption both actiuely by doing passiuely by suffring those things which we ought to haue performed 12 III. The Saluation of Man Because wee could neuer haue been redeemed otherwise than by satisfying the law and iustice of God by the perfect obedience and death of our Surety and Mediatour The Materiall cause Passiuely taken 13 The Materiall Cause of our Iustification Passiuely taken are all the Elect Rom. 8.33 being first in the state of Nature vngodlie Rom. 4.5 God iustifieth the vngodly and then in the state of supernaturall Grace beleeuing Rom. 3.22 The righteousnes of God by the faith of Iesus Christ is manifested vnto all and vpon all that beleeue 14 So much for the Materiall Cause of our Iustification Now of the Formall A PRAYER FOR liuely sense and assurance of Justification O Most merciful Lord Iesus Christ which shalt iudge al my words and workes or rather answere both for mee and them so direct and order and appoint my hart my thought tōgue and labours to thy honour and glorie that as thou art the Way the Truth and the Life so I doe nothing but walke in thy way think of thy trueth and aime at thy life that by a godlie
THE MYSTERIE OF Redemption OR THE PARTICVLAR manner how Man is Redeemed from Sinne Iustified before God and made partaker of euerlasting Life DESCRIBING THE Nature Causes Parts Properties and Effects of Iustification WITH DIVERS SWEET AND comfortable Prayers interposed betweene euerie Chapter AT LONDON Imprinted by Felix Kyngston for VVilliam Cotton 1607. TO THE WORSHIPFVLL MY euer-honored Mother Mris ELIZABETH POVVEL all Prosperitie and Happines externall internall eternall IT is a speciall point of the duty of Children towards their Parents as in presence by seruiceable offices so in absence by other effectual significations to yeeld proofe of their thākful minds which neither any Child can omitte without touch of ingratitude nor any Parent forbeare vvithout iust reproofe Wherefore most louing and deare Mother lest I should seeme to neglect the roote out of which I brāched to forget the secondary Auctor of my being or not to remēber her to whō I owe my selfe after a long pursuite in a painfull chace I now returne you such a pray as you were wont to loue desiring therby to procure your Blessing You are not ignorant that these many yeares past I haue studied and practised spirituall Physicke trauelling in the Scrutinie of the maladies medicines incident proper to Soules heere I offer vnto you a present of my profession I haue prepared abundāce of the bread of Angels for the repast of your Soule that your kindnesse in some part my bee counteruailed and my dutie in some sort not left vnperformed Hitherto I haue principallie labored for others but who hath more interestin the grape then shee that planted the vine who more right vnto the crop then shee that sowed the corne Despise not the tēdernes of my years neither deeme that God measureth his indowments by nūber of daies Hoarie senses are oftē couched vnder greene lockes some are riper in the Spring then others in the Autumne of their age a litle cloud may cast a large showre and oftentimes GOD reuealeth that to Babes which he cōcealeth from the VVisest which I alleage not to clayme any prerogatiue surmounting the rate of vsuall habilities but to auoide all touch of presumption in aduising my Elders You haue the preheminence in carnall consanguinity but in spiritual alliance wee are of equall proximitie to our heauenly Father And hee may bee a Father to the Soule that is a Son to the Body requite the benefit of his temporarie life by teaching his Parent how to eschew eternall death Neither do I speak this as if I were ignorāt you were alreadie impathed in your voiage towards the Celestiall Hierusalem the first steps wherunto your self taught me but that there may be some rubbes in the way which I happily by reason of my more diligēt search therin being a professed Guid may sooner descry without dishonour to your age or disparagmēt to your person giue you warning to auoid thē Thus dear Mother recōmending vnto you my most bounden duty and hūbly desiring that my sincere affectiō may finde excuse of my boldnes I take my leaue From LONDON-HOVSE this 18. day of Nouember 1606. Your most obedient and affectionate Sonne Gabriel Powel TO THE CHRIstian Reader CHristian Reader Jf thou doest seriouslie desire to learne the Mystery of thy Redemption to vnderstand the holy Scriptures to bee cleansed frō thy sins to bee filled with graces to bee enriched with vertues to gouerne thy selfe in prosperitie to be comforted in aduersitie to triumph ouer thine enemies to be enflamed in meditatiō to perseuere in deuotiō briefely to dye happily and to liue eternally Exercise thy selfe in this small Manuall wherein is the direct way vnto Heauen plainly discouered the passage euidently cleared the lets perfectly remoued and the Trauailer exceedingly comforted Farewell