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A03064 A treatise of faith diuided into two parts. The first shewing the nature, the second, the life of faith. ... By Iohn Ball. Ball, John, 1585-1640. 1631 (1631) STC 1319; ESTC S100833 364,072 489

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faith there can bee no want of any thing that is good For how can hee lacke any good thing who hath God for his Father Christ his Sauiour the holy Ghost his sealer and Comforter the Angels to guard him Heauen his inheritance who hath Gods faithfull promise confirmed by oath and seale to secure him of all things needfull grace comfort and earthly blessings and is kept by the power of God vnto saluation But here it must be obserued that faith doth not effect and performe these things by any excellencie force or efficacie of it owne aboue other graces but in respect of the office wherunto it is assigned in the Couenant of grace It is a cause onely Instrumentall and that is atributed vnto it which the principall cause worketh Faith iustifies not as an act or qualitie but as it receiueth Christ faith purifieth not the heart of it selfe but as it is the instrument whereby the Spirit worketh Whatsoeuer wee are made by faith wee are made it in Christ and whatsoeuer faith makes to bee ours it is also in Christ Therefore faith maketh not God to be our God but in Christ nor vs the children of God but in Christ And whatsoeuer grace is wrought in the heart of any man it is the gift of God the worke of the holy Ghost but faith is the Instrument whereby the Spirit doth more renue and purifie our hearts § 2. Of all creatures onely Man is capable of sauing or iustifying faith §. 2. Of all creatures Man only is capable of Iustifying faith 2. Pet. ● 4 not the blessed Angels who neuer sinned nor the euill Angels who are shut vp in prison and reserued in chaines of darkenes against the day of iudgement The Saints in glory doe inioy immediate fellowship and communion with God by sight and know most perfectly and most clearely But the light of Iustifying faith which doth include and suppose imperfection pertaineth to this life in which we are in the way mouing to perfection not yet attained vnto perfect vision So that faith is proper vnto Man in this life in his iourney towards his perfect home and eternall habitation but all men are not enriched with this precious gift of mercie and rare iewell of grace All men haue not faith 2. Thes 3. ● Isay 53.1 Math. 11.25 and 13.11 Rom. 9.18 Many are not so much as outwardly called the sound of the Gospell hath not reached vnto them many that heare vnderstand not bee not affected with the truth and in some that be affected the word takes not kind rooting is not well planted Those to whom faith is giuen are described to be the elect of God the sheepe of Christ Tit. 1 1. Act. 13.48 Rom. 11.5 Ioh. Ioh. 6.37.39 and 20.39 and 17.2.6 Math. 1.21 and 18.11 and to bee giuen of the Father vnto Christ The subiect of Iustifying faith is man a sinnner called according to the purpose of God acknowledging his offences and hungring and thi●sting after mercie For none but a sinner can acknowledge Christ for his Sauiour for he is the Sauiour of sinners Faith in Christ for remission of sinnes is necessarie for them onely who haue offended but euery sinner cannot belieue euery one is not fit to receiue the promise of mercy The enimies of the Gospell of Christ worldings hypocri●es and all in whom sinne raigneth can haue no true faith in Christ Math. 11.28 Mark 1.15 hee onely is fit to embrace mercy who knoweth that hee is lost in himselfe and vnsatiably desires to be eased of the heauie burden of his sinnes Faith is not a worke naturall but supernaturall not of nature but of grace not of the power of our free-will but of the efficacie of Gods Spirit whereby we answere to the effectuall call of God and come vnto him that we might be pertakers of life eternall 1. Iohn 5.1 Iohn 1.12.13 Ioh 6 44. The infusion of faith is necessarily precedent to the act of faith and grace to belieue is giuen before we lay hold vpon Christ And if sauing-effectuall calling bee precedent to faith the subiect of liuing faith is man sauingly called according to the purpose of Gods will We can teach no faith to saluation but according to the rule of Christ Repent and belieue the Gospell Mar. ● 15. Luk. 24.47 Act. 2.37.38 no remission of sins but according to the like rule But faith seeketh and receiueth pardon as it is profered in the word of grace Repentance is necessarie to the pardon of sinne as a condition without which it cannot bee obtained Luk. 13.3 1. Ioh. 1.9 Act. 11.18 not as a cause why it is giuen If mercie should bee vouchsafed to all indifferently the grace of God should be a boulster to Mans sinne there should bee no difference betwixt the iust and vniust the pen●tent and obstinate Faith comes to Christ as an humble penitent petitioner suing to the throne of grace for what is promised in the Gospell and it receiueth according to the promise of mercie §. 3. Faith resideth both in Minde and Will § 3. The seate of faith is the heart but the heart contrite humbled bewailing sinne denying it selfe and affected with desire of remission of sinnes As the stomake is the place in which meate is receiued but it is necessarie it bee desirous of meate So the heart is the place where remission of sinnes is receiued and felt but it must be an heart desirous of and thirsting after pardon With the heart man belieueth Rom. 10.10 Act. 8.37 2. Pet. 1.19 Act. 16.14 If the Mind and will bee two distinct faculties of the soule then iustifying faith is resident in both but principally in the will because it assenteth to diuine reuelation as true and embraceth the promises as much better then any contrarie good the world the Diuell or flesh can present to preuent our choice of what it prescribeth for our sauing health For the word of promise not onely containing truth but offering good vnto vs cannot fully be receiued with the vnderstanding but the will also must moue towards it And so faith is not onely a knowledge or assent in the Minde but a godly affection in the will which doth goe to embrace rest vpon Christ or the grace offered in Christ Therefore the nature of faith is described by words which signifie to stay and rolle our selues vpon God to l●ane on him as one would leane vpon a staffe and by faith we come vnto Christ and receiue him It is obiected that one and the same vertue or grace cannot be in distinct powers and faculties of the soule Bellar. de Iustif l 1. cap. 6. Haec Philosophia nor faith in distinct subiects Whereunto seuerall answers are made First that one and the same thing in diuers respects may be referred to diuers subiects as these subiects are not altogether seperated but conioyned amongst themselues So friend-ship is one morall vertue and yet in the Minde and
is of no effect or moment thereunto When the Apostle makes comparison betwixt the body without the spirit and faith without workes Iames 2.26 Rhem. annot in Iames 2 26. Sect. 10. concluding that they are both dead he cannot be thought to make lo●e the soule of faith For he speakes not of internall charitie which lodgeth in the heart but of externall workes which are outwardly visible and apparent vnto men and cannot be the life but are the fruites and effects of faith For that which is without and externall cannot bee the life or soule of that which is within and internall nay it selfe hath from within all the life that it hath and if it receiue not life from within it is altogether dead Workes therefore being outward and issuing from within if they be true can in no good construction be said to be the life of faith which is within but to be the issues and productions of faith from which they spring Besides the word vsed by the Apostle doth signifie the breath and and so the comparison runneth plaine As the body of a l uing creature if it breathe not is dead so faith if it bring forth no workes is dead For breathing is an effect of a liuing body and working is the proper effect of a liuing faith If we speake of faith as it is outwardly professed to men workes which may bee discerned by the eyes of men not charitie which is the inward affection of the heart are they that giue name and gaine credit to profession Charitie is an hand or instrument whereby faith worketh workes are fruites effects demonstrations of the inward life of faith and that which giues name and being to our externall proffession is a pure blamelesse vpright conuersation fruitefull in good workes If we speake of faith a dead faith may be compared to a dead body altogether void of spirituall quickening but a liuely faith cannot fitly be resembled to liuing body but rather to the life of the body because faith is not that which is quickened by charitie or the the workes of charitie but that which quickeneth Faith is the first wheele in the Clocke that moueth all the rest Faith stirreth vp and directeth all other graces of the soule in their operations whose strength increaseth according to the liuely-hood vigor and increase of faith Iames 2.22 Rhem. annot in Loc. How then saith the Apostle That faith is perfected by workes As we iudge of the cause by the effects and by the proportion of the effects the efficacie and force of the cause may seeme to be increased or diminished euery thing is acknowledged to bee perfect when it worketh and is esteemed so much the more perfect by how much the more it worketh as wee say the goodnesse of a tree is perfect when it hath brought forth some excellent good fruite Thus Phylosophers teach that the forme is not perfect when it is considered as the first act but when it is taken as the second act for by working it putteth forth it force and declareth it selfe And so faith is perfected by workes not that the nature of faith receiueth complement or perfection from workes but because it doth declare and manifest it selfe by loue and good workes and is esteemed by so much the more perfect as the workes produced are the more excellent Yea as the exercise of outward members increaseth internall vigor and strength and refresheth the spirits by which wee moue so doth the exercise of grace and vertue rightly imployed perfect faith not imparting the perfection of workes vnto it but stirring vp exercising and intending it owne vigor and perfection Sense and motion is the effect not the cause of life in the body but yet the body without them is dead and perfected by them Workes are the effects not the life of faith but faith without workes is dead and by workes it is perfected § 3. There is a fained and dead faith §. 3. Iames 2.20 Iames 2.19 Act. 8.21 Luk. 8.14 a faith whereby the Deuils are said to belieue and such whose hearts are not vpright a faith which resteth barely in the vnderstanding or which sleightly affecteth the heart but is not rooted beares not soueraignetie a faith subordinate to vaine-glory or couetous desires which the world destroyeth and this saith as it is ineffectuall to season the affections throughout and incite to the sincere vniforme acts of loue so is it vnauaileable to Iustification There is a faith vnfained welrooted soueraigne 1. Tim. 1.5 Acts 15.9 Gal. 2.20 1 Iohn 5.4 Iustifying faith cannot bee without loue whereby we belieue to righteousnes by which the heart is purified and Christ dwelleth in vs which is the victorie whereby we ouercome the world and this faith worketh by loue and cannot but worke Hee that belieueth in this sort loueth freely and connot but loue not through defect of libertie but through the nature of faith exciting the belieuer to will to loue not to loue if he will Faith and loue considered as habits of the renewed soule and branches of inherent holines haue their originall from the Spirit of regeneration and be distinct graces infused together The deeds of charitie are the proper acts or exercises of the grace of charitie Par. de Iust lib. 1. cap. 14. from which they issue as branches from the flocke and fruite from the tree nor can we properly say that such workes flow from faith as the fruite doth from the roote seeing charitie is no branch of faith but a distinct grace of the renewing Spirit which beareth it proper and distinct fruit But such acts are said to be of faith because the doctrine of faith inioyneth them the vertue of faith inclines the soule vnto them moueth charitie vnto the exercise of them and directeth and quickeneth the acts themselues without which they would be liuelesse and out of square Faith doth beget loue not that one habite doth beget another but that faith doth excite men to the workes of charitie Thus the habits of faith and loue be coupled in infusion the exercise of faith and loue be inseperably conioyned and the acts of loue bee the effects of faith 1. Iohn 5.1 Iohn 1.12 13. 2. Cor. 5.17 2. Pet. 1.4 Euery one that belieueth is borne of God hee that is engrafted into Christ by faith is a new Creature and made pertaker of the diuine nature But he that is borne of God is endued with the grace of loue The liuely members of Christ Iesus which receiue from him the sap of grace cannot be vtterly destitute of true charitie But all true Belieuers are liuing members of Christ Iesus Gal. 2.20 Rom. 11.17 Iohn 15 1 2. 1. Iohn 4.15 Rom. 1.17 Iohn 3.36 6.40 Hee that belieueth abideth in God and God in him But in whom God abideth in him is loue Euery true Belieuer doth liue spiritually and where true faith is there is true life But hee that liues spiritually and is
which to faith are meerely accidentall The godly and deuout affection and willing submission to the rules of faith which is in Christians being an act of charitie and not of faith differenceth not true faith in it selfe from the faith of Hypocrites but distinguisheth faith and charitie from faith only And thus our Aduersaries make the Deuill a Catholike against his will Or if they will say that true Christian faith doth alwayes actually and necessarily imply this godly affection and willing submission of vnderstanding to the rules of faith then because this cannot bee without charitie let them say as the truth is that true Christian faith cannot bee separated from loue and good workes It is impertinent to dispute whether the faith of Deuils be naturall coact and dishonest or the faith of wicked men supernaturall voluntarie and Honest as if these things distinguished the faith of vngodly men from the faith of Deuils For if the maiestie of Gods infallible truth command the assent of Deuils to that which they loue not doth not the same cause also preuaile with vngodly men who beare no affection to God or goodnesse And as for the honestie or dishonestie of the act there can no circumstance bee named why it should bee honest in wicked men and dishonest in the Deuils for it is fearefully abused in both And if it be granted that faith without workes or grace is in men the gift of God but the faith of Deuils not so this argues a difference only in the cause not in the essence nature or qualitie And though it bee his gift yet being without grace and charitie and without these of necessitie as vnfruitfull as the faith of Deuils both which our Aduersaries grant it is no more auaileable to make a Christian then the faith of Deuils is It is further obiected if faith cannot be without charitie then faith alone doth not iustifie This followeth not Bellar. de Iustis lib. 1. cap. 15. §. At si §. postrem● for it is one thing to say faith alone doth not iustifie another that faith which iustifieth is not alone This latter wee yield vnto the first wee denie Faith alone doth iustifie that is priuatiuely considered without hope or charitie as causes concurring therewith in iustification but this faith cannot really be seperated from or negatiuely considered without hope and charitie For though it be true that the total cause of any thing being in act the effect must needs follow yet from the totall cause we cannot separate those things together with which it hath in nature it existence and beeing and without which it cannot be in act for the producing of the effect though they con●erre nothing thereto because that is to denie the being of it and to destroy the cause The eye alone seeth the eare alone heareth but it must be a liuing eye and hearing eare not separated from the head or broken off from the rest of the bodie Faith alone iustifies without other graces not in regard of their presence but in regard of their co-working with faith to this effect of our Iustification It is one thing to say the eye is in the head without other senses and another thing to say the eye doth see alone no other sense seeing with it Liuelihood is the qualification of that faith that iustifieth and workes at least a preparation and promptitude of heart to good workes is an effect of faith as immediate as Iustification So then faith cannot bee withot loue and yet wee apprehend not the promises of eternall life by workes but by faith alone although truly they cannot be apprehended by parties destitute of workes at least of sincere resolution to walke in obedience Nor doth faith alone apprehend the truth or deriue the benefit of diuine promises to our selues but by it alone though accompanied with all other sanctifying graces and attended with the whole traine of good workes wee expect and pray the promises may be fulfilled not for our sakes or for any righteousnesse wee haue in vs or can hope for in this Life but only for the merit of Christ by his sole mediation and intercession In briefe the faith which iustifieth is operatiue attended with good workes of all sorts accompanied with all graces of the the Spirit but we liue by it as it vnites vs to the Lord of life yea by it alone not by it and other parts of grace in as much as by it wee trust in Gods mercies offered in Christ wholly relying on them not partly on them and partly on our workes or righteousnesse CHAP. V. Of the generall obiect or matter of Faith Iustifying §. 1. What doctrines are called matters of Faith § 1. MAtter 's of faith strictly and properly those are called which pertaine to the nature and essence of faith first and by themselues as are the points of faith contained in the Gospell the ignorance whereof is damnable and the deniall hereticall But in a more large acceptation all truth reuealed by God in his holy Word is a matter of faith and to bee belieued as God hath reuealed it Hence is that rule of Diuines There are many integrall parts in the Word of God which are said to bee of the word of faith but not prope●ly a matter of faith For there are many historicall domesticall and particular matters set downe for example not properly for faith which wee belieue not because they pertaine to sauing faith but for that they appertaine to the Word written by the Spirit of God And not much vnlike hereunto is that distinion that some things are necessarie to bee belieued to saluation by themselues and the authoritie of the Scriptures as the substantiall points of faith and manners others for the authoritie of the Scripture only as those which are not so necessarie and some neither by themselues nor the authoritie of the Scripture as are things in themselues indifferent so long as by circumstance they bee not repugnant to faith tru●th loue and edification § 2. Iustifying faith is considered §. 2. Iustifying faith is two wayes considered either according to it most eminent effect which is to iustifie or according to it full and adequate act For that faith which iustifieth doth imbrace the Commandements belieue the threatnings looke to all the promises of God made in Iesus Christ concerning this life or the life to come and receiue the good things promised it sustaineth in aduersities worketh by loue as an instrument conioyned with it guideth all our actions and giueth firme assent vnto euery article of faith and euery part of diuine truth but as it iustifieth it is conuersant about Christ obeying to death that we may find righteousnesse and forgi●enesse of sinnes to life in him or it cleaueth vn●o Gods mercies manifested in that ete●nall sacrifice alwayes breathing out life to men renouncing all trust and confidence euen in such graces as we haue receiued from God The trueth mercie fidelitie and power of God
it The like may bee noted of their feare and doubting at other times Yea that assurance that is had by extraordinary reuelation is not altogeth●r free from feares and doub●s shaking sometimes the confidence of that which a man hath receiued immediately from the oracle of Gods owne mouth or by speciall messengers directed from God for certificate in that behalfe Which is to be seene in the examples of Abraham Isaac Dauid Gen. 12.12 13. Psal 31.22 1. Sam. 27.1 and others to whom God had giuen speciall promise of his protection and fauour and yet vpon occasions they haue bewrayed great infirmitie in the apprehension thereof And if this befall to faith in those things which are extraordinarily reuealed for it is faith ordinarie by which a man belieueth such extraordinarie reuelations much more wee may assure our selues it befalleth there where wee haue no other but ordinarie reuelation by the written Word of God Also the Word of God once spoken and often reiterated is of equall certaintie in it selfe but to helpe our weaknesse the Lord goeth ouer one and the same thing againe and againe Things belieued are in themselues more certaine then things seene but not apprehended by vs with such assurance Of these who doubteth of the other who doubteth not at some times The Prophets our Sauiour Christ and his Apostles doe labour oft to confirme vnto vs matters of faith by reasons similitudes signes examples incurring into the senses not only to better our vnderstanding but to confirme our faith which is an argument that to vs things sensible are oft more certaine then things belieued though in themselues more vncertaine Moreouer conclusions theologicall are in themselues as certaine as are the principles vpon which they are grounded but alwayes they are not so infallible to our vnderstanding and conscience because the inference is not so well readily and plainly perceiued as hath beene shewed before And so though the saluation of the Belieuer be as certaine as the word of promise vpon which his faith is surely builded yet it is not so infallibly knowne to the Belieuer himselfe it being farre more easie to conceiue that a belieuer shal be saued then to assure the conscience that he is a true Belieuer What the Lord hath immediately reuealed that faith receiueth with the greatest certaintie but what is concluded out of the Word from one proposition immediately diuine and another certainly knowne by some other light that may be belieued with infallible assurance And so he that is iustified and hath obtained remission of sinnes may assuredly know or belieue that hee hath receiued mercie of the Lord otherwise he can neuer truly bee thankefull to God for that inestimable benefit For he that knoweth not whether hee hath receiued it or not nor can assure himselfe of it without intollerable and inexcusable presumption how should he from the heart giue God thankes for this vnspeakable fauour But to thinke that mortall men are neuer bound to giue God thankes for the greatest benefit that is bestowed vpon them in this world is most absurd It is obiected That in this state of temptation Bellar. de Iustif lib. 3. cap. 8. §. Tertia ratio such is our infirmitie assurance would engender pride And immediate and perfect assurance such as is free from all assault and impeachment of feare and doubt might peraduenture by the corruption of our nature bee abused to securitie and pride But such perfection in this life wee attaine not vnto because the Lord knowes it not expedient As wee haue a measure of true righteousnesse though weake and imperfect so haue wee a meas●re of true and comfortable assurance against feare and doubt though by reason of our weaknesse mixed with many feares and doubts Thus the Lord deales with vs in great wisdome knowing our inabilitie to weild any better condition that by the sweetnesse of grace wee might bee allured to yeeld chearefull obedience The benefits that come vnto vs by temptations and bee sustained in temptations and by the sence of our weakenesse together with the sharpnesse of temptation feare and perplexitie might be kept from swelling in pride securitie loue of carnall libertie negligence to preserue our faith and such like And as sometimes by his admirable wisdome he maketh sinne the whetstone of righteousnes so by affliction and trouble by d●strusts and fearefull doubts hee whetteth and sharpeneth our faith and assurance which by fighting increaseth and the longer it wrastleth the stronger it waxeth whilest faith powreth forth Prayer and powring forth of Prayer obtaineth further strength of faith Knocking makes the linke to burne more clearely and the shaking of a tree by stormie blasts settles the root and the tree more firmely so temptations troubles and feares by the wise prouidence of God make for the increase and confirmation of faith As a man in danger of drowning catcheth for hold to saue himselfe so whilest the comfort of life makes offer to goe from vs wee take the better hold thereof and it becomes so much the more pretious and deare vnto vs. By our corruption vertues become poysons and by the wisdome of God sinnes are made medicines But as wee doe not condemne vertue though our corrupt hearts doe sometimes abuse it nor commend sinne for that it is vsed as a spurre to righteousnesse no more doe we approue doubting for the good that God workes by it nor disallow full assurance because of the euill that might ensue to vs thereby abusing the same In briefe pride is the daughter of corruption not of filiall confidence nor may it bee condemned for it because that verde springeth from another root §. 10. § 10. A man may belieue say the Romanists that he shall haue eternall life if hee keepe the Commandements but because he is not assured that he shall so doe he remaineth in feare And very iustly may he be in feare or rather in despaire that looketh for eternall life vpon no other condition The Apostle indeed doth plainly debarre him from all hope and expectation thereof when he saith So many as are of the workes of the Law Gal. 3.10 are vnder the curse for it is written Cursed is euery one c It is not for them that professe the faith of Christ by their keeping of the Commandements to expect the obtaining of eternall life Gal. 5.4 Rom. 4.14 Gal. 3.18 1. John 5.10 11 Rom. 6.23 Yee are fallen from grace saith the Apostle that will be iustified by the Law If they which bee of the Law bee heires then is faith made void The Commandements of God are laid before Belieuers not as the cause for obtaining of eternall life but as the way to walke in vnto eternall life assured vnto vs by the free promise and gift of God And of this promise and gift of God the keeping of Gods Commandements is a part who hath said I will put my Law into their hearts Ier. 31.33 Ezek. 36.27 Ephes 2.10 and
