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A09287 Rhemes against Rome: or, The remoouing of the gagg of the new Gospell, and rightly placing it in the mouthes of the Romists, by the Rhemists in their English translation of the Scriptures. Which counter-gagg is heere fitted by the industrious hand of Richard Bernard ... Bernard, Richard, 1568-1641. 1626 (1626) STC 1960; ESTC S101681 240,340 338

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Christ and applying him to vs which is not the propertie of any other grace Thirdly by onely wee meane that in the act of iustification before God this faith onely and alone is that grace which applyeth Christ vnto vs and is the instrumentall cause of our iustification and not that hereby wee doe seclude repentance charitie and good workes from being liuely fruits and effects of faith but no causes at all of our iustification before God Yet vnderstanding these tearmes thus they hold That a man is not iustified before God onely by faith Confuted by their owne Bible 1. IT secludeth from our iustification before God three things First the Law from being able to iustifie vs Gal. 3. 11. It is manifest that in the Law no man is iustified with God Rom. 8. 3. It was impossible by the Law being weakened by the flesh Act. 13. 39. You could not be iustified by the Law of Moses Secondly All the workes of the Law Rom. 3. 20. 4. 2. Gal. 2. 16. By the workes of the Law shall no flesH be iustified before him being iustified gratis by his grace vers 24. Thirdly All a mans owne iustice in the state of grace For Saint Paul layeth aside his owne iustice which is of the Law Phil. 3. 9. yea and denyeth himselfe to bee iustified by his owne well-doing for he saith I am not guilty in conscience of any thing but I am not iustified herein 1. Cor. 4. 4. Thus wee see what is secluded from iustifying of vs. Secondly it ascribeth iustice to faith Rom. 10. 6. iustice which is of faith and this is the iustice of God in faith Phil. 3. 9. by which faith wee are iustified Rom. 3. 8. Rom. 5. 1. Gal. 2. 24. Thirdly in the act of iustification by faith it secludeth works from it saying Rom. 3. 28. We account a man to bee iustified without the workes of the Law Rom. 4. 5. Faith is reputed to iustice to him that worketh not Gal. 2. 16. A man is not iustified by the workes of the Law but by the faith of Iesus Christ How cleere are these places for iustification by faith only when they seclude workes and giue it to faith Fourthly it no where exhorteth vs to iustification For iustification is not a vertue in vs nor our worke but the worke of Christ who is our righteousnesse Ier. 23. 6. Rom. 10. 4. 1. Cor. 1. 30. But we are exhorted to beleeue Now of faith most excellent and admirable things are spoken for our euerlasting comfort By it Christ dwelleth in vs Ephes 3. 17. By it we are made the children of God Gal. 3. 26. Ioh. 3. 12. 1. Ioh. 5. 1. By it wee liue Hab. 2. 4. Rom. 1. 17. Gal. 2. 20. we stand 2. Cor. 1. 24. we walke 2. Cor. 5. 7. wee haue boldnesse accesse with confidence to God Ephes 3. 12. Rom. 5. 2. and peace with God Rom. 5. 1. and without this it is impossible to please God Heb. 11. 6. For to this is imputed iustice Gal. 3. 6. Rom. 4. 3. and 9. 31. by this are we iustified Rom. 3. 28. Gal. 3. 8. attaining to the righteousnesse of God by it Phil. 3. 9. By this doe we ouercome the world 1. Ioh. 5. 4. By this are wee kept vnto saluation 1. Pet. 1. 5. By this wee haue eternall life Ioh. 3. 36. and are saued Ephes 2. 8. wee shall not perish Ioh. 3. 16. nor come into condemnation but passe from death to life Ioh. 5. 24. Thus we see the excellencie of this faith in Christ which is called the faith of the elect Tit. 1. 1. the end where of is the saluation of our soules 1. Pet. 1. 9. And that wee might not rest vpon any other thing but vpon Christ by faith the Apostle saith Gal. 5. 6. In Iesus Christ neither circumcision auaileth any thing nor vncircumcision but faith which worketh by loue Contraried by Antiquitie Touching iustification by faith onely the ancient Fathers are very cleare for vs against the Papists Chrysost hom 3. ad Tit. If thou beleeuest why addest thou other things to faith as if faith onely could not suffice to iustifie And in Hom. 7. Rom. 3. speaking of Gods goodnesse saith he not onely saueth vs but also iustifieth and glorifieth vs vsing no works hereunto but requireth faith onely Hilar. Can. 8. in Matth. saith Faith onely iustifieth Basil Hom. de humilit saith This is true and perfect reioycing in God when a man is not lifted vp in his owne righteousnesse but knoweth himselfe to be without true righteousnesse and to be iustified by faith * 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 onely in Iesus Christ Ambros on Rom. 3. They are iustified freely because doing nothing neither repaying againe any thing in stead thereof they are iustified onely by faith And on Rom. 4. There is no need of the Law seeing the wicked is iustified onely by faith Theophylact. on 3. chap. ad Galat. Faith onely saith hee hath in it the power to iustifie Hesychius in Leuit. 