THE CONTENTS of this Booke A Praier for Grace and Wisedome to vnderstand the Mystery of our Redemptiō pag. 3 CHAP. I. What Iustification is pag. 8 Confession of Sinnes with Prayer for Remission pag. 19 CHAP. II. The manner and order of Iustification where also is handled of Vocation pag. 29 The Sinners Resignation of himselfe into the hands of his Redeemer pag. 42 CHAP. III. Of the Causes of Iustification and first of the Efficient Cause pag. 48 A Prayer for Faith p. 85 CHAP. IV. Of the Material Cause of Iustification pag. 88 A Prayer for liuely sense and assurance of our Iustification pag. 96 CHAP. V. Of the Formal Cause of our Iustification pag. 100 A Thankesgiuing for our Iustification intermixt with Confession and Prayer pag. 106 CHAP. VI. Of the Finall Cause of Iustification pag. 112 A Prayer for eternall life pag. 114 CHAP. VII Of the Parts of Iustification pag. 120 A patheticall Prayer against the temptations of Satan pag. 152 CHAP. VIII Of the Properties of Iustification pag. 157 A Prayer for Sanctification pag. 173 CHAP. IX Of the Effects of Iustification pag. 180 A Thankesgiuing for our Redemptiō ioyned with Prayer pag. 193 A Morning Prayer for a priuate Familie p. 204 An Euening Prayer for a priuate Familie p. 212 A Prayer to be said for a Sicke-man or by the Sicke-man himselfe altering but only the person pag. 221 THE MYSTERY of Redemption QVESTION Seeing all men by nature are sinners Rom. 3.24 destitute of the glorie of God and consequētly subiect vnto temporall and eternall death how may we escape this fearefull and heauie Judgement ANSVVERE Wee cannot escape Gods Iudgements against vs for our sinnes except we bee reconciled vnto him and iustified in his sight Which that wee may the better apprehēd and attaine vnto it is necessarie that we consider both the Nature and Properties of Iustification and also the meanes and manner how it is wrought in vs. A PRAYER FOR Grace and Wisedome to vnderstand the Mysterie of our Redemption ALmighty and euerlasting God and in Christ Iesus our most gracious and mercifull Father I thy poore seruant miserable wretched sinner do humbly prostrate my self before the heauenly throne of thy diuine Maiestie entirely beseeching thy Fatherly goodnes graciously to graunt vnto me thy heauenly grace and wisedome whereby I may truly learne to know thee rightly and be diligent to performe all thy precepts effectually Enlarge my vnderstanding and encrease my knowledge Giue me a liuely sense to discerne sweete frō sowre and sowre from sweete good from euill and euill from good that sin and superstitiō deceiue me not vnder the cloak of Religion and vertue O Lord this must bee thy worke for I confesse that my reason is blind by will is froward my wit craftie to deceiue my selfe my vnderstanding and all my naturall powers quite alienated and enstrāged from thee But good Father dispell thou these cloudes and confusions of peruerse ignorance and endue me with thy holy Spirit of grace and wisedome that I may haue my hart cleansed from the corrupt affections of this deceitful world and the eyes of my vnderstanding opened to see and embrace thine euerlasting truth especially the
way I may come to the heauenly truth truth may leade mee to eternall life And because flesh and blood would turne thy Image to the image of Satā my foes are thy foes O Lord let not thine enemies preuaile against thee to take me from thee but let the assurance of my peace bee sealed in my conscience that I neuer be left comfortlesse Make thy Word vnto me like the Star which lead vnto thee make thy benefits and graces like the piller which brought vnto the land of promise Kindle thy loue so in my heart as in respect of thee and thy seruice I may despise and vtterly detest whatsoeuer is against thee and thy truth that I may alway find in my self assured testimonies of the presence of thy holy Spirit O sweete Sauiour confirme my faith which I feele oftentimes very weak and troubled with manie doubts encrease it in me O Lord that thorough thy holy Spirit I may bee assured that thou hast fully discharged the punishment of my sinnes Cause me O my God to feele in my soule and conscience that thou art mine and all that thou hast done that I am grafted into thy bodie and made one with thee therefore that I am fellow-heire with thee of euerlasting life Let me not only haue these words in my mouth but thorough thy Spirit let me feele the comfort of thē in my heart fully sealed and setled in me that I feeling my self inwardly before thy iudgment seate discharged my cōscience towards thee appeased may be swallowed vp with an vnfained loue toward thy heauenly Maiestie and towards my Brethren also for thy sake sweete Iesus Amen CHAP. V. Of the Formall Cause of Iustification The Formall cause of Iustificatiō Actiuely taken THe FORMAL cause of Iustification Actiuely taken is the gracious Imputation of Christs Righteousnes