estate But this falleth out by the wise prouidence of God so disposing least by the suddaine change from so damnable and vncomfortable an estate to so happie and ioyfull he should be lifted vp and conceited and so become secure and presumptuous Againe this maketh him the more to p●ize the sense of Gods mercie and with the greater care to preserue his faith and to shunne all sinne and wickednes which might hinder the apprehension of his continuall loue § 5. Satan tempteth some to doubt because at first they receiued the truth without due tryall §. 5. 5. They receiued the truth at first without due tryall and examination whose dutie it is carefully to reforme whatsoeuer they espie to haue beene amisse but for one rotten post it is no wisedome to pull downe the whole building Remedy 1. Ioh. 1.9 For God is mercifull and readie to forgiue our imperfections when vpon the knowledge and sight wee confesse and bewaile them Faith may bee true though much were amisse when first we receiued the truth The Disciples at first followed Christ in hope of temporall preferment and yet their faith was sound true for when they came to the knowledge of their errour they reformed it did still inseperably cleaue vnto him It is the great wisedome and mercie of the Lord for a time to hide from his children the sight of their infirmities and wants and nowithstanding their manifold weakenesses to afford vnto them the sence of his loue least they should be vtterly discouraged and faint vnder the burden for want of experience finding the entrance into life hard and difficult Naturall discretion teacheth vs to deale with children according to their abilitie not to dishearten them by exacting what is aboue their strength The like compassion doth the Lord shew to his by the comforts of his Spirit preparing them to endure the assaults of Satan § 6. Many Christians be exercised with this temptation that they cannot bee the children of God because they neuer had that deepe sorrow §. 6. 6. They neuer had that deep sorrow which many haue felt and long lying vnder it that many of their Brethren haue had Remedy God deales not with all alike Whereas they should know that not mens examples but Gods word must be our rule of direction The Lord dealeth not with all alike because in wisedome hee knoweth what is most meete for euery man Doth any man complaine because his ioynts are set or his wounds cured with little smart and paine The Physician knowes best the strength of his patient and what hee can beare what is necessarie for one would kill another It is good to grieue Faith may bee sound in thē who neuer found such depth of sorrow as others haue done because we can grieue no more for sinne But to doubt of Gods loue because he deales gently with vs least we should be swallowed vp of sorrow is great ignorance weaknesse and folly God many times keepes from his seruants the horrible and gastly aspect of their sinnes in wonderfull mercie least the horrour of them and Gods wrath due for them should ouer-whelme them Hos 2.14 Acts 16.14 15. If God by inticements and speaking to thy heart haue brought thee home vnto him thou hast cause to magnifie the tender mercie of the Lord who hath not dealt with thee after thine iniquities for had hee set thee vpon the racke as many haue beene thou hast reason to thinke thou hadst neuer beene able to beare it Feare of conscience griefe of minde doubtfulnesse of saluation commends no man to God neither is it against a man or with him in assuring himselfe of saluation whether he haue long or short time beene pressed with such sorrowes but that he be well freed and deliuered from such trouble and discharged of his feare § 7. A poore Christian is oft put to great plunges through the malice of Satan because there is much weaknesse of spirituall life in him hee neuer felt any great strength of grace in himselfe §. 7. 7. They neuer felt any great strength of grace and what he formerly felt is now decayed Remedy By this Temptation God doth chasten our pride and swelling of heart vnthankefulnesse discontinuance of care to cherish and increase receiued graces by meanes sanctified running into occasions of decay and cooling and contentment with a small pittance of grace faith hol●nesse For all which sinnes and other of like kind we must vnfainedly humble our selues before God crauing pardon of his meere grace and mercie This Humiliation is a speciall meanes to ease the conscience as the wound doth cease raging when it is opened and well drawne Wee may haue true faith though we neuer had any great strength of grace And it must bee remembred that wee are but children and therefore weake yea and subiect to many spirituall diseases such as take away sence of life and therefore we must seeke to be cured and not despaire of life When any one part or member is distempered or ill at ease we despaire not of the safetie of the whole person but labour to cure and restore it to health againe so when wee haue offended wee should resort to the Physitian Christ Iesus make our complaint to him and bee confident for his promise sake that hee will helpe vs. And if they who haue falne and offended God Ier. 3.1 may turne home againe to their first Husband with good welcome shall not they much more bee beloued of him and comforted by him who haue not prouoked him but are only held downe through feare and infirmitie And though their graces bee small they may bee true whiles they bee small Little faith is faith as a little fire is fire God despiseth not little things in obedience offered to him In the sacrifices of the Law not the price of the gift but the abilitie and affection of the offerer was respected Luke 21.2 3 4. And if weaknesse of grace was any iust cause of feare who might assure himselfe of Gods loue Not one For though some haue grace in greater measure then others yet all are compassed with infirmities and haue not attained vnto perfection But it is not so much enquired how great or little as how sincere our faith and obedience is Faith if it bee vnfained though but as a graine of Mustard seed obedience if it bee heartie though mingled with many infirmities hath promise of gracious acceptation And the smallest beginnings are pledges of greater fauours where there is thankfull acceptance and conscionable vse of those alreadie receiued to the glory of the bestower § 8. If what was formerly felt bee now decayed in feeling euen in Gods dearest children there may be decay §. 8. 8. What they formerly felt is now decaied of graces in part and for a time Remedie Phil. 4.10 Math. 16.18 In Gods dearest children there may bee decay of graces Of the Philippians the
I Isay 43.25 and 44.22 euen I am hee that blotteth out thy transgrssions for mine owne sake and wi●l not remember thy sinnes I will loue them freely for mine anger is turned away from him Hos 14.4 Who is a God like vnto thee that pardoneth iniquitie and passeth by the transgression of the remnant of his heritage Mic. 7.18 hee retaineth not his anger for euer because he delighteth in mercy Heb. 8.12 Ier 31.34 Deut. 21.8 I will be mercifull to their vnrighteousnes and th●ir sinnes and their iniquities will I remember no more Bee mercifull O Lord vnto thy people Israel whom thou hast redeemed Numb 14.28 Yet obtained through Christ only Ioh. 1.29 But when we heare of grace we must remember Christ in and through whom God is gratious vnto vs. Christ is the lambe of God which taketh away the sinnes of the world and this great benefit of forgiuenes of si●ne is plentifully proclaimed vnto vs miserable sinners in n● through him Thus it is written Luk. 24.46.47 and thus it behoued Christ to suffer and to rise againe from the dead the third day and that repentance and Remission of sinnes should be preached among all nations beginni●g at Ierusalem Bee it knowen vnto you th●refore Act. 13.38 Men and bretheren that through this Man meaning Christ is preached vnto you the forgiuenes of sinnes Now then we are Ambassadors for Christ 2. Cor. 5.10 as though God did beseech you by vs we pray you in Christ steed be yee reconciled to God Hereunto agreeth that inuitation of our Sauiour Come vnto mee all yee that labour and are heauen laden and I will giue you rest This promise of grace is receiued possessed and enioyed by faith alone Math. 11.28 And receiued and possessed by faith but by an operatiue and liuely faith To him giue all the prophets witnesse that through his Name Act. 10.43 Act. 13.39 whosoeuer belieueth in him shall receiue remission of sinnes And by him all that belieue are iustified from all things from which yee could not bee iustified by the Law of Moses Though faith bee accompanied with other graces yet Man liueth by it alone And by it alone Rom. 1.17 Gal 2.16 and 3.11.24 not by it and other parts of grace as ioynt supporters in as much as by it alone he trusts in Gods mercy offered in Christ wholly relying on it not partly on mercy partly on righteousnes inherent We are iustified freely by his grace Rom. though the redemption that is in Iesus Christ whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood to declare his righteousnes for the remission of sinnes that are past The Scripture foreseeing that God would iustifie the Heathen through faith Gal. 3.8 Gen. 12.3 Gen. 15.6 Rom. 4.16 preached before the Gospell vnto Abraham saying In thee shall all nations be blessed And thus the Lord hath ordained for diuers reasons First this promise is of faith that it might be of free grace which cannot stand with the dignity of workes If it bee by grace then is it no more of workes otherwise grace is no more grace Rom. 11.6 But if it be of workes then is it no more grace otherwise worke is no more worke Faith answeres the promise and receiues the pardon of grace as a poore begger vtterly denying all worthinesse in the subiect whereas other graces had they beene assigned to this office would haue challenged something to themselues Secondly it is of faith that it might be stedfast and sure to all the seed why so because the promise is of grace Faith and grace doe sweetly consent mutually vphold each other Faith leaneth vpon grace alone and grace or mercy is promised freely that we might belieue and vouchsafed to him that doth belieue and accept it Without faith therefore the promise doth fall And if the promise of remission of sinnes did depend vpon any worthinesse in vs to receiue it wee should not onely wauer and bee vncertaine but euen vtterly despaire of euer speeding Thirdly that only is the true manner of Iustification which shuts forth all boasting in the dignitie of our workes Ier. 9.23 But faith excludes all boasting in our selues and teacheth vs to glory in the Lord our righteousnesse Where is boasting then it is excluded By what Law Rom. 3.27.28 Of works Nay but by the Law of faith Therefore we conclude that a man is iustified by faith without the deeds of the Law For if Abraham were iustified by workes Rom. 4 1.3 Eph. 1. Cor. 1.30 31. he hath whereof to glory but not before God For what saith the Scripture Abraham belieued God and it was counted vnto him for righteousnes As God inuites vs to receiue the promise of pardon offered in the Gospell It s necessary to seeke pardon of sinne by faith so it is necessarie that wee embrace it by a liuely faith For in our selues we be sinfull and cursed no way able to make any satisfaction wher by we might be deliuered and remission which is of grace can be obtained by no other meanes but onely by faith n Iesus Christ To him that worketh not Rom. Psal 32.1 but belieueth on him that iustifieth the vngodly his faith is counted for righteousnesse euen as Dauid also describeth the blessednesse of the Man vnto whom God imputeth righteousnes without workes Saying Blessed are they whose iniquities are forgiuen and whose sinnes are couered Gal. 1.16 and 3.22 Blessed is the Man to whom the Lord will not impute sinne Faith goeth directly vnto Christ that by him wee might be Iustified and embraceth the promises of God concerning Iustification which is the maner by which alone God hath ordained to iustifie vs. No man can be heire according to the hope of eternall life vnlesse he be iustified from sinne by the free grace of God Isay 59.2 for sins not blotted out by the free pardon of grace seperate betwixt God and vs and hide his face from vs. Tit. 3.5.7 Not by workes of righteousnesse which wee haue done but according to his mercy hee saued vs c. That being iustified by his grace wee should be made heires according to the hope of eternall glory But no pardon is obtained vnlesse the promise of pardon be receiued by faith Faith in the promises of mercie that wee might be acquitted from sinne and accepted as Iust and righteous doth commend and maintaine the glory of Gods grace intyre and in this respect also it is the more necessary As a penitent malefactor if hee were to pleade his cause before the Prince himselfe would not stand vpon termes of innocencie or present integritie because he had his pardon vnder seale seeing that was giuen him to pleade for mercie not for iustice so the faithfull soule relyeth vpon the free mercie of God and promise of pardon proclaimed indefinitely to all burdened and penitent sinners
is euer hungry Cant. 5.6 7 8. sensible of want and emptinesse and therefore attends vpon the Lord in the vse of all such meanes whereby he is pleased to conueigh Christ vnto vs for our spirituall filling The labourious Bee is early abroad to gather when there is an hony fall and faith is early awake to waite vpon the Lord in his ordinances when hee showres his blessings vpon his people But it knoweth to distinguish betwixt the ordinances in and by which grace is obtained and the Author and Giuer of it And thi● vrge●h the Belieuer earnestly to beg the blessing of God vpon his owne ordinances without which they cannot auaile vs. Thirdly It inciteth to an holy improuement of what graces he hath re●eiued alreadie as the readie way to haue them encreased God bestoweth his gifts of grace in most plentifull measure vpon them that are most carefull to put them forth to aduantage Luke 19.26 Math. 13.12 To him that hath that is that vseth well what he hath receiued shall be giuen and hee shall haue in abundance Grace is giuen freely not deserued by workes but by the appointment of God he that would increase therein must religiously imploy what he possesseth Men increase their substance by labour and paines their learning by diligence and hee that best improueth graces receiued shall most abound therein Fourthly It fighteth couragiously against sin crieth instantly to the Lord for helpe Faith wil not yeeld to corruption be the combate neuer so hote and fierie because it apprehends victorie neither will it giue the Lord rest because it is sensible of want and wearie of sinne Create in mee a cleane heart Psal 51.10 O God and renew a right spirit within me Fiftly It submitteth willingly to what course the Lord is pleased to take for the crucifying of sinne and healing of our nature Looke as the patient yeeldeth himselfe vnto the Physician to be dieted purged or lanced for the curing of his maladies and recouery of health so doth the soule resigne it selfe by faith into the hands of God the spirituall Physician of the soule who only is able to heale all diseases to be dieted purged exercised as seemeth best vnto his heauenly wisdome only it desires that spirituall maladies may be remoued and health recouered Sixtly Faith is the band or sinew whereby we are tied vnto Christ the fountaine of grace and the pipe whereby grace is conueyed from him into the soule Acts 15.9 Looke what 〈◊〉 full treasure of all sorts of graces Christ hath stored vp in him faith draweth and driueth them out of his fulnes to the vse of each seuerall Christian euen grace for grace Iohn 1.16 Iohn 15.1 5 6. It fetcheth sap from the root Christ which maketh euery tree bring forth fruit in it kind euery Christian in his owne calling As water brought by pipes from the fountaine to the cocke doth come faster or slower as the pipes be wider or narrower open or stopped so grace doth flow from Christ into our hearts more or lesse as our faith is weaker or stronger in degree and measure Faith openeth as it were the passages of grace that it may distill more plentifully vpon vs. And thus by fetching supernaturall efficacie from the death and life of Christ it changeth the heart creates and infuseth new principles of action begetteth a plyable willingnesse vnto euery thing that is good and conueigheth both will and ability thereunto as the medicine curing the vitious stomacke and restoring it to health makes it long for wholsome meate as before for coales and ashes By the precious promises which wee haue from God when they are ours by faith 2. Pet. 1.4 we are made partakers of the diuine nature or the graces of the Holy Ghost The p●eposterous care and trauell of many wel-affected is to bee pittied who studie the practice of this or that vertue The true cause why men labour in vaine to practice some particular vertue neglecting this cardinall and radicall vertue as if men should water all the branches of a Tree and not the root Faine would they abound and shine in patience meeknesse zeale yet establish and root not themselues in f●ith that should maintaine all the rest If water come not to the cocke wee vse to open or amend the pipes or leades that conueigh it from the spring Christ is the wel-spring of grace if wee would haue our wants supplied we must labour stedfastly to belieue All defects in sanctification must admonish vs to looke to our faith Thirst driues men to the Sp●ings of water col● forceth them to the fire weaknesse or want of grace should moue vs to come vnto Christ by a liuely faith Esay 55.1 Oh euery one that thirsteth come yee to the waters To giue way to doubting because the graces of Gods Spirit bee weake and feeble in vs is as if a man should refuse to eate because he is faint for want of sustenance Seuenthly True faith stirreth vp to thankfulnesse for the beginning of sanctification Rom. 7.25 I thank God through Iesus Christ our Lord. So then with the minde I my selfe serue the Law of God The least measure of sanctifying grace is in it selfe an vnspeakable benefit considering the poyson of our corrupt nature and also a pledge of future fauours to be receiued till the worke be perfected God in great wisdome powreth the graces of his Spirit vpon vs by degrees and doth not perfectly sanctifie vs at once least we should forget what great things hee doth for vs in forgiuing our daily trespasses and curing the grieuous and loathsome diseases of our polluted soules 1. Cor. 1.9 1. Thes 5.24 Rom. 11.29 Phil. 1 6. but the beginning of sanctification is an earnest of further grace to be vouchsafed till the worke bee finished to the praise of his grace which doth appeare the more in that the gifts of grace are communicated by degrees The meanes to stirre vp to belieue that God will sanctifie when we see nothing but discomfort The way or meanes whereby a Christian may stirre vp his faith to belieue that God will sanctifie him when hee seeth nothing but thraldome and sinne preuailing and feeleth nothing but deadnesse of heart is this First he must bewaile his spirituall nakednesse thraldome and vassalage vnder sinne acknowledging his inabilitie to free and deliuer him selfe Into what miserie and bondage haue I brought my selfe Thou Lord madest me holy pure and vpright But by sinne I sold my selfe vnto the seruice of sinne from which to this day I cannot get deliuerance Euery facultie of soule is deeply infected with that contagious leprosie the Mind is blinde vaine foolish the will peruerse and rebellious all the affections out of order there is nothing whole or sound within me Night and day I am pestered with sinfull motions The desires of my sinfull heart bee so strong and preuailing that I am carried head-long to that which is euill The
grace as well as any benefite tending thereunto As we are iustified by faith so wee are saued by faith Eph. 2.8 not in respect of present saluation or redemption whereof here we are pertakers but in respect of glorification to come in due time to be reuealed Belieue on the Lord Iesus Act. 16.31 and thou shalt hee saued By faith wee haue accesse into this grace Rom. 5.2 wherein wee stand and reioyce in the hope of glory When the Apostle saith With the heart Man belieueth vnto righteousnesse Rom. 10.10 and with the mouth confession is made vnto saluation H●e doth not so distinguish these two as if faith were the cause of righteousnes confession of saluation or as if faith were sufficient to righteousnes but not to saluation for hee had often said Rom. 4 16. that wee are saued by faith that the promise is by faith But he describes the qualification of that faith which iustifyeth and saueth namely that it is a stedfast affiance that flyeth to God by heartie supplication and breaketh forth into profession of Gods name The promise is Rom. 10.11 Whosoeuer shall call vpon the name of the Lord shall be saued and faith herein flyeth to the throne of grace with ardent supplications and layeth hold of saluation promised of grace Secondly Faith doth not begin to apprehend life and then leaue it it to works that we might attain the accōplishment by thē but it doth euer rest vpon the promise vntill we come to enioy it Heauen is an inheritance freely vouchsafed to the adopted sonnes of God whose interest vnto it commeth by belieuing not by working Rom. 6.23 The gift of God is eternall life through Iesus Christ our Lord if it be a gift of meere fauour it cannot be of workes Eph. Gal. 3.18 If the inheritance be of the Law it is no more of promise but God gaue it to Abraham by promise And that which God will doe about his children in the day of iudgement is called mercy 2. Tim. 1.18 The Lord shew mercy to Onesiphorus in that day The immediate cause of life is Gods grace as the immediate cause of death is sin Rom. 5.21 But if life be of grace it is by faith We are kept by the power of God through faith vnto saluation 1. Pet. 1.5 So that our faith neuer giues ouer till wee come to bee actually possessed of the immortall and vndefiled inheritance reserued for vs in Heauen Thirdly By faith we receiue the promised Spirit as the earnest of our inheritance vntill the redemption of the purchased possession Gal. 3.14 Because ye are sonnes God hath sent forth the Spirit of his Sonne into your hearts crying Ezek. 34.29 Gal. 4 6. Rom. 8.15 Abba Father The holy Ghost doth first infuse the grace of faith into our hearts whereby we belieue but belieuing and being made the sonnes of God wee receiue the Spirit more fully and manifestly dwelling in vs to sanctification and assurance of our Redemption By the benefite of the holy Ghost faith springeth in vs by which faith the abundance of the selfe-same spirit is increased and so of a greater faith is still made a greater increase of the Spirit In whom after yee belieued Ephe. 1.13 yee were sealed with the Spirit of promise He that belieueth Iohn 7.38 out of his belly shall flow riuers of liuing water And these gifts of the Spirit which we receiue by faith from Christ our Head are the beginnings of that glorious life we expect and looke for one in substance different in degrees and according to the measure of grace receiued so is the life of glory begunne in vs. Fourthly Faith in the promises of euerlasting life leadeth forward in the pathes of peace and righteousnes It mortifyeth corruption studyeth holinesse Math. 6.21 raiseth the heart to things aboue and directeth the conuersation according to the pollicie of the new Ierusalem Life etern●ll is not giuen for workes but it is the good pleasure of God that his children should be holy and exercise themselues in all good workes Rom. 8.13 Gal. 6.8 If yee through the Spirit doe mortifie the deeds of the body yee shall liue He that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reape life euerlasting Blessed are the pure in heart Math. 5 8. for they shall see God Follow peace with all men and holinesse Heb. 12.14 without which no man shall see the Lord. Charge them that be rich in this world that they bee not high minded nor trust in vncertaine riches but in the liuing God who giueth richly all things to inioy That they doe good that they be rich in good workes ready to distribute willing to communicate 1. Tim. Laying vp in store for themselues a good foundation against the time to come that they may lay hold on eternall life But yee beloued building vp your selues in your most holy faith praying in the holy Ghost keepe your selues in the loue of God Iude verse 20.21 Iam. 1.12.25 Math. 35.34.35 looking for the mercy of our Lord Iesus Christ vnto eternall life Come y●e blessed of my Father inherit the kingdome prepared for you from the foundation of the world For I was hungred and yee gaue mee meate c. These and such like passages of Scripture shew not the cause why but the qualification of the persons vnto whom not how it is deserued but what doth precede the bestowing of life eternall And faith that looketh for that blessed hope and layeth hold vpon the promise of that heauenly and incorruptible inheritance lifteth vp the heart into Heauen kindleth loue inflameth with zeale encourage h against difficulties and inciteth to run the way of Gods Commandements If probable hope of great aduantage drawes on the Merchant to vndertake a long and tedious voyage by Sea notwithstanding the many casualties and perils wherewith it is beset faith in the assured promises of God concerning saluation will set a man forward in his Christian iourney hold h●m on in his way with courage and chearefulnesse and hearten him to the workes of godlinesse notwithstanding the temptations of Satan the allurements of the world or oppositions of the flesh to the contrarie Phil. 3.20 Our conuersation is in Heauen from whence also wee looke for the Sauiour the Lord Iesus Christ Col. Wee giue thankes to God and since wee heard of your faith in Christ Iesus and of the loue which yee hau to all the Saints For the hope which is laid vp for you in Heauen Heb. 11.13 14.15.16 By faith Abraham Isa●c and Iacob confessed that they were pilgrimes and strangers on the earth and hauing oportunitie would not returne into their owne countrey because they desired a better countrey that is an heauenly Fiftly It seeketh to get our title confirmed and assured to the conscience by euidence and earnest or pawne it exerciseth it selfe vpon the