14. lib. 1. Grace is apprehended onely by faith and not by workes Primasius ad Rom. 5. ad Gal. 2. He doth iustifie the wicked by faith onely Faith onely sufficeth you vnto saluation Theodoret in Ephes 2. By faith onely he forgiueth sinnes Bernard in Cant. Serm. 22. Beleeue in God that iustifieth sinners and being iustified by faith onely hee shall haue peace with God Thus the Fathers speake according to the Scripture in our manner of speaking in plaine termes Gainesaid by themselues Aquinas on Rom. 3. lect 4. Gal. 3. lect 4. Workes be not saith he the cause why a man is iust before God but rather they are the manifestation and execution of his iustice For no man is iustified by workes but by the habit of faith infused yea iustification is done by faith onely The ordinary Glosse Iam. 2. saith That Abraham was not iustified by the workes he did but by faith onely his oblation being a worke of his faith and a testimonie of his righteousnesse Erasmus saith that the word onely which now a dayes they showt at so in Luther is reuerently heard and read in the writings of the Fathers And Bellarmine de iustific lib. 5. cap. 7. saith It is most safe to repose our whole confidence in the onely mercy and goodnesse of God which is in effect that which wee teach in this point of iustification Scriptures obiected answered 1. Cor. 13. 2. Though I haue all faith so that I could remoue mounaines and haue no charitie I am nothing Answ 1. The faith here is of working miracles and not of iustifying faith Secondly to haue faith without charitie is spoken of here by supposition for true sauing faith is that which workes by loue which wee teach and allow not of a fruitlesse faith Thirdly this is not against the tenent that faith onely iustifieth For here is no word of iustification but a condemning of a faith without loue which iustifying faith is not without For though faith onely
is the cause of error Mat. 22. 29. Yee doe erre not knowing the Scriptures Error then is from ignorance of the Scriptures The Apostles doubting of Christs resurrection a maine point of Faith without which all is vaine 1. Cor. 15. is ascribed to their ignorance of the Scriptures for as yet saith their Bible they knew not the Scriptures The Israelites erring in heart so continually is ascribed to the want of knowledge in Gods wayes Psal 94 10 11. These alwaies erre in heart and these haue not knowne my Psal 95. wayes Secondly it telleth vs whence otherwise errors proceed from Philosophy vaine fallacie Col. 2. 9. from humane traditions Whence proceed errors Mark 7. 8. from pretended Apostolicall traditions Acts 15. 24. from pretended reuelations of the Spirit a feigned word and forged writings 2. Thes 2. 2. from Satans strange delusions in the Man of sinne and his followers 2. Thes 2. from lying signes and wonders seducing people Reuel 13. 13 14. 2. Thes 2. 9. from doctrines and commandements of men Col. 2. 22. from vnlearnednesse and vnstablenesse of mens owne selues 2. Pet. 2. 16. from false Teachers Act. 20. 29. Iude vers 4. 2. Pet. 2. 2. Tim. 3. 6. from mens giuing heed to Seducers 1. Tim. 4. 1. and such like meanes God giuing men ouer to beleeue lyes because such haue not a loue of the truth 2. Thes 2. 3. Their Bible cleareth Scriptures from being cause of error for it telleth vs that no lie is of the truth 1. Ioh. 2. 21. Now error in diuine matters is a lye the Scriptures are Gods Word inspired by the holy Ghost 2. Tim. 3. 16. Gods Word is truth Ioh. 17. 17. and therefore no error can arise from it and to reason from abuse to hinder the vse is absurd 4. It telleth vs that the holy Scriptures are the Rule of faith and life as before is prooued and therefore cannot be the cause of error 5. It pronounceth the Readers blessed Reu. 3. 3. How can this be if it breed errors in men 6. It telleth vs that by Scripture Christ confuted Satan the false doctrine of Scribes and Pharises the heresie of the Sadduces so did the Apostles the Iewes Act. 17. 2. and 18. 28. Therefore heresies are ouerthrowne by Scripture and get no ground at all from Scripture Contraried by Antiquitie Chrysost Hom. de Lazar. The ignorance of the Scriptures hath bred heresies In Hom. 58. on Iohn The Scriptures doe leade vs to God doe driue away heretickes and doe not suffer vs to goe out of the way Tertullian de resurr telleth vs that heretickes flie the light of the Scriptures Surely hereby its cleere then that this Father did not beleeue that the Scriptures would make heretikes S. Ierome in Esay c. 8. willeth vs in things doubtfull to haue recourse vnto the Scriptures to know the truth otherwise saith he ye shall not haue the light of truth but remaine euer in darknesse of error Therefore Scriptures expell the mist of errors and doe not breed them in the iudgement of Saint Ierome It is witnessed before by Augustine Chrysostome Tertullian Basil Ierome Gregory-Nyssen that the Scriptures are the sound Rule of Faith therefore cannot they be any ground for error Gainesaid by some of their owne Petrus de Aliaco saith The new Testament