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cause_n faith_n grace_n instrumental_a 1,802 5 11.6254 5 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A03759 A short exposition of the 20. and 21. verses of the third chapter of the first epistle of S. Iohn Containing a very profitable discourse of conscience, and of al the actions, sortes, and kinds thereof, wherby euery man may easily know his estate, wherein hee standeth in the sight of his God, and whether his conscience be good or euill, with all things also belonging either to get a good conscience, or else to releiue it out of trouble, being grieued and wounded, as in the epistle to the reader is more specially mentioned, and in the discourse itselfe clearely expressed. Howesoun, John. 1600 (1600) STC 13878; ESTC S116556 26,751 68

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in Christ And secondly that the instruments to obtaine the same righteousnes and life in Christ is onely faith It followeth to shew how Conscience giueth iudgement of all our doings to wit by a kind of reasoning called a Practicall syllogysme wherein Conscience vseth two instruments in making of this reason which are minde and memorie For the minde telleth Conscience what the Law of God is and memorie bringeth to her minde all the particuler actions that men or women haue done or not done that Conscience may determine and giue iudgement thereof So that from these two the Consciēce reasoneth after this maner as for example The Conscience of a whoremonger reasoneth thus with himselfe saying All whoremoungers shall be without in the fierie lake that burneth with fire brimstone which is the second death But I am a whoremounger Therefore I shall be there So that hereby we see that the sinnes 13 and conpunctions of the heart are sore and grieuous prickes vnto the minde Conscience of man yea greater then any griefe that can befall him Although Sathan for a time doeth extenuate the same as also corrupt affections doe oftentimes so ouercast this iudgement Gen. 42.21 that it perceaueth nothing for the space of a long time as Iosephs bretheren who were blinded this way for the space of two and twentie yeares or thereby 2. Sam. 24.10 Dauid after his murther adulterie slept without remorse vntill he was wakened by the Prophet Nathan Act. 2.37 and the Iewes who put Christ to death vntil they were pricked with Peters sermon The effects of an accusing Consciēce are especially fiue 1. Griefe 2. Sadnes 14 Isa 17.20 Pro. 28.1 2. Cor. 1.12 Pro. 15.15 Pro. 1● 18 3. Feare 4. Perturbation of the whole man 5. Desperation This much of the accusing and condemning Conscience Now haue wee to speake of the Conscience excusing and absoluing which hath all things contrary to the accusing and condemning as Bouldnes Pro. 15.15 ioy in the Holie-Ghoste Confidence with assurance of mercy For the righteous saith Salomon are boulde as a Lyon 15 Learne heere reader that what is done of a doubting or of an erronious Conscience To doubt erre or do any thing against conscience is sinne Ro. 14.23 14.14 or against Conscience is sinne Because vvhatsoeuer is not of faith is sinne and to the vncleane all things are vneleane Some did iudge fornication in the Primitiue Church not to bee sinne wherein notwithstanding they sinned in respect that their Conscience did erre in her iudgement For euill remains euill albeit Conscience saith the contrarie a thousand times Moste men women are sicke of this disease at this day who thinke sin not to bee sinne in their Consciences c. What is done also against Conscience is sin in the doer albeit it erre and be deceaued 16 What should be our warrant in all our turnes Of al this let vs learne to obserue for a warrant to our Consciences the onely command or contremand of Gods word in all our proceedings and so shall wee walke surely when wee make his worde the onely rule to our Conscience eschew mans inuentions or good intentions and likewise when we vnderstande that it is a moste dangerous and deadly thing to bee ignorant of the knowledge of Gods word which maketh the life of man to abound yea to flow with the sea of al offences against God And there fore we shuld euer pray him of his great mercie to graunt vs aboue al things the true knowledge of him and of his sonne Iesus Christ with the testimony of an excusing and vpright Conscience ruled euer by the square of his worde in the which righteousnes and eternall life is onely to be found throgh faith in Christ The Thirde parte Two parts of our diuisiō being spokē of It followeth 1 the diuision touching the kindes sortes of Consciences thirdly to intreate of the kindes and sortes of Consciences in special first of the Conscience of the regenerate and of all Gods children secondly of that of the wicked For as to Conscience generally 2 it is eyther good or bad and a good Conscience is that which rightly and according to Gods word excuseth and comforteth Consciēce is either good or bap the excel●ēcie thereof consisteth in excuwng So that the excellencie of Conscience standeth in excusing not in accusing by reason that when we commit any sin we giue then occasion immediatly therafter to our Conscience to accuse and condemne vs wherby we doe wound hurt the same as testifieth the Apostle saying 1. Cor. 8.9.12 that the Corinthians did wound the Consciences of their weake brethren when they vsed their liberty as an occasion of offence to them And againe hee calleth a good Conscience a conscience without offence or accusing of them that haue it Act. 24.16 Againe a good Conscience is of two sorts 3 Good conscience of two sortes by creatiō and regeneration to wit eyther good by creation or else by regeneration The conscience of our first parēts before their fal was good onely by creation therfore could not but excuse them before God in all that they did in the estate of their innocency A good Conscience regenerat is that which being corrupt by nature is renued and purged by faith in the bloud of Christe 4 in all such there is a conuersion or change needefull by grace because by nature all mens consciences through sinne are euill and therfore become good onely by grace in Christ The instrumentall cause seruing to make this change is faith 5 Two cause of a good conscience which purifieth the hearts and the meritorious cause is the bloud of Christ which doth purge consciences from dead works to serue the liuing God A regenerat conscience hath two properties and stayes To wit 6 Two properties or stayes of a regenerat conscience Christian liberty and certaintie of saluation at all times when she excuseth Because that these two propertis haue not their place in the outward man but in the heart spirit or conscience I call Christian liberty 7 Christian liberty what Gal 5.1 the holie and spiritual freedome purchased vnto vs by Christ wherin the Apostle commandeth vs to Standfast and not to bee entangled againe with the yoake of bondage c. It hath three partes 8 Christian liberty hath three parts As freedome from the iustification of the morrall law and the fulfilling thereof For hee who is a member of Christe is not bound in Conscience to bringe the perfite righteousnes of the law in his owne person for his iustification before God but Chritss 9 He also who is a Christian is free from the curse and condemnation of the law for to such as are in Christ There is no condemnation Gal. 3 13. because he hath redeemed them from the curse of the Law 10 The second is