will the Lord waite that he may be gracious vnto you and therefore will he be ex●lted that he may haue mercy vpon you The Lord hath commanded vs to waite vpon him in the dayes of calamitie and sorrow Hab. 2.4 The Iust shal● liue by faith It is the ve y scope of this text to teach this one po nt of doctr●ne to the Iewes when they would be oppressed by the Babilonions viz that in greatest d●ngers the onely way is to stay our selues and establish our hearts by faith on Gods promises Confidence in God doth the more bind and oblige him Psal 37.40 as it were to doe vs good The Lord shall helpe the righteous and deliuer them hee shall deliuer them from the wicked and saue them because they trust in him Esay 26.3 Thou wilt keepe him in perfect peace whose minde is stayed on thee because hee hath trusted in thee I will sur●ly deliuer thee Ier. 39.18 and thou shalt not fall by the word but thy life shall bee for a prey vnto thee because thou hast put thy trust in me saith the Lord. If a friend ● lie and builde vp our faithfull promise we take our s●ues bo●n● not to fr●strate his exp ctation in a ●ead lift Psal 141.8 the Lord will neuer lea●e the soule destitute which trusts in him The faithfull haue promised themselues helpe and confidently begged aide because they trusted in the Lord Be mercifull vnto me O God Psal 57.1 be merc●full vnto me for my soule trusteth in thee yea in the shadow of thy wings will I make my refuge vntill these calamities bee ouer past Cause me to heare thy louing kindnesse in the Morning for in thee doe I trust Psal 143.8.9 cause me to know the way wherein I should walke for I lift vp my soule vnto thee Deliuer mee O Lord from mine enemies for I flie vnto thee to hide me And to hope in God and to ha●e God for our helpe are linked together in Scripture so that his helpe is re●die for all them who rest vpon him in truth Happy is he that hath Psal 146.5 the God of Iacob for his helpe whose hope is in the Lord his God Acts of faith in respect of these promises The acts of faith in respect of these promises be these First It looketh vnto God and acknowledgeth his hand in all afflictions whosoe●er bee the instruments Shall there be euill in a Citie Esay 45.7 Amos 3.6 Iob. 1 21. and they Lord hath not done it The Lord gaue and the Lord hath taken away I know O Lord that thy iudgments are right and that thou in faithfulnesse hast afflicted mee Psal 119.75 If yee endure chastening God dealeth with you as with sonnes Heb. 12.7 for what sonn is he whom the Father chasteneth not And this is one speciall ground of humilation patience and comfort Come and let vs returne vnto the Lord Hos 6.1 for he ●ath torne and he will heale vs. My sonne despise not thou the chastening of the L●rd neither be wearie of his ●rrection For whom the Lord loueth he correcteth Pro 3.11.12 euen 〈◊〉 a father the sonne in whom he delighteth Let him curse for the Lord hath bidden him It may be that the Lord will looke on mine affliction and that the Lord will requite good for his cursing this day But of these more particularly hereafter Secondly It teacheth that wee are in such distresses out of which none cane helpe vs but the strong helper of Israel Faith speaketh on this manner We haue no might against this great companie 2 Chro. 20.21 that commeth against vs neither know we what to doe but our eyes are vpon thee And great is the benefit of this instruction for it drawes the heart from carnall repose in meanes or friends it expells vexations and distracting cares and estranges from the vse of vnlawfull meanes of deliuerance whatsoeuer Pro. 21.31 Psal 33.16.17 The horse is prepared against the day of battell but safety is of the Lord. An horse is but a vaine thing to saue a man neither is any man deliuered by his great strength And the same may be said of wisedome swiftnesse wealth or the force of any meanes whatsoeuer Eccl. 9.2 Psal 127.1 Esay 30.7 and 31.3 though neuer so lawfull or likely But as for vnlawfull meanes no good successe can be hoped from them The Egyptians shall helpe in vaine and to no purpose therfore haue I cryed concerning this their strength is to sit still Thirdly It wisely directeth vs to consider that the cause of all miserie and sorrow is sinne and thereupon driues to examine our wayes humble our selues before God for mercy renew our hope in his grace and set vpon reformation of what is out of order Faith is a good Physition Hos 5.15 that seeketh to cure the disease by taking away the cause thereof when God takes tryall of vs that wee might know our selues faith maketh search into the heart 1. Cor. 11.31 Lam. 3.40 when hee iudgeth by his chastisements faith maketh vs to iudge our selues and when God striketh for sinne faith striketh at the head of sinne Let vs search and try our wayes and turne againe to the Lord. I thought on my wayes Psal 119.59 and turned my feete vnto thy testimonies When Manasses was in affliction 2. Chro. 33.12 Iob 34.31.32 hee besought the Lord his God and humbled himselfe greatly before the God of his Fathers Surely it is meete to be said vnto God I haue borne chastisement I will not offend any more That which I see not teach me if I haue done iniquitie I will doe no more Fourthly Faith meekeneth the heart willingly to submit it selfe to the good pleasure of God Psal 37.7 Psal 62.1.5 Lam. 3.16 Esay 30.15 and patiently to beare his correctiō Rest in the Lord waite patiently for him fret not thy selfe because of him who prospereth in his way Yet vnto God my soule keepe thou silence for from him is my expectation By faith the seruants of God haue beene enabled to say The word of the Lord is good Esay 39.8 Mic. 7.9 I will beare the indignation of the Lord because I haue sinned against him vntill he plead my cause 2. Sam. 15.26 and execute iudgement for mee If he say thus I haue no delight in thee behold here am I Psal 131.2 let him doe to me as seemeth good vnto him Surely I haue behaued and quieted my selfe as a child that is weaned of his Mother my soule is euen as a weaned child I was as a man that heareth not Psal 38.14.15 and in whose mouth are no reproofes For in thee O Lord doe I hope Guiltinesse of Conscience which is euer fearefull and vntamed passions make vnquietnes when the rod of God is vpon our backes both which are corrected by faith The conscience is comforted by faith resting vpon the gracious promises
with many doubts and difficulties § 2. p. 96 The particular certaintie of remission of sinnes is not equall in certaine and firmenesse of assent to that assurance which we haue about the common obiect of faith § 3. p. 96. 97 There be seuerall states of Belieuers but all subiect to manifold temptations § 4. 98. 99 Beliefe in Christ for remission is stronger and more necessary then particular assurance of our saluation § 5. p. 100 Not only some vncertaine hope but euen infallible assurance of saluation is to bee sought and may bee obtained § 6 p. 101. 102. c. There is a word testifying thus much that my particular person beholding the Sonne and belieuing on him shall haue eternall life p. 101. 102. 103 Such as truly belieue may know they belieue p. 103 In respect of the exact measure of grace and strength the regenerate are oft deceiued but of the truth of grace they may be assured p. 104. 105 What it is to belieue with the whole Heart § 7. p. 105 In what sence wee must continue daily to aske of God forgiuenesse of sinnes notwithstanding former assurance of pardon p. 106. 107. 108. 109. 110 How iustification is full and entire p. 110 God hath said as to Abraham so to euery one of the seed of Abraham I will be thy God p. 111 How euery faithfull man may and doth make God his in particular ibid. The Apostles and other faithfull haue beene assured of their saluation by ordinary faith p. 111. 112 The saluation of a belieuer is infallible in it selfe and in euent but not euer in his apprehension and feeling § 9 p. 113. Assurance of faith in things extraordinarily is not altogether free from assaults p. 114 The benefits that come vnto vs by temptations p. 115. 116 The Commandements are laid before belieuers not as the cause for obtaining of eternall life but as the way to walke in vnto eternall life § 10. p. 117 Vpright walking is necessary but not the cause of Iustification p. 118 The belieuer relyeth not vpon his workes though hee exercise himselfe therein with all diligence p. 119 What infirmities may stand with assurance of faith § 11 p. 120. 121 What sinnes hinder assurance § 12. p. 123 The absolute raigne of sinne will not stand with the state of grace § 13. p. 124 True assurance breeds encrease of resolution and care to please God § 14. p. 125. 126 CHAP. IX THe authority of the Church cannot bee the ground of faith § 1. p. 128. 129 Whatsoeuer credit the Church hath it receiueth the same from the Scriptures p. 139 The authority of the Pope whom they call the Church virtuall is the first ground and last resolution of the Romanists faith § 2. p. 129. 130 Faith resteth not vpon the Saints but vpon Iesus Christ § 3. p. 132. 133 The Rhemists in defence of their Saint-inuocation are driuen to say that we are to trust in the Saints departed p. 133. 134. 135 CHAP. X. THe benefits and effects of faith § 1. p. 136. 137. 138 139. 140 Faith doth not effect and performe those things by any excellency force or efficacy of it owne aboue other graces but in respect of the office whereunto it is assigned in Couenant of grace p. 140 Of all creatures Man only is capable of iustifying faith § 2. p. 140 Faith is proper vnto Man in this life in his iourney towards his perfect home and eternall habitation p. 141 All men haue not faith p. 141 The subiect of Iustifying faith is man a sinner called according to the purpose of God acknowledging his offences hungring thirsting after mercy § 2. p. 141 The seat of faith is the heart but the heart contrite humbled bewailing sinne denying it selfe and affected with desire of remission § 3. p. 142. 143 In Scripture the heart is taken for the whole soule with all its powers and operations p. 144 Faith is common to all and peculiar to them only who bee called according to the purpose of God § 4. p. 145 All haue not the like measure of faith § 5. p. 146 Faith perfect in none p. 146. 147 The faith of the weakest Christian is sufficient to saluation § 6. p. 148 The degrees of faith may be considered according to the diuers growth which God bringeth his children vnto p. 148. 148 Foure degrees of faith § 7. 149 Faith is weake foure wayes 1. Knowledge 2. Assent 3. Confidence 4. Fruits and effects p. 149. 150 Ordinarily belieuers are weake at the first p. 150 Some priuiledged aboue others p. 151 Faith weake in one respect may be strong in another p. 151 The benefits of the weakest faith if true and liuely § 8 p. 151. 152 Weake faith if sound will grow and encrease ibid. We must striue to be strong and rich in faith p. 152. 153 Faith somewhat growne § 9. p. 153 Strong faith p. 153. 154 Full assurance gotten by degrees p. 154 The benefits of full assurance p. 154. 155 The strongest faith is subiect to sundry infirmities § 10 p. 156 The strong belieuer doth sometimes shrinke when the weake stands fast p. 156 CHAP. XI MOtiues and encouragements to belieue § 1. p. 157 158 Meanes for the right planting of faith § 2. p. 159. 160 161. c. Faith once obtained is seriously to be regarded § 3. p. 164 165 Meanes whereby faith is strengthened and confirmed § 4. p. 166. 167. 168. 169 CHAP. XII VVHy Satan endeuours by all meanes to hinder as the kindly taking so the growth of faith § 1 p. 170. 171 The first Temptation is taken from our worthlesnesse § 1 p. 171 Remedie The sence of vnworthinesse must not discourage vs from beleeuing because 1. The mercy fauour promises and benefits of God are all free p. 171 2. Wee are not more desirous to belieue then God is we should so doe p. 171. 172 The second Temptation They know not whether they bee elected § 2. Remedie 1. Hold such suggestions to arise from the Spirit of errour and lend no eare to such whisperings of the old Serpent p. 172 2. If God make offer of mercy and forgiuenesse in the Ministery of the Gospel 〈…〉 ●●nd to receiue it ibid. The third Temptation They 〈…〉 of doubtings § 3 Remedie 1. Faith may be true 〈◊〉 liuely that is weake p. 173 2. It is not the excellency and measure of faith that doth make vs righteous before God but Christ whom faith doth receiue ibid. 3. It is not faith but Christ receiued by faith that nourisheth to eternall life ibid. 4. We reade that Christ reproued some for their small faith but neuer reiected any that came vnto him in weaknesse desiring to be confirmed p. 174 The fourth Temptation They cannot keepe their faith strong and stedfast § 4 Remedie 1. There is no shadow of change with God p. 174 2. Labouring after and groaning to rest their wearied soules vpon the promises of mercy being neuer satisfied till their doubtfulnesse be remoued
is to liue by faith p. 203. 204 What is to be done that we might liue by faith viz. 1. Aquaint our selues familiarly with the Word of God 2. Exercise faith aright in the Word p. 204. 205 Besides expresse Cmmandements and direct promises there be speciall promises and commandements by consequent which we are to note and make vse of p. 205. 206 The acts of faith about the Word 1. It doth firmely and vniuersally assent to the whole Word of God and set a due price and value vpon it p. 207 2. It ponders the word seriously and treasures it vp safe ibid. 3. It preserues and keeps in the way of the promises ibid. 4. It plyes the throne of grace with earnest and continuall supplications ibid. 5. It looketh vp directly vnto God his wisdome power mercy and faithfulnesse p. 208 6. It resteth quietly vpon God and tryumpheth before the victory p. 208 Meanes to stirre vp our selues to liue by faith scil 1. Find out thy vnbeliefe p. 208. 209. 210. c. 2. See the necessity and pretiousnesse of faith p. 213 3. Meditate on the grounds of faith p. 213. 214 4. Feeling weaknesse of faith looke on Christ p. 214 5. Pray for the Spirit of faith p. 215 CHAP. II. WHat is meant by Gods promises and the diuers kinds therof p. 216 The promise of forgiuenesse of sinnes ibid. This promise is free p. 217 Yet obtained through Christ only ibid. And receiued and possessed by faith and by it alone p. 217 218 This promise is of faith 1. That it might be of free grace ibid. 2. That it might bee stedfast and sure to all the seed ibid. 3. That only is the true manner of Iustification which shuts forth all boasting in the dignity of our workes p. 218. 219 Its necessary to seeke pardon of sinne by faith for 1. In our selues we be sinfull and cursed and remission which is of grace can be obtained by no other meanes but only by faith in Iesus Christ p. 219 2. Faith goeth directly vnto Christ that by him wee might be justified ibid. 3. Faith in the promises of mercy doth commend and maintaine the glory of Gods grace p. 220 The acts of faith touching this promise of forgiuenes be diuers 1. It generally belieueth the promise to bee true and thereby discernes that sinne is pardonable p. 220. 221 2. It stirreth vp earnest desires and longings to bee made partaker of this mercy p. 221. 222 3. It draweth vs forward to seeke mercy of God by vnfained confession and hearty supplication p. 222. 223. 224 4. It embraceth and resteth vpon the speciall and free mercy of God in Christ for pardon p. 224. 225 5. It doth certifie of pardon granted and sealed vnto vs. p. 225 How faith doth assure that our sinnes are already pardoned p. 225. 226 Three prerogatiues accompany confident assurance 1. Peace with God 2. Free accesse vnto the throne of grace 3. Ioy in the Holy Ghost vnspeakable and glorious p. 227. 228 6. By faith we continue in this blessed state in sweet peace and fellowship with God p. 228. 229 A Christian may liue by faith for many dayes or rather all the dayes of his life in sweet peace and communion with God if he will learne to maintaine and take paines to exercise his faith aright p. 230. 231. 232 To what measure of ioy a Christian may attaine p. 232. 233 Two speciall causes there be why many good Christians liue so long in feare and doubt 1. An immoderate aggrauation of their sinne and continuall thought of their vnworthinesse p. 234 These must know it is good to deny themselues but not to doubt of the mercy of the Lord. ibid. The detestation of sinne is greatly to be commended if they remember withall that there is hope in Israel concerning this p. 235 There be sins of ignorance infirmitie forgetfulnesse and sudden passion and there be foule enormous notorious sinnes which wound conscience p. 235. 236 If a man haue often fallen into notorious offences he is not to despaire ibid. A foule offence after grace receiued is not vnpardonable p. 236. 237 Many complaine they cannot belieue when indeed they thinke there is no promise of mercy made vnto them vpon which they should ground their confidence ibid. Such must know 1. that God calleth them in his word to come vnto him as if he did particularly name them 2. They must consider of the free grace of God in promising and his faithfulnesse in making good whatsoeuer he bath promised ibid. The second cause is ignorance of the way how this assurance is to be sought vpon what foundation it is to bee laid in what order they come vnto it p. 238 Two things are specially to be learned for their direction 1. That assoone as euer a man feeles sin as a burden and doth truly thirst to bee eased of it hee hath a calling to come vnto Christ p. 238 2. The barren in grace must come vnto Christ to bee supplyed of his fulnesse p. 239 Directions to the weake how to stirre vp themselues to beleeue when they feele no comfort p. 239 1. They must vnfainedly humble their soules before God in the confession of sinne with earnest prayer for pardon p. 240 2. They must rowse and stirre vp themselues to beleeue with reasons drawne from the promises and couenant of God made in Iesus Christ considerations taken out of the word and experience of his dealing with other his seruants in former times p. 241. 242 3. They must be instant with the Lord to giue them both strength of faith the sight of their belief p. 242. 243 4. They must comfort their hearts in the certainty of Gods word though for the present they feele no comfort p. 243 Thus faith is daily to be preserued and quickened ibid. CHAP. III. OF the promises of Sanctification p. 244 A Christian is allowed to beleeue these promises for 1. In the couenant of grace God hath promised to take away the heart of stone c. p. 245 2. The fountaine of grace is set open vnto the thirsty and he is inuited to come and drinke to the satisfying of his soule p. 245. 246 3. Christ by his bloud hath purchased for his people all spirituall blessings in heauenly things ibid. 4. We are taught to aske of God in Christ increase and strength of grace ibid. 5. The faithfull haue relyed vpon Christ for grace and ability to walke in his wayes ibid. 6. Mans duty is Gods free gift of grace ibid. It is necessary to belieue that God will sanctifie our nature and enable to the duties of holinesse p. 246. 247 For 1. Iustification sanctification be indiuiduall p. 247 2. Otherwise Christians shall very much stagger be off and on coldly set vpon the practice of Christianity ibid. 3. Our owne strength is too weake for the worke of holinesse ibid. 4. Setlednesse in this that God will perfect the worke of holinesse begun causeth men to goe about
God will prouide for vs in this life raise vp our bodies vnto life at the last day of Iudgement and bestow vpon vs that euerlasting kingdome and inheritance which he hath prepared p. 424. 425. 426 2. It is a seale of our dutie promised 1. It is a spurre to repentance and mortification p. 426 2. It is a prouocation vnto faith and a pledge thereof p. 426. 427 3. It is an incitement vnto new obedience a pledge thereof p. 427. 428 4. It is a pledge and pawne of loue and vnitie pag. 428 The new exercise of faith is requird in the worthy receiuing of the Lords Supper ibid. The acts of faith in receiuing the Lords Supper 1. By it we discerne the Sacrament to be the holy Ordinance of God instituted for our speciall good and benefit sealing vnto vs the promises which God of his free mercy hath made in Iesus Christ p. 428. 429 2. By it wee see what the Lord doth offer vnto vs therein how excellent and pretious it is with what assurance it is freely tendered and may be receiued p. 429 3. It sharpeneth spirituall appetite and stirreth vp hungring and thirsting after Christ and his benefits ibid. 4. It earnestly contendeth for mercy confessing sin with griefe and hatred c. ibid. 5. By faith we receiue Christ offering himselfe freely to be contracted vnto vs. p. 429. 430 6. By faith we resigne vp our selues vnto Iesus Christ and willingly yeeld soule and body vnto him p. 430 7. Faith feedeth vpon Christ and sucketh vigour from him ibid. 8. Faith assureth of that spirituall contract which hath passed betwixt Christ and the Christian soule and is sealed in the Sacrament p. 430. 431 9. It stirreth vp ioy and thankefulnesse with serious remembrance of the manifold blessings which in Christ Iesus are vouchsafed p. 431. 432 Meanes to stir vp our selues to receiue the Lord Supper in faith 1. We must bewaile our vnbeliefe dulnesse earthly-mindednesse the distemper of our spirituall taste c. ibid. 2. Consider how freely the Lord doth tender Christ to be receiued in his Word and Sacrament ibid. 3. Weigh and consider the blessed state and condition of them who be reconciled vnto God c. p. 433 4. Hauing troth-plighted our selues to Iesus Christ vnfainedly we must awaken and rowse vp our soules to reioyce in him ibid. CHAP. XII THe faithfull are bound and it is behouefull for them to belieue the threatnings p. 434 The godly man is not slauishly to feare falling away or running into destruction but wisely to belieue the threatnings to preuent falling into sinne and so into condemnation ibid. 1. The threatnings are part of the Word of God ibid. 2. In the state of innocencie there was vse of threatnings so is there in the state of grace p. 434. 435 3. Promises and threatnings mingled fit our state and serue to keep the heart in the best temper ibid. The acts of faith in respect of the threatnings 1. It worketh humblenesse of mind and heart p. 435 2. It bringeth forth awfulnesse reuerence and feare p. 436 3. It stirreth vp continuall watchfulnesse to shunne whatsoeuer might breed danger or procure Gods displeasure p. 437 4. The threatnings mingled with faith cause sorrowfull melting or relenting of heart for sinne committed ibid. 5. When we see by faith from what miseries wee are deliuered of the free grace and mercie of God our hearts are enlarged in prayse thanksgiuing p. 437. 438 This life of faith is most excellent and comfortable for 1. By faith we are directed to seeke and follow after Christ till wee come to be assured that he dwelleth in vs as the fountaine of life and that in him we are deliuered from the guilt and punishment of all our sins p. 438 2. By this faith wee may come to sound rest and holy securitie about our saluation from time to time ibid. 3. If God lead vs into the darke by this faith we are enabled to hold him by the hand ibid. 4. Hereby the rage of sin is weakened and we haue grace to walke in newnesse of life and all the parts of it with ioy and chearefulnesse p. 439 5. By it we walke in our callings chearefully honestly painfully c. ibid. 6. This faith teacheth vs to pray at all times as our necessities require ibid. 7. If the affliction be very grieuous and of long continuance faith doth neither quaile nor cease to seeke helpe p. 439. 440 8. The life of faith shall end in ioy and comfort p. 440 9. He that hath learned to liue by faith shall also die in faith ibid. FINIS Errata PAge 3. l. 8. r. profession of faith p. 9. l. 23. more r. mere p. 22. l. 34 eased r. saued p. 44. l. 24. r. grace for p. 61. l. 1. r. distinction p. 67. l. 9. r faith receiueth p. 73. l. 26. l. 27. insert the more sincerely it worketh p. 75. l. 4 dele for p. 76. l. 30. r. confirmed p. 87. l. 36. dele themselues p. 91. l. 17. dele the p 92. l. 26. r. change p. 94. l. 3. r assured p. 96. l. 4 r. arise not l 26. r. with contrary effects p. 97 l 14. r. wauer as p. 104. l 24. r. they may be p. 116. l. 28. verde r. weede p. 118. l. 18. before thinke del I. p. 120. l. 4. liue r. lie p. 128. l. 11. r. faith yeeldeth p. 136. l. 13. r. this resting l. 36. r. possession of p. 143. l. 21. r. and receiueth p. 144 l. 18. r. seate faith p. 156. l. 5. r. liue in l. 7. r. how the Lord p. 174. l 12 r good will p. 175. l. 31. for r. or p 196. l. 31. r. walke heauily p. 201. l. 2 r. enliues it p. 221. r. But when the p 223. l 1. r. with a 1 p. 248. l. 26. 27. r. so long as p. 251. l. 5. r. deriueth p. 253. l. 9 10. r. resisteth p 292 l. 5. but r. we 296. l. 11. r. frowardnesse l. 17. r. are poore p. 302. betwixt l. 34. 35. insert after also of no strength p. 307. l. 23. we r. he p. 309. l 19. r. what might hurt him p. 313. l. 21. r. set open p. 315. l. 2 r. couering sin p. 328. l. 28 r would be 329 l. 4. vp r. vpon p. 344. dele from delight l. 6. to in l. 7. p. 345. l. 2. 3 r. persecuters p. 348. l. 9. r. such miseries p. 374. l 28 r. drinke and not be satisfied p. 393. l. 25. r. the Lord God p. 417. l. 29. r. It giueth p. 423. l. 14 r. the lauer p. 455. l. 10. r. tartnesse Errata in Margine PAge 4. de prae r. in prae p. 5. Acts 6. r. Acts 9. ibid r. preposition 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ibid. r. particle 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 p. 13. Heb. r. Hab. p. 34. Mat. r. Mal. p. 50 r. § Sanctus Augustinus p. 133. Iohn r. Jonah p. 139. r. 1. Pet. 1.5 p. 144. Iohn 24 r.