is the hammer that killeth all heresies the Lanterne that lighteneth vs. Gerson in tract de distinct The sacred Scriptures are the shop wherein is laid vp the royall stampe of spirituall coine if a penny differs from the stampe neuer so little vndoubtedly its counterfeit It is also witnessed before by Gregory Gerson Clemangis Aliacus Durand Mirandula Aquinas Ferus Villa-Vincentius the Canon law and by Bellarmine that the Scriptures are the Rule of Faith how can they then breed error Our Aduersaries haue here no Scripture against vs for indeed the Scripture speaketh for it selfe and not against it selfe But Papists will here say they meane that the Scriptures breed heresies when they are misunderstood or abused or not rightly interpreted Answ If thus they meane in good sooth 1. why blame they the Scriptures when the fault is in men and not in them 2. Why doe not they likewise so accuse all mens writings whose soeuer are not they subiect to be mis-conceiued misunderstood and peruerted 3. Why doe they in this respect feare the Scriptures to breed heresies more in the people then in the Priests Were Arius a Presbyter Macedonius a B. Pelag. a Monke and Eutyches an Abbat they of the Lay-people onely which were the Authors of former heresies or of the Clergie Was Arius was Macedonius was Eutyches Pelagius and other damnable first-broachers of heresies Lay-men No man saith Ierome can frame an heresie but he that is of excellent gifts Gerson and Aeneas Syluius doe De defect viror Eccles 48 Hist Austr 8 52. alleage the same saying of Saint Ierome That there neuer happened any notorious euill in the Church but Priests were the cause thereof Lastly by thus reasoning from the abuse either through ignorance or wilfulnesse in any thing we should disallow euerie thing we should not eate because some gluttonize at meate nor drinke wine nor strong drinke because some thereby become drunke nor weare costly apparell as men of place may because some grow thereby proud nor vse the Arte of Rhetorick because some men abuse it setting their tongues to sale nor Logick for that some peruert it from the right end to iangling Sophistrie Iesus Christ saw how Satan abused Scripture yet he did vse it and exhorted other to search the Scriptures This point of Poperie Christ then knew not nor any of his Apostles VII Proposition That the Scriptures cannot of themselues be knowne to be the Word of God vnlesse the Church doe giue witnesse vnto them that they are so Confuted by their owne Bible 1. IT plainely auoucheth the contrary 1. By teaching that Christs sheepe knew his voice Ioh. 10. 4. 2. That Christ hath promised that such as doe his will shall vnderstand all the doctrine whether it be of God Ioh. 7. 17. 3. That to his Disciples it is giuen to know the Mysteries of the kingdome of heauen Mat. 13. 11. Now the Scriptures inspired of God 2. Tim. 3. 16. are his voice are his doctrine and there are the Mysteries of the Kingdome of heauen euen that great Mysterie opened by the Scriptures Rom. 16. 26. in the Law and Prophets Acts 28. 23. Therefore if Christs sheepe and Disciples can know his Voyce his Doctrine and the Mysteries of the Kingdome of Heauen then they can know the Scriptures to be the Scriptures of God II. It telleth vs by whom and by what we haue this knowledge 1. By the Spirit of God for what things God hath prepared for them that loue him hath he reuealed to vs by his Spirit which we haue receiued that we may know the things that of God are giuen vnto vs 1. Cor. 2. 9. 10 12. Now the Scriptures
erre in this way hee doth not say The Church or the learned Church men or men in holy Orders for are these fooles but wayfaring men though fooles shall not erre Here is a promise that the simple Laytie shall not mistake their way which Popish Teachers cannot abide to heare of Neither shall any vncleane passe ouer this way but they teach that their Church Catholike consists of elect and reprobate both good and bad cleane and vncleane Therefore in a spirituall sense the words are to be vnderstood of the onely sanctified by Gods Spirit here trauelling in this World as wayfaring men and though esteemed as fooles yet are so guided in their holy profession as they shall not bee suffered to wander out of the way of life neither totally nor finally But he will say If these shall not erre then much lesse shall the Church True who denies it we doe not say that all the whole Church and all the holy that euer haue been such as this place speaketh of haue all erred this thousand yeeres as the Gagger beares his Reader in hand making him beleeue that we so teach Here the Prophet speakes of the Lords redeemed separated from the vncleane in a spirituall estate in and by Christ but in our dispute we speake of the visible Church of cleane and vncleane good and bad and of a mixt company III. This verse and the whole chapter speakes in the first place of the returne from Captiuitie which the Prophet doth expresse in figuratiue speeches to set out the comfort thereof most liuely and so it is nothing to the purpose for which the Gagger brings it In a high sense it sets out the spirituall happinesse of the redeemed by Christ partly here begun and fully to be perfected in the day of the Churches perfect redemption IV. It speakes not here of the Churches teaching but rather of the Saints trauailing towards Heauen But the word not erre made the Gagger thinke he had obtained his purpose and an expresse text for not erring in Doctrine when the words speake of a way a high-way of trauailing men and others not passing ouer it and of the redeemeds walking vers 9. Then being vnderstood of not erring in life it cannot be taken absolutely for error of life is in the best but they erre not to finall destruction Ephes 5. 