wherby the merits and obediēce of Christ are applied vnto vs by force of that neere Cōmunion of Christ with vs and ours with him 2 So that the Forme of Iustification doth altogether consist in Relation where in that Vnion which ariseth betweene both termes is indeede the forme and consisteth rather in emanation than in hesion 3 This Righteousnes is ours by Right of Donation and acceptation of Christs merits and obedience Note seeing imputed Righteousnes is of Grace not of Nature a Communicatiō of a benefit not real and habituall Possession Imputation not a patible Qualitie inherent in vs. Of Imputation 4 In this Imputation wee must consider two things 1. The Truth of it in it selfe 2. The Manner of the truth of it in vs. 5 Of the Truth of it in it selfe there are two termes 1. Righteousnesse 2. Imputation thereof Betweene these two consists a Relation for neither hath Christ his perfect Righteousnesse for any other end but to impute it neither doth hee impute anie thing but his Righteousnes neither is that Righteousnesse otherwise ours but by imputation 6 The Manner of the truth of it in vs in Scriptures is circumscribed by a two-fold reason The first teacheth vs that we are Righteous not in our selues or by our own righteousnes but by the Righteousnes of Christ which is made ours by Right of Donation 2. Cor. 5.21 We are made the righteousnes of God in him The second teacheth vs that we haue Righteousnes as Christ hath our Sins As Christ hath our Sinnes so we haue his Righteousnes 7 Christ hath our Sinnes not subiectiuely inherent in himselfe but by imputation so we haue Christs Righteousnesse not subiectiuely inherent in our selues but by imputation 8 Hereupon the Apostle maketh that Opposition 2. Cor. 5.21 between Christ whom God made Sinne for vs and vs who are made the Righteousnesse of God in him 9 According vnto this Forme the Iustification of all men is one and the same equall vnto all men for one man cannot bee more iustified than another Albeit in diuers mē according vnto the measure of the apprehension of their Faith the manner of it may well be said to be diuers The forme of Iustificatiō Passiuely taken 10 The Forme of Iustification Passiuely vnderstood in regarde of vs is the Application of Faith whereupon we are said to bee iustified through Faith of Faith and by Faith whereof we haue spoken in the Instrumentall Cause 11 After the Formall followeth the Finall cause of Iustification A THANKESGIVING for our Iustification intermixt with Confession and Prayer O Eternall GOD in Christ Iesus most gracious and mercifull I thy poore seruant doe yeeld most possible and harty thankes vnto thy diuine Maiestie for all thy blessings and mercies bestowed vpō me both spirituall and temporall especially for the singular benefit of my Iustificatiō and the admirable gift of eternall Saluation purchased by the righteousnesse and dearest life of thy beloued Son My lot is fallen in a pleasant place I am in honor and vnderstand it not Hath euery one found such fauour in thy sight or hast not thou passed ouer others and chosen me ô Lord why shouldest thou bestow thy health and wealth thy rest and liberty vpō me more then other I can giue no reason for it but that thou art mercifull And if thou shouldest draw all backe againe I haue nothing to say but that thou art iust Hath not thy Ioseph deserued libertie Hath not thy Dauid deserued rest Hath not thy Lazarus deserued food or hath not thy Iob deserued health more then I haue Iob is sicke Lazarus pines without Dauid is troubled on his bed Ioseph grones in the prison I haue their portion they do stand at reward Why art thou so wel my soul Mercy mercie Why art thou so ill my soule ô Mercie For notwithstanding all these gracious and excellent benefits yet haue I hitherto led my life so coldly in my profession wrought so contrarie vnto my vocation in neglecting despising thy sacred Commandemēts that I haue more then prouoked thee to extend thy furious wrath against mee to encounter recompence my leude desert with the sharpenes of thy reuenging furie But when I thinke vpon thy Son all my feare is turned into ioy because his righteousnes for me is more then my wickednes against my selfe O settle my faith in thy Beloued it sufficeth for all my iniquitie necessitie and infirmitie Hee hath tolde vs O Lord and we beleeue it to bee true that if wee aske thee any thing in his name thou wilt graunt it vnto vs now therfore in his name do I most earnestly craue at thy hands that thou wilt settle mee in a constant forme of obedience that I may euer serue thee from this houre with those duties which the world the flesh the diuel would haue mee deferre vntill the point of death Good Father grant that I may loue righteousnes and pietie with as great good will as euer I loued wickednes anvanity and that I may go before other in thākfulnes towards thee as farre as thou goest in mercy towards