Luke 24. ibid. Psal 10. r. Psal 119.11 p. 147. 4.29 r. 4.18.19 p. 157. Mat. 3.17 r. Mal. 3.17 p. 241. Psal 52.2 r. Psal 51.1.2 p. 243. profit r. comfort p. 252. discomfort r. thraldome p. 328. Psal 60. r. Psal 68. p. 358. Prou. 14 r. Prou. 4. ibid. vers 14. r. vers 24. p. 416. Psal 102. r. Psal 105. p. 433. r. Iohn 6.56 A TREATISE OF FAITH The first Part. CHAP. I. Of the diuers acceptations of Faith IT is expedient and necessarie that all Christians should acquaint themselues with the doctrine of Faith §. 1. The necessitie of Faith because the safetie of all Christian Religion doth depend vpon the right vnderstanding of this matte and Satan with his subtleties hath euer endeauoured to obscure this doctrine by the mists of Sophismes or to weaken it some other wayes that he might rob God of his glorie and the Church of the certaintie of her saluation And if the necessitie of a thing knowne and acknowledged stirre vp to enquire into it and labour after it this also may prouoke vs to search and enquire what faith is 1. Faith is of the number of those necessary things which are necessarily required to the obtaining of others and not of those which are wrought by compulsion or by any necessary cause compelling Heb. 11.6 As if a man would see he must open his eyes and yet he is not by externall violence forced thereunto 2. No vnbelieuer can please God for how should hee who is incredulous and diuided from God please him who is most true and faithfull Ioh. 3.16 18 36 Rom. 3.28 1. Cor. 1. ●1 Saluation is in the pleasure and power of God which he dispenseth according to his owne not our will But he accepteth none as righteous to life but them that belieue 3. The qualitie of this present life and our habitation 1. Cor. 5.6 7. in which we are absent from the Lord doth euidence the necessitie of faith As a sonne that liues from the presence of his Father must belieue his letters and messengers sent vnto him 4. The qualitie of things necessary to bee knowne for the obtaining of saluation is such that they cannot bee apprehended or receiued without it As in humane things the qualitie of Arts and Sciences is such that they require vnderstanding Acts 15.9 Rom. ● 28 Ephes 1.13 14. because they cannot bee conceiued without it so in things diuine faith is requisite without which wee can neuer comprehend the mysteries of saluation 5. The gifts which God bestoweth vpon his children the graces which the Holy Ghost doth worke in their hearts doe necessarily require faith by the ordinance and determination of the Lord. §. 2. Diuers acceptations of the word faith Math. 23.23 Rom. 3.3 Gal. 5.22 Titus 2.10 § 2. The word Faith in Scripture is taken diuersly 1. It is put for truth fidelitie or faithfulnesse constancie and iustice in word and action promise or accomplishment 2. By faith sometimes true Christian knowledge and perswasion Rom. 12.3 14.1.22 or the measure thereof is to be vnderstood specially the sound knowledge of Christian libertie in Iesus Christ 3. It noteth a sure testimonie or firme demonstration of a thing to come Acts 17.31 4. It signifieth the doctrine of the Gospell and so Christ the subiect of the Scripture which preacheth saluation to bee no otherwise but by faith in Christ and this is called by Diuines Acts 6.7 13.8 Gal. 1.23 3.2.5 Gal. 3.23 24. faith which is belieued 5. It is taken for beliefe of the Gospell the habite being implyed in the act the gift in the exercise which is the faith whereby wee beleeue And this is expressed by the phrases of Belieuing God Iohn 5.46 47. Iohn 2.22 23. Luke 24.25 Acts 26.27 Belieuing on God Belieuing on Christ Belieuing the Prophets 6. Faith is put for vnfained profession ioyned with feruent desire to further Christian Religion and a godly life Rom. 1.8 Gal. 6.10 Acts 14.22 Math. 9 2. 1. Thess 1.3 § 3. Faith signifying beliefe is vsed to note 1. An ordinarie knowledge and bare assent to the historicall truth of Scripture grounded vpon the authoritie and truth of the Speaker though sometimes holpen by experiments §. 3. Sorts of Faith and other inducements and probabilities of the things and this is called faith Historicall Historicall faith that is a naked Iam. 2.19 24. Acts 26.27 imperfect dead assent without trust or confidence in the mercies of God or adherence to the Commandements Howbeit we must not imagine that faith is reputed vnsound or not saluificall because historicall rather it is oftentimes vnsufficient to saue because it is not so fully historicall as it might be but the name of historicall faith arose hence that some are said to belieue who did neuer embrace Christ as their only Sauiour withall their hearts nor confidently relie vpon the promises of mercie otherwise faith iustifying doth more certainly belieue the truth of the historie of the Gospell and so is more historicall than the faith called historicall 2. It is taken for an affiance of heart embracing the word as good Faith Miraculous which in respect of the obiect may be distinguished into Miraculous or Ordinarie For the obiect of faith is 1. Cor. 13.2 Matth. 21.21 7.22 either some speciall and singular promise for the doing of some extraordinarie effect wherein wee trust by a miraculous actiue faith Marke 9.23 Acts 14.9 Luke 17.19 or it is some speciall promise for the obtayning of some spirituall or bodily good thing after an extraordinarie manner whereon wee trust by a miraculous passiue faith as it is called or else faith doth respect the generall and common promises which are made in the word of life and made good to them that belieue whereon wee rest by faith ordinarie But faith Miraculous and Ordinary are not diuers graces but the same grace exercised about diuers obiects The grounds of faith are different Zanch. de redempt lib. 1. c. 12. de prae 1. Sect. de Fide Thes 2. and so are the effects and adiuncts that flow from thence but the grace it selfe one and the same As the Fathers belieued speciall reuelations and extraordinary promises made to them by the same ordinary faith by which wee belieue the common promises of saluation reuealed in the Word so the singular promises of God made to some Belieuers concerning the working of miracles were embraced by the same faith by which they did adhere to the generall promises of mercy or were raised vp to the doing of acts of loue For that faith which doth receiue the more excellent promises as are they concerning spirituall life and saluation can much more lay hold vpon other promises of an inferiour nature if they be made and certified vnto vs. Faith temporarie That faith which is carried to the generall promises is either a confidence vanishing vncertaine
and supernaturall gift of grace wrought by the Holy Ghost through the Ministerie of the Gospell in the heart of Man a sinner acknowledging and bewayling his offences whereby hee doth not only assent to the whole truth of God and is certainly perswaded that Iesus Christ is appointed of God to be the authour of saluation to them that belieue in him and his Sauiour if hee doe belieue but doth relie cast and repose his soule vpon Christ his Sauiour and by him vpon God as a louing Father in him cleauing inseperably to the Word of truth as good both simply and in comparison and feeding vpon it as the wholsome food of life § 2. God the Father §. 2. God is the authour of faith in his Sonne Iesus Christ our Mediatour by the Holy Ghost is the Authour and worker of Faith Ephes ● 8 P●●l 1.29 Acts 18.27 Iohn 6.44 Iames 1.17 As saluation so faith is the gift of God It is through grace that men belieue No man can come vnto me except the Father which hath sent me draw him Euery good thing comes from the Father of lights but faith is a gift after a speciall manner most free and profitable comming from the grace of the Donor bestowed vpon vs when we are euery way vnworthy It is such a gift as comes not from common bountie such as God made shew of in the creation but from a speciall fauour which he beareth his in Christ Iesus The Scripture is cleare and euident herein and strong reasons may be deduced thence to proue it For of our selues wee haue no power to belieue or to prepare our selues thereunto There is no such soile in our hearts whence such fruit should spring The meanes of grace and the operation of the spirit accompayning it are free and voluntarie No man can belieue vnlesse he be created and formed anew But regeneration is a free worke of Gods grace and mercie Heb. 12.2 Faith is the worke of God the Father in Iesus Christ For as the naturall head doth not only giue sense and motion to all the members now conioyned but doth send forth those bands whereby they come to bee coupled with it so Christ doth not only giue spirituall sense and motion to his members already vnited vnto him by faith but he is the spring whence this sinew of faith doth flow and issue vnto vs. The Spirit of God is the principall worker of faith and hence wee are said to receiue the Spirit of faith that is the holy Ghost in and through this gift of faith which he worketh and continueth in vs. 2. Cor. 4.13 Rom. 15.13 By faith wee receiue the Holy Ghost and faith is the worke of the Holy Ghost the action of the Holy Ghost creating faith in vs How we are said to receiue the holy Ghost by faith is before faith But the beginning of faith is the receiuing of the Holy Ghost and faith being begun the gifts of the spirit are more more increased by it Ephes 1.13 Gal. 3.14 Faith it self is a work of the spirit but an augmentation of the graces of the spirit is obtained by faith the more our faith dilateth it selfe the more plentifully doe the graces of the spirit flow into vs from Christ Iohn 1.16 Of whose fulnesse we receiue grace for grace How the Spirit is obtained by Prayer Faith doth obtaine the Holy Ghost by prayer and prayer is an act of grace and of the Spirit as faith is a worke of the Spirit Luke 11.13 Before we can lift vp our soules vnto God the holy Ghost must descend into vs and lift vs vp for we moue not but as wee are moued The Holy Ghost is giuen to the Elect before they aske but a greater measure of the Spirit is obtained by Prayer § 3. Faith is not alike in all §. 3. Faith is imperfect though a worke of the Spirit in none perfect though it be the worke of the Spirit for the Spirit worketh faith not as a naturall agent which putteth forth it power to the vttermost and alwayes produceth like effects if it be not hindred but as a voluntary agent which putteth not forth his power to the vtmost worketh according to his pleasure in whom he wil as he wil but not in all alike The Spirit worketh faith not by morall perswasion only inciting to belieue Faith is a powerfull worke of God and leauing it to our free choice whether we will assent or no but by his powerfull operation and omnipotent hand put forth for such a purpose hee produceth this gracious effect There are no seedes of faith in our nature out of which by more outward teaching we may be brought to beliefe for then should faith be naturall as all other things are which our nature can attaine to with outward helpes There is no spirituall life in vs before the infusion of grace whereby we should be able to embrace the perswasions of the spirit for then we should liue spiritually of our selues before wee are quickened by grace If the Spirit of God doe only moue and perswade to belieue then God doth not make the belieuer to differ from the vnbelieuer but the good vse of his owne free will It is of grace that man might belieue and so might he that continueth in infidelitie for hee receiued equall aide and was equally perswaded and incited by the Spirit But if the question bee why doth the one belieue and not the other it is not the Spirit here that makes the difference but the good vse of mans free-will and so that man is inabled to belieue it should bee of grace but that he doth belieue and so differ from other men this should be from himselfe The same power that raised Christ from the dead is said to raise vs vp to belieue Ephes 1.19 20. 1. Pet. 1.5 2. Pet. 1.1 2 3. If an hand or eye bee wanting to a man from his birth can any power restore them but the Almightie power of God by which the body was at first framed and fashioned By what power then is this hand of faith created which reacheth to heauen this eye which doth see the things within the vaile which concerne our peace Io. 6.37 Acts 13.48 Phil. 1.29 Matth. 11.26 This further appeareth by the cause that moueth the Lord to bestow faith vpon some which is his free eternall vnchangeable grace and loue whereby hee loued them to be made heires of saluation before the foundation of the earth was laid For so farre as God effectually willeth and intendeth to worke so farre he putteth forth his omnipotent power to accomplish But God doth intend and effectually will to draw some vnto him before other some §. 4. How God produceth Faith § 4. In producing faith first God bestoweth vpon man the gift of vnderstanding and spirituall wisdome opening and illuminating the eyes of his minde to know the promise in Christ and to
iudge and esteeme those things reuealed of God to be the most vndoubted and infallible truth This vnderstanding is requisite to faith for it is impossible for a man to belieue that whereof he hath no knowledge or vnderstanding Out of question faith is a most wise g●ft or grace of Gods holy Spirit making those that be endued therewith wise vnto saluation which we shall easily discerne if we consider how great the subtletie of that old Serpent the Deuill is as also the deceitfulnesse of sinne both which are defeated by faith This vnderstanding is the gift of Gods grace for as reasonable vnderstanding is beyond the compasse of that knowledge which the beasts haue by k●nd so is this vnderstanding farre beyond the reach of all that wisedome left in corrupted nature It is a worke irresistable for it is wrought according to the purpose of the Lord 2. Cor. 4.6 2. Tim. 1.9 Dan. 11.36 and the counsell of God cannot be frustrated In illumination the minde suffereth not from any naturall power which it hath to conceiue or vnderstand spirituall things but from that state of obedience that the minde standeth in vnto Almightie God whereby it must necessarily see whatsoeuer he will enlighten it to behold and set before it There is no naturall power in an eye now blind to receiue sight but if God will enlighten it must needs see So there is no naturall power in the eye of the mind now become darknesse to receiue the light of sauing knowledge which is euery way a thing both for matter and manner supernaturall vnto it but if he open the eyes of the vnderstanding and shine into the heart it must needes vnderstand Secondly God doth infuse or powre the habit of faith into man whereby he giueth to will to come vnto Christ and to enioy him The first worke of God is signified in Scripture by opening the eyes of the vnderstanding Ephes 1.18 Acts 26.18 Luk● 24.45 Iohn 6.44 Esay 50.5 Acts 16.14 Ezek. 11.19 the second by Gods drawing vs both at least figuratiuely by the opening of the eare the opening of the heart the taking away the heart of stone and giuing an heart of flesh This second worke is requisite to faith for as a dead man can do no act of life vntil a liuing soule be breathed into him nor a blinde eye see vnlesse new light be giuen vnto it no more can man dead in trespasses and sinnes moue himselfe to receiue the promises of grace vntill the free and gracious disposition or habit of faith be infused whereby the will is inclined agreeably to the disposition of it to come vnto God As man cannot naturally see or perceiue the things of God no more can hee naturally will or desire them And this is apparant by the hardnesse of mans heart that cannot repent till God mollifie it 1. Cor. 2.14 Isay 65.2 3. Rom. ● 5 and by his stiffeneckednesse and stubbornnesse to resist the holy Spirit speaking in the Ministerie of the word vntill he be renewed and changed by grace This habit of faith is receiued not by any naturall disposition of will in vs to heauenly things for then man should liue spiritually of himselfe before the life of grace be put into him but the heart as it standeth in obedience to Gods Almighty power to take what stampe he shall imprint to follow him wither hee shall draw and to containe what hee powreth into it The increase of faith is of God admitteth this habite And as the beginning so the increase and progresse the consummation and perfection of faith is the gift of God the worke of the Spirit Heb. 12.2 Luke 17.5 Marke 9.24 Phil. 1.6 2. Thes 1.3 11. Of God the increase of faith is to be asked and from him it is receiued As we cannot will to belieue vnlesse God prepare the heart and giue that will no more can we will to perseuere in faith or goe forward therein vnlesse God doe minister strength and sustaine vs by his grace §. 5. Faith is the gift of God and the act of man § 5. Faith then is the gift of God and the act of man a wonderfull and supernaturall gift of God and a liuely motion of the heart renewed by grace and powerfully moued by the Spirit The power to belieue and will to vse that power is of God But the act of the will in resting vpon Christ is mans It is man that belieueth but it is God only and altogether that inableth stirreth vp putteth forward and inclineth the heart to belieue By Gods enlightening man seeth by his teaching he vnderstands and the Lord enclining his will he willeth embraceth possesseth and keepeth Christ with all blessings promised in him So that faith is the motion of mans heart wrought in him by the Spirit of God Euen as a wheele which of it selfe cannot moue yet being moued of another doth moue whose motion though but one is said to be the motion of the mouer and of the thing moued so faith is nothing but the action of God in man but considered in a diuers manner it is both the act of God and man as wrought by God in man it is the worke of the Lord as the motion of man his heart being moued of God it is the act of man For the action of man in belieuing with the heart is nothing but his knowing and acknowledging of things by Gods making him know and acknowledge them his apprehending willing chusing embracing and retayning them by Gods making him to apprehend will chuse embrace and retaine them It is true that we Belieue because we will Belieue but wee will Belieue doth note not the princip ll cause but a cause subordinate working by way of free disposition which di●position it receiueth from an higher cause Heb. ● 4 not from naturall strength The Iust is said to liue by his owne faith and faith is called ours or our owne not that we are the Authours cause or workers of it but because we possesse it and are the speciall subiects in which it is wrought by God And also because it concernes our selues in particular and what wee belieue wee belieue it particularly concerning our selues § 6. Not to dispute whether God doth extraordinarily worke faith in the hearts of men §. 6. Faith wrought by the Word without the externall publishing of his word will or pleasure this is sure that ordinarily the Holy Ghost doth worke by the Ministerie of the Word The Word can doe nothing without Gods Spirit and ordinarily the Spirit will doe nothing without the Word Faith is called the fruit of the lips Esay 57. ●9 the Word is both the meane whereby we belieue and the subiect matter of our beliefe A man may see without light or colour heare without eare or sound as possibly as belieue without the Word of God For when faith is an affiance or perswasion touching the good will of God towards vs in
it neither extinguisheth the nature of man nor the light of reason Faith is not a brutish captiuitie which yields vp her eyes to bee put out but the vnderstanding receiuing a more excellent sight by faith yeilds vp the worse and doth not loose her light but exchange it for the better There is a double assent one from reason the other from authoritie both are made with the knowledge of the Minde knowledge is included in both in the one of the cause and properties which is strictly called Science in the other of the authoritie and truth of the reuealer and in that respect of the thing taught which is called Faith Rom. 10.14 17. 1. Cor. 4.14 1. Cor. 13.2 Bellar. vbi supra How shall we belieue in him of whom we haue not heard There is no sight without some visible obiect no faith without the knowledge of God in Christ Though knowledge be not faith but an habit distinct from it yet it concurres to the being of faith in as much as no man can assent to that hee neuer heard of Wisdome is distinguished from knowledge as a thing more excellent which yet it presupposeth so faith is distinguished from knowledge but cannot be without it The knowledge which hath no ingredience into faith is the knowledge of that which is not reuealed for faith not only goeth before such knowledge but vtterly repels it neuer admitting any curious search into Gods secrets But in things reuealed faith knoweth what it belieueth and by belieuing knoweth the more Faith is the cause of more ample knowledge but some knowledge of Gods will and pleasure is antecedent to faith This knowledge must be distinct sound certaine And this knowledge must be distinct sound and certaine For faith diuine is sure and certaine therefore the knowledge whereupon it is grounded must be such as cannot deceiue The assent which faith giues to the Word of God is absolute and vnlimited which can neuer bee yeilded vnlesse being certaine in it selfe we know it certainly as it is 1. Thess 5.19.20 Col. 3.16 1. Iohn 4.1 Acts 17 1● 12. 1. Reg. 13.20 21 Acts 1● 1.14 Psal 119.18 34 73.144 Col. 1.5 2. ● Ephes 1.16 17. 2. Cor. 8.7 Hosius contra Brent lib. 3. Bellar. de Iustif. l. 1. c. 7. §. Iudicium Tolet. instr Sacerd l. 4. cap. 2. and bee assured that wee conceiue of it aright The examination of doctrines by the touchstone is commanded of God and wonderfully commended by the Holy Ghost the neglect of examining what wee heare doth bring great perill and danger for such as receiue doctrines vpon the credit of their Teachers are euer vnsetled apt to bee seduced and readie to start backe in time of trouble Certaine knowledge is to bee begged of God both for our selues and others and thankes haue beene and should bee giuen to God for this grace and mercie vouchsafed vnto the Saints The Papists haue much extolled the Colliars faith commended ignorance and disgraced knowledge as if faith were much better defined by ignorance then by knowledge but when they are pressed with euidence of Scripture in this point they grant that knowledge in all fundamentall points of Religion is necessary for lay people and would colour the matter as if they meant the knowledge of reason was not necessarie to faith T. W. in his triple accusation of D. White but of reuelation onely Not to dispute of their meaning in those propositions though their words and practice and matter intreated of sufficiently argue the vanitie of that excuse wee may take them as they say and spare labour to proue that faith cannot be a blinde assent because we haue their confession for it that faith requireth knowledge of reuelation The Implicite faith then of them that know nothing in Religion but belieue as the Church belieueth Rom. 1.17 16 1. Cor. 10.15 11.28 2. Cor. 13.5 2. Pet. 1.5 1. Pet. 3.15 Rom. 12.1 2. not vnderstanding what she belieueth or professeth is most absurd but when we know Christ truly and whatsoeuer is absolutely necessarie to saluation there bee many things wrapped vp from vs which wee ought to belieue in which respect faith may bee called implicite or infolded For being compassed about with mists of ignorance In what respects faith is Implicite wee attaine not the vnderstanding of many things reuealed of which we may note very many examples in the Disciples of Christ hauing not yet obtained full illumination Iohn 20.9 Matth. 16.22 Luke 24.25 Acts 1.6 Iohn 4.39 41. Heb. 11.31 and in them who being only stirred vp by the miracles of Christ went no further then to acknowledge him to be the promised Messias So that when a man knowes and vnderstands in generall the substantiall Articles belonging to faith which are contained in the Scriptures and is ignorant only in the particulars whereby the said general Articles are demonstrated and when withall he vses the meanes to encrease in knowledge by searching the Scriptures and hearing the Word preached in this case his faith may bee true though infolded in many particulars Faith also may be implicite in another respect for many that truely belieue cannot certainly affirme they doe belieue which befalleth them that are touched in conscience for sinne who bewaile their offences and desire to be reconciled vnto God Now as in the little tender bud are infolded the leafe the blossome and the fruit so in true sorrow broken-heartednesse and vnfained acknowledgement faith and many graces of Gods Spirit are infolded But this is not properly vnderstood when wee speake of implicite faith neither is faith so much wrapped vp in these graces as the sight of faith and sence of comfort hid from their eyes that be distressed § 2. Faith presupposeth knowledge and yeilds assent to the word of grace §. 2. Faith is an Assent relying vpon the authoritie of God who is true in all his sayings sincere faithfull constant in all promises and can neither deceiue nor bee deceiued Abraham belieued God Gen. 15.6 the word imports he thought the words of God to be sure certaine stable and constant Moses saying Exod. 4.31 Deut. 1.52 Exod. 4.31 14.31 Israel will not belieue me meaneth they would not assent or giue credit to his words And when it is said Israel belieued the Lord and his seru●nt Moses thereby is vnderstood that they gaue credit to the word of the Lord spoken by his seruant Moses This is cleere in the exhortation of Iehoshaphat vnto the people saying 2. Chron. 20.20 Belieue in the Lord your God so shall you be established belieue his Prophets so shall yee prosper And that of Dauid Psal 116.10 I belieued therefore haue I spoken Beliefe is alwayes grounded vpon the authoritie and reputation of him for whose word sake wee belieue and must needs haue reference to some vttered word or reuelation as the obiect but it may be sustained and strengthened by other
remission of sinnes by the merits of Christ and resting vpon Chr●st alone for saluation assuredly he receiueth forgiuenesse ●lthough he be vexed with scruples and temptations and want the assurance and perswasion in himselfe that his sinnes bee remitted For faith is necessary to saluation but full assurance that I do belieue in that sort is not of l●ke necessitie And if a man may belieue vnfainedly who is not fully assured that he doth so belieue then faith may be certain in the euent when it is not certaine to the sence of the Belieuer §. 3. Faith as it iustifieth is a resting vpon Christ to obtaine pardon Zanch. de redempt lib. 1. c. 13. tit de Fiducia col 282. Musc loc com de Remiss Meisner dec 3. pag. 329. Par. in Gal. cap. 2. lect 24. Idem de Iustif l. 1. cap. 10. lect 227. Albizius exercit theol ar 2. 8. ad 3. Hom. Of faith part 1. August conf art 4. art 20. Bohemic conf art 6. § 3. But what faith is necessarie to wit on mans part to Iustification Is it an assured perswasion of our particular election or that our sins be alreadie pardoned and forgiuen No It is one thing to rest on Christ obeying to the cursed death of the Crosse that I may obtaine pardon and life euerlasting from the grace of God which is the act of true beliefe required to Iustification another to belieue that I am one of Gods particular elect people and that my sinnes are pardoned and done away which is a priuiledge of grace granted to him who belieueth is sealed by the Spirit and knoweth assuredly that he belieueth It is not an action of Christian faith preuious or fundamentall to Iustification for a man to belieue himselfe to be one of Gods elect for wee come to know our election by the effects thereof as Faith Iustification Sanctification Wee must first reade the effects of Gods loue in our hearts and see that he hath wrought in vs the sauing graces of faith loue hope feare c. and sealed vs by the spirit of promise before we can come to know his eternall decree and purpose towards vs therefore the beliefe of our particular election is an act of faith following Iustification not precedent to it No man is iustified by belieuing himselfe to be Iust nor pardoned Gallican conf art 20. Belgic confes art 23. Bolton walking with God pag. 320. Pemble plea for Grace pag. 258. 259. 260. Rolloc de Iustificat Heming Syntagm Gradus ad conuersion●m 49. Gal. 4.6 Rom. 8.15 16. by belieuing that he is pardoned but if his beliefe be true he must be truly Iust before hee can or ought to belieue himselfe to be Iust and actually pardoned before hee can be assured that he is pardoned This is the order of spirituall blessings conferred vpon vs in Christ Faith is the band wherby wee are vnited vnto Christ after Vnion followeth Communion with him Iustification Adoption Sanctification be the benefits and fruits of Communion Being made sonnes by faith God sends forth the Spirit of his Sonne into our hearts crying Abba Father and this Spirit beareth witnes with our spirit that we are the children of God assurance or certaine perswasion that our sinnes be pardoned followes this witnesse of the Spirit as the fruit and effect thereof In which it is most manifest that faith in Christ is before Iustification in order of nature though not in time and Iustification is precedent to the sense feeling of remission and therefore that belief which is required on our part to Iustificatiō cannot be an assurance that our sins be pardoned already vnles the same thing be before after it selfe a man be pardoned before he belieue or assured that he is pardoned before it bee granted or that act of faith which cannot be but in a person alreadie iustified must go before the pardon of sin Esa 1.16 17 18 Ezek. 18. ●1 Prou. 28.13 Math. 6.14 15. Acts 16.30 31. Iohn 6.29 11.25 Acts 10.43 Acts 16.18 The promise of remission of sinnes is conditionall and becommeth not absolute vntill the condition be fulfilled either actually or in desire and preparation of minde This is the word of grace Belieue in the Lord Iesus Christ and thou shalt bee saued when doth this conditionall proposition become absolute when we belieue What that our sinnes are pardoned No but when we belieue in Christ to obtaine pardon which is the thing promised vpon condition of beliefe Assurance that our sinnes bee pardoned is concluded in a practicall Syllogisme thus He that truly belieueth in Christ hath obtained pardon of his sinnes But I belieue Therefore my sinnes are pardoned where assurance of the pardon of sinne is a conclusion drawne from a two-fold ground the one expressed in Scripture the other euident if true by the testimonie of the renewed conscience and presupposeth that hee belieueth and is assured that he doth belieue Now if assurance of remission be concluded from this ground that he belieueth and knoweth certainly that hee belieueth then the beliefe which is required on our parts to Iustification cannot be an assurance that our sins be washed away alreadie For if we take the word belieue for a perswasion that our sinnes are done away then the Syllogisme runneth thus He that is assured of the pardon of his sinnes his sinnes are pardoned But I am assured of the pardon of my sinnes therefore my sinnes are pardoned Faith receiueth the pardon of sinne as it is profered in the word of grace and groundeth it selfe solely and immediately vpon the promise of God in Iesus Christ But the ground whereupon a sinner in himselfe guiltie should build assurance that his sinnes are pardoned without some other act of faith comming betwixt the promise that assurance there is none The Gospell offereth pardon to the thirstie and burdened if hee will receiue it assureth them of pardon who haue embraced the promise but where shall wee finde ground whereupon the guiltie person who belieueth not to remission of sinnes may bee assured that his sinnes not actually pardoned are yet pardoned and blotted out of Gods remembrance Faith taketh the pardon presented to it in the word of promise and trauailing with it bringeth forth actuall remission of sinne which vpon our faith we receiue Assurance is not before pardon nor actuall remission before faith vnlesse the effect be before the cause and the same thing be both cause and effect To be●ieue in Christ to saluation is to receiue him Iohn 1.12 Heluet. confess art 15. But to receiue Christ as hee is offered vnto vs in the Gospell is not to be assured that our sinnes are alreadie pardoned in and through Iesus Christ but to rest vpon him for pardon Before the act of iustification faith hath for obiect this proposition concerning the future To mee belieuing my sinnes shall bee forgiuen but after the promise is receiued and pardon obtained Par de Iustific lib. cap.