27. That hee might present it to himselfe a glorious Church not hauing spot or wrinkle or any such thing but that it should be holy and without blemish Answ 1. Our dispute is of the visible Church and mixt company this is to be vnderstood only of the body whereof Christ in the most proper sense is the Head and Sauiour vers 9. which hee nourisheth and cherisheth vers 29. betweene whom and Christ thereis such an vnion as it is called a great Mystery vers 32. which cannot properly be meant of visible Churches consisting not onely of Elect but also of Reprobates who are not clensed nor nourished or cherished as members of his body nor made euer glorious II. The Apostle speakes heere of the Church either as triumphant or if as militant then as it is in preparing and as it shall bee hereafter in Heauen for in this life it is not altogether spotlesse without wrinkle or blemish Cant. 1. 5 6. III. This place doth serue rather to prooue her puritie in life then infallibilitie of iudgement in teaching this latter is hence farre fetched the former may seeme more apparant But will any beleeue that Gods Church for life and conuersation is in this life without spot wrinkle or blemish 1. Tim. 3. 15. The Church of the liuing God the ground and pillar of truth Because this place is much vrged by others and the last of this Gaggers I will more fully make answer vnto it Hence hee would conclude that the Church cannot erre he meaneth the Church of Rome the Pope at least the virtuall Church for they defend not now any Church from errour but their owne But this they can neuer proue out of the place I. Saint Paul wrote to Timothy how he should behaue himselfe in the Church 1. Tim. 3. 14. So his Epistle that is the Apostolicall written Word was made to be Timothies rule to guide him from erring and not the Churches determination S. Paul for all this his praise of the Church sent him not to Her but prescribed him a written Word to direct him in gouerning of her which hee would not haue done if by calling the Church the pillar and ground of truth he had meant she could not haue erred II. Saint Paul speaketh thus of the then present Church of Ephesus where Timothy was chap. 1. 3. built vpon the foundation Ephes 2. 20. and yet she soone left her first Loue Reuel 2. 4. and after fell away III. The word Church comprehendeth all the faithfull together at Ephesus so the Church of Ephesus is taken Reuel 2. 1. But our Aduersaries will not haue the people as the Apostles allowed Act. 15. 22. with their Bishops and Pastors to be the Church and with them to approue of matters of Faith For the Romish Clergie thinke of the people as did the hypocriticall Pharises that they know not the Law and are cursed Ioh. 7. 49. Except they allow the people also with the Teachers to be the pillar and ground of truth this place doth not serue their turne IV. If the word Church bee taken for any other particular Church to which Timothie as an Euangelist might goe after the Apostles planting of them then from hence the Papists cannot conclude that which they would for first they acknowledge that particular Churches may erre Secondly its euident by Scripture in the Churches of Galatia Gal. 1. and 3. 1. and 4. 10 11. by historie and by experience Now the Church of Rome was neuer other then a particular Church in the best spirituall estate thereof Saint Paul writes to it no otherwise then to a particular Church V. If it be taken for the Vniuersall Church this helpes not them For first theirs is not the vniuersall but a particular Church as is proued after in the sixteenth question Secondly it is absurd to reason from that which is not questioned nor can euer assemble together to come to the triall if it were questionable VI. The intituling of the Church to bee the pillar and ground of truth wil not afford the conclusion of not erring and that for these Reasons First because the words are metaphoricall and a similitude must be extended no farther then is in ended Now the Church is called the pillar and ground not because shee cannot erre but first for that she hath the Apostles writings committed to her as were the Oracles of God to the Iewes Rom 3. 2. which Apostles writings are saith Irenous the pillars and supporters of our faith the proofes foundations Li. 3. ca. 1. and the grounds of our cause as Saint * De vnit Eccl. ca. 16. On this 1. Tim. 3.
the least omission But this obedience is impossible to be performed of any in this life for that there is both flesh and Spirit in euery man which two are such aduersaries one to another so as the best men cannot do the things which they would Galat. 5. 17. This inability through this corruption Saint Paul found and confessed to be euen in himselfe Rom. 7. 15 19. Therefore all our obedience being imperfect our workes cannot bee meritorious and cause of saluation Merit requireth perfection and admits not imperfection for cursed is euery one that keepeth not the words of the Law and fulfilleth them not in workes Deut. 27. 26. So far is man from meriting as a malediction is due if hee doe not obey the commandements Deut. 11. 28. V. It teacheth vs that therefore through this our defect good workes are secluded from being the meritorious cause of our saluation 2. Tim. 1. 9. Ephes 2. 8 9. By grace you are saued through faith not of workes that no man glory Rom. 4. 2. If Abraham was iustified by workes hee had to glory but not with God None are cleane before him Iob 25. 4 5 6. 9. 2 3. Rom. 3. 28. 9. 16. Wee account a man to be iustified by faith without the workes of the Law It is not of the willer nor of the runner but of God that sheweth mercy Psal 48. 8 9. Hee shall not In ours Psal 49. 8 9. giue vnto God his reconciliation and the price of the Redemption of his owne soule Therefore good workes though they euer accompanie those that are saued and iustified in Christ as fruits of a liuely faith yet are not the cause of saluation nor doe iustifie vs before God VI. It teacheth that God therefore to make vs accepted gaue vs his Sonne to become all in all for vs. First hee was made vnder the Law to redeeme vs from vnder it Gal. 4. 4 5. Secondly hee was made a curse for vs to redeeme vs from the curse Gal. 3. 43. Thirdly he was wounded for our iniquities and broken for our sinnes Esai 53. 5. by whose stripes we are healed 2. Pet. 2. 24. Fourthly hee himselfe bare our sinnes in his bodie vpon the tree 1. Pet. 2. 24. making Purgatorie for sinnes Heb. 1. 3. and so for vs was made sinne that we might be made the iustice of God in him 2. Cor. 5. 21. and so liue to iustice 1. Pet. 2. 24. Fiftly hereby hee is become our Wisedome Iustice Sanctification and Redemption 1. Cor. 1. 30. that we may glory in him verse 31. for in him the righteousnesse of God through faith is ours Rom. 10. 3. and 3. 22. and so there can be to vs no condemnation being in Christ Therefore hee is our merit and cause of saluation and not our owne workes VII It teacheth that the Apostle hereupon maketh mans blessednesse to consist not in his owne merits and workes but in reputing iustice without workes and in forgiuing and not imputing sinne Rom. 4. 6 7 8. which forgiuing is our keeping of the Law For as Saint Austin in retract lib. 1. cap. 19. saith All the commandements are holden to be kept when that which is not kept is forgiuen And againe All our righteousnesse saith he stands rather in the remission of our sinnes then in any perfection of iustice De ciu Dei lib. 19. cap. 27. Therefore if mans obedience and keeping be in forgiuenesse and his blessednesse stand therein without workes how is it possible to imagine workes to be the meritorious cause of our saluation VIII It teacheth that for all the graces in vs and for all our obedience to him God onely promiseth to be mercifull as in Deut. 7. 9. Thou shalt know that the Lord thy God hee is a strong and a faithfull God keeping his Couenant and mercy to them that loue him and to them that keepe his precepts So in Exo. 20. 6. Doing mercy to them that loue him and keepe his precepts Here both for the inward loue of God and outward obedience is onely promised mercy Now where mercy needeth there can be no merit Rom. 11. 6. IX It teacheth that the godly 1. acknowledge in all humilitie their sinnes Psal 51. 3 4. Esdr 9. 6. Dan. 9. 1. Secondly they vilifie themselues Iob 9. 2 3 30 31. and 42. 6. 1. Cor. 4. 4. and also those things which seeme to be of worth in them We saith the Prophet are become as one vncleane and all our iustices as the cloth of a menstruous woman Esa 64. 6. Thirdly they confesse that if God be strict in iustice none can bee able In ours Psal 130. 3. to indure Psal 129. 3. If thou shalt obserue iniquities O Lord Lord who shall sustaine it Fourthly hereupon they craue that God would not enter into iudgement with them for that so no flesh should bee iustified in his sight Psal 142. 2. Fiftly they In ours Psal 143. 2. therefore appeale from his iustice to his mercy calling and crying for it as in Psal 129. 3. With thee there is propitiation and Psal 130. 3. Psal 51. 1. saying also in Psal 50. 1. Haue mercy on me O God according to thy great mercy giuing a reason Dan. 9. 18. For not in our iustifications doe wee prostrate prayers before thy face but in thy many commiserations And therefore saith Dauid Psal Psal 119. 