10. it hath this proposition concerning the present or time past To me belieuing in Christ my sinnes are forg●ued And thus the horned argument of the Iesuite Bellar. de Iustif lib. 1. cap 10. Sect. ratio secunda Idem de Eccl. lib. 4. cap. 11. §. Sectary nostri whereby he would proue the speciall mercie of God not to be the obiect of faith Iustifying and our doctrine in that point to b e grosse and absurd is easily vntied For thus he reasoneth Iustifying faith goeth before Iustification But faith in the speciall mercie of God followeth Iustification For hee that belieueth the pardon of his sinnes is either iust before or not iust if iust before then faith iustifye●h not if vniust then belieuing that his sinnes bee pardoned he belieueth a lie Our answere is that speciall faith hath the sundrie acts but to this purpose specially two The first heartily to desire earnestly to thirst after D. Field of the Ch lib. 3. cap. 44 Bolton of walking with God pag. 321. 322. To belieue that my sinne is now forgiuen in Christ is rather an act of experience in a Belieuer now iustified then that beliefe which is required to Iustification P. Bayn Helpe to true Happines part 2. qu. 9. humbly to intreate for acceptation and confidently to rest vpon the promise of free remission The other comfortably to assure and perswade that that is granted which was desired and receiued in promise Faith by her first act obtaineth and receiueth pardon and doth not finde vs iust when wee begin to belieue by her second act shee doth not actually iustifie but finding the thing done certifyeth and assureth vs of it So then speciall faith in her first act is before Iustification and procureth obtaineth and receiueth pardon but then shee hath not the perswasion of it as alreadie done in her second act shee presupposeth the thing done and alreadie obtained and so truely perswadeth the belieuer of it but procureth not the doing of it Before Iustification faith seeketh and receiueth the promise of forgiuenesse after Iustification it comfortably assureth of the blessing obtained in both it hath for it obiect the speciall mercie of God in Christ Faith receiueth Christ offered in the Gospell and it perswadeth and assureth of pardon in Christ receiued both these bee the acts of faith sometimes expressed a Iustifiing faith hath some acts as a cause disposing preparing and fitti●g vs to the receit of that gracious sauour whereby God doth iustifie vs and other as a susceptiue cause receiuing embracing and enioying the same In the former respect faith consists not in a perswasion that wee are the sons of God but in the latter Feild appendex to the fifth Booke second part in the definition of Iustifying faith but if we speake of faith as it iustifyeth it peculiarly embraceth Christ with his benefits as he is profered in the word and Sacrament For faith which is required to Iustification is not a perswasion or knowledge of things alreadie possessed but a confid●nce of things promised and vpon belieuing to bee obtained which in the order of causes not in time doth goe before remission of sinnes Who knoweth not that we must belieue that we might be iustified Iustified I say and not certified of Iustification by the benefite of faith The Scripture is cleare Belieue and thou shalt be saued God iustifieth the circumcision by faith and the vncircumcision through faith Doe not these and many the like passages shew that Iustification and not onely the sense and manifestation of Iustification alreadie obtained doth depend on faith § 4. It may bee said we are iustified before in Gods decree Indeed whom God doth iustifie them he decreed to iustifie from all eternitie but whereas election is manifested by faith as by its effect iustification doth depend vpon faith as its cause and wee are iustified by faith as the instrument thereof For election is an act immanent and eternall §. 3. Act. 16.31 Rom. 3.30 but iustification transient and in time inferring some change in the person iustified not physiciall but morall in respect of state §. 4. whereby it comes to passe that the person is in another condition and account then he was before In briefe the act of faith preswading of the pardon of sinne alreadie obtained by belieuing and glorying in the sense of Gods mercie must bee distinguished from that act of faith which iustifieth and is a leauing or staying vpon Christ to obtaine remission the priuiledge of grace and comfort which comes to the soule by belieuing must be distinguished from the condition of the couenant which is required on our parts before wee can obtaine pardon This is the rather to be noted Fishers answere to certaine articles because the maine cauils of the papists against our doctrine touch●ng particular confidence in Gods mercie and certainetie of saluation are grounded vpon this surmise that wee make that faith which is an assured and certaine perswasion of our particular election iustific●tion and saluation to be the sole cause to wit on Mans part of Iustification whereas Iustification it selfe must goe before the assurance of it and such persons onely can haue true assurance and certaintie of their Iust fication election and Saluation who doe vnfainedly belieue and know assuredly that they belieue as they ought And it makes much for the comfort of many faithfull people who commit their soules vnto Christ Iesus and depend vpon him and no other for saluation who yet are much perplexed as if they had no faith nor could doe ought pleasing vnto God because they want this certaine assurance of the remission of their sinnes whereas if they had learned what it is to belieue vnto Iustification and trust vnto the promise for pardon they might for the present take comfort in this that notwithstanding their feare they relie vpon Christ ●nd commit their soules vnto God as to their faithfull Redeemer and might with more ease and speed grow vp vnto the desired comfort and assurance when they should distinctly perceiue and discerne the ground● of faith and assurance by what steps and degrees they must clime from the one vnto the other CHAP. VIII By faith a true belieuer may bee certaine and infallibly assuredly of the remission of his sinnes and eternall saluation §. 1. How Faith assureth of saluation § 1. IT is a Principle common amongst our Aduersaries that eue●y conclusion issu●ng from one proposition reuealed expressely in Scripture another clearely and certainely knowne otherwise and by euident and good consequent added vnto it b longs to faith and is belieued by no other habit then of faith As for example All the dead shall rise Peter is dead therefore Peter shall rise The conclusion is Theologicall and belongs to faith though it be not expressely written that Peter is dead or that he shall rise againe So it is in this present matter All that belieue sh●ll bee saued this proposition is
cause them to walke in my Statutes And though a man be weake fe●ble and imperfect yet finding and feeling the worke of sanctification begun in him hee may be assured that hee who hath wrought this beginning of life will goe forward therewith vnto the end Our Sauiour Christ said to the young man in the Gospel Phil. 1.6 Math. 19.17 If thou wilt enter into life keepe the Commandements But that young Pharisee was ignorant of the Law and his owne estate rested in externall workes of righteousnesse and when he came to Christ was destitute of the true knowledge of the Messias Iohn 17.3 without which our Aduersaries will confesse there is no eternall life and so from their owne grounds it is absurd to imagine that Christ by these words did simply intend to direct him a way for the obtaining of eternall life by his owne workes or merits We grant the Law to which our Sauiour referred that young man to bee the rule of obedience according to which people in couenant ought to walke building their workes of righteousnesse vpon fai●h as the foundation and obedience issuing from faith vnfained to bee the way to eternall blisse We acknowledge also that no man can be assured of remission of his sinnes who doth not walke before God in vprightnesse and integritie but this vpright vnfained obedience is imperfect the effect of that faith which iustifieth Vpright walking is necesrie but not the cause of Iustification Psal 119.1 2. 1.1 2. Psal 32.1 2. not the cause of Iustification When the Scripture pronounceth them blessed that feare God keepe his Commandements and walke in the vndefiled way doth it not describe the person whose sinnes are couered in which stands his happinesse Our Sauiour hath taught vs plainly That except our righteousnesse exceed the righteousnesse of the Scribes and Pharisies wee shall in no wise enter into the Kingdome of Heauen Math. 5 20. What righteousnesse doth hee here meane In●erent or the righteousnesse of workes for he presseth an vniforme obseruation of all Gods Commandements The Scribes and Pharisees did as it seeme euen then calumniate him ●s they did afterward Paul and the Papists doe vs still as a dest●oye● of the Law because he reproued their confidence in workes and sought to establish the doctrine of faith which now we teach Needfull in this respect was that caue●t I thinke not that I am come to destroy the Law and the Prophets Verse 17. Math. 5.17 I am not come to destroy but to fulfill them And in these words as our Sauiour rendreth a reason why he that breaketh any of those Commandements which the Scribes and Pharisees counted the least shall bee counted least in the kingdome of Heauen Verse 19. so he maketh passage to the exposition of the law in the verses following where hee cleares it from the corrupt glosses of the Scribes and Pharisees And it is to be noted that he saith Verse 20. not Except your righteousnesse exceed the righteousnesse of the Law and Prophets but except it exceed the righteousnesse of the Scribes and Pharisees to wit that righteousnes which they taught and practiced who made none account of some commandements which they called the least vrged only an externall obseruation of the Law according to the letter without any respect of inward pietie and maimed and m●ngled the word as pleased themselues The sentence therefore must bee vnderstood of inherent righteousnesse whence the necessitie of good workes is strongly concluded The faith that iustifieth is liuely and operatiue euer conioyned with an affection of pietie and obsequious disposition as powerfull to bring forth deeds of mercie as to make firme and faithfull application of Christs righteousnesse or conceiue sure trust of Gods mercie offered in him Now what is required in faith that it may iustifie of necessitie it must goe before assurance of pardon and forgiuenesse True it is then that without inherent holinesse no man can be assured of his acquittance from sinne but if we enquire into the true cause of absolution it is the sole grace and mercie of God in Iesus Christ embraced by a true and liuely faith Doth this any thing preiudice Christian assurance that without true and sincere obedience at least without a promptitude ap●nesse inclination and resolution to doe good workes and walke in obedience there can bee no ●ssurance No For the belieuer relieth not vpon his workes though hee exercise himselfe therein with all diligence and though hee know well that hee comes infinitely short of what God commandeth and bewaile his daily failings and sees hee hath need to renew his purpose and resolution to better his obedience and condemnes the imperfections that hee espieth more and more in himselfe yet it is not impossible to be assured of the truth and vprightnesse of his heart and sincere though imperfect desire and endeuour to walke with God which as the fruit of the Spirit and effect of faith doth euidence his reconciliation with God For hee that feareth God and walketh in his wayes in the perfect and vndefiled way is iustified from sin And he that knowes 1. Iohn 1.3 4. ●hat he walketh before God in truth and with a perfect ●●a t may certainly conclude from this fruit of the Spi●it that his sinnes are pardoned § 11. I might adde §. 11. that the faithfull are sealed by the Spirit and by the same Spirit are enabled to cry Abba Father What infirmities may stand with assurance whereby they are assured of the pardon of their s●nnes but I will shut vp this matter briefly shewing what infirmities may stand with assurance of faith and what sinnes cannot that Christians may bee directed the better to make triall of their estate 1. Iohn 1.7 If we say we haue fellowship with him and walke in darknesse we liue and doe n t the truth and if we say that we such as Iohn then was regenerate and in the state of grace haue no sin Verse 8. we deceiue our selues and the truth is not in vs. Euen such then as walke in the light and haue fellowship with God are sinners Prou. 20.9 Ecles 7.2 1. Iohn 3.9 and not iust or perfect in themselues Who can say his heart is cleane there is no man iust who sinneth not and yet the Apostle is bold to affirme That hee that is b●rne of God sinneth not The iust then transgresse the Law and so are sinners but they make not a trade of sin or profession of iniquitie and so are not law-breakers or transgressours And this the Apostle plainly teacheth saying Iames 2.10 Euery one that hath this hope of being the Sonne of God doth purge himselfe as he is pure 1. Iohn 3.3 not according to the measure of his puritie or perfection but according to the truth in habit becomes like vnto him as on the contrarie he that commits sinne 1. Iohn 3.8 that is is a crafts-master of iniquitie
hand of Herod How much more ought and will that man who is assured of Gods fauour and loue towards him for euer admire the mightie power vnspeakeable goodnes and rich mercie of God who hath deliuered him from the pit of Hell from the power of Satan from the curse of the law and from the waiting for of all the wicked Deuils and damned Spirits and hath translated him into the kingdome of his deare Sonne And if hee daily consider his vnworthines and and renued sinnes hee shall see more cause to wonder euery day then at the first if comparison may be made in such a case and to renue his repentance care watch and resolution to better his obedience For is it not to be wondred at that God pardoneth the sinnes of his children daily and continueth his mercie towards them and the sence of his loue euen vnto the end Who can thinke vpon his slippes and infirmities which breake from him euery day for which the wrath of God is iusty prouoked against him and withall remmeber how God is pleased to spare him to grant him accesse into his presence and to afford vnto him the sence of his loue but he must needs be astonished at the enioyment of so great and incomprehensible so large and long-enduring kindnesse his heart must bee enflamed with loue and enlarged in praises still more and more his affections raised to striue against sinne and set vpon the workes of holinesse and righteousnes wherevnto they are designed euery day more and more Assurance of sauation then doth not beget securitie but quickeneth to more sincere setled and constant obedience nor it is possible that a Christian should hold his assurance longer then he doth follow cherish and feed this heauenly affection in himselfe CHAP. IX Faith is grounded vpon the word of God not vpon the authoritie of the Church and resteth vpon God in Christ not vpon the Saints militant or triumphant §. 1. § 1. TThe Schoolemen diuide the obiect of faith into the materiall obiect and into the formall The materiall are the Articles or things belieued The formall is the foundation and last maine principle whereupon faith relieth or that whereinto the assent which yeeldeth vnto the matter belieued is resolued In which sence the obiect of faith is all one with the foundation or ground work of it But howsoeuer we vnderstand it whether for the maine reason last resolution of assent or for that whereupon our confidence leaneth relyeth resteth the authoritie of the Church cannot be the ground nor the Saints tryumphant the obiect of faith diuine The Authoritie of the Church cannot be the ground of faith 1. Thess 2.13 2. Tim. 3.16 We belieue that God hath his Church but we neither belieue in the Saints militant nor triumphant The ground or foundation of faith must bee some thing which is purely and simply diuine admixt with no errour yea subiect to no errour the indubitate word and reuelation of Christ the diuine and prime veritie reuealed by inspiration But the word of God alone is purely and simply diuine admixt with no errour the Church is subiect to errour neither hath it any truth immediately or by diuine inspiration Rom. 11.20 but by second meanes the authoritie of the Church is a thing create distinct from the first veritie The immortall seed whereby wee are regenerate and made faithfull is the onely formall principle or ground of faith The word of God alone is that immortall seed Therefore the word of God alone 1. Pet. 1.13 is the onely formall principle of faith And euen as in Husbandrie although diuers instruments and meanes bee requisite and necessary to wit plowing sowing c. yet the seed is the beginning and sole immediate cause of the graine spinging vp euen so in the spiritual plantation of faith in which our soules are liuing fields the immortall seed which the Apostles first preached and afterwards committed to writing produceth faith as the sole principle immediate motiue and formall obiect of faith as the ministerie authoritie and calling of the Church produce the same as the adiuvant and instrumentall cause or as the meanes of applying the word and seales thereof but not as the first principle Whatsoeuer credit the Church hath it receiueth the same from the Scriptures as is acknowledged by some of our principall Aduersaries and confirmed by the Apostle who saith Ephes 2.20 We are built vpon the foundation of the Prophets and Apostles The present faith of Christians is of the same kind with the faith of the Prophets and Apostles But the faith of these holy men was sounded vpon immediate diuine reuelation and not vpon the authoritie of the Church § 2. Herein the Romanists faith differs from the faith of ancient Christians for the Saints who liued of olde grounded their faith vpon the pure and faithfull Word of God § 2. The Papists make the Popes authoritie the only ground of Faith as vpon a sure foundation but the authoritie of the Pope whom they call the Church virtuall is the first ground and last resolution of the Romanists faith Indefinitely or indeterminately they teach whatsoeuer God hath spoken is most true in that sence wherein hee me●nt it But if we descend to any determinate speeches written or vnwritten either acknowledged or supposed for God Word the present Romish Church doth take vpon her absolutely to iudge of all and euery part of them If wee speake of that Canon of Scripture which wee haue the sence or interpretation of any text any article of faith concluded out of it the onely cause they doe or can belieue them infallibly is the Popes infallibilitie that commends them The Churches or Popes proposall is not only a condition requisite but the remonstratiue root the immediate cause and reason of their belieuing diuine reuelations And if it bee a reason why they belieue them and sway the minde to embrace the truth then it is the proper efficient cause of beliefe According to their doctrine the orthodoxall answere to this Interrogation Why doe you belieue the doctrine of the Trinitie to be a diuine Reuelation is because the Church proposeth it to me for such But he that admits this answere for sound and Catholike and yet den es the Churches proposall to bee the true and proper cause of his beliefe in the former point hath smothered the light of nature by admitting too artificiall subtiltie into his braines Whatsoeuer it be Cause Condition Circumstance or effect that truly satisfieth this demand Why doe you belieue this or that it is a true proper cause of our beliefe though not of the thing belieued We must here obserue that there is a twofold resolution One of the things or matters belieued or knowne into the●r first parts or elements Another of our beliefe or perswasions concerning them into their first causes or motiues In the one the most generall or remotest cause In the other the most immediate
or next cause alwayes terminates the resolution The one imit●tes the other inuerts the order of composition In the first acceptation the first veritie or d●uine infallibilitie is that into which our faith is lastly resolued For this is the first step in the progresse of true beliefe the lowest foundation whereon any Religion can be built But in the second acceptation as wee alwayes take those tearmes when we resolue our owne perswasions that is for a resolution of all doubts or demands concerning the subiect whereof we treate A Romane Catholiques faith must according to his Principles finally bee resolued into the Churches or Popes inf●llibilitie For this is the immediate ground or first cause of any particular determinate point of Christian Faith and the immediate is alwayes that into which our perswasions concerning the effect is finally resolued seeing it can satisfie all demands doubts or questions concerning it It will not helpe them to colour ouer the matter and say God reuealing diuine truth is the formall obiect of faith For seeing God worketh mediately and reuealeth no truth vnto vs but by externall meanes and diuine authoritie in it selfe is hidden and vnknowne therefore the thing whereinto our faith is resolued must be something externally knowne which we may reade or heare And our Aduersaries must lead vs to secret reuelation which in words they pretend so much to defie or yeeld vs an externall foundation and formall obiect of faith And reiecting the Scriptures whatsoeuer they glose in wordes they neither can nor doe name vs any other indeed but the Romane Pope and Church Nor will it boote them ought to say that Gods Word in the Churches mouth is the rule of faith whereinto it is finally resolued seeing the Church defines nothing but by Gods written or vnwritten For this is more then the partie which belieues it can know nor hath he any other motiue to belieue it besides the Churches definition or assertion Suppose then wee should conceiue so well of a temporall Iudge as to presume hee did neuer speake but according to the true meaning either of statute or customarie law yet if wee could not know either the one or the other or their right interpretation but only by his determinations the law were little beholden to him vnlesse for a floute that should say he were resolued ioyntly by the Iudge and it For seeing the Law is to him altogether vncertaine but by the Iudges auouchment or interpretation his last resolution of any act of Iustice must be only into the Iudges skill and fidelitie It is true indeed that the Churches authoritie is not comprehended in the obiect of beliefe whilest it only proposeth other Articles to be belieued No more is the Sunne comprehended vnder the obiect of our actuall sight whilest we behold colours or other visible things by the vertue of it But yet as it could not make colours or other things become more visible vnto vs vnlesse it selfe were the first visible that is vnlesse it might bee seene more clearly then those things which we see by it so we would direct our sight vnto it so would it be impossible the Churches infallible proposall should be the reason of a Romane Catholikes beliefe of Scriptures or their orthodoxall sence vnlesse it were the first and principall credible or primarie obiect of his beliefe or that which must bee most clearely most certainly and most stedfastly belieued so as all other Articles besides must be belieued by the beliefe of it Nor is this proposall of the Church necessarie to the first plantation of faith only but to the growth and continuance of it as well after faith is produced whilest it continues as whiles it is in planting §. 3. God Christ not the Church and Saints is the only obiect of all true confidence trust Esay 26.34 Psal 130.5 6 7 22.5 Prou. 3.5 Iohn 14.1 1. Pet. 1.21 Rom. 3.22 Psal 2.12 Ier. 17.5 § 3. But to leaue this misterie of Romish iniquitie and to returne to the matter the authoritie of the Church is not the ground of Christian faith but the holy Scriptures and faith resteth not vpon the Saints but vpon Iesus Christ God and Christ is the obiect of confidence according to the Scripture God as the authour and parent of all good things of whom are all things and wee in him Christ as the onely Mediatour of God and Men by whom are all things and we by him or by whom God bestoweth vpon vs all sauing blessings and by whom we come vnto God They are accursed who make the arme of flesh their stay and trust in man in whom there is no helpe or power The present faith of Belieuers hath the same obiect with the faith of Adam after his fall Abel Abraham Noah Dauid the Virgin Marie all the Patriarches Ephes 4 4. Heb. 13.8 Prophets and Apostles For faith is one in obiect and kind though different in number and degree But the confidence of Adam Abel Noah Abraham c. was exercised about or directed vnto God in Christ not set vpon any Saint Abraham and the rest who liued before and vnder the Law belieued in the Messias to come The Apostles and all the faithfull since belieue in Christ alreadie come But in nature the obiect of their faith is one and the same Our Aduersaries confesse thus much Bellarmine proues Christ to bee God Bellar. de Christ lib. 1. cap. 5. because it is written of him Blessed are they that put their trust in him And the Scripture saith he teacheth euery where that wee must put our trust in the true God alone The Romane Catechisme teacheth Catech. Rom. part 1. cap. 11. q. 19. that wee belieue the holy Church not in the Church by which diuers forme of spe●king say they God the Creatour is distinguished from things created Rhem. annot in Rom. 10.14 But the Rhemists in defence of their Saint-inuocation are driuen to say that wee are to trust in the Saints departed and that the Scripture vseth also this speech to belieue in men Exod. 14.31 2. Chron. 20.21 as They belieued in the Lord and in his seruant Moses Belieue in the Lord and yee shall bee established c. This is their first pretence whereby they seeke to couer their Idolatrie whereas they might easily haue knowne that the vulgar and the Seuentie both translate these places Deut. 28.66 Iob 24.22 Esay 33.15 1. Sam 27.12 Iohn 3.5 They belieued Moses and belieue his Prophets and not they belieued in Moses Belieue in his Prophets And it is certaine the preposition here added in Hebrew doth not euer answere to In in our language What that it is no lesse then blasphemie to say that the Israelites were commanded to put their confidence in Moses and the Prophets either as the principall authours and parents of any good or as Mediators betwixt God and them by and through whose mediation they should obtaine all good things spirituall