118. 76. Let thy mercy be done to comfort mee Hee seeketh comfort in mercy and not in merit Did these holy people of God dreame of merit and of the worth of their workes as the proud condemned Pharise did Luk. 18 or rather did they not as the poore Publican did who cryed Lord haue mercy on me a sinner and therefore went away more iustified then the other The godly know if that they should iustifie themselues their owne mouthes would condemne them Iob 9. 20. And all are by Christ Matth. 6. taught in Prayer to fly to God for mercie and to begge forgiuenesse and not to plead merit X. It teacheth that all whatsoeuer God did to Israel his people all was of his mercy Psal 135. The possession of the Psal 136. Land of Canaan was not merited by Gods people Deut. 9. 5. For saith God Not because of thy iustices and equitie of thy heart doest thou enter in to possesse thy lands I doe it not for your sake be it knowne vnto you saith the Lord but for my holy name So in Ezech. 36. 22 32. Now if the type of heauen could not bee merited by either inward grace or outward workes may we think that heauen may be merited when Saint Paul tels vs that it is the gift of God Rom. 6. 23 Gift is free and not purchased XI It teacheth that the passions of this time are not condigne to the glory to come Rom. 8. 18. If persecution and suffering Martyrdome cannot merit condignely the glory in heauen What may wee thinke of other workes whatsoeuer For neither our goods nor goodnesses is
iustifyeth yet it is not alone without charitie and other fruits which euer accompany it to shew it to bee sauing faith but yet not as any causes with it of our iustification Iam. 2. 24. Ye see therefore how that by workes a man is iustified and not by faith onely Answ To shew the sence and plaine meaning of these words which are the conclusion from the former discourse wee must consider First to whom Iames speaketh hee speaketh to vaine men verse 20. which boasted of their faith saying they had faith and yet were without workes verse 14. This was the occasion of the Apostles discourse Secondly the scope which was not to shew what place faith hath in iustification whether that faith onely iustifie before God for that was Saint Pauls drift to the Romanes Rom. 4. 5. but this here is onely to shew what faith it is that saueth not verse 14. Thirdly the faith here spoken of and condemned is such a faith First as stood onely in words without workes like the charitie of such who say to the poore Goe in peace be warme and filled but yet giue them nothing to warme and fill them verse 15 16. Secondly a dead faith verse 17. 20 26. Thirdly an Historicall faith which the diuels themselues haue Fourthly a faith contrary to Abrahams faith For his was an operatiue faith and which he that hath can shew by workes verse 18 21. a faith that worketh by works shewing it selfe to bee perfect that is true and sincere verse 22. By which faith Abraham beleeuing it was counted to him for righteousnesse ver 23. where note that when righteousnesse which was counted to Abraham is mentioned it is ascribed to his faith which so did shew it selfe by workes and not to his deeds done which Saint Paul makes the fruits of this his faith Heb. 11. 17. Therefore all these things premised and cleerely manifest out of the Text these words in this verse 24. carry the sense Ye see therefore by all this aforesaid how that by workes that is by faith shewed by workes that a man is iustified and not by faith onely that is by faith alone a solitarie faith which hath no workes of which the vaine man boasteth For onely here is vsed for alone For when the Greekes place the word onely after faith as here then it signifieth alone but before faith it signifieth only 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 And this interpretation first is agreeing to the scope of the Apostle Iames here Secondly it doth not oppose S. Pauls Doctrine Rom. 3. and 4. which secludeth workes from faith in the act of our iustification Thirdly the words in this Text of Iames confirmeth this exposition that workes are put for faith shewed by works in ver 18. where he bringeth one in vrging to shew faith by workes Also when in verse 21. he had spoken of Abrahams iustification by workes he by and by saith verse 22. Seest thou how faith wrought by his workes And then thereupon produceth Scripture in verse 23. to proue not that Abrahams worke was counted to him for righteousnesse as Iames would haue done if he had intended to teach iustificatiō by works but that it was the faith of Abraham which did worke by workes that made him to be reputed righteous before God Gal. 5. 6. For in Iesus Christ neither Circumcision auaileth any thing nor vncircumcision but faith which worketh by loue Answ This place magnifieth sauing faith which worketh by loue for which we plead and therefore is nothing against but altogether for that which we teach for we speake not of alone faith but of onely faith in the act of iustification The places cited by the Gagger Matth. 