and temporall For so they should haue made them their arme who were but flesh What is alledged out of Exodus Moses speaketh in reproach of the Israelites Ier. 17.5 who belieued neither the Lord nor Moses touching the promise of their deliuery out of Egypt vntill such time as they hauing quite passed the Red Sea did see their enemies dead in the Sea And though they belieued the truth of the Lord Psal 106.12 and the word of his seruant when they had the accomplishment of his promise yet they did not confidently betake themselues to the Lord as their onely refuge and rest vnder the shadow of his wings For the Lord complaineth often of their infidelitie towards him Psal 78 22. Heb. 3 1● and the historie makes mention of their distrust murmur●ng and rebellion against the Lord. In the other place the people are praysed as those who rested in the word of the Prophet before that the promise was effected But they leaned not vpon the Prophets as authours of their helpe neither had that beene prayse-worthy in them nay it had beene detestable Idolatrie If they will haue the Hebrew preposition to bee of force in those places by Moses and the Prophets we are to vnderstand the word taught by Moses and the Prophets from God as the Chaldee explaineth it they belieued in the Word of the Lord and in the prophesie of Moses his seruant The exposition of both texts may bee taken out of that of the Lord to Moses Exod. 19.9 Iohn 5.45 Loe I come vnto thee in a thicke cloud that the people may heare when I speake with thee and belieue thee for euer that is that they may receiue thee for a faithfull and true Prophet and belieue in the word that I shall make knowne vnto them by thee And as the Israelites are said to be baptized into Moses 1. Cor. 10.1 that is into the doctrine or law of Moses whereof he was a Minister so are they said to belieue in Moses and the Prophets that is in the word which they taught from God They were the instruments and Ministers of the Lord and ministerially the people belieued in them that is in the Word of the Lord published by them Of Sion it is said the poore of his people shall trust in it Esay 14.32 The meaning is not that the faithfull shall put their trust in Sion as wee must hope in God but that the inhabitants of Sion shall dwell in a quiet and secure place as the Prophets often affirme that saluation is in Sion Ioel 2.32 It may well bee translated The poore of his people shall betake themselues vnto it Iob 24.8 Psal 104.18 as vnto a place of protection and refuge by the blessing of God not as vnto the chiefe stay and prop of their soules They further obiect that the Apostle referreth faith and loue to the Saints saying Phil. 5. verse Bellar. de beatitud Sanct. lib. 1. cap. 20. Verse 6. Hearing of thy loue and faith which thou hast towards the Lord Iesus and toward all Saints But in this place faith is referred only to Christ and loue to the brethren as it appeareth in the two verses next following In the former whereof faith is restrained vnto Christ and in the latter the loue here mentioned is carried to the brethren which appeareth also in that other where vpon the same occasion he so distinguisheth faith and loue that faith is appropriated vnto Christ and loue referred to the Saints For the very words also the Apostle hath so fenced them Ephes 1.15 Col. 1 4. that although the truth were not otherwise cleare our Aduersaries can haue no aduantage for their doctrine of pinning our most holy faith vpon the sleeue of euery Saint For although hee haue coupled Charitie and Faith together which in other Epistles hee doth distinctly referre the one to Christ the other to the faithfull yet hee hath vsed prepositions which note that faith must passe no f●rther then to Christ as charitie goeth no further in this place but vnto the Saints For where the preposition 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 is such as might haue serued both to note our faith towards Christ and our charitie towards our Brethren hee declares that hee would not haue Faith and Charitie carried to one and the same obiect by the choice of seuerall bands of prepositions wherewith to tie each of these vertues with the subiect whereunto they belong But to goe no further then to the Rhemists translation can they say that we haue charitie in the Lord Iesus If with the later clause further remoued which is towards all Saints they will haue both Charitie and Faith conioyned yet it followeth much more that with this clause in the Lord Iesus which is neerer vnto charitie then the other they ought both also to be coupled If this be absurd much more is it that vpon this ground of coupling Faith and Charitie together they would haue them both carried and applied vnto these words vnto the Saints As for the order of words and coupling things together which are to be referred distinctly the like is to be found in other passages of holy Scripture Math. 12.22 Againe Loue and Faith may be put for faithfull firme and sted ast loue the like whereunto we may often find But by this no resting of the place our Aduersaries are driuen not only to belieue in the Catholike Church but also in euery seuerall member of the Catholike Church For seeing the Apostle commendeth Phi●●mon for his loue towards euery Saint that came vnto him it followeth that if as they say he commendeth faith towards the Saints hee commendeth it towards euery man a part and so euery Christian is to belieue in other which our Aduersaries will not affirme CHAP. X. Of the Effects Subiect and Degrees of Iustifying Faith § 1. MAny and excellent are the fruits and effects of faith §. 1. The benefits and effects of Faith for which cause it hath beene adorned with many singular titles of hohour It is called the gift of gifts the soule of our soule the root of an honest life the character of the sonnes of God the key whereby the treasures which are in Christ are opened vnto vs the mother of sound ioy and nurse of a good conscience the hand whereby we apprehend Christ the eye whereby wee see the inuisible things of God the mouth whereby we receiue the seed of saluation the pledge of our eternall inheritance the earnest of our peace with God the seale of our election the ladder whereby we certainly and safely ascend vp to Heauen the shield of a faithfull soule the sword whereby we beate and wound our enemies the token of our vnion in Christ our victorie and the band whereby we are vnited vnto the chiefe good The fruits of faith are diuided into two Heads Internall and Externall which the Schoolemen call Elicite and Imperate But to speake of them
like in all To some is giuen a greater measure of faith to others a lesser faith is more strong in this Christian more weake in that There is a great faith and a little faith a strong faith and a weake faith All liuing trees in an Orchard be not of one growth or fruitfulnesse All men bee not of one stature estate or age but some high some low some rich others poore some strong to labour others that must be borne or held vp by the armes and so it is in the Church of God amongst Christians All good ground is not equall in yeelding fruit Faith perfect in none 1. Thes 1 7 8. Compared with 1. Thes 3.10 1. Tim. 1.5 Phil. 3.15 some returnes an hundred-sold some thirtie-fold Such perfection of faith is granted to no man in this life that neither he nor any other can be more perfect therin The faith of all the elect is sincere the faith of some perfect in comparison of others but absolutely the greatest faith is imperfect Iustifying faith supposeth imperfection and is it selfe imperfect in vs so long as wee liue in this world It is imperfect extensiuely in regard of things to be belieued and intensiuely in respect of confidence wherewith wee belieue in Christ Wee know nothing as we should of those things which we know and many things we are ignorant in 1. Cor. 13.12 Marke 8 24. which we should know We are like the blinde man whose eyes now opened began to see men like trees Looke as children know not at all many things they come to know afterward so wee and looke as they doe not fully know those things which they know but superficially so is it wi●h vs in heauenly matters Hence our confidence cannot bee perfect Psal 9.10 For those who know God best trust him b●st those who dimely know him his goodnesse and truth they can but weakly belieue on him In speculatiue knowledge pertaining to discourse they may farre excell who come short in confidence but in certaine distinct practicall knowledge they are most excellent that with most liuely affiance doe cleaue vnto the Lord. Againe the mysteries of faith are so profound that in this life we cannot attaine vnto the vnderstanding of them fully and perfectly 2. Cor. 10.15 2. Thes 1.3 Ephes 1 17 18. 4.29 Col. 1.9 10. but haue need to pray daily that the eyes of our Minde may be opened that wee may more fully conceiue of the things that pertaine to the Kingdome of God And if our eye bee dimme in sight our hand is feeble in receiuing For our will is as much corrupt as the vnderstanding and it is easier to discerne the truth then firmely to embrace it against all oppositions The darknesse of Minde is an impediment to full and perfect knowledge the corruption of will which is neuer wholy remoued in this life is a stop and let to perfect confidence Faith groweth and encreaseth by degrees which is an argument Rom. 1.17 that in this life it neuer comes to the highest pitch of perfection For that which is alreadie compleate in degree needeth no augmentation What Belieuer is there who findes not a continuall combate of faith against many temptations arising from his natiue ignorance infidelitie diffidence Psal 73.1 2. 30.6 7 8. the wisdome of the flesh his owne sence and feeling c. which assaults against faith from within doe argue the weaknesse as the resistance of them demonstrates the the truth of faith The tree is knowne by its fruit and the goodnesse of a cause by the effects it produceth But the fruits of faith are imperfect as loue ioy and holinesse The faith of Abraham was great and excellent but not perfect in degree Hee was strong in faith and doubted not of infidelitie but of infirmitie he doubted His faith remained inuincible though often assaulted but now and then it was shaken §. 6. The faith of the weakest Christian is sufficient to saluation § 6. The strongest faith is imperfect but the measure of faith is so diuided by diuine prouidence that to none who are called according to his purpose is giuen lesse then what may suffice to their saluation The measure of faith containeth this in it that it bee a sufficient portion for euery one God in his wise prouidence giueth the greatest measure of faith to them who are to vndergoe the greatest combats Ht hath appointed some for the example of others and in them hee propoundeth to the world certaine tokens of his glorie and vertue and therefore he bestoweth vpon them a more abundant measure of faith not that they might acquire by it more saluation but that they might singularly serue for the illustrating of the glory of God and be an helpe comfort and support to the weake In the bodie humane the bones haue more strength then the flesh not that there is more life in them but that they might sustaine the weake fl●sh so here There is no member of the bodie so weake if it be endued with the Spirit of life which is not as well a true and liuely member of the bodie as they which are better and more excellent so the weakest Belieuer is a liuely member of Christ as truly as they that are more strong in faith § 7. The degrees of true and liuely faith §. 7. The degrees of faith may bee considered according to the diuers growth which God bringeth his children vnto and the diuers measure of grace which God bestoweth vpon them according to the time wherein they haue been trained vp in the schoole of Christ the meanes God hath vouchsafed for their building forward their experiments of his loue and their care to vse the meanes and imploy their talent God giueth not the same measure of grace to all Belieuers all be not of equall standing in Christs schoole nor of equall paines to improue what they haue receiued nor liue vnder like powerfull meanes of grace and enioy like helpes of increase in strength In nature no man wonders to see a growne man stronger then a new borne babe a plant set in a mellow and fertile garden thriue faster then th●t which groweth in a more barren soyle a Merchant that is warie and industrious to imploy his stocke to increase more then hee that is remisse an old beaten Souldier to bee more expert then one who hath newly put on his armour In gr●ce the same holds good for faith thriueth according to the time meanes experiments and one we take to improue our talent and preserue our faith The degrees of faith may fitly bee drawne into foure Heads For there is a weake faith as it were in the tender bud Foure degrees of Faith a faith somewhat growne vp strong faith and full assurance Faith is weake foure wayes First in knowledge 1. Weake when a Belieuer is but a babe in vnderstanding ignorant of many profitable things needfull to bee learned and practised Faith
God and put Satan to flight Neither let them after this bee still obiecting that they feele small strength of faith and hope for thereby the enemie may take encouragement to their disaduantage when feare setteth open the heart to his malitious temptations and binds the hands of the distressed that he cannot resist but let them stirre vp their courage and resolution to waite vpon the Lord not listening any more to their strong but deceitfull feare And what though they feele not that sweetnesse wh ch sometimes they felt will they therefore iudge their state to bee naught What sweetnesse can the soule taste when it is ouer-whelmed with feares perplexed with temptations troubled with doubts Physicke is vnpleasant and bitter to the taste Temptation should not be temptation if it did not affect If the soule bee now sicke and tasteth not the sweet meates of consolation which it was wont as the bodie which is in a course of Physicke will they iudge themselues to be starke dead or in a condition irrecouerable Wee haue experience how diuers times the disease preuaileth ouer the sicke person that actions faile and faculties seeme quite to bee spent neither hand nor foot is able to doe their dutie the eye is dimme the hearing dull the taste altered and the tongue distasteth all things euen of most pleasant rellish and the weake and feeble patient seemeth to attend the time of dissolution when yet notwithstanding there remayneth a secret power of nature and a forcible sparke of life that ouer-commeth all these infirmities and consumeth them like drosse and rendreth to the body a greater puritie and firmenesse of health then before the sicknesse it did enioy Euen so it is in this spirituall estate the soule is sicke and not dead faith is assailed but not ouercome and if in patience the fin●shing of this secret worke which passeth all conceit and capacitie of man bee attended these bu ning feauers of temptations shall appeare to bee flaked and cooled by the mercie and grace of Christ and that sparke of faith which now lieth hid and ouer-whelmed with heapes of temptations to breake forth againe And as nature after a perfect crise dischargeth herselfe to the recouery of former health so shall all doubts and feares and terrours be remoued and strength of faith restored with such supply as it shall bee able to make euident proofe what secret vertue lay hid and yet not idle in all this vncomfortable plight Againe as in outward sences we see sometimes and feele and heare when wee doe not perceiue it so we may also haue faith and not alwayes haue the sensible perceiuing thereof Yea such as most hunger and thirst after righteousnesse and are poore in spirit and broken in heart as they doubt and feare in euery action lest God bee dishonoured by their conuersation so are they iealous of their precious faith lest it bee not in such measure as they desire or in truth be none at all wherein they may easily bee deceiued first in the discerning then in the measure and portion For when the inward feeling thereof doth not answere their desire and the actions proceeding there-from doe not satisfie their thirst of righteousnesse whereby reliefe may rise to the nourishment of faith and the satisfying of that holy appetite they are discouraged and intangled with spirituall cares from which a more aduiced consideration agreeable to Gods Word might easily deliuer them And touching the portion it is a fault to measure the excellencie of faith and power thereof partly by quantitie and vnseasonable fruits so to call them and not by vertue kind plantation soueraignetie and seasonable fruit which errour in temptation the distressed are apt to runne into and so to trouble themselues without cause Men looke not that Corne should spring in haruest or be ripe in spring that trees should bud or beare fruit in winter because it ●s not the season for such things Neither ought wee to expect such strength of memorie and liuely operatiue actions of grace in age sicknesse great sorrowes and temptations as at other times in young yeares free from such assaults The fruits of faith fit for the season may bee discerned by them that can rightly iudge when sweet refreshings forme ly enioyed bee lacking The effects of faith in great temptations and cloudie seasons are to looke vp for helpe sigh groane complaine to God prize his fauour draw nigh vnto him and cast himselfe vpon God though hee seeme to be angry at this time faith is incumbred with many strong feares wherewith it is burdened against which it laboureth ouer which it doth not easily nor speedily preuaile Ioy peace sweet refreshing and sensible tasting of Gods mercie be the fruits of well growne faith in the times of victorie and freedome Those Summer fruits are not to bee gathered in the depth of winter It is an errour to measure the truth of grace in age by the effects proper to youth or the soundnesse of faith in temptation by the effects peculiar to the dayes of triumph Neither are we to account the nature of any thing according to our sence or the shew it maketh For then should the most fruitfull tree in winter bee taken for barren and the lustie soyle for drie and vnfruitfull whilest it is shut vp with the hard frost But reason being guided by the Word of God must lead vs rightly to iudge of the presence and life of faith in our soules which being the shield in this our spirituall warfare endureth much battering and many brunts and receiueth the fore-front of the battaile and oftentimes fareth as if it were pierced through and worne vnfit for battaile yet is it indeed of nature inuincible and repelleth whatsoeuer engine the enemy inforceth against vs and standeth firme rooted whatsoeuer storme Satan raiseth for the displacing thereof How then are the distressed to behaue themselues in this temptation when both the sence of faith is dulled in them and the fruits minister discontentment They must rightly consider what bee the winter fruits of faith and not expect such things in themselues as agree not to that season and withall remember that the gifts and mercy of God is w●thout repentance and so take courage vnto themselues confidently to cast their soules vpon the mercie of the Lord in Iesus Christ For as hee knew them when they were strangers from him and loued them when they hated him and had nothing which might prouoke his mercy but sinne and misery so is his goodnesse continued still vpon them for his owne sake and not at all for their deseruing And though they feele their abilitie weake the enemy strong their strength tired and cleane worne their corruption vpon the point to p●euaile the fruits and branches of faith th●ough these stormy tempests nipped and shaken yet the sap of faith shall neuer be dried vp in the root neither can any winde of Satan so blast that the immortall seed bee at any time quite withered
downe before them in the Word and not deiect themselues without cause as though they were vtterly destitute of faith in Christ because they want the sence of this assurance and so could doe nothing acceptable because it is not done in faith nor tire themselues in a preposterous course not know●ng where to lay the foundation or beginne their worke Three prerogatiues doe euer accompany this confident assurance of our Reconciliation with God Three prerogatiues that accompany co●fident assurance First Peace with God or stable tranquillitie and sweet calmnesse of Minde Sinne had broken off our friendship and peace with God but being iustified by faith wee haue remission of sinnes and so the cause of enmitie being taken away peace is restored Esay 59.2 Phil 4.7 Euen that peace of God which passeth vnderstanding and is in stead of a guard to keepe our hearts and minds in Christ that golden Legacie which Christ bequeathed vnto his Disciples when hee left the World Iohn 14 27. Ephes 2.16 17. Rom. 5.1 Peace I leaue with you my peace I giue vnto you Being iustified by faith we haue peace with God through our Lord Iesus Christ And from this peace begins liuely consolation against the temptations of sinne Satan and the World from the sence hereof the faithfull soule may triumph with Dauid The Lord is with mee Psal 56.4 Rom 8.33.34 I will not feare what man can doe vnto me and with the Apostle Who shall lay any thing to the charge of Gods Elect It is God that iustifieth who is he that condemneth Secondly Free accesse vnto the throne of grace with boldnesse and confidence Christ as it were leading vs by the hand into the presence of God that we might enioy his grace in presence When wee were enemies wee fled from the throne of God but being reconciled by his grace we haue free accesse to come into his presence to aske what we will with assurance it shall be done vnto vs. Rom. 5.2 Ephes 2.8 By whom sc Christ also wee haue accesse by faith into this grace wherein we stand Thirdly Ioy in the Holy Ghost vnspeakable and glorious 1. Pet. 1.8 which doth so lift the faithfull aboue the Heauens that being cheared with the Essence of Gods fauour and contented with Christ alone they despise the world and the base things therein Rom. 5.2 3. We reioyce in hope of the glory of God And not only so but we glory in tribulations also Thus Dauid prayed Psal 51.8 12. Make mee to heare ioy and gladnesse Restore vnto me the ioy of thy saluation All these rare and pretious priuiledges spring from faith for without fa●th no man can please God Heb. 11.8 by faith wee haue peace with God by faith we come vnto him by faith we reioyce in him Rom. 15.13 Phil. 1.25 The God of Hope fill you with all ioy and peace in belieuing In whom wee haue boldnesse and accesse with confidence by the faith of him But this faith which highly adu●nceth the Belieuer to boast in God all the day long lifteth not vp it selfe waxeth not proud towards the Lord. Free remission sweet peace assurance of Gods fauour familiar and heauenly communion with him and whatsoeuer rich token of speciall and intire good will God bestoweth these cannot puffe vp but abase the Belieuer in himselfe the higher hee is exalted by the free mercy of God the lower hee humbleth himselfe before God Ezek. 16.62 63 36.31 32. I will establish my couenant with thee and thou shalt know that I am the Lord That thou mayest remember and be confounded and neuer open thy mouth any more because of thy shame when I am pacified toward thee for all that thou hast done saith the Lord God Sixtly By faith we continue in this blessed state in sweet peace and fellowship with God We can neuer take the eye from Christ but immediately the remembrance of former sinnes doth trouble and vexe the conscience and daily weaknesses and infirmities will breed no small disturbance if we doe not sue forth a daily pardon Therefore as we belieue to Iustification so must we continue in belieuing for the actuall pardon of our daily trespasses The Apostle saith Rom. 4.5 God iustifieth the vngodly but by vngodly in that sentence of Paul he is meant who doth not bring his workes or merits nor looke to his graces qualities acts or vertues in the matter of Iustification but doth bewaile his impietie and flie to the throne of grace for pardon being conuinced of guiltinesse Thus Abraham was all his time comprehended in this Catalogue and is made by the Apostle as a perpetuall so a principall instance of that finall resolution Rom. 3.28 Therefore wee conclude that a man is iustified by faith without the workes of the Law For if belieuing in him that iustifie●h the vngodly was imputed for righteousnesse vnto Abraham af●er hee had beene for a long time more righteous then the ordinary sort of Gods Sa●nts or chosen Abraham all this while vnfain●dly belieued himselfe to be a sinner no way iustified in himselfe but seeking to be iustified by him who if hee shew not mercy to sinners whilest they bee sinners all mankind should perish vtterly The drift and scope of Paul in the third and fourth to the Romanes is only this That although men may bee truly iust and holy in respect of others and rich in all manner of workes as Abraham was thus farre knowne and approued not by men only but by God yet when they appeare before Gods Tribunall who best knowes as well the imperfection as the truth of their integritie they still acknowledge themselues to bee vnprofitable seruants alwayes praying Lord forgiue vs our sinnes and be mercifull to our offences So that all men euen the most holy are sinners in themselues and in the sight of God in the Apostles sence and are iustified by grace not of debt after the infusion of supernaturall holinesse The sincere and vpright man in whose spirit there is no guile Psal 32.1 2. Rom. 4.4 5 6. is iustified not because of his sinceritie but because the Lord imputeth not that sinne vnto him which he still vnfainedly acknowledgeth to be in him continually praying Lord enter not into iudgement with thy seruant alwayes confessing Lord in thy sight no flesh liuing can be iustified Psal 143.2 to wit otherwise then by not entring into iudgement or by non-imputation of his sinnes And faith that layeth hold vpon the promise of mercie offered in Christ causeth a man euery day to humble himselfe for sinne and to seeke pardon by earnest prayer euery day it receiueth and feedeth vpon the promises made in Christ and so assureth that his sinnes are done away as a mist And thus a Christian may liue by faith for many dayes or rather all the daye● of his life in sweet peace and commun●on with God if hee will lea●ne to maintaine and t●ke paines to