5. 20. Except your righteousnesse exceede the righteousnesse of the Scribes and Pharises c. Answ This place is not to the purpose for here is no mention of faith nor of iustification by faith but here is one righteousnesse preferred before another That of the Scribes and Pharises bringeth not to Heauen for it was legall sought by workes and to establish their owne righteousnesse being ignorant of the righteousnesse of God Rom. 10. 3. which is Euangelicall sought by faith and inherent in Christ in all fulnesse of perfection which exceeded the righteousnesse of the Scribes and Pharises Mat. 7. 21 22. Not euery one that saith to me Lord Lord c. Answ This is nothing neither to proue the point This is against idle and vaine professors of Christ that haue not the faith that iustifieth Matth. 11. 26. Yea O Father for so it was thy good pleasure This is foolishly quoted Matth. 12. 33. Is of a fruitfull and fruitlesse tree Matth. 16. 16. Thou art Christ the Sonne of the liuing God Peters profession of his faith The very naming of these sheweth the vanity of this Gaggers citing of Scriptures Matth. 19. 17. If thou wilt enter into life keepe the Commandements Answ 1. This is nothing against iustification by faith onely which faith is neuer without obedience to Gods commandements 2. Christ speakes not of that which the young man was able to doe but he seeking righteousnesse by the Law Christ answered him thereafter legally intending to discouer to him his rashnesse and pride as the euent sheweth For the young man was couetous and loued his riches on earth more then treasure in heauen verse 21 22. Gal. 3. 12. But the Law is not of faith but the man that doth them shall liue in them Answ The whole course of the context is for iustification by faith and against iustification by works The eighth vers speaks of the iustification of the Gentiles through faith The ninth verse saith that they that be of faith are blessed with faithfull Abraham The tenth verse pronounceth them that are of the deeds of the Law accursed The 11. verse confidently auerreth that no man is iustified by the Law in the sight of God and giueth the reason for the iust shall liue by faith In verse 12. is an argument to refell confidence in workes For the Law saith he is not of faith So as if we liue by faith wee cannot liue by the Law for it propounds life to the doers but not to beleeuers as the Gospell doth 1. Tim. 5. 8. If any prouide not for his owne c. Hath not he an idle braine is not he worthy to be gagged for a lewd babbler that will alledge this Scripture against iustification by faith onely when we speake of a holy liuely and obedient faith 1. Ioh. 2. 4. He that saith he knowes him and keepes not his commandements c. 1. Ioh. 3. 22. Whatsoeuer we shall aske because we keepe his commandements and doe those things which are pleasing in his sight Answ The first place condemneth knowledge without practice So doe we and such a faith too The second is an effect of that good confidence in God spoken of in verse 21. describing such as haue such boldnesse towards God by the true signes and fruits of
yea glorying as if we had in possession that which we expect to haue and neuer confoundeth nor maketh vs ashamed that is faileth vs not of that which wee looke for but wee finde surely what hope expecteth then much more are wee made confident by faith it selfe and particularly assured of that which God hath promised euen remission of sinnes and eternall saluation seeing hope is the fruit of faith Contraried by Antiquitie Tertul. in lib. de Baptis Faith saith hee hath safe securitie of saluation Cyprian de Mortal God hath promised vnto thee when thou departest out of this world immortalitie and eternity and doest thou doubt thereof This were not to know God this is to offend Christ the Master of Beleeuers with the sinne of vnbeliefe this is for a man being in the house of faith to be without faith Ambros in Psal 118. Serm. 7. pag. 641. saith The iust man knoweth that eternall life is laid vp for him Austin on Psal 149. There is a kinde of glorying in the conscience when thou knowest thy faith to bee sincere thy hope certaine and thy loue without dissembling And Tom. 2. de verbis Domini Serm. 28. All thy sinnes are forgiuen thee Thou art made a good sonne of an euill seruant Therefore presume thou not of thy working but of the grace of Christ for saith the Apostle Ye are saued by grace Here therefore is not arrogancie but faith to make knowne what thou hast receiued is not pride but deuotion Hilary in Matth. Can. 5. The Lord will haue vs hope for the kingdome of heauen without any doubting for otherwise there is no iustification of faith if faith it selfe be vncertaine Fulgentius lib. 1. de pradest ad Monimum The iust