before conuersion is sufficient to purge the conscience from sins after conuersion likewise We are commaunded to repent of taught to pray for the pardon of sinnes without exception It is of free mercy that former sinnes are couered and by the same mercy of God this trangression may be pardo●ed The mercy of God is euerlasting his couenant vnchangeable though we be vnfaithfull yet he cannot forget himselfe He delighteth to shew mercy and reioyceth in the soule that hath sinned but now lamenteth saying I haue sinned and it did not profit me The commaundement of god inioyning vs to forgiue our brother not seuen times but seuentie times seuen times if he repent is an expression of his readinesse to shew mercy to them who do oft and grevously offend if they returne by vnfained repentance and sue for mercy Oh then take heede that to other great and many sinnes infidelitie be not added Doubting begets deadnesse whereas look●ng vp vnto the promises of mercy will both ease and soften the heart But they cannot belieue Indee●e they thinke there is no promise of mercy made to them vpon which they should ground their confidence Therefore they must know that God calleth them in his word to come vnto him as if he did particularly name them and promiseth to receiue them vnto mercy and then they must consider of the fr●e grace of God in promising and his faithfulnesse in making good whatsoeuer he hath promised that neither want of feeling nor conceit of vnworthinesse dis-hearten them from drawing nigh vnto him They must thinke seriously with themselues I neede mercy and the Lord hath promised it I thirst after it and the Lord will grant vnto mee my desire according to his promise I am vtterly vndone if I obtaine not helpe and helpe is not to bee found but in the Lord Iesus who louingly inuiteth me to come vnto him that I may be refreshed Seeing therefore I long for mercy the Lord makes offer of it in his dearely beloued Sonne I will goe vnto him and humble my soule before the throne of his grace I will entreate mercy and rolle my soule vpon the promise of saluation All my helpe is to looke off my selfe an obiect of confusion and looke vpon Christ an obiect of consolation therefore I cleaue vnto him as mine onely Sauiour and trust in him though he should kill me It doth not please God that I should stand alooffe and straine courtesie now he encourageth mee to come with confidence or giue way to doubtings now I haue his promise who neuer failed any that trusted in him who hath done more for me then euer he promised therfore I will goe vnto him in the mediation of Iesus Christ and importune his grace if I perish I will perish in his bosome to die for it nothing shall s perate me from his mercy A second cause of this slownesse may be ignorance of the way how this assurance is to be sought vpon what foundation it is to be laid in what orde● they come vnto it Sometimes they mis-conceiue the promises as if they were offered only to Belieuers and not laid as the foundations of faith and thereupon falsely conclude that no promise is made vnto them because they cannot finde that they doe belieue Sometimes they mistake the nature of faith taking it to be a perswasion or assurance that their sinnes are pardoned and so conclude that they haue no faith because they want assurance when in the order of nature faith is precedent to actuall remission And many times Christians are herein deceiued that they feare to receiue and apply the promises of grace till they can finde in themselues such a measure of sanctification as is scarce if at all attaineable in this life These and such like blockes must bee remoued by good information acquainting themselues out of the word of God what faith is the order in which wee must climbe vp to assurance how the promises are to be receiued and what is the true vse of sanctification But two things are specially to be learned for their direction First that assoone as euer a man feeles sinne as a burden Isa 55.1 Ioh. 7 37. Numb 21.9 and doth truely earnestly feruently thirst to be eased of it he hath a calling to come vnto Christ to aske obtaine and receiue mercy He that was bitten with the fierie serpent was appointed to looke vp to the brasen Serpent that he might recouer Oh then delay no longer bee not held backe with vaine obiections and causelesse scruples Math. 11.28 1. Ioh. 3.24 Behold he calls thee to come why shouldest thou feare in respect of thy vilenes Faith is obedience and obedience is more acceptable then courtesie and complement The sooner thou commest the better welcome It is rudenesse and not good manners not to doe as thou art bidden to doe yea and so earnestly perswaded intreated and charged to do To doe the worke of God is to belieue in him whom he hath sealed and sent to be thy Sauiour Ioh. 6.29 And sh●lt thou not tenne times more honour and please him in trusting vpon his mercies and sealing to his truth then in fearing his iustice and dreading his power Secondly hee that finds himselfe plunged into the gulfe of miserie by sinne and destitute of the sappe and fruite of grace is inuited to come vnto Christ that hee may receiue from him the grace of sanctification as well as remission Oh euery one that thirsteth Reu. 22.17 Isay 55.1.2 Ioh. 7.37.38 come yee to the waters Hee that belieueth out of his bellie shall flow riuers of water of life The barren in grace must come vnto Christ to be supplied of his fulnesse Gal. 3.14 By faith wee receiue the promised Spirit He that walloweth in sinne is not fitted to belieue for iustifying faith can neuer take sound rooting in the heart which is not resolued to forgoe the practice and hast cast off the loue of all sinne but when a man is wearie of sinne and finds emptinesse of grace as hee is commaunded to pray for mercy and the gifts of grace so is he to belieue in Christ for the obtaining of both Wherefore study striue endeuour to belieue and lay hold on the Rocke as in danger of drowning a man will doe on the tree or post that comes next to hand When thou hast in thy conceite most cause to despaire labour against it When thou hast no reason in thy apprehension to belieue belieue with all thy power when the fauour of God is lost to thy feeling it may be present to thy faith which discerneth what is promised though to sence it haue no being And for thine encouragement set before thine eies Christs freedome to all suiters in the time of his flesh repelling none who truely desi●ed the price of his bloud There be other causes of this weakenesse Directions to the weake to stirre vp themselues to bee when they feele no comfort which haue beene
delight This is a true saying The charter anciently giuen by that great Lord of all at our first conuersion touching the vse of his creatures was forfeited into the hands of the Doner by Adams fall But it is restored and renewed by Christ to them who a●e honoured with the Adoption The heires of heauen are the right inheritors of the earth The Sonnes of God by Adoption are Brethren and Coheires with Christ whom the Father hath appointed heire of all things Rom. 8.17 and hence ariseth vnto them the holy vse of ●he creatures Heb. 1.2 and ministerie of the Angells Are chastisements needfull or behooffull for them Iere. 46.28 Esay 54.8 Heb. 12.10 11. Ier. 24.5 Esay 27.9 Psal 89.31.32 1. Pet 4.14 Rom. 8.28 Acts of Faith that arise from the priuiledges of the godly He will correct them in measure for a moment f●r good to take away sinne but his louing kindnesse he will not take from them nor suffer his faithfulnesse to faile Are they loaded with reproaches for righteousnesse sake The Spirit of glorie and of God shall rest vpon them In a word whatsoeuer may happen All things shall worke together for the best vnto them And seeing God hath prepared and promised such excellent priuiledges vnto his children in this life hence it is that faith resteth vpon his grace to receiue from him whatsoeuer may be good and profitable for them O how great is the goodnesse which thou hast laid vp for them that feare thee Psal 31.19 which thou hast wrought for them that trust in thee before the sonnes of men Verse 20. Thou shalt hide them in the secret of thy presence from the pride of man thou shalt keepe them secretly in a pauilion Psal 36.7 from the strife of tongues How excellent is thy louing kindnesse O Lord therefore the children of men put their trust vnder the shadow of thy wings verse 8. They shall bee abundantly satisfied with the fulnesse of thy house and thou shalt make them drinke of the riuer of thy pleasures The Lord is my shepheard Psal 23.1 I shall not want He shall leade his flocke like a shepheard he shall gather the lambes with his arme Esay 40 11. and cary them in this bosome and shall gently lead those that are with young What can they want Psal 146.5 6 7 8 9. Leuit. 26.12 2. Cor. 6.16 Prou. 10.24 Esay 49.15 16. Deut. 14.2 who haue god to be their Father to prouide for them and protect them to blesse them and dwell with them to succour them and supply them with all needfull blessings spirituall and bodily in fittest season whose eare is open to their desires whose compassions exceed the tendernes of a mother to her sucking babe who hath chosen them to be his owne proper good which he loueth and keepeth in store for himselfe and for speciall vse Thou Israel art my seruant Iacob whom I haue chosen the seed of Abraham my friend Esay 41 8 9. Thou whom I haue taken from the ends of the earth and called thee from the chiefe men thereof and said vnto thee Thou art my seruant I haue chosen th●e and not cast thee away Feare thou not for I am with thee Verse 10. bee not dismayed for I am thy God I will strengthen thee yea I will help thee yea I will vphold thee with the right hand of my righteousnesse Verse 17. When the poore and needie seeke water and there is none and their tongue faileth for thirst I the Lord will heare them I the Lord of Israel will not forsake them Verse 18. I will open riuers in the high places and fountaines in the midst of the valley●s I will make the wildernesse a poole of water and the dry land springs of water Secondly It petitioneth instantly for succour For it seeth in God whatsoeuer it needeth or desireth and will neuer cease to seeke reliefe The more confident it is to obtaine the more importunate it will bee in suing Oile put to the fire causeth the flame to ascend and the promises of helpe and succour receiued by faith put life and vigour into the petitions of faith Heare O Lord Psal 27.7 8. Verse 9. when I cry with my voice haue mercy also vpon mee and answere me Hide not thy face farre from me put not thy seruant away in anger thou hast beene my helpe leaue me not neither forsake me O God of my saluation Vnto thee wi●l I cry Psal 28.1 2. O Lord my rocke be not silent to me lest if thou be silent to me I become like them that goe downe into the pit Heare the voice of my supplications when I cry vnto thee when I lift vp my hands towards thy holy Oracle With-hold not thou thy tender mercies from me O Lord Psal 40.11 let thy louing kindnesse and thy truth continually preserue me Thirdly It receiueth earthly blessings as gifts of the couenant and part of his childes portion God vouchsafeth outward things to wicked men of common bountie but to his children the blessings of this life bee tokens of his loue and speciall good-will and so receiued and embraced by faith For substance the gift is one both to the Iust and vniust but in respect of the cause possession and vse there is great difference which is discerned by faith though it cannot be seene with the eye Hosea 2.20 21 22. I will euen betroth thee vnto me in faithfulnesse and thou shalt know the Lord. And it shall come to passe in that day I will heare saith the Lord I will heare the Heauens and they shall heare the Earth and the Earth shall heare the Corne and the Wine and the Oile and they shall heare Iezreel Fourthly Faith in these and the foresaid promises doth greatly enlarge the heart towards God and stirreth vp to a serious and earnest studie of holinesse If a Christian be much in the meditation of Gods singular goodnesse towards him euery manner of way aboue all that he could possibly aske or thinke it will euen constraine him to yeeld vp himselfe wholy vnto God in all manner of godly conuersation Psal 26.2 3. Examine me O Lord and proue me try my reines and my heart For thy louing kindnesse is before mine eyes and I haue walked in thy truth Fiftly It doth inwardly quiet and cheere the heart in the midst of manifold outward discouragements troubles and persecutions in the world Hope of glorie in due time to be reuealed and of continuall supply of all good th ngs from God in the meane space to bee freely giuen will st●blish the heart with strong consolation and cause in outward p●ofession of Ioy to the glory of God the encouragement of other faithfull people and the amazement of the wicked Heb. 10.34 This is to bee seene in the liues and deaths of Gods faithfull seruants who tooke ioyfully the spoiling of their goods knowing in themselues that they had
For if good things be wanting to the body specially we are apt to aske and seeke after them But should the Lord let vs alone till wee find out the diseases of the soule and be desirous of or willing to receiue his medicinable potions our sores would grow incurable Iob 2.10 we should perish in our sinnes Therefore as the belieuer doth receiue good things from God with ioy so doth he euill with meeknesse The childe will take from the mothers hand as well sowre as sweet because he is perswaded of her tender loue and affection so doth faith entertaine afflictions from God knowing them to be fruits of his grace and fatherly compassion Fourthly After serious humiliation and vnfained abasing of the soule Deut. 4.29 31 32. 30.3 4. Leu. 26.41 42. Esay 54.6 7 8. faith brings tydings that God will looke downe from Heauen in mercie and send helpe in fittest season If their vncircumcised hearts be humbled and they then accept of the punishment of their iniquity Then will I remember my couenant with Iacob and also my couenant with Isaake and also my couenant with Abraham will I remember And this doth maruellously quiet and still the heart Should a man bee very sicke whilest the Physicke doth worke he would not be dismayed so long as he knew the fit should last but a season and then ease should returne with health Esay 39.8 And so it fareth with the faithfull in their afflictions Hezekiah said to Isaiah Good is the word of the Lord which thou hast spoken he said moreouer for there shall be peace and truth in my dayes Reioyce not saith the Church against mee O mine enemy When I fall I shall arise Mich. 7 8 9. when I sit in darknesse the Lord shall be a light vnto me I will beare the indignation of the Lord because I haue sinned against him vntill he plead my cause and execute iudgement for me he will bring me forth to light and I shall behold his righteousnesse Fiftly Moreouer Heb. 12.2 3. faith doth re-minde vs of our conformitie with Christ in afflictions and of his partnership with vs therein If hee that was the first-borne the only begotten and intirely beloued Sonne of God if he that was without sinne yet was not without stripes should we hope to goe free or looke to be cockered continually All the Sonnes of God by Adoption are predestinated to be made like their elder-brother as in holinesse and glory so in afflictions Should we thinke much to sip or taste of that cup which hee hath drunke off for our sake The first lesson we take out in the schoole of Christ is Math. 16.24 Deny thy selfe take vp the crosse and follow the Lord Iesus And the sorrowes which we beare Esay 63.9 are not so much ours as Christs In all our troubles hee is troubled with vs what burthen soeuer lies vpon vs hee ●eeles the weight of it Acts 9.5 Col. 1.24 1. Pet. 4.13 Apoc. 11.8 When Stephen is stoned he is persecuted the wrong done to the Saints is offered to him And he can no more bee vnmindfull of his people then forgetfull of himselfe Lastly Faith setteth before vs the infinite recompence of reward not only renowne in this world which yet by faith the patience of Iob and all holy Martyrs hath obtained but that farre most excellent weight of glory which Paul eying counted his afflictions which to vs would haue beene intollerable light and momentanie 2. Cor. 4.17 not worthy to be named in comparison which made him not onely not weepe and howle but sing in the Dungeon and reckon it a speciall fauour and honour to be counted not only a belieuer but a sufferer for Christ And euen as waters fall downe into vallies not able to abide in grounds that lie high so the sense of these afflictions goeth away from mindes that are lifted vp in such contemplation By these and such like perswasions faith allures the heart willingly freely constantly to resigne it selfe to the good pleasure of God in all things The fift Act of faith Psal 94 12. Verse 13. The fift act of faith It teacheth wisdome to iudge aright of all afflictions Blessed is the man whom thou instructest and teachest him out of thy law scil wisely to consider of afflictions of their nature end vse and issue to them that feare God Hee shall rest or be quiet in the dayes of aduersity Did wee not through false glasses see things otherwise then they are they would not cast vs downe so much as they doe Want of heauenly wisdome what voices doth it draw from vs Euen such as these Were it any thing but this I could hope to receiue good from it Whereas through the spectacles of faith we come to discerne that the things we suffer are most fit to doe vs good For fa th seeth not according to sense or outward appearance but as the truth is in Iesus Christ alwayes magnifying the wisdome and courses of God as best and most for our profit Esay 11.2 The Spirit of wisdome and vnderstanding of iudgement and counsell was powred vpon Christ of which Spirit we partake by faith and so are made wise to perceiue the things of God and to iudge aright of his dealings towards vs. And from this proceeds willingnesse to giue our neckes to the yoke when God is pleased to put it on Feare of hurt is that which makes vs shunne the crosse or goe heartlesse vnder it when once by faith the scales falling from our eyes wee come to see it vsefull beneficiall healthfull we straine courtesie no longer but take it downe Sixtly True and vnfained confidence will not keepe silence in the cares of the Lord nor cease to importune his aide to intreate his fauour A●ise cry out in the night Lam. 2.19 in the beginning of the watches poure out thine heart like water before the face of the Lord lift vp thy hands towards him Be mercifull vnto me O God be merciful vnto me Psal 57.1 2. 2. Chron. 14.11 for my soule trusteth in thee yea in the shadow of thy wings wil I make my refuge vntill these calamities be ouer-past I wil cry vnto God most high vnto God that performeth all things for me Trust in him at all times Psal 62.8 Esay 26.16 Psal 142.1 2. Iob 5.8 11.13 ye people powre out your hearts before him Lord in trouble haue they visited thee they powred out a prayer when thy chastening was vpon them The counsell which Elephaz and Zophar gaue to Iob faith doth apply and put in practice which was to seeke vnto God and commit the cause vnto him to prepare the heart and stretch out the hands towards him Hauing no wisdome of our selues to make vse of chastisements nor power to deliuer our soules faith vrgeth to seeke vnto God that hee would leade vs by his grace in the way that wee should goe Esay 48.17 teach vs to
first and not vndertake any thing till hee see God witnessing vnto him by his Spirit that hee will be with him to blesse him which hee cannot hope for if the meanes vsed to compasse and secure any blessing or good thing be indirect and sinfull Nay to hope for blessed and good successe in any euil course is palpable and grosse Idolatry what is it but really to acknowledge the Deuill whose direction thou followest for aduantage to be the Gouernour of the world and the disposer of earthly things then which nothing is more opposite to liuely faith Faith speaketh on this wise Prou. 16.8 Better is a little wrth righteousnesse then great reuenues without right more comfor●able in respect of inward peace the present vse of this life and continuance which maketh the Belieuer consult what is iust not what is gainfull or profitable what may be compassed by honest courses not what may be gained by fraud deceit coozenage or other carnall dealing Againe faith taketh direction of God in his Word in all businesses being assured that his counsell onely is firme and stable and that course prosperous which is consonant to his reuealed will Prou. 19.21 Psal 33.10 There are many deuices in a mans heart neuerthelesse the counsell of the Lord that shall stand The Lord bringeth the counsell of the Heathen to naught he maketh the deuices of the people of none effect The counse●l of the Lord standeth for euer the thoughts of his heart to all generations Carnall policies are disappointed and counsels broken but the direction of the Lord it shall prosper Secondly Faith is painfull prouident and frugall though not distrustfull pinching or niggardly It shakes off idlenesse obserues Gods prouidence takes the opportunitie husbands thriftily what he bestoweth and ordereth all affaires with discretion Hee that rests most confident vpon Gods blessing for all good things of this life will be most diligent to seeke them by lawfull means and carefull to preserue what the bountifull hand of God shall minister vnto him He that is silent expecting Gods helpe when meanes faile cannot sit still when meanes be at hand nor lauish indiscreetly when his cup runneth ouer Labour and prouidence be imposed of God wherevnto faith doth as freely submit it selfe euen when Gods blessings doe slow in abundantly as it doth heartily wish and expect supply from God in the time of need Thirdly It maketh inquiry into the heart turneth f●om euill and seeketh the face of God earnestly Confi●ence in God breeds suspition of our selues lest any sinne should habour secretly in our bosome or corruption get ●ead to hinder prosperitie specially if God blesse vs not ●c●ording to promise the first worke of faith is to ransicke and fanne the soule narrowly to find out and remoue whatsoeuer doth offend I thought on my wayes Psal 119.59 Verse 67. and turned my feet vnto thy testimonies Before I was afflicted I went astray but now I haue kept thy word Iob 22.21 22 23. The counsell of Elephaz to Iob was good if he had rightly applied it Acquaint now thy selfe with him and be at peace thereby good shall come vnto thee Receiue I pray thee the law from his mouth and lay vp his words in thine heart If thou returne to the Almightie thou shalt bee built vp thou shalt put away iniquity farre from thy Tabernacles This sound aduice faith digesteth and with much seriousnesse doth early with the whole heart seeke the Lord exercise it selfe in the worship of God laboureth the reformation of what is amisse and composeth it selfe wholy to the prescript ●ule of his Word By faith wee know Iames 4.8.10 God will draw nigh to vs if wee draw nigh to him he will lift vs vp if we humble our selues in his sight and if God lift vs vp it shall goe well if hee be with vs we shall want nothing which may be for our good This is the way of faith which cleaueth vnto the Lord and seeketh the accomplishment of his promises as God hath promised to fulfill them Fourthly It stirreth vp to pray without distrustfull fruitlesse excessiue care It committeth the cause vnto God Iob 5.8 8.5 1. Chron. 4.10 and makes supplication to the Almightie Oh that thou wouldest blesse me indeed and inlarge my coast and that thy hand might be with me and that thou wouldest keepe me from euill that it may not grieue me If God will be with me Gen. 28.20 21. and will keepe me in this way that I goe and will giue me bread to eate and raiment to put on So that I come againe to my Fathers house in peace then shall the Lord be my God It is the exhortation of Paul Be carefull for nothing Phil. 4.6 but in euery thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiuing let your request be made knowne vnto God Now faith turneth precepts into prayers and maketh request according to the will of God What God requires that faith petitioneth for and in such manner Fiftly It seeth riches in God submitteth to his wisedome resteth in his loue and so maintaineth a Christian in some measure of contentment By faith we so embrace the Lord as that in him wee seeke and see whatsoeuer is nec●ssary to saluation and possesse him as the portion of ou● lot and inheritance who will keepe backe nothing from v● but what is hurtfull and pernicious It leaneth vpon the euerlasting prouidence of God and promiseth present succour and supply f●om him as in wisedome hee knoweth best and of grace h●th promised Psal 16.8 Psal 73 23. I haue s●t the Lord alwayes before me that is I constantly leane vpon the aide of God and am fastened to his prouidence being confident that when necessitie doth vrge hee will be a● hand to sustaine my soule to minister vnto my necessiti● powerfully to assist and comfort Sixtly In prosperitie it keepes the heart in an holy temper and disposition scil in humilitie and me●knesse free from carnall confidence and pride and in tendernesse and compassion towards them that be in misery specially the Church if she be in heauin●sse For the blessings of God embrac●d by faith set an impression vpon the soule answer●ble to those properties in him from whence they flow What hee giues in grace doth worke the heart to humilitie and tender commiseration Psal 62.11 Faith hath learned that power is o● God and that all his gifts are freely bestowed of mercie without desert Psal 86.2 but mercie receiued doth both humble and mollifie the heart The godly man hauing obtained mercie and grace from God is againe holy pious kin● and mercifull to others It is the commandement of God Deut. ●5 7 Thou shalt not make strong thy heart nor shut vp the bowels of compassion from thy needie brother But euermore the frame of a belieuing heart is correspon●ent to the will and pleasure of God for faith sets the stampe and Image of God vpon the soule Moreouer
The props of this faith First The exact infinite wisdome of God who knoweth what meanes will be fit to be vsed now and what not both for his glorie and the establishing of the thing in hand who knoweth what may hinder and can either preuent or frustrate it and who can knit secondarie causes one into another and make them conspire together in an admirable harmonie which wee our selues cannot doe Secondly Gods prouidence which rules in euery thing which falls out euen the least matters Math. 10.29 Prou. 20.24 Psal 37.23 Not a Sparrow falls to the ground but by his will Mans goings are of the Lord. He disposeth of euery thing that concernes vs and our affaires The worke that wee take in hand is not our owne but the Lords Prou. 16.3 Psal 37.5 Acts 14.23 2. Sam. 10.12 and the successe of the businesse doth depend vpon his pleasure to whom it must be committed Let the Lord doe what seemeth him good And he giues issue not according to the seeming abilities of the persons or likelihood of the meanes vsed but according to the good pleasure of his owne will Thirdly Faith thus vnderpropped bringeth forth industrie and endeauour to obserue God in his prouidence Hee that is most confident to speed is most vigilant to take all opportunities most diligent to labour in the vse of all lawfull meanes For God who worketh for vs will haue vs worke with him Faith l●yeth hold vpon the promises of aide and prouision with one hand worketh with the other Nothing can so much encourage quicken confirme in paines taking as faith The perswasions of faith are most powerfull the motiues strong the incouragements effectuall to put life and vigour into the dull and sluggish Hee that belieueth will labour and not make haste Hee that distrusteth not his pay-master is not hastie to get the pay into his owne hand because he knowes whom he hath trusted Fourthly Faith cannot be silent as hath beene formerly obserued Hee that belieueth will pray The weaker he is in himselfe the more difficult his taske the more feruent his supplications 2. Chron 20.12 O Lord there is no strength in vs to stand against this great people that commeth against vs neither doe we know what to doe but our eyes are towards thee And if the worke sticke fast and stirre not at the first it pulleth the harder difficulties incite to earnest pr●yer Psal 5.2 3. In the morning will I direct me vnto thee and will looke out Fiftly It putteth life and hardinesse into vs. If the worke be great and our strength small faith biddeth vs bee strong and play the men for God will be with vs for our support Iudges 5.18 Zebulun and Naphtali were a people that ieoparded their liues vnto the death in the high places of the field In the most easie worke faith will not suffer to leane vpon our owne strength in greatest difficulties it will not despaire of the Lords aide ●shua 1.5 9. This is the stay of faith He wil not leaue thee nor forsake thee Euery thing is too ha●d for vs if wee relie vpon our selues nothing too hard if we trust in the Lord and goe forth in the power of his might Six●ly It waiteth vpon God for good successe and triumphe●h before the victorie P●ou 16.3 Commit thy wayes vnt● the Lord and thy thoughts shall be direct●d Faith looketh to the promise and concludeth assuredly The word of the Lord shall neuer faile The zeale of the Lord of hosts will bring it to passe Seuenthly Faith is readie and forward to prayse God for good s●ccesse as it is willing and desirous to obey For it abaseth it selfe looketh more and more into Gods admirable kindnesse and is ashamed of vnthankfulnesse Dauid promiseth to praise God three times nay seuen times a day that he would doe it openly in the Congregation and priuately by himselfe and yet as though he had forgot himselfe and beene much behind others in this dutie he quickeneth vp himselfe vnto it Bl●sse the Lord Psal 103.1 2. O my soule and all that is within mee blesse his holy Name The meditation of Gods Name is sweet the remembrance of his kindnesse is pleasant the faithfull cannot satisfie themselues in singing his prayses Hence it is that they stirre vp themselues and prouoke others to magnifie the Lord. Iudg. 5.9 10 11 My heart is towards the Gouernours of Israel that offered themselues willingly among the people Blesse yee the Lord. Speake yee that ride on white Asses yee that sit in Iudgement and walke by the way They that are deliuered from the noyse of the Archers in the places of drawing water there shall they rehearse the righteous acts of the Lord euen the righteous acts towards the inhabitants of his villages in Israel CHAP. XI How to liue by Faith in the vse of Gods Ordinances the Word and Saments There be many promises of Gods blessing his ordinances to his peoples good Esay 55.1 2 3. IN Scripture wee reade many promises made to such as shall conscionably hearken vnto the Word and receiue the holy Sacraments the seales of the couenant of grace that God will blesse his owne Ordinances to their edification comfort strengthening in grace and euerlasting saluation Ho euery one that thirsteth come yee to the waters and hee that hath no money Come yee buy and eate yea come buy wine and milke without money and without price Wherefore doe yee spend money for that which is not bread His Word and your labour for that which satisfieth not Hearken diligently vnto me and eate yee that which is good and let your soule delight it selfe in fatnesse Encline your eare and come vnto me heare and your soule shall liue The law of the Lord is perfect conuerting the soule Psal 19.7 8. the testimonie of the Lord is sure making wise the simple The statutes of the Lord are right reioycing the heart the Commandement of the Lord is pure inlightning the eyes A wise man will heare and will increase learning Prou. 1.5 and a man of vnderstanding shall attaine vnto wise counsels Take fast hold of instruction Prou. 4.13 let her not goe keepe her for she is thy life My sonne heare thy fathers commandement and forsake not the law of thy mother Binde them continually vpon thy heart and tie them about thy necke Prou. 6.20 21 22 23. When thou goest it shall lead thee when thou sleepest it shall keepe thee and when thou awakest it shall talke with thee For the Commandement is a lampe and the Law is light and reproofes of instruction are the way of life Iohn 17.17 Sanctifie them through thy truth thy word is truth Mich. 2.7 1. Pet. 2.2 Esay 9.2 Math. 4.15 Deut. 32.2 Zech. 14.8 Ezek. 47.9 Cant. 2.5 Esay 55.1 2. Acts 5.20 Acts 13.26 Acts 20.32 Doe not my words doe good to him that walketh vprightly As new borne babes desire the
of man in the houre of death II. Vse The second vse of Baptisme it is a seale of our dutie promised and so a spurre and prouocation to repentance faith new-obedience brotherly loue and vnitie First It is a spurre to repentance and mortification for Baptisme doth seale remission of sinnes to them only that repent Marke 1.4 and by Godly sorrow come home vnto God And as we expect the blessing we must looke that we faile not in the condition If wee bee buried with Christ in Baptisme it is our dutie to mortifie the flesh w●th the affections and lusts that it may liue no longer to bring forth fruits vnto death For a dead man cannot liue By solemne oath wee are bound to crucifie vnruly lusts which fight against the soule and shall we falsifie so great a promise Against whom should we fight if not against Satan or what will hee bee willing to spare for the Lords sake who will not part with his sinnes Why should wee feare the strength of Satan the power of sinne the rage of persecutors the losse of earthly things or despaire because of the wrath of God iustly kindled against sinne If we turne vnto God by vnfained repentance wee haue his faithfull promise confirmed by seale that he will bee mercifull vnto our sinnes enable vs to ouercome our corruptions fortifie vs against the powers of Hell support vs vnder or deliuer vs out of all trials and gratiously prouide whatsoeuer shall be needfull for vs. Secondly It is a prouocation vnto faith and a pledge thereof We haue the promise of God v der his hand and seale that he will wash vs f●om our ini●ities receiue v● for his children remember our necessities bestow vpon vs the Kingdome of Heauen wee shall doe great wrong and dishonour to God if wee doubt or make question whether hee will performe promise freely made and confirmed by couenant and seale Wee are bound by commandement to belieue in Iesus Christ and to commit our selues wholly vnto him as vnto a faithfull Sauiour And we haue bound our selues by promise couenant and seale that wee will belieue and cleaue vnto him as our only Sauiour shall wee then goe backe grow remisse or giue way to doubting If doubtings arise through the sight of sinne or want of sense and feeling comfort or the world begin to creepe into the heart and diuide it from Christ let vs then remember wee haue troth-plighted our selues to Iesus Christ and by faithfull promise neuer ●o bee called backe giuen our selues wholly to rest and sticke close vnto him and therefore must admit no thought whereby we should be drawne aside or diuided ●rom him Thirdly It is an incitement vnto new obedience and a pledge thereof Rom. 6.4 We are buried with him by Baptisme into death that like as Christ was raised vp from the dead by the glory of the Father Euen so wee also should walke in newnesse of life in which Chapter the Apostle disputeth of our actions that wee should abstaine from euill and follow those that are good Wee haue solemnely sworne to fight against the Deuill the World and the Flesh and hauing taken the presse-money of Iesus Christ it were an immortall disgrace to accept of truce with Satan Wee carrie the badge and liuerie of Iesus Christ and shall we forsake our colours and fight for the Deuill It is strange that children should leaue their parents and take part with their enemies Wee haue giuen our selues vnto God and were once dedicated vnto his seruice shall we now turne backe and offer our selues vnto Satan Honour is due vnto parents If God bee our Father wee must freely submit our selues to his will and pleasure God will strengthen vs to obey and accept of weake if sincere obedience and that shuts forth all place of excuse If wee bee engrafted into the similitude of Christs resurrection wee must expresse by our actions the power and likenesse of Christs resurrection which is done when we walke in all-pleasing before God and set our affections vpon things aboue And this as it is commanded on Gods part so it is sealed on our part in Baptisme Fourthly It is a pledge or pawne of loue and vnitie Wee must keepe the vnitie of the spirit in the bond of peace for we are all baptized into one bodie We must not iarre for we are brethren Wee must not quarrell nor contend for we are members of the same bodie and haue beene sealed into the same bodie The new exercise of faith required in the worthy receiuing the Lords Supper It goeth ill with the naturall bodie when the ioynts are dissolued it is vnnaturall that the members of the bodie mysticall should bee diuided It is not the hauing faith but the new exercise of faith which maketh vs worthy receiuers of the Lords Supper The Corinthians had faith yet receiued not the grace of the Sacrament because they receiued not in faith The acts of faith in this ordinance The acts of faith in receiuing the Lords Supper are many First By it wee discerne the Sacrament to bee the holy Ordinance of God instituted for our speciall good and benefit sealing vnto vs the promises which God of his free mercie hath made vnto vs in Iesus Christ By faith wee vnderstand what promises God hath made for what cause in whom he hath made them what hee requireth and how hee hath sealed his free promises in the Sacrament And the certaine distinct cleare effectuall knowledge of this point is a matter of singular and great importance For if worldly men make good account of a sufficient mans securitie for some great summe of money in what esteeme will a Christian haue this pledge of Gods fauour when hee certainly vnderstands what it doth signifie and assure Secondly By it we see what the Lord doth offer vnto vs therein how excellent and precious it is with what assurance it is freely tendered and may be receiued The outward signes in the Sacrament are visible to the bodily eye but the inward grace signified and sealed thereby which must seriously be considered and minded of vs is not manifest but to the vnderstanding enlightened by the Spirit and seasoned by faith which only can iudge distinctly of it worth and excellencie Thirdly It sharpeneth spirituall appetite and stirreth vp hungring and thirsting after Christ and his benefits By faith we see our want by faith we taste how good the Lord is how sweet and pleasant the dainties he hath prepared which raiseth an appetite of desire and complacencie O God thou art my God early will I seeke thee Psal 63.1 my soule thirsteth for thee my flesh longeth for thee The Sacrament of the Lords Supper is a great and spirituall feast whereunto the faithfull are inuited and faith whetteth the spirituall appetite to long after and rellish the fatnesse and marrow which is there prouided Fourthly It earnestly contendeth for mercie confessing sinne with griefe and hatred iudging and
as an euil he shall fall into but which he shall escape by the constant study and practice of holines For our assurance to escape damnation through the death of Christ Phil. 2.12 Math. 10.28 Luke 12.4.5 is no greater then our care to auoyd sin which leadeth thereunto Worke out your saluation with feare and trembling Feare not them which kill the body but are not able to kill the soule but rather feare him which is able to destroy both soule and body in hell Thirdly It st●rreth vp continuall watchfulnesse to shunne whatsoeuer might b●eed danger or procure Gods displeasure When sleepinesse beginneth to come vpon vs faith ioggeth our elbow and telleth the Lord is at hand with a whip to awaken vs. The approach of perill apprehended will rowse vp the sluggard to looke about him Faith also teacheth so to acknowledge the anger of God as that it draweth the heart aboue all things to take heed not to prouoke him by carelesnesse and securitie Who knoweth the power of thy anger 2. Cor. 5.10 11. Psal 90.11 Euen according to thy feare so is thy wrath Fourthly The threatnings mingled with faith cause sorrowfull melting or relenting of heart for sinne committed When the King of Nineueh belieued the preaching of Ionah Ionas 3.6 7 8. that within fortie dayes that g●eat Citie should be destroyed hee rose from his throne put on sackcloth and proclaimed a Fast vnto the Lord. And when the Lord testified his displeasure against the Israelites by sending thunder and lightning in Wheate Haruest all the people feared greatly and said vnto Samuel 1. Sa. 12.18 19. Pray for thy seruants vnto the Lord thy God that we die not for we haue added vnto all our sinnes this euill to aske vs a King Now the threatnings belieued worke the same effect Iudges 2.3 4. that the iudgements seene When Iosiah heard what the Lord spake against Ierusalem and against the inhabitants of that place his heart was tender 2. Kin. 22.18 19 and hee humbled himselfe before the Lord. Fiftly When wee see by faith from what miseries wee are deliuered of the free grace and mercie of God our hearts are enlarged in prayse and thanksgiuing In distresse faith powreth out supplications when the calamitie is ouer-past it setteth forth the goodnesse of the Lord and singeth of his glorie When the Israelites were in safetie on the shoare looking backe vpon the danger escaped when they passed through the red Sea Exod. 15.1 2. they make a ioyfull noise to the God of their saluation their songs are answerable to their fore-conceiued feare And so when the Lord brought backe the captiuitie of Babylon Psal 126.2 their mouthes were filled with laughter and their tongues with ioy The due consideration of our deserts manifest by the threatnings contained in the Word of God doth maruellously affect the heart with desire to publish and spread abroad the louing kindnesse of the Lord when by faith in Christ wee see our selues to bee set free from the dreadfull curses of the Law and mercifully saued from the righteous iudgement of our sinnes By this which hath beene said it is manifest that this life of faith is most excellent and comfortable and by good proofe and experience wee should be able to say so if wee would be perswaded but to take a taste of the benefit and sweetnesse that it bringeth For by this faith we are directed to seeke and follow after Christ Ephes 3.17 till wee come to be assured that he dwelleth in vs as the fountaine of life and that in him we are deliuered from the gilt and punishment of all our sinnes 2. Cor. 5.19 whereas others who liue not by it wauer are oft distracted and know not where to begin the foundation of that great worke nor how to build thereon By this faith we may come to sound rest and holy securitie about our saluation from time to time enioying the comfort of it still more and more with incredible ioy whereas others euen the best are oft vnsetled and much disquieted If the Lord lead vs into the darke and exercise vs with manifold afflictions and temptations by this faith we are enabled to hold him by the hand to cast our selues vpon the promises of grace and so relying vpon his power faithfulnesse and mercy to promise safetie vnto our selues aboue likelihood and appearance yea when wee feele the contrarie The rage of sinne is weakened and wee haue strength against it though not alwayes to preuaile which were not expedient yet at least to be in combate with it which is euer a good testimonie of our safetie for hereby we proue our selues to bee liuely members of the Church Militant Also by this we are preserued against fearefull sinnes and haue grace to walke in newnesse of life and all parts of it with ioy and chearefulnesse If we liue by faith we haue deliuerance from m●ny sharp bitter afflictions beare those which we must go vnder more meekly patiently because it makes vs depend vpon Gods promises not stinting him to any set time maner of deliuerance or measure of afflictiō By it we walk in our callings more chearfully honestly painfully with lesse distractiō toile vexatiō but with more profit then they that flow in with wealth haue all shifts cunning slights to gaine by Psal 127.1 2. For whiles we see God euer going before vs in al our earthly dealings and actions as we should more looke to it that we find it so then to our greatest profits weightiest dealings this faith shall vphold vs in the quietest estate and most sweet peace such as all the carnall wisedome of man shall neuer find nor enioy This faith teacheth vs to pray at all times as our necessities require with feruency cōfidence euen in the depth of afflictions when the graue is readie to swallow vs vp and shut her mouth vpon vs Psal 69.13 14 15 16. it enableth to look vnto the Lord with strong arguments to implore his aid O Lord God of my saluation Psal 88.1 2 3. I haue cried day and night before thee for my soule is full of troubles and my life draweth nigh vnto the graue Out of the depths haue I cried vnto thee O Lord Lord heare my voice Psal 130.1 2. My spirit within me is ouer-whelmed my heart within me is desolate I stretch forth my hands vnto thee Psal 143.3 6. my soule thirsteth for thee in a thirsty land O remember not against vs former iniquities let thy tender mercies speedily preuent vs Psal 79.8 for we are brought very low If the affliction be very grieuous and of long continuance faith doth neither quaile nor cease to seek helpe but looketh vp to the Lord expecting saluation in due time to be reuealed O God Psal 74.1 2. why hast thou cast vs off for euer Why doth thine anger smoake against the sheepe of thy pasture Rem●mber thy Congregation which thou hast purchased of old the rod of thine inheritance Psal 69.29 Psal 68.35 Verse 22. which thou hast redeemed I am poore and sorrowfull let thy saluation O God set me vp on high for God is the strength of his people who will br●ng them againe from the depths of the Sea The life of faith shall 〈◊〉 in ioy comfort He that trusteth in the Lord shall r● 〈◊〉 in his holy Name I am a wonder vnto many but the 〈◊〉 my strong refuge Psal 71.7 8. Let my mouth be filled with thy praise and with thy honour all the day Our heart shall reioyce in him Psal 33.21 because we haue trusted in his holy Name Loe this is our God we haue waited for him and he will saue vs this is the Lord Esay 25.9 we haue waited for him we will be glad and reioyce in his saluation The expectation of them that hope in the Lord Psal 68.19 69.30 shall not be frustrated therefore they shall reioice in him and sound forth his praises He that hath learned to liue by faith Heb. 11.13 shall also die in faith All these died in or according to the faith If we know how to walke with God by faith as Henoch did all the daies of our life amidst the manifold temptations changes that we meet withall in this world we shal the better encounter with death when the agonies therof be vpon vs. Death is many waies terrible and the assaults of Satan at that time are vsually most strong as being his last but hee that hath taken out this lesson To liue by faith shall easily quench the fierie darts of the Deuill manfully conquer this strong enemie renew his repentance and confidence in Gods mercy vpon the sight of sin willingly resigne himselfe into the hands o● God This is the ordinary course Liue in faith die in faith Liue holily and die blessedly Therefore let vs leaue late repentance to them that think it but a sport to venture a soule and take that course that is sure to speed To say no more it is exceeding dangerous to put off repentance from day to day though some few haue obtained mercie at their latter end But this is sure he that liueth in faith shall die in faith and liue in glory for euermore Amen FINIS