liuing by faith saith confidently I beleeue to see the goodnesse of the Lord in the land of the liuing Macarius hom 17. Although speaking of the godly they are not yet entred into the whole inheritance prepared for them in the world to come yet through the earnest which they now receiue they are as certaine of it as if they were already crowned and raigning Bernard in Epist 190. ad Innocent PP If faith wauer then is our faith in vaine and our Martyrs were fooles to suffer such bitter things for vncertaine rewards And a little after he saith citing Austin for it That faith is not held of him that hath it in his heart to be there by coniecture or in opinion but by certaine knowledge the conscience giuing witnesse thereto Gainesaid by their owne men The Diuines of Collen say That we are iustified by faith as Antididagm Colon. pag. 29. by the apprehending cause such a faith as without all doubting assureth vs of the pardon of our sinnes through Christ The same Diuines in Enchirid. Concil Colon. tit de iustif cap. Non habes ergo confesse this for truth that to a mans iustification it is required that he certainly beleeue not onely in general that they which truely repent haue their sinnes forgiuen them by Christ but that his own selfe hath also forgiuenesse through Christ by faith Now if faith can assure vs certainly and without doubting of our iustification and remission of sinnes then so it can assure vs of life euerlasting Bishop Fisher in opuscul de fide misericord axiom 10. saith that if we will enter into heauen we must not come with a double heart or wauering faith but with that which is altogether without doubting and most certaine Ioh. Bacon Catharin cited by Perer in Rom. 8. D. 7. Num. 27. 30. select disput Tom. 2. affirme that the knowledge of faith is equall in certainty and farie aboue and more certaine then all other knowledges Isengren pro Concil Trid. de certit grat pag. 217. saith that their Diuines all the chiefest which hee had read for that purpose though they did not allow a man to be altogether secure and free from all care heedfulnesse yet with one voice teach that we must not tremble or mistrust but haue a firme hope and certaine confidence and saith further that this is the doctrine of all the Schoolemen and Fathers since the Apostles Scotus 3. D. 23. pag. 46. As I beleeue God is three in person and one in essence so doe I also beleeue my selfe to haue faith infused whereby I beleeue this Bannes in Thom. 22. Euery one that beleeueth seeth he doth beleeue Medina 1. 2. q. 112. Art 5. Caietan ibid. and Bannes too dare affirme that a Christian man by the infallible certaintie of faith which cannot be deceiued certainly knoweth himselfe to haue supernaturall faith Dom. Soto Apol. cap. 2. holdeth that a man may attaine to that certainty of his owne grace that he may without all doubting be as sure thereof as he is that there is a Citie called Rome See diuers other testimonies cited at large by Doctor White In his way to the true Church Digres 43. Num. 9. 10. wherehe sheweth that such as will not allow the certainty of faith yet hold sure and firme certainty of hope as excludeth all doubtfulnesse touching remission of sinnes And can they thus allow it in hope which is but a fruit of faith and hath all it firme and sure certainly from faith and not admit it in faith it in saith it selfe This is nothing but wretched peruersenesse of spirit against the cleere light of truth Before I come to the obiected Scriptures some things are needfull to be knowne both more cleerely to shew that which we hold that we may not be mistaken as also to helpe to the better answering of such places as be brought forth against this particular assurance of a mans saluation First that this iustifying sauing and applicatiue faith comprehending in it both historicall and temporarie faith is euer accompanied with other graces of Gods Spirit as with knowledge 2. Cor. 4. 13 14. and 5. 1 6. with hope 1. Pet. 1. 21. with Loue and Charitie Gal. 5. 6. Ephes 6. 23. 2. Tim. 1. 14. 1. Thes 5. 8. 2. Thes 3. 6. with holinesse and sanctification Iude vers 20. 2. Thes 2. 13. with puritie of heart 1. Tim. 1. 5. Act. 15. 9. with a good conscience 1. Tim. 1. 5 19. ioy Phil. 1. 25. with obedience Reu. 14. 13. with good workes Iam. 2. 22. Heb. 11. with open profession 2. Cor. 4. 13. Act. 4. 20. Rom. 10. 10. with Prayer Iam. 1. 6. and 5. 15. Iude verse 20. Rom. 10. 14. with godly sorrow feare holy reuenge on a mans selfe 1. Cor. 7. 11. with patience in aduersitie Iam. 1. 3. 2. Thes 1. 4. Heb. 6. 12. Reuel 13. 10. and with many other vertues 1. Cor. 7. 11. 2. Pet. 1. 5 6 7. 2. Tim. 2. 22. and 3. 10. 1. Tim. 4. 12. Reuel 2. 19. 1. Cor. 6. 11. So that such as haue this faith are no Solifidians as our Aduersaries please in malice to call vs. Secondly that the graces haue their proper operations which this faith doth not hinder but rather they